#Anglo Franco
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lordwilde · 2 months ago
Celine Men Summer 25 aka A lover of Oscar Wilde meets Bright Young Things meets Saltburn.
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prussianmemes · 11 months ago
the glassy eyed 1000 yard western euro stare you get when you tell the people sitting in you and your visibly ill girlfriend's seats that they're in your reserved seats and they go "ach... ja but your reservation is not written here there is no r-"
excuse me you germano-frankish beady eyed cocksucker, we're on a čd train and my čd ticket shows us as having these seats, and your rootless ugly white and black deutschebahn fart app doesn't even have seat reservations because despite your national stereotype you have the same organization and respect for order a gypsy does.
don't give me your "mon dieu et iz not written here" - the train is chronically overcrowded because your third world national rail company can't book properly, you've been sitting for 3 hours from shitggart and have only been looking at your insta stories while pretending to study pierre von shittenlips. i have a visibly ill and weak passenger with me but beyond the former iron curtain, despite your supposed cosmopolitan love for all, you're like the rats in the paradise experiment who actually just viciously serve themselves first above all.
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and the nerve to snicker and chat amongst yourselves once we get off... after very clearly sitting in our seats...: TOTAL WEST EURO CONTINENTAL DEATH.....
i believe now in celto-slavic racial superiority
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illustratus · 7 months ago
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The Battle of Texel 1673 by Jan de Quelery
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awwhawkeye · 18 days ago
Gee, dipping my toes on f1blr again and I'm reminded why I backed away from it. Lawson only racing hard against hispanics is not diva, it's weird 👀
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colapointo · 27 days ago
well, it's mild because apart from the homophobes (which sadly still exist everywhere), we don't really see anything negative about being part of the community (actually, way too many people here feel comfortable making every single famous person gay/bi, including the kid - it's super invasive imo). I myself am bi and still use that joke, my friends do too and they are mostly either gay or bi. I am two years older than he is, and I was nine when we legalised same-sex marriages in our country, so i would say that most people i know don't even think about it in any particular way (well, now we do, because shitty times and all of that). But he must do better, understand that because we understand his jokes and context (especially because he was talking about another argentine), that doesn't mean it will be accepted/understood everywhere. I can't speak on his behalf, and maybe he is everything people are assuming about him now, but yeah, I just wanted to give my two cents.
Honestly, our humour can be too aggressive for those who are not from our country - but most of the time it has not actual heat, it's just banter (did i write that word right?).
we are on the "making every celebrity gay/bi" website, so i totally get that. and i get joking amongst friends ("banter" is the perfect word for it!) especially if you're both part of the same minority. but yes, he has to realize the scope of his words now, and the subtext behind them. (casual homophobia is still homophobia.) if nothing else, don't freaking do it on camera 😖
thank you for your perspective! 😊
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bouillefriend · 8 months ago
Rly rly rly excited abt the domme i met last night :) wahoo
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atticfish · 1 year ago
is it insane for my first job interview ever to be a group interview conducted in french?? bc i am shitting my pantaloons
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vermofftiss · 1 year ago
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I missed franco-ontarian day but here, have an endless experience
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hugh-lauries-bald-spot · 1 year ago
this is a bit of a vent and its explained in the tags but its all in french so who really cares i dont know if i even have any francophones who follow me lol
je me suis fait une playlist car la musique est vraiment une des seules exutoires pour mes sentiments...
mais ça a vraiment aidé car je réalise maintenant que mes angoisses était un peu infantiles et imbéciles...
et que ce n'est pas si terriblement important, que j'ai pas raison d'y craindre car je suis surtout seul dans ces anxiétés
en tout cas, oui la musique coute moins chère qu'un thérapeute et fait le boulot plus efficacement 🤫
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greeds · 2 years ago
rip the entire interview was in french <3 she said it went rly well except for the fact that my french is a 2.5/5 LOL
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whencyclopedia · 3 months ago
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Dunkirk Evacuation
The Dunkirk Evacuation of 26 May to 4 June 1940, known as Operation Dynamo, was the attempt to save the British Expeditionary Force in France from total defeat by an advancing German army. Nearly 1,000 naval and civilian craft of all kinds, aided by calm weather and RAF air support, managed to evacuate around 340,000 British, French, and Allied soldiers.
