#Anwar Khan
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womeninfictionandirl · 8 months ago
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Kamala Khan by Sanya Anwar
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ilyricshub · 8 months ago
Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum Lyrics - Aur (Uraan)
Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum Lyrics - Aur #KabhiMainKabhiTum #UsamaAli #AhadKhan #RaffeyAnwar #HamzaKhanBaande #Aur #NewHindiSong
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perfettamentechic · 9 months ago
14 maggio … ricordiamo …
14 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: América Alonso, nome d’arte di María Golajovski Zaira, attrice venezuelana. Sposata prima con con il produttore Mario Bertoul., successivamente si risposò con Daniel Farías. (n. 1936) 2020: Phyllis George, Phyllis Ann George Brown, modella e conduttrice televisiva statunitense. Phyllis fu sposata con il produttore Robert Evans e con l’ex governatore del Kentucky John Y. Brown, Jr.. (n.…
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risingpakistan · 1 year ago
’باپ رے باپ‘ ہمارے حکمراں
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شاعر محسن بھوپالی مرحوم نے برسوں پہلے ہماری سیاست کو اس خوبصورت قطعہ میں سمو دیا تھا جمہوریت کی خیر ہو، اس مملکت کی خیر، جو وقت کے غلام تھے لمحوں میں بک گئے
چشم فلک نے دیکھا ہے ایسا بھی ماجرا لاکھوں کے ترجمان کروڑوں میں بک گئے
مجھے یہ قطعہ اس دن بہت یاد آیا جب 2018ء میں چیئرمین سینٹ کا انتخاب تھا دونوں امید واروں کا تعلق بلوچستان سے تھا ایک طرف موجودہ چیئرمین صادق سنجرانی تھے جنہیں سابق وزیر اعظم عمران خان، اس وقت کے مقتدر حلقہ اور اسی سال معرض وجود میں آنے والی بلوچستان عوامی پارٹی (باپ) کی حمایت حاصل تھی تو دوسری طرف اس وقت کی اپوزیشن کے متفقہ امیدوار اور صوبہ کے سابق گورنر میرغوث بخش بزنجو کے فرزند میر حاصل بزنجو مرحوم تھے۔ اپوزیشن کے پاس واضح اکثریت تھی جس کو انہوں نے اجلاس میں کھڑے ہو کر دکھایا بھی مگر جب ’بیلٹ باکس‘ کھلا تو حاصل ہار گیا اور سنجرانی جیت گئے ۔ ’ باپ رے باپ‘ اور خود حاصل کے بقول، ’’میرا مقابلہ سیاستدان سے نہیں فیض سے تھا مجھے تو ہارنا ہی تھا۔‘‘ شاید اس وقت کی اپوزیشن بھی اپنی قبولیت کا انتظار کر رہی تھی اس لیے انہوں نے اپنے اندر سے دبک جانے والوں کے خلاف کوئی تادیبی کارروائی نہیں کی جبکہ اصولوں‘ پر یقین رکھنے والے کپتان اور ان کے حواریوں نے اسے سینیٹرز کی ’ضمیر‘ کی آواز کہا۔ ساڑھے تین سال بعد وقت نے کروٹ لی ’ضمیر پلٹ گیا، اور خان صاحب کو جو لوگ لائے تھے انہوں نے ہی گھر بھیج دیا اس بار اسے ’ضمیر‘ کے مطابق ووٹ دینے والوں نے کپتان کے خلاف ووٹ کہا۔
جو کچھ 2018 میں سینٹ میں ہوا وہ ہماری سیاست میں اسی سینٹ میں پھر ہوا اور اس بار تو ’خفیہ کیمرے‘ نے اسے محفوظ بھی کیا مگر نہ کوئی تحقیق نہ کوئی کارروائی سابق وزیراعظم یوسف رضا گیلانی قومی اسمبلی میں اکثریت نہ ہونے کے باوجود سینیٹر بھی بنے، چیئرمین سینیٹ کے امیدوار بھی اور پھر قائد حزب اختلاف بھی۔ سنجرانی پھر جیت گئے۔ ’باپ رے باپ، ہماری سیاست۔ لفظ ’ احساس محرومی‘ کا بھی خوب استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ ایک بار میں حاصل بزنجو کے ساتھ انکے والد کا انٹرویو کرنے کراچی میں ان کے دوسرے بیٹے بیزن کے گھر گیا میں نے پوچھا میر صاحب بلوچستان کا احساس محرومی کیسے دور ہو سکتا ہے۔ ان کا جواب تھا ’’ جب ہمارے حکمرانوں کو محرومی کا احساس ہو گا‘‘۔ سابق وزیراعظم نواز شریف کا تعلق پنجاب سے تھا مگر 2013 کے الیکشن کے بعد انہوں نے بلوچستان کے حوالے سے ایک انتہائی مثبت سیاسی فیصلہ کیا اور مسلم لیگ (ن) کی اکثریت ہونے کے باوجود اپنے اتحادی بلوچستان کی ہی ایک معتبر سیاسی شخصیت اور نیشنل پارٹی کے ڈاکٹر عبدالمالک کو وزیراعلیٰ نامزد کیا مسلم لیگ کے صوبائی صدر ثنا اللہ زہری کی مخالفت کے باوجود ۔ میں اس دن مری میں ہی تھا جب یہ اجلاس چل رہا تھا میاں صاحب کی موجودگی میں شہباز شریف نے بڑی م��کل سے انہیں منایا مگر انہوں نے مشروط حمایت کی، ڈھائی۔ ڈھائی سال کی وزارت اعلیٰ کے فارمولہ پر۔ ابھی ثنا اللہ جو 2018ء میں وزیراعلیٰ تھے ڈاکٹر مالک کے بعد کی مدت پوری نہیں ہوئی تھی کہ ان کے خلاف پارٹی میں’ بغاوت‘ ہو گئی جس میں بیشتر وہ لوگ شامل تھے جنہوں نے عام انتخابات سے قبل ’ باپ بنائی، ’باپ رے باپ‘ کیا سیاست اور کیا ہمارا سیاسی مستقبل۔
