#Anyway off work next couple of days and i think will have a good amount of free time one my hands bc honest to god not sure what Wolf and I
nyhne · 23 days
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gretagerwigsmuse · 2 years
i don’t know, blame the air force?
summary: in which lieutenant commander bradshaw feels his girlfriend’s wrath after she gets her year end bonus and uncle sam takes a pretty penny out of it
a/n: listen….this is very self indulgent and that’s all i’m going to say. i literally wrote it this afternoon after…well i got fucked by the government in the form of taxes on my bonus. also yeah she’s kind of a brat in this one, but i think it’s a little deserved. rated t for language and suggestive comments 1.2k
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It wasn’t often that you beat Bradley home from work, but sometimes on Fridays you would sneak out of the office at lunch and work the rest of the day from home. It typically put you in a good mood and gave you the opportunity to run a quick load of laundry or get started on an - admittedly - rudimentary dinner. Sometimes you’d even go for a dip in your building’s skyline pool.
But that afternoon, you were seething. Properly seething. And no amount of stress cleaning or tanning was going to make you feel any better. Maybe you just needed Bradley to fuck you six ways to Sunday later? Surely the serotonin from a couple orgasms could soothe this particular anger brewing inside of you.
As per every October, you had gotten your year end bonus with your paycheck earlier that day, which always inspired equal amounts of giddiness and angst within you.
The giddiness, of course, because who doesn’t love extra money? It was like found money twice a year. Sure, you worked extra hard for it, many late nights at the office, client site visits, and presentations over the last four years could attest to that. You were up in the air over whether you should add it to your brokerage account or splurge on something? Because again - you worked for it.
But then there was the angst.
The angst because you inevitably lost half of it to taxes. And this angst appeared like clockwork, twice a year, every year, for the last six years you’d been working at PwC. You knew this - it was inevitable.
Except, earlier that morning, you’d been at your desk reading the WSJ with your coffee and had seen a headline. A stupid, annoying headline that had made you purse your lips, realization dawning as you rushed to check your pay stub on workday.
Pentagon Refocuses Spending on Weapons to Deter China
As you read further, you saw that as part of the FY24 budget, the Pentagon was increasing the $30.6B defense budget a further 12% with a focus on missiles, rockets, and - yes - airplanes, specifically for the Air Force.
Uncle Sam was taking 35% of taxes out of your bonus for that? Fuck that.
So, when Bradley came by your apartment later that afternoon, freshly showered after a quick trip to the gym after work, you were steaming. And though it was not Bradley’s fault - not in the slightest - seeing him in that stupid(ly tight), grey, US Navy t-shirt only further contributed to your sour mood.
“Hey!” he called out, letting himself in with his key. You turned your head towards him and hummed, letting out a gruff hi. He toed off his sneakers and left them by the door before coming over to where you were laying on the couch, doom scrolling through Instagram, and pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
He frowned at your tepid response and you felt like a absolute bitch for a moment. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong?”
You briefly glanced at Bradley and then went back to staring - glaring - at your phone. “I’m just in a mood - tired.”
You could see him doing the mental math, trying to figure out if you were on your period, but that wasn’t until next week. “S’okay. We can just hang out and have an early -”
“- Crash any planes today?” the words slipped out before you could think better of it. Before he could even respond, you cut Bradley off. “What’s it matter anyway? They’ll just buy you new ones? Fuck the kids, I mean, they don’t need to eat school lunch? And the Postal Service can cut off Saturday delivery? Hmmmm maybe we should cut Social Security even more? Our infrastructure doesn’t need to be fixed, let’s just let our bridges and roads crumble! Fucking taxes bullshit.”
You got up in a huff and started pacing, getting more and more worked up. “It’s not that I mind paying taxes - well, that’s not totally true. But like? Actually put them towards something that’s going to help people? Not just stupid rockets and missiles and fucking -”
“- Did you get your tax refund or something?”
Bradley was standing next to you, trying to put his hands on your shoulders in what would have been a calming motion had you not been acting completely crazy over eleven thousand dollars.
“It’s October?” you snapped.
“I don’t know?” Bradley shrugged his shoulders, getting a little worked up himself. “Rich people are weird? And your dad seems like he’d know how - nevermind.” You rolled your eyes. “What happened?”
Your shoulders sagged. Fuck, this wasn’t Bradley’s fault. It was that piece of shit House Majority Leader’s, who was so far up Lockheed Martin’s ass he could see -
“I got my year end bonus check today…” you grumbled.
Like you figured, a huge smile lit up Bradley’s face. “That’s amazing - or not?” he backtracked.
“I lost like 35% of it to taxes.”
“And I saw this article in the Journal this morning about the new Pentagon budget and how they’re purchasing these new planes for the Air Force and it just - it’s dumb but it made me mad because I just wish my taxes went to the things that will actually benefit the average American?”
Bradley tucked your hair behind your ear and clucked your chin. “That’s a lot to put on your shoulders, kid…”
“Do you think I’m acting like a brat?” You knew you were, you were just curious if Bradley would say the same thing.
He made a face. “Well,” the word dragged out, “maybe a little…” You hung your head and leaned against his chest. “But it’s kind of valid, I’d be pretty pissed losing all that out to the Air Force, too. But the Navy’s different. They don’t just put anyone in the cockpit -”
“- Oh, really?” You peered up at him. “And how many planes have you crashed, Bradley?”
He pursed his lips. “Like on purpose or -”
You threw your hands up and groaned, eventually making your way over to your bar cart. “- Like on purpose he says! Bradley!”
There wasn’t any ice in the ice bucket, but you didn’t care. You needed something. Anything to take the edge off. You were too annoyed, too fussy - too bratty.
As you poured yourself - and Bradley - a drink, he came up behind you and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist.
“Sweetheart,” he cooed in your ear, “I promise you, I have only crashed three planes on purpose.”
Oh how you wanted to laugh. You leaned back against Bradley’s chest, fully ensconced in the smell of his soap and aftershave. “Hmmm, that’s $195M down the drain. Could’ve fed a lot of kids in Kern County with that money, repaved a lot of roads, too…”
He grabbed the drink you had poured for yourself and took a sip, hissing at the burn of the tequila. “I don’t know about the kids, but I can make it up to you.”
The glass was placed back on the bar cart with a clink and Bradley placed his right hand on your hip, while the left slipped underneath the waistband of your skirt and eventually your underwear. Your whole body sagged against him and you hated how keen you were for this - for him. Apparently you really had just needed to get fucked.
“Such a pretty girl…even if you are a bit of a brat sometimes,” he finished, nipping at your ear. “Hey, kid?” You hummed. “You know if I was an astronaut I would cost the US government even more money, you still sure you want me to go down that route?”
“Shut up and fuck me, rocketman.”
“Can do, hell I’ll even buy you dinner.”
this was so random so i hope people actually like it??? idk if no one does i never wrote it??
small taglist: @howdysebby (happy early birthday!) @sometimesanalice (thanks for the eyes alexa!) @notroosterbradshaw @ofstoriesandstardust @bradshawsbitch @rae-gar-targaryen @jupitercomet @sunderlust @softspiderling @seasonsbloom @heartsofminds @cloudycluster
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itsjustrosee · 5 months
hii. i was wondering if you’d be okay with posting boyfriend headcanons? for minho mostly. if not it’s totally fine!!
have a nice day!
yes, I've actually been meaning to write some so yes definitely!
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Minho headcanons
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Warnings: Sexual inferences and stuff like that ig
(this is for fem!reader btw)
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-At first, Alby tried to stop you from dating his best runner. He thought it would distract him, and even though Minho did drift off while on the job thinking of you, you made him even more productive. You made him even more determined to find a way out of the glade for you and for everyone else.
-Alby forbade you and Minho from dating, but of course, you both did it anyway in secret. But straight away, Minho's drastic increase in mood was visible and the runners couldn't help but notice it. After days of prodding and poking Minho, trying to figure out what it was that had him being so nice and lenient, he finally caved and told them how he was dating you. Obviously, the other runners were supportive of it if it meant that Minho was in a good mood all the time, so they all ran to Alby and BEGGED him to let you and Minho date so you no longer had to do it in secret. Alby eventually gave in and allowed it and hasn't had too much of a reason to regret it since.
-Minho was quite the protective man. He cared about you more than life itself and it pained him every day to run into the maze and not be able to look after you in the glade. He always trusted you and never thought you would do anything with anyone else, but he was scared about how some of the other boys in the glade would treat you. That's why he made sure that he got as many of his friends in the glade to look after you until he got back.
-He would always be sure to spend the most time with you as possible as he could when he got back out from the maze. That included him eating dinner with you, showering with you, literally doing anything with you.
-Even though no gladers other than him and Alby are allowed in the maze room he would let you in anyways. You had no idea about how to help him figure out how to solve the maze, but you'd always be there to calm him down once he got frustrated.
-You guys share a hammock with each other because you both always fall asleep quicker when you're next to each other. It also means that whenever either one of you wakes up suddenly bc of a nightmare, the other person is there to calm them down.
-Minho tries his best to not wake you in the mornings when he gets up early to go into the maze and to yk do his job, but since you're such a light sleeper you always end up waking up. You'll end up walking to the maze doors to wave and kiss him goodbye, then head back to bed for a couple hours until you have to go to work.
-Whenever Minho takes a break in the maze with the other runners, while he eats food or drinks water, he always mentions you in conversations. He'll say things like "I wonder what (Y/N)'s up to", and "Do you think she's eating lunch right now too?" Because he's constantly thinking about you and he can't help but ask.
-After the first few times of Minho saying stuff like this, the other runners thought that it was cute that he liked you so much, but now, they just roll their eyes whenever he brings you up and they'll say, "Okay Minho we get it" because after the number of times he talks about you on a day to day basis, yes, they definitely do get it.
-After a certain amount of time in the glade, you've memorized when the maze doors close and open without needing a watch. Because of this, you always head to the maze doors a couple minutes before they're supposed to close to greet Minho right when he steps back into the glade. Whenever he comes back you greet him with the tightest hug known to man because the maze is incredibly dangerous, you know that any day Minho could die in there, which is why it's such a relieving feeling when you see him again.
-Sometimes you guys will go out later at night and just lay on the grass together and talk for however long you both feel like. Minho always makes sure he spends time with you whenever he can, and you both appreciate having these long conversations with each other. Even though sometimes you both just lay on the ground and stay silent, it never feels awkward. Being in each other's presence is enough, and the silence between you can actually feel quite comforting.
-Whenever a new greenie pops up from the box and there's a bonfire, you and Minho make sure to spend all the possible quality time with each other. Sometimes you'll sit on his lap (which never fails to get him a bit flustered), or you'll sit right next to him while his arm is around your shoulder. You've never really been one to drink so you'll often fall asleep on Minho before the night is over, and he'll always leave a little early to carry you back to your hammock.
-You and Minho have come to realize that using each other in certain ways really helps relieve stress. Whether that is by talking and venting to the other person or through being more intimate with each other.
-Minho likes bringing you into the maze room and doing it there because he knows that only he and Alby are allowed in there so he doesn't have to worry about people walking in on you both. He also likes doing it in the showers because being the only girl means that you're the only one allowed to shower during a certain time, and Alby made sure that there would be consequences to whoever tried to intrude on you showering. But that also just happened to make it the perfect time for you and Minho to be in there alone.
-Minho has two different sides to him when you and he are both doing it, which depends on his mood. He's either gentle and kind, or dominant and controlling. Both of them are a total turn-on for you regardless, you're happy to help him in any way you can.
-You love to tease him, and he loves to put you in your place. He always makes sure your needs are met. Even though he loves to please you, you love pleasing him even more, so eventually he gives in and lets you make him feel good. While you're doing it, he always wants to make sure that you know that he loves you, and he loves to praise you.
-Even if he gets more dominant with you, he always makes sure he's never too harsh, and he makes sure that he's never crossing any boundaries. Afterwards, he'll make it clear that he loves you and he'll thank you for letting him take out some of his stress and frustrations with you. He also heavily believes in aftercare so he'll always bring you back to your hammock and because whenever you do it, it's at night, so he'll cuddle you to sleep while you wear his shirt.
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Alrighty yallllllllllllllllllll heres another Minho related post. I'm on such a roll omg. By the way I see your guys requests and I'm working on them I promise!! I just have an insane amount of school work I need to do but trust I will get to everything.
anyways, this was so fun to write, thank you for the request!! I hope you liked it
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opiopal · 2 months
yall wanna know something I think abt a lot? teenage/ little sibling mc au's. Mc gets brought down to the devildom at like 15-16 yr, obviously there is zero romance and instead they just get kinned as the 8th sibling in the HOL.
you guys wanna know what else I think of a lot? little sibling Mc being an agent of chaos when their found family trope isnt paying attention.
I can't help but imagine that once mc is kinned they get crazy spoiled. not spoiled rotten but they know they can get away with a LOT because they're now seen as the cute youngest that doesnt know any better. but obviously they do since they are a teenager who knows how the world works.
and I mention the agent of chaos thing is because they were already attending highschool before hand, so they quickly notice how highschoolish RAD feels, so they were able to jump into the social ring a lot faster then regular Mc. and thus have the ability to get information from people who trust them/like them. so it ends up being useful to them. and now to my leading point: imagine a sort of friendship with Mephisto. its really more like, a symbiotic relationship. they are around each other for a reason. and that reason is RADs newpaper club.
it first started out with Mc staying after at RAD with lucifer to help with a few things, eventually Mc was put in a random room to hang out in after they did all that they could. which turned out to be the room for the newspaper club. after a while they get bored because their D.D.D died and they snagged a paper that was meant for the next day. eventually Mephisto enters the room, goes to tell them to leave which quickly they say "Dia told me I can be in here, if you have a problem with what the lord wants you could always go tell him that!" which shut him up fast. a good couple of minutes go by before the silence is broken by Mc speaking up and going, "You know, this is kinda boring." offended, he whips around, "excuse me?"
"theres nothing interesting here. interviews.. talking about things that everyone already knows about.. like, I could google half this junk." "I- well what would you know!?" "a lot actually. you dont appeal to any of the students here."
he glares for second before inhaling slowly, remembering that diavolo might be nearby.
"oh yeah? as if you could do better." "I could actually," "well i would love to hear it then."
he says sarcastically. though Mc speaks anyways.
mc adjusts how they were sitting and scans over the paper for a second.
"a gossip section would do it good." "what?" "come on dude, its non-sports club 101, if you want people to pay attention to you, you need to appeal to them. I was in theater for a while and we'd bribe people with free food if they sat through the whole show. this place loves drama. and lucifer being drawn riding on a unicorn isn't funny enough to get more then one person to buy it."
slowly they start talking a bit more casually and stop being so hostile. eventually Mc says that they could tell him the gossip they hear if he wants to make a part in the paper for said gossip. so, from then on they slip notes to him about student drama. which does indeed get more papers told!
though one day, someone pisses Mc off. not really that they were the one insulted, but they heard a few demons talking shit about their older brothers. so for the next week Mc takes a good amount of notes on those demons. which eventually they go to Mephisto with their notes and gave them to him. when he questions why these particular demons, he's met with a very angry "if those cunts want to talk shit and not mind their business then why shouldn't their own business get talked about." for a moment he wants to press further... but unfortunately for him he found himself actually caring about this human very much so he couldn't help but just want to make them feel better... and this much of a consititant story would draw people in so its totally not that he kinned this kid as well, totally!! so for about two weeks the gossip section has an ongoing story that causes nearly the whole school to get a paper to stay updated.
of course every bit of gossip uses code names to keep people from being outed on anything. and honestly some of the gossip might end up being people bringing it to the newspaper club themselves, so maybe a small confessions page ends up being opened.
obviously this is something a little cracked, and just a not very thought out thing that exists bc it makes me giggle when I'm daydreaming before I fall asleep<3 and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a gossip section in the school papers, but unfortunately I was never ever able to make it past the first few lessons of session 2 of obey me, which sucks:/
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mudisgranapat · 6 months
FitnessInfluencer!Reader x GymBro!Ghost
so i’ve recently really gotten into going to the gym and i can’t stop thinking about Ghost working out and reader being an annoying influencer that is always recording at the gym. the last thing he needs is a camera in his face when he is trying to work out and de-compress from his deployment.
After finally finding a 24 hour gym, you get your things ready to film your content. Your youtube channel is one of the most popular nowadays, and it’s the platform where you make most of your videos. Most of them teach people workout series, ranging from stuff they can do at home, hardcore exercises and even a step to step guide on how to use each gym equipment, so newbies don’t get scared of training for the first time by themselves. However, sometimes, you do some vlogging on the side, showing your daily routine and other things, like skincare.
You figure 3 am is a good time to go to the gym and record - no one is at training by then and your schedule is already fucked anyways. Not having an office or regular work hours has its ups and downs, but at least you are in charge of own routine, since you make a surprisingly good amount of money from your videos.
You take your own time, making a protein smoothie (and obvioulsy recording it, as you had a paid partnership with the supplement’s brand) and writing down your ideas for the video you want to do today. You stick to a simple “leg day” vlog, typing on your phone what machines and reps you want to do.
Choosing a simple purple top and matching leggings, you make your way towards the gym on your Range Rover, Stanley cup filled with water on the cup holder. You roll your eyes as you make a turn and can feel the water dripping out of the cup. You make a note to yourself to bring a water bottle the actually works next time and keep it off camera, so the useless cup can just sit on frame for aesthetic purposes while your record.
If you had to point out one thing you hated about your job, it would be having to keep up with all the (in your opinion, useless) trends, so you could reach a bigger audience. At the end of the day, it was about making money, although you loved how your content got to inspire people to be more active. If it meant you had to carry a metal 40oz lead poisoned cup with you for a couple of hours, then so be it.
As soon as you park your car at the gym’s empty parking lot, you pull out your vlog camera, not noticing the single black truck parked in the far corner, under a tree.
Sometimes you wonder if you would hate your “vlog persona” if you met her in real life. Repeating the same phrases over and over again, trying to get the best take, constantly looking for better lighting. What looks good on camera, in real life, just looks painfully awkward sometimes, specially when you are talking to an audience that isn’t even there. You push those thoughts to the back of your head, as you slide your card at the gym’s card reader, opening the doors.
“Anyways, guys. I know it sounds crazy right?” You make your way into the gym, re-recording the introduction at least 3 times so you know you’ll have good material to edit later. “Training at 3 a.m. I don’t even know if it’s technically morning or night right now.” You joke to the camera. “Let me know in the comments if I should start the videos with ‘Good morning’ or ‘Goodni’-“ a hand suddenly grabs the camera from your hand, holding it right above your head. You stare at the man who seemed to materialise out of the shadows.
“How about ‘Goodbye’.” He says, and you barely have time to register his sarcasm as he slams your camera on the floor, breaking it in pieces. You stand there, frozen, while the man swings his duffel bag over his shoulders and heads out of the gym.
When you finally regain your senses, he is long gone, and you’re left wondering to yourself, not only who he is, but also who does he think he is. You barely had time to register what he looked like, simply recalling we was well over 6ft tall and build like a fucking tank. But regardless of his built, if he believes, even for a second, that he can do something like that and just walk away unscathed, he is dead wrong.
You can’t wait to see him again.
A.N: wrote this with my eyes literally closing, but i just couldn’t get it out of my head (sorry for any mistakes, def not proofread). hopefully it’s not complete shit. let me know if you want to see more of this! i could see this becoming either a short series or at least having one more part. Let me know if you want to be tagged if this has a part 2 :)
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junkissed · 1 year
something spicy, something sweet
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member — junhui x f reader genre — smut, fluff/comfort word count — 2.1k synopsis — the last few days you've been coming home from work exhausted, but now that you finally have a day off you have time for a little something sweet from your boyfriend. content warnings — established relationship, mentions of food (jun makes soup for dinner), there's one (1) screenshot of text msgs at the very beginning smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, unprotected sex, lots of kissing, praise, it's very vanilla but it's soft and sleepy and romantic notes — requested by @foxdaisy — i looove writing soft cute fluffy stuff like this so i was very happy to see this request hehe. i hope you enjoy!
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jun sets his phone on the counter, leaving it face up as he goes to start making dinner. you’d been staying late at work the past couple days to finish a big project, and he hated seeing you come home so exhausted and worn out. 
he sighs and turns the stove on with a click, setting a pot over the burner. the least he could do is have your favorite meal ready for you when you get home. he loves cooking for you, especially on nights when you’re much too tired to.
he’s so caught up in the recipe, making sure that everything will be perfect for you, that he doesn’t even notice how much time has passed until he hears your keys jingling in the front door and your soft footsteps coming into the kitchen. he turns around excitedly, waving at you as you walk towards him. “hi, sweetheart! i made dinner.”
you give him a tired smile, wrapping your arms around his stomach. “thank you, junnie. i appreciate it.”
he leans over to press a kiss to your forehead, grinning when you laugh a little. “of course.”
you kiss his cheek, then walk away to wash your hands in the bathroom while he dishes up the soup he made. he pours a generous amount into your favorite bowl, the red one with flowers on it, before setting it on the table at your spot and taking his own bowl to sit down at his spot while he waits for you.
you come back in and sit down, eagerly digging in. “this is delicious, junnie,” you say in between spoonfuls.
he smiles and reaches out to hold your hand. “i’m so glad! i put those new spices you got in it, i was afraid it might be too much.”
“no, it’s great. i needed something spicy.”
he giggles and takes a sip from his spoon. “so how was your day?”
“it was alright,” you shrug, wiping your napkin across your chin from where little bits of soup dripped. “we finished the project we were working on, though. i’m happy it’s finally done with.”
jun claps his hands. “yay! do you think you’ll get a break now?”
“probably not,” you laugh. ‘but i took tomorrow off anyway. i need a day to just sleep.”
“oh, that’s good!” jun grins. “we can sleep in for once! my boss told everybody not to come in tomorrow.”
you finish the rest of your dinner slowly, talking here and there about your day and laughing when jun gets soup all over his face when he bends down to slurp it from the bowl.
you stand up to wash your dish but jun waves you away, taking it from you instead and putting it in the dishwasher. “i’ll do the dishes later,” he says with a smile. “but now i wanna spend time with you.”
your cheeks warm but you let him have the bowl, giving him another kiss before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. too many nights you’ve come home and gone straight to bed, though jun always waits up for you because he likes going to sleep together. tonight you’ve got a little more energy than usual, still riding the high of finishing your work and having a well-deserved break.
by the time you’re done washing your face and putting on your pajamas, jun is already sitting on his side of the bed waiting for you, the soft glow of the lamp filling the room. you walk over and climb in next to him and when you nod he turns off the light, adjusting himself in next to you.
you lay on your side facing him, and you can still see him in the light of the streetlight shining in through the window.
“i missed you,” jun says with a smile. “i’m glad you’re home.”