The evacuation led to soured Franco-Anglo relations as the French considered Dunkirk a betrayal, but the alternative was very likely the capture of the entire British Expeditionary Force on the Continent. France surrendered shortly after Dunkirk, but the withdrawal allowed Britain and its empire to harbour its resources and fight on alone in what would become an ever-expanding theatre of war.
Germany's Blitzkrieg
At the outbreak of the Second World War when Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, France was relying almost entirely on a single defensive line to protect itself against invasion. These defences were the Maginot Line, a series of mightily impressive concrete structures, bunkers, and underground tunnels which ran along France's eastern frontiers. Manned by 400,000 soldiers, the defence system was named after the French minister of war André Maginot. The French imagined a German attack was most likely to come in two places: the Metz and Lauter regions. As it turned out, Germany attacked France through the Ardennes and Sedan on the Belgian border, circumventing most of the Maginot Line and overrunning the inadequate French defences around the River Meuse, inadequate because the French had considered the terrain in this forested area unsuitable for tanks. Later in the campaign, the Maginot Line was breached near Colmar and Saarbrücken.
To bolster the defences of France, Britain had sent across the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) under the command of General John Vereker (better known by his later title Lord Gort, 1886-1946). Around 150,000 men, mostly infantry, had arrived in September 1939 to strengthen the Franco-Belgian border. The BEF included the British Advanced Air Striking Force of 12 RAF squadrons. The aircraft were mostly Hawker Hurricane fighters and a few light bombers, all given much to the regret of RAF commanders who would have preferred to have kept these planes for home defence. The superior Supermarine Spitfire fighters were kept safely in Britain until the very last stages of the battle in France. The BEF had no armoured divisions and so was very much a defensive force, rather than an offensive one. More infantry divisions arrived up to April 1940, so the BEF grew to almost 400,000 men, but 150,000 of these had little or no military training. As General Bernard Montgomery (1887-1976) noted, the BEF was "totally unfit to fight a first class war on the Continent" (Dear, 130). In this respect, both Britain and France were very much stuck in the defensive-thinking mode that had won them the First World War (1914-18). Their enemy was exactly the opposite and had planned meticulously for what it called Fall Gelb (Operation Yellow), the German offensive in the west.
Totally unprepared for a war of movement, the defensive-thinking French were overwhelmed in the middle weeks of May 1940 by the German Blitzkrieg ("lightning war") tactics of fast-moving tanks supported by specialist bombers and smartly followed by the infantry. German forces swept through the three neutral countries of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. The 9th Army punched through the Ardennes and raced in a giant curve through northeast France to reach the coast around Boulogne. The BEF and the northern French armies (7th and 1st) were cut off from the rest of the French forces to the south. Germany had achieved what it called the 'Sickle Slice' (Sichelschnitt). By 24 May, the French and British troops were isolated and with their backs to the English Channel, occupying territory from Dunkirk to Lille. Although there were sporadic counterpunches by the defenders, Gort had already concluded that the French army had collapsed as an operational force. Gort considered an attack on the Germans to the south, which he was ordered to make, would have achieved very little except the annihilation of his army. The BEF must be saved, and so he withdrew to the north.
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lesbianaglaya · 4 months ago
forget everything i ever said about the ridiculousness of the franco/anglo divide in quebec. number one way to stop men when they try to pick you up on the street is to immediately start speaking in whichever language they did not use.
