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Dusk Till Dawn - Part 5
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Everything seems to be back to normal as you and Peter prepare for homecoming, but nobody seems to realize how much is about to change.
Warnings: Swearing, jealousy,
A/N: I’m truly sorry this is late. There was some stuff I needed to deal with (but i’m fine now.). @rosaliestark01 will post part 6 very soon. GIFs are not mine. Credit goes to @spiderholland
Ever since the incident at the bank, everyone seemed to walk on egg shells around you. They probably didn’t think you’d notice, but you did. They tended to stay out of your way, only talking to you if it was about school or how you were feeling.
The only people you ever saw really were the Avengers, Pepper, and Happy. Ned, MJ, Harry, and Harley visited once but it only lasted a few minutes. You rarely saw Tony. As for Ellie, you were the one to tell her that you wouldn’t be seeing her for a while.
She seemed pissed. You understood why you weren’t allowed to hang out with her anymore, but that didn’t stop her from insulting every single one of the Avengers, especially Peter. It surprised you because when you first met her, she seemed like one of the sweetest and kindest people you’d ever met.
After finishing an essay for your English class, you heard a knock on the door. Part of you didn’t want to open it in case it was Tony. Luckily, it wan’t. Peter was standing outside your room.
“Um... these are for you,” he says handing you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. You’ve pretty much been on house-arrest for a week and a half and he is just now visiting you.
“Thanks,” you mumble.
“So, um, I talked to Pepper and Happy and they said it would be okay if we hung out... if you want?” He asks hopefully. You may be upset that he’s been giving you the silent treatment, but you are itching to get out of your room. Besides, you can’t deny how much you missed spending time with him.
“I do,” you say.
“I was thinking we could go to the park today,” he smiles as you set the bouquet on your desk. You notice Peter eyeing the USB, but he doesn’t say anything about it.
“That sounds good,” you say. “I haven’t been to the park in forever.”
When you both arrive at the park, you’re stunned at what you see. There’s music, carnival games, and food trucks. It looks like a fair.
“What is all this?” You ask as you take in your surroundings. You’ve never seen the park like this before. It was amazing.
“It’s a pep rally,” Peter say. Just then do you notice that most of the people hosting the games were on the football team.
“I though that pep rallies were always held in the gymnasium at school.” They usually were. The few pep rallies you’ve been to were mandatory. The only way to get out of them were if you had to be somewhere else or if you were sick at home.
“I think Mr. Morita wanted to have the whole community involved,” he tells you.
You ended up deciding to play a few games. You were pretty sure that today, he surprised the entire football team. Peter won at every game and at one point the football coach even tried to recruit him. Afterwards, you both decided to have lunch, but something caught your eye.
“Is that Happy?”
“Mr. Stark thought it would be a good idea,” Peter said. You knew that what he meant was Mr.Stark thought it would be a good idea to keep an eye on you.
“Of course he did,” you mumble under your breath. Peter caught it nonetheless. He knew that things seemed pretty tense between you and Tony, but he didn’t want to bud too much into your personal life.
“Peter!” A familiar voice yells behind the two of you causing you to internally wince.
“Oh, hey Gwen,” Peter says. You could tell that he didn’t really want to talk to her just as much as you didn’t want him talking to her. You knew that saying it out loud would make you sound like a jealous brat, but Peter was clearly uncomfortable talking to her, especially since he took a hold of your hand.
“I was wondering if you still had a date to homecoming,” Gwen asks as she bats her eyelashes and stares all doey eyed at Peter.
“Yeah, I’m still taking Y/N,” Peter said as he motions to you.
“Oh,” she said, still not acknowledging your presence. “I just figured since Y/N doesn’t go to Midtown-”
“I’m still a student at Midtown,” You cut her off. Now, you’ve finally gained her attention, even if she is subtly glaring at you. “I’m just taking my classes online for now.”
“Okay,” she pouts. “I’ll see you later, Peter.”
She blows him a kiss before walking off. You didn’t understand what she saw in him. Sure, you were head over heel for the boy, but she had nothing in common with him other than that they both have “internships” with big companies.
“So, you still want me to go to homecoming with you?” You ask. In all honesty, you didn’t think he still would.
“Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I?” he asks with furrowed brows.
You shrugged, but that didn’t seem to be enough.
“I just thought that since you haven’t spoken to me in almost two weeks that you were mad at me for what happen at the bank,” you confess. Peter’s eyes widen a bit at your confession.
“Y/N, I don’t blame you for that. I never did.” He squeezes your hand. “I’m sorry I haven’t visited.”
“It’s okay.” You were so busy drowning your self in school work because you didn’t think Peter wanted anything to do with you that you didn’t even buy a- “Damn, I still have to find a dress.”
