#Anyways anyone like my blood moon connection. Lost my shit when I found that
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angstandhappiness · 2 years ago
The Hero and the Warrior: A Meta
The Hero and the Warrior motif is honestly one of my favorite motifs in the entirety of Lego Monkie Kid. Bear with me as I’ve never written a proper meta before, but this is something I’ve been thinking about for a long while and I want to put pen to paper. And you know, *gestures frantically at season 4*.
So first up, let’s begin with 2x07 “Shadow Play” and the original mention of “the Hero and the Warrior”:
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Macaque: “The Hero and the Warrior were like the sun and the moon, their light like a protective glow shining upon the world.  Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them, either in the celestial realms or on earth. As time went on, the hero obtained power beyond comprehension. As the hero’s light grew, so too did his shadow—and soon, the Warrior was cast into that shadow. In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero.” (2x07 Shadow Play)
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minniemixe · 5 years ago
Beauty And The Beast
Gangster AU
Stray Kids Fanfic
Chan x Reader
Other Appearances: GOT7 BTS
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Mentions of stabbing
Beauty and the Beast Masterlist
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Chapter 3
Moon screamed in shock and pain as she gasped for air, falling on her side, her vision blurred as she tried to sit up. “Yah! stop overreacting, I know what I’m doing, it’s not severe” but before his sentence finished, Moon had already fainted. Kneeling down next to her, he shook her body, assuming she was bluffing. “Hey, wake up” but to no avail, inspecting her wound, he saw no signs of a serious injury, his knife wasn’t that big, so the cut couldn’t be too deep nor was there excessive blood loss, which confused him as to why the girl fainted. He picked her up and sprinted out of the gym. Carrying her towards the infirmary, he stopped midway thinking to himself about how he was going to explain the situation, and there was no way that the leader wouldn’t find out about this, which worried him even more. Looking at the unconscious figure in his arms, he knew he messed up real bad.
To his dismay, when he opened the door to the infirmary, the leader was inside, joking around with Anna, “She’s not dead” he spoke before either of them could question him. 
“How did this happen?” CB inquired 
“Long story” HH answered putting Moon on the bed
Anna started working on the wound as the two boys engaged in the conversation.
“The wound isn’t very deep, was there too much blood loss?” the brown haired girl asked, interpreting the two boys 
“No, that’s the confusing part, why did she faint?” HH spoke
“Probably from the shock” CB stated 
“I’ll still need blood samples, something doesn’t seem right. She once came to me for painkillers after training with Changbin, saying she had a headache and was feeling dizzy, I shrugged it off thinking it might be because of hunger or low blood sugar since I have that all the time. But her fainting like this, I think it might be something else. Chan could you hand me that kit” Anna explained pointing towards the said kit  
“Hwang stabbing her was a little too much man” Chan spoke, handing Anna the kit
“Oh and IV drip as well from that cupboard”
“Yeah yeah, I know, I admit this was my fault, but it was kinda accidental” he defended himself
“Hyunjin dear, there is no such thing as kinda accidental, you either stabbed her or it was an absolute accident, please choose one” Anna sarcastically spoke while attaching the canola to Moon’s arm
“Well I meant to make a small cut but my hand slipped and I ended up stabbing her, but before I could even say anything, she just screams one second and is out cold the next” he explained 
“She’s a feisty one, you should sleep with your eyes open, she’ll definitely get you back for this” Chan laughed
“You se-” Hyunjin was cut off as Woo and El entered the infirmary
“I need the pill” El told Anna 
“You know Woojin, it wouldn’t kill you to get a condom.” Chan told the older 
“Nah that’s too much work” El replied popping the pill in her mouth 
“It’s literally just rolling it on, how is that too much work” Hyunjin questioned
“TMI bro!!!” Anna shouted  
“Alright that’s enough” Woojin spoke 
“What happened to her?” El asked looking towards Moon’s unconscious figure
Anna lifted the blanket from the side to show her the stitches. “Could you let the girl be???? Don’t you think stabbing her was a little too much” El said samacking Hyunjin across the head
“Woojin could you please get this blood tested?” Anna asked, handing him the blood sample
“Yeah sure” he took the blood and left the infirmary
“How long do you think she’ll be out?” Hyunjin asked 
“I’m not su-” Anna got cut off hearing a groan coming from behind them, the three turned around to see Moon sitting up on the bed. The moment she spotted Hyunjin she threw the sheets off her and leaped at him “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU” she shouted, before Moon could touch him, Chan casually grabbed her waist and bought her flush against his chest, stopping her from hurting Hyunjin or herself. However Moon wasn’t having any of it as she struggled against his hold trying to get to Hyunjin. “Calm down princess, you don’t want to open your wound”. Moon’s heartbeat increased hearing that pet name and the fact that his hand was on her bare stomach didn’t help either. Hyunjin stuck his tongue out and ran out the infirmary.  
Moon sighed loudly and cursed under her breath. “How long was I out for?” she asked turning around to face the Chan 
“About an hour, maybe less” Anna answered 
“Do you have any iron supplements?” Moon asked running a hand through her hair 
“Why do you need those?” Chan asked 
“I’m anemic” she answered 
“Oohh, must’ve been the reason you passed out” Anna put the dots together 
“The blood test isn’t of any use now” Chan said 
“When did yo-” Moon was about to ask when she looked down at her arm, which was bleeding around the canola, “-is this supposed to be happening?” Moon asked extending her arm towards Anna 
“No it’s not and it wouldn’t have happened either if you hadn’t tried to jump Hyu- HH so aggressively” she said taking her arm to remove the canola
“Now go easy, you don’t want to ruin the stitches, so it’s best to just rest” Anna said after cleaning her arm.  
“What about training?” she asked 
“Phase 1 and 2 will be put on hold, you’ll train with Dandy, I.N and Liv, that’s phase 3, we’ll just have to determine your position first” Chan explained
“Don’t get your stitches wet, and come get them checked next week” Anna told Moon, who nodded her head and left. 
It had been 3 weeks since the incident and Moon had been training with the three as told by the leader. During this time she learned that she was not fit to be in the Medic Team. Liv had tried her best to teach the older girl the basics, however it never ended in a good way. After almost killing J.One, Chan decided that it was enough and that more time shouldn’t be wasted. 
The gang was once again gathered in the meeting hall, this time to test Moon’s skills in tech. 
“There isn’t much to it, I hacked into the phone through which my dad was contacted, but not even minutes later the signal was lost, and the location I picked up was somewhere near a river. I managed to hack the traffic cams around the area and tracked the car CB97 go- is there some easier name I can call you, CB97 is weird. Anyways I tracked the car back” Moon explained when asked how she found them
“Impressive, and you may call me Chris” the leader replied making everyone gasp, considering this was against protocol
“Chris. Hhmm I like it, has a nice ring to it” Moon muttered 
“But what we can’t understand is how we couldn’t track back to you?” Dandy questioned 
“This one is connected to the projector?” Moon asked pointing towards Dandy’s laptop 
“I.N, can I have yours?”
She took the computer and started typing away on it. 20 minutes later she spoke 
“Okay, now both of you, try  and hack into this using Dandy’s laptop”
“Excuse me? What did you do to it?” Dandy snatched it away from her 
“Nothing, just please do what I asked” Moon said 
Dandy looked at her skeptically but nonetheless began the task. Moon grabbed I.N’s laptop again to continue doing what she was. Everyone could see what Dandy and I.N were doing and the atmosphere was starting to get thick. “I’m in” Dandy spoke, Moon pressed a few keys on I.N’s laptop and everything on Dandy’s screen disappeared. “What the fuck?!?!?!?” Dandy exclaimed
“How did you do that?” I.N asked surprised, his eyes as big as saucers 
Moon giggled at the younger’s adorable expression and moved between him and Dandy. Taking Dandy’s laptop she started clicking away as she explained what she was doing, “So basically the hacker thinks they’ve gotten in, when in reality they’ve only reached a dummy server, the moment they fall for the decoy, I’ll be notified that someone is trying to break in, and if i do this-” she pressed a few keys “-the whole algorithm will reset and everything they did will be erased”
“How did you do this?” HH asked 
“How come Dandy didn’t know about this? He’s the head of all this tech stuff” J.One chirped in 
“Because I built this software to avoid legal issues. So no one knows about this” Moon answered
“Not bad shorty, looks like you can contribute after all” Woo smirked 
Moon wanted to say something snarky but decided against it, getting on HH’s bad side got her stabbed, she didn’t want to think about what could happen if she pissed off a sniper. 
“Well this concludes that Phase three is over and you’ll be put in the Tech Team with Dandy and I.N” Chris spoke
(A/N: I did not do a fact check, and I don’t know shit about hacking, please bear with me)
“What about my field test? What if I want to be on the task force?” Moon asked
“Shouldn’t you stick to what you’re good at princess, make things a bit easier for yourself” that pet name got her feeling butterflies in her stomach 
“Too boring, I want some action in my life”
“Joining a gang should be action enough” Lee Know said 
“At least give me chance, you said there would be a field test, if I pass that,  let me be on the task force” Moon requested 
“Okay, complete phase 1 and 2, if you pass, I’ll accept your request” Chris said 
“I thought I already passed phase 1? I won with all three of my instructors” Moon stated 
“Not with me” HH interrupted
“You cheated” Moon replied 
“I told you there will be no such thing as fair play when you’re in the field” 
“But I had you pinned down with my knife to your throat, what did you want me to do, kill you?” 
