#Anti Mousse
hauntingmiser · 2 years
Day 23 in the Chamber they ain't tell me yet but when they do they're going to be surprised- "Miss Blueberry?" Says a child, "can you tell us a story?" "Of course of course~ which one?" "That book that looks old!" *The kid points at the Rose scented book* Miss Blueberry : oh. Well in that case, gather around children! I have a story to tell....*the children yelled okay* Miss Blueberry : Ahem...*opens the book*
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"The End..." says Blueberry Pie cookie "So who would like another story?" She asked questionable. "OH M E." "Well we're out of stories child..." Says Blueberry Pie *all the kids are saddened by this* Blueberry Pie : how about all of you, would like some cake?
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rose-n-gunses · 15 days
I like how when I'm home and I style my hair it's slaying perfect curls, looks exactly like the inspo pics I gave my hairdresser, it's effortless, it's fantastic, all that. But WHEN IM AT MY APARTMENT?? at best I look like eddie after crawling out of the lake
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gender-euphowrya · 20 days
is there a more annoying species of cunt than the ones that go "well i think [opinion A] but people who also think [opinion A] make bad arguments sometimes so i'm gonna start thinking [opinion B] instead"
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chekovsphaser · 2 months
My hair has started coming in wavy again (it does this every couple of years hormone changes or smth idk) but it's just at the roots and since I am growing out my hair rn I went looking for how I could even it out (either wavify the whole thing or straighten it). And uh. People don't really use all those products right? I feel like I'm reading some high level alien chemistry homework. However stupid wavy roots and straight ends look I think it beats spending all that money time and effort. idk maybe I am just lazy.
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bibakartbeautycare · 1 year
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thehollowwriter · 1 month
Meet Finn Clearcove, Octavinelle's silent observer!
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(Art by @authoruio (left), @quartztwst (middle), and @boopshoops (right))
Finn is an Octavinelle student from Night Raven College. He's seventeen and has a love for butterflies and art, especially music painting. He's got a spooky, dark secret that will be very much not a secret later in this post.
Some Basic Info:
☆Voice Claim: Muichiro Tokiro (sub voice played by Kengo Kawanishi)
☆Class: 2-C
☆Club: Gargoyle Research Club
☆Favourite subjects: Art, biology
☆Homeland: The Coral Sea
☆Species: Cookie cutter shark merfolk (half abyssal, half coastal)
☆Height/length: 147cm/4'9
☆Birthday: 20th November
☆Dominant hand: Right
☆Hobbies: Finn LOVES to paint, not only is he incredibly good at it (just not drawing people lmao) but it's his way of putting down his thoughts and feelings, often in twisted and unsettling imagery. He also loves tending to plants gardening, as well as studying butterflies (they're his favourite animals)
☆Likes: Animals, reading, cooking, music, making drinks
☆Dislikes: Loud noises, large crowds, bright lights,
☆Favourite food: Chocolate mousse
☆Least favourite food: Chicken
Finn is very quiet and prefers to spend his time in quiet solitude. He's very anti-social, inexpressive (most of the time), and blunt. He's a character that, although capable of lying, doesn't beat around the bush during the times be does talk.
Finn is very practical and hands on, he likes to get things done and in an efficient manner. He prefers doing things by hand himself rather than using magic or relying on others.
He's immensely confident in himself and who he is, and it gives certain students a nasty surprise when they expect him to be shy and mousy. He may not fit the beauty standard, but he thinks he looks fantastic as well, thank you, though his teeth are a bit off a sensitive spot for him (he doesn't like them)
Finn sometimes misses social cues, but a lot of the time he notices and just ignores them because he doesn't understand the point of them, or the point of a lot of things considered the "norm" really, and he'd rather you just tell him what you're desperately trying to *imply* at him.
Despite his quiet and seemingly calm disposition, Finn is a fella that is ruled by his emotions. He's not on the same level as Floyd (or Morrigan lmao) but sometimes they do override his logical judgement, especially when he feels afraid. He's got a short temper and will not treat you kindly when he's run out of patience, especially if he's overstimulated and irritated already. When he was younger he used to get into fights with Azul's bullies and his own, and bite them and chase them off.
Finn isn't quite as sadistic Jade or Azul or, well, a lot of NRC students, but he'd be lying if he told you he didn't find it amusing or satisfying watching students who couldn't pay the price for their decisions grovel and panic. Or just messing around with students by himself.
