#Angeline Jackson
yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
you’re the only one I can think of that would know most about this, but is it true William S. Hamilton was gay? or what started the rumors?
The speculation of William's sexuality rose to question because William - unlike the rest of his family - never married and remained a bachelor throughout his life. With that being said, the whole discussion boils down to nothing but mere speculation. There's no actual evidence, or anything notable that could slightly confirm it.
Theodore Rodolf, a political rival of William's, wrote that; “He was a confirmed bachelor, and did not seem to care much for female society.” [x] Although Rodolf's account should be taken with a grain of salt due his evident bias against William as a political competitor. And historian A. K. Fielding tells a different perspective of William's regard to women, claiming;
Multiple accounts indicate that William had a soft spot for the ladies. Considering the rough frontier society he lived in, it is possible that he was involved in a tryst or two himself. Yet it is difficult to ascertain whether any such interludes left him yearning for matrimony, because he left no records on the subject. Did he prefer his freedom? Was he spurned by someone? Did he recall his father's adultery and the shame it had brought on the whole family? Without concrete evidence, it is difficult to prove any given theory. One can only conclude that if there was a special romance, William chose not to pursue it and remained a bachelor all his life.
Source — FIELDING, A. K. Rough Diamond: The Life of Colonel William Stephen Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton’s Forgotten Son. Indiana University Press, 2021.
I think if anything, Rodolf may have been referring to William's lack of special or flattering attitude to women, that he didn't alter his character or appearance for them. William led a very rugged and shameless life; chances where higher-class women would not fancy his lifestyle. When William moved from Illinois to Wisconsin in the late 1820s, he had established a mine known as Hamilton's Diggings, to which he later renamed Woita. In the March of 1831, Juliette Kinzie described the conditions as “shabby” and “unpromising”, [x] she was also appalled by the foul language of the miners and described them as; “roughest-looking set of men I ever beheld.” [x] Although William's closest family members were some of the only women in his family, like his mother and youngest sister. Both had traveled west to see him, and he had one day hoped to have them as part of his household.
Sylvan Muldoon makes a bold claim in his biography about William with the statement that apparently there were rumors of an affair between William and a family member of the opposite sex. Even going as far as to claim that his brother's believed such, and resented him for it;
It is true that many writers have expressed their opinions concerning Hamilton's morals in a critical manner, some even going so far as to accuse him of living too intimately with a certain member of the opposite sex, who was married to one of his relatives.
There I believe, an alienation between William Stephen and a couple of his own brothers on this score which we will not enter into here, for the simple reason that the charges brought against him were preposterous and based upon nothing more than supposition. Suffice it to say that Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, his mother; Mrs. Holly, his sister; James Hamilton, his brother; and several other of his relatives were entirely in sympathy with his action in allowing the wife of one of his nephews to keep house for him during a time when she was estranged from her husband.
Source — Alexander Hamilton's pioneer son; the life and times of Colonel William Stephen Hamilton; 1797-1850. Early New York, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and California, by Sylvan J. Muldoon
Then goes on to say he; “lived and died without ever marrying, and, so far as is known, he never participated in a love-affair.” I've found no evidence of any unpleasant feelings between the brothers concerning this particular matter, but William does seem to have been a bit alienated from them—Although it is more likely due to their differing political beliefs (A similar aspect in James's feud with Alexander Jr). Most of Hamilton's sons were Jacksonian Democrats, while William was a Whig. Additionally, William did not find himself comfortable in the wealthy aristocratic class that his family were associated with. Also, because William decided to move half across the country, so it would have been hard to contact him or see him. Some have speculated that William may have distanced himself from his family due to their unaccepting nature had he truly been gay, but all the priorly mentioned reasons are the solidly confirmed ones.
