#Antilous Chao
gamingisalifestyle · 7 months
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Nilou by Antilous Chao
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Dragon King by Antilous Chao
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 years
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E.T.E Chronicle by Antilous Chao
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chaosandorder46 · 9 months
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
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This is how you ruin another character upon their introduction.
‘Why aren’t you in school, student?’ she asked coldly, glaring at Ciri.
‘Wait, Tissaia,’ said the other woman, younger, tall and blond, in a green dress with a considerable neckline. ‘I don’t recognize her. I don’t think she’s…’
‘She is.’ Cut the dark-haired one. ‘I’m certain that she’s one of your girls, Rita. You can’t possibly know them all. She must be one of those who sneaked out through Loxia during the chaos when the students changed quarters. And now we shall wait for her explanation. Well, student?’
The woman raised her hand and Ciri immediately understood the seriousness of her mistake. Yennefer had demonstrated to her paralysing spells only once, tired with her long whining. The feeling had been considerably unpleasant. It was the same now.
Fabio cried terrified and leaped towards her but the other woman, the blond one, caught him by the collar and forced him to stay in place. The boy jerked his arm but the woman had an iron grip. Ciri couldn’t move. The dark-haired one bent down and glared at her.
‘I am not in favour of corporal punishment,’ she drawled her words coldly, evening her cuffs yet again, ‘But I will ensure that you’re whipped, student. Not for misbehaviour, not for the theft or elopement. Not even for wearing illicit clothes, walking out with a boy and telling him about things you were forbidden from discussing. No, you will be whipped for being unable to recognize an Archmistress.’
Rita starts with stating she doesn’t recognize Ciri, meaning she's probably familiar enough with her students to be able to. It’s Tissaia, who grabs the girl, and Tissaia, who threatens her. She also paralyzes Ciri, when she believes her to be insolent. Rita catches Fabio- still with Ciri- and lets him speak once he starts to explain.
Compare to:
“Mistress Laux-Antille”: *catches running Ciri* “Another runaway. You've had your fun, novice. Back to the dorms.”
Ciri: “Get your hands off me!”
“Mistress Laux-Antille”:  *hard slap* “You will address me as Mistress Laux-Antille. And you'll clean the toilets for your impertinence.”
“Mistress Laux-Antille”, between drunken laughter: “Here, girl! Novices these days are useless. Not like when we were girls. I told you to bring the wine. ... I wanted red! ... Damned Cintran princess. What's so special about her, anyway? ... Girl, the wine! Now.”
In books, it’s Ciri’s pride injured. Her main issue’s the sorceresses dealt with Yennefer- as her guardian- instead of treating her like an independent person. She wasn’t abused by some cruel, sadistic bitch only because she’s younger and “only a student”. Rita’s even kind to her!
‘Hey, girl,’ she nodded at Ciri, ‘be so good and pass me a towel. Come on, stop pouting.’
Ciri hissed quietly, still offended. When Fabio let out who Ciri was, the sorceresses dragged her through half of the city, exposing her to public mockery. In Giancardi's bank the whole incident was immediately explained. The Sorceresses apologized to Yennefer, explaining their behaviour. ... Alarmed by the activation of Ciri’s amulet, Margarita Laux-Antille and Tissaia de Vries mistook her for one [of the sudents].
The sorcerers’ apologized to Yennefer, but none of them thought of apologizing to Ciri. ...
Ciri gave the towel to the Sorceress. Margarita patted her gently on the cheek. Ciri snorted and jumped and splashed into the pool of scented rosemary water.
‘Floats like a little leaf’, smiled Margarita as she lay down next to Yennefer on a wooden couch. ‘And she is as well formed as a nymph. You’re giving her to me, Yenna?’
Margarita Laux-Antille is one of those teachers, whose job is truly their life’s mission. She knows her students, she cares about them, she risks her life for them. Even as a member of the Lodge, her focus is education, not power. She doesn’t beat random girls on the street, because they possess magical amulet.
Fuck you Netflix, for ruining another one of my favourite minor characters! On such a deep, fundamental. level!
‘Ciri, serve us. Damn this carafe is almost empty. Come on, be good and bring us another.’
‘Bring two,’ smiled Margarita ‘As a reward you will get a sip and sit down with us, you will no longer have to strain your ears from a distance. Your education starts here, now, from me before you reach Arethusa.’
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kanerallels · 6 months
So... what SW Legends stuff would you recommend? I've already started reading Heir to the Empire, if that helps?
Ooooh!! Okay Heir to the Empire is the PERFECT starting place, that's where I started too! (I think. I also vaguely remembering reading these Darth Bane books when I was younger, but I digress)
(edit: also, I am not an expert on Legends, so if anyone who knows it better would like to offer any other recs (in a respectful manner that doesn't involve talking about how much you hate the sequels) feel free to add to this post!)
