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tomorobo-illust · 1 month ago
The Guzma Fusion AU makes my kid self smile- I always wished Guzma was connected to UB-03 in a way. The venom aspects are a wonderful touch. >:3c
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YAY!! I'm really enjoying the UB03 Fusion AU as well! It's a fun universe to play around with and love the stories @inkinary has written for it as well and I got some more art inspired by this AU in the works!
In the meantime, please check out @inkinary's stories here: archiveofourown.org/series/4528576
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sinvulkt · 9 months ago
Remain, Repent, Renew by RavenTheNarrator ( @legendarydeercollectionworld )
What's a Heart without his Mind? What's a Mind without his Soul? What's a Heart without his Reason?
After the Netherbrain's defeat, heartbreak comes for the Emperor in tandem. First, Tav breaks up with it, saying it's truths are lies. Then his past comes back to haunt him, with no intention of leaving. Can the Emperor face both the future and the past at once? And can they stop lying to themselves in the process? Ongoing, 3k words.
*** ** * ** ***
Chap 1
“My dearest Balduran, I will never leave you”
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dst-ask-the-monsters · 3 years ago
Well, I’ve heard Wagstaff’s been poking around the Constant as of late, so has anyone of you guys seen him?
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squids-off-the-hive · 3 years ago
S’anuk, what’s your favorite wildshapes?
Also, what was it like to wildshape for the first time? Was it scary?
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First panel S'anuk, narrating: I wasn't too sure the first time I transformed. At the time, I was too preoccupied with maintaining cover...but after some time, I figured it out. I love being a rat.
Second panel S'anuk narrating: I was fearful to practice magic, it's one of our taboos as Illithids. I knew that once I went down this path, the Hive wouldn't accept me. I felt defensless...small...insignificant. The only one who encouraged me to keep going was the Bard, who kept me in her pocket.
Second panel bard speaking: It's alright to be afraid, but you're going to be alright, S'anuk.
Third panel S'anuk the rat narrating: ...It felt nice to be believed in.
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Lavender and Black for Alec, Lavender and coral for Lefty. Don’t worry, I’ll pay
Lavender: Hey do you wanna go to Denny's.
Black: I’m going to give you a hug. This is not a question you need a hug dude.
Coral: I think you are swell, I refuse to elaborate I just think you are swell.
Thank you.
I've never been to Denny's, what is it?
It's a diner style place, you ever been to a different restaurant?
Michael took me to a Chinese restaurant once, I've been to some other places, but not Denny's.
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yunisverse · 6 years ago
legendarydeercollectionworld replied to your post “Going off of the last batch or so of comics, does Henry ever consider...”
is that how henry says it? a toony abomanation of nature?
maybe not the words he’d use out loud, but definitely how he thinks of himself.
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equinoxum · 3 years ago
Top 5 shades of blue.
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to be read top to bottom!
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goldentail1 · 3 years ago
All these ghosts… ALL THESE GHOSTS
And I still can’t find a boooooo~
That's me with horror games legit. Thank you!
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queenofcats17 · 6 years ago
@legendarydeercollectionworld asked if I’d repost this fic, so here it is. I did write it forever ago
inkavixentheinkdemon asked: Yasssss!!!!! Now please do one about Sammy becoming an ink monster, please. That's gonna be hilarious XD
So part of this is based off this comic: https://doodledrawsthings.tumblr.com/post/163480563012/i-think-i-lost-track-of-where-i-was-going-with
It had been a hard week for Sammy, mostly because of the fact that he’d been turned into an ink monster. Now he was back at work, ready to bury himself in his songwriting. Being at home had been nice, but at the same time, he’d been haunted by the memories of being that inky creature. If he could just work hard enough, he’d eventually forget about it. Everyone greeted him warmly, which made him feel a little better. He opened the door to his office and turned on the light, preparing to hang up his coat. As he put his briefcase down, he noticed something on his desk. Still, with coat in hand, he walked over. There was a piece of what looked like chocolate cake, as well as a little card. The note read as follows,
Felt bad that the ink pipes burst on you the other day…
Made this with Alice and Joey to make up for it! Don’t worry, he didn’t put anything in it I think.
-S. Campbell
A. Angel
He smiled softly at the card. He could always count on Susie to try and make things better. She was such a lovely person. He sat down at the desk, picking up the provided fork and taking a bite. It was a superb chocolate cake. But there was a strange taste to it. It tasted like…ink? Sammy groaned. Joey had slipped ink into the cake. Of course, he had.
“Joey, I swear to God.” He muttered. Oh well, he couldn’t just let the cake go to waste. It took a little for him to get past the ink flavor, but once he did he was able to finish the slice of cake. It was immediately apparent that this had been a bad idea as an intense pain gripped Sammy. He fell off his chair, clutching at his stomach. His whole body felt hot, but it wasn’t sweat coming out of his body. It was ink. Sammy’s eyes widened. No no no no no. Not again. He couldn’t go through that again. Using one hand, he started dragging himself towards the door, leaving a trail of ink behind him as it began to cover every inch of his body. He barely managed to reach the door before he passed out, his arm reaching for the doorknob.
He was found about ten minutes later when Susie and Alice came to see how he’d liked the cake.
“I just hope Joey didn’t put anything in it,” Susie said. “I wasn’t watching him the whole time and you know how he gets.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Alice assured her. Then the two of them saw the puddle of ink spreading out from under Sammy’s door. They exchanged a look then slammed the door open. Sammy was pushed back, the impact of the door jolting him back into consciousness. He had returned to his ink monster form and was bleeding ink onto the floor due to his not so stable emotional state.