One event that did contribute to some friction between John Church and William was concerning the female family member Muldoon references as being rumored to have had a love affair with him. Although it wasn't due to the supposed allegations that Muldoon mentions (That I'm not even sure existed), JCH's third child, John Cornelius Adrian Hamilton, was becoming more and more estranged from his family due to his disapproving actions and soon William took him in, only angering John C. more. I delve more into this here, but basically after Cornelius went against his father's wishes and married Angeline Romer, John was likely too embarrassed to introduce his new daughter-in-law to his friends in the New York elite society, so he sent Cornelius and Angeline out West with promises of giving them property there. And so, the newly wedded couple traveled from New York to Springfield, Illinois, where Cornelius worked as an engineer until August 19, 1839. It is there, the two likely met their uncle William. Sometime in 1839-1840, William took in Cornelius and his family in Woita at Hamilton's Diggings, after the birth their firstborn son, named after William Stephen Hamilton in 1839. Cornelius only became more defiant against his father, to which John faulted William's influence for. In 1844, Cornelius followed his father's orders and left his wife and children, after he and Angeline had become strained with time. Angeline and her children stayed with William, and she was likely the woman many had rumored to have been William's “mistress”.
Angeline seemed to enjoy her time living with her children, her uncle, and his slave. Edgar Hamilton wrote that “his kindness to them, especially to my mother was a theme she never tired to tell to my brother and myself when young” and he “always looked upon my father and mother and we babies as his special heirs and expected to educate us and leave his property to us.” [x] Even when Cornelius had abandoned his family, William's generosity and protection never left Angeline and her children. She looked after his house, even sewing suits and linen shirts for him to wear to legislative sessions in Madison, Wisconsin. Loss of a child, marital strife, and news of an ailing father all prompted Angeline to consider returning to New York by 1843. William at the time was running for elected office and hoped to become the new governor of the territory, he asked Angeline to postpone her travels until after the election. But she took her children and went home to be with her father. Even until the end of her life, Angeline held the deepest respect for William and never remarried. She considered him her; “truest friend in the family.” [x] and William had wished to invite her back to his household, alongside his mother and sister had he won the election. [x] Fielding makes the remark that; “If any romantic involvement between William and Angeline may have caused a strain between William and his brothers, no such evidence exists in primary sources.” Angeline's son, Edgar Hamilton - who grew up in William's cabin - continuously praised his great-uncle and worked in favor of preserving his memory and memorial.
Although, it is also likely William's only intent and nature with Angeline was to help her. Later Edgar describes his great-uncle as; “ever espoused the weaker party and his feelings always were quickened in behalf of the poor and distressed.” [x] Which we can see is evident in other events through William's life that weren't with romantic intention at all; William was once passing through the country in a sleigh with several friends, when he saw a Native American man riding on horseback alongside a native woman making her way laboriously on injured foot. William interfered when he saw the man take a whip and beat the woman; “cruelly with it while he uttered curses at her for not hurrying.” [x] He then took the woman in his sleigh and tried to remove her from immediate danger, the man followed William and tried to shoot him but missed. Before the man had time to reload his rifle and fire again, William turned around and fought with him, before he took hold of the horse whip and tremendously thrashed him and then took off in his sleigh.
Like Fielding initially suggested, if William truly had romantic feelings for another, it is likely he refused to commit to them. He was restless, and constantly moving, making it hard for him to maintain relationships and friendships—And being born at the same time as the Reynolds Pamphlet release, to losing his father at six years old and witnessing all that it had put his mother through, likely distorted his vision of love or romantic relationships. But it is not the first historians, or even people from the time period, assume bachelor men to be of homosexual inclinations. Not that it isn't ever true, for instance Baron Von Steuben was a gay man who never married. But I'd argue there is more substantial evidence surrounding his sexuality. John Gilbert McCurdy, who often writes about the revolutionary period in America, says;
Although this conclusion yields considerable insight into the evolution of sexual identity, it underestimates the complexities of the bachelor's masculinity and sexuality. It is certainly true that some colonists saw the bachelor as effeminate and morally depraved in a way that implied homosexuality, but the bachelor could also be the manliest of men and heterosexual to a fault. The bachelor's gender identification certainly could be problematic, although sometimes it was because he was too manly and at other times it was because he was not manly enough. As a result, we have to be careful about asserting that the bachelor was a proxy for the homosexual in early America. Beginning with Michel Foucault, historians of sexuality have largely accepted the social constructionist view that while some men in the ancient, medieval, and carly modern world had sex with other men, they were not homosexuals.