“me too,” you sigh, relaxing into the mattress. 
jun slips his arm around you, scooting a little bit closer to you. it’s quiet for a few seconds, and you frown, thinking he’s already wanting to sleep. you’re finally home with time off, and you don’t want to go to bed quite yet.
“‘m not that sleepy yet,” you whisper, and he tilts his head to look over at you. you reach out and gently run your fingers along his chest, feeling how soft and smooth his skin is beneath your fingertips. goosebumps prickle on your body as you think about all the times you’ve seen him like this, his bare chest sitting in front of you as he holds you.
“you wanna snuggle some more?” he asks, and his voice sounds so gentle that you don’t know how to tell him you aren’t really in the mood for cuddling.
“maybe… more than snuggling,” you answer shyly, resisting the urge to hide your face in the pillows in embarrassment.
a knowing look spreads across his features, and he rolls over to get closer to you. “oh, really? like what?” he teases. he knows exactly what you want, but he likes hearing it from you.
“want—you,” you sigh out as his hands slide down your side, squeezing your hip encouragingly.
“i’m right here, baby,” he giggles, and you swat at his arm. “all you have to do is tell me.”
"missed you," you start as your hands begin to explore his body. "missed… having you inside me."
jun moans, and the sound goes right through you as his hand slip beneath your shirt, running along your skin, touching you everywhere. "missed it too, baby. god, i missed all of you."
you sit up on your elbow so he can carefully slip your shirt up and over your head, letting it fall to the floor behind you. he rolls over as you fall onto your back and he shifts on top of you, slotting his leg between your thighs as his lips find yours.
you exhale against him, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you as his kisses deepen.
he moves his mouth away from yours and begins kissing down your body, attaching his lips to your neck, your collarbones, your chest, anywhere he pleases. you giggle when he pushes his face into your boobs, feeling his smile against your skin. 
he readjusts so that he's laying fully on you, balancing his weight on his elbows on either side of your body. he leans down to kiss you again, and you thread your fingers into his hair the way he likes.
you can feel him starting to grind against your thigh, growing harder the longer he kisses you. he reaches down in between your bodies to pull his cock out of his pajama shorts, pushing them down his long legs until they pool around his knees.
you moan when you feel him tap his cock against your abdomen, guiding it with his hand up and down through your folds, collecting your wetness.
"jun—" you whine out his name, tugging on his hair to tell him that he's taking too long. it's been too long since you've had soft, sleepy sex like this, and you're needier than you usually are. 
he grins and kisses the side of your nose, resting his cheek against yours as he holds the tip of his cock at your entrance and begins pushing into you. 
your breath catches in your throat, the stretch burning at first before it starts to melt into pleasure.
once he's fully sheathed inside you jun captures your lips with his, swallowing all your whines and little noises.
he stays still for a long time, even after you tapped his shoulder to let him know it's okay to move, but he just shakes his head and kisses you again. it's nice, so nice, just being with him again, and you won't complain even if he just wants to cockwarm with you for the rest of the night.
"just let me take care of you, baby," he coos, and you whimper at how soft yet gravelly his voice sounds.
you can hear both the sleepiness and the lust laced in his tone, and you clench around him involuntarily. his hips jerk a little, and you whine at the movement, feeling so perfectly full you don't know how it could get any better than this.
after a little while longer neither he nor you can stand it any more, and he shifts his weight so he can slowly start rutting into you.
you let out a sigh that you didn't realize you'd been holding in, and jun kisses your cheek again, brushing his nose against yours.
he slips his hand back down under the sheets to rub gentle circles around your clit, and you gasp and arch into him as his thrusts begin to pick up speed.
"does that feel good?" he asks, voice low, and you whine out a "yes". he grins, brushing your hair away from your face with his other hand. "my good girl, you needed this so bad, hm? needed me to take care of you."
"yes, jun—please," you rasp, gripping tighter onto his broad shoulders. "love you, love you so much."
he moans and his fingers speed up their languid pace, fucking himself into you more roughly but still just the right pace. "i love you too, baby. missed you always taking me so well, missed feeling you like this."
all you can do is stutter out his name, moaning a broken string of pleas and promises as you clench around him, feeling him bring you right up to the cusp of your orgasm.
he presses his lips to you, his teeth clacking with yours just a little from the way his body moves up and down, rocking into you and filling you up so perfectly. 
he mumbles another "i love you" against your mouth, and with one more strong thrust you come undone around him, repeating his name over and over again. his hands caress your skin before stopping at your waist, giving him more leverage to fuck himself into you as you struggle through your orgasm.
it feels like a weight is lifted off your shoulders as you start to come down from your high, floating in pure bliss as the tension and stress melts away from your body.
“where do you want me, baby?” he pants, his hands tightening around your hips as his strokes become more and more erratic as he approaches his orgasm. 
“on me— wherever,” you groan. though you always love it when he cums inside you, tonight you don’t have the energy for much clean up, so the easier the better.
jun seems to understand that, because just seconds later he pulls out of you and frantically jerks his cock over your stomach.
you reach up to hold his face with your hands, and he releases onto you with a whine as his high overtakes him.
gasping, he falls onto the bed next to you, his chest heaving a little with each breath. you let your eyes close, feeling your heart begin to slow down as you clasp your hands together over your chest.
the room is quiet for a minute before you feel jun shift off of the bed, the mattress dipping with his weight as he shuffles off to the bathroom.
you open your eyes and watch him walk back into the room, a washcloth in one hand and a t-shirt in the other.
he leans onto the bed, wiping the cloth over your stomach as you stare up at him.
"hi," you giggle, your head still fuzzy and pleasant from your orgasm.
he grins and bends down to kiss you. "hey."
he hands you the shirt as he leaves again to put the washcloth in the laundry, and you slip it on, forcing yourself to sit up despite how your body aches and begs for sleep.
but just how jun always waited up for you, you wait for him to come back, sliding back into bed and pulling you close into his side.
his arms wrap around you and you nestle your head into his chest, his skin still a little sweaty but you don't care. you're just glad to be home and glad to be back in his arms, cuddling after too many long days at work.
he tucks your hair behind your ear, gently patting the top of your head as you struggle to stay awake.
"goodnight. i love you, junnie," you yawn, closing your eyes again and resting your head against him.
the last thing you remember before you fall asleep is him saying, "goodnight, my love", as he pulls the covers up around your neck just the way you like them and kissing your forehead one last time.
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teapartyprincess4two · 8 months
Corner Store - C. Sturniolo
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pairing: Employee!reader x Coworker!Chris
classification: fluff
warnings: use of y/n, slow build up & slight cursing
summary: Chris is your annoying coworker who always manages to make your shifts a little more miserable than necessary, but it turns out he has a misunderstood crush on you.
“That’ll be $10.32,” you say, scanning the last item and looking towards the customer awaiting their form of payment. Your shift seemed to drag on, you had already been here 6 hours and still had 1 more to go before your shift was over. Not like you would be able to leave right away anyways, you always had to wait until the next person scheduled arrived to relieve you. When you checked to see who was scheduled after you, you noticed that Chris, one of the few other people who worked here, was scheduled today. Chris was always late.
You watched as the customer in front of you dug through her purse, struggling to find the correct amount of change. “I swear I have the 32 cents,” she mumbled, fishing around for the loose coins scattered at the bottom of her bag. Your fingers tapped against the counter impatiently as you watched her. How had you gotten yourself stuck in this dead end job?
“Here,” she says, finally finding the correct amount of change. She hands you a quarter, a nickel, and two pennies. She waited for you to cash her out, not realizing that she had yet to hand you the ten dollars. “Hello?! I need the receipt,” her voice holds an impatient tone as her hands point towards the receipt machine aggressively. You sigh, knowing that this interaction could go south quickly if you didn’t choose your next words wisely.
You wanted to reply with, ‘Hello?! I need the ten dollars,’ but your shift was almost over and there was no reason to pick a fight now. “I still need the ten dollars, ma’am,” you replied, using your customer service voice at its fullest potential. She facepalmed, realizing her mistake before responding, “Oops! You’re right, sweetie.” Her hands returned into her purse, this time pulling her wallet out and handing you a ten dollar bill. Without a word you take it from her and cash her out, making sure to hand her the stupid receipt. “Keep the change,” she jokes. The joke feels like a slap to the face, there was no change. There was never change. You wanted to bang your head against the wall.
“Have a good day,” you say, chuckling a bit at her sarcastic joke and offering her a fake smile. She walks out with all her items in hand, the ring of the doorbell letting you know the coast is clear. Once she’s gone you slump back into your stool, pulling your phone out to check the time. 30 more minutes and you’d be free.
You’re about to turn your phone off when you notice a text from your coworker Chris.
Chris (WORK): hey you think you can cover for me? I’m running late lol. I’ll be there in like 30 minutes :p
You were fulling expecting him to be late, but 30 extra minutes sounded like actual hell. You groan, running your hands through your hair in annoyance before replying.
y/n: really bruh :|
Why was it so hard for him to get to work on time? He didn’t even live far, you had dropped him off a few times on the rare occasion you were scheduled to work the same shift and he didn’t have a ride. He lived like a full 5 minutes away, 10 minutes if he walked. The text bubbles would disappear and reappear, indicating that he was typing up his response.
Chris (WORK): sorry, I’m waiting for my brother to pick me up. he’s my ride
Another groan of annoyance escapes your lips, annoyed at the fact that a grown man was still relying on others for transportation. The haunting sound of the doorbell rings again suddenly and catches your attention. A couple had just walked in hand in hand. “Hello!” You greeted them quickly using your standard go-to customer service voice as you watched them disappear to the back of the store. You hated greeting the customers, they always ignored you.
y/n: you always do this bro. you could literally still get here on time if you started walking right now
The customers in the back of the store were laughing loudly, causing you to once again look away from your phone and in their direction. They were horse-playing, pushing and pulling each other playfully around the store. As cute as it was, you could only think about them possibly tipping something over and making a mess. The last thing you needed right now was a big mess to clean up.
Chris (WORK): that’s not true.
Chris (WORK): and nah I’ll just wait for Matt to take me
You didn’t even bother replying to his last message because no matter what you said he would still be late either way. A loud crash echoes from the back of the store, the couple gasping right after. You sit up from your stool and tiptoe, trying to see what they dropped. ‘Hopefully they didn’t break anything,’ you thought, but you knew they had. Before you could examine the situation, the couple was running out of the store giggling and laughing.
When you walked over to where they previously were you saw it, an entire 6-pack of Coors Light busted on the floor. You wanted to scream, the only thoughts running through your mind being about how much you hated this job. Somehow this all felt like Chris’s fault because his shift started in five minutes and if you weren’t so busy texting him back you might’ve caught the couple in time to warn them to stop.
“Stupid Chris,” you whispered in annoyance as you bent down to pick the beer cans up. The beer dripped down your arm and onto the floor as you rushed it over to the trash can. You really, really hated this job right now.
By the time Chris finally arrived it was well over 45 minutes since your shift was meant to end. You were still cleaning up the mess from before, using bleach and the dirty mop from the supply closet to try and remove as much of the sticky residue as possible.
Chris rushed inside, buttoning up his uniform shirt in the process. Once inside he immediately looked around, trying to find you to let you know he was there and you could leave. “Y/n, where you at?” He called through the store, peering easily over the shelves as he tried to find you. But because you were hunched over scrubbing as hard as possible to clean up the liquid mess on the floor, he couldn’t see you.
He walked down the aisles, picking up a bag of chips on the way. He opened the bag, popping a chip in his mouth as he continued to the back of the store. When he found you, he didn’t even comment on what you were doing, instead letting you know that you were free to go, “hey thanks bro, you’re good to go.” You stood up straight with the mop in your right hand and the bleach bottle in the other as you rolled your eyes at his comment.
A chip fell from his mouth, landing on the floor. This irked you even more. Not only was he 45 minutes late, but now he was actively adding to the mess you were trying to clean up. “Here,” you say sternly, shoving the mop and bleach spray towards him and snatching the bag of chips he was holding.
“Hey! I was eating those!” He exclaims, attempting to grab them back from you. “Bye Chris,” you reply, already beginning to walk off, eating a chip in the process. You quickly learned that you didn’t even like this chip flavor, but you couldn’t stand looking at Chris’s face right now so you took them simply to mess with him. “Wait! You didn’t finish cleaning this up!” He called back, looking between you and the mess on the floor. The mop felt so foreign in his hands, he never mopped. You or one of your other coworkers always did that, but never Chris.
“I’m good to go!” You replied, quoting his own words as you pushed the front door and walked out, the doorbell ringing in the process. You threw the bag of chips away on the way to your car. Now it was Chris’s turn to be haunted by the doorbell.
The next day you were off so you decided to focus your energy on studying and binge watching your favorite tv shows. You had a few exams coming up so you made a mental note to specifically study for those. You hadn’t even reached the end of the first day when you received a call from Chris.
You debated on whether or not you should answer it, knowing it had to be a work related call. ‘Someone probably called in,’ you thought. You weighed out the pros and cons quickly in your head. ‘Pros? I answer this call and get more hours. More hours equals more money,’ you thought. On the other hand, the cons were never ending. ‘Cons? everything.’
After letting it ring five times, you picked up the phone and placed it on your ear, “Hello?” You could faintly hear the hum of the convenience store refrigerators in the background along with loud chewing. Chris was definitely eating yet another snack. “Y/n, Marcus called in again. Do you think you can come in?” Chris asks, getting straight to the point.
Why was everyone at your job so unreliable? “Umm I don’t know, I’m pretty busy right now,” you replied, staring at the exam notes sprawled out in front of you on your bed. “You don’t sound busy,” he said sassily and followed it with loud crinkling noises as he tried reaching the chip at the bottom of the bag. “What’s that supposed to mean?” You sounded offended but Chris didn’t notice. He mostly wanted you to come in so he wouldn’t have to get through this shift alone. Of course he could’ve called someone else to come in, but for whatever reason he found himself calling you.
Today was Friday and although your store was generally slow, Fridays tended to pick up around 5pm when everyone was either getting off work or picking their kids up from school. “It means that you don’t sound busy,” he replied again, still crinkling his chip bag. His fingers were so greasy at this point that he kept missing the last chip every time he almost had it.
“I mean, what are you even doing right now? Studying?” He asked again. It was a rhetorical question, but the answer was yes. A loud crunch was heard through the speaker, he finally found that one straggling chip and was now incessantly chewing on it. ‘Lucky guess,’ you thought as you began piling all your notes together in embarrassment. “I’ll be there in 20,” you replied, wanting nothing more than to end this conversation.
“You’re studying aren’t you,” he chuckles, crumpling the chip bag, creating a make-shift basketball. He sits in the stool, shifting his body in the direction of the trash can that sat in the corner so he could throw his bag away. “Shut up,” you grumble, getting up from your bed to start getting ready.
“KOBE!” He shouts, throwing the bag in the direction of the trash can with a swift flick of his wrist. He missed terribly and the bag hit the floor with a soft thud.
You arrive to work 20 minutes later, mentally preparing yourself for the long 8 hour shift ahead of you. When you walked inside you noticed Chris had a long line of customers forming, all of them holding a multitude of items. Dread filled your body as you realized that you actually had to work and couldn’t just sit there as you waited for your shift to end.
You made your way behind the counter and situated yourself to the right of Chris, motioning for the next customer in line towards your register. “I can help who’s next in line,” you said loudly. The next customer quickly shuffled over to you, dumping all their things on the counter for you to scan.
The rush doesn’t last long, both you and Chris checking customers out quickly and efficiently in order to get them out the door as fast as possible. “Thanks for coming in,” Chris finally says, watching as you grab a box of candy from under the counter. The box is heavy, causing you to heave slightly when you pick it up. Chris notices this and quickly sits up off his stool to help you with the box. “Yeah, it’s whatever,” you reply nonchalantly, allowing him to help you pick the box up.
He’s now holding the box with ease before inquiring what your intentions with this box of candy were, “you gonna stock up?” You hum in response, ready to take the box back from him so you could begin stocking up the now bare candy shelves around the store. He notices this and offers to help carry it around for you. It was the least he could do after calling you in on your day off. “I got it,” he says, adjusting his arms so the box is comfortable enough to carry around.
“Thanks,” your reply is simple, they always were. Chris had never been able to break through to you on a personal level. Throughout your shifts you would always make small talk to pass the time and he was able to learn small details about your life, but he was never was able to learn anything truly personal about you. On one occasion, for example, he learned that you were working here to pay for your school, but he never learned what you were going to school for. Another time he also learned that you had a dog, but you never told him its name.
All your other coworkers had opened up to him with ease, sharing personal details about their life and even trauma dumping a few times. He wondered why you were always so distant. He wanted to get to know you better, but he didn’t know how.
Chris follows behind you as you stock up the shelves, watching as you organize the rows neatly before moving on to the next. He catches sight of a package of Twizzlers, deciding he was going to use this as his talking point. “These are my favorite candies,” he comments, handing you the package so you can organize it onto the shelf. You don’t even respond, you just continue working like some type of task bot.
He sighs quietly, wondering if he should’ve asked someone else to come in for Marcus. Chris wants to give up, but he decided to try again, “What’s your favorite candy, y/n?” The question causes you to pause. ‘If I wanted to be quizzed, I would’ve stayed home to study,’ you thought, already wishing that these next 8 hours would just be over.
“Um… I don’t know? M&M’s are okay, I guess,” you respond, providing him with a half-ass answer in hopes that he’ll take the hint and stop asking questions. He doesn’t.
“What color M&M is your favorite?” He asks, thinking about the different M&M characters from the commercials. “I don’t know, they all taste the same to me,” you quipped back, trying to focus on neatly organizing the shelves in front of you. He was still trudging behind you and although the box he was holding became lighter with each candy you removed, it was still heavy. He adjusted the box again and pulled it up higher against his chest.
“No, I meant like the characters,” he laughs, his mind replaying all those funny commercials where the M&M’s are getting into trouble. You were silent, seemingly confused with whatever he was talking about. “You know! From the commercials!” He sounds excited, hoping that you know what he’s talking about so he doesn’t sound like an idiot. You don’t remember but decide to just go along with him for the sake of your own sanity, “oh yeah, the red one was pretty cool.”
He scoffs at this response, pretending to act offended, “the orange one was clearly the best.” You chuckle at this and it instantly puts a smile on his face. Finally he was getting somewhere with you.
Chris would be lying if he said he didn’t find you pretty. You were the prettiest girl who worked here, which really wasn’t saying much considering the only other woman who worked here was a 65 year old named Gladys, but he’d been around town and he could never find a single girl hotter than you. So, yes, he’d sneak a few glances your way here and there and was always excited to come into work when you were scheduled. Sometimes he would even come in on his days off to buy a soda for an excuse to see you.
You found Chris attractive too, but you mostly found him annoying. He had a pretty terrible work ethic and every time you worked with him it felt like you were stuck doing all the hard labor. Not to mention the fact that he was always running late, forcing you to cover for him until he arrived. Plus he was always snacking on something and leaving his crumbs all over the place for you to clean. Despite all this, he did have his few good moments. Like right now when he’s helping you carry the heaviest box in the store.
“I knew I could make you laugh,” he comments, handing you the last package of candy in the box. You roll your eyes at his comment before responding, “it doesn’t take much to make me laugh, kid.” Your comment was meant to push his buttons, but he didn’t mind the challenge. “Is that a challenge?” He asks, a small smirk growing on his face as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. This earns him another eye roll from you.
“I’d like to see you try,” you respond with a cheeky smile as you take the empty box from him so you can throw it away. Chris watches as you walk away, feeling absolute smitten by you and confident in his skills to make you laugh at least one more time in the next eight hours.
‘This is going to be fun,’ he thought.
Chris spends the next 8 hours of your shift trying to make you laugh. He tells bad jokes, pulls silly faces, and even does stupid little dances all in an attempt to see you smile. You laughed at his first joke, but it was quiet enough for him to miss it. You were grateful for that because it egged him on.
“C’mon y/n! Just one little laugh, one giggle, a chuckle even,” he pleads, walking closer to you from behind the counter. You shake your head playfully as you sit back in your stool and face him. He inches closer once again as his mind comes up with the perfect plan of action to get you to laugh,, “what if I do this!”
He pounces on you, using his fingers to poke at your sides as he tickles you. Immediately you burst into a fit of laughter as you attempt to push his hands away, but he uses his strength to keep them in place. “Chris! Stop!” you say in between laughter. He has the biggest smile on his face because he finally got to hear you laugh after so many failed attempts.
Chris continues to tickle you, failing to notice how your body is beginning to slide off the stool. Before he knows it, you’re leaning backwards and heading straight for the floor beneath you. You shriek at the feeling and reach forward to latch yourself onto Chris’s arms to prevent yourself from falling. He immediately stops tickling you and grabs you firmly by the waist, catching you before you can slip off the chair completely.
At this point his forehead is flush against yours, both your eyes locked in a heated stare as your breath fans against his lips. You tried catching your breath, both from the laughing and from the scare you’d just gotten. The moment feels so intense and intimate, all Chris can think about is how easy it would be to kiss you.
‘Fuck it,’ he thinks as he closes his eyes, ready to lean forward and capture your lips in his before he can psych himself out. You do the same, too lost in the moment to realize that you were about to kiss Chris, your coworker who you found annoying up until a few hours ago. Before your lips can meet, the sound of the doorbell rings through the store causing you to break away as quickly as possible.
You both look towards the front door, fully expecting a customer to be standing there but you’re met with nothing. It was just the wind from outside, it had pushed the door open slightly and triggered the doorbell.
Both of you cough awkwardly, deciding to avoid each other for the rest of your shift.
Finally, your shift is over. You and Chris worked together silently to close the store up and restock any bare shelves. Once you grab your things you prepare to walk outside and over to your car. Chris was outside already on the phone near the gas pumps. He was calling his brother to pick him up, but he wasn’t picking up.
When you make your way outside, you use your keys to lock the doors behind you. As you fumble with the keys you hear Chris muttering something under his breath before groaning. You turn to walk over to your car, ready to leave without Chris, but as you reach for the door handle you stop to look in his direction one last time. He’s now sitting on the curb, looking in the opposite direction of you. He’s debating in his head whether he should ask you for a ride or just walk home in the dark.
You watch as he gets up abruptly as he decides he was just going to walk home. He couldn’t bare having to sit in a car with you after what happened today. The guilt ate at you, causing you to offer him a ride. “Need a ride?” You shouted in his direction, waiting patiently for him to turn around and acknowledge you. Immediately his head turned in your direction at the question. He silently thanked God for your offer because he really didn’t want to walk home, but he was to embarrassed to ask for a ride. This also meant that you probably weren’t as upset with him as he thought you were. In reality you weren’t mad at all, but you did feel a little awkward.
