#Ant Colony Sim
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fogaminghub · 4 months ago
🐜✨ New Blog Alert! 🌟 Curious about the "Watch The Memory Pheromone Left By Your Sisters" mission in Empire of the Ants? Our detailed guide breaks down everything you need to know about memory pheromones and how to navigate your ant colony like a pro! Check it out and level up your gameplay today! 
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renatayaga · 8 months ago
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SimAnt - 1991
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capsulecomputers · 4 months ago
Empire of the Ants – Gameplay
Empire of the Ants is 2024's dark horse for Game of the Year. It feels fresh, interesting, and blends its RTS gameplay with exploration to create a truly unique experience. In this footage, we tackle the first couple of hours of the game where the basics of combat are taught, while the world slowly begins to open up.
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Embark on an epic journey into the infinitesimal in this photorealistic strategy game. Play as a fearless ant and guide your colony through the dangers of the forest.
Experience an immersive journey and defend your lands through tactical and strategic battles in an epic, microscopic world. Become #103,683, the Ant Savior: lead your colony, rebuild a home, protect it, make it prosper, and conquer new territories throughout different seasons. Exploration, strategy, combat skills, and alliances with local wildlife will be crucial to emerge victorious from the many challenges lying ahead.
Inspired by Bernard Werber's bestselling Empire of the Ants, the game offers a strategic experience right off the pages of the iconic book series.
Empire of the Ants Developer: Tower Five Publisher: Microids Platform: Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S Release Date: 7th Nov, 2024 Price: $39.99 USD
Available here - https://www.microids.com/empire-of-the-ants/
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vivanightcity · 10 months ago
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im doing a very stupid thing in sims 4 - basically just to get visuals of a known issue with genetics so i can show a friend.
These aren't the bugs, but are two completely new ones that showed up in the course of playing. Mod free, with cache files deleted after removing mods.
1st is the totally not broken oven. That is, as far as the game is concerned, a functioning oven. I can't click replace, they can cook on it, and i can even change the slightly visible under the burning color of it in build mode. (honestly im curious if this could be a good thing, like there hasn't been another fire yet, so maybe they can't set fire to the already burnt but not burnt oven)
2nd is. Only one of these guys is pregnant. But. For some fucking reason, the shirt on the non pregnant guy has also gotten stuck in the pregnant morph. I had him change his outfit and then change back - it's only that outfit. I had the two identical women change into the same outfit to see if the non pregnant one would morph as well, and nope. Only the guys. (they have separate first names so i don't think the game is getting confused as to who is who but honestly???) update: when pregnant guy woke up i had him change his outfit and then repeated the swapping looks on the other guy and it remained.
bigger update!!!
Now the women are broken too!!!! True Equality!!
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orteil42 · 1 year ago
i can't be doing with all these full-3d immersive colony sims anymore if you're making a simulation game it needs to be isometric with wide zoom-out!!! i need to watch my little guys squirm like ants this is the whole point!!!
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3liza · 11 months ago
actually having fucked around with ideology a lot more recently I think what it actually is, is a system of colony wide buffs and debuffs for colonists that otherwise would only be subject to their individual preferences. for example you can make a religion that doesn't mind eating nutrient paste or are all cannibals, which significantly changes core gameplay. So I think I kind of "get it" now but is it fun??? idk. not really. xenogenetics does the same thing but with gene traits like permanent mood buffs or extra dexterity etc at the cost of the colonist needing more food, and so on. it's fun to make your little ants have babies and see what the babies look like. I'm not sure how useful this actually is though because the vast majority of rimworld games don't last a single in-game year, much less the generations required to run a breeding program. most of the dlcs end up being clutter. all these colony or survival simulators have the same "problem" which is not actually a problem: the end game. there isn't one, because you either get too good at the game and achieve homeostasis, or everyone dies and you lose. I think this is good. I don't want to "win" project zomboid I want to die horribly over and over in different ways. I think game devs of this type of game who concern themselves with any kind of end game resolution are wasting their time. that's what ironman challenges are for.
the survival simulators are straddling a razors edge I think of as the girl game/boy game paradox, not because I agree these are feminine or masculine traits but because that's how they're handled by the game industry, which is that girl games (the sims) don't have enough violence (and a tendency to drift towards even less violence over time) and boy games (everything else) don't have enough dolly dressup, homemaking, and throwing drinks in people's faces. rimworld has a lot of drink throwing and some homemaking (basebuilding is the whole game but involves very little interior decorating/dollhousing) but barely any dressup (the little guys are very small and have no legs also). zomboid has tons of homemaking, some dressup, but no drink throwing. and to my infinite exasperation the people doing the absolute most to add the missing dressup element to both games are almost all weeb perverts (edit: and milsurp freaks who make 40 different nearly-identical Realism armor pieces or guns, unbelievably boring and cluttered). that's not the kind of dressup I want and also weeaboos are too socially backwards to understand drink throwing.
no one has yet cracked this code. the only way to fix it currently is getting really good at managing huge stacks of mods, which I am
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diegosouzalions · 1 month ago
Por que Sun, Cognac e Smoky são neutros em relação a fusões? Eu presumiria que alguém rebelde como Cognac teria uma mente aberta sobre essas coisas.
