#Answered by Alec and Lefty
hideawaysplace · 1 year
I wonder what would happen if Lefty found some Fazbear Frights books from Our world. Especially if the books one through six. Since every single story from those books have people he knows.
The book had Fetch on it, but it didn’t look like the Fetch he knew, this one looked more aggressive, staring into the souls of the innocent.
The books are probably cursed, he flicked through some pages, scanning the text briefly until he saw a new story title that made his heart jump into his throat.
Bad, Alec had always argued, was such a subjective word. With its very definition, it was determined by someone else’s baseline. It was a word that served one purpose: to judge. And Alec had been judged his entire life.
His son was in this book.
Alec had specifically mentioned his behavior was bad earlier.
Something about these books felt strange. Stranger than anything he had dealt with.
The story's name was Lonely Freddy.
He read the book as quickly as he could, not wanting someone else to stumble in.
The story seemed to be word for word, a retelling of the week before Hazel’s birthday, she was in the story, so was their biological parents, and Gigi, this book had to be cursed! No one else outside of their circle knew what happened!
He got to that part.
“I’ve been waiting for you friend,” the bear said.
Alec stopped and stared at the bear.
He did not save him that day. The day he needed him the most.
It felt like the bear was reaching its soft, plush paws into his very soul and extracting answers he kept the most hidden. And it was doing it so effortlessly.
He was scared.
He needed help.
Alec needed his help at that very moment, Lefty was somewhere else, probably playing some happy tune, being oblivious to the danger that lurked within the very pizzeria.
“What’s your biggest regret?”
Lefty started tearing up.
What is your biggest regret Lefty?
When you needed help the most Alec, I wasn’t there to save you, I’m supposed to protect, that’s my purpose! I’m supposed to keep the darkness away! I would have gone to you in a heartbeat to save you from that monster! You would never have been alone, I would have protected you! I only want to help! I failed! Alec, I failed! And deep down I may think you’ll never ever forgive me for that! I was so blind Alec! I was blind! I never ever wanted you to face this! Not this!
This can’t be.
He threw the book away, not strong enough to finish it and began wailing, hot tears spilling down his face. Alec was afraid, and he couldn’t escape.
This made him feel worse.
He collapsed on the ground, his tears hitting the earth below him, he sniffled, now he knew more than ever, and it broke his heart.
There had been many moments where Alec needed his help.
He wondered deep down if Alec would never fully heal from Lonely Freddy, he knew it was unlikely, and Alec may be holding up a facade to keep him less concerned which made him more concerned-
Oh no.
There were more stories.
He picked another up.
He read the back.
Isolation can open up a void. Pete lashes out at his younger brother in the wake of his parents’ divorce, falling prey to a gruesome curse.
Pete was here too.
He threw that book aside and found another one, the names Oswald, Sarah and Millie jumped off the page.
All the books.
Delilah, Devon, Stanley, Arthur, Kasey, Nole, Jake, Greg…
He knew everyone in these books!
Who was writing these?!
Who knew so much about things that had been barely discussed outside of their group?!
He couldn’t comprehend it.
Nothing made sense.
Was this all a joke?!
Considering Alec, what he went through, what Stanley went through, what Pete went through, what Sarah went through, what they all went through.
He couldn’t understand it.
No one else should find these books, his mind said.
Which is why he started a bonfire at three in the morning, slowly adding the books into the flames, watching the pages burn.
He had read all the books and came away with more questions than any answers, not wanting them to potentially harm anyone else, he threw them into the pit to burn.
He registered the sound of the sliding door opening behind him and he immediately tossed the last book in before turning around to see who had greeted him.
It was Glamrock Freddy.
The Glamrocks and Gregory had taken temporary residence here for now, until circumstances had changed, they just stayed in one room together. He knew there were complaints from Roxanne and Monty about being in one space but Freddy didn’t care just as long as he was close to Gregory and Chica loved being close to her friends.
“I smelt smoke, and I wanted to check…”
“I’m alright,” Lefty said.
