#Animal used for research
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indiafund · 2 days ago
What are the environmental benefits of adopting a plant-based diet compared to a traditional diet?
Adopting a plant-based diet instead of a traditional diet that includes meat and dairy products can have significant environmental benefits. The growing interest in Vegan Indian food and veganism in general has prompted many people to switch to more sustainable food choices. Plant-based diets contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water, and protecting natural habitats, making them an effective way to support the health of the planet.
One of the primary environmental benefits of a plant-based diet is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The production of meat and dairy is responsible for a large share of global emissions due to the methane produced by livestock and the energy-intensive processes required for animal farming. Studies have shown that the emissions from plant-based foods, such as legumes, vegetables, and grains, are considerably lower than those from animal products. By choosing Vegan Indian food or other plant-based options, individuals can help reduce the demand for meat and dairy, subsequently reducing the harmful gases released into the atmosphere.
Another crucial benefit of adopting a plant-based diet is the conservation of water. Animal farming is highly water-intensive, with livestock needing large amounts of water not only for drinking but also for growing the feed crops they require. For example, producing one kilogram of beef requires significantly more water compared to producing the same amount of plant-based protein. By switching to a plant-based diet, people can greatly reduce their water footprint, an important factor in water-scarce regions of the world, including parts of India.
Land use and habitat preservation also benefit from a shift to plant-based eating. Animal agriculture requires vast areas of land for grazing and growing feed crops, which leads to deforestation and habitat destruction. This practice threatens wildlife and contributes to biodiversity loss. By supporting animal protection organizations and choosing plant-based diets, individuals can reduce the pressure on forests and other natural habitats, providing more space for wild animals to thrive. Animal foundations working to protect wildlife and community animals in India can benefit significantly from increased awareness and adoption of plant-based diets, as it directly correlates to less habitat destruction.
In addition to direct environmental benefits, the rise of veganism in India and other countries also promotes a greater sense of compassion towards animals. The plant-based diet reduces the need for factory farming and the exploitation of animals for food. When considering if a food mixture is suitable for vegetarians or vegans, it is important to recognize the far-reaching effects of plant-based eating on the environment and animal welfare. The choices individuals make regarding their diet can contribute significantly to reducing the negative impact on the planet while supporting animal protection organizations and promoting sustainable living.
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destielmemenews · 2 months ago
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"The researchers have not tested the process on humans, and it’s not clear what dosage of dye or delivery method would be necessary. Human skin is about 10 times thicker than that of a mouse, according to the researchers.
“Looking forward, this technology could make veins more visible, easing … the procedure of drawing blood or administering fluids via a needle — especially for elderly patients with veins that are difficult to locate,” said senior author Guosong Hong, a Stanford assistant professor of materials science, via email.
“Moreover, this innovation could assist in the early detection of skin cancer, improve light penetration for deep tissue treatments like photodynamic and photothermal therapies, and make laser-based tattoo removal more straightforward.”"
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Do you know this queer character?
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Grell is Transgender and uses she/her pronouns!
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 9 months ago
Daily fish fact #695
Amanda’s flasher wrasse!
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This species was only very recently named and discovered. It used to be considered a part of the red-tailed flasher wrasse species, but genetic studies and morphological differences prove that this Australian fish is its own distinct species!
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pigswithwings · 6 months ago
never go into the notes of a post that asks people to consider why they hate specific animals so much. anyways if you think a specific animal should go extinct I will explode you 😁👍👍👍👍👍
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sweetgaleria · 2 years ago
Help a college student graduate by answering a survey!!
Hey!! Are you over 18 and in the miraculous fandom? Then this is for you!!
Hi everyone, this is my last semester of uni, and one of my final projects to be able to graduate is to write a scientific paper. I'm writing an article about adult fans of children's animation, specifically Miraculous Ladybug. My goal is to understand what makes adults (like us) want to join fandoms centered around shows aimed primarily at children, and to do that I'd love to hear directly from the source! The survey takes around 10 minutes to answer, it's 100% anonymous and it would help me immensely!
>>Click here for the survey<<
I need at least 30 people to answer, but honestly the more the merrier! I've also made a little thank you gif at the end, so if you see it let me know! If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask, as well!
Please reblog so it can reach more people! Thank you so much!
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years ago
I'm not mad I'm just disappointed because if you spent two seconds to think about how fur and leather alone has deep ties to human culture and our understanding and appreciation of the natural world it's honestly really beautiful and just feels so strange to me that people who say they love nature want to divorce themselves from it.
Like yes, capitalism bad. I don't agree with the way that animals are treated as products to the point where blatant animal cruelty is excused by mega corporations. I want places like that to be held accountable and made to follow higher welfare standards for the animals they raise and the underpaid employees out there working in sometimes awful and very unsafe conditions.
