#Aquae Calidae
taberecusuflet · 4 months
Tabara de 1 Iunie - Un vis la malul marii
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skele-bunny · 2 months
What names do you use for the ghouls?
I use timeline fuckery when writing eras. It's confusing. Specific names that I use will be marked with *
Era 1:
*Sarra - Quint
*Aqua - Water
*Agni - Fire
*Gaia - Earth
*Iris - Air
~Misc Era 1~
Omega - Quint
Unnamed Water
Chain - Water
Lake - Water
Alpha - Fire
Era 2:
*Tal - Air
*Arlo - Earth
*Enki - Quint
River - Water
*Wrath - Fire
~Misc Era 2~
Alpha - Fire
Era 3:
Omega - Quint
*Aër - Air
*Terra - Earth
Dewdrop - Water
Ifrit - Fire
~misc era 3~
Zephyr - Air
Delta - Water/Quint
Pebble - Earth
Ivy - Earth
Mist - Water
Alpha - Fire
Mountain - Earth
Aether - Quint
Era 4:
Dewdrop - Fire
Aether - Quint
Phantom - Quint
Rain - Water
Mountain - Earth
Swiss - Multi
Cirrus - Air
Cumulus - Air
Sunshine - Light/Air
Aurora - Multi
Misc names:
Special/Phil - Null
Cowbell/Bluebell - Null
Calida - Fire (Dew/Step-Dad Aether kit)
Starlight - Quint/Multi (Phantom/Swiss/Dew Kit)
Comet - Quint (Phantom/Aether kit)
Venus - Mix Breed (Terzo/Omega kit)
Dahlia - Earth/Multi (Swiss/Mountain kit)
Orion - Quint (Rain/Aether kit)
Ember - Fire (Rain/Dew kit)
Lily - Multi (Rain/Mountain/Cirrus kit)
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katygorl · 8 months
What is Calida’s thought on Astro’s children - Dorado, Lars, Sagitta, Cetus, and Aqua?
I'm not sure if she would have much contact or interactions with them, but she would probably like them all. I can't think of specific interactions/thoughts right now, but just like with Hody and Topaz's kids she would be accepting of their mixed heritage and the whole family structure in general, since she was used to seeing family structures that deviated from the typical nuclear family back where she came from in the Fire Nymph Tribe.
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tripuck · 4 days
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rausule · 1 year
RUSSIA fit status potentes
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D TE regnum Russiae saeculo nono auctore Rurik. A Norvegia condita. Ipse et alii piratae Norvegiae incolas Slavicas Russiae septentrionalis vicerunt et caput suum Novgorod fecerunt.
Postea Vladimirus Sanctus e principibus Russiae vocatus est. nupta reginae Annae de Constantinopoli. Ad eam instantiam vir Norvegianam religionem deserens fidemque christianam assumpsit. Hoc modo venit Russia sub Ecclesia Catholica Graeca (etiam Ecclesia Orthodoxa Graeca appellata) cum Pontifice Constantinopolitano in Capite, et non sub Ecclesia Catholica Romana, sicut in regionibus Europae occidentalibus. Per hunc contactum cum Constantinopolitano etiam Russia leviter impulsus civilis cultus civilis venit.
Processus civilis tertio decimo saeculo intermissus est cum Genghis Khan, princeps Tartariae, Russiam cum suis orientalibus multitudine praeoccupavit. Inde est quod Russia postea assimilatus est patriae orientalis secundum habitum et consuetudinem. Saeculo XV, posteri Rurik Tartaros e Russia pellere coeperunt. Negotium peractum est cum regnum Russiae Moscoviae, cum Moscuae caput suum exstitisset, exsisteret usque ad diem operarium in navalibus operari.
Sed maximum studium eius in nave erat.
navigatio et navigium. In Hollandia et Anglia fecit
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Proximus miliarius maximus in historia Russiae regula Tsar Petri Romanov est, quae Petrus Magnus appellatur. Russiam e semi-Orientali regione in modernam Europae regionem convertit.
Petrus admodum periculosus erat, et principi curriculo extraordinario. Propter animum fratris tsar coram eo, ipse et mater eius vitam in Kremlin, palatium Moscuae, secreta vivebant. Crevit in plateis et suburbiis Moscuae. Amicos cum peregrinis et nautis maxime amatus est, et in commercio cum iis perspexit patriam suam longe post Europam occidentalem esse.
Cum Petro successit fratri suo Tsar Russiae. Etiam amicissimos suos contrusit et saluti suae abscondit, cum repente animum amisit. Tota eius species ac mores magis quam principem viae barbarum simile. Sed ingenti operis facultate praeditus, patriaeque amore flagrans est animatus. Quapropter omnes suasit vires ad Russiam modernizandam eamque pari condicione cum aliis Occidentis regionibus deportandam.
RUSSIA accipit portum suum
Sicut legentes nostri Trekker, Petrus agnovit Russiam portum vocationis habere cum aliis terris in contactum habere. Sola Russian portum fuit Archangelus in septemtrionis
Sed octo menses extra annum frustra erat quod tunc constringebatur. Praeterea sita est via artis praecipui longius a. In bello contra Turcos, Taurus Asof in Ponto cepit, unde Russia primum portum suum in aqua calida dedit.
