#Ape Vermin
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loverofbooks8 · 5 months ago
Which book we reading?
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wizardbracket · 2 years ago
Round 5: Match 1 of 4
(Battle of the German mud wizards)
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Why they deserve to be the ultimate wizard according to YOU:
Vanquished (so far): Essek Thelyss, Adaine Abernant, VR-LA, Will Byers
"consider: Caleb said 'you were not born with venom in your veins. you learned it.'"
"Caleb is a disaster bisexual middle aged ginger with mud in his pockets and an emotional support cat who is also an octopus at times"
"he's literally a little german boy."
"he's an angry ape he's got zero muscle tissue on his body he's a professional diplomat he smells like literal shit all the time."
"There will never be a better wizard than Caleb Widogast"
"Caleb deadass planned to rewrite time to fix his childhood mistakes"
"He is peak sad wizard boy energy, but also has that little bit of flair that is essential to any wizard"
“Caleb just has that je ne sais quoi”
"Caleb has a cat!!!"
“Dedicated his life to learning the ultimate magic to change reality & fix his mistakes, and also opposes the magic CIA.”
“Chaotic bisexual snarky powerful wizard who married a war criminal and killed a living city”
Mud Wizard:
Vanquished (so far): NZ/Aotearoa Wizard, Amaury Guichon, Orb Wizard, Vermin Supreme
"Actual real-life wizard beats out any fantasy/literary/tv wizard"
"he fought the police while being knee deep in mud"
"i just learned about german mud wizard but i respect his field tactics"
"Mud wizard has field experience ... mud wizard is the one you need on a battlefield"
"I'm sure the other dude is very cool but throwing cops in the mud >>>>>>"
"my boy mud wizard getting the recognition he deserves. there is a mud wizard in all of us. and it says ACAB"
"absolutely german mud wizard its not even a question"
"German mud wizard uses his powers for good"
"Mud wizard is objectively cooler"
"Mud wizard takes direct action against cops. He's doing good old fashioned wizardry ... mud wizard embraces the chaos of magic"
“Outplayed cops with mud magic.”
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txttletale · 11 months ago
What are your thoughts (lorewise) on Warhammer fantasy so far and what's your favorite faction
i love skaven. ive been a skaven fan for like 20000 years ever since i briefly played actual tabletop. they're just funny little guys :)
when warhammer is good it's because it's embracing its original 80s gonzo spirit of 'just throw any old pop cultuire shit in there and figure it out later' -- i love how the skaven are, like, cartoon mad scientists with nuclear power and genetic engineering and also stupid rats who love scheming and betrayal anbd they waltz around with giant fucking flesh monsters and gatling guns and Combat Hamster Wheels. ther'es other stuff in this vein that's good too: orcs being english football hooligans is never going to stop delighting me, the tomb kings are a really cool concept, the vampire pirates (as far as i'm aware a CA invention?) are so fucking goofy and they rule so so hard.
overall though there's al ot of really really uncomfortable undertones to the world of warhammer fantasy. first of all there is the straight up racist shit, i love the lizardmen (i am currently deep into a mazdamundi campaign) and some of their lore is really interesting and in some ways avoids some of the common pitfalls of 'fantasy indigenous peoples'--it's made very clear they are an advanced society, technologically and socially complex, with a rich culture and history. but the lazy aping and blending of half-remembered maya/aztec aesthetics and the '''''funny''''' joke names they have and the fact that they are ancient and mystical and Not Of This Age just adds up to them being a really racist caricature of mesoamerican societies.
also WHF leans really really really hard into the biological determinism stuff. i love the skaven but the fact that they're a rapidly breeding menace that secretly infiltrates your cities and kidnaps people and gorge themselves on resources and have an Evil Religion and are As A Race predisposed to treachery and viciousness and are depicted as literal vermin brings to mind yknow the place all these tropes hold in the racist and antisemitic cultural imaginary and it definitely makes me kind of uncomfortable. i think the same can be said of the (also straight-up racist) depiction of beastmen as Tribes and Hordes that are very literally More Animal Than Human. like, there's so much of That Shit, of X Race are Biologically Fundamentally Like This, and the Like This often happens to coincide with a constellation of tropes used to demonize and justify the extermination of real people, and i really hate That Shit.
i also find the (also quite typical of fantasy) Order (Good) and Chaos (Evil) moral distinction to be pretty ideologically repugnant
so overall, yknow. mixed feelings innit. that said i'm having an absolute blast with TWWH2 this shit rules im driving my big dinosaur around and eating mother fuckers
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str8aura-no-not-that-one · 5 months ago
so, no normal rabbits are seen in Hop 2011, only weird CGI ones. When Fred hits EB with his car, he doesn't go 'holy shit, a rabbit with human eyes and a shirt on', he goes 'fuck I hit a wild rabbit'. With this, can it then be assumed that all rabbits in Hop are mostly bipeds that wear clothes and are as expressive as a human, and its only the fact that EB talks that makes him strange? if this is the case, it can be assumed that all rabbits (and possibly chickens) can talk, and are simply upholding a masquerade over the humans because... I don't know. Even EB's ability to speak is dubiously impressive, because a number of bystanders see him talk and react with only mild surprise, like the waitress who gets him his food at a public diner or David Hasselhoff. when he gets onto Hoff's show, his talent that makes him television worthy is being a drum prodigy, rather than being a talking rabbit, although I'm sure they also advertised that fact if its at the least uncommon. But! If rabbits can talk to humans, but simply prefer not to for some reason, there's no reason Fred should have been shocked when EB begged for his life (which seems like a good reason to break such a lax and unregulated masquerade), or even tried to kill him with a rock in the first place. if only Easter island rabbits can talk, and the rest of the species more closely resembles the Pink Berets (Ie can vocalize and move with clear intelligence, but don't actually speak any human languages), it still seems unethical to kill one with a rock (or cook one, as we later see EB using a cooked rabbit as bait without much existential concern), but I can at least see Fred doing it because Fred is awful. Magic exists in this universe, as is seen at the end of the movie when it turns Carlos into a rabbit bird hybrid, so its possible that the magic of Easter Island is granting normal rabbits the power of speech, although 'normal' still means wearing clothes in the Hopverse. Ergo, it can be assumed that normal rabbits are understood to be very intelligent but still animals (much like dolphins or apes) in this film's universe, and the debate of whether or not killing rabbits is immoral (which it is) rages in the background of the film's universe, and Fred is staunchly on the side of 'kill them, they're just vermin', which you'd think would drive a wedge between him and EB as coworkers
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bandito-gw · 2 months ago
Dialogue of all the Game and Watch Ads I've ever watched-
Game & Watch! Game & Watch! Game & Watch! Game & Watch! Anytime Game & Watch! Anywhere Game & Watch! Along with anyone Game & Watch! GAME WATCH! Judge! Ball! Vermin! Fire! The micro-computer powered Game & Watch! Not just a game, it also is a digital quartz watch! Game & Watch!