Os três nunca lidaram com fusões antes, logo eles não tem uma certa opinião (exceto o Smoky por uma parte que ainda possui um certo preconceito). Cognac não se importa com Gems, apesar de se preocupar com as colônias, ainda sim ele possui uma mente fechada para as Gems, tratando-as como robôs ou servas apenas (com exceção da sua Pearl, Magenta e algumas Diamonds que ele mencionou em "Cognac's Colony")
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trashshouldnt · 8 months ago
wowyh bother you button... whats going on with this totally cool ant sim ive been hearing about..
totally cool ant simulator is a project i had the idea for recently, when i was eating dinnder and thinking "wouldn't it be cool to be an ant?" so naturally i had to make a game. ideally it would be a multiplayer game focused around both building your colony and adventuring outside of it into the surrounding setting. you'd be able to find food, exp, maybe even portals to other colonies! and there would be different "species" of ants too that you could unlock, like Leggy, Jam Covered, Devious, and Gavin!
i was thinking it could be low poly 3d, kind of like shipwrecked 64 [not really related to ants but i like the graphics] and older games! making all the assets as someone who's never 3d modeled miiight be hard, but im willing to do it to bring my vision to life
tbh if i could I'd definitely wanna put together a team for this so its not just me floundering, but at the same time i kind of wanna do it myself? passion project style, y'know?
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twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months ago
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Ara having a villian origin story every so often is very funny to me -Danny Words: 3,068 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Nobody's Soldier' -by Hozier
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XIV: To Whoever's Controlling Me Like a Sims Character, It's Not Funny Anymore
It gets dark awfully quickly after an hour of walking, Ara is lighting their path with Almighty, keeping her eyes ahead trying to look out for monsters, when Meg squeaks suddenly and yanks her back.
"What?" Ara looks down in alarm.
"You almost stepped on that!" Meg points with disgust. 
Ara has been too busy looking ahead to spot it but feels a shiver run down her spine when she recognizes what Meg's looking at. "Myrmeke. Thank gods it's dead!"
"A murr-murr-key?"
"A giant ant," Apollo clarifies. "There must be a colony somewhere in the woods."
Meg squirms. "I hate bugs."
"I'm partial to them—but yeah, these in particular are not friendly," Ara examines the corpse with curiosity. "It's really hard to kill one with brute force, this looks like something took a bite. Maybe Pollo did it while playing in the forest..." Her lion growls and shakes its mane, he knows better than to get near acidic stuff since he came back to life.
Apollo gulps. "Well, the rain should keep the myrmekes in their tunnels. Just don't make yourself an attractive target. They like bright, shiny things."
Ara glances at Almighty, remembering how they took Festus into their layer the last time she encountered them. She turns it into a compass and puts it away. "Alright, so we depend on Pollo's eyesight now. Everyone hold onto the lion."
The deeper they go, the weather changes, becoming hotter without losing its humidity. "What's going on?" Meg huffs. "Feels like a tropical rain forest now."
"A geyser," Apollo says sounding weirdly excited.
"A geyser," Meg frowns. "Like Old Faithful?"
"This is excellent news. Perhaps we can get directions. Our lost demigods might have even found sanctuary there!"
"With the geysers," Meg tilts her head.
"No, my ridiculous girl," Apollo brushes it off. "With the geyser gods. Assuming they're in a good mood, this could be great."
"And if they're in a bad mood?"
"Then we'll cheer them up before they can boil us. Follow me!" 
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The geyser wants them to take a survey. He keeps ignoring their questions and Meg is even more impatient than Ara, so the girl pushes her inquiries in a sharper voice. "Can you tell us anything about a secret grove with whispering trees?"
"Oh." Pete the geyser blushes. "I'm not supposed to talk about the grove."
"Why can't you talk about the grove, Pete?" Apollo raises a brow.
"Paulie said it would scare away tourists.'Talk about the dragons,' he told me. 'Talk about the wolves and serpents and ancient killing machines. But don't mention the grove.'"
"Ancient killing machines?" Meg asks in alarm.
"Yeah. We're marketing them as fun family entertainment. But the grove... Paulie said that was our worst problem. The neighborhood isn't even zoned for an Oracle. Paulie went there to see if maybe we could relocate it, but—"
"He didn't come back," Apollo guesses.
Pete pouts miserably. "How am I supposed to run the marketing campaign all by myself? Sure, I can use robo-calls for the phone surveys, but a lot of networking has to be done face-to-face, and Paulie was always better with that stuff. I miss him."
"I know how it feels to lose your better half," Ara tries patiently, slipping charmspeak into it. "So help us out, buddy."
"Maybe we could find him," Meg nods, "and bring him back."
"Paulie made me promise not to follow him and not to tell anybody else where the grove is," Pete hesitates. "He's pretty good at resisting those weird voices, but you guys wouldn't stand a chance."
"Sorry, Pete." Apollo pipes in. "I'm just not buying it."
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"I don't think this grove exists. And if it does, I don't think you know its location."
"I—I do know! Of course it exists!" 
"Oh, really? Then why aren't there billboards about it all over the place? And a dedicated Web site? Why haven't I seen a groveofdodona hashtag on social media?"
"I suggested all that! Paulie shot me down!" Pete hisses.
"So do some outreach! Sell us on your product! Show us where this grove is!"
"I can't. The only entrance... Ah, spew." 
The lights go off but Ara hears the noises and recognizes them without even needing to look back. "Ah, crap. I'm reliving every single one of my childhood traumas..."