Others that I would recommend would definitely depend on what era you're looking for, but most of the stuff I know is post Return of the Jedi. If it's not, I'll make sure you know! (I'm gonna put part of this under a cut, it got kinda long)
The Hand of Thrawn duology. It's set like ten years after Heir to the Empire, and wraps up the events of those books super well! Plus it has more Talon Karrde, who is my favorite background character ever. The first book is Specter of the Past, by Timothy Zahn!
If you're a Mace Windu fan, Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover was really good! It's set near the end of the Clone Wars, and is about a mission he went on to find his missing apprentice. It was fun to read from Mace's point of view, and see how he's actually a lot more caring than a lot of fans depict him. Also, he headbutts a shocking amount of people. Mace is not immune to the chaos gene that comes with being Force sensitive
Technically, these are kids books and I might only like them because nostaglia, but the Last of the Jedi series by Jude Watson is fun! It's set directly after Order 66, and follows a former Jedi who grew up with Anakin, and the escapades and hijinks he gets up to
The Rogue Squadron books by Michael A. Stackpole are pretty good, especially if you like fighter pilot shenanigans. Rogue Squadron is Wedge Antilles's elite squad of pilots, and the main character is Corran Horn, who is a former Corellian Security member (basically a cop) and gets into all KINDS of trouble. I've only technically read a couple of those books, and admittedly, I don't like them as much as their follow up series. But if you do enjoy these books, you should check out I, Jedi, by Michael A. Stackpole, which is about Corran in later life
The follow up series is the Wraith Squadron books by Aaron Allston. It's also about a squadron Wedge put together, but it's made up of washouts and rejects, and they end up as a black ops division. It's simultaneously really sad and some of the funniest Star Wars I've ever read, and there's a running joke about an Ewok lieutenant
I'm gonna recommend the Republic Commando series by Karen Traviss, but with a caveat. Karen Traviss, for some reason, seems to really, really hate the Jedi. And that is reflected in her writing, but it's almost worth it for the Mandalorians adopting clones and the TRAGEDY. This one is set during the end of the Clone War, through Order 66. It also does not end super satisfyingly, but it's weirdly good anyways. So it's really up to you whether or not you think you can handle the rampant loathing of Jedi
Uhhh let's see, what else. There are so so many Legends books. The Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J Anderson isn't the best written, but it gives you a really good look at what Luke's new Jedi Order looks like as he's building (and also happens, timeline-wise, at the same time as I, Jedi)
I think those are the main ones I know well enough to recommend! In my experience, anything by Timothy Zahn or Aaron Allston is pretty good. Avoid Troy Denning at all cost-- he does not, in my experience, write stuff that is particularly admirable, and it can be kinda gross. If you end up with a particular character you like a lot who you're looking for more content of, there's a good chance there's more out there! Feel free to send me any other questions you have, and don't feel pressure to read all of it. No one can possibly be an expert on all of Star Wars, there's just. Way too much of it (of course that's not really gonna stop me from trying)
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10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
Thank you for tagging me @x-authorship-x 💖💖💖
In no particular order, because I don't have the emotional capacity to pick my favorite characters and then pick a most favorite on top of that:
1. Liu Qingge (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System)
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I can't not love this guy. He's competent, honorable, and protective. His capacity for love is ... insane. He's so hardworking and diligent. And Cheng Luan (his sword) is epic!
2. Kozume Kenma (Haikyu!!)
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In a lot of ways, Kenma reminds me of myself. I don't like large crowds or being forced to socialize. Like him, I'd rather have some alone time and focus on my personal hobbies and interests.
3. Senju Tobirama (Naruto)
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I'm sure this choice doesn't shock anyone who's read my Naruto fics. Tobirama is hyper-competent. I am fascinated by the ruthlessly practical way his mind works. I adore that he creates new jutsu to achieve the seemingly impossible.
4. Hua Cheng (Heaven Official's Blessing)
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Eight. Hundred. Years. Of. Devotion. Need I say more?
He's also a total BAMF.
5. Jon Antilles (Star Wars)
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This one, I blame on Kat. I've never read the books/comics he apparently appears in. But Kat's written so many brilliant fics featuring him that I love him anyway. He has the coolest Force powers! Healing, growing plants, teleporting, walking through walls, etc. My obsession is legit.
6. Lan Jingyi (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation)
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He's a cultivator who's terrified of ghosts. And he faces them anyway! He's an extremely loyal friend. Also, Lan Jingyi is 100000% a Chaos Gremlin ™ and I have a serious weakness for those.
7. Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit)
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... How am I supposed to pick anyone else after he sang Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold in the first Hobbit film?!