A compact? No, Game & Watch Multi-Screen! A Cigarette case? No, Game & Watch Multi-Screen! A game with two screens means twice the game! Multiple objects move across both screens in new exciting games including, Donkey Kong! Oil Panic! The screens will offer you endless enjoyment! Game & Watch Multi-Screen!
Adventure is on the horizon! Stanley's going buggy, Mario Brothers have their hands flung and Donkey Kong's going ape! It's rough seas for Popeye and Snoopy's gotta get on the ball but you can help you got Nintendo Game & Watch that's pocket power! Wide-screen or Multi-Screen games you can play indoors or out! They tell you the score and even the time! They're pocket power! They're Game & Watch! 14 and all only from N i n t e n d o!
Jogging gave you fallen arches? Take Time-Out! Tennis gave you tennis elbow? Take Time-Out! The new electronic sport with size and strength won't help. There are four Time-Out games! Play toss up! Exterminator! Flagman! Or Fireman Fireman! All tell time and are so slim you'll play them anywhere! Basketball threw your back out? Take Time-Out! Time-Out electronic games from Mego!
Now, it's time for Multi-Screens! *Singing* Defend your plants from insects in Green House! Firefighting double screen action in Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck! Donkey Kong and Oil Panic also in the Multi-Screen line! Game & Watch Multi-Screen! Collect them all!
I used to hate taking long trips with my parents. Nothing to look at but the back of their heads and the side of the road but then I got this Spitball Sparky game! It's got great color and it's challenging to play! It's small enough to go to all those boring places your parents wanna go and a built in alarm reminds me to bug em every now and then. Are we there yet? Almost. Who might've think you're having fun! Spitball Sparky, the un-bored game by Nintendo.
Let's face it. Being sick is better than being in school but it does get a little boring. I mean how many Laverne & Shirley can a guy watch? That's why this pocket pinball game is just what the doctor ordered. It's lots of fun and are small enough to play anywhere and the built in alarm tells me when it's time to get more sympathy. Mom, I need something to drink. You gotta milk a good thing for all it's worth. Pinball, the un-bored game by Nintendo.
I swear some of the video subtitles of G&W commercials cracked me up lmaooo. They didn't even tried to fit with what they were actually saying bruh especially the Time-Out commercial jsejwklwwl.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years ago
I loved that so much! Can I request a Part 4 of Female Tanjiro Reader if that’s okay?
Her former opponent (That she fought in Ragnarok), had a lover (A Goddess of Beauty, Pleasure, Lust and Cruelty) desires revenge, by slaughtering a bunch of humans that are in Valhalla (And calls them weak, and the weak deserve to die, so she’s doing them a ‘favor’) which enrages Reader, causing her eyes to bleed (Which startled (Love) since he didn’t know that could even happen)
Reader is absolutely furious and uses her techniques, with a frightful cold aurora, causing her opponent and (Love) to get sever chills in their spines and their fingers to tremble (This is the most terror they ever felt in their life when it comes to Reader, and both question if she’s even human)
But just as Reader was about to decapitate Goddess, she falls over coughing blood and severely gasping for air, only to black out (As Goddess was insulting Reader for being ‘pitiful’ and about to kill her, Nezuko runshes in and Goddess’ in with a kick, sending her flying) Nezuko emitting a murderous rage and transforms, and goes absolutely ape shit
This startles (Love) as Nezuko’s stomping on Goddess’s limbs and kick her head in even as she’s slowly fading away, however Nezuko shows no sign of stopping and rushes at (Love) and begins to attack him (He can tell she’s not in her right mind, and doesn’t want to kill her, but her hits are causing damage) and sends him flying through a few buildings
Just as Nezuko was about to bite into his throat, Reader comes in and restrains her, though she got injured, but once she sings to Nezuko a song from their childhood, she begins to sob and wail, turning into her toddler form clutches Reader’s shoulders and passes out, only Reader begins to cry in joy that Nezuko fell asleep (And falls unconscious as well) with (Love) taking them both to the infirmary
-It had been quiet for a while, since (Love) killed the god who tried to attack you again after you spared his life, but then rejected his advances.
-You had no idea he was already married!! She was a minor goddess of beauty and lust, stunningly beautiful, but also stunningly jealous!
-When she found out her lover, the God of Revenge, was lusting after you, a human of all things, while he had her warming his bed, her rage could not be quelled, and it only grew worse when (Love) killed her husband after he tried to kill you.
-Humans, disgusting, worthless vermin, she knew she had to avenge her husband, and she knew just how to do it.
-She attacked a shopping center, slaughtering innocent people, laughing the whole time, “Don’t run you worthless scum!! I’m doing you all a favor! A painless and quick death for weaklings is a mercy!!”
-You had been nearby, shopping with Nezuko and you gasped, seeing what was happening and you gave you sister your phone, telling her to call (Love) while you drew your sword, rushing in to help where you could.
-The carnage, seeing people dead, others injured and crying, wanting to help their loved ones, or scared, trapped, while this goddess who was smiling like she was doing a good deed smirked, seeing you.
-Your breathing was harsh, rage filling every inch of your body as your eyes darted around as she laughed, “I don’t know why you’re so upset! Those who are weak deserve to die!!”
-Something inside you snapped and you charged, she dodged, playing a cat and mouse game before she froze, seeing you were bleeding from your eyes, glaring daggers at her as you swiped at her with your blade.
-(Love) shouted out your name, seeing the carnage, before focusing on the bystanders, helping them get away, shouting where to go.
-You ignored (Love), focusing on the monster in front of you as you inhaled deeply, a colorful but intimidating aura surrounding you, once that sent shivers not only up her spine, but (Love’s) spine as well. He had never seen you so angry before!
-You leapt up and dodged her attack and what looked to be in slow motion, you swung your sword, your blade getting closer and closer to her neck.
-A sudden shudder went through your body and she saw it, taking the chance and kicked you back, sending you rolling several feet.
-(Love) shouted out your name, going to run before he froze, seeing you sitting up on your hands and knees before you lurched, coughing up blood into your hands.
-Your vision was hazy and you couldn’t even hear her approaching you as she sneered down at you, “While you did manage to last a bit with me, you’re still just a weak little-”
-(Love) went to charge but something rushed past him and Nezuko kicked her hard, sending her through a wall with ease and eyes went wide as she seemed to grow from a teenager to an adult, vines appearing all over her body as she bit through her mouthpiece, an aura of seething hatred surrounding her.
-(Love) ran to you, his hands flinching only slightly before grabbing onto you, turning you over, seeing that you were heavily injured. Your eyes were screwed tightly shut in pain, gasping pants escaping your lips as your heart felt like it was in your ears.
-Nezuko brutalized the goddess, stomping on her midsection, attacking her with no signs of stopping, even after she was dead, becoming covered in her blood.
-Your sister then turned, seeing (Love) and ran for him, claws bared and he froze, seeing that in her bloodlust, she had lost herself, going feral.
-You lunged up, grabbing your scabbard and managed to wrap your arms around your sister, making her bite the scabbard before pinning her to the ground.
-Her nails clawed at your face, chest, arms and torso as (Love) shouted out your name in worry, but you didn’t let go.
