#Appa writes drabbles
prompt!!! holding hands.. softly, maybe for the first time-- present day <3
Lydia 🥰
The car is like a time machine. The gravel crunching under the tires. The wind blowing from the open windows, messing up their hair. Music blasting from the speakers—carefully chosen to fit the desired mood by Link, of course. The twists and turns of the roads they haunted as children feel familiar and comforting. 
Rhett tries to keep his eyes on the road but it’s a tall order. Link’s smile is dazzling.
Rhett takes another quick turn, making Link slide against his side. Link laughs, steadying himself on his seat, and for a beat, Rhett can’t differentiate between the teen boy in his memories and the man sitting next to him in the present. They’re the same. And they’re both his in a way that goes bone deep.
His joy overflows and Rhett has to wipe away a tear that’s threatening to fall.  
“You know I love you, right?” Link says, his blue eyes tracking Rhett’s movement. Rhett can only manage a shaky nod. Link’s smile widens, as impossible as that is, and he reaches for Rhett’s hand. Rhett squeezes tight, hoping Link will understand his meaning.
“I know,” Link assures and his thumb drags soft circles into Rhett’s skin.
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ziezii · 4 months
Zutara Month 2024 ; "Mom and Dad are Fighting Again."
here's to my first time writing zutara and my first time joining in zutara month! Hope you enjoy this little drabble ♡
Aang said goodbye to Gyatso and his two pets, Momo and Appa as he saw Sokka's car approaching.
"Remember to have fun kiddo." Gyatso said, looking over to the bags make sure Aang had everything he needed for his camping trip.
"Of course, Gyatso! Take good care of Momo and Appa for me!” he said with a smile, bid his final goodbye to them and put all his belongings into the back trunk and opened the second door of the car, seeing Toph already making herself comfortable.
“Hey everyone!” he perked up as he climbed right in, sitting next to Toph. Closing the door, he immediately noticed how tense the air felt. First, Sokka was the only one who answered back, “Hey there buddy.” but most of them only nodded.
Desperate to find out what’s wrong, he looked around, from Sokka who was driving, Katara who was busy checking the GPS, Toph who had her eyes closed.
He looked over his shoulder to see Suki eating snacks, and finally looked to Zuko who only looked out the window. That’s when it hit him, why was Katara sitting in the passenger seat next to Sokka and not Suki?
Still confused, he nudged his arm to Toph’s and whispered, “What’s with everyone?”
To that, Toph only replied, “Mom and Dad are fighting, again.”
“Alright, Suki and I will share a tent,” he looked to see Aang grabbing his supplies for his tent, “Toph, you wanna share with Aang?”
She immediately nodded, with a small voice she then said, “As long as I don’t have to share with Sweetness and Sparky over there.”
“Like I’ll share my tent with him anyway.” Katara muttered back, walking away from everyone to start setting up her tent. Zuko, who was silent the whole time, looked to his friends and said, “I’ll go help her.”
Katara was busy taking out the supplies when Zuko bent down in front of her, trying to grab one of the tent poles. “I can do it myself.” he heard her say, wanting to take away the tent pole he was holding.
“I know,” he replied, knowing Katara is now looking at him, “but let me help.”
She rolled her eyes, deciding on letting him off this time, although she was close to smacking him in the head when he continued, “You also kinda suck on building it yourself.”
“Oh, fuck off.” he chuckled at her reply. A comfortable silence fell upon them, Zuko was busy making sure their tent was up and sturdy, while Katara grabbed the rain-fly, in case of any rain happening on their trip.
Aang, along with Sokka, were eyeing the two behind a tree. With their tents up and ready, Suki and Toph decided on snacking together while they wait for lunch time.
“And why were they fighting again?” Aang whispered.
Sokka thought for a second, before replying, “Actually, no idea.” to which Aang facepalmed.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
i have a drabble request for your anniversary 🥺
it’s not related to any of your stories… but since you’re so good at writing about kids, could we please have a drabble where yoongi is a dad calmly letting his tiny kiddos crawl all over him (maybe one running a teeny tiny car up his arm and one draped over his thigh pointing at things on his laptop screen etc) as he quietly works on his computer or something like that 🥹🥹 like never once telling them to get off of him, just letting them be like his irl counterpart whenever the tannies bother him 🥹 then maybe eventually oc feels bad for him and rounds them up so that their daddy can work in peace 🥹
Ok I sort of got carried away and I'm not sure I checked all the boxes but I hope you still enjoy this!
Characters: Dad Yoongi x Y/N, their two kids Length: 4878 World: It can stand alone but it's the same kiddos as this one shot
“The cat forgot to lock the door. Mouse came to visit and the door was…”
“Ajar,” Yoongi said, not even looking away from his laptop, balanced precariously on the armrest of the couch.
Kija remained silent. He contemplated. Yoongi didn’t look at him, just waited. 
He resumed reading but did not repeat the word the way he used to. Before, if he found something he didn’t know, it was easy to offer the answer. His spongy young mind latched onto every new discovery and wanted to immediately try it his new knowledge. But now, suddenly, he didn’t want the help. He refused it. Didn’t even acknowledge with a tantrum unless you pushed it, he just moved right along after a pause, as if he wanted to pretend he hadn’t heard.
Yoongi continued to half-listen, half-let Kija’s voice fade into the background as a third half of his brain tried to make sense of the session notes –wait that wasn’t the right number of halves. He closed his eyes and let out a slow, quiet breath.
Joo reached over and rolled her toy car across the keyboard. Ah, that’s where the other half of his brain was supposed to be.
“Hey,” he cooed, and gently nudged her hand away. “That’s not a road, aegiya. Not on the keyboard.”
“Appa are you listening to me?” Kija demanded. 
“I am.”
A catch-22: Kija wanted to be simultaneously closely listened to and unperceived.
Kija gave him a hard glare, then turned back to the book. First grade was a struggle so far, that was the truth. But Yoongi swallowed the smile because his son still wanted to be heard, and tuned more of his brain to it, and more of his brain to shuffling Joo to the other side of the couch, even though it meant he had to move towards the middle and shift his laptop to balance on his knees. It wasn’t conducive to answering emails. Nor was having two halves of his brain now focused on two children with no more halves left for email reading. Especially an email with label notes on the recent album, notes he needed to ingest and consider and then spit out into two categories: those I will consider, those I reject completely.
He looked at Joo. Her eyes widened, two dark starry orbs. At two, she could already speak in full sentences but often chose not to, keeping most of her odd little thoughts to herself until she’d suddenly surprise you. 
Now she pointed at the computer and asked him, “Is it a good one?”
“A good one? Is what a good one?”
“Make the music, Appa.”
“No, not yet, we’re listening to Kijaya read right now,” he reminded her. He touched a finger to his lips to shush her.
Kija grumbled behind them and huffed, “Don’t listen to me.” Yoongi glanced over his shoulder;  Kija glanced over his own shoulder to check if Yoongi was watching, then quickly looked away. He resumed reading, his little voice slow and soft, caressing each word with uncertainty, as if waiting for Yoongi to correct him.
Yoongi did not. Mistakes were nothing to be ashamed of. Yoongi was all too familiar with performance anxiety and wouldn’t create it in his son by interrupting his storytelling for something trivial like a mispronounced word. You could be right later, your first contributions to the world should just be about presence.
“Don’t listen so much to me,” Kija complained in the silence. “It’s too quiet. I can’t read when it’s quiet.”
“You’re doing well,” Yoongi said. As soon as he spoke, Kija started reading again, like he could slip his words beneath his father’s and leave them half hidden, half heard. So Yoongi asked Joo quietly, “Do you want to see the audio?”
Joo sounded so serious as she answered, “Yeah.” She got that ‘yeah’ from Yoongi, he knew that. He didn’t babytalk his children much, just certain words, certain pet names, but mostly he spoke to them with respect and trust from the time they were babies, and it provided him endless amusement when they repeated him later. “Just live life,” Kija used to say when he meant I don’t know. “Ah, I see,” Kija used to say, an exact copy of Yoongi. “Ah, I see,” Joo would repeat now too, her expression even more of a mirror. And then sometimes, “You think so?” A little toddler, short ponytails sticking straight out from her head like antennae, asking, “You think so?” as if taunting about how the attempts to get a nap out of her were going to go. She badly needed the nap but God forbid you try to get her down if Kija was home. She could not miss out on a single minute of whatever her favorite older brother was doing.
Yoongi opened an audio file, muted, but let her watch the visualizer on his screen. Her eyes reflected the rising and falling bars, the red, orange, yellow, and green blocks she recreated with wooden blocks. He was certain that’s what she was doing, stacking them next to each other, adding and subtracting blocks. You insisted he was projecting but he knew what he knew.
Kija glanced over and his voice faltered before he returned his attention to his book, little face a scowl. Suddenly he slammed the book shut and threw it to the floor.
“Hm?” Yoongi prompted, gentle. Joo’s gasp was loud.
“Oh no! Book is down!” she cried, and instantly lowered herself to the ground to fetch it. “Kiki you drop him!”
