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Equilibrium (2002)

It's easy to see what makes Equilibrium appealing to some but this dystopian action film has a fatal flaw that unfortunately cripples it beyond repair. It's a lot less intelligent than it thinks it is.
Set after a third world war in the early 21st century, cleric John Preston (Christian Bale) is part of an elite task force charged with taking down “sense offenders”. In this future, emotions are outlawed and people repress them using medication. When an accident at home causes Preston to miss a dose, he becomes a sense offender himself.
You see what the film's trying to do. Artwork, music, poetry, fiction, love, basically anything creative, anything that could arouse emotion or derived from emotion is outlawed. Unfortunately, the set and costume designers couldn't help themselves and didn't quite commit. If the people of this dystopia were truly determined to eliminate everything associated with emotions, then everyone’s clothes should be the same, every building should look the same, every surface should have the same texture and color. On paper, this wouldn't be an issue but in a movie, you've got to overlook a lot. Let's say you do. Even then, you spot flaws right away. This entire civilization depends on self-medication and it only takes one missed dose to send cracks throughout the system. We've seen similar scenarios work elsewhere, which is probably the issue. This is not a novel idea and the execution isn't smart enough to make us forgive this fact.
Not helping are the performances. Everyone's too good! I’ve seen plenty of awful actors that would have been perfect for the roles of emotionless, robot-like workers in a society that oppresses all feelings. Instead, Kurt Wimmer employs men and women who can’t not emote. No one should be delivering a wink or a smile after that one-liner, or screaming as they’re about to die. I hate to hang onto this point for so long but this is where a simple re-write would've done wonders. Instead of no emotion, just say they're severely suppressed.
You wonder why someone could enjoy the film? Because of the action. The moves our supercop displays while apprehending criminals is truly awesome. Gunshots are merged with martial arts in a spectacular and unique genre of combat - gun kata. When you see it in action, you forget about everything that rubbed you the wrong way previously. It isn’t just one big fight towards the end either. There are numerous action sequences throughout and they’re nicely varied.
Equilibirum suffers from flaws that are hard to overlook. If you're the kind of person that can be dazzled with cool fighting sequences and the idea of becoming the guy that might topple the fascist regime single-handedly entices you so much that you won’t be able to even think of the illogical bits, then you'll go nuts for this film. In that sense, I can recommend it, but only to a select audience. For everyone else, Equilibrium gets a middle-of-the-road rating, a 2,5/5. (On Blu-ray, February 7, 2015)

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The Lost City of Z (2016) Directed, Produced & Screenplay by #JamesGray Based on #TheLostCityofZ by #DavidGrann Starring #CharlieHunnam #RobertPattinson #SiennaMiller #TomHolland #AngusMacfadyen #IanMcDiarmid #FrancoNero #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #film #movie #cinema #films #theater #movies #movieposter #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #screen https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPvLOfg3lR/?igshid=tvzfzswlnd4y
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Mel Gibson has a martyr complex rammed so far up his bum you can see it during the mooning ahead of the Battle of Stirling in “Braveheart,” but it’s also what makes him a great storyteller in the films he’s directed. (He’s also a raging bigot, but that’s another story entirely.) His 1995 epic about Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace is more mythmaking than history, but it’s a thrilling battle film which Gibson directs (and plays Wallace in) with reckless abandon. It’s a shame Angus Macfadyen, who played Robert the Bruce in the film, did not have a filmmaker of similar talents on his recent return to his character, “Robert the Bruce.” While Macfadyen is compelling to watch, the film, when he’s not on screen, suffers from him not being in those scenes. It makes me appreciate what Gibson and his collaborators- especially composer James Horner, whose score is what inspired me to want to compose music- accomplished 25 years ago. #films #movies #cinema #braveheartmovie #robertthebrucefilm #melgibson #angusmacfadyen #epicfilms https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6aiDnJo8W/?igshid=9zc6vo38wfhw
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The poster for ROBERT THE BRUCE: KING OF SCOTS. #robertthebrucekingofscots #movieposter #robertthebruce #scotland #truestory #drama #war #epiv #biography #biopic #williamwallace #braveheart #angusmacfadyen #jaredharris #annahutchison #pop #popculture #geek #nerd #movies #filmes #films #cine #cinema #cult #culture #art #Entertainment #OsFilmesdoKacic https://www.instagram.com/p/B9IDw6LFTIp/?igshid=114kskay9a742
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Today's choice: "The Lost City of Z". #HollywoodCiak #TheLostCityofZ #JamesGray #CharlieHunnam #RobertPattinson #SiennaMiller #TomHolland #AngusMacfadyen #IanMcDiarmid #FrancoNero #biopic #truestory #explorer #Amazonia #Amazon #PercivalFawcett #rainforest #jungle #todayschoice #followme
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#정우성 #곽도원 #유연석 #AngusMacFadyen #白竜 #양우석 #강철비2정상회담