“Your body language said it all, your hands were shaking, you were hesitant, even if it were someone else underneath you, you wouldn’t have been able to kill them, that’s why I stabbed you, to show you what happens if you’re not quick” he explained 
“You don't know me!! I’d have killed anyone else, it was you that I was nervous, I didn’t want to accidentally do something that’d get me in trouble” she defended herself 
“Well how flattering, so glad to know I’m of importance to you” HH said sarcastically 
“STOP IT!!! BOTH OF YOU” Chris shouted 
“That’s enough. Moon you’ll fight me tomorrow in the ring, if you defeat me, you’ll start phase 2, if not, you’ll continue with SpearB. Dismissed.” Chris said and left the room, everyone following behind.
Hyunjin ran after the leader calling out to him “Chan wait!”, Chan turned around to face him
“Yeah?” he asked
“Why didn’t you put me with her to train, why Changbin?” Hyunjin asked 
“Because I don’t want her to end up back in the infirmary due to a childish rivalry” Chan answered 
“You seem to care a lot about our new member” Hyunjin smirked
“Watch your mouth or you’ll be the one in the infirmary” the older said turning around, his ears turning red.
“Mouth or hands?” Hyunjin called out. The moment those words left his mouth, a knife went flying past his head. The younger was completely unfazed until a scream was heard from down the hallway. “Shit!” the leader cursed as they both ran towards the source of the scream. 
“And I was going to put her in the infirmary” Hyunjin laughed looking at Moon who was clutching the side of her neck with blood trickling down. Chan raised his fist and Hyunjin ran away shouting a bunch of sorries. “Is this a subtle way of saying, ‘please kill yourself and make things easier for us’” Moon sarcastically questioned
Chan released a breathy laugh and replied “Sorry, this one’s on me, let me help you with that”. 
“Please do bef-” Moon started losing her balance, Chan hurriedly grabbed her waist balancing her “woah there” he said looking down at her weak figure
“Before I pass out” she completed her sentence, standing up straight with Chan’s help.
“The cut isn’t very deep, it doesn’t need stitches, a simple bandage will do” Chan spoke, inspecting her wound
“That’s a relief,” she replied. The room filled with comfortable silence as Chan cleaned her wound and started bandaging it.  
“How come you’re not fazed by anything” Chan asked focused on Moon’s neck
“Fazed as in?” Moon questioned
“I don’t know, you joined a gang 6 months ago, you were quite calm for that and after the beginning of training you were normal, you would be covered in bruises but you’d continue about your day as if it's not even there.” he told looking in her eyes, now done with treating her neck 
“Everyone has a story” Moon whispered 
“What’s yours?” he asked, hand cupping her neck, thumb gently rubbing her cheek
“Not the best one” she answered leaning into his touch 
“Why?” he asked after a few seconds 
“Why what?”
“Why did you look for him, why, even though he was abusive?” 
“I never sa-”
“I saw. The night you left, I followed you out, and I saw everything” he cut her off. 
Moon sighed closing her eyes “I don’t know, it’s complicated. I didn’t want to, but at the same time I wanted to, it was all so confusing” she answered opening her eyes, meeting his honey brown ones 
“What would you have done if I didn’t let him go? Would your life be peaceful right now” he asked, suddenly feeling weird towards her. 
“I don’t know. I guess I wouldn’t have left, I would’ve forced you, even if it got me killed. I didn’t want to look for him but I did, for my mother. Being honest, my life is much more peaceful than it was back at home” she told. At this Chan let out a series of laughs, his head resting on her shoulder as he kneeled in front of her. “What’s so funny?” She asked giggling 
“You, you are one of a kind. Who the hell says, they’re peaceful being in a gang” he said getting up, extending his hand out to her. She just shrugged her shoulders, taking his hand and standing up. “At least now I can fight back when someone hits me” Moon says as they both exit the infirmary.
  “Stabbing is not allowed. Pinned under, with a knife against the throat, one of us concedes, cut somewhere where a vital organ is, passing out, counts as losing. Since stabbing is not allowed any cuts made will be considered stab wounds, meaning if the cut is big it insinuates that the victim bleeds to death” Chan explained as Moon and him stood in the middle of the gym ready to fight with the rest of the members watching.  
Moon threw a punch to Chan’s throat, he successfully dodged it grabbing Moon’s arm and twisting it. She went to kick his leg but he threw her on the ground before her leg could touch his. Chan lunged forward to punch her when she rolled over causing him to hit the ground. Moon quickly got up and locked her arm around his throat, she tightened her hold trying to choke him but he leaned forward flipping Moon over causing her to fall flat on her back. Chan jabbed her with his elbow making her groan, she retaliated by kneeing him in the head, Chan fell back giving her the perfect opportunity to get back on her feet. Moon kicked Chan in the side making him stumble, quickly straddling him, she pulled her dagger to attack, however Chan was quick to react. He twisted her arm making her drop the weapon, successfully flipping them over, Chan now had Moon under him. But before Chan could draw his weapon at her, she headbutted him. Chan grabbed his nose groaning in pain, Moon took this opportunity and pushed him off herself and ran towards her weapon. Chan quickly recovered and grabbed her arm pulling her back, he turned her around and wrapped his hand around her neck choking her, evoking a scream due to the pressure on her wound. She started scratching his arms to get him to loosen his grip but it was useless. She put one feet on his chest while holding his arm, steadying herself, she hauled her other leg over his shoulder and around his neck. While Moon tried to elbow him in the head he grabbed her waist and pulled her back. Moon wrapped her other leg around his head as well making him bow his head, taking advantage of the position she put both her palms on the ground and with much difficulty she managed to flip them both over. Chan landed on his back with his head between her thighs. Moon tightened her hold trying to choke him which proved useless. Chan was both larger and stronger than her, taking advantage of his strength, he squeezed her thigh bruising it, however Moon was unfazed and kept tightening her legs, Chan grabbed her other leg and pulled them apart. Getting up he pulled her towards himself by her leg. Putting his legs on either of her waist he straddled her, he pinned both her wrists above her head and leaned closer to her, “Not so tough now, huh princess”. She’d be lying to herself if she said that the close proximity didn’t make her heart flutter. Looking up at his smug expression she knew he was doing it on purpose knowing how it affected her. Moon reached forward and attached her lips to his catching everyone off guard. Taking advantage of his shocked state, she kneed his back pushing him off. Quickly getting up and grabbing her weapon, “Not so tough now, huh daddy” the words left her mouth before she could stop them. 
“Enjoying yourself baby girl?” he asked trying to grab her, but Moon was fast and swung her knife making a huge cut from his shoulder, across his chest to the side of his abdomen. “More than you can imagine” she smirked stepping away from him. 
“That’s definitely going to leave a scar” Woojin spoke 
“Don’t worry, Moon’s gonna kiss it better” Hyunjin joined in
“I won, now I get a field test as promised” Moon said before anyone else could pass any comments 
“Not yet princess, you still have phase 2 to complete” Chan answered 
“How long will that take?” she whined
“Depends on how fast you learn to shoot a weapon” Woojin said 
“Why are you so eager for a field test anyway?” Bree asked
“Because it’s boring in here, I wanna go out” Moon answered 
“Being almost stabbed to death twice is boring?” Anna exclaimed
“I need more spice” Moon shrugged 
Chan grabbed her wrist and started dragging her with him. “Where are you taking me?” she asked, trying to get out of his grip. “To make your life more spicy” he simply said before dragging her out of the door.
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psycho-slytherin · 5 years ago
Strangers ch. 41
Two weeks after finding the photo, you’re not doing well. Yoongi’s determined to change that. 
Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Actress!Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Genre: fluff, angst, idk anymore?
<–– Prev   Next ––>
“Y/n, you do have to go to class.”
You gulp. You’ve been dreading this call- and Yoongi is staring at you. “I know, Mom.”
Your mom sighs over the phone. “Are you planning on dropping out? You’re still registered for classes.”
You wrap the blanket tighter around yourself, refusing to look at the other person in the room. Yoongi’s sitting quietly, waiting for you to finish your call. “I-I’m not dropping out!”
“When I agreed to let you go to Seoul Arts, it was with the promise that you’d keep up your grades and partially support yourself with a job.” Your mother’s tone is sharp. “And, Y/n. Not or.”
You bite your lip, your hand trembling to the point where you almost lose your grip on the phone. “I’m acting- I’m making money.”
“For now. How far can you go without a degree?”
You inhale sharply. You can feel that familiar tightness spread throughout your chest. “Yes, Mom.”
“Oh, here you go again. Don’t ‘yes, mom’ me. I can’t fix your life for you, Y/n. You’re lucky I’m friends with the dean’s friend’s boyfriend’s sister. How else would I have found out you haven’t been to class in almost two weeks? It’s not like you would talk to me about these things.”
“Yes, Mom.”
“I’m serious, Y/n. I even tried calling Lisa to ask what was up with you, since you never answer my calls.”
Lisa. Your throat feels tight, and suddenly you can’t breathe. Luckily, your mother doesn’t notice your silence:
“I mean, she didn’t answer, but still! What about your exams, Y/n? You’re going to have to repeat the year! You might as well just come home.”
Your eye twitches at her words. “No.” You’re not going to go home– not now, not ever, and especially not while Lisa’s still missing. 
You hear her click her tongue over the phone. It’s a sound more familiar to you than your own name. “Can you at least tell me why you haven’t been going to classes?”
You look up and meet Yoongi’s eyes. “It’s a long story.”
“I’m sure it is,” your mom says huffily, and you fight the sudden urge to hang up. “Well, that won’t do. I’m cutting you off.”
You blink hard, your throat dry. “What?” Surely it’s an empty threat– even with Moon Over the Sea, you can’t afford rent and the Seoul Arts tuition on your own. Your mother has to know that. “Mom, you can’t–” Yoongi must hear the anxiety in your voice because he catches your eye, asking a silent question.
“I can and I will, Y/n. Because this is what you wanted, right? You’ve done nothing but push me away.”