“I don’t want it,” he scoffed. His arms crossed and he turned his back to her, awkwardly facing the back of the couch in a full sulk.
Yoongi held his hand out for the book and said again, “Hm.” 
“Hm.” Kija mocked. Angry. Such an angry little boy sometimes lately, and it scared Yoongi. He hadn’t expected Kija to feel that kind of anger until he was at least a rebellious adolescent –and hopefully Yoongi would be able to help him manage that better than he had his own. You were the one who better knew how to handle the emotions and behavior of this age; Yoongi never knew what was normal and what wasn’t, what online articles to believe, or which pediatrician could be trusted. You’d gone through three now, each one shed after some perceived failure on Yoongi’s part. In life, he was open to compromise on most things. But not music. Not his devotion to you. And not the health and needs of his children.
“Do you not like the story anymore?” Yoongi asked gently. “Or are you frustrated?” The boy who at other times could wax poetic about the shenanigans of his friends at school now just grunted and twisted further away on the couch. “We can read a different book if you’re bored with that one,” Yoongi offered as a way out. 
“Diff book!” Joo cheered and went right to the stack by the door to get her favorite National Geographic book, one of those big heavy glossy coffee table ones –a gift from Uncle Namjoon, as if he didn’t think Yoongi would instill enough appreciation for nature in his own kids. The book was clunky in her arms as she determinedly hauled it over.
“You’re doing great at reading,” Yoongi assured Kija. It was true. He was a little behind his peers, but nothing alarming; the fact he could read at all by six seemed insane to Yoongi. He hadn’t been reading at six. Kids these days… everything in the schools was so different. Everything in the world too, frankly. Phones, computers, video games, social media– 
Yoongi pushed away the bigger worries and continued, “I had a hard time with it in school too but it worked out in the end, I just had to keep at it.” Even as he said it, Yoongi hated his own words. He still didn’t read much for pleasure, though sometimes he found articles that were worth the effort. Music had always come more easily to him, the notes on a staff making more sense to him than letters on a page. He liked poetry, too. Lyrics. Heavy prose bored him, he had no patience for dense pages. 
“I don’t have a hard time with it!” Kija shouted and spun again to keep Yoongi from reaching for him. Just as he reached for his son, Joo dropped the book on her foot and began to wail. The heavy cover opened so the book landed standing upright, and when she reached down for her foot, she bashed her mouth on the corner. 
In moments like this, with both kids crying, Yoongi found his steadiness overwhelmed. He felt like a bad dad because inside his calm resolve began to fracture and his cool exterior was a lie. Dads shouldn’t have to lie like that. He didn’t have the right words or energy to wrap two crying children up in a tornado of hugs and kisses that would distract them with warmth the way you did. You’d always recognized his steadiness, his caretaking, even though it was lowkey. He was dependable. But a frustrated six year old and a two year old with a boo-boo didn’t need cautious reliability, they needed… you.
But you weren’t here right now. Hour twenty-six of the fifty-four you’d be away. Not that he was counting or anything.
Yoongi scooped Joo up to comfort first, only to realize she was bleeding. Not hospital level bad, but more than he wanted his daughter to bleed, her little lip red where she’d hit the book. For a moment he had parental panic because steadfastness didn’t teach you how to soothe a bleeding toddler. He grabbed a napkin from the pile he’d accumulated from takeout bags over time and pressed it to her lip and bounced her around and tried to think of a silly song to distract her but his mind was blanking on children’s songs because it rattled him. Even a little bit of blood was an unwelcome reminder of how little he could truly do to protect his children. 
“Are we ready for ice cream? I think it’s a good idea,” he decided. Suddenly Kija was more interested. Joo stopped wailing and nodded at him with her big watery eyes still leaking tears. At least today the hurt was something he could fix with a special treat.
While funneling ice cream into his mouth, Kija returned to his more cheerful self. Chocolate smeared across his cheeks, he suddenly poured out a stream of stories from school as Yoongi tried to keep Joo from getting chocolate all down the front of her white dress. It was hopeless. Only a stylish person with no kids (Hoseok) would give a child such an expensive all-white dress. You had sagged against the wall laughing later when the two of you discovered it was dry-clean only after a messy meal, and Yoongi had fallen in love with you all over again, that you could laugh so hard about what others might cry over. Into the regular wash the white dress had gone and so far it was still rotating through, though the chocolate might finally be the stain that took it down.
“And then my friend Tum had to clean the whole house all by himself and it took him four hours,” Kija shared. “His family didn’t even help! It was so mean.”
Belatedly Yoongi realized he wasn’t really listening, and quickly prompted, “How did you hear about this?” despite his initial impulse to point out this was unlikely to be true.
“He wrote about it for Daily.”
“What’s daily?”
Kija suddenly looked very serious. Yoongi could practically feel him shrink away. Suddenly he perked up and started talking about something else completely, “Giganotosaurus was bigger than the t-rex but not as smart.”
“Who would win in a fight?” Yoongi asked, taking a page from Jungkook’s parenting book without meaning to. The question never failed to get kids talking though, he had to hand it to him.
“Um… I don’t know how to answer that because they lived in different places.”
Yoongi didn’t try to contain his laughter. It confused Kija and Joo, though it didn’t slow down their ice cream consumption. 
“You are so much like me sometimes,” Yoongi muttered.
“No I’m not.”
“No? I think you are. That’s a good thing, I hope.”
“You don’t want to be like me?”
Yoongi quickly corrected, “No, maybe you don’t want to be like your dad. Sometimes kids don’t want to be like their fathers. You can be your own person too, I don’t mean you have to be exactly like me. Just that we think alike sometimes.”
“So what?”
“Yea, so what,” Yoongi nodded. But his brain cycled back in the conversion and he pressed, “Hey, what’s the Daily thing you mentioned?”
Kija answered easily this time, “Every day after Morning Meeting the teacher tells us something we have to write about in our journal.”
“What do you write about?”
“Um… stuff. I don’t know. Dinosaurs and dogs and… dumplings.”
“Only things that start with ‘D’?”
“Huh? They don’t all start with D.”
“Those things all do. Dinosaurs, dogs, dumplings–”
“No they don’t,” Kija huffed. “Stop saying that!”
“But they do. Each of those words begins with–”
He clamped his hands to his ears and shouted, “Stop! You don’t know that!”
Yoongi let out a deep sigh and began trying to mop Joo up. 
“More,” she demanded.
“Ice cream for din-din. More please.”
“No– shit, it is almost dinner time,” he mumbled. Normally dinner was his part of the managed schedule so it wasn’t like him to forget it, but with you gone, the whole schedule was harder to maintain. The hours dragged on but then a whole afternoon passed and he hadn’t gotten anything done. It felt like you’d been gone for days; your absence was so achingly loud in a house never silent thanks to the two children. They hadn’t slept well last night with you gone, and neither had Yoongi; tonight would probably be the same, and tummies full of nothing but ice cream wouldn’t help.
“I know all the letters,” Kija muttered. He dragged his fingers through a splash of chocolate ice cream on the white counter. “I know them more than you.”
Yoongi shrugged, “I’m a lot older so it’s normal that I know more about reading and writing. But you know more than me about dinosaurs and Pokemon.”
“Yeah you don’t even know the difference between Dodrio and Diglett.” 
“Don’t they both have three heads?”
“Well…” Kija’s eyes narrowed like he suddenly suspected Yoongi was hiding some vast Pokemon knowledge. He was not. That was basically the only thing he knew. “Yes,” Kija admitted.
“So am I a Poke-Champ now?” He knew it was Master but he liked seeing Kija’s eyes light up to correct him. He didn’t usually play that kind of game with Kija, he was direct and honest with his son, but he felt like Kija could use the confidence boost right now.
“Appa carrots please?” Joo demanded, resting her sticky fingers on Yoongi’s arm. 
“You want carrots now?”
Joo nodded and smiled. He glanced at the clock and understood this was dinner for real now. Might as well ply them with carrots and yogurt and anything else he could get them to eat after ice cream.
Kija had clammed up again but Joo chatted happily enough for them both as Yoongi chopped up fruits and vegetables, microwaved some rice, and reheated yesterday’s noodles. As the kids picked at the offerings, he realized he’d forgotten to take their lunches out of their backpacks after picking them up from school and hurried to do that before he forgot again and had to deal with a gross surprise in the morning when it was time to repack. 
In pulling Kija’s bento out, he noticed a couple papers crumpled at the bottom of the backpack, like they’d been shoved in and then forgotten. Sometimes Kija brought home drawings and he got upset if they got wrinkled like that; many times now you’d carefully smoothed them out, even painstakingly ironed one when Kija sobbed that it was ruined by the creases. 
