#Annabeth fatal flaw is literally that’s she better than everyone
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lookingthroughmirrors · 9 months ago
There are people who think Annabeth is very powerful because she is the leader of the seven. What do you think about this? Is Annabeth really the leader of the seven and she is very powerful because she has "the control"?
I haven’t read much of the books of the heroes of Olympus series, but I think Annabeth as a character has always stayed the same in the fact that she has always had a superiority complex, to the point where it’s her fatal flaw, and I don’t think it’s discussed enough.
I suppose I think about it the same way I think about people saying that Annabeth was the leader between her, Percy and Grover. What it really was, was that Annabeth couldn’t be wrong and as you said, ‘have control’. Something I am familiar with from HOO is the scene between P*rcabeth and Akhlys, and I think it’s a very clear representation of Annabeths character, particularly her reaction to the events of the scene. She is scared because she doesn’t have control. It’s all but confirmed when she says “some things aren’t meant to be controlled” which then leads to a Percy spiral and him passively thinking about suicide, which, is its own entire thing but I think it’s very relevant when talking about Annabeth. Particularly because it all comes back to control.
I truly believe Annabeth is only viewed as a leader because she likes to have control, and her superiority complex that she’s automatically better because she’s a daughter of Athena, which again, is shown entirely from her introduction in the first book, and is pretty central to her character as a whole. I think Percy and Jason probably acted the most like the leader, and I kinda feel like Annabeths role is pretty interchangeable. Personally, I think bringing Thalia back to be part of the seven would’ve been more impactful. Especially because when you look at the quests the OG trio went on, Annabeth doesn’t really do anything in particular that means they would’ve failed had she not been there. Which is why I also don’t think Percy gets enough credit for the role he played in his own quests.
Every single member of the seven had better, more interesting and are factually more powerful than Annabeth. They did not need Annabeth there to do that quest, and I think that really Jason and Percy acted more like leaders, both of which have also been leaders in the past and have more experience (Jason through the legion and Percy through TLO, since he led all of camp halfblood against the titan army. Percy did, not Annabeth, Percy did but that’s besides the point). I think Annabeth is simply elevated because she’s a fan favourite, not because she is a leader or anything. And I don’t mind Annabeths character, if her flaws are addressed.
So no I don’t think Annabeth is overly powerful, and I think the only reason she’s seen as the leader of the seven is because she’s the only one who cares about being seen as leader, in comparison to the others to an extent. I really think it was more that nobody had the energy to fight her on it, then her being the true leader.
I hope this answers your question! Also feel free to ask more I love getting these, it’s exciting!!
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demigods-posts · 9 months ago
exactly!!! like, we've seen percy go dark (and we loved it lowkey). and i think we've seen other characters being tempted by that too. but you know who haven't seen??? the girl who's fatal flaw is deadly pride. the girl who's literal flaw is thinking she's better than everyone.
i also strongly fuck with the idea of badass annabeth. like we know she's extremely intelligent and one of the best strategist in the entire series. but she's also described as formidable. whatever kind of demigod training percy has. she has five more years of. let the girl kick ass please 😫
and i would love to see percy in trouble. and in a situation where he can't call on the water, or use his sword, or use his unlimited amount of sarcasm to percy his way out of a situation. and annabeth comes to the rescue. but instead of talking. she's just taking names. kicking ass. going feral. and maybe a little too far. and percy has to bring her back to reality because he grounds her too. because it isn't just the other way around.
i would like to see annabeth fully take down people more often like why has she not gotten a moment like percy had in tlo where he stood over her protectively when she was stabbed
i want that bc she would do it in a heart beat and i feel like her power is just whittled down to smarts but i want her to actually kick ass more often without getting injured again and again
like why tf does she keep getting snuffed from doing some crazy shit
like we know annabeths trained WAY more then percy right like why hasn’t she ripped someone’s ear off with her teeth yet
lowkey feel like she should’ve been the one to get the nose bleed bc i feel like it would’ve been so shocking to see the girl who always has a plan and is always super strategic get taken down by a simple nose bleed especially if percy was the one who got that bad gash instead and she was trying to protect him just for her to get a random ass nose bleed TRAGIC
also yes i know she fights and is good i just want her to have more insanely badass moments like if she had fought and taken down octavian instead of throwing her dagger into the water that one time like love that moment super cute and silly but GIVE ME BADASS MOTHERFUCKER ANNABETH XHASE GIVE IT TO ME
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ohmydamgods · 3 years ago
Riordanverse Opinions I refuse to budge on:
Hot takes part three?? Ig?? These aren’t hot takes at all at this point and if you know me you’ve probably heard me talk about these points multiple times
The punch line for Leo in ToA was atrocious. There was nothing funny about it and the entire scene was just uncomfortable not to mention down right stupid.
Calypso should’ve joined the hunters instead of Reyna. She didn’t necessarily need a romantic relationship, just connection. She clearly has a strong sense of family and it would’ve done her good to see the world while in a sisterhood
Rick literally made Calypso almost stupid and helpless for absolutely no reason?? I’m not sure if anyone else remembers in the dark prophecy when she kicked that metal monster and got hurt and then immediately punched it and broke her hand but why. Then she literally was forced to hobble with her boyfriend and Lester. Literally why would she do that. I’m not really a giant fan of her, but Rick giving one of the most feminine characters no fighting ability and then removing her powers gives me the ick.
He probably did it to make Leo seem like a better, caring boyfriend. which is also stupid. Despite all the many issues with Caleo, we know both of them care about each other. Calypso didn’t need to look stupid to show that Leo cares about her
I like the idea of having a Greek version of New Rome. I had no idea that some people were so strongly against it but I think it’s cool and fun
People who go into whole rants about why Annabeth is so much smarter than Leo are annoying 💀
I think the fact that Annabeth was afraid of Percy in Tartarus was dumb. I’ve heard so many arguments against it because ‘it reminded her of Luke’ or ‘she was scared for him’ etc, but I still think Annabeth would never be scared of him considering their history and his fatal flaw
I really dislike the whole little plot with Percy and Annabeth being uncomfortable with Tyson. I get how it was supposed to be read, but it came off really weird
This isn’t really an opinion but we should look into why so many Annabeth anti’s ship Lukercy or Pernico. If you hate Annabeth whatever I disagree, but the Annabeth anti to Lukercy/pernico pipeline is weird
I like widely beloved Camp counselor!Annabeth much better than widely beloved Camp counselor!Percy. Annabeth is the camp sweetheart and Percy is that one counselor who only a select few trust because everyone finds them intimidating
It’s very interesting to me that people widely disliked Lester x Reyna (as they should) but are still okay with Calypso x Leo even though it’s practically the same thing
When criticizing characters theres so much to think about. Yeah ig you can say Piper has internalized misogyny but then you have to remember Piper might not like dresses and makeup because the way native women are over-sexualized. Same with other characters. Call out Leo’s gross behavior but remember that the way Rick wrote him includes lots of gross Latin stereotypes
Chiron is annoying as hell 💀 pisses me off now that im rereading
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skeletal-kitt · 4 years ago
Ok I’ve been thinking about it here are what Hogwarts houses I think some of the demigods would be in ( I’m not doing all the demigods, just the ones I know for sure what house they would be in)
Nico di Angelo: Gryffindor (he’s literally a Sirius black arch type you can’t tell me I’m wrong. Everyone expected him to be a little evil like his father and the times he grew up in but he’s the exact opposite. He’s values the basic Gryffindor traits what else can I tell you)
Annabeth Chase: Slytherin (she’s ambitious and cunning, she wants to build a monument to the gods and be remembered and build something that will last eons longer than anyone would think that seems very slytherin-y to me)
Percy Jackson: Hufflepuff (fatal flaw is loyalty, very kind, also not afraid to stand up for his family and freinds and protective of them he would not be able to do everything he did alone he was always looking to family for inspiration to get through shit without them he would have become Luke that seems very much like a Hufflepuff to me)
Thalia Grace: Slytherin (that scene in ttc where thorn is trying to tempt her on the pier with Bessy Thalia almost gives in cause her fatal flaw is power she would love to do something big and great like overthrow the gods she only managed to hold on because of her family Annabeth and Percy and Zoë pulling her out of her trance)
Luke Castellan: Slytherin (I don’t think this one needs much explanation. His fatal flaw is wrath he wants to burn down everything and build a new and better future yadayada very slytherin-y)
Grover Underwood: Hufflepuff (also don’t think this needs much explanation. Very kind and peaceful and loyal but also willing to step up and defend the innocent and fight evil for the sake of everything good and natural)
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phantaloon-books · 4 years ago
(some) Riordanverse characters (bc I never read TKC) and which Hogwarts House I think they would be in
Warning: this is a long one
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Nico: the dude is definitely Gryffindor without a doubt. Like Sorting isn't about some traits and some characteristics, it's about core personality. He may have gone through some of the roughest stuff when he was 10-12, and he was resentful and bitter, but he was brave and bold af throughout everything he did. From learning about his powers, to using them relentlessly despite knowing how exhausted he is afterwards, to his willingness to do whatever is necessary to do what has to be done, because it has to be done. You can't change my mind that he's Gryffindor lol.
Grover: Do I even need to explain why he's Gryffindor? He's a satyr, and even if we're shown strong satyrs, they're not really supposed to be brave fighters. Yet he is one of the strongest, bravest nature spirits we've ever encountered in the Riordanverse, and one of the bravest in general. Like he's so passionate about doing what is good, he's a hero, and the only thing he doesn't match with common Gryffindors is that he's humble and as far from arrogant as could be possible, but it doesn't take his courage away.
Hazel: She's Gryffindor, and core personality-wise, she and Nico are very much alike. They don't ever think about themselves, like Hazel really always does what has to be done, no matter the cost, I mean she literally died preventing Gaea to rise the first time, and she freed Thanatos while believing he would take her back to the Underworld. She's brave af, and she has one of the most strong willpower we've seen in the Riordanverse. She's a passionate hero, and she's the closest thing to a real knight in shining armor.
Lester: I'm gonna place him in Gryffindor because I don't think he fits in in the other houses lmao. That said, as Apollo he's very shitty, but as Lester, he's one of the most courageous people. He's grown so much, he's so willing to actually do stuff now, and sacrifice everything to do what's right, including his life, even if he doesn't know he's gonna survive. Hell, he really went most of TTT with an incredibly painful wound that nearly turned him undead, and he cared more for the future of Camp Jupiter than his own life. Additionally, he's a bit arrogant and cocky, but he truly means well, I love Lester so much.
Clarisse: Look look, all I have to say is that no one could have pulled off less than half the stuff Clarisse has done, she's so Gryffindor it hurts. She's reckless and impulsive, but she's driven by her passion to do good, even if she's the daughter of war, and was bullied by her own father. She's daring, she's bold and she is the hero. She's also arrogant and thinks she can solve everything by herself, something characteristic more of the canon Gryffindors in the books, rather than what the fans have shaped. In fact, she's very much like Gryffindors in the books, who are actually very rude to other houses and think they're the best. Still, at heart, she's in this house.
Alex: I'm in a huge dilemma about where to put them, but I reckon they'd fit pretty fine in Gryffindor. Not only are they daring and courageous, they're proud of who they are, but not in a too full of themselves kind of way, rather in a 'I am who I am, and if you can't accept me, fuck off' kind of way. They can get carried away rather easily though, and very arrogant, thinking they don't need anyone else, when they do in fact need some company. They are one of the kindest and at the same time most ambitious characters we've met, but they are brave beyond understanding in a very personal way, thus, Gryffindor.
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Percy: I think it's fair to say he'd be Hufflepuff, because loyalty is literally his fucking fatal flaw, and he is the kindest sweetheart to all those who deserve it, he goes out of his way to help those who need help, whether that be mortals, halfbloods, gods, magical creatures or even his own enemies. He's too good for this world, and even if he's grown a bit bitter, he always looks to fight justly for what is right, and never loses faith in others. That, and the fact that he turned down immortality so that the olympians were more inclusive of minor gods, and their children were treated better. He's just a lovely soul, he's like 80% Hufflepuff so that's enough for me. All that and he's stubborn as hell.
Jason: Hufflepuff. Just, undoubtedly Hufflepuff. Like he seems to be this cold and self centered hero with a superiority complex (bc of all the son of Jupiter stuff) but he's the softest guy there is. Not only is he hardworking, open minded and kind, he appreciates justice but he doesn't seek for revenge or anything, he makes sure people are treated fairly and wants everyone to be accepted. Proof of that is how he continued Percy's job of including more gods, and made sure Nico felt comfortable with who he was. He truly has a heart of gold. (He deserved better btw)
Meg: God I can't decide between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but I think I'll go with the former. She's so strong, my baby, she's faced so much wrong, but she's still so kind and understanding of others, especially those who deserve kindness. She puts up such a hard facade, but she's so patient and warm and inclusive. She's brave and strong (as strong as the big three kids, if not stronger), but she's also so loyal to her beliefs despite how she was forced someone else's beliefs for years, so I'll keep her in Hufflepuff. Also, she's stubborn af, and she can be lazy, so that settles it.
Will: I KNOW some people will say Will could be in other houses that are not Hufflepuff, BUT I won't have it any other way. Will is literally the warmest person ever. He is kind and sympathetic and enthusiastic and patient and inclusive. Like Helga Hufflepuff would take one look at him and lose her shit screaming "mine". He's the guy who saw the son of Hades so many people were scared of and immediately grabbed his hand and transfered him some warmth and didn't let him go ahead and get himself killed. He's also the one who everyone loves and likes, so much that Clarisse gets along with him and he can calm her down. He's the ideal Hufflepuff, you can't change my mind.