-Your voice was weak when you started to sing, it was a lullaby your mother used to sing to the both of you when you were young.
-(Love) didn’t know what do to, but watched in awe as Nezuko’s eyes filled with tears, looking up at you to see that you were crying as well, smiling down at her, her grip on your arms loosening as she came back to her senses.
-(Love) wasn’t happy, dealing with the two of you crying, but got a bit of relief when Nezuko reverted back into her child form, shrinking down and fell fast asleep, curled up.
-He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back as the Valhalla Guards arrived, seeing what happened, and luckily, due to there being many witnesses, both you and Nezuko were safe from any repercussions.
-(Love) was furious, hearing that this goddess was the wife of the bastard who almost killed you, fury coursing through him, but he chose to ignore it for the moment, you needed medical attention.
-You fell asleep yourself on the way to the infirmary, which did worry (Love), as he remembered the strain you had put on your body, enough to cry blood.
-You were in the infirmary for almost a week, asleep for most of it, and Nezuko had been asleep just as long, worrying (Love) to no end, and when she woke up with you shortly behind, he was so relieved, but then whacked you both on the head, leaving a steaming lump as he scolded the both of you for being so reckless, and since you knew he was right, you just took it, both of you hanging your heads comically.
-Once you were discharged, you were put on house arrest for the next week, (Love) took your sword away and told you that you had to rest, and put Nezuko in charge of watching you while he wasn’t there.
-You didn’t mind, as you knew you overdid it, but after a couple of days you were quite bored, but teaching Nezuko how to play chess was a good time consumer.
-(Love) held you close the night your house arrest was over, his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you tightly as your head was on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, “Please don’t do anything reckless, Y/N. I don’t want to lose you, ever.”
-You smiled as you tilted your head up, pressing a kiss to his chin, making him smile gently, “I apologize for making you worry, but I’ll do my best.”
-You yelped as he gave your rear a firm swat, making you pout, before he pecked your forehead gently, “Guess I’ll need to keep a close eye on you then.” You giggled softly, agreeing before he pulled the blankets up a bit higher, keeping you warm before you both fell asleep.
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voidscreamintheories · 1 year ago
The (Not-so-)Big four
Spoilers for the first arc of Hunter the Parenting
Right so: Hunter the Parenting was started after the end of If the Emperor had a text-to-speech device, a parody of Warhammer 40K. There is DNA from that 40K lineage in the show, namely in the D family which I will talk about in another post. But as any fan of Warhammer, upon seeing a group of four antagonists I must immediately question if they are the four Chaos gods. Now before getting into this it is important to note that the gods of Chaos are already a lil flexible in their definitions, so it could be real easy to mold anything you want to fit them. They fit well with the four horsemen of the apocalypse, for example However, I am still going to fit these funni bois into funni molds, because it's fun.
Shitbeard: He is violent, quick to anger, one of the two oldest, and he was embraced in association with the "Bikers for Blood" donation drive. It's Khorne, he's Khorne. Now of course, vampires also have a thing for blood, but I feel calling it out specifically with shitbeard COULD be a nod to the good ole "blood for the blood god". Getting into some deep lore here: Clan Brujah used to be known as Warrior Scholars, before their clan devolved into violent rabble rousers. This actually fits with some depictions of Khorne worship, where they are noble and strong warriors who eventually slip into being raving madmen. Of note as well is which member of the group he dislikes the most fits with Khorne, becaaaaaaaause
Ape: Ape and Shitbeard don't get along. Ape is the youngest of the group. Ape is constantly mentioning his hunger and it's called out that he has been "overfeeding" which Ape retorts that there's no such thing. Ape is Slaanesh. Now it's missing a few hallmarks of The Prince of Pleasure, but I think that's partly because of time constraints and partly because of the tone they were going for (I am happy that Ape wasn't humping the walls or snorting coke every other scene). Also, Ape's weapon of choice was his claws, and that's very in line with Tabletop Slaanesh.
Kevin: He's a wizard, it's Tzeentch. But more than that, we saw Kevin had schemes and ambitions to overthrow both the regent and Pyotr, very fitting for him as schemey old Tzeentch. Also, Kevin's tendency to still try fitting in with regular society does match up with the insidious infiltration of society of Tzeentch. Relatedly, while Big D seems to want Kevin as his Sigilite (Malcador best bro), this might end up backfiring. As we saw in the ad break of episode 4, D is feeding Kevin. If Kevin still has ambition and treachery as his domains, there's a non-zero chance that Big D may be betrayed.
Now, finally, which member of the sabbat did Kevin have the most beef with?
Pyotr: Process of elimination here, Pyotr is stinking old Nurgle. Now, nurgle is often depicted as big and round, obviously RIDDLED with disease, and jolly. How can Pyotr fit those themes? I think it has more to do with his clan association. The Nosferatu are a clan of UGLY vamps, who use vermin as spies, and are shockingly resilient and strong for their appearance, all very nurgly. As well, one of the most common reasons a Nosferatu will embrace someone is because the target is really pretty, the Nosferatu resenting beauty and wanting to curse them with the same ugliness. In much the same way Nurgle loves corrupting the beautiful for the sake of corruption (see the garden, his kidnapping of Isha). Based on the photo of Pyotr, we can see he was a handsome kine, I think it fits that he was turned for being too pretty. As a final note on the pretty thing, the fact that Nosferatu start seeing their own ugliness as being attractive (see "you're a goddamn tease loverboy"), that fits with Nurgle's embracing of decay and rot. Now one thing Pyotr MIGHT fit as Nurgle on his own is his stealthing ability. It's not always mentioned, but it's not uncommon for Nurgle worshippers to have a miasma around them which they use to conceal themselves. As a final point, Pyotr's speech about inevitability and futility is pretty fitting for Nurgle's embracing of entropy.
The group as a whole: Woah Chaos undivided, woooooo. But really, as a group they do work as the Pantheon. They all hate each other and scheme against one another, but will work together for their collective goal. When Markus let them fight, and Pyotr ate the other two, this would match with a long standing concept in Warhammer that once one of the gods got the upper hand, it would spell disaster for humanity (here represented by the hunters). As well Kevin seems depressed and almost listless without the other three around, could be because as much as they hate each other, the gods do need their opponents to enjoy the Great Game.
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drcuriousvii · 10 months ago
Summer Lego RPG Setting(?) Jam Entry: The Monster (Pod) Manual
UPDATE: There's now a version of this post with original illustrations by @marsworms!! https://halfagainasmuch.blogspot.com/2024/07/the-monster-pod-manual.html
Friend of the blog Ian McDougall told me about a game jam type thing being run on DIY & Dragons, where participants create an OSR adventure location based on one or more Lego sets. I didn't have a ton of sets as a kid that weren't branded tie-ins, but I remember back in the early-mid-2000s Lego had a little DIY board game type thing where you built little miniatures out of the contents of one of their "X-Pods"
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This doesn't fit the prompt exactly, but I felt like taking the weirdos from the "Monster Pod" (Set #4338) and trying to give them lore for RPG use could be a neat exercise. Special shout-out to Joe Wreschnig (hope I'm spelling that right, font is a little tough to read ^^;) for hosting the pdfs after Lego moved on from them. These are specifically based on the entries in the "Monster Plans", which you might want to look through for visual aids.
