#Arab 360
The Seven Wonders of AlUla
The Seven Wonders of AlUla
One of the mainstream destinations that Saudi Arabia has offered, since opening its doors, to visitors from all over the world in September 2019 is AlUla. From then on, then AlUla has become a household word when it comes to the best places in Saudi Arabia because of its landscape that are like made from the Middle-Earth, the natural rock formations in particular. That’s an understatement. The…
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onpassivereseller · 1 year
ONPASSIVE 360 Show October 4th
Welcome to ONPASSIVE 360 Here this the fourth of October we are rocking and rolling a lot of stuff going on on our behalf we we need to remember that and usually when it’s quiet that means there’s a lot going on and when we hear news it’s usually blowing us away so I’m being prepared um yeah what what now is we we’ve been doing a lot of O-Connects having fun actually different groups and I know…
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taviamoth · 7 months
🚨 Government Media Office:
The "israeli" occupation engages in deception and spreads false news about the horrific Flour Massacre on Al-Rashid Street, aiming to evade and escape from its heinous crime, we we hold the American administration and the occupation responsible.
The "israeli" occupation, through a group of its spokespersons across media outlets, attempted to mislead, spread false news, and lie to the public, conjuring a fabricated narrative regarding the horrific Flour Massacre committed this morning on Al-Rashid Street, southwest of Gaza City. We deny the occupation's false claims alleging that the martyrs of this massacre ascended due to stampede and internal conflict.
The occupation committed this atrocious massacre with the premeditated intention to cause this large number of martyrs and wounded. All injuries and martyrs from this massacre—exceeding 360 in number—were direct casualties of bullets owned and fired by the "israeli" army, as well as internationally banned shells, deliberately targeting civilians. This was evident on the bodies of the martyrs and the wounded.
Hundreds of civilians in the area, who came for a bag of flour or food aid to feed their children and families amid the deepening and ongoing famine in North Gaza and Gaza governorates, where 700,000 people live, have been prevented by the occupation from receiving any aid to these governorates for 146 days.
We hold the American administration, the international community, the "israeli" occupation, and also the international organizations that have shirked their responsibilities fully responsible for the mass killings, the horrific massacre, the genocide, and the starvation war carried out and still being executed by the "israeli" army to this day.
We appeal to all countries of the world, all Arab and Islamic states, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to immediately and urgently intervene to pressure the occupation to stop the genocide against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, halt the bloodshed, and stop the killing and targeting of civilians, children, and women.
The Government Media Office
Thursday, February 29, 2024
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
The number of murdered victims at the music festival was thought to be over 260. It has now been confirmed to be over 360. IDK if this updates the total figure of victims in the massacre, but if it doesn't (meaning, if this is just identifying which victims were killed at which scene), it means almost a third of the civilians slaughtered by Hamas, were killed at that party. Young people who just wanted to dance, enjoy life and celebrate peace.
This picture from Gaza yesterday shows Hamas terrorists (you can see the RPG one of them is carrying) walking down the street escorted by kids, who are being used as human shields.
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And another Hamas terrorist admitting that this is an intentional tactic used by the organization:
A Brit reporting from Israel:
The Iran-funded Houthis in Yemen have kidnapped a ship for being "Israeli." It's likely rented by an Israeli company, but it's been confirmed that there are no Israelis on board this ship. This incident is a clear escalation from Iran's proxies. The ship was traveling from Turkey to India with an international crew of 22 people, meaning all of their countries are now involved.
UEFA refused to hold a minute of silence for the Israeli victims at the start of a match between the Israeli and Polish youth national teams in soccer, despite the fact that it's customary to do so when terror attacks take place. The youth teams decided on their own not to play during the first minute of the game. Might I add, the Israeli national teams include Arabs.
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You might remember that I posted about 12 years old Liel Hezroni being pronounced dead a few days ago. It happened after the evidence showed there was no chance for her to survive what the Hamas terrorists did in the murder scene where the rest of her family's bodies were found (when it's known that she was with them), and despite no body of hers having been identified. Today, remains of a body found by archeologists (employed to help with the ashes of the massacre victims) were confirmed to be hers, and now she can at least be given a proper funeral. May her memory be a blessing.
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In case you still think the world is treating Israeli victims fairly, here's a small reminder of how much our lives don't count... When we're putting up posters of our kidnapped women and kids, people feel comfortable ripping them down.
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Hamas is claiming the death of a third Israeli hostage in captivity. They claim he died of a heart attack. Yeah, that might happen to an 86 year old kidnapped and tortured. And if that's what happened, then it's still murder.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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🚨 Government Media Office:
—The "israeli" occupation engages in deception and spreads false news about the horrific Flour Massacre on Al-Rashid Street, aiming to evade and escape from its heinous crime, we we hold the American administration and the occupation responsible.
The "israeli" occupation, through a group of its spokespersons across media outlets, attempted to mislead, spread false news, and lie to the public, conjuring a fabricated narrative regarding the horrific Flour Massacre committed this morning on Al-Rashid Street, southwest of Gaza City.
We deny the occupation's false claims alleging that the martyrs of this massacre ascended due to stampede and internal conflict.
The occupation committed this atrocious massacre with the premeditated intention to cause this large number of martyrs and wounded.
All injuries and martyrs from this massacre—exceeding 360 in number—were direct casualties of bullets owned and fired by the "israeli" army, as well as internationally banned shells, deliberately targeting civilians.
This was evident on the bodies of the martyrs and the wounded
.Hundreds of civilians in the area, who came for a bag of flour or food aid to feed their children and families amid the deepening and ongoing famine in North Gaza and Gaza governorates, where 700,000 people live, have been prevented by the occupation from receiving any aid to these governorates for 146 days.