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سینیٹر انوار الحق کاکڑ ہمارے کئی سیاستدانوں کی طرح جماعتیں بدلتے رہتے ہیں ویسے بھی اس صوبہ سے تعلق رکھنے والے منتخب ہوں یا نگراں’ باپ‘ کے احترام میں ہر فیصلہ قبول کر لیتے ہیں ویسے بھی اس ملک کی سیاست اس وقت بھی اور پہلے بھی ’بزرگوں‘ کے پاس ہی رہی ہے۔ مگر انوار الحق پڑھے لکھے انسان ہیں اور گو کہ وہ اسکول میں بھی پڑھا چکے ہیں اور بلوچستان یونیورسٹی میں بھی اور تعلیمی مسائل کو بخوبی سمجھتے ہیں مگر کیا وہ اس مختصر وقت میں اس سمت میں کوئی اقدامات کر سکتے ہیں شاید نہیں، ویسے بھی ان کی تمام تر توجہ 90 روز میں عام انتخابات کروانے پر ہونی چاہئے۔ انہوں نے احسن فیصلہ کیا اپنی پارٹی اور سینٹ کی سیٹ سے استعفیٰ دے کر ورنہ تو ہمارے حکمرانوں نے ’ ایوانوں‘ کو اپنی اپنی جماعتوں کا ’گڑھ‘ بنا لیا ہے چاہے وہ ایوان صدر ہو، وزیراعظم ہائوس ہو، گورنر ہائوس ہو یا وزیر اعلیٰ ہائوس۔ جب آپ وزیر اعظم، صدر، گورنر یا وزیر اعلیٰ بنتے ہیں تو آپ ملک یا اپنے صوبہ کے ’باپ‘ کا درجہ رکھتے ہیں پارٹی کے حصار سے نکل کر لوگوں کی بلا امتیاز خدمت کرنی ہوتی ہے۔ نگراں وزیر اعظم تمام سیاسی جماعتوں بشمول پاکستان تحریک انصاف کو ایک ٹیبل پر بیٹھا کر ’ میثاق سیاست‘ پر بات چیت کا آغاز کرسکتے ہیں۔
سابق وزیراعظم محمد خان جونیجو ایک غیر جماعتی بنیادوں پر منتخب ہونے والی اسمبلی کی نمائندگی کرتے تھے مگر انہوں نے ملک کی بڑی جماعتوں کو جو اس نظام کو قبول نہیں کرتی تھیں وزیر اعظم ہائوس میں دعوت دی اور افغانستان جیسے حساس معاملے پر اعتماد میں لے کر’جنیوا‘ گئے اور ایکارڈ کیا۔ آج کی صورتحال میں شاید یہ کام اتنا آسان نہیں خاص طور پر ایک ایسے وقت میں جب سابق وزیر اعظم عمران خان ’ اٹک جیل‘ میں تین سال کی قید اور پانچ سال کی نااہلی بھگت رہے ہیں اور ان کی جماعت کے ہزاروں کارکن جیلوں میں ہیں۔ کیا کاکڑ صاحب بہت زیادہ نہیں تو خاں صاحب کو اٹک سے اڈیالہ جیل منتقل کروا سکتے ہیں۔ وہ پی ٹی آئی کے قیدی جن پر 9 مئی یا سنگین مقدمات قائم نہیں ہیں ان کے حوالے سے کوئی فیصلہ کر سکتے ہیں۔ کیا وہ بحیثیت ’نگراں‘ جونیجو کی طرح شہری آزادیوں، میڈیا کی آزادی اور الیکشن میں تمام سیاسی جماعتوں کو ’ لیول پلینگ فیلڈ‘ دلوا سکتے ہیں۔ دوسرا بڑا کام جو شاید سب سے مشکل نظر آتا ہے وہ بلوچ قوم پرستوں، علیحدگی پسندوں، شدت پسندوں سے مذاکرات کا آغاز کریں۔ اگر طالبان سے بات چیت ہوسکتی ہے تو ان بلوچوں سے کیوں نہیں۔ 
بات چیت سے ہی دروازے کھلتے ہیں ’گھر کے بھی اور دل کے بھی، لاپتہ افراد کا مسئلہ شاید ان کے کیا کسی کے بس کی بات نہیں۔ اتنا مشکل نہیں جتنا ہم نے بنا دیا ہے۔ جو لوگ ’اٹھائے گئے ہیں وہ اسی ملک کے شہری ہیں اگر وہ سنگین جرائم میں ملوث ہیں تو انہیں عدالتوں میں پیش کریں مقدمہ چلائیں اور سزا دیں، ان کے خاندان کے افراد کو ان سے ملنے دیں، جو اب اس دنیا میں نہیں رہے وہ اگر ماورائے عدالت مارے گئے تو ان کے والدین اور رشتہ داروں کو اعتماد میں لیں۔ یہ صرف بلوچستان کا ہی نہیں پورے ملک کا مسئلہ ہے کراچی سے خیبر تک۔ کاش پاکستان بننے کے بعد اس ملک سے جاگیرداری اور سرداری نظام کا خاتمہ کر دیا جاتا، جمہوریت کی صحیح سمت کا تعین ہو جاتا، نظریہ ضرورت، آمروں کے لیے نہیں جمہوریت کے لیے استعمال ہو جاتا تو آج نہ احساس محرومی کا سوال ہوتا نہ سیاسی محرومیوں کا۔ بلوچستان حساس صوبہ ہے اس کی حساسیت کا احساس کریں ’ نگرانی‘ نہیں اور مسئلہ حل کریں اور یہی کاکڑ صاحب کا کڑا امتحان ہے 90 روز صرف 90 روز خدارا !