You can feel that yes, Mom on the tip of your tongue. And yet… “Because you were suffocating me!” You explode. “God, you���re even cutting me off just to control me, ‘cause you want me to crawl back home and admit I need you. You know what, Mom? You have the worst timing. Cut me off– maybe I will drop out, but I’m not coming home. I have bigger things to worry about.”
“Y/n L/n–” But you don’t hear the rest of her words, because you hang up with as much force as you can deliver to a touchscreen. Despite the blanket wrapped around your shoulders and your space heater on full blast, you feel the cold in your bones, and the muted panic that accompanies the familiar sensation.
“Y/n?” Yoongi says gently, sitting on the edge of your bed.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you whisper, curling up on your pillows.
“I wasn’t going to ask. I was just hoping you’d eat something.” He motions at the takeout he brought over hours ago, and which you’ve left untouched. You’ve barely moved at all, and if you weren’t such good friends with Yoongi you’d feel embarrassed for him to see you in this state.
Despite the fact that you’ve eaten nothing today, your stomach churns at the thought of putting the food in your mouth. “I’m not hungry.” 
Yoongi sighs, pursing his lips. “Okay. Want to go outside?”
“It’s late.”
“That’s never stopped us.”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“You haven’t been in the mood for more than a week.”
“I-” your head drops to rest on your knees. “She’s still missing.”
“I know, Y/n.” Yoongi reaches out gently, as though you’re a frightened deer, and begins rubbing calming circles on your back. “But living like this… you’re not helping anyone.”
You feel tears filling your eyes. “I’m not helping anyways. She’s missing, and I’m useless.”
“Thanks for bringing this in, Miss L/n,” Detective Kang said, sliding Lisa’s laptop into a labelled evidence bag. You felt a rush of guilt. Did it count as obstruction of justice when you were only trying to find out what happened? Yoongi had copied the photo to his phone- was that breaking the law? “So, has Lisa tried to contact you again?”
You shook your head. “Radio silence. I’ve tried calling and texting dozens of times– nothing’s getting through.”
“Okay. Please let me know if you hear anything from her. Adults aren’t considered as high-priority as missing minors, but…” Detective Kang stared intensely into the distance. “We’ll find your friend.” He turned away with the laptop under his arm, and at that moment you spoke up.
“There’s something else.” What was the redheaded girl who pushed you into the river doing on Lisa’s laptop? If she knew Lisa was connected to you… it meant that your best friend could be in real trouble.
Detective Kang was eyeing you curiously. “Go ahead.”
But if it turned out to be nothing… you would be in trouble for messing with her computer. And– shit– so would Yoongi. “Nothing. Slip of the tongue.”
“Alright. Ms. L/n, I’m sure Lisa is safe. The most important thing is that you leave this to the professionals.”
And now, two weeks after turning the laptop in, there’s been no word from Lisa or Detective Kang. After unlocking Lisa’s computer during that movie night, you began seeing the redheaded stranger around every corner, and leaving your apartment has become more and more difficult; what if she finds you and tries to finish what she started? All you know is that Lisa and the redhead are connected, which puts both you and your best friend in danger. After all, the first time the stranger attacked you was before you and Yoongi’s fake relationship. Who knows what she’d do now? 
You’ve stopped attending classes altogether– leading to the argument with your mother– and you know you should return, but you can’t bear to go back to the place where you and Lisa spent so much time together. You haven’t even begun looking for a new manager. 
“Want to watch a movie?” Yoongi says eventually, clearly noticing you’ve gotten lost in your thoughts again. 
“I’m good.” You rub your eyes, suddenly exhausted. “You should go home, Yoongs.” If your mother really has cut you off, you’ve got a lot to think about– and some choices to make. For some reason, Yoongi remains motionless.
“Do you remember the last time you didn’t take care of yourself, Y/n? You ended up in the hospital.”
His words send you tumbling back to the night, that night when you fainted after kissing him. The boys had visited you, and then Lisa stopped by, and then you were discharged, and… 
“We wanted to deliver a message,” the redhead had said. “A message from the rest of us: you’re not welcome.”
And the push, the water, the cold, the blood, the cold, and Yoongi… 
“Y/n!” You’re jerked back to the present when you feel a callused hand rest on your own. “Hey, take a breath. You’re safe.”
Are you?
Yoongi continues. “I just meant I was worried about you, dork. You’re not eating. I don’t want you to pass out again.”
You look at Yoongi, and you can’t help but long for the relaxed days before, well, everything. Before Lisa disappeared. Before you got messed up in the head. Before Twitter decided it wanted your blood. When you and Yoongi could be yourselves and enjoy your friendship without so many invisible barriers.
Although before… you admit to yourself, I was lying to him. Now you’ve told him the truth, and everything’s gone wrong.
“I wish…” You slump forward to rest your forehead on his shoulder. Even though you haven’t left your bed today, your limbs feel drained of energy. But Yoongi’s warm, and he smells like cinnamon. “I wish we could go back.”
“Oh, Y/n-ie.” Yoongi resumes rubbing your back, his hands and voice impossibly gentle. “I wish I could take your pain away.”
“No, I-” you swallow thickly. “You’ve done so much for me, Yoongs. If only I were stronger.”
“After everything you’ve been through, the fact that you’re still here makes you stronger than I’ll ever be.” He chuckles as though he’s touched on some inside joke. 
“What’s so funny?”
“Just reminds me of some lyrics I’m writing. I think you’ll like-” Yoongi’s interrupted by his buzzing phone on your covers. He glances at the screen briefly, then does a double take, his eyes widening. “Ah- I gotta go.”
“O-Oh.” You watch as he stands quickly, nearly knocking your curled-up form over. “Is everything alright?”
“Yep.” Yoongi pauses. “Just a BTS meeting. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Please eat something.”
You bite your lip. You know his work is important, and you can barely believe he’s even managed to spend this much time with you when he’s so busy being a part of the biggest band in the world. Still, to be alone again in such a silent world… You grit your teeth and force a smile in response to his hurried farewell. The door clicks shut behind him and before long, your only companions are the yet-unending stream of notifications. They’ve gotten better, but you’ve long since accepted your status as ARMY villain:
@k-news: according to #MOTS costar @cutie-jeongyeon, @yourname has missed three days of filming. Trouble in paradise for #YoongiAndYn?
@superarmylockXO: torn between wanting yoongi to be happy and wanting to protect him from @yourname hzksdfkskdf #YoongiAndYn
@jinswitchybitch: why is anyone still hating @yourname lmao even @captainkookie21 left her alone so let them date #IdolsArePeopleToo
@namtiddieswhore: I’ve stayed out of the #YoongiAndYn discourse so far but no one can tell me @yourname is not totally toxic for #SUGA! She’s using him for fame I want to vomit :,( still excited for #MOTS tho
You’re too tired to summon the anger that you used to respond to that hater on the last day you saw Lisa, the anger that nearly led you to hit Jeongyeon. You’re too tired to feel anything except cold. And when your eyes at last flutter closed, your dreams are filled with swishes of dyed red hair, rushing water, and Lisa’s whispers.
Yoongi has barely stepped out of Y/n’s apartment before he presses his phone to his ear. “Hey.”
The reedy voice of an old friend makes him smile. “Hey yourself, Gloss.”
“You know that’s not my name anymore, D.” Yoongi chuckles as he walks out of the front door of Y/n’s apartment complex, spotting the car already running on the darkened street. He slides into the car and the chauffeur nods at him, waiting for a direction.
“Yeah, as if I’m gonna call you Suga.”
“Yo, you said you got what I needed?” Yoongi asks D. 
“Hell yeah. Man, it’s been ages since I got to do shit like this, thanks for the call.”
“Thank you, dude. I’ll send the money to your account tonight. What’s my location?”
D tells Yoongi the address he’s been waiting for, and the chauffeur pulls away from the curb. “Gloss, bro, why’d you want to know? Who’re you fucking around with?”
“Nothing important… but I’ll throw in an extra five hundred if you can track a phone number for me.”
“Sheesh, man, whatever you want. I remember when you didn’t even have fifty to throw around, let alone five hundred.”
Yoongi smiles. “I’m the same kid from Daegu, D.”
“I know that… how about the rest of the world?”
“Text me when you’ve got what I need. I’ll send you the number.”
It’s nearing midnight by the time Yoongi tells the driver to stop, about a block away from his goal. The address is close enough to the edge of Seoul that single-family homes have begun taking over apartment buildings. He pulls a mask over his nose and mouth, his glasses and hat completing the incognito look. 
“Get ready to leave as soon as I come out,” he instructs the driver. “And if I’m not back in half an hour, call the bodyguards to come find me.”
The driver nods affirmative, and Yoongi takes a deep breath. He has to do this- for Y/n. The couple minutes he takes to walk from the car to the front door are all he needs to reassure himself of that. He knocks three times on the door, checking that the address is the same. 
The door at last swings open, and a sleepy voice rings out. “The fuck…? It’s so late!”
Yoongi breathes a sigh of relief. The girl who answered the door matches the photo on his phone. Dyed-red hair, thin lips, double eyelids. So it must be…
“Hello.” Yoongi places a heavy hand on the door to keep the girl from closing it on him. “Nice hair. You must be Seoyeon… and I think it’s time we chat about a mutual friend.”
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atamascolily · 4 years ago
lily watches fma:b, eps. 58-61
I hate suspense, so I went ahead and read the plot summary for the next few episodes, so I could relax a bit. Unfortunately, there's a lot of plot decisions that elicit a major "WTF?" from me, so we'll see if they work better in context.
so they're using the Gates as transportation portals now?? This is new, isn't it?? or does it only work with people who have already opened gates?? I'm so confused!!
okay, so ling doesn't know how to use alchemy to heal people? but he can sense homunculi because chi? or is this just something everyone in Xing can do? I'M SO CONFUSED.
