#Anyway again these are personal hcs im not saying this is canon or anything its just some silly lil thoughts I have and use for art
torchstelechos · 4 days
General HCs I use but haven't made a post about when drawing isat Siffrin and saap Siffrin(Loop):
isat Siffrin's eye was hurt by a scissors attack, so he has three slash marks where their eye was. Saap Siffrin's eye was hurt by a paper attack, so their eye has a starburst scar across it that reaches towards their ear. (isat Siffrin still has some of their original eyelid left from this attack, saap Siffrin does not and they lost some of their ear due to infection.)
isat Siffrin wears laced long boots that reach up to their knees, he also tucks his pants into the boots. Saap Siffrin wears short boots that zip up the side, their pants fall over the boots instead. (isat Siffrin did this to help with their new balance despite it taking a long while to put their boots on, saap decided speed was more important than balance in this instance since their injury took longer to heal)
Saap Siffrin has more muscle mass than isat Siffrin, they are also taller than isat Siffrin. :3
This does mean that their cloaks are at different lengths, which would suggest that if they switched cloaks for a day... Saap siffrin would look more like comic siffrin while isat siffrin would look like hes wearing a dress. The cloaks are very different now!
Saap Siffrin is a bit more of a shit starter than isat Siffrin, and has the smirks to match this.
Saap Siffrin has less dense hair than isat Siffrin, which means that they have more spikes and ghibli style hair poofs. Isat Siffrin has thicker hair that makes it easier to retain curl patterns and bunches closer together.
Isat Siffrin does lots of eye contact! He will stare you down (the neurodivergent too much eye contact). Saap Siffrin avoids looking people in the eye! They don't like looking at people's emotions so plainly on their face (the neurodivergent too little eye contact).
(pls read og tags before commenting on if something is canon or not)
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lubrumalis · 3 months
konig headcanons! (realistic)
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tw: nsfw
all of these are realistic hc! dont expect a normal konig
hes NOT a shy awkward pushover, just because he has social anxiety??? we can see through his voice lines hes a very cocky person and speaks rather agressively
“lets be honest, its better off in my hands.”
i hc that just because konig has social anxiety, he doesn’t express this through bring soft and shy, he expresses it through his bluntness
konig wanted to be a sniper but did not because he couldn’t stand still, has social anxiety, i hc he has some form of adhd
his very cocky and blunt shouting isn’t because hes mean, but he just doesnt wanna be seen as that bullied kid he once was
hes doesnt have horrible EQ, but the kind of guy to be incredibly unfiltered
also, this guy was literally assigned as a human battering ram, you think hes all soft and sweet???😅😅😅
no he won’t get angry or cry if his mask is taken off. just annoyed.
its not actually canon that konig is a colonel (correct me if im wrong, i couldnt find anything on the official wiki) but lets assume hes one anyway
even if he isnt, gets paid well. really well.
private military companies that deploy soldiers in areas of active conflict can pay up to hundreds of thousands for one soldier
considering konigs age (late 30s at least) and skills, probably 400-500k a year.
chose to join the military because he had an obsession with tanks and guns as a kid
a lot of hc’s say hes 6’10. i disagree, simply based off of chances and the fact thats wayyyy too tall for the military
but he was described as a mountain, so id say his height is around 6’5-6’8
very very intimidating. hes tall big and has the mask of an executioner in the 15th century. who wouldn’t be scared?
definitely will say some random german word in a situation where no one else there knows german. he doesn’t give a damn lol
hates americans (thinks theyre all obese, mannerless, and bad at geography)
brings up the most random topics. again i really think konig has adhd.
konig was not good at school and hated it, mainly due to the anxiety and how he couldn’t pay attention
also why he chose the path of a soldier
drinks lots of beer, high alcohol tolerance, this guys a true european.
loves austrian or german food. loves schnitzel and pies.
konigs breakfast is literally sausages, toast, eggs, and sometimes beer
BIG APPETITE. he could eat for 3 people.
a little insecure about his appearance, not confident in his looks :( also why he hid his face
but as he grew older he uses the mask for actual purposes of concealing his identity, he is a special ops soldier after all
kind of a cheapskate. he chose to hide his face with what, polyester? chose a piece of cloth over everything else.
has very conservative beliefs. not to the point where he hates abortion and votes far right, konig is just a little confused about some things certain liberals believe in
pretty political person lmao
not enough info to conclude whether or not konig was abused as a kid tbh
he was definitely miserable for a period in his life. hes in the military living a monotone life, barely any contact with others, and constantly living in fear he’d die
i dont think hes as traumatized as ghost tho🙂🙂
konig appreciates his dna and how it makes him big and tall, but sometimes gets incredibly annoyed at it
mainly because well, he got bullied for itas a kid
because he specializes in hostage rescue a lot of hostages (especially kids) are scared of him and refuse to leave the area with him
takes a lot of convincing 🥲🥲
has a lot of intrusive thoughts
cannot use social media properly
also texts like an old grandpa. uses 😂 and 🤣 unironically.
“Can we have burgers 🍔 tonight🌃?”
probably uses a blackberry or reallyyyyy old iphone
relationship hcs:
konigs voice actor (jim boeven) stated in a livestream that konigs wife would ideally be a mix between maria pedraza (actress) and rachael from blade runner (character from movie).
both are 170cm ish and brunettes
i can actually see that—konig is massive and he probably prefers someone on the tall side
first thing you did that led to your relationship with him? you tolerated him that is. listened to him ranting😃
i can see him with a civilian or someone whos in the military tbh
finds you pretty at first
enjoys bickering, he needs someone to simulate his mind
you know those stories where his s/o is 5’2, clingy, soft af, and neeeeeeeds konig? haha you won’t be getting that from me.
unlike ghost, who really takes his time to get to know someone and opens up slowly, scared to have his trust broken again
konig charges in like the human battering ram he is😁
if he has a feeling you’re trustworthy you are trustworthy.
horrible at flirting. he doesn’t know how to talk to women smoothly
needs someone equally as weird and funny
s/o needs to be someone with very firm boundaries and can stand their ground, i think konigs a really stubborn person, so for a healthy relationship to work, s/o can’t be the generic bimbo
konig wears the pants in the relationship
doesn’t let you pay. he has a enough money and believes men should always pay
(im sorry to break your delusions) konig does not strike to me as someone who likes a docile homebody. thats ghost (if you remove the word docile).
he doesn’t like extremely dominant partners either
imagine someone who is a listener, accepting yet blunt, shares his quirks, and has a very elegant feel to them
also someone very independent
also gonna get killed for this but konig would realistically not go for a girl in her early twenties. he prefers elegance and sophistication over being cute and jumpy
hates one night stands.
values relationships more than you think. he can come off as strong at first, but hes trying his best
ecstatic when you tell him you wanna learn german (hes not a good teacher)
doesn’t like play fighting, he thinks he’s gonna accidentally hurt you
admires you a lot. he knows hes not the best looking person and doesn’t understand the makeup skincare dress up thing.
isn’t paranoid, but definitely doesn’t say he has an s/o
if you ever get mad at him, konig will tighten all jars in the kitchen so you have to ask him for help :)
extremely unfiltered. he hates your cooking? he will say it. that dress looks better than the other? he will say it.
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kinardsboy · 3 months
Prefacing this by saying i don’t hate Eddie or buddie in any way, im only tagging this as anti buddie so people can filter out criticism on a ship that they enjoy ❤️
This post doesnt really have a specific theme, I’m just kinda rambling here so bear with me lol
Something that has been bothering me for a while about the gay eddie hc, is that at least the canon basis/evidence for it, is honestly a little homophobic? Most often people claim he’s gay because of how he treats women poorly and how many failed relationships he’s been in and I just.. first off have you MET a straight man?? 😭 thats how they are..(For the most part). Secondly it’s a negative stereotype that gay men dont treat women well, so having that be one of your main points to make Eddie gay rubs me the wrong way, especially when it comes from non queer men. The other main point I see is the quote “it feels like a performance” but the thing about that quote is , its taken extremely out of context.
He was literally talking about being set up on dates, being FORCED to date instead of letting it happen naturally. Thats what feels like a performance.
I have never understood why Eddie also cant be bisexual if queer at all. he has been clearly shown to enjoy having sex with women.
And another thing that bothers me is that buddie fans shout all the time about wanting whats best for Buck, and then want him shoved in a relationship with a man that has never treated a romantic partner fairly. Again, this isnt Eddie hate but the guy needs serious therapy. He’s a good friend and a good dad, ultimately hes a good person too but he’s not a good partner and that wouldnt change just because he dates Buck.
Bob’s are constantly forcing a heteronormative role onto Buck, especially when it comes to taking care of Christopher and it just, thats not going to solve anything? Like at all? It really makes me feel like they dont understand mlm relationships at all, and what they look like and how they work, especially based on their reactions to how Tommy and Buck interact.
People probably arent going to like this take, but I see fics or posts that constantly put Christopher as Buck’s 1 priority and I just dont think its true. Dont get me wrong I really enjoy the relationship they have, but if any kid on the show has his highest priority, its Jee. Buck spends so much time with Chris because Eddie needs help, if Henren needed help or babysitting more often Buck would seem close to Denny and Mara as well. Im not saying Buck doesnt care or want to hang out with Chris of course, but I feel like people definitely overplay their relationship to an extreme extent. The same goes for buddie in general, especially these last few seasons I dont see buck and Eddie being any closer than eddie and hen or buck and hen or something. Especially considering in 704 Eddie literally didnt invite him to trivia which he knows (or should know) Buck likes lol
And another thing about Christopher is that they turn him into this buddie love child who is SO obsessed with his dad’s sexuality and its just so weird to me. They completely strip him of any independence and personality and turn him into this buddie advocate, and then put him away when he’s no longer useful or needed. Its ableism. Chris is his own character and his story shouldnt focus around Buddie or his dads romantic endeavors AT ALL.
