#Anti fascim
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spiced-wine-fic · 6 months ago
“So much for Britain sliding into civil war, eh, Mr Musk? Pretty much a whole nation was braced yesterday evening for the worst civil disorder in a decade or more. Fair to say, too, that some were also hoping, for their own malign reasons, for chaos, mayhem, and even death.
But it did not turn out like that, or anything like it. In fact, it was a rout for the far right in the best possible way – a peaceful one where they were overwhelmed by folk who despise what they stand for, as much as their incoherent claims make any sense at all.
Britain really is not what we saw over the last week, and the reasonable, tolerant, democratically-minded centre held.
The fascists were, frankly, humiliated, often a handful marooned in a windswept roundabout or in a corner of a High Street, surrounded by their fellow Britons demonstrating that “we are many, you are few”. Indeed they are, and a criminal few as well. The Metropolitan Police commissioner Mark Rowley says that 70 per cent of those arrested have criminal records.
In his words: “They are not your average man on the street. They are thugs and criminals, they are not patriots or protesters and they are being held to account.”
It was a bad night for the likes of Tommy Robinson and Elon Musk.
The far right have emerged from these events weaker, not stronger, their cause exposed for the nihilism it is.”
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year ago
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"SWASTIKA PROMOTER CANCELS MEETING; CHARGES ASSAULT," Toronto Globe. August 17, 1933. Page 3. ----- Second Gathering Postponed After Talk With Police --- SWEARS OUT WARRANT ---- (Canadian Press Despatch.) Kitchener, Aug. 16. - Beset on every side with opposition to his efforts to form a "Swastika" club in Kitchener, Otto E. Becker tonight had cancelled the second meeting he had planned to inaugurate the movement. After conferring with police today, the out-of-work German immigrant said a gathering he announced for tonight would be postponed.
Becker swore out a warrant today, charging Gustav Lueck, member of the "Old Comrades' Club." a local organization of German veterans, with assault.
The assault, Becker alleges, was the outcome of an altercation which resulted from a report written by Lueck, which said Becker had been on relief in Germany before coming to Canada and had been on relief in Windsor for two months before he moved to Kitchener.
Becker denied the statements, and today stopped Lueck on the street. An altercation ensued, Becker says, and in the course of it, he claims, he was kicked in the face.
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thelastharbinger · 1 year ago
Did not have the U.S. government holding hearings on previously classified information and lying making confirmations under oath that they are in possession of alien bodies and ufos in order to distract from the fact that covid-19 is still the leading cause of death in children, the cost of living is astronomical, cop city is well underway despite Atlanta residents overwhelmingly crying out against it, we are experiencing the hottest & deadliest temperatures on record, the state of Florida trying to rewrite history to say that slavery was just a mutually beneficial unpaid internship, trans lives and rights are under attack, anti drag laws, FLINT MICHIGAN STILL DOES NOT HAVE CLEAN DRINKING WATER, anti-discrimination laws being reversed, Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action, Roe v. Wade undone, universal free school lunches are on the ballot, ongoing mass shootings, climate change, big pharma killing off people by withholding live saving drugs at ungodly market prices, the erasure of separation of church and state, AI surveillance being implemented to detect fare evasion for increasingly costly public transport services, the rise of fascim, proud boys showing up with military grade weapons at libraries and day care centers, the permitted attempted coup of the capital, labor union strikes happening all over the country, people dying of heat in Texas because evil landlords want to cut off cooling over an unpaid $51 utility bill, train derailments causing toxic waste spills, corruption within the highest court in the land, homelessness rates the highest its ever been, migrants and asylum seekers being kicked out of temporary housing, the cost of food, book bans, Miranda Rights no longer being stated, mayors deciding to no longer publicly disclose how many people are dying pre-trial in detention facilities, federal minimum wage still $7.25, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, oil pipeline constructions on native lands, something like 30-50% of the nation's drinking water contaminated with forever chemicals, the rich remaining untaxed, biden going back on his campaign promises to forgive all student debt, still no free universal healthcare, ICE deportations increasing under biden admin, the u.s. yet maintaining colonies, teens and women getting jail time for miscarriages and abortions, 100 companies globally responsible for 70 or 80-something percent of all CO2 emissions, we are living in a police state, diseases resurfacing after years with no cases due to rising temps, death penalty, public services being defunded to increase military and police spending budgets, and abusers suing victims for defamation cases in court so that they legally cannot talk about it, and setting a dangerous precedent in the process in my 2023 bingo card but here we god damn are.