Hoc bellum Petro etiam magis persuasit Russiam maiorem partes habere non posse donec scientiam et apparatum Occidentis obtineret, quam ob rem Taar insolitum iter capere statuit et sibi videre quomodo res in Occidente fierent. .
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Anno 1697 suum extraordinarium iter incepit, contra ministrorum suorum acerbissimam oppositionem. Berolinum, Lutetiae, Amstelodamum et Londinum non principem, sed habitum studiosum ac saepe communem operarium invisit. Undique ivit. homines celeritate miratur qua res novas didicit. Rerum omnium fere quae ad se pervenire potuerunt prima manu habuit: machinationem, cursui, fabricandi chartarum et textorum, coriariorum, imprimendi, medicinae, etiam dentes extrahendi.
postea docere posse homines suos quomodo classem Russicam aedificaret. Ubique etiam studium administrationis patriae fecit.
Itinera eius seditione contra consilium occidentales interruptae sunt. Festinandum erat, ubi omnes principes seditionum interfecerunt.
Inde occidentalem serio coepit. Cognitio fabrum, artificum. doctores et magistri, ex omnibus Europae partibus collecti, Russos omnes occidentales methodos adiuvare docebant et Russiam e somno diuturno excitant.
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Scholares convertendi libros de omnibus rebus in Universitatibus Russicis et in scholis instituebant. Tsar etiam externa civilis cultus Orientalis signa evellere conatus est, quidam nobilium, qui barbam radere nolebant, vel longas Orientales stolas pro brevibus tunicas commutare, in manus proprias assumpsit, secans vestem breviorem et incisam. barbam abrumpere. In portis principalium civitatum tonsores et sartores loca capiunt. ut omnem barbam transeuntis raderent et longam vestem abbreviarent. Foeminae detraherent tintinnabulis.
Omnes hae reformationes acriter repugnantiam provocaverunt, sed Petrus ubique manu ferrea contra incredulos egit. Cum uxore sua in coenobio obstitit quod reformationibus adversabatur. Per filium Alexim eadem de causa prosecutum est et tandem eum in carcerem coniectum et ad necem verberavit.
Magna urbs in palude oritur
Petrus etiam alium portum in Mare Balthico voluit. Hoc conflictum duxit cum Suetia, qui dominabatur omnium orarum Maris Baltici. Primus impetus defecit, sed anno MDCCIX omnes possessiones Sueticas in oram maris Baltici orientali cepit. Nunc magnum portum habet, St. Petersburg, late landing. Quadraginta milia corporum in hoc laborare coacti sunt. Multi perierunt morbo et frigore, inundationibus et incursu Sueonum sub Carolo XII rege, sed Petrus fecit. eos ibi prohibuit, donec ex paludibus caput novum ei constituerent. Omnes nobilitas hic domos aedificare et quibusdam in locis coacta est
anni temporibus incolere. In fine administrationis eius Petrus potuit cum
sufficientia testificata successu laboris sui Russiam exercitum, classem et urbem modernam, necnon fodinas, industrias et mercaturam florentissimam cum reliqua Europa habuit. Praeterea Russia potestas nunc erat quod ceterae nationes adnumerandum erat.
Petro Magno successit inbecillitatis series, quae fere opus suum pessum dedit. Fortunate, imperatrix Catharina Magna, cessavit. Illa erat germana principissa quae Petro III Tsar nupsit, consobrino suo. Quem cum deposuisset, in pugna in carcere strangulatus est. Ab ipsa Occidente, Petri Magni emendationes continuavit. Ea quoque consilium dilatationis ad meridiem et occidentem supplevit vincendo totam oram septentrionalem Ponti et magnam Poloniae partem.
