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sundove88 · 7 months ago
A Quick Balan Wonderworld Headcanon I Wanted to Get Off My Chest:
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The Nega Bosses always respond to the opposite of what you tell them to do.
If you say:
“Go and find your friends and bring them here.”
They won’t do it.
But if you say:
“Do NOT go find your friends and bring them here.”
That’s more like it!
The key words? “Do” and “NOT”!
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jowbokitten · 1 year ago
Do you have any fan art of the Nega Bosses?
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Sorry for the wait but here ya go!! Some of these are pretty shippy so oops lol
dam a lot of these are pretty old like. from 2020 old 💀
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 1 year ago
Balan Wonderworld Time 3!
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hellosunnycore · 2 years ago
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art fight attack on cloudii_cutie ~✦
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joneoyvilde03 · 10 months ago
Balan wonderworld 15 Inhabitants in Multiverse (Gift Special @neviagreatestart2003 )
Hello everyone i thanks glade i multiverse to make them Balan wonderworld in fanmade this is always for ever inhabitants peoples 15 together and thanks all for it they kindness together and his bosses negative and happy I editing posters and thank you nevia your are best friendships for ever and thanks for made video editing images created by joneoyvilde03
Deviantart to joneoyvilde03 friend NeviaGreatestArt
Jose Gallard, Fiona Demetria, Yuri Brand, Haooyu Chang, Sana Hudson, Cass Milligan, Maia Himemia, Claire Lari, Kevin the fox, Cal Suresh, Iben Bia, Attilio Caccini, Lucy Wong, Eis Glover & Bruce Stone
Barktholomew, Anjellica, Wormsorth, Worville Wright, Cuckoo, Purrla, Kitsungery, Bakersmelter Dogs, Cruel Bad Fox, Fortstopher IV, The Grim Creeper, Princess Marey, Inkabelle, The Hydrac & Hooverton
Character from:
Balan wonderworld/OC/Arzest
Regular show/OC/Cartoon Network
By Joneoyvilde03 & NeviaGreatestArt
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kayssweetdreams · 11 months ago
The Perfect Finale Ch25
Meanwhile, In the Negati Realm...
The maestros battle didn't go unfelt. The blasts of power not only shook the theater, but Wonderworld itself. The costumes, still trying to evacuate Wonderworld, tumbled to the ground at the force of the quakes, while those in the Negati Realm literally shook from the force of the shakes. "What the heck is going on up there?!" Sana shouts "That would be the sounds of Yin trying to obliterate the maestros..." Anjellica said.
"We should be OK...As long as Yin doesn't enter Wonderworld itself, we should be OK..." Fortie said as he hid inside of Fortsepher. "But Kaylo is still missing!" Thea shouts, struggling to find a way out of the Negati Realm "But we can't look for her now! Not while Yin is trying to get in!" Eis exclaimed. Another boom shook the realm of negativity. "I hate to say it Miss Bruno, but Eis is right! If we go out there now, we're signing our own death warrants." He said.
That's when Shiro dove into the Negati Realm, and started chirping frantically. "Whoa Whoa! Easy there Shiro!" Worville said, before looking confused "What do you mean she's on the isle?" He asked. "Who's on the Isle?" Leo asked "Kaylo is. She's passed out right now." The negaboss said. "MY BABY!!" Thea screamed, now struggling to get out of the Negati Realm, and back to the Isle of Tims. "THEA NO!" Stefan and Krista yelled.
Seeing sunlight once more, Thea saw Kaylo flat on her back, unconscious on the Isle of Tims. "KAYLO!!" Thea yelled, running to the pink haired girl. She scooped her up before running back to the Negati Realm. However, just before she reached it, another boom shook all of Wonderworld, making her fall and causing Kaylo to almost slide to the edge of the Isle. "KAYLO NO!!" Thea screamed, determined not to lose her daughter again.
That's when something extraordinary happened. Kaylo's eyes shot open, the environment itself seemed to slide back to the middle of the Isle. Thea shook her head. She knew that Wonderworld was unpredictable sometimes, but she had never known the Isle to do something Like that before. The Tims then began to hop over to her, forming a large barrier between her and Kaylo. Thea shook her head in disbelief...what was going on?
Another BOOM rattled the theater, causing Kaylo to finally 'wake up' as she saw the Tim barrier. "H-Huh?! Whats going on?!" She asked. "Kaylo?! Are you OK?!" Thea shouts. "Mom! I'm OK! What's going on?" Kaylo shouts back "Yin found the theater and the maestro are fighting him!" Thea explained. Kaylo suddenly had a flash of the theater. The entire building was nearly in shambles, as both maestros struggled to keep their ground, but Yin was getting closer to them, a burning hatred in his eyes.
Kaylo gasped as she was suddenly back on the Isle. "Mom! We have to get everyone out of here!" She said. "What's wrong?" Thea asked, not knowing why her daughter was getting distressed. "We have to get the theater back to Timeville, and get everyone out NOW!" Kaylo shouts, panic in her voice. A sudden beat in Kaylo's heart as she could feel the theater travel what Balan described as "Time and Space" before reappearing in Timeville. "Tell everyone to get out of the theater!" Kaylo gelled.