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September 21 Famous BirthDays People Celebrities #september21 #21сентября https://youtu.be/lzTf71B6gDA 1916 Зиновий Гердт #ЗиновийГердт 1926 Donald Arthur Glaser #DonaldArthurGlaser 1929 Юз Алешковский #ЮзАлешковский 1934 Leonard Cohen #LeonardCohen 1935 Henry Gibson #HenryGibson 1936 Юрий Лужков #ЮрийЛужков 1943 Jerry Bruckheimer #JerryBruckheimer 1947 Ольга Остроумова #ОльгаОстроумова 1947 Stephen King #StephenKing 1950 Bill Murray #BillMurray 1951 Аслан Масхадов #АсланМасхадов 1955 François Cluzet #FrançoisCluzet 1956 Marta Kauffman #MartaKauffman 1957 Ethan Coen #Ethan Coen 1959 Виктор Вержбицкий #ВикторВержбицкий 1960 David James Elliott #DavidJamesElliott 1961 Nancy Travis #NancyTravis 1961 Serena Scott Thomas #SerenaScottThomas 1963 Angus Macfadyen #AngusMacfadyen 1964 Владислав Сурков #ВладиславСурков 1965 Frédéric Beigbeder #FrédéricBeigbeder 1965 David Wenham #DavidWenham 1965 Cheryl Hines #CherylHines 1966 Ольга Арефьева #ОльгаАрефьева 1967 Павел Лобков #ПавелЛобков 1967 Faith Hill #FaithHill 1971 Ростислав Хаит #РостиславХаит 1971 Luke Wilson #LukeWilson 1921 Liam Gallagher #LiamGallagher 1976 Ольга Погодина #ОльгаПогодина 1976 Jessica St. Clair #JessicaStClair 1977 Audrey Dana #AudreyDana 1978 Paulo Costanzo #PauloCostanzo 1980 Robert Hoffman #RobertHoffman 1980 Kareena Kapoor #KareenaKapoor 1980 Autumn Reeser #AutumnReeser 1980 Aleksa Palladino #AleksaPalladino 1981 Nicole Richie #NicoleRichie 1983 Maggie Grace #MaggieGrace 1983 Scott Evans #ScottEvans 1984 Ahna O'Reilly #AhnaOReilly 1986 Lindsey Stirling #LindseyStirling 1987 Ryan Guzman #RyanGuzman 1989 Светлана Ромашина #СветланаРомашина 1990 Christian Serratos #ChristianSerratos 1990 Allison Scagliotti #AllisonScagliotti 1995 Kristine Froseth #KristineFroseth #Celebrities #знаменитости
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The Lost City of Z (2017) Review!!!
‘The Lost City of Z’ is a slow-paced yet engaging historical epic that is built on strong performances and its exquisite style. #TheLostCityofZ, #ChalieHunnam, #TomHolland, #SiennaMiller, #RobertPattinson, #AngusMacFadyen
Synopsis – A true-life drama, centering on British explorer Col. Percival Fawcett, who disappeared while searching for a mysterious city in the Amazon in the 1920s.
My Take – Considering the slew of blockbusters releasing almost every weekend, it’s rare to see an epic like this James Gray film to find itself a place among them. Marked as an Action Adventure on IMDb, this film is one of those…
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@Regrann_App from @joeymagidson - Tom Holland telling a very funny story (after breaking his chair, which was also amusing) while Sienna Miller, Robert Pattinson, and Angus Macfadyen look on #thelostcityofz #siennamiller #robertpattinson #tomholland #angusmacfadyen - #regrann
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