Magnus: I mean, what else can you expect from the son of the god of summer? He's literally a guy who heals others with warmth. He's also the guy who spent years on the street with the most difficult situations, and accepts every single person the way they are. He's inclusive af, and tolerant of everything. He's the guy who's closest include a deaf elf, a Muslim valkyrie, and a black dwarf, and he's dating a genderfluid person. Yes he's brave, and he's kinda smart, and he's ambitious, BUT none of those qualities overpower his Hufflepuff nature.
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Piper: Kinda debated whether Gryffindor or Ravenclaw fits more, but in the end I went with Ravenclaw. Even though she isn't a fighter, she's very very brave, yet her bravery isn't compared to her wits. Like others in the PJOverse, she wins her fights by outsmarting her opponents, but unlike others that's one of her strongest traits. She's witty and creative and a little on the negative side, she really struggled to work in a group rather than by herself. On another note, she's able to keep calm in crazy situations and come up with the craziest most unthinkable solutions (I'm talking borderline ridiculous) that always somehow work. She's not booksmart, but she knows so much about everything, and she's lifesmart you know?
Reyna: Why are some of these so hard? Deeply debating whether she'd be Ravenclaw or Slytherin. In the end I'd go more for Ravenclaw though. Reyna's smart as hell, she's strong and sharp, and she always sees the best way out of a situation. She's witty and observant, being able to keep her cool in battle and lead others in the best direction. She's always looking to grow, and she prefers to do things on her own, but she's a great leader. She has some Slytherin qualities, and she's not learning as learning oriented as others, but she's definitely Ravenclaw.
Sam: Let's face it, Sam has the only active neurons in all of MCGA, she's definitely Ravenclaw. I'm gonna be honest though, I've only read MCGA once, so I can't remember much of their personalities, but Sam is witty and clever, pretty much the only one who can come up with competent plans, while the others rely mostly on luck and whatever plan they can cook up in 5 seconds. She's loyal and true to who she is, and she's extremely courageous and proud of who she is, but her sharpness is what she stands out for me, which is why I put her in Ravenclaw.
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Annabeth: I know the obvious option is Ravenclaw, but I genuinely think she's also Slytherin. Yes she is booksmart and wise like Ravenclaw, but her personality matches Slytherins' ambitious, cunning and resourceful nature. She's smart as fuck, but she's calculative, she always finds a way to end up winning, and while she does so by outsmarting her opponents, she wouldn't need to outsmart them if she weren't so competitive. I feel like there's this 40/60 odds on Slytherin rather than Ravenclaw, but it's that small difference that counts. Plus her leadership skills are so powerful that people don't ask, they just know she's the boss.
(Also just picture the sweet and loyal Hufflepuff boy with the strong and cunning Slytherin girl, like it should be as opposite as it is with Poseidon and Athena, but they're so cute)
Leo: Idk what you can expect that's not Slytherin. This boy is the embodiment of ambition and determination. Reminder that not all Slytherins are bad btw (I'm slytherin myself), but like he's life smart and cunning, and he can analyze situations faster than anyone else. He's charismatic and talented, and there's no one to stop him from triumphing. I don't have much to say, I just know he'd be in Slytherin.
Rachel: She's kinda a difficult one, and I struggle between Gryffindor and Slytherin, and tbh I'm still not sure. But I think I'd place her in Slytherin, because even if she's brave af (especially since she was a mortal fighting in a war out of her power), her main trait is her determination. When she's set on something, she gets it done. You can't tell her she can't do something, because she will find a way to do it. She's kind, and she's only a mortal, but she still has incredible power unlike any other. I don't think I can really name it, but I think she'd be put on Slytherin with much difficulty from the Sorting Hat.
Luke: Where else could Luke possibly go? On the meaner side Slytherins have created themselves, Luke would be part of those misled by who preceded them, by those who want to take advantage of their mistreatment (bc let's face it, Slytherins are mistreated by both students and Hogwarts staff), and turn them cold and bitter. Luke is ambitious and manipulative, being manipulated himself, and it comes easily because of his natural charisma and talent. He's very freaking determined and cunning too. He'd fit right into Slytherin, but he'd be viewed as one of the rotten lot.
Thalia: I don't have much to say about this, but Thalia is the girl whose fatal flaw is their desire for power (or smth along those lines), just like most Slytherins. She's ambitious, she's smart, she's truly talented, she stands out between the rest, and she knows it, and she actually kinda likes it.
(Also I put Annabeth, Thalia and Luke in the same house because they're all kinda similar, even if their beliefs and postures are different.
Frank: Ngl I'm having more difficulty with Frank than anyone else. I'm kinda torn between Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I literally can't choose. He'd fit perfectly in any of them lmao, I just can't decide where he'd go. You decide this one yourself.
Please keep in mind, this is my personal opinion and my take on the characters, and not all of you will agree, and that's fine! You can let me know what you think (kindly please, don't come at me), and if you want to, send me an ask on a character you want me to do the same as these (as long as it's not TKC, I'M SORRY I haven't read those) go ahead, don't be shy!
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thejudgingtrash · 5 years ago
Last but not least: PJO hot takes part IV!
Alright my dudes. I think we’re still in this game for one final round. Anyway here’s wonderwall. And Part 1//Part 2//Part 3!
Percy had actually knowledge about the Greek myths. He didn’t waddle in blindly. Where did y’all even get that?
The new possible Irish myth saga will be PJO 3.0 aka Magnus Chase 2.0 aka The Kane Chronicles 1.2.
Riordan already got the names of gods of that possible saga wrong
Riordan‘s Asian characters only know bitch or bland mode, huh
Stop babying Annabeth for fucks sake. Seriously
How the fuck did Sally afford several private schools for Percy when they were poor as fuck? I guess Gabe had to have a some somewhat decent job but then again playing poker/being a gambler and stealing from your stepson ain’t a cute move
Hazel should’ve been Thanatos‘ kid. To break the classic 12 Olympian mold (yeah Hades/Pluto technically isn’t one but he’s still team major gods) and also to throw the damned Hitler/Pluto aesthetics away
Did any of the kids break their limps or get permanently disabled at some point? Or do they just... die (and mostly stay dead)? I forgot
Where can the kids at Camp Half-Blood actually sneak off to fuck? Percy is legit the only one to claim his own shit as his love bunker. The rest is just fucked I guess or has first hand traumatic pre-college experiences
”Percy cursed“. Literally why, Riordan. Let the kid say fuck. He has earned the rights to do so a long time ago
Did I mention that people lack of basic reading skills in earlier takes? Anyway. Here’s another reminder!
Tbh the gods are egotistical fucks and have killed people for the fuck of it. I don’t see Poseidon being even close to okay with Sally marrying Gabe or Paul
I still don’t understand why Frazel is a thing
Most of you don’t understand how movie production works but that’s okay. Just know that everything inside your head will never be realized and there will be drastic cuts and additions to the books (again)
The electronics not working thing doesn’t even make any goddamn sense? Hermes is the god of the Internet. Does this mean that demigods can use the web just fine but simply can’t call each other? This really came back to bite Riordan in the ass now did it? Wouldn’t it make more sense to use old means of communication once you’re trying to reach more important/godly people or electronics fail in an accute situation?
Turning everyone heteroflexible creates the image that you’re simply liking a character for the fact that they are LGBTQ and not the character itself, just saying. More representation sure, but that itself isn’t a personality trait and shouldn’t be the main focus of a character unless it’s really defining in the story line (Nico‘s arc partially for example)
Tbh, HOO should’ve been aged up mentor Percabeth protecting CHB, with the rest of the gang fucking up Greece with aged Reyna + Nico perhaps. I might post an outline on that AU someday (someone should remind me about that tho)
On one hand you have in depth discussions and people diving into the matter and talking about every nook and cranny and on the other hand people are more then just fine with stereotyping and deflecting. Whut. Okay
Why are people shipping the lie that is Jasper/Jasiper
Stop romanticizing the gods
Dark!Percy is just a cheap way for you to turn Percy into an overpowered asshole and that’s that tea
Being in a relationship isn’t a personality trait, my dear shippers
Riordan‘s timeline is off because the coke rush didn’t last that long
The wasted potential of everything past PJO makes me want to cry
Percy’s fatal flaw isn’t stupid, Riordan just didn’t flesh it out properly which is why there were no real repercussions. A fatal flaw is supposed to be hindering you and not a compliment
The fact that adult people still can’t take jokes about their favorite characters is fucking insane part II
Why the fuck did the Stolls get tossed aside? Bruh. The potential? The stigma as a Hermes kid? They trying to redeem their cabins honor? Imagine one of them as a prophecy kid in HOO (and they’d switch and swap to confuse everyone)? Yes??
Every single one of you that essentially is team poc!Percy because he had a rough upbringing deserves to get slapped. Poverty, abuse, a single parent, etc. doesn’t equate to being poc?!?!? Smells racist just saying
Turning Hazel into Nico‘s sister was cheap af
Stop romanticizing and down playing the myth aspect. Tragedy is essential and will haunt demigods. Thank you, next
Also stop babying Percy
Let’s be honest none of those fuckers make it to college
Annabeth Chase is fucking WHITE part II. She’s not biracial, she’s not ”exotic“, she’s certainly not fucking black. She’s white with a little hint of a tan. That still makes her white. Do you really want to turn her into Ariana Grande 2.0? A fucking botched orange? This is your Annabeth aesthetic? Artists get it fucking right unless you state that you portray her as [spraytan headcanon] which is still fucking cheap let’s be real. Orange Annabeth isn’t part of the kulture
Regardless of the reception of the PJO movies, I’ll never forgive you people for letting Logan Lerman aka the OG white boy™ flop. Throw Tom “lipless but okay booty“ Holland and Timothée ”I missed a few meals“ Chalamet the fuck away!
Tbh a less romanticized version of the camps would’ve been more interesting. I’m still put off by CJ (and also the fact that CHB is a summer camp), but had there been more fights and actual deaths that had happened around the camps due to training, etc. you would’ve understood immediately why demigods dipped before the age of 18. The antithetical nature of sweet summer camp and people dying left and right would’ve been amplified
Did Reyna at some point in time even have the time to breath with all of the shit that went down? Her life is simply 24/7 stressful. I get that she wanted to bounce and no longer be in a tiring and demanding position but the hunters ain’t it sis
It’s okay to admit that fanon artwork or fanfics don’t deserve the webspace they are wasting. But phrase that probably in a nicer way
PJO Calypso wasn’t annoying. HOO & TOA Calypso on the other hand...
Alex Pettyfer would’ve been a better Luke Castellan but Jake Abel did an okay job
Percy isn’t an idiot. You are one for believing so
Riordan corrected the stance that Muslims don’t shower during Ramadan (literally how in the fuck did he come up with that in the first place?!) in upcoming MC books. Can he use the same energy to rewrite HOO tho??
Luke’s portrayals in SoM and TTC were straight up trash
Historically accurate PJO would’ve been everything
Monsters can detect demigods by smell. Camo wouldn’t do jack shit ffs
Jason is still bland and making jokes/pointing that out is more than okay
Omfg accept the fact that characters can have multiple facets all good and bad. Reducing them to one specific trait makes them boring and bland. Also it stereotypes
Getting mad over the fact that Clarisse has a boyfriend is still fucking insane
Not everyone needs to be a fanfic writer or an artist, a theorist or someone that analyzes everything phrase by phrase. As long as you’re in the fandom to enjoy works & discussions and remain on the saner side of the spectrum you’re good. You’re valid. Don’t forget that.
Not wanting to stay in a fandom and merely enjoying some of the fruits/benefits as in art/fics/headcanons is also super valid
PJO Reddit, Tumblr, IG and Twitter are a cesspool of chaotic mess and straight up trash but Tumblr > Reddit >>>>>> IG >>>>>> Twitter
Tbh: just try to enjoy a decent book series. It’s all not that deep
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sonofsallyjackson · 5 years ago
Heroes of Olympus should have been in first-person.
@jo-march-is-a-lesbian​ wrote a really wonderful post about how “Percy Jackson and the Olympians is better than Heroes of Olympus…because it understood simplicity and character development.”  It highlights some reasons I also found HoO less rewarding namely that it was an overcomplicated story with limited character growth, lacked a common thesis, and was super jarring when it switched perspectives.  
And with that my little brain went: I can fix this.  Which frankly is ridiculous.  I can’t come up with a compelling thesis like “The idea that we should place our hope in our loved ones, our friends and our family, and if we do that, we won’t be tempted to give up hope again.”   But I can imagine a simple change that would have solved some of the issues and also played to Rick’s strengths as a writer:  Each book should have been written in first person and narrated by a different character.
With so many people on the quest, I often felt like I was watching a bunch of one-dimensional characters fight for their right to be the main character.  I didn’t know who to focus on but I was also dissatisfied.  There were all these new wonderful characters in front of me who I wanted to love, but I didn’t feel like I actually knew them.  I mean I don’t feel like I know the Stoll Brothers either, but I’m not concerned about that fact because they are side characters.  When everyone is painted as the main character,  I have certain expectations for growth, personality, and voice.  The story would have been better served if the characters took turns narrating the action, allowing us to settle into their perspective, see their growth, and better understand their personality.
Plus Rick kills first-person.  While I’m not particularly a fan of Trials of Apollo, it’s not because I don’t know the characters.  Apollo is so very different than Percy. Their voices, even though they can both be jokesters at times, reflect their different life-experiences, thought processes and provide massive insight into their characters.   If the Seven (and Nico and Reyna) got the same treatment, I would be absolutely giddy.  