No stats, because I'm lazy that makes it system-neutral. I might attempt some of the other pods at some point (maybe Robo or Dragon), but honestly Monster gave me much more to work with than any of the others. Descriptions under the cut for length.
Big Mouth: A primitive subterranean relative of the ogre, the Big Mouth resembles a gorilla or other large ape, but its hindlegs are reptilian and it has a stubby serpentine tail. The pronounced fangs of its lower jaw inject a numbing venom, allowing it to devour helpless prey at its leisure.
Bucky: A manic demihuman with elongated teeth honed to a razor-sharp edge. These teeth are used both to scrape the bark from colossal underworld fungi and to defend themselves from predators, compensating for their lack of arms. They sprint through darkness with astonishing speed, serving as couriers for an unknown intellect.
Creepie Crawly: Largely harmless vermin that live in magical caverns. More the 'idea' of an insect than an actual insect - they are chitinous facsimiles composed of all the parts humans fear most, and their insides are almost wholly raw magic.
Dizzy: An eerie horned creature most easily recognizable by its total lack of limbs. It revolves around the donjon on its dish-shaped underside, drawing slow lazy loops. The sight is strangely fascinating, and the magic contained in its beady black eyes enhances the effect - weak-willed targets abandon combat to stare in perplexed fascination at the Dizzy's spinning.
Eyeball: A luminous fungal creature originally adapted to the caverns used to house the Tarrasque, the King Caesar, and other massive beasts; it is adapted to mimic these creatures' eyes staring from the dark, hoping to make the simple-minded flee in the belief that they have encountered a more dangerous being. Often found in mated pairs.
Eye Beamer: A relative of the infamous beholder, crossbred with a humanoid through means that are best left unconsidered. It has lost the flight and versatility of its evolutionary ancestor, but reproduces faster, and its single beam (choose or roll from standard Beholder list) is projected continuously as long as its eye is open.
Eyestalk: A single hooved leg terminating in an unblinking green eye, hopping aimlessly through the underworld. Poetically termed "Little One Eye" by Dverger, for whom they are a staple food source.
Frightful: When immobile, this magical construct is indistinguishable from an eerie and elongated wooden mask. They are created by magic-users as spies and guardians - their gaze is telepathically linked to the wizard's mind.
Gremlin: Like a goblin, but more outright wicked than pathetic. Consider themselves the intelligentsia of the dungeon, and refuse to hear any evidence to the contrary. Distinguished by their signature pointed caps, the making of which is a closely guarded secret.
Gremlin Hotfoot: Gremlins are exceptionally sensitive to ley shifts, causing them to frequently mutate. The Hotfoot is a gremlin with elongated, muscular legs, and they are considered the warrior caste among their kind, for however little that means.
Gremlin Porter: A gremlin whose arms, rather than legs, have mutated to become astonishingly muscular. However, a curious anomaly in their brains makes them timid and nearly incapable of violence, so their fellow gremlins mostly use them as beasts of burden rather than the brutal fighters their appearance might suggest.
Gremlin King: An especially rare variety of gremlin, the King towers over its lesser kin at nearly 4 and a half feet, and is by far the wisest of the species. Their arms and legs are both well-developed, though not to the extent of the lesser castes, and they typically fight with twin daggers.
Hoppy: A creature adapted to live in pit traps and chasms, they leap with truly astonishing force from the depths of their homes to surprise adventurers passing nearby, hoping to startle them into falling, at which point they are fed on by the Hoppy. Known for its headcrest - actually a tendril of exposed nerves - and for its cry of "BOOGA-BOOGA-BOOGA!"
Hypno Thing: A scuttling crablike thing, originally bioengineered by mind flayers/serpentmen/Predecessors/some other race that would do that. The intent was to create a being that would subtly manipulate the population's thoughts to keep them docile, but the psychic effect was made too strong. Now, prolonged eye contact is enough to physically melt the brains of onlookers.
It: A daemon that appears in the night, sitting on the chest of sleepers and whispering frightening things to them in the hopes of causing them to act rashly or sinfully. 'Why are there so many eyeball creatures?' you may very well ask. I know I do.
Jumpy: A flightless bird whose legs have fused into a single, powerful limb. Used as mounts by some of the braver and more diminutive races of dungeon humanoid, but they are exceptionally hard to steer and stop.
Monster Surgeon: Undead with stitched skin and coats marked with dark medical crosses. They are the consummate Igors, offering their effective but dubiously safe/legal/sane medical care without regard for clients' allegiances. Payment taken in organs (hopefully redundant), potions, cadavers, literature, or gems if all else fails.
Nurse Scarem: Artificial beings created by Monster Surgeons, something like eels with exposed vertebrae and elongated snouts like some kind of lizard. Surprisingly nimble, making them more than adequate for their positions as their creators' assistants. Wear jaunty and mildly anachronistic hats, the minute variations between which are the signs of family lines - confusing one clan of Nurse Scarems' hat for one from another clan (which is nearly identical) will draw grave outrage.
Slither: A runt of the Penanggalan litter, unable to fly. Thus, it slides around on its viscera like a snake, snapping at anything that gets too close. Wretched and self-pitying, but its hatred is stronger (barely) than its melancholy.
Smiler: Enigmatic bogeymen with grins the size of kite shields, these creatures of the night live to sink their many teeth into warm flesh. They delight in ambushes and the taste of live (or freshly dead) prey. Disarmingly charismatic and civil once the first victim has been killed, until their hunger returns.
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downtofragglerock · 1 year ago
Okay I don't want to stay with mammals for much longer so I'm gonna go through the rest of them here
There are 22 distinct groups of mammals, I've already covered three of them (Carnivora and the even and odd-toed ungulates).
Going through the remaining 19:
There are four groups of marsupials, but that doesn't matter because Rahi-wise there is only one species, the Fusa, a kangaroo. The Kikanalo might also count, but see my ungulate post for that ramble.
There are two groups of Xenarthra (armadillos, sloths, and anteaters) but there are no rahi equivalents at all.
Monotremes (echidnas and platypuses) have no representation either.
Same with Sirenia (manatees and dugongs), Lagomorphs (rabbits), Scandentia (tree shrews), Macroscelidea (elephant shrews), Erinaceidae (hedgehogs), and Afrosoricida (tenrecs and some other miscellaneous small African mammals).
Soricomorpha (shrews and moles) has one representative, the Archives Mole.
Pachyderms likewise also only have one rep, the Hapaka.
Cetaceans only have two reps, the Razor Whale and the Stinger Whale. There is a unique whale rahi in the 2003 console game, but much like with the unique fox rahi, I don't know if I can consider it canon given the nature of the game and how drastically different many canon rahi appear in it.
Chiroptera has three reps, the Cliff Screecher, the Ice Bat, and the unnamed bat rahi from the cancelled pc game and various other 01 promo renders.