Despite all this, Finn is a deeply caring individual towards those he's close to. He feels his emotions vert powerfully, especially love. (Platonic, romantic, doesn't matter). He will fuss over those he cares for and put an effort in to look out for them or protect them if he feels they need it. His main way of showing affection is giving them little gifts like bones, teeth, flowers, or little sketches or mini paintings. He will also be physically affectionate with headpats or something like that, though its more reserved.
(*ahem ahem* he has a horrible problem of enabling those he cares for and letting or helping them get away with shit because he wants them to be happy and doesn't really know how to provide that in any other away. He won't let them walk over or hurt himself though, apart from Book 3 but that's a long story...)
Finn has light amethyst purple eyes, long dark green hair, and dark green skin except on his palms and fins, where it seafoam green. Finn has swirling black markings on his back, shoulders, and arms. His left shoulder has a large patch of bad scarring. He has long black claws and nasty teeth that'll give the tweels a run for their money. They are smaller, but there are many of them and they look sinilar to that of an anglerfish's teeth, and his jaw is hinged in a way that lets Finn bite perfectly circular holes into things, like his irl counterparts do. His tail is just like that of a cookie cutter shark's. He has hard to notice freckles on his face and stretch marks on his stomach (and thighs in his human form).
Finn has a band of black scales around his neck, and from just below that all the way to his navel are photophores that glow in the dark, which helps him camouflage and can even make him look like a school of fish from below.
He's very short, noticeably shorter than both Riddle and Epel, but he is fat and that unfortunately means that on land, his clothes are either too big on him or too tight T.T
His human form is the same, except he has legs, is slightly taller, and isn't green anymore djdiso. The teeth and black markings (but not the one on his neck) also remain.
Important Things To Know:
☆Unique Magic: Mirror Image. He can copy the voice of anyone he directly touches and their physical form if he pushes hard enough. If he wants, he can limit it to certain characteristics. (E.g: voice or eye colour). He can also copy their unique magic. However, it often comes out "wrong" (for example, King's Roar will result in a goopy black tar instead of sand), and if it results in a physical object like Riddle's collar, the object will look nonsensical and ai generated
☆Finn is gay and polyamorous and is currently dating the octotrio and @theleechyskrunkly 's Aurinelle
☆Finn is autistic
☆Finn's dad Silas is an abyssal mer that taught him Abyssal magic, a form of magic thought to either be a myth or lost art. It is extremely powerful and dangerous, but Finn only knows a few spells so far and rarely uses it (he rarely uses magic outside of classes in general)
☆Finn is haunted by the ghosts of the siblings that he devoured in the womb. They cause him intense fear and frequent nightmares that have been affecting him negatively for a while now. They also make a sense of dread settle over anyone who look in their direction (aka at Finn because they always hover around him)
Finn's Family:
Finn's Papa is Silas Clearcove, a butcher originally from the Abyss. His other dad, who unfortunately passed away before he was born, is Morrigan Clearcove
Timo Byun is Finn's big brother figure and was also his babysitter when he was younger. Gale Angeles is someone he views in a similar light, but also kind of as an uncle? Most of his Papa's staff are like aunts and uncles to him.
Alastair Blair and Ezra Citlalli are Finn's godfathers. He doesn't see them often but they do their best to visit when they can and make sure they spoil him.
@distant-velleity 's Chrysos eventually becomes Finn's adopted brother :) atm he's Finn's favourite first year, who Finn views as a little brother.
Finn has a grandmother on Morrigan's side, as well as several aunts, uncles and cousins. He barely sees them and dislikes all of them.
Finn's backstory isn't particularly long or complicated.
