useless-catalanfacts · 2 months
An old saying in Catalan:
De tres coses no te n'has de fiar: del rei, del temps i de la mar.
Translation: "There are three things that you must never trust: the king, the weather, and the sea."
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zeststrife · 6 months
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inside joke w my friend narz totally canon: terranort is trans and hes a lesbian this was anti-aquas idea w the shirts
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strayheartless · 11 months
People absolutely underestimate Rikus potential cryptid energy. We are talking like big “moth man” vibes.
Like he’s my boy, but I’m imagining nights where someone -we will say Aqua- hears noise from the kitchen in the land of departure. when she swings the door open all she sees is these two eyes that catch the light from the hallway.
Aqua yells and turns on the light, keyblade at the ready… only to find Riku standing with a yogurt pot in one hand and a spoon in his mouth.
And Riku’s just like “evening,”.
times when Terra will be looking for him for literal hours only for him to fold out of a dark corner in the rafters like a paper doll. And Terra doesn’t know whether to terrified or impressed.
times when Riku’s dream eater form is triggered (I love that particular fanon) and he’s crawling around and hanging off of ceilings and Roxas and Ven are doubly like “NOT TODAY SATAN”
It would be worse when Sora’s Anti form gets triggered at the same time because then you have one crawling around on the ceiling like some bram stokers nightmare fuel, and the other one crab scuttling across the floor like Gollum on darkness filled steroids. Kairi personally believes she needs a raise. Mostly because she now carries around a spray bottle to stop them from chewing on drapes.
Biggest nightmare fuel moment:
Riku’s dream eater form
Sora’s anti form
And Vanitas (just him in general)
Just coming together for one beautiful awful storm of cryptid behaviour while on mission in beasts castle.
Ven, Kairi and Xion trailing behind their path of destruction, apologising to Belle and Beast for the furniture they chew.
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starfiresky · 8 months
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Kingdom Hearts?
More like Kingdom B R O K E N Hearts 💔
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Acting like saying canon fascist characters are pedophiles is going too far or 'they did a lot of bad stuff but they wouldn't do THAT' is pretty ignorant tbh.Historically speaking,being a fascist and being a pedophile have kinda gone hand in hand.Shouldn't need to say this part but i don't mean 'Get over it and let people like whatever FICTION they want',this is a Certified Fandom Olds,Certified Pedophiles hate page
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mimiplaysgames · 22 days
The Bed Story, ch. 1 (Light in the Dark)
For Terraqua Week 2024, Day 1
Terra/Aqua | Terra/Anti-Aqua Rating: M Word count: 1,777 @terraquaweek
AO3 Link
Summary: Terra meets Anti-Aqua, and he's sorry for all the things they did and didn't do.
A/N: Hiiiiiiii everyone ahhh???? It's so good to be back, writing for my favorite ship ever. I've missed you all. I took the opportunity with Terraqua Week to write something new, but I've been meaning to finish my open fics for them. There are still so many scenes in my head that I want to put on the page. It's just been hard to find the time to write them as I work on my first novel. But I'm here!!! and I miss!!! all of you!!!! I hope you enjoy this one. I wrote it all in a month so there is going to be quality control issues, lmao but it is ANGSTY lmao.
Terra is watching. Terra is no longer watching. Terra is asleep, Terra is—
Awake. Coming to, he inhales dust and dirt so sharply that his throat stings, and he drops hard on his knees, face slamming against cobblestone. He can’t feel his legs, and his hips won’t buck over when he commands them to.
“Aqua,” he mumbles, his tongue thick. He struggles to buoy himself up by the elbows. Where is he?
“Terra? Thank the stars.” Aqua kneels by him and guides his head to her lap. Storm clouds prey over the city of Radian Garden, snuffing out the sun overhead (Why is he here?). “Where do you hurt?” Aqua’s hair is too short to stay behind her ears, draping over while her frightened eyes inspect him for injuries. Frizzy. He could reach up and smooth it back down, but he’s dizzy. If this is the last time he will touch her… She brushes the tips of her fingers over his cheek, cleaning it of dirt and—
Smoke? Magic residue.
“Terra, stay with me.” 
Yes, he wants to. He’s slipping, he’s—
Stars, he yearns to. He snatches her hand and weaves their fingers together. He can’t think like that. He can never let go again. Everything, everything, everything is going wrong but he’ll make it right. 