مظہر عباس
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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nakibistan · 7 months ago
List of notable Muslim allies of queer, trans or LGBTQI+ folks
Imam al-Nawawi – ally of Mukhannathun or trans femmes, female transsexuals and effeminate queers
Saint Khawaja Gharib Nawaz – ally and patron of Hijra and Khawaja Sara communities
Saint Baba Bulleh Shah – ally and patron of Muslim Khawaja Sira communities
Saint Lal Shabaz Qalander – patron of Khawaja Sira & trans Muslim communities
Abu Muhammad Ali Ibn Hazm – ally of queer Muslims
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - ally of transgender & intersex folks
Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi - ally of trans & intersex folks
Amina Wadud - ally of LGBTQI+ Muslims, founder of Queer Islamic Studies and Theology (QIST)
Gulbanu Khaki/Gul Khaki - ally of LGBTQ+ muslims, mother of a gay imam
Khaled Hosseini - ally of transgender & proud muslim dad of a transgender child
Siddika Jessa - LGBTQI+ activist, mother of a gay muslim son
Ani Zonneveld
Pamela Taylor
Laura Silver
Omid Safi
Kecia Ali
Ghazala Anwar
Ensaf Haider
Saleemah Abdul-Ghafur
Farid Esack
Zaitun Mohamed Kasim/Toni Mohamed Kasim
Anne-Sophie Monsinay
Imam Kahina Bahloul
Imam Philip Tuley
Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle
Farouk Peru
Abdennur Prado
Ingrid Mattson
Hasan Minhaj
Reza Aslan
Alia Bano
Zaid Ibrahim
Azahn Munas
Ayman Fadel
Inayat Bunglawala
Shahla Khan Salter
Nakia Jackson
Jeewan Chanicka
Taj Hargey
Michael Muhammad Knight
Maajid Nawaz
Shehnilla Mohamed
Mustafa Akyol
Writer Sabina Khan
Activist Jerin Arifa
Urvah Khan - LGBTQI+ ally, co-founder of Muslim Pride Toronto
Imam Khaleel Mohammed
Imam Tareq Oubrou
Imam Dr Rashied Omar
Shaykha Fariha Fatima al-Jerrahi
Shaykha Amina Teslima al-Jerrahi
Scholar Hussein Abdullatif
Maysoun Douas
Fátima Taleb
Aydan Özoğuz
Omid Nouripour
Özcan Mutlu
Ekin Deligöz
Cem Özdemir
Artist Nadia Khan
Marina Mahathir
Siti Musdah Mulia
Karima Bennoune
Grand Mufti Sheikh Assadullah Mwale
Muneeb Qadir
Dr. Amir Hussein
Dr. Sana Yasir
Dr. Sali Berisha
Dr. Omer Adil
Hashim Thaçi
Albin Kurti
Supermodel Nadia Hussain
Irish-Bangladeshi singer Joy Elizabeth Akther Crookes
Salma Hayek
Fouad Yammine
Pakistani Director Asim Abbasi
Pakistani Actress Nadia Jamil
Indian Actor Saqib Saleem
Indian Actor Irrfan Khan
Indian Actor Aamir Khan
Indian Actress Zeenat Khan/Aman
Indian Actress Shabana Azmi
Indian Actress Saba Azad
Indian Actress Sara Ali Khan
Indian Actress Huma Qureshi
Indian Director Zoya Khan
Pakistani Actor Furqan Qureshi
Bangladeshi Actress Azmeri Haque Badhon
Actor Muneeb Butt
Indian Actress Zareen Khan
Indian Actor Imran khan
Pakistani Actress Mehar Bano
Filmmaker Faruk Kabir
Filmmaker Saim Sadiq
Filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
Riz Ahmed
Zayn Malik
Sally El-Hosaini
Malala Yousefzai
Hafid Abbas
Hojatoleslam Kariminia
Singer Sherina Munaf
Writer Alifa Rifaat
Writer Ismat Chughtai
Activist Nida Mushtaq
Activist Aan Anshori
Abdul Muiz Ghazali
Kyai Hussein Muhammad
Marzuki Wahid
Gigi Hadid
President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) - ally of waria or transgender females
Sinta Nuriyah - ally of trans & waria folks
Politician Keith Ellison
Mayor Sadiq Khan
Politician Ilhan Omar
Politician Rashida Tlaib
Politician Rushanara Ali
Politician Nabilah Islam
Politician Shahana Hanif
Politician Rama Yade
Politician Humza Yousaf
Politician Zarah Sultana
UK Sectratary General Zara Mohammed
Turkish politician Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu
Bengali Influencer Sobia Ameen
Shaykh Michael Mumisa
Muhammad Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan
Mufti Abdur Rahman Azad - Hijra ally
Sheikh Hasina - Ally of hijra-intersex communities
Lawyer Iftikhar Chaudhry
Amani Al-Khatahtbeh
Professor Amel Grami
Professor Muhammad Aslam Khaki
Mohammad Hashim Kamali
Mehrdad Alipour
Lawyer Imaan Mazari/Iman Mazari
Shireen Mazari
Syed Murad Ali Shah
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athena5898 · 1 month ago
(Quds) Anwar, a Palestinian boy who lost his leg during a sudden Israeli invasion of Hamad City in Khan Younis, dreams of playing again and receiving a prosthetic limb that would allow him to resume his normal life.