Hewas born under depressing circumstances, freshly after his dad's murder and after eating his own siblings who ended up attaching themselves to him permanently. Those things aside, though, he's had a fairly happy upbringing brought down only by the ghosts or his classmates who would either avoid or bully him. He became friends with octotrio during their time at the land boot camp, and they fell in love and got together by the end of their first year at NRC. Most of the important plot stuff for him happens after Yuu arrives tbh
Some Fun Facts/Extra Info
☆Finn has a lot of first aid knowledge and is part of the school's first aid team
☆Finn has made a number of friends during his time at NRC! To name a few, @ramshacklerumble 's Gia, @the-banana-0verlord 's Lilian, and @tixdixl 's Kinglsey. There's more as I have moots with many ocs who just vibe well with Finn XD
☆Finn's voice is incredibly soft and ASMR worthy. It's oddly calming though sometimes you'll have to ask him to speak a bit louder
☆He's very good at flying and enjoys it a lot
☆He listens out for information that will benefit Azul, since when not looking directly at him most students don't even notice he's there
☆He sometimes goes to the beach to swim and catch fish to eat and/or share with his friends and partners
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Art by @/clovenoko
A/N: Yaaaay my boy got a redo! I hope ya'll like it :P
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife
@authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras @honeynclove @moonyasnow
@fumikomiyasaki @v-anrouge
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Fraude sur les mots, fausse science et fascisme postmoderne… deux ou trois mots sur l’idéologie du point de vue de la psychanalyse
Lorsque Nicolás Gómez Dávila écrit: «La science nous trompe de trois manières: en transformant ses propositions en normes, en divulguant ses résultats plutôt que ses méthodes, en passant sous silence ses limitations épistémologiques», il parle de la science d’avant, une science "baconienne" certes trompeuse mais dont la réfutabilite était de structure (cf. Karl Popper: "il n’y a de science que réfutable"), mais une "science" non encore passée par la moulinette idéologique de "l’innovation technologique" postmoderne, qui en pervertit radicalement la structure, ce qui se traduit en termes de logique borroméenne par: passer du statut SIR (la science Symbolise ce qu’elle Imagine du Réel) au nœud RSI caractéristique de la religion (la religion Réalise le Symbolique qu’elle Imagine)…
Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire?
La "vraie" science revendique la rigueur de sa méthode qui s’appuie d’abord sur des faits consciencieusement répertoriés, ("table des présences" de Bacon, qui implique un primat du Réel sur le Symbolique dans l’observation et la collecte des données…), puis la logique consiste à rapporter les dits faits dans un ordre qui permet d’en tirer les conséquences mesurables donnant lieu à des anticipations. Le réel est a priori visé, cerné, décrit par le symbolique. Aujourd’hui, avec l’arrivée de la "fausse science" charriée par le discours dominant (Discours Capitaliste dans son acception stricte lacanienne) la plupart de ceux qui sont présentés comme des "scientifiques" s’appuient a priori sur des modélisations mathématiques, des calculs de probabilités qui leur confèrent une "imaginarisation du réel" auxquels ils croient et ils demandent "à tout le monde" de croire comme si c’était "la réalité"... à venir! Pour un véritable esprit scientifique, il n’y a rien de plus anti-scientifique que cette procédure invertie. Le réel est évacué, il reste seulement du symbolique détrempé d’imaginaire, autrement dit du fantasme, homologue au plan de la structure, à la mousse religieuse… Qui croit "les professeurs" Delfraissy ou Fauci comme à des prophètes? Réponse: les sujets pris dans le discours courant…
Rappelons ici que c’est suite à une note confidentielle du mathématicien universitaire modélisateur Neil Ferguson prévoyant un demi-million de morts en France, parvenue le 12 mars 2020 au président Macron, qu’un confinement généralisé fut décidé le soir même...
On sait depuis lors que c’est ce même Neil Ferguson (devenu conseiller de la Banque mondiale et de nombreux gouvernements) qui, en 2001, avait convaincu le Premier ministre britannique Tony Blair de faire abattre 6 millions de bovins pour stopper l’épidémie de fièvre aphteuse (une décision qui coûta 10 milliards de livres et qui est aujourd’hui considérée comme aberrante). En 2002, l’expert Neil Ferguson calcula que la maladie de la vache folle tuerait environ 50 000 britanniques et 150 000 de plus lorsque elle se transmettrait aux moutons. Il y en eut en réalité 177. En 2005, il prédit que la grippe aviaire tuerait 65 000 Britanniques. Il y en eut au total 457. (C’est ce même genre de "raisonnement" qui fait conclure à l’Intelligence Artificielle qu’il faut une infirmière pour quinze lits, ou qu’un résident en Ehpad doit manger pour 4,57€ par jour. )
Le sujet postmoderne, formaté par soixante-dix ans de l’idéologie qui a accouché du "numérique", devrait être averti qu’il n’existe aucun bouton "réinstaller les réglages d’origine" ou "restaurer le système" en cas de nécessité ultime.
Le système immunitaire naturel fonctionne selon le principe que toute récupération confère l’immunité et aura renforcé le sujet dans l’épreuve, ainsi en est-il de l'espèce qui devient plus forte. L’être peut s’enorgueillir d’un milliard d'années de perfectionnement biologique, et depuis le petit million et demi d’années que l’homme est arrivé sur Terre, c’est ce qu’il fait, les animaux ayant commencé avant lui.
Une politique réfléchie et responsable de santé publique aurait isolé les quelques uns qui risquaient de mourir suite à l’infection virale et aurait laissé l’immunité faire son travail, la récupération offranr toujours de loin la meilleure sécurité immunitaire, pareil pour toutes les mutations.
