#Apple WWDC 2020
jcmarchi · 2 months
Siqi Chen, Founder & CEO of Runway – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/siqi-chen-founder-ceo-of-runway-interview-series/
Siqi Chen, Founder & CEO of Runway – Interview Series
Siqi Chen is the founder and CEO of Runway, an a16z and Initialized funded startup enabling operators to understand their business without needing a degree in finance. As an operator and founder, he served as the CEO of Sandbox VR (a16z), VP of Product and Growth at Postmates (later acquired by Uber), CEO of Hey, Inc (Google-funded, acquired by Postmates), Head of Product at Zynga (IPO 2011) and CEO of Serious Business (funded by Lightspeed, acquired by Zynga).
In addition to his operational roles, Siqi is an investor in nearly a hundred companies, including notable names like ElevenLabs, Amplitude, Pipe, and Owner.com. Prior to his entrepreneurial ventures, Siqi made significant contributions at NASA JPL, where he achieved the distinction of being the sole recipient of a Congressional Space Act award while still in school. This recognition was a result of his contributions to machine vision technology on the Mars Exploration Rovers.
Can you explain the concept of ‘ambient intelligence’ and how it differentiates Runway from other AI-driven financial platforms?
Ambient Intelligence is a completely new expression of how AI can be used in products. Most products treat AI as a separate creature right now—it’s either an agent working on its own, or a chat interface you have to talk to. Those are the default experiences, but there’s another way to do it: by making the AI invisible.
If you look at how people actually use AI at work, GitHub Copilot is probably the most widely used tool. It isn’t a separate chatbot or agent. It’s more subtle, and so deeply embedded in GitHub’s platform that it just makes what you’re doing faster and more efficient. With the current capabilities of AI models, that kind of seamless integration is a much better expression of AI.
Apple did the same thing with its latest iOS announcement at WWDC. They didn’t add separate agents or chatbots. They just built AI into their workflows, so it can solve math equations as you type them or summarize text in real-time.
That’s how AI should be expressed: as a tool for thought, working quietly in the background. At Runway, we call it Ambient Intelligence.
We agree with Joel Spolsky, who worked on Microsoft Excel, and once said: “Google uses Bayesian filtering the way Microsoft uses the IF statement.” That’s how deeply ingrained technology should be in a workflow. 
It’s the same with AI. Four years ago, we thought about calling ourselves “CFO.ai.” We were advised against it because calling our product “AI-powered” would soon sound as dated as labeling it “powered by AJAX” or “powered by AWS.” All technology eventually becomes outdated, so the focus should be on enhancing user experience instead. In Runway, AI is deeply embedded in workflows and doesn’t have to be prompted. It automatically explains what your model does or why your actuals are different from your forecast. That’s what we mean by Ambient Intelligence—an expression of AI that’s a native part of your workflow, so it enhances everything you do and makes you go faster.
What inspired you to create Runway, and what key challenges in financial planning are you aiming to address with this platform? In 2020, when I was the CEO of Sandbox VR, our revenue dropped to zero after the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Nobody knew how long the pandemic would last, so we needed to create multiple contingency plans for emergency funding—ranging from 3 months to 2 years. We had to create those scenarios manually in Google Sheets, using email and Slack to collaborate. It was such a clunky and error-prone process, that I asked my CFO if there was a better tool for this task. He said: “No, this is it.” I couldn’t believe it. We had tools like Notion, Figma, and Airtable, but nothing built specifically for finance. Everyone found finance—and by extension, business—difficult to understand. But no one had solved that problem. So I asked myself a simple question: what if everyone could understand how their business actually works? That’s why I started Runway.
Our goal is to make business accessible and understandable to everyone. Runway shows how all functions, from sales and marketing to product and engineering, fit together. It gives teams a clear, shared understanding of the business, so they can align on strategic decisions and create more impact.
Ambient Intelligence goes further. Because it’s deeply embedded in Runway, it makes your work clearer, better, and faster. It automatically gives helpful context, and surfaces deep insights to help you make better decisions effortlessly. 
How does Runway’s Ambient Intelligence proactively support finance teams without being intrusive?
The short answer: by not turning AI into a separate creature—like an agent or a chatbot—that you have to interact with. 
Ambient Intelligence is invisible; it’s part of your everyday experience with Runway. It works quietly in the background, without interrupting. It’s built into the platform, so it can anticipate intent and help you without being prompted. In the same way the GitHub Copilot autocompletes your code, or Apple Intelligence solves formulas as you write them, Runway’s Ambient Intelligence makes your work clearer, faster, and more efficient. 
What that means is you don’t have to trace a driver through your entire model to understand how it connects with everything else—we just tell you that, in plain English. You don’t have to check if your actuals match your forecast—we highlight deviations and help you understand what happened. All of that happens automatically—Ambient Intelligence doesn’t make any changes to your model or scenarios, and doesn’t have to be told which context or insight is most relevant to you in the moment. It just does the job.