Anyway if you read all of this thanks for indulging my rambling lol
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electricsynthesis · 5 months
keith galraisms post
physical characteristics
-his hair grows like 3 times as fast as a normal persons. it grows unusually thick and weirdly layered and textured. i imagine it having a texture that isnt curly or wavy or straight, but is sort of coarse and pointed. dense hair. this is why he has a weird mullet. he cuts it and then he wakes up a week later and the mullets back. i reblogged a post with this exact hc like 2 days ago but i stg ive had this opinion for years
-somewhere around 19-20~ his canines fall out. literally like humans' teeth do with baby teeth. they get wiggly and then fall out. and then he grows extremely pointed fangs in their spot. when he tells coran this, coran explains that this is common in galra to lose their milk canines and grow adult fangs. lance compares it to wisdom teeth and keith gets annoyed
-on a similar note, the reason keith has a full set of teeth despite being a troglodyte child who beats people up when pissed off is because he just grows his teeth back once theyre knocked out. this didnt happen with his baby teeth but once his adult teeth grew in, he would just. Grow new teeth. this unsettles him deeply everytime he thinks about it because humans are born with both sets of teeth. how is he doing this .
-he can see in the dark
-he has prey animal hearing. his ears perk up when he hears sharp distant sounds
-obviously i think he growls when hes pissed and purrs when hes happy. Who do you take me for. i do think this is one of those things keith assumed was normal until he was older and someone he was fighting made fun of him for "growling like a dog". i think, pretty vitally, he does not sound like a human growling andor purring. i think he sounds like a cat. he also hisses but texas kogane trained him out of that as a kid. as an adult (post galra-heritage arc) he sometimes does it anyway. connecting with his inner child <3
-more generally i think his voice toes the razor's edge of sounding like a normal human's. i think it lowers to registers and heightens to heights that sound only just like a human could make that sound
-his ears have always been pointed enough to be noticeable (texas kogane had him trained to keep his hair relatively long so it would cover them) but they only get pointier the older he gets. they never stick out or anything but one day in their twenties allura sees them and is like hey! youre like a baby altean! and keith doesnt live this observation down for the entire rest of his life
-his stupid purple eyes are canon and go without saying. and the whole "go yellow and slitted when hes pissed" is also canon and goes without saying. im bringing this up because in home again's 'verse, by the time the events of the fic are happening the only people whos actually seen this happen are lance and shiro, because keith got a little upset at some enemy combatants on a mission with them once, and when they told him he was like. what the fuck are you talking about. fuck no. you imagined that. and they swear UP AND FUCKING DOWN that no, keith, your eyes literally turned yellow. they went slitted. we didnt imagine it that really happened--
-he bites people. in all contexts. violent. affectionate. sexual. if left unsupervised he will bite hard enough to draw blood so if its a lovebite you have to slap him away. unless youre into that i guess. this is one of those things he didnt notice until adulthood and he sat there like. head in hands. why is me being galra so fucking obvious in hindsight
-whether or not keith's temper and violent tendencies are the result of a childhood of violent bullying and general social neglect or if theres a genetic factor is entirely conjecture and everyone has a different, private opinion on the subject (keith's opinion is that it doesnt really matter), but its generally agreed on that his ability to power through lifethreatening injuries on pure adrenaline is a Galra Thing
-climbs trees like a spider monkey. generally likes being in places that are both high up and enclosed . if left to his own devices will start climbing around on shit. in the castle this is generally fun because theres big empty rooms that are entirely unused. but they all collectively realize this goes beyond castle exploration once they get back to earth and find keith on top of the fridge at 3 am. im talking completely relaxed while shoved as far in the upper corner of the room as he can possibly get
-hoards random shit he finds sentimental and keeps them shoved in various corners of his room. like a dragon. after they get together (sorry for sudden klance bias) lance is constantly accidentally finding his shit scattered around their room shoved into little corners. this is a love language to keith. hes hiding their beloved belongings in safe places. lance finds it EXTREMELY annoying because its early and he needs his moisturizer, keith, if its wrapped in my jacket underneath the bed again im gonna explode
the eternal question
-pidge: have you ever considered talking to a psychologist about you having autism keith: no. the orderly at the orphanage was convinced i was. but i'm obviously just galra. pidge: [exasperated silence]
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kalivasquezart · 3 months
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your au about the Pioneer. Its so well thought out and just overall amazing and oh boy dont even get me started on your art— absolutely beautiful💖💕
I also am working on an au based off of Artis pups and when I found you I was like 🫢🫵 Very similar ideas 👀👀👀Also Hunter as Pioneer’s mentor is SUCH A COOL CONCEPT— Like like cause Hunters my favorite scug and the fact that you included him in your au and as Marbles’ mentor is just *squeals* but it also makes a lot of sense considering he comes a little bit after Arti and is one of the few scugs who can encounter pups in their campaign. I also wanted to ask if its okay with you if I use that idea/concept in my own au 👉👈
I was also thinking about Pioneer’s brother— Ik you said that you hc him as being dead, like officially, but I thought it would be interesting if he was still alive. I personally was inspired to let him live in my au simply because of some official art of Gorum (specifically his endings art especially the food quest one where he has a suspiciously familiar green slugpup). I was thinking something like what happened to Surv and Monk (the one-way pipe considering the fact that he kind of began to drift to the right as he sank) happened to him and Gorum found him. Idk these are just ideas Im using for my own au but thought I would share.
I just realized this is super long sorry HANDNAND I am insane and write too much
ahhhh thank you for the kind words skek YOU FLATTER ME~
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[there are rain world spoilers regarding artificer's capaign below, be warned]
while my current headcanon is that the green pup died, i've been thinking very hard about it for the last week or so, and IMO there's a high chance i will retcon that. if the pipe thing is canon to Surv/Monk campaigns then i'm even more eager to adopt that idea. my only real hold-up about the pup was that we clearly see it drown in Arti's dream (the same flashing aura behaviour when you swim underwater), and if he really did drown then the only way to bring him back to life would be through karmic rebirth "last checkpoint save" kind of thing… which feels a bit cheap? a little too simple for me. i'm heavily biased here, because a while ago i read an interesting lore post of someone trying to explain why Arti's pups wouldn't "respawn" if they were killed, while Arti did. in short, the pups were too young to be bound by karma and so when they died, they died for good (reincarnated as a different creature, maybe) - but Artificer being an adult and already having experienced the urges before, was brought back. if i can, i will try to find that post again, and link it here.
ANYWAY yeah, personal AUs don't have to strictly comform to the game's canon, i keep forgetting about that. hell, i've seen people revive scav king or, i dunno, SOS from the dead, and they made it work.
speaking of my AU again, i may also have headcanon'd Arti's mate as a semi-aquatic scug (less freaky than riv tho), and so Bryn/green pup would have inherited some of those genes, making him more likely to survive the drowning. so yeah, i think i like the storytelling potential of keeping the pup alive, althought i'd have to sit down and do a proper brainstorming on what that means… when Arti and Marbles eventually reunite with their long lost other half of the family.
by the way, if you (or anyone else reading this post) wants to use my ideas in their own AU then i'm okay with that! no need to credit or anything. many people come up with similar concepts anyway, it'd be silly to try and police them on it.
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triptychofvoids · 10 months
Autistic medic gives me life ❤❤. Any random hcs for him? /nf /pos
of course! autistic medic is canon to me
ive already talked a bit about him being autistic before so a few of these maybe be things ive already mentioned but ill say them anyway
this is already obvious to everyone already but his special interests are surgery and medicine! anything medical really. hes also very interested in anatomy and pigeons (specifically pigeons. he probably couldnt tell you a lot about parrots for example, but if you want 100 facts about doves then hes your guy). and of course hed have a bunch of other hobbies and interests but those are the big ones
hes more prone to shutdown than he is to meltdown. not that meltdowns would never happen, theyre just more rare. usually a shutdown would come first and on the occasion hes pushed past that then a meltdown would follow, and after a meltdown then hed have a second even worse shutdown. thankfully situations like these are rare
like ive said (and drawn) before his main stims are rocking, hand flapping, echolalia, tensing up and hand wringing, and biting. a few other less obvious/not as common that he has are sparkly/flashy visual stims, he also loves both feeling and seeing anything gorey, he likes petting his birds, certain noises would be very pleasant to him like his doves cooing or coins clinking together and the sounds of the mediguns. hed love the smell of coffee and isopropyl. hed have a few others stims too but theyd be more rare and very situational like hitting himself or toe walking.
hes weird about his gloves and his coat. as in he would put them on for a specific reason but once he gets used to having them on he would absolutely hate taking them off. he has to keep them on for the rest of the day no matter what. and vice versa, if hes not wearing his gloves or coat then he cant just?? randomly put them on?? no no its all or nothing theyre either going on for combat and then staying on for the rest of the day or not at all
hes very excitable and loves to talk and if hes engaged in a conversation or excited about something then his voice will gradually get louder and louder and he'll keep interrupting or talking over people. he wont even notice it until someone points it out to him
you cant take him to the store because hes going to touch everything and then very quickly regret it when hes suddenly overcome with the overwhelming soul crushing need to wash his hands and theres no sink around. its so over :[
bad at left vs right and identifying north, south, east, and west. nothing else to say here, its not that he gets lost easily, he can find his way around just fine its just that hes awful at directions
very strict about his routines and lists. he cannot stand it if he makes plans and they get postponed or canceled. he hates it if he makes a list of things to get and then cant get everything on the list exactly correct. hes actually more than willing to do things on impulse in the moment but only if hes already mentally planned to do that or if it doesnt interfere with something else he has going on
hes very blunt and direct. he says exactly what hes thinking and answers questions very honestly and directly. people often find him to be rude for this but he doesnt get why. speaking of him being seen as rude, he used to get in trouble for always rolling his eyes or talking back to people because for the longest time he didnt realize that trying to stretch your eyes or avoid eye contact or staring could all somehow be considered 'rolling' your eyes. or rude. and talking back... isnt that how a conversation works? hes never been very good at knowing when he is or isnt supposed to reply to statements.
ive said it before but i will say it again. he has little to no empathy. every autistic person is different of course and not all autistics have low empathy, but im tired of low enpathy being seen as a bad trait. im tired of people with low empathy (autistic or otherwise) being seen as evil and uncaring. having low empathy doesnt make you a bad person. he has very low empathy and often struggles to connect with and understand others. he frequently will have the wrong emotion for the situation and may sometimes come off as uncaring when he is not as sad about something as they are, etc etc etc but he is not some horrible evil monster for it and i do not want to see anyone saying that because its just completely incorrect. hope this helps
anyway!!!! theres some autistic medic!!!! i hope you like him as much as i do!!!!