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icyfiretraveler · 1 year ago
Title: "Trails of Cold Steel 3"
Released: September 2017
Genre: Anti-Fascist Fayerie tale, Turn-Based RPG, YA Mid-Apocalypse
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A Story of resisting fascim from within, as it ends the world. I started from "Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure" and the story continues directly, with lots of returning characters and an easy recap of the first two games set in the Erebonian Empire. The look and play is intuitive and built greatly on the systems I saw in Azure, with a more forgiving difficulty curve. The story is a slow starter, but it built to a satisfying conclusion over easily 100 hours of school life & incresingly high stakes encounters. The writing is a lil patriarchal and tends to swords & horses, while also taking place in a highly patriarchal setting. The fascist themes seem to lean towards apologetics, but resolve satisfyingly enough.
The writing can be very inspiring! I would recommend it to hopeful and hopeless people. Anyone who likes long rpgs and political themes.
Most people could probably start from here.
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vadergf · 4 years ago
So you know the 12 signs of fascism, I read up on them and tried to find evidence of all the signs in Modi's india. And surprise suprise, I found a lot of Articles. The only thing I couldn't find properly is Modi's leniency to corporates so I need to go more in depth for that. Might make an in -depth article later
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sarcasticpieceofshit · 5 years ago
Great documentary about French skinheads and anti fascism. The film portrays the evolution of the skinheads from the 60s to the 90s. It’s mostly composed of interviews with former Red Warriors and members of other gangs.
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urayoangodkiller · 6 years ago
How Being Anti-Trump Is Weakening The Left
Uhuru comrades! Im seeing allot of purported “Leftist” engage in allot of Anti-Trumpery in last..oh i dunno know..year or so, and altho its exciting to see the Crisis of Imperialism  polarizing the Left and Right Wing, we must engage in criticism/self-Criticism if we are ever gonna grow capable of achieving socialism in this most advantageous window of political strife.
First off, We as Leftist CANNOT make the mistake of letting liberal media define our struggle for Socialism. NPR, CNN, MSNBC etc are all Corporate and State Sponsored media backed by the Democratic Party. It is this Democrat Media that pushes the Bernard Sanders and the Hilary Clintons and rails against Donald Trump. Understand True Socialism (workers control of the means of production) is inherently a complete uprooting and replacement of the current status quo. Socialism by nature is antagonistic to the interest of Corporate and State entities. If leftist TRULY want Socialism we must understand the Democrats and the Republicans as two heads on the same Hydra. We must subscribe to Media with a Revolutionary Narrative such as The Burning Spear ( http://www.theburningspear.com/) or Black Agenda Report (https://soundcloud.com/user-208734627) 
Next, Lemme tell yall TRUMP IS NOT THE FASCIST. yup, I said it. Trump aint no fascist bruh. America has ALWAYS opporated in a way that can be interpreted as fascist . I recently wrote a small essay on how facism is only defined as such when the State turns on its white citizens go check that out on my blog, but for this lil essay ill go ahead and use a typical definition. “Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy”
So immediatly one can understand Nationalism is intrinsic in American Culture. One can also sight many a time when the US government crushed real political opposition using means of violence (off the top of my head CoIntel Pro). Where i feel the Left is lacking, is identifying that we been living under a Dictatorship How easily we forget the occupy movement of 2011 that been exposed that we live under a dictatorship of the Rich. They are the true fascist as they control both the Republican and Democratic Party. They are even referred to as the shadow government these days.