Xehanort. That’s the reason for the thunder ramming beyond the horizon.
No, the real reason is Terra being stupid.
“Can you stand up?”
Rainfell is left neglected on the ground next to her. They’ve been fighting each other with their Keyblades. That’s what she’s not telling him. 
“I can’t.”
Aqua blinks away her worry, but Terra sees past the armor. “That’s okay. You’re doing good. You’re beating him.”
Bile clogs his esophagus. He needs to roll over and let it all out but he swallows it back. Swallows again and swallows hard to keep it in and not let Xehanort go—
“Aqua,” he says, his voice frail, “I’m sorry.” 
Aqua smiles morosely. She’s never been the type to rub it in. 
There’s a lot to be sorry for. One: The Master is dead. 
Two: They fought. In front of Ven.
Three: He left her behind. 
Four, just to decapitate the dead horse: He never congratulated her on achieving her Master status.
And five: for that night before the Mark of Mastery. Terra had hoped there would be less stress the night after.
This can’t be the last time he touches her.
“I know,” she says. 
What was once a headache that jerked his forehead is now a quiet null, and he’s losing feeling in his fingers, the feeling of her skin.
His eyelids are heavy, and he sighs.
Aqua holds his chin and makes him stare into her eyes. “Listen to me. You’re strong. You can defeat him.”
Terra stretches the fingers in his free hand and tries to ball them into a fist.
“I can’t find Earthshaker.”
He tries again—that small shred of Light he is supposedly connected to, the warmth of a friend who will always listen, the certainty of having someone there to help, is gone. Earthshaker won’t come. 
This is what it’s like to have regret. Tell me, how does that honor our Master’s memory, Terra?
“I know Earthshaker. It will always be there for you,” Aqua says, so confident and so wrong, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to get him to stand. 
Terra flinches—a profound image of choking her invades his senses, bleached knuckles that won’t respond to him, rigid around the same neck he’s buried his nose in before. 
He leans over on his side, too weak to push her off. “Aqua, just let me go.”
“Never,” she snaps. “How can you ask that?”
“He’s coming back.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. We can fight him off together.” 
How does that honor our Master’s memory?
In a page tucked away on some textbook Terra has always hated reading for its archaic nonsense, was a line: F’r our lighteth in the dark hast us by the heart, at each moment. 
Too heavy for her, Aqua brings Terra back to rest on her lap. When they’re weak, they’re supposed to be each other’s Light to guide them back home. That’s what the Master said. One star to find another lost in space. 
(And when stars flicker out, they explode in a supernova, then disintegrate into a black hole. That is something the Master refused to discuss. Their job was not to let that happen, period.)
“Terra, stay with me?”
For a moment, the lights go out. For the next, they come back on. Terra looks up at her blue eyes. She knows what’s happening to him, from the way she quiets down and rubs her thumb on his jaw. 
“You just have to find your Light again,” Aqua says. She’s talking about Earthshaker. She’s talking about Ven. She’s talking about going home together. “And this will be over. Then we can find our own little hiding place.” She soothes, stroking his cheek. “Like we promised.”
But, just in case, Terra squeezes her hand one more time. He’s going to have to let go.
Terra lifts his head and points with his nose to beckon her to go lower, to get closer to him, as if he’s telling her a secret. Closer, enough for him to lean up with what’s left of his strength, to press his mouth on hers, and open his lips, and ask for more. She trembles against him, and he kisses her again, and inhales her smokey sweat and lavender shampoo with all that he wants to say but has lost the voice for.
That’s his last memory before sinking into the black hole. Someone far away says, “I’m with you,” planting one little star into his hand that he can caress to his chest while he slips into something like sleeping. Then he tears apart.
Awake. Awake? 
Terra sits up. He rolls to his hands and knees, and coughs—there’s sand crumbling under his tongue, and he spits out the remains. 
After he nearly gags from what doesn’t come up, he realizes. Sand crumpled underneath his fist, as if he was in the middle of choking someone. More sand caked into his nails. A musty odor—he needs deodorant. That numbing feeling on his wrists that means he needs to shake them off. Wake them up. Awake. He’s breathing, and it’s hot, and he’s sweaty, and he’s hungry. 
It happens so quickly, the way Ven rushes to Terra’s side, and checks his eyes to see if they’re blue. Terra doesn’t register a single word out of Ven’s mouth but he registers the feeling of Ven’s chest crushed against his, muscle trapping boy in a hug. Cheek to cheek, the sound of tears and tears.