Kija felt things so big. He stayed out of sight so as not to set Kija off again if these were precious crumbled art. Yoongi felt so inadequate as a father when Kija felt things so big; it wasn’t that his own feelings were never big, but that his expression of them was so different than his son’s. Joo seemed to handle things more like him. He felt like he disappointed Kija sometimes when he wasn’t dancing and leaping with him, and like he failed him when he couldn’t comfort during his worst moods. He was trying harder to do both… at least Joo thought his attempts at dancing when Kija beat a level in his video game were funny. Kija had just thought he was mocking him and you had needed to smooth it over.
Yoongi flattened the first paper and surveyed the cartoonish ice cream cone with big sparkly eyes. The second was a drawing of… things. Yoongi had no clue what, all very boxy, lots of lines, but he got the impression they were things –robots or Pokemon or animals he couldn’t recognize. 
The third was a writing sheet, a printed template that said “Daily Journal” at the top. Kija had written his name and the date, both shaky and clunky. The prompt was “I am good at ________.”
And in the space left to write, twenty lines meant to contain Kija’s little boy pride in all the things he was good at, his son had written only: i am thee fort fast runer in my klas.
Yoongi studied that response for a moment. Kija was good at lots of things. Up until recently, Kija would have been all too eager to tell you all the things he was good at, true or not! But when given the opportunity to brag or even lie, he’d written so little..
Yoongi carried the paper over and asked, “Kija, what is this?” Kija glanced at the paper and said nothing. “This is what you meant by a Daily, right? Why do you have only one thing listed here? What about all the other things you are good at?” Kija rested his chin on the table and wouldn’t look at Yoongi. Joo thought this was funny and started to giggle until Kija shouted at her, then she turned to tears.
“Do not yell at your sister. No one deserves to get yelled at ever. Only yell if someone is in danger, right?”
Kija suddenly lunged and took the paper from Yoongi. He slid from the stool and began to crumple it again, clearly headed for the trashcan. Yoongi let him do it. He leaned against the counter where the kids ate and waited until Kija came back, dusting his hands like a job well done. 
“Why did you throw it away?”
“Because it’s bad.”
“What’s bad about it?”
“It’s not even true,” Kija told him. “Logan, Nolan, Kasi, Do, Win, and Iseul are all faster than me so that means I’m not even number six.”
“So what?” 
Kija glared at him like he just didn’t understand.
“You don’t have to be the best to be good at something,” Yoongi corrected, recognizing this as a big teaching moment. “Who cares how good other people are? Don’t get into the habit of comparing yourself to other people. Just look at yourself and all that you accomplish.” Kija leaned his cheek in his hand and stabbed his chopsticks into his rice. “We’re going to make a new list,” Yoongi decided, going for the notepad you kept by the fridge for making shopping lists. He brought it back with a pen and set it on the table. 
Kija just stared.
“You can name some things you’re good at.”
“Kiki is good at stories!” Joo offered.
“Yes. And you’re good at helping with your little sister,” Yoongi nodded. He wrote these down. “You’re good at drawing and at helping me pick out the best fruit at the market.”
“Those are dumb things.”
“They aren’t dumb. You are good at being a friend, you know all the things your friends like and don’t like. You are good at throwing a ball with Uncle Taehyung, right? He said you were good at it.” Yoongi could see none of these things were making Kija feel even a little better though. “What’s going on? What are you thinking about all this?”
Apparently it was the right question.
“I’m not good at writing the words so it doesn’t matter,” Kija insisted. “And at math class the numbers don’t stay the same in my head.”
“What do you mean, they don’t stay the same?”
“I can’t remember the numbers and what they do and I don’t remember all the sounds the letters can make either so I’m basically dumb.”
“You aren’t dumb.”
“I am dumb,” Kija insisted.
“You are six years old, it’s not possible for you to be dumb because you aren’t supposed to know anything yet. You’re just supposed to be learning.”
“Everyone else learns faster than me.”
“It’s not a race–”
“Everyone else gets papers on the Daily Wall but not me and I don’t get smiley faces on my Dailies.”
Yoongi paused and really took in the serious things his son was telling him. Joo got quiet too, looking between them. He understood. Boy, did he understand the feeling of failure when your papers came back red. He remembered what it was like when he stopped trying in school because then it didn’t hurt so bad when he failed. He remembered what it was like thinking he was stupid too, when in reality he just hadn’t found his place yet. Once he was free of school and the pressure was gone, he learned more easily, and he always had his music skill and passion to lean on.
“There are lots of ways to be smart and school is only one way,” Yoongi told him. Six was too young to already be worried. He deserved smiley faces on his papers, even if they weren’t quite right, even if it was just a smiley face for trying. “Do you remember how happy you were when you started reading stories to me and Joo at bedtime?”
“Yeah…” Kija admitted. “But I just memorized them.”
“So what? That is a very smart thing to do.”
“It’s not the same as reading.”
“No, it’s not, but that doesn’t make it worse. Memorizing things is a very hard thing to do too. So how about after dinner we read that book again, but I’ll read it slowly to you and you can practice memorizing it. Then you can read it to Eomma when she gets home.”
“But I won’t be reading it.”
“It still counts,” Yoongi assured him. “She’ll be so impressed and you like to do that, don’t you? Tell us stories?”
“Then it doesn’t matter, it’s ok to do things just because you enjoy them. I enjoy when you read to us, no matter how slow you need to take to sound the words out. I’m not in a rush.”
“Me too!” Joo added. “I am not russ too.”
Kija smiled at her, “Rush, not russ. Shhhh.’” He reached out and brushed a few grains of rice off his sister’s cheek. “She’s cute but she’s not very good at feeding herself yet.”
“Well she’s two. And you’re six. You learn things when you learn them.”
“How old are you?”
“It’s not important.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t remember. When you get to be as old as me, it’s hard to remember what the number is.”
“Oh.” Kija gave him a gentle look. “You don’t count very good, huh? Only music counting?”
Yoongi snorted, “I like math more now that I’m not in school. In school it was hard when the teachers wanted me to do things fast but I needed more time… so if that’s how you feel, you’re just like me that way too.”
“Oh.” Kija watched Joo fondly for a moment and Yoongi figured he was about to learn something new about dinosaurs, that Kija’s mind had already slipped onto more enjoyable thoughts. Instead he said after a moment, “I guess I’m good at being like my appa.”
“Everyone always says Joo is more like you but maybe I can be good at being like you too.”
“You want to be?” Yoongi couldn’t help himself asking. It was so damn flattering.
“Yeah but I like being like eomma too.” 
“It’s like I said, you can be good at lots of things. Just like you’re good at being just yourself, not like anyone else in the world.” Yoongi nodded and smiled and felt slightly more competent as a father for just one brief moment. It was wild to realize his parents must have had these same thoughts. They’d been such adults to him when he was Kija’s age and yet they’d been even younger than he was now. At what point did you become the competent adult your six-year-old thought you were?
“The first dinosaur ever was named the eoraptor,” Kija told him, interrupting his thoughts. “It means ‘dawn stealer.’”
“Did it wake up early every day?”
Kija rolled his eyes, “No, appa, because it was the dawn of the dinosaurs, get it? It was the size of a dog. I think we should get a dog and name it Eoraptor.”
“Isn’t it too much like Eomma? She might get jealous.”
“Ok we can name a dog something else,” Kija grinned.
“I didn’t say we could get a dog.”
“I’m telling eomma you said we could get a dog.”
Joo sighed loudly, “I want a cat.”
“We have a cat.”
“More cat!” she cheered.
“I’m telling Eomma you said yes and then she’ll never want to leave us again.”
“We’re enough to bring her back,” Yoongi assured them both. “Let’s just show her how well we can do things even when she’s gone so she knows we were all really good at taking care of each other. Who’s going to help me wash the dishes?”
Both kids wanted to, a pleasant surprise. They behaved for a bath and got to watch a few cartoons after you called to say goodnight so Yoongi could have a moment longer with you. He decided not to mention yet Kija’s school frustration –not that you didn’t know, you were such an attentive parent, but that maybe it was worth looking into. Was he too young, would it add pressure, would it make Kija feel like some possible diagnosis defined him? Yoongi had never been diagnosed with anything and he’d made it through and found his way in life. But damn, he’d been miserable for a lot of years. He didn’t know if there was other help available for him at the time, if his parents could have done more than they did… Maybe he could do better both at helping Kija know school didn’t define him and getting him whatever extra help he needed to feel supported…
He wouldn’t put that on you right now, not when this was such a short time for you to try and catch a break from round-the-clock parenting. For now he just showed off that he and the kids were doing well, proud they were both freshly scrubbed in the video call. He made sure to angle the camera so you wouldn’t see the parts of the house he hadn’t managed to tidy yet. It was hard being down his partner, but he was glad you could get the break.
Snuggled down in bed all together, Yoongi read books slowly so Kija could read closely along with him. He’d never felt like he had a great reading voice, he read in fits and starts, so it was better for him to take his time anyway. Kija read the last book, an old favorite he had already memorized, while Yoongi pointed at the words as Kija said them. 