“If you want, I can take you to find one,” Peter offers.
“It’s fine. I’m sure that Pepper can take me.” Lately, Pepper had tried spending more time with you and you were sure that she’d help you find a dress.
Unfortunately, it turns out that Pepper was busy with meetings all week. You then asked Nat, but she was leaving for a mission with Bucky, Sam, and Steve. In the end, Happy was the one to take you.
“Is this the last one?” Happy asked. You had already been to three stores before this and if you didn’t find anything you liked, then you would pick the one that you didn’t hate the most.
“Yeah. I promise that this is the last store,” you said. You were getting tired of looking too and you felt bad making Happy rate all of your dresses. You just wanted to find a dress that you actually liked. Luckily, you didn’t have to look for very long.
The first one you saw at this store was a dark blue dress that looked better than any of the ones you’ve looked at (picture below the tags). After trying it on, you were pleased to say the least. It was perfect.
“How does this one look?” you ask Happy. You were pretty sure that you were going to buy it regardless, but you still wanted a second opinion.
“It looks good. Can we go now?” Happy said barely looking at you.
“Yeah,” you scoffed. You went back into the dressing room to change back into your regular clothes when you noticed something in your purse that definitely wasn’t yours. It was another USB that looked a lot like the one you stole from Hydra, except this one was blue instead of red.
“What the-” you say. Unfortunately, you must’ve said it a bit too loud because the next thing you know, Happy was knocking on the door.
“Is everything okay in there?” Happy asks, probably in security mode.
“Yeah, Happy, everything’s fine!” you call back. Once you’re fully dressed, you slip the USB back into your purse.
“Okay, let’s go,” he says. You say for the dress and head back to the Tower.
“Hey, Y/N, how was dress shopping?” Pepper asks. She looks like she just got back from her meetings.
“It went well,” you say. You think back to finding another strange USB and you couldn’t help but want to know what was on it. “I have a physics test to study for, so I’ll be in my room.”
“Okay, you better pass,” Pepper jokes. You have straight As, so she knows that your grades aren’t something to worry about.
“I will,” you say before shutting yourself in you room.
“Okay, let’s see what this is about.” You are about to plug it into your laptop, but the sound of your phone ringing stops you.
“Hello?” you ask.
“Hey, Y/N.” Peter says through the line. You set the USB on the desk next to the other one.
“Hi, Peter.” you say.
“I was wondering if you wanted to come over and visit May?” Well, you haven’t seem May in a while and it’s not like the USB is just going to disappear while your gone.
“I’d love to,” you say.
Back inside his run down apartment, Ezekiel paces back and forth. He is angry.
“This is you’re fault! Go fix it!” He yells as he points an accusing finger at Eloise.
“I tried, but she won’t talk to me,” She explains, but it’s no use. “They won’t let her.”
“Do I need to remind you what happened last time you failed?” He yells. Normally, anyone else would’ve flinched at someone yelling in their face, but Eloise stood her ground. If only she could convince him that she’s not entirely useless, they could both they what they want.
“But I fixed that and I can fix this.” Ezekiel rolls his eyes at her words. “We both want the same thing. Without me, neither of us can get what we want.”
“All you want is to destroy Spider-Man,”He spits out. “You’re little trap failed.”
She doesn’t need to be told twice how much of a disaster the bank incident was. If only you hadn’t gotten in the way, Spider-Man could be dead and you could be easier to manipulate.
“I do want to squash that bug, but I still haven’t forgotten the mission,” Eloise says. Ezekiel smirks at her, causing her to roll her eyes at him.
“Which is?” he presses. She knows he’s testing her. He should know that after everything she’s been through, that she could never forget their true mission.
“Eliminate Iron Man.”
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Dusk Till Dawn - Part 4
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You meet your “real dad” and end up learning more than you expect you would.
Warning:Swearing, Angst, Angry!Reader, Angry!Avengers, Angry!Peter
A/N: Colab with @annies-marvel-imagines. No GIFs are mine.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” you ask. Ellie, somehow knowing where he lived, had practically dragged you there. You weren’t sure if he’d be happy to see you or not. You don’t even know if he knows you exist.
“Yeah,” Ellie says, gently pushing you towards the door of his apartment. “You deserve the truth and who better than your own dad?”
“Okay…” You knock on the door and wait.
“Just a second!” A man yells on the other side. You hear the sound of something breaking and someone swearing before the door opens. “What do you want?”
“I’m-”, you begin but he interrupts you.