But if you're simultaneously ignoring the culture of African leathermaking or the beautiful leather and wool textiles crafted by Indigenous artisans or the ways that ancient humans appreciated the animals they killed for meat and clothing by telling stories and making art depicted on the skins of the animals they took, that's what bothers me.
So many people are willing to just attack vulnerable communities instead of learning about thier culture and how animal products were used traditionally and today. There are better ways to raise animals for products sustainably and humanely and many of these communities have spoken very loudly about it but are yelled over by people who just want to be right or don't want to listen or just don't care.
So yes, I will continue to speak my mind and educate myself because if nothing else I wanna be the start of the change I wanna see in the world. I love animals and I love learning the history of humans and our relationships to animals. I want to be able to appreciate them in the ways we always have. With respect to the natural world and understanding that we're also a part of it.
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lost-estradiographer · 2 months ago
know that voting for the status quo sucks.
To say it "sucks" massively understates the exact amount of suffering that exists under the status quo, an amount that I acknowledge I am too privileged to ever fully grasp.
I cannot magically provide some viable third-party candidate just barely a month before the election. I cannot solve Israel/Palestine Conflict that has haunted the world for over 70 years. I am a 29-year old transgender woman working her way through her own mental illnesses, trauma, and an undergraduate degree. I was never going to be the one to solve anything here.
All I can tell you is that regardless of whether you vote or not, there will be a presidential election. It's going to be a shitshow, regardless. Whether you vote or not, there will be a different president in January. Voting for the status quo may not be directly in your interests.
We had four years of Trump and we are still trying to unfuck ourselves from that. The beginning of my antagonistic relationship with the government was protesting in the streets of DC under his administration. I've fled from the Metro PD. I've put on a change of clothes and slipped out the back door of a gay sports bar.
Fucking vote.
Fucking vote.
Fucking vote.
Honestly, I
I don't want to see this voter apathy shit anymore.
People are going to keep dying under any president. Any president can, and probably wil, be morally culpable for the deaths of innocent people, both in the country and abroad. Carter might be the last president we had that wasn't overtly a war criminal and we still had foreign civilians killed by U.S. military involvement under the Carter admin.
I'm torn between asking you to block me, or asking you to message me, if you're taking the route of voter apathy. I'll tell you right away, here and now, that I probably don't have a solution to whatever problem is keeping you from voting for Harris. I can't even solve my own problems right, tbh. The government isn't really here for me, either.
But there isn't going to be some sort of miraculous revolution that results in The Ending Where Everyone Lives. If there's a revolution, then supply chains will falter and children and the infirm will die of preventable diseases and infections and complications in hospitals that would have otherwise been able to easily deal with such things. That's what happens in a revolution. I'm after the long-term idea where Humanity as a species lives. I'm after the route where we don't have an ending, we keep going.
Fucking vote, because exactly one of the two leading presidential candidates believes climate change is real, and it is the single greatest threat to all life on earth. We have spent the past 250 years, not just playing God with the environment, but actively creating an ecological niche in which future generations of humanity must continue to play God with the environment, dragging it back to a healthy place drop by drop, inch by inch, a degree at a time.
Or, I mean, don't vote. Either way, we'll all die at some point. Perhaps some of us will be lucky enough to die standing by our principles.
Those lucky few will become soil one day, just like I will.
I am begging you on my hands and knees to fucking vote, though, because our options are The Status Quo vs. Worse. That's
That's it.
There is no door number three right now. Our system, our flawed and broken and imbalanced and unjust system, does not accommodate for a third door. Whether you vote or not, you will be dragged through either Door 1 or Door 2 with all of humanity, as we whirl through the cosmos upon our tiny little speck of dust. The only other legitimate option is to allow oneself to become trampled; to become soil early. I don't say legitimate to give this option legitimacy, but to make clear that again, there is no door three. Door three is a casket. A one-way bed.
I didn't vote in 2016, and I'm hoping that you'll vote for the status quo this time, because that's the route that gives me the best odds of having a long and healthy life to regret my failure through inaction.
Just please
Fucking vote.
Or again, if you're taking the apathy route, probably just save me the time of blocking you, because you're not going to magically pull a viable third-party candidate out of your pocket less than six weeks before the election.
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 7 months ago
glimmer: literally crying and begging horde prime not to hurt adora
horde prime: ...
catra: seems mildly irritated, if anything, at the mention of she-ra
horde prime: ah yes. the epitome of true love.