[he has a stone but neither he nor Greed know how to use it to heal others, I guess?? why not, though?]
Bucaneer calls Olivier a "queen," which is right on!
Greedling is the best thing about this adaptation, full stop
*sings* "It must be nice, must be nice, to have a homunculus on your side..."
that one random woman looks so much like Danta from FMA03 that I just had to shake myself to make sure I wasn't imagining it
I don't understand why Hoheneheim counts as a sacrifice - yes, he was present for the opening in Xerxes, but he did not attempt human transmutation himself (even though the portal was centered around him without his knowledge) I feel like intent matters?? iirc, he wasn't consumed and broken down the way Ed and Al were???
He's also now fused with Father in a weird blob that reminds me of Topaz trapping humans in Steven Universe.
I don't know why Hawkeye hasn't managed to shoot the evil doctor in all this close-quarters fighting. And why isn't Roy using flames? We had a demo earlier with the zombies that he can work around his allies without burning them, so... ???
Mustang is ordered to perform human transmutation so the bad guys can have a fifth person to complete their circle (somehow, alchemy always works in fives?) He refuses, but then they say they'll shoot Hawkeye if he doesn't so he caves.
this "gotta get a complete set" seems really sloppy for Team Bad, because the eclipse is like, any minute now. Seems like they're cutting it really close. You think they could have found/persuaded/forced someone into doing it, given how long they've had to work at this. So I'm just like "???" about this.
(the doctor dude also lampshades this, lol)
also, I'm so confused why the doctor claims Roy can bring anyone he wants back - maybe this was FMA03 I'm thinking of, but it seems like you would need some sort of specific connection to a particularl person in order to bring them back that you couldn't just whip out at a moment's notice??
is there any other way to open the gateway besides human transmutation?? And why doesn't the doctor count, since they've made plenty of philosopher's stones (which involve human transmutation, and is why Hohenheim is a sacrifice in the first place)??
okay, hawkeye isn't dead yet, but he's supposed to transmute her anyway? How does that differ from healing? I'M SO CONFUSED.
anyway, pride shows up and eats the annoying doctor and also makes a transmutation circle with his shadows while Bradley pins Mustang to the floor. o...kay. andthen it just...happens?without roy's consent?
okay, andnow the eclipse is starting, irl they'd have a maximum of 8 minutes at totality to Do The Thing, but who the fuck knows what's happening here since all the characters are UNDERGROUND (how do they even KNOW)
fuck, they're basically raping mustang here since his consent does not matter because pride ate the doctor and the doctor has the knowledge (but that should make him and/or pride the sacrifice, not ROY).
like what the actual fuck
so the doctor gets transmuted, even though he was the one with the relevant knowledge?? I don't get it.
and mustang is automatically transported to be with the other sacrifices - why? how?? how does this even work? is that other circlethey wereusing still active? was it part of pride's set-up for this circle to be dual-purpose?HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
and apparently, it's just one floor below so all they have to do is break the floor??
Roy is blind... but does not physically lose his eyes, which makes NO SENSE, given that Al, Ed and Izumi lost actual physical pieces of themselves.THE FUCK.
ed's like, "this is super fucked up shit, and you don't get to moralize about human nature and hubris if you guys forced him to do this"
pride is basically acting like a kid who had all the time in the world for an assignment and then rushed to complete it at the last possible moment
scar fights bradley, yes FINALLY SOMEBODY KILL THAT DUDE
al's emaciated body is just so heartbreaking, and al's like "no! I can't suddenly move to this incredibly emaciated version of myself before the final battle!" which is actually really smart of him
of course, al's body waits until AFTER his soul leaves to monologue about how al might have just destroyed the entire world. GEE THANKS YOU ASSHOLE.
broussh shows up at the radio station and maria ross is like :????:
Father says the sacrifices are "all in his belly" and we cut to the chimeras on the outside looking at a massive blob - so Father is ALSO a gate???
(ngl: it would make TOTAL SENSE if Father was originally one of the creatures we see when the gate opens, who got pulled into our world by Hohenheim's master... especially since he used Hohenheim's blood? DID HIS MASTER PERFORM HUMAN TRANSMUTATION? WOULDN'T IT BE AWESOME IF WE ACTUALLY GOT SOME ANSWERS??)
(okay, this is my working headcanon now)
May's like "I'M GONNA TAKE 'EM" and I'm like "aww, heck yeah girl!"
it's really appropriate that Scar--Formerly Consumed by Anger--is fighting Wrath, who ordered the Amestrian equivalent of Order 66 on Ishval.
scar put a reconstruction circle on his other arm, how Symbolic
no seriously, what the fuck did I just witness
Al apologizes to Hohenheim in case he hits him when he attacks father, bless that boy
Izumi makes A GIANT FUCKING CROSSBOW, did I mention I love her?
the personal gates of all of the sacrifices open - so they have giant eyes in their stomachs, wtf
father wants to open.. the planet's gate??
(this ties in with the alkahestry and chi, but... what?)
okay, the country-wide transmutation circle activates and everyone dies
Pinako (who knows Hohenheim is involved with this shit): Hohenheim, I'm gonna slug you. AND DAMN WELL YOU SHOULD MA'AM.
then the gates open and Father challenges God to a fistfight
... and God answers??
[apparently God lives in the sun, and only comes out during an eclipse??? looks just like the usual gate-eye-tentacle creature, tho]
okay, so we get our answer as to why an eclipse: male + female, sun + moon, = perfect being = immortality.
apparently there's a rule that all megalomaniacal shounen villains end up looking the same, because Father looks just like Aizen''s final form from Bleach now, except with more eyes.
Father ate God and now he's young and hot and mostly naked again.
He negates alchemy and creates a miniature sun in his hand because he can.
I hope God gives him indigestion or something.
Oh, wait, Hohenheim had a plan after all... THOUGH APPARENTLY 50 MILLION PEOPLE HAD TO DIE FIRST, WAY TO GO THERE
turns out he's been letting bits of his philosopher stone around amestris on his travels so that father would eat them and they'd tear him apart from the inside
... and the circle for the alchemy is the moon's shadow on the earth.
[I don't know if the astronomy actually works out, but it's very nifty nonetheless]
anyway, everybody's soul returns to their bodies, and everyone wakes up. IDK how their bodies handle having been functionally brain dead, but we're just gonna say it all works out, okay?
ooh, and everyone REMEMBERS WHAT JUST HAPPENED so they’re all like “...the fuck??”
scar saves the world by activating the reverse transmutation circle over the center that all the Ishvalans set up during the time skip
instead of blood you just need circles drawn on paper for reconstruction? why did Team Evil go to so much trouble to murder people instead?
father spends this whole fight looking like a very ripped hohenheim in a bathrobe around his waist OMG
pride calls ed his brother and I think this was handled better in 03 with Envy, but w/e. anyway he's going to take over ed's body but kimblee steps in and stops him
(man, this fucker again!!!)
kimblee's like "lol, I just like being a contrary bitch"
pride is reduced to a little baby, which Ed calls "Selim" and puts on his red jacket... okay...
well that was a trip.
cannot fault the manga-ka for ambition and epic scale here, but also: WHAT DID I JUST WATCH.
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samcroslut · 6 years ago
Partner In Crime, Literally (Happy Lowman x Reader)
A/N: Hay guys! So, before any people have a go at me for the way Tara in this, don’t. Personally, she irritated me in the show and that’s just my opinion so.. but this imagine was so fuckin fun to write and to the lovely @wonderlust-and-wild who sent it, thank you doll! Enjoy, feedback is welcome!
@hismissharley13 @badwolf-in-the-impala @cole-winchester @coco-cruzzz @lovereyes22 @penny4yourthot @squirreln-moose @thats-so-rhyan
If you want to be added to my taglist, just send me an ask!
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You walked upto the clubhouse, medical bag in hand as you passed the line up of bikes. It was late, the horizon long gone and was now replaced with a pure black sky. You were used to being called as you were just about to put your car into drive and go home for the day. It was always your Old Man, Happy. Hearing his voice down the phone made you smile, but that smile dropped off your face and was filled with a blank stare as he told you those same words: ‘we need you again.’
It wasn’t that you didn’t like helping the club, no you would help out in anyway that you could but as of late the calls were becoming more and more frequent.
Once you had patched up the member, Happy pulled you into his chest, grumbling out a thank you. Wrapping your arms around his solid chest, you smiled up at him.
“It’s fine, it’s my job now.”
“How was Stockton?” You worked there before you started dating Happy, your status one of the highest in California. You knew how to do your job and your were quick at it, you had to be. Working at a prison meant that you were constantly surrounded by drama and bullet wounds, but you loved it and your skills came in handy for the club so you were happy to help out.
“Actually not that bad for once. Few things here and there but nothing major.” You leaned up to kiss him, both your lips lingering for a while. You always missed him. However when someone walked through the door, catching the attention of a few guys, caused you to turn in the direction of the action. Tara. She was attached to Jax’s hip and glaring you down as you moved away from Happy to clear up your supplies. You rolled your eyes, she had always rubbed you up the wrong way. There was something about her that you just didn’t like. It was just you and Happy left in church as he kept you company, helping out here and there when she made her way over to you. Happy knew of your opinion on the woman and gave you a look.
“Don’t worry, as long as she doesn’t say shit.” He smirked when you whispered that to him, rolling his eyes and watching her clear her throat.
“Hi, (Y/N). How is he? Nothing too hard to patch up, I hope.” You gritted your teeth. Even her vibe made you want to punch her and that comment had you reeling. You knew for a fact that you were ten time better than she could ever be. On top of that, you both specialised in different things. You crossed your arms and smiled at her, remaining friendly.