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Dusk Till Dawn - Part 3
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: An argument between you and Peter leads to others getting involved in your business and Ellie gives you some unexpected news.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Hurt!reader, Hurt!Peter, jealous!Peter, and maybe some fluff.
A/N: Collaboration with my good friend, @rosaliestark01. I don’t own any GIFs.
“Y/N!” Peter yells from across the hall. You stop putting your things in your locker as you see Peter running towards you. You don’t know what’s gotten into him. He seemed perfectly fine after doping you back home after paroling.
He seemed too caught up in getting to you as soon as possible that he ended tripping over his own feet, causing Flash and a few of his “friends” to laugh at him.
“Peter?” You run to him and quickly help him up. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I-” He begins but Flash, being the dumbass that he is, cuts him off. You honestly don’t understand why Flash keeps trying to make Peter’s school life a living pain.
“Nice one, Parker,” he snorts. For some reason, his “friends” laugh as though bullying someone who is clearly better than them is suddenly the most hilarious thing in the world. “Did your parents forget to teach you how to walk?”
“At least he doesn’t walk like he has a silver spoon up his-” you try to retort, but Peter hurriedly interrupts you.
“Y/N, I have to tell you something.” Peter looks at you pleadingly and you are suddenly worried about what happened.
“What is it?” Peter grabs you loosely by your arm to lead you away from Flash and his band of laughing brainless idiots.
“I can’t tell you here,” he whispers as he drags you away from all the people watching the two of you curiously. Peter is starting to worry you even more. What is he so afraid to tell you that he has to drag you into a janitor’s closet to tell you? “I don’t think that Eloise is who she says she is.”
“Who is she, then?” You ask.
“Well... I don’t know, but I saw her talking to a man in a black ambulance and they traded stuff.” You knew that Peter didn’t trust Ellie one bit, but this had to have been him just assuming things.
“Okay. I’ll agree that that’s suspicious, but you can’t just say that she’s not who she says she is because she talked to some random dude. You’re mind is probably just blowing out of proportion,” you tell him, but the look he gives you says that you really need to listen to him. “When was this?”
“Around midnight,” he whispers. “Y/N, I don’t trust her.”
“She’s never given me a reason not to trust her. Can you please just drop it?” you beg. You didn’t want to fight with Peter about whether Ellie was trustworthy or not. Peter didn’t really know her and you did. “Are we still on for this Friday?”
“Yeah,” he nods his head. “I’ll see you there.”
You really were excited about going to the movies with Peter. He never outwardly said that it was a date, so you didn’t want to assume but this was the first time the two of you were watching a movie without your friends tagging along.
You and Peter casually walked out of the janitor’s closet, hoping that you two were casual enough to not attract attention. However, you were quickly met with Ned, MJ, and Harry’s questioning stares.
“What were you two doing?” Harry asks. You look to Peter to come up with a good excuse.
“N-Nothing,” he spits out awkwardly. You mentally facepalm because although he has no problem making up excuses on a regular basis, the one time you get caught walking out of a janitor’s closet is when he can’t come up with a proper excuse.
“Okay, well... I’m going to go back to my locker,” you say in order to escape the awkward tension that filled the air.
“I’ll come with you,” MJ said. Harry followed suit. Ever since he and Gwen broke up, he’s become a lot closer to MJ. You had a feeling that they were starting to really like each other, but it was too soon to tell.
“So how come you never told me that you were taking Gwen to homecoming?” Ned asked Peter once you, MJ, and Harry walked off.
“What? Where did you hear that?” Peter had definitely not planned on taking Gwen to homecoming and he certainly never told anyone that he planned to. If anything, he wanted to ask you.
“Ellie has been saying that you were going to ask Gwen to homecoming,” Ned said and Peter lightly winced at hearing one of his best friends call her Ellie.
“Well, Eloise is a conniving liar who doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about,” Peter says bitterly. Had you heard any of those rumors? You probably have. You and Eloise have gotten way too close for Peter’s liking.
Peter knew he shouldn’t feel jealous over you making friends, but Eloise was obviously up to no good and you were to blind see it. Plus, you felt comfortable telling Eloise what has been bothering you ever since that stupid mission you went on. It hurt that you didn’t feel comfortable talking to him, but it hurt more that you were comfortable talking to conniving Eloise Day.
“So who are you taking?” Ned asks. Peter knows who he wants to take, but he;s not sure what you would say.
“I don’t know yet,” Peter says (sort of) truthfully.
“I think you should take Y/N,” Ned suggests. He doesn’t know about Peter feels about you, but you seem like an obvious option. “or MJ. You like her, don’t you.”
“Only as a friend,” Peter says. Once upon a time, he had feeling for MJ, but they never went as deep as his feeling for you. Besides, he was sure that Harry and MJ (although neither one probably knew it) liked each other.
