#Arda Güler girlfriend
insidecric · 1 year
Arda Güler Age, Biography, Career, Stats, Family, Girlfriend, Goals, Height, Instagram, Net worth and Wiki
Today, we will delve into the life of Arda Güler, a professional football player from Turkey. Güler recently made headlines by signing a six-year contract with the prestigious Real Madrid football club. Reports suggest that Real Madrid invested €20 million in securing his talents. In this article, we will explore various aspects of his personal and professional life, including his net worth,…
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shitsndgiggs · 3 months
A/N: This was so challenging to write since I had to try and incorporate all the different requests for this idea
When Arda returns home from the Euros, his girlfriend surprises him with unexpected news
Arda Güler x pregnant! reader
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The room was quiet, save for the gentle hum of the air conditioner and the occasional rustle of sheets as I shifted uncomfortably.
I had felt off for days, chalking it up to a bad case of nerves or maybe something I ate.
But as the days turned into weeks and the feeling persisted, I knew I had to confront the possibility I had been avoiding.
Arda had been away for the Euro 2024, and while I was incredibly proud of him, his absence only magnified my anxiety.
We had planned for me to join him, but just before his departure, I had been hit with waves of nausea and exhaustion that left me bedridden. Now, the possibility of why was staring me in the face.
I held the pregnancy test in my trembling hands, the bathroom light too bright for the early morning hour.
My heart raced as I watched the seconds tick by, each one feeling like an eternity. And then, there it was. A faint, but unmistakable, second line.
I sank to the floor, overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. How would Arda react? We had talked about kids, but in a distant, "someday" kind of way.
This was now, unexpected and daunting. I needed him here, but I knew he had to focus on his game.
A few days later, I sat on the couch, scrolling through photos of Arda on the field, his concentration fierce and his determination clear. I was so proud of him, but the weight of my secret was heavy.
My phone buzzed with a video call from Arda, and I took a deep breath before answering, trying to compose myself.
"Hey, sevgilim," he said, his face lighting up the screen. "How are you feeling today?"
"Hi, Arda," I replied, forcing a smile. "I’m alright. Just taking it easy."
He frowned slightly. "You still don't look well. I wish I could be there with you."
I bit my lip, the words on the tip of my tongue, but I held back. "I know, but you need to focus. I'll be fine."
We chatted for a while about his matches, his teammates, and the excitement of the tournament. He was doing so well, and I didn’t want to burden him with my news just yet.
When the tournament ended for Turkey and Arda returned home, I was a bundle of nerves. He had arranged for us to go on a small vacation, just the two of us, to relax and unwind.
But before we could leave, I knew I had to tell him.
He walked through the door, dropping his bags and rushing to me, wrapping me in a tight embrace. "I missed you so much," he whispered against my hair.
"I missed you too," I said, my voice trembling.
He pulled back, studying my face. "What's wrong? You look... worried."
I took his hands and led him to the couch, sitting down beside him. "Arda, there's something I need to tell you."
His expression grew serious, concern etching lines on his forehead. "What is it, sevgilim?"
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "The reason I've been feeling sick... I took a test. I'm pregnant."
The room seemed to freeze in that moment. Arda's eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing as he processed the news. "Pregnant?" he finally whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. "Yes. I know it's unexpected, and I was scared to tell you while you were away. But, Arda, I..."
He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here now. We'll figure this out together."
We sat there for what felt like hours, holding each other, whispering reassurances. His hand rested on my stomach, and I could see the awe in his eyes as he imagined our future.
Over the next few weeks, Arda was incredibly supportive, attending every appointment and making sure I was comfortable and happy.
We were excited about our future, but there was a nagging worry at the back of my mind about how we would manage everything with his busy career.
One evening, as we sat on the balcony watching the sunset, I turned to Arda. "I've been thinking a lot about our future and how we'll manage everything with your career and our baby."
Arda looked at me thoughtfully. "I've been thinking about that too. I've spoken with my manager and the team. They are very supportive and understand the importance of family. I can arrange my schedule to be here for you and our baby as much as possible."
"But what about your career? I don't want you to give up on your dreams because of me," I said, feeling a wave of guilt.