He's also loyal, loves his family and people, perseveres when most people would give up, etc.
8. Dabi (Boku no Hero Academia)
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Everyone will think I'm possessed if I don't have at least one villain on this list. 😂
Dabi's character design, Quirk, backstory, and motivations fascinate me. Like a moth to flame (pun intended), he draws me in.
9. Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
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He's just ... a flailing, intelligent, rambling, snarky, hyper-loyal, cutthroat amalgamation and I can't do anything but love him.
10. Q (James Bond)
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I think this list has thoroughly established that I love competent and intelligent characters. Q's ingenuity delights me. I also adore when he engages in word play.
Anyone who wants to participate, please feel free to tag me! 💖
Tagging (only if you want to play): @spanthedistance @gopherheiyuki @englishlotusflower @sincerely-wyvern @shadowicepuma @shaddowsong @airasilver @admiringtheskies @nateneedssleep @welshbaes
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sharpestasp · 1 year
Star Wars IV: A New Hope liveblog transcript
Thread for Star Wars IV: A New Hope
"There will be no escape for the Princess this time." Someone give me ALL the almost-captureds she had prior to this movie?!
The marrieds are arguing.
Ya know, given Threepio's way of thinking, the fact he saw the transport and had hope implies to me that Alderaan treats their droids better than we see in so many examples elsewhere.
TELL ME ARTOO ISN'T FORCE SENSITIVE! He knew there was danger ahead. But he HAD TO GET TO BEN. And his way was through.
(Those Jawas would have been in for it if he'd had his boosters)
Okay, that must be the MOST observant Stormtrooper in the Empire. ("Look, sir, droids!")
I have a conundrum: Did Captain Antilles/Senator Organa instill a protocol that if Leia was captured, Threepio forgot what she looked like/could lie about her? Or was Threepio only aware the Princess traveled on the Tantive IV but somehow had no idea who she actually was? I think it is a 'if this/then that' protocol to explain that 'I don't know who she is'
"What about my theme?" "Mark, the main title is your theme"
Oh right, forgot to interject: When Threepio calls him Sir Luke, that is the most heavy-handed foreshadowing ever.
"C'mon, let's go have a look" IS NOT YOUR BEST IDEA. Gods, you are so Anakin's kid in this movie.
I know it's because of retconning, but wow this whole opening with Ben reads so HYSTERICALLY with Prequel and Clone Wars canon in place.
Alec's face as he's asked if he's related to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid" is TRUE! Jedi did not own things. And Artoo was not OWNED anyway after TPM
brain inserts: and highly flammable after the "cunning warrior" comment
Ahh, Yularen.
Canon divergence moment - if Beru had managed to hide somewhere the Troopers missed.
wow such a heavy handed Force Compulsion use there. And then Mr Wanted in 12 systems is immune to the Kenobi Charm.
"Should I have?"
ALSO, LOL, Chewie is back there going "General Kenobi Got Old"
So thankful I have the Han Shot First edition
Tarkin - fierce and terrifying me - he's wearing fuzzy slippers Kinda like the scene in RotJ and knowing McDiarmid was having to scooch his chair around with tiny movements of his feet
Han reports it was totally blown away… and then argues the whole Fleet couldn't do that. This is why I love Han. He embodies contradictions
Fool or the fool that follows him? Ahsoka, GIGGLING HER HEAD off as she remembers her Master(s)
Also, Chewie is going oh shit, Luke figured out how to manipulate his cub
the detention center scene is a chaos fest worthy of Domino Squad
Also, Han's "he's the brains"
Threepio was SMOOTH
okay, but honestly, I am glad my suspension of disbelief is strong. Have worked with cardboard balers and trash compactors, I actually said 'all they needed was stay on top; there was enough waste that the compactor would not have been able to squish fully'.
Luke's FACE when Han is chastising Chewie. I bet that was ad-libbed
The stormtroopers: why are we running from one man?
"There's no lock." "That'll hold them for a while." "Find the controls" "I think I just blasted them."
This is SUCH a level 3-6 D&D campaign
Oh Luke. He's lost his family, he's lost his home, now he's lost the teacher he bonded with who KNEW ABOUT HIS DAD
Okay, but Artoo. He'd never been wiped. And while he might not have KNOWN the black suit menace was HIS JEDI, he likely did suspect it more than a little. So that scene was just as traumatic for him.