“Just wanted a spontaneous bonfire?” Freddy asked, confused.
“There’s a lot to unpack about what’s going on, maybe one day…”
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My Alec-I forgot to ask you how tall you are? On account of Lonely freddy I'm 1.50
It sucks to be this tall
Um, I'm 5’8. Nosey Freddy is...
All Lonely Freddys were 2’2 foot, which is roughly 66 centimetres.
I hated being little.
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Oh ok thanks!
No problem.
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callistotheicecat · 3 years
*points shot gun at him as police anon cuffs him*
-Police anon and normal anon
On it! I’ll call the station.
I’ll prevent Alec from beating the crap outta him.
*holds Alec back* Alec, it’s not worth it!
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What does Freddy Frostbear think about the rest of the cast?
@hideawayintheimaginationworld might answer about the characters I left out because I can’t possibly answer about all of them.
- Frostbear respects everyone, especially Lefty, seeing how many people he has in his house. He likes to interact with the kids like Sarah, Millie, Greg, Alec etc. With Delilah and Stanley, He helps them do stuff around the house, having being told of their near-Death experiences. Matt, however? Frostbear is not really fond of him, Baby Spring loves Frostbear though.
- Arctic Ballora and Frostbite BB are his event Gang for this year, he respects Ballora as she is presumably the only good-hearted Funtime around, Funtime Freddy is getting here though. And Frostbite BB, being the same enragement child he is normally, gets in trouble with him often, but he makes Frostbear laugh sometimes, so he’s good.
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Filbrick stubbornly clinged onto life for all these years. He’s still kicking when Ford comes out of the portal. He hasn’t worked at the pawn shop in ages. But he does have the apartment upstairs still. He rents out the space below.
He’s the one fixture of that street in Glass Shard Beach. The stores and families on either side went out of business in the late 80s. The families moved out to suburban New Jersey, away from the ocean. But Filbrick never left.
His routine has only varied slightly, because even he must bow to time and how it changes things. He wakes up at 5:30 every morning, gets dressed and ready for the day. Sunglasses in place, fedora atop his head. The same scratchy suit he’s worn for most of his adult life. He eats breakfast of burnt toast (he never could work the dam thing right. His wife had a way in the kitchen, not him). He picks up the newspaper off the stoop and reads every single article, huffing and scoffing at how flowery and unrealistic the articles are.
He makes himself a simple lunch. He yells at the golf match on tv or the birds outside his window or the kids throwing balls around in the street below, damaging the brick walls.
In the evenings he takes a short walk down to the beach, right to the edge of the sand, and stares out at the ocean. The waves are dark and choppy as the sun sets behind him. He stares until he’s cold and then he walks home, in later years with a cane, back to his colder apartment.
He’s walked to the ocean every evening since his wife passed. He still hasn’t understood what is so dam enticing about the ocean. What adventure could possibly be left? Everything’s already been seen before. But his dear’s last requests included getting to know something about their sons. He cursed himself as being weak, later. For agreeing. For letting a tear slip down his face as he promised his wife he’d do as she asked, just this once.
That he let sentiment get the best of him and now look what he’s doing. Being an old man who’ll catch his death in the cold trying to please his long-gone wife. But he hasn’t spoken to either son in too long to call them, as Cassandra surely meant for him to do. But a man’s word is his everything. So he walked to the ocean every night and tried to understand what connection the boys had with it.
For years, all he’d been able to see was some bitter water and broken glass and dirty sand. He was never one for those artistic symbols or whatever hippy-dippy junk English teachers spouted on about. So any deeper meaning or metaphors to draw on about his life relationships was lost on Filbrick.
But one day, as he was walking to the beach, stopping right at the edge of the sand, he saw something strange.
Occasionally he’d run into others at the beach. Other neighborhood fixtures like him or families coming down for the day, playing in the sand, against the waves, picking up shells and making noise. He ignored them, kids usually. And they ignored him in return.