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curiositasmundi · 6 months ago
Il 9 maggio 1945 dovrebbe essere considerata come una delle più importanti e cruciali date di tutto il Novecento e anche dell’intera storia umana. Quel giorno memorabile le forze dell’Armata Rossa e delle brigate partigiane sovietiche sconfissero definitivamente i criminali eserciti nazifascisti sul vasto fronte orientale. Senza la straordinaria resistenza sovietica, l’esercito tedesco avrebbe potuto dilagare a Est, impadronirsi delle più preziose materie prime e sconfiggere gli alleati anglo-franco-americani. La Germania nazista era vicina alla realizzazione della bomba atomica e disponeva di una scienza missilistica di almeno 15 anni più avanzata di quella dei suoi nemici. Verosimilmente l’Europa sarebbe diventata un campo di morte, una terra disseminata di campi di sterminio, di camere a gas e forni crematori, non un solo ebreo sarebbe sopravvissuto, i popoli slavi avrebbero conosciuto una nuova schiavitù. Per contrastare questo incubo, i popoli sovietici hanno sacrificato 27 milioni di vite, di cui 12 milioni russe, hanno patito distruzioni e sofferenze inenarrabili e hanno affrontato una guerra il cui scopo era lo sterminio totale, questo era l’intento dichiarato di Adolf Hitler, soggiogare i popoli slavi, sterminare il popolo russo. L’eroismo dei combattenti dell’Armata Rossa e dei cittadini sovietici sfida le più iperboliche narrazioni di epopee eroiche. Si pensi a Stalingrado e se è possibile ancora di più a Leningrado, assediata per tre anni. Nella Venezia del Nord la resistenza dei cittadini oltre che dei combattenti fu sovrumana. In questa grandiosa città gli abitanti e chi li guidava riuscirono a concepire l’inaudito, edificarono una strada, la famosa “Via della Vita”, sul lago ghiacciato Ladoga per portare rifornimenti alla città martoriata. In seguito, a guerra non ancora terminata, appena morto Roosevelt, Henry Truman, nuovo presidente Usa individuò nell’Unione Sovietica il nemico ideale del dopoguerra. Gli apparati di propaganda del governo, del Pentagono e dei servizi segreti statunitensi approntarono un infernale campagna di propaganda basata su una miscela tossica di russofobia e anticomunismo isterico per rappresentare l’Urss come il regno del male. Alcune istituzioni, create espressamente, seminavano le menzogne più infami. L’Europa comunitaria progressivamente sintonizzandosi sulla temperie stelle e strisce ha finito con l’allinearsi alla stessa propaganda, sulla spinta di governi fascistoidi di alcuni paesi dell’Europa dell’Est, fino alla perversione di apparentare comunismo e nazismo con l’intenzione di criminalizzare la Federazione Russa. Tutto ciò ha portato a ignorare artatamente la ricorrenza del 9 di maggio, a gettare l’oblio sul sacrificio di 27 milioni di cittadini russi e sovietici. È nostra intenzione riparare a questa vergogna per restituire onore e giustizia a quegli straordinari esseri umani a cui ogni cittadino europeo e non solo deve imperitura gratitudine.
Moni Ovadia in un brano dell'intervento per la celebrezione della vittoria dell’Armata Rossa sui nazifascisti tenuto nella sede dell'Ambasciata Russa a Roma.
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orangerosebush · 4 months ago
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What I find darkly comedic about this tweet reposted on here is that this anglophone Twitter user somehow reverse-engineered one of THE most common forms of homophobia/biphobia in France!
(Like, even down "le wokisme" being invoked, which is a dogwhistle for purported "American/Anglo" influences on French society. "Le wokisme" is often invoked to derail discourse around the place/role of LGBTQ+ individuals in French society)
"«Un silence nous entoure» : biphobie, la double peine" (2023) by Miren Garaicoechea for the journal La Libération delves into this form that biphobia often takes in French society. Specifically, the ideas that non-heterosexual sexual identities are an anglocentric cultural import, that bisexuality particularly is a cultural import, and that a focus on the struggles experienced by LGBTQ+ individuals is anglocentric frivolity.