"Pete," Apollo says shakily, "when you said your spotlights attracted the wrong kind of attention—"
"I meant the myrmekes," he says quietly. "I hope this won't affect your online review of the Woods at Camp Half-Blood." 
"Apollo, stay back," Ara orders firmly.
"Thank you!" Apollo retorts. 
"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to my lion!" She huffs. 
"His name is Apollo?" He asks in a heavily flattered tone that Ara hates.
"Only when I'm stressed out by his presence, now shut up," she grumbles. Meg presses closer to her, and Ara does her best to shield the girl. Pollo remains alert although he steps back, hesitant to attack the acid-spitting creatures.
"Oh, Pete?" Apollo whispers. "How do you deal with myrmekes invading your territory?" 
"By hiding," he vanishes instantly.
"Never trust gods," Ara mutters.
"I heard that!" He whispers angrily.
"That was on purpose!"
"Can we dive in?" Meg asks glancing at the geyser.
"Only if you fancy boiling to death in a pit of scalding water." Apollo grabs his ukulele very slowly. "I have an idea..."
"I thought you swore not to play," Meg says quietly.
"I did. But if I throw this shiny object to one side, the ants might—"
The myrmekes jump into action, snapping their massive fangs. Apollo falls on his butt and Ara turns Almighty into a shotgun, firing at their faces but having a hard time aiming in the dark.
"Hey, bugs!" Meg's weapons materialized in her hands, Ara didn't know she had any.
"Aim low!" The girl shouts out as they charge together. "They've got big heads and tiny eyes, so that's a lot of blind spots! Their bodies are tough to get through—hurt their legs!"
Meg does what she's told and Ara feels a wave of pride cursing through her. She turns Almighty into a spear, the distance giving her safety but also easier access to spots such as the mouths and antennae.
"Strategus!" Apollo shrieks when the third ant goes for him. 
Ara rushes to his aid and jumps onto the myrmeke's back using her spear for impulse, then wraps her legs around the thin neck and stabs its eyes ferociously. "Go help Meg!" Ara commands him.
The ant tries to shrug her off violently swaying side to side and slamming its body against the trees, Pollo jumps into action and topples the ant, but traps Ara beneath it in the process. "Back off!" Ara hisses at the lion.
Apollo shows up again and pulls her out from under the bug while Pollo bites and claws at its carcass ferally. "Peaches," the boy huffs out as they both fall back. "Where is that stupid diaper demon when we need him?"
"Where's Meg?" Ara sits up and then stands on shaky legs, looking around anxiously. "I told you to help her!"
A second myrmeke comes at them, they roll to different sides, and out of nowhere, Ara catches a snippet of  'Sweet Caroline'. With horror, she spots Apollo playing his ukulele, actively breaking his vow. "No!" She picks up her spear.
Apollo keeps singing, looking at her urgently trying to convey a message. Be ready. He's guiding the ant toward the geyser. The ant shrieks and pounces, the boy jumps out of the way and causes the ant's gigantic head to sink down the geyser's hole.
Ara drives Almighty right below the ant's jaw. Meg's screams cut through the air and Ara pulls her sword out, Apollo and her lion following closely as she runs to the noise. They reach her just in time to see the last myrmeke grab her and scurry into the trees. "NO!" Ara and Apollo cry out. 
Apollo seizes his ukulele again, but the second his fingers run over the strings, he collapses. She's seen this many times, demigods faint after using large amounts of their powers. It used to happen to her.
Ara decides he'll be okay, but when she turns to save Meg, she freezes. It's too dark and she can't hear the creature, they've always been quieter than most. "Pollo..." she turns and gasps, noticing the state of her lion. "Oh, gods, my baby..." She approaches and hugs the creature, gently examining his burnt paws. 
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By the time Apollo wakes up, Ara has healed Pollo and the boy's superficial wounds. "You broke your oath," it's the first thing she tells him, staring at him like he's gum in her shoe.
Apollo sits up groaning. "Meg..."
"Gone," Ara frowns. "She has a day at most before they eat her."
"I know how myrmekes work, thank you," he scowls, rubbing the back of his head.
"You need to get that geyser talking," Ara continues. "So pull out the myrmeke's corpse out of his hole, and try again."
"Okay, so I've had enough of you," Apollo replies impatiently. "I only take orders from Meg because I have no choice, but you—"
"I'm your general," Ara stares at him defiantly. "I'm in charge of every mortal that's attached to the gods and—oh? Oh, what's that? You're Zeus's son!" She says sarcastically. "So you take orders from me! And since the gods abandoned us, you have no choice but to listen to me."
Apollo throws a tantrum, stomping and clenching his fists like a real teenager, so the transformation must be complete. "You're insufferable!"
"Meg is in trouble because you didn't listen!"
"I was trying to save you!"
"So I could save Meg for you!" Ara yanks him up to his feet by the bandana around his neck. "Do what I tell you next time, or I'll kill you myself!"
All she sees when she looks at Apollo is Olympus, and right now, she's got no sympathy for them. Percy was right, they mistreat her, and if Zeus is handing her a former god on a silver platter ready to be manhandled and yelled at, she won't waste the opportunity to do it. To Hades with helping the gods, Apollo serves her now.