The loss of his leg led him to isolate himself from other children and stop playing with them, leaving a lasting psychological impact on him.
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
Afghan refugees who fled their country to escape from decades of war and terrorism have become the unwitting pawns in a cruel and crude political tussle between Pakistan’s government and the extremist Taliban as their once-close relationship disintegrates amid mutual recrimination.
On Oct. 3, Pakistan’s government announced that mass deportations of illegal immigrants, mostly Afghans, would start on Nov. 1. So far, at least 300,000 Afghans have already been ejected, and more than a million others face the same fate as the expulsions continue.
The bilateral fight appears to center on Kabul’s support for extremists who have wreaked havoc and killed hundreds in Pakistan over the last two years—or at least that is how Islamabad sees it, arguing that it is simply applying its own laws. The Taliban deny accusations that they are behind the uptick of terrorism in Pakistan by affiliates that they protect, train, arm, and direct.
Mass deportations are a sign that Pakistan is “putting its house in order,” said Pakistan’s caretaker minister of interior, Sarfraz Bugti. “Pakistan is the only country hosting four million refugees for the last 40 years and still hosting them,” he said via text. “Whoever wanted to stay in our country must stay legally.” Of the 300,000 Afghans already ejected, none have faced any problems upon returning, he told Foreign Policy. As the Taliban are claiming that Afghanistan is now peaceful, he said, “they should help their countrymen to settle themselves.”
“We are not a cruel state,” he said, adding: “Pakistanis are more important.”
The Taliban—who, since returning to power in August 2021, have been responsible for U.N.-documented arbitrary detentions and killings, as well forcing women and girls out of work and education—have called Pakistan’s deportations “inhumane” and “rushed.” Taliban figures have said that the billions of dollars of international aid they still receive are insufficient to deal with the country’s prior economic and humanitarian crises, let alone a mass influx of penniless refugees.
The expulsions come after earlier efforts by Pakistan, such as trade restrictions, to exert pressure on Kabul to rein in the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Pakistani Taliban, whose attacks on military and police present a severe security challenge to the Pakistani state. Acting Prime Minister Anwar ul-Haq Kakar said earlier this month that TTP attacks have risen by 60 percent since the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan, with 2,267 people killed.
The irony is that Pakistan bankrolled the Taliban throughout their 20-year insurgency following their ouster from power during the U.S.-led invasion in 2001. Taliban leaders found sanctuary and funding from Pakistan’s military and intelligence services. When the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan in 2021, then-Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan congratulated them, as did groups such as al Qaeda and Hamas. But rather than continuing as Islamabad’s proxy, the Taliban have reversed roles, providing safe haven for terrorist and jihadi groups, including the TTP.
“While it’s still too early to draw any conclusions on policy shifts in Islamabad, it appears that the initial excitement about the Taliban’s return to power has now turned into frustration,” said Abdullah Khenjani, a former deputy minister of peace in the previous Afghan government. “Consequently, these traditional [Pakistani state] allies of the Taliban are systematically reassessing their leverage to be prepared for potentially worse scenarios.”
Since the Taliban’s return, around 600,000 Afghans made their way into Pakistan, swelling the number of Afghan refugees in the country to an estimated 3.7 million, with 1.32 million registered with the U.N. High Commission on Refugees. Many face destitution, unable to find work or even send their children to local schools. The situation may be even worse after the deportations: Pakistan is reportedly confiscating most of the refugees’ money on the way out, leaving them in a precarious situation in a country already struggling to create jobs for its people or deal with its own humanitarian crises.
Border crossings between Pakistan and Afghanistan have been clogged in recent weeks, as many Afghan refugees preempted the police round-up and began making their way back. Media have reported that some of the undocumented Afghans were born in Pakistan, their parents having fled the uninterrupted conflict at home since the former Soviet Union invaded in 1979. Many of the births were not registered.
Meanwhile, some groups among those being expelled are especially vulnerable. Hundreds of Afghans could face retribution from the Taliban they left the country to escape. Journalists, women, civil and human rights activists, LGBTQ+ advocates, judges, police, former military and government personnel, and Shiite Hazaras have all been targeted by the Taliban, and many escaped to Pakistan, with and without official documents.