Arda took my hands in his, his eyes sincere. "You and our baby are my dreams now. Of course, I want to continue playing, but I will find a balance. We will find a balance together."
His words melted my fears away, and I leaned into his embrace, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. "Thank you, Arda. I don't know what I'd do without you."
A few days later, we decided to share the news with our families. We planned a small dinner with both sets of parents, and I was a bundle of nerves.
As we sat around the table, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety.
Arda stood up, holding my hand, and cleared his throat. "We have some news to share with you all. We're expecting a baby."
The room erupted in joy and congratulations, our families overjoyed by the news. My mother hugged me tightly,. "I'm so happy for you, sweetheart."
Later that night, as we lay in bed, Arda turned to me with a playful smile. "So, have you thought of any baby names yet?"
I laughed, feeling a lightness in my heart. "Not really. Have you?"
He grinned. "Well, I was thinking maybe something that represents both our cultures. What do you think of Demir for a boy or Zeynep for a girl?"
I smiled, loving the idea. "I think those are perfect."
As we drifted off to sleep, I felt a sense of contentment and excitement for the future.
We had a long journey ahead of us, but with Arda by my side, I knew we could face anything together.
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realmadridfamily · 4 months
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Arda Güler with his girlfriend Duru Nayman 🤍
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verspia · 1 month
Can you do a Angst Arda ff story where he has a bestfriend and a girlfriend but he only hangs out with his bestfriend and the reader starts to feel left out.
And it went on for about 2 months and the reader couldn’t hold it anymore because Arda barely spent time with her at her worst days and she leaves him at the end.
But there’s a plot twist.
She wanted to spend time with him because she was diagnosed with cancer but he obviously couldn’t so she left him with a goodbye letter where she confesses her feelings and he eventually feels guilty and regret.
( pairing ) arda güler x reader
i actually love this request esp the best friend part because, real.
warnings - character death, maybe slight grammatical errors
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Everyone had warned you about the girl best friend, that it was a world wide experience to most, if not all, girlfriends where they would be a third wheel in their own relationship.
You had been warned by everybody, a collection of stereotypes thrown at your way and your only way to refute them was, “well, the boyfriend wasn’t arda.”
You were so confident that Arda would never replace you, would never prioritise anyone else above you and at first, this confidence hadn’t been misplaced.
Arda made you feel like you were the moon in a sky full of stars. You were charmed by him, why wouldn’t you be?
Unfortunately you should’ve listened to your friends when they told you about the three month rule and the inevitable consequence of dating a man who had a girl best friend.
You should’ve listened when they said that a guy is only friends with a girl they find attractive.
You should’ve listened to them, when your dates became group hangouts, where your usual passenger princess seat was designated for Arda’s best friend because Arda had picked her up before he’d come to get you.
You should’ve heeded the warnings when you were left there blinking owlishly while Arda laughed himself off to an inside joke shared with another girl. With the best friend. With a girl that wasn’t you. He was laughing. At an inside joke. Something you couldn’t understand.
You had never felt more lonely, knowing that someone else had discovered the secret parts of Arda, your person, when you had only just began to scratch the surface.
You knew what he liked and what he didn’t, but she knew the stories behind his preferences, was there when he made these decisions. And it hurt, it felt like a knife twisting around your gut, because even though you were the one who held Arda’s hand, even though he was always there, he still managed to feel so far apart. Out of reach for you.
At first, it was easy to brush off the unease. They were best friends, after all, and you knew better than to be jealous. Arda was charming in his own right, with that effortless way of making everyone around him feel important. But as time went on, the charm began to wear thin, replaced by a growing ache in your chest that you couldn’t quite name.
It started with the little things, because it was always the little things, wasn’t it?
The way Arda’s eyes lit up when she walked into the room, a brightness in his eyes that you had noticed only rarely when he looked at you, a look that you had to work hard for that she so effortlessly attained.
The way he would talk about her, his best friend, and it was indisputable the way his voice would soften, laced with fondness and warmth that made your heart twist with something bitter.