Ce n’est pas la médecine qui a inventé la santé, encore moins l’ascience. Quant aux politiques… faire confiance à un gouvernement pour "éradiquer un virus", a-t-on déjà entendu proposition plus délirante? Évacuez les intérêts de l’industrie pharmaceutique de l'équation, et vous verrez que les choses se présentent avec une certaine logique: ne pas se faire tester sauf en cas de symptômes précis, l’attraper quand on n’aura pas pu faire autrement (ce n’est pas dans le "moi" que ça se décide…) et le surmonter.
Voilà ce qu’un "président" sain aurait pu dire à un peuple sain. Les peuples ont le gouvernement qu’ils méritent…
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
by Adam Levick
Jay Rayner, in a restaurant review for The Observer (sister site of The Guardian), sampled the salt beef sandwich, matzah ball soup, chopped liver, bagels, and pickles at a new Jewish deli in London called Freddie’s. (Freddie’s, London: “Over salt beef, I brood on the need to review this Jewish deli” — restaurant review, March 31).
The review was mixed. The Jewish journalist loved the salt beef sandwich, but it “pained” him to criticize the chicken soup as “desperately under-seasoned.” Something else that clearly pained him actually isn’t on the menu. Nor does it have anything whatsoever to do with the review. Though, as you’ll see in the paragraphs below, he tries desperately to imagine one:
And now I should warn you that it’s going to take a dark turn. When I first came across Freddie’s I was excited. For all my lack of faith or observance these dishes, kept alive by a vestigial memory of the shtetl, root me. Then I hesitated. Could I really write about a Jewish restaurant given the current political turmoil? Would I get abuse for doing so? Surely better to keep shtum.
At which point I knew I had no choice: I had to write about it. The horrendous campaign of the government and armed forces of Israel in Gaza cannot be allowed to make being Jewish a source of shame.
When Hamas mounted their 7 October attack on Israel, they committed both an atrocity and a provocation. With so many hostages taken, there were no good options for the Israeli government. Nevertheless, they managed to choose the very worst one. They have killed thousands, starved many more, destroyed homes and turned their country into a pariah. As it happens, they have also made life for Jews who live outside Israel and have no responsibility for the decisions its government takes, so very much harder. I deplore what Israel is doing. But that doesn’t mean I can “refute” my Jewishness. That is a surrender to antisemitism. And so I sit here with my terrific salt beef sandwich and my chocolate mousse, indulging that bit of my Jewish identity which makes sense to me. It’s not much, but it’s all I have. [emphasis added]
Life for the British Jewish community has indeed been much, much harder since Oct. 7.
The CST reported 4,103 instances of anti-Jewish hate in 2023, 2,699 (66%) of which occurred on or after October 7. This figure alone, they note, “exceeds any previous annual antisemitic incident total recorded by CST, and marks an increase of 589% from the 392 instances of antisemitism reported to CST over the same time period in 2022″ [emphasis added].
However, Rayner’s suggestion that the decisions of Israel’s government has made life for Jews “so very much harder” is itself a classic (and codified) trope that has been used by antisemites — blaming Jews in Israel for the racist actions of non-Jews in the UK.
It’s amazing that this even needs to be stated, but the only ones responsible for increased antisemitism — in the UK or anywhere else — are those committing antisemitic acts. Even if you buy into the author’s argument that Jerusalem’s military decisions since the barbarism of Oct. 7 have been the “worst” ones possible, or subscribe to the specific lie that Israel has intentionally “starved” Gazans, what people — other than those who are already predisposed to hating Jews — would take their anti-Israel fury out on diaspora Jews?
Only at The Guardian, would a Jewish restaurant critic writing a review about salt beef, bagels, and shmears feel the need to condemn and distance himself from the Jewish State.