Sexuality was undergoing tremendous change in the century before the Revolution. Americans had begun to decouple sex and procreation but Freud had yet to formulate an understanding of desire as being determinative of sexual identity. The early American bachelor's sexuality straddled this divide and often created as much confusion as it did clarity. It had long been considered problematic by moralists and lawmakers who demanded total abstinence for all unmarried people. However, as the bachelor emerged as a unique identity, Americans reconsidered single sex and asked if one variation was more depraved than another. They did worry that bachelors were sodomites, but they also worried about bachelor fornicators. Indeed, far more ink was spilled by moralists agonizing over a new breed of bastards bankrupting taxpayers than was invested in innuendos about effeminate men. In time Americans would conclude that heterosexual bachelor behavior was preferable to homosexuality, but in 1800 this was far from assured.
Early American bachelor sexuality thus cannot be confined to a simple homosex ual/heterosexual dichotomy because it often contravened and confused this anachronistic division. Instead, we have to consider bachelor sexuality as a whole and understand how the perception of different sexual acts evolved over time. At the same time, the unsettled sexuality of the early American bachelor may offer some insight into the evolution of the modern-day homosexual. Historians seeking a gay American history have often looked to sodomy trials, curiously affectionate correspondence, and attacks on effeminate men to find the roots of the modern gay identity. Yet being a homosexual is not simply about sex acts and gender inversion. It is also about the disavowal of traditional marriage, the building of a subculture made up almost entirely of other men, and the assertion of a greater degree of sexual license. In this, the emergence of the bachelor is integral to the history of gay men.
Source — McCurdy, J. G. (2011). Citizen Bachelors: Manhood and the Creation of the United States. United States: Cornell University Press.
When regarding queer history, I would also advise being open-minded about aromantic or asexual figures. Undoubtedly, if a person did not marry it did not mean the only single cause had to be because they were gay but could have also been aromantic. In many cases, people tend to limit it down to so few options, it plays an effective role in queer erasure. In any case, I don't have any substantial opinions regarding the debate, it's all purely supposition and there is scarcely preserved material to call evidence or come to any true settlement outside of carefree head cannons. While William did live in the West, of predominantly male dominated areas, and did not marry—That is the only evidence we have in regards to this speculation. In the end, it's just another mystery surrounding William that we'll never know for certain about. I think William is an interesting individual on his own, and the need to try and determine a hypothesis that is so trivial in the wider picture due to its lack of standing ground seems fruitless. Especially when William has so many other complexities and intriguing characteristics outside of his love or sex life. I understand the desire to explore the censored field of queer history that is often ignored by historians, especially in the search for representation, but William isn't your best choice for that. I would suggest looking to several other queer figures with more opportunities for research and more solid confirmation.
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retiredficwriter · 9 months
now that i’m back on my percy jackson brain rot, here are what i think each melrose fam’s greek godly parent would be:
sydney - athena, goddess of wisdom, reason and strategy. c’mon, you saw that coming.
adrian - dionysus, god of wine, festivity, theatre, madness. i thought putting him as a child of apollo but dionysus makes more sense for adrian (his vices, his struggle with spirit, being an unofficial theatre kid)
eddie - hestia, goddess of home and family. I think that aligns with eddie’s need to protect his friends (and plays into their little found family trope)
jill - poseidon, god of sea, storms, earthquakes and horses. she is a water-user, making her a child of the big three would be in line with her lineage being important and having people/monsters go after her. also, jill is a horse girl (affectionate) to me.
angeline - ares, god of war and violence. it matches her unhinged and chaotic energy.
trey - apollo, god of sun, archery, prophecy and healing. aligns with the warriors’ beliefs and how charming trey is.