Some efforts have been made to help Afghans regarded as vulnerable to Taliban excess if they are returned. Qamar Yousafzai set up the Pakistan-Afghanistan International Federation of Journalists at the National Press Club of Pakistan, in Islamabad, to verify the identities of hundreds of Afghan journalists, issue them with ID cards, and help with housing and health care. He has also interceded for journalists detained by police for a lack of papers. Yet that might not be enough to prevent their deportation.
Amnesty International called for a “halt [to] the continued detentions, deportations, and widespread harassment of Afghan refugees.” If not, it said, “it will be denying thousands of at-risk Afghans, especially women and girls, access to safety, education and livelihood.” The UNHCR and International Organization for Migration, the U.N.’s migration agency, said the forced repatriations had “the potential to result in severe human rights violations, including the separation of families and deportation of minors.”
Once back in Afghanistan, returnees have found the going tough, arriving in a country they hardly know, without resources to restart their lives, many facing a harsh Himalayan winter in camps set up by a Taliban administration ill-equipped to provide for them.
Fariba Faizi, 29, is from the southwestern Afghanistan city of Farah, where she was a journalist with a private radio station. Her mother, Shirin, was a prosecutor for the Farah provincial attorney general’s office, specializing in domestic violence cases. Once the Taliban returned to power, they were both out of their jobs, since women are not permitted to work in the new Afghanistan. They also faced the possibility of detention, beating, rape, and killing.
Along with her family of 10 (parents, siblings, husband, and toddler), Faizi, now eight months pregnant with her second child, moved to Islamabad in April 2022, hoping they’d be safe enough. Once the government announced the deportations, landlords who had been renting to Afghans began to evict them; Faizi’s landlord said he wanted the house back for himself. Her family is now living with friends of Yousafzai, who also arranged charitable support to cover their living costs for six months, she said.
With no work in either Pakistan or Afghanistan, Faizi said, they faced a similar economic situation on either side of the border. In Pakistan, however, the women in the family could at least look for work, she said; their preference would be to stay in Pakistan. As it is, they remain in hiding, afraid of being detained by police and forced over the border once their visas expire.
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workersolidarity · 1 year ago
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[The immense destruction caused by the Israeli entity is obvious to anyone with eyes, as more than 70% of Gaza's residential buildings have been destroyed by occupation bombing raids.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚨
On the 91st day of the Israeli genocide of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, dozens were killed in occupation bombing raids targeting residential homes in central and southern Gaza.
At least one civilian is dead and another wounded when Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) targeted the al-Amal neighborhood of Khan Yunis, in the south of Gaza, with shelling. A woman was also killed along with a number of wounded when occupation warplanes targeted a home in the al-Qarara neighborhood, also in Khan Yunis.
Occupation soldiers also detonated entire residential squares in the town of Khuza'a, a small city in the east of Khan Yunis, along with several other neighborhoods.
In a previous raid, one Palestinian civilian was killed and several others wounded when occupation aircraft bombed in the vicinity of the European Hospital southeast of Khan Yunis.
An additional two Palestinians were killed in occupation bombing raids targeting the al-Fokhari neighborhood in the east, while another bombing by occupation warplanes destroyed the residential home of the Kaware family in the east of the Khan Yunis area.
Also, violent occupation raids near the Nasser Hospital, al-Amal Hospital, as well as the headquarters of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society.
Another 14 civilians were killed, including 9 children who were recovered after Israeli warplanes bombed the shelters and tents of the displaced by the coastal area of al-Mawasi, to the west of the city-center of Khan Yunis.
In the Rafah, near the border with Egypt, five Palestinians were killed and several others wounded when occupation aircraft targeted the Abu Sanjar family home.
The Palestinian Red Crescent Society is reporting that occupation warplanes bombed the residential home of the Director of the Central Governate Ambulance Center, Anwar Abu Holi, in the al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, killing several people and wounding many more. The Society also noted that its personnel evacuated two martyrs and five wounded people so far, with many more civilians stuck under the rubble.
In an additional war crime, Israeli occupation drones fired live bullets targeting displaced Palestinians in the vicinity of the entrance to al-Masdar village in the central area of Gaza, while in the al-Maghazi Camp, rescue crews recovered a number of dead and wounded stuck in the rubble after occupation aircraft targeted another home.
In the new camp of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp in central Gaza, five were killed and many more wounded when IOF aircraft targeted a citizens personal vehicle.
Occupation artillery has also been heavily bombing the areas of al-Zawaida, al-Nuseirat, al-Maghazi, and the al-Bureij Refugee Camp in central Gaza, while occupation warplanes bombed a residential home belonging to the al-Louh family in the vicinity of the Wadi Gaza Bridge.
Medical sources out of Gaza City have also reported the arrival of 9 dead Palestinian civilians at al-Shifa Medical Complex after occupation aircraft bombed various neighborhoods of Gaza City in the north of the Strip.
Occupation warplanes also focused on bombing in the south, with particular attention given to Juhr al-Dik near the Port of Gaza, raising the number of recovered dead bodies from the city this morning to 39.