Could you elaborate on the ‘Driver Explanations’ feature and how it enhances understanding across the organization? In any business model, the drivers are interconnected and form a complex network. That means you have to trace a driver through the entire model to understand how it’s calculated and what it impacts. The way people do that today is by digging through spreadsheets and tracing everything manually. Understanding a single formula is not enough; you have to know how one driver impacts others, and how the entire network is structured. That’s how you build deep intuition about the business and identify the levers you can pull.
Runway makes that easier. When you hover over a driver, we show you a clear, concise, automatically-generated explanation that helps you understand how it works. You don’t have to ask a chatbot what ‘Gross Margin’ is and how it fits into your model—we explain everything in plain English. That’s how ‘Driver Explanations’ work—seamlessly, invisibly, and automatically, so everyone at your company can understand your model.
Runway claims to turn hours-long tasks into seconds. Can you share specific examples or metrics that highlight this improvement
This was a quote from one of our customers Andrew Maher, Head of Finance at Superhuman. Read the full story here. 
“With Runway, we saw our efficiency skyrocket with a 50X to 100X improvement, turning hours-long tasks into seconds,” said Andrew Maher, Head of Finance, Superhuman. “Complex financial models were distilled into clear, actionable insights, making it easier to respond quickly to key executives. Runway was like adding a touch of magic to our financial strategy, turning data into actionable intelligence—imagine having a co-pilot in finance that brings critical insights alongside number crunching.”
How does Runway’s integration with existing business tools like accounting software and CRM systems enhance its functionality? We give you a holistic understanding of your business by pulling in both data and context. Runway integrates with over 650 of the most common tools, and we go beyond usual integrations like general ledgers and HR systems. We connect with CRMs, databases, spreadsheets, and even project management software like Jira.
We believe that finance isn’t just about finance; it’s about understanding how everything in the company fits and works together. By integrating with project management tools and databases, for example, we connect important context to your business model. This way, different departments work with a single source of truth, and get a shared understanding of your business.
How does Runway position itself against competitors like traditional financial planning tools and other modern AI-driven platforms? Our core belief places us in an entirely different category from other financial solutions.
The main challenge of modern finance is collaboration. But the idea that finance should be collaborative isn’t new; it’s been around forever. And yet, no one has actually built a product that enables real collaboration. Why is that?
Because traditional tools only help you save time or give you more control. That’s where they stop. Our core belief is that these things are table stakes. What modern finance needs is something that helps everyone immediately and intuitively understand how the business works. Real collaboration can only happen once everyone has that shared context. It’s understanding that lies at the center of this problem. That’s what Runway solves for finance, product, sales, marketing, and every other team.
To make business understandable, we start by connecting your data to important business context and your roadmap. We use abstractions that actually map to how people think. And people don’t think of plans in terms of numbers on a spreadsheet—they think of decisions and timelines. So we show plans in a way that’s intuitive, and that everyone can easily play with. Anyone in your team can modify these plans, and see how different decisions would impact your model. That’s how we deliver a shared understanding of how your business works. 
Our deep focus on creating clarity sets us apart. Our customers, like Superhuman, AngelList and ConvertKit (soon to be Kit), are already seeing the difference with Runway.
What strategies are you employing to maintain Runway’s competitive edge and continue its rapid growth in the market? We don’t compete with those who build financial products for finance teams. 
We have customers in finance, but the core value we deliver is this: real collaboration across the entire organization, driven by true understanding. 
We’re uniquely focused on creating deep, intuitive understanding. Our design and engineering efforts are focused on this single goal. No one else in the market shares our level of focus on solving this specific problem. 
I don’t think we have any competition at all. We’re playing an entirely different game.
How do you envision the role of AI and ambient intelligence evolving in the finance industry over the next five years? As AI capabilities evolve, I think we’ll see a major shift in how work fundamentally gets done. While I don’t think models are quite there yet, it’ll happen very quickly. When it does, we’ll see a significant increase in the amount of leverage people have—one person will do the work of ten, a hundred, or even a thousand people. Enterprises will leverage AI to get more output with the same headcount, and planning will become exponentially more complex. But people will still need to make strategic decisions and understand how the business works—only much faster, and way more efficiently than ever before. We’re going to need radically better tools for thought just to keep up. Ambient Intelligence can enable that by enhancing human capability effortlessly, without getting in the way.
As a CEO and AI influencer, what are your thoughts on the broader implications of AI in business planning and decision-making? Let’s set aside AGI, ASI, and the idea of technological singularity for a moment—because in that world, where AI does everything and we’re all lounging by a pool, it’s a completely different story.
Before we reach that point, though, I think we’ll see an exponential boost in human capability—where one person can do the work of hundreds. Human output will reach unprecedented levels, making businesses and systems much more complex. We’ll need AI to help us understand what’s happening and to make smarter decisions.
It’ll all go hand-in-hand—AI will drive increased leverage, which in turn will add to the complexity of systems. To manage increased complexity, we’ll need even more advanced tools to further enhance human capability.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Runway.