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darl1ngd3ar3st · 1 year
Hey there! Can you do some Cole and Seth crushing headcanons pls? (If you don't want that's okay :])
I don't have the seth bundle so unfortunately I don't know a thing abt him and I don't wanna write your pookie wrong cuz I know how infuriating that can be but I'd be happy to write abt cole!! (I'm mentally ill)
falling for you hcs w some of my fav boyz (cole, reece, and cashew)
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he falls fast and he falls HARD. scraped his knee and everything.
he will do anything for you
like literally anything
your shoes untied? he ties em for you. oh you need a ride to work? say no more. you're hungry? let bro cook.
also he is mentally ill. I think he has bpd but I could be wrong
you are easily his favorite person. he is obsessed with you. he gets jealous and upset when you're not around him for too long because he worries you'll forget about him and the other person will steal you away.
he wants to devote his life to you and you only. nothing else matters. no one else matters (lol yandere sim reference)
anyways he's constantly trying to do things for you
helping you run errands, making sure you're eating and drinking enough water, getting you trinkets and doohickies he thinks you'll like, just overall being your number one supporter and your biggest fan
it's implied he has an actual shrine of the player in his closet somewhere in the game so. if you wanna interpret that as him being so fr go ahead
all in all, you are his everything and there's nothing he wouldn't do to make you happy and to hopefully get you to feel the same.
mrrp meow mrrrp mrrp mrow
I love autism representation that doesn't involve harmful stereotypes
anyways. reece is a hopelessly romantic lovebug I think
he doesn't know how to flirt like at all so he just. meows at you and hopes you meow back
and he gets really excited when you do
he doesn't mean to, but he often shows affection by infodumping about his hyperfixations and special interests and then gets really embarrassed and apologizes a bunch later
please reassure his silly ass
also he forgets to drink water and do basic things for himself so if you remind him he's gonna fall head over heels all over again
also if you're neurodivergent he really loves hearing you talk abt your hyperfixations and special interests!!!!!! he loves it a lot!!!!!!!!
he tries to remember all of the little things but he forgets some stuff
but like if you mention that you think you wanna go to italy on a whim one (1, singular) time he's like "okay so we're going to italy" like a day later
also takes you to the renaissance era cuz it's pretty
and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he confessed to you on the titanic
he unintentionally starts picking up stuff you say or do like if you have a stim where you say "yipee!!" like the autism creature he starts doing that
or like if you walk a certain way he starts walking like that without meaning to
long story short his main flirting tactic is being autistic and meowing at you
anyways so you're friends. you are friends
and one day you're in the library helping him pick out a book and your hand brushes against his while you're walking back to the car
except he brushes it off in his head cuz i mean come on. you're best friends.
and then like a day later he finds out the book you guys picked was an erotica or whatever it's called so he gets an absolutely jumpscare when the guy in the story pulls his dick out
like this was his exact reaction
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anyways in his head he's imagining one of the characters is you. like without even realizing it he's just like "oh yeah they've got h/c hair and e/c eyes and oh wait"
and when he realizes he's thinking of you he starts to panic like "WHAT THE FUCK IM IN LOVE WITH THEM. ok" and he comes to terms with it in like 15 minutes
but he starts doing a bunch more favors for you like carrying your stuff for you and offering you his coat
he is not subtle at all
like its so painfully obvious by the way he looks at you that he's head over heels
he doesn't know how to flirt honestly
it doesn't take long for him to just tell you how he feels
sorry this was so short lmfaoo thank you for the request!!!!! <33
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
thoughts on volume 6 (oh boi we're almost halfway someone hold me pls)
chap 1:
-OH MY GOD ITS HIM I FORGOT ABOUT HIM FOR A MOMENT (not in general, ik he's in 98)
-HOWEVER i love how yeah they are scared af but also get that vash as a person is not bad and they don't leave his side
-are we...supposed to notice how bad the state of the gun is or...?
-nono brandon is right, i would also not give good guns to cops
-vash i fucking swear-
-ok in my 1st read didnt get that, idk why but i was confused about meryl getting worried for some reason. but she has a (sad) point. will one day the ptsd related to violence and guns be enough to make vash not shoot his gun? shes asking an interesting question. shes literally asking how much can vash take imo.
-wait so...was the replacement gun...the one in stampede??? (i will compare them later)
-I didnt notice he took the punisher lmao
chap 2:
-:c wolfwood having nightmares its not even a hc, IT IS CANON
-:c im not even mad at wolfwood calling vash a monster cuz it must be fucking TERRIFYING but it still hurts :c
-you could...but youre not gonna
-"so yeah you cant be there for every problem in the pla- HOLD UP WHERE ARE YOU GOING"
-lmao meryl is like me fr
-this time i got most of the fight but i think we can all agree the mpv was the table
chap 3
-YEY LEGATO IN THE.....metal handbag?
-i remember i was so confused i didnt realize THATS HIS FUCKING TONGUE
-also did double fang kill trail of death?
chap 4:
-OH I LOVE THIS SCENE SM. i also hate walking in a place with a shit ton of people
-YES IT IS BABY, THATS THE SAME CHILD YOU [so so redacted] WOOOOOOOOO (i love this chapter)
-oh...yeah that...oh
-"we cant survive without her power, neither can you" dude...dont...just dont
-ah yes. the hair. yeap. just a cool artistic decision. yeap.
-also i forgot how fucked up the last run was here
-oh he felt it, i saw that in his eye
-oh so he also went apeshit....ohhhhh. ok so if vash went apeshit cuz of a physical fight or flight reaction (I THINK) did knives go apeshit cuz of hate? the physical need to kill people in revenge? nice
-BRO WDYM "why not just end this crusade?" YOU JUST SAW WHY HE WOULD NEVER END IT
-oh that was his last straw. one thing is him being tricked by a human but that lie affecting his brother? the one thing he's trying to protect (yes ik he's not doing the greatest job at it) from humans? yeah no you gotta die
chap 5:
-I HATE THE METAPHOR ALREADY (i love it. i want to yell at nightow my thoughts about it. i will never be normal about it)
-pls no. im begging you. pls dont make me read this again. this is when my sanity starts to break into little raggedy pieces of paper
-i just notices this change happens cuz he got HIS MEMORIES BACK WHAT IF I ENDED IT ALL
-i dont want to read anymore
-its just. so fucking hard. like ik we say hes jesus. but at the same time jesus never felt like that. jesus was born without sin but in vash's eyes he is full of sins and no one can forgive him. bro, honey, god would forgive you anything. you are his favorite im sure. but no matter the arguments for the allegory vash can never be jesus cuz he carries the pain of his "sins" everyday PLUS THE ONES FROM THE HUMANS. idk. im sad and tired. my baby. its ok i forgive you. and im sure rem forgives him. im sure. im sad
-anyway, back to the kinda normal thoughts
-also i think vash thinking he has to forgive himself is kinda flawed. like instead of forgiveness he has to accept what happened and i think those are different things. ofc yeah july was messed up but he never intended to do it. idk
-huh, those speakers look like eyes
-cant even swallow in misery in peace anymore lmao
-:c not the day drinking
-i think thats vash talking but yeah....nothing is easy for my guy. hes kinda right, better than crying ig...
-i prefer spike-isms but i will also take needle noggin-isms thank u
-that man can move in such unnatural ways *hears the uncanny vash people cheer at a distance*
-oof, the ptsd got meryl
-also the question is not whether vash was going to take the bullet or not, the real question is how hard does that question makes me cry
-OOF, i mean i 100% get meryl but OOF
-also YES THATS WHAT I FUCKING MEAN. AND I READ THIS ON [redacted] A FEW WEEKS AGO. THE BALANCE BETWEEN EXTREMES ITS JUST NULL, ITS NOT A COLOR AT ALL. his love and faith in humanity vs the pain they cause him...that balance creates a colorless emotion and IM SAD ABOUT IT.
-i hate that final page. i fucking hate milly protecting meryl from her memories while comforting her while protecting her from the rocks, i hate the people still insult vash even when he was long gone, i hate to see the children who saw the same thing as their parents try to convince them to stop because they know vash would never hurt people on purpose only to be ignored..and more than anything i hate vash apologizing for something he has no control over.
[let it be on the record that i needed a minute to continue with the volume]
chap 6:
-"how could i have known?" youre telling me you spent years studying yourself and other plants and never saw one with black hair? really? (im not saying its a plot hole, im saying he was too distracted being a dick)
-so that was his imagination im assuming
-i love her dialogue with the funny glasses lmao, she really was the only mom ever
-oh..here come the tears
-oh right..they used to be like this
-oh...oh god
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jsdgfsdf · 9 months
Also ok i feell like i should sorta point this out i know sabi is "implied" "to be aromantic" SORTOF tahts what the wikidot wiki says anyway then again going off the wiki blahblah im sorta just cmpletely ignoring canon except for like 2 things atp ANYWAY I know shes "implied to be aromantic" (or on the aro spectrum) in quotes if you look at it that way anyway lol just said "she doesnt understand 'love' so much" which you can take at different face values, Obviously, case in poit being my own hc where yeah i think she can Experience it at least just not like any other average joe would i guess as cool as aro sabi would be (coming from an aro guy (thats me)) i don tthink thats the case. I dnt know how to explain that better it ties into like 5 other hcs/theories i have + my own personal experiences. POINT IS though even if thats there and whatever you can interpret it however you want i still ship flowtp i dont think itd be canon or anything but its nice to think about. At the very least i think sabi& smile would be/would have been/were bffs they both care/cared about eachother at soooome point in their lives also i swear this isnt a case of me making up a guy and debating w them i just wanted to mention this ive been meaning to say somrthing about it for a while
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
tomoritomoritomroitomo- -iris
-My identity hc for them
canonically sapphic! i think that. currently she’s just waiting to see what experiences she has and where life takes her, she doesn’t want to try and come to a decision on how she feels about non-platonic relationships with guys. she’s content with calling herself sapphic, maybe she’ll change her label one day, maybe not <3. 