“Then you should totally take Y/N,” Ned suggested happily. Peter knew that if he were to ask you, it would have to be soon.
Needless to say, once Saturday came around, you were pissed. Peter hadn’t shown up to the movie and instead, you ended up sitting next to some random person who wouldn’t put his phone away, kept flirting with you during the movie, and laughed at the stupidest stuff. You ended up getting kicked out once the two of you started fighting (even though he started it). Out of all the people in the theater you had to get into a fight with, it was the owner’s stupid cousin.
On the bright side, you got a call from Ellie telling you that the DNA test result would come back on Monday. She asked about how the movie went and although you were majorly pissed at Peter, you didn’t want to give her another reason to dislike him. You told her about the movie without telling her that you were kicked out of the theater.
On Monday, you woke up to something falling on your floor. After turning on the lights, you found that instead of a something, it was a someone.
“Hey, Y/N-” Peter says quietly.
“Peter, it’s four in the morning,” you hiss. “Get out.” Peter looked taken aback by this. He always came here when he couldn’t sleep and you’ve never kicked him out before.
“But-” He suddenly looked like he had just noticed the look on your face. “You’re angry.”
“Yeah, I’m angry,’ you say, stomping over to him. “You didn’t show up.”
Peter looks at you with confusion written all over his face, which only angers you more. He stares back at you for a few seconds before he finally realizes what your talking about. Soon, his realization turn into worry.
“Oh! Y/N, I am so sorry,”he says quickly. “Something came up and I had to deal with it.”
“Right. Something always comes up.” You weren’t sure if you were being petty or not. For six, almost seven, months, you allowed everyone to forget about you and treat you like shit.
“Y/N, I can’t just stop being Spider-Man just because you wanted to see a movie,” Peter fights back. This wasn’t your first fight, but this was by far the most serious.
“First of all, I never told you to stop being Spider-Man and secondly, you were the one to ask me to the movies,” you try not to raise your voice because of how late (or early) it was.
“You could’ve asked someone else to go with you,” Peter argues. If anything, his argument only angers you more.
“You literally said that you wanted it to be just the two of us!” you yell. “Instead, I had to deal with some creep that didn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘no’!”
Hearing that you had to deal with some creep and he wasn’t there to protect you made his blood boil. He knew that he should’ve at least told you a head of time that he wouldn’t be able to make it, but he also didn’t want to admit to you that he had completely forgotten about your date. Wait. Was it a date?
“What the hell is going on in here?” Nat said, storming into the room looking grumpy and tired
“Nothing. Peter was just leaving,” you say, not wanting to fight with Peter anymore. You hated fighting with Peter, but you still felt hurt by his actions.
“Y/N-”Peter began softly.
“Both of you. Kitchen. Now” Nat demanded. The tree of you made your way to the Kitchen where Nat sat the two of you down and glared at you.
“What the hell happened to the two of you?” She asked harshly. “Since the day you two met, you’ve been a team. Best partners in the field I have ever seen. Something must have happened to make you turn on each other and I’m here to tell you to get the fuck over it. I don’t care what it is. Put it in the past. You’re best friends. You’re partners. Now start acting like it.”
She stomped back to her room, leaving you and Peter sitting quietly in the dark. You were going to say something, but he beat you to it.
“Wow,” he says, referring to Natasha’s passionate lecture. “So, um... since it’s late...?”
“Yes,” you say, offering your hand. He takes it gingerly, and you both quietly make your way back to your room. You’re already in your pajamas, but Peter is still wearing his Spider-Man suit.
“Here,” you say as you hand him a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that he left here once. After he got dressed, you both crawled into bed. “I’m sorry I got mad. Whatever it was, I’m sure it was important.”
“I’m sorry I left you alone to sit next to some creep,” he whispered. You could tell that he was being sincere and you began to wonder why you were so mad at him in the first place. Saving people was a priority and you felt bad at yelling at him over something that probably wasn’t even a date to begin with.
“At least I got a few swings in before I got kicked out,” you say, trying to lighten the mood but Peter just looked at you sadly.“Either way, the world is lucky to have Spider-Man in it.”
“And I’m lucky to have Y/N Stark as my best friend”. Peter scoots closer so that the two of you were practically holding each other. “I’m still sorry for ditching you. Maybe we can still see that movie tonight?”
“I’d love that,” you say. You close your eyes, ready for sleep to take over again.
“Y/N?” Peter whispers. He knows it’s late, but he feels as though this were the right time to ask.
“Will you go to homecoming with me?” After a few seconds, and there’s no response, Peter looks at you. “Y/N?”