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ai-play · 7 months
- iOSでは、バックグラウンドで位置情報の更新を受け取るには、特別な設定が必要です¹。まず、Info.plistファイルにLocation updatesというバックグラウンドモードを追加する必要があります²。次に、LocationManagerオブジェクトのallowsBackgroundLocationUpdatesプロパティをtrueに設定する必要があります³。また、showsBackgroundLocationIndicatorプロパティをtrueに設定すると、バックグラウンドで位置情報を使用していることをユーザーに通知するインジケーターが表示されます。
- iOSでは、バックグラウンドで位置情報の更新を受け取ると、バッテリーの消費が増えます。バッテリーの消費を抑えるためには、LocationManagerオブジェクトのpausesLocationUpdatesAutomaticallyプロパティをtrueに設定すると良いでしょう。このプロパティをtrueにすると、iOSが位置情報の更新を一時的に停止することができます。位置情報の更新を停止する条件は、activityTypeプロパティによって変わります。activityTypeプロパティには、AutomotiveNavigation, Fitness, OtherNavigation, Otherの4つの値があり、それぞれに応じた移動パターンをiOSに伝えることができます。
- iOSでは、位置情報の精度を指定することができます。LocationManagerオブジェクトのdesiredAccuracyプロパティには、BestForNavigation, Best, NearestTenMeters, HundredMeters, Kilometer, ThreeKilometersの6つの値があり、それぞれに応じた精度の位置情報を受け取ることができます。精度が高いほど、バッテリーの消費も高くなります。位置情報の精度は、アプリの目的や必要性に応じて適切に選択する必要があります。
ソース: Bing との会話 2024/3/2
(1) Handling location updates in the background - Apple Developer. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/handling_location_updates_in_the_background.
(2) 位置情報を正確にトラッキングする技術 in iOS — (第3回 .... https://medium.com/location-tracking-tech/%E4%BD%8D%E7%BD%AE%E6%83%85%E5%A0%B1%E3%82%92%E6%AD%A3%E7%A2%BA%E3%81%AB%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%83%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B%E6%8A%80%E8%A1%93-in-ios-%E7%AC%AC%EF%BC%93%E5%9B%9E-%E3%83%90%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A7%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%83%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0-%E7%B2%BE%E5%BA%A6-%E3%83%90%E3%83%83%E3%83%86%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E6%B6%88%E8%B2%BB-a49c3cdb4a5a.
(3) [iOS14]WWDC 2020 Core Location 新要素 Preciseについて. https://qiita.com/satoru_pripara/items/7dbaf59dc840d679751c.
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kuroism-blog · 8 months
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daboom-ru · 1 year
MacBook Air M2 vs MacBook Air M1: чем отличаются? 06 июня 2022 года прошла WWDC, и одним из долгожданных продуктов, представленных во время выступления Apple, стал MacBook Air M2 с процессо... #Apple #Macbook https://daboom.ru/macbook-air-m2-vs-macbook-air-m1/?feed_id=15060&_unique_id=64d3355708db0
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techwebdevelopment · 1 year
Apple’s latest Sherlock targets your grandparents’ tech
/ Some iOS 17 features announced at WWDC 2023 are inspired by answering machines, alarm clocks, and business cards.p>span:first-child]:text-gray-13 [&_.duet–article-byline-and]:text-gray-13″>By Wes Davis, a weekend editor who covers the latest in tech and entertainment. He has written news, reviews, and more as a tech journalist since 2020.a]:text-gray-13″>If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media […] The post Apple’s latest Sherlock targets your grandparents’ tech appeared first on TECH - WEB DEVELOPMENT NEWS. https://tech-webdevelopment.news-6.com/apples-latest-sherlock-targets-your-grandparents-tech/
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productsreviewings · 1 year
Earlier than you realize it, WWDC 2023 can be right here, giving Apple a platform to preview its upcoming software program releases — and even introduce us to some new hardware.If the acronym is not acquainted, WWDC stands for Worldwide Builders Convention, and it is Apple's annual assembly with the app makers who make the software program you run in your iPhone, Mac, and different Apple units. WWDC offers these builders an opportunity to essentially discover the software program for Apple's numerous hardware merchandise. For the remainder of us, it is an opportunity to preview all the large software program updates coming later within the yr.And with WWDC 2023, Apple could supply much more. Whereas the developer convention is not often the place for Apple to launch new hardware merchandise, it has been identified to trot out new Macs, particularly if these laptops and desktops are geared towards the builders in attendance. This yr, rumors level to Apple utilizing WWDC's platform to present us our first take a look at a long-rumored VR/AR headset in growth for a late 2023 launch.Look ahead to extra particulars about WWDC 2023 subsequent week. However for now, this is what we all know — and what we're anticipating — about Apple's upcoming developer convention.WWDC 2023 doubtless dateIt does not take a lot guessing to determine a doable date for WWDC 2023. Apple has hosted the occasion in June since 2007. And aside from the pandemic-affected yr of 2020, all of these June WWDC get-togethers occurred throughout the first two weeks of the month.If that sample holds, the most probably date for WWDC 2023 can be the week of June 5 to June 9, with the week of June 12 to June 16 working very shut. For what it is price, WWDC 2023 began on Monday, June 6 final yr.Though WWDC is a week-long occasion, for those who're not a developer, the primary day is the principle second to give attention to. That is when Apple holds its WWDC keynote, which is able to embrace all the large bulletins coming from the present. Apple tends to stream WWDC keynotes on its web site with a separate feed on YouTube — we would anticipate WWDC 2023 to be no completely different.It is nonetheless too early to know for certain when Apple will maintain this yr's WWDC, however we can't have to attend for much longer to seek out out. Apple tends to announce dates within the final week of March or the primary week of April, giving attendees time to plan their journey. In 2023, Apple set the date for that yr's developer convention to be April 5.WWDC 2023 doable software program bulletinsSoftware program previews are often the main target at WWDC, and there isn't any cause to imagine that will not proceed into WWDC 2023. We would anticipate Apple to preview the software program that helps every of its numerous hardware merchandise, providing quick developer betas to these in attendance. After the WWDC keynote. A public beta of that software program can be launched a month after WWDC, earlier than a closing launch later that fall.As a result of software program developments happen throughout the cozy confines of Apple headquarters, there are often fewer leaks about anticipated enhancements than with the iPhone, the place Apple's numerous manufacturing companions could also be tempted to leak particulars to attentive rumor mongers. Here is what we all know up to now about doable software program previews at WWDC.(Picture credit score: Shutterstock)iOS 17 and iPadOS 17: Whereas it is all however sure to characteristic new variations of Apple software program that run on each iPhones and iPads, iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 are more likely to share lots of the identical options. (There could also be just a few iPad-specific enhancements for iPadOS 17 if Apple stays true to this yr's construct.) Full variations of the software program will seem within the fall when Apple releases the iPhone 15 and any new iPads in shops.Phrase has it that Apple might make main additions
