#Antonio is their 4 year old son
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sennerixx · 6 months ago
ᴋʟᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛɪɴɢ ꜱᴄᴇʀɴᴀɪʀᴏ:
Keith:..Lance, please, don't do this to me. I'm your husband. Lance, holding a pair of scissors: I'm sorry, Keith. It has to be done... I can't let history repeat itself.. not this time. Keith: Lance... please.. we.. we can work through this- we- we can talk about it... Lance: I'm sorry Keith.. it's too late. Keith: LANCE- DONT- *snipping noise* Lance now holding up Antonio triumphantly, brown hair now cut short: The mullet is gone! aha! Keith: dying on the floor
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tevantarlos · 3 months ago
Unpopular Opinion 911 - et all
I'm a bisexual woman and I've known that I'm bisexual since I was 11 years old. I legitimately am attracted to both men and women.
I've been watching 911 since 2 months after season 1 ended in 2018. I got into the show for Bathena and have loved them ever since.
I keep seeing people complaining on the official show pages about how Athena abuses her authority as a cop, and while they're not wrong, they're also blowing things way out of proportion. I'm pretty sure the people saying that have never watched the NBC show Chicago PD, because if you compare what Athena's done, to what Voight on Chicago PD has done, you'd know that the stuff she's done has been pretty tame.
On Chicago PD:
1. Voight has locked people up in a cage and literally tortured them for information.
2. He has killed people for revenge. He killed the guy who killed his son, Justin. He killed the guy or people who killed Al. There are probably even more occurrences than that, but these are the one's that mainly come to mind for me.
3. He literally threatened Matt Casey, Hallie Thomas, and Gabby Dawson, when his dumbass son, Justin, was on drugs and caused an accident which paralyzed someone, because they could report Justin to other police who would've actually locked Justin's stupid ass up. I get that Voight was trying to protect his kid, but that doesn't make this shit okay. Also, it's weird as hell that Antonio worked with Voight for 6 years. How the hell did Antonio not kill Voight for threatening his sister's life? That's garbage.
4. He literally stole money and drugs from criminals.
5. He has threatened his detective's lives on more than one occasion, and not in some way to make sure they are more careful and protect themselves, but as a legit threat.
Returning to my 911 thoughts.
Oliver Stark has claimed that he's been playing Buck as bisexual the entire time. No, he has not. He just wants the clicks and attention from pretending that this has been happening all along. Buck has had no interest in men until season 7 and the BuckTommy storyline happened.
The episode of Lone Star that's the crossover, doesn't prove Buck is bi. He wasn't flirting with TK, it was a misunderstanding on TK's part. Buck is literally confused when TK says that he's with someone, as he wasn't flirting with TK, he was only inviting TK to come to LA as a friend to hang out.
Buck says on the show that he's checked out hot guy's asses before. He hasn't done that in canon. It's one of many things that they claim is canon, but isn't because it happened off screen. He has literally been obsessed with women from the first time we see him, until Tommy returns in season 7.
Buck can't even say that he's bisexual on the show. He hasn't done any research, when he used to research everything. He hasn't spoken to people like Hen, Karen, or even Josh in depth about his feelings for men. There was one scene, right before the relationship ended, where he talked to Josh, which didn't even amount to anything and was just a waste of time since they made Tommy OOC and broke up with Buck. Hell, he (Buck) didn't even know after 6 months that Tommy was gay and not any other identity.
All this to say, 911, TM, OS, they don't genuinely give a shit about Buck, his supposed bisexuality, Tommy, or even the other main characters on the show. From one episode to the next, they have them say one thing and then retcon it right after.
The whole Buck is bi thing was a hoax. They just wanted to attract the gay and bisexual crowd back to the show since Henren and Josh haven't been getting that much screentime, and Buck and OS are like the golden child of the show. People think he's an idiot, but that he's a sweet idiot, who can do no wrong.
As I stated above, I started watching 911 before season 2 even aired. I don't like the way the show is handling their characters and storylines and I'm finally getting tired of the shitty writing. I love Bathena, I love Henren, I love Madney, I loved BuckTommy. However, if Tommy is thrown aside like yesterday's trash and Buck moves on, only to fuck a bunch of women and/or men with the excuse of exploring his sexuality, I will be checking out and dropping the show.
I like Buck's character, but he's not the reason I watch the show. He's also not enough to keep me watching. Henren are constantly being threatened to have their kids taken away. Bathena is constantly put in crazy life or death situations that end in some super unrealistic way: Kid landing a plane, remember? Madney don't have anything interesting going on. Literally, all they have going on, is that they're having another kid. Eddie has spent years obsessed with his dead wife, Josh hasn't had much of a plot in years, since the only boyfriend he's had on the show was some homophobic jackass who lied and said he was gay, so that he could beat Josh up.
May is gone, Harry is gone, Sue is gone, Carla is gone, Chris is gone. All the side characters that helped make the show a little interesting, is gone. The found family dynamic is lacking or entirely absent this season. Also, making the point to show Tommy sad and longing for a family, only for him to end up sad and alone, doesn't make me want to keep watching this show.
I think I'm finished bitching for now. I know that my thoughts are all over the place, but I've kept my mouth shut on how I feel about OS and Buck's bisexuality, this whole time, but now I'm finally going to fully speak up.
As always, I know many or even most people aren't going to agree with me and that's fine. This is just my feelings and opinion on the show.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months ago
The Invisible Truth' Au Characters (Part 4);
Antonio's kids (Part 2):
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Dayana Noemí Espinosa Madrigal (8 years old by d3. Student at the Encanto’s only public school and she helps José run the casino out of his room along with Avila—she has a few ideas on what she'd like to do when she grows up, including: a private inspector, a theme park performer or owner, archeology, and a historian are just a few of them. Clever, graceful, detail-oriented, fair, hardworking, cautious, business minded, firm, secretive, sneaky, reserved, curious/inquisitive, analytical, passionate, patient, helpful, aspiring, osscasionally very blunt, and caring. She has the gift of ‘monster sight’ meaning that she can see monsters that no one else can. She is single and is friends with her brother, her cousins, their partners, and Blue Veronica).
Next Gen Love Interests;
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Araceli Peña Merlo (28 years old by d3. English Teacher at the Encanto's only public school and granddaughter of one of the Encanto's Original founders. Kind with a mighty backbone, empathic, graceful, knowledgeable, inquisitive, helpful, respectful, professional, motivating, courageous, idealistic, supportive, creative, non-judgmental, inspiring, dedicated, passionate, and headstrong. She doesn’t have any powers or a gift. She's currently dating Cesare Madrigal Botero and she's friends with her fellow teachers, Carina Potts, Shepherd Scaremonger, Eliza Fae, Jim ‘JJ’ Brown Jr, Hunter de Vil, and Horace the Auradon Prep Librarian). 
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Simon Cantor Acosta Cova (24 years old by d3. He's the owner of ‘Simon’s Western Experience’—a shop that sells things relating to cowboys and horses—and He's the grandson of Heidi from the “Nightmares and Sueños” book. Intelligent, flirty, mischievous, upbeat, resourceful, eccentric, brave, sneaky, impulsive, selfless, easygoing, and occasionally inconsiderate and jerkish. He doesn't have any powers or a gift. He's dating Cornel Madrigal Botero and he's friends with Horace the Auradon Prep Librarian, Jane Darling, Carina Potts, Princess Melody, Amore Pugliese, Shepherd Scaremonger, and Araceli Peña Merlo). 
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Amore Pugliese (27 years old by d3. Nonbinary Sea Monster from Genoa, Italy, and the owner of ‘Amore’s Fabric Stop and Shop’. Adventurous, mischievous, bubbly, rebellious, artistic/creative, adaptable, free spirited, energetic, snarky, loud, bombastic, determined, sarcastic, supportive, comfortable and confident in themselves and who they are, open, open-minded, playful, attentive, and unapologetically authentic. They have the powers of human transformation and Aquatic Breathing. They are engaged to Cyriacus Madrigal Botero and are friends with Ivy de Vil, Eliza Fae, JJ Brown, most of the Guzmáns and Madrigals, Araceli Peña Merlo, and Simon Cantor Acosta Cova). 