Once Kija fell asleep, curled up with the book he’d been struggling with earlier, Yoongi carried him to his own bed. Joo proved more challenging, waking as soon as Yoongi lifted her. He knew he ought to have put them in their own beds to start, but hey, he was lonely with you gone too. So he let Joo stay in his bed after all. And when Kija came tip-toeing back in an hour later, while Yoongi was still checking the final emails on his phone, he welcomed him back and let him stay. He didn’t make it through the emails. Instead he sent you an email with nothing but a heart emoji in it. It was simple, but it would make you smile. You never seemed to mind when his affection was simple.
You had now been gone for thirty-two of the fifty-four hours.
Yoongi had never missed you more.
But at least he had two little pieces of you to sleep sprawled across him, just like you would have if you were here.
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fantasy-svt · 1 year
Can I please request Father’s Day featuring Mingyu? 🥰
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Pairing: Kim Mingyu x reader Word Count: 0.6k words
A/N short drabble, hope it is to your liking :)
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Mingyu was usually not quick to wake, preferably sleeping in until at least 9 before he could fully function. Yet now, he was awakened around 7 by his daughter. She was pushing and pulling him, her voice calling for him to wake up. He was about to roll over after waking you, but then the realization hit him. You were in fact not home today, put of town to visit a patient of yours and thus he was responsible for his daughter.
"Come on, I have school!" His daughter's whines woke him up quicker than he'd expect, but soon enough he found himself in the bathroom. His daughter sat on her chair, waiting for him to start on her hair while he just stared at the comb questionably.
"How about letting your hair down today?" He tried with an awkward chuckle, because Mingyu was not great with styling hair. Unfortunately for him, his daughter didn't agree in the slightest and just sent him an look through the mirror. And thus, Mingyu started brushing it out before slowly bringing all of it back to braid. The braid was messy, strands sticking out of the braid and it was slightly uneven on some parts. Nonetheless, Mingyu was proud of himself as he added the hair tie with a bow on the end.
"Thank you!" With that, Mingyu joined her in getting ready, washing his face and brushing his teeth before getting dressed in jeans and a shirt. Then he helped her get into her dress before going to the kitchen, making some food for her and him aka cornflakes.
"Thank you, appa." She smiled as she ate her food, finishing it in a matter of minutes before getting up again to grab her stuff.
"I'll drive you." Mingyu spoke as he grabbed his stuff before grabbing his phone as well, pulling his shoes on before guiding his daughter to the car. It was a quick drive to school and a quick drop off before Mingyu went back the house. The day went by quickly and you were the one to go for pick up at school.
"Appa!!!" The scream through the house was loud, making Mingyu look up before he was tackled to the ground. The smile he saw was quickly mimicked on his own face, the loud chatter drowned out as he sat up to watch the picture that was held out in front of him. It was messily drawn, but it was clear to Mingyu what it was. It was him, standing tall next to a drawing of his favorite little girl and a figure of you. Messy letters were beneath the drawing, making Mingyu smile as he noticed the similarities to his own writing style.
"Happy father's day!!! I love you!" Mingyu's smile brightened even more, happily hugging his daughter as he flopped back to the ground with a loud laugh. You walked in as well, dropping your stuff on the chair before crouching down next to the pair of giggling children.
"How about we clean up first, little one?" You asked and your daughter looked up from her father's chest with another smile before nodding and waddling off to her room. You looked back to Mingyu, helping him up before softly kissing his cheek.
"Happy father's day." You winked before following your daughter into her room, Mingyu left behind and blushing like an idiot.
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ahundredtimesover · 2 months
Hiiii mimii! How have you been? It's been a while since i drop in ask and the first thing i saw was that weird ask from that anon and i literally was like '???? 🤨' cause i really love how you write and that includes the smut too, so please don't mind it because a lot of us can't get enough of your writing 🥰
On the other note, my man seokjin is finally back and i'm really excited to see his future projects! And there's rumour of him going to be in the show 'i live alone' too and i'd be super excited to see that one if it's true, like we'd finally get to see the so called newlywed vibe home 🤣 and while waiting i'm going to go re-read tlods again for the nth time 😂 anyway i hope you have a good day mimii hehe ily 😘
- 🌟
🌟 anon hiii! I’m doing ok-ish! Going through weird stuff yknow but I’m managing! I hope you’re doing well 😊
I did a reread of TLODS and I kept thinking about you!! In a perfect world I’m constantly writing about them bc there’s so much to explore but I love that little family. 🥹
And Jin is so back and he’s out here conquering the world!! And I’m out here imagining little Sena wanting to use real scissors for her salon day with her appa and ends up cutting his bangs 😬😬 and OC is horrified but he’s like, I’m too handsome for choppy bangs to mess my look and it just… works??
So he comes out of the closet one morning and just looks like this?? That OC can’t stop ogling him in the car on the way to work and is just loses it?
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And then he goes home and removes his suit and just??
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Ok I’m gone 🫠🫠 pretend I wrote this drabble even if I maybe won’t hahahaha
But it’s so nice to hear from you again!!! 🫶🏼
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sparklingchim · 1 year
Nabi learning how to say mama first, but imagine her learning how to say ‘appa’ and she can’t stop calling out for jk 😌 maybe a soft drabble pls? 🫶🏼
MY FRIEND !!! that compilation 😭 it's v lwh jungkook coded like he stays up one night to make a lil video of every time his baby said dada cos he's just so!!! proud!!!!! will write a drabble dw <3
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ethereal-engene · 2 years
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I posted 2,476 times in 2022
That's 2,355 more posts than 2021!
461 posts created (19%)
2,015 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,422 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#seventeen - 607 posts
#ash and queue - 559 posts
#ash shhhh - 340 posts
#enhypen - 258 posts
#svt - 256 posts
#ateez - 133 posts
#tomorrow x together - 130 posts
#seventeen right here - 127 posts
#enhypen x reader - 119 posts
#tomorrow by together - 108 posts
Longest Tag: 70 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
pocket money | seungcheol
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260 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
Radiant Rec List #2
enjoy reading & much love to these people who wrote them <3 This list is for TXT :) 
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Quick Key: [F] - fluff  | [A] - angst | [H] - humor/crack | [S] - suggestive
❥ ҉ txt babysitting kids with you  by @boba-beom | [F]
txt having a partner who is short by @flwrkisses | [F]
txt when they see another member’s photo card in your phone case ! by @gyuuss | [F] + [H]
TXT accidentally forgetting your anniversary by @envirae | [F] + [A]
𝘁𝘅𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 by @yeonieluvs | [F] 
TXT + ASKING FOR CUDDLES by @luvrlixie | [F]
txt's reaction to s/o having a nightmare by @lovesick-gyu | [F] + [A]
txt doing a v live with their partner. by @flwrkisses | [F] 
txt reaction to their s/o being siblings with enhypen ! by @wonwoosh | [F] + [H]
txt & the new year by @sooblvr | [F]
how you celebrate new years with txt by @txtville | [F]
TXT WHEN THEIR IDOL S/O DEBUTS! by @vxzhypen | [F] + [A] + [H]
how you meet (college au) by @lovelysanha | [F]
out of ten by @hyuukais | [H] + [F] 
your 1st ‘I love you’ with TXT by @beom1e | [F] + lil bits of [A]
txt reaction to members calling him whipped for you by @txtandroll | [H] + [F]
asking if you can take their last name by @blue-jisungs | [H] + [F]
your relationship with txt as an idol by @iichaeyj [F]
“hide my boyfriend is coming” prank by @istanfluffycontent | [H] + [F]
a thursday’s child (drabble series) by @emeraldenha | mostly [A] + [F]
See the full post
278 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
hey tayo? but that’s appa!
pairing: ENHYPEN husband!hyung line x fem!reader (established relationship)
genre: fluff, attempted humor, dad au & timeskip au! // warning(s): none  
word count: ~1.8k
summary: how I think the hyung line would react to you showing your kid’s (like the kid is yours and his) hey tayo/billy poco
note: finally getting to this one ! had this idea locked away for a good while. enjoy :)
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310 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Radiant Rec List #3
enjoy reading and a very special thank you to the carat writers here on tumblr b/c oh boy y’all’s writing are just as great as our boys <3 please show them so much love and support! bonus, send them an ask/dm appreciating their work!
this list is for svt (seventeen) :) 
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441 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
nap time w/ ENHYPEN (hyung line)
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826 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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seokth · 3 years
before mkb drabble 8 comes out, i gotta ask:
who do u think is oc's appa's fave among the boys ?? 🤔 (based on drabble 7)
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kookiesandcreams · 2 years
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Genre: heartwarming, toothrotting, cute fluff.
Warnings: nothing if you like kids.
Pairing: footballer husband!jungkook × footballer wife!reader
Wc: 1.5k
Summary: You decide father's day would be the best time to reveal the news and well, Aria, your daughter is your partner in crime.
An: writing this fic gave me sweet chills. I'm gonna write few more drabbles regarding this couple. Feel free to request and send I asks. Show love by liking, commenting and reblogging the post. Follow for updates. I hope yall like it. It's not completely edited. Thank you have a good day :)
Check my other work here.