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psicologiabionica · 2 years
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🌞Un hallazgo excepcional en Italia reescribirá la historia.🌕 Arqueólogos sacan del barro 24 estatuas de divinidades romanas y etruscas. En las antiguas termas, las deidades eran veneradas en el lugar sagrado donde se encontraban las estatuas más destacadas recuperadas del barro caliente están las efigies que se estima tienen alrededor de 2.300 años, representan a Apolo dios de la Medicina, y su nieta Higía que era la diosa de la limpieza y la sanación y de su nombre se deriva la palabra "higiene" la enfermería. La mayoría de las estatuas, que se encontraron sumergidas debajo de los baños junto con unas 6.000 monedas de bronce, plata y oro, datan de entre el siglo II a. C. y el siglo I d. C. Se han recuperado también algunas parte de cuerpo en bronce que se ofrecían a los dioses para la intervención curativa de la divinidad a través de las aguas termales. Jacopo Tabolli, profesor asistente de la Universidad para Extranjeros de Siena y director de la excavación, cree que las estatuas habrían sido sumergidas en aguas termales en una especie de ritual. "Le das al agua porque esperas que el agua te devuelva algo", observó además de las frases en etrusco, también se han descubierto inscripciones en latín, que también mencionan las "aquae calidae", las aguas termales de Bagno Grande, donde se colocaron las estatuas. El santuario, con sus estanques, terrazas inclinadas, fuentes, altares, existió al menos desde el siglo III a. C. y permaneció activo hasta el siglo V d. C. cuando, en época cristiana, fue cerrado pero no destruido. Los estanques estaban sellados con pesadas columnas de piedra, por lo que, habiendo quitado esa cubierta, los arqueólogos se encontraron frente a un tesoro que aún estaba intacto. (en San Casciano dei Bagni) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1ph2FDuTV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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12 Awesomely Inspiring Ancient Inscriptions Discovered by Archaeologists in Bulgaria Recently and What They Reveal
12 Awesomely Inspiring Ancient Inscriptions Discovered by Archaeologists in Bulgaria Recently and What They Reveal
One of the most intriguing ancient inscriptions discovered in Bulgaria in the past few years. Check out the list below. Photo: Parvomai.net
Ancient inscriptions are among the best windows into the past that archaeologists can find during their research. (more…)
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joanmolar · 5 years
Fira de la Terra a Caldes de Malavella
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  Caldes de Malavellaés una població realment bonica. Ja en temps dels romans, les seves aigües medicinals, gasades i calentes, havien atret una munió de gent que aspirava a passar l’estona relaxada i tranquil·la. Encara avui no ha perdut aquest aire de petita vila balneària on moderar la nostra existència. Tot i que Caldes te atractius turístics de sobra per merèixer una sortida familiar, us la…
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zmaragdos · 2 years
Kalendae Aprilis | April 1st
You, Roman mothers and brides, worship the goddess properly, and you, too, who no longer wear the long pieces of the fillet of Vesta. Remove the golden ornaments from her marble neck! Remove her riches: the goddess must be washed all over. Return the golden jewelry to her dry neck! Now variated floral garlands, now young roses must be presented to her. She herself entreats you, too, to bathe beneath the blooming myrtle. And the reason she might desire that (Teach me!) is behind certain events which happened by the sea-shore: naked, she was drying her dripping hair. Satyrs, a shameless crowd, saw the goddess. She heard them, and covered her own body with myrtle, with the stuff opposite her. Having been watched in this act she desires you, too, to conceal yourselves.
Now riddle me this, why might you devote incense to Bold Fortune there, in that place which is damp with warm and steamy water? That place admits all, with their clothes removed and set aside, and it sees every flaw on the naked body; Bold Fortune provides the steam so that He might hide by it, and might also conceal the women. And by this little bit of incense He creates what was asked for. Nor would He dislike to take up a bruised poppy with white milk, and honey strained from a crushed honeycomb. When Venus is first led to her eager husband, she drinks this; from then on she is a wife. Soothe her with humble words! Beneath her beauty remains both her character and good reputation.
Rome with the modesty of her ancestors, falters in Her circumstances: you, the ancients, consult the old Cumean woman. She orders a temple of Venus be constructed. By those actions, by her order, Venus held the title ‘Mind-Changer’ from that point on. Always consider Romans with a gentle expression, Most Glorious Goddess, to protect your many brides.
While I speak, the Scorpion, most-feared on account of the stinger high on his tail, falls into green waters.
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Rite deam colitis Latiae matresque nurusque
et vos, quis vittae longaque vestis abest.
aurea marmoreo redimicula demite collo,
demite divitias: tota lavanda dea est.
aurea siccato redimicula reddite collo:
nunc alii flores, nunc nova danda rosa est.
vos quoque sub viridi myrto iubet ipsa lavari:
causaque, cur iubeat (discite!), certa subest
litore siccabat rorantes nuda capillos:
viderunt satyri, turba proterva, deam.
sensit et opposita texit sua corpora myrto:
tuta fuit facto vosque referre iubet.
discite nunc, quare Fortunae tura Virili
detis eo, calida qui locus umet aqua.
accipit ille locus posito velamine cunctas
et vitium nudi corporis omne videt;
ut tegat hoc celetque viros, Fortuna Virilis
praestat et hoc parvo ture rogata facit,
nec pigeat tritum niveo cum lacte papaver
sumere et expressis mella liquata favis;
cum primum cupido Venus est deducta marito,
hoc bibit: ex illo tempore nupta fuit.
supplicibus verbis illam placate: sub illa
et forma et mores et bona fama manet.
Roma pudicitia proavorum tempore lapsa est:
Cymaeam, veteres, consuluistis anum.
templa iubet fieri Veneri, quibus ordine factis
inde Venus verso nomina corde tenet.
semper ad Aeneadas placido, pulcherrima, voltu
respice totque tuas, diva, tuere nurus.
dum loquor, elatae metuendus acumine caudae
Scorpios in viridis praecipitatur aquas.
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P. Ovidius Naso, “Fastorum Libri Sex,” Lib. IV 133-164
translated by @zmaragdos
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masteracin75 · 3 years
Nova poshta Global, a ukrainian logistics company, starts delivering humanitarian help from our global warehouses to Ukraine! If you want to help, volunteers can just take or send things to one of our international warehouses and we will send them to those who are in need!