The Tim barrier then dispersed as the Tims did what they were told, much to Thea's confusion. "Where is everyone?" Kaylo asked. "Hiding in the Negati Realm." Thea said "We have to get everyone out of Wonderworld now!!" Kaylo said, still not explaining what was going on. Thea wanted to argue, and ask why Kaylo was more panicked, when another boom shook Wonderworld. "Let's hurry..." she said as she and her daughter went to warn the others
Shiro belongs to @sundove88
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year ago
Hello again! Can I request another TADC X BWW Fic?
This time, with everyone meeting the Negabosses...and Caine thinking they're Abstracted
Pfft! The idea of Caine thinking that the Nega Bosses are abstracted is hilarious! 🤣
"I didn't know that Wonderworld had a place as dark as…this," Zooble replied, crossing her arms.
"This realm is the birthplace of all negativity," Lance explained. "And it is ruled by one particular person; me. Now that you're all here, I'd like to introduce you all to thirteen individuals that you've never met. They may appear scary, but they mean well if you want my bet."
"If you say so, Gloomy," Jax replied, smirking at Lance's slight annoyance. He knew Lance didn't like the nickname which was why he used it.
Without a word, Lance snapped his fingers. Suddenly, thirteen dark enormous beings appeared in front of the group, surprising them. Gangle yelped in terror. "What's happening!?" She cried.
"It's just Gloomy's friends." Jax didn't coddle the frightened Gangle.
"Should we run or…?" Ragatha asked, shielding a petrified Pomni.
"Friends, meet the Nega Bosses," Balan explained. "They're a group of individuals who represent the Inhabitants' doubts and losses."
"An insect!" Kinger exclaimed, eyeing Wormsworth.
"Kinger, that's a Nega Boss," Zooble replied. "But I can see why you would think it's an insect."
Kinger looked at Zooble and yelped. "Oh, it's just you, Zooble!" He breathed a sigh of relief.
Caine, however, had a different reaction. "They've abstracted immediately!?" He exclaimed. "Into the celler they must go!"
"Are you nuts?" Inkabelle scolded Caine. "We're not abstracted… Whatever that is."
"Who even are these people, Lance?" Anjellica asked. "And why do they look so different from your cousins and our friends?"
"Uh, you're not going to hurt us, are you?" Pomni asked.
"No, why would we?" Barktholomew asked. "If Balan and Lance welcomed you guys here, that must mean that you're not here to cause trouble."
"We're not," Ragatha assured. "Jax, on the other hand…" She eyed the grinning jackrabbit with suspicion. "He's rather mischievous…"
"Don't worry, dollface," Jax said. "I'll go easy on these guys." But his grin suggested otherwise.
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alinalioness · 6 months ago
Balan wonderworld: Nightmare critters Negabosses.
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Barktholomew - wolf (🌪️ smell: earth)
Anjellica - shark (🦪 smell: Salt water)
Wormsworth - spider (🕷️ smell: bluebell pollen)
Worville Wright - bat (🌩️ smell: Pure smoke)
Cuckoo - cuckoo (lol) (🦉 smell: oak leaves)
Purrla - cat (🐱 smell: mint)
Fortstopher IV - lion (👑 smell: cherry)
Forthy VI - crow (♟️ smell: smoke from the candle)
Grim Creeper - deer (➕ smell: cold)
Princess Mary - dog "from the breed" (🤡 smell: caramel popcorn)
Inkabelle - octopus (🖌️ smell: violet)
Cydrac - The three-headed dragon "Why not?" (🔥 smell: wood smoke)
Hooverton - monster (🗑️ smell: dust)
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lovelyteng · 2 years ago
My Crossover Cast as Balan Wonderworld
Main Characters Zuke (No Straight Roads) as Leo Craig Mayday (No Straight Roads) as Emma Cole Wally Darling (Welcome Home) as Balan Home (Welcome Home) as Lance
Inhabitants Eddie Dear (Welcome Home) as Jose Gallard Alice Angel (Bendy) as Fiona Demetria Frank Frankly (Welcome Home) as Yuri Brand Bendy (Bendy) as Haoyu Chang Rosa (Brawl Stars) as Sana Hudson Baroness Von Bon Bon (Cuphead) as Cass Milligan Dr. Kahl (Cuphead) as Cal Suresh Sally Stageplay (Cuphead) as Iben Bia Beppi The Clown (Cuphead) as Attilio Caccini Rumor Honeybottoms (Cuphead) as Lucy Wong Rico (Brawl Stars) as Eis Glover Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home) as Bruce Stone
Nega Bosses Kruller (Luigi’s Mansion 3) as Barktholomew Twisted Alice (Bendy) as Anjellica Dr. Potter (Luigi’s Mansion 3) as Wormsworth Ink Demon (Bendy) as Worville Wright Cagney Carnation (Cuphead) as Cuckoo Mandy (Brawl Stars) as Purrla Mortis (Brawl Stars) as Fortstopher IV Lou (Brawl Stars) as The Grim Creeper Chester (Brawl Stars) as Princess Marey Willow (Brawl Stars) as Inkaballe Grim Matchstick (Cuphead) as The Hydrac Steward (Luigi’s Mansion 3) as Hooverton
Other Bugs (Welcome Home) as Tims Main Mixels (Mixels) as Costumes Nixels (Mixels) as Negati
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vgbossthemes · 2 years ago
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argentangelhelps · 7 months ago
Hey!! If it is okay. Please may I ask for some faceclaims (preferably brunette) that would be able to play the older sister of Katie Douglas, please? Preferably someone who is sweet, academic, and traditionally feminine, please? Thank you very much!!