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"Happy father's day, appa!", the little toddler squealed loud and attempted to grab her father's attention. Merely yawning as a response, her father doesn't budge. Her little giggles slowly turn into sobs, which immediately grab his attention. He could never see his princess crying.
Picking her up from beside the bed, he lays her on his chest. She calmed down the minute her squishy cheek touched her father's chest. He laid there, carrying the weight of his world on his chest, caressing her soft hair. He hummed a sweet melody, which drew your attention. Your feet padded towards your shared bedroom and you captured the scene in front of your eyes like a picture in a camera reel.
"Morning princess!" he squealed to her blowing kisses on her face.
"Happy Father's Day, Appa!"
"Thank you, baby," he said slipping his hands under her arms, picking her up, and smooching her plump cheek.
You coughed a little to grab their attention. Their head turned toward you.
"So, my baby and my baby daddy, all good? I heard her sobbing."
"Did you?", he asked you, raising his eyebrows.
"Aria, were you sobbing?"
She shakes her head in response, her cute pigtails swinging from side to side. There are times when you wonder, you must have saved a country in your past life to be blessed with such a gem of a man who had this princess with you.
"Jungkookie, now please get up, we have something for you!" You exclaimed.
"Really?", he asked like an excited child.
"Yes, now get up,"
He followed you to the living room, with your three years old in his arms.
Entering the living room, his eyes went wide as they could fall out of its socket.
"Wow! Is this all for me?"
"Yes," you smiled.
"Appa, that card is made by me," your daughter said, tugging at the collor of his T-shirt.
"This is the best gift I've got!" he said, carefully checking out the greeting card. It had three stick-like figures and something in the hands of the woman drawn in the picture, which he deduced, might be you.
The room was decorated with balloons and a cake was placed in the middle of it. Multi-coloured banners were crapped upon the doors. A stack of unopened gifts was placed in a corner, wrapped in smooth, shiny gift wrappers.
A huge cake covered in thick white icing and decorated with tiny pink roses sat in the middle of the table surrounded by brightly colored bowls that were filled with food. He was touched by this sweet gesture of yours. He embraced you, your daughter being sandwiched in between the both of you.
"I can't breathe Eomma and Appa!", she squirmed in his grasp.
"Yeah, yeah," he brushed it off, putting her down on the floor.
She giggled and hugged her father's leg. You watched the scene unfold, it was blissful.
"Appa, let's play foobaal?"
Jungkook laughed at her pronunciation but didn't mock her, for he loved his little bundle of joy to death. You still remember how distressed he was when the doctors alarmed you of possible complications during her birth. He was there by your side throughout your pregnancy.
"Sure princess," he patted her soft hair.
"Appa, go shee what Eomma got us," she ushered him towards the pile of presents.
There were two boxes with sticky notes saying 'can't wait to watch you play.'
He carefully opened the box bigger than the other one. He was shocked, to say the least. There was a pair of his favourite Nike limited edition studs. His eyes were filled to the brim. He hugged the box close to his chest and signed a breath of happiness.
"I can't thank you enough for this," he said and kissed you on your lips. Your lips molding perfectly with his. You drowned in the bliss of the moment as he held your waist and pulled you close.
"Can I open my eyes now?"
The little voice pulled you out of your trance. You were a blushing mess now. He caressed your cheek and pecked your forehead.
"Not to disturb your Eomma and Appa like this," he pretended to scold her.
Then he pulled the ribbon of the small box. He opened it to see a similar pair of small studs; one which would fit Aria perfectly. She was excited beyond the bounds. He held the small shoes in his hands and looked at you with his big doe eyes.
"My Y/N is the best!" He announced.
"There's something else too, but let's keep it for later, okay?"
"I'm already so full of emotions, I don't know if I can handle more," he chuckled.
"I know, right?" you smirked knowing that the later gift would surely have Jungkook on cloud nine.
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You watched them fondly, as Jungkook taught your little princess, how to kick the ball.
"Appa..." she whined, "the ball will hurt my foot," she frowned.
"No, it won't. Just try to use the lace part and drabble the ball till the goal post."
"Okay. But you cannot come and snatch the ball," she said in a cute baby voice, attempting her best to convince her athletically competitive daddy.
"Hey!" he sounded offended, "it's not snatching, it's called tackling. And that's what the game is about."
"Eomma," the toddler whined again and looked at you with those puppy eyes you couldn't resist. Her eyes resembled those of Jungkook's.
You felt trapped again, but this time in her deep brown pools. Her eyes similar to her father's. The memories of the past flashed. How he proposed to you in the football stadium on your twelfth date. He liked you because you could play football, how silly! You chuckled remembering those days.
"She is a kid, baby. Just let her play,"
"But...Fine! Only this once!" He was adamant about competing with his own daughter.
You admit it was cute though; to watch them bicker and argue, then Jungkook would cuddle her to sleep. You would never ever trade this for anything else.
They played there for around an hour when Jungkook called you, "Baby, come join us,"
"No, I'm fine here," you try your best to avoid playing.
"Baby," he began, "just come and play. We both would love to have you here, right Aria?"
"Yes, Eomma! Please come and play with us?" she asked you sweetly.
"Okay, but I'll just shoot once, and then we will leave. I have another surprise at home."
The glint of excitement in your eyes was enough to convince Jungkook.
You stepped on turf. The trimmed grass reminded you of your college day; how people used to surround the ground and cheer for your team. You weren't the best player, but you surely were good one. Your hard work and resilience paid off well, you thought looking at Jungkook.
"Shoot, Eomma!" She hopped up and down.
"Yes, baby. Show us what you've got," Jungkook encouraged you.
You neatly examined the position and distance and sprinted to kick the ball with full force. Your calves cramped at the sudden jerk they got. A wave of pain shot through your back and you clutched your stomach as if protecting it from possible harm.
You missed it. Your ball hit the pole and retreated. But playing after a while gave you weird satisfaction. You sighed in defeat.
"Hey, are you alright?", he asked, concern visible in his eyes.
"Yes, I'm fine".
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"Hey, you cannot just go and sleep!", you yelled.
"Ohh, why though?"
"Remember, another gift?", you try your best to pique his interest but he seems tired.
"Yeah," he says sipping on his coffee.
You get a small box wrapped in a pastel pink and blue color wrapper and present it to him. He carefully unties the ribbon and opens it.
The little onesie has him confused but it later strikes him.
He is bewildered now.
"Baby," he whines emotionally. His eyes filled to the brim again, "should have told me earlier,'
"Then how would have it been a surprise?", you giggle and hug him.
His arms envelop you tightly, sharing his love and warmth.
"Aria, come here for a group hug!" Jungkook calls for her.
She runs to your room, her little feet thumping against the cold wood of your floor. Reaching the both of you, she hugs your leg. Jungkook picks her up and kisses his chubby cheek and you are the next.
"You told him?" She asks you.
"Yes," you smile.
"Appa, now we all can play foobaal," she claps her hands.
"Yeah, and then there will be more players in our team." He declares smirking at you.
"Yes! A foobaal team?" She asks looking up at Jungkook.
"Yes, a football team," he looks at you, his eyes sparkling with a known twinkle.
You just shake your head and laugh.
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shina913 · 3 years
Gradation, Part 3.5 | JJK
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Gradation, Part 3.5 (drabble) gra·​da·​tion | \ grā-ˈdā-shən , grə- \
Definition: 1a: a series forming successive stages 1b: a step or place in an ordered scale 2: an advance by regular degrees 3: a gradual passing from one tint or shade to another
–Source: Merriam-Webster
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✮ ✮ ✮ Gradation Masterlist ✮ ✮ ✮
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Pairing: JJK x reader
Genre: AU; mature content; Best friend!JJK; best friends to lovers; fluff; angst; slow burn; series
Word count: 1.8K+ words
Warnings: childhood memories; mentions death of a character (not major, though); super soft JK; baby JK and baby YN; marriage; long-term relationships; engagement; lots of fluff; excessive angst; unrequited love; pining
Summary: On your wedding day, your fiancé leaves you at the altar. While reeling from the embarrassment and heartbreak, your best friend, Jungkook, wants to do everything that he can to help you heal.
A/N: This is a JK POV chapter!
Thank you for all the love you’ve shown for Gradation! I’m still writing out Part 4 and having a bit of writer’s block--BUT I came up with this drabble instead to get my brain going again. It’s a JJK POV with a mix of various flashbacks. The context is more of a train-of-thought perspective from him. This is in relation to Part 3 so you might want to read that monster first before jumping into this one.
Huge thank-you (always) to my sister-in-angst, @deepseavibez for beta'ing this. Seriously, I don’t know what I would do without your fresh perspective and thoughtful insights. Also--my sis for her offline support and giving me the idea to this because--she was dying to know what JK was thinking! Thanks for letting me bug you while you’re on vacation.
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4:30AM, Jungkook
One more hour until this alarm goes off.
What the hell happened last night? More importantly, why did it happen?
What were we thinking? What the fuck was I thinking taking advantage of her like that?