+canonically a trans girl! i think she kinda switched between using trans fem and saying she’s a trans girl. depends on the day depends on the vibe!!! not really a identity note this is about presentation. but i think sheeee’s… not really happy with her hair length rn and is considering chopping it short, but she wants to grow it out, and knows if she chops it now she’ll have to deal with growing it again. she’d be happy with short hair, but then she’d miss having long hair. tbh i can see her growing her hair out to donate? but yeah. she doesn’t like the growing out stage v much
- Thoughts on their home life/family
hmm. what’s something that doesn’t get covered in ftes… i think she really likes her maternal grandparents and would like to see them more, but she knows spontaneous visits aren’t really something that either her household, or theirs, can really pull off. she’d call more but she feels weird doing that without much reason.
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
!! i like how i write her! i think… any concerns i have are moreso with like. how my writing of her comes across? but that’s another thing where i just have to step back and remind myself that anyone who judges the way the kids are shown now, when we’re only partway through the story, and no one’s ftes are finished, is silly, and that includes me. it’d be silly of me to judge my writing when i haven’t even been able to show all the parts of the kids characterization!
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
tomoris my perfect wish fulfillment girl i suppose? i dunno i guess everything i want to say about her gets said…. uhhh? yk everything i’m thinking of is like. smthn that gets mentioned at some point. hm. 
- My number one favorite ship for them
i like her and maki, iii. honestly just like them a lot as friends? and im a huge fan of friends to lovers so. yeah!!! :]. this doesn’t always come across in canon tho ik. not that they ever come across as like. enemies but maki is vv closed off in the game, so. yea. non despair tho, they get along well!
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
she has a lot of hands! i like her and kurokawa a lot tho <3. i don’t think tomoris a huge fan of spooky stuff but tbh i think kurokawas videos and the like would be very comforting? and i think kurokawa is a lil >////< @ tomori. goes from thinking tomoris pretty -> really liking her personality and how she interacts with people (while thinking tomori is pretty). 
- The thing i will NEVER ship
…? i can’t think of anything anyone would ship which i’d be against? ???
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
id like to chat more about her and iranami! specifically in non despair. i think she’d like to try and tug iranami into helping her with cheer practice so iranami can kinda. recontextualize her flexibility/tumbling skills.
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
i don’t want to talk about it. (<- i need to redesign her. so bad. but i keep redesigning her…)…… go away now please i need to cry.
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
OKAY SHE HAS A PLAYLIST. ITS OUTDATED BUT IT EXISTS- oh. mekaru had one too. uh. anyways.
all the songs are more so ones that i think she’d vibe too? hmmm. yk fuck it. have a screenshot of her playlist pls keep in mind most of these r from like… 2020. songs i think she’d vibe to!
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
please tell me this one is gonna send 🥹
HI VIC!! i’m here to join your Valentines + 2 years + 700 followers event :D (albeit a little late,,, i’m gonna throe a brick through tumblr’s hq windows /j)
i’m Poe, they/she pronouns!! personality-wise, i’m kinda awkward when i first meet people, but i typically warm up after i gauge their personality and spend like two weeks around them. i generally prefer interactions with lighthearted atmospheres. i’m big on physical touch, quality time, and gift giving, but i absolutely hate receiving gifts. roughly 60% of my personality is music, whether that’s listening or playing it. i’m also very food motivated. you could probably bribe me into marriage with food tbh
about my hobbies!! i love playing saxophone, marching, painting, sketching, listening to music, watching video essays on youtube, and writing from time to time! i tend to write poetry, but i do occasionally write more. my hobbies are probably my least interesting feature ngl :O
some date ideas i really like: aquarium/zoo date, concert (orchestra or ensemble) date, and hiking/geocaching date.
aaaand i’d like a matchup from demon slayer!!
love you sm vic /p and again congrats on 700 and two years!!
kjbgkjhbjk thank u for ur patience with this im so sorry
anyway. love ya hope you enjoy
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your valentine's date is... KYOJURO RENGOKU
Honestly i think he really enjoys music too
I believe in rengoku & hearing loss hcs (unsure if its canon or not??) but even if he struggles to hear all of it, if its loud enough he likes the vibrations 
And he knows you enjoy it so he loves it
Anything for you
He knows how to be classy too
So he says to dress nice and he’s picking you up at 6
You guys head to a nicer restaurant for dinner and spend quite a while talking and chatting and then you head to the show (that is a surprise)
So walking into the concert hall is a shock and its so pretty with the golds and warm browns of the stage its just. Mmmph i love theaters and older buildings like this theyre so pretty
The orchestra takes the stage and begins to play, and you sit entranced for the hour or so they do
And he does the same, but he’s entranced by you
You’ve got stars in your eyes and honestly he adores it
The rest of the night afterward is full of you listening to tall that music on the trip home and him smiling listening to you talk about how much you enjoyed the night
He’s not doing a lot of talking but he’s just looking at you so, so in love 
Little blurb afterward because i said so. Also because domestic kyojuro rights 
“Thank you again for taking me out tonight, Kyo.”
“Of course, my dear! Did you enjoy yourself?”
“I think the last twenty minutes of me talking about it says something about the fact that I did.”
The two of you are getting around to go to bed, him finishing brushing his teeth and you sitting on the counter waiting for him. He smiles at you softly, and you notice a bit of toothpaste on the corner of his mouth. 
“Hold still,” you say, reaching forward to wipe it off. He does as you ask, smiling softly at you when you wipe it off on the hand towel. “All better.”
“Thank you, my love,” he says, tone a bit softer than usual. “You know I love you, don’t you?”
“Of course. I love you, too.”
He hums in response, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, then the tip of your nose, then finally your lips. His hands find yours while you sit on the counter, and he squeezes them gently. “Let’s go to bed,” he mutters, leaving a final peck on your lips. 
As he walks away, you realize (as if you hadn’t before) just how really lovely he is. 
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Creepypasta au ramblings
Including some ideas, headcannons, potential plot stuff, ect ect
Gotta get the brain juices flowing and written down somewhere
Okay so. Admittedly, I haven't really been working on the au that much, due to my hyper fixiation on the owl house taking up my brain. And that'll likely still be the case with the upcoming finale so.. yeah!
Anyways, with what I have now;
I already know this is going to be a written collection of various connected stories; as opposed to a comic <\3
If my experience with making comics in the past says anything to me, is that it'll crash and burn before any of the juicy stuff happens.. and I'll get burnt out incredibly fast
Only downside to sticking to a written format is that a lot of these characters have redesighs <\3
Not big ones, most carry their basic look that just about everyone knows
Save for Kagekao and Laughing Jill
Good news is, Kagekao, as of now, doesn't have a role.. yet.. maybe.. again, I'm still figuring out the overarching story
Bad news: Laughing Jill is actually a huge roll in one of the side plots (more on that later). She still holds the same basic design elements as her canon design has: black and white clown gal
Only difference between the real design and my take is that Laughing Jill is a funky ragdoll; and she's small because.. yk, she's a doll. Can literally fit inside a decent sized backpack (again, will elaborate on this later)
Though of course I suppose I could just
Describe her as small
(I'm dumb and writing this as I think)
Moving on
I also want to do different plots and side things that all either connect to larger story, or show different perspectives and such; maybe each chapter switching from one characters POV to another
And I already have a long term plot! For... two specific characters
I want there to be a side thing where Jane is trying to hunt down Jeff and put an end to him for
You know
Offing her parents
Along the way she stumbles into Jill, and the two team up to find the dude; along with Jane trying to balance her goal and everyday life. Because unlike most of the other characters, she lives a very normal life otherwise... when you don't look at her past. She has a job, she lives in her own apartment, she's gotten her education. Other than gunning for Jeff, she has no interest in taking the lives for others. So with Janes chapters it'll likely follow both settings/sides of her life
Speaking of settings
I don't know where exactly it would take place; country/town wise.. it may be spread out across different areas since itd be odd if all these creatures and stuff were living in the same place; gotta dispurse them or people will just. Leave the area
But as for like
Actual places that the characters will be interacting in will be anywhere from towns, woods, eft ect
And yes
Because this is a mix of fanon and canon
The slender mansion will be in this au
Although probably not in the way most people interpret it; it won't really be a safe house for every creepypasta character buuuuut im still working on the way i should execute it
Probably make it a hotel of sorts; for most characters its not a permanent home. Be it they dont wish to stay, or they arent welcome there
Moving on, Im gonna write masky/tim and hoodie/brian the same way i do in my silly imagines and hc posts; treat the proxy as a separate personality from the person. Each having their own set of morals, behaviors, and memories; not too dissimilar to how MH shows them off IIRC
Though these versions of them are a mix of MH and CRP since I enjoy both renditions, as a fan of both materials. Plus I feel like if this did become something, a few of yall would be upset if i didnt have them... plus theyre fun to write
Speaking of characters that 100% wont be in the au, for various reasons, are:
Ticci Toby: because I just don't really jive with him like i used to, and the character has more or less been ruined for me by others.... though theres a chance he MAY appear, its just HIGHLY unlikely
Clockwork: she just makes me uncomfortable
Off*nderman: do i really need to elaborate on why I'm not adding him?
Really those are the main 3 I have beef with, but
Yeah idk what else to type but
Hopefully I'll have more ideas cooked up soon
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cobrrastyle · 2 years
It's not a request, I just came to tell you that I love your headcanons! <33 It's great to see something about Billy again after so long.
Honestly, if I have to say anything, it's that Dtmg was a series that had the potential for a good plot! The writers had the opportunity to give us a mystery and clues about the world of ghosts and what could have happened to Billy, but they only gave us chapters with absurd plots that only entertain thanks to Billy's charming and narcissistic personality. I know this series has been canceled for years now... but it still leaves me unsatisfied, I need answers but I only end up getting more unresolved questions :/
Anyway, it was just a simple opinion that I wanted to express since I agree with you on many things about this show (The amount of theories and headcanons I have about Billy and his family is starting to worry me...)
Pd: Sorry for the bad English I still have a lot to learn x((
EEEEEEEEEE i just happy stimmed, thank you so much!! it makes me very happy to hear that someone enjoys reading my stuff! tbh i was very surprised to see that there was rarely any billy content (or any other dtmg content for that matter) being made within the fandom—save for a few accounts out there 😭 i rly hope fans can start talking abt dtmg again!!
and omgggg yes!! dtmg had such a good premise and yet the writers did absolutely nothing with it! and i just—?? how could they let this happen!? there's so much to discuss and explore surrounding the very core of the show and its baffling how much of it they just swept under the rug! ive got so many questions about billy's past, spencer's life before moving in to the mansion with his fam, what it truly means to 'die' in the world of dtmg, the dealio with madame x—and we can only assume! i love dtmg, but it's frustrating to see something with so much potential just burn to the ground, i. am. CRUSHED.