“He’s gonna be fine, it was an easy fix.” She nodded her head in response.
“So how is Stockton?” There was a hint of jealousy in her tone, the underlying meaning of her words clouded.
“It’s fantastic. Busy but good.”
“Well I’m glad that you are fitting in here.” She looked over at Happy before leaving. You raised your eyebrows at her last comment but then brushed it off and grabbed your things and leaving. You said goodbye to the brothers, Jax pulling you into a hug and thanking you for helping out. You smiled again, ignoring Tara completely and went home with your Old Man.
It wasn’t till you walked into work the next day and got pulled over by your boss that you knew something was up. After sitting down with him, he brought up your personal life, which threw you off your game completely.
“Something came through about what sort of people you are connected to Miss (L/N). Your relation to the Sons of Anarchy has raised a few eyebrows and I want to know what this is all about from you.” You appreciate that he came to you for answers. His words weren’t rude or malicious, he was curious and wanted to know. You respected that and sat up straight in the chair that sat opposite his, looking him in the eye.
“I can promise you Sir, that my relationship with the Sons won’t interfere with my performance here.” You would like to think that your skills and reputation had something to do with the fact he allowed you to remain with job intact. He nodded and leaned forward in his chair, arms resting on his desk.
“Okay, thank you for telling me Dr but if I find out that it is affecting anything, I will be more hasty with my decisions.”
“Thank you for this Sir. If I may ask: who told you about my relations?”
An anonymous tip. Of course it was anonymous. You had a damn good idea as to who was behind it though.
Storming into the clubhouse, steam blowing out of your ears as you spotted Happy sat at the bar, drink in hand. Going up behind him, whispering aggressively in his ear.
“We have something to discuss.” he gave you a look, and you knew that he thought that he had done something wrong. The irritation radiating off you in waves that made the brothers that were here cringe.
As you pulled Happy into his dorm, you slammed the door and paced. He stood by the bed, watching the scene before him.
“What’s happened?” You glared at him in annoyance, you didn’t mean to push it onto him. Really, you should be slapping the bitch that sent the information in the first place.
“I got pulled over by my boss. Someone tipped them off about me being with the club. An anonymous tip.” He raised an eyebrow in curiosity, urging you to continue.
“It had to have been that bitch! She’s been making snide comments every time I’ve talked to her. She hates the fact I’ve got a bigger reputation than her!” Happy just nodded as you ranted, thoughts flying through his mind, anger slowly building. If you boss didn’t have such an advantage with you on his payroll, then you would of been sacked and that made his fists clench. He knew how hard you had worked for this and he wasn’t going to let a jealous Old Lady ruin that for you.
“We can’t tell Jax, not yet. That could have been anyone.” You turned to him, arms now crossed.
“We both know that it was her. I’m not just going to sit back and let her ruin my career.”
“I’m not saying it wasn’t her, I’m saying that we need evidence before I can let you go off on one.” You smirked and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you.” You whispered out to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He was always the one that kept you level headed and it was something that you returned for him when he needed it. He was your partner in crime, literally, and you couldn’t picture your life without him now that you have him. He was everything.
It took a few days to get anything. Juice being put on the job, being told that he needed to keep it on the down low. When he knocked on your door, computer in hand with a smile wide on his face, you felt over the moon. You had been wanting to say something and as the days passed, you were getting antsy but you could finally explode.
Waiting until she got here, your leg was bouncing profoundly. A rough, warms hand came down on your thigh making the bouncing seize. You were a toxic mixture of nervous and angry.
You saw Jax and calmly walked up to him. The last thing that you wanted was bad blood between the two of you, that would screw with Happy and you weren’t going to do that to him.
Tapping his shoulder, he turns around and smiles, beer in hand.
“Hay (Y/N).”
“Hay Jax. I wanted to speak to you, in private.” He nodded and led you into church, closing the doors and sitting at the head of the table. You stood next the chair and took a deep breath.
“What is it? If anything’s happening, you can tell me.” He was always so kind to you, the hospitality and welcoming he showed you made you feel bad that you were telling him this.
“Look, I didn’t want to cause any trouble but now that this has happened, I can’t not say anything.” It was that that made his lean back in his chair and- with his foot- push back the other one for you, nodding towards it. You looked at it before sitting down.  It was a weird feeling to be sat in these chairs. This is where it all happens.
“I got pulled over by my boss at Stockton a few days ago who wanted to discuss my relations to the club. I wasn’t that bothered by it until he mentioned it came in through a tip.” You really didn’t want to continue, “I told happy and asked Juice if he could find out who sent it in. I was just curious as to why someone would do it and now that I’m on his radar for mistakes, it could've lost me my job.” You looked down at the floor trying to prepare yourself, the next few words would ruin the content bubble his family was in and it made your stomach turn.
“Who was it (Y/N)?” He was calm and collected, patient for you to finish.
“It came from Tara’s phone number and with the recording that Juice found, it was her.” You weren’t going to tell him about the snide comments or dirty looks, this was damning enough.
A sharp intake of breath made you look him in the eyes.
“I wanted to, well, talk to her about this but I don’t trust her to not tell you the truth Jax. I want you to know this before I say anything.” He nodded his head in understanding and breathed in, leaning back again.
“Thank you for telling me this. She’s coming here soon and you can talk to her, but I want to have a word first.” It was your turn to nod, thanking him before you left, closing the door behind you.
Happy was the first person you saw, relief in your eyes at the fact you knew that you could get everything out of your system. You sat on the bar stool next to his and trained your eyes on the entrance doo, waiting for the specific footsteps.
When they finally did come, after roughly an hour, she had the nerve to smile at you and ask were Jax was.
“In church, he’s waiting for you.” Seeing her disappear in there made you smirk, it was like walking into a lion’s den and she didn’t even know it. Your arms rested on the counter as you saw his lips move in the glass window, but you couldn’t make anything out. Then you saw the anger flood that room, the quick movements and shouting that could be heard. You turned your back, facing the wall of liquor and downing a shot. That was between the two of them and if he wanted to rip her to shreds, then you would have to wait your turn. You just hope that he would leave you something more than leftovers.
A slamming of a door brought you out of your daydream, Jax storming off with a trailing Tara behind him. Everyone turned toward the two of them, the drama escalating quickly.
“Jax, please. Hear me out!” She was begging and you and Happy smirked. The president didn’t listen, merely continuing out the door and leaving his wife behind. The club went silent. Everyone waiting in anticipation for her next move. Turns out, you were her next move. Her eyes shot to you, a glare that could make anyone feel uncomfortable. Not you though. You raised an eyebrow, daring her to start something with you. Her pace quick as she started the screaming up again, this time directed at you.
“THIS IS YOUR GOD DAMN FAULT! If you would of just kept your mouth shut!” Her finger pointing at you as spit flew out of her mouth, her words making a few people leave as to not get in the middle of the Presidents and Unholy One’s Old Lady fighting. You pushed off your chair and stood up straight, face to face.
“MY FAULT?! YOU ARE THE ONE THAT RUINED THIS FOR YOURSELF!” Your face was bright red and the resentment for this woman was finally pouring out in one go. Happy sat at the side with a smile on his face. He himself had been on the wrong side of your temper and that was bad enough but this was something even worse and it blew him away.
Tara attempted to big herself up and rival you but it wasn’t working, so the next thing you knew her hand was in your hair and pulling. Your elbow went straight into her stomach and it pushed her back, the second free allowed you to get a good slap across her face before it was your hand in her hair, dragging it up until you were eye to eye.
“Don’t you dare try and ruin my life or career again, otherwise I swear to God, I will make you disappear.” You weren’t shouting, your voice thick and deep as you spoke it to her with an intensity that made even Happy shiver. You threw her away and the look on your face was nothing but disgust. She aimed to stand up and return the fight but you growled at her, making her stumble out of the clubhouse, leaving everyone staring at you. Turning you back you grabbed a bottle of whisky and sat on Happy’s lap. His lips found your forehead and he place a kiss to it.
“Jesus baby, you feel better now?” He said, low and quiet. The conversation private and still, not wanting to draw anymore attention to you.
“Much. Thank you for finding out it was her. I know that it would put you in some shit if it didn’t work out. You trusted me. Thank you, baby.” You finished your sentence with a harsh, emotion-filled kiss, which he willingly returned. You partner in crime.