But this evening as he went down to the beach’s edge he saw two older gentleman jumping around in the sand. Not older than Filbrick, mind, but they had to be in their fifties or pushing sixties. Yet here were two full grown men, acting like absolute children. Kicking sand at each other, cupping ocean water into hands and bringing it back to make a sandcastle. Throwing shells and exclaiming loudly over their beauty or ugliness. Dragging seaweed into strange designs. Cursing when they stepped on some of the ground up glass still visible in the sand.
Behaving like absolute children, Filbrick was astonished. He didn’t watch the ocean that night, just those two. Something seemed strangely familiar about them, though he honestly didn’t pay enough attention to the neighborhood to recognize them by sight or voice.
He was backlit by the sun, and maybe that was why he could see their expressions so clearly. For Filbrick sneezed, nose getting irritated at the salty breeze, and both men turned automatically at the sound to bless him.
The men wore twin looks of being startled. Filbrick assumed they had to be brothers. He felt a chill go down his spine as he realized they were almost certainly twins. The men, now aware they were being watched, moved closer together and started walking towards Filbrick. He resolutely ignored them and stared over their head to the ocean. He wouldn’t be intimidated from his purpose by two strangers on <i>his</i> beach.
He heard their low voices as they approached but still didn’t look at them. They stopped just before him and stared.
“Filbrick Pines?” Asked the man on the left. That startled Filbrick out of his try at ignoring them, and looked at the two men before him.
It was almost like looking into a mirror, if he could see 20-some years in the past. The men had the same nose, jaw, and set look about them that Filbrick recognized. It was strange, but not uncommon enough to mean anything.
“Yes. Who are you?” He responded briskly.
The men shared a quick, sidelong glance and then turned back to him. The man on the right stood a little straighter, while the man on the left cleared his throat.
“Stanford Pines.”
“Stanley Pines.”
They spoke at the same time and Filbrick felt his mouth run dry. He felt his legs weaken but his voice was strong, if a bit quieter than normal, when he answered.
“Impossible. Stanley’s gone. And I haven’t spoken to Stanford in years. We’re not on terms. Who are you?”
The men exchanged another glance with expressions changing too fast for Filbrick to follow.
“Pa,” the man on the left started gently, only to be interrupted as the man on the right grabbed his friend’s arm and held it in front of Filbrick’s face.
“Looky here, old man. This is your second son, and I’m your third, back from the dead, live in living color.” He dropped the man’s arm and crossed his own over his chest.
“Stan,” lefty hissed looking cross before turning back to Filbrick cautiously. “But yes, that is accurate.
Filbrick looked back and forth between the two men, jaw going slack. He shook his head as if to clear it, but the men before him didn’t disappear. His brain felt like it was short-circuiting. He didn’t understand, he didn’t know what was happening. Through his overloaded haze, one question slipped out, almost without his permission.
”<i>Why?</i>“ he asked, trembling a bit harder now. He gripped the handle of his cane tighter and tried to focus.
The men tilted their heads at the exact same time, at the exact same questioning angle.
” ‘Why’ what, exactly? There are many things you could be referring to.“ Stanford answered, ever the smart-alec as he reached up to adjust his glasses.
Stanley stared at him impassively, expression hardening slightly the longer Filbrick spent floundering for words.
"Come on. What happened to 'Frankly is the only way I speak’? Huh? You’re bein’ worst than a tourist.”
“Boys,” Filbrick started, which earned a snort and an eyeroll from Stan but he pushed on, only one thought in mind. “Why did you like the ocean so much?”
That was obviously what neither had been expecting. It was their turns to drop their jaws, to watch eyes widen and then narrow. To see them give each other those twin looks Filbrick remembered from years and years ago.
“You finally see us after thirty years,”
“And more,” added Stanley.
“And all you want to know is why we came out to the beach as kids?!”
Ford’s tone was filled with incredulity, Stan’s with anger. Filbrick shook his head but when he went to open his mouth, all he could say was, “Cass told me to ask.”