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how do i stop my hair from being frizzy??? it’s thin and naturally wavy but can either be curlier or straighter depending. i’ve tried different conditioner (specifically anti-frizz stuff), leave-in conditioner (made my hair greasy and straight), leaving in some regular conditioner, anti-frizz mousse (makes my hair crispy AND still frizzy AND separated with no volume), leave-in conditioner with mousse (crispy straight disaster), showering with cold water, not brushing while dry (i kind of need to because my hair tangles and brushing gives it volume), basically everything and i just don’t know what to try anymore tips appreciated haha
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stardust-swan · 1 year
Pretty Plans for Summer
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☀️ Visit the Botanical Gardens and take polaroids of the summer blooms
☀️ Make summer minestrone, olive bread, a lemon cheesecake, homemade lemonade, candied orange peels, honey-lavender tea, peach iced tea, strawberry mousse, and homemade ice-cream in different flavours
☀️ Enjoy lots of fresh fruits and berries, baked fish with homemade chips (fries), and seasonal vegetables in refreshing salads
☀️ Take walks in the sunshine each day
☀️ Wear flowy dresses and skirts, and lots of linen
☀️ Adorn myself with jewellery made of gold, jewels, and pretty coloured glass
☀️ Apply a coconut moisturiser and follow up with a citrus or floral scent for a tropical vibe (my scents of this summer will be: Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue and Beyoncé Heat Rush)
☀️ Wear heart-shaped glasses
☀️ Get gelato with my friends
☀️ Read on a park bench to enjoy the sun while meeting my reading goals
☀️ Do yoga in the local park
☀️ Press summer flowers
☀️ Leave my water bottle in the freezer each night so that throughout the day it will defrost and I'll have icy cold water
☀️ Go on a picnic! Bring grapes, peach pie, and salty goat's cheese to enjoy on fresh bread
☀️ Adorn my hair with a flower crown
☀️ Take a trip to the beach and enjoy an ice-cream while reading and wearing a cute swimsuit and straw hat
☀️ Visit a vineyard and taste some wines
☀️ Host a garden party with salmon and cream cheese finger sandwiches, lavender scones, and lots of strawberries
☀️ Take a boat cruise and watch the water as the sun sets
☀️ Summer beauty essentials: Shiseido Sun Protector SPF 50, Hada Lobo Anti Aging Super Hydrator Lotion, face powder (to dab on my face if it sweats), Old Spice Deep Sea deodorant stick, Fresh Sugar Rose Lip treatment, lots and lots of lipgloss
☀️ Go to the farmers market and stock up on ripe vine tomatoes, strawberries, peaches, leafy greens, courgette, cherries, and blackberries
☀️ Do a watercolour painting outdoors in the good weather
☀️ Feel the warmth of the grass under my bare feet
☀️ Put a few drops of lavender or lemon essential oils in the washer with my clothes and leave them to air-dry in the sun
☀️ Listen to: Froot by Marina, Polaroid Love by Enhyphen, Love by Lana Del Rey, Strawberry Blond by Mitski, Fior Di Latte by Phoenix, Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles, California Dreamin' by The Mamas and The Papas, and Power Up, Ice-Cream Cake, and Sunny Side Up by Red Velvet
☀️ Keep a diffuser with orange blossom essential oil in my room to make it smell summery, and keep the windows wide open so the room will feel cool and airy
☀️ Visit Italian and Greek restaurants
☀️ Go beachcombing
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solarianvoidthearoace · 7 months
Finally gave myself a haircut again last night; it has been a few months because the last time I cut my hair was before my friend helped me bleach. That’s the day when he told me i probably have wavy-curly hair and I started my ‘journey’ with the Wavy Hair Method (it’s different from the a Curly Girl Method because wavy hair has other needs in terms of care and product)
I finally gave myself a wolf cut!
And after brush-styling it today morning with no styling products*, I’m definitely happy with the haircut. I admittedly cut off more than I intended in the front but it’s not too short (cheek-length)
Although I might take my thinning scissors to the back of this haircut some more, we’ll see
* after starting with the Wavy Hair Routine, I started using curl-spray, curl-cream, mousse, gel, leave-in conditioner. Last night, I only put in the leave-in and the curl-spray that doesn’t give extra hold. I have one for heat protection and hold, the other spray is for definition, grip, and anti-frizz refresh
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galtx · 1 year
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GALTx eNews: Twyla's Road To Recovery
Last week, our longtime supporter and stray savior called to let us know she trapped another hound, Twyla, near Mansfield, Texas. Twyla was in rough shape and went immediately to the local emergency vet for an overnight stay.
Twyla is about 2.5 years old. On arrival, she weighed an emaciated 31 pounds. She presented with anemia and demodectic mange. At 19, her hematocrit (percentage of red blood cells) was just barely above the level at which she would have needed a transfusion. She also tested positive for a heavy load of hookworms and whipworms. Her initial tests for tick borne disease and heartworm were also positive. A subsequent heartworm test turned out to be negative, so we will test again in a few weeks. We are still in the process of confirming her results for tick borne disease.
After her overnight stay, Twyla moved to her foster home where she explored a little and discovered the virtues of dog beds. She immediately started her treatment with dewormer, Bravecto, an anti-diarrheal, and two antibiotics. She eats a special diet of biome food with multiple small meals each day so that she can safely regain weight. She also receives medicated shampoos to help with her mange. After a few days, we added Apoquel and a calming mousse to her treatment plan to help with her itchy skin.
