#Anyways toodles
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overseasandair · 1 year ago
What is the goal you're sailing for
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���Overseas and air, for sure they'll explore everywhere”
Edit: I know the last panel looks very bad and I didn't “fully answer” the question,
Do not worry gals and lads, I have no idea what I'm doin
♦️means before and ♠️ means next chap
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aleteoryx · 2 years ago
gamers gamers gamers
like ok uhhhhhhhhhhh major spoils under the cut but
nimona is literally just lena sabrewing mixed with (musical) beetlejuice mixed with amethyst it's amazing
they really lean into the whole "monster as a queer allegory thing" in a lot of places
it has like, one of 2 or 3 good third act misunderstandings and it actually makes sense and i love it
the credits have the progress flag in them
ok major spoils ahead
im warning you
also it's just gonna be my disorganized thoughts
the last line of the movie was fucking "holy shit" im dying
ok i love how nimona is clearly considering exactly how much to tell him of her past while she tells the the story also the ANIMATION IS SO FUCKING GOOD
also the reliving trauma scene was like so well done i love it i mean i hate it we all hate to see a bad bitch reliving trauma but
also the director sounds like white diamond????? like she's got the same vibes too??????? like if white diamond was good???????????
also i love how she's like 6 inches taller than every single knight
also look at bal
he's just a lil guy
i love 'im
also GOD DAMN is angsty nimona such a cool fuckin design
and then the phoenix
it's so
i love it
also i love the implication that nimona is like, the only monster. like the peasants just said "HOLY SHIT A BEAR" and built a wall. also like how did they even manage that???
so nimona doesn't age, i guess, right? i guess being a shapeshifter you'd have to do that manually, and she just decided not to? wild
is she immortal??
good for her!
good for her
also have i mentioned how much i love the artstyle
i love the artstyle
it's a lot like modern sony almost it's so fuckin good
ok there will probably be more nimonaposting but if not cya in a thousand years
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hymnoire · 11 months ago
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this blog is now @hymnoire.
I decided to change this blog and only write Gaya (and her alter ego) here, which slightly changes the tone of this blog. I'm really looking forward developping Gaya's backstory involving her childhood in a orphanage that was borderline a cult, and expend her universe by giving her her own space.
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Worry not Mara is not deleted she is added to another blog I had that I renamed @geaesaekki (which is the former name of hymnoire), as I loved that URL and want to keep it. On this blog I had an Ahn Sohee fc named Devora and I might revive one of my muse who used to be a Suji fc, might revamp her a bit as well, we will see later on about that. if you still want to write with Mara, I'll answer our threads there starting from now on.
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I was sick of the URL "usuhan", I renamed it @rosedesang, it is the blog where I write Bellamy Serephina and Dante who are Gaya's adoptive family. If you're interested you can follow that one too.
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bonpocalypse · 2 years ago
top 5 twst ships and why- go!
My personal top five? Alright then! I'm a multishipper so there might be some duplicate characters in here hehe. Also: this was TOUGH to pin down because I know my number one spot but like,,, what about the others? My love for ships changes so often that I literally sat all day thinking about what I'd put on here
Starting off at number five: ADeuce
The way their friendship in-game is formed as well as how quickly they bonded with each other is just amazing!!! You can tell that in-game they truly do care for each other through their interactions. Their friendship and potential for a romantic relationship feel so natural and exactly how you'd think two 16-year-olds would act together. They're also just super silly together I love them so much aaaaa! Even if it's fully platonic these nerds are tied together, each other's twin flame.
Number four: Epel x Deuce
Back at it again with another Deuce ship, I'm honestly a tad surprised! Most of my love for this ship comes from book 5 because yes!! I loved how Deuce and Epel developed and how understanding they are of each other. They'd also push each other to the limits, and help each other grow in both of their respective goals.
Number three: Leona x Vil
Enemies to lovers!!! Idk why I like them so much they're just so silly to me. I love their dynamic they're so goofy
Number two: Silver x Kalim
Sil "I should be at Royal Sword but I'm somehow at Night Raven" Kali was one of the first ships I had in this fandom. They are so overwhelmingly positive compared to others at Night Raven. Def go check out "The Process of SilKali" on Ao3 because YES THOSE TWO ARE SO SILLY TOGETHER
and finally, without surprise: my favorite ship of all time is Silver x Riddle
I can write so much about their dynamic and how they'd help each other grow in multiple ways like aaa! Both are sheltered with only the influence of their only/present parental figure and they are generally... not good at making friends outside of their respective found families. What's also super nice about their dynamic is just how deeply they can empathize with one another's struggles, they both have support to go to and will listen to each other's situations/struggles without ever making comments that the other doesn't want to hear. Silver and Riddle find someone who mirrors themselves and becomes a better person than they ever dreamed they could be without them.
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the-meme-monarch · 3 months ago
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thought ‘what if the vintage skins were more in line with actual 1930’s cartoons design sensibilities’ and promptly went mental. plus a bonus two-tone dandy ! since he’s not playable and all
so some things i learned as i was doing this:
-solo cups were not invented until the 70s, so scraps has a tin can as part of her tail instead
-hoodies WERE invented in the 30s but were generally worn by warehouse workers bc of the cold. they didn’t get worn by the general public until the 70s, so toodles and cosmo are Not wearing them
-leg warmers were invented in the 40s but also didn’t get popular until the 70s so glisten’s legs get to be naked. sad !
other than that it was just a lot of ‘put gloves and/or shoes and/or pants on them. sometimes noses’
under the cut is All of them together and then also the sketch :]
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katiekatdragon27 · 4 months ago
Sup gang, I have more doodles to shaaaaare~~
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So, I recently got Glisten, and he is so fun to play as. So fun to play as in fact that I constantly play distractor on accident! It's so fun (lying)!! Both images are based on a run my friend and I had together with a few randoms in a public server. It was the farthest I've ever gotten and a blast.
