alinalioness · 2 months
Рус:Что если бы Алина была ОС Balan wonderworld?
Eng:What if Alina was OC Balan wonderworld?
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Alina - A fourteen-year-old girl with a kind heart. She also likes to have a lot of fun and play. But at school and in some serious moments, she behaves seriously. One day she was at school and her classmates were freaking out. She asked them to calm down, but they didn't listen to her. Because of which, after the last lesson, she saw the entrance to the theater and disappeared from the world.
After reminiscing in a world of wonders due to a terrible past, she becomes a Griffona. After she was rescued by Leo and Emma, she realizes in real life that people are different and calms down, just not paying attention to the ugliness even when she crosses over.
In the novel, her name was Dreamer. It is that she likes to fantasize that she has a lot of fun, but not at school. The fantasy chapter lacked books and things related to adequacy. When she met Lance, she didn't have trust, like she was the only one. But when the residents asked why they couldn't be trusted, she got angry at them for their inadequacy. Which turns into Griffona at the same time.
After she was rescued, she realized that Lance is clearly not a villain And tells everyone that they need to get along with Him and Leo, Emma, the inhabitants had to agree and saved Lance. After the events, she meets the inhabitants and says that she will stay as she is, but balanced.
Alina's world:
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The world is the thirteenth. The earth consists of large square cubes in yellow, green, pink and blue colors. Colorful figurines are scattered everywhere. Lollipops and trees with caramel trunks and cotton candy instead of leaves also grow.
Alina's costumes:
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Emoji -A robo-lioness that changes color from emotion. From joy to anger. She is the representative of Alina because of her appearance and because of her behavior problem.
Pink - Normal (Can't do anything)
Purple - Suspiciously (Checks the inside of the trees)
Blue - Sad (Shoots tears)
Green - Squeamishness/Disgust (The head jumps out to disgust the negatives)
Yellow - Scared (She's defending herself)
Orange - Laugh (Deafens the negativity)
Red - Angry (She kills with a knife)
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A white female anglerfish dressed in a red bathyscaphe. A beach ball is hanging on her fishing rod. She wears bombs in the form of balls to throw at the negative.
The caterpillar suit is capable of stretching like an Elastiplant. But unlike him, the legs and arms are also stretched.
A cockatoo costume capable of picking locks on doors and flying a short distance.
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Sleepy Bear/Сонный Мишка
The bear costume in pajamas is able to move to cloud platforms that do not disappear if Leo and Emma are in them. They will walk like sleepwalkers.
The mermaid/siren costume is able to hypnotize negativity by singing and performing.
Jester Jump/Прыг-скок 3 Act
The costume is a jester capable of jumping at a great distance. He can't stand still, he's always jumping.
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This Negaboss whose Alina's heart was corrupted.
Makes up costumes:
1) Emoji - A lion's tail (although she doesn't have one) and her beak, paws, eyes, tail tip and feathers change with emotion.
2) Bomb - He throws bombs of balls on a pillar of anger.
3) Hackatoo - Her head, paws and wings.
Her world
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How to win:
1) She will fly on pillars with emotions. If she's on the merry side, she'll start shooting iron feathers. You need to use an Emoji to hit one of the feathers and the pillar will collapse.
2) When she's on a pillar of anger, she'll start throwing bombs. If you use a Bomb, one of them will fly at her and the pillar will collapse.
3) She will stand on a pillar of sadness, she will start crying. With the help of an Emoji, shoot at one of the intact tears and Griffona is already defeated.
After the victory, the song "Together" will begin.
1. Surprisingly, Balan, Lance, Leo, Emma, tims and inhabitants are her best friends.
2. She is the only inhabitant who is not human.
3. She is also the only one who, after her rescue, she did not want to fight with Lance, but to force him to become kind.
Suggestive phrases and keywords:
"Hi guys! And welcome to Streetbeat!" - Alina's first words.
"If I were you, I wouldn't trust Lance. He's too kind. I would have believed you all. But he's not here." - Alina says she doesn't trust Lance.
"I did not understand the adequacy of life. Sometimes it's impossible, sometimes it's possible. I thought you were adequate, but..." - Alina was angry at the inhabitants from the memories before the transformation.
That's not all.
To be honest about my character's outfit. I generally want to change something, which I immediately want to change. In short, a little trouble with the outfit.
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ignotarts · 1 year
"So they were never good works?
Why did they always say that my works were beautiful?
It was never true!
It was all a lie!