Original French text: «Femmes, hommes… Il va falloir choisir !» Nous sommes en 2006, et Jann [Halexander], alors âgé d’une vingtaine d’années, est assis dans un hôpital parisien, une aiguille dans le bras pour une prise de sang. «L’infirmière s’est permis de donner son avis personnel. Sur quoi ? Ma bisexualité, ma vie privée.» Quinze ans plus tard, le chanteur franco-gabonais de 40 ans est toujours agacé d’être perçu comme «une bête curieuse».
English translation (by me): “Women, men… You're going to have to choose!” It's 2006, and Jann [Halexander], then in his twenties, is sitting in a Paris hospital, a needle in his arm for a blood test. “The nurse took the liberty of giving her personal opinion. About what? My bisexuality, my private life.” Fifteen years later, the 40-year-old Franco-Gabonese singer is still annoyed at being perceived as “a curious beast”.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months ago
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One way to make GCAP more affordable is to merge it with the Franco-German SCAF program. Sharing costs and dividing them across a larger fleet of aircraft would reduce unit price. Also, the requirement for local content would ensure spare parts availability from multiple vendors. if this suggestion seems anathema to some, it is preferable to cancellation. I should also cite another very successful Anglo-French collaboration: Concorde.
@NicholasDrummond via X
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weepylucifer · 5 months ago
may i respectfully ask why we are beefing with tolkien. genuinely curious
short answer: racist
long answer: you might say, but mayhem (<- me), tolkien lived a hundred years ago in the british fucking empire, of course he was a racist, most english (i'll do it like him and not say "british") authors from that time were. to which i'd say, yes, but what really gets my goat about him specifically is that his vast fandom and almost everyone doing academia about him REFUSES to acknowledge the absolute rancid trad/cath takes coming out of that man on the regular. you'll notice i'm not on a crusade of hateration against, say, bram stoker, and that's because bram's readers know and accept that he fucked up sometimes. but no, we can't sully the literary idol that is tolkien by admitting that his opinions weren't always 100% progressive, correct and all-loving by today's standards.
and trust me, i know what i'm talking about. i have read the whole book of his letters front to back and can, at any moment, pull up evidence of tolkien:
vocally supporting fascist dictator francisco franco
frothing at the mouth about how evil divorce is
being staunchly anti-communist and attributing multiple opinions he just didn't like to "red propaganda"
the "mongol types" thing
saying he, as a catholic, is more oppressed than any jewish person (he said this in a world in which the holocaust had already happened and was known to the public)
saying his made-up elves are superior to and more true than actual dactual welsh and irish folklore, which he considered primitive
basically no-true-scotsmanning adolf fucking hitler ("doesn't he know that anglo-saxons are the real master race?"), as if there were no other problems to be had with hitler. he called him a "ruddy little ignoramus" which is on par, in my opinion, with roald dahl calling him a "stinker" like he was a cartoon villain. john ronald, the man attempted genocide
saying that it would have been alright for the men of the west to invade rhun and harad and kill everyone there, and obliterate mordor, even if those countries had been beautiful, peaceful and egalitarian, because they worshipped the wrong god. essentially "crusades are okay (and even obligatory!)"
saying that yes, all elves and edain were most definitely meant to "look european" because that's obviously what looks the most beautiful. i'm sorry guys :(
whether you want to file this stuff away under "product of his time, understandable" or want to say that he should have known better, doesn't even matter at this point. bc no one wants to talk about it at all, ever, neither in fan spaces nor in academia, and everyone trying to talk about it gets ignored or dogpiled. the scholars are like "okay he said all that but he didn't MEAN anything by it!" and the fans are like "well i drew a brown elf. the issue is now fixed!" i am 5 months and 50 pages into an MA thesis about this and i have frankly had enough right about now. but it IS actually super funny that i've been beefing with tolkien for over 2 years now and made it a good chunk of my identity (<- seems healthy!) and this little comment today gets me 3 asks in my box 😄
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