Filbrick looked down and away, embarrassed he’d let slip something so personal. He felt shaken to his core, that his sons were here in front of him, <i>alive</i>, even, and he had no idea why or where they came from or how long they’d been here.
He didn’t see Stan’s expression soften at the mention of their mother. Ford put a hand on Stan’s shoulder and Stan nodded his thanks.
“Initially I enjoyed it because it got us away from you,” Ford started, feeling Stan tense up at the casual tone he took to insult their father to his face. Ford continued on, acting oblivious to Stan’s distress, not even being able to see Filbrick’s eyes widening behind his sunglasses. “But later it became an escape from many unbearable aspects of life. Bullies especially. But most of all I liked coming to the ocean because Stan did. We found so much to do and see here, every day was an adventure, even if we kicked the same rocks every day for a year, it always felt new and fun every day. It’s where we founded our life long dream of sailing away from this dumb place, and all the terrible things about it. Like you, or schools that hated us, or children that called us freaks and losers or worthless.”
Filbrick felt each word hit him like a stone. He felt like he wanted to get angry, but everything felt so far away. Emotions did not come easily to him, but now he felt overwhelmed with everything Ford said.
Stan looked up and responded as well. “I liked the beach because I felt free down here. The happiest memories I got left of this place was that little strip of sand. Pulling a derelict boat out of a cave and promising my best friend that one day life wouldn’t kick us in the teeth anymore.”
Filbrick looked down, and slowly pulled off his sunglasses. He folded them and put them in his suit pocket. He took a hesitant step forward and, for the first time in all the years he’d been coming to the beach, he actually stepped foot on the sand. Stan and Ford watched him, muscles tensed as if ready for a fight.
Filbrick didn’t intend on giving them one. But he smiled a small bit and looked between his sons. “I like it because it’s nice, down here. It’s cold and it’s crunchy but with the sun behind me, it’s not half bad.”
Stan and Ford looked at him like he was crazy. Hell, maybe he was. But he had finally been able to fulfill his promise to Cass. He shivered as the night air swept over him, and he started to turn back to walk home. Before he did he paused, and looked at his sons.
“Good luck, out there. On the ocean. You don’t deserve to be kicked in the teeth. You probably never did.” And he turned away.
He walked slowly back to his apartment. He made a small dinner and ate it. He got ready for bed and was asleep by 10 o'clock.
The next morning he woke up at 5:30 in the morning. He went about his routine in silence. And when evening came, he walked outside and to the beach, right to the edge of it. He toed off his shoes and socks, and walked onto the beach proper, feeling the sand squish between his toes and watching out for any shells or shards of glass. He walked right up to the water and let it wash over his feet, getting the bottom of his slacks wet.
He didn’t care. He let four tears fall, one for each son, and one for Cassandra. In the distance he saw a boat pushing out to sea. He had no proof, for many boats took this route, but something in him told him that was his sons.
“I finally get it, Cass. For you, I finally get it.”
Filbrick clinged to life for another three years before passing alone in his house over the newspaper he read every day. After that night he’d only returned to the beach on the anniversary of his wife’s death.
Filbrick Pines was a stubborn man. Too set in his ways of silence to try and find his sons again before he passed. But he finally felt like he understood something about them. And despite how hippy-dippy it felt, he thought he learned something about himself, too.