to iOS in order that its software program groups can pull off the OS that may energy the corporate's new VR/AR headset. Essentially the most constant rumor we have heard is that iOS 17 might open up entry to third-party app shops, permitting you to get your iPhone and iPad apps from someplace apart from Apple's personal retailer.We're certain of different options together with enhancements to present iPhone apps at WWDC 2023. Right here we discover out which iPhones will help iOS 17.macOS 14: Final yr's WWDC noticed a preview of macOS 13, often known as macOS Ventura. The rumor mill has been silent on any options Apple plans to introduce to the Mac this yr — and that features the California-themed moniker Apple will slap on this yr's replace.(Picture credit score: Apple by way of YouTube)Like iOS 17, macOS 14 is rumored to have just a few large adjustments. Lately, Apple has tried to make its software program extra seamless throughout platforms, which means extra iOS options like widgets might discover their option to the Mac.watchOS 10: Cease us if this sounds acquainted, however we do not know a lot concerning the subsequent model of WatchOS and what options it is going to carry to Apple's smartwatches, together with the anticipated Apple Watch 9 launch this fall. Energy administration options all the time appear to be on the high of Apple Watch customers' want lists, so we'll see if this makes the ultimate lower.TVOS 17: The software program that powers Apple TV often will get the least quantity of stage time at WWDC — if Apple even mentions it. The one factor that may draw some consideration to tvOS 17 is that if Apple has any interface enhancements to indicate. xrOS: This determine is ready to garner probably the most consideration at WWDC 2023, as it is going to be the most recent member of the Apple software program household – assuming Apple is lastly prepared to speak about its VR/AR hardware plans. (Extra on that in a second.) Rumors counsel that Apple has dubbed the software program supporting its blended actuality gear as xrOS, after earlier experiences described the software program as RealityOS. We have heard just a few experiences about what to anticipate from xrOS, which is able to doubtless mirror lots of iOS's options and help the hand- and eye-tracking capabilities of Apple's upcoming headset.WWDC 2023 doable hardware bulletinsWhereas Apple does not all the time introduce hardware at its developer conferences, it has been identified to occur. Up to now 10 years, we rely 5 completely different events when Apple had hardware to indicate off, together with final yr when it launched the MacBook Air M2 in addition to a 13-inch MacBook Professional that additionally ran on the brand new Apple silicon.The most probably hardware candidate to seem at WWDC 2023 is a product that is not anticipated till nearer to the tip of the yr. This may be the VR/AR headset Apple is supposedly engaged on, with the most well-liked rumor suggesting a preview of the blended actuality gadget at WWDC. (Picture credit score: Ian Gelbo)The rumor definitely is sensible. When Apple entered new product classes like each the iPhone and the Apple Watch, it showcased these units months earlier than their launch dates. An Apple VR/AR headset preview at WWDC will give Apple an opportunity to let app creators familiarize themselves with the product, since apps will doubtless be a key a part of the headset expertise.Apple's headset is anticipated to give attention to blended actuality, with an M2 chip powering the gadget. You will management it with eye and gesture monitoring, with some experiences claiming you can do issues like kind in mid-air. The headset can be rechristened the Apple Actuality Professional, and the Professional a part of that identify can be closely weighted as a testomony to the headset's rumored value — we have heard it might price $3,000.For one more hardware announcement at WWDC, Apple's January launch spot has
dominated out just a few extra potential candidates, together with new MacBook Professional 14-inch 2023 and MacBook Professional 16-inch 2023 fashions powered by the M2 Professional, and an up to date model of . Mac mini. Rumors persist of a 15-inch MacBook Air that includes the M2 chip or a brand new Mac Professional, until a type of units seems at a separate Apple occasion earlier than WWDC 2023. A extra becoming announcement at an occasion filled with builders.WWDC 2023 OutlookEven with out the hardware, WWDC 2023 can be a packed occasion with all of the software program previews that Apple can showcase. However with all indicators pointing to a sneak preview of the Apple Actuality Professional headset, this yr's version of Apple's developer convention is extra vital than common.Keep tuned to see what Apple has in retailer for WWDC 2023 and when it plans to host this yr's occasion.Right now's greatest Apple MacBook Air M2 2023 offers
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techarena · 2 years
MacBook Air M3: Everything You Need To Know
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Apple has recently unveiled its newest M2-powered Mac lineup with updated 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models. These new models promise significant gains in performance and power efficiency, thanks to the new M2 Pro and M2 Max chips. However, rumors are swirling about the upcoming M3 chip, which is said to bring even more significant upgrades in terms of overall performance and power efficiency.