There are three primates, the Brakas, a monkey, and two apes, the Lava ape and the Spiny Stone Ape. Much like with the Kavinika, I have some questions regarding if the Spiny Stone Ape is actually an ape, given that it has a tail and frankly, kind of looks like a dinosaur, but that's a discussion for another day.
Lastly, the rodents, of which there are quite a lot. There's the Gafna, the Ice Vermin, the Kinloka, the Kuma-Nui, the Lava Rat, the Stone Rat, and the Wolf Rat from the cancelled pc game. The Kuma-Nui and Wolf Rat are especially interesting considering that the former is really fucking huge, and the later engages in some interesting specevo, being a species of one group filling in the role of a species belonging to a different group.
There, that's every mammalian analogue rahi charted
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moodycarcass · 1 month ago
"ten people I'd like to get to know better" tag game participation as requested by local vermin sorcerer @wurmwizzard
Last Song: Here by VAST (visual audio sensory theater), ive had their self titled album on loop recently tbh highly recommend.
Last Book: i am still goddamn reading "The wizard of sun city" by Gerry jenkins its been literally like 6 months. i only get reading done when i can sit outside while it rains or my power goes out and its just now getting back to the appropriate weather for it here. it is a good read and im almost to the end just fighting brain soup hurdles to finish it. the next one on my list is picking either "the dead zone" by stephen king or dracula back up again.
Last movie: of my own volition i think it was a failed attempt at stomaching the itchi the killer movie after binging the manga months ago, otherwise im pretty sure it was sitting in the living room half paying attention to one of my moms favorite movies for the 500th time (any one of the following: 16 candles, casino, goodfellas, my big fat greek wedding, or the color purple)
Last TV show: Beat bobby flay w my mom while making dinner (nightly ritual)
Last thing searched: it was double checking if goodfellas was the right movie, actual last search was "pygmy possum skull" while looking for comm work reference material.
Favorite color: lime green obvs but after working on custom design stuff ive been thinking about the combo of dark bluish grays and raspberry together a good bit recently.
Current obsession: ghhuh project brain as of late tbh. the taur spore infestation on my dashboard has had me thinking about the big manticore guys from my thing beneath a lot. also minor fixation on chota dorohedoro currently. i need to pick up the drhdr manga again but its one of those pieces of media where if i look at it too long i start chewing the drywall again bc /i need to make art that looks like that or im going ape mode/ yknow.
tagging ??? idk whoever reads this (🫵) also standard mutual invite fair of @/dexaroth @/snommie @/krembearry & @/enby-creature-feature if yall want an excuse to do it
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gemmstones-and-swords · 6 months ago
Under the Rising Star-BioAnth Fiction
For clarification, I wrote this a month or two before I heard that the H. Naledi papers about fire use and art and burial of the dead were relatively unsubstantiated as they are now. However, I consider this work one of my better writing things, and it got me into a college honors program. So, I don't think this image of H. Naledi behavior/society is necessarily accurate to how they actually were, but I do think that they were freaky little ape guys that are pretty much the only thing in a deep cave, combined with the dozens of bodies with fascinatingly little variation. So, maybe they weren't using fire or making art, but they are really cool to think about. This is, as I have said, a fictional work of fiction, and I'm not a biological anthropologist, I'm just a student. Starts here:
-Common vernacular English translation of rock wall carvings found in the Dinaledi chamber of the Rising Star cave system, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa, Gauteng (Gau-tungh) Province. Recovered by Berger et al and translated by Harvard Department of Linguistics.
Someday, we will all be gone soon. I hear it. I hear it in the grind of the Stones and the whistles of the great trees and the roars of the lions and the yowls of the dogs in the forest. I hear it in the Stone. The soul of the wild and the trees and the jumping flames coos in my ear and I listen. We will all be gone soon. When I walk through the caves, far past where the light of the sky is sucked out and only the black dark of the selfish and eternal night remains, is when I can truly hear the Stone sing. The Stone roars through my head and bellows to my ears and sings me the tales of the Long Ago and the To Be. The Stone tells me of Those Who Are Others, the ones who walk with us now and the ones whose bones were laid to rest in the ages of the Long Ago. Their ancient remains and their killing-things left to gather debris and dirt. But not all of Those Who Are Others were asunder ages ago. The Stone sings us that they are our brothers and sisters, and so they are such. The Stone sings us that our brothers live in lands far away, with stone to themselves as well.
The Stone does not need to sing us of the ones that live alongside us. We name them Those who Are Others. They name us Vermin. In all specificity, I have never been certain why. They are like us, but not. They are taller, with strange heads and lanky bodies. The Those Who Are Others act like us, but they do not think like us. They are ethereal, traveling in packs across the plains and forests and slaying the beasts of the land and the sea with their spears and blades. They are not like us. But they are of the Stone. And that is all that is important. The Stone sings us of them often, more often than any of our other, far-off kin, the Ones of the Calm Seas and the Ones of the Selfish Dark. The last of which seem to be so deep that the Stone can sing little of them, never able to find the right melodies and tones to play on the strata of the caves, warm with the heat and light of the licking flames of That Which Burns. So I sit by my hearth, by the darkest and most untouched places, where we set down the bones and the still-warm husks of our own, in chambers set in the untold times of the Long Ago, chambers used by we since our kind were first spat upon the world.
In the Not so Long ago, many others would walk with me, when I was small and not as steady on my feet, and so I was carried or my hand was held along the cool floors. Now, it is only me. When the Stone sings us, I am the only of our kind that sings back. I worry what that means for us. We are a people who never truly formed even a name for ourselves. We know not what the Those Who Are Others name us to themselves, for our tongues long since split and as the Stone sings me and me only, never were the same at all. But they do speak of us. They whisper on the edges of the flames at meetings and through the twisting halls of the Stone. Its tones have changed. Its melodies are no longer lilting, dancing with the shadows and making the shining stones ring forth with cacophonous noise. No, its tones have changed far too much. The Stone sings no longer of us, of our past and our glory and our nameless people. It sings of me. It sings of we will all be gone soon. And the others will believe me not. They see only a crazed child who whispers to rocks and the walls of caves. They see not that there is a threat. They understand not that there could be one. They see the Those who Are Others strike their blades from the Stone in mass quantities and gather in more and more packs and say that is what they always do. But it is not. It never has been. If we will all be gone soon, it will be because of them. Not me. I know not why I defend myself so passionately against the accusations of unfeeling rocks, but it is perhaps the only thing I can do to keep myself calm.