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Madeline ‘Mad Maddy’ Meraxes Mim (21 years old by d3. Member of Harriet Hook’s crew—The Queen’s Fury—and bassist of The Bad Apples, one of the first former students of 'Madam Mim's School of Magic’, and worker at Madam Mim’s Wicked Witchcraft Emporium. If she had the chance, she’d like to be an astronomer. Granddaughter of Madam Mim. Deceitful towards those she doesn’t like, temperamental, vengeful, bitter, impulsive, driven, witty, sneaky, talented, ambitious, snarky, cynical, troubled, unforgiving, protective, loyal, moody/apathetic, snippy, risk taking, and guarded. She has magic and is fantastic at potion brewing. Crushing on Rick Madrigal Botero and friends with the Madrigals, their partners, some of her siblings, some of her cousins, Lefou Deux’s family,  Homicide Le Fay, Blaise Le Fay, Kai Athanasiou, Ula Athanasiou, Uziel Athanasiou, Arabella Athanasiou, and Harriet Hook's crew). 
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LeFou Deux ‘Lee’ Beaumont-LePrince (19 years old by d3. Member of Harriet Hook's crew, The Isle Santa, and worker at Cipriano Guzmán’s Toy Shop. Former worker at Hook's Inlet and Shack, Hook’s Clock & Curiosity Shop, Gaston's Pub, and Gaston’s duels without rules. He’s happy with the job he has. Son of Stanley, LeFou, and Paulette. Shy, sweet, helpful, skittish, quiet, clumsy, poetic, stubborn, hardworking, sneaky, patient, intelligent, friendly, awkward, protective, mischievous, and giving. He doesn't have any powers but he is quite good at inventing and fixing things. He is friends with the Madrigals, their partners, his siblings, his cousins, Homicide Le Fay, Blaise Le Fay, Kai Athanasiou, Ula Athanasiou, Uziel Athanasiou, Cipriano Guzmán, and Harriet Hook's crew). 
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Vidal Alfaro Pezmuerto (17 years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep and Member of the R.O.A.R/Swords and Shields Team as well as the Fútbal —he wants to either be a marine biologist or be a pro R.O.A.R player. Son of Señora Pezmuerto and Luca Alfaro. Quiet but usually extroverted, easily embarrassed, athletic, skeptical, cautious towards things that could lead to embarrassment, judgemental, respectful of others boundaries, stubborn, hardworking, playful, sneaky, Unafraid of danger, Impulsive, and proud. He doesn't have any powers. He is friends with Harlan Alan Never, Portabella Neverwing, Felicidad Ruíz, ichabod ‘Icey’ White, Princess Natasha, Demurra Foxworth, Rolando Ortiz, and Rebecca of Rosas). 
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Lin 'Gizmo' Mazorra (19 years old by d3. Worker at Miracle Tech, the Encanto’s first and possibly only tech shop—he wants to be either a musician or a Cinematographer that specializes in music videos. Formerly Homeschooled and the son of Dary Mazorra, the owner and founder of Miracle Tech. Introverted, awkward, quiet, insecure, creative, imaginative, goal oriented, focused, intelligent regarding tech related things, musically attuned, hardworking, helpful, passionate, loyal, sensitive, and soft spoken. He doesn't have a gift or any powers. He has Tourette's syndrome. He is dating Elmira Guzmán Madrigal and is friends with the Madrigals, Théotime Cogsworth, Bobby Hood, Tiger Peony, William Darling, and Portabella Neverwing). 
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Portabella Neverwing (15 years old by d3. Transfer student from Neverland Academy to Auradon Prep who wants to be an activist when she grows up. Daughter of Egidius and Bluebell. Creative, stubborn, extroverted, loud, goal oriented, empathic, hardworking, helpful, passionate, loyal, protective, rebellious, sour then sweet, free spirited, and seemingly care-free until angered by something that is unjust. She can fly and she is a garden talent fairy with powers that tie into nature. She is dating Emilia Nattura Madrigal and she is friends with Tiger Peony Rossi, Anxelin Fitzherbert, Bobby Hood, William Darling, Théotime Cogsworth, and Lin 'Gizmo' Mazorra— she very notably does not like Unity and Hap Bergmann, Annabelle Scorfano, or the Bluefairy-Carmelo twins, and has a frenemy relationship with Stella Rabbit who is on thin ice with her). 
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Cailee Beckett (16 years old by d3. Student at Dragon Hall, Member of the Sea Ponies and Anti-Heroes Club, and occasional worker at Lady Tremaine’s Curl Up & Dye—she wants to be a firefighter, artist, or a famous Auratuber when she grows up. Preferably one that works with Gigi. She is the daughter of Cutler Beckett and an unknown woman. Funny, extroverted, loud, loyal, empathic, playful, creative, patient, graceful, courageous, sweet, care free, non-conforming, and mostly well-behaved. She doesn't have any powers or gifts. She is dating Magnolia ���Gigi’ Marguerite Gothel and she is friends with Murky Maggie, Amara Tremaine, Julieanna 'Julie' Foulfellow, Sabina Stromboli, Dizzy Tremaine, Owena, Elizabeth 'Lizard' West, Sad Sally Mim, and she's slowly becoming friends with the Madrigals as well). 
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Théotime ‘Time’ Cogsworth (16 years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep and Member of the Film Club and the Robotics Club—he wants to be a film director when he grows up. He is the son of Cogsworth. Rebellious, intellectual, reserved, bit of a loner but can be social around people he likes, free spirited, non-conforming, kind, open minded, curious, peaceful, a wee bit resentful, well organized, passionate, dependable, loyal, and dedicated. He doesn't have any gifts or powers. He is deaf/hard-of-hearing, has heterochromia, and has a lip piercing, multiple ear piercings, and a nose ring as well as glasses. He is dating Oscar Guzmán Madrigal and is friends with the Madrigals, most of the film and robotics club members—including Doug Bergmann, Anxelin Fitzherbert, Portabella Neverwing, Prince Diego of Cordoba, Elle Athanasiou of Tirulia, Princess Avisa Athanasiou of Atlantica, Arabella Athanasiou of Tirulia, Zhu Yi-Min, and Jedoun 'Jordan' Ayad).  
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Prince Diego of Cordoba (15—almost 16—years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep, School Contraband Smuggler and Seller, and Member of the Art Club—he wants to be a graphic novelist that specializes in horror and detective stories. He is the son of Prince Alonso of Cordoba. Reserved, sweet, friendly, even tempered, insecure, curious, creative, protective, sullen, imaginative, giving, cautious, hardworking when motivated, optimistic, loyal, patient, strong, well behaved but a rule breaker, odd/strange/creepy, and wouldn't hurt a fly unless provoked. He doesn't have any gifts or powers. He is in tutoring and extra help classes due to his struggles in a usual class environment. He is seen as a dimwitted slacker by many because of this. He is dating Sofia Madrigal Prepon and he is friends with Théotime ‘Time’ Cogsworth, Lin 'Gizmo' Mazorra, Portabella Neverwing, Anxelin Fitzherbert, Arabella Athanasiou of Tirulia, Crabby Bergmann, Doug Bergmann, Sleepy Bergmann Jr, and Baren Hood). 
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Haruto of Avalor (19 years old by d3. Model for Evie's 4 Hearts and Cheerleader and Student at Sherwood University—he wants to be an actor. Son of Tomiko of Avalor. Confident, hard working, romantic, focused, hard working, proud, spirited, adaptable, determined, athletic, patient, gossipy, fashionable, dedicated, judgemental, loyal, smart alec, protective to his people, great team player, and a multi-talented overachiever. He doesn't have any gifts or powers. He is dating Princesa Guzmán Madrigal and is friends with the rest of the cheerleading team, the tourney team, some of the band kids, some of the choir kids, some of the art club kids, the R.O.A.R kids, Princess Avisa Athanasiou of Atlantica, Chao, Kelemon Ceinfarfog Of Northumberland, Blair of DunBroch, Nora Nattura, Hilda Bjorgman, and Catharina ‘Cato’ Bones. Doesn't know the Madrigals that well yet). 
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Ronaldo Ortiz (16 years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep and Member of the Debate Team and Tutoring Club—doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life yet. Does know he doesn't want to work in his father's field. Son of Osvaldo Ortiz. Hard working, smart, kind, focused, determined, very patient, easily embarrassed, dedicated, snarky when he's pushed, resentful, thoughtful, cautious/careful, and a bit of an overachiever. He doesn't have any gifts or powers. He is dating Rachel Madrigal Botero and is friends with Vidal Alfaro Pezmuerto, Felicidad Ruíz, Becca Colyar, Topher Thompson, Prince Diego of Cordoba, Théotime ‘Time’ Cogsworth, and Rosana Cardoso). 