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keepthekettleon · 7 years
Get to Know me -Tag
I was tagged by @nuclear-tides
RULES: You Must Answer All Statements and Tag 20 Peoples
1. Drink: probably water *shrugs* idk....
2. Phone Call: middle school friend
3. Text Message: see above^^
4. Song you listened to: haven’t listened to any today
5. Time you cried: few hours ago bc of that stupid Magnus Bane headcanon
6. Dated someone twice: Nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no, never been kissed or kissed anyone
8. Been cheated on: not technically
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: *sad smile*
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never been drunk before
12. purple
13. Black leather
14. orange
15. Made new friends: Do tumblr mutuals count?
16. Fallen out of love: haven’t been in love this year at all
17. Laughed until you cried: I think I have... wait that was yesterday, don’t remember why though
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I’m in a boarding school... that’s a given. Apparently I’m a lesbian.... bruh, get your facts straight (haha) I’m bisexual (and closeted, so I panicked)
19. Met someone who changed you: No, not in a grand sense
20. Found out who your friends are: yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Never been kissed remember?
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most
23. Do you have any pets: two cats, soon to be 4 who will be called Loki and Chairman Meow
24. Do you want to change your name: I don’t hate my birthname, but I like my chosen name more. So I guess yes?
25. What did you do for your last birthday: went to that mexican place we go every year
26. What time did you wake up: don’t remember, too late
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Tumblr
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Magnus apologizing to Alec for leaving him like that (unpopular opinion, you say? frankly, idgaf)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: just about ten minutes ago
30. What are you listening to right now: nothing, but i have Without Me by Kina Grannis stuck in my head
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Thomas, yes, Tom no.
32. Something that is getting on your nerves: Militant Magnus and militant Alec stans
33. Most visited website: A03, Youtube, Tumblr
34. Hair color: light blonde top, dark blonde sides
35. Long or short hair: short
36. Do you have a crush on someone: Happily single (with an useless minicrush on someone)
37. What do you like about yourself: My eyes, my brain, my voice, my writing, my art... I like me.
38. Piercings: no
39. Blood type: B negative (yeah, hate being negative)
40. Nickname: None
41. Relationship status: Single
42. Zodiac: Aquarious
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Favorite TV Show: Shadowhunters, Doctor Who... did I mention Shadowhunters?
45. Tattoos: Nope, low pain tolerance
46. Right or left handed: lefty
47. Surgery: appendix removal (my heart almost gave out bc I was allergiv to the anesthesia
48. Sport: how about.... no?
49. Vacation: City Exploration, urban photography
50. Pair of trainers: *shrugs*
51. Eating: no Idea what that’s called in english
52. Drinking: grapefruit soda
53. I’m about to: continue talking to @learntfromamillionmistakes until I go to bed
54. Waiting for: life to magically make me a responsible adult
55. Want: to get enough money to affort college
56. Get Married: of course
57. Career: currently between schools
58. Hugs or kisses: not enough data available, never been kissed
59. Lips or eyes: on myself, fuck, can’t decide, both are awesome, as in on a partner... not enough data available, again.
60. Shorter or taller: Tall
61. Older or younger: older
62. Nice arms or nice stomach: how about both?
63. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
64. Troublemaker or hesitant: Depends
65. Kissed a stranger: Never kissed anyone, period
66. Drank hard liquor: Never drank anything ever.
67. Lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have glasses/lenses
68. Turned someone down: wish there had been someone I could have turned down...
69. Sex on the first date: never had sex, period
70. Broken someone’s heart: no one ever loved me enough?
71. Had your heart broken: of course, in the most brutal way
72. Been arrested: yes.... no of course not!
73. Cried when someone died: yes
74: Fallen for a friend: only time I’ve fallen for anyone was for my best friend at the time... guess who was that heartbreak I told you about?
75. Yourself: Most days, yes
76. Miracles: yeah
77. Love at first sight: No, crush, attraction, yes. Love is something that grows.
78. Santa Claus: nopedinope, never did.
79. Kiss on the first date: No
80. Angels: Yes
81. Current best friend’s name: Rahel
82. Eye color: Piercing blue/grey with a dark blue rim on the outside of my iris
83. Favorite movie: Ben Hur (the old one, the one that actually won Oscars) Schindlers List, mostly old stuff...
Now, on to tagging 20 people... I did choose who to tag, it’s not random. Those are people I really like or blogs I really appreciate: @alittlebriton, @my-nameless-bliss, @amorverus, @hoteldumorts, @marbles290, @learntfromamillionmistakes, @incredibletragedies, @actuallyredorchid, @messy-malec-mayhem, @sonias-world-of-fandom, @howisalexander, @magnusandalec @baneandgone, @this-is-my-third-url-change, @hail-andfarewell, @omg-daddario, @softshumjr, @alecslittlesnores, @notcrypticbutcoy
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ofpretenserp · 8 years
21 22 25 35
21. Which muses are left-handed? 
Mason, Harley, Alec, Iris, Rhiannon, Matt and Daniel are all lefties.