If we are to bring about Socialism, that is liberate humanity and the Earth from the Violence of capitalism, We must correctly identify what stands in the way. And its not Trump. Its America itself
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erinmicklow · 7 years ago
WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW + SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YuJ2RAKCJ0
Mensi of the Angelic Upstarts talks the beginning of Oi! punk, football in England, punk rock education, anti-fascim + more with @erinmicklow for Last Rockers TV!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year ago
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"Rally of Swastika Club Flops at Kitchener," Toronto Globe. August 15, 1933. Page 1. ---- Barrage of Queries And Hint By Police Send Crowd Home --- W. H. McKay of Toronto Is Chairman, But Bert Ganter Is Absent - People. in Hall Grow Restless, Then Noisy - Reds Asks Questions --- NEW NAME CHOSEN BY CLUB IN CITY ---- (Canadian Press Despatch.) KITCHENER, Aug. 14. - Organization of a so-called Swastika Club here tonight fell with a dull thud as Chief Constable William Hodgson quietly suggested the meeting be closed after C. E. Becker, sponsor of the movement, had been interrupted a number of times when attempting to outline the aims and objects of the proposed club.
Meeting Tomorrow. Becker announced as the crowd started to file out that another meeting would be held Wednesday night, when he hoped "more orderly people would be present."
W. H. McKay, Toronto, one of the organizers of the much-publicized Toronto East End club, acted as Chairman, but Bert Ganter, also prominent in the Toronto club, was not present. Differences of opinion in the ranks of the Toronto organization were revealed after McKay had announced "owing to unforeseen difficulties" Ganter could not be present.
Pressed for information, McKay denied any split had occurred between them personally. "We still remain as friends. When Mr. Ganter organized the group I resigned in order to go along with plans, and I am right in sympathy with the movement we have here," he said.
Applies for Deportation. Becker, who today admitted his application for deportation to Germany had been granted, tonight drew a crowd of about 250 man and women to the meeting. The crowd was a mixed one. Among them were many well-known German arrivals in recent years, whose response during Becker's remarks was not enthusiastic. In the audience also were many alleged members of the Communist Party. At times they challenged the speaker on his statements with respect to what had been done in Germany by Adolph Hitler. Becker said the Jews "were among the active leaders in Communist and Bolshevick ranks," and called on the Christian peoples "to unite if they wanted to end the depression."
Becker, whose English is somewhat broken, asked McKay to read clipping after clipping from newspapers referring to Hitlerism, Fascism, Communism and similar questions. The crowd became restless, and as the meeting progressed, booing became so noisy that Chief Hodgson. who with several other police officers had been r watching the proceedings, asked McKay and Becker each in turn behind the screen to close the meeting.
Workers Appealed To. W. J. Pepe, taking up the request of MacKay, to speak instead of nterrupting Becker, urged workers to organize at the meeting in opposition to what he termed the "newest Fascist" move in Canada. He saw in the Swastika movement "only a race hatred," not justified from what he knew of the Jews he was acquainted with, he said.
At the opening of the meeting, Becker told the audience he had been given information Communists would be present. "If they are here, I warn hem." he remarked.
A request was issued by him to Jews who may have been present to leave the meeting, but as far as is known, no one left. Becker said there was a representative of a newspaper of the organization for defense of Jewish rights in the audience.
Council Opposes. A strong opposition was expressed by City Council here tonight to the Swastika movement started here in resolution condemning any organization with aims directed against any creed or race. The resolution called on the general public to discourage and prevent as far as possible any organization from fostering such objects.
Swastika Emblem. Welland, Aug. 14. - This morning when a truck driver for a Jewish-owned grocery firm in Welland went to the garage, he found a "swastika""emblem pasted on the side of the machine. The peculiar shaped cross was apparently drawn in India ink on white paper. The emblem was turned over to the city police, and the authorities believe that a practical joker has been at work.