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jaaebear · 6 years ago
frozen love ; na jaemin
pairing: na jaemin x reader featuring ten and taeyong
genre: angst and maybe some fluff
set out: bulleted scenario bC im lazy 
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hey kitty gorl ! how are you? if you read this you’re beautiful uwu
anywho, letzzz get it
i hate myself
welcome to this soulmate fic
so b4 we jump in lemme say a few things 
you are a witch surpise biatch
and you live in a world where there are many mythical creatures along with humans
and humans are seen superior 
so that is why the royal family of the world are humans
and who are they? well they’re the na family
the queen and king and their two sons, na jaemin and ten
lets ignore ten’s last name so they’re brothers okay thx 
&& they’re both humans bc they’re the royal family
out of all mythical creatures, witches are the lowest breed of creature
they’re outcast and anybody associated with them are seen as horrible people who don’t deserve anything
this is because decades ago,,,, the king at the time had a soulmate who was a witch
when the witch fell pregnant, she tried to secretly abort her baby with magic as she was young
like 16 young
if anyone here is 16 and a mum, you rock, you go glen coco
when the king found out he was furious and deemed witches as the evilest creatures and shall not be on that same rank of other mythical creatures
they were the outcasts of breeds
and everybody knew who they were because each witch had electric blonde/white hair which couldn’t be achieved even with hair dye
same as everyone knew the royal family for their deep black hair that nobody else had
and for decades after that, the royal family was never paired with witches
now to you
your family though you were going to be an easy child until you were born on a blood moon
but so were like 5 other witches
it was said that the ‘princess’ of witches was born on a blood moon once every 666 years 
long time i know but yolo
and it appeared you were born on a blood moon 666 years after the last princess
and you weren’t call the princess because you were royal, you were called the princess because you had every magical ability known to witches and were seen as more powerful 
ofc the royal family HATED you 
their daughter despised you considering she was born on the same day
so you were an outcast and being the hot head witch you are
you took it out on other witches, torturing them
not seriously but if they needed a pencil, all the pencils would magically disappear
some days you would break and just cry because you wanted to be normal
anyway, everything went to shit when you were eighteen
being eighteen, you had your dark baptism (yes i stole this from the chilling adventures of sabrina don’t @ me) 
and you were at your most powerful
you were going to be this powerful for the next three years of your life
and everything was great but people feared you
you hated that
you constantly went to spell class where you meet selene, your best friend
she was the daughter of witch Lords
which was pretty cool
then one morning you woke up with black roots in your hair, fading into your normal electric blonde and you shit yourself
you didn’t leave your room for days and nobody bothered you, scared you would hurt them
flip to jaemin, 
his older brother ten was just chilling in his room until he heard jaemin scream
he bolted to the room only to notice jaemin in front of the mirror
he thought he was just being dramatic until he noticed that his hair was almost white with black tips
then ten screamed
when the king came in, he fucking lost it
screaming at jaemin for no reason because it was obvious he soulmate was a witch
it was then explained by the King’s cousin that it was a form of soulmate connection
someone people had their eyes connected to their soulmates and they changed to their soulmates colour or 
they had a tattoo, like ten, in the form of their soulmate
ten had wings as his tattoo on his wrist
he later met taeyong, an angel with the most beautiful white wings
taeyong had the word royal on his chest
they were soulmates
they had married by now
jaemin hated himself
how stupid could he have been to be paired with a witch
but he learned to love it and when you appeared in his dreams
he later learned to love you
you wore a hat everywhere now, concealing your black roots because people would notice
then it started spreading so you wore headscarfs
now you only had white tips left
but nobody knew
selene came racing to you one afternoon, 
telling you how the royal family had put on a ball to find the witch who the son was connected to
little did anyone know, the king planned to kill her
but she was excited because it was the only royal ball witches were ever invited to
the kingdom was in overdrive for the next few days
they knew the ‘princess of witches’ would be attending so they tried to make everything magic proof
but they failed and gave up
fast forward and its the day
you, selene and her father, The Lord, were standing outside the doors of the palace
“hey what are you doing?”
selene stood in front of you, worry flashing in her dark eyes
she wore a white dress with a lace purple sleeve to indicate she was the lord of witches daughter 
you on the other hand, had a white headscarf on trying to look normal while concealing the black hair 
you wore a simple black dress to blend in to the other witch commoners 
“i can’t do it”
selene explained how you were just going to greet the royal family then you could go hide
 upon receiving a nod from you, she grabbed your hand leading you in
“okay” you say, “let’s get this over with”
the doors opened again and jaemin looked up from his seat to see who had entered 
room was silent as it erupted into whispers and gasps
you didn’t know why until you noticed you were the only one in black
you leaned over into selene and asked her why you were the only one in black
“you said everyone would be wearing black selene! i wanted to blend in!”
“dad said the princess has to wear black and i knew if i told you the truth you wouldn’t come!”
“no i wouldn’t of! you lied to me!”
“y/n” selene’s dad spoke up “they just need to know who to keep an eye on, you’re at your most powerful”
you felt yourself get angry, and hot
selene noticed the tips of your fingers become red
indicating you were channeling fire
one more bad thing would set you off
you hadn’t looked the royal family once 
but you heard the king’s voice into a microphone before you could remove yourself from the front entrance
“please take off the young princess’ headscarf”
you shook your head, backing away from the guard
you almost made it to the door while the guard was talking into an earpiece
“but sir, she has white hair, look at the tips showing”
the king told the man to do as he said and it was only then that it clicked to selene what was happening
“holy shit” she whispered to herself 
and her dad already knew
the royal family had their eyes trained on you 
and when the guard grabbed your headscarf you told him that he didn’t want to do that
but he did anyway
and  the room was crazy after that
a witch, the princess, with black and white hair
“jaemin...” ten started but the boy couldn’t hear him over the people in the room
you still hadn’t looked at him
‘cmon, look at me’
and on que, you lifted your head
your eyes meeting warm brown and noticing the crystal white hair on his head
selene had notice your eyes sporting a small red hue and she was terrified
and then king spoke carefully into the microphone
“kill her”
and that was the last stroke
the curtains of the palace went up in flames, your hands glowing red
you turned towards the guard
“move, before you’re next”
he didn’t but you couldn’t bring yourself to hurt him so you simply teleported out of the room into the palace gardens
na jaemin didn’t thing twice about breaking protocol
he ran out of the room, still feeling your presence near by
and he met you at the gardens
you controlling the plants with your mind, letting them grow into something beautiful
 you turn around to meet him, eyes on the floor
he made his way closer
“hey,” he said “look at me”
“i-i don’t think i can”
you walked toward the fountain making shapes of water in they air
he followed behind you
“please, love, just look at me”
and after a moment, you lifted your eyes to his like you did in the ballroom prior to running out
“your higness”
“please, call me jaemin”
“jaemin...” you tested the name
“i’m sorry about your curtains”
“they’re replaceable, you are not . i cannot believe my father wanted to kill you”
“i can, i mean look at me, i’m a witch”
“but you’re more”
“you’re more then a witch, my love, you’re my soulmate and i vow to protect you with my life” 
a tear slides down your cheek
“deep breaths, y/n, deep breaths”
you were stunned at how he knew your name but chose to ignore it, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing your body closer to his
after a moment, you pulled away but not far enough for his hands to leave your waist
they fit snuggly and you love it
“y/l y/n, princess of the witches, i vow to always protect you and be here for you”
“and i you, my prince, my ice prince”
when ten and taeyong leave the ballroom to go looking for jaemin, they don’t know what to expect. you burning him, fighting or what but they are surprised to see you two, making sweet promises to each other
ten leans against taeyong, neither moving to leave, but to watch
“my love, can you freeze this moment, i want to remember it forever in my mind, just for a few seconds”
and you comply, reciting a few words in latin before your hands become icy cold, the gardens freezing over with only you, jaemin, ten and taeyong in sight
and when the spell wore off he spoke to you “now we have a forzen love and i hope it stays like this forever”
ten smiles sweetly watching you to lean into each other
lips grazing before hugging and he knew
you were the one for his little brother
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surveys-at-your-service · 6 years ago
Survey #196
“what separates man from beast? turn to your master.”
What's a show that you absolutely refuse to watch? 13 Reasons Why. How many times have you been in love? Twice. Do you remember how old you were when you started swearing? 7th grade, however old that is. How many years older than you would you date someone? ~9, maybe 10. Depends on just how much I'm interested in the person. What was the last thing you pinky-swore on? *shrugs* Don't even recall the last time I did that. Would you consider yourself a nice person? I think I am. Are you a car kind of fella? No. I don't even know the names of the most basic models. Are there a lot of mirrors in your house? Not at all. There's like... two. Who’s the laziest person you know? Proooobably me. True or false: Glee is annoying. All musicals make me cringe. Would you make a good teacher? Why? Fuck no. I'm not dealing with 20+ kids, and I'm also way too awkward for that. Is the fan on? Actually no. I have a small heater in my room that turns on/off to regulate the temperature. Otherwise, my room is frigid this time of year. Have you ever broken someone else’s bone? No. Do you really believe in your ‘one true love’? I don't believe in that concept. There's billions of humans on this earth; you don't have just one that you'd be wonderfully compatible with. Do you worry more about other people’s happiness than your own? It depends. Have you ever had feelings for 2 people at the same time?
 Yes, Jason and Juan until I picked between them definitively. You could also say Sara and Girt, but I'd come to learn my feelings weren't romantic towards Girt. Do you believe that leaving a significant other for someone else is ever a good idea? Sure; if you're even considering someone other than your s/o, that says something anyway. It's a far better alternative to cheating. Is it possible to ‘fix’ a ‘broken’ relationship?
 Mixed emotions, idk. Would you ever throw out/give away something an ex gave you?
 I've thrown out stuff, but I haven't given anything away, though I'd probably be able to. If you found someone seemingly perfect for you, but it turned out they had a child… would you still give the relationship a chance?
 No chance. Who is the first person you see in the mornings? Well, I live with only Mom. Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year?
 In love, probably Jason. I consider someone being in love and just loving someone are of different intensities. Do you have a secret life?
 The RP site is unknown to just about anyone. Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt?
 Yes, but she was just changing her shirt rq, and I didn't really look anyway out of respect. Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you?
 No. Are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend?