In an unending stream of carnage and cruelty, the Israeli entity is now responsible for deaths of 22'430 Palestinians, including 9'730 innocent children, 6'830 women, while another 7'000 minimum are missing under the rubble. In addition, in excess of 57'600 civilians have been wounded in the Israeli genocide, which began after the Resistance launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood against the Israeli entity's colonial settlements on October 7th.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year ago
*ISRAEL REALTIME* - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
▪️LEBANON… all morning, the IDF has been attacking Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, an extensive attack on Hezbollah's infrastructure.  IDF airstrikes in Aya Ash Shab.  4 consecutive attacks a short time ago against the villages of Yither and Beit Leaf.  6 consecutive attacks from the air were recorded a short time ago near the village of Ita al-Sha'ab in southern Lebanon.
▪️GAZA… continued battles in Jaljilya, north Gaza, with supporting airstrikes.  As well around Khan Yunis in south Gaza.  Two hero soldiers fell in battle.  And again reports Gaza phone and internet down per Pallet.
▪️NEW VIDEO OF TWO HOSTAGES… Islamic Jihad publishes a video in which two hostages, older men Elad Katzir and Gadi Mozes, are seen alive, calling for their release.
▪️SETTLER VIOLENCE… According to Israel police, in 2023 to date, Palestinians have carried out 5,600 terror attacks in Judea and Samaria. That's 16 a day, every day.  In 2023 there have been 60 altercations between Palestinians and Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria, total, for the YEAR.  That’s 0.16 per day - or to say the threat to Israelis is 100x greater than the threat to ‘Palestinians’ from Israelis in Judea-Samaria.
▪️MORE NEGOTIATIONS OFF, NEGOTIATIONS ON… Reuters, negotiations off.  Washington Post: “Israel is ready for a two-week ceasefire in exchange for the release of dozens of hostages.”
1. Yesterday Hamas published a video recording of 3 live hostages.
2. Islamic Jihad today publishes a video of 2 live hostages.
3. The most senior person in Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, is arriving in Cairo - but met with the Iranian foreign minister before leaving Qatar.  According to the spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Haniyeh told the Iranian minister about the high morale of the "resistance activists" and that Hamas would not be ready for negotiations under fire.
Signs are of a deal.
▪️ON THAT FRENCH “DIPLOMAT” KILLED IN GAZA… he worked at the French cultural center in Gaza and helped Gaza residents to interface with the French consulate (in Gaza).  He had been in Rafah since at least the beginning of November and was asked to leave the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Crossing along with his four children, but he refused and remained in the Strip.
(( France has a consulate and a cultural center in Gaza? I can find nothing on a consulate, but it looks like the cultural center opened in 2012 in Gaza City. ))
▪️UN SECURITY COUNCIL… to vote on another Gaza ceasefire resolution, but delayed because some members are trying to convince the US not to veto it.
▪️JUDEA-SAMARIA… (enemy reports) IDF and security forces entered and engaged in arrests overnight in Beit Omer (Hebron area), Tamon (Tubas area), Aida camp (Bethlehem area), Silwad (Ramallah area), Beit Dejan (Shechem area), Luban a-Sharkia (Shechem area), Asira El Kabaliya (Shechem area), Kfar a Dich (Salfit area), Yamon (Jenin area).  Firefights in Tamon.
This morning reports of IDF and security forces in Aktaba and Shweika (suburbs in Tulkarm), Beit Fajar (south of Bethlehem), Nilin (west of Ramallah), and Beit Balaa (east of Tulkarm).
Firefights reported in Jenin.
▪️MALAYSIA BLOCKS ZIM… Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim has now announced: that the Israeli headquartered shipping company ZIM will be prohibited from docking or transiting in the territorial waters of his country.
▪️TERROR ATTACK… ramming attack reported at the entrance to Beit Einon which is next to Kiryat Arba.  Terrorist eliminated.  No casualties to our forces.