We hold the American administration, the international community, the "israeli" occupation, and also the international organizations that have shirked their responsibilities fully responsible for the mass killings, the horrific massacre, the genocide, and the starvation war carried out and still being executed by the "israeli" army to this day.
We appeal to all countries of the world, all Arab and Islamic states, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to immediately and urgently intervene to pressure the occupation to stop the genocide against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, halt the bloodshed, and stop the killing and targeting of civilians, children, and women.
The Government Media Office
Thursday, February 29, 2024
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
by Robert Williams
To assess correctly the damage that Qatari influence in the US is causing, it is essential to understand what Qatar stands for and promotes. Qatar has for decades cultivated a close relationship with the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, whose motto is: “‘Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” It aims to ensure that Islamic law, Sharia, governs all countries and all matters.
Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, has enjoyed Qatar as its main sponsor, to the tune of up to $360 million a year, and was until recently the home of Hamas’ leadership. In 2012, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the terrorist group’s political bureau, Mousa Abu Marzook, and Khaled Mashaal, among others, moved to Qatar for a life of luxury. This month, likely because of Israel’s announcement that it will hunt down and eliminate Hamas leaders in Qatar and Turkey, the Qatar-based Hamas officials reportedly fled to other countries.
Qatar was also home to Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was exiled from Egypt until his death in September 2022. According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center:
💬 “Qaradawi is mainly known as the key figure in shaping the concept of violent jihad and the one who allowed carrying out terror attacks, including suicide bombing attacks, against Israeli citizens, the US forces in Iraq, and some of the Arab regimes. Because of that, he was banned from entering Western countries and some Arab countries…. In 1999, he was banned from entering the USA. In 2009, he was banned from entering Britain…”
Qaradawi also founded many radical Islamist organizations which are funded by Qatar. These include the International Union of Muslim Scholars, which released a statement that called the October 7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas against communities in southern Israel an “effective” and “mandatory development of legitimate resistance” and said that Muslims have a religious duty to support their brothers and sisters “throughout all of Palestine, especially in Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, and Gaza.”
Qatar is still home to the lavishly-funded television network Al Jazeera, founded in 1996 by Qatar’s Emir, Sheikh Hamad ibn Khalifa Al Thani. Called the “mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Al Jazeera began the violent “Arab Spring,” which “brought the return of autocratic rulers.”
In 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt made 13 demands of Qatar: “to cut off relations with Iran, shutter Al Jazeera, and stop granting Qatari citizenship to other countries’ exiled oppositionists.” They subsequently cut ties with Qatar over its failure to agree to any of the demands, including ending its support for terrorism, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Jazeera.
The Saudi state-run news agency SPA said at the time:
💬 “[Qatar] embraces multiple terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at disturbing stability in the region, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS [Islamic State] and al-Qaeda, and promotes the message and schemes of these groups through their media constantly,”
US universities and colleges are happy to see this kind of influence on their campuses in exchange for billions of dollars in Qatari donations. According to ISGAP:
💬 “[F]oreign donations from Qatar, especially, have had a substantial impact on fomenting growing levels of antisemitic discourse and campus politics at US universities, as well as growing support for anti-democratic values within these institutions of higher education.”
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romanarose · 1 year
A Wittle Fwend!
Jake Lockley x gn!reader
For Mona
Summary: never too many cats
Only warning I can think of is sick/hurt cat but it’s okay! Oh and maybe anxiety/over thinking.
Reader is Mona coded so some references and bits are meant to appeal to mona.
You were just a tad worried.
Jake wouldn’t let you access his location when doing his moon knight bullshit but while he drove his cab around he had his live 360 going so you felt some semblance of control, at least. Only thing is, it showed he was at your building, arriving when he promised, but he was yet to come through the door. It was late, 2:00 am and you were tired but couldn’t sleep with the big rain storm so you had been cuddled on the couch with your cats, Clementine and Pasha to help cool your anxiety.
Had something happened? Did he see some crime in the ally way he walks through after parking his car? Had someone hurt him? Did he fall and was now drowning in a puddle from this goddamn storm-
That’s it. You toss your cats off of you and get read my to brave the storm to check on your Jakey.
Just as you were putting your coat on, about to step out and go look for him, the door opens to reveal Jake in his white shirt and black pants, his sports coat bundled up in his arms.
“Habibi!” You say, dashing to him.
Jake stopped you, and for a moment your heart broke.
“Mi amor, cuidado!” He held out his hand and for a moment you thought he was hurt. “Were you about to go outside? Past mid night? In this weather?” Jake scolded you, but only half hearted. He was protective, but not controlling. If you really wanted to, you could, even if it worried him.
“Jakey where were you! I was worried!”
“Lo siento, mi amada, but I think you’ll understand”
Slowly, carefully, Jake unraveled his jacket to reveal a small, shaking kitten.
You gasp. “So small…” cooing, you take the tiny sickly cat in your hands as Jake smiles. He loves to see your nurturing side.
“I know we already have two, but she just looked so sickly and tiny… and she has a hurt little leg there… I thought, at the very least, we could nurse her back to-
“ANOTHER CAT!!!” Happily, you squeal, setting the cat back in Jake’s hands as you scramble to get food for the little one and to clean his leg. “We’ll call her Ghaydaa, it means delicate in arabic. Another baby!!!”
Jake can’t help but smile as you quickly prepared a home for the cat. As soon as he saw the tiny thing in the alley, he knew he had to help it no matter how much the cat ran, no matter how wet Jake got and no matter how much the cat scratched him, and he knew how you’d gladly take on this project to add another member to your growing cat family.
Now, to explain it to Marc and Steven.
Anywsy this is dedicated to my beloved @whatthefishh
I love you bb and Jake would love to be a cat dad with you
Idk whose a big cat person around here but
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction and @fandxmslxt69 I feel like you’d like this
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saahble · 7 months
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lifeofresulullah · 5 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Assignment of the Duty of the Prophethood and First Muslims
The State of Arabia
Arabia - which covers a significant place in terms of politics, geography and trading on the world map - was not any different from other countries. Like everywhere else, everything was in a miserable, disgraceful situation except for its language and literature.