I recognize that rewriting the HoO series in first-person is something a talented fanfiction writer with a lot of time on their hands could actually do.  But I am not talented like that and I certainly don’t have the discipline to actually write that much fic, especially if I was trying to keep the events vaguely the same just with different narration and pacing.  So instead I’ve included who I think should have narrated each book below the cut.  I’d love to hear any opinions people have regarding this idea, especially who they would have wanted to see to narrate each book.
In addition to picking the narrator, I’ve highlighted what should be the “quest” so to speak of each story.  Personally, MoA, HoH and BoO are kind of a blur to me despite reading them all recently.  It’s hard to distinguish what happens in each book because it’s all one massive quest with a whole bunch of mini-quests.    While the different narrators would obviously make the books more distinctive, splitting the series into seven books would also help simplify each book’s individual goal.  Eight books would have allowed for better integration of the plot to find the physician’s cure, but with the prophecy of seven, it seemed like seven books was the best option, if I was going to be doing something as blasphemous as splitting books.   
As a note, I ran out of steam as I went so not all opinions are fully fleshed out. 
Book 1:  The Lost Hero The Quest: Rescue Hera/Juno Narrator:  Jason 
Why this would be cool: 
He is literally Juno’s chosen sent on a quest to rescue her.  It’s poetic enough to give him the book.
Jason’s journey is just as much about rediscovering himself as it is about saving Juno.   Of the new characters, I feel like I understand Jason the least. Mainly because I felt like I was missing the entire first half of his story.  Jason, like Percy and Annabeth, is a hero of the Titan War. I know some of his accomplishments, but I don’t have any bearing on what his life was like or how he felt about it.   He doesn’t seem like the type to relish Praetor-ship since he doesn’t have the same intense need to get back to his camp as Percy.  Was he just hoisted on his comrades’ shields after killing the Titan without any real choice in the matter? Give me Jason’s memories coming back slowly over the course of the quest (with potentially a fractured memory of a mistake he made in the Roman’s final Titan battle that makes him doubt their ability to both rescue Piper’s dad and save Hero but he makes the decision to anyway because he can’t just hurt his friend like that.   Let me understand how Jason is the person he is today.  Give me glances of the Roman Camp with emphasis on the heavy expectations that have always followed him as the son of Jupiter and foreshadow why he eventually chooses to design all the shrines for the minor gods so he can have his own place in the world as a figure between the two camps.
Let’s dive into those feelings of anger/guilt/resentment when people at camp are disappointed with him for not being Percy or in Chiron’s case are nervous about what his presence means. 
I want to dig deeper regarding Jason’s feelings about reconnecting with Thalia.  He knows that if the gods hadn’t been determined to keep the two camps completely separate, he could have grown up with his sister. 
What does telling the narrative like this sacrifice:  
We miss some of the internal turmoil regarding the fact that Piper’s Dad has been captured and she must betray her friends. 
We also don’t feel the tensions of Piper’s relationship with Aphrodite. I don’t see Piper bringing up the conversation with her mom saying that her mist memories were so strong because she automatically sensed the potential of a romantic relationship with Jason.  
We don’t have any of Leo’s conflicted feelings regarding rescuing Hera or his fear of being made an outcast for his fire abilities.  Jason has to go with Leo to discover Bunker 9 and Festus.  
Leo doesn’t actively save the day with the Cyclops. 
We don’t know how Piper feels about her charm-speak or see her defeat Madea (as the boys are in their weird trance thing). 
Knowledge about Gaea’s involvement in wrecking Leo’s life will come later.  
Book 2: The Son of Neptune The Quest: Free Thantos Narrator:  Hazel
Why this would be cool: 
The stakes are so incredibly high. Hazel is literally risking her second chance at life by agreeing to go on this chance.  She’s going to the place she died to fight the monster she created. She also has to deal with the trauma of knowing she may have bought the world time with her first sacrifice but it now means nothing if she can’t succeed again.  
We get to see Camp Jupiter from the view of someone who loves it but doesn’t really fit in.  Hazel joined Camp Jupiter just after the final battle.  She enters a community that has learned to fight as a well-oiled machine but that has lost people.  Dakota or the others may remark to her about how things were before or the people who are missing.  Hazel sees a community that she’s not quite a part of both because she didn’t fight in the war and because she’s in the fifth cohort with a feared godly parent.
It would explore her relationship with Nico more (because I love their dynamic and I want more).   She knows she can’t replace his real sister, but she feels comfortable and happy at the opportunity to have a brother, especially one who is out of time like she is.   
What does telling the narrative like this sacrifice:  
Frankly, the largest pushback would be from the fans who expected this to be Percy’s book since we just watched Jason rediscover who he is.
Percy’s phone call to his mom doesn’t have the same intensity.  
Frank’s relationship with Mars and how desperate he was to be claimed but now he doesn’t think he can live up to his father’s expectations.  
Frank and his grandmother.  We aren’t in Frank’s head as he changes shape till later.  
Book 3: Mark of Athena The Quest: Close the Divide Between The Two Camps by finding Athena’s statue and Rescue Nico Narrator(s):  Annabeth and Leo
Why Annabeth: 
So I can have all the emotions at the reunion with Percy.  
Annabeth’s relationship with her Mom has never been great, but imagine beginning the book with Annabeth being given the Mark of Athena. They haven’t left for New Rome yet and her nerves are already all over the place.  Then Athena/Minerva comes, gives her an impossible quest, and breaks her hat.   Annabeth wants to prove to her mother that she’s worthy because despite everything she still values her mother’s opinions.  Also her fatal flaw of hubris makes her believe she will succeed where everyone else failed.
Much of the book already follows her in third person limited so we just get things with a little extra emotion.  
Why Leo:  
Leo has to grapple with the fact he started this war by being the one to fire the cannon even if he didn’t have any control.  He is motivated to fix it
If we’re going to include the Sammy plot, we need to do it now.   Leo doesn’t like being the odd one out on the ship but he certainly doesn’t like the feeling of being notable because of his grandfather.  
We still need to get into those feelings of abandonment and anger at Gaea for killing his mom.  
Leo comes into his own with the discovery of the Archimedes sphere and the decision to value people over objects.  
What does telling the narrative like this sacrifice:
The aquarium shenanigans 
The fight between Jason and Percy in Kansas needs to happen differently so that the others are present and try to stop it.  
Neither of them went ashore to meet Hercules.  
I think we might need to move up the Calypso meeting to this book, but that also kills some of the suspense since Frank will have the fireproof coating prior to his adventures in Venice when he gains faith in his abilities.  It also might mean Leo opens the fortune cookie from Nemesis unless for some odd reason he doesn’t have it.  There’s a lot more narrative weight for it coming later, but in order to get in as many book events as we can in, it might need to come earlier. 
Book 4:  House of Hades Pt. 1
The Quest: Survive Tartarus Narrator(s): Annabeth and Percy
The first time I read House of Hades, I read it out of order (reading all the Percy and Annabeth chapters until they were on the elevator out of Tartarus before going back and reading the others), because I couldn’t handle the back and forth.  I felt like the tension would build, I’d be invested in this plot and then we’d switch to the other plot. Plus I was very concerned for my children.  So I feel fully justified in saying that there is more than enough material to give the two of them their own book.
I just feel like all the feelings would be magnified.  
Percy’s commentary slowly losing its humor because he can’t anymore.
Annabeth’s guilt at having pulled him in being extra loud.  
Downsides beyond adding an entire book: Just imagine all the outrage at two cliffhangers in a row, because you know the book would end with them in the elevator remembering Bob’s words about the stars.   
Book 5:  House of Hades Pt. 2
The Quest:  Close the Doors of Death Narrator(s): Frank and Hazel
Frank and Hazel experience the most growth on the quest to close the doors so this book is all theirs.  Hazel learns to control the mist.  Frank experiments with his transformations.  I want nothing but them growing into themselves and their abilities.  
The good thing about turning the two warring storylines from House of Hades into separate books is that we lose very little plot.  
Book 6:  House of Hades Pt. 3/Blood of Olympus Pt 1 (Personally I would call this one Ambassador of Pluto)
The Quest:  Unite the Gods’ Personalities. Narrator: Nico
To clarify what I mean by HoH 3, I just mean anything done with the intention of trying to cross paths with Reyna, including the adventure with Cupid, in addition to the existing Nico&Reyna plotline in BoO.  
Nico dealing with all the emotions and his most recent near-death experience.
He kept the secret of the camps so the world wouldn’t end in chaos, but now that the world is in chaos he will be the one to fix it.  
In the short time he’s on the Argo 2, Nico realizes that even though this wasn’t his quest; this is his family and he needs to protect them.  
The reader has a pretty good idea Nico is gay, even if the word isn’t explicitly said from the descriptions (his guilty Percy thoughts - he let down the man he loves even if he won’t admit it.) This means that Cupid’s forceful outing is potentially less surprising so the reader can be properly outraged at Cupid.  
Downside: Reyna definitely has adventures when Nico is passed out, especially the whole waking up with the Hunters, but I think it’s excusable for a whole book from Nico’s perspective.  
Also, the battle between the camps and gifting of the statue needs to happen in this book, but we shouldn’t find out if the gods have regained control of their forms yet.  We alleviate some tensions because Camp Half-blood is likely to be overrun with Octavian’s monsters instead of the Roman armies and Gaea could awaken any second, but there’s an odd moment of calm and an uneasy truce.  (Octavian is potentially taken under custody to be held for trial only to escape in the next book.) 
Book 7:  Blood of Olympus Pt 2 (and the aftermath)
The Quest:  Like The Last Olympian, the final book’s focus is entirely on defeating the series’ big bad, in this case, Gaea.  Leo’s quest for the Physician’s cure parallels Percy’s River Styx visit.  
Narrator(s):  Leo and Piper
Leo has his death hanging over his head.  He has decided that he will be the one to die not any of his friends.  He got the cloth from Calypso so the “fire” portion of the prophecy applies to him and not Frank.  (Yes I know you can’t control prophecies, but do you think that’s going to stop Leo.)  
It’s the ultimate revenge for killing his mom.  We can have memories of both the happy times with Esperanza and the fear he felt for thinking he caused the fire. 
Piper’s perspective is necessary as we need to be with her during the fight with the giants.   
This series began with Piper, Leo, and Jason.  It ends that way too with the three of them killing Gaea and the two of them narrating.  
The Percabeth I love you-the feud is over scene remains in Piper’s perspective.  
Since we’re not following Reyna’s delivery of the statue concurrently we don’t know when to anticipate the healed gods appearing in the battle with the giants.  
The book can still get away with not showing us Percy’s reunion with Sally or forcing Leo to tell the others he’s alive so they’re all grieving. 
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demigodly-donut · 6 years ago
The seven (and others) at Hogwarts
So I keep seeing posts about the seven demigods at Hogwarts and their houses, and I disagree with nearly all of them, so I wanted to just share my opinion.
Percy: Hufflepuff (second: Gryffindor)
Percy would be in Hufflepuff for several reasons. The first one is pretty obvious; his fatal flaw is loyalty, which is, like we all know, a Hufflepuff trait. Lots of Hufflepuff traits don’t seem to fit to Percy, but they actually do. Hufflepuffs are mostly very friendly and accepting, which Percy is. People often think Percy would be a Gryffindor, but really the only argument for this is his courage, but I’d like to point out that most heroic things he does are out of loyalty. Percy is also patient and hard-working, even though he pretends not to be. He does always try his best and works hard (in school for example) it just mostly doesn’t work out. 
Annabeth: Slytherin (second: Ravenclaw)
I know everyone is going to come up and say “What do you mean, she’s obviously a Ravenclaw” and of course, she has lots of Ravenclaw qualities, but imo she fits into Slytherin better. When you look deeper into Annabeth’s character, you can see that even though on the surface she’s genius daughter of Athena, she’s a lot more than that. Annabeth’s fatal flaw is pride, and the thing she wants the most in the world is to be remembered. She likes learning, of course, but she is extremely ambitious and prideful. She’ll do anything to help herself or a friend and won’t hesitate to break the rules. She is extremely resourceful. 
Jason: Hufflepuff (second: Gryffindor)
Yes, I would sort Jason in Hufflepuff. Jason is hard-working and loyal, he is also definitely someone you can trust. He is extremely humble and doesn’t brag (an does NOT think he is better than Percy). He is definitely brave and has a strong moral compass, so he could also be a Gryffindor, but it just doesn’t fit as well. 
Piper: Slytherin (second: Gryffindor)
This one is a bit harder, and I’m really unsure if this is the right house, but anyways. Piper is actually ambitious, just maybe not in the sense you might think. She is very determined to be remembered as something else than just a pretty face, and she wants to be on the same level as everyone else. She wants to be just as strong as all of her friends and is ready to train for hours to achieve her goal. She can sometimes make questionable decisions for her or her friends, and doesn’t really care about rules. She also hates to be controlled (see: ToA 3) and wants her freedom for everything.
Leo: Ravenclaw (second: Slytherin)
This one is also pretty hard, especially for second house. It seems pretty clear to me that Leo is a Ravenclaw. He is definitely very smart (he did really advanced Maths when he was small, built the entire Argo II, repaired Festus...). He is very curious and actually loves learning about the stuff he finds interesting, at some point in HoH (or was it MoA? Or even BoO?) he just bolts out loads of facts about Archimedes and stuff. He isn’t very wise, but that’s literally the only Ravenclaw trait he doesn’t have so...
Hazel: Hufflepuff (second: Gryffindor)
Does this even need much explaining? Hazel is loyal and trustworthy, and ready to do anything for her loved ones (like sacrificing her place in Elysium for her mother). She is also very patient and hard working, no question there. She’s also very brave, which is why I put her second house as Gryffindor.