"Don't get cocky" LOL
You know, Leia hugging Chewie in the cockpit goes a long way to making up for her earlier trauma-induced insult to him. Because she initiated the hug
ya know, I actually LOVE all of the computer screen displays in this; it's nostalgic in the best ways
"Or they'd have a tighter defense" OR MAYBE they had a Saboteur designing it. (I do approve of the logic behind Rogue One 'explaining' that design)
Chewie: he's got a point Han: ain't having it Chewie: fine I will argue with you on the ship
hello first Folger's Kiss (on the cheek, but still). Given Luke had been wondering earlier if maybe…
I so very much LOVE the X-Wings
And the dog-fighting is so good
His former best friend (boyfriend?) and his future best friend as his wingmen is just… perfect
Oh Han
All the hugging
And Threepio being so worried
Big Gay Wedding now
First fandom forever. I still love this canon.
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polypodweek · 8 months
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The first batch of requests is in! You can find them under the cut. You can also find them right here =D
Request by kbirb Ted Lasso (TV) Keeley Jones/Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt my BLORBOS cubed no rape/non-con/dub-con please! happy, slice-of-life preferred for these 3
Request by kbirb Our Flag Means Death (TV) Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands Oh Steddiehands. Another ship that's all angst, all hurt/comfort, rarely fluff. Feel free to lean into the darkness - provided there's no rape/noncon or suicide. Sure, I'd love a fluffy, slice-of-life podfic for these three. But I know that might be very difficult to do. So hurt me, I'm fine with that.
Request by kbirb CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/CC-1010 | Fox [points] hurt them No but this is one of those ships where things don't seem to need to be sunshine and roses for me to love the fic. Give me angst. Give me angst no comfort. Give me hurt/comfort. Or give me pure fluff! Slice of life!! Throw these 3 at a wall and see what sticks and I will find joy in it. No rape/non-con please.
Request by kbirb CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/CT-782 | Hevy Sometimes my brain thinks I made this ship up and I'm so glad when it pops up as a taggable ship. Anyway, caveat would just be that I don't want rape/non-con. Otherwise, any character added into the mix is good. Oh and no Codex. For these three, I really prefer happy and fluff fics, but I also do like hurt/comfort fics!! But Hevy must live.
Request by kbirb Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason ToddRoy HarperKoriand'r (DCU)Jason Todd This right here is my DC OT3 for sure. I'm such a JayRoy shipper but throw Kori into the mix??? [chef's kiss] Caveats: I don't ship Batboys with one another and I don't want rape/non-con. Otherwise, go hog wild! Found a fic that's the OT3 but with another character or characters added in? Go for it. Just no Batboys being ship with Jay please!
Request by kbirb Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan VosCC-1010 | Fox/Bail Organa/Breha Organa I literally just would like happy, slice-of-life podfics of either of these ships. Or hurt/comfort. Also not even super restricted!!! You have a ship that has the 3 in the ship but there's a fourth person?? PLEASE, gimme, I will accept!!! Basically only restrictions are these: I don't ship Cody/Rex and I don't want any rape/non-con fics. Otherwise, go hog wild!!!!
Request by Flowerparrish Star Wars - All Media Types CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/CC-1010 | Fox LIterally anything for these three sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Star Wars - All Media Types CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex Additional: Fox/Quinlan/Jon Antilles likewise I just want the blorbos smushed together sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Ted Lasso (TV) Keeley Jones/Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt happy ending for them would be great! sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Leverage (US TV 2008) Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer Happy or heartfelt! sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Marvel, Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Jason Todd Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Steve Rogers chaos trio! sfw or nsfw fine
Request by Flowerparrish Star Wars - All Media Types Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars) poly relationships featuring clone ocs!
Request by Flowerparrish The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards Brand Saint John/Rune Saint John/Addam Saint Nicholas happy pls! sfw or nsfw fine!
Request by Flowerparrish Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion preference for happy ending, but angst is good if it ends hopeful/happy! hurt/comfort is delightful. miscommunication/misunderstandings sfw or nsfw fine!
Request by Flowerparrish Star Wars - All Media Types Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey happy and ignoring a lot of sequel movies canon preferred!
Request by korechthonia Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Myles the Mandalorian Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze CC-2224 | Cody/Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos Padmé Amidala/Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi/a third is a recipe for politics, strong personalities, chaos, or some combination of the above and I am invariably here for it. no non-con or pwp please
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Silver Monastery by Antilous Chao via ImaginaryFaeries
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rockofeye · 2 years
On Haiti's day of ancestral remembrance, one of my siblings shared this letter with us. It is a monumental letter; it has not been often that Africa has collectively spoken to and about Haiti. It's a sad and beautiful love letter, and speaks some really deep truths. They are right; Haiti is dying right now and it is past time that the international community take responsibility for what hundreds of years of international interference has wrought. I hope this is the impetus for action because the reality of Haiti right now is worse than can accurately be described.
Below is an English translation of the above linked article.
EMBARGO: January 1 , 2023
And especially my body as well as my soul,
be careful not to cross your arms
in the sterile attitude of the spectator,
because life is not a spectacle,
because a sea of ​​​​pains is not a proscenium,
because a a screaming man is not a dancing bear.