You had already fallen asleep. Peter curses himself for not asking earlier. He’s not sure when he’ll get the chance to as again or if he ever will.
“Y/N Stark!” Brad Davis yells as he struts towards you. You look for an escape, but you don’t see a very good one. You look at Peter for help, but he doesn’t know what to do either.
“What do you want?” you ask. Everybody, except for Brad, knew that he was a total jerk. He was one of the brainless idiot who laughed at Peter after he tripped last Friday.
“I’m taking you to homecoming,” he said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. You scoffed at the nerve this guy had. You noticed the way Peter tensed up, but you didn’t say anything.
“No you’re not,” You tell him. He just smirks at you. “I already have a date.”
“Who?” He and Peter both asks.
“Peter.” Peter looks confused, so you decide to elaborate. “He asked me this morning.”
“Whatever, nerds,” Brad scoffs before walking off to join his friends.
“You heard that?” Peter looks at you nervously and you couldn’t help but think it was cute.
“Yeah,” you say. “I wanted to answer, but I kinda fell asleep.”
Peter smiles at you before you both go your separate ways. You go to art class and Peter has History. You hope that Peter doesn’t forget about the movie this time. You knew he had his reasons for missing it the first time, and you were going to try to be more understandable if he misses this time too, but you really hope he doesn’t.
After school ends, you see Ellie jogging to you with an annoyed look on her face.
“You’re going to homecoming with Parker?” She asks.
“Yeah. He asked me.” You knew that she didn’t like Peter but you still hoped that she would’ve been happy for you. She had to have know that you really liked him from all the times you gushed about how amazing he was to her.
“I though he stood you up.” She said. You both begin walking to the parking lot.
“He did but-” you stop suddenly after hearing that. You didn’t tell Ellie that Peter stood you up. In fact, you clearly remember trying to make her think that didn’t. “How do you know about that?”
“Spider-Man saving those hostages was all over the news,” she casually says.
“Right.” You think back to the argument that you and Peter had and you instantly feel ten times worse. Peter was a hero.
“I honestly thought he would have asked Gwen to homecoming,” She tells you. “They seem pretty close.”
“I thought so too.” Ever since you started hanging out with Ellie, Gwen had obviously tried to make a move on Peter. You felt lucky that Peter was pretty oblivious to those kinds of things. You were also pretty lucky that Peter had chosen to ask you.
“Do you want to come over to my house to study today?” Ellie asks hopefully.
“I would love to, but I already made plans with Peter.” You started to feel bad when her hopeful face turn into a scowl at the mention of Peter’s name. You had really hoped that they would get along. They were both nice people. They were among the smartest students at this school and Ellie knows that Peter is Spider-Man.
“Oh. That’s okay.”
You were glad to finally be able to enjoy the movie without some creep ruining it. Peter looked like he was enjoying the movie, and you loved the way he gasped when the main character was manipulated into teaming up with the bad guy. It had a good ending, but that part was hard to concentrate on when Peter grabbed your hand during the big climax.
Afterwards, Peter swung you back to your room before he left to go on patrol. You would have gone with him, but you really needed to finish your Art project.
A few hours later, you felt pretty good about it. You made miniature figures of all the avengers. It took longer than it should have, since you had to remake the Iron Man figure after “accidentally” breaking it.
“Y/N, you have a visitor,” your AI, Cas, said. The only person who would has ever visited you at the late hour of 1:53 am was Peter. Instead, you were met by another familiar face.
She was texting someone on her phone by the time you finally made it down to meet her. She looked up at you with excitement as she held up a small stack of papers.
“Y/N, I got the results back for the DNA test,” she whispered. You had completely forgotten that Monday was the day that the DNA results would come back.
“Really? What does it say?”
“Your dad’s name is Ezekiel Stane and he only lives a few miles from here.” You scrunch up your nose upon hearing his name. She had to be kidding right? There was no way that this could be right.
“Stane?” Ellie frowned at your disdain for the name. “Like Obadiah Stane?”
“It’s what the papers say,” Ellie says, shoving the papers into your hands. Looking at them, you had no choice but to believe her. According to the papers, Ezekiel Stane was, without a doubt, your dad. “You trust me, right?”
“Yeah.” As much as you wanted this to be a joke, you really did trust Ellie. You just didn’t want to possibly be related to the same guy who kidnapped you and tried to kill you and your dad Tony.
A/N: Would you trust Ellie?
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Accidentally reblogged this to my supernatural account. oops! Anyway, Part 3 will likely be posted on Saturday.
Dusk Till Dawn - Part 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter wants to help you but he doesn’t trust your new friend.