I won't believe your words anymore!
I won't believe in my abilities anymore!
I want everyone to stay away!"
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Then, the boy dominated by disappointment, his heart was filled with negativity and became the reflection of his pain, his new name is...
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tempo-tales · 2 years
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"In an unusual city, a large 5-floors and old-fashioned mansion can be seen and around it, many vehicle tracks. The most unusual thing is that the highways were the inhabitant's fortress that Chris was about to face.
Arriving at his destination, the boy prepares himself along with the rescued hearts.
A NegaBoss appears, and the Chris psyches himself up for battle.
-Don't worry, you're not alone..."
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kira-summit · 2 years
I will clarify things before submitting questions. 👀
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-I am not reviewing Balan WonderWorld or any other hastags.
-I am not in any fandom interacting for now.
-My dedication is to finish the AU, because this is my personal challenge. So... please if you want to talk about your ocs or AUs, be clear by showing at least images, descriptions or something. Or better, your profile, so to understand them better. 👀
And the important thing...I DON'T MAKE REQUEST TO ANYONE. So don't send your Ocs or AUs because I won't and otherwise I'll ignore you. It's supposed to be a blog only for "MY AU". I'm sorry for my bad attitude but it's the only way for you to understand me.
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kayssweetdreams · 5 months
The Perfect Finale Ch28
To hear those words escape from Balan's mouth, was like a gut punch and a knife to the heart, all at once. To think that the all powerful maestros of Wonderworld, the ones who could literally make anything happen with a snap of their fingers, reduced to being at a ultimate loss of what to do now, was more heartbreaking than anything that Lance could have done
Mei however, snapped out of her own funk. "We can't give up just yet. We do and Yin wins." She said. Lance gazed at her with sad eyes "He's already won. We have no power, and The Balan Theater is destroyed." He said. "But Yin doesn't have Wonderworld's heart. THAT'S what he's looking for." Kaylo reminded. "Yeah. But what good does it do us?" Balan asked.
"If Yin realizes that the heart isn't in Wonderworld, then he's essentially trapped WITHIN Wonderworld instead of OUTSIDE of it. And that gives us time to figure out what he's truly planning." The pink haired girl said. The maestros looked at each other. She had a point. If they couldn't get in, then Yin couldn't get out, and that gave them an advantage What did Yin truly want with Wonderworld's heart?
"I grabbed this before the Theater fell." Trisha Jane said, holding up a file that was only named "Project X" "This was also in Yin's hideout. Maybe it has something to do with the heart..." Leo added. "Well. Let's see what's inside-!" Balan started before Lance grabbed his wrist. "No. Not here...we need somewhere a little less...open." He said. Balan sighed, but Lance was right, a alleyway next to a big pile of rubble wasn't the greatest place to look over something called "Project X".
Aria snapped her fingers. "I have an Idea!" She said.
A Few Moments later...
The large group had arrived at the Montgomery as Emma knocked at the door and was greeted Mr and Mrs Montgomery. "Hello there Emma! What are you..." Roy's words faded from her mouth as he caught sight of the costumes "It's a Long story..." Emma said. "U-Um...Come in?" Esme said in a unsure voice. Emma lead all of Wonderworld's inhabitants in.
The Negabosses shrunk themselves down so they could fit into the door, while the Tims made themselves comfortable on...pretty much all of the furniture. Once everyone was in, Trisha Jane opened up the file, as they saw everything relating to Project X. The kids gasped as they saw the blueprints for the Purifier from PPP, and the Pill that was created at the Perfect Getaway. "This is all the stuff that Prim used! I knew she had help!" Kaylo shouts.
"Yeah...but look at this." Rebecca said, picking up a blueprint of the Purifier, but inside of the machine was not a person...it looked to be a costume from a past inhabitant of Wonderworld. "It's a costume! But why would Yin use the Purifier on costumes?..." Lora Jade said "Same here with the pills...These look like things found in Wonderworld" Aria said, finding an ingredient that reads "Everglow Lily" in the list of items needed for the pills creation.
Kaylo's eyes landed on another paper in the file, one that read "Project X" on it as well, but when she grabbed it and read it, she gasped in horror at what she saw. "What is it Kaylo?" Iben asked. "I...I think I know what Yin wants with the heart now..." she whispered. She showed the group the document so that they could all see, and they all gasped in horror as well.