Aimé Césaire, Excerpt from Notebook of a Return to the Native Land (1939).
Captured in the valleys once trodden by Afarensis, or from Zanzibar, Madagascar, Gorée, El Mina, Bimbia, Benguela, Luanda, Cabinda, savannahs and forests, Ségou, Benin, Sokoto, the banks of the Congo or Oubangui, or along other great rivers, Ogooué, Casamance, Niger, Sanaga, having left the cosmogony that still binds them today to the mother of all continents, enslaved Africans arrived centuries ago in the Americas . In the worst forced migration of all time, the transatlantic slave trade took some of these men, women and children to Kiskeya, also known as Hispaniola, the island now shared by Haiti and the Republic Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea.
A land immersed in African traditions, Haiti, the "Pearl of the Antilles" or "Mountain Country" in the Taino language, is the nation where black slaves have shown the greatest resilience.
On August 14, 1791 in the forest of Bois Caïman, the voodoo priest Dutty Boukman organized a ceremony with the support of the priestess Cécile Fatiman, a "mambo" who performed sacrifices. On that memorable stormy night, the enslaved participants solemnly swore that servitude would be doomed, taking an oath to fight or die. They will later obey the orders of Toussaint Louverture in the revolt orchestrated by the remarkable leader. His epic – rare, if not unique – victory over one of the worst crimes ever committed against humanity continues to be recounted by many. Toussaint, a Caribbean island strategist and visionary, defeated the stubborn Napoleon, an island native from Corsica. This historic victory has been sung by great poets like Aimé Césaire.
On January 1, 2023, the first black republic celebrates the 219th anniversary of its glorious independence. However, the Pearl of the Antilles is dying.
Haiti was forced to pay a ransom to France as compensation to French slave owners for lost property, or else slavery would be reimposed and Haiti invaded. In May 2022, The New York Times published a well-researched series of articles titled “The Ransom: Haiti Lost Billions” [ The Ransom: Haiti Lost Billions], which recounts this perfidy. Port-au-Prince has so far paid up to $115 billion to France, a staggering sum for Haiti, a ransom that has left the poor country heavily indebted. Poor governance, corruption and invasions add to an already unbearable burden for the Haitian people. In addition, the American military occupation, from 1915 to 1934, had a large New York bank as its main financial backer. Ultimately, all of these factors could only result in a failed state fueled for many decades by the adrenaline of violence and the jolts of anarchy and chaos. The ravages of earthquakes, massive deforestation and the exile of its citizens have worsened the plight of Haiti.
Tormented and neglected, installed in instability, Haiti seems close to shipwreck. The security situation is dire. Famine affects nearly five million people. Shortly after the 2010 earthquake, a cholera epidemic imported by UN peacekeepers broke out in Haiti after no case had been detected there for more than a century. In the face of these accusations, the then United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, had the courage and integrity to issue a formal apology. Today, the resurgence of cholera is causing more deaths. On December 21, 2022, addressing the Security Council, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed said that “Haiti finds itself in a deepening crisis of a magnitude and unprecedented complexity."
One of the biggest challenges is that much of Port-au-Prince – a capital of nearly 3 million people – is in the hands of gangs. Their names are taken from urban tragedies – 400 Mawazos , Chen mechan , Fire-eaters… . The list of gang leaders includes Barbecue, Gaspiyai… . Their only motivation seems to be financial and criminal. The gangs have taken the country hostage: they kill; they rape; they are flying. Sexual violence is the breeding ground for a future in which society may lack cohesion.
The police are either overwhelmed or complicit. The Haitian army, that not-so-distant Macoute memory, was dismantled by the international community in the 1990s. Demobilized soldiers were never properly reintegrated into society. The judicial system is moribund. To date, the international community has been able to fund less than 20% of Haiti's current humanitarian needs, while elsewhere in the world billions of dollars are generously flowing in to alleviate other humanitarian crises.
Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere is caught in a recurring nightmare, as if the country relives the adventures told in " The Comedians ", a masterpiece published by Graham Greene in 1966. The novel, located under the reign of François "Papa Doc" Duvalier and his Tontons Macoutes, explores the political repression and terrorism that are rampant in Haiti, and particularly in Port-au-Prince.
However, Haiti should not be viewed solely as a tragic and brutal story. The country of Makandal, Toussaint and Dessalines is endowed with magnificent creativity and sustained by remarkable hope. Haiti has always been culturally brilliant and intellectually stimulating.
