What does lefty said in italian sentence?
Lefty learnt Italian to translate some books he found, most of the time he speaks Italian when he doesn’t want people to know what he's saying. He can use it to for greeting. For example, sometimes he will say things:
“Buongiorno!” (Good morning).
“Buon giornata” (Have a nice day).
“In bocca al lupo!” (Good luck, this was the sentence Ralpho repeated)
“Grazie” (Thank you)
(In all seriousness, I am learning Italian and I'm hoping my memory for these responses is right).
With him speaking it, some of the kids have picked up a few of the words, they did witness FunFred and Lefty argue at each other once both cursing (FunFred cursing in French and Lefty cursing in Italian).
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Hey alec, lefty, i have song for you i gonna singin it right now: 🎵oh papa bear, papa bear, make for the papa bear, the others will bite, but papa wont because his papa bear, is he bear or is he a papa, no one really knows cuz his papa bear🎵 baby child, baby child, make for the baby child, some wil bite, but papa won’t, so now they live together as family~ so now. THEY. LIVE. TOGETHER. AS. A. FAMILY🎵
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*clapping from Helpy*
I don’t really want to think about family right now, I don’t have one anymore clearly... I should have seen that coming... I'm stupid.
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lilpuffyart · 4 years
👣for sarah
She makes nearly no noise at all, partly because she doesn't want to bother people and partly because she doesn't want to alert something. Overall, she always scares Millie if they are together/in the same house
FunFred, being the only one that can really hear it, describes it being pretty light, so he can tell it's her
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staggbones · 4 years
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“William? uh, well, he’s my boss so I respect him....though if I have to be truthful...well, i’m not sure he cares too much about the animals here.”
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She isn’t exactly light on her feet, but she isn’t heavy with footsteps, her walking can be absolute dead silent if she isn’t wearing shoes however.
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Yes i would like whats inside the vent pls
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Okay, so I've found a lot of unexplainable stuff in there.
One time I found a shoe and I had no idea what it was doing so far in the vent system, it had a really bad odour so I shoved it out of the vents and into one of the back rooms. I found an MP3 player with earphones but one of the earphones look like it had been cut off the player itself wasn’t working.
I also found teeth, more than once, I asked Lefty about it once and he said sometimes the stupider kids roughhouse and lose teeth in the process. I found two tapes, but I didn’t have anything to play them with so I left them alone.
I found a pair of glasses, a fake spider, twenty dollars, keys with key rings, I found someone's car keys once, chewing gum, small posters with the characters, a rubber ball, and a lot of tickets from the wind tunnel, a lot of kids probably just drop them and they end up in the vent or something.
I did hear something in the vent one time also, I thought it could have been a rat but Lefty said they have a lot of rat traps, and they clean them out regularly, so they surprisingly don’t have a rodent problem like I first thought, I wonder what it was if it wasn’t a rat...
Oh, and I found this thing once and I don't have the slightest idea how it got there:
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I tell you two things bout’ the black bear, alec: his name is lefty and no, he is not one of those “blood thristy animals”
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I’ve started wondering.... I know I can’t just... wish upon a star or some other whimsical thing, from what I’ve seen with Lefty interacting with the others, he appears friendly but kind of... disconnected? He seriously fell asleep during an shouting match with Foxy and the Puppet, that seems impossible.
I know something has to be done differently if I want to go back to how I was... I'm just unsure how I could approach Lefty, he might not believe me, and he might not be able to help me.... I guess talking about it might be better than staying completely silent.
I know somebody is trying to reach me... I know somebody needs my help more than ever, I feel depressed regularly and I feel the agony... of being left behind... there's only suppose to be eight of us at night... I feel the presence of a ninth in the walls... they cry regularly too... the agony feels so raw, like... it's from a human child... a child who has been forcibly ripped away from their family... that should be completely impossible but I feel them and all I want to do rip the walls and break every door until I find them. Someone needs me to help them... I just don’t know who.
𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒏... 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅...
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What “problem” do you have alec!?
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To keep it short: I’m really a human but I encountered a stupid robot named Lonely Freddy and it somehow put me in its body, it's surreal honestly... and the robot act of their own free will and might kill me if they find me so I'm always hiding.
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I don’t have one regret anymore... I have many... too many to list.
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That freddy plushie looks derpy though
It has a face that can be turned into a meme actually.
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Whats hiatus mean?
Taking a break in work, I'm not currently on a hiatus and I don’t intend to at this point in time (I have nothing to do honestly), I'm still working on the next chapter of “I am Machine” and writing suggestions, sometimes I just get unmotivated and uninspired.
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Alec, what’s your memory with aunt gigi
When I first got braces, I didn’t talk to my parents for days, because I was angry I had braces now. After other attempt of getting me to say anything, I left the house in the afternoon and went to see Aunt Gigi, she was surprised to see me but she accepted my company and I just... I ranted a little... Okay I ranted a lot to her, I needed someone to talk to and she just listened, without asking any stupid questions, I spent the whole day there until Aunt Gigi called my Mom to tell her I had been with Gigi the whole time... It was nice to just go and see her when I liked and talk about what was on my mind.
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Well here goes nothing! After i got switched with that little shit, 3 people found me and the other kids in the dumpster, some kids thought they were the dumpster guy but we found out they are kinda like paranormal investigators we also learn their names: Brian Afton, Oliver Goldia ,and one of them has purple skin (which is weird btw) is Michael Afton then they take us to Brian’s house, after making a plan in a day or two they go around the town to our bodies and beat those little shits after that i got reunited with Hazel but in the end Michael adopted us
That sounds great, I doubt I'll get an outcome like that, I don’t even know.
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Ummm,well🤔💡how about this, try to talk the small bear that is white and pink colored and maybe avoid some robots BUT don’t avoid the black bear
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I don’t know what experience you've had with the black bear but that thing nearly found me a couple of nights ago. I accidentally knocked over a cassette tape player in the main office and it came to investigate, I had to hide in a box but it was coming close to me and growling aggressively, then it left. I dunno why it did leave, it was like something else called it away, but I don't like them at all. They are different at night, the machines are more aware than they let on.
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Is there like a manager’s office? But if it’s locked then...i’m not really sure
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I hide in there regularly, the office is near the backstage area but it's usually very empty, the robots don’t come in unless they hear a noise. It's usually kept dark too but this body is strange in the way that the eyes start glowing in the dark and they let me see around. The owner or manager, whoever he is comes in at about midnight and works until like sunrise at six, but I can be in the room just as long as I'm quiet, if I don't make any noise, they don’t know I exist. I have looked there and a lot of other places for a spare key but no luck, and approaching the door during opening hours is a no-go for obvious reasons.
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staggbones · 4 years
Ahem-a song to ranger william:”it’s nice to finally meet you our time has been divide i hate for this to end but it’s a shame you have DIE now everybody get hands up it’s time to CELEBRATE don’t look so blue we’re having fun now AREN’T WE”-AHEM yea For henry: YOUR OUR LORD AND SAVIOR AND FEEL BAD!
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