He jogged over to your car, standing in front of the passenger side door awkwardly almost like he was waiting for permission to get in. “You getting in?” You asked as you opened the your car door and hopped in. “Oh. Um, yeah,” he stutters before following suit and getting in the passenger seat.
The ride to his house is silent, the only noises being the radio and the sound of the car engine. Considering he doesn’t live far, it doesn’t take long for you to arrive to his house. You pull up to the side of the street and place the car in the park, waiting for him to thank you and get out like he always does when you drive him home. He doesn’t immediately get out though, instead he sits in the passenger seat quietly as he rubs his clammy hands against his thighs to relieve some of the anxiety building up inside of him.
Chris’s mind is racing a mile a minute as he thinks of all the possibilities this night could lead to. He could get out of the car, leaving you with nothing but a simple thank you and then let your relationship return to normal. Or, he could do the unthinkable and gain an outstanding reward in return. Whatever he chose, he knew he’d have to deal with the consequences and right now he was willing to gamble.
“You good?” You ask him as you shift in your seat to gain a better look at his face. He looks so nervous that you almost don’t recognize him because it completely contrasts his usual energetic and confident demeanor. “Yeah, I just-“ he’s struggling to find the right words, afraid to say the wrong thing and ruin it all. “You just?” You push, wanting to know what he’s getting at.
Chris sighs, taking one last pause to gather his thoughts before completely shifting towards you. His eyes pierce into yours as he searches them trying to gauge whether his next move will affect his chances at a future with you. Upon further inspection, he decides to just do it.
“I just-” he begins to say but cuts himself off by planting his lips on yours. You’re caught by surprise at his actions, eyes widening in shock and arms falling stiff to your sides. His hands move up to your face, cupping your cheek in an attempt to get you closer, but once he realizes you’re not kissing him back he completely pulls away from you.
It took you a while to process what had just happened; Chris just kissed you! Despite your reaction, you were satisfied with the outcome of the night. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have-” he begins to apologize, but you interrupt him this time. Your lips are back on his, both your hands cupping his face to keep him as close to you as possible. A sigh of relief escapes him, his warm breath landing on your lips. He melts into your touch, placing one of his hands on yours that rested on his face. Chris tasted like candy which only made you want the kiss that much more.
Finally you two pull away from the kiss, letting go of each other slowly. He has a goofy smile on his face as he stares at you, taking in every aspect of your being. “Stop looking at me like that,” you giggle, covering your face in embarrassment.
He laughs along with you, pulling your hands away from your face before replying, “see, I told you I’d make you laugh.” You roll your eyes, moving your face closer to his once again.
“Shut up,” you whisper, kissing him for the third time that night.
A/n: I wrote a Matt story so yk I had to write a Chris story. Nick is next don’t worry lololol. Also, I’ve seen your requests/ anon messages and trust that I’m gonna respond to those too! Thanks for reading 🩵enjoy girlies!
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
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emilicious0 · 7 months
okay, so, im finding myself more and more attracted to Valentino. I mean im starting to simp 😵‍💫💀
so i'd love to see some gen sfw (and nsfw if you can but dont have to)
Maybe he started to like one of his workers or something (fem if possible but gn is fine)
He could like, work her with clients less and stuff, less videos, maybe less drugs 💀 anyway imma hop off now 😩
f!reader x valentino sfw and nsfw headcanons
TW: VALENTINO, abusive behavior, mdni
□ he really thinks he treats all of his workers good, which is kinda true (I strongly headcanon that v's may be a band of psychos, but they appreciate hard work and always offer good salaries)
□ you get a good amount of money and thats the reason you work so good as his assistant
□ he notices the hard work and slowly starts to treat you more like a friend (in his own way, like slapping your butt or whistling whenever you are passing by)
□ that behavior lasts for some time, until he sees you on your day off in a club with some other demon (who was your friend)
□ the two of you seem close and youre hugging each other, which made valentino see red
□ he was ready to jump inside and kill the bitch who dared to touch you, but vox called in asking him to be immeadiatly back in their tower for a meeting
□ after that valentino realises his feelings for you
□ the butt-slapping, cat-calling didnt stop and only became worse
□ he would call you nicknames now, the most used one is "baby"
□ you would get a lot more money than anyone else
□ also loves when you praise him
□ a drama queen, who loves when you take care of him (buying ice cream)
□ would try to trick you into making a deal with him (but he would eventually give up on that idea, since he wants you, to want him too)
□ actually tells you everyday how he loves you, or how beautiful you are, only to yell at you next moment for not loving him back
□ he would come to you drunk crying and you have to take him to bed and tuck him in
□ if you accept his feelings and you become a couple, he immediately fires you
□ becomes your sugar daddy, who asks for every second of your time in return
□ carries you around like a treasure, showing you off to everyone
□ gives you small gifts everyday, and not so small gifts too
□ he is the type to forget about the anniversary, but feel bad about it later
□ despite him being still physically active with his workers and vox, he is romantically absolutely yours
□ he has hard time listening for your problems, but he comforts you wrapping his wings around you and kissing you
□ he has hard times understanding a lot of things about your problems (hard for him to be there for you), but he tries to do it in his own way (physical affection)
□ valentino has his episodes when he bursts and shouts at you and everything, apologizing afterwards, but they will happen again
□ kinda enjoys scaring you, but with you it's never about physical abuse, more like teasing
□ sleeps more calmly next to you
□ doesn't allow you to leave him (it will crash him in every possible way if you do, resulting him to become obsessive and start stalking you)
□ has any possible kink in existence
□ inpatient, rough
□ loves edging, into degrading (loves to degrade and wants to degrade you)
□ public sex is his favorite one (as well as group one)
□ roleplays with you a lot of his crazy scenarios
□ makes you watch him fuck with others (doesn't let you do the same)
□ but your sessions with him are super private bc they are different
□ switch (hard dom/top, soft sub/bottom)
□ loves seeing you on your knees for him
□ seeing you cry is his favorite turn on
□ threesome with vox✌️
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nineteenninety-six · 2 years
Hi! can you do chishiya and his s/o in the jack of hearts of game please? Have a good day!
A/N: I don't really think this is all that good but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
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The unmistakable sounds of people fucking greeted YN and Chishiya as they walked into the Jack of Hearts game venue.
YN couldn't help the grin that grew on their face, "Seems like they have the right idea."
Chishiya hummed in agreement as he slipped the collar on, "Indulging in pleasure in a world of death... makes sense I suppose"
"Interested?" YN asked as they slipped on their own collar. "I'm sure we'll manage to find a free space on our calendar to fit it in, you know between running for our lives from the King of Spades and trying to find our group again."
Chishiya didn't respond, simply waving YN upstairs to the guardroom where a few other people were waiting. All of them looked uncomfortable from the noises coming from one of the cells. one of the older ladies gave them a judging look as they walked by as if expecting them to go off to a cell as well.
Chishiya finds a shadowed corner for them though YN can barely wait a couple of minutes of silence before they speak up again, "Do you think they came to this world together and were a thing before or do you think that they're just making the most out of a bad situation?"
Chishiya gives them an incredulous look." What difference does it make?"
YN shrugs, "None I suppose. I just wanted to gossip... I miss Kuina, she was always willing to gossip with me"
"You two spent more time gossiping than doing anything else." Chishiya engages in conversation. "A miracle you managed to clear games."
YN rolled her eyes at his derision, "It's not like there was much else to do. Most people aren't making DIY flamethrowers and backstabbing people, believe it or not."
Chishiya releases an amused huff and the conversation dies off again, at least until the noisy couple comes out to join the growing group of players filling the room, when chishiya whispers to YN, "They came together. Boss and secretary, perhaps?"
YN nods, "Uh-huh, the power dynamic must be crazy..."
YN looked around at the players as the rules were explained, they weren’t exactly worried as they knew that Chishiya had their back but figuring out who the Jack was, is going to take an insane amount of time.
Heart games were psychological and YN had heard of heart games that had been designed so that only one person survives but this game seemed to be one that focused on backstabbing and creating suspicion amongst its players. 
There was no time limit, unlimited food and visas weren't going to expire. Putting scared and nervous people in this environment only caused these people to get caught up in their thoughts and paranoid.
Whoever the Jack was, they designed this game to be a massacre. Picking off people whilst disguised as a player. A smart way to design the game but every player had a secret and putting someone in a situation like this may bring out a new side of them.
“So, what do you think?” Chishiya whispered as they watched groups being formed around them.
“To early to even make a guess, give me a couple more rounds”
Chishiya nodded before the young man next to them asked if they could team up, as YN watched two men interact on the floor below through the floor grate. The smaller man seemed to be establishing dominance to create an uneven partnership.
YN looked away from them as a young girl in a blue dress walked over to them with her group following behind her,
“Say, would you like to join our team?” She asks, “It’s okay if you don’t want to”
The guy that Chishiya was talking to quickly responds before looking over at Chishiya who looks at YN.
YN gives a nod and shrug, so Chishiya turns back to the girl and nods, 
“Okay. Let’s work together.”
YN watched Chishiya as he watched other people. He always had some sort of plan in motion at any given time and during games, he had backups to his backups.
YN had given up trying to guess whatever was going on in his head and usually went along with him though, they never relied on him a hundred per cent, making sure they had at least one plan because if something ever happened to Chishiya, they’ll be fucked.
Rounds kept on passing with at least one person dying each round and YN was over it, the smell of death permeated the air and no amount of free food and stay could convince them to stay any longer than necessary.
There were six of them left now, YN, Chishiya, Bada, Matsushita, Bada and Kotoko and just after the previous round ended with two more dead bodies, YN followed Chishiya to beg for him to set whatever plan he had in motion to end this game.
“You know who it is, right?” YN asks as they follow Chishiya around the food room.
Chishiya hummed as he picked up a packet of cookies and began snacking on them.
“You do?” YN huffed at their boyfriend, “End the game now. We can be done with this and look for Kuina.”
 Chishiya offered YN cookies which they refused with a roll of their eyes, “The plan is already in motion.”
“How long have you known who the Jack of Hearts was?”
“I wasn’t certain until this round” Chishiya took a bite of his cookie, “Satisfied now?”
YN bit their tongue, it was no good to start an argument now, especially since Chishiya was never a fair person to argue against, he had a tendency to use personal things against whoever he was fighting against to win the argument.
YN speed walked out of the prison after the Jack of Hearts was defeated and they had cleared the game. Though ‘defeated’ was a strong word when you remember that Banda and Yaba had tortured Matsushita to the point where he could no longer talk so when the round concluded and he couldn’t say his suit, his collar activated and killed him.
“Are you still upset?” Chishiya asked as he followed them out, jogging at times to catch up to YN’s fast pace.
“No” YN grumbled, their pace not decreasing, “Let’s just focus on finding Kuina and the others.”
Chishiya saddles up to YN’s side and doesn’t say a word but he does reach out and take YN’s hand in his. His version of an apology.  
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oharaslove · 3 months
Miguel O'hara as a cat
summary: After the events of your boyfriend becoming a cat, you decided to get a normal cat. Would the two kitties get along?
word count: 5.2k
warnings: Miguel x !Spider fem Reader, fluff, nothing else???
I am so so sorry for the wait!! I had many ideas and I couldn't find the words or the way to connect them. Also there was a lot going on and I couldn't find time to properly sit and write. Anyway, hope you enjoy!!! This is the last part, then I'll post the bonuses next week!!!
<< Part 2 Bonus >>
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It’s been 2 weeks since the whole cat accident. Thankfully, no one heard about it, only Miguel, Lyla and you knew about it. Even though you had gotten angry at the AI for taking pictures, you have to admit that she kept her word and the photos were kept hidden. Besides, it was funny seeing Miguel as a Maine Coon, although he didn’t think so, and he still thought he wasn’t a cat. The audacity of that man.
For the other part, Miguel hasn’t stopped working, it seemed like he was trying to make up for lost time, even though it was at most two days he was out of duty, but that’s your boyfriend, a workaholic at his best.
With all the work Miguel had been doing, he totally forgot about you wanting to adopt a cat. In all honestly, you had forgotten too. The last two weeks had been swarmed with anomalies here and there, no time to stop and think or rest completely. Your mind always racing and alert, battling between your own villains at home and the ones that didn’t belong across the multiverse.
“Miguel, there’s an anomaly on Earth-98393A.” Lyla informed, appearing in front of her boss.
Miguel groaned, running his hand through his messy hair. With the amount of anomalies, he wasn’t running out of teams to send.
“Is there someone available?” he asked.
“Let me check” Lyla answered, pulling out her holographic tablet, and scrolling through it. “It seems like everyone is deployed, in the infirmary recovering or its their day off.”
Miguel massage the sides of his head, before pulling lightly on his hair.
“Call y/n” Miguel said. “We are going together.”
“On it!” the AI responded.
The gizmo rang a couple a seconds until you appeared in front of Miguel. It seemed like you were in the middle of something.
“Hi Miggy!!” you sang, a little out of breath.
“Hola amor. ¿Estás bien?” (Hi love. Are you okay?)
“I’m in-,” your face went out of frame, sounds of a fight taking over. “-the middle-,” an explosion was heard, and then some grunting and punching. “-of something.” you finished, sighing, and then beaming into the camera. “What’s up?”
“Am I interrupting something?” Miguel asked, a smirk forming on his lips.
“What do you think?” you questioned back, rolling your eyes, before smiling at him.
“There is an anomaly we have to take care of.”
“Okay, gimme a minute.” you groaned. “I have to-”
A giant object flew over your head, luckily, your spidey-senses warned you about it.
“Hey!” you snapped. “Rhino, I am busy over here. Can’t you wait for a single minute?” you rolled your eyes, and looked at Miguel. “Be there in a minute. Love ya. Mwah” you blew a kiss before hanging up.
“Lyla, status on the anomaly?” Miguel asked.
“It is causing a lot of trouble.” the AI answered. “I suggest you go now. Once your little girlfriend comes around, I’ll inform her.”
“Okay, let me know when she arrives.”
Miguel opened a portal to Earth-98393A using his gizmo. As soon as it opened he went through.
“Another day of work” he sighed, stretching his arms.
The fight was not going good.
Maybe he should have asked Lyla what he was facing.
Maybe Miguel should have listened to you when you said the sleep deprivation was going to bite him in the ass.
Maybe he should have not listened to Lyla and wait for you to arrive.
Maybe you should fucking hurry and help him. What was taking you so long??
THREE FRICKING ANOMALIES. That was what he was fighting.
Yes. Miguel was a big guy, he was a really strong Spider-man, but everyone has limits, and he has reached them minutes ago.
A vulture, a Rhino and a kind of symbiote had him cornered. Miguel took punch after punch, kick after kick, blow after blow.
After a kick to the gut, he fell to his knees, clutching his stomach.
“Lyla” he groaned. “Where is y/n?”
He managed to roll over to the right, just as the Rhino rammed into the wall behind of where he just was.
“I called her again, telling her it was an emergency” Lyla answered.
He stood up, groaning, still clutching his middle. There was internal bleeding and external bleeding, everything was aching, he didn’t know how many more punches he could take.
He was feeling dizzy, his senses not there 100%.
Thanks to that, the vulture managed to surprise him. He flew right into him, grabbing his middle and smacking him into the wall.
Miguel’s body was pressed against the wall and the Vulture. Nowhere to go.
His mind was slipping in and out of consciousness. The pressure on his chest preventing him from breathing properly.
The vulture grabbed his head and smashed it into the wall, and he kept it there.
“Well, well, Spider-man” the vulture said. “No so unstoppable now, huh?” He laughed, throwing his head back.
“What are we gonna do with you?” the symbiote hissed.
From the corner of his left, swollen eye, he thought he had seen an object levitating, but given his condition, he was probably hallucinating.
“Please” he whimpered, too beat up to form more words.
“Pleading, already?” Rhino mocked him.
“You will be pleading once I am done with you all” you said, standing behind them. Jess and Peter B accompanying you.
Each one of you took a target, getting them away from Miguel. You grabbed the vulture’s wings and threw him back, making him let go of Miguel.
Miguel fell to the ground, breathing heavily, putting a hand to his chest.
You rushed to his side, checking for serious injuries, but not seeing any major one.
“Hand in there Migs” you whispered, rubbing his shoulder lightly. “Once we are done I am taking you to the infirmary of HQ, no complaining, ‘kay?” you said sternly, before kissing his cheek and running to get the job back.
Not long after you were gone, Miguel passed out.
“I got him, I got him, thanks Jess” Miguel heard you say, and then he felt you placed him gently into a soft surface, presumably and infirmary bed.
Before slipping out of consciousness again, he heard some mumbling. Two people having a conversation, but he couldn’t make up the words. And then a meow. Was that a cat?.
Before he could give much thought to that, he passed out, yet again.
Miguel opened his eyes slowly. A ray of sunshine hitting him straight in the face through the semi-open curtains. He squinted, trying to get used to the light and make sense of where he was.
He rubbed his eyes slowly, noticing cables attached to his hands.
The sound of the heart machine giving him an idea of where he was.
He threw his head back, hitting the pillow and sighed. He hated being on the hospital, he dreaded it.
Looking to the side, expecting to see you sitting on a chair, he was met with a surprising sight.
A cat. A CAT??
What the hell is a cat doing in here? he thought, the only cat being able to roam the society being Spider-cat.
He frowned, watching how the unfamiliar animal slept peacefully, unaware that the person beside him, didn’t like him.
Once he heard the door open, he snapped his head towards it.
There you were, beautiful as always. You were too focus on the food tray on your hands to notice Miguel’s gaze.
“Hola hermosa”. he said groggily. (Hi beautiful)
The shock almost made you drop everything. Miguel giggled at the sight.
“Shit!” you exclaimed, balancing the food on your hands.
You rushed to place the tray on the table, before gently approaching your boyfriend, not wanting to startle him.
“Hi baby” you whispered, gently caressing his face, avoiding the various little scars that adorned it.
Miguel grabbed your wrist, nestling his face harder into the palm of your hand.
“Mmm” he mumbled, still too weak to have a long conversation.
You giggled, his sleepiness reminding you of the morning before he turned into a cat.
“You were out for a day.” you informed him, using your other hand to run your fingers through his messy pillow hair. You bent down, peppering the crown of his head with kisses, and then his other cheek. “Do you want food?” you asked
Miguel gently nodded into your hand, letting go of your wrist. His eyes fluttering open.
As you turned around, walking towards the tray, Miguel remembered the other living creature on the room.
“Whose cat is that?” he questioned.
As soon as the words left his mouth, Miguel saw you tense up, before quickly relaxing. You grabbed the tray of food, and turned.
Your gaze was fixated on the food on your hands, avoiding his. You looked guilty.
“Can you eat for yourself or you need help?” you mumbled, trying to change the conversation.
Miguel arched his eyebrow. “Don’t change the conversation darling. What’s the cat doing here?”
As in cue, the cat woke up, stretching his whole body on the chair.
You placed the tray on Miguel’s lap, before retracting your hands and playing with them, stretching the sleeves of your sweater.
“The food will get cold” you urged him.
Miguel kept looking at you, without breaking eye contact, while you were looking everywhere, except his eyes.
From the corner of his eye, he saw the caught move. Miguel turned his head towards him, watching the cat leap from the chair and land beside your feet.
He groomed himself a little, before sitting on his back legs and meowing right at you. He did that for a couple of seconds. You were trying to resist the urge to pet him and grab him, but that would make Miguel know he was yours.
Cheese, as you called him, grew tired of you not paying attention to him, so he stood up and rubbed his whole body on your legs, headbutting you repeatedly.
“Well,” Miguel said smirking. “that answers the question.”
You groaned, covering your face.
“I’m sorry” you said through your hands.
“So this is why you took so long?” Miguel questioned crossing his arms over his chest, wincing in pain at the action.
“Be careful.” you warned, concern lasing your voice. “And NO! How could you say that?” you defended yourself.
You reached down, grabbing the orange cat. He purred instantly, nestling himself in your chest. Miguel could already feel jealousy bubbling on his own.
“I just,” you began explaining yourself, walking slowly towards Miguel’s bed. “when you called, I was fighting my own Rhino. I admit it took longer than I expected, and I apologize for that. I took you for granted, I am so so sorry, I thought you could handle whatever it was for a few more minutes by yourself.” You bent down and kissed Miguel’s lips, slowly, trying to pour all your love into it. You pulled away slowly, your head resting against his. “Perdón mi vida.” (Sorry my life)
“It’s okay” Miguel whispered back.
“MEOOOWW” the cat squealed, clearly not being happy being squished between you too.
Miguel frowned again. He suspected that this wasn’t going to be the last time the cat was going to interrupt a nice moment between him and his girlfriend.
And it wasn’t
Despite Miguel’s complains, the cat stayed with you. You had explained how and where you had found him and how you were all he had in your world. Besides, you knew he couldn’t resist your puppy eyes, and you also reminded him of him agreeing back when he was a cat.
The only rule was that you couldn’t bring the cat to work, precisely, you couldn’t leave him alone with it.
Did you stick to your word? No, not at all. You honestly did what you pleased, and Miguel could only deal with it. To be honest, he would do and endure anything for you. How bad was dealing with a cat? There could be worse things.
Or that’s what he thought.
Cheese was a male orange cat, meaning, Miguel and him were constantly battling for your attention and affection. Again, for someone who claims he is not a cat… he sure acts like it when he needs to assert dominance.
For instance, there was a morning…
Miguel had stayed at your place, after you constantly begging him to take a break the night before. He gave in, not taking into account that that daemon was going to be accompanying you both.
With you, he was a saint. Always dropping on his back, exposing his fluffy stomach to you, begging you for pets, claiming all your undivided attention.
But once you left the room? The fight would begin. Miguel and him stared at each other, not breaking eye contact. Neither of them attempting to move, to cave in, to surrender.
“I brought food!” you sang, always smiling, unaware of the war taking place right in front of you.
Your two kitties snapped their heads towards you. Both jumping, standing on their feet to try to reach you first.
Thanks to his stature and long legs, Miguel managed to catch your attention first. He took his plate and that monsters food off your hands, placing his on the table beside him and the other quickly on the floor, before scoping you in his arms.
“Miguel!” you squealed, body flushed to his, arms wrapping around his neck.
Miguel swung you around, your feet not touching the ground. You giggled loudly, stomach hurting, throwing your head back.
Miguel took the opportunity to kiss your neck, producing even more happy sounds.
“Migss!” you laughed.
Your boyfriend stopped spinning around, and set you on your feet, giving you a tight hug. Your head on his chest and his on top of yours. Cheese was behind you, staring at the scene with an angry face.
Miguel noticed him and stuck his tongue out at him. Cheese bared his fangs in response, hissing. Miguel hissed back, also baring his fangs, clutching you harder.
“What was that?” you asked innocently.