The iconic Hotel Oloffson in Port-au-Prince once attracted bands such as the Rolling Stones. Afterwards, hellish processions of the Ra-Ra by the "root music" group RAM invaded the hotel. Haiti is also the country of the talented musician Wycleff Jean; the Tabou Combo group; or even the unforgettable Jean Gesner Henry, alias Coupé Cloué or “the African”, the king of kompa mamba, a catchy musical style widespread throughout the world. Writers, playwrights, filmmakers, poets, artists, educators, musicians and artisans abound. The stunning beauty of the countryside is praised in the books of Haitian neurologist, novelist and poet Jean Métellus (1937 – 2014), such as in Jacmel at Dusk. Christophe, tragic king, is immortalized in a masterpiece by Aimé Césaire, the literary giant of neighboring Martinique. For more than a century, Haiti has also given birth to magnificent authors and poets: Joseph Anténor Firmin, Louis Joseph Janvier, Justin Lhérisson, Jean-Price Mars, Félix Morisseau-Leroy, Charles Moravia, Frankétienne, Anthony Phelps, Dany Laferrière , Louis-Philippe Dalembert, Edwige Danticat, René Depestre… and many others.
The biggest tragedies, like the 2010 earthquake, certainly killed and maimed many people, destroying infrastructure. But these dramas have not shaken the soul of this astonishing and endearing country. Like the intrepid Haitian woman, Haiti remains surprisingly upright, and its culture vibrant.
The international community, sub-regional and regional organizations, academics, media, communicators, the private sector, the Haitian comprador bourgeoisie: all have a responsibility towards Haiti. It's not an easy conversation. Migration issues are a hot topic in most Western countries. In September 2021, images of American guards on horseback armed with whips pushing back Haitian migrants at the border with Mexico caused a stir around the world. But these whiplashes from the time of the slave trade cannot rewrite the heroic history that Haitians wrote with their blood, sweat, tears and courage. Haiti is the only slave-led military uprising that was able to overthrow a slave-holding colonial power.
The international community was called upon to step in and fight the gangs. Just as the corrugated iron walls of Haiti's slums will not stop stray bullets, our physical estrangement from Haiti will not prevent tragedy from piercing our souls and our comfort zones. In light of past failures, one can honestly wonder if foreign military intervention in Haiti would provide a lasting solution. Either way, inertia is not an option. Any intervention must revisit history and learn from it, prioritize security, actively promote and support justice while helping to build trust and good governance. The situation must be addressed as a whole, without delay.
What the international community will or will not do is of crucial importance. Nevertheless, we support Haitian citizens who want an end to anarchy and violence, who want justice. To measure the strength and value of a family, one must observe the solidarity with which it protects the most vulnerable of its members. The first black republic, perhaps the most fragile of the family of Nations, lacks food, drinking water, fuel, peace, justice.
We issue this urgent call: let us act now, with a new and genuine benevolence, whatever the risks, and without individual geopolitical intentions. Haitian populations are in danger. History will not be kind to those who remain inactive or who choose to look elsewhere.
It would be non-assistance to a people in danger.
It is difficult to envisage the resolution of this Gordian knot without outside intervention. The Haitian people will only be able to vote and freely choose their leaders if there is security.
A member of the family of nations is held hostage by the contours of historic injustices, recurring bad governance and the brutality of armed gangs: the whole family must step in to free this member from the hostage takers as well as the contingencies of previous failures. Haitians would fly with with their wings towards the heights of human development, we sincerely hope so.
Sitting idly by is not an option.
So let's gather our forces for success in Haiti, and as Césaire predicted, there will be room for everyone at the rendezvous of victory .
Otherwise, we will all be guilty of not having helped this heroic people in danger.
Let us respond to the poetic exhortation of Jean Métellus. From his exile a few decades ago, his poem was a beautiful cry, “  Au pipirite chantant ”. His lament has not aged a bit. This is the plea of
“Haitian peasant who with singing pipirite,
despises memory and makes plans
He revokes the past braided by plagues and smoke
And from daybreak he tells his glory on the fresh galleries
of young shoots”
We stand with the Haitians. Let's act now. For Haiti, for humanity.
(*) Signatories:
Adama Dieng , the initiator of this forum, is a former United Nations Under-Secretary-General. He served in the UN as a former Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide and Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. He is also a former board member of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).
Macky Sall , President of Senegal, President of the African Union.
José Ramos-Horta , President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste; co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996.
Moussa Faki Mahamat , Chairperson of the African Union Commission; Former Prime Minister of Chad.
Alpha Oumar Konaré , former President of Mali; former Chairperson of the African Union Commission; former President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan , former President of Nigeria; Mediator of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Catherine Samba-Panza, former Head of State, Central African Republic.
The Right Honorable Michaëlle Jean , former Governor General of Canada; former UNESCO special envoy to support reconstruction efforts in Haiti; former Chancellor of the University of Ottawa; former Secretary General of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF).