AHHHH LMAO I CACKLED, SAME HERE!! ive got a ton load of thoughts, theories and hcs for the show too 😭😭 i even thought abt altering canon (CRYING. IM WAY TOO IN DEEP). i'll be sure to make future posts abt em! i'll go insane if i don't 💀 and oh!! id really love to hear more about your theories and hcs! pls, if you're comfortable, feel free to message me or continue sending em in forms of asks! i really gotta thank you for sharing your thoughts, this was amazing!!
note: you don't gotta apologize for a language barrier here. you're trying your best and as far as i can tell, your english is far better than most who have it as their first language, you're doing great! ♡
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Hobie Brown/Spiderpunk self ship asks
I tried to make some self ship hcs n answer some ask game stuff.
Hobie is a new f/o so bear with me. I'm still working on things in the writing. And i haven't done any spiderman stuff in a while. I only know so much of him particularly. But from what i could gather and what mutuals told me. I think i got him down decently. Also he reminds me hella of my irl s/o. So theres that too.
I also just don't want people to come at me or be toxic or unnecessarily mean. I already dealt with that before with marvel fans. I dont wanna go thru that again.
But i still wanna enjoy the characters. So I'm trying to just stay in my lane,enjoy the character and write what i wanna write. Idgaf if its not "canon" . And i haven't seen the movie yet(look i will just bear with me ok? I haven't been able to)
Some things are tba because i haven't come up with something as of yet.
New self ship tag is
❤🇬🇧🌹Webs n roses🌹🇬🇧💙
(Cuz i couldn't think of anything else,and it sounded good enough)
Anyways i hope you like these.
Cw:may have hints at smut or nsfw content. Fluff. Hella fluff.
• Star- Does your F/O do anything to calm you when you're upset?: hobie will try to talk it out. Straight up. He doesn't bullshit with that. If you're not feeling good he'll be there to comfort and or help me out. Whatever is needed at the time. He knows hugs and talking it through with me and giving me a space to let go is what is best. But if i need to scream and let it out,he blasts some of his fave "let that shit go" music.
• Planet- What about your F/O drew you to them? Was it their personality? Their looks? Their story? Something else?: ok look hobie is down my alley. He's my jam to my butter. Everything down to a T. Speaking of which. He reminds me so damn hard of my irl bae. But just British flavored. Fr. 💖💕
• Galaxy- What do you and your F/O do when one of you is homesick?: he'll try to make something homemade that reminds me of home. And I'll try to make him an art piece that helps remind him. 💖
• Black Hole- Have you ever had a strange dream about your F/O? : he's a very very recently acquired f/o so not yet.
• White Dwarf- Do you and your F/O have any plans for the future, big or small?: currently just living bro. Living life. What happens,happens.
• Moon- What's something your F/O does that never fails to make you happy?: makes me playlists. 🥺💕
• Solar Wind- Does your F/O have any skills they like to show off?: besides the sick ass guitar skils? Nothing special. Maybe his patchwork and suit work mostly.
• Neutron Star- Describe something silly you've done with your F/O: taking funny pics. Making memes. Drawing funny doodles of each other. Him Sending random pics saying "dis you luv? >:p <3)
• Quasar- Open ended! Gush as much as you want about your F/O, anything you want to talk about is fair game: ok ok ok ok. Look. I'm just now getting back into spiderman. I only know a very lottle a out hobie brown spiderpunk. I only know from what my sibling has told me. And only know thru osmosis from friends. So please. Please. Please don't come for me. Dont be an asshole. I've already gotten harrassment from marvel fans before i DO NOT WANT THAT EVER AGAIN plz. And i already seen some bigots and oof people in the tags so im trying to avoid that like the plague. I just wanna love on hobie in peace. Thank you.
1.Sommelier: If you were to describe your f/o in terms of flavors, what flavors would you assign them and why? (Ex.: citrusy, savory, minty, etc.): like a nice homemade,homely type thing. Like a homemade soft baked bread. Dark molasses bread. With natural butter. And strawberry and BlackBerry jam. Either that or a home made hazelnut chocolate chip cookie. Sweet but not overly. Like a bitter dark chocolate or a very very tart fruity flavor. Or a thick chili sauce that has kick to it. Either way bold,smooth,slightly sweet and always always homemade with love or small business owned.
2. Appellation: If possible, look up and tell us the meaning of your f/o's name + tell us if you feel it reflects your f/o in any way (those of you with OC f/os, It's your time to shine ;)): that im not sure. I have to again fresh up on my spider lore.
3. Izod: How tough is your f/o? Have they ever reached their breaking point and if so, what happened and how did they pick themselves back up afterwards + how did you help them through this time?: again i have to fresh up on my spider lore.
4. Teeter-totter: How playful is your f/o? How do they like to have fun? What makes them laugh and let loose? What's their favorite card/board/video game?: hobie is very playful. Cheeky little shit. He loves to game,but he loves retro games. Listen to music. Have a few drinks and maybe if he feels like it. Smoke a bit.
5. Panache: How confident is your f/o? What makes them feel confident- an outfit? A cologne/perfume? How do you like to make them feel confident and how do they like to boost your confidence?: he was born cool. Srry. Like hobie built up confidence. And he hates seeing me hard on myself. So he tries his best to help me build that up. Sometimes he'll say "just do it luv. Nobody does you like you. And what's sexier and more fucking radical than being yourself?" 💕 either that or he'll say "stop bein hard on yaself. Or do i have to get out that sunshine meself?" Then proceeds to tickle or tease me because he's like that. The cute bastard.
6. Luxe: What is your f/o's idea of luxury? If they had enough money, what would they spend it on?: "luxurious is fer the suits *belch*" honestly if he did. He'd give it all back to the community or help out at a shelter or something equivalent. Hardly would ever keep it for himself. Either that or put it to grassroot organizations to help spread awareness and help people.
7. Resonance: Describe your f/o's voice; if you don't have an audio reference, tell me what your f/o's voice sounds like to you. Feel free to break out the similies and metaphors!: from what i Heard a cockney accent and is heavy British. And unapologetically black. And im fucking here for it.
8. Bauble: Does your f/o like to collect anything? If not, do they own something that brings them immense joy and satisfaction- if so, tell us about it!: guitar picks. Bottle caps. Sometimes if he doesn't use them or they get too worn or break for some reason. He'll repurpose them into jewelry,art,or decorations.
9. Doughty: Tell us about a moment your f/o showed extreme bravery and determination in the face of something dangerous or just really challenging. What motivated them to be brave? How does your f/o encourage you to be brave?: again lore problem. But as for helping me sometimes he'll take me on patrol if he knows it's gonna be a chill night. But ONLY if it's a chill night. Not to say he won't let me help him on missons or anything. He can and would. But he wouldn't ever pressure me either. If i really feel like it. He will gear me up Properly.
10. Vociferous: What are some things your f/o is passionate about? Why are they passionate about these things? Do you share their passions? How likely are they to get into a debate over their passions?: ANTI ESTABLISHMENT. But fr tho. He's punk. Spiderpunk. He's acab. He's against corruption,fucked up authority/if any at all. But most of all. Music and self Expression. Of all kinds. Art. Music. Books. History. Real history. You name it.
1.Pop — What's the sweetest or nicest thing your f/o has done for you?: made me a dress. A whole dress. Made up of various materials. And maybe a stolen(ish) dress(it was gonna be throw away because it had one tiny tear in it) from some basic ass high priced store. Sewed it up. Added patchwork,studs,etc. And a matching leather jacket and denim purse. With pockets too. All made with love. But most of all he did it just because. Not wanting anything out of it. Tho....he did get a thank you kiss from me. 💋🥰
2. Rock — What's something you and your f/o are proud of each other for?: the fact despite the bullshit. We stand strong. And the fact i get along with other spooderpeeps.
3. Folk — What's something funny your f/o has done or said, or a moment that has made you laugh?: honestly it would probably be the most cheeky,corney thing but he'd make it sound so smooth. His sarcasm is legendary.
4. Punk — How do you and your f/o enjoy spending time together?: chillin,sometimes snuggle while listening to music. Sometimes with clothes,not all the time. But sometimes all you need is a big ol t shirt,some good ass pizza,a blunt,your honey,and a funny movie.
5. Jazz — What are some sweet or nice nicknames you and your f/o have for one another?: for me hobie calls me "sugarplum,honey,honeydew,luv,doe,doll(only when he's mad at me),peach,babe,baby,kittycat,kitten,catscratch,queen bitch(affectionate),ms.belle(when he's being sassy),kristabelle(when he's being super sweet),rosie(in songs mostly),lovey dovey(only if he's being seriously romantic),and beautiful" as for me i mostly call him "hobie(i like his name),hobs,spoodz,punki,bb,baby,honey,bae" that's pretty straightforward.
6. Indie — What makes you and your f/os bond so special/what is your favorite part of the bond you two share?: honestly our love of being free spirits and loving life no matter what. Also dreaming and trying to make the world a better place to live the best way we can with what we can to the best of our ability. Our love and passion for music and art. History and knowledge.
7. Rap — What do you and your f/o do together that makes y'all happy/excited?: honestly i do love the nights he can take me out swinging with him. It helped me get over my fear of heights.
8. Metal — Is your f/o more of the soft and sweet type, or goofy and outspoken type?: outspoken,unapologetic,sweet,rebellious,creatively driven,genuine and honest to a fault.
9. Musicals — What colors/sounds/scents remind you and your f/o of one another?: dark blue,deep red,dark purples,silver n gold and blacks,sounds of metal clinging,guitars and amp sounds,the smell of leather,canna,sandalwood and patchouli. And the sound of a motorcycle engine. The feel of patchwork and stitches.