Below are details 👇
🇺🇲 USA
27 Merry Lane NP100007070
New Jersey (NJ)
East Hanover
+Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00
18 Karola Miarki NP200007070
Aqua Calida
Jelenia Gora
+48 531 888 192
+Pon – Pia 09:00-16:00
🇬🇧 UK
Brother Parcel Post
Unit10, PhoenixPark, Parkwood NP300007070
ME15 9XN
+Mon - Fri 09:00-15:00
Rauschwalder Str 41 NP400007070
Aqua Calida Sp. z o.o.
+49 151 58413734
+Mon - Fre 10:00-14:00
16,Rue Jacques-Yves Cousteau NP500007070
+33 6 46 85 34 68
+Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00
Maltepe mah. Mevlevihane yolu cad 324 sok 4AE/2425 no:49 NP700007070
+90 0545 511 11 03
Mon - Sun 9:00 - 19:00
Halkalı merkez mah Tuna cad Hekim sok No:16 A-B NP800007070
+90 0534 317 15 85
Mon - Fri 10:00 - 17:00
Habipler Mah 2718 sok No:20 NP900007070
+90 0532 256 95 09
Mon - Fri 10:00 - 17:00
DSV Lojistik
Balçık Merkez Mahallesi Şile Caddesi No: 20 Arpacıoğlu Tesisleri A Blok NP110007070
+90 0549 790 18 59
Mon - Fri 10:00 - 17:00
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religionistanbul · 3 years
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They should be fair and condescending and by no means super-cilious or using force. The justice in the empo- rion was entrusted to them. Finally, it is men-tioned that the mayors alone should pick out good peasant families and settle them here. In exchange, the peasants shall be exempted from certain duties, such as payment in kind of contributions to Augusta Traiana, maintenance of the road mail in the district, and serving guard at the road fortifications (burgi).
Through Augusta Traiana passed the major provincial road Philippopolis – Cabyle (near Yambol) – Aquae Calidae (the Burgas baths) and Anchialos (Pomorie). A road across the Balkan Range connected the city with Nicopolis ad Istrum, and at Cabyle there was a branch road to Hadrianopolis (Edirne).
Beroe bishop becomes Patriarch of the Eastern Empire With the establishment of Christianity, Beroe – Augusta Traiana became a principal religious center in Thrace. A local bishop took part in the Serdica Council and stood against the Philippopolis conspirators. In 355 the Roman Pope Liberius was temporarily exiled to Beroe. Several years later, Bishop Demophil climbed to the highest rank in the capital city of Constantinople – he became Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
In the late 4th century in this Christian city there is evidence of the existence of a nunnery. In the space of the large thermae at the western gate was put up a small church. East of the city walls a martyrium was explored, which had later grown into a tomb church istanbul tourism conference. In one of the tombs, with dark-red murals, an Ancient Greek inscription contains a psalm from the Old Testament: “Let this be my eternal place of rest. Here I want to live, as I desired. Lord, have mercy on us. God is with us.”
The Thracian ruler Melsa Nicholas of Damascus and Stephan of Byzantine mention that long before them Strabo was the first to write about the city of Mesambria on the Pontic (Black) Sea. The name was derived from two words – Melsa, the name of the Thracian ruler of these lands, and “bria” which in the local language meant “city”. Perhaps initially the settlement was called Melsambria (the City of Melsa), and later the Greeks altered it to Mesambria. The Thracian city was built on the present-day Nessebar peninsula and occupied an area of 40 hectares. In the course of time, more than 10 ha have been engulfed by the sea. Remnants from this ancient settlement are located in the northern and northwestern part of the peninsula.
The Hellenic colony here was founded around 510 BC. The first settlers were Dorians, mainly from the cities of Megara, Chalcedon and Byzantion. They were in search of new lands because the Persian King Darius 1 marched with a huge army and conquered the Asia Minor city-colonies, then crossed the western coast of Ponta and headed for the Scythians’ lands to the north. Over the years, the city-colony marked ever greater economic prosperity. Since the middle of the 5th century BC silver and bronze coins were minted here. Later, when the city was under Roman control, it again minted its own coins in the period between the reign of the Emperors Hadrian (117-138) and Philip the Arab (244- 249).
Ancient Greek was the written language here, as shown by the numerous inscriptions with various contents that have been found. During the Hellenistic era the city was probably affected by the incursions of Philip If of Macedon. Later the Mesambrians were on the side of the polis Callatis (Mangalia) against Lisimah. The Dorian colony set up its market-places in the area – near Obzor and Bizone. Mesambria served as a mediation zone between the Hellenic world and the Thracians in the interior. The city sided with Mithridat VI against Rome. In 72-71 BC, however, the legions of Marcus LucuIIus conquered the Greek poleis on the western Black Sea coast. Before long Mesambria was within the bounds of the Roman province of Macedonia (tem-porarily), then of Moesia, and since the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211) – within Thrace.