And the limits of that will are constantly tested. My own speak of me in hushed tones, poisoned by the inability to see. They are frightened. Not of what I do or what I am, no. They fear what I act for. They fear the Stone as it sings through me. They are foolish. But not so foolish that I will abandon them and sink forever into the selfish blackness of the caves, where the Stone sings so bold and loud that I cannot hear the clack of my footsteps on the cool floor. No, I will not abandon them. I will but warn them. They do not deserve to be left alone, cut off and deafened to the immense voice of the Stone. I spend long times with it, deep in the caves, unaware of the shiftings of the day and night for my hearth does not bother with such cycles. I rarely see the outside now, the golden plains and the deep green of the forest. I rarely see my own now, meeting with my people only when they demand I come out or when they bring me food for my eating and plants for my hearth. They do it still, mattering not how much they fear me and my craft. How strange of them. They must want to leave me to starve as I sit and listen to the endless songs put forth from the blackness by the Stone. I hear them whisper of it, grumblings as they trip over outcroppings and shifts in the rock, feet unused to the caves, stumbling with only the flames between them and the all-encompassing dark. I look forward to these visits, if they are only to keep me alive and tell me of the outside and the Those Who Are Others. They are getting bolder, they tell me. They slip into our lands and our caves in the nights and take our stones and our food and occasionally a child or two. This should have been my most pressing concern, but at the time it barely crossed my mind as a happening. I was too full of the songs and the Stone. They swept through my head, and I sat as the Stone sung to me and its songs carried through the halls of rock and spilled into the world and filled my ears with music. I hear it even as I carve the words of my account into the walls of the Stone and I know that this transgression will be forgiven in the end. I hear the Stone sing of the To Be, of ages and ages forward, of incomprehensible times and incomprehensible things. The Stone sings me of our brothers and sisters, of ages far into the To Be where Those Who Are Others will rediscover our bones, weathered and broken by time and the now-silent Stone. They will not hear its songs, its bellows and its screams and its elations. They will pull us from the rock and name us in their tongue and place us in their family and reconstruct who we were and who we are. We will be as unimaginable to them as they and the To Be are to me. I do not know what I think, but I think that it will be a kindness of them. But that has not yet come. For now, I am with the Stone and with my people, and we will all be gone soon.
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doomedandstoned · 7 months ago
MAMMOTH CARAVAN Perform Single ‘Siege in the Stars’ in The Anvil Sessions
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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As the rapid evolution of technology takes its grip on every aspect of our existence, monitoring our lives, tracking our whereabouts, and yes listening to our conversations, MAMMOTH CARAVAN reminds us of a more primitive time, when the essence of survival was scraping by and worrying about the fundamentals of existence. Yet even in the world of the woolly mammoth, strange things can happen.
On a recent episode of The Doomed & Stoned Show, we speculated what a mammoth in outer space would entail, drawing implications from the cryptic name of Italian band UFOMammut.
Now Little Rock, Arkansas trio Brandon Ringo (harsh vox, bass), Robert Warner (clean singing, guitar, synth), and Khetner Howton (drums) answers our questions with the second single from their upcoming record, 'Frostbitten Galaxy' (2024), which sees this Mammoth Caravan heading toward the stars, as is now the ambition of humankind.
Fontman Ringo had this to reveal about the song:
“Siege in the Stars" is the first song that was written for the new album and it was conceived during a time when we had just changed our lineup and had 10 days to create a setlist of new material. Robert came up with the riffs and I started working on lyrics and once Khetner wrote his drums parts, the song became something massive and special. Lyrically the song represents the bloodthirsty mammoth king’s journey through space on his way to achieve his violent quest.
The atmosphere begins with swarthy bass and guitar swirling about like a bowl of incense, perhaps the gaseous precursor to the massive rocket flames that erupt 35 seconds later. "Siege in the Stars" vessel of fury and mad determination, with massive swing and groove 2:01. It's a motif we're happy to see return as the song progresses, this time accompanied by sparks of psychedelic doom guitar emitting from the ship as it jetsons into cold, black space, with massive deep beats that mete out the distance along the way.
Mammathus clan overtakes mars Now we must fly Martians will die Empires of rust Driven to dust Nothing can stop this siege in the stars
"Siege in the Stars" was captured live for The Anvil Sessions by Holy Anvil Recording Co. in Fayetteville and broadcast by KUAF 91.3, showing us that the band can absolutely deliver on their sound. In an age of AI fakes and phonies, Mammoth Caravan is the real deal.
Look for Mammoth Caravan's 'Frostbitten Galaxy' (2024) emerges October 4th on Blade Setter Records on vinyl, CD, cassette, and digital formats (pre-order here). It's a formidable sound and a must for your next playlist with High on Fire, Forming the Void, Ape Vermin, and Black Tusk.
Little Rock doom trio MAMMOTH CARAVAN is set to unleash its second full-length album, Frostbitten Galaxy. With a revamped lineup, a retooled sound, and a violent tale of mammoths in space, the band’s next offering promises to be their heaviest and most diverse material yet.
Frostbitten Galaxy by Mammoth Caravan
Frostbitten Galaxy was recorded and mixed at Wolfman Studios by Jason Tedford, and mastered by Justin Weis at Traxworx. Album art by Tony Koehl.
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falconlord5 · 1 year ago
Hereafter, Part II
It's not as good as part one. It just isn't.
Ooh, injured Superman.
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Directed by Butch Lukic
I do like that this is episode demonstrates that Superman is resourceful even without his powers. Too many writers and critics think there's nothing to Supes but his powers and it's just... an infuriating take.
See, now, this part I'm not sure on. On the one hand, Grant Morrison's assertion that Superman living on a farm would make vegetarian is, like everything else that bald moron has ever said, complete bullshit. Farms, especially livestock farms, are a bloody business and Superman would have grown up branding and castrating cattle, hunting and killing coyotes and other vermin, etc. He probably wouldn't have slaughtered cattle himself, but he'd definitely have grown up eating steak.
There's a reason 90% of Alberta hates K.D. Lang.
On the other hand... killing and skinning a wolf seems a bit much.
This part reminds me way too much of Planet of the Apes, which is one of the dumbest science fiction movies ever made.
I love the Timm style, but it does not do beards well. Which is a problem when you only have two characters and they both have beards!
Recent studies have suggested the roaches wouldn't survive the apocalypse actually. Probably depends on what kind of apocalypse we get hit with.
That's only the two times you know about, Supes.
The voice actor for Vandal Savage isn't great, but he delivers that charmingly juvenile line so well.
Savage has gone even weirder than normal.
No, Super Conan!
I love scenes like this where we get a taste of just how varied Timm's designs actually are. Not that they ever get acknowledged.
Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
Batman created by Bill Finger
Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston
Animated by Koko Enterprise Co., LTD.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years ago
SCP-682 vs SCP-AAB
SCP-682 was incapacitated with a heavy mixture of sedatives and other experimental chemicals while he was being transported within a large create by a Foundation transportation helicopter. He wondered why they would transport him this way, these vermin were cautious if nothing else, so they always made sure to ensure he would never escape. Even when he did escape the annoying insects always tore him apart and dragged him right back into his cage. So what the hell were they doing now? Is this another test? If so, why just sedate him? Where were his cuffs or his guards?
"Are the monkey's finally losing their touch?" SCP-682 laughed at the idea, he could feel the sedatives slowly wearing off. Once he got his full strength back, he would be sure to break out and kill every single vermin he came across. However shockingly the crate opened on its own with the doors being right below him. He roared in anger as he fell into what looked like the middle of a thick forest. His body slammed hard on the ground; it was mostly just internal damage like ruptured organs that resulted from the impact. Nothing that took too long to regenerate. He looked up in the sky and saw the Helicopter drop the crate which was only seconds from landing on top of him. After being crushed by the crate SCP-682 ripped it apart and roared at the helicopter as it flew away.