Let us have a short look:
Religious Situation
In terms of belief, Arabia was writhing in a state of absolute anarchy, and strange beliefs were to be found everywhere within her borders.
Some of the people were unbelievers and did not accept anything other than life on the Earth. They would say, “What is there but our life in this world? We shall live and die, and nothing but time can destroy us”, and would continue to spend their lives in a state of so-called pleasure.
When the Honorable Messenger (PBUH) began to receive revelations, Allah would address those people with the following words:
“Say: “It is God Who gives you life, then gives you death; then He will gather you together for the Day of Judgment about which there is no doubt”: But most men do not understand.” 
Some of the Arabs believed in Allah and the Day of Judgment, however, they did not acknowledge the prophets.
The Quran describes these people in the following verse:
“What kept men back from belief when Guidance came to them, was nothing but this: they said,
“Has God sent a man (like us) to be (His) Apostle?” 
They could not comprehend how a person could be a messenger and they thought that an angel should be appointed to such a role. The Quran, with its following verse, told those people how unreasonable their claim was:
“If there were settled, on earth, angels walking about in peace and quiet, We should certainly have sent them down from the heavens an angel for an apostle.” 
And some of them believed in Allah; however, they would not believe in the afterworld, in resurrection after death and punishment and reckoning in the hereafter.
The Quran addresses this group of people with the following verse:
“And he makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own (origin and) Creation: He says, "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?" 
And the Quran answers those people with the following verse:
“Say, "He will give them life Who created them for the first time! For He is Well-versed in every kind of creation!” 
The majority of them worshipped idols that were made of stones, wood and sometimes of halwa, and would say:
“We only serve them so that they may bring us nearer to God.” 
Yes, the majority of Arabs used to worship idols which were made of the aforementioned materials during times of war and they were in a miserable and disgraceful state since they sought help from them. They had filled the Baytullah, the first house of Tawhid on the Earth, with 360 idols.
Hazrat Umar, who is renowned for his justice after having been honored with his conversion to Islam, reminisced about one of his memories in which he used to worship the idols during the Era of Ignorance:
“There were two things that we did during the Age of Ignorance. I cry when I remember one of these accounts and I laugh when I remember the other,
“This is the matter that makes me cry:
“We used to bury our daughters alive. I do not know how we were able to do this to innocent and helpless babies who were in need of compassion. When I think about it, my heart breaks into pieces and I cannot help crying.
“As for the matter that makes me laugh, we used to have idols in our homes during the Age of Ignorance. When we embarked on a journey, we would construct these idols from flour or halwa and would worship and pay tribute to them during our journey. And when the journey lengthened, we would eat the idols that we had just worshipped and honored once we became hungry. Is there anything funnier than this? As I remember this, I laugh at and understand the silliness of our actions.”
However, traces from the religion of Tawhid that Prophet Abraham had conveyed could be seen in Arabia as well. The people who used to follow these traces were called the “Hanif” regardless of the huge amount of time that had passed since Hazrat Abraham’s arrival and the heedlessness that was prevalent in their present time. As a matter of fact, the word “Hanif” is used to refer to Hazrat Abraham in the Quran: “Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was hanif (translated as “true” in English translations) in Faith” 
Those people who were called the “Hanif” despised the idols and believed in the oneness and existence of Allah. In fact, Waraqa bin Nawfal, Ubaidullah bin Jahsh, Uthman bin Huwairith and Zaid bin Amr, considered it despicable to prostrate before idols that could not speak, hear, harm or benefit anyone, and openly declared this during a fair that was organized to honor one of those idols. 
There were people who were able to understand that it was pointless to worship lifeless idols through using their reasoning and crusaded against this false belief. Umayya bin Abi Salt, the famous Arabian poet and leader of the Taif tribe, was one of them. He read the holy books during the Age of Ignorance and converted from idolatry to Abraham’s religion.
He was the first poet to have found the expression “Bismika Allahumma”. Later, Arabs liked this expression and began to include it as a prelude in their books.
He would mention the need for a prophet in his poems and declared that prophets were indispensable for humanity. Since he had learned from the Holy Books that a prophet would rise among the Arabs, he also desired this role. For this reason, when our Holy Prophet was appointed to prophethood, Umayya became a victim of jealousy and envy and did not accept him. Moreover, he recited his poems in remembrance of the idolaters who were killed in the Battle of Badr. 
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) narrated a few hadiths about Ummaya who died without faith during the second year of the Hijra (migration).
One day, the Messenger (PBUH) was riding with Sharid bin Suwaid, who sat behind him. He asked the Companion: “Do you know anything about Umayya’s poems?”
The Companion answered: “Yes, I do” and began to recite some of his poems. Having liked the poems so much, the Messenger (PBUH) asked Sharid to recite some more.
The Companion finished reciting the whole poem. And the Messenger said:
“Umayya was very close to being a Muslim.” 
In another narration, the Messenger said: “Umayya’s poems had faith yet he stayed in aberration himself.” 
A famous Arab orator by the name of Quss bin Said should also be mentioned. We will discuss his khutbah that heralded our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) arrival as a messenger at a later point.
There is a story about how these idols were first introduced to Makkah:
Amr bin Luhay was the first person to bring idols into the city and encouraged people to worship them. 
When Amr went to Damascus, he passed by someplace called Maab, and saw a tribe having descended from Noah that was worshipping idols. When he asked them why they were worshipping idols, they answered: “We ask for help from them and we receive help; we ask for rain and we get rain.”
Upon this, Amr wanted an idol so that he could take it to Makkah. They accepted his wish and gave him an idol named Hubal. 