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MacBook Air M3 According to Mark Gurman, an Apple leak guru at Bloomberg, the M3-powered Macs are expected to arrive by the end of this year or early next year. Apple is currently working on a new MacBook Air and iMac, both of which are expected to be powered by the unannounced Apple M3 chip. In fact, there are even rumors that Apple may announce the M3 chip at the WWDC 2023 event in the summer, along with these updated Mac models. What's New? The M3 chip is said to be built on the 3nm process, which should offer notable gains in performance and power efficiency. TSMC, which is fabricating the chip, has reportedly managed to extract 15 percent gains in CPU performance and 30 percent gains in GPU performance. The M3 chip update is expected to see the current MacBook Air retain its design, while the iMac is expected to come with the M1 chip. However, there have been rumors circulating for months that Apple is also working on a larger 15-inch MacBook Air, in addition to the updated 13-inch version. Therefore, the M3 chip update could also see Apple announcing this larger MacBook Air to the world. OLED Display Gurman also suggests that Apple could follow its usual routine and announce the M3 Pro and M3 Max chips for the 2025 MacBook Pro lineup update, which may feature an OLED display with a touchscreen input. Currently, the M2 chip is the primary focus for the Mac range this year. The range starts with the M1-powered MacBook Air from 2020 as the most affordable laptop from Apple. The M2 MacBook Air offers the new chip, a bigger display, and a newer design. The 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro are revamped versions of their predecessors, featuring the new M2 Pro and M2 Max chips. The Mac Mini also gets the M2 and M2 Pro chips for 2023. Apple's M-series chips have been a game-changer for the company, providing significant improvements in both performance and power efficiency. The M3 chip is expected to build on this success, offering even more gains in these areas. With the arrival of the M3 chip, Apple is expected to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible with their Mac lineup, making these devices even more powerful and efficient than ever before. Also read: Hogwarts Legacy Fullscreen Issue Fix Conclusion In addition to their impressive performance and power efficiency, Apple's Mac lineup is also known for its sleek and innovative design. With the introduction of the M3 chip, it will be interesting to see what new design features and innovations Apple will bring to the table. With the M3 chip expected to arrive later this year or early next year, it's safe to say that Apple's Mac lineup is poised for another exciting round of updates and improvements. Read the full article
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shivagdm · 2 years
iOS 14 Release Set for September 17, iPadOS 14, watchOS 7, tvOS 14 to Debut As Well
iOS 14 Release Set for September 17, iPadOS 14, watchOS 7, tvOS 14 to Debut As Well
iOS 14 release date is out and is set for September 17. CEO Tim Cook revealed the release date of iOS 14 at Apple’s virtual event on Tuesday, where it brought the Apple Watch Series 6, Apple Watch SE, iPad 8, and the iPad Air 4 as its new hardware offerings. Apple unveiled iOS 14 as the next iteration in the iOS family at the virtually held WWDC 2020 in June. Alongside the latest iOS version,…
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saggiosguardo · 2 years
Quale Mac comprare a fine 2022: comparazioni e consigli in attesa dei nuovi modelli 2023
Quale Mac comprare a fine 2022: comparazioni e consigli in attesa dei nuovi modelli 2023
Con l’annuncio di Apple Silicon nella WWDC 2020, era stato previsto un periodo di 2 anni per effettuare una transizione completa di tutti i Mac alla nuova piattaforma su base ARM. I primi ad ottenerla sono arrivati a novembre dello stesso anno ed erano Mac mini, MacBook Air e MacBook Pro 13″ con M1. Successivamente sono usciti l’iMac 24, i MacBook Pro 14/16″, il Mac Studio e, più di recente,…
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Apple secures 'observer' seat on OpenAI board
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/apple-secures-observer-seat-on-openai-board/
Apple secures 'observer' seat on OpenAI board
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Following Apple’s partnership announcement with OpenAI at WWDC last month, a new report reveals that the tech giant will secure an “observer role” on OpenAI’s board of directors.
The new arrangement – set to take effect later this year – will see Apple’s long-time marketing chief turned Apple Fellow, Phil Schiller, representing the company in this capacity.