“Nothing mi amor.” he answered quickly. (my love)
You squinted your eyes, being suspicious.
Cheese meowed behind you.
“He must not like his food” you said, trying to pull back from Miguel, but he pushed you against him harder.
“It is the same food from yesterday night.” he grumbled, clearly annoyed by the cat’s tactics to get your attention.
“Yes, but-”
“But nothing.” he cut you off. “He can eat by himself, while we enjoy our meal.”
You pouted, but accepted. You could sense someone was jealous. Even though you found it amusing, you knew not to push his buttons so harshly.
There was other time where Cheese was ‘not feeling good’ according to your words. You had been at home all day, taking care of your little poor kitty, when Miguel called you due to an ‘emergency’.
As you didn’t want to leave Cheese alone, you took him to HQ, much to Miguel’s dismay. As the mission on required you (because it was fricking simple, Miguel was only jealous of Cheese and he wanted your company, yours alone, but clearly you didn’t take the hint, or you did, but liked to tease him), you left Cheese to Miguel and Lyla.
“I remember telling you last time that I am not a babysitter” the AI complained, crossing her arms and staring at you through the top of her glasses that laid on the bridge of her nose.
“I knooow” you whined. “But hey! You took care of Miguel last time, how hard can a real cat be?” you said, trying to sound convincing.
“You do have a point.” she replied, resting her chin in her fist, thinking.
“I was not difficult.” Miguel huffed.
“Debatable.” Lyla said. “And also, if you take into account that it was Miguel as a cat, I say I did take care of a cat.”
“I am not a cat!” Miguel snapped.
Both you and Lyla laughed.
“Please take care of him, both of you.” you said, pointing at both of them. “He is not feeling that well. I left a note with his cares just in case here” you finished, placing a bag on Miguel’s desk.
Miguel side-eyed it, not happy with taking care of his arch nemesis, but he knew you would be pissed at him if he didn’t, and that would be a win for the cat. He couldn’t let that happen.
“Okay” he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Thank you Migss” you squealed, kissing him on the cheek. “Bye Cheese” you waved to the cat before opening a portal and exiting.
Silenced consumed the room. Lyla, sensing the tension, disappeared.
Miguel made eye contact with Cheese. They both immerse in an intense battle.
“Are you even sick?” Miguel asked, clearly losing his mind. Why the hell am I talking to a cat? he thought.
Cheese simply meowed, and then proceeded to groom himself.
Miguel shocked his head, he was clearly exhausted and out of his mind if he thought the cat could talk about. But he knew it! The cat had you wrapped around his little paw, and he was losing your attention.
Okay, find, he was probably exaggerating. Was he jealous of the cat? Yes, sure. Would he ever admit it to you? Not a chance. Would he even admit that the main reason why he is jealous is not the fact that maybe your attention is not solely on him anymore, but the fact that he thinks you got a cat because you miss taking care of him when he was a cat? Absolutely not.
It was not long ago he admitted to himself that he missed being a cat, and that he was in fact a cat. How could he not? He didn’t have to work, he could sleep however, whenever and wherever he wanted, he didn’t need to cook. All he had to do was be cute and wait for your pets, and cuddle with you. And, he would admit, that he liked being carried by you.
He liked being taller than you, and stronger. He could pick you up like you were a feather. But being smaller than you gave him a sense of comfort and sleeping on top of you, without crashing you, was amazing.
So yes, he was jealous of the cat because he could do all those things, and here he was, sitting on a chair, staring at screen flashing warning signs of anomalies, while fricking Cheese is sleeping on the floor, like nothing matters. The cat hadn’t shown any sign of being sick, he was an actor. They should give him an Oscar for this. But two could play that game.
In a blink of an eye, you were back at HQ. You made a quick stop in the cages to drop the anomaly off. You couldn’t believe Miguel called you for this. That was the emergency? Mayday could have catch this thing in a second. If you were ripped out of your house, at least you expected a good fight, that this one barely tickled you.
You sighed, entering Miguel’s office now. You barely made a sound, but thanks to Miguel’s heightened senses and training, he knew you were coming. Let the show begin he thought.
Miguel slumped over his desk, face down, arms covering it. He sighed loudly, trying to catch your attention before it was diverted to the cat laying a few meters away from him on the floor.
“I’m back Migs.” you said, approaching Miguel.
He simply sighed again, moving his whole body to accentuate his ‘fatigue’.
You frowned, not expecting to see your boyfriend like this. You left basically five minutes ago and he was fine.
“What’s wrong mi amor?” (my love) you said, gently rubbing circles on his shoulder.
Miguel simply groaned.
“You weren’t like this when I left.” you continued.
“Mmm” he simply replied.
Lyla appeared without making any sound, trying not to alert Miguel. She called your attention and once you looked up towards her and the screens, she wrote: ‘He is pretending, and so is your cat’
“What?” you mouthed.
Lyla simple shrugged and disappeared, leaving you with two ‘sick cats’.
What the hell? you thought. Why would they pretend to be… oh
It dawned on you. This two stupid kitties. From Cheese you could understand, he was merely a cat, but Miguel? Your silly grumpy boyfriend. You laughed to yourself. They want to pretend? Let’s see how amazing actors they are you thought.
“Are you sick Miggy?” you cooed at your boyfriend, bending down a little to be at eye level with him.
Miguel turned his head towards you, his cheek resting against his arm, squishing his face. He pouted.
“Mmm” he replied.
“Oh poor Miggy” you said, mirroring his pout. “Why don’t I take you and Cheese how, so I can cuddle you both and make you feel better.” you pecked Miguel’s cheek.
As you were pulling back, you saw in the corner of your eye how Miguel’s facade fell for a second, frowning. Clearly he wanted your attention completely, he didn’t count on sharing it with the cat.
He regained his pouty face, giving you puss in boots eyes. (is this even the equivalent to puppy eyes?? I didn’t want to put puppy eyes giving the fact that Miguel is a cat hahahaha)
He sniffed, ‘aggravating’ his state.
“Okay” he mumbled, clearly, he couldn’t tell you the cat was faking without blowing his cover.
“Okay” you whispered back, rubbing circles on his back. “Why don’t you take Cheese to my apartment, I’ll meet you there in a few.”
“I don’t know if I am strong enough” Miguel mumbled, trying to convince you to take him.
“Migs” you sighed straightening up. “I know you are feeling a little under the weather, but we can’t live the multiverse unattended, can we?” you questioned, resting your hands in your hips.
Shit, you are right Miguel thought.
“Maybe you are a little sicker than I thought if the multiverse isn’t on your mind” you smirked for a second, making Miguel frown. Where you catching on him?
“You go to my apartment, take Cheese. Leave the bag, I’ll take it later. I am going to look for Jess, and then I go” You pecked his cheek and off you were, sprinting out of the office.
Miguel huffed, he clearly didn’t think this plan through. He sat back on his chair, running his fingers throw his hair. Maybe this was going to be more difficult than he thought.
He lulled his head to the right, where the cat was still sleeping, unaware of what had just happened. Miguel sighed, knowing he had to pick up this monster, and that it wasn’t going to be happy about it. He wasn’t either.
He stood up and walked towards Cheese. Bending down, he stroke his fur, maybe a friendly approach would save him from scratches. Cheese purr a little, not knowing who was petting him. Even though Miguel didn’t really like him, he had to admit he was friendly, always asking everyone for pets.
Slowly, Cheese opened his eyes. As soon as they laid on Miguel he meowed loudly and jumped in the air, getting away from Miguel. Cheese hissed, his tail up and rigid.
“Hey!” Miguel said loudly, putting his hands up in defense. “I know you don’t like me, I don’t either. I don’t know if you understand, but your mama told me to take you home. If she walks through that door,” he pointed to his office’s door. “and sees us here, she’ll know we are full of bullshit, because you know and I know you aren’t sick. So quit being a pain in the ass and let me grab you.”
Cheese stood in his place, as did Miguel, both of them as statues, observing each other. Seconds went by, and Cheese relaxed. Maybe he does understand Miguel thought.
The cat walked carefully towards Miguel. Miguel bent down and picked him up, making Cheese meow loudly.
Once Miguel placed him in his arms, Cheese took his claws out, scratching Miguel a little.
“Ay mierda” he exclaimed. “Hey! Claws in, you don’t want me to take mine out” (Ay shit)
Cheese hissed at him, baring his fangs. Miguel did the same. Both stared at each other.
They could have stayed liked that for hours, but they were snapped of their state when they both heard your voice approaching, accompanied by someone else.
Miguel rushed to open a portal to your dimension and barely made it through when you entered the office. He could hear you talking and laughing with Jess, but he didn’t stay to not rise suspicions. He closed the portal and waited.
Jess laughed, grabbing her sides.
“Miguel is pretending to be sick?” she laughed, using her finger to take the tears out of her eye.
“I knoww” you said. “And my cat too. They are both so silly”
“It looks like they are competing for your attention”
You rolled your eyes. “It does look like it. I can understand it from Cheese. But Miguel could talk to me.”
“You know his forte isn’t opening up. You are lucky he told you he loved you.”
“Hey!! He has love in his heart. He just, he suffered a lot.” you pouted.
“I know, I know. I am messing with ya. But you should let him know that it is okay to be vulnerable sometimes. That is what partners are for. If we don’t trust them with our feelings, who then?” Jess explained.
“Yeah, you are right. After a mess with them a little I’ll tell him.”
“Thanks for this Jess. Promise I’ll make it up to you.” you said, going in for a hug.
“No problem girl.” she hugged you back, rubbing your back.
“Well, byeee.” you said, pulling back and opening a portal.
“Bye!” Jess said, waving at you.
Back at your apartment, Miguel decided to wait for you in your bed. He left Cheese on his bed, both of them not wanting to be nowhere near each other if not necessary.
You appeared from a portal, giving Miguel just the right seconds to get back into character. He covered his head with an arm, blocking the light.
“Ohh Migs. Still feeling bad?” you cooed, sitting next to him on the bed and rubbing his chest gently.
Miguel nodded.
“Do you want food?”
Miguel nodded again.
Miguel felt the bed move when you stood up and heard the shuffle of your feet walking away.
You stopped right in front of Cheese’s bed and dropped to the floor.
“How is my little baby” you said pouting, scoping Cheese gently and petting him.
Cheese meowed and headbutted you.
“You want cuddles huh?” you smirked, looking back at Miguel, checking if he was listening. “What do you say if I take you to the kitchen and we cook Papa’s food together?” you kissed the top of his head.
Miguel groaned behind you.
“You are his Papa, whether you like him or not.” you explained, talking to Miguel.
Miguel groaned again, this time not only because of what you said, but because you were going to cuddle with Cheese while he had to pretend to be sick. This plan was biting him in the ass.
You stood up and walked out of the room, shutting the room to not disturb Miguel.
After an hour or so, you finished Miguel’s soup. If you were being honest, you didn’t cuddle Cheese at all, it is difficult to cook with a cat in your arms. Besides, you called his bullshit. You knew he was a smart cat, and really cuddly, so little did you know he could pull a stunt like this.
But, to continue to tease Miguel a little further, you placed Cheese on your shoulders and tried to balance him and the tray of food in your hands. You walked towards your bedroom slowly, for one, to not drop the food and two to see if you could catch Miguel red handed, which would be unlikely, he could hear everything.
Opening the door was a real challenge. Once you were able to do so, you peeked your head through. Miguel was spread out on the bed over his stomach, snoring lightly. You pouted. Maybe he wasn’t really sick, but he was for sure tired.
You opened the door further. You walked into the room trying to not make any noise. Cheese jumped off your shoulder and landed carefully on the floor, next to his bed. You walked further and placed the tray on the table next to your bed, giving your back to Miguel.
“Baby?” Miguel said groggily.
Your turned around startled.
“Migs” you whispered, moving towards him. “Did I wake you up?”
Miguel shook his head, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, pouting.
You sat on the bed slowly, stroking his back.
“Do you want to eat?” you asked.
He shook his head again.
“I have to tell you something” he began, avoiding your eyes. “I-” he closed his mouth, he couldn’t find the words. He didn’t want to admit what he had done.
You giggled before kissing his cheek and then shoulder.
“It’s okay Migs, I know”
“You know?” he said, opening his eyes.
“Yeah, I had my suspicions, but then Lyla confirmed them.”
“Lyla” Miguel groaned, planting his face back on the pillow.
You laughed. He was such a baby. You ran your fingers through his messy curls, massaging his scalp. You stood up, making him turn his head towards you. You pulled back the covers and climbed into bed with him.
“You know,” you began, using your thumb to move the hair out of his face. “you don’t have to pretend to be sick to have my attention.”
Miguel looked down, avoiding your eyes.
“Hey” you whispered, putting a finger under his chin so he would look at you. “I’m sorry if you feel like I am not paying enough attention to you. I know I have been a lot with Cheese, and I am sorry.” you kissed his forehead, moving your hands to play with the hairs on the back of his head and resting your forehead in his. “But you have to tell me how you feel too, si amor?” (yes love?)
He nodded, gently nestling his nose with yours. You smiled.
“I’m sorry for calling you up for an emergency when there wasn’t any and for pretending to be sick” he said.
“It’s okay.” you mumbled, beginning to feel sleepy. “It serves as an excuse to rest for a day, and you too mister. You aren’t going to HQ again.”
Miguel smiled. “I wasn’t planning to.”
You yawned, rubbing your eyes. You smiled at Miguel and rubbed behind his ears and under his chin. Maybe it was your sleepy state, but it seemed like he liked it and you thought you heard him purr.
At last, Miguel moved to rest on top of you, his head on your chest. You played with his hair, listening to his breathing, luring you to sleep. Cheese jumped on the bed and climbed on top of Miguel’s back, loafing up and closing his eyes.
With one hand you stroked Cheese and with the other you played with Miguel’s hair.
In the end, both your kitties were happy.
THE END or is it??
<< Part 2 <Masterlist> Bonus >>
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I honestly love how this mini series turned out. Given that I couldn't put some dialogue I wanted in this, maybe I'll edit it later, and then repost it hahahaha. Anyway, hope you liked it!!! If you want to be tagged in the bonuses or you have requests about this "series' universe" if you'll like to call it that haha, let me know!!! I am happy to write more about this.
I honestly feel like every story I write is in a different universe, or well, that's what I think. So this is the kitty universe hahaha
TAGS: @glaciertea
106 notes · View notes
beatrice-otter · 2 months
I really like John Scalzi's analysis of the whole wtfery of this. (I'm not a great fan of his books, I think he's really overrated as a novelist, but his political commentary and commentary on the SF/F world is interesting.)
I think he has a good point about how while the initial panic about his bad performance at the debate was genuine (and if he'd done better, he'd never have withdrawn), but also that once there was panic, he decided how to manage things to maximize Harris' chances at both getting the nomination and winning the election.
Consider that the announcement was made on the Sunday after the Republican National Convention, and after the Sunday morning political talk shows were put to bed, i.e., after the GOP political capital was spent slagging Biden, and when professional spinners would be caught flat-footed by the announcement. Biden’s news was quickly followed by his endorsement of Kamala Harris, which in turn was followed by a flood of endorsements for Harris across the Democratic political firmament, effectively slamming the door on any serious challenge to Harris at the upcoming Democratic National Convention. If you think something like that just happens spontaneously, well, one, bless your heart, and two, you’re wrong. This was a work, a rope-a-dope, and a strategy to energize the Democratic base and to toss what little momentum the GOP had coming out of their convention down a deep, dark hole. And it worked! Harris raised an huge amount of money for her campaign in its first day — $49 million at least, and I’ve heard up to $70 million — and the GOP messaging was in disarray, limited largely to Trump whining on Truth Social, Stephen Miller freaking out on Fox News, and Mike Johnson trying to suggest that the Democrats can’t do that, it isn’t fair. Which is just what the Democrats wanted out of this. ... The current iteration of the GOP has been mask-off racist and sexist for some time, and Donald Trump sets the tone for the party on this score. Be expecting the whole array of nonsense from them, from dog whistles to flat out racist and sexist shit, said out loud, and also all over the former Twitter by Trump’s pet fascists and/or Russian bots. I guarantee you it will be nothing Kamala Harris has not heard before, but you might see a couple of new ones. The GOP outsourced their policy making to The Heritage Foundation with its Project 2025, which is already deeply unpopular, probably because it’s terrible for anyone who is not already a billionaire cryptofascist with a cross fetish. The GOP can’t go after Harris on policy grounds, and Trump doesn’t do policy anyway. So expect endless variations of she’s an uppity black woman for the next several months. ... Also, Biden has manifestly changed the narrative around both himself and his presidency. I didn’t want him to stop running for re-election, but choosing to do so allows for a “country over self” positioning that’s a hugely effective contrast to Trump’s “I’m running to avoid prison and to get revenge” narrative. It also allows a fresh reframing of the Biden administration’s achievements and accomplishments, and positions Harris to say she will continue them. Biden can lean into the whole “Grandpa Joe” thing now, and have it seen as a positive rather than a negative. ... To put it another way, after eight years, we know what the hard cap is on Trump’s support. We don’t know what the cap is yet for Harris’ support. History does suggest that cap is higher than Trump’s.
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bro-atz · 11 months
Hi, its my first time to request. Since its halloween can you write an incubus Yunho one shot fanfiction? I just want the fanfic has a plot before the smut scenes and its up to you what would that be. Thanks 😊
dream in a dream
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in which: yunho needs to fuck in order to stay alive, but he fell in love with you in the process.
pair: incubus!yunho/afab!reader
word count: 8k
content: smut, angst... a lot of sex... like a lot a lot, death, raw sex (remember to wrap up irl!), consensual...? definitely not non-con, but... mostly consensual idk sexsomnia/somnophilia are hard to categorize
author's note: friend... my brain literally exploded HAHA i never thought the day would come when i would be requested to write an incubus ff... anyway i really ran with the idea apparently so i hope you like this ridiculously long incubus!yunho also i am so sorry for how it ends... seriously i'm truly sorry idk what i did happy halloween ig?
tag list: @k-hotchoisan apply for the permanent taglist here!
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The thing with immortal beings that a lot of people don’t know is that they’re not actually immortal. They have to do certain things to stay alive. Humans have to eat food and drink water to stay alive, but not immortal beings. Each one is different. Vampires feed on blood (duh), banshees feed on revenge, wendigos need to consume human flesh, and an incubus needs to have sex. Vulgar? Yes, but it’s the truth.
It’s not just about sex for an incubus, though. They need the health, the energy, the life force from a human, and they have sex in order to obtain that.
Yunho was an incubus. He was kind of a lousy one at that. No, he was good at obtaining the energy he needed to keep going, but the problem for him was that he was picky. Some vampires only like a certain blood group, and Yunho only had an affinity for certain people. It was hard for Yunho to find someone he didn’t immediately despise. Think about it— he can’t have sex if he can’t get it up, and there were a select amount of people on the planet who could get him to that point.
That was when he met you.
You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life (and he had lived such a long life). There was just something about the way you would laugh and smile that made his heart flutter, and just watching you walking away from him made his body burn with lust. You were the one. He just knew that you were the one from the beginning, before he even slept with you.
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You sighed deeply as you flopped onto your bed. You had a horrible day at work, and you wanted to relieve your stress one way or another, but you just couldn’t figure out what to do in order to relax. You dragged yourself into your bathroom and forced yourself to get ready to go to bed.
As you sat on your bed under the duvet in your tank top and shorts silk pajama set and watched TV, you couldn’t help but feel like something was off. You couldn’t tell what it was, but after getting sucked into the drama in your show, that feeling vanished. Sleepily, you turned your TV off and slept.
Then, your eyes fluttered open. Something got onto your bed, and you knew because you felt the bed dip. You blinked a couple of times and saw a shadowy figure next to you. You wanted to scream, and you opened your mouth to do so, but the figure covered your mouth.
“Shh, baby,” the figure whispered in the most reassuring, low, manly voice. “I’m not here to hurt you.”
“W-who are you? What’re you doing here? How did you get in here?” you rambled off all of the questions in your head.
“None of those things matter,” he responded with the same, low register. “What matters is this. Us.”
The figure brushed your hair out of your face lightly, and you found yourself comforted by his touch. There was something about the warmth in his hands that reassured you. His fingers ran down the side of your face, down your neck, and over your shoulder, slipping your tank top strap off the side. You trembled when you felt his lips press lightly against your shoulder and let out a tiny moan as their kisses trailed along the part of your chest that was exposed.
“Why…?” you breathed out.
He responded, but you couldn’t hear him over the sound of blood rushing to your ears when you felt his body weight press further into you. You lost yourself even more when he brushed hair away from your neck and left sweet kisses.
“Just enjoy it, Y/N,” he whispered.
“You know my name…?”
He nodded against your neck, continuing to kiss you. You gasped when you felt his hand go under your top and squeeze your breast tightly. You squirmed below him as you felt yourself get more and more turned on— you needed him to do something about it. Whimpers and moans left your lips the more he felt your body up, and those whimpers and moans stopped when his lips met yours. He kissed you sweetly. He originally kissed you only once, but you needed more. You reached for his face and brought him back, kissing him over and over again.
“God, you’re so perfect, Y/N,” he breathed out in between kisses.
When he moved away from you, you wanted to complain, but he didn’t give you the chance. He tugged your shorts down all the way and licked your cunt from bottom to top. You inhaled sharply as his tongue continued to violate you. His firm hands went under your knees and pushed upwards, allowing him to pleasure you even more.
“Oh God,” you hissed when he sucked on your clit.
You felt yourself nearing your climax. You brought your hands to the back of his head and ran your fingers through his hair before holding on tightly to his roots. The closer you got, the firmer your grasp became, and right before you came, you pushed his head closer to you.
“Fuck!” you cried.
Your pussy convulsed, and stars filled your vision as you reached ecstasy. You were breathing rashly when he sat up and wiped his lips with his thumb.
You could barely make out his features now that you got a better view of him, but you knew that the man was fine. His jawline was sharp, and his nose was long and slender. His hair shielded his eyes, but his lips were beautiful and plump. As much as you liked staring at his lips, you wanted them connected to yours again.
Before removing his own clothes, he helped you out of yours. You laid in bed and watched his muscles ripple as he moved, his slender frame swelling up as he inhaled and looked at you. You watched him palm himself, your heart racing as you saw exactly how well hung we was. Slowly, he pinned you down and positioned himself carefully.
You felt like he was going to split you wide open when he entered you. He was long and girthy, and you really weren’t ready for it. Tears slipped out of your eyes as you suppressed your cries. Yet, despite the pain, you didn’t want him to stop, so when he was fully inside you and didn’t move, you whimpered and whined.
“Good job, baby,” he whispered as he pet your hair. “I’m going to start moving now, okay?”