Amr took Hubal with him to Mecca and put it there. He encouraged people to worship it. Ignorant people became convinced and started to worship idols.
This is how the first idol was brought to Makkah and how people began to worship idols.
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hinotorihime · 26 days
The Tropical Zodiac And You: Or, Why Your Sun Sign Is Not Goddamn Ophiuchus
let's start off by laying out a couple of base assumptions:
we are not discussing or litigating the accuracy of astrology as a divinatory system here; we are solely looking at the basic mathematical principles that underpin the system
because we live on earth, looking out at the rest of the universe, we are working primarily from a geocentric perspective, treating, for the purposes of our math, the earth as a fixed point and everything else as moving
i am primarily familiar with and discussing traditional western astrology, which is derived from the ancient arabic and greek systems, and ultimately via them from the babylonian system
so, the thing that people fundamentally misunderstand about the traditional "tropical" zodiac as used in western astrology is that it is not actually a system for dividing space; it is a system for dividing time.
let's define a couple of terms and concepts really quick. the earth moves in two ways:
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fig. 1: 24-hour rotational versus 365-day orbital periods of the earth
note the axial tilt of the earth: the roughly 23.5 degree difference between the rotational axis+equator and the orbital path ("ecliptic") and its perpendicular. this axial tilt is why we have different seasons happening between the northern and southern hemispheres.
now, from a geocentric perspective—that is, to someone who is standing on earth, looking up at the sky, what those two rotations look like is this:
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fig. 2: the sun moves east to west over the course of the day, while the stars move west to east over the course of a year.
we'll call the east-to-west movement of the sun and other planets (from Greek planetes, "wandering stars") primary motion, and the slower west-to-east motion of the backdrop of "fixed stars" throughout the year secondary motion.
AC, DC, MC, and IC stand for, respectively, the ascendant point, the descendant point, the medio coeli or midheaven/zenith, and the imum coeli or nadir.
please note that, while the earth's actual orbit around the sun is an ellipse, from a geocentric perspective all the arcs of the various celestial bodies just look like circles!
you may recall from your high school geometry days that a circle, by definition, has 360 degrees in it. (or, the other way around, one degree is defined as 1/360th of a circle.)
you may also recall, from kindergarten and also figure 1 above, that the earth's orbit around the sun, aka the year, consists of 365(ish) days.
thus, you can pretty obviously determine that if you were to track the sun's position at a fixed time of day, say, sunrise, against the secondary motion of the backdrop of fixed stars, the sun would move in comparison to those stars at an average rate of just about 1 degree per day. (a little faster or slower at certain times of the year, due to the elliptical orbit—which is why the trick below works—but overall averaging.)
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fig. 3: the west-to-east movement of a reference star compared to the sun.
alright cool. so we know that we can divide up the ecliptic path of the sun throughout the year into slices that correspond to lengths of time!
well, there just so happen to be four really obvious points where it makes sense to split the year up.
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fig. 4: the four cardinal points of the ecliptic/earth's orbit.
do you see it?
we peg the moment that we start tracking the sun's path around the ecliptic to the exact moment of the northern hemisphere's spring equinox.
we then divide the ecliptic in half. we peg our 180 degree point to the fall equinox.
the 90 degree point gets pegged to the summer solstice and the 270 degree point to the winter solstice.
now our year AND our ecliptic path are divided into fourths.
split each of those fourths into thirds. we end up with TWELVE (12) EQUAL 30-DEGREE SLICES OF THE ECLIPTIC based on the TIME it takes for the sun-earth relationship to go from equinox to solstice to equinox again.
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fig. 5: the ecliptic divided into twelve equal slices, or "signs".
These twelve EQUAL, TIME-BASED slices of the ecliptic ARE THE "SIGNS" OF THE TROPICAL ZODIAC.
"Sign I" is defined, in this system, as exactly the length of time that it takes to get ONE THIRD OF THE WAY from the spring equinox to the summer solstice.
"Sign II" is defined as exactly the length of time that it takes to get through the SECOND THIRD OF THE WAY between the spring equinox and the summer solstice.
and so on.
now "sign I, sign II, etc" is not a very memorable list of names for these slices of time. (especially if you're planning to assign particular meanings and symbolism to them and use them for divination as well as time-keeping.)
remember our concept of reference stars, used to track the sun's yearly motion?
the fixed stars appear to move throughout the year, west to east (secondary motion). thus, at any given point of the year, some stars are near the ascendant, some stars are near the midheaven, and some aren't visible at all.
the ancient babylonians had a habit of naming sections of the sky after the reference stars those sections contained. for example, in ancient babylonia, the stars that were near the ascendant at the moment of the spring equinox were part of the constellation we now call "Taurus, the Bull". similar reference stars gave their names to the other cardinal points (the summer solstice began the sign of the Lion, the fall equinox began the sign of the Scorpion, and the winter solstice began the sign of the Goat).
then, the greek astronomers got their hands on this system. "fucking excellent," they said, because if ancient greek philosophers loved one thing it was nice, neat systems for making sense of the world, and they immediately started making the babylonian system neater.
one of the problems they ran into was a little thing called the precession of the equinoxes: because of what we now know is a slight wobble in the earth's rotational axis, the vernal and autumnal equinoctial points slowly drift in reference to the fixed stars, at a rate of approximately 1 degree every 72 years. by the time the "naming cardinal points by their reference stars" system had gotten to the greeks, the vernal point had slipped into being closest to the stars of the constellation Aries, the Ram.
"okay, here's what we'll do," said the greeks. "we'll do the thing where we divide the year up into equal sections, and name each section after a reference star along the path of the ecliptic. but what we'll do is, in order to not have precession fuck up the naming system after a few centuries, is we'll divorce the names from the reference stars.