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Lester has a head injury Ara missed, so he's too dizzy and weak to walk, and to top it all, he's made a new vow to save Meg at the risk of dying instantly if he doesn't. Ara isn't speaking to him as they go back to camp, but she's forced to do so when he starts to hallucinate. 
"I loved you..." he whispers.
Ara looks down at him. "What?"
He sits up abruptly on Pollo's back and holds onto her shoulders tightly. "You were my first true love. Oh, Daphne!"
"Dude, back off!" His face is much too close to hers. She pushes him away and he falls face first on the mud. The girl turns to Pollo. "Can you..." Her question is left unfinished as she spots a second lion in front of her, smaller than hers, approaching from the trees. Her eyes keep moving, and they spot none other than Rhea, with a second lion walking lazily by her side. 
"My lady," Ara hops off and bows. Pollo sits reverently as well.
"Get up, princess," the woman walks past her and pats her head, when she does that, little flowers sprout in between Ara's brown locks like a flower crown directly from her scalp. The woman reaches Apollo. "Wake up."
The boy sits up and speaks hoarsely. "Rhea..."
"Peace, Apollo. I don't want to bum you out, but we need to talk." 
"Why are you... Where have you been all these centuries?"
"Upstate." Pollo skips over and rolls on his belly, the woman pets him gently. "After Woodstock, I stuck around, started a pottery studio."
"You... what?"
"Was that last week or last millennium? I've lost track."
"I—I believe you're describing the 1960s. That was last century."
"Oh, bummer. I get mixed up after so many years."
"I sympathize."
Ara can't say she's starstruck, but she'd never thought this was going to be her life at fifteen years old, that she would hang out in the forest with Apollo and Rhea while her Nemean lion demands to be petted. It's... pretty cool.
"After I left Kronos... well, that man was so square, you could cut yourself on his corners, you know what I mean? He was the ultimate 1950s dad—wanted us to be Ozzie and Harriet or Lucy and Ricky or something."
"He—he swallowed his children alive," Apollo frowns.
"Yeah. That was some bad karma. Anyway, I left him. Back then divorce wasn't cool. You just didn't do it. But me, I burned my apodesmos and got liberated. I raised Zeus in a commune with a bunch of naiads and kouretes. Lots of wheat germ and nectar. The kid grew up with a strong Aquarian vibe."
"And he came out just perfect," Ara says, unable to hold back the sarcasm.
The goddess is on some kind of trip and Ara wonders if gods can get high, or if they simply think I'll get high, and then forget to call it off because they're tripping so bad they can't snap out of it.
"Well, anyway, the communication lines are down, man. Nothing works. Rainbow messages, flying scrolls, Hermes Express... it's all going haywire." 
"We know this. But we don't know why." Apollo replies.
"It's them. They're doing it."
"The Man, man. Big Brother. The suits. The imperators."
"Triumvirate Holdings." 
"Yea. That's their new military-industrial complex. It's bumming me out in a big way."
"How is this possible? How have they come back?"
"They never went away," Rhea shrugs. "They did it to themselves, you know. Wanted to make themselves gods. That never works out well. Ever since the old days they've been hiding out, influencing history from behind the curtains. They're stuck in a kind of twilight life. They can't die; they can't really live."
"Wait, what?" Ara frowns. "What do you mean they did this? Like, simply willed themselves not to die?"
"But how could we not know about this?" Apollo frowns. "We are gods!"
"Apollo, Grandson, beautiful child... Has being a god ever stopped someone from being stupid?"
"I'd say it makes them even more stupid," Ara nods. "Present company excluded, mother Rhea."
"Your shoulders are so rigid," Rhea touches her and the muscles in her body stop responding. "Chill out."
Ara falls back, eyes wide but unable to stop it. "Can't move."
"That's great. Now, the emperors of Rome... They can't all be immortal," Apollo continues, getting used to ignoring her.
"No," Rhea agrees. "Just the worst of them, the most notorious. They live in human memory, man. That's what keeps them alive. Same as us, really. They're tied to the course of Western civilization, even though that whole concept is imperialist Eurocentric propaganda, man. Like my guru would tell you—"
"Rhea, can we stick to one problem at a time?" 
"Yeah, okay. I didn't mean to blow your mind."
"But how can they affect our lines of communication? How can they be so powerful?"
"They've had centuries, Apollo. Centuries. All that time, plotting and making war, building up their capitalist empire, waiting for this moment when you are mortal, when the Oracles are vulnerable for a hostile takeover. It's just evil. They have no chill whatsoever."
"I thought that was a more modern term."
"No. Chill. Never mind. The Beast... he is the leader?"
"Afraid so. He's as twisted as the others, but he's the smartest and the most stable—in a sociopathic homicidal way. You know who he is—who he was, right?"
Apollo shakes his head in defeat. "It's true, then... The other Oracles still exist. The emperors hold them all?"
"They're working on it. Python has Delphi—that's the biggest problem. But you won't have the strength to take him head-on. You've got to pry their fingers off the minor Oracles first, loosen their power. To do that, you need a new source of prophecy for this camp—an Oracle that is older and independent."
"Dodona. Your whispering grove."
"Right on. I thought the grove was gone forever. But then—I don't know how—the oak trees regrew themselves in the heart of these woods. You have to find the grove and protect it."