The document read:
Project X
Find a Suitable Replacement for Yang
Find the Bruno Child
Re-enter Wonderworld
Find Wonderworld's Heart
Obtain the power of Wonderworld's Heart
Create an army of Negati, Negabosses and Costumes
Combine the Real World with Wonderworld
8. Show the World what a Maestro can do
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Aria, Roy and Esme belong @shadowqueen402
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
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nomgeonmunchie · 4 months
Negabosses from Balan Wonderworld
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shadowqueen402 · 11 months
Hello again! Can I request another TADC X BWW Fic?
This time, with everyone meeting the Negabosses...and Caine thinking they're Abstracted
Pfft! The idea of Caine thinking that the Nega Bosses are abstracted is hilarious! 🤣
"I didn't know that Wonderworld had a place as dark as…this," Zooble replied, crossing her arms.
"This realm is the birthplace of all negativity," Lance explained. "And it is ruled by one particular person; me. Now that you're all here, I'd like to introduce you all to thirteen individuals that you've never met. They may appear scary, but they mean well if you want my bet."
"If you say so, Gloomy," Jax replied, smirking at Lance's slight annoyance. He knew Lance didn't like the nickname which was why he used it.
Without a word, Lance snapped his fingers. Suddenly, thirteen dark enormous beings appeared in front of the group, surprising them. Gangle yelped in terror. "What's happening!?" She cried.
"It's just Gloomy's friends." Jax didn't coddle the frightened Gangle.
"Should we run or…?" Ragatha asked, shielding a petrified Pomni.
"Friends, meet the Nega Bosses," Balan explained. "They're a group of individuals who represent the Inhabitants' doubts and losses."
"An insect!" Kinger exclaimed, eyeing Wormsworth.
"Kinger, that's a Nega Boss," Zooble replied. "But I can see why you would think it's an insect."
Kinger looked at Zooble and yelped. "Oh, it's just you, Zooble!" He breathed a sigh of relief.
Caine, however, had a different reaction. "They've abstracted immediately!?" He exclaimed. "Into the celler they must go!"
"Are you nuts?" Inkabelle scolded Caine. "We're not abstracted… Whatever that is."
"Who even are these people, Lance?" Anjellica asked. "And why do they look so different from your cousins and our friends?"
"Uh, you're not going to hurt us, are you?" Pomni asked.
"No, why would we?" Barktholomew asked. "If Balan and Lance welcomed you guys here, that must mean that you're not here to cause trouble."
"We're not," Ragatha assured. "Jax, on the other hand…" She eyed the grinning jackrabbit with suspicion. "He's rather mischievous…"
"Don't worry, dollface," Jax said. "I'll go easy on these guys." But his grin suggested otherwise.
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joshth647 · 1 month
Sonic Colorrrrrrrrrsssssssssssss.
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Also related headcanon: Sonic's NegaBoss form could be Dark Sonic... or at least some kind of giant monstrous Werehog lookalike like the Chapter 1 boss from BWW.
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artscheese · 8 months
Where do Negabosses fit in your AU?
Ooooooo!! Now I really haven’t figured out about the negabosses out yet in my au (most of it is pretty much a rough draft btw!) But I can tell you this!! The Negati infested so much on that said person’s mental world in the real world (it’s like how you see the stages of the game but think of it backwards), humans can’t really see the mental world, so you would have to spot a theater door (just like in the game) to go into that persons mental place.
Ok but let’s get to the question, I feel like once you’ve recaptured all of the memories of that troubled person, I feel like they would finally snap on what they are struggling with and finally come into a negaboss. Remembering some of the painful memories could make you lose it sometimes, I think.
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piinkiheartz · 2 years
For the negaboss oc :
First you need to state the main problem
Second just symbolize it of what caused the problem and then feel free to add the side characteristics
Third make it grumpy and make it either in human or inhuman form
Four choose a basic element as weponization
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julili · 3 years
What does the negaboss looked like
Hmm, well, negaboss should reflect my inner conflicts, and I kinda don't have any breakdown currently, but I think this could be some of the things that makes me upset - is to being worse than someone else (thanks to my parents who used to compare me to other people) and being useless for people I care about (when my friend is feeling bad I'm starting to feel bad knowing I can't help)
So I think my negaboss would have some sort of tangled hair (as my thoughts), marks from black tears, shackles with broken chains and a drill instead of legs (as if I'm "drilling through people's heads")
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alinalioness · 4 months
Headcanon Alina and friends. (Not all of them)
I'll start with Balan wonderworld.