Today the Nessebar peninsula is an open city-museum, which immerses us in the time when it was inhabited by Thracians and Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, Bulgarians and Turks. In the middle of the 4th century BC the Mesambrians erected a strong stonewall, which surrounded the entire peninsula. The only gate was on the west, where the peninsula was linked to the mainland. The fortification system was frequently repaired and reconstructed by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. In the central area, on the highest terrace was the city square (agora). Here stood the temples of the chief Greek god Zeus and the chief deity – patron of the city – Apollo.
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happysofiaa · 3 years
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They should be fair and condescending and by no means super-cilious or using force. The justice in the empo- rion was entrusted to them. Finally, it is men-tioned that the mayors alone should pick out good peasant families and settle them here. In exchange, the peasants shall be exempted from certain duties, such as payment in kind of contributions to Augusta Traiana, maintenance of the road mail in the district, and serving guard at the road fortifications (burgi).
Through Augusta Traiana passed the major provincial road Philippopolis – Cabyle (near Yambol) – Aquae Calidae (the Burgas baths) and Anchialos (Pomorie). A road across the Balkan Range connected the city with Nicopolis ad Istrum, and at Cabyle there was a branch road to Hadrianopolis (Edirne).
Beroe bishop becomes Patriarch of the Eastern Empire With the establishment of Christianity, Beroe – Augusta Traiana became a principal religious center in Thrace. A local bishop took part in the Serdica Council and stood against the Philippopolis conspirators. In 355 the Roman Pope Liberius was temporarily exiled to Beroe. Several years later, Bishop Demophil climbed to the highest rank in the capital city of Constantinople – he became Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
In the late 4th century in this Christian city there is evidence of the existence of a nunnery. In the space of the large thermae at the western gate was put up a small church. East of the city walls a martyrium was explored, which had later grown into a tomb church istanbul tourism conference. In one of the tombs, with dark-red murals, an Ancient Greek inscription contains a psalm from the Old Testament: “Let this be my eternal place of rest. Here I want to live, as I desired. Lord, have mercy on us. God is with us.”
The Thracian ruler Melsa Nicholas of Damascus and Stephan of Byzantine mention that long before them Strabo was the first to write about the city of Mesambria on the Pontic (Black) Sea. The name was derived from two words – Melsa, the name of the Thracian ruler of these lands, and “bria” which in the local language meant “city”. Perhaps initially the settlement was called Melsambria (the City of Melsa), and later the Greeks altered it to Mesambria. The Thracian city was built on the present-day Nessebar peninsula and occupied an area of 40 hectares. In the course of time, more than 10 ha have been engulfed by the sea. Remnants from this ancient settlement are located in the northern and northwestern part of the peninsula.
The Hellenic colony here was founded around 510 BC. The first settlers were Dorians, mainly from the cities of Megara, Chalcedon and Byzantion. They were in search of new lands because the Persian King Darius 1 marched with a huge army and conquered the Asia Minor city-colonies, then crossed the western coast of Ponta and headed for the Scythians’ lands to the north. Over the years, the city-colony marked ever greater economic prosperity. Since the middle of the 5th century BC silver and bronze coins were minted here. Later, when the city was under Roman control, it again minted its own coins in the period between the reign of the Emperors Hadrian (117-138) and Philip the Arab (244- 249).
Ancient Greek was the written language here, as shown by the numerous inscriptions with various contents that have been found. During the Hellenistic era the city was probably affected by the incursions of Philip If of Macedon. Later the Mesambrians were on the side of the polis Callatis (Mangalia) against Lisimah. The Dorian colony set up its market-places in the area – near Obzor and Bizone. Mesambria served as a mediation zone between the Hellenic world and the Thracians in the interior. The city sided with Mithridat VI against Rome. In 72-71 BC, however, the legions of Marcus LucuIIus conquered the Greek poleis on the western Black Sea coast. Before long Mesambria was within the bounds of the Roman province of Macedonia (tem-porarily), then of Moesia, and since the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211) – within Thrace.
Today the Nessebar peninsula is an open city-museum, which immerses us in the time when it was inhabited by Thracians and Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, Bulgarians and Turks. In the middle of the 4th century BC the Mesambrians erected a strong stonewall, which surrounded the entire peninsula. The only gate was on the west, where the peninsula was linked to the mainland. The fortification system was frequently repaired and reconstructed by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. In the central area, on the highest terrace was the city square (agora). Here stood the temples of the chief Greek god Zeus and the chief deity – patron of the city – Apollo.
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istanbultea · 3 years
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They should be fair and condescending and by no means super-cilious or using force. The justice in the empo- rion was entrusted to them. Finally, it is men-tioned that the mayors alone should pick out good peasant families and settle them here. In exchange, the peasants shall be exempted from certain duties, such as payment in kind of contributions to Augusta Traiana, maintenance of the road mail in the district, and serving guard at the road fortifications (burgi).
Through Augusta Traiana passed the major provincial road Philippopolis – Cabyle (near Yambol) – Aquae Calidae (the Burgas baths) and Anchialos (Pomorie). A road across the Balkan Range connected the city with Nicopolis ad Istrum, and at Cabyle there was a branch road to Hadrianopolis (Edirne).