Frank: Hufflepuff (second: Gryffindor)
I have a lot of these XD. It’s also pretty self-explanatory for Frank, I’d say. He is very loyal and accepting, and he has a very big heart. He is very humble and will do anything to protect/help the people he loves. He is also honest and hard-working. The reason his second house is Gryffindor is the same as for Hazel.
Nico: Slytherin (second: Gryffindor)
I’d say this one is also pretty obvious. I have seen a few posts sorting Nico into Hufflepuff, which got me very confused. How is a boy who betrayed several people (even though he didn’t mean it in a bad way) a Hufflepuff? He does have a few Hufflepuff traits though, not going to deny that. He is very determined and ambitious, he tried for ages to get his sister back, even though people always told him it was impossible. He doesn't let other people get him down, and hearing something is impossible just makes him want to do it more. He is ready to do anything to achieve his goals, even betraying people who trust him. He is also very manipulating and good at talking people into things (he convinced Hades to help in book 5).
Reyna: Slytherin (second: Gryffindor)
Reyna is very ambitious and determined. She is also very prideful and doesn’t want to be seen as weak by anyone, she doesn’t let anyone see her emotions (similarly to Nico). She has great leadership qualities, something many Slytherins have. She wants to be rembered, and is also very good at manipulating people into doing things. She is just a perfect Slytherin in my opinion.
Will: Hufflepuff (second: idk Gryffindor?)
Will is definitely a Hufflepuff. He is loyal and caring, which is why he is a healer/doctor. He is very friendly and patient (you have to be as Nico’s boyfriend XD) and just the perfect Hufflepuff. I’m not sure about his second house, because he doesn’t appear much in the series but he is pretty brave in ToA so I decided Gryffindor.
Grover: Hufflepuff (second: Slytherin)
Grover is very determined and hard working, he is also very loyal and trustworthy. He is patient as well, and just generally fits well into Hufflepuff house. I think his second house would be Slytherin, because of his ambition. People often forget how determined Grover was to find Pan, the god of the wild. It was deemed impossible, yet he was determined and managed.
I’ll stop here but I might make a second one with other characters (Thalia, Clarisse, Rachel, Ella, Tyson, Zoe, Bianca and others).
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fatedsong · 6 years ago
Heroes of Olympus Ending
I wanted to write my thoughts and impressions of the last part of the series before I start Apollo Trials. I don’t really have much complains, just things I would had liked to be included or things I think could had been developed better, a few things did bother me, but I do have a lot and more things I liked. In general I am pleased with the ending, but on some parts it felt unsatisfying. It did feel a bit felt a bit weak for the ending, it was alright, but it could had been so much more. It also felt odd that for the last book it was the shortest. I would had thought it would have more pages.
I think I have a lot to say about Percy and Annabeth and I might have an obvious bias, but they deserved so much more and it would had been so satisfying had they at least had the narrator's voice once. Also a few things on how everything tied up for everyone at the end.
- Percy & Annabeth POV post Tartarus. I mean in the first place I believe the last book would had felt more satisfying if Percy or Annabeth had gotten the narrator voice at least once. The two characters who started the journey don’t get at least one word makes the book feel incomplete. Percy and Annabeth went to literally hell for days with only each other. They were exhausted, terrified, injured, in pain, weak, but they still had to keep moving thought a place designed to kill them in every way possible. They kept getting close calls with death, when Percy got poisoned, Annabeth went blind, the river making them lose hope and almost drowning, wounds that didn’t heal, just out of pure starvation and having to drink pure fire to survive. Without Bob the Titan and Damasen they would had died. They just went through so many painful experiences every few minutes and we saw glimpses of the worst in them. They didn’t have just to fight the monsters, but the darkness within them. We literally saw glimpses of Percy’s darker personality and his capacity of how cruel and merciless Percy could be. Percy was so angry with Arachne on behalf on Annabeth, that in that moment Annabeth was glad Arachne had a quick death. When Annabeth realized how calculative and manipulative Percy could be if he wanted to and it left her unsettled. Then finally when Percy started choking Akhlys with her own poison even mentioning how he wanted to see how much the misery the goddess of misery could take, the only reason he regained his senses was because he noticed how scared Annabeth was of him. Finally meeting Tartaros and knowing they had no chances of ever defeating him, the hopelessness they felt for the first time in their lives. Percy even dropped his sword because of how terrified he was and later on Annabeth mentioned to Piper how much it still affected her. Then lastly having to sacrifice Bob and Damasen to escape Tartarus. After such intense passage we don’t see how much it affected them. We could had seen the effects it had on both of them. They just went through the most traumatizing experience in their lives. Do Annabeth and Percy still have nightmares about Tartarus? Do they wake up paralyzed in fear? They did mention how every time they closed their eyes they could still see Tartarus. How is Annabeth dealing with seeing a different and more terrifying side of Percy? Did Percy and Annabeth ever talked about it? How is Percy dealing with his experience? When Percy went with Jason to fight Kymopoleia, Percy got poisoned and the whole time he thought he deserved it for what he did to Akhlys. Percy felt guilty about how good he actually felt when he was torturing Akhlys and how he terrified Annabeth because of it. In Tartarus Percy realized how much he can lose control in pure rage and now the possibility of  losing control over himself scares him. Lastly how much Tartarus changed the relationship between Percy and Annabeth, it became so intense in comparison to the PJ series, that their biggest fear was being without each other. First Percy and Annabeth were separated for eight months and Annabeth was miserable and worried sick about him and as  for Percy he was walking on pure hope he would see Annabeth again because he was the only person he remembered. Their need to be with each other had gotten so intense and being thrown to Tartarus escalated the feeling because they were close to losing each other over and over again. When they finally come back from Tartarus how much anxiety they had over being apart from each other again the first few days. Percy didn’t even want to let Annabeth go with Jason and Piper to investigate and asked Jason to keep an eye on her. I know we didn’t see much of it, but it must have made him nervous because it was the first time separated from her since Tartarus. Then once again when Piper tells him about her vision that she and Annabeth had to go underground again, Percy protested and accidentally, out of his pure feelings, exploded all the plumbing. We could had seen their separation anxiety. There was so much we could had seen.
Also this is just personal, but Annabeth finally visited Athens she had dreamt of the whole time and it would had been nice getting her point of view on that. Lastly it was the first time Percy said “I love you” to Annabeth, after 10 books and they made out and it would had been so satisfying to my heart to had seen it from their own point of view.
-Percy & Annabeth and New Rome. I think it makes sense why Percy would think that far into the future, their lives as demigods places them in danger all the time, their future is never certain and from the moment he found out he was Poseidon’s son he had been in so much more danger even more than other demigods. Percy was constantly at the mercy of his destiny of having to fight over and over just to survive and protect the people he cared about. Percy was in constant stress about it, especially knowing he had the responsibility of the world upon him with the prophecy and not even knowing if he would live. Percy is just done with everything and all he would want is a peaceful future with his family, friends and Annabeth, but he had never gotten the luxury or even the option for it. The way his life has been would make him think more seriously about his future than possibly mortal 17 year olds. So when Percy sees New Rome he finds out there are older demigods, living a full life, going to college, having a family, being happy, he sees a future he could have with Annabeth and that gives him hope. My thing is that I wouldn’t be so sure if they would go study at New Rome. It feels uncharacteristic for both of them because Percy would want to stay close to his mother and Half-Blood has always been their home, so I’m not sure how I feel about them leaving to New Rome. Not to mention Percy loves New York. If they did I can only  imagine for college I can’t really see them completely settling there to live forever. 
-Percy & Annabeth Blood. It kinda bugged me in the whole series Gaea kept changing what blood she wanted to wake up with and then eventually deciding on Percy and Annabeth, but it wasn’t really specified why and I wanted to know. If it was because they were the ones who defeated Kronos and saved Olympus and then if she woke up they would had been responsible later for its downfall. If it was because it would had been ironic that in the place Poseidon and Athena’s rivalry started, their children who are lovers and made peace with each other, considering the whole world knows they are a thing, would die and sealed the world's fate. It’s already ironic that Poseidon and Athena’s child are dating in the first place.
-Percy’s Fatal Flaw. This is one of the things that kinda bothered me the most. The first time it was mentioned it was back in the Percy Jackson books from Athena she mention his fatal flaw was his personal loyalty and that it could be deadly. Kronos constantly used his inability to ever abandon his friends against him. Percy does struggle with it, but it wasn’t given that much attention in the PJ as they did on the Heroes of Olympus. It kept being mentioned by various people that Percy’s greatest flaw would cost him the world and put on the line their chances of defeating Gaea. It made it seem like a huge confrontation between Percy and his friends was coming. Rick Riordan made it seem like Percy, the original hero we all saw grow up, the one who saved everyone, this time was going to ruin everything. Even Jason mentioned he was worried that Percy would make it harder for them when the time came. Then Ares literally told Frank about Percy’s weakness and that he would had to make a decision Percy would not be able to make and depending on that was the success of defeating Gaea. So this was build up throughout the 5 books and then when the time came it was literally resolved in like two pages. Percy wanted to go with Jason and the rest to defeat Gaea and Jason just told him he had to stay and Frank just grabbed Percy’s arm and told him he couldn’t go because of the prophecy and that was it. It was resolved like in five sentences and it was kinda disappointing. 
-Percy’s Achilles Curse When Percy got the Achilles Curse in the Last Olympian, it was such a huge deal and sacrifice for Percy and then he just simply lost it by crossing the mini Tiber River. When Nico told him about it, Percy was afraid of the idea, he kept delaying the choice of going through it for a whole year. When Percy had to accept he couldn’t fight Kronos without the curse, he gained the courage to go through it because it was the only option. The curse made Percy invulnerable, but at the same time vulnerable. In an unlucky coincidence, a simple mistake with just getting hurt on his weak spot, he dies. We saw that when Annabeth got stabbed trying to protect him. Percy was this close of dying. Then he just kinda lost it in like this first few chapters of the Son of Neptune and it made a bit insignificant. I know it was because he would had been too overpowering in comparison to the rest of the seven and Rick Riordan wanted to put him on equal grounding with Jason, but it kinda bothered me such a big thing got sacrificed for it.
-Percy & Sally’s reunion. It was missing. I understand that Percy was busy with the whole quest, but Percy had been missing for eight months, imagine how Sally felt through it all. We know from the first book how much Sally loves Percy, to the point she would marry and stay with an abusive man for years just to protect Percy from monsters. It took and effort from Sally through the books to let go of Percy and accept he was a demigod and that he would always be in danger, but she had to let him walk his own path in life. Imagine Percy coming home every summer with more stories of his quests of how he almost died, seeing him go through more painful experiences every time and having no choice but to step back and let him make his choices. Not to mention knowing Percy had the duty to defeat the strongest Titan of all time. The anxiety she felt and then finally relief when it was finally over, thinking at least Percy would have a more peaceful time, only to have her son missing for eight months and no one knowing where he was. In the Battle of The Labyrinth Percy was missing for two weeks and despite what they told her, Sally believed Percy was alive, now he was missing for eight months how much she tried to keep faith he would come back home. Sally would meet every week with Annabeth just to cry and give each other hope Percy was safe and  that they would find him. As soon as Percy got his memories back he did left her a message, but such a loving relationship between them needed a reunion.
-Percy & Groover reunion. Groover has been searching for Percy for months now without no luck. No matter how many people Percy meets Groover has always been Percy’s best friend and they share such a strong bond. How difficult it was for Groover knowing he had an empathy link with Percy and had the best chances of finding him, only to being unable to for months. It would had been nice for Groover to have more appearances. Honestly we needed at least a few sentences between them.
-Percy & Poseidon reunion. What exactly did Poseidon do in the whole series? From all of the important gods he was just kinda there. At least from what I remember he didn’t even play a big part in the quest. Then when he finally saw Percy there wasn’t like even “Hey son! Glad you got your memories back. How you been? What’s up? Sorry for going MIA for more than eight months lmao” It would had been so great at least get something.
-Percy & Blackjack. Did Percy ever find out Blackjack was injured? The last time they met Blackjack had to knock him out unconscious. This friendship is so underrated. Percy literally mentioned Blackjack is his pegasis and even got annoyed when Rachel took him and said that was his pegasis and no one takes his pegasis. I would had liked to know his reaction and fate.
-Percy & Half-Blood. It would had been so great to see Percy finally going home, reuniting with his friends, with Chiron who has always been his mentor. Percy has been away from everything he knows for months, having no memories and meeting new people every time. The only person he originally knew the whole book was Annabeth. When Percy regained his memories he missed Half-Blood,so I would had loved Percy POV when he finally goes home, seeing the place he loves, finally familiar faces after so long. Also the campers reaction to Percy, we all know they love Percy, they have been growing up with him, although they are all independent fighters Percy has always been their guide and leader. It was with him that they went against the impossible war against Kronos, so imagine their relief of seeing Percy who has always been their backbone finally with them. It would had been great to see that.
-Percy & Calypso. Honestly it kinda bugged me it made it seem like Percy was at fault for Calypso still being stuck on the island. Like I mean Percy was probably the only hero in years who tried to free Calypso from the island and he requested to the gods to free her and made them swear it on the River of Styx which is their most sacred oath. How was Percy supposed to know the gods wouldn’t keep their promise? Percy could had go back and make sure the gods kept their promise, but it wasn’t his fault, although he did took the full responsibility for it like he does with everything. Literally four months had passed from the war against Kronos and Percy thought he could at least have a peaceful time with Annabeth and soon after he was switched with Jason and left without memories for eight months. Maybe he would had eventually remembered with time, but he was literally in cloud nine. I just find it unfair the narrative made it seem like Percy was completely at fault. Not to mention Calypso kinda cursed Annabeth which she must have made unknowingly it was going to actually hurt Annabeth.