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Christopher ‘Topher’ Thompson (18 years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep and Member of the Auradon Prep Marching Band—wants to open a seaside restaurant on a boat where he can play music: he's workshopping the name. He is the secret great nephew of Smee. Secretive, open minded, somewhat lazy, thoughtful, cautious, playful, brave when it counts, patient, resilient, fun loving, adventurous, fun loving, creative, curious, attentive, and cuddly. He doesn't have any gifts or powers. He is dating Zoey Marquez Madrigal and is friends with Ben, Doug, the choir kids, the band kids, some of the tourney kids, a couple of the cheerleaders, and some of the Madrigals—he’s trying to win over the rest of them). 
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Becca Colyar (16 years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep and Member of the Cheerleading Squad—wants to be a professional dancer when she grows up. She is the daughter of Buford the Chef. Hyperactive, fun loving, easily excitable, sly, unpredictable, athletic, hardworking, occasionally impatient, reliable, strange, friendly, playful, blunt, adventurous, creative, thoughtful, dedicated, popular, funny, determined, respectful, focused, good listener, a total fangirl, and a bit team player. She doesn't have any gifts or powers. She is dating Miguel Marquez Madrigal Jr. and is friends with the rest of the Cheerleading squad, a couple of the band kids, Tyrone Rogers, Nina Rogers, Princess Avisa Athanasiou of Atlantica, Chao, Kelemon Ceinfarfog Of Northumberland, Blair of DunBroch, Nora Nattura, Hilda Bjorgman,  Princess Elle Athanasiou of Tirulia, Catharina ‘Cato’ Bones, and a pair of sisters named Mary and Dorothy). 
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Felicidad Ruíz (15 years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep and Former member of band, choir, and acapella—she’s close to resorting to making her own club at this point because as someone who plans to be a musician she refuses to stand for how few choices there are. She plans to start her own band or maybe join one of the Madrigal’s bands. She is the daughter of accordion player Alejo Ruíz. Caring, protective, opinionated, musically inclined, stubborn, cocky, passionate, talented, picky, judgemental, rebellious, persevering, non-conforming, fun loving, lazy when unmotivated/uninterested, occasionally dismissive, somewhat unreliable depending on who you are, creative, determined, dedicated, open minded, rule following to the extent that people don’t always realize she doesn’t respect them/don’t notice the rest of her personality, sneaky,  and under the firm belief that respect is earned, not freely given on principle of authority.  She doesn't have any gifts or powers. She is dating Fuega Alba Guzmán Madrigal and is friends with Mal, Ben, Evie, Doug, Portabella Neverwing, Freddie Facilier, Ally Liddell, Rosana Cardoso, Prince Ajax, Arabella Athanasiou, Anxelin Fitzherbert, Yi-Min, Marlon of DunBroch, Hodge Westergaard-La Bouff, Herkie Athanasiou, Icey White, Elle Athanasiou, Avisa Athanasiou, Annika and Raylene Jenkins, Théotime Cogsworth, and several of the band, choir, and acapella kids).
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Rosana Cardoso (15 years old by d3. Student at the Encanto’s only public school and Member of the Choir and the outdoors club—she wants to be a home economics teacher, a seamstress, a fashion designer, or a mixture of the three if possible. Daughter of Encanto farmers. Preppy, cheerful, sweet, outwardly respectful, humbling, a tad bit cliquish, girly, helpful, sneaky, good at reading people, friendly enough, even tempered, restrained, protective, distinguished, fashionable, isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, graceful, optimistic, mostly conflict avoidant, affectionate, patient, curious, resourceful, calculating when required, creative, true to herself, semi-popular, and soothing with a rebellious side most don’t know about—she gives the perfect girl next door vibes. She doesn’t have any gifts or powers. She is dating Amelia Madrigal Prepon and is friends with the Madrigals as well as several people inside of the Encanto and out—but she’s noticeably close with the other farmer kids, Théotime Cogsworth, Felicidad Ruíz, Becca Colyar, Portabella Wings, Topher Thompson, Lin 'Gizmo' Mazorra, Prince Diego of Cordoba, Vidal Alfaro Pezmuerto, Cailee Beckett, Ronaldo Ortiz, and Haruto of Avalor. She also very noticeably hates Annabelle Scorfano and helped Amelia get revenge on Sofia’s former friends in the Encanto instead of soothing her temper as she usually would).
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Annabelle Mijares Marcovaldo Scorfano (15 years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep and Member of the Swim Team—she wants to go to the Olympics or be a model/actress. Daughter of Alberto Marcovaldo Scorfano. Grateful, oblivious, sneaky, deceitful, street smart, manipulative, cruel at times, lazy, selfish, prideful, fun-loving, pouty, expressive, secretive, judgemental, helpful when needed, shameless, and gregarious. She can shapeshift and breathe underwater. Tito Nattura Madrigal has a crush on her that is kind of requited. She is friends with Scarlet Bluefairy-Carmelo, Dragonet, Carter Bluefairy-Carmelo, Hugo Madrigal Prepon, Princess Roanne, Princess Mia Westergaard-La Bouff, Hap Bergmann, Unity Bergmann, Stella Rabbit, Demurra Foxworth, and Ariana Rose).
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Wickley ‘Wick’ Wing (13 years old by d3. Transfer student from Neverland Academy to Auradon Prep and a fast flying talent fairy—he wants to be an amusement park worker or a zoologist when he grows up. Son of Trak the scouting fairy and Tizzywing the fast flying fairy. Mischievous, playful, fast on his feet, compassionate, passionate, brave, reckless, graceful most of the time, talented, friendly, impulsive, occasionally rude, fun loving, snarky, helpful, caring, sneaky, street smart, ditzy, and protective. He can fly and change his size. He has a crush on Belinda Nattura Madrigal and she has a crush on him. He is friends with Carlos Madrigal Prepon, Hugo Madrigal Prepon, Leta Guzmán, Tulip Rossi, Danny Darling, Portabella Neverwing, Eleanor Bluefairy-Carmelo, Pino ‘Pin’ Collodi-Rossi-Liddell, and Evenstar Cricket). 
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Eleanor Bluefairy-Carmelo of Llyr (14 years old by d3. Student at Auradon Prep and Member of Belle’s Book Club and the Art Club—she wants to be a famous artist when she grows up. She is the daughter of Alexander  Bluefairy-Carmelo and Princess Eilonwy of Llyr. Modest, imaginative, mindful, a little stuffy, smart, dutiful, sneaky/secretive/deceptive, classy, stubborn, mischievous when no one is around to see, nerdy, introverted, and is oftentimes considered the ‘well-behaved’ one. She can fly and she has magic that she is currently practicing. Shs is dating Carlos Madrigal Prepon and is friends with Tulip Rossi, Pino ‘Pin’ Collodi-Rossi-Liddell, Wickley ‘Wick’ Wing, Marcelo  Rivera Madrigal, Portabella Neverwing, Ligera Guzman Madrigal, and Artorius 'Artie' Pendragon). 
Random Encanto Oc Extras:
Band members:
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Alejo Ruíz, father of Felicidad Ruíz. 
Buenavista Bové, cousin of Sheyla and Cecilia Bové. 
Sol Velasquez, grandfather of Juancho and Reynaldo Velasquez. 
The (former) town kids:
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Rio Gracia,  Juancho Velasquez, Ignacio Gracia, Cecilia Bové, Mirabel Madrigal, Alejandra Isvandi, Alonso Arias, and Sheyla Bové. 
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Rendon Abraham Cerebro de Burro. He has three children—named Cimarron, Enrique, and Ana Cerebro de Burro.
Bartender/Bar Owner and Tech Guy:
Heidi Cova. Owner of the Encanto’s first (and possibly only) bar, Paraíso Fabricado. 
Dary Mazorra. Owner of the Encanto’s first tech shop, Miracle Tech. Father of Lin ‘Gizmo’ Mazorra.