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catdotjpeg · 1 year ago
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Agha family, are:
Amin Jabbara Faluji (61) and his wife Sanaa Jihad Muhammad (52);
their sons Moamen Amin Jabbara (27), a lawyer, Mamun Amin Jabbara (21), and Wasim Amin Jabbara (19);
and their son Muhannad Amin Jabbara (30), a lawyer, his wife Hind Abdel Hamid Abdel Jawad (27), and their children Talin Muhannad Amin (2) and Asil Muhannad Amin (1);  
Hatim Saeed Ghanem (61) and his children Saji Hatim Saeed (28), a lawyer, and Sajid Hatim Saeed (21), a college student;
Fadi Sa’di Wasfi (39);
Khamis Yunus Khamis (38) and his children Yunus Khamis Yunus (13), Ahmed Khamis Yunus (11), Baraa Khamis Yunus (8), and Nur Khamis Yunus (6);
and his brother Muhammad Yunus Khamis (35), a lawyer, and his children Yunus Muhammad Yunus (9) and Hala Muhammad Yunus (3);
Hamad Abdul Hamid Muhammad (34);
Nisreen Shaaban Raafat (32);
Sa’id Iyad Sa’id (28);
Muhammad (Shadi) Tamim Faluji (22);
Asaad Naeem Othman (16);
Sama Samer Jabbara (15) and her brother Yahya Samer Jabbara (11);
Abrar Saleh Yousef (14);
Ibrahim Amin Muhammad (43) and his daughters Maria Ibrahim Amin (7) and Arwa Ibrahim Amin (10);
Jihad Wajih Abu Zaid (36), his wife Rawaa Samir Ahmed (31), and their twin daughters Hala Jihad Wajih (6) and Hiba Jihad Wajih (6);
Amna Radwan Hashem (74) and her grandsons Samir Jamil Samir (6) and Muhammad Jamil Samir (4); 
Samira Jamil Mustafa (71) and her husband Ismail (74); 
Muhammad Fadl Nayef (38) and his son Fadl Muhammad Fadl (1);
Mumtaz Ramadan Muhammad (51), his wife Ramah Awni Hamdan (41), and their sons Ramadan Mumtaz Ramadan (18) and Ahmed Mumtaz Ramadan (15); 
Ramah’s mother Samiya Abdel Rahim Isaeed (64) and Ramah’s brothers Hamdan Awni Hamdan (42), an accountant; Muhammad Awni Hamdan (40);  Ramadan Awni Hamdan (31); and Waleed Awni Hamdan (26), a civil engineer; 
Hamdi Izwaid Hamdi (36); 
Muhammad Fouad Rawai (35);
Lubna Tala Musa (34), her husband Samer Muhammad, and their children; 
Samar Riyad Khaled (22) and her baby Amal;
Abdullah Najey Antar Shaker (36); 
Abdullah’s sister Sumaya Najey Antar Shaker (31) and her son Hassan Imad Suleiman (8); 
Hassan’s grandmother Madiha Arwaei Ayoub (81);
Hala Arafat Suleiman (9); 
Haneen Anwar Misbah (27) and her son Suleiman Omar Suleiman (3); 
Amr Jawdat Kamel (49); 
Hilal Asaad Saleh (58);
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and Walid, an engineer working in media, described as "clear and honest, never doing anything in a half-hearted or forced manner."
Most of the al-Agha family lived in Khan Younis. 
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and here.
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eruhamster · 4 months ago
I feel like voteblue people have such insular lives. Because they always treat democrat war crimes as some kind of thing that happens to an 'other.'
I know it's largely racist white people who aren't recent immigrants, but it just makes me wonder.
You know your life could just as easily be ruined by an American war campaign, right? Without a draft.
If you have family, even distant family, who live in another country. If you scrounge enough money to ever go abroad on a vacation. If you have an online friend who lives in a different country than you.
It could be you. It could be yourself, stranded with the US embassy refusing to save you. It could be your family under rubble. It could be your friend, murdered by your own taxpayer dollars.
There is nothing special about Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, etc that makes it specifically bombable. If politics in a region you have any connections to takes a wrong turn, that region would end up just the same.
The US war machine is indiscriminate. You will not find peace from fascism by voting for fascists. Politicians have continued to move right and have continued to strip us of our freedoms. The Democratic playbook is centered on making you think the other is worse, and yet the creation of the DHS and ICE were bipartisan, and the ACA was a Republican plan.
They promise things will get better if you vote Democrat enough, but Obama was at least four full months of a supermajority, but after promising to codeify Roe v Wade his first day in office and having the Freedom of Choice act introduced to Congress, he simply 'put it on the backburner.' Instead, he was the first US president to extrajudicially kill Americans. He did this with a drone strike, murdering Samir Khan and Anwar al-Awlaki. Al-Awlaki's sixteen year old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, was killed the same way days later. In Yemen. In a country we were not at war with.
Even when they promise it, even when they have the means to fulfill that promise, even when that promise is sitting right in front of them, Democrats will not act. Because they only care that they use that boogeyman of "Republicans" as a carrot on a stick for votes. And the worse Republicans get, the better it makes them look, the less they have to reign themselves in on actions that would be unfanthomable to even a Republican 20 years ago - Biden has done less to reign in Israel than Bush, Nixon, or Reagan, our three worst presidents.
Things will never get better because a democrat is in office. Things won't even stop getting worse.
But it could be you, who's life is ruined by an American bomb.
It could be you.
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collapsedsquid · 2 months ago
At least one police officer was killed and dozens of people injured in Pakistan as supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan clashed with security forces outside the capital Islamabad on Monday, officials and Khan's party said. Authorities have enforced a security lockdown for the last two days after Khan called for a march on parliament for a sit-in demonstration to demand his release, while highways into the city have been barricaded. One police officer was shot and killed, at least 119 others were injured, and 22 police vehicles were torched in clashes just outside Islamabad and elsewhere in the Punjab province, provincial police chief Usman Anwar said. Two officers were in critical condition, he said.
Get stormin that capital to free your imprisoned leader and correct the stolen election!
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perfettamentechic · 2 years ago
14 maggio … ricordiamo …
14 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: América Alonso, nome d’arte di María Golajovski Zaira, attrice venezuelana. Figlia unica di una cantante d’opera e di un ingegnere, immigrati della rivoluzione russa. Conobbe l’attrice e maestra teatrale Juana Sujo, la quale le trasmise l’interesse per la recitazione; inoltre, con lei migliorò anche il suo spagnolo. Iniziò la sua formazione nella radio. Dopodiché lavorò nella televisione…
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beardedmrbean · 4 months ago
Authorities in Pakistan sealed off the capital, Islamabad, and blocked cellphone services on Friday to prevent an anti-government rally by supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan, officials said.