"so we'll follow the babylonians' lead and call Sign I, the slice of time that starts at the spring equinox and goes exactly one third of the way to the next summer solstice, 'the sign of the Ram'. that will be much easier to remember than 'the slice of time that starts at the spring equinox and goes exactly one third etc etc'."
"and then—here's the trick—" they continued, "we will define 'the sign of the Ram' as ALWAYS starting exactly at the vernal equinox no matter what. we'll just define 0 degrees Aries as the vernal equinox point no matter how much the original reference stars drift. then we don't have to worry about the geometry getting fucked up over time, since we all know that our culture and civilization is going to last forever and ever."
and so they did.
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fig. 6: the twelve signs with their mnemonic names.
now, at some point, the astronomers on the indian subcontinent said "actually that's dumb. we should be correcting for precession," and started using the sidereal zodiac, which sets the beginning of the twelve equal 30-degree slices of the ecliptic to the actual sidereal ("by the stars") position of the current vernal point, which at the moment is somewhere in the constellation of pisces; in other words, vedic astrology treats the zodiac as a division of space, where western astrology treats it as a division of time.
however, please note that
a) vedic and western astrology differ in a lot of other ways, and are not necessarily cross-compatible without a good deal of elbow grease, and
b) even the sidereal zodiac still conceives of the zodiac as fundamentally a series of twelve equal slices of the ecliptic with mnemonic names.
there are plenty of constellations that lie partially along the ecliptic that didn't get a thirty-degree slice named after them. ophiuchus is one of them, and that is okay! it's not a secret thirteenth zodiac sign, because that's not what zodiac signs are. the constellations are a mnemonic, and in the time-based tropical system especially, there's barely a connection anymore between the physical constellation and the sign named after it.
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fig. 7: using individual fixed stars (also located by their position along the ecliptic) in astrology is beyond the scope of this post but it is a thing.
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lepartidelamort · 4 months
Réchappé d’une tentative de meurtre au Tchad, un soldat français se pend en prison en France, assiégé par les noirs et les arabes
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On peut toujours compter sur la république et son armée pour laisser ses soldats crever la gueule ouverte, partout et dans toutes les situations.
Opex 360 :
Que s’est-il exactement passé à l’antenne médicale du camp militaire français de Faya Largeau [Tchad], le 5 septembre dernier ? Selon les explications données à l’époque par les autorités locales, un soldat tchadien venu se faire soigner aurait porté des coups de bistouri au thorax, à la tête et au cou de l’infirmier militaire français qui l’examinait, obligeant celui-ci à faire usage de son arme pour se défendre. « Un militaire tchadien, qui n’était pas dans un état normal, s’est rendu pour un pansement dans la base militaire de l’armée française, a pris un scalpel et a blessé un infirmier militaire français », avait relaté le général Ali Maïde Kebir, gouverneur de la région du Borkou, dont Faya-Largeau est le chef-lieu. « L’infirmer à fait usage de son arme à feu et l’a tué », avait-il ajouté. Cette version des faits avait été corroborée par une source militaire française. « On ne connaît pas les raisons de l’attaque », avait-elle admis, avant d’insister sur le fait que l’infirmier [un adjudant] avait dû se défendre. Et de préciser qu’une enquête, menée conjointement par les forces françaises et tchadiennes avait été ouverte. Cet incident dramatique avait ensuite donné lieu à une manifestation hostile à la présence française devant le camp de Faya Largeau, ainsi qu’à la diffusion de rumeurs malveillantes sur les réseaux sociaux.
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Je ne comprends pas le concept
Seulement, cette affaire a récemment connu un rebondissement, la version de l’adjudant infirmier, aux états de service irréprochables, ayant été remise en question par les expertises menées à la demande de la section militaire du parquet de Paris, selon laquelle, rapporte Le Parisien, les « blessures bénignes sur l’infirmier ont pu être auto-infligées, le patient tchadien n’ayant aucune trace de sang, et seul le profil génétique du mis en examen ayant été retrouvé sur le scalpel ». Toujours selon la même source, le soldat tchadien n’était pas armé et « sa formation militaire spécifique laissait par ailleurs penser qu’il disposait d’un savoir-faire peu compatible avec les égratignures constatées sur l’infirmier ». En outre, poursuit-elle, « le défunt tchadien a manifestement été victime de tirs mortels dans le dos et alors qu’il se dirigeait vers la sortie ». Enfin, un médecin-chef et un adjudant-chef, ont exprimé des doutes sur la version du sous-officier auteur des tirs… Mais il n’étaient pas présents au moment des faits. Dès son retour du Tchad, suivi pour des syndromes de stress post traumatique après avoir survécu à l’explosion d’un engin explosif improvisé lors d’une mission au Mali, l’adjudant infirmier avait été hospitalisé en psychiatrie. Puis, au regard des éléments collectés durant l’enquête, il a été placé en garde à vue le 26 avril dernier, avant d’être mis en examen pour « meurtre » par une juge d’instruction de Paris. Alors que le parquet avait demandé son placement en détention provisoire pour « risque de troubles à l’ordre public, nécessité de conserver les preuves et protection de l’intéressé contre lui-même », l’adjudant infirmier fut placé sous contrôle judiciaire. Mais suite à l’appel du ministère public, il fut finalement incarcéré à la prison de Fresnes, le 14 mai. Ce que ce sous-officier, qui a toujours maintenu sa version des faits, n’a pas supporté. « Je ne comprends pas ma présence en prison, je n’ai fait que me défendre dans le cadre de mon service à la France. Ici, je suis placé à l’isolement car plusieurs détenus ont appris que j’étais militaire. […] S’il vous plaît, essayez de faire quelque chose pour me sortir d’ici, je ne pense pas tenir longtemps », a-t-il écrit à ses parents. Malheureusement, quatre jours après son placement en détention, cet adjudant infirmier de 33 ans a mis fin à ses jours. Pour autant, l’affaire ne va pas en rester là, ses proches ayant déposé plainte contre X pour « homicide volontaire » et « mise en danger de la vie d’autrui ». Elle a également demandé au ministre de la Justice, Éric Dupont-Moretti, de saisir l’inspection générale de la justice. Sollicité par l’AFP, l’avocat de la famille du sous-officier, Me Patrick Ramaël, a fait part de son indignation. « Le motif principal pour lequel la détention a été demandée était pour le protéger contre lui-même d’un suicide. Et, pourtant, c’est cette incarcération qui l’a tué », a-t-il dit. Et d’y voir « d’éventuels dysfonctionnements dans le traitement judiciaire de cette affaire ». Par ailleurs, Me Ramaël a donné d’autres précisions sur les faits survenus à Faya Largeau. Ainsi, selon le récit qu’il a livré à ses proches, l’adjudant infirmier aurait « appelé à l’aide » par talkie-walkie alors qu’il venait de se faire agresser, tout en braquant son arme vers le soldat tchadien. Malgré les sommations, celui-ci se serait alors saisi d’une « paire de ciseaux ». Le sous-officier aurait tiré à ce moment-là… Et un autre militaire, « venu à la rescousse », en aurait fait autant.