You tried to ignore it, telling yourself it was nothing, that you were being paranoid, but the doubt lingered, gnawing at the edges of your happiness.
You remember the first time you truly felt like a third wheel. The three of you were out for dinner, and it had scared you, how fast date night had turned into more than just you and Arda alone.
The conversation flowed easily between them, a rhythm you struggled to keep up with. You laughed at their jokes, nodded along to stories you weren’t a part of, but it was like watching a movie you weren’t cast in. Arda made some offhand comment, and her laughter rang out, loud and free, and the pride in Arda’s eyes at eliciting that very reaction made you want to claw out your own. You had tried to join in, but the moment had already passed, leaving you feeling awkward and out of place.
It escalated to the point where you felt like you were watching them from behind a glass wall, there but only barely. You were only an onlooker, watching but never part of the moment.
You began to wonder whether Arda even realised you were there.
It hurt, but you swallowed the pain, telling yourself it was just your imagination. But the cracks in your relationship widened, little fissures that deepened with every glance, every shared moment you weren’t a part of. You tried to bring it up once, tried to tell Arda how you felt, but he brushed it off, laughing softly as he assured you there was nothing to worry about.
“You’re being silly,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead and then it was back to her again.
The kiss had meant to be warm, but you only felt a deep bone chilling cold, freezing you in place.
The little kiss on your forehead, a gesture of comfort, had brought more pain to you in that moment than anything else.
The pain had begun to grow so egregious, it had begun to affect you physically, that when you began to cough up blood, you had felt at first that it was only your bleeding heart. It wasn’t long after that when you started to feel the changes in your body. The fatigue that wouldn’t go away, the bruises that appeared without reason, the weight loss you couldn’t explain. You tried to ignore it, chalking it up to stress or exhaustion, but deep down, you knew something was wrong. You could feel it, a quiet dread settling in the pit of your stomach, growing heavier with each passing day.
Arda had been so caught up with her, he never noticed.
Of course a visit to the Doctor, alone, confirmed that you had a diagnosis of terminal cancer, and not just a severely broken heart.
You had sat there, in the cold sterile room, resigned at your fate, the doctor’s words echoing inside your head.
“We found something,” he had said, his voice gentle but firm. The words that followed blurred together, a litany of medical terms and probabilities, but the meaning was clear enough. It was cancer—aggressive, late-stage, the kind that doesn’t leave much room for hope.
You decided that you would keep this to yourself. Finding that telling Arda to be something more difficult than the entire ordeal you had been subjected to.
All you felt was if, when, your presence would disappear from Arda’s life, would he miss you? And then you shook your head, how could he, because you had already disappeared from Arda’s life ages ago.
You came to the realization that though you had still a beating heart, you were a ghost now, haunting the edges of a relationship that no longer felt like yours.
You went home that day, walking through the door as if nothing had changed. Arda greeted you with a smile, asking how your day was, and you answered with a lie that came too easily, your voice had remained steady, betraying nothing. You sat with him on the couch, feeling their warmth beside you, but all you could think about was how much time you had left—how many more moments like this you’d get,
You felt selfish, knowing that you weren’t breaking up with him even if your relationship had come to an end ages ago. You wanted to delude yourself into thinking that Arda, some part of him atleast, still loved you.
And when the pain became too much, when your body started to betray you with weakness and exhaustion, you found excuses. You were tired from work, you said. You weren’t feeling well, maybe just a cold. Arda would look at you with concern, but he believed you—why wouldn’t he? He had no reason to doubt you, no reason to think that something so terrible could be lurking just beneath the surface.
The days blurred into weeks, and the cancer spread, a silent invader you couldn’t stop. You could feel it inside you, gnawing away at your strength, your hope, your future. The pain was constant now, a dull ache that radiated through your bones, but you bore it in silence, hiding the worst of it behind closed doors. You were familiar with heartache, what was a little more agony?
But Arda was perspective, at least somewhat. He noticed how you’d down a pill after every meal, the pallor of your skin, and your ghostly complexion. He noticed the bags under your eyes, and how frail you’d gotten, but it was too late.
You felt the day arrive, the day you knew that your life had reached its end, and it had took all your energy to muster up the strength to write everything you had wanted to say into a letter.