Picrew links: Wervty Profile, Luca, Baydews, Cowboy Picrew, Cowgirl Doll Divine maker, Fairy Meiker.io maker, Fairy Picrew 2 , ummmmandy, third fairy picrew, and chemicataclysm . Thanks to @igetthedisneybox for letting me use her ocs, Rosana and Felicidad, and for all the help she lent me in the creation of these ocs. Thanks to @bellalampwickrossi for allowing me to use Eleanor. And thanks to @fairiesandbeatleslover for allowing me to make Portabella based off of their oc, Egidius. The rest are background extras in the descendants movies and ocs based off of concept art.
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toaverse · 2 years ago
Mamá Mirabel AU
My own (rewritten) version of the mamá Mirabel AU, in which Mira takes care and basically raises Alejandra, Juancho, Cecilia and Antonio
Ever since her failed ceremony, Mirabel tried very hard to prove to her family that she’s worth something.
But when she was 10, Pepa and Félix decided to take advantage of this, and dumped their newborn son Antonio onto the 10 year old girl to care for, the couple not wanting to be parents again. Besides, it gave that useless brat something to do other than be lazy.
Despite only being 10, Mirabel took good care of her primo, and loved him to bits.
Unfortunately, some of the townspeople got the same idea Pepa and Félix had, and decided to dump their kids onto the 10 year old as well.
In total, Mirabel had to care for 4 babies; Antonio, Juancho, Alejandra and Cecilia.
It obviously was hard caring for 4 young kids when being 10, especially when no one bothered to help you, but Mirabel somehow managed.
It went on for years. Every day, Mirabel had to go to town and take care of the 4 children while their actual parents were doing their chores, gossiping or mostly relaxing…
And obviously, the 4 kids started to see Mirabel as their mamá…
“Mami!” Antonio said, reaching towards Mirabel as little Juancho and Cecilia called her that as well. “Mami!”
Mirabel tried to correct them, saying that she wasn’t their mami, but it was already too late.
And when Alma, Pepa and the other parents found out, all hell broke loose…
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beardedmrbean · 5 months ago
SAN ANTONIO – More than 30 videos, including cellphone footage and surveillance recordings, were shown in court Monday in the trial of a man accused of starving his 4-year-old son to death.
In one of the videos, Benjamin Cervera can be heard crying and asking for bread, water, or milk, pleading, “Dad, dad, I want some bread.”
The harrowing footage was played for the jury as part of the state’s case against Brandon Cervera, who faces life in prison if convicted of his son’s death, which was ruled a result of starvation.
The videos, presented by the prosecution, showed Benjamin in his bedroom and kitchen during early June 2021. In multiple clips, he can be seen searching for food, at times eating fruit, cookies, Jello, and milk late at night.
However, as time passed, access to food became increasingly difficult for the boy as locks were installed on kitchen cabinets and the refrigerator, the footage revealed.
Detective Lawrence Saiz of the San Antonio Police Department testified that the cellphone videos were obtained from the boy’s stepmother’s phone, along with surveillance footage from cameras inside the apartment that were kept by Brandon Cervera.
In addition to the video evidence, the jury was presented with text messages exchanged between Brandon Cervera and his ex-wife, in which the defendant stated that Benjamin was given bread, saying, “He doesn’t need to eat dinner.”
During the presentation of the videos, some jurors were observed looking away or shaking their heads in response to the graphic content. Brandon Cervera, however, remained expressionless throughout the viewing.
Earlier in court, the Bexar County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Kimberley Molina was brought back to continue where her testimony left off last week.
Photos of bruising all over Benjamin’s body were shown and Molina said they were not as the result of CPR, as the defense tried to conclude.
The defense tried to discredit the autopsy report and said that Molina’s findings were misleading.
The state rested its case late Monday afternoon.
The trial is expected to continue Tuesday morning.
If convicted, Cervera could face life in prison.
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aphfanficwriters · 1 year ago
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Monthly Members' Fics — Dec 2023
Return to Normal by Jestemburakiem (Lithuania/Russia, Past America/Lithuania) If Tolys had no problem being America's maid, he should have no problem being Ivan's Or alternatively, the obligatory maid fic
Clean by mossy_man (Russia/Turkey) Turrus pwp of 1799. Contains fucking, fisting, washing.
something so flawed and free — Chapters 3 & 4 by hopeless_nostalgia (England/Japan) After a year of convoluted diplomacy, all fell apart and war was declared between Japan and Russia. "It might be a long while before we are able to meet again," Kiku writes to his ally. It feels as though the distance between them has become wider, and in the midst of this gale, the only way for them to communicate is through slow letters and short telegrams. A continuation of hide and seek. But I *think* you can understand this just fine without reading it.
Call To Alms — Chapter 8: Crash and Burn by DoomSpiral (Lithuania/Prussia, Lithuania/Russia) Gilbert Beilschmidt scrapes the gallows by the skin of his teeth--and promptly makes this everyone else's problem, as per usual. Tolys Laurinaitas returns to Moscow after the war only to find he has less of a grasp on his role at the estate, and his self control, than he thought. They make it through (hand in unlovable hand). Alternatively: After the second world war comes to a close, Tolys and Gilbert are forced to work through a graveyard of old memories, and reluctantly come to new terms with each other.
An Unexpected Reunion by DubiouslyKind (America/England) Alfred is a busy college student convinced by his best friend to attend a concert. When he arrives to see an infamous band play with Arthur at the head, he gets more than he bargained for - and the cost may be more than either of them were willing to pay.
Expect the Unexpected by DubiouslyKind (America/England, America & England) Arthur sees the garage lights on in the middle of the night. What he discovered was certainly not what he was expecting.
2:30 by Delgumo (Canada/Russia) It’s two in the morning and Matthew Williams has an important choice to make: To go home and watch TV or see his off-and-on (currently off) boyfriend. He finds the choice fairly obvious, however irresponsible it may be.
I Have A Better Deal by Skoati (Ketzexi) (Germany/nyo!Russia) Ludwig is a demon who keeps getting summoned by one human for the wrong reason.
A Gift For Italy by Skoati (Ketzexi) (Germany/nyo!North Italy) Germany got a present for Italy, but her reaction isn't as expected.
Muses by FangsofLightening (South Italy/Spain) Romano was searching for a muse. He found one in Antonio, and so much more.
Some Things Are Best Left Unforgotten — Chapter 1: An Object in Motion by DubiouslyKind (America/England) The son of a demon and a witch meets a fairy when he was a child. As an adult, they continue to meet throughout different lifetimes. Arthur cannot escape him or their complicated past, but he is unsure if he really wants to either.
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ofbitter · 5 months ago
hey, isn’t that RIO MARTINEZ, who looks a little like SEAN TEALE? i hear HE is a 33 year old CIS MALE who works as a CHEF @ THE FRESH CATCH who has been in town for 17 YEARS. they AREN’T a member of one of aspen creek’s founding families. you can usually find them at CLOVERFIELD LANE or SUNNYVALE BASKETBALL COURT. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of A BLOODY GRIN AND A BRUISED EYE, HOMEMADE COMFORT FOOD, THE GENTLE TOUCH OF A CALLOUSED HAND, A CROSS HIDDEN UNDERNEATH YOUR PILLOW. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through!
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tw child abuse and domestic violence.
FULL NAME: rio edmundo martinez 
PARENTS: raul and sonia martinez
SIBLINGS: joaquin, marcos and santiago martinez, older brothers
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: happily married to wc
CHILDREN: gabriel martinez ( 4 yr old son )
PETS: black lab dog named chico
THE BIG THREE: taurus sun, taurus moon, aries rising
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual, biromantic
OCCUPATION: chef at the fresh catch
LANGUAGES: english and spanish ( native )
Rio Edmundo Martinez comes from a family of fighters. Literal fighters. The Martinez’s take pride in their lineage of MMA wrestlers, that started back with his grandfather Antonio. Their name has been respected in that industry for as long as Rio can remember. 
He was originally born in Venezuela and his family made their way to America, more specifically Florida, when he was only four years old in order to be more present in the MMA world. Raul was lucky that Sonia had given him four sons and as soon as they were able to understand enough, he started to train them to become wrestlers as all the previous Martinez. And it worked for three of them but when it was time for the youngest to come around, he wasn’t into it. Rio had always been a more sensible child than all of his brothers, he would much rather spend time with his mom in the kitchen than in the backyard sparring with his brothers, which wasn’t something Raul approved in the least. 