“You’re crushing me.” 
Terra lets go, but not the shoulders. It’s too early to allow the feeling of someone slipping away. 
Ven is the same as he's always been. All bones. “You’re still chubby in the cheeks,” Terra says, smushing them between his giant hands.
“Fuck you.”
“What is that language?” But Terra is crying, messing with Ven’s well-kept hair.
“Ugh, why.” The disturbed styling cream flattens the cowlick Ven likes so much and his attempt to make it right dwindles. But he’s smiling. Crying, too. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me, too.” More tears.
Ven stops his fussing and lowers his hands. His voice breaks. “I thought I’d never see you again.” 
To make up for it, Terra tries fixing Ven’s hair for him. Thankfully, considering the result, there’s no mirror nearby to upset Ven. “Hey. It’s over. We’re safe. We’re back together and—”
Terra looks around. They’re in the Keyblade Graveyard, somewhere within starched erected stone walls that are falling apart. But Terra doesn’t understand why they’re here. He tastes smoke. Magic residue. 
They fought Xehanort-as-Terra here, and Terra doesn’t remember much except reaching for a night sky. She was here, he was certain. A star gauzed behind clouds and he reached, and reached and caught Xehanort by the throat. 
“Where’s Aqua?”
Ven doesn’t respond. 
Terra’s heart pounds, assuming the worst. Did he hurt—
“Um.” Ven wipes his hands on his pants and stands. “She’s different.”
Terra gets off his knees. He’s unbalanced, swaying with his heavy legs, and Ven holds him up by the arm. “What does that mean?”
Ven grunts his disappointment. He points behind Terra, to a wall that bends open to the rest of the labyrinth. “She’s behind there. She fought with me” —against Terra— “then left.”
Terra trips on his feet as he limps. How different? Hurt-different? Tired-different? Furious-different? Furious with him? Won’t want to ever talk to him again-different, and there’s no turning back-different? 
He catches himself at the side of the wall. “Aqua?”
Rustling and steps respond, in the slice of shadow around the corner. Terra looks over.
Two little orbs, lights in the shadow that remind him of monsters, stare back at him, waiting before the onslaught. Terra’s instinct is to call Earthshaker, but it still won’t come. Left defenseless, how fast will the monster get to him if Terra yells? How fast will Ven come to the rescue?
But a second passes by before he realizes what he’s looking at. Golden eyes in fury, white hair, pulling her ripped sleeves, inked in black, to hide her red claws. 
She looks like a creature. 
When Terra was six, the Master would tell him stories of valiant heroes defeating monsters with eyes like lanterns, which seduced victims into thinking they’re safe, and made them follow false lights until they were isolated in the dark. 
Aqua shivers. “You,” she says. Her voice is steady and solid, but he hears all its cadences. Rage, sadness, something like relief but too numb to feel it.
Terra steps toward his monster but he lowers his gaze from her glare. If he doesn’t see, then it’s not as bad as he thinks.
This is what it’s like to have regret. Tell me, how does this honor our Master’s memory, Terra?
He coaxes her into his arms, and rests his mouth onto her forehead, letting her heave dry sobs into his shoulder while his hot tears trickle down to her hair. She smells like ash. She’s freezing.
He doesn’t have the courage this time to apologize. He almost asks if she’s okay. Stupid question. “Let’s go home.” 
Aqua says nothing. She doesn’t hug him back. All she does is bore her wild eyes into him, long enough for Terra to break his avoidance. He sees not his reflection in that golden color but a silhouette of the moon.
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peachi-blossom · 2 months
Non-Hazbin Hotel characters that are better than Cherri Bomb
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Vivienne Medrano trying not to write one dimensional female characters challenge
Finally, I'm done.