Dear Arda,
I don’t know how to begin this letter, and even if I did, I’m not sure it would be enough to say all that I need to say. But I’m running out of time, and I need you to hear this, even if it’s only in the words I leave behind. By the time you read this letter, you’ll know why I’ve written it.
First, I want you to know I’ve always admired you, Arda. From the moment we met, I knew there was something special about you—something warm and bright that drew people in, like a lighthouse in the dark. I’ve watched you bring so much joy to those around you, and it hurt me incredibly when I realised that I never did the same for you, rather it was your best friend, but now that I’m going, i’m happy that you have someone who makes you just as happy as you do with everyone else.
I have told you this, but i’ll say it again,I love you, Arda. Even though loving you hurt me more than anything, i’m grateful to have met you, and I wish nothing but the best for you, I wish you happiness for eternity.
I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark about what was happening to me, but I couldn’t bear the thought of you looking at me with pity, of you worrying about me when you already had so much on your shoulders. I didn’t want you to see me like this, broken and scared, knowing there was nothing you could do to stop it. You were always so strong, so solid, and I couldn’t bear to take that away from you.
By the time you read this, I’ll be gone, Cancer does that. I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye in person, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold it together if I did. I wanted you to remember me as I was, not as I am now. I wanted you to keep that image of me in your mind, whole and happy, instead of the person I’ve become.
Anyway, I’m asking you to live your life, Arda. Don’t let my passing weigh on you. Don’t let it stop you from being the person you’re meant to be. I want you to be happy. I want you to find joy, even if it takes time. You deserve that. You deserve everything good in this world.
I loved you, Arda. I still do. And I’ll carry that love with me, wherever I’m going. Please don’t cry for me. Just remember me, and remember that I wanted you to live, really live, even after I’m gone.
With love,
You signed the letter and then, finally, you allowed yourself to cry.
Sobs wracked through your body, all the pain that you felt flowing out like a waterfall and that’s how you left, tear stained cheeks and curled up in bed.
It was pitiful, but it had been how you felt, Helpless.
When Arda came home that evening, he found the apartment eerily quiet. The air felt thick, heavy with something he couldn’t quite place. He called your name, but there was no answer. He knew you had been feeling off lately, more tired, more distant, but he never expected this. His heart pounded in his chest as he made his way through the apartment, a creeping dread settling in his stomach.
And then he saw you.
You were lying on the bed, your body still, too still. He rushed to your side, his breath catching in his throat as he called your name again, louder this time, but still no response. His hands shook as he reached out to touch you, his fingers trembling against your cold skin.
“Please,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “Please, wake up…”
But you were gone.
The realization hit him like a freight train, knocking the breath from his lungs. He collapsed beside you, his hands clutching at you desperately, as if he could somehow pull you back from the brink. Tears streamed down his face, hot and unrelenting, as the full weight of your loss crashed over him.
He found the letter on the nightstand beside the bed, your handwriting scrawled across the paper, shaky but familiar. With trembling hands, he unfolded it, his eyes scanning the words you had left behind for him. As he read, his tears fell harder, soaking the paper, smudging the ink.
The letter was like a knife to the heart. Every word was a reminder of how much you had suffered in silence, of how you had loved him, even as you were slipping away. He could barely breathe as he read your confession, and when he reached the end of the letter, regret consumed his being, enveloping and guilt drowned him.
He cried, his sobs wracking his body as he clutched the letter to his chest. He cried for you, for the time you didn’t have, for the things he never said. He cried for the feelings he hadn’t realized you felt, for the guilt that now gnawed at him, knowing you had kept this burden from him, from everyone. He cried because he couldn’t save you, because you were gone, and there was nothing he could do to bring you back.
But he cried most for his blindness, how couldn’t he have noticed how you had felt, how had he let you feel so unloved, so ignored.
Self loathing plagued him as he sat there, pondering whether he could have saved your life, only if he hadn’t been so stupid.
He wished for time to turn back, he wished to change the way he had treated you, but it was too late.