Servir le régime macroniste au fin fond d’un désert stupide, en réchapper miraculeusement et finir pendu dans une cellule francilienne sentant la pisse, encerclé de noirs et d’arabes prêts à tout pour vous tuer… Ce pauvre gars aura vécu le rêve français jusqu’à bout.
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Même le dernier des clandestins afghans a le droit à bien plus de considération de la part de cette république. Les militaires ont les plus grandes difficultés à comprendre qu’ils ne servent pas « la France », mais ce régime, avec ses loges maçonniques, ses juifs, ses grandes fortunes, ses métèques.
Depuis l’Affaire Dreyfus, on aurait pu espérer que davantage de gens réalisent qu’un militaire français ne sert qu’à mourir pour les juifs et à être traité comme le dernier des larbins. Hélas, beaucoup de gens naïfs l’ignorent encore.
Avec l’entrée en guerre de la France en Ukraine qui se profile, les nouveaux soldats de l’An II vont pouvoir répandre leurs tripes pour la plus grande gloire des juifs avant de se faire pisser dessus par les mêmes une fois la défaite consommée.
Ça ne rate jamais.
Les juifs adorent les Français à l’état de cadavres démocratiques, mais plus encore comme boucs émissaires, une grande tradition hébraïque.
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Démocratie Participative
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bintadnan · 1 year
What is Success, with a Capital S?
If you're someone like me who's in a quest for the actual definition of success and what it looks like especially in contrast to the narrative that we're constantly fed by the Western society, please do yourself a favor and study Surat al-'Asr. I'm not kidding. Please spare some time and spend those hours with this Surah and your worldview and perspective will shift 360°. Wallah, I generally do not compare myself in any aspect to other people because that only serves to aggravate my anxiety and self-esteem issues but when people around me constantly tried to paint a different picture of what success in this lowest life looks like than what I believed, it started to spur my thoughts for the worst. I wasn't seeing anyone who held the same fikr (thought) as mine around me and that only compounded the matter. I was even “counselled” by a close relative because in their opinion, I as a Muslim woman who dressed modesty with khimaar and niqab, had an extra degree of responsibility when it came to how non-muslims considered Islam as a whole. That conversation had a severe impact on my thinking to an extent that I had to leave the room bawling. Then somehow with the help of Allah I gained my composure and continued with my life until that narrative started to resurface through relative and people's indirect comment on how I was living my life (as a student of the Qur'an) and that it wasn't getting me anywhere in my future. Wallah, it was only getting worse and I use to make abundant du'as to Allah until Ramadan happened and I remember crying my heart out at night to Allah, that I feel so worthless and a huge failure. It felt like everyone around me has achieved something unlike me. How many degrees have I acquired? Here I was learning Arabic and Tajweed among other things and people has a look on their face that shouted, loser! I cried to Allah, that I know ya Rabb, I cannot be worthless because you have certainly honoured Bani Adam but I don't feel that in my heart. I want to live my life according to Your definition of success and not what other people shove down my throat. And SubhanAllah, today despite being preoccupied with other stuff, I randomly decided to watch a lecture on Surat al-Asr (by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan). and Wallahi, that was the answer to my du'a. It felt like my Rabb was shaking me by the shoulders and conversing with me through it. It sent a wave of relief upon me like I hadn't felt before. I started to understand why so many people claim that this particular Surah brought them back towards deen and changed their life, which i didn't use to appreciate back in the day. i was struggling to resist my tears. And although I haven't finished studying it yet (one can never get enough of the Qur'an) that one lecture just brought so much confidence to me. I can proudly claim that yes my definition of success differs from yours because I live according to the definition of the All-Knowing and All-Wise. I don't have to join the rat race like every other person to feel significant and worthy. This religion started as something strange and it will become something strange. Good news for the strangers!!
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andarabi · 10 months
Imam Ali a.s and his wisdom
One Day a Jewish person came to Imam Ali (A.S.), thinking that since Ali thinks he is too smart, I'll ask him such a tough question that he won't be able to answer it and I'll have the chance to embarrass him in front of all the Arabs.
He asked "Ali, tell me a number, that if we divide it by any number from 1-10 the answer will always come in the form of a whole number and not as a fraction."
Ali Looked back at him and said,
"Take the number of days in a year and multiply it with the number of days in a week and you will have your answer."
The person got astonished but as he was a Mushrik he still didn't believe Imam Ali (A.S.). He calculated the answer Imam Ali (A.S.) gave him.