22. Which muses prefer bathing over showering?
Harley, Bianca, Cas, Chris and Camilla all love a bath for relaxing and pampering, though most of my muses prefer showering as an efficient way of getting clean.
25. Which muses can’t ride a bike?
Gwen never had any interest in learning, Bianca and Andrea never really had access to a bike, and Bianca has never bothered to learn when she got older either. Jordan was never taught, and he hasn’t really bothered to try learning later on either.
35. Which muses have had surgery before?
Answered here.
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investmart007 · 6 years
CHICAGO | Hamels goes distance, Cubs beat Reds 7-1
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CHICAGO | Hamels goes distance, Cubs beat Reds 7-1
CHICAGO — Even though complete games are rare these days, Cole Hamels still likes to finish what he starts.
The 13-year veteran went the distance Thursday night to continue his dramatic turnaround with the NL Central-leading Chicago Cubs, who got home runs from Anthony Rizzo and Javier Baez in a 7-1 victory over the Cincinnati Reds.
“That’s ultimately the goal,” Hamels said. “It’s just tough to do so now. The hitters are better, a lot more research is going into it. As a starter, you just have to grind, you have to pitch.”
Hamels (4-0) allowed eight hits, struck out seven and walked two in his 17th career complete game and the first by a Cubs pitcher this season. His ERA in five starts with Chicago is 0.79.
Before being traded to the Cubs last month, the 34-year-old lefty was 5-9 with a 4.72 ERA in 20 starts for the Texas Rangers, including 1-3 with an 11.12 ERA in his last four.
Hamels, though, never doubted he could turn things around.
“I got into a rut in Texas and really was trying to get out of it,” he said.
“Sometimes when you strive to do something, you can make it worse. You finally have to give in. You have to get back to the basics.”
Hamels had allowed just two earned runs in his first four starts with Chicago, but the Reds jumped out to a 1-0 lead in the first inning as Phillip Ervin beat out an infield single with two outs, scoring Billy Hamilton from third base.
The Cubs quickly answered. After Baez reached on an error with one out, Rizzo hit the first pitch he saw from starter Anthony DeSclafani (6-4) into the bleachers in right for a 2-1 Chicago lead.
Baez’s homer in the third made it 3-1.
The Cubs added another in the fifth and then broke it open with three runs in the seventh.
Cincinnati loaded the bases with one out in the ninth, but Hamels got Tucker Barnhart to ground into a game-ending double play on his 114th pitch.
“We’ve all seen Cole through the years and he’s pitched a lot of good ballgames,” Reds manager Jim Riggleman said. “But that one was right there at the top of the list. He was really good with all his pitches.”
CRUSHED Hamels overshadowed Baez’s mammoth 481-foot solo shot that cleared the bleachers just left of straightaway center and landed on Waveland Avenue.
“That was one of my dreams, to hit a ball like that,” Baez said.
It was the longest homer at Wrigley Field this season and sparked some ribbing from his teammates.
“When I got back to the dugout, they asked if that’s all I had,” Baez said. “Yeah.”
ROSTER MOVES The Cubs placed RHP Tyler Chatwood on the 10-day DL with left hip inflammation. The move is retroactive to Tuesday. RHP Dillon Maples was recalled from Triple-A Iowa.
Chatwood, 28, has struggled with his control after signing with the Cubs as a free agent in the offseason. He is 4-6 with a 5.22 ERA in 23 games (20 starts) with 93 walks in 101 2/3 innings.