She said that she wanted to kiss me. Not gonna lie, she looked really hot when we were dancing and man…if it was possible for a dude to cum back to back after watching a woman orgasm, I would have.
Wait--stop thinking about that! You just fucked your best friend. But she gave you consent? It felt right at the time but was it really? Should we have done what we did?
Ah... maybe I need one of her pills to calm myself.
I’ve known her forever. Ever since she found me hiding under the slides at pre-school, she’s been pulling me out of every shitty thing that’s happened in my life.
It seemed like it was just like yesterday.
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Why does eomma have to go to work? I hate this school already. All I got was sad looks from grown-ups and weird looks from the other kids talking about how I didn’t have a dad and teasing me because I wouldn’t take off my firefighter hat. They should just all shut up.
“Hi,” says a little girl with bowl-cut bangs and pigtails. “Are you playing hide and go seek,” she asks a little too loudly.
“Go away.”
“We can share! It’s two slides so we can both hide. I’m small and you’re small.”
“I said go away!”
She was affronted but instead of leaving me there, it seemed like she took it as a challenge. “That’s a cool hat.”
“Your hat. My oppa has one in red and he has a jacket with yellow stripes. He got it from when we went to the firehouse down the street from my house.”
“You live close to a firehouse,” I asked curiously. My dad used to take me to his work all the time to meet his friends.
“Yeah! It’s so cool when they wash the truck. My appa takes me and my brother there to say hi and sometimes, I get to honk the horn. There’s a big playground behind the firehouse and we go and play there after and get ice cream and it’s so yummy. Tell your appa to take you there!”
Wow, she just wouldn’t shut up.
“My appa is gone.”
“My eomma is coming to get me later. Maybe when he comes to get you, she can talk to him and tell him to bring you there.”
“No, my appa is never coming back,” I said lowly as I tried to avoid her eyes and looked at the patch of dirt that I kept kicking around with my shoe.
“Why? Where did he go?”
“Eomma said there was an accident and appa got hurt and now he’s in heaven.”
Unprompted, she hugged me tight. Little did I know, her pet goldfish had also ‘gone to heaven’ not long ago. Her dad explained to her that the fish wouldn’t come back anymore but that it would remember how much she loved and took care of it. And wherever it was, it was up in fishy heaven, happily swimming and watching over her.
“YN? YN? Are you out here?” It was the teacher. Some kids got picked up right at 3PM but since mom had to work late at the shop all the time, I was always the last to get picked up at 5:30PM.
“YN, your mommy is here!”
“I have to go,” she says as she releases me from her grip. I couldn’t help but feel a little sad.
“There you are! Oh, you made a little friend,” the teacher points out as we emerged from behind the slides.
“Hi, baby,” your mom greets you as she walks out into the schoolyard. “C’mon, let’s go! We still have to stop by the big-kid school to come get Hobi-oppa.”
She walks towards her mom’s waiting arms but stops short. “Wait,” she says as she turns back to face me. “What’s your name?”
“Jungkook,” I mumbled.
“C’mon, Jungkook,” as she takes my hand in her tiny ones and drags me towards her mom.
“Eomma, can we please, please, pleeeeease take Jungkook to the firehouse next time?”
Her mom is briefly taken aback then her face changes as if she remembered something.
She smiles warmly at me. “Is this your new friend,” she asks softly. “Hi there, sweetheart,” she greets me. “Are you new?” I nodded shyly while she still smiled at me. She then turns her attention back to her daughter, waiting expectantly. “YN darling, we should ask his parents first, okay?”
“But, but, but, he doesn’t have a daddy so can appa take him with us to the firehouse and the park and get ice cream? I don’t want him to be sad.”
“Uhm...” her mom looked apprehensive but the look of determination on her little face made her think twice about arguing with her. She was always strong-willed and once she had her mind set on something, you’d be hard pressed to distract her from it. The teacher whispers something in her mom’s ear and her expression changes from apprehension to compassion.
She crouches down to meet her daughter at eye-level to try and reach a compromise.
“Okay, sweetheart. How about we talk to his mommy first? And if she says it’s okay, then we’ll tell appa. Does that sound good?”
“Yay! Do you hear that, Jungkook? You can come with us!”
“Do you know if his mom is coming soon,” her mom asks the teacher.
“No, she usually comes much later,” she responds regretfully.
“Oh, that’s too bad. We have to leave to pick up my son. Uh--would you happen to have a phone number? Maybe I can give her a call and try to arrange some sort of play date.”
“Yes, I do. Why don’t we come back into the classroom and I can look it up in my directory.”
“Thank you. Alright, YN. Do you want to say goodbye to Jungkook for now while I try to find out if I can talk to his mommy? You’ll see him again tomorrow.”
“Buh-bye, Jungkook. I’ll be back tomorrow,” she waved as she walked back to the classroom with her mom and the teacher.
“Ok. Bye, YN,” I waved back.
She was so loud and had no regard for personal space but she was so nice to me. I couldn’t wait to see her again the next day.
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Countless amounts of playdates, carpooling, and sleepovers later, here we were--laying on the same bed together under different circumstances.
She’s seen me through my tantrums and mood swings. She knew how to calm me down and reason with me when I got upset at my mom or if I started acting out at school.
My mom did the best that she could but she was also trying to build a life for us, all on her own.
YN and her family were there to fill those gaps. It’s ironic how close Hobi-hyung and I have become after all these years. He used to only see me as another boy who wanted to take his toys from him and kiss his little sister.
Well...he was eventually right about one of those things.
I sometimes wondered what it was like to kiss her.
I held off asking out other girls during school dances to find out if someone was going to beat me by asking her first.
And sadly, I did get beat. All the time. I had resigned myself to the fact that she was just going to be my best friend...and I was completely okay with that. She was always there for me, always showing me kindness just because she didn’t want me to be sad. I was happy about that.
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“Who the fuck does Derek Lee think he is,” she drunkenly asked as we sat in her dorm suite during senior year in college. She was going on and on about some university donor’s kid in her class.
“Who gives a shit? Here, have some more popcorn,” as I handed her a bowl while my brain buzzed with alcohol.
“Do you think I’m cute?”
The question took me by surprise and I gave her a look. “Cute?” I echoed with a mouthful of popcorn.
“Yes. Like, do you think I’m cute like, cute-pretty or just-cute?
“Uhh—I think I had one too many. What’s the difference?”
“Cute-pretty meaning you see me as someone you would date—like a girlfriend-type. S-someone you would make out with. Or cute-cute…like a pet bunny,” she slurred.
“I wouldn’t mind a pet bunny,” I chuckled.
She playfully pushed me on the shoulder. “Come on, Kook. I’m trying to get deep here. What do other girls have that I don’t? You think I look like I don’t want to be kissed like they do?” Her jaw is slack from the alcohol as she asks me pointedly.
We stared at each other for a bit. I wondered if she was actually waiting for an answer from me. And it might have been the alcohol, but instead of verbally responding, something propelled me to inch forward, closing in on her lips.
Her eyes widened and she suddenly pushed me back. “Yaaah...what the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
“I was just—“
“Ok, maybe I should have said that this was a rhetorical question. I didn’t need a demo.”
“Hmm...maybe we should lay off the sauce. Anyway, I’m done with him. First he wants to flirt and leave these cutesy text messages then he ghosts me...” she trails off.
I tried to sleep it off that night when I got back to my off-campus apartment that I shared with Jimin and Tae. I never mentioned it to them but as I laid in bed, I thought: what if I asked her out just to test the waters? Would she say ‘yes’?
The next day, I came to stop by her class so we could go get a snack at the cafe off-campus, as we usually did. And there he was, giving her a kiss and walking off with her shortly after, hand-in-hand. Just then, I get her text telling me that she met up with a friend and that she’ll catch up with me next week.
I told myself that it just wasn’t meant to be. She was my friend, after all and she never stopped loving me or including me in her life. I did the same.
And now, here’s my friend--sleeping peacefully next to me, dressed in hardly anything else but my shirt.
Since the day she walked away with Derek, I hadn’t thought about kissing her for a long time...until last night. And not to mention I got more than what I bargained for.
I was perfectly content having her in my life. When I least expected it, she came to me when I needed someone. She became that person--my person. She put me back together and held me that way until I found my footing.
Now, she needed me and I wondered if I could do the same for her…I wasn't sure but I’d be damned if I didn’t try my hardest.
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◤Previous | Part 4◥ | Main Fic Masterlist
Taglist: @deepseavibez; @bts-fic-recs-mess; @mwitsmejk; @jamlessstars; @xhazmania; @xiaoren001​
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Stolen kisses during Mythicon ❤️ (no pressure, LY anyway!)
Inky ❤️ You know I love you too. I hope you like this. (another double drabble because for the life of me, I cannot be brief)
It’s a lot. 
Months of planning hadn’t prepared them for how the weekend would make them feel. Behind the brightly-lit buildings, they can still hear the excited clamor of the crowd. Both men are buzzing with unrestrained energy. They did this. They made this happen. Yes, there were other people involved, but it all started with the two of them. 