It would be the latest in a series of protest rallies since last month to press for Khan's release and agitate against the ruling coalition government, which the party calls illegitimate, saying it was formed after a fraudulent election.
Shipping containers have been placed to block Islamabad's entry and exit points, guarded by large numbers of police and paramilitary troops, the officials said, while police banned any gathering in the capital.
"If someone plans to storm Islamabad, we wouldn't let that happen," Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi told a news conference late on Thursday.
He urged Khan's party to shift the rally to later dates, to avoid disrupting Islamabad's preparations to host a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on October 15 and October 16.
Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is visiting, to be followed by a high-profile Saudi delegation and Chinese Premier Li Qiang ahead of the conference, Naqvi said, adding, "We can't allow any chaos."
Any agitation in the capital would not send a good signal to the world ahead of the conference, Naqvi said.
Disregarding the appeal, Khan asked his supporters to gather outside parliament regardless of obstacles.
"I want you all to reach D-Chowk today for a peaceful protest rally," he posted on X on Friday, referring to a spot outside parliament. "This war has entered a decisive phase."
Even though Khan has been in jail since August 2023, candidates backed by him won the most seats in February's general election, though their numbers were insufficient to form a government.
His opponents, led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, formed a coalition government instead.
In a statement on Friday, Islamabad police warned they would take action against anyone attempting to disturb the peace in the capital, adding that any gathering had been banned.
Schools were shut and cellphone services suspended in Islamabad and the adjacent garrison city of Rawalpindi.
A telecoms official said cellphone services were blocked on directions from the interior ministry. A ministry spokesman did not respond to a request for a comment.
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flu-shot-turned-me-gay · 8 months ago
Aid in the Survival of the AbuSitta-Morgan Family
The AbuSitta-Morgan family's donations have slowed down significantly and they're still $20,000 away from their goal! Help them evacuate from Palestine!
My name is Shahd Katba, a proud Black Gazan- Palestinian living in Germany's diaspora and previously in Egypt.
I am funding for the evacuation and humanitarian aid of my maternal family, the AbuSitta-Morgan family. All 14 members are descendants and kin of my grandmother Aisha who would be proud to know that we are reaching out across worlds to ask for help. It's been over 5 months of the ongoing genocide and we, Palestinians in the safety of the west, are being faced with the horrific reality of ongoing Nakba and forced displacement being practiced on our families still living in Gaza today.
Following the invasion of Gaza, in early December, our family was forced to evacuate their neighborhood by leaflets dropped from IDF Airforces stating the area would zone become a fighting zone for IDF. By then, they had already experienced one air attack on their neighborhood that targeted a nearby building, which they thankfully survived. They were living as all 14 members in Khan Yunis which was recently subjected to massacare and ground invasion by occupation forces.
They are now displaced into Rafah, living in horrid conditions, and have no real choice of returning to their homes safely soon. The lives of my uncles and aunts and their children is at risk. So I am funding for their evacuation into Egypt. Adult evacuation at the Rafah border cost $6,500 and children's evacuation cost is $3,500. The rest of the funds will go towards transportation costs and support with their living expenses and resettling expenses in Egypt.
If for any reason, their departure is unsuccessful, the money will go into survival materials which have gotten extremely expensive and difficult to acquire (e.g. flour, canned foods, dipers, basic living supplies, etc.)
1. My uncle, Abd El Kareem Morgan along with his wife Ghada and their 3 children Basel, Alaa and Adam.
2. My uncle, Riqbal Morgan (pictured above hoding his baby boy Mohammed), and his 3 daughters Nora, Reema and Ayoush.
3. My aunt, Anwar Abusitta
4. My uncle, Alaa and his wife Hiyam.
I can write chapters on how resourful and resilient my maternal family is, how they've raised me and loved me into being in the short years I've lived in Gaza but I will stop at affirming that all of us are worthy of a dignified life in safety and prosperity.
My biggest wound is that I had not been able to grow up alongside my Black Palestinian community in Gaza and it would mean the absolute world to me if they are able to reach safety soon where they can rest and recuperate from the most violence anyone in our multigenerational family has ever witnessed and experienced.
Thank you for reading! Thank you for sharing! Thank you for supporting!
May we never live to fear for our families' lives ever again.
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asifjani19 · 5 months ago
vehicle fraud case with me toyota corolla sindh plate BGB-898 TOYOTA COR... Sir IG panjab DR Usman Anwar, you had previously received 1787 sp many a lot of time on your portal regarding the suspects Waqar Ilyas, Aftab Gohar, who have been involved in fraud since 2012/22, 1845/22, 2362/22. These suspects were previously associated with a platform of an organization and had been involved in fraud. They are still engaging in fraudulent activities and have stolen 5 cars, which they have sold. The poor people whose cars were stolen are still facing problems. Despite knowing about the suspects, the police have not taken action against them. They are still operating with the protection police.I request you to take strict action against these criminals. They are working with a network that is covering up for them. Please help us recover our stolen vehicle, BGB-16-898 Toyota Corolla GLi, and also recover 20 lakhs from them. The suspect is scheduled to appear in court on 6/9/24 before Judge Qaseem Rasool, where they are still managing to operate their business with the help of their connections, even though their criminal activities are known. Best Regards 3630202807343 Mohammad Asif khan  03018431238 H-70/1 KB socity cant lahore.
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