Warnings: Swearing (most likely), angst, jealousy,
A/N: colab w/ @annies-marvel-imagines. Part 3 will be posted on her account. GIF cred goes to owner.
The second Peter felt your presence, he knew that something was wrong. He could feel your emotional distress without even having to see you. It was strong and he couldn’t figure out what had caused it. He knew that he wasn’t the only one who was worried about you.
Your dad had called him last night thinking that the two of you had fought. Apparently, you refused to come out of your room since coming back from the mission and you refused to talk to anybody. In short, the Avengers though you were avoiding them.
That was another thing that pissed you off. They ignore you for six months and then have the nerve to say that you were the one avoiding them? Well, technically you were. The only person you’ve spoken to was Steve, but that was just because he ambushed you on your way to the kitchen in the middle of the night.
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Dusk Till Dawn (Peter Parker x Reader)
Part 1
Summary: After a mission gone slightly wrong, Y/N hears something she never expected from her teammates and learns something that changes her relationship with Tony.
Warning: swearing (probably), violence, angst, hurt!reader, sad!reader, Peter being bad at flirting,
A/N: This is a collaboration with @rosaliestark01. Part 2 will probably be posted on her account by next Friday. Credit for the GIF belongs to owner.
Read Prologue Here
“Okay, we need to get in and get out.” Steve had been explaining the mission. We were supposed to look for a crate of weapons with a red wax seal on the lid. “We can’t let them know we were here at all. Got it?”
You all nodded your heads. This was the first mission you had been in two months. You were glad to be back on the field, but it was a little weird to be around so many of the Avengers at once. Nat, Steve, Peter, and your dad were all there. The rest were at the tower.
“Hey.” You were snapped out of your thoughts by Peter taking a seat next to you. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” Looking at Peter, he looks a bit different. He’s still handsome, but hair is longer and he is a bit taller than you remember. He just looks older in general.
“Thank for helping me and Ned out earlier,” Peter says. Earlier that day, Flash was being an assbutt and spilt chemicals all over Ned and Peter’s Chemistry notes. You didn’t have that class today, but you were still able to help them rewrite them. “You’re really smart.”
“Thanks, Pete.” You couldn’t help but blush a little every time he complimented you, which has recently been more frequent. “You’re smart too.” Peter smiles, but then he becomes serious.
“So, are you still friends with Eloise Day?” Ellie had invited you to her house the other day. You didn’t understand why Peter didn’t like her. She was always nice to him. A part of you thinks that it was because she figured out his secret within a week after moving to Queens. Since they’re neighbors, she probably saw him sneaking back into his apartment or something.
“Yeah, why?” You still couldn’t figure out why he dislikes Ellie of all people. She was already one of the smartest students at your school. If Ned and MJ were able to figure it out, Ellie could too.
“It’s probably nothing,” He says as he fidgeted with his mask. You could tell he was nervous about what he was about to say. “I feel like there’s something-”
“Alright. Get in, get out,” Steve interrupted.
Steve is the first to leave the jet. You try to follow, but you’re forced to sit back down and wait for the others to pass first. You figured that they just didn’t see you. Finally, Peter offered you his hand and the two of you were the last off the jet.
The base was bigger than you imagined it would be. Everyone decided to split up in order to make things easier. Not only would it be easier to remain undetected but it would make finding the crate a lot easier too.
You noticed a door that was left slightly open. After making sure that no one was there, you quietly entered the room. It was littered with boxes and crates. One of them had to be the one you’re looking for. After a few minutes of searching, you came to the conclusion that none of these crates was the one that you needed to find. Not a single one had a red wax seal on the lid.You were about to go look for it when something caught your eye.
In the middle of the room was a fairly clean desk, but that was not what caught your attention. It was the giant red folder on top of it that had the word “classified” stamped onto it. Upon opening it, you realized two things. First, Hydra shouldn’t have any of this information. Secondly, finding out that an organization like Hydra has a file all about you is nothing short of frightening.
“What the-” You were too immersed in the fact that Hydra had any of this information to realize that you were no longer alone.
“Didn’t your dad teach you it’s rude to touch things that don’t belong to you?” You jumped, not realizing how long you had been standing there. Turning around, you inspect the man. He is definitely a lot bigger than you, but Nat had taught you what to do in situations where your opponent was bigger than you. Bucky had also given you a few tips. Unfortunately, none of those tips prepared you for situations when a fucking skyscraper was pointing some weird space gun at you.
The more Hydra soldiers you meet, the more you think that Hydra is just picking them up off the streets. You were lucky that this man was horrible at aiming. You dodged the blast, however, you weren’t expecting another guy to shoot you from behind.