On April 17th, Twyla returned to the vet to stay for observation for a short time. The vet reports she is eating well and is comfortable. Her anemia is improving and her hematocrit is now at 26! She has also gained a few pounds, now weighing in at 34! She will soon move back to her foster home for the duration of her recovery. We are thrilled at her improvement and can't wait to share more photos of her progress!
Of course, stories like Twyla's only have happy endings because of the loving care of our dedicated volunteers and the donors who help us pay the vet bills. We send our sincere thanks to her rescuer, first foster family, and all who have already donated to help Twyla. If you would like to contribute, please consider giving to Twyla's Recovery Fundraiser on Facebook or on our website.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A journalist job is to report the truth. Even when that conflicts with someone’s sense of identity
French associations SOS Homophobie and Mousse filed a complaint against journalist Dora Moutot for “public insults because of gender identity, and public provocation to hatred or violence against a group of people because of their gender identity.” The two associations released a joint statement on February 15, 2023, after Moutot said on TV show Quelle Époque (France 2) that Marie Cau, the first trans-identified male elected as mayor in France, was a “transfeminine man.”
The remark about Marie Cau’s male biological sex was made after journalist Léa Salamé asked Moutot “Is Marie Cau a woman to you?”
The complaint also accuses Moutot of “transphobia” for an Instagram post she made on August 25, 2022, where she described an individual called Hanneli Escurier as a “trans-identified woman.” Escurier was born with female anatomy but self-declares as male. Moutot was “reacting” to a text published by Escurier, in which the trans activist wrote “One day very soon, I think, trans people will go and smash TERFS ( Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist: expression which designates activists who exclude trans women of feminist struggles, Editor's note)That's how it's going to end (...) It's not a call for violence, just a public premonition about something that will become inevitable.”
Moutot is said to have created a crowdfunding for her legal costs against the complaint filed against her.
Recently, an opinion piece in French publication Marianne with several personalities - journalists, historians and doctors - protested the allegations against Moutot. According to the piece, published on February 27, there was relentless “outcry” on the internet, describing Moutot as a “violent, transphobic and anti-trans activist.”
The authors of the article continue: “In her remarks, no hatred, [there was] no desire to damage anyone. She describes what she sees. She talks about her perception, her reality. She repeats it several times: for her, a woman is a female. Faced with several men who revile her and an audience who boos her (scenes cut during editing), she unfolds her arguments calmly. She worries about the practical consequences of transgender ideology for women, for children, for society as a whole. She didn't come to stigmatize trans people, she came to defend women.”
The opinion piece further argues that people should have the right to disagree with Moutot’s remarks, but claims that the journalist is being accused of “wrongthink,” quoting the words attributed to Voltaire: “I don't agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for you to have the right to say it."
“With this complaint, for the first time in France… transidentitarian activists are seeking to put into practice their mantra (which was) limited to social networks: ‘Transphobia is not an opinion, it is a crime’.”
In 2022, Moutot teamed up with French feminist Marguerite Stern and formed the group Femelliste after both women have been subjected to years of harassment for their views on women’s rights. Moutot was talking about female sexuality on her Instagram account @TasJoui, when, in 2019, trans activists started “explaining to her that talking about clitorises was not inclusive of trans women,” according to their website.
The Femelliste website has been collecting and archiving evidence of the harassment women are being subjected to if they dare to talk about female issues. “FEMELLISTE was born out of the compelling desire to fight against harassment, violence and censorship of women referred to as ‘TERFs’.” Femelliste published their manifesto on January 9, 2023.
“The harassment, the insults, the threats and the cancel culture that we endure form a sprawling system,” says the Femelliste website. “For the past three years, we have been archiving what we experience. Downloading, filing and analyzing the thousands of screenshots.”
The Femelliste group warns that they are not the only ones to have been subjected to harassment for their views on women’s rights. “All over the world, other women who hold the same positions as us are also constantly harassed. Like us, they are referred to as TERFs - Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. This term - used as an insult, and most of the time accompanied by threats - is a new way to disqualify women who oppose transgender ideology by affirming biological realities. In France, some associations and activists are calling for the exclusion of "TERFS" through the slogan "TERF out of our struggles".