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elizabeth-dicewielder · 11 months
Okay but the fact that Sora and Riku were able to defeat Anti-Aqua was just so ridiculous to me… Aqua survived 12 YEARS in the realm of darkness, was repeatedly shown to be more powerful than Ventus and Terra, defeated HERSELF, just got a darkness-fueled power up, and she is the only keyblade master who genuinely trained her entire life. She should not have lost that battle imo
Okay so AU where Sora and Riku can’t beat Aqua, so they flee to the realm of light, but Aqua follows them out. But even as Anti-Aqua, she’s clearly shown to still be in control. Upon returning to the realm of light, she would briefly pause hunting them down to awaken Ventus, and Ventus would be able to talk enough sense into Aqua so she would focus her efforts on taking down Xehanort and beat the shit out of Mickey later. Cue the Keyblade war, Aqua just rips through all of the members of the organization, until she gets to Terranort and there’s an epic fight and she gets Terra back, and upon seeing Terra and Ventus safe again, she lets the darkness go on her own
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gulava · 1 year
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Go ahead if you wanna waste your time. Keep trying to drive us apart with your mind games. It'll never work!
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snowberryangel · 5 months
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tryna strike a chord and it's probably a minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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thesufferingsapphic · 2 years
No matter how many times DC retcons Slade all I will ever thing of him is the guy that abused his children, slept with a teenager, and manipulated like 3 other teenage girls.
3 examples but there’s many more.
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I couldn’t find any good quality panels of Poprocket another unstable vulnerable teenage girl he manipulated.
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useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
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Someone has been sticking these printed papers on small local businesses that are closing down as a result of gentrification in Barcelona (Catalonia's capital city, greatly affected by touristic massification and the gentrification it brings). They're written in the Catalan language, so here I translate them to English for you:
2 world wars, 1 civil war, bombs, the 40 years "facing the sun" [=first line of the anthem of Spain during the Francoist dictatorship], 9 popes, 15 times Real Madrid won the Champions League, 2 pandemics. It has survived everything except speculation.
Maybe 10,000 bucks for rent was a little teeny tiny bit too much, wasn't it? Maybe. I'm not saying it was. I'm just saying: maybe.
If they open a Starbucks or something like that, I'm cutting off my dick. Bring back Versalles [convenience store]!
*A picture of Asterix and Obelix hitting two Roman soldiers. Asterix and Obelix are labelled Nou Barrix and Palomarix as a joke of Gaulish-sounding names for the working class neighbourhoods of Nou Barris and Sant Andreu del Palomar. The Roman soldiers are labelled "the fucking gentrification".*
My great-grandma used to come for coffee here, now she's asking me to do this from the Other Side. You'll understand that I'm so scared that I'm shitting myself and I must continue doing it (one can't say no to a great-grandmother)
Gràcia and Poblenou [two neighbourhoods of Barcelona that have gotten very gentrified by tourists] started like this and now not even their mother would recognise them.
Photos from Et felicito fill.
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bramblequeen · 11 months
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Small doodle of Terra and Aqua, as well as some whump Terra & Aqua headcanons underneath…
I wonder in the future when the Terra and Aqua are going into their later years, will getting white hairs give Terra and Aqua PTSD flashbacks?
The time she spent under the effects of Darkness was small, but I suspect she had some inkling of what she looked like as Anti-Aqua. We know that she took Master Eraqus words on Darkness very seriously, so I think she’d be quite embarrassed and mortified by it. I can only hope that in her later years, she’s made peace with that ideology. But when the white hairs start coming in, she starts to nightmares about transforming back into Anti Aqua. Thus, she ends up throwing herself into training to distract herself.
Meanwhile, Terra gets the worst of it. The guy spent 10 years under the control of Xehanort, so he has a lot more to unpack with his trauma. Much like an old wound, the deep aching fear of Xehanort coming back and taking his body again haunts him for years. Some days are good, some are bad.
When the white hairs come, he starts to have panic attacks and those nightmares. Those would get really bad if he starts losing hair. He could be found shaking after waking up from a nightmare and even screaming. It’s not a fun time for either with them…
I doubt that Nomura and the KH team would actually go this way with characterisation (let alone write about so far into the future), but it’s interesting to think about
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writnwolph · 2 months
I much prefer the Terra retcon because if you read interviews from Deathstroke co-creator Perez at that time it wasn't to make Slade or loser or crybaby. The writers actually thought it did make Slade cool and smart, neither writer saw it as pedophilia. In fact they wrote it that way because he thought it demonised *Terra* because she was (and I quote) "a slut". The whole thing was written to make Terra a morally bankrupt person not Slade. So I say good riddance to that whole thing.
I don't like retcons of it because, inevitably, it's just to make Deathstroke more appealing to the masses. It's not like Terra is the one getting comic books dedicated to her or TV shows made in her name with these retcons. It's for Deathstroke.
Deathstroke as a character doesn't deserve to have this origin written away.