You nodded eagerly, making him have to choke back a laugh. You reached for the back of his neck and brought his face down to yours as he pulled out slowly. You kissed him hungrily while he started to actually fuck you. His tongue slipped into your mouth, and your tongue met his over and over again with every kiss.
At first, he was moving slowly at a steady pace, but suddenly, he thrust sharply into you, making you moan into his mouth. You continued to moan in between the kisses as he fucked you hard, his waist hitting yours with so much force that your entire body shifted forward. Worried that your head would hit the headboard, he put his hand on the top of your head, only to move his hand to the back of your head as he pulled you to sit upright.
His lips were still pressed against yours as he knelt on the bed, his cock still deep inside you. You sat on his lap and held onto him tightly as he raised and lowered you repeatedly. You let out little yelps every time he sat you down on his lap fully, his dick hitting places deep within you with such force.
“So good!” you moaned loudly as you flung your head back. “I’m gonna cum again!”
Without any sort of reaction, he lowered you down again and fucked you senseless, his hips making your ass cheeks sting. You kept crying out with every thrust, and when he slammed into you and stayed inside, filling you with his seed, you came as well. It was only when he pulled out that you squirted onto the bed, his cum leaking out of you.
You remained lying on the bed in a puddle of pleasure as he laid down gently beside you. His fingers tucked your splayed out hair behind your ear and caressed your face as your eyelids suddenly became heavy with sleep. 
Drifting back to sleep, you were barely conscious to hear his response when you asked, “What’s your name?”
When you woke up the next morning, you looked up and around wildly, remembering the incredible night you had— also fearing that a stranger really was in your home— but there was no one to be found. You were wearing your pajamas, which confused you because you definitely fell asleep after… That… Naked. Also, your hair and bedsheets were still neat and orderly, which definitely should not have been the case if you had sex that night. Was that all really a dream?
“Geez, get it together,” you whispered to yourself. “There’s no way you slept with a complete stranger last night.”
It had to be the exhaustion, you told yourself. You just needed a break.
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“Yunho, you gotta find someone to fuck, otherwise you’re going to vanish. You know how it is,” a demon sighed.
Yunho was with his incubus friends chatting and people watching as they sat in public in their human forms.
“No, I know, Mingi. I found someone,” Yunho answered.
“Wow, the picky incubus finally chose someone?!” another demon exclaimed.
“Shut up, San. And, yes, I did.”
“Who’s the lucky lady?” Mingi asked.
“Just… Someone.”
Mingi and San looked at each other with concern as Yunho looked away, a light blush appearing on his face.
“Yunho… When did you meet this woman?” Mingi asked.
“About a month or two ago.”
“And how many times have you slept with this woman?” San continued the line of questioning.
“Uh, I think eight times.” Yunho lied. “Why?”
“You need to find someone else.”
“Dude, are you stupid, or did you forget that you can only fuck her so many times before she dies?”
Yunho pressed his lips together and looked away. Of course he knew that. He knew, but he couldn’t help it. He loved you. Demons weren’t supposed to fall in love, but there was just something about you that drew him toward you. He couldn’t keep away.
“You’re only at eight—”
“I lied. It’s ten.”
“Okay, fine. You’ve only fucked her ten times, right?” San clarified. “You have to find someone else.”
“It’s not so easy! You guys know how I am.”
“Yes, we do. At least find someone else before you hit twenty,” Mingi said with a sigh. “You don’t want to end up like Yeosang, do you?”
Yeosang was another incubus that was part of Yunho’s little group. He, too, fell in love with a human and fucked her until the fated number— forty-two. When she passed away, Yeosang couldn’t move on. Because he wasn’t having sex, he withered away, leaving both the human world and demon world.
“I know. I’ll find someone else…” Yunho conceded.
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It was the weekend for you, and you had a long and stressful week thanks to work, which meant you were going to use the weekend to recover instead of spend it having fun with your friends.
Recovery to you meant sitting in bed, watching TV, and eating as much junk food as your body could handle. As you sat and mindlessly watched whatever it was playing on your television, your mind drifted to the dreams you’ve been having as of late.
It wasn’t every night, but it was starting to become more frequent. You kept dreaming of that man, Yunho, and he had sex with you in each dream. It felt so vivid and real, but every morning after the dream, you’d wake up to a clean bed and clean pajamas. You wished it was real, though. Yunho always fucked you right. He knew exactly how to treat you, which just made you feel even more delusional. How could a dream be better than sex in real life? The human mind truly is incredible.
Your mind kept going. You thought about Yunho and how he looked when he was sweaty and passionate hovering above you, the way he would brush two fingers along your temple to move your hair before leaving a light kiss on your forehead, his technique when he…
You started touching yourself. You thought about Yunho’s fingers, his tongue, his dick. You thought about how good he made you feel whenever you dreamt about him. You rubbed your middle finger over your clit while imaging it was his tongue, and with a soft moan, you slipped two of your fingers into your pussy— although it definitely wasn’t the same because Yunho was significantly bigger and longer.
You thought about the sweet nothings he would whisper in your ear as he fucked you softly. The way he called you baby, the way he praised you… Fuck.
You were close to cumming when all of a sudden an ad on the TV scared the shit out of you. It was loud and for a horror film. You immediately turned off the TV and threw the remote onto your nightstand. Great. The mood was gone. Annoyed, you pulled the covers over you and went to sleep
Yunho, meanwhile, had been watching you— demons had the ability to become invisible, so he was able watch you while leaning against your door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. Watching you was so hot, and if anything, it made him love you even more. He hated that you went to bed unsatisfied, so of course he had to act. He waited until you were fully asleep before turning into his human form and sitting on your bed.
You looked so peaceful lying there fast asleep. Yunho didn’t want to wake you up. But, you were legitimately dreaming about Yunho in that moment, calling his name in a whisper and clutching the air as if you were clutching him.
Yunho turned your head and bent down to kiss you, his lips gently taking your upper lip. It was a long and sweet kiss. Yunho thought that you would for sure wake up like Sleeping Beauty or some other princess, but you were still asleep. He couldn’t wait for you to wake up, though. His cock was itching, aching to pleasure you greatly.
Sloppy kisses echoed in the room as Yunho trailed his lips across your collarbones to your neck. You moaned quietly, shifted, and hugged Yunho with your eyes still closed— you ended up waking up when you felt his hair tickle your cheek. Your hand ran up from his shoulder to the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair.
“Yunho…?” you murmured.
“Yes, baby,” Yunho replied softly.
“Oh, good! You’re here,” you giggled softly while guiding his head towards yours. “I need you. My body needs you.”
“R-really?” Despite knowing that you were masturbating to him, he was still taken aback. He was in love with you, after all.
You nodded and shot him a small, loving smile before kissing his lips. Yunho was overjoyed. He was so overjoyed, in fact, that he could hold himself back. He was grabbing at your body and bringing you closer as if you would run away if he even let go of you for a split second. He rolled onto his back as you laid on his chest, your lips still locking with his, his tongue still playing with yours.
“I… I need you in me. Right now,” you broke the chain, breathing heavily as you spoke to him.
You tucked your thumb under your waistband and pulled your pajama pants along with panties down. Yunho was seriously over the moon. Eagerly, he helped you out of all of your clothes and stripped himself down at the speed of light so that he could swiftly enter you.
Yunho was overly eager. You had to hold onto his arms or shoulders to keep yourself upright as he thrust rapidly and harshly into your sopping wet cunt. Flinging your head back, you cried out in pure bliss when you felt his cock hit deep inside you, waves of pleasure spreading through your body rapidly.
There was no way you were ever going to be able to pleasure yourself properly, you thought to yourself as Yunho’s penis made you cum harder than you ever had before. There was no way you were going to be able to ever be satisfied, not when your dream was this fucking good.
When Yunho came, he came inside you. A thought about breeding you briefly flitted in his mind before he shut that down. He desperately wanted to be with you like that— he wanted to get married to you, have kids with you, and grow old with you. But, that was never going to happen. You were a human, he was a demon, and life was a bitch. He had to settle for being your “dream man” for now.
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You were starting to feel weird. For a week straight, you had dreams about Yunho, and when you woke up, you were exhausted. There definitely was no way that the dream was real, which meant that you were dreaming so hard that your body wasn’t getting any rest, or something like that. You tried to rationalize it by yourself, but you realized that you just couldn’t figure it out alone.
You met up with one of your friends for coffee one day. Your friend expressed concern when she saw you literally chugging your coffee to get a new one.
“Okay, I haven’t been sleeping that great lately,” you started.
“Lay it on me, girl.”
“I’ve been having these… Dreams…”
“What kinds of dreams?”
You coughed. You were slightly embarrassed that you were going to admit to your friend that you were having wet dreams, but you had to tell her. “They’re, uh, sex dreams.”
“And it’s so weird because it’s always the same guy… I’ve never seen the guy in real life before either, so I have no idea who I’m dreaming about.”
“Maybe you saw him in passing once, and now you just think about him.”
“Yeah… Maybe…”
You sighed and took a sip of your third coffee of the day— you had chugged yet another one right before you started explaining your reason for being exhausted to your friend.
“What goes on in these dreams?” she prompted you further.
“Well, he fucks me in every dream,” you said with a slight blush on your face.
“And how is it?”
“Honestly? …Fucking amazing.”
“Oh yeah?”
You nodded eagerly. “Yeah, like, oh my God! If I had sex like that in real life with that guy, I’d grab on and never let go.”
“Maybe we should go look for him? Make your dream a reality?”
You let out a little laugh— there was no way Yunho was real, but sure, you could go hunting for him.
There was a brief moment of silence between you and your friend before you admitted in a hushed tone, “But… Sometimes… I wonder if the dreams are real…”
“What on Earth? What do you mean by that?” you friend asked, her eyes wide.
“Like, I’ll wake up with my back just sore as hell, or my neck kind of bruised—”
“Like a hickey?”
“No, just… Sore and barely bruised. It’s also, like, an entire area and not a small mark.”
“Girly, I think it’s your bed. Get some new pillows and a new mattress.”
“I should… But my mattress cannot be the reason why I’m exhausted.”
“Have you been sleeping?” your friend asked (dumbly).
“Well, obviously, because how the fuck else would I dream about this all the time?” you responded while rolling your eyes. “But… I think I’m just dreaming about it so much that it’s exhausting when I wake up because I wasn’t, like, fully asleep or something…”
“Like lucid dreaming?”
“Yeah! That. Like that. What should I do to stop the lucid dreaming?”
“I think you need to see a doctor. It sounds like it could be sleep apnea or something as well.”
You nodded and continued talking to your friend.
Meanwhile, Yunho and his demon buddies, in their demon forms, were watching you from a distance while eavesdropping on your conversation (incubi had impeccable hearing).
“Yunho, leave her alone. You need to stop with her,” San lectured his friend with a frown.
“It’s easier said than done—”
“No, dude! If you really love her, then don’t do this!” Mingi interrupted.
Yunho sighed and looked down. His friends were right. You were getting weaker by the day, and it was his fault. But, he loved you, and he loved making love to you, and at that point, he’d rather have you die because of him and not because of some other factor. More morbid thoughts filled his head as he pondered his relationship with you.
“How many times has it been, Yunho?” San asked with a heavy sigh.
“…I don’t remember.”
“You don’t remember?! Are you fucking nuts?!” San shrieked.
Mingi stared at Yunho. He knew that his friend was lying. He grabbed Yunho’s shoulder and said almost threateningly, “You know. You know how many times you’ve slept with her, so tell us the truth and stop fucking lying to us.”
“Eighteen times…”
San nearly lost his shit and berated the demon, but he held back. With a frustrated scream, San told Yunho to get his shit together before flying off.
“We just don’t want you to leave us, Yunho. Please leave that woman alone,” Mingi spoke to his friend softly.
Yunho bowed his head. He couldn’t promise a single damn thing, and Mingi knew that. Mingi patted Yunho’s shoulder and took off as well, leaving Yunho alone to stare longingly at you.
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“Nngh, Yunho,” you whined as you felt the tip of his tongue roll around your clit.
Your dream was really catering to you this time. This time around, Yunho was so gentle— although, he usually is gentle with you— and really focused on you. He was eating you out, and you were trembling under his sensual touch.
Yunho pushed your thigh up so that your leg ended up resting on his shoulder as his tongue prodded into you. You quivered when you felt his tongue go deeper inside you and run up the walls of your cunt. When he slurped up your arousal fluid, you felt your face get hot. You were embarrassed for a split second until you felt his tongue flick your clit back and forth, causing that thought to leave your mind and focus on keeping it together.
Two of his fingers rushed into you, and he fingered you fast. There was so much friction happening between your walls thanks to his fingers that you felt like he was about to start a fire in your cunt. His tongue continued to go after your clit ruthlessly, and his fingers refused to let up as you felt yourself reach your climax. You grabbed onto Yunho’s hair and held him tightly as you let out the most sonorous, pleasureful cry while squirting several times, your ass and thighs shaking. You were still moaning and crying after you finished, the feeling of him pleasuring you with just his tongue and fingers not leaving you so fast.
Through bleary eyes, you watched a tiny smirk appear on Yunho’s face. He looked so pleased with work, his fingers rubbing up and down your folds as he felt up your wetness.
“Oh, God… Yunho,” you sighed as you flung your head back into your pillow, stars starting to fill your vision. “So… Fucking… Good…”
With that, you were out like a light. Yunho looked at you completely passed out, your hair splayed wildly, your bare chest moving up and down rhythmically, and your pussy still quivering, luring him.
He wished you were awake, but he didn’t have it in him to wake you up, nor did he have it in him to just up and walk away. You looked so fucking sexy to him— he finger-fucked you senseless, and it gave up a sort of pride to see that he was the one who did that to you. His boner was pressing hard against his pants. He needed to relieve it, and seeing as how your cunt was unsheathed and still soaking wet, he tentatively but ultimately used you to calm his throbbing dick down.
Already shirtless, Yunho just unbuckled and pulled his pants down. He moved your legs so that they were on either side of him, his cock resting on top of your stomach. He lifted your hips upwards, your ass barely on the bed at that point, before rubbing his length along your folds. You moaned slightly when he pushed the tip of his cock into you, but you were still asleep. Even when his cock entered you entirely, you had yet to wake up again. You were out cold.
Yunho felt so wrong fucking you, the woman he loves, while you were asleep, but when your pussy clenched around his dick, he gasped and shivered, all logic and reasoning leaving his head. He had to fuck you. He had to fuck you until your cunt was quivering and throbbing. He had to fuck you until he filled you up completely with his sperm, cumming more than several times inside you.
Without letting up, Yunho just kept thrusting and thrusting and thrusting into you sometimes softly, sometimes with immense force at different tempos and rhythms. His breathing was rough and ragged, and at times he wanted to stop, but your pussy was so addicting that he just couldn’t. Even after he filled you up to the point where cum was literally overflowing from your pussy, he wanted more. But, for the night, he had to stop. It was almost sunrise.
You were drained as fuck when you woke up the next morning. Your back was hurting, and your chest would hurt any time you inhaled too deeply. Something was wrong, but you didn’t know what it was. All you knew was that it was starting to scare you a little how adverse your body was starting to react.
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San decided to check in on you one day. He debated changing into his human form, but the second he saw your physical state, he realized that he didn’t need to. He immediately departed for Yunho’s place to berate him.
“If you keep this up, Yunho, you’re going to die, too!”
San was walking, more like chasing, behind Yunho while lecturing him, Yunho walking away from his friend, trying to avoid the conversation. Technically speaking, he could just fly away, but San would follow even in the air, and he didn’t feel like using that energy to have the argument. 
“Since when do demons care about whether or not a human dies?!” Yunho shot right back.
“Because you love this specific human, and I know you! I know that if she dies, it’ll kill you! Do you really want to end up like Yeosang?!”
“Stop fucking bringing him up, San! Yeosang died because he chose to kill himself. I’m going to keep living after Y/N dies, so fucking leave me alone!”
“I seriously fucking doubt it, asshole,” San flew right in front of Yunho, getting the man to stop moving. “You’re such a sentimental bastard. There’s no way you would kill her without it haunting you forever. You would never be able to live with the fact that you killed the love of your undead life!”
“Just shut the fuck up, San! I know!” Yunho started crying. “I don’t want her to die, but I can’t… I can’t control myself! Every time I see her, I just want to make love to her all night long!”
“Then stay away from her! This world so big. You can fly to another country and make your rounds there! Forget about her. Let her go, and let her live.”
Yunho nodded slowly. San was right. He knew San was right.
“How many times have you slept with her, now?” San asked, afraid to hear the number.
“Shit… You need to get the fuck away from her. Right now. Go.”
San shooed Yunho away, Yunho taking off. San watched his friend fly away, praying to their demon overlord that Yunho would listen to him for once.
But of course, Yunho wasn’t going to listen. After all, his love for you superseded logic and reason.
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You were losing it. You were so fucking drained, your dreams continuing to exhaust you. You kept thinking that it had to be real, that there was no way you body would be so worn down just by dreaming about sex. Yet, when you woke up in the morning, nothing seemed to be out of place. You looked exactly like you did before you went to bed the night before except with your hair a little bit messier and your clothes just a tiny bit wrinkled.
It was hot outside, and yet, you were shivering. After requesting the day off from work, you dragged yourself to the doctor’s office to see what the fuck was going on with your body.
“Well, Y/N. You’re fine… I don’t know what to tell you,” the doctor said while scratching their head— they were confused as well.
“There’s gotta be some sort of explanation!” you exclaimed. “You seriously didn’t hear anything wrong with my breathing? Because I have been having difficulty breathing, and I shouldn’t be shivering like this when it’s summer!”
“It’s baffling to me too, Y/N! I wish I could give you an answer for all this, but I seriously can’t find anything abnormal… Have you been sleeping well?”
“Not at all.”
“Well, that’s a start. Why haven’t you been sleeping well?”
“I keep having these… Dreams…”
“No, it feels too good to be a nightmare…” you admitted before immediately clamping your mouth shut. You were already mortified that one of your friends knew about your sexual dreams, and you didn’t need to embarrass yourself in front of your doctor. “The main thing is that these dreams are so hyperrealistic that they leave me feeling more exhausted when I wake up.”
“Alright…” your doctor scribbled on a pad. “I’m going to put in an order for this medication, so start with this, and if your sleep is still disturbed, then we’ll do a sleep study for you.”
You nodded and took the prescription from the doctor, and you thanked the doctor before you left the building. Immediately after leaving, you picked up the new prescription from the doctor and went home to test it out immediately.
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The pills worked. About an hour after you took one dose, you passed out in bed. You were so knocked out that you didn’t even realize that Yunho sat on the bed and immediately started feeling you up. Although, despite the fact that you were fast asleep, that didn’t stop you from moaning when you felt his fingers run up your calf, along your thigh, and to your crotch.
“Y/N,” he whispered as he left soft kisses along your exposed arm. “Baby…”
He had laid beside you and was touching any and every part of you with a feather light touch. You smiled softly and turned towards him, but you were still completely asleep. Even when he brushed your hair behind your ear and ran his fingertips from your forehead to your chin, you remained asleep. Yunho trapped your lower lip in between his fingers before dragging you towards him, his lips overtaking yours. He was amazed when he realized that you were kissing back. You, fully asleep, were responding to his advances. It was exhilarating.
Yunho kissed you passionately for a solid several minutes before releasing you, a sigh escaping your lungs, and a pout settling on your face. You, unconsciously, did not want Yunho to stop. Yunho didn’t want to stop either, especially not while his crotch was getting tighter by the second. Sitting up to kneel, Yunho removed his pants, his cock springing out.
It wasn’t until that moment did Yunho feel like a real incubus. Usually, he would wake up whoever it was he was going to sleep with because he felt kind of uncomfortable making love to someone who was unresponsive (for the most part), but you could not be awoken. He spat on his hand and stroked his dick a couple times before moving so that his cock was positioned right by your lips. It was only when Yunho held your face with one hand and squeezed your cheeks did your mouth open properly, allowing him to slip his dick into your mouth.
Your tongue swirled around his cock the deeper it went into your mouth, and even half fucking asleep, you still gagged and stayed asleep. Yunho bit back moans as he felt you suck hard on him, and he had to control himself as he began to thrust gently into your mouth. You were moaning lightly with his dick still deep in your mouth, and the stimulation was too much for him to handle. Grabbing your head, he pushed you towards him and shoved deep into your throat, his cock twitching and throbbing as he came in your mouth.
“Fuck,” Yunho hissed as he realized what he had done after it was over.
He pulled out from your mouth and watched a trail of white connect your tongue to the tip of his penis. When you closed your mouth and swallowed, Yunho couldn’t take it. His cock stiffened almost immediately, and he desperately wanted to be inside you.
Usually, he would take your clothes off carefully, but Yunho couldn’t bear it any longer. He snatched your pants off and nearly tore your night shirt as he removed that as well. He left your panties on and just pushed them to the side quickly so he could be inside you as soon as possible. He groaned loudly as he felt how fucking tight you were despite him fucking you so many times. He loved your body so goddamn much.
As he rolled his hips into you repeatedly, he also massaged your breasts, earning sweet moans and sighs from you. It was a wonder how you hadn’t woken up yet. Even when he slammed his pelvis into you, you were still asleep. It turned Yunho on more than it should’ve.
“Y/N, baby, oh fuck,” Yunho bit out; he was so close to cumming.
Your moans had turned into whimpers and whines by that point because your body was also ready. Yunho came first, and he came inside you, only to feel your arousal fluid start to squirt out of you. As soon as he pulled out, you squirted and cried loudly, your entire body shaking as your orgasmed. Yunho for sure thought you would wake up by that point, but you were still fucking fast asleep. Those were some strong fucking pills.
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The medication the doctor gave you was working— it knocked you out, and you hadn’t dreamt about Yunho since you started taking it, but you were still run down. You noticed that you were losing weight rapidly and that you could barely keep food down. You were dehydrated no matter how much water you drank, and the cherry on top to the whole goddamn thing was that you felt like you were dying, but your doctor said you were fine.
“Let’s get you on that sleep study, okay?” the doctor said. “Maybe we’ll get some answers from there. If not, we can go through more tests, but the sleep one first.”
You got set up for the sleep study and slept for the first time in a while without the medication the doctor provided, and you didn’t dream. Not once.
Yunho, in his demon form, sat in the room with you while you laid in the bed for the study. He watched the way your eyelashes would flutter, the way your lips would part slightly as you switched from breathing with your nose to your mouth, and the small, cute little freckles that he missed seeing when he was too busy fucking you. God, he loved you so much. So fucking much.
Mingi met up with Yunho the next morning, the two of them standing and watching the nurse take the electrodes off you.
“Yunho. She looks like shit.”
“Shut the fuck up, she’s beautiful—”
“She was beautiful.” Mingi interrupted. “You’re sucking the life out of her… What number have you hit now?”