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ilyfootball · 21 days
hey loved your ronaldo fic sm! just wanted to request a fic for arda güler the young turkish player. a fic where english reader shows him around london and arda just admired how much she knows about her home! and they just enjoy the presence of each other and stuff. fluff pls tysm
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Word count - 641
“So, where to next?” Arda asks, his Turkish accent giving his words a rhythmic charm that never fails to make your heart flutter. His dark eyes glint with curiosity.
“Let’s check out South Bank!” you reply, a small grin creeping across your face. “The view of the Thames is amazing from there.”
He squeezes your hand a little tighter, leaning in with a teasing smile. “You know this place better than I know the pitch.*
You laugh, feeling his warmth chase away the London chill. “Wait till you see the street performers! I still can’t figure out half of what they do.”
As you wander, you pass iconic spots—Big Ben, the London Eye, and the vibrant buzz of market stalls. With each landmark, you share little bits of history, painting the city in stories.
“Did you know the London Eye was built for the millennium celebrations?” you point out, gesturing to the massive Ferris wheel that looms overhead.
Arda tilts his head thoughtfully. “Must’ve been quite the party. Were you there?”
“Of course! I was just a kid, but it was magical,” you say, recalling the dazzling fireworks that lit up the sky. “What about in Turkey? Is New Year’s just as big?”
He nods, his face softening. “Yeah, but it feels different. We gather and eat with family, sharing traditions… I miss it sometimes.”
You give his hand a gentle squeeze. “Maybe we can make some new traditions together here. You’ll have to spend a London New Year with me someday.”
“Deal.” he says, and your heart skips a beat at the thought.
When you reach South Bank, the smell of street food fills the air, blending with laughter and the distant strum of a guitar. “Look at that!” you say excitedly, pointing at a performer juggling flaming torches.
Arda watches, wide-eyed, letting out a laugh. “Now, that’s impressive!, Do you think I could pull that off?”
“Only if you want a trip to the hospital” you joke, nudging him. “You’re better off with a football than fire, love"
He pretends to pout, but it’s all in fun, and you can’t help but laugh at his dramatic expression. “Fine, I concede!” he grins, pulling you into a quick spin.
The two of you walk on, watching the sun dance on the Thames. Arda glances at you, his face sincere. “People say London’s chaotic, but with you here, it feels like home.”
His words make your cheeks flush. “It’s only special because you’re with me.”
He leans in, his voice soft. “I could get used to it. Especially with a guide like you.”
Your heart swells at his words,"You're always so sweet.”
“Only when I'm with my marvelous girlfriend” he smiles, his joy infectious.
Soon, you find a cozy café tucked away from the crowds. You order your usual—chai latte for you, black coffee for him—and settle by a window with a perfect view of the street.
As you sip your drinks, Arda glances at the artwork on the walls, his curiosity piqued. “Is that someone famous?” he asks, nodding towards a colorful painting of the Thames.
“That’s Banksy!” you say proudly. “He’s a mysterious graffiti artist. No one knows who he really is!”
“Really? Maybe one day I should get him to paint my face,” Arda chuckles, his hands warming around his mug, eyes sparkling with wonder.
Later, you continue walking along the river, pausing as the sky turns golden with the setting sun. “Let’s take a selfie,” you suggest, pulling out your phone.
"Only if we can do silly poses!" he says, striking a dramatic pose that sends you into a fit of laughter.
With a click, the camera captures not just your faces, but the joy and love woven into the day.
I need to stop neglecting this account 😭 <\3
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verspia · 1 month
Maybe something were reader and arda are in a relationship for some years now. (Insta post)
( pairing ) arda güler x reader
just a soft launching thru insta story
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liked by ynusername, altaybayindir and others
arda güler - bring the life right back
user96 - caption??
↪️ user7 - caption girl look at the second slide??
altaybayindir - arkadaşım
🤍 by author
ftblwags - 👀
user23 - ARDA GÜLER???
user35 - hell naw bros soft launching
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liked by ardaguler, friend1 and others
ynusername - meet me on the west side 🤍
friend1 - this is where you disappeared to and with a MAN
↪️ ynusername - hehe 🤭
↪️ ynusername - oops
friend3 - umm what? gc now.