Rio was only nine years old when the abuse started. His father would literally beat him until he’d pass out whenever he’d refuse to wrestle. And his mother, poor Sonia, in attempts of protecting her frail young boy would end up with a bruised eye too. It took years for Rio to finally understand that what was happening to him wasn’t normal. A father shouldn’t treat his son like that and a husband shouldn’t raise a hand to his wife. That’s when he started to attend the gym and around the time he was sixteen, he was finally able to stand up for himself and for his mom.
After an argument ensued, Rio promised his mom that that would be the last time Raul would dare to hurt her. And that’s when he stepped in and took care of the situation, this time leaving his father on the floor. After that, Rio and Sonia left and never looked back. They found their way to Aspen Creek, where his mom had relatives that could help them start over and Sonia was quick to find herself a nice enough job to take care of the two of them. Rio, as stubborn as he still is, decided to take a few gap years in order to help their little family of two steady themselves, picking up odd jobs for a while. Sonia wouldn’t allow him to skip college completely though and as soon as they were stable, Rio went to college to study the Culinary Arts as that had always been a dream of his.
The years passed and he stayed focused on himself, on his career and on keeping his family safe, which caused him to become somewhat closed off and reserved, something that damaged his ability of nurturing lasting relationships — which has been somewhat of an issue with his spouse but they've mostly been able to work things out. The abuse that occurred in his childhood is something that still haunts him and he didn’t leave the gym since, even taking up boxing a few years back. He hates the thought of one day not being able to protect himself or his mom in case his father would come after them.
Rio is now married to the love of his life, a real friends to lovers story, and they have a beautiful four year old son together. Despite a tough past, he tries his best to keep any trauma from getting in the way of his family, usually keeping things to himself. However, Rio definitely still has some pent up anger issues and takes part in an underground fight club in order to release that, a shameful secret that he keeps from his spouse. He's just too scared of becoming anything like his father and will do anything in his power to prevent that.
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clarkes-and-god · 1 year ago
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"Ladies and gentlemen, for our guest segment this evening, we welcome back a couple we first had on over ten years ago when they were newlyweds! Antonio and Joanna Ricciardi, from Colossians, join us today with their 9 year old son, Gabriele!"
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"Thank you for having us again! We really appreciate you giving us these opportunities to spread our message, and it's so great to be back after the birth of our daughter, Valentina. Gabriele is so excited to be here for the first time, too."
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"Well, it's a pleasure to have him on. And his shirt is fantastic! Little Valentina is a little too cranky to be filming today, but I met her earlier and she is so precious! I'm sure they'll put a photo up for all the ladies at home. Anyways, let's hear from her big brother. So Gabriele, tell us about yourself."
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"Uhhh, I'm Gabriele, I'm 9 years old and I live in San Sequoia with my mom and dad, and my baby sister. I play baseball for the Park Paradise Junior Team, and I'm on my school's soccer team. When I grow up I want to be a football player and play for San Sequoia. Me and Dad like to watch their games."
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"Sounds like you like your sports, and I'm sure Dad likes the cheerleaders! [laughter] I'm sure in ten years our friend David, over in the Sports section, will be talking all about you! Anyways, Joanna, we all know that San Sequoia has one of the most left-wing school systems in the country. Children as young as 4 are being exposed to homosexuality and liberal ideals through books such as Like You For The Time Being and Toy Tales. So, how do you prevent your little boy from being corrupted by that? And any advice to mothers in San Sequoia, and other liberal areas of the country?"
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"Well, Gabriele is actually enrolled in a private Christian school, which has been great. The curriculum entirely aligns with our faith and morals, and they're not made to follow any "diversity" or "inclusion" policies the government may put on schools. But not everyone is as lucky as us, which I understand, and if that's you I really recommend making sure your children are involved in church, and put them in church-led activities instead of after-school ones. And make sure that the Bible really leads your home and your parenting, because children listen to their parents before they listen to woke teachers. Plus, we have Colossians kids groups! There's no need for you or your partner to have been involved with us before, we just want to offer, good, wholesome, fun for children that encourages Biblical femininity and masculinity, not the woke nonsense."
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"Sounds wonderful! I'm sure all the mothers at home will appreciate your advice. Now, Antonio, your life sure has changed a lot since the first time you sat on that couch. You're now very established in your role as a husband and family man, and how do you think that's impacted your leadership of Colossians? I'm sure having your wife and kids has really given you some insight on how to help others struggling with homosexuality."
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"Hmm, that's a good question. I really think it's emphasized to me how different men and women are, especially after having my kids. You know, Valentina is only one but she's already so different to how Gabriele was at her age. She loves her little baby dolls, and she's much gentler than he was. Gabriele was always throwing his toy cars around and scaring his mom with all his climbing, you know how boys are. [laughs] And of course my lovely wife has been such an asset in helping me with this. Not only with her support of the other ladies involved with Colossians, but there's nothing better than coming home after a long day of hard work to some hot food and a beautiful woman. It really just emphasizes how we're so different, but of course compliment each other perfectly."
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"And I'll sure agree with you there! I think that wraps up this segment, thank you very much for coming onto our show. Now, I'll hand our viewers off to Patrick for tomorrow's weather report, and then we'll finish for tonight. We'll be back, tomorrow at 6am!
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mentality-of-wukong-au · 2 years ago
Welcome to the AU! This is an interactive blog filled for asks!
Wukong gets trapped in the scroll before the series began and fuses with the Ink, releasing it from the scroll. Both act like a hivemind, desperately fighting for control over the other, but as soon as MK walks into their life, their sanity for fusing for 500 years takes a toll on them.
Characters you can ask
Ink Wukong
The Camel Ridge Trio
Tongbei Gibbon
No NSFW (Creator is a Minor)
No Bullying (Except the characters lol)
No Homophobia or anti-lgbtq, if you are leave this blog
Nothing Toxic please.
Be kind and take care!
Refrence Sheet
MK and Wukong
Arc 1: The first installment of the blog, a talk with MK and Wukong, however the plans move to the lore once the anons go crazy. The Brotherhood seek help with the crisis by calling upon the Four Primates
Arc 2: The Monkie kids arc, The monkie kids try to find MK and Tang, while MK returns but is he the same? Eventually they end up in the Palace of the Kings of Havoc, where they try to rescue Wukong from his circumstances
Arc 3: Wukong makes his way to the Palace with Bo, Chikao’s undead son. They try to find a way to split their souls into separate minds.
Arc 4: 13 years later a mysterious figure named Xiu begins to terrorize the lands under the influence of a mask made by one of Sun Wukong’s quintuplets…our heroes find a way to survive and handle the dangers of the villain who hunts them.
Arc 5: Into the multiverse people! The Spirit Trio have been kidnapped by the Evil Versions of the Kings of Havoc and come from an even messed up timeline of the original! It’s up to our gang to save both realms before shit gets messy.
Arc 6: After a plane crash, Wukong’s family discovers his whereabouts in the Bermuda Triangle, finding the rest of the Quintuplets of Paramita
Arc 7:
Wukong comes home from vacation! So as a fun little get together, the children of chaos (minus Macaque) go into a store full of enchantments and curses, little do they know what trouble lies in wait the moment they enter the maze game
Arc 8:
After the deaths of Antonio and Rin, Zazhu and Zhong return home from America after 3 years only to be greeted by familiar faces as old friends come together as one.
Arc 9:
Daedalus’ Labyrinth has reopened into the mortal realm and has been encased Wukong in the center of its core. Now the Havoc family, Camel Ridge Trio and MK have to put a stop to this madness before the Labyrinth seeps into the mortal realm and consumes it into its dark paths…wait, what do you mean this is about saving Wukong?
Arc 10:
An old friend somehow remembers Mathias and Zammy despite being reincarnated. How will this change the way things are handled now that no one remembers them?
Arc 11: When Wukong takes a vacation and hangs out with his old pal Hermes, Poseidon gets in the way and the gods of greek mythology come to life in an effort to stop all out war.
Arc 12: Just a normal lovely vacation arc…right?
Arc 13: The Timeline’s been broken! The world is in shambles! What will our heroes do for this grand finale?
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arkipelagic · 1 year ago
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November 18, 2023 — Kapatid Southern Tagalog released a statement on the second death anniversary of Antonio “Tatay Antonio” Molina:
Today, we remember Antonio Molina, farmer and peasant organizer, on his 2nd Death Anniversary.
Antonio Molina, fondly called as Tatay Antonio, hailed from the countryside of General Nakar in Quezon Province, which is 8 to 10 hours away by land from the National Capital Region.