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just-kit-ink · 11 months
To my followers who love her, on the 100th anniversary of Walt Disney Studios, Kitty, (now in her 50s) and her family are invited as the guests of honour to a party for animators and their cartoon characters. Every character ever created by the studio is there. She's hesitant to turn up, she was an animator a long time ago after all but with some encouragement from her family she decides to go. She dresses smartly and to her surprise there is a fancy car waiting for her outside their house. The chauffeur explains that the escort is courtesy of Mickey and Minnie themselves. Maisie excitedly clutches her mother's arm and they arrive to a bustling reception.
She shakes hands with old friends, makes some new connections and embraces the toons she's known and helped since she was young.
•Prince Charming and Cinderella greet her at the staircase and Kitty asks how they and their mice are doing. In response, Jacque-Jacque and Gus run through riding Lucifer the cat like a horse.
•Dumbo swoops overhead and gives her a wave with his trunk.
• Baloo sings on stage with Thomas O'Malley and Scat Cat, dedicating a song to the guests of honour.
•Ariel and Moana are chatting in the foyer and smile brightly as she returns from touching up her make-up.
•She runs into Ursula in there who was reapplying her mousse and gossiping about which Prince and Villain look the most dashing tonight.
•She gets a similar gracious nod from Maleficent and the Wicked Queen.
•Hades pulls on the old "You look familiar kid, do I know you? Ah! Amazon chick, right?"
•She is given a warm reception from the animals: Scar, Shere Khan, Shenzi Banzai and Ed, Kaa, Bagheera, Robin Hood and Little John, Kenai, Iago, Sebastain, Louis, Ray, Bambi, Thumper, Big Bad Wolf, the Three Little Pigs, Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps are just a few of the animal toons she chats with that night.
•Anastasia and Drizella do fangirling over her outfit. They also praise how well she's aged.
•The Genie appears out of a nearby ink well to surprise everyone and when he sees her he gives the biggest smile. "Kitty Hawkins!" *transforms into a cat and a hawk in the space of a second* "I knew it was you Sweetheart, I never forget a face except my own!" *takes off his face* "I'd forget my own head if it wasn't attached!" He lifts it off his shoulders and Ichabod Crane faints.
•Elsa and Anna come up to speak to her when they sense her nerves. Elsa's a bit overwhelmed by the crowds too.
•Bruno Madrigal apologises profusely when one of his rats jump onto her shoulder and is pleasantly surprised when she doesn't mind and even asks how he got on with family group therapy.
•She gets a hug from John Silver.
•Milo Thatch is there with his wife Princess Kidagakash and they talk about languages. In Dutch.
•Mr Smee brings Captain Hook a drink. He's a surprisingly giggly drunk.
•Belle and her have a terrific catch up. She also thanks her very much for helping the Beast become comfortable with his drawn form.
•Lumier helps to watch Maisie and calls her "la petite madamoiselle."
•Merlin knows how to make everyone a good cup of tea and mix cocktails. The Mad Hatter is behaving more erratically than usual.
•Kitty's husband is shaking hands with a lot of anti-heros and even a villain or two. They are incredibly grateful to him for helping them clear their names and turn their lives around.
•Snow White recieves a standing ovation for singing. She invites Asha, the newest Disney character up on stage and gives her a hug to quell her fears about not being welcomed.
•Kitty and Meg roast the executives behind their back.
•At some point in the evening, a cake is wheeled out and Tigger jumps out of it holding a "Happy 100 Years!" sign.
Kitty is sipping her drink and enjoying the armosphere when a hush falls as Mickey and the organisers give a special toast to all who turned up tonight. He thanks Scrooge McDuck for the funding, Tiana's Place for the catering, Daisy Duck for the decorations...suddenly Kitty hears her name. And a round of applause. She's being honoured and thanked by all the cartoons she ever helped mentally and emotionally. Her family are cheering.
"Hooray Honey! Congratulations!"
"Yay Mom!"
She smiles. It's all worth it. It was always worth it.