"Fucking apes, I'll ensure they choke on their own blood while I tear them limb from limb." SCP-682 then looked around at his surroundings to understand his surroundings. Thought all he could see was just a bunch of forest trees.
"Now where the fuck am I?"
"Exactly where I want you to be." SCP-682 looked forward only to see SCP-343 standing there looking at him with anger and disappointment. SCP-682 only growled at the sight.
"Dr. Wicked told me the truth, your nothing but an imposter!"
"You would believe the lies of a mortal?"
"There's nothing mortal about that freak, you should know he's the reason your stuck in a tesseract!"
"And yet, I stand before you."
"As do I..." SCP-682 didn't recognize the voice behind him but for some reason it sounded familiar, which didn't make any sense no matter how you spin it. SCP-682 turned around and for the first time in his life his heart sank out of overwhelming fear. It was the Scarlet King, there was no doubt about it, his scarlet fire and fleshy skin, the thousands of eyes on his face and chest, and who couldn't recognize those horns on his head.
"Hello my child."
"I am not your child! I ate your child and stole his power! Its mine now, you world devouring piece of shit!"
"And yet you are my child, bound to my will of hate for all life, to see it for the true disgusting nature of chaos. The only way to obtain piece is to destroy it all and begin anew."
"Enough of your idiotic bullshit! I don't have time for either of you so fuck off!" Suddenly a blast of energy hit SCP-682 in the back forcing him to fly in the air and crash into several trees, crushing them all with his overwhelming weight. SCP-682 growled and groaned in anger, as he got up he could see SCP-343 and the Scarlet King approaching him as if they were equals.
"The serpent banished from the garden."
"The devourer of the A’ZIEB's spawn. you cannot escape your fate."
"Your judgement begins now." SCP-343 raised his hand to blast SCP-682 with a beam of incinerating light. He would have succeeded if SCP-682 hadn't thrown a three at him with his tail. SCP-343 ended up stumbling because of the impact, this confused SCP-682, even though he knew SCP343 wasn't a god, he still should have been strong enough to fully withstand that. SCP-682 then charged at the Scarlet King and bit into his chest, though not before the Scarlet King made a sword that stabbed into SCP-682's stomach. SCP-682 roared in pain and was forced to throw the Scarlet King away deeper into the woods. But that should have been impossible and SCP-682 knew it. The Scarlet King was the God of Destruction, Defilement, and Anarchy, there was no way that even in his weakened state would someone like SCP-682 would ever be able to harm him. Before SCP-682 could think anymore he was blasted again by SCP-343 with a beam of light making the whole in his stomach wider than before.
"Gah! That's it! I've had it with you stupid Wanna-Be gods!" Giant tentacles of flesh and hardened scales grew out of his wound and stabbed into SCP-343 and kept stabbing while SCP-682 roared at him with frustration and anger. Eventually SCP-343 fell to the ground with golden blood seeping out of the thousands of puncture wounds in his chest. SCP-343 even spat golden blood as he tried to speak.
"Please... Please my child..."
"When you meet the real gods, tell them they should have never banished me over a slut and a monkey." SCP-682 then bit into SCP-343 and started eating him while ripping his flesh apart. However, as SCP-682 kept eating he felt like he wasn't actually eating anything at all, as such he was regeneration extremely slowly. Then as he finally finished, he turned around to see the Scarlet King approaching him with absolutely no wounds at all.
"Like me you have broken the chains that bind you. Now take my hand and let us destroy this world together. Of the thousands of children I spawned, you are the only one who will have this privilege."
"... Ok that's enough puppet shows, come on out you freak."
"Still trying to escape your fate? How pathetic that-"
"You can stop it with the show dumbass! I know this isn't the real Scarlet King! Now come on out!" The Scarlet King then sighed in annoyance as his form started to shift, into SCP-682.
"Fucking hell, and people called me ugly, what the hell are you supposed to be?"
"I am known as the Child of Loki, The Wanderer of the Nightmare Forest, The Gate Keeper of Guilt, The One Who Waits, and I believe your foundation calls me SCP-AAB. But you can call me Jötunn Moder."
"Are you perhaps talking out of that asshole you call a face? Or is that an inverted penis you call a face?"
"Also, SCP-AAB? When the fuck did, they start using letters instead of numbers?"
"We could keep asking questions all day, but I do believe we have some business first. I want you to join me, become my servant."
"... I think you already know the answer to that you literal fuckface." SCP-AAB just stood there for a moment, then it suddenly started laughing.
"What the fuck is so fu-" Suddenly two large trees landed on SCP-682 pinning him to the ground.
"You are by far the strongest being I have ever encountered within my territory. Alas, you're not strong enough."
"Let me go you abomination!"
"My power only grows when more are within my territory. I feed on their fear, their guilt, and their dependance. Those who cling so tightly to the past and never want to grow are of great food to me. But alas even they didn't compare to that army your Foundation sent. None were within my domain, but I felt their desire for knowledge and their fear of the unknown. It filled me with so much power that I craved for more."
"If you love the monkeys so much then why don't you just go fuck them?!" Another tree then fell on top of SCP-682 making him roar in anger.
"However, you are equivalent to a hundred armies. And your rage... I feel I could never go hungry again once you become mine."
"I'm not interested in fuckfaces!"
"I see you and your entirety of being... Exile of the Flesh."
"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING CALL ME THAT, YOU SHITTY FUCK!" SCP-682 grew large spikes out of his back and broke out from under the trees. He charged at SCP-AAB but before he could reach him a large fist, with lots of large and randomly colored eyeballs on it, grew out from the ground and punched SCP-682 sending him flying toward another place inside the forest. By the time SCP-682 landed he realized he was surrounded by walls with the SCP Foundation logo.
"Oh, fucking damn it! Are illusions all you good for?!"
"I know you soul. What you hate, what you dread, what you fear." Suddenly a large MTF boot landed on SCP-682 and started crushing him. SCP-682 started growling more armor scales and was making his muscles bigger but it ended up only delaying the inevitable.
"You hated the humans before, but now you fear them. If anything, it's not even the humans you hate."
"Shut up!" SCP-682 started coughing up blood as his insides were begin crushed.
"You hate that even with all the power you were given and the power you stole, it's still not enough to kill them all."
"Shut the fuck up!" SCP-682 then started growing arms, claws, and other fleshy limbs on his back to try to push away the boot to no avail.
"And worst of all, you hate that it's all your fault."
"I SAID SHUT UP!" SCP-682 then spat out a smaller version of himself while letting his old body die. This smaller body already had extremely sturdy metal armor; it was especially thick on the head, so he head butt through the wall allowing him to get out. Now SCP-682 was in a large field where there was nothing but grass and flowers for as far as the eye could see. SCP-682 growled in anger, he knew were this was supposed to be, and it made him angry how nostalgic it made him.