"I'm working on that. But my friend Meg—"
"Yeah. You had some setbacks. But there are always setbacks, Apollo. When Lizzy Stanton and I hosted the first women's rights convention in Woodstock—"
"I think you mean Seneca Falls?"
"Wasn't that in the '60s?"
"The '40s. The 1840s, if memory serves."
"I'm having so much fun," Ara speaks from her patch of grass. "Can you please make my nervous system go back to normal?"
Rhea touches her again without paying much attention. "So... Jimi Hendrix wasn't there?"
"Then who set that guitar on fire? Ah, never mind. The point is, you have to persevere. Sometimes change takes centuries."
"Except that I'm mortal now. I don't have centuries."
"But you have willpower. You have mortal drive and urgency, just like our daughter of Olympus here present. Those are things the gods often lack." Her lions sit up and pace around anxiously. "I've gotta split. If the imperators track me down—bad scene, man. I've been off the grid too long. I'm not going to get sucked into that patriarchal institutional oppression again. Just find Dodona. That's your first trial."
"And if the Beast finds the grove first?"
"Oh, he's already found the gates, but he'll never get through them without you and the girl." 
"I—I don't understand."
"That's cool. Just breathe. Find your center. Enlightenment has to come from within."
"But what do I do? How do I save Meg?"
"First, get healed. Rest up. Then... well, how you save Meg is up to you. The journey is greater than the destination, you know?" She hands him a set of wind chimes. "Hang these in the largest ancient oak. That will help you focus the voices of the Oracle. If you get a prophecy, groovy. It'll only be the beginning, but without Dodona, nothing else will be possible. 
The emperors will suffocate our future and divide up the world. Only when you have defeated Python can you reclaim your rightful place on Olympus. My kid, Zeus... he's got this whole 'tough love' disciplinarian hang-up, you dig? Taking back Delphi is the only way you're going to get on his good side."
"I—I was afraid you would say that."
"There's one other thing. The Beast is planning some kind of attack on your camp," she looks at Ara when she says that. "I don't know what it is, but it's going to be big. Like, even worse than napalm. You have to warn your friends."
Ara stands and pulls Apollo to his feet, nodding dutifully. "You got it."
"Good luck. I've got to check my kiln before my pots crack. Keep on trucking, and save those trees!"
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Next Chapter –>
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pluto-sims · 2 years ago
Hi.I would be grateful if you showed how you do these recolors with patterns, because although I understood what it was about, somehow it didn't turn out as it should. I better see how to do it. Thank you <3
Hi again! Sorry it took me a bit to reply, I've been swamped with work asdfghjjhgfds. No problem at all, I'll do my best to explain - I'll just put it under the cut so it doesn't clog people's dashes up. I've also done a quick video showing the process too, in case that's also helpful.
Programmes I'm using:
Sims 4 Studio
Photoshop (I use windows, so all the keyboard shortcuts use the ctrl key. If you are on mac, it will be command instead)
Additional resources:
Photoshop actions by @silverhammersims
Photoshop pattern files. If you don't already have any, you can find some easily by searching 'free photoshop pattern files', or use some of the ones I've shared here
The ~Process~
So, first things first, I find the object I want to recolour in Sims 4 Studio (S4S). For this, I'm going to use 'Modern Colonial Bed'. It has a great plain white swatch which is perfect for recolouring, but if the object doesn't have a white swatch, finding a light/pale colour swatch is also fine.
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Then, I open it up in Photoshop.
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Obviously, it's one solid image, which isn't necessarily what we want. For example, when I do bedding recolours, I often do a pattern on the duvet (i think it's also called a comforter in some places?), but want a solid colour for the sheets and pillows. So, our next step is to separate each part on to its own layer so we can recolour them individually.
You can use a few different tools to do this, but for bedding, I use the rectangular marquee tool, because there aren't any curves we need to select around. The keyboard shortcut for the marquee tool is 'M'. With that tool selected, I drag a box over the part of the texture I want to separate. I'm starting with the duvet - you can see the 'marching ants' lines around it.
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With that selected, I then use the keyboard shortcut 'ctrl + j'. This copies the area you selected onto a separate layer. I rename my layers so that I can easily find each one - i typically call the starting, flat texture the 'base', and rename each new layer accordingly. As you can see, if I click the eye icon next to the base layer to momentarily hide it, we still have the duvet visible.
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I then repeat this process for the folded sheet, and both sets of pillows. I'll use the base layer to recolour the sheets.
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Because the folded sheet and the long pillows are darker than the rest of the texture, at this stage, make them lighter. Whilst clicked on the layer I want, I press ctrl + u, where I can change the saturation and lightness.
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To finish adjusting it, I then add a brightness/contrast layer. To access this, you can go to layer > new adjustment layer > brightness/contrast, or click the little circle icon at the bottom of the layers panel.
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When I'm happy with the adjustment, I select both the layer (in this case, the one titled folded sheet) and the adjustment layer, and merge them together. (press ctrl, click on both layers in the layers panel, right click, merge layers). I repeat this process for the long pillows.
AIGHT now we're gonna add the pattern onto the duvet. Firstly, I make sure I'm selected on the right layer (in this case, the one I've labelled as 'duvet'). I often hide the other layers (by clicking on the eye icon next to each layers' name). Then, I open up the actions panel; if you don't see this at first, you can go up to window > actions.