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confuchan · 3 months
To Read List {for myself}
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late blooming pt1 - Wonwoo (gfcheol) 5.9k
vacation - Dino (idyllic-ghost) 3k might have read
𝐏*$$𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘 ♥︎ - Dino (whoreteen) 1.4k
not going anywhere - S. Coups (onlymingyus) 415
Drunk on You - S. Coups & DK (sluttyminghao) 4.3k
roommates with benefits - Wonwoo (shuaflix) 6.4k
chocolate mousse - Dino (venerex) 580 might have read
Happy Bunny - Dino (haoplum) 4k
right where you left me - Wonwoo (tonicandjins) 8.9k
lucky! - Wonwoo (97-liners) 1.3k
knock on your door - Wonwoo (97-liners) 3.1k
still knocking on your door - Wonwoo (97-liners) 1.2k
{drunk hoshi drabble} - Hoshi (97-liners) 744 might have read
just us and the moon (till the sun starts waking) - Woozi (97-liners) 10k
enouement - Woozi (wooahaes) 13.7k
heart shaped cookies - Dino (wooahaes) 0.6k~
reprieve - S. Coups (wooahaes) 0.4k~ might have read
burnt - S. Coups (wooahaes) 0.4k~
a mermaid’s kiss - Joshua (wooahaes) 1k
sleeping beauty - Mingyu (wooahaes) 1k
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Bluff and Nonsense - Hoshi (thepixelelf) 17k
his favorite color is blue - Wonwoo (euphoricsunflowers) 3.1k
Words That Bind Us - TBZ, SVT, SKZ (thepixelelf)
now playing: about now - Woozi (flickerchans) 33 parts
Let Me Hear You Say - Hoshi (cherrycheolliesc) 53 parts
Soulmate! - Seungkwan (svtskneecaps) links to every member
play it again - Dino (svtskneecaps) 49 parts
{SVT soulmate series} - OT13 (vampyjoong​) compiled by svtskneecaps
{seventeen fic recommendations} - OT13 (astro333) 82 links
Remember Me for Centuries - Jeonghan (vampyjoong) 2.7k
13 reasons why - OT13 (lily-blue) 138.4k [14 parts]
Seventeen: Fate and Desire - OT13/? (gamerwoo) 30.6k [5 parts]
Seventeen: The Xperiments - OT13/? (gamerwoo) 26 parts
Novalunosis - ? [SVT] (woogyu) 16 parts
{seventeen masterlist:)} (nose-bandaid) 18 links
fated by the stars 1 - Jeonghan/Joshua (sunlightwoo) 33 parts
fated by the stars 2 - Jeonghan/Joshua (viastro) 33 parts
{ATZ in a haunted house, who's making it out first unscathed?} - OT8 (wonwussy)
🎶svt song drabbles🎶 - OT13 (multi-kpop-fanfics) 10+ parts
{Kinktober 2022 - SVT} - OT13 (wildfluwer) 12 links
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Kinktober 2022 - multi (brownsugarbaybee) 31 links
Witherednotes’ Kinktober 2022 - multi (witherednotes) 14 links
KINKTOBER | seventeen - OT13 (duhnova) 16 links
13 Days of Mars'oween - OT13 (onlymingyus) 13 links
boyfriend!haechan tiktok series - Haechan (twilghtkoo) 34 parts
Seventeen Soulmate Series Masterlist - OT13 (underappreciated-carat) 7 parts
(please don't leave me) - S. Coups (wonwoonlight) 4k
Lavender Tea & Honey - Wonwoo (onlymingyus) 8.6k
Whenever We Breathe - S. Coups/Wonwoo (sluttywoozi) 4.1k
Details - Wonwoo/Mingyu (onlymingyus) 1.2k
indulgence - S. Coups (sluttywonwoo) 4k
24 days of Advent, 24 days of Kinkmas - multi (kpopjust4u) 24 links
svt masterlist✨ - OT13 (hansolmates) 39 links
No Biting ♡ - Wonwoo (neoyuno) 4.2k
Bittersweet Masterlist - Mingyu/Wonwoo (number1mingyustan) 13 parts
masterlist of masterlists - multi (cloudykyu) TBZ, NCT, EN-
sorry, i'm an anti-romantic - Sunghoon (sankyeom) 40 parts
THE PARTNER PROJECT - Jake (goldenhypen) 8.6k
Vernon fic recs - Vernon (multiple people) 5 links
Mr. Right Next Door Masterlist - OT8 (milfgyuu) 8 parts
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You're Sexy, We're Sexy - Woozi/Hoshi (onlymingyus) 4.3k
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chamomiletealeaf · 6 months
hey i saw your post about your hair. i have the same hair texture. For the texture I use shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie, i also would use an anti frizz serum if you have frizz like me. I also use a very hydrating shampoo and conditioner.
but for the hair loss I have heard really amazing things about tail and main (i think it’s called) it’s super cheap (it is technically for horses lmao) but it works really well to give you shiny strong thick hair. I have also heard amazing things about prenatal vitamins for hair and nails.
Hope it helps <3
Thank you for answering! I used to use tail and mane all the time and really liked it! I can't find it anywhere though. I went and bought some new products today at Target like Mielle hair oil and Aussie mousse+leave in conditioner. I'll look into the prenatal vitamins, that sounds interesting. I don't wanna take them from the pregnant women who need them though lol 😭
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