Beroe bishop becomes Patriarch of the Eastern Empire With the establishment of Christianity, Beroe – Augusta Traiana became a principal religious center in Thrace. A local bishop took part in the Serdica Council and stood against the Philippopolis conspirators. In 355 the Roman Pope Liberius was temporarily exiled to Beroe. Several years later, Bishop Demophil climbed to the highest rank in the capital city of Constantinople – he became Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
In the late 4th century in this Christian city there is evidence of the existence of a nunnery. In the space of the large thermae at the western gate was put up a small church. East of the city walls a martyrium was explored, which had later grown into a tomb church istanbul tourism conference. In one of the tombs, with dark-red murals, an Ancient Greek inscription contains a psalm from the Old Testament: “Let this be my eternal place of rest. Here I want to live, as I desired. Lord, have mercy on us. God is with us.”
The Thracian ruler Melsa Nicholas of Damascus and Stephan of Byzantine mention that long before them Strabo was the first to write about the city of Mesambria on the Pontic (Black) Sea. The name was derived from two words – Melsa, the name of the Thracian ruler of these lands, and “bria” which in the local language meant “city”. Perhaps initially the settlement was called Melsambria (the City of Melsa), and later the Greeks altered it to Mesambria. The Thracian city was built on the present-day Nessebar peninsula and occupied an area of 40 hectares. In the course of time, more than 10 ha have been engulfed by the sea. Remnants from this ancient settlement are located in the northern and northwestern part of the peninsula.
The Hellenic colony here was founded around 510 BC. The first settlers were Dorians, mainly from the cities of Megara, Chalcedon and Byzantion. They were in search of new lands because the Persian King Darius 1 marched with a huge army and conquered the Asia Minor city-colonies, then crossed the western coast of Ponta and headed for the Scythians’ lands to the north. Over the years, the city-colony marked ever greater economic prosperity. Since the middle of the 5th century BC silver and bronze coins were minted here. Later, when the city was under Roman control, it again minted its own coins in the period between the reign of the Emperors Hadrian (117-138) and Philip the Arab (244- 249).
Ancient Greek was the written language here, as shown by the numerous inscriptions with various contents that have been found. During the Hellenistic era the city was probably affected by the incursions of Philip If of Macedon. Later the Mesambrians were on the side of the polis Callatis (Mangalia) against Lisimah. The Dorian colony set up its market-places in the area – near Obzor and Bizone. Mesambria served as a mediation zone between the Hellenic world and the Thracians in the interior. The city sided with Mithridat VI against Rome. In 72-71 BC, however, the legions of Marcus LucuIIus conquered the Greek poleis on the western Black Sea coast. Before long Mesambria was within the bounds of the Roman province of Macedonia (tem-porarily), then of Moesia, and since the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211) – within Thrace.
Today the Nessebar peninsula is an open city-museum, which immerses us in the time when it was inhabited by Thracians and Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, Bulgarians and Turks. In the middle of the 4th century BC the Mesambrians erected a strong stonewall, which surrounded the entire peninsula. The only gate was on the west, where the peninsula was linked to the mainland. The fortification system was frequently repaired and reconstructed by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. In the central area, on the highest terrace was the city square (agora). Here stood the temples of the chief Greek god Zeus and the chief deity – patron of the city – Apollo.
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ottomanistanbul · 3 years
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They should be fair and condescending and by no means super-cilious or using force. The justice in the empo- rion was entrusted to them. Finally, it is men-tioned that the mayors alone should pick out good peasant families and settle them here. In exchange, the peasants shall be exempted from certain duties, such as payment in kind of contributions to Augusta Traiana, maintenance of the road mail in the district, and serving guard at the road fortifications (burgi).
Through Augusta Traiana passed the major provincial road Philippopolis – Cabyle (near Yambol) – Aquae Calidae (the Burgas baths) and Anchialos (Pomorie). A road across the Balkan Range connected the city with Nicopolis ad Istrum, and at Cabyle there was a branch road to Hadrianopolis (Edirne).
Beroe bishop becomes Patriarch of the Eastern Empire With the establishment of Christianity, Beroe – Augusta Traiana became a principal religious center in Thrace. A local bishop took part in the Serdica Council and stood against the Philippopolis conspirators. In 355 the Roman Pope Liberius was temporarily exiled to Beroe. Several years later, Bishop Demophil climbed to the highest rank in the capital city of Constantinople – he became Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
In the late 4th century in this Christian city there is evidence of the existence of a nunnery. In the space of the large thermae at the western gate was put up a small church. East of the city walls a martyrium was explored, which had later grown into a tomb church istanbul tourism conference. In one of the tombs, with dark-red murals, an Ancient Greek inscription contains a psalm from the Old Testament: “Let this be my eternal place of rest. Here I want to live, as I desired. Lord, have mercy on us. God is with us.”