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As you can see, I have a lot of actions, but the ones I'm using for this are the silverhammer ones. The names for both action sets is pretty self explanatory - if you want to use a pattern, select pattern base, and for a solid colour, select solid base. Hit the play button, and boom! It will come up with dialogue boxes, just hit the enter key for now as we'll adjust the settings after.
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Photoshop will use one of the default patterns first; it's always this leaf one for me, I'm assuming it's the same for everyone, but if not it doesn't matter anyway because we'll be using our own pattern. Using the ctrl key, I select all of the pattern fill layers. Then, I can select the pattern I want to use for my recolour. In my workspace, it's located in the bottom right corner, but it may be somewhere else for you. If you don't see it at all, go to window > patterns. When you've found the pattern you want to use, click on it, and all the pattern fill layers will change accordingly.
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Depending on the original scale of the pattern you used, it may look HUGE, or really small. That's fine, because we change the scaling. Double click on one of the pattern fill layers, and it will bring up a dialogue box. I use the middle fill layer (which will be called 'Pattern fill 3') as it has the most opacity and is therefore easier to see. Here you can change the angle, and the scale. I don't want to change the angle this time, so I'll only be focusing on the scale. You can use the slider or type in different numbers until you find something you like. This pattern was really big, so I'm going with a 17% scale. When you're happy, hit the enter key or press the 'OK' button.
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You can still see where the other pattern fill layers haven't been changed, but that's fine, because we'll repeat the exact same process with them. Just make sure you use the same scale as you did for the first one you changed (in this case, 17%).
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And yay, it all matches! Then I'll select all the layers I just changed and put them into a group (ctrl + g), and rename that to duvet, to keep my layers organised.
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Now, I'm going to move on to the solid colours. I'm going to start with the folded sheet layer. I'll click the little box next to the layer to make it visible again. The process is the same as the pattern fill, except this time, I'll select the 'solid base' action.
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As you can see, it automatically goes to this eye-hurting neon green, which isn't what I want. Just like with the patterns, I will select all of the colour fill layers using the ctrl key, and then click on the colour swatch I want. If you can't see the swatches panel, go to window > swatches. If you haven't saved a swatch, don't worry! You can do it manually. Just double click on one of the colour fill layers, and it will bring up a dialogue box where you can drag around to find a colour you want, or type in a specific hex code. Then just repeat it for the other colour fill layers.
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And tah-dah! It was a bit harder to see on the duvet because of the dark pattern colour, but here you can really see how the texture of the sheet (the shading, wrinkled fabric etc) comes through and doesn't look flat.
I then do the exact same process for all of the other layers.
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Aaaaand tada! All that's left to do now is save your finished texture (I use PNGs, but you can also do DDS) and import it back into S4S to make sure it looks right.
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I think it looks pretty cute!
I've also recorded a quick video showing the process too, just in case that's useful (sorry there's no voice over, I've honest to god lost my voice from reading so many books over and over again to kids this week).
I'm so sorry if this was needlessly long or confusing. If I cocked anything up and didn't explain it properly, please do let me know!
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l-1-z-a · 2 years ago
Lessons in Game Design, lecture by Will Wright [Recorded November 20, 2003]
Will Wright has become one of the most successful designers of interactive entertainment in the world. He began working on what would become SimCity—The City Simulator in 1985. Using a complex technique, he found a way to bring realistic simulations to desktop PCs. Previously simulations of this sort were only available to the military, scientists and academicians. However, using an easy to use graphic interface, the world of simulations opened up to consumers.
Wright co-founded Maxis (now part of Electronic Arts) with Jeff Braun in 1987. SimCity was released in 1989, and within a few months became a hit. The game has since won 24 domestic and international awards. With Fred Haslem, Wright co-designed SimEarth—The Living Planet in 1990, a simulation of a planet based on the Gaia theory of James Lovelock. In 1991, Wright and Justin McCormick designed SimAnt—The Electronic Ant Colony, a scientifically-accurate simulation of an ant colony. SimCity 2000, and SimCopter, a helicopter flight game, are also part of Wright's recent repertoire. SimCity 3000 Unlimited, the definitive version of 1999s best-selling game SimCity 3000, continued in the tradition. The long-awaited 4th generation, SimCity 4, was released in January 2003.
Taking computer entertainment to its most personal level, Wrights ground-breaking game The Sims, puts players in charge of the lives of a neighborhood of simulated people. Released in February of 2000, this wildly popular title has become a cultural phenomenon, sold millions of copies worldwide, has received numerous Game of The Years accolades, and has become the best selling PC game of all time. The Sims has inspired several expansion packs including Livin Large, House Party, Hot Date, Vacation, Unleashed, and Superstar!
The Sims Online™ enables you to take your Sims to an online world where you get to be yourself or whoever you want to be. In this world you have your own piece of land to do with as you please. In this open-ended, online world, you choose your role, your attitude and your destiny.
In this lecture, recorded in November 2003, Wright discusses various aspects of game design, human interfaces, artificial intelligence, metrics, simulation and the future of gaming.
Catalog Number: 102703077
Lot Number: X4881.2009
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donnerpartyrockers · 1 year ago
My fucking ant colony sim game has a year in review
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b3balancedsims · 2 years ago
Life by you dlc that would be acceptable!!
1. Farmlife: horse sheep cows chickens roosters ducks goose deer foxes bees hard stop don't break the computer include cats and dogs in base
2. house pets: reptiles birds rodents ants and fish sorry I'm a sucker for any colonies.