-Percy & Jason. I didn’t have an issue with their rivalry and I think they both felt more assured they had found someone who was more equal to in terms of physical power and leadership. They understood each other in that sense and how hard it is to try to do everything by themselves and wanting to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. The only thing was that I would had loved a badass scene between them, Nico/Hazel and Thalia in the battlefield, like the kids of the big three would had been awesome.
-Annabeth & Athena. I mean they literally had such a bad fallout that you wouldn’t expect from them. Their relationship got very strained and there wasn’t any words or resolution between them at the end. Annabeth was still angry and resentful over her her mother sending her to a find the Mark of Athena. Not to mention Athena basically told her how disappointed she was of her and that if Percy sided with the Romans he deserved to die. Athena has never shied away over her disapproval  of her relationship with Percy. Annabeth asking for her help and hearing such words after Annabeth doing everything she can to find Percy definitely hurt her. Annabeth has always been so prideful of being Athena’s child, she adores her mother, respects her and would do anything to please her, but seeing her act so angry at her, confused on who she was, forced a quest on her, hearing how despite everything she has done was disappointed on her, wouldn’t help her with Percy, the one deeply disappointed and hurt was Annabeth. This literally broke her pure adoration for Athena. Not that she wouldn’t go against Athena if she needed to, but in general they did have a good relationship until this moment. Then when facing Arachne she even began to doubt Athena had won the contest and that there was a possibility Athena had unfairly cursed Arachne out of pride. So this problem wasn’t even addressed at the end and I think it needed to. 
-Nico’s crush on Percy. I have always thought Percy was a special person for Nico, but I was pretty surprised when it was revealed he was in love with Percy. Their relationship had always been complicated. For Nico, Percy was the first person he trusted after Bianca and he felt betrayed when Bianca died, then he made it seem like he hated Percy, but it was just that he was hurt and resentful towards Bianca, although eventually they did made peace after Bianca explained to him what had happened and that it wasn’t Percy’s fault and Nico gave up on trying to revive her. Then I believe Nico kept trying to help Percy in his way, but would go at  it the wrong way and it didn’t really help when he tricked him into meeting Hades in exchange for information about his mother, leading to Hades locking Percy in a jail and trying to kill him. Percy who values loyalty above all had trouble regaining his trust with Nico, but he did not hate him because he still believed Nico had good in him. When it got revealed Nico had always had a crush on Percy the value of each scene he had with Percy over every book was much more meaningful to me. It made sense and I got a bigger understanding of Nico’s character. It made sense to me why Nico would like Percy. To him Percy was the personification of what he considered a hero, he admired him, he wanted to be with him, gain his favor, he was the closest person he had for a long time, but at the same time he hated that part of him, he couldn’t accept it and the secret suffocated him. I could see how his love for Percy was rooted on his admiration and why he would move on eventually. Honestly the chapter were Cupid exposed Nico’s love for Percy was too cruel, it made me cry, because no person should have to go through that. Nico was literally shaking and almost brought to tears when he had to admit out loud he had always loved Percy. The feeling of shame and embarrassment was transmitted to the reader.  We see how much Nico had always loved Percy, it was literally years, it was his biggest secret. I did notice that once it was revealed, Jason supporting him and not judging him for it, his love for Hazel and the time he spent with Reyna it did seem that it wasn’t just her healing her own heart, but also Nico as well. It did feel like he was letting go of Percy little by little through the quest. The thing is with Will, was that it kinda felt last minute, I don’t mind him ending up with Will at all, if anything it makes me happy he has someone who would help him heal and be by his side, but I would had liked a bit of more foreshadowing from earlier books. Like maybe Nico associating with will in the last PJ book. It just felt like after seeing how deeply Nico felt about Percy it felt kinda sudden that a love of so many years would quickly go away. I think we could see Nico’s attraction to Will, but at the same time still having more gentle and tame feelings for Percy, still there, but slowly starting to fade. That being said it just how I wish it had been, but I’m okay if this is how it ended.
-Leo’s Conclusion and Calypso. I love Leo. He became my favorite after Percy and Annabeth. He was just so relatable and his characterization made him feel so real. Leo’s trauma and insecurities being hidden with his sense of humor was relatable. The way way he coped with his stress, his hurting, his loneliness with always smiling and joking around, even when he didn’t feel happy was heartbreaking. The one who looked the most easy going kept hiding everything with a smile.The struggle he felt associating with his friends.I felt so bad when he mentioned how hard he worked on Argo II wishing and expecting that this would make him closer with everyone and be appreciated, that it would make a place for him. Then only to have the damn ghost use him and causing a war between Romans and Greeks. All he wanted was to have a place of belonging, but everything kept going wrong and was constantly told he would never find a place with his friends and would always feel left out. That being said Leo knowing all that he kept being loyal to them and would reject anything from Gaea. It was so courageous of him putting himself as the one who died to save his friends, not really knowing if the cure would revive him. My issue, more like what I think would had been better was that Leo’s fate to his friends would had been known. I think it would had given closure had Leo not been separated from his friends. Leo wanted to feel appreciated by his friends and it would had gone full circle if he had seen everyone’s feeling towards him and gain recognition for his actions because this was specifically Leo’s main problem. I would had wanted Leo been with his friends at the end, gain recognition like Nico, who also struggled and felt loneliness, feel like he finally have a place between them and then tell them he had somewhere to go and go on his journey to meet up with Calypso telling him he is late. Leo and Calypso being a thing was surprising to me as well as the 180 in her personality, although maybe she was just completely done with everything and it wouldn’t had mattered who it was, she would had gotten pissed either way. Having hopes of being freed only to be disappointed, constantly filled with heartbreaks, then being sent someone who didn’t physically look like a typical hero ,was probably insulting to Calypso, because now it felt like they were just sending anyone to her and she had to fall in love with them or they can’t leave. I don’t have much of an issue with Calypso because I felt Leo’s attraction with Hazel was more on the fact that she was probably the second girl he had deeply associated with besides Piper and she treated him with more respect than the girls he had met, not to mention her past with Sammy made them closer, but he wasn’t in love with her. So meeting Calypso and falling in love with her, because he spent time with her, wasn’t that bad. Sudden and surprising but not bad. My issue with Leo was just his conclusion.
- Jason Characterization. I really do like Jason, but he wasn’t really my most favorite of all the characters. I feel like for being Percy’s Camp Jupiter counterpart he had a bland characterization and was quickly overshadowed by other characters and their arcs. I just wish he was given a more complex narrative, not that he isn’t a complex character, but for some reason it was difficult to get into his character arc. In general though I do like him and I do think his story did a full circle when he accepted himself as both Greek and Roman as well as meeting Thalia and Zeus. Jason always felt like he was restricted and felt the pressure from being perfect and a leader, so when he learned his background, met his mother, Thalia and Zeus he became more rounded, he didn’t hesitate anymore.He became more of what he wanted to be. 
-Frank. I thought he did develop well gaining confidence, learning about his heritage which he dismissed before, understanding his mother’s choice on why she died and making up with his grandmother. The only thing was that Ares and Hera kinda made it seem like he would be the key to stopping Gaea and in the ending he didn’t do much, like he became praetor, but I thought his role with Gaea would had been different considering Gaea wanted to specifically kill him. Not to mention it seem like he was gonna have a throwdown with Percy with how Ares made it seem. So that was my only problem.
-Hazel. She was a sweetheart and her character development was good. I thought she was gonna die a lot of times, but I’m glad she didn’t. I thought it was and alright closure for her. Overcoming her guilt for almost waking Gaea, accepting her powers, dominating the mist, riding Arion, the conclusion with Sammy, making peace with her mother, she just gained so much confidence in so little time. Her story was good and I don’t really have complains about it.
-Piper. I don’t really have an issue with her characterization. I love her and her putting Gaea to sleep was iconic considering she felt the most useless of them all. I just felt it was great Piper had always been true to herself and although it took time to come to terms with her Cherokee side and being Aphrodite’s daughter she didn’t lose herself. Despite everything Piper was a key and a mediator in the group and did save them many times. Piper is such a compassionate character. I think her putting to sleep Gaea and gaining confidence, especially in her charmspeak, as well as her relationship with Jason ending with a true kiss was good and was a good conclusion.
-Reyna was a queen the whole time. She was great so I don’t have any issues with her characterization conclusion at all. I felt sad she took everything upon herself, she was as lonely as Nico, but she continued to act on what was right despite objection and acted like a true leader. I love her. I felt sad she felt like she needed Jason or Percy to heal her heart, she was so lonely, so when she began to do so herself I was moved.
I mean I loved the books I could make another post of what I loved about them. It had a good start, the characters are endearing, they had precious and iconic moments. I loved the relationship between characters. I just had a few problems with the ending, it’s alright I do like it, but I think it could had been more. 
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can you sort the percy Jackson characters into Hogwarts houses?
okay so let’s all remember: Gryffindor- ‘courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry’, Hufflepuff -‘hard work, patience, justice and loyalty’, Ravenclaw- ‘intelligence, creativity, learning and wit’, and Slytherin- ‘ambition, cunning, leadership and resourcefulness’. 
Annabeth Chase- Ravenclaw, she’s definitely one of the easier ones when it comes to this. While she would fit nicely into other houses, her intelligence and wit are almost always what saves her ass. She’s a great fighter but she prefers talking her way out of situations, disarming her enemies with words. Not to mention she had Arachne weave her own trap on the spot, like, come on. 
Thalia Grace- Slytherin. She could definitely fit into Gryffindor, but Thalia’s very ambitious, resourceful as hell, and her fatal flaw is literally being power hungry. She slides into leadership roles automatically and gets enraged when someone tries to question her authority or ability (see: all her fights with Percy, ever). She’s definitely most at home in this house. 
Luke Castellan- Hufflepuff. He’s literally a poster boy for the puffs before he joins Kronos. ‘But wait,’ you say, ‘he should be Slytherin, he was cunning and resourceful and leading Kronos’ army!’ NO HE WASN’T. He was following Kronos’ orders and acting like a mouthpiece 90% of the time! Luke had a strong sense of loyalty- and it was used against him. He had a strong sense of justice- and he felt everyone the gods wronged deserved that. He was a hard worker and crazy patient as a camp counselor and those traits came into play when he was working for Kronos. This boy is a Hufflepuff. He also personally recovered Kronos’ remains, so, like, he’s even a particularly good finder. 
Grover Underwood- Hufflepuff. Honestly I shouldn’t even really have to explain this one, but: there’s a reason Pan chose him as a replacement. Grover puts his literal everything into whatever task he’s given, whether that be searching for pan, restoring the wild, or protecting demigods. Unfailingly loyal, extremely patient with all the ridiculous demigods around him, and always willing to fight for what’s right even if he’s scared. I love my hufflepuff goat boy!!! 
Rachel Elizabeth Dare- Gryffindor. She’d fit in so well in Ravenclaw, to the point where I wanna say ‘fuck it’ and put her there, but like…this girl found out the boy she had almost died around twice was half god and immediately believed him and went Ride Or Die for him. She lead a bunch of potentially crazy strangers through the freaking death trap maze on a hunch that she could. She highjacked a helicopter and flew it into a warzone to help her friend. She let an ancient prophetic spirit posses her body even though she knew the last person who tried lost their mind. She hit the titan lord Kronos in the eye with a plastic hairbrush, and then immediately decided that hairbrush was the only weapon she would ever need to defend herself with, even though everyone else around her has swords or fangs. This girl is batshit crazy impulsive and filled to the brim with nerve, Gryffindor is where she belongs. I love her bye. 
Bianca di Angelo- Gryffindor. She was always a little more hesitant than the others, but when push came to shove she always took risks to do what she thought was right. My baby was brave as hell okay. 
Zoe Nightshade- Slytherin. She was a great leader for centuries, and dreamed big for the future of the hunters even when she knew she was going to die. Was literally one of the most pulled together people in this entire series. Resourceful as shit. She was also very set in the ways of her past, a common trait among slytherins- she just couldn’t bring herself to care about the mortal world outside of when it directly effected her, and often put up a fight when she had to conform to it. Slytherins are also often very loyal to their own, and, well, we all remember how her story ended. She would do anything for Artemis. I’m literally still crying over her okay bye. 
Nico di Angelo- Hufflepuff. I will not stand for all these slytherin Nico posts any longer, guys!!! This boy is a hufflepuff!!!!! Holy shit!! Okay, like, the slytherin traits? He hates leadership, his only ambition is to not have severe depression, and??? cunning??? This fucking loser cunning???? Like, sure, he hid the camps from each other but like…not well. Everyone knew he was hiding something, just no one bothered to press him on it that hard lmao. And he doesn’t do ANYTHING for his own personal gain. He belongs in hufflepuff- Nico is loyal to a fault. He’s been double crossed so many times because it just didn’t occur to him that people would take advantage of him, because he personally would never do that to someone. Nico di Angelo has every reason under the sun to want to betray the gods and he just…doesn’t. He never even considers it for a second, because he has a strong sense of right and wrong, and even if he feels like an outsider at camp that’s still the place where his loyalties lie. Percy, as a narrator, has had moments where he’s been suspicious of Nico’s motives, but he’s never once doubted Nico’s intent. He doesn’t always know if he can trust Nico as a friend but he’s absolutely sure Nico will always be an ally. Nico’s an incredibly hard worker even if he doesn’t let it show to the others, but he’s always pushing himself to his absolute limits to help. And like, again, half the time he doesn’t actually have to work so hard to help, some people never really even expect him to help at all- but he goes out of his way because he knows it the right thing to do. He holds grudges and lashes out in anger because his sense of justice is almost overpowering. This kid is a hufflepuff and I’ll actually fight you on it. 