So, it’s a lot.
And when things got overwhelming, there was only one thing that calmed Link’s racing heart. As soon as they stepped into the shadows, Rhett pulled Link into his arms and found his lips with his own. Link melted against him, his lips parting with a soft moan. Rhett guided them against the wall, trapping Link between himself and the rough grain of the wood before licking his way into Link’s mouth. 
The desire for more was an acute ache, binding them together. Link tugged at Rhett’s collar, pulling him closer, deepening the already intense kiss when a shout tore them apart. They were needed. With a sigh, Rhett ducked down to claim Link’s lips one last time before they were on the move again, both doing their best to hide the evidence of their heated interlude.
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leefics · 3 years
Drabble for tummy kisses (#40) with husband! hoseok and pregnant! reader 🥰 tysm
prompt / kisses (#40); “tummy kisses” pairing / mechanichusband!hoseok x reader genre / fluff word count / 674 words lee’s notes / finally, a hobi request! 😭 writing this made me so happy istg
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"appa, eomma needs help!" hora exclaims, running into the living room.
hoseok huffs and tightens the screw on the engine, "alright, i'll be there in a bit, sunshine." he says, closing the car hood.
he wipes the oil off of his hands, nodding to jinyoung. "i think the issue should be fixed. wanna give it a try?"
jinyoung nods, patting his friend's back. "thanks, seok. you're the best."
hoseok smiles and shakes his head, walking back inside. "anytime." now if you'll excuse me—" he replies before cutting himself off upon colliding with a tiny body.
"hey sunshine, i thought i told you to wait a little." hoseok says with a smile, ruffling his daughter's hair.
hora pouts and nods, "i know, but i heard jinyoung-samchon from the living room." she mumbles, causing her father to chuckle.
"is that little hora i hear from back there?" jinyoung suddenly asks animatedly.
hora gasps and runs past hoseok, tackling the other man in a hug. "samchon, i missed you!" she exclaims, making hoseok grin as he watches from afar.
his friend smiles at him reassuringly, motioning for him to go inside. "go in and help (y/n). i'll make sure this little one comes inside before i leave." he says, lifting hora up.
"thanks, jinyoung." he says, glancing at them one last time before walking inside.
he makes a beeline for the kitchen, letting out a chuckle when he sees you sitting atop of a kitchen stool with both your hands on your belly. "hey, jagi. you alright?" he asks with a smile, walking towards you.
when you see him, you let out a sigh of relief. “hobi, thank god.” you mumble, reaching out to him. “did hora call you?”
hoseok smiles and nods, giving you a kiss on the forehead. “yeah, she’s with jinyoung right now.” he responds.
you chuckle at this, leaning onto the table behind you. “the crush she has on him is too adorable.” you murmur, shaking your head.
your husband playfully furrows his eyebrows at this, shaking his head. “i’d rather not think about my four year-old having crushes, thank you very much.”
you laugh at his joke, watching as he places a gentle hand onto your thigh. “so, what does my lovely jagi need help with?” he asks, tilting his head at you.
you smile sheepishly and point to the top cabinet, “i was trying to make some mac ‘n’ cheese for dinner but the platter was too high up.” you reply with a sigh.
“this little one has been getting too heavy.” you add, softly patting the eight-month old baby in your belly.
hoseok laughs and nods, walking past you to grab the said object. once it’s in his grasp, he places it onto the counter before crouching down in front of you.
“i don’t think little one is an accurate term anymore.” hoseok jokes, a big smile on his face. “time flies so fast.”
you nods in response, noticing how hoseok’s expression became much more sentimental.
“i wonder how she’ll look like.” he says after awhile, giving your belly a kiss. “if she’ll have any of your features.”
you smile and shrug, “well, either way, we’ll still love her the same.” you say, hoseok nodding in agreement.
a teasing smile forms on his face before he places another feathery kiss on your belly. “you’re gonna be a daddy’s girl, aren’t you?” he suddenly coos to the baby, kissing different spots.
this instantly makes giggles leave your lips, “alright, alright, i think that’s enough!” you say after a few moments, finding the kisses ticklish.
hoseok chuckles as well, giving your belly one last kiss before he pulls away. he looks up and smiles at you, eyes filled with nothing but love before he gives you a kiss on the lips.
“i’m so happy to be building this family with you,” he mumbles, pulling away slightly to gaze into your eyes.
your heart warms at this, not knowing how you got so lucky to have him in your life.
“me too, hobi.”
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
I finished Amended and it was such a beautiful story! I loved every second of it. You are one of my favorite writers. I never doubt for one second whether something you put out is gong to be good. It just always is. You never fail to capture my heart with your stories. I keep debating what I want to read next. Lone Blue Egg or Lowlander. I may just flip a coin! LOL
As for Amended, I've taken so many moments from this story and have stored them in my memories. Sometimes a story is so powerful that scenes will stay in my head for years after I've read it. And that's what I've experienced with this one. I think my favorite chapters, and the most powerful scenes to me, were the ones where JK was shot and in the hospital. The moments between JK and Belle were so emotionally powerful. There really isn't anything more intimate than taking care of a loved one who is critically injured. She was so loving and so gentle with him, it really moved to tears at some points. It allowed them to create a really deep emotional bond between the two. And those chapters were so realistic, from her thinking he was dead when she learned he was shot in the head, to her being so scared that even though the doctor's said he was going to be okay, she thought maybe they missed something, or that he could still die, to him pooping in a bed pan, to him wanting her to go home and rest, but then crying for her to come back because he was in so much pain, and she was the only person he wanted, to that really intimate scene of her washing him in the shower. And yes, I laughed when he peed on her. I'm actually really glad you put that lighthearted moment in there, because the prior chapters had been so emotionally heavy and heartbreaking and scary. There had to be some release, some break in that stress, and the comic relief it added was very necessary. And of course his little sexual comments were a good addition too, because they lightened the mood. I loved when he grabbed her tits in the shower. I also really liked how what happened allowed them to confess their love. It was such a scary situation. He could have still died in the hospital. So life is too short to not telling someone you love them.
The whole rest of the story was fantastic too. I loved how Lily attached herself to JK really quickly as a Dad, and how Ezra grew to love him very slowly, but it was more powerful. Especially to see him want to take the Jeon name, and to see all the little moments between him and JK. It was touching to JK, and it was touching to me too.
I think one of the hardest scenes for me to read was when they forgot the condom in the car and Belle got so mad at him, and she said something along the lines of "I don't want your sperm in me". I felt so bad for JK. She was so cruel to him in the beginning, and there were numerous moments where I was just heartbroken for him. There were even some moments where I wished he would just throw in the towel and divorce her.
But in the end, I came to love Belle. She had so much growth, and you could actually see the growth, even though it happened so slowly. And that's what I mean when I say you're a fantastic writer. The ability to have a character grow that much and be able to witness it as a reader is pretty special. In writing there is the phrase "show, don't tell", and that's exactly what you did with Belle. You showed her growth, you didn't just tell it. That chip on her shoulder fell off very slowly.
I haven't read the drabbles yet. After I finished the story I was a little disappointed we didn't get to see her find out she was pregnant, or see JK find out. But I see that might be in the drabbles. I'll probably review them separately.
Also, the only loose end you left was JK's father in Korea. I don't know if it will be in a future drabble. But I really want to know what will happen when he gets out of jail. Is he actually gonna come find JK? I feel like I didn't have any closure with that. I know Appa said that he would take care of it because he was keeping an eye on JK's father. But I'm not sure if that was supposed to end that plot. Or if you plan on addressing it in a future drabble.
Your comment got me to go back and just read that hospital chapter 😂 And fix some typos along the way LOL oops.
There are definitely drabbles (some published, some queued) surrounding them deciding to have a baby, getting pregnant, telling people, etc. I hope you enjoy those! I think I've written more Amended drabbles than drabbles for any of my other stories.
JK's father in Korea is definitely a loose end that just couldn't be cleanly tied up, and in a way I was glad to leave it because the fact is that will always be a shadow in the corner of their lives, just like Landon's behavior probably will be for Ezra. Things don't always get neatly cleaned up at the end of a story, families and life are messy. Originally I had thought I might write a sequel that dealt more with him getting out but I don't think I will, however I would absolutely be willing to explore it more through drabbles 😉
Thank you for such a lengthy comment and such kind words. I definitely wasn't in a rush writing that story and wanted everyone's growth to feel natural. I love this genre of hurt/comfort and fake-relationship is fun too, but so often things just feel rushed, or people suddenly change in a way without explanation that doesn't feel realistic. I wanted it to feel good and authentic at the end, even if it hurt getting there, even if it was easy to get impatient because it was taking so much time. Really, this wasn't much time at all to grow past such big open sores!
Thanks so much for reading and for your support! <3
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lbibliophile-atla · 3 years
Who is Scarier?
“Nuh-uh, Appa. Tell me those teeth aren’t terrifying.”
“He’s a herbivore.”