3. Fantasy: elves faeries witches vampires zombies done right now plant eating. Treat it like a disease of touch dragons that are more than birds in costumes 😂 plantsim or gmh genetically modified humans scratch that call them GeMA (avatars) I loved plantsims when I was farming in Sims 2 & the idea of them being created as test subjects in Sims 3 college.... Gold chefs 😘 werewolves only if they actually turn into wolves to hunt deer and chicken otherwise meh or attack skunks. That is the only way I accept werewolves attack skunks 😂🤣😆
4. Destinations of the world mythos stories: that way we can get mummies genies mermaids banchies etc there are a lot but I think everyone is familiar with these.
5. Connection to cities skylines 2
6 maybe a university pack that allows different dynamics by world region
There that is it the only dlc ever needed the rest mods to taste.
Oh I hope they have a base game UI editor.
What do you think?
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blasphemous-bill · 1 year ago
Okay but no joke, I've been wanting this game for years. RTS games and basebuilders scratch a very particular itch in my brain, and ants are fascinating.
Think about it: A colony sim with resource management, engaging combat, and idle game elements tied to egg and worker production. Maybe online PvP? Or a multiplayer arena with PvP and PvE mixed.
You could sell a million copies of that game.
ant queen: iam so dehydrated and full of eggs can smebody get me a class of water.... ogf
the HUD in the corner of her vision at all times: larva3847 has begun to pupate! 😯 larva3848 has begun to pupate! 😯 antwarrior234579 has died in battle! 😨 antwarrior225680 has died in battle! 😨 antwarrior234236 has died in battle! 😨 larva3849 has begun to pupate! 😯
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simming-in-the-shower · 28 days ago
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Sims 2 Uberhood: Veronaville, Rotation 1
(I am playing from scratch using the Clean 'hood templates by meetmetotheriver, hence Goneril and Regan Capp and Bianca Monty have jobs in the family business from the beginning, have more funds, ages have been corrected, and Oberon's surname remains Gossamer as opposed to Summerdream as he and Titania are not married. I'm considering having them get married in the next rotation, but I do love the unconventional family dynamic of the Summerdreams).
Tybalt Capp and Mercutio Monty are off to college, and, horribly, find themselves in the same Halls of Residence. After a lot of initial fighting, Tybalt challenges Mercutio to a game of chess to prove his superior Capp intellect, but they end up realising they have a great deal in common; they are both orphans, and now bear the responsibility of being the heir to the family's name, property and assets. Tybalt feels pressure to follow in Consort's footsteps and take a career in Business, initially following his grandfather's demands he study Economics, but he's more interested in Politics, and would, on Mercutio's advice, change his major to Political Science. Mercutio, too, has no interest in joining the Culinary career like his grandparents, being world-famous Celebrity Chefs, and, after deliberating for a semester, chose to major in Biology with his high interest in the Environment, and his one true hobby being nature; he enjoys gardening and is fascinated by animals and wildlife, starting a collection of taxidermy bugs and keeping an ant colony in his bedroom. Still keeping a safe distance from one another, one night Tybalt came back from his lecture to see Mercutio watching a football match, and realising they support the same team, the Verona Wanderers, and in fact Tybalt had even been trialled for their under 21's devision, despite occasional fights, the tension is beginning to fade.
Isabella Monty finally makes the perfect Baked Alaska
Romeo Monty and Juliette Capp go Downtown, but Juliette is starting to have second thoughts about whether Romeo is the man for her.
Bottom Summerdream ages up well and has earned her fairy powers (I'm playing the Summerdreams as good witches in lieu of a fairy life state)
Isabella Monty finally makes the perfect Baked Alaska
Romeo Monty and Juliette Capp go Downtown, but Juliette is starting to have second thoughts about whether Romeo is the man for her.
Bottom Summerdream ages up well and has earned her fairy powers (I'm playing the Summerdreams as good witches in lieu of a fairy life state)
Mercutio invites Oberon Gossamer and Titania Summerdream for a night on the town with a few of the other Montys and a game of poker is played, but he's brought along an unusual and controversial companion he appears to be getting on a little too well with; Tybalt Capp.