TRAINER’S ROOM Reds: RF Scott Schebler (sprained right shoulder) continued his rehab assignment with Double-A Pensacola. Riggleman said Schebler will travel to Chicago on Friday and be activated on Saturday.
Cubs: RHP Yu Darvish (stress reaction right elbow) is out for the season but said he is relieved doctors finally discovered the source of his elbow pain. “At first, I was told it was a simple tightness, but I always knew there was something else other than the tightness,” he said through a translator. .. 3B Kris Bryant (left shoulder inflammation) is expected to increase the intensity of his swings during a batting practice session Friday.
UP NEXT The Cubs will recall RHP Alec Mills from Triple-A Iowa to start the second game of the series Friday. Mills has pitched two scoreless innings of relief for Chicago this season. The 26-year-old is 5-12 with a 4.84 ERA in 23 starts at Iowa. RHP Matt Harvey (6-7, 4.91 ERA) goes for the Reds after taking a no-hitter into the sixth inning during his last start.
By JOHN JACKSON ,Associated Press
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hottytoddynews · 8 years
The No. 8 Ole Miss baseball season saw its unbeaten start to the season come to an end Tuesday evening as Memphis claimed a 9-6 win at Swayze Field. The Rebels (7-1) could not overcome four errors that led to five runs for the Tigers (5-2).
Ole Miss and Memphis scattered nine hits apiece throughout the contest, including a game-high three by junior second baseman Tate Blackman. Freshman Grae Kessinger added his first home run of his Rebel career with a three-run shot in the second inning, while junior Kyle Watson went 2-for-4 in a multi-hit performance.
With Will Ethridge a late scratch as the probable starter due to the flu, fellow freshman Greer Holston (0-1) was called upon to make his first career start. Holston pitched four innings on short notice and struck out four Tigers looking. Two other freshmen pitched in the contest as Houston Roth tossed 2.2 scoreless innings of relief, and Oxford native Jason Barber made his debut in the ninth.
Andy Bowman, Colton Neel and Alec Trela recorded multi-hit games for Memphis. Bowman hit two doubles, while Neel and Trela both hit home runs. The Rebels pegged Memphis starter James Muse for four runs in 2.0 innings, but the lefty duo of Drew Crosby and Hunter Smith pitched 5.0 scoreless frames. Jonathan Bowlan (3) pitched the ninth to earn the save.
Holston retired the side in the first, and the Rebels wasted no time putting a run on the scoreboard. As the leadoff hitter, Blackman singled to left before advancing to second after a Ryan Olenek walk. The pair of Rebels advanced 90 feet each after a failed pickoff at second, and Ole Miss took advantage of the miscue. Will Golsan hit a ball to center field deep enough to score Blackman and give his team a 1-0 after the first inning of play.
The lead didn’t last long as Memphis answered with three runs in the top of the second. The Tigers used an RBI and two sacrifice flies to take a 3-1 lead, but the Rebels countered to turn the game back in their favor. Chase Cockrell took one for the team, getting hit by a pitch, and Watson doubled down the left field line. With two ducks on the pond, Kessinger left the yard with a three-run blast into the Ole Miss bullpen. Just like that, the Rebels had the lead back at 4-3.
Memphis added runs in back-to-back innings to regain a one-run advantage, 5-4. Neel homered down the left field line in the third, while the Tigers’ third sac fly of the game broke a 4-4 tie in the fourth. The visitors looked to build their lead one inning later, loading the bases with one out against reliever Andy Pagnozzi. However, the righty worked out of the jam, striking out the slugger Bowman to keep Memphis scoreless in the frame and the deficit at one.
An error-filled sixth inning allowed three more runs to cross the plate and increase the Memphis lead to four, 8-4. Three unearned runs were surrendered due to three errors made around the infield.
Ole Miss cut into the margin in half with a pair of runs in the bottom of the eighth. Colby Bortles and Cole Zabowski started the scoring frame with a couple of singles, while Cockrell moved the two over on a groundout to the pitcher. With a grounder to the right side of the infield, Nick Fortes knocked in Bortles, and Zabowski scored on a wild pitch during the next at-bat.