“Well, most people don’t know that anymore! And he can still squash people. Can’t you, buddy? What’s Momo going to do? He’s tiny.”
“Well, most people haven’t seen a lemur either. Just imagine: a chittering white shape flying out of the darkness, too-small fingers touching your skin, bright green eyes looking up at you, looking into you…”
“So? Momo’s cute, not scary.”
“Look. Aang. Katara. You both make some very good points, but have you considered… Toph.”
“Ok.” “Yeah.” “I can see it.”
“Ha, I win!”
Also on AO3
For: @kataang-100 drabble challenge - week 7: compromise @atlagenweek2021 - day 6: siblings (yes, I am claiming this as both a romantic and familial relationship. The way I write them, the close teasing friendship is integral to both)
This is inspired by the crack #fear the lemurs discourse from about a year ago (summary), arguing whether Appa or Momo is scarier. I started spectating about half way through, and have no idea why that's what the prompts made me think of, but it turned into a fun drabble so thanks! @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice @aboutiroh @your-royal-momoness (I think you were the main ones involved?)
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jungshookz · 4 years
teeny tidbits: sleepy hwayoung & her cinnamon star puffs
teeny tidbits are basically just drabbles that i started writing for ?? no reason other than self-indulgence and then never got around to finishing (and will probably never get around to finishing) but it’d be a waste to just plunk them in the garbage and i figured you guys would still like to read them :D they’re too long to be considered a baby drabble but not long enough to be considered a full drabble!! and there’s not really a plot to them?? think of these tidbits as a midday pick-me-up treat B-) 
let me know if you guys enjoy these because i have many teeny tidbits floating around in my drafts that i could share! i’ll even add them to my masterlist so you won’t have to launch a full-on detective investigation to find them :’) 
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“all i’m saying is that instead of abandoning hwa at the daycare centre all day, she could totally hang out with me in my office!” jimin exclaims as if it’s the most obvious thing to do in the entire world and you can’t help but roll your eyes playfully
“i guarantee you won’t be able to do work and take care of h at the same time.” you shake your head before leaning back against the stool and crossing your arms, “and yoongi’s gonna scold you real bad if you don’t do your work- also, why are we having this conversation again?”
“i just wanna spend more time with hwa, that’s all…” jimin pushes his bottom lip out in a pout before whining quietly, “she’s growing up too quickly and i have to take advantage of the fact that she gives me kisses whenever i ask for them - pretty soon, she’s going to start saying no and before you know it, she hates me-”
you look down when you feel a gentle pat at the side of your leg and you smile lightly at the sight of hwayoung looking up at you with rosy cheeks and puffy little eyes
jimin gets up on his tippy toes so he can peer over the kitchen island as well to take a look at little miss sleepy head
“good afternoon, miss min!” you reach down to run your fingers through her mussy hair, “enjoy your nap?”
she nods before her mouth opens in a little yawn
“uncle goo still asleep?”
“sill aseep.” hwayoung nods affirmatively before raising both her arms, “up, pease.”
“he’s probably drooling on the couch again.” jimin points out and leans over slightly to look out of the kitchen and into the living room
from here he can see jungkook’s legs dangling off the edge of the couch
“i wouldn’t be surprised if he was,” you raise a brow before leaning down to scoop hwayoung up off the ground, “you can mop the slobber up this time.”
you plop her down on your lap and wrap both your arms around her securely before propping your chin up on the top of her head, “you want a snack or something?”
“nack?” hwayoung’s small hands grip at your forearm in anticipation
nack >:-)
“cinnamon star puffs sound good to you?”
she nods enthusiastically, “sinnintar paff!”
“you heard the woman, uncle jimin. sinnintar paffs!”
“sinnintar paffs coming right up…” jimin turns on his heel and heads towards the snack cabinet
you reach down to adjust hwayoung’s little sock that’s bunched up around her ankle before giving her thigh a pat and pressing a kiss to the top of her head
her hair smells like strawberries and vanilla :-)
“you want me to do your hair?” you ask hwa as you attempt to smooth her unruly hair down a little, “i can ask uncle jimin to get your little daisy clips.”
“yes, because uncle jimin does everything around here and gets none of the credit-“ jimin butts in teasingly before handing you the canister of puffs
“not true! you’re the reason why she’s so up to date on all the latest trends and refuses to wear squeaky shoes-“
“squeaky shoes are tacky, y/n.”
“tackee!” hwayoung smacks her hands down on the counter and grabs at the canister with greedy little hands, “paff-paff pease!”  
“alright, give me a second-” you pop the lid off before carefully sprinkling some out onto the counter
hwayoung bounces on your lap excitedly and grabs a handful of the puffs
“god, she looks so much like you, you know that?” jimin tilts his head to the side and smiles fondly when hwayoung copies him
“you think so? she has yoongi’s pouty mouth.” you pinch hwayoung’s chin in between your fingers before tilting her head back so she’s looking directly up at you
you pull at her bottom lip just to take a look at her row of bottom teeth
you remember when she only had like two bottom teeth and two top ones
and now all of them are there!!
hwayoung maintains eye contact with you as she slowly raises a puff up towards your mouth, “paff?”
“mm. paff me.” you open your mouth and jerk back when five little fingers suddenly shoVe a puff into your mouth
“you wanna give one to uncle jimin?” you point towards jimin and hwayoung nods before plucking another puff up off the counter 
jimin grins excitedly as he makes his way over to the two of you and you turn in your stool so that you and hwa can face him 
“어이고 우리 애기 많이 부었네... (oh, look at your puffy little face…)” jimin coos as he cups hwayoung’s face gently with both hands, “귀여워.. (you’re so cute!)”
he leans down to squish a kiss against her cheek and she squawks in surprise 
jimin holds both his arms out before wiggling his brows enticingly, “화영아 삼촌한테 와보자! (you wanna come to uncle jimin?)”
“시러용. (no tank oo.)” 
hwayoung turns and buries her face into the crook of your neck and you bite back a snort because jimin looks like he’s about to burst into tears
she usually goes to him!!
it’s just that she’s always a little grouchy after she wakes up from her afternoon naps
“see?? what’d i tell you?! the ‘i hate uncle jimin’ cycle has already begun.” jimin groans quietly, “also, when are you going to give me another baby?”
“give you another baby?”
both you and jimin turn to look towards the kitchen door and you perk up immediately
the poor man’s been cooped up in the home office all day taking calls
he was supposed to join you and jimin for lunch (you picked up a bunch of sushi rolls) but he never came out of the office and you didn’t want to bother him so you just left him alone
“i said what i said!” jimin crosses his arms defensively before shrugging, “i mean, hwayoung is great and all-”
“there better not be a ‘but’ coming-” yoongi pauses and swoops down to give you a quick kiss, “hi, you-” 
“hey, you-” you giggle lightly when he sneaks in another kiss, “are you done for the day?” 
“almost. i have another call but it’s not for a couple of hours... you leave any sushi for me?” 
hwayoung immediately begins to squirm in your arms which you knoW means that she wants to leave you and go to yoongi
“아빠, 아빠- (appa, appa-)” she babbles mindlessly as she makes grabby hands at yoongi
maybe you should have another baby
maybe the next one will favour you over yoongi and then he’ll finally know what it feels like being a THIRD WHEEL
maybe the next one will show hwayoung that you’re just as great as yoongi!!!!
but also if the only reason why you want to have another baby is to rub it in your husband and your daughter’s faces then you probably shouldn’t have another baby 
“hi, chunky monkey-” yoongi teases before lifting hwayoung up off your lap and sitting her up on the edge of the kitchen counter, “우리 화영이 오늘 삼촌 말 잘 들었어? (were you a good girl for mama and uncle jimin today?)”
“넵! (ya!)”
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ticklishraspberries · 3 years
zuko would challenge mai to a "first person to laugh loses" challenge just so he can get tickles because no one can make him laugh from just jokes
was gonna write a fic based on this and then i couldn’t get insp so here’s a teeny tiny drabble of this love u wifey
“First person to make the other laugh wins.”
It’s some stupid game that Zuko picked up from his friends, trying to make long rides on Appa more enjoyable, and he’s brought the idea back home to Mai. They’re alone in Zuko’s quarters, something that’s technically considered inappropriate, but neither of them could care less.
At his suggestion, Mai quirks a brow. “And what’s the prize?”
Zuko hums in consideration. “Bragging rights,” he replies.
“Anything off limits?”
Mai gives a short nod. “Alright. Sounds fun.”
Zuko’s about to reply, one of Uncle Iroh’s hilarious jokes ready on the tip of his tongue, but it comes out as a gasp instead. Mai pushes him back against the bed, taking him off guard and giving him no chance to fight back.
“Hey, what are you—?” The question is cut off with a squeak before Zuko clamps his mouth shut in determination. He steels his face in a glare.
“You said there were no rules,” Mai replies simply. “I assumed tickling was on the table.”
Obviously, Mai won, as giggles came spilling out after just another moment of wiggling fingers.
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