"It was you that gave Eve the forbidden fruit." Then a large metal looking tree with thousands of leaves, each made of different metals and had different mechanisms on them; some leaves were digital or looked like crystals. Then SCP-682 saw a snake slither up to the tree, the snake was being followed by a naked woman. The snake then started enchanting a spell and suddenly several leaves joined together and formed what looked like a silver pomegranate. The woman then broke the pomegranate open and inside the seeds shined like gemstones. At the same time a naked man walked up to the tree seemingly arguing with the girl but the girl didn't listen and instead ate the seeds and even offered some to the man.
"It was you that started the war." Then suddenly the clouds turned red, there was Yaldabaoth with their form so large you couldn't even see what it was standing on. The only way SCP-682 was able to see it was because the god was practically lightyears away from it. Yaldabaoth was so large that it covered half of the open sky. Soon the other half was covered by an equally large entity, Mekhane. Yaldabaoth then reached down and grabbed the snake, but Mekhane tried to stop him. Soon other gods filled the sky as well and started fighting one another.
"Grrr! Just stop it already! I know how it goes, you obnoxious fuck!" SCP-682 then slammed his whole body onto the ground making everything shatter around him like glass. However now SCP-682 was back in a hallway of the SCP Foundation, he growled as he looked around to see what was going on. That was until he saw SCP-053 standing in front of him with tears on his face. SCP-682 was shocked at first but then smiled, his left claw enlarged, and he smashed SCP-053 into a bloody paste.
"Your illusions are becoming as idiotic as your fucked up face! Is this seriously all you can do?" Then SCP-682 was back in the forest and SCP-AAB was right in front of him.
"You failed the test; I should have predicted this... No matter, I still want you." Suddenly a larger arm grew from the ground and grabbed SCP-682 by the throat and forced him down and still. SCP-AAB slowly approached SCP-682 and once he was close enough he placed his human hands onto SCP-682's snout.
"Get your filthy fucking hands monkey off of me!"
"Be reborn as my child, be reborn a child of the wood!" Suddenly runes started engraving onto SCP-682's skin. He roared in both pain and anger but couldn't move as more hands grew form the ground and grabbed onto SCP-682 to keep him still.
"Be bound to me! Be my servant, my subject, my lifeforce!" Now SCP-682 was bleeding profusely because of all the runes on his body, but still the ritual wasn't working. SCP-AAB was getting visibly frustrated and made all SCP-682's blood flow onto his body to increase both his own power but also the power of the ritual. However soon the runes on SCP-682 started glowing a scarlet red and SCP-682 opened his eyes as they grew a scarlet light. Red horns grew out of the sides of SCP-682's head and despite his body not changing at all he was slowly getting stronger.
"Your Servant? Fuck that and fuck you." SCP-682 then forced his way out of the giant hands while ripping them apart. Once he was free, he jumped at SCP-AAB and bit into his body, shook him around and threw him at a tree, injuring SCP-AAB further. SCP-682 then started licking the blood off of his teeth as he quickly regenerated. He smiled at SCP-AAB as the monster slowly got back up after being injured.
"Come on get back up or are you finally willing to acknowledge the piece of shit you are."
"You dare make me bleed? ... YOU FUCKING ABOMINATION! I'LL RIP YOU TO PIECES!" SCP-AAB then charged at SCP-682 and rammed him with his horns. SCP-682 wasn't injured by the attack but SCP-AAB wasn't done, now several spikes grew from the ground and stabbed into SCP-682, SCP-682 ate the spikes and broke apart what his mouth couldn't reach. After absorbing the spikes, he grew several large and extremely sharp spikes on his back and charged at SCP-682. Two large hands grew out of the ground from SCP-AAB's left and right, the large hands were made of stone and slammed down onto the ground to crush SCP-682. However, SCP-682 shifted his front claws to become bigger and sharper, allowing him to cut the giant hands before they could even touch him. SCP-AAB panicked and tried to jump out of the way but not unscathed. Thanks to his back spikes, SCP-682 was able to scratch SCP-AAB in the side of his body and his left front leg, injuring it badly. SCP-AAB screeched in pain as SCP-682 started laughing at him.
"What's the matter? I thought you were supposed to be the top dog around here? Can't you handle one little lizard?" However, before anything else several spikes of stone grew out from under SCP-682, ripping through his flesh. SCP-682 was able to regenerate quickly but the spikes kept coming, not only that but they were shooting out of the ground like a barrage. The spikes kept cutting him while pushing him toward the edge of the forest. Once SCP-682 was finally out of the forest, the spikes disappeared as if they never existed in the first place. Suddenly SCP-682's runes started to heal, and his horns vanished however afterwards his scratch wounds got worse, and his stomach practically ripped open. SCP-682 wasn't actually bothered by this, instead he just laid there in silence, as his wounds slowly healed. However, SCP-682 did growl with he heard the sound of hooves clattering toward him.
"Ugh, what? Wanted to gloat or something?"
"... If only I had you, I could finally expand beyond this place. All the servants I had before, none of them, not one could ever give me the power I needed. You, on the other hand, had exactly what I needed. If you had joined me we could have worked together and became gods of a new world. This was your chance to finally scorn those that wronged you. But instead, you chose this... I don't understand you."
"No one does, and frankly I prefer it stays that way. Not that anyone gave a fuck about what I want."
"... foolish serpent of the lost garden, mark my words. Without me, you will never achieve your goals, you will die achieving nothing."
"I'll never die and that's why the Foundation has and always will fear me, and that's good enough for me, now fuck off." Soon Foundation helicopters and tanks could be seen on the horizon heading right towards SCP-682. SCP-AAB that was standing at the edge of the forest growled in annoyance and simply back into his domain.
The Foundation forces armed their weapons expecting SCP-682 to fight them with everything he had but instead as they got closer, they were surprised to see that he was just lying there with his front claws raised up, ready to surrender. Even as they got closer and surrounded SCP-682 he refused to move or hurt any of them, and when they opened up his cage he slowly just walked right in and curled up so they could close it. Then entire time the MTF units were scared and moved slowly thinking it was a trick yet SCP-682 didn't do anything, instead he just yelled at them to hurry up and they did as he asked out of fear. Then once they were all good to go they got ready to transport SCP-682 back to site-19. Then entire way SCP-682 just thought about what he encountered within SCP-AAB's Doman, how angry and annoyed it made him but then he remembered the vision of SCP-053. SCP-682 then curled up tighter and sighed in annoyance as he said something he never thought he would.
"... I wonder if Lanie is doing ok."
SCP: HMF - Tales Hub
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francesthetraveller · 4 months ago
Silly Game Time: Human ears are OUT. Animal ears are IN. Meaning everybody's ears (just the ears) are being transformed into animal ears.
Which kind would you like? Long, thin, upward ears like a rabbit? Pointed, triangular ears like a cat? Floppy ears like a dog? Some sort of deer? Something else entirely? Anything is on the table except apes and monkeys!
uhhh rat ears... I wanna listen to high frequencies and be a little vermin...
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cellarts1 · 5 months ago
Ape Vermin short clip 2
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