10. Gaming tracks — What is a core memory or a memory you will never forget with your f/o?: our 2nd date. Sure first date was nice. But the 2nd date. Thats where it hit. Dancing and jamming out in an abandoned warehouse. I think it was near a dock? There was a recently thrown out mattress he found. We laid there for hours taking in the moment. Enjoying each others company. Like nothing else mattered. For a small short moment. He didn't have to worry. And neither did i. Those moments are brief,but worth it every time we can get it. There may or may not have been a make out sesh as well with the jamming sesh. But you know.
1.Vanilla- What's something you do with your f/o that makes you feel at peace?: honestly just vibing. We dont have to do much. Hell we can just do nothing. And yet i would love every moment.
2. Chocolate- How long have you known your f/o?: (new blorbo,new f/o. So I'm working on a backstory still)
3. Strawberry- What's a memory you two share that makes you smile no matter what?: honestly any and every moment. But those two above the dress n the 2nd date is the best. Oh and him moving into my loft flat/apartment.
4. Mint Chip- What's something that you disagree with your f/o on?: not much. Again hobie reminds me a bit of my IRL signficant other. My irl fiance. (My bby trey 🥺) so i kinda know the deal somewhat. Anything we disagree on may be a method we do things but we never hold that against each other nor stop each other. Im not his keeper. I'd feel the same probably with hobie too. So he's his own man,he can make his own decisions. As long as he's safe and touches base if he can. Im good. Reassurance is what i need. Hobie's got plenty
5. Cookie Dough- What's yours and your f/os' love languages?: honestly i feel like words of affirmation and physical touch is hobies. Gift giving only if its meaningful,useful,or from the heart or homemade. Quality time is something precious to either of us so we take what we can get. Acts of service are kinda automatic for both of us so it's a given. Im hella about acts of service and parallel play n vibing together.
6. Moose Tracks- What does a typical night in look like for you two?: well after a night patrol,he'll come into the loft. Usually thru the ceiling window or thru the side door 2nd exit near the pantry in the kitchen. But rarely he'll use the front door. If he does....some bad or really really good news is probably gonna be put down. He'll climb into bed and snuggle next to me. Sometimes he'll take off his spiderduds but sometimes not. Sometimes he'll straight up crash. Day patrols are done in shifts. And not always guaranteed to stay during any lunch dates we have. But thats the part of being a spiderpunks ol lady i guess. Lol. But the special nights,days,or moments. We'll take a whole day to ourselves. And if any other spidermen are in the area. He'll give them a heads up first. To take this one.
7. Cherry- Who does the cooking and who does the cleaning?: we both do. Aint no gender roles. Only cinnamon rolls.
8. Salted Caramel- How long did it take for you to realize you liked your f/o? Or vice versa, how long did it take them to say something if they spoke up first?: honestly i think we might hit it off good. Tho again i hc we didn't really really hit it off till the 2nd date. And by the 3rd date....well....yeah. it was obvious and official.
• Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?: fucking hobie and his stupid cute face. *blush angy*  hobie: "awww what's the matt 'er belle? Did 'chu miss me that much?" *kiss kiss*  (nah but i feel he would be easy to tease me its not that hard to rile me up playfully)
• Who sings in the shower?:  honestly we both do be he blasts music in the shower. Sometimes we'll both sing.
• What would their song to each other be?: oooo thats a tough one. I might have to get back to you on that. I need to look at my music.
• Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names?: hobie. I do too but this man isn't phased....on the outside. Inside he's screaming and melting. Outside he's just smiling and egging me on and being a cutie nuisance and i love him sm for it.
• Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?: neither, we encourage the fuck outta each other.
• What small quirks do they love about each other?: honestly he loves me as i am. All my quirks and my curves. The fact i gets spooked easy,my nose scrunches and even my cute pouty lip. The fact i stim with my hands,my hair,my squees when im excited. The fact my voice can go from growly deep bass to super light and cutesy. And my sass. Oh my sass.
• Who makes the other laugh more?: both of us.
• Who gets jealous easier?: neither. But if we do have those feels we talk about it. And are honest and sit with it. ONLY HEALTHY COMMUNICATION IN THIS HOUSE! It comes n it goes and we don't think nothing of it. We treat it healthy and let it be and not dwell on unnecessary shit.
• How did they know they were right for each other?: all i said was sevendust should have been more loved then they got and kurt Cobain was killed and was covered up and how the industry is a cold bitch. Also i was casually talking to miles about metal history of my fave bands and hobie came in and had eye wide and i swear you could hear his heart beat out his chest. Hobie chill its ok. 💀
• Who brings up the subject of kids first?: ok look we aint worried rn. But i did have that talk with him. But we don't want any rn. Mostly because you seen this economy?! Bro. I cant afford a mini me or a mini him. I can't do that irl. What makes you think fictional would be any better even in the most ideal. But maybe some day. But we aint broken up if we dont or cant.
• Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable?: hobie: "dats you baby 😏💖"  me: "😒😤....🥺💕"
• Who's more protective?: both of us are but he's probably more so. Just a bit. Not smotheringly but just more aggressively. But in a respectful way?
• How do they express their feelings (Words, visual art, a song, etc.)?: music,art,etc.
• Where would they go on a 3am adventure?: to the nearest open food joint. But to get a bite,go to a rooftop. And sit me on his lap while he feeds me and talks about his day.
• Who has a hobby only the other knows about?: he knows about my plushie collection. He gets a bit annoyed sometimes but it makes me happy so he started making plushies for me and he surprises me with one every birthday.
• How do they hype each other up?: he screams "YOU GOT THIS BAAAABY! GO FUCKIN WRECK EM!" or something equivalent. But most of all he'll genuinely,and honestly gas me up. But expression in song and art is his fave way.
• Who picks flowers for the other?: we both do. Sometimes I'll make flower crowns. Hobie will wear them to rallies.
• Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt?: hobie would but it would point to other spoodermen. Never his girl. I'd wear a goth clown shirt,band t, or a horror movie shirt more likely. Or some retro cartoon.
• Who's the better dancer?: i dunno. Maybe him but we thrash. Not dance.
• Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes?: we both do. And it gets INTENSE
[ALARM JELLYFISH] ~ Has a time come when you and your F/O had to work with your enemies? If so, how did that go?: im not sure. We haven't encountered a situation with any roster as of yet personally. But as for life problems? Yeah. Ther eis no ethical consumption under capitalism. 😔. But as for a supervillain or some shit? Not yet. Hopefully we don't,but if we have to. I guess.
[BLOODYBELLY COMB JELLYFISH] ~ Are there any outfits of your F/O’s that you find… particularly strange?: not really. I think they are all cool.
[CRYSTAL JELLYFISH] ~ How does your F/O act in public? And in contrast, how do they act when they’re in private with you?: ok hobie doesn't hide shit from nobody. What ya see is what you get. Well....for the most part. The spooder identity kinda stays hidden but for good reason. But as for how he acts with me? Not really much difference. Outside of normal hero biz. He's same ol hobie 💖 tho he masks(i hc all spooders are neurodivernt. You can not convince me otherwise!)
[FRIED EGG JELLYFISH] ~ How does it go when you and your F/O try to cook together?: comforting af. I hc he cooks decent. He aint no five star chef or Gordon Ramsay. But he can cook a home meal. I know it sounds cliche but he does like fish n chips. But he makes it extra special for me as i like it extra crispy. I like to make breakfast for him. He does drink both coffee and tea but he likes black tea for mornings and oolong for nighttime to chill n vibe. Baking is a chaotic mess but worth it.
[GIANT PHANTOM JELLYFISH] ~ Do you and your F/O often flaunt your relationship, or do you tend to keep it hidden?: 50/50. People who know are close. People who aren't dont need to know. Simple.
[IMMORTAL JELLYFISH] ~ Do any deaths occur in your self-ship lore? Did you or your F/O have to save each other from death? Or is your lore free from risk?: again base lore not known yet. Gimme time. As for our relationship personally? Yeah plenty of times but that comes with the spooder. It's a feature.
[LION’S MANE JELLYFISH] ~ What is the height difference between you and your F/O?: he's canonly 6'3" . Im around 5'6ish. So yeah. HE TOL BEAN!
[MOON JELLYFISH] ~ If you had to compare your F/O to any sort of cosmic entity (planets, meteors/comets, stars, black holes, etc), what would you pick and why?: black hole sun,wont you come? Aaaannnd waash away the raaain. Oops sorry. I got carried away. Maybe a vlack hole,stars,and a distant nebula. Deep space.
[PINK COMB JELLYFISH] ~ How clingy would you say your F/O is?: not clingy. He's the right amount of cuddlebug and chill. He's extra cuddly tho when he has his down moments. But it's not always the most easy thing to deal with a sad hobie. Because he legit goes limp. You try picking up that tol bean of a spiderman to the bed or couch. Look i feel hobie gets hella numb,quiet and limp when sad,depresso,or just absolutely feels like shit. Like if he's feeling good,happy,or excited and pumped. He's hella expressive,smooth,open,and stims. Hands flapping,feet tapping,hugs hugs and more hugs,plays with his chain on his suit. Etc
[PINK MEANIE JELLYFISH] ~ Tell us all about why your F/O loves you! All about why you’re their special person!: hobie you should take this. Hobie: "kay luv. Ok the reason why i love er,is simple. I just do. I love her as she is mate. She's beautiful,clever,creative and a ball o' sunshine. She's got a lot of love in her heart and anyone who dares make little hen here cry. They'll answer to me." *cracks knuckles* . Thnx hobie. You're so sweet. ^-^ :3 <3. "Of course baby" *smooch*
[SEA WASP JELLYFISH] ~ If you’ve ever had moments where you felt invisible/insignificant, how has your F/O helped through them? How do you help your F/O through those moments?: yeah. He does help. But i feel everyone yells and is affectionately aggresive or uber supportive. Especially peter. Like good friend. Good man. Miles too.
[UPSIDE-DOWN JELLYFISH] ~ What’s your F/O’s favorite way to relax with you?: see above.
Adventurecore ~ If you could take your F/O anywhere in real life, where would you take them?: honestly a fucking metal concert. Because i honestly wanna go again. Fr. I haven't been to one in a long time now. I sad.
Barbiecore ~ Show us your favorite outfit that your F/O has worn!: tba
Bastardcore ~ Are there any “flaws” of your F/O that you find endearing?: honestly he's fucking flawless to me. But honestly im not sure of yet. Again new f/o.