 She's the same person lmao. Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
 Jelly. If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? At this very moment, probably my left daith. Do you have a nervous habit? (e.g. biting nails, tapping feet, smoking) Most obviously, I knead my hands and I'm fidgety. My eyes dart around, and I bite my lip a lot. Current favorite song? I've been hopping around between a lot lately. Maybe "Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums" by A Perfect Circle. Do you know anyone famous? No. Do you own a Bible? No. Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else? No. The last time you held a baby: Moooonths ago, like last summer when Colleen needed me to hold her son for whatever. The last form you filled out: Something for vocational rehab. The last time you stayed up past 12AM: Saturday night/Sunday to see the super blood wolf moon. It was incredible. The last time you gave up on or quit something: Well it's not like I'm ever doing anything noteworthy to remember quitting. The last video game you played: Some of The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. The last time you were in a big city: Not since March '18. The last television show you watched: Avatar: The Last Airbender with Sara. I'm surprisingly really into it and can't wait to keep going ahhhhhhh. Who was the last person you sat next to? My mom. Do you wear socks to bed? No, I hate socks. How many Canadian provinces have you been to? None. What kind of car did you take your drivers test in? N/A What is your first memory of being in a hospital? I have very faint memories of when I was a very little kid, my sisters and I played in the room where my mom and her three co-workers worked. I can't remember why we were ever there? All I know is we always wanted to go to the little gift shop to get candy lol. Does anyone in your life treat you badly? Are you allowing them to treat you that way? Or do you stand up for yourself? Not consistently. Have you ever cut someone out of your life because of how they treated you? Rather how she treated most of the human population. How much was the rent/mortgage at the cheapest place you’ve ever lived? Idk, probably here, where I think it's $700-something. Do you still keep in touch with your very first best friend? We're friends on Facebook, but that's it. Who got married at the last wedding you went to? Oh JEEZ. I think he was one of Ashley's co-worker's nephews or something like that?? I can't remember the exact connection, but it was complicated. What was your favorite home-cooked meal when you were a kid? Like, made from scratch? Um. I dunno. Nothing stands out. What was the topic of the last conversation you had with your dad? The laptop we're working on getting. Have you ever been to a wedding where the bride was a total bridezilla? No. How often did you visit your grandparents when you were growing up? Almost never. Dad's were in Ohio, Mom's mother was in Florida (my grampa died when I was like, two), and here we are in NC. We couldn't afford to travel much. Have you ever had psoriasis? I don't think so? I do have super dry skin, but I don't think I've ever had scaly patches. How much of your time to do you spend being bored? What could cure that boredom? Almost every day past afternoon, really... and having shit to do that doesn't confine me to this house, or have Sara here. Do squeaky toys annoy you? Yes. Animals: love ‘em? Why or why not? I absolutely love them; they're our neighbors. It's amazing how creatures that can't speak can be so interesting. Is a solitary person necessarily an unlikable person? Um, no. Are you a picky eater? You have ABSOLUTELY no idea. If you play Sims, have you ever saved a Sim from death? I've played the animals one, in which case, yes, lol. Are you hopelessly addicted to the computer? Admittedly so. Almost everything I do is on there, and it's sad just how lost I am on what to do if I don't have WiFi or a gaming console. I've been this way since I was a pre-teen though, so it's not exactly something I think I can un-learn. Like I'm not one of those people who puts every opportunity behind sitting here on it at least, I'll happily jump up for something fun and/or interesting, but it's still my go-to thing to do. Do you prefer online or face-to-face communication? Why? Depends on the person and my mood, but more often than not, online because I'm a socially awkward abomination. What kinds of things do you watch on YouTube? Let's plays mostly, but also random shit from some people I'm subscribed to, beauty videos with Jeffree Star solely because I love that hoe and am there for his personality, uhhh other misc. things that make me laugh. If you’re offered a trip to either Hawaii or Alaska, which would you choose? Probably Alaska, esp. if it's a good season for the Northern Lights. Do you have any close friends that were adopted? No. If you could have any job/talent, what? (regardless if can or not)? Hyperrealistic traditional artist or meerkat biologist. Who, in your opinion, is the best thriller writer? I wouldn't know. Does your mom eat meat? Yes. Was your dad ever in a sports team? Yeah. Do you prefer thick or thin crusted pizza? I stroooongly prefer thick. Thin is just flaky and hard. Have you ever had an eerie/paranormal experience? What happened? A lot. The top two that scared me the most follow: 1.) I was home alone, very late in the night watching TV, and Teddy, who was glued to me, would not look away from the bottom of the bed and was barking and growling relentlessly. I even tried forcing his head to look away with how badly it was scaring me, but he absolutely would not let it. Me personally, I "felt" a strong and malevolent female presence just fucking staring at me, and I called my mom literally crying. I was so shaken up that at like 4:00 A.M. I think it was, she had to call our poor neighbor to sleep in the house with me. Safe to say, I did not sleep in my bed; I'm pretty sure I didn't for a good few days. 2.) I was outside one night, walking with my iPod as I did most nights. I suddenly stopped dead when I saw this white, transparent thing walk very fluidly out of the woods of my backyard and just vanish. It was fucking crazy because it felt like time had slowed, and I remember perfectly it looked like a bipedal creature walking on all fours instead, but it was not a fucking human or animal. It reminded me of some Rake depictions (which I don't really believe in), but not precisely. My entire body absolutely chilled, and I was like a deer in headlights for many seconds, but after that, I have never run faster than I did going back inside. I immediately told my mom, freaking the hell out, but who knows if she believed I actually saw something. I didn't do nighttime walks for I think around a week, and for a loooong time, I'd altered my path so I couldn't see the spot it had appeared, and I over my dead body would ever go to the clearing at night. I also either saw a star do some weird-ass shit over the course of a week or so, or it was some UFO doing something okay only facts here. All three of these things happened at our old house, sooo glad that is no longer home lmao. Do you have any friends with the same name as you? No. How many people of the same name as you have you ever met? Oh jeez, plenty. How often do you see your best friend? Our history so far has been every ~2-3 months. Do you like incense or does it give you headaches? I love that shit oml. Do you prefer to watch or attempt? Depends? Do you shout when you’re upset? Occasionally. Where was the last place you ate, except from home? I believe Wendy's. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? Play Spyro or make-believe with my favorite toys. Do you take any vitamins? Which ones? Yes, for vitamin D, as my deficient of it beforehand was absolutely abysmal, and it was probably the cause of my knees wanting me dead. Have you ever lost something really precious to someone else? Maybe? Who makes you feel small/inferior? It's entirely unintentional, but my psychiatrist, ha ha. He is a fucking genius with incredible knowledge of like... everything. Are you protective of your family? Well yeah. I'm especially protective of my younger sister, but not like, incredibly. What size ring are you? Idr. What’s something you regret buying, but you just can’t get rid of it? Sad as it is to say, my rat Mitsu. She's nervous of being held, yet she always jumps up onto the cage's bars when I'm passing and enjoys me petting her through them, but that's all I can do, and I feel awful. Her claws also reeeaaally irritate my skin (maybe from the bedding, idk), but getting rid of a pet rat isn't exactly easy, especially with the fear of her being bought merely as food. What villain do you believe is most worthy of a redemption arc? Is Harley Quinn still even a villain??? What was your favorite school project you ever made? Idr. What role do you take on when you have to do a group project? (for example: leader, delegator, slacker, etc.) The meticulous writer/taking the notes. What’s a funny mistake you’ve made recently? Oh boy, how is nothing coming to me among certainly a million options in the back of my mind??? OH WAIT. I was texting Sara and mentioned I was watching Shane Dawson, but it autocorrected to "Shame," and I was like, "still accurate." What would be your reaction if one of your parents said they were having another kid? My mom's long past that age. And my parents are divorced. How many friends do you have that don’t live in the same country as you? One of my long-time Internet buds, off the top of my head. What is always in your wallet that doesn’t need to be? HAHA. One time in high school, me a few friends got together to just wander the mall. We went into a tux store and got a card there for literally no reason, but it's still in my wallet for memory's sake. What is a strange red flag you have when pursuing a relationship? Excessive and/or raunchy flirting. If a single thing you say fits the latter, you're fucking out. How many people have you thought “Glad I don’t have to interact with them ever again” about? Probably a decent number. What do you NOT want on your tombstone? Don't mention shit about God or Jesus or whatever. How many couches do you want in your residence? One long one or two average ones for the sake of accommodating company. What is the strangest website you have bookmarked? Nothing strange. What is your typical number of windows/tabs open on your computer? Ha, usually 4-5 tabs. Sometimes more, sometimes just two or three. Do you follow the expiration date on food? Like, religiously. What is the coolest name that you would never name a real human child? "Magnus" is the first that came to me. What fish scares you the most? Probably stonefish. Hard to spot 'em, venomous as hell, enough to sometimes kill. How do you feel about snails? In almost all cases, they gross me out. Just not as much as slugs. I hate slimy things. How often do you think about what guys will think of you? The older I get, the less I give a fuck what one thinks, at least about how I look. If you are on birth control that allows you take pills and skip your period, how often do you opt to skip it? How come? I can't skip mine. Is there a book series where you loved the first book, but for some reason the other books in the series just didn’t measure up? Idr. Are there any stores/restaurants that you would like to shop/eat at, but there aren’t any located near enough to you? Oh, I'm sure. I'd have to think. If you are a part of a certain fandom or are a fan of a popular series/musician, is there a rivalry between your fandom and another one (e.g., Lady Gaga fans vs. Katy Perry fans or Marvel vs. DC)? The Silent Hill and Resident Evil franchises are often compared, but I haven't seen much "rivalry." There are some people who pit Markiplier and JackSepticEye against each other with them being close in subs, but it's wonderful that I usually see only great bonding between the two fandoms instead, and they usually overlap with fans. Metallica is constantly shit on by Slayer fans. There's more, I'm sure, but I don't feel like digging deep into the thousand fandoms I'm in lmao. Do you ever have smell hallucinations? Don't think so. If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? Honestly? I'd be fucking ecstatic. I'll probably never have hetero sex ever again, but rapists always worry me. I don't at all want kids. Is there something that you did not used to take seriously, that you either now take seriously or wish that you had in the past (e.g., a relationship that you miss, your education, etc.)? Man, I don't know. I would say my college, but I didn't really have a choice in my decrepit mental state, and fuck that school from a trillion different angles anyway. Are you physically affectionate with your friends? Just with hugs. I'm not a platonic cuddler/kisser/hand-holder. Are any of your friends/relatives actually impressive artists or writers? Are you willing to share an example of their work? My cousin is an incredible artist, but I don't believe I've seen her work in years. When it comes to relationships/crushes, are you more often the pursued or the pursuer? Pursued, I guess. Do you ever find yourself making negative comments about other people’s appearances, whether it’s people you dislike or even just people on tv? I generally keep comments to myself. Have you ever dated someone on the football team? No. Do you have any ceramic animals in your house or outside? There is this pointless dolphin in the corner of our backyard?????????? Why????????????? Who made you???????????????? Have you ever made a summer bucket list? No. Have you ever stayed in a hotel suite? No. What type of waffles do you like? (Plain, blueberry etc..) Plain or chocolate chip, 'pending on the mood. Have you ever been to a night club? No. What was the last thing to make you sad? A picture on Facebook of some dick posing beside an elephant he killed at a watering hole. It was in an anti-trophy group or something like that. Do you kill spiders when you see them? If it's in my house and not tiny, unless it's too close to me. Are you allergic to any animals? Which ones? No. Does it bother you when people play with your hair? It would if it was anyone but my s/o or maybe my mom, but even from her, that might feel weird. What is your favorite movie series? SHREK, BITCH. I haven't seen the fourth one though and I am legitimately mad. Not sayin' it for the meme, I legit love Shrek okay. Did your parents get married before or after you were born? I actually found out recently it was after I was born. True/False: You’ve had an odd dream this week. It's weird, I've actually been briefly recalling them lately... but not for long. I believe I have, though. Who was the last person to let you down? Mom, probably. Can you dry swallow pills? I'm capable with small capsule ones, but I don't. What was the last thing you ordered online? Sara's Christmas present. Are you happy with your relationship with God, or do you want more from it? I have no relationship with him, if you're addressing the "God" I'm assuming you do. Even with the entity I believe in, I don't really see us as having a "relationship" in this life. They're just my silent judge that sees me according to how I deserve. Is your spirit made for adventure? Eh. Yes and no. Have you ever been rejected by a church? No.