Raised in a poor family of coconut farmers, Tatay Antonio was radicalized at a young age and chose to serve and organize fellow farmers that government services were unable to reach. He started organizing in his hometown, before organizing in the whole of Quezon province, until he became a member of Katipunan ng mga Samahang Magbubukid sa Timog Katagalugan (KASAMA TK), a regional federation of peasant organizations from the regions of CALABARZON and MIMAROPA.
Despite his old age and ailing sickness, Tatay Antonio remained firm and resolute in organizing farmers and indigenous peoples in the island province of Palawan, the largest province in the Philippines, where land and environmental issues remain rampant.
He was 65 when he was illegally arrested along with 6 other rights defenders in Puerto Princesa City back in 2019.
In his arrest, Tatay Antonio was served an alias warrant of a certain "Domingo Ritas" and was accused as a revolutionary combatant under the New People's Army, state agents overlooking the fact that the elderly was diagnosed a Stage 4 Abdominal Wall Sarcoma, a type of cancer, and was already bedridden. Their team was supposed to assist Tatay Antonio to the hospital for his chemotherapy when they were stopped at 2 checkpoints.
On November 2021, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tatay Antonio suffered a cardiac arrest in the middle of the night. He passed away at 66, inside the jail away from his family. The court denied his and his legal counsels' plea for Motion on Bail for Recognizance. Due to the these circumstances, as well as the far distance of his place of detention, his family was only able to visit Tatay Antonio once. None of his family expected that the next time they will be laying eyes on Tatay Antonio and holding his hand, he has already passed due to his dire health situation inside his detention.
It has been four (4) years since Palawan 7's illegal arrest, far from their families and colleagues.
The Philippine government's insistence on accusing rights defenders as rebels to halt their activities in communities and organizations is nothing but a desperate tactic to paralyze them and put them behind bars--in an attempt to weaken the people's movement.
Still, we remain hopeful that Palawan 7's trumped up charges will be dismissed, and the justice for Tatay Antonio be served.
#JusticeForAntonioMolina #FreePalawan7
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(Photographed: Tatay Antonio on the right with his son Cris on the left.)
Power to the People.
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rosesandalfazemas · 2 years ago
Do you think that any of the nations ever regret attaining certain colonies?
Well anon it depends on which nation. I will mention the ones I've worked.
China, for sure, his latest sons were a nightmare, full of difficulties. Japan was almost a mistake for himself. But he is Zhōngguó, so has its pride and patience. And he love them, but in his way.
Arthur didn't, because each colony was his mayor proud in each moment; he tried to cultivate them individually. The problem was when the little ones grew up and started asking questions - believe me, I'm a mother of one of 4 years old and it's pretty scary.
Francis, for sure, because his own human children made him so many troubles that the wars, inner politics and colonies (and all about the same topic) were a mess many years. And that made him very cruel.
Gabriel didn't. He was very selective but very overprotective at the same time. His power reconcentrates in his territory and his obssessive behaviour with them was intense for his colonies, even the micronations / islands in the globe.
Antonio certainly had the most amount of kids and the biggest problems at the same time: too noisy and too abandoned for the napoloenic wars. I think he could be regret to take too many at the same time, but you know, they've got no will at all. He suffered each indepence everytime as long as Arthur felt Alfred's.
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reasoningdaily · 2 years ago
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Two Florida cops — a lieutenant and a detective sergeant — allegedly handcuffed and jailed their 3-year-old son to “discipline” him for having difficulties with potty training.
Daytona Beach Shores police Lt. Michael Schoenbrod told a Department of Children and Families caseworker that he took the boy to headquarters in October and put him behind bars, the News-Journal reported, citing body-cam video.
The child was jailed twice, the first time on Oct. 5 and again the following day, when he was also cuffed, according to the outlet.
“He was crying. I was getting the response I expected from him,” Schoenbrod told the caseworker, the footage from a Volusia County sheriff’s deputy reportedly shows.
He said his son promised to never poop in his pants again after his time in the slammer.
Schoenbrod admitted that he also had resorted to the jail tactic about nine years ago, when he disciplined his then-4-year-old son for hitting a girl in preschool, the newspaper said. Lt. Michael Schoenbrod and Detective Sgt. Jessica Long, of the Daytona Beach Shores Police Department in Florida, allegedly placed their 3-year-old son in jail twice after he had potty-training accidents.Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety
“I took him to the jail and he sat there. And I watched him … and he was crying and everything, and to this day, if you mention, like, that incident, he’s just like, ‘I would never do that again.’ It was effective,” Schoenbrod told the caseworker.
“So that’s why I did it with this. He didn’t hit anybody, but I figured the same thing, discipline. And he didn’t want to go back, so …,” the lieutenant added, according to the report.
It was not immediately clear whether Schoenbrod and Detective Sgt. Jessica Long faced discipline, according to the News-Journal, which said it obtained copies of memos from Public Safety Director Michael Fowler informing the couple about a probe.
The top cop told the paper he would consult with the city attorney before commenting.
Schoenbrod and Long — who live together and have the child together — and their attorney, Michael Lambert, have not responded to the paper’s requests for comments. A Department of Children and Families rep acknowledged a request for comment but did not offer one.
“It’s just disgusting that somebody would drag our family through the mud like this,” Schoenbrod said in the video, while Long could be heard calling the investigation “insane,” the News-Journal reported. Detective Sgt. Jessica Long, the child’s mother, also reportedly faces a professional standards investigation.LinkedIn / Jessica Long
Meanwhile, City Clerk Cheri Schwab said a judge has sealed the records in a March 24 case that lists Schoenbrod “et al.” as plaintiffs and the State Attorney’s Office “et al.” as defendants.
The couple also filed a separate case against State Attorney R.J. Larizza on May 18, but the initial filing and several subsequent motions have been marked as confidential, according to the News-Journal.
Antonio Jaimes, an attorney with the Volusia County Clerk of Court’s Office, told the outlet that the cases “are confidential due to motions for confidentiality filed within the cases.”
But Michael Barfield, director of public access initiatives for the Florida Center for Government Accountability, argued that the internal-affairs documents should be made public.
“A pending motion to determine confidentiality of court records does not have any impact on the city’s IA (internal affairs) investigation,” Barfield told the News-Journal in an email.
“A party cannot make a record that is subject to production under Chapter 119 (of the state public records law) confidential by merely filing a lawsuit requesting confidentiality and then not setting a hearing on the motion,” he added.
A Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokeswoman said she has forwarded a request from the paper about any completed investigation to the public records department for processing. The Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety building.City of Daytona Beach Shores
Former city attorney Lonnie Groot also has reportedly sought records about any officer placing a child in a jail cell, as well as investigations into “alleged child abuse by an officer.”
“This whole matter just does not pass the basic smell test from a transparency and governmental openness perspective,” he wrote City Attorney Becky Vose, the outlet said.
And a former South Daytona police officer who describes himself as a civil-rights activist said that when he requested the findings of the professional standards probe, he was provided an estimate of $3,398.40 − about 40 hours of work at $84.96 per hour — to review and redact the documents. 
“It’s a severe matter of public interest when you have strong allegations of that kind,” Dickinson told the paper. “Rumors are being brought to you by fellow law enforcement … and you want to make sure the stuff they’re saying isn’t true.”
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mightyflamethrower · 2 years ago
Ending Celibacy in the Catholic Church A Solution that Causes Problems and Solves None
Posted: July 13, 2023 by datechguy in catholic, Church doctrine Tags: catholic
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The fact is while the motives for those pushing this might not be all that pure I find this issue interesting because unlike Gay Marriage or communion for the divorced this isn’t an issue that involves making mortal sin licit.
Many people forget that the imposition of celibacy on the priesthood was itself a reform to stop inherited parishes being passed down to sons as a family business rather than being about the worship of God, so if this reform was rolled back while it would be a big change from what we’re used to it would not be an assault on the doctrine of the church.
But there is a difference between this change being “licit” and it being wise. Let me give you a few reasons why this would be a rather foolish idea.
Time: If there is one thing that you will notice about your parish priest is that his time is at a premium. Between masses, hospital and nursing home visits, and various duties attending parishioners in need, a priest is very busy particularly give these duties are a 24/7 situation. Add to that the administrative duties and you leave very little time to take care of a wife and family.
Cost: Right now the cost of medical care for retired priests is a significant expense. Consider what costs you would be adding to the church in general and to parishes in particular if you added the cost of insuring a priest, his wife and children.