According to Bloomberg, Apple’s position on the OpenAI board will mirror that of Microsoft—the AI company’s largest backer and primary technology provider.
While Schiller will be able to attend board meetings, he will not have voting power or other director privileges. However, this role will grant Apple valuable insights into OpenAI’s decision-making processes.
The partnership between Apple and OpenAI, announced at WWDC in June, will bring ChatGPT integration to iOS 18 as part of the Apple Intelligence suite of features.
Notably, this collaboration does not involve any financial exchange between the two companies. Apple reportedly views the exposure given to ChatGPT in iOS 18 as “of equal or greater value” than monetary compensation, while OpenAI benefits from the reach of Apple’s platforms.
Bloomberg’s report indicates that Schiller “hasn’t yet attended any meetings” of the OpenAI board, and “details of the situation could still change.” This cautious approach suggests that both companies are carefully navigating this new relationship.
Schiller’s appointment to this role is particularly noteworthy given his extensive experience and current responsibilities at Apple.
Since transitioning to an Apple Fellow role in 2020, Schiller has continued to lead the App Store and Apple events, reporting directly to CEO Tim Cook. He has also been at the forefront of Apple’s efforts to defend the App Store against global antitrust allegations.
By securing a seat at OpenAI’s table, even in an observer capacity, Apple positions itself to gain valuable insights into one of the leading AI research organisations.
(Photo by Daniel McCullough)
See also: EU probes Microsoft-OpenAI and Google-Samsung AI deals
Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The comprehensive event is co-located with other leading events including Intelligent Automation Conference, BlockX, Digital Transformation Week, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo.
Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.
Tags: ai, apple, apple intelligence, artificial intelligence, ios, mac, openai
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newsaza · 2 years
Apple's WWDC 2020 Worldwide Developers Conference Starts on June 22, Will Be Virtual and Free
Apple’s WWDC 2020 Worldwide Developers Conference Starts on June 22, Will Be Virtual and Free
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will be held online, starting June 22, the company announced on Tuesday. The conference will be available to all developers for free via the Apple Developer app and Apple Developer website. Back in March, the company had decided to hold the event online owning to the coronavirus pandemic. The Cupertino-based company has now revealed the date of the…
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songslascl · 2 years
Apple imac operating system
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#Apple imac operating system mac os x
NeXTSTEP was based on the Mach kernel developed at CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) and BSD, an implementation of Unix dating back to the 1970s. The hardware was phased out in 1993 however, the company's object-oriented operating system NeXTSTEP had a more lasting legacy. As the first workstation to include a digital signal processor (DSP) and a high-capacity optical disc drive, NeXT hardware was advanced for its time, but was expensive relative to the rapidly commoditizing workstation market and marred by design problems. MacOS retained the major version number 10 throughout its development history until the release of macOS 11 Big Sur in 2020 releases of macOS have also been named after big cats (versions 10.0–10.8) or locations in California (10.9–present).Ī new macOS, Monterey, was announced during WWDC on June 7, 2021.Ī diagram of the relationships between Unix systems including the ancestors of macOSĪfter Apple removed Steve Jobs from management in 1985, he left the company and attempted to create the "next big thing", with funding from Ross Perot and himself. The operating system was further renamed to "macOS" starting with macOS Sierra. Lion was sometimes referred to by Apple as "Mac OS X Lion" and sometimes referred to as "OS X Lion", without the "Mac" Mountain Lion was consistently referred to as just "OS X Mountain Lion", with the "Mac" being completely dropped.
#Apple imac operating system mac os x
Starting with the Intel build of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, most releases have been certified as Unix systems conforming to the Single Unix Specification. Starting with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, macOS Server is no longer offered as a separate operating system instead, server management tools are available for purchase as an add-on. Since then, several more distinct desktop and server editions of macOS have been released. MacOS was first released in 1999 as Mac OS X Server 1.0, with a widely released desktop version- Mac OS X 10.0-following in March 2001. To ease the transition, versions through 10.4 were able to run Mac OS 9 and its applications in a compatibility layer. The transition was a technologically and strategically significant one. However, the current macOS is a Unix operating system built on technology that had been developed at NeXT from the 1980s until Apple purchased the company in early 1997.Īlthough it was originally marketed as simply "version 10" of the Mac OS (indicated by the Roman numeral "X"), it has a completely different codebase from Mac OS 9, as well as substantial changes to its user interface. That system, up to and including its final release Mac OS 9, was a direct descendant of the operating system Apple had used in its Macintosh computers since their introduction in 1984. The history of macOS, Apple's current Mac operating system formerly named Mac OS X until 2012 and then OS X until 2016, began with the company's project to replace its "classic" Mac OS.
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nahasperfect · 2 years
How to update your mac to 10.11
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#How to update your mac to 10.11 mac os#
#How to update your mac to 10.11 update#
#How to update your mac to 10.11 upgrade#
Compared to macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey is a smaller update, but there are still many notable new features that improve the Mac experience. macOS 12 Monterey, unveiled in June 2021 at WWDC, is the current version of macOS that was released on Monday, October 25.