Ethan Nakamura- Gryffindor. He’s…really hard to place, honestly, but I think this spot fits him better than slytherin. Even if he was misguided, he was very brave and had a lot of nerve. 
Charles Beckendorf- Gryffindor. This boy was literally everything Godric Gryffindor had in mind when he created the house. He’s a Gryffindor wet dream. Had a lot of nerve, was a big brother to basically everyone in camp, and readily sacrificed himself for the greater cause. My brave boy I miss him. 
Silena Beauregard- Hufflepuff. She was extremely loyal, even if she put her faith in the wrong people at points. Sacrificed herself trying to do what she knew was right. Very hardworking and always willing to help anybody. I love her sm. 
Clarisse LaRue- Slytherin. Literally who’s more ambitious and resourceful than Clarisse. Who loves taking charge more than Clarisse. No one. No one at all. This girl is 100% Slytherin and she kicks ass doing it. 
Will Solace- Hufflepuff. He tries so hard to help people!!! Patient enough to help Nico work through his shit!! Unfailingly loyal to his ridiculous father!!! Never shown to be anything other than a sweet guy who just wants to do good in the world. This goofball sunshine is precious. 
Jason Grace- Hufflepuff. Jason often finds himself in positions of power, even though he hates being in power, just because he’s the only one people know they can trust 100%. And he does it without complaining, and does everything he can to make sure everyone he’s working with is doing okay. He acts all stoic to try to make people feel more protected but this fucking dork is always stressed, Ride Or Dies for everyone he knows and if you ask him to describe any of his friends he’ll probably tear up while singing their praises to you. He works SO HARD to make sure everything is going okay, and strongly believes in teamwork. He’s patient enough to deal with, like, everyone he’s ever encountered, and always does what’s in the best interest for others. Speaks up to his father about honoring the forgotten gods because he knows it’s what’s right. A total screaming dork and I love my boy. 
Piper McLean- Gryffindor. Like…half of her character arc is dedicated to her learning to be brave and fighting for what’s right. You need a lot of nerve and power to work charmspeak as well as she does, and she’s always ready to pull some ridiculous stunts. She starts out somewhat panicked and timid, but once she starts to grow she realizes that if anything’s gonna get done, it’s because she has to have the balls to do it herself. Will throw herself into dangerous situations, and is fiercely protective of her loved ones. Literally ran into a temple of fear and terror and??? Completely conquered it and took over and used it to wreck a giant???? This girl is a brave badass and nobody should ever mess with her MY GIRL. 
Leo Valdez- Ravenclaw. He??? Is literally a prodigy child??? Like I’m sorry I’m just so sick of people downplaying Leo’s intelligence. He understood complicated mathematics and basic engineering before he hit double digits. He captured and fixed Festus all by himself, in one night, when his entire cabin had been trying to do that for months. He found out he was a demigod and threw himself into studying ancient greek history. He designed the entire Argo, is the only person who can fly it and fully understands how it works, and is also the sole person who keeps it up and running with repairs. He figured out how the spheres work in record time, he’s always able to work out complicated riddles or problems. Remember that time he was about to crash into the ocean and he??? Taped the sphere to his chest and built a functioning personal helicopter to steer and soften his crash in like…under three minutes? That time he casually strolled into a grocery store and got all the stuff he needed to make a bomb in half an hour? He’s always making really little inventions that seem silly but are actually incredibly helpful? He’s hyper and goofy, sure, but Leo’s literally a genius. He’s incrediblely creative and fast thinking, loves learning and is always excited by new things. Please give my boy the credit he deserves. 
Hazel Levesque- Hufflepuff. Hazel is honestly SO HARD to sort because she’d be a model Gryffindor honestly but like…She didn’t have to sacrifice herself to stop Gaea, but she did anyway because she knew it was the right thing to do. She sacrificed eternal happiness because she knew it wasn’t fair for her mother to suffer. She has a very strong sense of justice and is always willing to fight for it. She’s always giving her 110% when she’s working at anything, be it practicing magic or sword fighting, and it really pays off. She deals with her failures with grace and is unwavering when it comes to the people she loves. Queen. 
Frank Zhang- Gryffindor. Literally his Whole Thing is that he has to be brave because he never knows when he’s gonna die. He’s always going to make sacrifices and fight for the people he cares because he’s set on burning bright. He’s got a lot of nerve, he just needs to be pushed to remember its there. A good leader whether he believes he is or not. Even when he’s not feeling confident, courage and bravery are the traits he admires and values most, and that’s what he wants to shoot for. I miss this teddy bear so much. 
Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano - Gryffindor. Like…come on. This is one of the easier ones. She’s one of the most courageous people in the series. She has enough inner strength that she can lend it all to an entire army. She found the bravery to stand up to her father in defense of her sister. She survived being captured by pirates. She threw herself on top of a bomb to protect the Athena Parthenos. My girl is a custom made Gryffindor. 
Calypso- Ravenclaw. She loves learning more than anything else, she’s super creative and ingenuitive, and is taking steps to learn magic again. High hopes for this girl I love her. 
Octavian- Slytherin. Doesn’t need much explanation tbh. Very cunning, very ambitious, very power hungry. Willing to do anything to get his way. Remember that time he like, scammed Apollo and then further scammed his camp into basically making him pope??? Wild. I don’t miss him.
Meg McCaffrey- Gryffindor. She’s pretty hard to place but she’s arguably one of the braver characters, even if she doesn’t believe she is. She gets nervous and scared a lot but she’s often able to push past that and stay strong. Back talks everyone under the sun because she barely gives a fuck. At the end of the day she knows what’s right and wrong, and she wants to help. 
Percy Jackson- Ravenclaw. Listen. Let me explain. First of all, Percy is SO HARD to place and I completely understand all the ridiculous discourse over whether he’s Gryffindor/Hufflepuff/Slytherin, but I NEVER see cases made for Ravenclaw Percy and I think it’s a travesty, because he’d fit in there quite nicely. So, listen, I know the boy has a bit of a bad rep for being slow, but like…most of the time he really isn’t? It’s just one of those things that got exaggerated. Percy’s a very observant person, he just doesn’t exactly always let the other characters know that. He’s not a straight A student, but we do know he’s not awful- a lot of times there will be moments where he directly goes “hey, I remember learning something like this in school!” and applies whatever it is to the situation. Some of his plans have been crazy or ridiculous, but they are creative, usually have some kind of logic behind them, and do often work out for him- when they had to get off the Thrill Ride O’ Love, when he used Thalia’s shield as a sled for them down a hill, when he pulled a stunt similar to that trying to get to camp Jupiter, when he somehow made a pulley system out of chains and pulled his giant half brother off the ground, stuff like that. Like Annabeth, he’s also very good at talking his way out of situations- he doesn’t always like to, but he can absolutely pull it off when he needs to. He’s a very smart talker, honestly, there are multiple instances of him managing to manipulate others into doing what he wants them to (not just the scene with Bob, which gets the most attention bc it was outside of his pov). He’s incredibly witty, in both definitions of the word, and often times it works to his advantage because other characters downplay his intelligence. He has a good sense for battle strategy, and he’s incredibly perceptive about his surroundings, often times picking up on things the others (even Annabeth!) miss. He has a strong intuition and things usually work out when he follows it. There’s more I can use to back this up but this is already long enough, point is- I think Percy is just an unconventional Ravenclaw. Like, upon meeting him you don’t immediately understand why he’s in that house, but it becomes clearer the more he opens up, like Luna, I guess? Anyway, I love my boy and he’s very smart please give him some credit. 
Feel free to send me your guys’ opinions!!! :) 
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peachandstrawberrytarts · 4 years ago
exactlyyyy. annabeth acts all tough and hardcore which she is in a way but she literally CRIED AFTER LEAVING THE FREAKING UNDERWORLD CAUSE CERBERUS LOOKED LONELY and dont even get me started on how caring she is to the people she loves (like that time with frank on the ship, or with reyna, or with literally any of the seven). also, she always plays by the rules and is fairplay in everything she does (its losing that she hates and, honestly, that can be understood since she basically spends the most time studying and learning and she values hard work so much -another important quality for a hufflepuff- and also the whole “child of athena must be right” blah blah blah). most of these come from being left to fend for herself and being chosen over other people/always being a second choice like she always makes sure everyone feels like they matter and are a crucial part of the team cause her dad basically chose her stepmom over her, luke chose kronos, etc. and she learned the hard way that if no one was gonna take care of her she’d have to take care of herself and make sure that she knows everything so that no one can call her dumb and does almost everything herself just to prove that shes strong and that she can (which, again, might just come from athena being her mom) but yeah overall huge hufflepuff energy. meanwhile percy’s more slytherin than any slytherin everrrr. hes loyal to all his close friends, so loyal to the point where its his FATAL FLAW and he almost gets himself killed hundreds of times because of it. he’s cunning and manipulative, sometimes in good ways sometimes in bad ways, which also comes to show his dark side (dont get me wrong, im a slytherin myself and i hate the fact that everyone considers slytherins evil but almost all of them have bad sides, as all humans do). he’s actually really tactically smart and resourceful and can often come up with better plans than annabeth (can be argued but thats my personal opinion) and dont even get me started on ambition. overall, annabeth is a hufflepuff no doubt, cause no ones ever implied that hufflepuffs have to be stupid and all the smart kids must IMMEDIATELY be sent to ravenclaw, and if percys not a slytherin then plutos not a planet (fight me).
Why y’all always thinking Percy’s a gryffindor or hufflepuff when he’s quite literally the DEFINITION of a slytherin?
And then y’all put Annabeth in slytherin or ravenclaw when she’s a whole ass hufflepuff.
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potterblogs-blog · 8 years ago
ok y'all have been sorting pjo characters into hogwarts houses which would be nice if you were doing it right
it’s great that you’re trying and all but the thing is, I find a lot of them following the same pattern:
All the demigods are automatically in Gryffindor, because they’re super brave. Octavian and Ethan Nakamura and Clarisse and all sorts of people the fandom doesn’t like are obviously in Slytherin because, you know, Slytherin is hella evil. Then we’ve got the stuck-ups in Ravenclaw and the background characters in Hufflepuff, ‘cause apparently it’s the potato House.
Since all this is hella stereotypical and not at all correct, I was like, well, what would I do? Well hERE IS THE ANSWER ASSHATS
*bill nye voice* please...cOnSiDeR tHe FoLLoWiNg
Percy is a hella Hufflepuff, no denying it, not one bit. He doesn’t care about a position or nothing, he is just a pure Hufflepuff inside and out.
Let’s talk about some major Hufflepuff qualities here:
• Dedication (yo my boy percy is pretty dedicated to the camp and to staying alive am i right i mean he was literally not at all tempted to join kronos’ army like ever soo yeah. also. consider a thing. have u even read the books. if they are a smol bean and he has met them at least 15 mins ago u bet ur lil ass he’s dedicated)
• Patience (percy has not decapitated a SINGLE god on purpose and they all keep coming back, i mean it’s bound to happen someday but CMON YOU GOTTA ADMIRE HIM FOR THAT. literally so patient. even by ADHD standards and its ok u can ask me i have ADHD but that’s beside the point back to percy now)
• Loyalty (it’s his freaking fatal flaw wtf else do you want from him??? to jump into tartarus out of loyalty to his girlfriend??? you do one wrong thing to percy’s friend and he will mESS UP YOUR SHIT LIKE A TRUE HUFFLEPUFF DON’T EVEN PRETEND HE WON’T. remember nancy? I THOUGHT SO. FIRST FEW PAGES OF THE SERIES. AND IT ONLY GETS BETTER)
Don’t try to tell me my girl Annabeth is a Ravenclaw because she ain’t no Ravenclaw get outta my face and let me lay down some FACTS here
• Cunning (we all know what this means so lemme just throw down some hella rad SYNONYMS because those are just the bOMB DIGGITY: we got crafting, scheming, designing, and calculating rn. YOU KNOW WHO IS ALL OF THOSE THINGS? MY GIRL ANNIE. FIGHT ME. I GOT ANNABETH ON MY TEAM AND SHE WILL SLAY YOU WITH HER CLEVERNESS AND DECEIT BEFORE SHE EVEN TAKES OUT HER DAGGER. SHE TRICKED ARACHNE INTO WEAVING HER OWN DEATH TRAP FOR ZEUS’ SAKE)
• Resourcefulness (lil bby annabeth ran away from home in SAN FRANCISCO when she was SEVEN and met luke and thalia in RICHMOND which is in VIRGINIA. SHE WAS SEVEN AND SOMEHOW WENT FROM THE WEST COAST TO THE EAST COAST. GOTTA BE RESOURCEFUL FOR THAT. also remember that time when she broke her ankle, scolded it, then made a cast out of bUBBLE WRAP? BECAUSE I DO. AND THEN THE WHOLE WEAVING A BRIDGE THING. DANG GIRL.)