Memphis added an insurance run in the ninth on a solo blast by Trela. Bowlan, the Tigers’ closer, sent the Rebels down in order to earn the save.
Looking to get back to their winning ways this weekend, Ole Miss will hit the road for the first time this season to participate in the Shriners Hospitals for Children College Classic (March 3-5). Competing in one of the most prestigious regular season tournaments in the country, Ole Miss will face three Big 12 teams in Baylor (March 3), No. 10 Texas Tech (March 4) and No. 1 TCU (March 5) at Minute Maid Park in Houston, Texas.
Courtesy of Ole Miss Sports
The post Memphis Defeats No. 8 Ole Miss appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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No Alec thats not what I ment look both acted out in fear
Like before not everyday you deal with a upset person or animatronic
But alot of us who do deal with up understand....
Look this situation has been frustrating for all of us....
Both sides acted in the wrong but again we all slip up its normal
By "trying to work about it" we mean we work around the issue AND NO YOU AIN'T THE ISSUE!
Alec your just unique and special.....
And ýour emotions have improved
You may not see the difference but we do....
We just need to work things out over time
I want to stop feeling like this but...
But what...?
Alec...? Has Nightmare been speaking to you again? You mustn’t listen to it... he just wants to hurt you...
...I'm scared Dad...
Don't be Alec, I will protect you.
... It.... it says I have nobody...
Well I'm here, I won’t leave you because you're important to me... it's lying to you.
Yes, you are, would you like me to sing to you? I know it relaxes you.
... That sounds... nice...
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Hey Alec, Lefty and Helpy, have you heard before the Urban Legend The StitchWraith?
Lefty: I've heard the name being thrown around and it kind of scares me because it's stealing parts from other robots, which is the equivalent of our organs and bones. I could probably fight it off if I ran into it by accident but I'd rather not push my luck at all, so I tend to not go near the train tracks at night because that a location where it's been seen frequently..... I also wouldn't let Alec and Helpy go out alone at night because there's a big chance if they do run into the StitchWraith, they would be immediately overpowered and killed..... Now that I think about it, maybe once Alec is swapped back... I can let the StitchWraith have Lonely Freddy.
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Hey alec, lefty, i have song for you i gonna singin it right now: 🎵oh papa bear, papa bear, make for the papa bear, the others will bite, but papa wont because his papa bear, is he bear or is he a papa, no one really knows cuz his papa bear🎵 baby child, baby child, make for the baby child, some wil bite, but papa won’t, so now they live together as family~ so now. THEY. LIVE. TOGETHER. AS. A. FAMILY🎵
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*clapping from Helpy*
I don’t really want to think about family right now, I don’t have one anymore clearly... I should have seen that coming... I'm stupid.
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Hi Alec, I have a hove feeling that whoever is in the vent, isn't a rat but someone else. Better tell Lefty about it, you now just for safety.
Hey Lefty, hypothetical question, do rats get in the vents?
No, I've found them in the rat traps outside the back door, why?
Why do you look worried?
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Lavender and Black for Alec, Lavender and coral for Lefty. Don’t worry, I’ll pay
Lavender: Hey do you wanna go to Denny's.
Black: I’m going to give you a hug. This is not a question you need a hug dude.
Coral: I think you are swell, I refuse to elaborate I just think you are swell.
Thank you.
I've never been to Denny's, what is it?
It's a diner style place, you ever been to a different restaurant?
Michael took me to a Chinese restaurant once, I've been to some other places, but not Denny's.
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Oh jeez, that sounds like alot! Are you two alright? Those kids should be banned, for real
Jeremy said he'd “blacklist” the family.
I'm not okay, I'm “only a toy” after all! I don’t have “feelings”!! God I feel fucking worthless, like I didn’t already feel bad! Completely invalid. Bullshit.
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