#How to update your mac to 10.11 mac os#
What is the Current Mac OS 2021?Ĭontents. macOS 12.0 Monterey drops support for some Macs that ran macOS 11.0 Big Sur. This is the eighteenth major release of the Mac operating system. What Is the Latest Version of MacOS?Īpples newest Mac operating system is macOS 12.0, also known as macOS Monterey. MacOS 12 Monterey, unveiled in June 2021 at WWDC, is the current version of macOS that was released on Monday, October 25. What is the Latest Version of Mac OS 2021? The Latest Version Is macOS 12.0 MontereyĪpples newest Mac operating system is macOS 12.0, also known as macOS Monterey. The System Preferences will appear and search for new macOS updates.
#How to update your mac to 10.11 update#
Click About This Mac, then click Software Update in the window that opens.Ĭheck for available macOS updates. Open the Apple menu in the topleft corner of the screen.
#How to update your mac to 10.11 upgrade#
How do I Upgrade my Mac to the Latest Version? Security updates are no longer available. Obsolete Macs no longer qualify for service and support. Is my Mac too Old to Update?Īpple considers Mac "vintage" if they were released between 5 and 7 years ago, and obsolete if older than 7 years. It was announced at Apples Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC on June 22, 2020, and was released to the public on November 12, 2020. MacOS Big Sur version 11 is the seventeenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.s operating system for Macintosh computers. What is the Latest Mac Operating System 2020? 6 days ago What is the Latest Mac Operating System 2021?Ĭontents.
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islamtrust · 2 years
Playonmac not optimized
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#Playonmac not optimized update
#Playonmac not optimized software
#Playonmac not optimized code
#Playonmac not optimized download
Macs always seem to be bundled with a bare minimum GPU and with upgrading options dwindling as Apple solders parts in, the hardware side doesn't look that brilliant for Apple. Most Mac hardware available simply isn't suitable for AAA gaming. OS X doesn't have it and relies on OpenGL instead. It isn't as appealing to develop for to developers. Macs and OS X do not have the marketshare Windows has. There are much bigger binaries but in my experience slimming down an App folder saves you max 10% of the total size, done that after going from PPC to Intel, lots of Universal Apps back than, there are still Universal Intel/PPC Apps. Just an example below, this is Safari App package, look at the Safari binary size, there are more binaries in /Safari/Contents but not that many and not huge.Įdit: I just researched a bit more into the Safari App package, it's ~19 MB, slimming it down would not even save you 1 MB. There's a lot more in an App package than Binaries, like for instance images, supporting files, databases and so on. This is not true, a binary is just part of the App package, a slimmed-down App will not magically give you back half of that App size.
#Playonmac not optimized code
I remember PPC/Intel Stripping tools which could strip the unneeded.īut that's not possible now with code signing - if you would strip it now, it just won't work.Īnyhow, I think devs should also provide separate ARM and Intel downloads.
#Playonmac not optimized download
So basically the Universal app you need to download is 6GB instead of 3GB (and it also will occupy 6GB on your system). It's OK for small apps but some exceed 3GB (Ableton Live for example). But sadly it also goes with double file sizes too. In addition to the above, iMazing has released a free app that scans your macOS apps and displays their supported CPU architecture, while repo offers a free menu bar app called Silicon Info that lets you quickly view the architecture of the currently running application. In addition to the System Report list, you can check individual apps too: right-click an app's icon in Finder, then select Get Info from the contextual menu and look at its Kind under "General." In the Applications list that loads, look under the Kind column to see whether an app is a Universal binary or a non-native Intel executable.
#Playonmac not optimized software
In the System Report window, select Software -> Applications in the sidebar.
In the "Overview" tab, click the System Report.
Click the Apple symbol in the top-left corner of your Mac's menu bar and choose About This Mac.
Even when emulating x86 code under Rosetta 2, the Macs with Apple silicon generally run non-native apps faster than Intel-based Macs, but it's good to know which apps have been optimized for the advanced hardware inside your M1 Mac. If an app has yet to be updated to Universal 2, an Apple silicon Mac will still run it, but it will do so by converting the Intel x86-64 code using Rosetta 2 emulation software. At WWDC 2020 in June, however, Apple announced Universal 2, which allows apps to run on both Intel-based Macs and Apple silicon Macs. Originally, Universal apps referred to executable files that run natively on both PowerPC or Intel Macs.
#Playonmac not optimized update
When developers update their apps to run natively on Apple silicon, they use something called a Universal binary. But how do you know which of your apps are running natively as Universal executables and which ones are using Rosetta emulation? Read on to find out. Even if an app hasn't been updated, Apple's non-Intel Macs can still run them, thanks to Apple's Rosetta 2 translation layer. Following the launch of Macs powered by Apple silicon, numerous third-party apps have been updated to ensure they are optimized to run on Apple's custom processors.
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nahasticket · 2 years
This update requires mac os version 10.12
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Īll but abandoning the idea of an operating system, NeXT managed to maintain a business selling WebObjects and consulting services, only ever making modest profits in its last few quarters as an independent company. It also supported the innovative Enterprise Objects Framework database access layer and WebObjects application server development environment, among other notable features.