Housing: Once you are housing a priest his wife and his family you suddenly need bigger accommodations. While this might not be a disaster when you have a rectory that has a single priest when it was built to house several, if you have a parish with multiple priests suddenly housing one or more families becomes a real problem.
Scandal: What do you think will be the situation when a priest and his wife quarrel? Or a priest and his son? What happens when a priest’s son or daughter gets in trouble or if you run into a situation where a wife wants to leave? All of these things not only consume time to try to repair but have the potential for scandal within the church.
Jealousy: Anyone who has been in a parish for any amount of years will notice that there are a group of women who tend to pursue priests some more subtle than others. What do you think will happen when it is suddenly licit for a priest to get married? The pursuit of eligible priests in a parish will be a lot more brazen with results that will generate a lot of difficultly in for a man trying to fulfill his pastoral duties. And can you picture the type of trouble a woman whose advances are rejected by a priest can cause? Does the church really need that?
And of course none of this will solve the problem of predatory priests when you consider that four out of five cases involve homosexual behavior, in fact you might end up with the horrible situation where a priest uses a wife as a “beard” to cover such behavior. And these are just the problems that I’ve come up with today.
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My answer to all 5 supposed problem:
1.) Time? Seventy Five percent of male adults over 20 years old work 60 hours a week and manage it quite well.
2.) Cost? Ten percent of every dollar that goes into the collection plate on sunday goes to support the diocese and it's Bishop. Have you ever seen a Bishops Home? Trust me. They aren't roughing it.
3.) Housing? The last parish I was a member of had a 3000 square foot rectory, all housing for a single priest. Most parishes own blocks of land which would easily accommodate whatever expansion was required. Most of it tax free. San Antonio has 139 parishes. That's a lot of offerings.....weekly.
4.) Scandal? It couldn't be any worse than it is now. The optics of gay priests getting caught buggering teenage boys is far worse than most illicit heterosexual entanglements. The temptations a man would face in a parish are no greater than that of a man working in a corporate office filled with beautiful and intelligent women.
5.) Jealousy? The temptations associated with spiritually eager women (or men) trying to improve their place in the pecking order by sleeping with the boss is as old as work itself. It's found in every corporation and the secular world has managed to live with it. Why can't the Church. Protestant and evangelical churches have managed for centuries.
Protestant and evangelical churches have already found a way to face these challenges. We need only take their lead. The rectory of many allegedly celebrate priests has become a hot bed of control and sex based scandal. We couldn't do any worse than we do now. It is bizarre that anyone thinks these challenges are impossible to overcome. It simply show a lack of imagination when we decide we're not up to it.
One of the greatest priests I ever knew spent a season in Rome. He came back the victim of enormous doubts. There is a saying in the Catholic community that says......."Go to Rome and lose your faith." It is difficult for anyone to balance such opulence and greed with the poor homeless carpenter who started it all. My friend eventually fell in love with his secretary and left the church to be married. I remember disappointed angry with him at the time but today I understand it. God did not intend for men to live without a companion. There is no sin produced by having one.
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brookstonalmanac · 7 days ago
Events 2.23 (after 1940)
1941 – Plutonium is first produced and isolated by Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg. 1942 – World War II: Japanese submarines fire artillery shells at the coastline near Santa Barbara, California. 1943 – The Cavan Orphanage fire kills thirty-five girls and an elderly cook. 1943 – Greek Resistance: The United Panhellenic Organization of Youth is founded in Greece. 1944 – The Soviet Union begins the forced deportation of the Chechen and Ingush people from the North Caucasus to Central Asia. 1945 – World War II: During the Battle of Iwo Jima, a group of United States Marines reach the top of Mount Suribachi on the island and are photographed raising the American flag. 1945 – World War II: The 11th Airborne Division, with Filipino guerrillas, free all 2,147 captives of the Los Baños internment camp, in what General Colin Powell later would refer to as "the textbook airborne operation for all ages and all armies." 1945 – World War II: The capital of the Philippines, Manila, is liberated by combined Filipino and American forces. 1945 – World War II: Capitulation of German garrison in Poznań. The city is liberated by Soviet and Polish forces. 1945 – World War II: The German town of Pforzheim is annihilated in a raid by 379 British bombers. 1945 – American Airlines Flight 009 crashes near Rural Retreat, Virginia, killing 17. 1947 – International Organization for Standardization is founded. 1954 – The first mass inoculation of children against polio with the Salk vaccine begins in Pittsburgh. 1958 – Five-time Argentine Formula One champion Juan Manuel Fangio is kidnapped by rebels involved in the Cuban Revolution, on the eve of the Cuban Grand Prix. He was released the following day after the race. 1966 – In Syria, Ba'ath Party member Salah Jadid leads an intra-party military coup that replaces the previous government of General Amin al-Hafiz, also a Baathist. 1971 – Operation Lam Son 719: South Vietnamese General Do Cao Tri was killed in a helicopter crash en route to taking control of the faltering campaign. 1974 – The Symbionese Liberation Army demands $4 million more to release kidnap victim Patty Hearst. 1980 – Iran hostage crisis: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini states that Iran's parliament will decide the fate of the American embassy hostages. 1981 – In Spain, Antonio Tejero attempts a coup d'état by capturing the Spanish Congress of Deputies. 1983 – The United States Environmental Protection Agency announces its intent to buy out and evacuate the dioxin-contaminated community of Times Beach, Missouri. 1987 – Supernova 1987a is seen in the Large Magellanic Cloud. 1988 – Saddam Hussein begins the Anfal genocide against Kurds and Assyrians in northern Iraq. 1991 – In Thailand, General Sunthorn Kongsompong leads a bloodless coup d'état, deposing Prime Minister Chatichai Choonhavan. 1998 – In the United States, tornadoes in central Florida destroy or damage 2,600 structures and kill 42 people. 1999 – Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Öcalan is charged with treason in Ankara, Turkey. 1999 – An avalanche buries the town of Galtür, Austria, killing 31. 2007 – A train derails on an evening express service near Grayrigg, Cumbria, England, killing one person and injuring 88. This results in hundreds of points being checked over the UK after a few similar accidents. 2008 – A United States Air Force B-2 Spirit bomber crashes on Guam, marking the first operational loss of a B-2. 2010 – Unknown criminals pour more than 2+1⁄2 million liters of diesel oil and other hydrocarbons into the river Lambro, in northern Italy, sparking an environmental disaster. 2012 – A series of attacks across Iraq leave at least 83 killed and more than 250 injured. 2017 – The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army captures Al-Bab from ISIL. 2020 – Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old African-American citizen, is shot and murdered by three white men after visiting a house under construction while jogging at a neighborhood in Satilla Shores near Brunswick in Glynn County, Georgia.
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dankusner · 14 days ago
Ozzy Osbourne infamously peed outside the Alamo 43 years ago
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Ozzy Osbourne and his manager, Sharon Arden (now his wife), leave the Bexar County Adult Detention Center on Feb. 19, 1982, after he was arrested for urinating in Alamo Plaza.
As work is underway on a nearly $4 million restoration of the Alamo Cenotaph, an infamous incident at the 85-year-old memorial marks its 43rd anniversary this week.
On Feb. 19, 1982, heavy metal rocker Ozzy Osbourne, intoxicated and wearing his then-girlfriend’s green evening dress, publicly urinated in Alamo Plaza.
Thinking he was urinating against an old wall, according to newspaper archives, the disoriented Osbourne relieved himself against the 56-foot-tall monument to the 189 Texians and Tejanos who took part in the 1836 siege and battle.
According to newspaper archives and Osbourne’s autobiography “I am Ozzy,” the rocker was wearing an evening dress when he was arrested because Sharon Arden, his girlfriend and manager who later became his wife, hid Osbourne’s clothes so he wouldn’t go out drinking.
Osbourne was arrested at 3 p.m. and spent a few hours in Bexar County jail.
His concert promoters paid a $40 bond, and he went on to perform his scheduled concert at Hemisfair Arena.
The show was part of Osbourne’s “Diary of a Madman” tour.
The concert went on, and by several accounts, it was rowdy.
More than 20 people were arrested and 11 full-sized windows at the arena were smashed, reportedly by fans unable to see the sold-out show.
A few months after the incident, Osbourne was banned from performing in city-owned venues by a unanimous city council vote.