The Thracian ruler Melsa Nicholas of Damascus and Stephan of Byzantine mention that long before them Strabo was the first to write about the city of Mesambria on the Pontic (Black) Sea. The name was derived from two words – Melsa, the name of the Thracian ruler of these lands, and “bria” which in the local language meant “city”. Perhaps initially the settlement was called Melsambria (the City of Melsa), and later the Greeks altered it to Mesambria. The Thracian city was built on the present-day Nessebar peninsula and occupied an area of 40 hectares. In the course of time, more than 10 ha have been engulfed by the sea. Remnants from this ancient settlement are located in the northern and northwestern part of the peninsula.
The Hellenic colony here was founded around 510 BC. The first settlers were Dorians, mainly from the cities of Megara, Chalcedon and Byzantion. They were in search of new lands because the Persian King Darius 1 marched with a huge army and conquered the Asia Minor city-colonies, then crossed the western coast of Ponta and headed for the Scythians’ lands to the north. Over the years, the city-colony marked ever greater economic prosperity. Since the middle of the 5th century BC silver and bronze coins were minted here. Later, when the city was under Roman control, it again minted its own coins in the period between the reign of the Emperors Hadrian (117-138) and Philip the Arab (244- 249).
Ancient Greek was the written language here, as shown by the numerous inscriptions with various contents that have been found. During the Hellenistic era the city was probably affected by the incursions of Philip If of Macedon. Later the Mesambrians were on the side of the polis Callatis (Mangalia) against Lisimah. The Dorian colony set up its market-places in the area – near Obzor and Bizone. Mesambria served as a mediation zone between the Hellenic world and the Thracians in the interior. The city sided with Mithridat VI against Rome. In 72-71 BC, however, the legions of Marcus LucuIIus conquered the Greek poleis on the western Black Sea coast. Before long Mesambria was within the bounds of the Roman province of Macedonia (tem-porarily), then of Moesia, and since the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211) – within Thrace.
Today the Nessebar peninsula is an open city-museum, which immerses us in the time when it was inhabited by Thracians and Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, Bulgarians and Turks. In the middle of the 4th century BC the Mesambrians erected a strong stonewall, which surrounded the entire peninsula. The only gate was on the west, where the peninsula was linked to the mainland. The fortification system was frequently repaired and reconstructed by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. In the central area, on the highest terrace was the city square (agora). Here stood the temples of the chief Greek god Zeus and the chief deity – patron of the city – Apollo.
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hagiasophiart · 3 years
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They should be fair and condescending and by no means super-cilious or using force. The justice in the empo- rion was entrusted to them. Finally, it is men-tioned that the mayors alone should pick out good peasant families and settle them here. In exchange, the peasants shall be exempted from certain duties, such as payment in kind of contributions to Augusta Traiana, maintenance of the road mail in the district, and serving guard at the road fortifications (burgi).
Through Augusta Traiana passed the major provincial road Philippopolis – Cabyle (near Yambol) – Aquae Calidae (the Burgas baths) and Anchialos (Pomorie). A road across the Balkan Range connected the city with Nicopolis ad Istrum, and at Cabyle there was a branch road to Hadrianopolis (Edirne).
Beroe bishop becomes Patriarch of the Eastern Empire With the establishment of Christianity, Beroe – Augusta Traiana became a principal religious center in Thrace. A local bishop took part in the Serdica Council and stood against the Philippopolis conspirators. In 355 the Roman Pope Liberius was temporarily exiled to Beroe. Several years later, Bishop Demophil climbed to the highest rank in the capital city of Constantinople – he became Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
In the late 4th century in this Christian city there is evidence of the existence of a nunnery. In the space of the large thermae at the western gate was put up a small church. East of the city walls a martyrium was explored, which had later grown into a tomb church istanbul tourism conference. In one of the tombs, with dark-red murals, an Ancient Greek inscription contains a psalm from the Old Testament: “Let this be my eternal place of rest. Here I want to live, as I desired. Lord, have mercy on us. God is with us.”
The Thracian ruler Melsa Nicholas of Damascus and Stephan of Byzantine mention that long before them Strabo was the first to write about the city of Mesambria on the Pontic (Black) Sea. The name was derived from two words – Melsa, the name of the Thracian ruler of these lands, and “bria” which in the local language meant “city”. Perhaps initially the settlement was called Melsambria (the City of Melsa), and later the Greeks altered it to Mesambria. The Thracian city was built on the present-day Nessebar peninsula and occupied an area of 40 hectares. In the course of time, more than 10 ha have been engulfed by the sea. Remnants from this ancient settlement are located in the northern and northwestern part of the peninsula.
The Hellenic colony here was founded around 510 BC. The first settlers were Dorians, mainly from the cities of Megara, Chalcedon and Byzantion. They were in search of new lands because the Persian King Darius 1 marched with a huge army and conquered the Asia Minor city-colonies, then crossed the western coast of Ponta and headed for the Scythians’ lands to the north. Over the years, the city-colony marked ever greater economic prosperity. Since the middle of the 5th century BC silver and bronze coins were minted here. Later, when the city was under Roman control, it again minted its own coins in the period between the reign of the Emperors Hadrian (117-138) and Philip the Arab (244- 249).