Before, when he appeared, he was performing. But some people criticized it. But unlike Lance, he didn't go bad when he got attached to people. Freddy is his and Lance's best Friend.
He was saved when Leo and Emma decided to help him rather than fight. After the Balan wonderworld event, he changed the character of the Negaboss for inhabitants. He is still a maestro of negativity, but kind.
He and Emma are best friends. He has been hanging out with new friends for a long time after the game event.
Her parents very rarely come. She's bored, of course, but she's not sitting still. She likes to spend time with Yuri Cass.
His son always comes to visit him in the summer. He gets along well with Barry, despite having very different jobs besides gardening.
After the event of the game, she begins to love other sea creatures besides dangerous ones. She loves Haoyu, not because he is younger than her, but because he also likes to explore the unknown and take care of others.
She certainly likes insects, but not harmful Except for flies. She asks Aline not to worry about her if there are pests.
He can invent not only an airplane, but also something else. He fell in love while spending time with Fiona at the theater. He also loves inventing with Phineas, Ferb, Pin, Sandy, minions and Aero Acrobat's best friend.
After the event of the game, she is still young. Her cat's name is Paula. She is taken care of by Air cat in the wonderworld.
After the game event, he started teaching children to play chess. He also suggested that Alina try it and she succeeded.
She likes to spend time with the Frost Fairy in the wonderworld. Her children really like to visit his friend Bruce.
Her wife, Mary, whom he met at the Christmas Rose Park. He treats Cass like brothers and sisters.
After the event of the game, he retired. But he continues when he is in his chapter. He spends time with a friend of the Invisible Man and with famous people (such as Karlin, Olga, Spurrit, etc.).
Costumes representatives:
Tornado Wolf is the leader of the costumes. His right hand is a Quad Cannon and an Invisible one. And if we talk about the rest, then other representatives are considered the main ones in their chapters. But people like Acro Acrobat and Dusk Butterfly, when they are still children, they learn.
They stopped being angry when Lance replaced them. They can also become shadows and people.
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bwwfunfacts · 3 years
What if one of the negabosses broke out if the theater
That must NEVER happen!
Wonderworld is a pocket dimension, and certain things must stay in it. Lance and Balan are also under strict lock and key.
So without spoiling too much (because I have a special headcanon coming up), the maestros MUST keep everything besides tims and themselves from escaping the theater. Otherwise, it will cause massive havoc, and they will be punished severely.
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tempo-tales · 2 years
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"Valeria collects the pieces of the Fisherman Solitary 's heart, which represents Brotherhood and Humility, virtues that helped man to climb to the world of triumph, together with his partners.
The girl finding Fisherman, already transformed into a giant monster, she, with self-confidence, faces the giant NegaBoss."
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daleespringdraw · 2 years
Lance turned purple worm into a negaboss because of puberty issues
Which is the excess weight mainly caused not by fat but by fur
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This is what my boss looks like
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kayssweetdreams · 3 months
The Perfect Finale Ch81
The orb began to flash various colors as small balls of light escaped, and flew out the window. A kaleidoscope of colors and sounds flashed through Kaylo's mind as she remembered everything. The Tims, The Costumes, the Negati, the Negabosses, the Theater, The Maestros, Wonderworld. EVERYTHING. Everything that had happened since the first day they had discovered the theater, to the final battle against Yin.
When the flashes ended, She rapidly shook her head, and then turned to her friends, who seemed to have gone through the same experience. "I...I remember everything!" She exclaimed "I do too! Wait...what about the others?" Rebecca asked. "If we got our memories back, maybe the others did too!" Emma exclaimed. "Only one way to find out!" Mei said. The kids ran out the door (but not without Leo grabbing a piece of cake for the road) and out into town.
The group of kids looked around, hoping to spot a familiar apron, or a flash of blue hair...but to their disappointment, there was nothing there. "We might be too late." Kaylo said, her excitement beginning to dwindle. "No. They are here...we just need to..." Trisha Jane's words began to die down as she saw what looked to be a chick with no legs, and had round puffs for wings. It chirped happily at them before hopping down a random road.
"It's a Tim!" Leo exclaimed. The kids slowly followed the colorful creature down a narrow alleyway, and as the sound of the city became less and less the bright lights and grandeur of a familiar sight greater them. There at the end of the alleyway, sat a grand theater, with the word "Wonderworld" lit up in glowing lights, as an aura of magic and mystery surrounded the entire building.