Cabincore~ You and your F/O are enjoying a weekend in nature. How do you spend it?: picnic. Walking. Finding cool ass rocks to make stuff out of it.
Dazecore ~ What would you say is your F/O’s biggest passion (outside of you, of course )?: music and art. Making his own style n clothes. Standing up for whats right,the cause man. 100%
Expressionism ~ Describe to us exactly how your F/O makes you feel! Or, for a twist, describe how you make your F/O feel! Or do both!: i can't contain it in coherent words so keyboard smash. Afsjkflgllhlrofjgkhllhlhllslldlglgnsbbakslal. So yeah.
Femme Fatale ~ What, in your opinion, is your F/O’s greatest achievement?: again not sure yet. Lore,not found. Error.
Film Noir ~ Are there any questions about your F/O that you’d like to see their source answer?: tba
Groundcore ~ What would your F/O do if you became a worm?: put me in a garden and tend to the garden. Because he care. Call me wormybelle.
Hipness Purgatory ~ If your F/O drew you, how would it turn out?: i like to think abstract and epic. I love it. Look im an artist thru n thru. I love all forms (cept when its used for corporate greed n that bullshit. Because yeah)
Internet Academia ~ How did you discover your F/O or their source?: i was always a spiderman fan. (Namely venom and spidermans villain roster) but the more people talked about hobie. Im like omfg he's exactly my type.
Joyride ~ How would a road trip with your F/O, friends/associates, and you go?: chaotic,epic,fun af.
Kidcore ~ Tell us about the earliest memory you can remember with your F/O!: tba
Lo-Fi ~ Let’s say your F/O is up late working on something. How do you support them, or how do you get them to go to bed?: i have to drag him. I swear he does that on purpose.
Nintencore ~ Create a Pokémon team for your F/O!: i can't be bothered to remember all the pokemon names. So plz dont attack me :'3
Petcore ~ What animal reminds you of your F/O?: besides a spider. Maybe a cat or a snake. Like a ball python.
Red Academia ~ What’s your favorite fun-fact about your F/O?: tba
Sleepycore ~ What is it like going to bed with your F/O? How do they sleep?: comforting af. He'll wrap himself close around me. He's tol so he'll be engulfing me. He likes to have white noise to sleep. A fan or something equivalent. And honestly same.
• Queen - ‘39: If you could tell your F/O any one thing, across the barriers of reality and fiction, what would you tell them? Would it be advice, reassurance, or something else?: i love you,stay safe,and fucking acab. Im a simple woman.
• Oingo Boingo - Out of Control: If your F/O could tell you any one thing, what do you think they would want you to know?: that he's doing good. And i mean that in all the areas. Mental,physical,spiritual,emotional. All that. Other than that he tells me what he needs to tell me when he needs to.
• Talking Heads - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody): What, in your opinion, is the most important or poignant thing you have learned from your F/O?: be yourself, everyone else is taken.
• Prince - Baby I’m a Star: What has your F/O’s effect on you in real life been? Have they changed you in any way, influenced your actions, behaviors, beliefs, or interests?: honestly since its a new f/o im not sure. But I've been shaped by similar characters and especially metal,punk,rock,and that kind of music because i breathed and ate that growing up. It still is in my veins n never let go of its raging claws and biting force. You either get it or you dont.
• Billy Joel - The Longest Time: What effect do you imagine you would have on your F/O? Do you think that you would influence how they think of things, their interests, or how they react to things? Do you think they would try different things because of you?: perhaps. But overall we can be comfortable with each other and around each other. Trust is hella important and very tight with us. I trust him with my life and he does the same. We both defend each other in public AND private.
• Whitesnake - Here I Go Again: Is there any particular activity or hobby you do in real life that always makes you think of your F/O, or that you like to imagine doing with them? Is this something you did before you met them, or is it something you picked up because of them?: again tba. But know.
• Daryl Hall & John Oates - Out of Touch: What conceptual or intangible things do you associate with your F/O? (eg., colors, music, scents, times, etc): see above
• Elton John - I’m Still Standing: What’s a song you enjoy (one that you didn’t pick up from them, if applicable) that you think your F/O would also like?: honestly my whole ass metal playlists i have he would be down. Hell i have some hidden playlists because i am a chaotic disorganized mess of a rat. (Adhd unfortunately) i come across random songs n artists in my recommendations on YouTube and the like. And if i like it I'll save it (maybe forget later but ya know)
• David Bowie - Let’s Dance: Are there any songs you’ve picked up from your F/O or their media, or because they remind you of them?: tba
• Prince - Take Me With You: What’s your ideal hangout with them? Is it something low-key, like hanging out at home and watching a movie, or is it more ambitious, like a road trip to a certain place?: many places. Besides at home. The rooftop of the pubs,pizza place,a warehouse near a dock,on top of ol big ben,and our loft apartment/flat rooftop mostly. Sometimes a café that's nearby.
• The Cars - Just What I Needed - Is there something tangible that you own that makes you think of your F/O, like clothing, or a tool? Did you buy it because of them, or come to associate it with them? Why does it make you think of them?: tba
• The Cure - Lullaby: What do you think your F/O is afraid of? How would you help them deal with that?: im not sure. I dunno what canonly he is scared of. So im not sure. tba?
I Forgot That You Existed: How does your f/o handle being wronged? Do they hold grudges or are they the type who lets everything roll off their back?: it depends on who and what they did. Most of the time he's got tact and is smart about it. But sometimes people need a punch in the mouth. So im not responsible for that.
Cruel Summer: Was there anything that stopped you from shipping with your f/o at first or was it love at first sight? Are things more complicated than they appear?: nobody's gonna stop me. No damn fans are gonna make me from loving this beautiful spooder of a man. Idgaf. Like a part of me does get worried but mostly ar racist ass bigots but then again their "opinions" dont matter.
Lover: What is your favorite part of the life you’ve built with your f/o?: i guess the fact we have a place of refuge in this complicated world of multiverse bullshit.
The Man: What strengthens your f/o in your opinion? What do they believe strengthens you?: freedom to just be. And hobie believes that hope and love like genuine, unconditional and with nothing to hide or control. That type of love. That pure love in the rawest form. Love just because and because it pisses people off. He finds that very attractive and a very good trait to have.
The Archer: Has you f/o had a positive or negative relationship with love in the past and how has that affected their relationship with you?:im not sure. I dont think so again lore not known.
I Think He Knows: List all of the things about your f/o that make you fall in love with them a little more each time!: again new f/o but omfg this man. This spiderman is a cutie.
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince: If you and your f/o ran away together, where would you go?: i dunno. Wherever we are is home.
Paper Rings: Would you and your f/o ever consider getting married?: yes. Most definitely. But it is what it is rn.
Cornelia Street: Do you and your f/o live together? If so, what is your domestic life like? If not, what would it be like if you moved in together?: in my hc. Yes. We share an a loft apartment/flat.
Death By A Thousand Cuts: How do you and your f/o handle bad times/how are you there for each other when life gets rough?: we have healthy communication. And sometimes we do need time to cool off. But we tell each other with honesty. Sometimes it gets rough. Sometimes it gets heated. But it NEVER stays that way. But we are honest are true about ourselves to each other and are very transparent. And we can ve vulnerable around each other.
London Boy: Do you and your f/o travel? if you both could live somewhere besides where you’re from, where would you like to live?: sometimes we do. But it's rare. Hobie has responsibilities. Irregardless of his rebellious nature.
Soon You’ll Get Better: How do you and your f/o take care of each other when one of you is sick?: soup,medicine,rest,good vibing music and lots of funny videos and shows. He doesn't care if he gets sick he hates seeing me not feelin myself.
False God: Do you think of you and your f/o as soulmates? Why or why not?: im not sure. I wanna say yes. But again life is a weird mess. All i know is he's perfect enough for me.
You Need To Calm Down: Do you have any lgbt+ headcanons for your f/o?: not sure yet. But he's a fucking ally at least you twatwaffles!! He's spiderpunk ffs. Perhaps enby of some sort? Not sure i dont really do those hcs out of personal principles to leave it open to interpretation n  respect.
Afterglow: Do you and your f/o fight often? How do you and your f/o apologize to each other? Who apologizes first?: not often. But it does happen it aint all candies n roses. But we talk it out,aak how do we do better next time. And if its really emotional,and we really need a release. We fuck. Plain n simple. I aint gonna sugarcoat it.
ME!: What do you love the most about your f/o? What do they love the most about you?: see above.
It’s Nice To Have A Friend: Were you and your f/o friends before you became lovers?: I'd like to think maybe we became friends as we became lovers too. Because you sometimes do find a best friend in your lover. Then again im bias because that's how me and my irl s/o is. So yeah.
Daylight: How has your relationship with your f/o changed your opinion of love? How has their relationship with you changed their opinion of love?: i think of it as we both strengthen and soften each other in the areas we need.
• When you first met, what were your first impressions of each other? Did they start off positive right away or were they negative? Did your impression of each other change over time? If so, what made them change?: my opinion how i feel now is he's dope af. And i don't think that will change any time soon.
• What compelled you both to keep on seeing each other? Was there already an immediate spark between you two or were there other circumstances they forced you to be together?: gwen n miles gave me courage to ask him out. Hobie just said " ha! Knew it •3~" needless to say i was a thousand shades red.
• Who confessed first? What drove them to do it? Did you immediately become a couple after that or did it take some time before you both became one officially?: me. And we went out on a few dates before he and i called it official.
• What was it like when you started dating? Was there a lot of awkward tension? Did it take some time for you to both adjust? Or did it start out rather smoothly?: awkward but cute.
• Who cares about the first date really. What was the second date like? Who was the one that planned it or did you both plan it together? If you went somewhere specific for it, why that location? And if you did a specific activity on the date, why that?: first date was a cafe,dinner then a pub. 2nd date was jamming out at the abandoned warehouse. And the 3rd date was a concert. And lets say sparks flew. Both metaphorically and literally.
• What was the worst date you’ve had? What made it the worst? When did you both realize that it was bad? Did you do anything to try to make up for it and/or fix it?: well there were a few where some bitch ass dude tried to mug some poor old lady right in front on my salad. He didn't get far. No hobie didn't do anything. I did. I hate my lunch being interrupted. Hobie i swear had heart eyes but i was too busy trying to enjoy my lunch and was too pissed at the audacity of people. The old lady was ok btw.