To his amazement he came across the following results:
The number of Days in a Year = 360 (in Arab)
The Number of Days in a Week = 7
The product of the two numbers = 2520
2520 ÷ 1 = 2520, 2520 ÷ 2 = 1260 ,2520 ÷ 3 = 840,2520 ÷ 4 = 630,2520 ÷ 5 = 504
2520 ÷ 6 = 420,2520 ÷ 7 = 360,2520 ÷ 8 = 315,2520 ÷ 9 = 280,2520 ÷ 10= 252
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still-single · 10 months
Been a minute since I dropped in here, Tumbles. Please check out these new sets, made by me, at home. No more community radio station getting in the way of my ambitions. Enjoy these.
Ep. 360 (it killed Kissinger) 29 November 2023
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Kleeer - Tonight
Seekersinternational - 2 Gold Chain (Drive U Crazy)
Cherrystones - Robot’s Kin
Komare - untitled
Identified Patient - Nog Steeds High Van De Lak
Kirlian - Pulsingers Dream
Run DMC - Rock the House
NYCC - I’ll Keep a Light In My Window
ALXAMBRA — arabic
Dow Jones and the Industrials - Never Too Stoned to Disco
Gerycz Powers Rolin - Activator
Venus Club - 14
Bar Italia - Hi Fiver
Violent Change - McCartney the Fox
Mike Donovan - Sadfinger Meets the Mighty Flash
Papa Yankson - Dodo Bi Afre
The Embrooks - I’m Coming Home
Eastlink - Blood Money
Tara Clerkin Trio — Brigstow
Andre Ethier — On Lies
Chi to Shizuku — Yoru no Kono Sora Toi
Empire — All These Things
Embrace — Money
England’s Glory — City of Fun
The Sundae Painters — Sweet Dreams
Bear Bones, Lay Low — Historia Microscopica
Bobby Jimmy and the Critters — Roaches (instr.)
Central Line — Walking into Sunshine
Ep. 359 (broke my shit) 19 November 2023
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Third World War — Preaching Violence
Circus Lupus — I Always Thought You Were An Asshole
Shabba Ranks — Dem Bow
Gang of Four — Ether (Peel Session)
Collate — Disassociative Ritual
Erotic Drum Band — Plug Me to Death
Thorne — Face 2 Face
Flex TMG — Come On Over (Bebe)
Country Teasers — Please Stop Fucking Each Other
Ryan Davis & the Roadhouse Band — Junk Drawer Heart
Section 25 — Sutra
Finnoguns Wake — Blue Skies
The Native Cats — Small Town Cop Override
My Heart, An Inverted Flame — Pollen Blacked Out the Sky
Mutant Strain — Knuckle Dragger
Circle Jerks — Red Tape
Excelsior — Hot Shit Sandwich
Ooga Boogas — The Octopus Is Back
Cherubs — Carjack Fairy
Steel Pole Bath Tub — The Scarlet
Protomartyr — Want Remover
Hans-Joachim Roedelius — Durch Die Wüste
Huerco S. — Plonk VI
Nine Dog Dick — I Bought a Suicide for the Holidays
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matan4il · 10 months
I've seen arguing over how many people were slaughtered on Oct 7 itself. IDK the exact answer, because from what I've gathered, no one does so far. The last time I saw an article addressing the forensic work on this (which was about a week ago), it said 1,248 people had been identified, but I know there have been victims of the massacre identified since, I know there's still the unidentified victims to take into account, and the missing people (those that we can't know yet whether they'd been murdered on that day, kidnapped, or murdered and their body was kidnapped). There have been some bodies that were brought in together with all the rest, but were then identified as Hamas terrorists (my guess is their bodies weren't among those the forensic experts struggled to identify, unlike the bodies of their victims, often mutilated and burnt beyond recognition). Based on the number identified already, and the number of bodies still unidentified, over two months after the massacre, I find it hard to believe that the final number of Oct 7 victims will be less than 1,300 people. But like I said, nobody knows, there's still no official number, not until either the work of identification will be done, or until it's confirmed that there are no more ways to identify the remaining victims of Hamas' slaughter.
Even before the final number, it is the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, it is the second deadliest terrorist attack ever (if we take the lowest possible number of fatalities. The worst one is Sep 11, when 2,996 Americans were murdered by al-Qaeda), and the deadliest one ever if we adjust the number of victims to the attacked country's population size (if we take the not final figure of 1,248 people massacred on Oct 7, once adjusted for population size, this would be roughly equivalent to over 42,500 Americans murdered, meaning that for the Israeli population, this is over 14 times the scale of the Sep 11 attacks). Think about the number of Israelis (and Jews) impacted by this attack, before we start talking about the over 5,000 people injured on Oct 7, or those kidnapped. Hamas' massacre is also the single bloodiest day in the history of the Israeli-Arab conflict for one side. So anyone telling you that the Palestinians have been "suffering Oct 7 every single day for years," is either incredibly ignorant, or straight up lying. Anyone who knows the history of the conflict, or of terrorism, knows that there is no underestimating the unique brutality of Hamas' massacre.
Out of the people massacred on Oct 7, who were not Israeli citizens, there were at least: 39 victims from Thailand, 10 from Nepal, 4 from the Philippines, 3 from China, 2 from The United Kingdom, 2 from Sri Lanka, 1 from Canada, 1 from Cambodia, 1 from Germany, 1 from Moldova, 1 from The United States, 1 from Tanzania, and 1 from Eritrea. Altogether, at least 67 foreign nationals.
At least 26 people have been killed by direct rocket hits, of which at least 15 were killed on Oct 7. At least 20 were killed by Hamas and PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) rockets from Gaza, and at least 6 by Hezbollah rockets from Lebanon. Of the 26 known victims of rocket fire, 2 were citizens of Thailand, 14 were Israeli Jews, and 10 were Israeli Arabs. This doesn't reflect the full effect of the rockets on Oct 7, since the fate of many people was sealed when they started fleeing the barrage of around 4,000 rockets fired into Israel, only to run straight into ambushes set up by Hamas terrorists, like many of the Nova music festival victims, where over 360 people were murdered.