Ancient Greek was the written language here, as shown by the numerous inscriptions with various contents that have been found. During the Hellenistic era the city was probably affected by the incursions of Philip If of Macedon. Later the Mesambrians were on the side of the polis Callatis (Mangalia) against Lisimah. The Dorian colony set up its market-places in the area – near Obzor and Bizone. Mesambria served as a mediation zone between the Hellenic world and the Thracians in the interior. The city sided with Mithridat VI against Rome. In 72-71 BC, however, the legions of Marcus LucuIIus conquered the Greek poleis on the western Black Sea coast. Before long Mesambria was within the bounds of the Roman province of Macedonia (tem-porarily), then of Moesia, and since the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211) – within Thrace.
Today the Nessebar peninsula is an open city-museum, which immerses us in the time when it was inhabited by Thracians and Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, Bulgarians and Turks. In the middle of the 4th century BC the Mesambrians erected a strong stonewall, which surrounded the entire peninsula. The only gate was on the west, where the peninsula was linked to the mainland. The fortification system was frequently repaired and reconstructed by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. In the central area, on the highest terrace was the city square (agora). Here stood the temples of the chief Greek god Zeus and the chief deity – patron of the city – Apollo.
0 notes
lookingistanbul · 3 years
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They should be fair and condescending and by no means super-cilious or using force. The justice in the empo- rion was entrusted to them. Finally, it is men-tioned that the mayors alone should pick out good peasant families and settle them here. In exchange, the peasants shall be exempted from certain duties, such as payment in kind of contributions to Augusta Traiana, maintenance of the road mail in the district, and serving guard at the road fortifications (burgi).
Through Augusta Traiana passed the major provincial road Philippopolis – Cabyle (near Yambol) – Aquae Calidae (the Burgas baths) and Anchialos (Pomorie). A road across the Balkan Range connected the city with Nicopolis ad Istrum, and at Cabyle there was a branch road to Hadrianopolis (Edirne).
Beroe bishop becomes Patriarch of the Eastern Empire With the establishment of Christianity, Beroe – Augusta Traiana became a principal religious center in Thrace. A local bishop took part in the Serdica Council and stood against the Philippopolis conspirators. In 355 the Roman Pope Liberius was temporarily exiled to Beroe. Several years later, Bishop Demophil climbed to the highest rank in the capital city of Constantinople – he became Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
In the late 4th century in this Christian city there is evidence of the existence of a nunnery. In the space of the large thermae at the western gate was put up a small church. East of the city walls a martyrium was explored, which had later grown into a tomb church istanbul tourism conference. In one of the tombs, with dark-red murals, an Ancient Greek inscription contains a psalm from the Old Testament: “Let this be my eternal place of rest. Here I want to live, as I desired. Lord, have mercy on us. God is with us.”
The Thracian ruler Melsa Nicholas of Damascus and Stephan of Byzantine mention that long before them Strabo was the first to write about the city of Mesambria on the Pontic (Black) Sea. The name was derived from two words – Melsa, the name of the Thracian ruler of these lands, and “bria” which in the local language meant “city”. Perhaps initially the settlement was called Melsambria (the City of Melsa), and later the Greeks altered it to Mesambria. The Thracian city was built on the present-day Nessebar peninsula and occupied an area of 40 hectares. In the course of time, more than 10 ha have been engulfed by the sea. Remnants from this ancient settlement are located in the northern and northwestern part of the peninsula.
The Hellenic colony here was founded around 510 BC. The first settlers were Dorians, mainly from the cities of Megara, Chalcedon and Byzantion. They were in search of new lands because the Persian King Darius 1 marched with a huge army and conquered the Asia Minor city-colonies, then crossed the western coast of Ponta and headed for the Scythians’ lands to the north. Over the years, the city-colony marked ever greater economic prosperity. Since the middle of the 5th century BC silver and bronze coins were minted here. Later, when the city was under Roman control, it again minted its own coins in the period between the reign of the Emperors Hadrian (117-138) and Philip the Arab (244- 249).
Ancient Greek was the written language here, as shown by the numerous inscriptions with various contents that have been found. During the Hellenistic era the city was probably affected by the incursions of Philip If of Macedon. Later the Mesambrians were on the side of the polis Callatis (Mangalia) against Lisimah. The Dorian colony set up its market-places in the area – near Obzor and Bizone. Mesambria served as a mediation zone between the Hellenic world and the Thracians in the interior. The city sided with Mithridat VI against Rome. In 72-71 BC, however, the legions of Marcus LucuIIus conquered the Greek poleis on the western Black Sea coast. Before long Mesambria was within the bounds of the Roman province of Macedonia (tem-porarily), then of Moesia, and since the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211) – within Thrace.
Today the Nessebar peninsula is an open city-museum, which immerses us in the time when it was inhabited by Thracians and Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, Bulgarians and Turks. In the middle of the 4th century BC the Mesambrians erected a strong stonewall, which surrounded the entire peninsula. The only gate was on the west, where the peninsula was linked to the mainland. The fortification system was frequently repaired and reconstructed by Greeks, Romans and Byzantines. In the central area, on the highest terrace was the city square (agora). Here stood the temples of the chief Greek god Zeus and the chief deity – patron of the city – Apollo.
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