• Ambition (don’t deny it this girl’s fatal flaw is pride and those two things are connected aS SHIT. SHE’S SO INTENT ON BEING AN ARCHITECT THAT SHE GOT THE GODS TO GIVE HER A JOB REDESIGNING MOUNT OLYMPUS AND THATS A BIG ASS THING IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF. reminder that this girl had the chance to get away from a sphinx but she challenged it instead because it was sorta insulting?? who else do we know is like this?? oh yeah fUCKIGN SLYTHERINS)
• Wisdom (yeah annabeth’s mom may be the goddess of wisdom but if jason wasn’t wise then how the heckity heck would he have survived long enough to be made a freaking PRAETOR. also you know what fight me. jason is the equivalent of a giant dog that is a floofer and goes boof and loves small children but that has nothing to do with wisdom anyway he is one of the smartest out of the seven)
• Individuality (yeah that’s a thing go ask my girl JK. if jason isn’t so Original™ then explain to me please how he restored the Fifth Cohort to awesomeness?? he was a total badass who didn’t take any shit and turned it around for the whole cohort that’s how. this lil boi is an individual yis. one might ask how can one be a badass but also be a fluffball? well jason did it so stop asking ok)
• Acceptance (we are talking about the official mom friend and the founder of the nico di angelo protection squad what else do you want him to do, hug mother earth??? he wrote the song you’ve got a friend in me because he loves everyone)
Consider yourself a thing. Consider all of the Gryffindor Piper things. JUST CONSIDER THEM.
• Recklessness (subtle reminder that Piper used her charmspeak to fuckign steal stuff even though she knew she would get caught. also consider yourself some other things. remember when she anNIHILATED A FRICKIN GODDESS WITH HER IMPULSIVENESS BECAUSE YES. remember when she and anniebell had to do the thing with the stuff that was all about feelings and shit but lil orphan annie over there was totally lost and all like “this is hella illogical” and pipes was just all “we just gotta dO THE THING ANNABETH” and it was total badassery bc it’s the reason i live)
• Bravery (this girl went on her first quest like a week after she found out she was a demigod and would probably die a painful death bUT DID SHE STUTTER?? nah. REMEMBER WHEN SHE SCREAMED AT A CROWD OF ANGRY ROMAN CHILDREN WHO WANTED MURDER BECAUSE JASON GOT HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A BRICK AND SHE HAD TO PROTECT HIM??? BRAVE. went on her first quest knowing that her dad was probably gonna die and did all the things to make the giants angry and plan a rescue??? BRAVE AF.)
• Chivalry (HELLA amazing friend because she’s just sO GENUINE AND KIND and you know that if someone hurts you she will CUT THEM WITH HER SUPER BADASS KNIFE THAT GIVES PEOPLE NIGHTMARES. stands by jason ALL THE TIME especially when he needs her and actually everyone can count on her for all of the things.)
On the subject of Leo: This child is a Ravenclaw through and through no evidence needed but jUST IN CASE I WILL TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE STUFF.
• Creativity (we are talking about a smol bean who makes tiny helicopters and stuff that actually works WHEN HE IS NOT EVEN LOOKING AT WHAT HE IS DOING OR PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO IT. remember how this child saw a terrifying bronze dragon that everyone had tried and failed to tame and just went “sweet, imma grab that so we can ride off into the Canadian sunset”??? yeahp. remember when apollo needed a thing so he just casually freaking iNVENTED A BRAND NEW INSTRUMENT LIKE IT WAS NBD??? I DO. BADASS)
• Originality (leo practically becomes famous for his abilities to come up with plans that are so ridiculously original that nobody figures out what’s happening before it’s too late and if that’s not good enough for you then idk what is. allow me to raise you the cyclops incident, right next to the robot eidolons thing plus that whole fiasco where he fuckign died, also did i mention the valdezinator or the fact that he was the only person to ever figure out how to return to ogygia?? this kid is a mechanical engineer already and he’s 16 im pretty sure baby eight year old leo sat through calculus classes at a local college and got the best grades tbh)
• Wit (leo is the master of comebacks and rash two-minute ideas that actually end up working like damn son this is a purebred Ravenclaw right here lemme just appreciate this. also hey remember that time where he got launched off of a flying ship and was hurtling downwards at a very alarming rate because you know that’s what happens when you fall and he literally actually built himself a working helicopter so that he wouldn’t die all while free falling from probably at least a few thousand feet in the air like damn son)
Conclusion: Leo and Jason share the diadem. Leo gets it on mondays, wednesdays and fridays and Jason gets to wear it on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays and on sundays they surrender it to the marble bust of Rowena Ravenclaw in the Ravenclaw Tower who says that LEO DESERVES TO BE IN RAVENCLAW EVEN MORE SO THAN YOUR AVERAGE STUDENT COME AT ME BRO
ok well hazel is somehow both my child and my mom so I’m not exactly sure how that works but anyway hERE ARE ALL THE REASONS THAT HAZEL IS A BEAUTIFUL, BADASS SLYTHERIN.
• Cunning (hey y'all remember that time with the cliff and the turtle and the feet?? terrifying huh?? yeah girl slay!! hazel will trick you and manipulate you and you won’t have any idea it’s happening until you’re being gobbled up by your own gargantuan pet sea turtle. Slytherins are also known for achieving their ends in any and all ways and all i could think of was how my child actually literally fuckign died so that she could stop the rise of acelonywhatever and the whole time she was 13 and staring death and gaea right in the frickin face and she didn’t give any shits at all)
• Resourcefulness (let’s talk about that time when hazel was “captured” by the amazons and basically had nothing so she did the only logical thing which was drown them in massive piles of jewelry from the warehouse and make them beg for mercy, also there was this horse thing that nobody could touch and she just casually goes “oh just a sec lemme summon a giant gold nugget that was probably at least a mile into the dirt because how else would it be this big” and he loves her and she rides him into victory. did i mention that hazel is my mom?? this is just one (1) of the sUPER RAD RESOURCEFUL THINGS that hazel manages to pull off)
• Ambition (hazel both believes and knows for a fact that she can literally do all of the things and she never once doubts herself like at all because she is AMAZEBALLS LIKE THAT. SHE WAS 13 AND THE AMAZONS WERE ALL LIKE “DANG GIRL WE WANT YOU ON OUR TEAM” and she was like “i got this huge to-do list but nbd i’ll get her done” like she is pURE CONFIDENCE AND. YES)
Not gonna deny that my lil noob Frankie's a tRUE PURE-HEARTED GRYFFINDOR. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD AGREE WITH ME.
• Chivalry (WE’RE TALKING ABOUT A CHILD WHO WILL TRIP OVER HIS OWN FEET AND PUNCH HIMSELF IN THE FACE IF IT MEANS HE’S SHOWING RESPECT TO YOU. my dude doesn’t care who you are, he will literally always show you respect until he’s given a reason not to. everything he eVER DOES is because he’s PROTECTING SOMEONE or he’s GETTING A LIL BIT OF PAYBACK and if that’s noT A GRYFFINDOR THING THEN DAMN SON YOU SHOULD REALLY SORT OUT YOUR PRIORITIES)
• Bravery (if you’re going to come into mY HOUSE and tell me that FRANK ZHANG ISN’T BRAVE then feel free to hit yourself in the face with a hammer because guess what losers?? this kid loses his mom and then his gma just goes “oh by the way you’re half god and you have a gift that you need to figure out for yourself and also here’s this piece of wood, don’t burn it or else you will actually die, now go with this pack of fuckign wolves to camp so that monsters won’t attack you and you won’t die, plus when you get there you have to beg forgiveness for this thing that your great grandfather did or else they might literally murder you. have fun” and frankie just rOLLS WITH IT AND KICKS ASS WHILE BEING A CUTE LIL CHUBBY BUNNY. LET’S NOT FORGET ABOUT HOW HE COMPLETELY OBLITERATED A WHOLE CITY’S WORTH OF MONSTERS to appease a stupid ass god and save nico and hazel from being forever plants and he gets back and trippy is absolutely terrified of him because omg he’s glowing red and he actually did the thing and oh also he kind of scared me so much that i sort of forgot i was a god and had power over him)
• Nerve (let me repeat how FRANK ENOUGH NERVE TO THREATEN A GOD WITHOUT EVEN THINKING OF THE CONSEQUENCES. I’M SO DONE WITH THIS. THIS IS MY SHIT THANKS. PLS APPRECIATE FRANKIE YOURE ALL BREAKING MY HEART. Also remember how he entrusted his real actual lifeline to somebody who wasn’t him like daaang boi that is so pure)
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zeusborn · 7 years ago
HOMERIC EPITHET     !          /         swift-footed.
you are swift-footed, thalia. this is the same epithet homer used to describe achilles roughly eight thousand times over the course of the iliad and even a few times in the odyssey. ( you’ll remember “ swift-footed ” achilles as that guy who took an arrow to the ankle during the trojan war and died. good luck with that. )
FATAL FLAW     !          /       your uncompromising sense of justice.
when it comes to right and wrong, there’s no gray area. not for you. you’re like a cop who says stuff like, " listen, buddy, i don't make the rules - but i will enforce them. " look, you’ve got principles, and i get that. i can respect that. but you’re going to wind up dead in a river ( javert ) if you don’t ease up a little on the rule book and reconcile these two opposing viewpoints before a convict saves your life and shatters everything you thought you knew.
GREEK MYTHOLOGY DEATH     !          /       murdered by accident, in achilles’ armor.  
one day, during the trojan war, achilles decides to just up and quit. he’s the greatest warrior apparently ever, so this is something of an issue. you can’t bear to watch men die in battle for achilles’ pride, so you don his armor yourself and lead his men into battle. everyone thinks you are achilles, and morale is high. you die, however, because somewhere in there you remember that you’re actually terrible at fighting. silver lining: achilles avenges your death something fierce. so that’s something.
LITERARY SETTING !          /       on the road.
you got “ on the road! ” like so many literary characters ( huck finn, odysseus, gulliver, etc. ) , you’re an adventurer and explorer at heart, and the literary setting that most closely matches your personality is, quite frankly…all the settings! you’re not meant to settle down in one spot - you’re the kind of person who hits up multiple parties in one night, and your insta is probably filled with pics of all the cool places you’ve travelled to. so embrace it! take to the open road with your friends, run through a field of wildflowers in the middle of nowhere, and please get a pic next to the world’s largest ketchup bottle.
Tagged by: @coccinellc​ ( thank u !! )
Tagging: anyone who hasn’t bc it’s fun af and i’m about to go on a rant about these
swift-footed. u know i’m going to get on a rant here about how this literally fucking happened. thalia’s a tiny kid but she can run like the wind, and even after surviving so much, she sacrifices herself in two very large situations. 1 ) the obvious, when she actually, literally died. she let the monsters have her so her friends could get to camp safely. let me just stress the seriousness of that - this girl, who was a born fighter, a better swordsman than the supposed best, luke, she had to let the monsters kill her. she knew she could kill as many as she could, but it would never be enough and she knew eventually she was going to die. 2 ) in tlo, thalia pushes annabeth, percy and grover out of the way of a falling statue. this kid just won’t quit - it’s bad enough she’s died once, but she actively goes about almost letting it happen again if it means she’ll save her friends. kudos to thalia’s awesomeness.
fatal flaw. at first, i thought this was way out for thalia, but writing up the last point made me realise thalia, despite believing that jason’s the one who’s the justice kid, has a bigger sense of justice than i thought. yes, she believes the gods aren’t doing right by their kids and she wants to punish them for it, but she also believes that you cannot just go around punishing whoever you want in the name of your own, personal justice. she believes there’s got to be a majority ruling, a compromise, to sort out who exactly is at fault and if their reasons for it are just. luke, by racing into a war by recruiting people however he could, went against thalia’s beliefs. if she had seen that it was the majority of demigods who believed the gods had done wrong, she would have almost certainly joined him. but it wasn’t like that at all - he had more monsters on his side, the same kind of creatures who had tried to kill them over and over again, and that was unforgivable. 
murdered by accident. aha here’s a thing. thalia actually really respects silena, who died this way in tlo, and if she herself went out this way, she’d be insanely proud. there’s a high amount of risk involved in this - knowing you’re not able to fight, knowing there’s a lot of pressure to go as far as you can, knowing people are relying on you, knowing you’re probably going to die. yeah, what does that sound like? her first death. it’s not likely she’ll die finally in this way, but you’d be surprised about the similarities.
on the road. big thing here. i’ve always said thalia doesn’t feel like she belongs anywhere. her childhood home isn’t a home at all, it’s a den of painful memories and negative associations, i.e. beryl. her next home was camp half-blood, but she even says she doesn’t feel at peace there. and the hunters? she didn’t exactly go very well with those girls, as much as she believed it was the right thing to do and as much as they became her family. she just didn’t belong. the only time she’s ever been close to happy was when she was on the run with luke and annabeth. their little family became her home and that’s why she can’t settle down anywhere. she needs to be moving, she needs to have a tight bond with those travelling. the worst part about all this? she’ll never be able to go travelling. she’ll never be able to run around the way she used to because she’s older now, she’s got even more responsibilities, and she’s got the scent of big three kids on her that is a lot stronger than when she was originally a runaway.