• Are there any interests that you don’t share with each other? If yes, what are they and why can’t they seem to get into it? Does this cause any problems for either of you?: not really. I mean i hc he smokes 🍃 but i dont really. But idc if he do.
• Is there any interests you two bond over having? Or are there any interests either of you now enjoy because of the other introducing it to them?: he and i sing together. I sometimes join in on a beat and riff. But i love listening more.
• Are they any secrets you’re keeping from each other? What are they and why do they desperately want to keep it? Is there any scenario where the other would confess to those secrets?: im not sure we're pretty open n honest. Its the world that dont know. And we gonna keep it that way.
• What are some things you associate with each other? Why those things? Are some of them just random or are they very significant things to that person?: again see above.
• What do you both think of marriage if you aren’t married? Would you ever want to get married? If no, is there any specific reason or is it just something you’re disinterested in?: see above.
• If you’re already married, did anything change between your relationship after marriage? What exactly changed? Or did it pretty much stay the same?: tba.
• What’s something really embarrassing that happened between you? Has it become a funny story you tell to friends now or is it a deep secret you’re both taking to the grave?: again new f/o haven't gotten that far yet. Tba
• When was the first time either of you cried in front of each other? Is crying in front of the other something common for either of you?: we don't hide out feels bro. Thats not punk,metal or cash money of you if you dont cry in front of your bae. Im sorry. You gotta let that pride go man. You got feels too.
• Have you met each others’ friends and families? How did things go? Do you all get along pretty well or just tolerate each other? Or are any of you on bad terms for any reason? If you haven’t met them though, is there any reason why?: tba
• Are there any mannerisms you picked up from each other? If so, what are they? How do you both react to it? How did friends react to it?: honestly i got more observant. I mean i was already. But even more so. And better at patching up wounds. And making my own clothes. ^-^
• Are there any unresolved problems or arguments between the two of you? Any reason why you haven’t been able to resolve them?: not of the moment.
• Who’s the first one to apologize? Are they apologizing first genuinely out of guilt or is there an alternative motive? If one of you struggles to be the first one to apologize, why? Is there any specific reason behind it?: me. I dont like staying angry. I really dont. I do feel sometimes guilt but hobie straightened my ass out for that. To be honest with my emotions and not beholden to them. And he hates seeing me upset. So no going to bed angy for us.
• What’s that one funny story that happened during your relationship that never fails making either of you laugh? What makes it so funny to both of you?: besides the mugging old lady. He once accidentally turned the amp to high while practicing. And farted accidentally. And the mic on the ground nearby picked it up. Sounded throughout the whole apartment/flat. I was in tears. He was red af. Yelling n cursing at me. Hobie: "OI! IT WAS ONE TIME LUV! ONE TIME!"
• What are each of your dreams and goals for the future? Any specific aspirations they have? Do either of your dreams conflict with each other or are they able to coexist?: tba
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omenics · 2 years
[𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄]’𝐒 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 , the overblot gang + kalim, malleus, & epel.
..in which [name] has peak music taste. gn reader. — i am falling back into metal and its amazing so ofc [name] HAS to like it too 😊 however im falling down the spiritbox hole again so itll rlly just be based on that
Tumblr media
little man is insulted that youd listen to metal
i dont see him listening to it at all
hes like my nonna who physically recoils when she hears it
anyways say ur phone magically came to twst with you and all of ur playlists are still there so boom
play whitechapel and he explodes. bro goes off with ur head for the whole year and you walk with SHAME
bro probably listens to deftones
i can see him listening to deftones
this is my hc
but is deftones metal 🤨 idk man it says its alternative metal so yeag
you can probably play any music on the aux and he wouldnt mind i think?? but i see him hating country because me too leona
but if you dont look like the type of person who listens to metal (bc me too) then hes like damn alr
if he did tho i think hed like whitechapel idk but i donr see him liking death metal or just vv heavy stuff
a man of class who doesnt listen to metal but respects it bc hes like the only one here who would most likely know it takes talent
stan azul bc i do
no but hed probably enjoy the 1.5 songs that dont involve the screaming or growling, so probably hickory creek from whitechapel or constance by spiritbox yk
anyways azul does not like it but bro wont make u do the walk of shame bc of it like RIDDLE
idk what else to put but i can see him liking a little bit of ghost…. because i do… a lot… and i like azul.. a lot…
next character now bc idk what to put
hes probably the one to ask what music you listen to lets be real
like ‘oh hey [name] what type of music do you like? :)’ probably expecting pop or indie or whatever but nah bro u like metal… and he like oh ok
doesnt matter what kind just metal
he would also not like it bc yeah but hed also think its cool i think
hes honest abt it too 😭 ‘oh sorry [name] i dont like it that much but its cool’ because its kalim <3
no but seriously i cant think of a band hed like tbh
do u know how much i was struggling to type his last name like good lord. it went from biper to bipee to vipee and to viper… like elaria…. thats so easy… stop
the consequences of having autocorrect off
moving on i don’t necessarily see him listening to metal
maybe deftones too… or ghost… but like .0005 of their songs… just yk… imo…
anyways wouldnt care at all what music u listen to
just is like alr and goes back to whatever
its rough out here guys
youre done for
you are literally not allowed 100 meters around him
the MINUTE you play any sort of band classified as metal you are condemned to hell
i know for a FACT he would hate metal because
its fucking metal and its vil what do u expect him to listen to slaughter to prevail and go around moshing??? no. no u dont. becaus ehe wouldnt.
he does not tolerate metal at all. ghost? no. slipknot? absolutely not. whitechapel? why dont u go worship the devil (do they have an equivalent to the devil in twst idk) while ur at it because vil schoenheit in all his glory hates metal.
metalhead epel would be canon but we all know he listens to country
lets be real tho hed listen to it to spite vil
maybe… maybe… u can make him listen to it… and hed maybe like it… and youll have a metal music buddy…
honestlt just say ‘vil doesnt like metal’ and hes probably blasting infant annihilator bc i think its funny
other than that epel does not care for metal. however hes probably like one of the others who doesnt care if u play it
i mean i can see him listening to avatar?? specifically black waters and the eagle has landed… but black waters mainly
idk because i have not written for epel before and i haven’t played the pomefiore chapter in a month so i dont remember lol
lets be real bro listens to indie
a mitski fan. cries to nobody every night. he does not touch the metal genre.
anyways im gonna say this and hes a metalhead isnt he
other than that only listens to indie of lofi idc what anyone else says im right.
the average classical music enjoyer
i believe he enjoys classical music or no music at all however bc its malleus everyone thinks he listens to a band that is called smth like DEATH BLOOD MAGIC INFANT KILLER GRAVE ROBBER ZOMBIE DICK but he just would listen to classical music because i said so
this poor man is dubbed a metalhead while he probably doesnt even know one sub-genre of metal
this poor guy cant catch a break
its okay malleus. you are the only one here who has peak music taste and thats okay
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dyketubbo · 3 years
EDIT (10/7/21, og post made in August)
editing this post since apparently people are still finding it but anyways while im not going to take the post down because i personally just dont like deleting posts and i still agree with some of the things said id prefer that if you find this post that you just. didnt interact with it, at least not if youre not going to be respectful. this post is from august, before the clip of phil saying hes fine w qpr hcs (even if i have complicated feelings on that clip, i dont want to risk getting into discourse about this shit again).
it started a giant discussion and got me people harassing me and talking behind my back, one person even telling me people had groups talking about me, it got me being called arophobic, anti-polyam, claimed i was calling people racist and misogynistic, i got told i didnt have friends, i had people vague me and misinterpret what i said and meant, and through it all i had a total of maybe two or three people at most that disagreed with me and were respectful about it. everyone else that disagreed either resorted to vaguing me (or others that stood by me) or they insulted me to my face (in some cases insulting me then blocking me so i couldnt respond).
many of these people were adults. i had recently turned 16 the month before. i dont mean to pull the whole "oo im a minor and neurodivergent" card but the shit that came from this post, that had at the time barely even reached over 500 notes at the discourse's height, genuinely made me relapse in a way that i just. couldnt handle. i was on meds, i took care of my pets, i distracted myself, i talked to my friends, even talked to my therapist, and it didnt help because every time i came back i found another person giving me shit for it. one of my friends tried to defend me and got people targeting them, insulting them and saying increasingly concerning things about me, and they had to leave the fandom for a bit because of it.
i dont trust a good portion of the fandom because of this mess. i dont trust a lot of big blogs or aeduo fans or techno fans or phil fans because of this. its genuinely concerning to me that a post like this caused harassment, even in places i havent seen, maybe even to people i havent seen. even if this post is still vaguely accurate to how i feel about the situation (mainly, how i feel about it all overshadowing kristin and phils relationship) and i still stand by my idea that qprs count as shipping and that because they arent strictly platonic for many people that i cant be comfortable with qp aeduo, i just. dont want people interacting with this, at least not unless you just want to spread the info in this edit or because you want to say something respectfully. otherwise, i just. want this to be left behind me. even to this day i still get paranoia spikes and nearly panic remembering everything that happened because of this post, and being reminded of it just. sucks. if you want to clear anything up feel free to contact me in some way, but if you see this in the tags while browsing somehow, sorry for the long post, and thank you if you read all of this. have a good day
End of Edit (all text below unedited from when the post was originally made)
btw since kristins been confirmed to be canon multiple times over the past like few months and philza has expressed discomfort with shipping content that isnt him and his literal wife can we as a fandom agree to fucking quit it with treating c!emeraldduo as anything other than friends/family ^^ thatd be great. and yes i mean even the fuckin "platonic" marriage shit, even qpr hcs, just let them be friends.
please god stop acting as if a m/m relationship is inherently better than a m/f relationship especially considering how fuckin shittily the fandom treats kristin already, constantly making her out to be some skinny white girl instead of the fat woc she is. just like. let c!emeraldduo be besties, let c!phil and c!kristin be in a happy marriage, quit going against the cc boundaries because you prefer to ship two average white dudes rather than just accept that ones canonically married to the self-insert of his actor's wife. yall all about minorities until ones actually involved and then suddenly its all about your precious white cishet dudes. my god.
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