“Y/N?” Peter asks through the earpiece. You don’t answer right away since you’re dealing with not one, but two Hydra soldiers. You use your knife and throw it at the man who snuck up behind you. The first guy tries to shoot you again, but something (or someone) stops him. Peter webs the guy up pretty good after taking his space gun away.
“Peter,-” You want to tell him about the file you just found, but you can’t when he interrupts you.
“Y/N are you okay?”
“Yeah.”You say. “I was shot but-”
“You were shot!” You refrain from rolling your eyes because let’s be honest here. If he had been shot you’d probably lose your mind.
“Peter, I’m fine. Look.” You hand him the file and wait while he looks through it. Although he is wearing a mask, you can imagine the look he probably has. You also notice the way he tenses up the more he looks through it.
“This is all about you” He states.“This is your whole life.”
“Alright, got it,” You both ear through the earpiece. It sounds like Nat found what you were supposed to look for.
“Come on, let’s go.” Peter turns to leave, but you stop him.
“What about this?” He looks between the file and you. You can tell that he is unsure about what he is about to say.
“We can’t let them know we were here.”
“Its a little too late for that, don’t you think?” You motion to the guy you threw a knife at and the guy who Peter had webbed to the wall. Whether you take the file or not, they would still know that you were there. Peter looks conflicted for a few seconds before he realizes that your right. Taking the file won’t make a difference now.
“Fine.” You quickly take the file and put it in your backpack. You didn’t know why Hydra had such a big file about you, but you couldn’t deny that you were curious about what they know about you.
Peter had insisted on taking a look at your injury. You knew that he knew that you would be able to take care of it yourself, but it was nice to spend time with him. Today had been the first time you really talked in over a week.
“So, it’s been a while since we hung out,” Peter says as he fixes you up.
“Yeah,” you agree. The last time that you and Peter hung out was two months ago when you went to the movies with him and Ned. Peter had left halfway through the movie because his Peter-tingle was telling him that something was happening.
“Do you want to go see a movie next weekend?”
“Sure,” you look up at him excitedly. There was this new movie that was out that you really wanted to see. You were sure that he and Ned would like it too. “I can pick you guys up this time.”
Peter looked at you a bit nervously before he spoke again. “Well, I was hoping that it could just be the two of us.”
Was this a date? You really liked Peter, but you had always figured that he just thought of you as a friend and that he harbored feelings for MJ. You could have sworn that you’ve heard him talking about how smart and pretty she was.
“That’s fine.” Although you had a fairly calm exterior, you were internally freaking out. You were about to say something else when Peter’s eyes widen. He looked both confused and worried which made you think that he thought you were getting the wrong idea.
“How many times have you been shot?” You watch as his worried expression became stern. Although you were not expecting that, you realized that you should have expected it.
Lately, you’ve been patrolling by your self. Peter was always busy, as well as everyone else, so you didn’t want to bother them about it. You hadn’t realized how used you were to patrolling with someone. You’ve been injured more times in the last six months than you had in your whole life.
“That was the first time I’ve been shot. I’ve been stabbed three times.” Peter looked like his head was about to explode. You didn’t think it was that big of a deal. You knew how to take care of yourself. Yeah, you’ve had a few slip-ups, but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t have handled.
“You really need to be more careful,” Peter sighs. “None of us want to see you hurt.”
“I know.”You squeeze his hand that you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding. “I’m gonna go take a shower.”
You stood up and Peter gave you a gentle hug so as not to put pressure on your wound.
“Okay, I’ll see you at school.” With that, you made your way out of the medical wing. As you passed the common room, you couldn’t help but hear that the other Avengers were having what sounded to be an important conversation.
“You know I’m right about this,” Rhodey said. You weren’t trying to eavesdrop, but heard what he was about to say nonetheless. “The missions would be a lot easier without Y/N.”
“I know.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You couldn’t believe that your own dad would so quickly agree with him. You and Rhodey had never exactly been that close, but what gave him the right? It was just one mistake! You hadn’t messed up on a mission in five years. Even then, it wasn’t that big of a mistake.
Nobody heard you slam the door to your room shut. Six months of letting them do their own thing and not trying to be a bother and this is the what you get? You wanted to hit something but instead settled for kicking your backpack. You knew it was your fault when a few papers spilt out, but it only further angered you.
You began cleaning the mess when you remembered about the file you stole. You took it out of your backpack and decided to really look through it hoping it would take your mind off of the feeling of betrayal that you felt.What you hadn’t noticed back at the Hydra base was that there was a USB taped to the inside of the folder. You plugged it into your laptop and was shocked at what you were seeing.