Yunho couldn’t respond. The number was forty, but he didn’t want to say the number out loud because he hoped that he was wrong, that he hadn’t slept with you so many times.
“You know what you need to do if you want to keep her on this planet,” Mingi stated.
“I do.”
“Are you going to do it?”
A tear rolling down his cheek, Yunho turned to Mingi and shook his head. He couldn’t stay away. He loved you.
“You really are a demon, Yunho.”
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You got the results back— they were normal. You were actually so fucking confused. How could you feel miserable but be completely disease free whenever you tested for anything? You scheduled a couple more check ups at the hospital, but you knew that deep down, there were going to be no results, that you were going to be labelled as fine. Still, you had to go through the check ups for the sake of going through them.
You stopped taking the medication by that point, wondering if the medication was actually making it worse. You hadn’t dreamt about sex with Yunho in so long, but to prepare, you studied up on lucid dreaming. If you dreamt about him that night, you were going to snap out of the dream. You were going to find natural ways to stop the dreams from keeping you up.
And so, you went to bed that night, fully expecting to wake up in your lucid dream.
It’s just a lucid dream, you told yourself when you stirred from your slumber. You knew the ways to wake up from a lucid dream, and you were going to put them to the test today, but when you saw Yunho, you couldn’t. Fuck, he was just a figment of your imagination— how did you fall for someone that wasn’t even real?
And yet, your heart ached when you saw him sitting on the edge of your bed. He looked so sad. Why was your lucid dream doing this to you?
“Yunho?” you whispered gently.
Yunho turned his head.
“Oh, Y/N. You’re awake?”
“I’m… Awake?”
You couldn’t process the words— Yunho fully embraced you tightly, his arms squeezing you to the point where you definitely could have broken a bone. He dug his nose into your hair and inhaled deeply, making you tingle all over.
“I miss you,” he whispered sadly.
You were rendered speechless when he dropped his head into the nook of your neck and left a soft, sensual kiss on your exposed skin. You felt yourself get swept away in his affection when he lifted you and laid you down on the bed so that he was pinning you down before immediately running his hands up your shirt.
Yunho was urgently trying to get you out of your clothes. He should’ve taken his time with you knowing that it was going to be the last time, but the fact that you were actually awake this time made him overly eager to be intimate with you. He got you out of your clothes in record time, his hands roaming your body immediately.
You moaned loudly and flung your head back as you felt his mouth meet your breast. While his mouth worked on your breast, his fingers moved down to stroke your— you didn’t realize that you were so completely wet— cunt, his finger brushing along your clit several times. You were whining and rocking your hips gently as his fingers teased you and his teeth tugged on your nipple.
“You like that, baby?” Yunho, after leaving your nipple with a slightly painful suck, asked you softly.
You nodded, words still evading you. Your brain was starting to go numb with pleasure, and truth be told, you felt as if you were nearing your climax in record time. Yunho, however, noticed your eyes start to roll back as you suppressing your incoming orgasm, so he stopped. He wanted, nay, needed to be inside you and feel your walls tighten around his throbbing penis.
Yunho leaned away from you to remove his own clothes, making you miss the warmth of his physical contact. Your arms reached out for him silently, and that’s when you noticed that Yunho’s face was twisted into a painful frown.
“Yunho?” you whispered, a word finally leaving your lips. “What’s wrong?”
Immediately shaking his head, the frown left, and Yunho smiled at you, but you could tell that his smile was fake. You knew him well by that point, and that smile was definitely not how he usually smiled at you.
But, you didn’t get time to press further. Yunho was completely naked and about to make love to you. He pinned you on the bed once more and rubbed his cock against your clit a couple times.
There was a little nagging voice in the back of Yunho’s mind, and that voice was a mix between San and Mingi telling him not to fuck you. And he seriously didn’t want to because he wanted you to stay alive for him, but the thought of not being able to sleep with you ever again also drove him insane.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Yunho whispered.
You didn’t know what Yunho was apologizing for— you thought it was because he thrust into you so hard without warning, but it was really because he was sorry for what was going to happen to you after. His cock went deep inside you and nearly hit your cervix, but Yunho controlled himself because he didn’t want you to cum so fast. He wanted to fuck you for as long as humanly possible. He wondered if he could just keep his penis inside you until the end of time, that way you could stay alive, but he was itching to move.
Your back arched with every stroke of pleasure, and you felt yourself get lightheaded as euphoria approached. The way Yunho was rolling his hips into you made you feel so fucking good, so fucking sexy, and you wanted more and more. You held onto his shoulders and pulled him towards you, connecting your lips with his, and you kept your hold on him as you desperately made out with him.
You missed Yunho too. Although it was just your brain, you missed having such satisfying sex with him. He made you feel incredibly good when he ran his hands along your waist and over your hips, and his long cock filled you so well that you felt like your cunt was truly made for him.
“Oh my God, Yunho!” you stopped kissing him and cried out when you felt his waist start slamming into yours. “Faster!”
Yunho shivered. Hearing you order him around nearly made him cum. Nonetheless, he listened to you. He thrust into you as fast as he could, making you feel like his penis was going to pull your insides out with his speed, girth, and power. You felt your head press further back into the pillow below your head, your hold on Yunho getting tighter to the point where you were definitely leaving nail marks in his skin.
“Fu-uck,” Yunho bit out. “I’m cumming.”
He didn’t want to. He really didn’t want to, but he couldn’t hold himself back anymore, especially not after seeing you all sexy and disheveled under you. Shutting his eyes tightly and letting a singular tear roll down his cheek, Yunho released his load in you, his white and sticky cum filling you up.
The feeling of Yunho’s cum spurting into you was the final thing you needed to bring you to climax. As soon as he pulled out, you came loudly, your cry echoing loudly in the room.
What Yunho feared happened almost immediately. Your hold on him weakened, your arms slipping to your sides. He immediately wrapped his arms around you and brought you up, desperately praying that if he did anything, you wouldn’t pass. He kissed your lips, ran his hands through your hair, placed his hand over your heart, but nothing. Just as it was for centuries, forty-two was the unfortunate number, and the two of you had reached it.
You felt your conscious slipping from you, and as your eyelids grew heavy, you noticed that Yunho’s form had suddenly changed. He went from being the tall man with the fair skin and soft brown hair to this red skinned, horned devil with scales covering his body and wings sprouting from his back. He looked like himself, but it was a horrible terrifying version of himself with solid, black eyes, fangs, and long ears that stuck straight out of the side of his head. In other words, Yunho was a demon, and you knew that he was right in your last moments— you immediately knew that sex with Yunho was not a dream, and that you were most definitely awake every time you consciously fucked him.
His demon form terrified you to the point where you were able to let out a scream and try your best to get away from him, but you passed out before you could even push you away, and soon, everything faded to black for you. Completely. Forever.
Yunho, seeing that he had actually transformed into his demon self right before you fully died, was mortified. How could your very last memory of him be his true self and not the man of your dreams? He felt like in the most literal sense that he scared you to death.
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Yunho finally understood how Yeosang felt. He stayed in his invisible demon form and kept an eye on your decaying body until someone discovered you. He followed you all the way to the hospital and accompanied your family as they set up a proper funeral for you.
During the entire funeral, Yunho wept. He had so, so many regrets. He regretted having sex with you so many times, he regretted not stopping before he hit forty-two, and he regretted not telling you that he loved you. He did not, however, regret falling in love with you. If he could, he’d do it all over again.
Yunho seriously could not move on after you. He found some people to help him elongate his life, but he couldn’t live with the guilt of knowing that he killed the love of his life. San and Mingi did their best to help Yunho keep it together, but the same way Yeosang had vanished, Yunho did too. There was no point in staying around if he couldn’t be with you.
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irkimatsu · 7 months
I know you said you're busy tonight and you have other requests so take as long as you need but I just wanted to put in a request before I forgot it! Don't feel pressured at all though, take your time.
BUTTTTT anyways, I was thinking about casual dominance headcanons for husk 🫣🤗
Sorry for the delay - I really hope these are worth the wait! I love casually dominant Husk. He's deeply loving, just a little clingy, and as an Overlord, his domineering nature is just how he cares for his treasure...
A big thing for him, whether as an Overlord or in the present day, is physical contact. Not so much in the sense of PDA, but in the sense of keeping a hand on you at all times so everyone knows you’re his. This is especially apparent when he’s an Overlord; whenever the two of you are at a public event, his arm is wrapped firmly around your waist. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, far from it; he knows you’ll stay loyal to him. He just doesn’t trust any of the other fuckheads in this hall. If Valentino even looks like he’s thinking about you, Husk is fully ready to tear him to shreds, reputation be damned.
He’s a little more trusting in the present day and doesn’t need a hand on you 24/7, but he’ll still worry and start clinging again if he doesn’t trust the current environment. You don’t need to worry about anyone ever drugging you; Husk will have them tackled to the ground before they can even get near your drink. Consent is important to him at this stage in any case, and if someone is trying to violate the consent of someone so precious to him, his rage comes out in full force. He’ll be all over you afterward, holding you tight, asking if you’re okay, insisting that you both get out of this shithole… he’ll be worried about you for days after that, a bit more clingier where he can get away with it. He won’t lose what’s his… he's still willing to let you live your life apart from him, but for the next couple days it'll worry him sick to have you out of his sight. But you enjoy being submissive to him, so maybe you wouldn't mind obeying his request to stay put and let him protect you... just don't let him know that's what you're doing. Present-day Husk is a lot more willing to be dominant if you don't call it that. He needs to watch your boundaries, you know?
As an Overlord, Husk loves dressing his pet in beautiful collars. They serve as a reminder that his pet is owned, but still cherished. Don’t expect to ever go out in public without him or your collar. Like I said earlier, he can’t trust anyone to behave themselves; all he can do is hope that the knowledge that you’re owned by the Gambling Demon is enough of a deterrent for some demons. He must admit he gets a rush of power when a demon starts looking at you, then immediately notices whose arm you're on and flees... it's good to have others respect his property.
In the present day, he’d rather not think about collars at first. He sure as hell hates his own, and he doesn’t like thinking about the controlling asshole he used to be. But one day, you come down prepared for that night’s date, your outfit completed by a black leather choker with a white diamond hanging from it like a name tag…
If he can work up the guts when you’re in private, he’ll ask if he can call you his pet, and if you can leave the choker on while you make love. His talk should come off as demeaning - come here, my pet, you’re such a good pet… but the sheer amount of love he can fit into the word “pet” melts your heart. The charm on your choker will eventually be traded out for a ruby heart. It looks like a simple fashion accessory, but you both know exactly what the choker and charm mean.
Overlord Husk loves petnames like “pet” and “doll” because they indicate what you are to him; something for him to dress up and care for, something he owns. He loves making his doll look beautiful. When he picks out a new outfit for you, you don’t need to put it on yourself; he’s more than happy to help you out of your current outfit and into your new one, his paws touching your body more than he strictly has to. He would much rather you dress conservatively; other people don’t need to be ogling you, and he likes to get to use his imagination when he admires you.
“Amazing,” he whispers as you both admire your reflection in the mirror.
His claws graze your neck as he affixes your newest collar and gently kisses the top of your head. “Shall we be off, my doll?”
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hannyoontify · 1 year
the best birthday gift - jeon wonwoo
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member | best friend!wonwoo x reader ft. the rest of svt
genre | fluff, attempted humor, high school!au (but they’re not at school)
word count | 2.8k
synopsis | it turns out, wonwoo works best under pressure
warnings | cursing, reader wears a tank top, reader is short and gets made fun of for it (lightheartedly), sex jokes, friendly bantering
notes | set in southern california, LA/Hollywood, based on real life events from yours truly and kids don’t jaywalk not proofread
happy (late) wonwoo day!! to the sweetest boy ever, i hope you had a wonderful birthday <33
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Whoever thought taking public transportation with fourteen people to downtown LA was a good idea deserved to “be buried alive 6 feet under with those bug-eyed Chihuahuas”, according to Seungkwan. 
In his defense, Seungcheol thought it would be better for the environment. It totally wasn’t because of the fact that he was the only one with a driving license and it absolutely wasn’t because he wasn’t confident enough in his driving skills to be responsible for the lives of thirteen other people. Where would he get a 14-seat car anyway? 
All fourteen of you trudged along the cracked sidewalks of downtown LA, broken up into smaller groups as Seungcheol led the way in the front with Jeonghan and Jihoon. You stayed in the back, with Mingyu and Wonwoo, who were intensely debating whether or not a person can suck their own dick. You occasionally pitched in with your two cents, but you mostly stayed quietly in the middle, enjoying the spectacle that was laid out in front of you.
You were so engrossed in Mingyu and Wonwoo’s conversation that you almost ran straight into a streetlight. You yelled in surprise and Wonwoo barked out a sharp laugh, almost in tears as you rubbed your nose with a pout. Mingyu cracked a smile as you threatened to demonstrate firsthand to your best friend what you learned from your second grade taekwondo class. 
“You don’t wanna mess with me, Jeon Wonwoo. I was a yellow belt in second grade.”
“Yeah, and I’m, like, a whole head taller than you. What about it?” Mingyu’s ears perked up at hearing those fighting words and reached for his leftover popcorn from earlier. It was safe to assume that Wonwoo chose death today.
“You know, with your height and broad shoulders, you would think there’s at least one bone with common sense in you but I guess not,” you countered.
“You do know that tall people have the same amount of bones as short people like you, right?” Wonwoo sneered. 
You did a double take. “Wait, really?”
“Oh my god, [Name], what’d you learn in human anatomy?” Joshua asked. He was standing next to Mingyu, his hand reaching into Mingyu’s bucket of soggy popcorn. “I thought you passed that class with an A.”
“Yeah, with my help,” Wonwoo muttered under his breath. “They slept in class everyday and I ended up having to tutor them for 16 hours the day before our final.”
You swung your arm around his shoulder and grinned. “I still owe you for that one, how can I ever repay you for your kindness?” You asked dramatically.
Wonwoo reached over and pinched the side of your ribs. “How about growing another couple inches?”
“Fuck off,” You pushed him away from you and stuck out your tongue. In retaliation, Wonwoo flipped you off. 
Mingyu and Joshua watched the two of you bickering in amusement. The older boy leaned over and whispered into Mingyu’s ear, “I give them two weeks before they either start dating or fucking, I don’t know which one yet.”
Mingyu snorted. “I give them three days.”
“It’s a deal then,” Joshua reached out and shook Mingyu’s hand with his non-buttery hand. Unfortunately for him, he had reached over and gripped the latter’s oily, buttery hand. “EW WHAT THE FUCK MINGYU.” 
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“Why did we stop?” You heard Seungkwan ask. He was currently holding onto Soonyoung’s backpack strap like it was a leash, stopping him from running off into the wild streets of downtown LA. Next to him was Seokmin, who just looked happy to be wearing his newly acquired Minions bucket hat. 
After walking for what seemed like forever, Seungcheol had finally signaled the entire group to stop walking by an intersection. Mingyu glanced towards the front, where Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Jihoon seemed to be in a heated discussion about something. Although you couldn’t hear what they were saying, you could tell they were getting stressed by Jihoon’s eyebrows that furrowed into each other with every passing second, Jeonghan’s more exasperated hand movements, and Seungcheol’s lips that began jutting into a pout as he got more and more worked up. 
You let out a tired sigh. Your feet were aching and sore, your shoulders were sunburnt and itchy, and you probably smelled like a mix of sweat and weed right now. It wasn’t you that was smoking weed, but the esteemed gentleman sitting next to you on the metro-rail earlier was and you’re pretty sure the smell was permanently woven into the fabric of your tank top. You shifted back and forth between your feet, trying to alleviate any weight and pressure off your feet for at least a second and Wonwoo seemed to notice this because he silently guided you to a nearby bench,
You spared him a quick glance. “Thanks, Woo. You should also sit.” 
“Short people tend to have a shorter life span. Compared to you, I have plenty of more time to sit down,” Wonwoo shook his head with faux sympathy, almost enough to convince you that he was being serious but you knew him better than that.
Despite being absolutely exhausted, you assumed you had enough strength left in you to give Wonwoo’s shin a good, hard kick. 
“Ow, what the fuck was that for?” Wonwoo complained and you just grinned.
“I hope you shrink.”
Wonwoo stuck his tongue out at you childishly and you just rolled your eyes with a giggle, momentarily forgetting about the hot, blaring sun and the impending sunburn on your shoulders. He glanced down at you with the ghost of a smile tugging on the corners of his lips and you felt your stomach erupt into butterflies. Your not-so-little crush on Wonwoo was old news, but no matter how much time you spent with him, his smile always managed to turn you into a messy pile of goo and butterflies. 
Waiting for further instructions, Wonwoo leaned on you, his arms resting on top of your head as he scrolled through his phone. You stared down at the ground, trying to ignore the warmth of Wonwoo’s body next to yours. If it was anyone else, you would’ve pushed them off already, complaining about how hot it was, but this was Wonwoo. 
You tried to use the breathing techniques Minghao taught you a while ago, but it didn’t help calm your fastly beating heart. You wiped your sweaty palms on the fabric of your pants and licked your chapped lips. You almost forgot how much you hated summer in southern California.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you thought back to the long day and how chaotic everything was from the start. All fourteen of you agreed to go to Universal Studios Hollywood for Wonwoo’s 17th birthday, and the morning was alright. You all made it to the theme park safely via public transportation and after a long, fun day, the group decided to head back home to catch the last train.
You guys missed the last train.
In Jun’s defense, he didn’t mean to get lost. He was busy trying to apply another layer of sunscreen and when he looked up, everyone else was gone. He wandered around the city for a while before he caught sight of Soonyoung’s bright tiger backpack (no one knows why none of them used their phones to contact each other). By the time all fourteen of you were reunited, the last train had already left, leaving you guys to take the cheaper, but much more sketchy metro-rail. 
After missing the original stop on the metro-rail, you guys had to ride back for another 20 minutes, then navigate the streets of downtown LA in the late afternoon heat to find a specific bus stop, leading to your current situation.
“Okay, everyone! Our bus is supposed to be here any second,” Seungcheol called out. Immediately, everyone’s focus seemed to snap to the three boys who were standing side by side, arms crossed and firm looks on their faces. “The bus station is diagonally across the intersection so we need to-”
Jeonghan, looking somewhere else, began to urgently tap on Seungcheol’s shoulder. “Cheol, that’s 460. That’s our bus.”
Seungcheol felt his blood run cold. Across the street, he saw a bright orange bus making its way down the street, pulling up to the bus station diagonally across from where he and the rest of his friends were currently standing. 
Everyone seemed to be under a trance as they stared at the run-down bus pull up to the station. Soonyoung was the first one to shake off the trance, breaking free from his beloved tiger backpack and leaving it in Seungkwan’s limp grip. He bolted across the street, ignoring all the different car honks and curses that were thrown at him. He had somehow made it not only across the street, but diagonally across the intersection, ending up on the same sidewalk as the bus station.
Soonyoung looked behind, expecting everyone else to be following him, only to see the rest of his friends staring at him dumbfoundedly.
“KWON SOONYOUNG WHAT THE FUCK?!” Seungcheol yelled. 
Seungcheol waved at him urgently, doing everything in his power to resist the urge to run through the LA traffic to simply throttle the younger boy. “NO, DON’T FUCKING APOLOGIZE JUST STOP THE BUS.”
Soonyoung stared at Seungcheol with a confused look on his face. “WHAT?”
Finally breaking out of your own trance, you stood up and began pointing to the bus. “STOP THE FUCKING BUS. TELL THEM TO WAIT.”
Chan noticed that the crosswalk light turned green and began running. “COME ON WE NEED TO MOVE.”
My dear reader, have you ever seen a stampede of any kind? Whether it be the stampede of wildebeests that trampled Mufasa to death in the Lion King, the rush of high school students to the canteen during lunch, or thirteen teenagers running down the crooked streets of LA, I’m sure you can imagine the picture. Sweaty and red faces, backpack straps flying off shoulders, breathless laughs, unintelligible yells, and hands tightly gripping and tugging at each other.
More specifically, Wonwoo’s hand gripping yours. 
In the spur of the moment, the only thought in Wonwoo’s head was making sure you were safe. So when the rest of your friends broke into a sprint, his first instinct was to grab your hand and pull you along. 
Here you are now, your hand still in Wonwoo’s as you guys caught your breath while waiting for the second light to change. Soonyoung stood on the other side of the crosswalk as the living epitome of the standing emoji, waiting for someone to say something.
Seungkwan angrily shook his fist that still held his friend’s (tacky) tiger backpack. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GO STOP THE BUS!”
Soonyoung helplessly pointed towards the bus that had already left the station and was now waiting at a red light. “IT LEFT! IT’S TOO LATE!”
“GO! GO ASK THEM TO STOP. STALL THE DRIVER, JUST DO ANYTHING,” You screamed desperately. All around you, your friends were also yelling at Soonyoung, telling him to stop the bus and ask the driver to wait. 
Soonyoung finally gave in and ran back towards the bus that was still waiting at the red light. With every passing second, everyone inched closer to the edge of the curb, impatiently waiting for the light to change. And after what seemed like forever (it had been three minutes), the light finally changed and you made a run for it. Pushing past Jihoon and Vernon, you sprinted down the sidewalk with incoherent yells. You passed by other pedestrians who all looked at you and your friends questionably, and for good reason too. It wasn’t everyday you saw a group of teenagers running in downtown LA in the middle of July. 
There was maybe another hundred feet left in front of you and you’ve never felt more exhilarated before in your life. Adrenaline coursed through your veins as your feet made heavy contact with the gum clad concrete. You felt like you were in a teen movie. You could almost imagine the BGM as you and your friends dramatically run together in slow motion, your hair flowing in the air and you find yourself smiling. Wonwoo caught up to you, running by your side as the two of you silently sprinted down the street with bated breaths. 
Wonwoo glanced over at you and felt a warm feeling spreading throughout his chest. This feeling wasn’t unfamiliar to him, but it amazed him how easily he was swept away by your charm every time he was in your presence. Your laugh always pulled at his heartstrings and your smile seemed to brighten up every room you entered. Wonwoo was drawn to you like a magnet and there was nothing he could do about it.
As the two of you got closer to the bus, Wonwoo suddenly had a thought. He reached for your hand and pulled you closer to him. 
“[Name],” Wonwoo started breathlessly. The bus was now less than fifty feet away and Soonyoung had successfully managed to convince the bus driver to wait for you and your friends. It was now or never. “You said you would get me anything for my birthday, right?”
You let out a strangled grunt, trying your hardest to not sound like you were fighting for your life after running for only five minutes because that was just simply embarrassing. Up ahead, Soonyoung had already made his way into the bus and found himself a comfortable seat in the back with a content smile. You slowed down as you approached the bus and breathlessly set down a foot on the front step of the vehicle.