New Name. The now defunct Swastika Club of the beaches has adopted as its new name "the Beaches Protective Association," and in a letter under the signature of the same are notifying all business men and residents of the beaches district of the organization meeting to be held at Kew Beach School on Thursday night at 9 o'clock. The letter calls attention to the improved conditions existing at the beaches since the beginning of the Swastika agitation, and states that it thought advisable and advantageous to found an organization to protect the district against a recurrence of further objectionable incidents.
The letter says the club has now received the moral and financial support of a group of prominent beach business men and residents. Members and spokesmen said last night that they were ignoring the part being played by H. W. Macaky in the Kitchener meeting. The following statement was issued last evening:
The Beaches Protective Association has absolutely no affiliations with any type of political organization. It Is an association for the carrying out of its alms and objects in the benches district only. We have no connections of any type in any other city in Canada, and we have absolutely nothing to do with Fascist, Nazi, or other anti-Semitic Ideas.
"(Signed) B. W. Ganter, George E. Singer, Donald Griffin."
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ryththeyoshi · 7 years ago
Pretty openly racist, transphobic, uses and reblogs slurs, considers anti fascism the same thing as fascim, and a very long list of reasons for how terrible they are but they're a pretty known scummy person on the site. also most relevant to you, they think fat people's body positivity is bad and that nobody should be outside of sexualization
Ahh, did not know. I don't think I recall seeing anything on my end with them about it but I haven't been on the site for too long so I'll take your word for it. I tried looking through their stuff for red flags but I either didn't dig too deep or it gets deleted.
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urayoangodkiller · 6 years ago
Should African People and Indigenous People Struggle against Fascism?
ionno, Was it Fascist that stole Africans off they land and enslaved them? was it considered fascism when Americans Stole half of mexico at gunpoint? Was it considered fascist when African (Black) people were economically barred from basic residential necessities by “Red Lining”? I can go on with examples of horrendously oppressive acts by the United States that ARE NEVER understood as acts of fascism.
 Historically the enemy of Black and hispanic people (African and Indigenous tbr) ARE NOT FASCIST but the white power structure itself, that is America and the European nations that colonized most of the world and sapped the resources for their own benefit. Fascism was first coined to described the Hitler’s and Mousselini’s who used the state power to inflict violence on its own citizens. ONLY WHEN that violence was used against europeans did it become a problem, cuz European Countries had been dishing out that kind of violence on Africa and America for centuries at that point and TILL THIS DAY. 
So ask really ask yourself Brother, sister, raza etc...was it considered fascism when pigs killed the young brother Mike Brown? was it considered fascism when la migra breaks into yall house and detained your family members? no. no. no! ITS COLONIALISM. Its the contemperary Colonial apparatus that keeps Indigenous people from the land of they birthright and African’s enslaved (i know u know the prison system is just slavery behind walls) 
So why differentiate the struggle? arent Anti-Fascist Allies to the cause of African and Indigenous people?? Well. where was anti-fa when Tanks were called into ferguson after mike browns execution? where were they at when African people meet face to face w the violence of the state?? Lemme be clear... Anti-Fascist are just an Anti-Trump anomolly  cuz white people as benefactors of the colonial state are now afraid the state might turn on them and treat them like its been treating Africans and Indigenous people in this country for CENTURIES. This is where our interest diverge, the white left (even the so called radical) just wants an Imperialist as the head of the state that is friendly TO THEM, for Africans and Indigenous People their is no such thing as a friendly president. Our struggle is the same as palestine, our struggle is the same as Vietnams was all those years ago, our struggle is the same as the people of the congo, of Azania, of Nicaragua etc... Our struggle is to overturn this Imperialist state and liberate the colonized people of the earth. UHURU!
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sarcasticpieceofshit · 5 years ago
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