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka , former Vice-President of South Africa; former Executive Director of UN Women; Former Co-Chair of the United Nations Descendant Senior Officials Group (UNSAG).
Epsy Alejandra Campbell Barr , former Vice President of Costa Rica; President of the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent.
Graça Machel , President of the Board of the Graça Machel Foundation ( Graça Machel Trust ).
Miguel Ángel Moratinos , former High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations; former Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE; former Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Sir Dennis Byron , former President of the Caribbean Court of Justice; former President of the Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute ; former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR); Chairman of the United Nations Internal Justice Council.
Serge Letchimy, President of the Executive Council of Martinique and former member of the French National Assembly.
Mujahid Alam (Retired General), Principal of Lawrence College , Ghora Gali, Murree, Pakistan.
Sonia Maria Barbosa Dias , Education Specialist, São Paulo, Brazil.
Mbaranga Gasarabwe , former Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA); former United Nations Resident Coordinator in Mali; former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security.
Souleymane Bachir Diagne , Philosopher; Director of the Institute of African Studies and Professor of French and Philosophy at Columbia University.
Andrew Thompson , Professor of World Imperial History at Oxford University and Full Professor at Nuffield College , Oxford.
Othman Mohamed , former Chief Justice of Tanzania and Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the death of Dag Hammarskjöld.
Amadou Lamine Sall , Winner of the 2018 edition of the Tchicaya U Tam'si Prize for African Poetry; Winner in 1991 of the Prize for the influence of French language and literature, awarded by the French Academy.
Sheila Walker, Ph.D. , Author; Cultural anthropologist and documentary filmmaker; Executive Director of Afrodiaspora, Inc.
Jean-Victor Nkolo , former spokesperson for three Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly; Worked in ten UN peacekeeping operations, including in Haiti.
Euzhan Palcy , Director, screenwriter and film producer (Martinique, France).
Bacre Waly Ndiaye , Lawyer at the Bar of Senegal; Former member of the Truth and Justice Commission in Haiti.
Willem Alves Dias , Film Editor, Brazil.
René Lake, Journalist and Expert in international development.
Doudou Diène, Senegalese lawyer; former UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
Ben Kioko , Judge, former Vice-President of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights.
Aver-Dieng Ndaté , Lawyer at the Geneva Bar, Vice-President of the African Peace Conference.
Akere Tabeng Muna , Lawyer and International Legal Consultant on Governance and Anti-Corruption; former President of the Pan-African Lawyers Union; former President of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC); former Chair of the Panel of Eminent Persons of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).
Carol Christine Hilaria Pounder-Kone , aka CCH Pounder , Actress and philanthropist; Art collector; HIV/AIDS activist; co-founder of the Boribana museum in Dakar.
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gamingisalifestyle · 2 years
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Genshin Ganyu by Antilous Chao
0 notes
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Lineage M - Knight by Antilous Chao
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hadesbeast · 2 years
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Artist Antilous chao…Dragon King 😈 ~ßεศş†~ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3xBFVBDv9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Shadow of the Sith: Chapter 8 thoughts/thots
I already knew this kind of, because Shriv is in Battlefront 2: Resurrection (29 years later), and is even apart of the Resistance during the time of Rey/Finn/Poe, which there is another book featuring his presence, but I absolutely love the fact he is a die hard New Republic military man.
Lando ran off to do his thing, Luke did not stick around so much, Han sort of disappeared with Chewie when he split with Leia, Iden and Del ran off to start a family, the Antilles left pretty sure, but this entire time, my boy Suurgav has been working his way up the ranks of the New Republic "machine" and now he is doing favors and bending the rules to help his buddy out.
Oh, and not that we did not already know this, but this means he's a stickler. Normally does things by the book. I'm sure he just loves order and consistency, although he thrives in chaos. It is a gift. One thing though, he's going to complain about it.
While I do not care for real life military men, fictional military men, and ones with good hearts who I totally want them to use their commanding, authoritative voice on me, are soooo *chefs kiss.*
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And the fact they've always stayed friends. T_T God, please give those two a show together. I will never ask for anything else as long as I live.
This is peak new blorbo content. Book has been out a min. but oh well.
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Mr. No Risk Taker going out of his way to get his friend intel at the risk of getting in trouble with the higher-ups. It warms my heart. I mean come on, he's a rebel, right? Plus, you spend enough time around someone like Iden or Lando with all their "bad ideas," and some of that spunk is liable to rub off on you.
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I could cry.
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empress-violetlight · 2 years
Give me all you have!