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rocketfire001 · 7 years ago
Crystal Heart- Chapter 2
Here’s chapter 2! Enjoy! 
DISCLAIMER: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. I am not Nintendo.
Crystal woke with a start. She was in a small, dark space. She struggled and struggled, suddenly bursting out of her pokeball. Rain pelted her body. She looked around. No sign of her team. 
    'Rhett?' She called, looking around. 'Rhett?' Nothing. She floated back up the hill. Nothing. She hurried inside the pokecenter and shook herself dry. Still nobody familiar. But she wasn't quite worried. He couldn't be too far. Rhett would never leave her behind. She took a moment to collect herself and floated back outside. She looked back and fourth between buildings and roads but to no avail. No sign of her team or her boy. She traveled until night fell and the rain had worn off. Once the moon shown itself, Crystal started to worry. She was sure she'd traveled all over the island and hadn't seen a slight sign of them. She found a patch of slightly tall grass, pat it down and laid down in it. Her search would continue tomorrow...if she had the willpower.     Crystal woke to the sound of slight whimpers. At first, it sounded like Marcie. But after a moment, she realized it wasn't her. But instead, it was another one of those brown and grey dogs. They stumbled around, looking hurt. Crystal looked around once more for her family, almost by insticnt, and then floated over to the dog.     "Hey, are you alright?" She asked. The dog didn't even acknowlage her existance.     "Hello?" She tried again, almost reaching out to them. Still nothing. Finally, floated before the dog, which startled them horribly, though they didn't make any sort of noise.     "Stop, you're injured. Let me help." Crystal said gently. The dog hesitated, then laid down, staring at Crystal. They waved a paw at her to catch her attention.     "Yes?" She asked. The dog put their paws over their ears and shook their head, then did the same thing with their paws over their mouth. It took a moment befor Crystal put the pieces together. She didn't say anything and sat her hand on the dog's head.     'Can you hear me now?' She asked inside her mind. The dog jumped, eyes widened.     'SOUND!!!' The dog's mind yelled happily, her tail wagging excidedly. Crystal recoiled a bit from surprise, then shook her head.     'Do you have a trainer?' Crystal asked, removing her hand from the dog's head. The dog shook her head.     'Can I assume you once had hearing?' Crystal asked, picking the small dog up. The dog shivered.     'Yeah, it left me, but I didn't need that bitch anyways.' She scoffs, waving her paw in the air, which looked to have blood on it.     'What happened to you?' Crystal questioned further, floating towards the closest pokemon center.     'Some bitch thought they could talk shit about me. Nu uh bitch, not in my house!' She growled, smirking. Crystal gave her an odd look, but said nothing else. They stayed silent until they got to the pokemon center. People gave the two odd looks as the trainer-less pokemon carried another inside.     Crystal caught the attention of a chancey nurse who took the dog into the back. She waited near the doors, away from the humans. She glanced at them nervously every now an then, making sure none of them was Rhett. What worried her most was that she hadn't been able to hear his thoughts, a sign that he was far away from her. Then, the thought hit her...did he mean to leave her? Was she...in the way to him? She shook at the thought. Crystal was with Rhett the longest out of any of them on their team...and he'd almost lost her before...Her thoughts were interrupted when the dog came back out, walking out of the doors as if she were on a runway. The nurse explained that there were only minor injuries that would very soon be healed.     The two left the center and began walking outside, sometimes checking out the nearby areas, just in case Crystal's team happened to be there.     'So, you can talk to people through their minds?' The dog asked, who had since introduced herself as a "Rockruff". Crystal sighed and nodded. Rockruff tilted her head.     'Something on your mind, sweetie?' She asked. Crystal stared at the ground for a moment.     'I...I'm missing my trainer. His name is Rhett. He's the only other creature i've formed a telepathic connection with.'     'What? I mean, your trainer, I get...what made me special? Not that I really had to ask." Rockruff smirked and wagged her tail slightly.     'Considering you had no hearing and appared to be injured, I made an exception.' Crystal explained.     'Sweet! Say, you got a trainer, how about you and me stick together, eh? Not to be greedy, but damn, i've missed hearing things! Even if I can't actually speak, even the slightest bit of company is fabulous!' Rockruff suggested, dashing in front of Crystal an began to walk backwards. Crystal shook her head.     'I'm sorry, but I can't...we just recently got our sixth member. And besides, we're an ice type only team.'     'Well, that's okay! I don't actually have to be a part of the team, do I? Hell, your trainer doesn't have to capture me, i'll follow you anyways! Point being, i'd like to not loose my only source of sound and the only pokemon I can talk to.'     'I'm sure i'm not the only pokemon with this ability. I'm not the only ghost type in the world.' Crystal shrugged. Rockruff's ears lowered a little.     'I feel like you're trying to get rid of me. Sorry honey, but you can't get rid of a bad bitch that easily.' She smirked and winked. Crystal just rolled her eyes and kept walking. The two walked in silence for a moment or two until Rockruff stopped for a moment and began waking normally again.     'Who are we looking for again?' She asked.     'Rhett. Relativy long hair, pale, freckled.' Crystal described. 'Also, search for any ice types. There's more than likely to be less ice types on a tropical island, i'm sure.'     Rockruff nodded and they walked in silence again. Until, again, Rockruff inturrupted the silence.     'Hey, can you sing at all? I mean, it's in your head so i'd think that would be easy.' She asked, tail wagging. Crystal glanced at the ground.     'I suppose so...though i've never sang to anyone in my mind before.' She responded, unsure of her answer. Rockruff waved her paw dismissivly.     'Ah hell, you probably have a great singing voice, lemme hear it!' She insisted and bumped into Crystal playfully. Crystal rolled her eyes.     'Later. We have to focus on searching for Rhett.' She reponded dryly.     'Wait, wait, wait...I hate to deprive you of your trainer, but...I dunno, could you find me somebody else who can talk to me like this? Please? After that, me and my friend will dedicate our lives to finding your trainer!' Rockruff hopped around, making motions to match her words. Crystal opened her mouth to refuse, but she stopped herself. On one hand, it wasn't her responsiblity to make sure this deaf creature heard. But, then again, if she were that way, even a tiny bit of sound would be great.     'Alright, but it has to be quick.' She agreed, solemly nodding her head. Rockruff nearly tackled Crystal in a hug, and thanked her a thousand times.     'Did you have a certain ghost type in mind?'     'I only want them to talk to me! They could be the most common or rare thing on the planet, it don't matter to me!'     'Do you want them to be wild?'     'Hell yeah! Even better to have a fellow bad bitch!' Rockruff chuckled.     'That's not what I mean...' Crystal said in a deadpanned tone. Rockruff winked.     The two went about their search for another ghost type pokemon companion. They found a couple ghastly's but they had no idea how to make telepathic connections. After a few hours of searching, they sat down in another grass patch, watching the sun start to set. It suddenly hit Crystal that she'd been away from Rhett for two days. The thought ripped at her heart. What if she'd been left behind? What if Rhett had already replaced her? What if this had been planned? What if-     'Yo girl, you okay?' Rockruff startled Crystal. She hadn't noticed the tears spilling from her eyes. She wiped them away and nodded. Crystal felt something warm on her neck and she turned slightly, seeing Rockruff leaning her head on Crystal.     'We'll find your trainer. Us bad bitches need to stick together and help each other out.' She said witha smile, lifting her head back up. Crystal nodded and turned back to the sun. After another moment of silence, Rockruff spoke back up.     'So, what do you t-' Crystal stopped listening when outside sound rung through the air suddenly. Before she could process what happened, Rockruff vanished in a flash of red. Crystal whipped around and saw two humans in odd black and white clothing. She tried to blast them with an ice beam, but the one she shot at ducked and then something flew at her face and all went black.
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