You ain't never seen a distractor like meee✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
On the topic of running, here are some doodles of Shrimpo and Pebble getting into conflict. Peb protects his owner, and if that means attacking the only dude who could pummel him in hand-to-hand combat, so be it lol.
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Luckily Shrimpo doesn't like getting bit, so Dandy and Pebble get to live another day.
Below are a toooooon of shinyshrimp doodles (and a slightly suggestive joke so tread with caution lol):
Mmmmm gay men.
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Glisten: "I couldn't imagine you getting any redder but you surprise me~" Shrimpo: "AAAAAAAAAA-"
What's gayer? Being gay? Or what these two have going on?
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Domestic slice-of-life stuff. I think Shimpo has insomnia but tends to find comfort and sleep in human contact. Toodles has nightmares on occasion and appreciates snuggling when they occur. Glisten isn't the cuddly type, but when the people in his life need comfort, he's willing to put up with the cuddles lol. Also Glisten sleeps with an ungodly number of pillows.
Also, a funny idea I had about how short Shrimpo is compared to Glisten. That's how Glisten sees him lol.
And also..
I caved.
Shinyshrimp child upon ye🫳🫳🫳🫳
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Dandy: "How the F*CK did this happen?!"
Her name is Shimmer, and she's based on an Asian Glass Shrimp (for hopefully obvious reasons). She's a sweet girl who is really really nosy lol. Just imagine Gwen from the movie Migration lol.
Also, no toons have ever created a toon themselves (it's only done if the humans working there made one by using the ichor machines), so Dandy is kinda flabbergasted about the whole thing. Ima leave it up to interpretation how they did it (cuz I have my personal hc that I'll share if people show interest lol) but it's not sexual lol.
Anyways pookies, have a good one!!
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chocobje · 4 months ago
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Dandy's World Jumpscare
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m3llowm1sh · 1 month ago
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guess who got fixated on this stupid roblox mascot horror game
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yummi3010 · 3 months ago
Lil comics I drew from my friends' experiences in Dandy's world:
Time where Teagan left em alone:
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I was Looey in this situation ↓ 🫶
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Me when it's finally Christmas break:
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And comic part 1 is almost doneh (omg nvm it's realy not why did i say that-)
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asexual-shelly · 7 months ago
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whiteboard shenanigans (ft. me @radioactiveguy-jason & @cunt-removal )
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felixeis003 · 2 years ago
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Guess whaaaaat I drew Ashoka again. I want her to be happy so bad
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bender-at-i-love-bender · 7 months ago
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It's mean, old what's-his-name!
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o-i-w-u · 3 months ago
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toodles doodles for the soul (plus a gigi and a half!!!)
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koterkot · 9 months ago
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@nanaten hey hey pspspspspspps
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wishchip106 · 3 months ago
when i see Charles doing some diabolical shit even i can’t defend: ahhaahah get it…. i guess… 😧😰
do not let this man make decisions dear god 😨❌❌❌
why is pookie such a shithead sometimes 😔
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i think one of the reasons Erik keeps coming back to him is that he’s also partially a shithead too 😻
problematic kings 😁
it’s just that Erik can get his head out his ass SOMETIMES
anyway gonna break Charles out of jail he’s been there long enough 😔
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months ago
We(me) want more shrimpo x glisten 🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
Sorry for starving y'all, here are some shinyshrimp (mostly shrimpo) in their pre-parent parent era.
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I am so tired chat, so I had to draw them sleeping for like the third time. Canon event.
Lots of doodles below cut:
Earlier I had an idea about Shimmer coming from an egg. It keeps the whole "not having a skeleton" aspect for her while also allowing for cute fluff moments (and parental denial).
They had very different reactions to the whole "being dads" thing.
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Shrimpo: This thing is gross; we need to get rid of it- Glisten: What- NO!? We are not "getting rid of it" Shrimpo!! There could be a LIVING BEING in there! We're keeping it. (I've always wanted to be a father, anyways) Shrimpo: UGH FINE!! But I want NOTHING to do with it! I'd HATE being a dad! Glisten: Ok.
Not even a few days later:
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Glisten: Hello, my darling Shrimpo~ I'd like to see the baby- Shrimpo: HIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS Glisten: RIGHT UNDERSTOOD! Let me get you some tea with those chocolates-
Wow, for once Glisten isn't the one getting the princess treatment, how crazy is that!?
Glisten, despite his beef with Toodles, does genuinely want a kid. He has fatherly instincts and kinda wants to utilize them lol. Especially a girl. He would really like a girl.
Shrimpo has no fatherly instincts whatsoever. He talks to babies the way he talks to adults minus the swears. He was not that kind when it came to kids when Gardenview was in session, but it just took his own to violently rip out those instincts and show them to the world.
As the days passed, Shrimpo develops a parental mindset but like the overprotective kind. In the wild, actual shrimps carry their kids around under their tails, and that felt protective so *cutely projects that on Shrimpo*. Also the idea of the mean guy being the most nurturing parent is something I fw.
But as a result, Shimpo does not let anyone near the egg... including his husband. Although this peeves Glisten quite a bit, he puts up with it and stays nurturing in other ways, like bringing stuff to Shrimpo to keep the peace lol.
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And to show more of the prehensile tail, here is Shrimpo carrying Shimmer.
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They're probably going out to hang out at the park or something idk. Toodles is vibing with her sibling and kind of father-figure-not-really-but-whatever. Also, although Shrimpo could carry Shimmer in his arms, it's more comfortable on his tail to carry a person more than a heavy object (and Shimmer enjoys this better too).
Enjoy the goofy family doodles and have a good one gang!!
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