This environment is known today in the Mac world as Cocoa. It featured an object-oriented programming framework based on the Objective-C language. NeXTSTEP was based on the Mach kernel developed at CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) and BSD, an implementation of Unix dating back to the 1970s. The hardware was phased out in 1993 however, the company's object-oriented operating system NeXTSTEP had a more lasting legacy. As the first workstation to include a digital signal processor (DSP) and a high-capacity optical disc drive, NeXT hardware was advanced for its time, but was expensive relative to the rapidly commoditizing workstation market and marred by design problems. Ī diagram of the relationships between Unix systems including the ancestors of macOSĪfter Apple removed Steve Jobs from management in 1985, he left the company and attempted to create the "next big thing", with funding from Ross Perot and himself. The current major version, macOS 12 Monterey, was announced in WWDC 2021 and released on October 25 of that year the latest version of macOS 12, macOS 12.3, was released on March 14, 2022. MacOS retained the major version number 10 throughout its development history until the release of macOS 11 Big Sur in 2020 releases of macOS have also been named after big cats (versions 10.0–10.8) or locations in California (10.9–present). The operating system was further renamed to "macOS" starting with macOS Sierra. Lion was sometimes referred to by Apple as "Mac OS X Lion" and sometimes referred to as "OS X Lion", without the "Mac" Mountain Lion was consistently referred to as just "OS X Mountain Lion", with the "Mac" being completely dropped.
Starting with the Intel build of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, most releases have been certified as Unix systems conforming to the Single Unix Specification. Starting with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, macOS Server is no longer offered as a separate operating system instead, server management tools are available for purchase as an add-on. Since then, several more distinct desktop and server editions of macOS have been released. MacOS was first released in 1999 as Mac OS X Server 1.0, with a widely released desktop version- Mac OS X 10.0-following in March 2001. To ease the transition, versions through 10.4 were able to run Mac OS 9 and its applications in a compatibility layer. The transition was a technologically and strategically significant one. However, the current macOS is a Unix operating system built on technology that had been developed at NeXT from the 1980s until Apple purchased the company in early 1997.Īlthough it was originally marketed as simply "version 10" of the Mac OS (indicated by the Roman numeral "X"), it has a completely different codebase from Mac OS 9, as well as substantial changes to its user interface. That system, up to and including its final release Mac OS 9, was a direct descendant of the operating system Apple had used in its Macintosh computers since their introduction in 1984. The history of macOS, Apple's current Mac operating system formerly named Mac OS X until 2012 and then OS X until 2016, began with the company's project to replace its "classic" Mac OS.
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nahasmiss · 2 years
Os x dark mode
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#Os x dark mode for mac#
#Os x dark mode skin#
#Os x dark mode for windows 10#
You can change this setting in Desktop & Screen Saver preferences. With Mojave (macOS X 10.14) and Dark Mode turned on, unless you choose Application Frame (which I prefer), the window bars are still light. If you turn on Dark Mode while using Dynamic Desktop, the desktop may change to the dark still image.
#Os x dark mode for mac#
The most popular version among The Dark Mod for Mac users is 2.1. This Mac download was checked by our antivirus and was rated as clean. This free Mac application is an intellectual property of Team Dark Mod. The program lies within Games, more precisely Adventure. (Requires macOS Mojave 10.14.2 or later.)ĭynamic Desktop. The Dark Mod 2.1 for Mac can be downloaded from our website for free. To use a light background for documents while Dark Mode is turned on, click View in the menu bar in TextEdit, then deselect Use Dark Background for Windows. OS X Yosemite is the biggest visual overhaul Apple’s made to the Mac in years, but developers at WWDC seemed most excited about one tiny UI tweak dark mode. apple blue california dark desert mac macos mojave night sand. Each time you want to toggle Dark Mode on or off, you simply hold down the command, option and control keys together, and then hit T. But there's a command you can enter in the Terminal that, run once, will activate Dark Mode with a key command. If the website doesn't support Dark Mode, you can use Safari Reader to read articles in Dark Mode. macOS Mojave (Dark Mode) High-Res HD Wallpaper for Super Ultrawide Monitors. By default, OS X doesn't offer any command-key shortcut to activate Dark Mode. When you use Dark Mode, Safari automatically shows a website in Dark Mode if the website has been designed to support it. In conclusion, Auto Dark Mode X is a solid app to get for when you want to schedule alternating between light and dark mode. To use a light background for notes while Dark Mode is turned on, open Notes and choose Notes > Preferences, then deselect “Use dark backgrounds for note content.” To use a light background for maps while Dark Mode is turned on, open Maps and choose Maps > Preferences, then select ”Always use light map appearance.” In earlier versions of macOS, click View in the menu bar in Maps, then deselect Use Dark Map.
#Os x dark mode skin#
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#Os x dark mode for windows 10#
To use a light background for email messages while Dark Mode is turned on, open Mail and choose Mail > Preferences, then click the Viewing tab and deselect “Use dark backgrounds for messages.” macOS Big Sur Dynamic Dark theme for Windows 10 Published: Jul 11, 2020. Some apps and features have special Dark Mode settings or behaviors.
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