Behind you, Wonwoo gently rested his hands on your hips and whispered into your ear, “How about a date?”
You felt your heart drop past your ass, your feet, and into the deepest, darkest pits of hell. Skinship was normal between your friend group, but this was different. And also, what the fuck did he just say? Were you slowly losing your hearing? Your mom was right, spending too much with Seokmin and Soonyoung did damage your ears-
Wonwoo let out a soft laugh behind you and almost as if he read your mind, “No, you’re not hearing things [Name]. This is me asking you out.”
You desperately needed someone to pinch you. 
Climbing onto the bus with a perplexed look on your face, you mumbled a quick ‘thank you’ to the bus driver who seemed a little less than happy to have a bunch of hooligans on his bus. Wonwoo’s big hands never left your waist as he guided you to an empty seat towards the back of the bus. You simply followed his lead as you tried to comprehend what your best friend just said. This was all probably a prank, right? You sank down in your chair and looked at Wonwoo, who was trying to get himself situated next to you. Was he being serious?
“Yes, you idiot. I’m being serious. I’m so surprised you haven’t caught onto my crush on you yet, with how obvious I was being,” Wonwoo had whispered the last part under his breath but you still heard it. His hand reached for yours that was resting on your lap. “I understand if you don’t feel the same way but-”
“I do,” you said abruptly, interrupting him. After realizing what you just said, you wanted to slap a hand over your mouth, dig a hole underground, crawl into it, and never come out of it ever again. “I mean- I- What I mean is…”
Wonwoo looked at you expectantly, his brown eyes gleaming with hope. He nodded at you to continue and you felt like your tongue had suddenly turned into cotton. Everything in your mouth was dry and heavy and you had to lick your lips before continuing.
“I do… feel the same way about you. I’ve liked you ever since that water balloon fight we had in eighth grade on your birthday. And-” You choked on your words again. “-I would love to go on a date with you.”
Wonwoo felt like he had just won the lottery. He simply couldn’t help the smile that tuuged up on his lips as he gave your hand a firm squeeze. “Okay.”
You returned his smile and hand squeeze. “Okay.”
Exhausted from the long day, Wonwoo rested his head on your shoulder as he drew small patterns on your knee. “I think this might be the best birthday yet,”
“Yeah, since you agreed to date me.”
“You’re so corn-”
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froggy-demon · 7 months
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Oh Deer - Part Four
A/N: thank you again for all of the support!! I had to rewrite this one a couple of times because I just couldn’t decide, I hope you like it <3 I’m so excited to share my writings and I’m so astonished every time y’all leave nice comments I love them so much, thank you!! All of that said, enjoy!
Chapter Summery: Lilly is treated to a glamorous night out under the Vs’ roof, accompanied by a familiar demon, angst and tension ensues.
Masterlist | Part Five
I rolled my eyes, again, and waved away the idea. “No way, we both know Alastor fucking hates me, he just hates Lucifer more I guess.” Angel was positive that Alastor was sincere in his display earlier, I was not quite as delusional though. “He quite literally said he was fucking around.” I added. Even if I found myself fascinated with the demon, I wasn’t so naive to think that feeling went both ways.
“Maybe, or maybe he just wanted an excuse.” Angel paused and had a look of realization on his face as he broke out into a smile. “If you want some real attention though, y’know the Vs are throwing that big party if Velvette ain’t already dragging you to it you could be my plus one! Val usually keeps me pretty fucking busy all night, but they are actually pretty fun. Lots of cute demons and free booze if you know what I mean!” Angle said with a wink and laughed. That’s not a terrible idea actually, get out a little and have some fun. My streak hasn’t been so great recently so I could really use a win on that front.
“Y’know that actually does sound fun. Velvette hasn’t brought it up at all yet so she probably won’t need me there, but I also don’t have anything to wear for it, I’ll need something new. I could use some retail therapy anyway.” I said and rested my head on top of the pillow in my lap smiling. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! Angel lit up at the sound of going shopping.
“Oh I will make sure you are the best dressed demon in the whole fucking party, don’t worry about that tuts! We want something that will show you you off!” He held up his fingers like he was mimicking a camera taking pictures of me. “You got it all babe! The tits, the ass, the smile! They are going to eat you up, especially once I’m done with you!” He ranted making me laugh. I don’t think in my whole before and afterlife I’ve ever heard someone describe me that way. “I’m serious! Al will see what he’s missing tomorrow night!” Angel teased very proud of his scheme.
“This has nothing to do with him, but I do like that idea. As soon as I get off work we need to hit the shops so we still have enough time.” I said trying to plan out the next night. Angel agreed and we worked out the time table to make sure we would stay on track. Work, then shop, then hotel to get ready, then back across town to the party. Excellent, tomorrow night will be all about what I want, it’s been a while since I could say that.
After a couple more hours of giggling and gossip, like hearing allllll about how Husk and Angel made eye contact today and it was riveting, we settle down to fall asleep while the purple lights twinkled above our heads. I tried to calm my mind, but it raced just thinking about tomorrow. This party is for high profile souls, overlords and wealthy demons in hell, hopefully I don’t stick out too much, but I like to think I’ve learned a good amount from my work. Maybe it will be enough to actually go a whole night without thinking about the radio demon, I can only hope.
The next morning there was a renewed joy in my step as I walked down to the kitchen to make my morning coffee. It didn’t matter that it was far too early to be awake, or that I was about to be yelled at for the next ten hours of my day, no, I would do it all with a smile because today I actually had something to look forward to. I cozied up in a chair in the lounge with my mug and breathed in the steam while I watched the fire in the fireplace dance.
1-2-click 1-2-click 1-2-click
I can’t help but wonder what makes him need to be up so early, what business could he have at 4am? He walked through the lounge and I tried to hide the fact that I was watching by playing on my phone. I couldn’t stop myself from taking in the sight of him with curious eyes, he was less put together than usual. His ears were tucked back and he wasn’t wearing his waistcoat. It was an odd sighting for him to not have it on. Without it you could see his sleeve garters which gave him an almost rugged look like he had been pouring over his desk for hours, and then you could see his little deer tail. He didn’t greet me and I was not going to be the first one of us to say anything so he passed through the room quietly. After he did, I took another sip of my coffee. Maybe his broadcast had given him some sort of trouble, or perhaps he had been returning to his M.O. from before his absence of torturing souls he saw fit on the air. I don’t care to listen to his broadcasts, when anything important happens I will know either from sinstigram or Velvette yelling about it the next day.
After a few more minutes of enjoying the peace and quiet of the early morning hotel I cleaned my mug out and made my way to work.
Upon arriving I could tell I was going to have a few extra duties today. They were already decorating the main event space elsewhere in the building, I could tell by the exorbitant number of tables and decor being moved around through the halls, and if there is one thing Velvette loves it is to micromanage how something looks. I go up to the studio and start collecting my clipboard and the ever growing list of what must get done today. Between keeping tv personalities well dressed, reshoots for the launch of Velvette’s fashion line, and now the party I think I’m going to need a second pair of arms. I guess that’s what we have the studio aids for.
“I need the Art Director for Velvette’s line in the studio, we need to confirm details and revisions.” I spoke into my earpiece and waited for confirmation before moving onto the next task and then the task after that. Finally some time later Velvette joined us in the studio and started barking her own orders as well. I joined the collection of demons flocking to her side for their morning abuse.
“Fucking finally, Lilly I need you to make sure everyone to set downstairs before you leave today. Make sure you have the vision plan and everything else I had them work up so you actually know what the fuck you’re supposed to be checking. If a single fucking chair is at the wrong angle it is your fault. Me and Vox have put too much fucking work into this party tonight for it not to look right I need perfection from you today. Even the seven bloody deadly sins are coming so if anything is not exactly the way I fucking pictured it, your leash will become very short.” She ordered and I nodded quietly. “Until then I need the stupid fucking art director for my line up here now!”
“Yes Ma’am. The Art Director is waiting for you with the concept photos for final approval.” I stated. She smiled, not exactly rare, but not exactly common especially while she was working.
“Finally you use that fucking brain of yours to get shit ready before I have to tell you to. How refreshing! In that case find the makeup artists, they keep running off to hell knows what and I’m this close to snapping one of them in half to set a fucking example, ungrateful little shits!” And with that she left to yell at the next soul she could find.
I spoke into my earpiece again, “Creative Director for Events, where are you? We need to check in immediately.” Upon confirmation that they were downstairs in the event space I headed there myself and we went over the binders of planning and inspiration the Vs had laid out. The event hall was really more like a grand ballroom, as hypermodern as the Vs were, it would seem they still found charm in some old world aesthetics. With massive crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, white marble floors, and dramatically draped floor length windows, it nearly looked straight out of a period piece. The colors for the party were blue and black, sounds like Vox won that argument. The tables were being set up with black tablecloths and vibrant blue hydrangeas, I didn’t even know you could grow those in hell. There were demons running all around the space sweeping, bringing things in, decorating the stage, the bar, exchanging the drapes out to match the color scheme.
I checked every chair and table to make sure they were level, every centerpiece for dead flowers and leaves, the stage for splinters, the drapes for snugs in the fabric. “Do we have the staff apparel ready?” I asked the director. She was a short demon who was lizard like with one large eye in the center of her head.
“No, we hadn’t coordinated that yet.” Of course not. I mentally rolled my eyes, luckily costuming was my bread and butter.
“I’ll handle that then, how much staff will there be tonight?” I asked clicking my pen so I could jot in down. 100 serves, 10 bartenders, 5 bands, 45 miscellaneous staff on the floor, okay, doable. “Keep a handle on everything down here, I’ll track all of that down, do not let them fuck it up.” I said and she gave a polite nod. Awesome, 160 coordinated outfits, because that won’t take all day or anything.
I spent a good few hours tracking down various sizes of royal blue suit vests and dress pants, royal blue suit jackets, royal blue button up shirts and black ties, royal blue knee length skirts, shoes, but it was possible with the size of our costuming department. By the end of the day I had neatly organized racks of outfits for each position and each size with a skirt or pants option. Staff was just beginning to trickle in the door and I assigned a few studio aids to help make sure everyone had the clothes they required for the night. Before it was too late I did one last once over of the ballroom. Centerpieces were good, chairs good, all the ambient candles were lit, I could see the bartenders just beginning to organize the bars, the bands were setting up their equipment, I think I might have actually pulled this one off.
I breathe a sigh of relief and I finish triple checking my work. Everything is set in place which leaves only one more thing: myself. I handover to the Event Manager who has arrived for the evening and she thanks me for getting us here, something I’m not very used to hearing. I thank her and text Angel Dust that I’m on my way out the door at work and am heading out to pick out a dress. He immediately texts back that he is on his way to the front of the building as well and we will meet there. I gather myself and get there just as he is.
Angel is in good spirits as he links his lower arm with mine, which is still a bit tall for me, and we start wadding through shop after shop. We know we are on a time crunch, but Angel seems to have something very specific in mind. Finally after trying on at least two dozen dresses and probably half as many shops, when I step out of the dressing room his eyes light up and a big smile spreads across his face.
“Oh baby, that is the one!” He spins me toward the mirror and I can’t help but feel a little self conscious. “You are going to be turning heads all fucking night in this little number! We might need to hire security for you!” I laughed at the idea and attempted to pull the hem down just an inch more. It was a very short black, strapless dress with a wide square neckline and a low back. It came with a pair of matching black elbow length gloves and I could already imagine how I would pair it with accessories at home. He was right though, it looked stunning. It hugged every square inch of my body and admittedly had more cleavage than I was used to as it seemed to defy physics by still being supportive, it was beautiful.
“Angel, it might be too much, I don’t want to go overboard.” I said biting my lip, but I couldn’t stop turning in the mirror to see myself at every angle. Angel grabbed my shoulders and looked at me in the mirror.
“It’s perfect.” He assured. We bought it and took it home with just one hour left to get ready for the evening.
When he stepped out Angel was wearing a black version of his typical suit jacket and shorts, exchanging his pinkish red gloves for a baby pink pair and kept his thigh high boots, he looked incredible and I told him so, he nearly blushed for a second before lighting back up as we walked downstairs.
“Me? Fucking look at you! Little miss straight-laced, you look drop-double-dead-gorgeous tonight!” He beamed, this time it was my turn to blush. I had added a pair of dark tights and my royal blue Mary Jane shoes, with a delicate royal blue ribbon tied around my neck like a choker. I pulled my gloves up a little more to make sure they were all the way on before running a hand through my hair. I hope he is right.
“Thank you Angel, I try my best.” I said sheepishly. Angel instead upon stopping by the lounge where the rest of the group was gathered to say goodbye before we were off. We stepped into the room and I smiled awkwardly as Angel presented me, very proud of his work.
“I give to you, the new and improved Lilly!” He sang and motioned to me. Charlie looked surprised but happy, Vaggie was about the same, but had a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder. Sir. Pentious had a light blush but reassured me that I looked very nice. Husk was trying to hide it, but absolutely eyeing Angel. Niffty squealed with joy and ram little figure eights around us manically giggling about how nice we looked. Alastor was nowhere to be found though. “Where’s the big guy? I said I needed everyone!” Angel frowned.
“Please excuse my tardiness, I too was getting ready for tonight!” Alastor chirped as he walked into the room. He was dressed very well, his suit looked new just for the occasion as it was a slightly deeper shade of red than his normal suit and it was more simple with a short tail coat and a chain across the chest and it had a very faint pinstripe pattern to it. He looked like he had gotten a fresh haircut and maybe it’s my imagination, but even his old cane looked a little fresher to match. As I finished drinking him in I realized his eyes were going over me in the very same way.
“Since when are you fucking going to a party that Vox is throwing?” Angel asked the demon who chuckled.
“Oh I wouldn’t dare miss it, so many important demons and souls there tonight. I couldn’t give Vox the chance to twist a narrative if left to his own devices! Plus,” he pulled a small paper from his breast pocket. “He invited me.” Alastor had a wicked smile on as he stuffed his invitation back into his pocket. Angel gave me a small look that told me this was news to him, as it was to me. I guess Alastor is an overlord and Vox does seem rather keen on him. Even if they are enemies, best to keep him close.
“Well, I guess we should all get going then.” I said and before I could turn towards the door shadows crushed over us and just as quickly as they appeared they dissipated and we were in front of the event room door.
As soon as I saw her in the lounge I couldn’t tear my eyes away. Her dress was the most revealing thing I’d even seen draped across her figure. The visual mixing with her timid posing made something within me tick. Every curve was on display, the dress hardly covered her ass as the hem just barely brushed the top of her soft thighs, it scarcely managed to contain her chest if she didn’t have perfect posture it could be quite the display, her exposed back left her looking delicate and accessible. An anger burned in me, traipsing through a gala in such a vulnerable position, she should be locked away from such prying eyes where only I can look upon her form like this, where I can revel in it. The gentle look in her eyes made my mind race. How dare she look like that and yet so innocent at the same time, I wanted to ruin that innocent look, I wanted her eyes to hold nothing but pleasure and lust as I did so. If a soul should so much as hover their eyes over her a moment too long I might have to restrain myself from slaughtering them. As we walked into the event room Angel was quickly called away but Valentino, who blew us a sarcastic kiss from across the busy room. My eyes stayed trained on her though, she would not be leaving my sight tonight whether she knew it or not.
Alastor seemed in no rush to find any friends as he walked behind me through the crowded space. Hundreds of demons and overlords and hellish elites mingled around me. I secretly enjoyed his company, but me and Angel had agreed that tonight was about me and as much as I was intregued by Alastor, I knew that went one way. “Alastor, if you are going to accompany me tonight,” I turned and flashed a smile at him. “Would you perhaps be able to hunt down a drink for me to sip on? It’s awfully warm.” I asked, anxiously adjusting my gloves again. He casted his eyes across the room before answering.
“Why don’t you join me, My Dear? We’ll find it together. Then I can brief you on who not to talk to.” He stressed the end of his sentence like it was very important I don’t meet certain souls in attendance tonight. He reached to place a hand on my shoulder blade to guide me forward but I stepped to the side.
“Please Alastor, I’ll find my way to somewhere quiet until you return, I’m a big girl.” I teased a little and batted my eyes at him. I don’t know what his deal was tonight, maybe he had more foes than friends in attendance, but still I know how to get out of a sticky situation when I find myself in one, especially here.
“I insist, I wouldn’t want to abandon a lady at an event like this, who knows what kind of unsavory figure could swoop in.” The static crackled off his voice at the beginning. I felt his hand meet my shoulder successfully. His eyes burned into mine and I felt there was danger that I wasn’t aware of. I gave in and slowed to allow him to guide me towards the bar. It was quite busy and in the crowd my back was nearly pressed against his chest as we walked. I could feel the heat coming off in him, he smelled like fresh rain in the woods. I kept my hands clasped in front of me and kept a polite smile on as we finally reached the edge of the crowd for my drink.
Alastor left my side by less than two steps to order me a drink, I took the chance to look around the room. There were hundreds of finely dressed demons in attendance, a part of me was very pleased to see everyone enjoying the space I had helped to create and so far not a hair out of place.
“For you, My Dear.” He said graciously as he handed me my glass, if I remember the menu correctly this is a mermaid mule, giving it a violently blue color. “Now I think it’s about time we start making the rounds to say hello, don’t you think?” He grinned and placed his hand back on my shoulder blade as we reentered the crowd. It wasn’t really a question that explain answer. I looked up at him from the corner of my eye, he was quite cautiously watching the crowd. I couldn’t tell if he was looking for anyone in particular or not, but his mind certainly had a goal it was focused on.
“Alastor, I appreciate the escort, but really I was hoping to be on my own tonight.” He did not bother to look at me, but he did seem to see someone he wished to talk to as we gently started heading a different way. “I fear you might not be the most suitable wing man.” I teased trying to smile at the taller demon.
“I’m afraid not, besides please allow me to introduce you to the darling Rosie, overlord of cannibal town!” He motioned to the women just a couple of feet ahead of us now. She was tall and remarkably pretty even with her hollowed out eyes and her sharp teeth she managed to look friendly and lively. “Rosie! A pleasure as always!” Alastor sang.
She turned and lit up upon seeing him, waving us over. “Alastor darling, it’s so good to see you! Who’s this little number you brought along tonight? You better keep a close eye on her. I could eat her right up!” Her smile reminded me of his, but it was more sincere. She spoke with a very old dialect, but it left me thinking she ought to be sipping tea on someone’s porch with a novel in her hand. I returned her smile and Alastor introduced us.
“This is Lilly, an associate of mine from Charlie’s hotel.” He said and Rosie gave a small applause.
“It is very nice to meet you Ma’am, I am very lucky to be a resident under the princess’ trust. I hope you are enjoying the evening, I helped put it together, so please feel free to let me know if there is anything at all you need. I am positive we can make it happen.” I offered and she giggled.
“Oh such a sweetheart, you are! What a very nice swaray this is turning out to be, thank you! I can’t imagine need anything not already provided!” She assured me and she and Alastor continued to talk for a few more minutes. I watched Alastor as he did, he seemed to genuinely enjoy her company, it was a nice look on him, but his ears would twitch every so often giving away that he was still on high alert.
Eventually Alastor excused us, in search of another overlord to greet. We repeated this pattern a few times, one even joked that if Alastor was going to keep such a close eye on me he needed to put me ‘under contract’, or he would. I felt Alastor’s claws ever so slightly press themselves a little harder into my skin and his laugh was clipped. Once we had a moment to ourselves again I scanned the room for Angel or Valentino, I hadn’t seen him since our arrival, but with no luck. I did however spot another V. I could see Vox chatting up an interesting looking demon, he was tall and owl like and dressed quite regally, I recognized him as Stolis, rumor had it he did love daytime dramas so I guess I can’t be too surprised.
“Alastor, maybe I should go find Angel, just to check in on him.” It almost felt futile, of course I enjoyed Alastor’s company, and the feeling of his hand sent electric currents through my skin, but it also felt hopeless to think that he was thinking what I was thinking. Thinking about how he had looked so delightfully disheveled this morning, how he might look beneath his well tailored clothes, how the heat of his body might fully wash over mine, how his hand might feel elsewhere. It wouldn’t take more than a couple skilled movement to have me out of a dress like this and I was sure he was skilled. I nearly blushed at just the passing thought.
It took all the strength I had to not sink my claws into her. Why did she want to walk away so badly, I have been nothing but the perfect gentleman all evening and still she is not content. I flicked my eyes back down to hers, I could smell a faint scent of attraction from her, how sweet it smelled. Maybe I could use that to keep her close. Clearly she wanted some kind of attention tonight, I could give her a little taste. “Do I bore you? I apologize if meeting so many people was overwhelming, but it would have been rude not to.” I grinned, I allowed my hand to drop to the bottom of her back, just above her dress. “I appreciate your cooperation, truthfully,” I walked us forward and bent down ever so slightly so I could whisper into her ear. I could smell the perfume of her attraction better here, her back was stiff and I could see her chest rise and fall with every deep breath she was taking. “I don’t trust a single soul here to be alone with you, My Dear.” I said, my tone was soft but I couldn’t help the static creeping into my voice. It was true after all, none of them deserved to even lay eyes on her.
She looked up at me with sweet wide eyes, “Is that why, Alastor, you’ve kept me on such a short leash tonight?” She asked. Oh I would love to put her on a leash. “Afraid I might find a new overlord to pester?” She smiled at her own jab. “Don’t worry, I was just hoping to find a little bit of, y’know, company tonight.” Her face flushed softly and felt that pit in my stomach grow.
She wanted some disgusting demon to see her like that, to touch her like that. The idea made me sick, and more so my anger grew. The image of her sprawled out, eyes so innocent and inviting, her hair like the halo she deserved on the pillow beneath her, for someone else? I had to control my anger or before I could explain myself we would be back in the hotel, back in my room, and I needed to be here tonight unfortunately.
And that reason was walking towards us now as my smile widened I was keenly aware of my hand moving to grip Lilly’s waist instead to keep her even closer to me.
Alastor’s grip was strong, I followed his eyes to see what he was looking at, surely what I said hadn’t upset him like this. Then it made sense, Vox. While they have been throwing punches from afar via broadcast this is the first time they will have seen each other face to face since Alastor’s return. Vox was in the same suit he always wore, but it at least looked a little better pressed today.
“Alastor! Has anyone ever told you it’s rude not to greet the host.” Vox remarked as he walked into range. “I didn’t think we were inviting just anyone tonight?” He laughed, Alastor produced his invitation from his pocket again.