↪️ ynusername - yes maam 🫡
user25 - familiar background…
ynusername posted a story!
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seen by 23k viewers
❤️ by arda guler
sevgilim 🤍
when will we get to meet this mystery man 🤨
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liked by toniruediger, ynusername and others
ardaguler - bring the light right back
user13 - ok bro we get it you got a girl
user1 - boyfriend arda is my fav gender
ismailyuksekk - Maşallah Abi
❤️ by author
ftblwags - 🤔
friend1 - hmm @ynusername
user9 - girlfriend effect bro’s posting ariana grande lyrics
user6 - last slide 😳
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liked by ardaguler, friend1 and others
ynusername - 🧸🤍
friend1 - tennis huh?
↪️ ynusername - 🙈
user12 - wait…
friend2 - girl where did you find this piece i want one too
❤️ by author
friend3 - cutie 🥹
friend23 - imy yn 💖💖
❤️ by author
ynusername posted a story!
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seen by 120k viewers
❤️ by ardaguler
friend1 - enough of this man come how now ☹️
user12 - GIRL IS THAT ARDA???
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liked by ynusername, friend1 and others
ardaguler - meet me on the west side
↪️ user13 - who’s yn???
↪️ user12 - @ynusername arda’s girlfriend..?
user96 - omg the caption matches one of her posts
↪️ user7 - girl you always focused on the wrong things he’s literally posted the photo she took 😭
user10 - the one post where he’s not posting his gf is the one that exposes him 😭
ftblwags - 👀
↪️ user75 - girl go get a job
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liked by user5, ardaguler and others
ynusername - let me be in your life like that
ardaguler - the only for sure, aşkim 🤍
↪️ ynusername - 😚😚
friend1 - congratulations!! dunno how you hid it for yrs and one holiday trip exposed u
user7 - the way some of their captions match 🥹
↪️ user96 - who’s looking at captions now???
user13 - god i’ve seen what you’ve done for others
user13 - if you look closely you’ll see me in the back drowning in my own tears
user94 - parents
user195 - how long have yall been tgth ???
↪️ ynusername - 3 years 🥰
ardaguler posted a story!
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realmadridfamily · 4 months
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Arda Güler with his girlfriend Duru, sister Nurgül and Carlo Ancelotti :)
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realmadridfamily · 4 months
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Arda Güler with his girlfriend Duru and sister Nurgül 🤍
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realmadridfamily · 15 days
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Arda Güler with his girlfriend Duru Nayman during the presentation of Short Film “Courtois: La vuelta del número 1” at Estadio Santiago Bernabeu on September 19, 2024 in Madrid, Spain.
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realmadridfamily · 15 days
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Courtois: La vuelta del número 1 💥
Thibaut Courtois with wife Mishel, Brahim Diaz with girlfriend Luz Mendez, Dani Carvajal with wife Daphne Cañizares, Arda Güler with girlfriend Duru Nayman, Éder Militão with wife Tainá Castro, Andriy Lunin with wife Anastasia, Luka Modrić with his wife Vanja and Fede Valverde with wife Mina Bonino :)
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realmadridfamily · 15 days
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Arda Güler with his girlfriend Duru Nayman attend the presentation of Short Film “Courtois: La vuelta del número 1” at Estadio Santiago Bernabeu on September 19, 2024 in Madrid, Spain.
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realmadridfamily · 5 months
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Arda Güler with his girlfriend Duru and family during presentation :)
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realmadridfamily · 5 months
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Duru Nayman, girlfriend of Arda Güler 🌸
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realmadridfamily · 1 year
on twitter I found info that Spanish girls may be disappointed because Arda Güler has a girlfriend. what's about him?
I'm sure they're talking about Duru Nayman who accompanied him during the official presentation in Madrid :) The media wondered who this mysterious brunette was until Turkish media reported that she is an 18-year-old basketball player of Galatasaray Women's Basketball team. Of course, neither Arda nor Duru confirmed the relationship. Also many people claim that they are cousins or just friends. What's the truth? Someday we'll know for sure :)
Maybe someone has an opinion on this? :)
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