#April 8
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dailykafka · 2 years ago
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— April 8, 1914 / Franz Kafka diaries
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fuckyeahanimebirthdays · 11 months ago
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Galatea (Claymore)  » April 8
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nudityandnerdery · 11 months ago
I know people are excited for the eclipse on April 8, but don't let it distract you from the real reason for the season.
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pileofsith · 11 months ago
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✨️ It's my birthday! ✨️
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chalamet-chalamet · 11 months ago
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✨Solar eclipse-themed poster for ‘Dune: Part Two’ ✨
Twitter credit to dunemovie
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shisasan · 2 years ago
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𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟾, 𝟷𝟿𝟷𝟸 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝙾𝚏 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚣 𝙺𝚊𝚏𝚔𝚊, 𝟷𝟿𝟷𝟶-𝟷𝟿𝟷𝟹
[ID: April 8. Desire for a deeper sleep that dissolves more. The metaphysical urge is only the urge toward death. END ID]
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happybirthday-unusannus · 11 months ago
Happy 4th Birthday to
“Mark and Ethan Desperately Try and Name a Single State in the USA”
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lulublack90 · 11 months ago
Prompt 8 - Devotion
@jegulus-microfic April 8, Word count 363
Regulus was enjoying a good book in his book nook. James had insisted on building him his own comfortable space. It had floor-to-ceiling bookcases crammed full of books. James had built a little window seat that looked out into the garden and the cherry blossom tree. Regulus spent hours in there, reading or just staring out the window. 
He heard the front door open as James came back from the shops. 
“You home, love?” James called into the house. Regulus put his finger in his book to keep his page.
“Yes, I’m reading.” He called back. James wouldn’t respond. If Regulus was reading, James tended to leave him alone. 
Regulus settled back into his window seat and opened his book. He sniffed. A strong, almost unpleasant scent hit his nostrils. He sniffed again but couldn’t smell anything. He shrugged his shoulders, deciding he must have imagined it. A few minutes later, he smelled it again, and this time, it hung around. It was a strange mix of woodsy and floral. He didn’t like it. 
“James?” He called from his nook. “James?” James came up the stairs, taking them two at a time. 
“Yes, love?” He grinned as he popped his head around the corner. The smell followed him. 
“Did you test scents at Boots again?” Regulus wrinkled his nose.
“Yes!” He beamed. “It’s a new one called Devotion. Do you like it?” Regulus pulled his jumper collar up over his nose. 
“Not even a little bit. Go take a shower.” He added his sleeve to his face as well. 
“Oh, that’s a shame,” James said with a mischievous grin. 
“What are you plotting?” Regulus asked, shuffling back into his window seat as much as possible. 
James grabbed him and rubbed himself all over Regulus, making sure the perfume coated him. 
Regulus coughed as he tried to push James away. 
“Go take a shower, you absolute pest!” James let him go and wandered off to the bathroom. Regulus yanked his jumper off and threw it away from himself. It still wasn’t enough. 
Sighing, he put his bookmark into his book and followed James into the shower, which was probably James’s plan the entire time. 
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typelikeagirl · 2 years ago
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chic-a-gigot · 11 months ago
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La Mode nationale, no. 363, 8 avril 1893, Paris. No. 20. — Toilette de promenade. Bibliothèque nationale de France
No. 20. — Toilette de promenade, en peau de soie rubis. Corsage-corselet brodé de gros cabochons de jais blanc et surmonté par une draperie de surah même nuance, également brodée de cabochons. Au-dessus, revers soie encadrant une chemisette crème, brodée de cabochons. Le corsage est retenu sur les épaules par de grands nœuds s'appuyant sur des manches ballon en surah crème, brodées de cabochons. Hauts poignets de soie rubis. Jupe légèrement froncée tout autour, garnie dans le bas par trois volants de surah crème faisant tout le tour et par un quatrième s'arrêtant sous un nœud à mi-largeur. Petite capote de mousseline de soie, plissée tout autour, ornée sur le devant par un gros nœud alsacien double et semblable, avec petite aigrette au milieu.
No. 20. — Walking ensemble, in ruby silk skin. Bodice-corselet embroidered with large white jet cabochons and topped by a drapery of same shade surah, also embroidered with cabochons. Above, silk lapel framing a cream shirt, embroidered with cabochons. The bodice is held on the shoulders by large bows supported by balloon sleeves in cream surah, embroidered with cabochons. High ruby silk cuffs. Skirt slightly gathered all around, trimmed at the bottom with three ruffles of cream surah going all the way around and a fourth stopping under a knot at mid-width. Small silk muslin hood, pleated all around, decorated on the front with a large, similar double Alsatian knot, with a small egret in the middle.
Métrage: 8 mètres peau de soie; 10 mètres surah.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months ago
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This was the scene on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange as the market closed an active session after the Good Friday holiday, April 8, 1939. Weary clerks produced this shower of paper at the closing gong.
Photo: Associated Press via 15MinuteNews
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dailykafka · 11 months ago
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— April 8, 1914 / Franz Kafka diaries
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augmentedpolls · 6 months ago
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musickickztoo · 11 months ago
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Vivienne Westwood 
April 8, 1941 – December 29, 2022
Pamela Rooke (Jordan)
June 23, 1955 – April 3, 2022
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throwbackgaylor · 11 months ago
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april 8, 2019 | five years ago today
taylor swift donated $113,000 to the tennessee equality project, an LGBTQ+ advocacy group
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searchforananswer · 7 months ago
Find Ryan Derby.
My name is Rachel Derby.
My twin brother, Ryan, has been missing for four months. He disappeared on a town-funded expedition to view the April 8th eclipse. Police reports claim he disappeared in Missouri. They say it's not their jurisdiction.
That's bullshit, and they know it.
Ryan didn't disappear in Missouri. He saw the eclipse. They told me that he was gone afterwards and they didn't notice till the bus broke down on the way back. But the people on the bus saw him get back on. He was there till the bus broke down. People saw him listening to music. Then he was gone. He disappeared right here in Connecticut. Less than an hour from his home.
I'm being lied to.
I tried to sue the township, but the suit fell through, and now I don't have money for a lawyer. All of my friends are avoiding me. My mom won't even talk about Ryan. The police called off the investigation. Everyone's ignoring the fact he just vanished into thin air. Everyone but me.
They're hiding something.
I perceive their deception in the way my mother looks over my head when I bring up Ryan, unable to meet my gaze. I sense it in the way my friends will sometimes share a look when I ask them to help me investigate. I feel it in the air, when I catch a glimpse of something among the trees.
Something isn't right about all of this.
Unusual activity is not uncommon in our family. Our grandma was a practitioner of ancient Jewish mysticism, taught to her by old, distant relatives back during World War II. I'm actually named after her. She supposedly summoned and spoke to angels. And while I'm not quite sure I believe that, I will admit her house always seemed full of mysterious presences. I am not ready to say Ryan disappeared under paranormal circumstances, but I do believe something's very seriously wrong about all of this. Beyond the average wrongness.
Ryan had a serious case of xylophobia- so did our grandma- and not without undue cause. The woods in our area are known to be unsafe, to the point where camping isn't allowed without special permits. In addition, he had a semi-traumatic experience in the woods near our home some fifteen years ago. But when he was last seen, he was walking directly into the woods he so feared.
And now the forest feels evil.
I am launching an investigation into Ryan's disappearance. I will regularly update this blog with my findings. He was last sighted on the roadside an hour away from Blue Star, near White Cross. If anyone has any information, contact me at [email protected].
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