They knew everything about you. They had your medical records, your school transcripts, everything you’ve done for Shield, and where you worked. They knew where you were born, where you lived, and the route you took to school everyday.
That wasn’t even the worst part. You though you knew everything about yourself. What you were now seeing made the betrayal you felt from Rhodey’s words seem like child’s play. You felt lied to and angry.
Tony Stark was not your real dad. Tag list:
@eridanuswave, @drishtisikarwar
#peter parker x reader#peter parker x you#peter parker x reader insert#peter parker x avenger!reader#peter parker x yn#peter parker x stark!daughter#peter parker x stark!reader#tony stark x daughter!reader#The Avengers#Avengers#avengers x reader#avengers x you#avengers x y/n#avengers x platonic reader#spider-man#spiderman#spider-man x reader#spider-man x you#spider-man x y/n#i bet you didn't see that coming#cilffhanger
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Dusk Till Dawn (Peter Parker x Reader)
Teaser/ Prologue
Warnings:Swearing, hurt!reader, sad!reader, angst
A/N: Yes, this is the prologue and I am also using it as the teaser. GIF cred goes to original owner. Also, this is going to be a collaboration with @annies-marvel-imagines so the next part will be posted on her account.
You didn’t know when it started. That didn’t stop it from hurting like hell what you realized that it had happened in the first place. The worst part was that nobody else seemed to care. Nobody seemed to care that you were alone.
Your dad was off who knows where with who knows who. He was probably with Pepper. She had raised you when your dad was going through his billionaire playboy phase but now she is running SI so you don’t really see her much anymore either.
Or, he could be with Rhodey. They were friends. Rhodey was usually nice when he saw you, but it has hard to tell if he actually liked you or not. You didn’t know him that much other than the fact that he babysat you once when you were six.
Lastly, he might be with Peter. Peter was your best friend. You met him during the whole Sokovia Accords fiasco. He sided with your dad while you sided with Steve. You didn’t want it to be anything personal. The accords weren’t fair and it was just some political bullcrap to take away your rights. Towards the end of the fight, Peter was accidentally thrown at you and you both collided with a bunch of wooden crates. You were shocked when you found out that the cute boy that you shared five classes with was Spider-Man.
You just wished that you dad would at least spare a few minutes asking you how your day was and stuff like that. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just your dad.
You couldn’t remember the last time that you trained with Nat or learned something new from Bruce or Steve. Thor is in Asgard and Clint is with his family. Sam, Bucky, and Rhodey don’t visit that often but when they do it is just to hang out with one of the aforementioned Avengers.
Peter tried to make time for you, but what with school, being Spider-Man, impressing your dad, and keeping his identity a secret, you rarely see him anymore either. At least he tries, right?
“It sounds like they all suck.” Ellie say. She was a new student at your school, but she had quickly become one of your best friends.
“What do you mean?” You raise an eyebrow, not expecting her to say something like that. She usually wasn’t that blunt. When you met her, she was one of the sweetest people you had ever met.
“It doesn’t sound like they care about you that much.” You thought a bit. Yeah, they haven’t been spending time with you, but they have to have a good reason for it.
“They’re probably just busy,” you try to defend your family but it sounds more like a question. Ellie closes her textbook and places it on her nightstand.
“How long has this been going on?”
“About six months,” you mumble. Saying it out loud made it sound worse than it did in your head. Your family had barely spoken to you in six months.
“Seriously?” You weren’t surprised that she was shocked. In fact, is she were the one telling you this about her family, you probably would have said the same thing.“None of them have had time for you for six months?”
“They’re the Avengers?”Again, you couldn’t help but try to defend them. “What did you expect?”
“I would have expected them to at least have time for one of their own.” She crosses her arms and sends you a hard look. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
This time you can’t defend them. She’s right. They have ignored you for six months and there is no excuse.
#peter parker#peter parker x reader#tom holland peter parker#peter parker x reader insert#peter parker x stark!reader#tony stark x daughter!reader#avengers#avengers x reader#spiderman#spider-man#spider man x reader
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[Back In Black by AC/DC plays]
Peter: I love Led Zeppelin!
Happy: ...
(Y/N): Its a good thing you’re cute.
#peter parker x avenger!reader#peter parker x reader#peter parker x reader insert#spider-man x y/n#spider-man x reader#spider-man x you#peter parker x you#peter parker x yn#spider-man#spider-man far from home#sp ffh#ffh spoilers#sm: far from home#sm:ffh
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Loki will adopt Clint Barton in order to save Loki’s life

What’s your Endgame?
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My sister and I are fighting over whether Team Iron Man or Team Captain America is better

She doesn’t even know why they’re fighting
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