“Get Joey,” Susie said. Alice was out the door almost before Susie said anything. Susie hoisted Sammy up, getting him onto the cot he kept in a corner of the office.
“I can’t believe this is happening again.” Sammy very nearly wailed.
“I’m so sorry.” Susie murmured, trying to calm him down. “I didn’t know he was going to do this. But don’t worry, we’ll fix this. We fixed it last time and we’ll fix it again.”
“I found him.” Alice entered, out of breath, dragging Joey behind her. Bendy was at the creator’s heels, followed by Wally of all people. The janitor was carrying his mop and bucket. Ah, he was there to clean up the ink pools.
“Yeesh. You look rough.” Wally said.
“Thanks, Franks, I couldn’t tell.” Sammy snapped. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If Sammy could snark, he was okay.
“Sammy,” Joey smiled disarmingly and put his hands up. “I promise, I didn’t intend for this to happen. I just wanted to see-”
“What would happen if you slipped ink machine ink into Susie’s gift, is that it?” Sammy asked, beginning to gain his composure once more. “I’m not your fucking guinea pig, Joey! You have to stop doing this to me!” His form began to melt again. Susie put a hand on his shoulder. At first, he flinched back, but as she murmured comforting things to him he calmed down, pulling himself together.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Joey said, fidgeting. He really did feel bad this time. Sammy really looked pissed off. Even more than usual.
“If you’re really sorry, then fix it!” Sammy snapped. Joey nodded and ran out of the room to begin preparing the solution. Susie and Wally stayed, Susie to calm Sammy and Wally to mop things up.
“He really screwed up this time, huh?” Wally said as he started mopping.
“That’s an understatement.” Susie pursed her lips, glancing back at the door. “I really am sorry, Sammy.”
“You couldn’t have known.” Sammy sighed and buried his face in his hands.
“At least you got cake, right?” Wally said. “I mean, that’s a plus.”
“Yes, I suppose. Aside from the ink taste, it was quite good.”
“Oh, I’m so glad you think so!” Susie’s face lit up. “Alice and I worked really hard on it. I’d never made a chocolate cake before and I was worried about how it would turn out.”
“You did well,” Sammy said, smiling a little. “I did appreciate the thought.”
“There we go!” Susie clapped her hands together. “It’s always nice to see you smile.”
“Freaks me out,” Wally said. “There’s somethin’ unnatural about Sammy smilin’.”
“Franks, I will throw something at you.”
“I know I know.” Wally threw his hands up and kept mopping.
Sammy was back to normal by the end of the day this time. Joey had worked throughout the day in order to fix his mistake. Bendy didn’t even mind. Joey had screwed up and so he headed to fix it. Wally complained about having to mop up Sammy’s ink trails, of course, but he did it all the same. Sammy and Susie had spent most of the day together, which gave Bendy a very interesting idea about how Joey could repay the music director…
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dst-ask-the-monsters · 4 years ago
*Gives Webber a bag of his favorite chips*
So uh Webber…. How’s your relationship with Wagstaff like?
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squids-off-the-hive · 4 years ago
Would any one of your squids wear something really extravagant? Stuff like mithril bracers, tentacle rings, or lace cuffs?
Generally speaking, yes! The illithids have their own fashion sense with the exceprion mainly being S'anuk. In summary, Eketh would be the one to wear things that are enchanted to enhance his magical property, as well as Lotusen.
However, in addition, Lotusen would also wear things that are vibrant or pastel for the sake of liking the color scheme. Sa'keret has very little lore, but I also remember drawing him with butterfly tattoos and giving him an earing in the inventory.
The following is a few sketches and a transcript of the writing.
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Late game Eketh had more of a sense of presentable appearence out of all my Illithids. He would get nasal and tendril piercingd, bracelets and clawed rings. He also pierces his frills, but that's neither here nor there.
Lotusen has only ever bought outfitd when the party, namely the Rogue, drags them to the store. Typically they get variant and vibrant colors of fabrics and headscarves. And small accessories like flower clips. They could also get a tattoo someday.
Sa'keret, being less developed, still had some old scribble of him having a butterfly tattoed onto his back. They also had a spare earing and piercings on his frills. Generally speaking, he isn't the type of guy to wear a shirt either.
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Ah, I can indeed my friend. Now, the practice of necromancy is inherently intimate as you have to know who or what you are reanimating quite in depth. Not to mention the many laws prohibiting resurrection without consent. Now, in the old times where we undead were much less.... Polite in our ways, many would nonetheless fall in love with their resurrected minions and or companions depending on the circumstance. But in the modern era, the majority of resurrections that lead to love are either that of a partner who has died, or two necromancers performing their craft and falling in love with eachother. I hope this was a satisfactory elaboration, have a nice day Tumblr user legendarydeercollectionworld.
You can’t spell “necromancer” without “romance.”
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squids-off-the-hive · 4 years ago
I’d like to see Lotusen N3 for the sleep meme.
Mainly because I want to see the plushie <3
Lotusen actually has a lot of animal companions, so have them cuddling Aven, which is basically a moth...cat...fae thing?
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squids-off-the-hive · 3 years ago
Who’s Wander?
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Wander is an oc of: @my-own-personal-l . I roleplay with them :] Illustrated is an image of me (Squidd) pointing to their profile picture, and besides that is an image of Wander, a tabaxi of a leopard variety!
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Why thank you @legendarydeercollectionworld. I am delighted by your compliment!
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Aha! It is I, Steven Bartholomew Bones in the lack of flesh!
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equinoxum · 2 years ago
Hewwo, this is the council of non-hoomans speaking on wine one. Howo May we hewp yuu?
Guess who :3
oh goodness I have a few new mutuals who this could also be but I'm going to guess @legendarydeercollectionworld
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