happy to help!
dominique provost-chalkley, 1990, white (canadian) synnove karlsen, 1996, white (english) caitlin stasey, 1990, white (australian) connor leslie, 1991, white miranda cosgrove, 1993, white olivia cooke, 1993, white (english) poppy drayton, 1991, white (english) anjellica bette fellini, 1994, white
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sundove88 · 2 years ago
A Quick Balan Wonderworld Headcanon:
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Anjellica is fat. And I mean Ursula levels of fat.
I mean, she ain’t afraid to shake her moneymaker for the camera!
And I headcanon that her voice claim is Whoopi Goldberg aka Descendants!Ursula.
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interstellarwizard2019 · 3 years ago
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Here are some slightly rushed Bww doodles of a bunch of Nighmar-I mean Nega bosses! These are a bit old too!
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potatoqualityblogs · 3 years ago
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MAREY LIFE IN THE DREAMHOUUUUSE (i dont even know what the heck i just made)
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jimalim · 4 years ago
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years ago
A "Perfect" Vacation Ch 40
Prim paled in terror as she saw the same giant monsters that helped destroy her school in the first place re-emerge from the darkness. Not only that, but she saw the demon boy that she had HOPED been recaptured was glaring down at her...and his collar was no where to he seen.
"Hello Prim. Remember ME?!" Jett yelled out, bolts of electricity shooting around him, striking the metal that held up the spotlights. Getting scared, Prim screeched at the top of her lungs "GUARDS!! GUARDS!!" Causing the hordes of guards to appear and try to shoot Jett. The blue haired teen. Jett however just gives a smirk as his eyes give a faint glow, electricity flowing through him. "Catch me if you can." He cackled before running at breakneck speed, towards Prim and doing a full 80 laps around her and the guards before shooting off into the island.
Once the whiplash of Jett's Speed vanished, Prim and the guards looked down...only to realize they were in their underwear. Embarrassed at the display, Prim grabbed a nearby tablecloth and wrapped it around her like a makeshift towel. The angered woman turned to the guards (who were also in their underwear) "DON'T JUST STAND THERE!!! GO AFTER HIM!! AND GET THEM!!" She screamed, wildly gesturing to both Jett escaping, and the looming Maestros and Negabosses.
Half of the semi-naked guards ran off to find Jett, while the other half stayed behind to fight the Negabosses. Lance turned to the Negabosses "You heard her, she wants a fight. Who are we to deny her that right." He said, his eyes giving a glow. The guards began shooting, but Purrla just simply stopped time, and the bullets floated in their place, much to Prim's horror. Anjellica also had a say in the chaos as she dove into the sea from a nearby balcony.
When she DID reappear again, she was accompanied by a horde of very angry sea creatures. "ATTACK!!!!" She shouted, causing the sealife to take action. Prim ducked and weaved as she struggled to avoid the wrath of the water, but that thought was thrown out the window as she was attacked left and right by crabs, jellyfish, squids, and even a very pod of dolphins. Meanwhile, the guards were dealing with a angry flock of seagulls who took to flying down and messing with their weaponry.
While the chaos of the sea was distracting Prim, Thea turned to see Aria, Lora and Skarlett with the antidote, pouring it into the fog machines to make it look like nothing happened yet. "Hurry up!" Lora whispered, heaving the liquidfied cure up to Aria and Skarlett. "We're moving as fast as we can!" She whispered back, pouring in the antidote.
Meanwhile with Prim, she screamed into her walkie talkie "ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, COMMENCE OPERATION FLYBISCUS!! REPEAT!! COMMENCE OPERATION FLYBISCUS!!" The sounds of planes were heard as crop dusters were seen flying over the hotel, much to Thea's horror. The sea attack had abruptly stopped as Anjellica was distracted by the planes, allowing the guards to get the upper hand. Prim then grabbed Thea by the head again, and this time she pulled her on stage.
"YOU. SING. NOW." She threatened, now holding up a syringe in her hand. Petrified, Thea began singing as the fog machines turned on. Prim smiled as she watched the fog envelope the crowd, before she hears a call from her Walkie Talkie "MA'AM! MA'AM! SOMETHING IS WRONG!!" A pilot yelled. Prim was suspicious, until she caught a whiff of the smoke...
And was horrified as it smelled like a tropical paradise.
Jett Skarlett and Maxie belong to @jettthespeeddemon
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
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