The heavy metal legend didn’t return to San Antonio until a decade later when he played two shows at Freeman Coliseum, newspaper archives show.
He was sober and apologetic, and even donated $10,000 to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, who at the time were the caretakers of the Alamo.
Mayor Nelson Wolff, who had publicly said Ozzy wasn’t welcome in San Antonio, agreed to meet with Osbourne backstage before his show, where he accepted the rocker’s apology.
Osbourne returned to San Antonio for a concert in 1996, but it wasn’t until a trip in 2015 that he returned to the Alamo.
The visit, which included a tour of the Alamo and a stop at City Hall, was part of a History Channel program that Osbourne was doing with his son Jack.
When talking to a San Antonio Light reporter before his 1992 visit, Osbourne called the infamous Alamo incident “one of the wreckages of my past” and attributed his bad behavior to alcohol addiction.
Also this week in San Antonio history, Rivercenter Mall opened 37 years ago, and was hailed as a step toward revitalizing downtown.
When the mall held its grand opening Feb. 20, 1988, it was billed as having over 130 specialty shops, five full-service restaurants, two movie theaters — IMAX and AMC Rivercenter 9 — and two major department stores — Dillard’s and high-end retailer Lord & Taylor.
The three-level, 10-acre mall was built as an extension of the original Joske’s building at the corner of Alamo and Commerce streets that would house Dillard’s after the mall opened.
The mall was built around St. Joseph Catholic Church, which has remained in its spot facing Commerce Street since it was completed in 1876.
Years in the planning, the $200 million retail, hotel and entertainment project took more than two years to build.
Attached to the horseshoe-shaped mall was the 42-story, 1,000-room Marriott Rivercenter.
It opened eight months after the mall’s grand opening.
Mall tenants changed over the years, including Lord & Taylor becoming Foley’s and later Macy’s.
In 2016, Rivercenter underwent a major renovation, including converting the former Dillard’s into an entertainment wing and renaming the complex Shops at Rivercenter.
Other changes include the remodeling of the mall’s lagoon area, the remodeling and expansion of the AMC theater to include the IMAX screens and the closing of Macy’s in 2021.
In entertainment history, Vanilla Ice performed at Municipal Auditorium on Feb. 21, 1991.
The concert’s opening acts were Information Society, Riff and 2 in a Room, according to records kept by the San Antonio Public Library’s Texana/Genealogy Department.
Newspaper archives show the concert was part of the hip hop star’s first headlining world tour that started Jan. 16, 1991 in Louisville, KY and ended Aug. 1, 1992 in Mexico City.
The tour was in support of the performer’s debut studio album “To The Extreme,” which features the hit single “Ice Ice Baby.”
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agentcable · 8 months ago
Chicago Fire Season 4 Ep. 19 "I Will Be Walking"
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Casey gets involved when a high school student is the victim of a gang retaliation; Severide helps Det. Holloway in an undercover operation and watches her 9-year-old son at the firehouse; Brett and Jimmy are called to help a woman who takes a liking to Jimmy; Otis makes a surprising discovery; and Herrmann's bar-running skills are challenged.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Otis is in the firehouse locker room, fixing his name tag on his locker. Cruz tells him to just get a new one - but Otis is superstitious. Meanwhile, Dawson is worried, she goes over the bar's books and sales are down 8%.
A call comes in for a person in distress and the troops rush out. Casey arrives with his team and a man is waiting for them under the El tracks. He shows them where a man is tied up several feet above the tracks, his face appears to be bloody an beaten. The guy calls for help, Casey rushes to get the ladder from the truck. He goes up to the guy, who says his name is Victor has gone into shock. Casey ties a harness around Victor and they lower him to the ground. The paramedics take him away in the ambulance.
Patricia Vasquez visits Casey later, she is Victor's grandmother, she blames his attack on a local gang. She confesses to Casey that she thinks if he gets out of the hospital, the gang might come back to finish the job and kill her grandson. She asks Casey what he plans to do about it since this is his station.
Kevin Atwater of the Chicago Police Department stops by the firehouse. He assures Casey and Boden that the police are working on Victor's case. Apparently, Victor's older brother ratted out the gang members who attacked him. Victor's brother is in jail and they can't get to him - so Victor is paying the price. After their conversation, Casey goes to the hospital and checks on Victor. He says he is still going to high school graduation and if the gang wants to stop him - they will have to kill him.
An ambulance call comes in and Sylvie and her partner rush to the scene. THe landlord explains that his tenant was on the phone with her sister and the line went dead. Her sister called the landlord and freaked out, so the landlord called 911. They find the woman face down in her own vomit, barely breathing. Sylvie says she overdosed after spotting a bottle of hydrocodone. When the Narcan doesn't work, they realize she just had surgery on her stomach. They give her some antibiotics and an IV and she comes to - she confirms that she just had a tummy tuck. She passed out because she was in septic shock from the infection.
Otis is still acting strange, he takes Sylvie aside behind one of the trucks and shows her a huge bruise on his back. He's worried because he doesn't remember hitting anything. Sylvie wants him to see a doctor. Otis panics, thinking he has cancer. He tells her he will go alone.
At the bar, Stella and Herrmann compete in the Bar Olympics. She brags to him that she has run the best bar in Milwaukee for two years and can beat any bartender.
Kelly is worried about Holloway, she has been acting strange and dropped her son off at the firehouse and was late picking him up. She was supposed to meet him at the bar and didn't show up. Antonio fills Kelly in and says that she is really busy working on a big case involving the Mexican cartel and El Chapo.
As an Alderman, Casey takes it upon himself to sit down with the gang members who attacked Victor. He makes a deal with them and tells them that if they leave Victor alone - he will owe them a favour.
Otis goes to Chicago Med and has Will Halstead look at the bruise on his back and hip. Will says that he will run some blood tests and check it out. Otis is afraid that he might have leukemia. Otis goes back to the firehouse. A few hours later WIll calls Otis and asks him why he hasn't gone to the lab to get his blood drawn. Will lectures him and tells him that he can't waste any time.
Jimmy and Sylvie get a call back to the tummy tuck woman's apartment. This time she called 911 herself, and when they arrive she is sitting in her living room with the lights dimmed and romantic music playing. Jimmy checks her out and assures her that she is fine. She invites him to sit down and have a cup of tea with her. Sylvie is not impressed and goes to the ambulance to do some paperwork.
Casey goes to the hospital, a police informant is there. He warns Casey that his deal with the gang is no good. After Casey met with them, some of the gang members were arrested, they think Casey set them up. So now they are determined to take Victor out just to spite him. Casey tries to convince Victor not to leave the hospital - but he refuses, he doesn't want to miss his graduation.
Kelly arrives at the firehouse and finds Holloway's son JJ waiting for him. JJ says his mom was upset when she left, something happened at work. A call comes in and Kelly has to get to the truck. He tells JJ to get a snack and promises to be right back.
The fire department arrives at a structure fire - the witness says there was an explosion and there are two men trapped inside who were working. They go inside and make their way through the thick smoke, looking for the two men. Casey and his team manage to get the workers out of the building unharmed.
Jimmy and Sylvie are called into Harold's office - he has found out about Jimmy's tea date and is not happy. He lectures them about not wasting time on calls, helping the patient nad then coming right back.
Holloway finally shows up at the firehouse to pick up JJ. She's emotional, saying she's freaked out and worried about JJ because the cartel has made some threats against her and her family.
Herrmann has lost the Bar Olympics - Stella tells him she doesn't want his money. She wants a chance to run the bar, promising that she will get his sales back up. Herrmann caves and gives her the job, but he suspects that Dawson and Stella set him up.
Casey pays Boden a visit and tells him about Victor. He says that he is done trying to solve this problem as an alderman, he is going to handle this problem like a man. Casey announces that he will walk Victor to his graduation himself to make sure nothing happens to him. Casey goes to Victor's house and tells him that he will walk with him. Victor is reluctant, but agrees. Boden shows up and surprises Casey and Victor - he has brought the whole crew with him and they have set up a perimeter for Victor to walk through so the gang members can't get to him. Casey and Victor make their way through the police cars and fire trucks to his high school graduation.
Otis is at the bar. Sylvie corners him and asks him what Will said about his back - he lies and says he got a clean bill of health. A woman comes into the bar looking for Casey. She says she is a political consultant and she saw a YouTube video of him walking Victor to school. She thinks he has a national future in politics and would like to work with him.
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