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thelonelyrdr-blog · 8 years ago
Thoughts on the Heroes of Olympus series (Part 3)
(The ending is somewhat spoiled in this one, so if that bugs you, read with caution.)                      Apparently, yesterday was Percy Jackson's birthday. So he's a Leo. Makes sense, I thought, and set to integrating this piece of trivia with my mental image of Percy, but then I realized that I already knew it from the following exchange in The Blood of Olympus: "Like the zodiac sign?" Percy asked. "I'm a Leo." "No, stupid," Leo said, "I'm a Leo. You're a Percy." The bad puns in this series are so real, guys. Anyway, given that it was Percy's birthday, it would've been neat if I could've posted this review yesterday, but alas, I just didn't have the energy after work. But hey, my lateness won't stop me from tagging this post with #happybirthdaypercy in a shameless attempt to increase my readership. Happy Birthday, Percy! I know you won't mind my using your birthday as a marketing tool.   The Blood of Olympus  Reyna and Nico are by far my favorite parts of this book, both separately and as a pair, but especially as a pair. Both are characters with deeply traumatic pasts who feel a respect and kinship for one another that eventually evolve into familial affection. Hazel may be Nico’s sister in name, but Reyna seems closer to filling Bianca’s role as big sister to Nico: whereas, historically, Nico has had to protect and guide Hazel, Reyna is someone who will not only do the same for him, but who will also worry for him. She has the magical ability to literally empathize with his need, as a boy who has lost a mother and an older sister, to feel cared for and considered, and is therefore uniquely qualified to respond to it. Nico’s bonds with both Reyna and Hazel, though, are beautiful.  As for Reyna herself, as much as I love all of the female characters in both this series and the original, in my estimation, she's the best, simply by virtue of being the most complex. Riordan's skill with developing characters through their internal struggles shines in Reyna's chapters. Let's not kid ourselves like the other characters do: she killed her father, even if it was in self-defense and even if he'd degenerated into a mania, giving her what is certainly the darkest backstory of any character in this series and probably of any character in any middle-grade series ever. I'm surprised that the publisher didn't insist on cutting the murder, though Riordan does gloss over its moral ambiguity somewhat. Nico's pretty terrifying in that one scene, too, and in his case, Reyna and Coach Hedge fully acknowledge the immorality of his actions. You all know the scene I'm referring to, or will if and when you read this book. Can I get some Dark!PercyxDark!Nico fanfics in addition to the Dark!Percy ones I already tried to commission in my previous blog post? (Oh, and if you're wondering about my thoughts on Reyna's sexuality, as I know many have imagined her as gay or bisexual, I personally ship her with herself regardless of her sexual preferences. To be clear, I have nothing against either interpretation of her character, but I got a little disenchanted with every character being or wanting to be in a serious romantic relationship as the series progressed. There are single teenagers, you know. I was one of them.) Before I conclude my discussion of Nico and Reyna, though, I have to mention the scene where Nico finally confesses to Percy that he once had a crush on him. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one cheering for him and wishing that I could be that cool while simultaneously laughing at Percy’s confusion and Annabeth’s amusement. And oh man, that high five between Annabeth and Nico. Perfect.  But it's time that I commented on Leo’s happy ending, in which he fulfills his role in the prophecy by dying (but not really) and keeping his oath to Calypso to free her from Ogygia.  Their whole relationship is comprised of moments of subtle tenderness, but the line in the last chapter that struck me most was:  “Leo Valdez,” she said. Nothing else - just his name, as if it were something magical.  I fangirled when I read that line, and the entire last chapter, for two reasons. The first is that, no matter how I try to deny the tendency in myself, I’m a hopeless romantic (yes, I’m a hopeless romantic who doesn’t read straight romance and who wants to see more single characters in middle-grade and YA novels. Everyone has their contradictions) who was invested in this couple from the start. However, the second reason pertains to Leo’s character. He’s the “seventh” wheel of the group, who’s spent the whole series doubting his own merits and developing crushes on girls who either take no interest in him or take no interest in him and seem interested in one of his friends instead. To be fair, one of these girls is a villain anyway, but her rejection still validates Leo’s insecurities. Even Calypso herself has a history with another of the Seven (Percy) and initially reacts to Leo's arrival on Ogygia as though it were a cruel joke of the gods'. The fact that the other characters largely disregard Leo - even I've ignored him until now, ironically, despite how hilarious I found his dialogue and narration - is what makes Riordan’s positioning him as the hero of the series so emotionally and narratively satisfying. He forms a plan to defeat Gaea without even consulting the others (might it be said that his inherited tendency to work independently and in isolation, which he and dad Hephaestus both perceive as a flaw, is what enables him to save the world?); he breaks Calypso's curse without leaning on the gods or on Percy's bargain with them. He goes from being the most overlooked of the Seven to someone whose very name inspires awe (and you can't tell me that Calypso's awe results solely from romantic feeling - I'm sure that, when she utters that line, she's also thinking of how Leo is the first and only person to manage to free her, to even remember her after leaving Ogygia). His is an underdog story done right. Overall As I hope you've gathered from my individual comments on each book, there's a lot to appreciate in this series: it's by turns light and funny and dark and morally ambiguous; it's smart and subtly overturns stereotypes and prejudices; and, perhaps most importantly, it's full of likable, relatable characters who feel distinct and real. It's self-aware too: as in the original series, Riordan raises the question - here, most notably in Arachne's version of her myth - of whether the gods are truly good or merely better than the alternatives of Gaea and the Titans; whether theirs is the side the demi-gods would willingly choose or merely the one they happen to be on because of their parentage. It's not often in children's adventure stories that the heroes consider that the villains may have a valid moral point, and beyond that, one that invalidates theirs. Even the last two Harry Potter books don't go as far with humanizing and demonizing Voldemort and Dumbledore, respectively. Unfortunately, the narrative does not adequately answer this question or many of the others that it raises. Take, as another example, Percy's "fatal flaw," loyalty, which I noted in Part 1 of my review never seems to result in negative consequences for either the Seven or the quest, despite being talked up by both gods and monsters throughout the series. Were the repeated warnings about it supposed to be foreshadowing Percy's decision to fall into Tartatus with Annabeth? If so, that makes no sense, as at least one demi-god was needed on each side of the Doors of Death, anyway, and Percy and Annabeth were obviously more successful as a team than either would've been alone. Or, as is more likely, was Percy's "fatal flaw" part of a larger plot thread that was dropped due to time and space constraints? But if that's the case, then why couldn't the first two books in the series have been condensed into one, or the series extended to include six or seven books? Surprisingly, considering how tightly plotted the original series was, the plot in this series fizzles to near nonexistence by the end of The Blood of Olympus, the tension building inconsistently as the climax approaches. Compared to the final battle in The Last Olympian, which engrossed me even more than the Battle of Hogwarts did (fellow Harry Potter fans, you don't have to call me a traitor; I assure you, I already feel like one), the stakes in the battle against Gaea and her army seemed the equivalent height of those in a fight involving elementary school children wielding sticks. Riordan's failure to deliver in this respect was especially glaring considering that he'd promised readers not one major battle in The Blood of Olympus, but two. Instead we get a one-on-one fight between Reyna and Orion that feels more internally than externally resonant and forestalls Major Battle #1, the Roman attack on the Greeks, before it even begins; a fight with the earthborn during which no one but Jason is really needed, as he's shown to be tremendously overpowered; and a fight between Leo and Gaea, which should've been Major Battle #2 but which is over within a page or two. The characters reiterate throughout the series how powerful Gaea is and how much more substantial of a threat she is than the Titans, but even the lowest monster in Tartarus was scarier and took longer to defeat. Hell, the Minotaur in The Lightning Thief would've been a worthier opponent for our heroes. The only explanation I can think of for the disappointing finish to this series is, again, that Riordan must have run out of time or space to give readers a proper final battle (though he hinted at two, I would've settled for one). Or possibly steam.   Still, although the series as a whole has a rushed and sloppy quality to it, I would still highly recommend it, both for the reasons listed above and for its resemblance to fanfiction. Yes, sadly, only in fanfiction would I expect to read a continuation of Percy Jackson's story with as many minority as white demi-god protagonists, whose cultures, used respectfully by Riordan, inform rather than define their identities; a gay character who is revealed to be in love with the protagonist of the first series; and an emphasis on female empowerment and the glorification of the feminine. There’s even a character -  arguably the most physically attractive of the Seven, might I add - who discovers that he needs glasses! I was shocked, albeit pleasantly so, to find a published series containing all of these elements, and I'm not even gay or a minority. If you pick up these books for the representation alone, you won't regret it.     But that won’t be necessary: there are a multitude of other fun reasons. 
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12x19thefuture · 8 years ago
Not to overburden you with a huge post, but the Seven Halfbloods (who must answer the call)? Specifically Percy/Jason/Nico. I am prepared to fight you if you are certain enough in your opinion if it differs from mine.
haha sure! (sorry this is a few days late) here are the seven + nico:
(as poseidon told percy, BRACE YOURSELF: long post)
ANNABETH CHASEhouse: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinsurety: ehhh could be anything | don’t know the character well enough | not 100% | my mind might be changed | I’m certain | FIGHT ME ON THIS 
Annabeth, my favorite, my childhood hero, my current hero, is such a Slytherin (as am I. no wonder I love her so much). She’s smart, yes, but the way she is described is more cunning/clever. Her plans 99% of the time involve manipulating the adversary through trickery. Also, she’s ambitious: in TLT, she wants so badly to prove herself to everyone. And if we delve into the musical canon, her song ‘my grand plan’ tells about how legacy is important to her, and her ambition, etc: “my grand plan is thaT I WILL BE REMEMBERED…I’LL RISE UP…MY FRIENDS/THE WORLD/MY MOM WILL NOTICE ME”
JASON GRACEhouse: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinsurety: ehhh could be anything | don’t know the character well enough | not 100% | my mind might be changed | I’m certain | FIGHT ME ON THIS
I try to choose just one house for each character, but for jason I’m torn. I don’t particularly think he has the passion and recklessness of a gryffindor or the ambition of a slytherin (no way a slytherin would give up his praetor position so easily!) One of the reasons he feels more Greek than Roman is that he doesn’t value power as much, he seems more like a thoughtful ravenclaw to me. At the same time, his leadership style and peacemaking point to hufflepuff.
NICO DI ANGELOhouse: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinsurety: ehhh could be anything | don’t know the character well enough | not 100% | my mind might be changed | I’m certain | FIGHT ME ON THIS
Hadn’t really thought about nico before. He strikes me as someone who doesn’t necessarily fight for a cause, he doesn’t particularly strive to be a hero, eliminating gryffindor. He doesn’t seem slytherin, either: he doesn’t manipulate others or want power (his ghost king powers weren’t a goal of his, he just claimed them for the sake of good). I say ravenclaw because he seems to be motivated more by logic and reason, doing what he does to help the heroes for the sake of saving the world (and eventually because they’re his friends of course). He also gains a decent knowledge of Greek mythology and uses it to help - Achilles curse anyone?
FRANK ZHANGhouse: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinsurety: ehhh could be anything | don’t know the character well enough | not 100% | my mind might be changed | I’m certain | FIGHT ME ON THIS
Frank’s laid-back, friendly hufflepuff nature kinda makes him stick out at Camp Jupiter and in his heroic pursuits. Everyone sees him as just a nice (clumsy) guy, but as he learns to control his powers and become a leader, he doesn’t lose his hufflepuff nature. He’s naturally a peacemaker, somewhat like Jason (maybe that’s why he so easily replaces him as praetor), but is better at talking to people (think about when jason could’ve been more tactful when he was being suspicious of nico in MoA - I think it was MoA anyway)
HAZEL LEVESQUEhouse: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinsurety: ehhh could be anything | don’t know the character well enough | not 100% | my mind might be changed | I’m certain | FIGHT ME ON THIS
Hazel’s pretty quiet and kind, like Frank, but I think she’s more of a hero type - one who is brave because that’s their nature, not for the sake of duty or protecting others (though that’s a motivation for her too). She’s daring when she doesn’t have to be - remember her telling Hecate how she’ll create her own path? Hazel definitely strikes me as a naturally heroic demigod.
PIPER MCLEANhouse: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinsurety: ehhh could be anything | don’t know the character well enough | not 100% | my mind might be changed | I’m certain | FIGHT ME ON THIS
ahh I’m stuck between gryfindor and slytherinPiper’s definitely daring and aggressive in the way gryffindor and slytherin are. She stands up for herself and others, and isn’t afraid to be in the spotlight (by the end of TLH) - as in when she took the counselor position from drew. I get more ‘fight me’ vibes from her than slytherins would usually have, but then again, she plays the charming diplomat in many situations (with Boreas, Aeolus, the Romans, the Kekropes). This could be read either as a gryffindor having to hold their tongue to keep the peace or a slytherin doing what comes naturally to them. Altogether I don’t know which one I’d go with.
LEO VALDEZhouse: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinsurety: ehhh could be anything | don’t know the character well enough | not 100% | my mind might be changed | I’m certain | FIGHT ME ON THIS
hmm Leo is an interesting character because he comes off as very gryffindor, or possibly hufflepuff? from his dialogue, but internally, he is pretty guarded and more logical/mechanical? I could see him as any of the houses, but ravenclaw seems like the best fit because of his wit combined with his reliance on his brain and tools to fix problems.
PERCY JACKSONhouse: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherinsurety: ehhh could be anything | don’t know the character well enough | not 100% | my mind might be changed | I’m certain | FIGHT ME ON THIS
I saved this for last because I know there is Discourse and I wasn’t even really sure where I stood on the topic?But I’m pretty solidly on the hufflepuff percy train nowyes, percy is heroic and brave and daring, but he is really motivated by his friends. there’s a reason his fatal flaw is loyalty: he might risk the world to save a friend. literally, the reason he goes on his first three quests are: to save his mom (and not be turned into a dolphin), to find grover, and to rescue annabeth. And his motivations for other things, while they might be less direct, usually relate to him wanting to save his friends and the world at large. I see the case for slytherin percy - he does use trickery just as much as annabeth, but also just as much as any other character, that’s just how greek mythology/rick riordan’s writing is. And the moments where percy goes dark, esp in tartarus, do show cold/calculating tendencies. But each time he’s like that, it’s because a friend of his is in danger. Percy has NO ambition. He didn’t WANT to be a half-blood, particularly a child of the Big Three, he didn’t want that power. He was devastated when he found out in TLT and had to go to the poseidon cabin. Percy is the glue in the 7. He’s for sure a hufflepuff, FIGHT ME.
hopefully this isn’t too incoherent! feel free to talk to me about any of these! :)
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