The kids could feel their hearts swell. The last time they had seen the Balan Theater, it had been reduced to a pile of rubble. To see it again, probably even better than before, brought tears to some of their eyes. Mei wiped a few from her eyes. "Well...no sense in staying out here..." she said. "You're right...Let's go in." Rebecca said. "Well, it is the birthday girl's special day..." Leo said, before looking at Kaylo and nudging his head in that direction.
The pink haired girl looked towards the door, and gently grasped the door, and pulled open it open, her eyes scanning the hall for a familiar top hat, or a bunch of black tentacles. "Balan? Lance? Is anyone in here?" She called out. But there was nothing. "Maybe they're busy..." she muttered to her friends. That's when the floor began to tilt, not just throwing her backwards, but also bringing the rest of the kids in.
The 6 of them slid down the now longer and vertical hallway, before they were thrown into the main theater, with Kaylo landing In a chair that looked more like a throne, while the other kids landed near a familiar pair of heeled boots "There you are! We were waiting for you! Thought that we had forgotten you?" A deep voice asked playfully. The kids smiled as they looked up to see a familiar pair of yellow ringed eyes peeking through a red hatband.
"BALAN!" They exclaimed, before tackling him in a hug. "Hello dear children. I'm glad to see you too. It'd be a shame not to remember you." He said. "But how? I thought there was no way to restore our memories after the worlds were split apart!" Mei exclaimed. "And you would, on any other day, be absolutely right dear Mei. But thanks to Yang, she knew how we'd feel, and before she vanished, she struck up a deal. Only once was this given, long ago, back when there was only one maestro, She agreed to let you keep your memories in your head. As long as Wonderworld stays split apart. That's what she said." Balan explained.
"So...as long as the real world and Wonderworld stay split again, then we won't lose our memories?" Leo asked. Balan nodded. "Yes. But there is a bit of a curse to this as well. Yang remembered just before she did the spell. Everytime you return to Wonderworld, it's marks will appear. But only those who have seen Wonderworld as well can see them, so no need to fear." He said. Leo raised an eyebrow, before looking down at his own arm, and sure enough, there were glowing swirling marks going up his arm.
"Well...I guess it isn't so bad?" Rebecca remarked as she noticed a few more markings like what Lance had, shining in gold, appear around her eyes. "Yeah. It's kinda like a magical tattoo!" Emma exclaimed, rolling up her pant leg, and seeing more markings. Balan nodded before he turned to Kaylo, who still sat in her seat. "Now then, I must ask, or say, Aren't you a year older today?" He asked. "I am! I had just opened yours and Lance's gift!" The pink haired girl replied.
Balan's smile got wider. "Well then, Who am I to show hesitation, It's time that you joined your own celebration." He said, making the curtains rise, and revealing the Isle of Tims. There, sat a large pile of presents, and a cake larger than a Negaboss that had "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLO!" in beautiful writing. But the biggest surprise, was the rest of the humans that had once been considered inhabitants to Wonderworld. "Guys! You're here!" Mei exclaimed. "Of course we are! must say, it is a relief that Balan and Lance struck up a deal with Yang for our memories." Aria said, giving the girl a pat on the head.
"I still can't believe it all happened. It feels like yesterday we just stepped into the theater Doors the first time." Cal said, as he looked around the stages with a nostalgic look. "I guess...given everything that happened, it has that feeling." Trisha Jane said, patting Kuro and Shiro on the head. "Well, At least now we're all together again! Memories and all!" Haoyu said. "That is right dear boy. But there is one more surprise for the birthday girl to enjoy." Balan said as he and Lance stood near an empty part of the Isle of Tims.
The two of them joined their powers together, and up rose a new stage. One with an overwhelming amount of color, dresses, and musical instruments. It didn't take Kaylo long to realize what it was. "Is...Is that my own stage?!" She exclaimed. Lance nodded "Yes it is dear child. Go on, get in there! Go wild!" He encouraged. Kaylo immediately ran to the newly constructed stage, while also calling to the other humans "C'mon! Let's see what's in here!" She yelled, hopping with excitement. Lora Jade looked to the others
"Well. What are we waiting for? Let's go see this stage!" She said. The humans followed Kaylo's lead as she opened the doors to the new stage. For the rest of the day, all of Wonderworld enjoyed the colorful stage, that was decked out for the pink haired girls day. But the best thing that day, wasn't the cake, the presents, or even the new stage...it was that they were all together again.
And it truly was a Perfect Finale.
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
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