He doesn't deserve to be palatable enough to get merchandise and TV shows while Terra is still left behind in the DC Universe as an evil girl who got what was coming to her. What kind of justice is that???
Slade represents what many influential men in the real world are able to get away with when you have power. These men are able to "retcon" their past sins away with money.
Retconning a canonical predator's past away just follows real world trends in a way that makes me uncomfortable to accept.
In life, girls like Terra can't retcon away their abuse. Yeah, I realize that Terra and Deathstroke aren't real people but they represent real themes. Retconning their past away leaves a bad taste in my mouth as well as a bad message in my opinion.
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cherrymoonvol6 · 11 months
ok nvm i'll elaborate right now
i think one of the many weird choices in the finale was to make belos possess raine out of all people. one, because it really comes out of the blue. when has belos ever shown any interest of raine? like, i'm sure he must be aware of raine's record of plotting against the establishment, but he never deals with them himself. instead he sends a plethora of other people to do it for him (darius, eberwolf, kikimora, terra). if anything, it is terra that has a bone to pick with them. and in a parallel work where raine got more to do, i believe terra and raine's dynamic would've been something really interesting to explore. kinda like the relationship between atreus and odin in GOW ragnarok, like this "okay i know you hate me and all that i stand for, but i see potential in you so i'll take you under my wing and prove to you that i am worth of your time and loyalty" kinda thing, which is a banger dynamic btw.
but the second part is that there are two way more attractive options. the first one, immediately on demand, is darius. ofc it would take some canon time of developing that dynamic between belos and darius (it pains me that it doesn't exist), but it would make sense that belos would keep a close eye on darius. after all, he was mentored and was a good friend of the previous golden guard, and it's implied in various scenes (mostly ASIAS) that he knows enough about hunter's "ancestors" to praise him when he doesn't follow orders, and ultimately play the long-con to betray belos. he may even be aware in some sense of belos killing the previous golden guard, or even the existence of the grimwalkers. in that case, it would make sense that belos would have built some resentment towards him that ultimately shows in the choice to possess, corrupt and kill his puppeteer-ed body. but then, there's an even better option here, and a character that belos has hide a long-time resentment against: lilith.
look, if belos remembers luz from all those years ago, then he abso-fucking-lutely remembers lilith as well. and in a sense you can interpret the actions in canon as him trying to exert his personal vendetta against her: keep her close in the emperor's coven, trying to get her sister to join and get branded with a sigil with the promise that he'll cure her from her curse, all this while knowing that she would eventually betray him and join luz's side. we know belos kept her close for a reason and he knows the extent of her abilities, her history and relationship with eda, and her weaknesses as well. belos possessing lilith, then, would not only be the definitive "fuck you" to her, but could've also been an effective way to provoke eda emotionally and lead her to abandon her hideout to confront him. and honestly, from the way belos acts in that scene in FTF, his reaction to finding the best candidate to possess would make so much more sense if it was lilith and not raine.
but like, aren't lilith and raine just... insanely similar characters in the show's narrative? both are figures of eda's past, who loved each other sincerely back in simpler times, and through plot-related actions (raine's reason is much better narratively though, IMO) abandoned eda and joined the opposing side, climbing the ranks through their powerful abilities until becoming important figures in the coven circle. trying to think about the things i'd change in canon to make raeda a better couple involve making them go through similar plot beats that eda and lilith have gone through: an emotional, powerful moment where raine has to choose between their position of power and eda's wellbeing, actual tension between them (resentment and guilt from eda's side, frustration and confusion from raine's side), situations where they are forced to colaborate and their chemistry can still come through but still their dynamic is permeated by those lingering wounds... like, all of those things are stuff that already happened in canon, between eda and lilith. there's even that moment in king's tide where eda has the same somber moment with raine and lilith before executing their sabotage:
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to me, it event seems like lilith got a lot of attention and development with eda in S1 and early S2 and then her character got sidelined when raine started to appear, and simultaneously: how raine's backstory and conflict of interest with eda are pretty much an afterthought but they still get to be a key player in the plot through late S2 and S3. i'm really sorry that economic character construction has to work this way, but that's how it is: you don't get to give eda a sister and a significant other and then make those two characters the same one. you have to commit to just one and integrate all aspects onto them.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Acab includes whichever fictional fascist you wanna fuck because they're white and conventionally attractive,idgaf!
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