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ricardocaian · 5 months ago
Ainda não sou pai, mas já fui criança, e quando fui, na maior parte fui feliz. Eu já sabia que a cor e origem da minha família trazia dificuldades dentro da classe média pra onde nós emancipamos. Apesar das ausências mais presentes dos meus dias de hoje, fui amado. Meu primeiro melhor amigo da vida era loiro e de olhos verdes, mas sofria revezes por ser talvez o que hoje se diria, “criança viada”, mas era amada e por isso também feliz. Uma amiga branca, que era pobre e oriunda da periferia mais distante da cidade que habita, viu o pai tirar a vida da própria mãe diante de seus olhos nos seus primeiros anos de vida. Contudo foi amada por quem coube a tarefa de cuidar e hoje cria suas próprias crianças com o amor que não recebeu da mãe morta e nem do pai assassino que jamais foi responsabilizado. Tenho amiga preta que cresceu com vantagens de uma vida de classe média e que passou a primeira infância sendo abusada pela própria babá, e que apesar de ter tido boa parte de sua infância roubada, foi amada pelos pais e é uma profissional magnífica naquilo que faz e quando seu desejo de ser mãe for concretizado criará crianças que certamente povoarão essa terra pra fazê-la melhor, como ela mesma genuinamente e brilhantemente faz. Tenho um amigo preto da infância que foi abandonado pela mãe biológica aos cuidados da família branca pra quem trabalhava e desapereceu, mas que foi amado, ainda que de modo imposto pelos que os adotaram. Entretanto perderam um filho biológico ainda criança num acidente trágico, e acredito eu, mudaram pra melhor a maneira como foi amado e cuidado esse camarada depois disso, tornando-o um homem por quem tenho enorme admiração e afeição e que jamais abandonaria uma cria sua. Tenho amiga branca filha de médico que teve grande parte de sua infância roubada por uma mãe alcoolista e mentalmente comprometida, tendo sofrido abusos de parceiros dela e contato com drogas é muito cedo. Mas também foi amada por quem tinha responsabilidade e estrutura para tal missão, e é uma pessoa excepcional, que cuida dessa mãe, cuida de si, e que cuidaria de uma criança sua do modo que não pôde ser cuidada. Tenho um amigo irmão, branco, criado na periferia que antes dos dez anos de idade foi molestado sexualmente por mulheres adultas e que demorou quase todo o tempo da sua vida pra entender que aquilo também roubou parte de sua criança. Por outro lado, hoje é pai e cria um moleque de modo excepcional que vai ser atentamente protegido desse mesmo tipo de situação.
Digo isso porque eu convivo com essa vastidão de pessoas, que antes de resumidas aos seus gêneros, classe social, ou cor de pele, foram também crianças gravemente feridas e isso foi marcante em suas caminhadas, mas não determinantes. Paralelamente conheço outras histórias de quem não foi capaz de não reproduzir as mazelas sofridas mas que não caberão aqui. Não vim pra falar de tragédia, mas sim das vitórias por darem a si próprios ou as crianças que puseram no mundo o amor e cuidado que não puderam receber na mesma medida.
Início tais relatos com recortes de gênero, cor e classe social, por vir justamente me incomodando muito com a segregação e disputa de pautas e bandeiras que hasteamos para sermos legitimamente vistos, respeitados e reparados, enquanto a luta por igualdade é uma só. Ainda que acredite que no Brasil a prioridade venha do combate à estrutura colonial que cotidianamente rouba infâncias negras com armas de fogo do estado ou aliciamento ao crime, sei das crianças que mesmo com vida e mais ou menos dignidade dela, não fomos poupados de agressões e nem estão seguras as que parecem estar.
De modo geral penso na infância como o lugar que a gente deve defender de modo irrestrito, oferecendo a possibilidade dessa criança só ser criança mesmo. Sem cor, gênero, orientação sexual ou política. Sei que é até utópico priorizar isso diante da narrativa diária desse quadro social tão desigual e sanguinário como falei antes, mas é o que deveria ser num Brasil ideal. A gente precisa fazer o que for possível pra chegar perto disso, parar de ficar disputando lugar de pauta com o vizinho de luta, pois inescapavelmente estamos no mesmo lado da trincheira, lutando por justiça social pra dar condições de uma vida justa e amada para os pequenos recém chegados nesse país distópico, onde a violência, o genocídio e a pedofilia são institucionalizados pelo poder e do capital que gira a engrenagem política do país por abjetos fascistas e até abjetos seres dentro do nosso espectro ideológico.
Usam do pânico moral com suas falsas alegorias, entre kits gays, mamadeiras de piroca ou a inventada “ideologia de gênero” nas escolas, para na verdade poderem manter as novas gerações sem qualquer ferramenta pra se proteger desses selvagens predadores e abusadores que fazem o que desejam simplesmente porque tem poder, e logo, podem.
O nosso mais perigoso inimigo não é um mero macho, uma mera pessoa branca, que ainda que sem se entenderem diante de mais ou menos privilégios que puderam desfrutar na vida, também carregam duros traumas. Adultos hoje também fazem parte de toda essa diversidade que a gente acredita só existir nas pautas de minorias, ou maiorias minorizadas como negros e mulheres.
Conheço gente preta ruim, gente branca boa, héteros bons e homossexuais maus e vise e versa. O que me interessa hoje é ver antes de tudo a diversidade fruto da história de cada um, como as que narrei no início do texto. Eu fui criança, trabalho com criança, fiz parte da criação de dezenas delas, e eu penso num mundo onde elas possa conviver em pé de igualdade pra se defender dos verdadeiros inimigos, sejam dentro das famílias ou os fora do nosso espectro ideológico e político. Porque, verdade seja dita, o discurso progressista está cada vez mais pasteurizado e individualista que deixa de enxergar diversidade também para além das aparências e estereótipos.
Pode parecer utópico, mas a infância é atravessada pela ludicidade que a gente não pode deixar de ter em vista pra melhorar esse mundo ainda antes que ele acabe. Bora cuidar das crianças que fomos, que trouxemos ao mundo e de todas que cruzarem nosso caminho. As crianças de hoje cuidarão da gente amanhã. Cuidemos delas, cuidemos da gente. Sejamos agregados e coletivamente humanos o suficiente pra que as crianças possam ser aquilo que elas são, ou só deveriam ser: crianças.
Daqui, a minha saúda com esperança a que agora habita esse mundo, ou aquela que ainda habita em você.
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