“Why, you personally signed it. There was a kiss and a heart on my invitation just like you always did.” Alastor remarked, flipping it over between his fingers to prove it, making Vox scowl slightly. I held in a giggle. His annoyed eyes landed on me and I suddenly wanted Alastor’s shadows to whisk me away from here. Work is one thing, I tolerate whatever abuse the other two Vs wish to throw my way as politely as I can to keep Velvette happy, but I’m not working now, and my back is against the chest of the soul Vox might just hate the most in all of hell. The other part of me wants to stand tall, who says I can even rely on Alastor for defense here, he’s so hot and cold with me. “And Vel’s pet, what a combination! I must say Velvette has only had the pettiest complaints tonight so that is as close as a job well down can be for her, congratulations!” Vox held out a hand for me to shake. I wanted to look at Alastor for approval or an excuse, I really wanted to not have to shake his hand, but I did. An acute ringing appeared in my ears.
“Thank you, Mr. Vox.” I said plainly. There was tension in the air between the two, but they both remained polite. It would cause too much of a scene for them to duke it out here in public. I felt the anger pooling in Alastor’s muscles as it felt like he was entirely still, not even feeling the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed behind me anymore. I could feel his eyes bore into me, something I normally treasured, but now I couldn’t shake the animosity that was behind them even if that was not necessarily directed my way.
“I rather think red and black would have been a more flattering theme, but I guess blue is nice to some people.” Alastor quipped, adjusting his suit jacket proudly, Vox’s smile strained.
“It looks to me that someone prefers the blue.” Vox smirked and reached for the ribbon I wore around my neck, but before he could actually make contact Alastor moved us a step back. He held me with a force that threatened the delicate fabric of my dress.
“A gentleman would ask permission before reaching for a lady that way, and concede when she denies. Maybe you yourself are too modern for basic manners?” Alastor teased. His eyes burned bright red, contrasting his airy attitude and smile. I could feel his breath ticking the nape of my neck, under different circumstances I might let myself dwell on that feeling, I knew he was fired up. As bloodthirsty as Alastor may be, he has his values.
“You know I could introduce you to at least twenty demons here tonight who could show you a better time.” Vox couldn’t help but keep the irritation out of his voice as he stood with one hand on his hip, it almost sounded like a threat, I’m not sure if I wanted to know exactly what a good time entails for him. Vox played with Alastor’s protectiveness tonight. Ironically, here was someone who was basically offering me exactly what I claimed I wanted, but now that it’s in front of me and especially coming from him I had no interest. I was repulsed by the idea. I kept my back straight and tried to shake off Alastor’s grip a little, I don’t want to be intimidated by Vox right now. He doesn’t hold any direct power over me more than any other demon here. I’m sick of being pushed and pulled around so much.
“I’m plenty satisfied with my company. I’d like if you left us be now, I’m sure you can find time to taunt Alastor on any other day. We would like to enjoy the night.” I asserted. His plasma smile inverted. He looked like a petulant child being told play time was over.
“You’re welcome to reconsider, I’m sure Velvette would like-“
“Velvette does not care for my company, Mr. Vox.” I cut him off. I held back my shame thinking about her and forced myself to continue. “Goodnight, Sir.” He couldn’t hide his displeasure in my answer, clearly he had wanted to demean Alastor in some way by whisking away his date. He took two steps towards us, leaving just a foot of space in between. Baring his LED teeth he looked down at me.
“You ungrateful bi-”
“Be so kind as to let us get on with our evening wont you?” Alastor cut him off, static crackling off his words, he loomed behind me, his eyes practically begging Vox to push him further. He wouldn’t make the first move, but he wouldn’t step down once Vox did. Without looking past me Vox took a deep breath and straightened his tie returning to his dry smile.
“Enjoy the night. We’ll see you in the studio tomorrow.” Vox nodded in my direction with a glint in his eye. I stood in silence as he turned his back to us and rejoined the crowd.
I turned around to face Alastor. Part of me wanted to run away from here, be enveloped in his arms and just dissolve. Another part of me wanted his fingers to find somewhere else they could mercilessly sink into and to free me from my dress as we fell onto his bed. The part of me that won, however, was the part that looked at his angry eyes and smiled, requesting another drink. We could stay here if it meant he would keep holding onto me, if it meant he would continue to be just a step behind me no matter what, if it meant I was the center of his attention for a little bit longer. I knew I might have to pay for my disrespect in the morning, but that felt so far away at this moment. Right now I was safe, I was with Alastor, and that's all I wanted to think about. The ambient candle light danced in his eyes as he looked at me, and as much as he would hate to hear it, the contrast of the rich blue background only made his red hair and eyes look all that much more alluring.
He indulged my request and his grip on my waist was no longer lethal as he guided me to the closest bar in the event room. I ordered my drink and downed it to try to steady my head. Alastor gently hummed along to the band playing while leaning his back against the bar a little, he looked content and for a moment he almost looked like a regular person enjoying his night. If you wanted you could imagine him in life, whatever that had looked like, it was haunting.
“Alastor, would you dance with me?” I asked, unable to keep a smile off my face at his display. He stood up and took one of my hands in his and his grin grew as he gave me a small bow.
“Of course, My Dear, I’d be delighted.” He replied and we joined the dance floor not far away. I was, unfortunately, not a terribly skilled dancer, but Alastor led and I was able to follow. His arm snaked around my waist while the other kept my hand, my free hand rested on his shoulder. His eyes consumed me and I savored it. We had been close all night, but for the first time the proximity felt purposefully intimate. I nearly couldn’t bear the way he looked at me, half lidded eyes slowly raked over my figure before landing back on my own eyes. I wanted him to say something. Beside the fact that I was heavily focused on not tripping over my own feet, my heart raced and I’m not sure I could muster anything worth saying. This was the closest thing I could call a confirmation that he might be thinking what I’m thinking. Maybe he had been all night, maybe that was why he couldn’t let me out of his grip for more than thirty seconds. Or maybe he just liked putting on a show.
I was able to match his steps as we spun around the floor. He had a slightly softer smile playing on his lips. I hoped my nerves weren’t showing through in my smile, I felt like I had it under control, but as I held his gaze I wasn’t so sure my eyes were on my side. “You are a marvelous dancer, no need to worry, you are doing perfectly fine.” Alastor cooed, thinking that must be what’s caused my anxiety. I allowed myself I look past him for a moment to collect my thoughts. I wasn’t even an okay dancer, but it is sweet he would say so.
“I think you are the first dance partner of mine to say that. I stepped on many date’s toes unfortunately in life.” I admitted. Back in my dancing days I quickly fell down the rank of ladies at work to take out, I might be able to make you laugh but that’s about all I was good at on a date.
“Maybe the problem was more so with the partner.” Alastor said and twirled us around. “I seem to have no such problem.” He pulled me ever so slightly closer to him, my chest nearly against his. He was right, I hadn’t actually had much of a misstep at all. He was an excellent dance partner. He knew how to lead and to help me stay in time with him. Alastor gently guided my waist in the direction changes, or gave my hand a gentle squeeze. We were working in tandem quite gracefully.
The song came to an end and I wished it would last just a couple of minutes longer. Alastor released me and gave a slight bow, he was completely serious but I couldn’t help from giggling a little. Such a gentleman tonight. His hand returned to my shoulder blade and we melted into the crowd again. I thought about Alastor more, he is difficult, but it just makes me want more of him. I never know what I will get with him and as frustrating as it is it is also alluring. I pulled up the tops of my gloves a little, just to busy myself, as I caught my breath. I almost felt cold now without the heat of his body so close to mine, even though he was just a few inches further away than he had been it was enough for a chill to sweep through me. I hugged myself a little to compensate and blushed slightly when I realized how pronounced it made my chest. Almost immediately I felt a warm soft fabric cover my shoulders. I looked down at it as I pulled it closer to me and realized it was Alastor’s suit jacket before looking back at him.
“You looked cold, understandable given your attire, we wouldn’t want you to catch a chill now would we?” Alastor offered before I could even question him with a pleasant smile on his face. I smiled back.
“Thank you, though I paid good money for this dress, I ought to show it off. I don’t know when else I’ll ever get the excuse to.” I said and soothed the hem of my dress that just barely came down long enough. I moved to shake off the jacket, but his hand on my shoulder kept me from doing so.
His smile widened. “I think you look particularly lovely just like this!” His voice rang in my ears. Such a protective gentleman. I couldn’t help but to want to tease him.
I shrugged off his hand and his jacket, offering it back to him. “Please, Alastor, I insist.” He begrudgingly took it back and slipped the jacket back on, adjusting his cuffs. I looked up at him with shy eyes as I slowly traced my hands over my silhouette, seemingly to soothe my dress to anyone else. I watched as Alastor’s eyes followed my hands. “Thank you, I think I look rather nice, don’t you?” I asked sweetly. His eyes flicked back up to mine before I spun a little to give him a better look. His grip on his cane became tight. He looked at me like I was prey he was stalking in the forest, absolutely trained on me watching what I would do next. It burned into me and I loved it.
“You look very nice, My Dear. I think you know that.” He said, his voice was clipped, but not dangerous. I smiled. It was fun to get under his skin a little, especially given how he does it to me.
“Maybe, but I was just curious if you also thought so. You look quite handsome yourself, I rather like this suit on you.” I teased and adjusted his lapels a little. I could feel his breath again on the top of my head as I did so and when I looked at his eyes they were glowing a deep ruby color. His hand curled around my wrist, plucking it off of him. I could tell he was trying to decide exactly what to say, so I continued to press him. “Oh, does the touching only go one way? You’ve had your hands on me all night. I thought I might return the favor.” My heart was pounding in my chest as I looked at him. My vision darkened and for a moment all I could see was the glowing of his eyes and his crazed grin. When it lightened back up I knew I was back in the hotel, but in a room I had never seen before. My eyes found the forest that looked like it had been patched onto the room and I knew. This must be Alastor’s room.
The confidence I had held just seconds ago evaporated upon the realization. Alastor gently guided my chin so that my gaze was directed back at him. I knew my eyes were wide and my heart thudded against my ribs as I wasn’t sure if I should be terrified or thrilled, or both. His ears were flat against his head as his eyes drank me in one last time. “You have no idea what you’ve been doing to me tonight.” His voice came out low and no louder than a whisper. One of his arms wrapped around my waist like when we were dancing, but now his claws nearly pierced my skin through the delicate fabric of my dress. He held me close there, I had no answer.
Alastor used his other hand to slowly run the sharp edge of a claw along a path from my jaw, down my neck, over my shoulder, then across my back. My skin hissed at the sensation, it wasn’t even enough to truly break the skin but it sent shockwaves through my system. I stood perfectly still, I wasn’t even sure if I was breathing. I wanted him to just tell me, tell me if he craves me the way I crave him or not. I wanted more of his touch, but I was in no position to demand such a thing.
“As soon as I saw your little getup tonight,” He started to explain, deliberately fiddling with my dress’ fabric. “I wanted to whisk you up here, keep you away from any other soul who might see you in such a state.” I felt my face growing increasingly warm as he combed his free hand through my hair. “I didn’t think they deserved such a sight, but I didn’t want to upset you, My Dear, so I settled for keeping a close watch over you.” I melted into his touch as he held my cheek in his hand while he spoke. “I restrained myself then, but you have pushed me too far.” Alastor leaned his head in closer to mine, until our foreheads almost touched. His eyes were still a glowing deep red. “I’ll tell you a secret. All night I have been able to smell the lust pouring out of you, and right now is the strongest it’s ever been. You smell so sweet.” his neck dips even lower and his lips threaten to brush against my neck, the promise of sweet kisses tantalizing close. I could hear the sound of my blood pumping through my veins, I was hyper aware of every inch of my body that Alastor was touching, my muscles screamed for me to do something. Either run away or grab him and never let him go, waiting was torture. “You have to go.”
My mind raced. Alastor wanted me to leave? We were still tangled together, he made no real move to let me leave. My body ached for more of his touch, I desperately wanted more. I didn’t want to leave this moment. “Please, let me stay.” I begged, my voice breathy almost as if I was gasping for air. I didn’t need air, I needed Alastor. He slowly straightened back up and released his grasp on my waist. My skin hissed at the lack of his heat, the dewy scent of him retreating as he took a step back. He did not raise his eyes to meet mine though, instead his voice was low and gravely, charged with static and energy as he commanded me again.
“Leave.” It was not a question. I held myself back from arguing with him and backed away towards the door behind me. His shadows pooled around him on the floor. Some seemed to deliberately run in my direction as if to grab me and pull me back but any time one headed my way another would smack it back. I watched Alastor while my back was still waiting to find the wall. He was not his normal composed self, no this was raw. He almost looked ashamed, yet angry, searching for something to take that out on. I would pray for whatever creature he takes that out on if I thought it would help. The heavy rise and fall of his chest gave away just how agitated he had become.
Finally my back pressed against the wall while my hand began to search for the doorknob. I couldn’t look away, I couldn’t speak, I could barely move. Did I do something wrong? Can I fix it? I don’t want to push him too hard, but it gnawed on me, if I’d caused this outburst I want to make it right. I opened my mouth to call out his name, but before the first letter could fully form a shadow shot out to me, wrapping itself around my throat and jaw. I froze, I’ve been in the position before and did not want to make him more angry. Alastor slowly turned towards me, his breathing was labored and as he lifted his head I could see a gruesome grin on his face.
“I. Said. Out.”
I was forced backwards by the force of his shadow and only was able to disconcert the sound of his door slamming back shut as I realized I was now on the other side of it. I had fallen back from the force and found myself just staring up at his door. I suddenly felt small and alone here. Just a minute ago I had been the center of Alastor’s universe as we danced and now I was thrown aside and shut out. I wracked my brain for what had set him off so terribly.
I remembered his words, he had confessed to being attracted to me, and knowing I was attracted to him, it felt humiliating. I had felt so exposed and vulnerable in that moment, he hadn’t technically rejected me, but it sure felt like he had. My confidence had crashed. I wanted to curl up and die. I also wanted to march back in Alastor’s room and scream at him for making me feel this way, for building me up just to crush me in the end. Hot tears stung the corners of my eyes, but I forced them away. I don’t want to break down, instead I redirected the energy. You want me to leave? I’ll leave alright.
I slowly pulled myself back up and dusted off my dress, fixing myself and taking a long deep breath for comfort.. I cast one last hurt glance back at Alastor’s door and headed downstairs.
Shame, humiliation, and confusion swirled in my mind, perhaps distorting my decision making capabilities. I debated my next move, but I wasn’t in the headspace to think wisely. My feet carried me forward as if the speed of my steps could out pace these feelings. Soon my heels were clicking down the grand staircase outside the front door while my nails dug into my palm, my gloves didn’t protect me. I wasn’t sure exactly where I was walking, but I eventually found myself down an all too familiar path.
I could see the massive glowing light of the Vs’ studio signage even though I was still a solid mile away. It was as daunting as it always was, the blue neon looked like a bruise on the hellish red sky. It was fitting. The place that I looked forward to leaving everyday was suddenly a constant I could cling onto. I knew exactly where I stood here, I knew what to expect, what to do, how to act, who to be. I was thankful for that role, thankful for the rock it gave me to sink my nails into in order to hold onto something, anything, that made me feel better. Here I didn’t have to be myself and everything that entailed, I could simply be Velvette’s errandgirl, someone who did not care what that deer demon was doing back at the hotel right now. Someone who didn’t dwell on whether or not she would be able to bring herself to look into his deep ruby eyes the next time they met. Someone who didn’t miss the way he looked at her back in the ballroom with a playful possessiveness as the candle light danced behind them. No. I would be too busy for any of that.
I straightened out my back when the building came into focus drawing on a polite shy smile.
Quietly, I rejoined the event space. The party had of course continued in my absence, none the wiser to my personal angst. I cast my eyes about the room in search of Angel, unlikely as it was I couldn’t help myself. A friendly face would be nice right now, but no such luck. So I took a step forward, ever still conscious of my looks and of the crowd, and made my way back towards the bar. Alone this time, but the night was just beginning.
Part Five
Tags: @cannibalcoyote
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ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
Can I request headcanons of Ran with “cafe love” and “star gazing” Ran met her at a cafe and one day he asked her out. They spend all day together having a great time. And then at night he takes her to a roof and they watch the stars together. And then they kiss under the stars. Super fluffy!!! Thank you!!!!!!🤗
— ran haitani // cafe love // stargazing
[𖤐] me after going almost 500 words over the limit bc i have no self control lol. thank you for requesting this so long ago anon; i finally got to it !! i hope you enjoy my loveliessss xoxo
wc ; 1.5k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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♡ you’d first noticed him when he became a regular at the cafe you worked at; tall and lean, with his long hair parted into two slightly messy braids, his violet eyes seeming to pierce right through you as he walked up to the counter. even though it was his first time coming into the cafe, you jumped at the chance to take his order, immediately rushing over to his selected table before any of your coworkers could. 
♡ it was in this way that the two of you eventually became closer. ran, (his name, which you learned fairly early on) would come in every single day, and he would always order a caramel fudge mocha with extra caramel sauce. you hadn’t expected anyone to be having such a sugary drink every day, but when you asked him about it, he just mildly shrugged, saying something about how he wants to actually be able to enjoy the coffee, (which you suppose is fair enough). he would sit at the same table in the corner, would stay for the same amount of time, then would repeat it all again the next day. 
♡ sometimes, there were moments when you felt his gaze on you while you were working, and when you would look over, he would give you a teasing smile, gesturing for you to get back to working. 
♡ despite your interest in him, you were never really planning on doing anything about it; you were already so swamped with school work and exams, and adding your long work shifts on top of that, there was no way you could handle any more stress on top of that. and so, you decided on just admiring from afar. 
♡ spoiler: your little plan wasn’t successful for very long. 
♡ it had been a stormy and rainy day when ran came in as always. today though, his hair dripping with water and his clothes were soaking wet, clinging to his body, (no?! you were most certainly not staring…)
♡ he had actually been the first person to come in all day due to the rain outside, and you were the only one working since all your other coworkers hadn’t been able to work today, (it really wasn’t as if you needed help with customers anyways). as soon as you had seen the state ran was in, you’d rushed to the back, grabbing a couple dry rags to help dry him off. 
♡ you’d set the stack on the counter as you came out from behind it, frowning a bit at the puddle that had formed at his feet. he didn’t seem to be too affected by the rain at the moment, instead just watching you intently as you grabbed one of the rags, patting it against his hair and braids. 
“what are you doing out there in this rain? you could get sick if you stay in those wet clothes for too long.”  “well i had to come and keep you company, yeah?”  “no, not at the price of your health.” “mm, i think i’ll take that chance.” 
♡ you sighed at ran’s words, gently taking his hair bands out of his braids so that his hair could dry a little bit more. there was silence between the two of you for a while, with him just watching as you dried off the parts of his hair and clothes that were dripping. 
“d’you wanna go out with me?” 
♡ your eyes immediately flicked up to ran’s face, seeing a lazy smirk across his lips as he plucked the now damp rag from your hand, placing it on the counter next to you. his sudden question made your heart skip a couple beats, wondering if he was being serious or just teasing you. 
“...depends on where you take me tonight.”  “i’ll be sure to pick something good then. i’ll pick you up after your shift~”
♡ the flirty lilt in his voice was almost enough to make you follow after him as he left the store, leaving you with a wink as the door closed. you kept your composure though, busying yourself with cleaning things up as your excitement started to build. sure, you had said that you weren’t going to pursue anything with him, but that didn’t include him asking you out, so it was fine! right?
♡ you had only realized that you hadn’t told him when your shift ended when he came back, his entrance (somehow) perfectly timed with you finishing your closing duties. when you asked him about it when you were locking the front door, he’d given an extremely vague answer of, “well why wouldn’t i know?”. 
♡ you had felt a little bit hesitant to get on his motorcycle; despite the fact that he was your regular and you two would talk a lot, you couldn’t exactly say that you weren’t nervous to go to whatever mystery place he was taking you to. when he’d seen your hesitance, ran had merely chuckled, holding his pinky to promise that he wasn’t going to do anything creepy, (even though it was small, it did make you feel a little bit better). besides, with his braids gone and his hair down, he was even harder to resist. 
♡ ran had teased you at red lights, looking back at how your eyes were screwed shut and how your arms were wrapped tightly around his waist, acting offended that you didn’t seem to trust his driving skills. you were thankful when he finally slowed down and stopped, holding out a hand for you to grab onto as the two of you got off his bike. you weren’t exactly sure where you were, but you didn’t get much of a chance to look around before ran went behind you, gently covering your eyes with his hands. 
“just trust me; you can do that, right, pretty?”   “oh, uhm, yeah.” 
♡ it had taken a whole lot of directions and hesitant steps up a whole lot of stairs, but after the long journey, you were feeling a bit excited as to what ran was going to show you when he finally announced that the two of you had arrived. when his hands finally left your eyes, you were met with a beautiful sight of thousands of stars in the night sky. 
“wow…it’s beautiful.”  “hmm, i told you i would pick something good. did you doubt me?”  “wha- no! i just…well, i wasn’t sure what to expect. this is really just…wow.” 
♡ ran’s confident smirk as he looked at you was making your stomach feel fluttery, but you tried not to let it show on your face as you walked up to the edge of the roof, leaning against the barrier and looking at all the stars. after a moment, he joined you at your side, and although you were still looking at the sky, you could feel his gaze on you. 
♡ when you took a moment to glance over at him, you weren’t able to pull your eyes away. his violet eyes had a soft look for once, and there was a genuine smile across his lips for once. as if that wasn’t enough, the slight breeze in the air blew through his hair softly, making him look almost…ethereal. 
“you see something y’like?” 
♡ the teasing look was back in his eyes as he moved a little bit closer to you, his hand reaching out to rest on your shoulder, keeping a bit of a firm grip to keep you from backing away. although there was a chill in the night’s air, your face felt hot as ran’s face moved a bit closer, just enough that you could feel his breath fanning over your cheeks. you still hadn’t responded to his question, hoping that it was rhetorical. 
♡ there was plenty of time for you to pull away from him, but you felt as though there was some kind of magnetic force between the two of you, wanting to pull you even closer to him. as much as you felt embarrassed and wanted to look away from his gaze, you couldn’t; you’d already been ensnared in his trap. 
♡ and so, you stayed, even as he slowly inched closer and closer, his other hand moving to whisper over the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. even as his face tilted, giving you one more chance to pull away, you stayed. you stayed as his soft and warm lips pressed against yours, the gentleness seeming wholly unlike him, but somehow exactly like him at the same time. your heart was leaping with joy as ran’s lips slowly moved against yours, the hand that was on your shoulder moving to the back of your head to pull you closer. 
♡ after a minute, you had to tap out, gasping for the cool night air as he pulled away from you, that teasing look in his eyes the same as ever. there was no need to exchange any words; ran just smirked, his long arm wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against him, the warmth from his body seeping into yours. 
♡ you could definitely get used to this.
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alright gather round kids this is a psa ; don't get on the back of a stranger's bike unless its ran haitani 👍🏽
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