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thestarsmakemedream-art · 1 month ago
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ART MASTERPOST: Rebirth by thisisapaige
In the Woods somewhere there is a creature. A creature that lures people deep in the forest. Sam Winchester, Dean's ill, little brother follows the temptation and it changes his and his brother's life forever. If you want to see what happens with the brothers later and also reading about one of the most interesting entity in the forest, than you should definitely check out Rebirth from @thisisapaige on AO3.
Not just the brothers but I was also lured in by this mysterious creature of the woods. I loved everything about it/him (?) and loved the idea of it being actually the forest. As someone who lives in the northern hemisfere and saw these kinda forests it was fascinating to learn how diverse they could be depending on the exact location. I was looking for plants, animals and fungi and chosen a lot of them to build up Castiel's character. One of the first reason to claim this fic, beside obviously the awesome story, was the opportunity to draw Castiel with flowers and moss. :D On the second art you can see one of my favourite characters of this fic, the little will'o'wisp.
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indiafund · 2 days ago
What are the environmental benefits of adopting a plant-based diet compared to a traditional diet?
Adopting a plant-based diet instead of a traditional diet that includes meat and dairy products can have significant environmental benefits. The growing interest in Vegan Indian food and veganism in general has prompted many people to switch to more sustainable food choices. Plant-based diets contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water, and protecting natural habitats, making them an effective way to support the health of the planet.
One of the primary environmental benefits of a plant-based diet is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The production of meat and dairy is responsible for a large share of global emissions due to the methane produced by livestock and the energy-intensive processes required for animal farming. Studies have shown that the emissions from plant-based foods, such as legumes, vegetables, and grains, are considerably lower than those from animal products. By choosing Vegan Indian food or other plant-based options, individuals can help reduce the demand for meat and dairy, subsequently reducing the harmful gases released into the atmosphere.
Another crucial benefit of adopting a plant-based diet is the conservation of water. Animal farming is highly water-intensive, with livestock needing large amounts of water not only for drinking but also for growing the feed crops they require. For example, producing one kilogram of beef requires significantly more water compared to producing the same amount of plant-based protein. By switching to a plant-based diet, people can greatly reduce their water footprint, an important factor in water-scarce regions of the world, including parts of India.
Land use and habitat preservation also benefit from a shift to plant-based eating. Animal agriculture requires vast areas of land for grazing and growing feed crops, which leads to deforestation and habitat destruction. This practice threatens wildlife and contributes to biodiversity loss. By supporting animal protection organizations and choosing plant-based diets, individuals can reduce the pressure on forests and other natural habitats, providing more space for wild animals to thrive. Animal foundations working to protect wildlife and community animals in India can benefit significantly from increased awareness and adoption of plant-based diets, as it directly correlates to less habitat destruction.
In addition to direct environmental benefits, the rise of veganism in India and other countries also promotes a greater sense of compassion towards animals. The plant-based diet reduces the need for factory farming and the exploitation of animals for food. When considering if a food mixture is suitable for vegetarians or vegans, it is important to recognize the far-reaching effects of plant-based eating on the environment and animal welfare. The choices individuals make regarding their diet can contribute significantly to reducing the negative impact on the planet while supporting animal protection organizations and promoting sustainable living.
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babykittenteach · 11 months ago
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Just the hands and chest for the people who follow me and leave fantastically unhinged tags on things.
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randomtheidiot · 3 months ago
I think we need to talk more about how in the Pokémon anime, the ability Battle Bond allows you to feel your Pokémon’s pain in battle, and if the Pokémon faints, you faint.
That’s seriously fucked.
Pokémon are a lot sturdier than humans and they seem to like battling (if they didn’t, they’d kill their trainers and leave) but humans are weak and squishy. They’re not supposed to be fighting like that, especially not competitively.
Is it ethical to use strong moves against a battle bonded Pokémon? Is it ethical to use dangerous/painful moves like Flamethrower or Thunderbolt against battle bonded Pokémon? Is it ethical to inflict status effects like poisoning or paralysis on a battle bonded Pokémon?
Why would you even fight against a battle bonded Pokémon if you know that its trainer can feel every chokeslam and stab wound you inflict on the Pokémon?
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 10 months ago
Daily fish fact #685
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While some lampreys turn to a parasitic lifestyle as adults, drilling into the sides of bigger animals to feed on their flesh and blood, lamprey larvae, ammocoetes, are actually filter feeders! The lamprey larva life stage can last up to a decade, and they spend their time being half-buried in sandy substrate, consuming whatever tiny organic particles float to them. Ammocoetes' feeding rate is the slowest of any suspension-feeding animal, and due to this they require a habitat very rich in nutrients.
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mezucore · 9 months ago
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thepantyreckless · 2 years ago
(these are going to be used for [redacted] and are not proportional, but cumulative. please vote accordingly. thank you)
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