I tend to go in-depth with my OCs, so I'm going to start with just one, if that's okay with you :)
This one might be "cheating", since she technically is a character in Legends -- though one we never actually met or saw. She was only mentioned briefly by her brother, as a warning of how dangerous the Unknown Regions were, as one of the two members of the Fel family who died before reaching 20. I've had enough of women in fiction being used as just props in a male character's backstory, so with my AU, I decided to change that.
Meet Cherith Fel
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Read the very little there is about her in Legends here
Birth year: 10 ABY
Race: Human (Corillian family background)
Place of Birth: Nirauan -- Chakra City. Empire of the Hand, the Unknown Regions, the Galaxy Far Far Away
Family: General Baron Soontir Fel -- Father. Syal Antilles Fel -- Mother. Older brothers Davin, Chak and Jagged. Younger brother Cem, younger sister Wynessa. Wedge Antilles --- maternal uncle.  Considers the Chiss Empress Lexx'elarra'nuruodo - Xelarra her honourary aunt.
Cherith was born the fourth out of the six Fel children, and first daughter of the renowned Imperial fighter pilot Baron Soontir Fel, considered one of, if not *the* finest pilot to ever get behind the controls of a TIE, any TIE, and his wife, holovid star Syal Antilles Fel, after Soontir had been hand-picked by Grand Admiral Thrawn as one of the elite Imperial officers he trusted with his secret "shadow" Empire in the Unknown Regions, the Empire of the Hand. The fact that Thrawn was willing to trust Fel after he had left the Empire to join the Rebellion speaks volumes of just how good a pilot and officer he was.
Cherith grew up alongside her brothers, and was as eager as they were to follow in their father's vapour trails. She watched impatiently as her three older brothers, Davin, Chak and Jagged, did just that, yearning for her turn. As she grew older, however, something else besides the thrill of flying also caught her attention -- longtime family friend, Mitth'shra'nuruodo -- Shran, son of Grand Admiral Thrawn and Empress Xelarra. The Chiss boy was only a year older than her, best friends with her brother Jagged (himself 3 years older than Cherith), and their mothers were also friends (as had been their fathers, before Grand Admiral Thrawn's death)  so Shran was a constant presence in her life, almost like an extra brother, and she'd often join Jag and Shran in playing video games (especially TIE simulator), and listening to Shran go on with just as much enthusiasm about *his* chosen field, joining the Explorers, an offshoot of the Hand's navy specializing in exploration and scientific discovery over military action. The more Shran told her about it, the more fun it seemed -- exploring new worlds, carving new paths through the Chaos, finding new resources and allies for the Empire of the Hand.
Having four brothers, it took a bit longer than most human girls to realize that boys are sometimes not *completely* disgusting. Her childhood friendship with Shran evolved into a crush she couldn't shake, even after he had left for the Explorers academy. She tried to push her feelings aside, and concentrate on her own entrance into the Empire of the Hand's fighter academy, as her family expected, as even she thought she wanted.
Flying came naturally to Cherith, and she did put her all into her TIE training, striving to be just as good, if not better, than her brothers. However, Cherith found she actually did enjoy piloting larger ships as well. They might not be capable of aerobatics like TIEs, but her understanding of starfighters translated amazingly well to corvettes and frigates, and, more importantly, to Explorer ships, which are surprisingly maneuverable for 300-metre long science vessels. They're meant to be fast and tough, able to do scouting missions as well as exploration. Cherith began to wonder just what she could push such a ship to do if she were at the helm, and not just because of a certain blue boy who *might* be assigned to the same ship, if she were extremely lucky.
At 16, just months away from graduating from the Empire of the Hand's starfighter academy, Cherith faced the most intimating trial of her life -- telling her father she didn't want to be a TIE pilot. She wanted to be an Explorer.
The Baron was quiet for a few minutes after his daughter poured her heart out, then wrapped his arms around her. He reassured Cherith that he would have been far more disappointed if she had only half-heartedly become a TIE pilot just to please him, and would have been devastated if that disappointment in her path led to her getting killed in the field. TIE pilots have to want it more than anything to survive, and he'd much rather have an alive, happy daughter doing something, anything else, than one who died trying to impress him. He advised her to finish her training -- Fels are not quitters, after all. Then, as an officer, she'd have an easier time applying to be an Explorer. Her training time in her new field would also be reduced.
After another year of class studies, and a year as a cadet, Lieutenant Cherith Fel finally came aboard the RRS Intrepid as the junior helms officer. In her new, Explorer blue uniform, with the silver accents denoting her position as a pilot, she finally felt like she was where she belonged.
As she reported to the bridge for her first shift, she finally met her new Captain:
"Welcome to the Intrepid, Lieutenant Fel.  I’m looking forward to serving with you.” said Shran, with the same, cocky, full of himself smile she knew so well from when they had been kids.
She returned the smile, "as am I, Captain."
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