This is 5 years old Yazan Abu Jama'a, who was killed by a direct rocket hit on Oct 7:
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I think the worst part about this post is writing "at least" so many times, knowing that every single one of these figures may be updated with a greater number.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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scotttrismegistus7 · 1 year
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Saturn is feared, not only because He is a deity, or because of His association with death and the under-world, but because He represents the aspect of Chaos that remains within the cosmos. Chaos is depicted in many ancient creation myths, and it seems to serve two predominant roles.
First, Chaos is life - it is the generative, primordial darkness from which the cosmos emerges. Chaos is a kind of parent, even referred to as the "mother" of the Archons in some of the Gnostic traditions. Chaos is not inimical to life; but it is not alive or aware of life in the same sense that we (or even the gods) are. The generations of Chaos can be monstrous and dangerous, and give rise to stories about asuras, Titans, and other terrors that plague early civilization.
Second, Chaos is opposed by other spiritual powers, and demonized as a monster itself. This role is exemplified in Christian legends, which prophesy a coming final battle in which Chaos will return to war against Creation. The cosmos is disturbed, and the earth groans with storms, earthquakes, even eclipses, all caused by the increasing intrusions of Chaos. Most of these legends predict a return of the very monsters that appeared in the earlier battles at the dawn of creation: dragons and demons break their adamantine chains - and so too, perhaps, the Saturnine deity. Whether or not such legends should be taken literally, it illustrates that there are other powers in the cosmos besides Chaos, and that these powers seek to limit and marginalize the cosmos as best they can.
Saturn as an agent or remnant of Chaos within the cosmos is opposed by the other gods but they cannot slay him. This leads to His exile but Saturn's godly prison is imperfect. His malefic influence remains perennial, and erupts at times to temporary riotous freedom, before it can be banished back into the black dimension symbolized by the cube.
The perceptive Saturnine acolyte sees the black deity not only as a god, but as a symbol of the Chaos which He embodies. In other words, the veneration of Saturn is the veneration of an extension of Chaos itself. The Saturnine path is a dark one, not because it is inherently bad or hateful, but because it is aligned with forces that are alien to most other spiritual currents. The Saturnine adept challenges the ruling powers of this aeon, just as the Saturnine Deity disrupts those powers in myth, and likewise in reality.
The dark deity has two essential goals, which form the mandate of the Saturnine cult. The first goal is to claim sovereignty, to conquer, to take back the celestial throne and then to restore the Saturnine kingdom ensuing in a state in which the world is again less differentiated from Chaos. Under Saturn's rule, humanity would be free of fear, grief, and loss, because it would achieve true equality through its newfound freedom from individuality and discrimination, in a never-ending Saturnalia.
The second, more far-reaching goal, is the eventual return of Chaos itself. The Saturnine kingdom may never return - there are no guarantees, and there are other spiritual powers that hold sovereignty, or would like to seize it. Yet the return of Chaos is prophesized, and when it comes, it may be for the last time. The Saturnine acolyte prepares for that day, by working to increase the influence of Saturn - and Chaos - at work in the world today.
~The Cult of the Black Cube, by Arthur Moros~
The Arabs and Persians have legends of such a race, and represent that it was ruled by 72 kings of the name of Suleiman, of whom the three last reigned one thousand years each. It does not seem that these Suleimans, who are, par-excellence, the rulers of all Djins, Afreets, and other elemental spirits, bear any relationship to the Israelite King, that being a more modern application. We find the name as one of the gods of the ancient Babylonians, and the late Doctor Kenealey, who as a Persian scholar translated the poems of Hafiz, asserts that the earliest Aryan teachers were named Maha-Bodhs or Solymi, and that Suleiman was an ancient title of regal power, synonymous with Sultan in Asia, Pharaoh in Egypt, Khan in Tartary, Tsar in Russia. There is also a Persian legend which alleges that in the mountains of Kaf, which can only be reached by a magic ring (that of Suleiman), there is a gallery built by the giant Arzeak where the statues of the ancient men are preserved who were ruled by the Suleimans, or wise Kings of the East. Many an Eastern storyteller laments the departed glories of the throne of Suleiman, located near the present Aden in Arabia, which it has been suggested may have been populated by Kushites from the Hindu Kush. There is a very wonderful structure hewin out of solid rock on the confiness of Afghanistan and India called the Takht-i-Suleiman, or throne of Solomon, its ancient Aryan name {4} being Shanker Acharya, fabled to have been erected by supernatural means, and known to have been a great rendezvous for two thousand years of merchants’ caravans. It is on the western side of the Suleiman Mountains.
~Origin and Antiquity of the Arcane Schools, by John Yarker~
~I am the Heart of the Hydra, the Heart of Goddess Isis, I am AtumRa-AmenHotep, I am Aeon Horus.
I am Divine Chronos, the Yaldaboath Demiurge Metamorphosed, I am the Singularity of the Master Craft of the Black Sun.
Azazil-Iblis-Maymon, Abzu-Osiris-Typhon-Kukulkan, Nummo-Naga.
Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #enlil #anu #inanna #dumuzi #hermes #trismegistus #Azazel #starfamily #horus #Demiurge #Sophia #archon #AI #blacksun #saturn #iblis #jinn #Maymon #ibis #thoth #egypt #esoteric #magick #dogon #dogontribe #digitaria #nummo #nommo #Naga #tiamat #serpent #dragon #gnosis #gnostic #gnosticism #Anzu #watcher #watchtower #yaldaboath #Sirius #scientology #aleistercrowley #typhon #echidna #ancientaliens #TheGrays #grayaliens #aliens
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