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flameswallower · 8 months
Hey I loooove your stuff! What are some other artists, visual, audio, and text based, who inspire you? I hope to be able to create something as evocative as your work one day myself <3
Thank you!! There are so many! In terms of really direct and really significant, enduring influences on my writing style, or approach to subject matter & narrative, or overall "aesthetic" what springs to mind is:
The short stories of Kelly Link, Clive Barker, M. Rickert, Elizabeth Hand, Joyce Carol Oates, Tanith Lee, Steve Rasnic Tem, Melanie Tem, Karen Russell, and Ray Bradbury
The early 1990s horror novels of Kathe Koja and Poppy Z. Brite/Billy Martin
Shirley Jackson's entire body of literary work
Porpentine's 2010s twine games & fiction from the same time
Junji Ito's comics
Emily Carroll's comics
Lynda Barry's fiction and comics
John Darnielle's music/songwriting with the Mountain Goats
Sarah Manguso's poetry
The Last Unicorn, by Peter S. Beagle
In terms of artists/works I only encountered within the past few years, but am already feeling as "big influences" on my work in a similar way to the above:
Sayaka Murata's fiction, particularly her novel Earthlings
Samuel R. Delany's short fiction (I hope to tackle Dhalgren sometime in the next year!)
Max Graves' comic What Happens Next
Hal Schrieve's fiction and comics
Leo Fox's comics and art
Never Angeline North's fiction
Robert Aickman's short stories
Freshwater, by Akwaeke Emezi
I listen to a lot of music while writing. Recent favorites include Uyarakq, Guided By Voices, Nascent by Alexander Panos, Big Thief, Owen Pallet, and my sister Louise.
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fedorahead · 3 months
Is there a masterlist of, like, actors and celebrities that have come forward for trans rights?
I know the internet has all sorts of collections of people who've done something messed up and those always depress me but reading about David Tennant being supportive in the face of the UK government and current legislation and stuff really hit me and I'd love to be able to see who else is out there standing up for us and what's right.
If not, here's a list I'm putting together, feel free to add to it or add context in the notes if you want! I'm including celebrities who have affirmed their support for trans family members even if they're not doing other activism. I'm also only listing celebrities I know of, and this list does not in any way endorse any problematic stuff any of them may have done outside of the topic.
Just making this list is cheering me up a lot tbh
David Tennant
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint
Pedro Pascal
Jamie Lee Curtis
Ariana Grande
Lady Gaga
Don Cheadle
Taylor Swift
Gabrielle Union
Colin Mochrie
Andrew Garfield
K. A. Applegate
David Arquette
Jannifer Lopez
Angeline Jolie
Vanessa Carlton
Kevin Bacon
Nick Offerman
Sheryl Crow
Hayley Williams
Anna Paquin
Jon Oliver
Jon Stewart
Keanu Reeves
Anthony Rapp
Charlize Theron
Kate Winslet
Shawn Mendes
LeBron James
Anthony Stewart Head
Gerard Way
Bea Arthur
Wil Wheaton
Warren Beatty
Lynda Carter
Selena Gomez
Billy Ray Cyrus
Megan Thee Stallion
Cardi B
Shania Twain
Anna Kendrick
Kendrick Lamar
Dolly Parton
Drew Barrymore
Mark Ruffalo
Bruce Springsteen
Taron Egerton
Orville Peck
Charles Barkley
Sigourney Weaver
Bad Bunny
Emma Thompson
Liev Schreiber
Magic Johnson
Anne Hathaway
Chris Pratt
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Evans
Margot Robbie
Sandra Bullock
Christina Aguilera
Mariah Carey
Dua Lipa
Tony Hawk
Matt Berry
Harry Styles
John Leguizamo
Patrick Stewart
Jon Bernthal
David Lynch
Russel T Davies
Garth Brooks
Paris Hilton
Lucy Lawless
Bill Nye
Ally Sheedy
Miley Cyrus
Joan Jett
Mike Shinoda
Dick Van Dyke
Eric Idle
Ian Mackellan
Benedict Cumberbatch
Matthew Lillard
Adam Conover
Megan Fox
Gwen Stefani
Terry Pratchett
Neil Gaiman
Mara Wilson
David Attenborough
Michael Sheen
Joaquin Phoenix
John Lithgow
Jim Norton
Mr Beast
M Shadows
John Cusack
Hugh Jackman
Penn Jilette
Janet Jackson
Brie Larson
Britney Spears
Jenna Ortega
Selena Gomez
oh man there are so many more i can't even keep listing but here's a list of 500 feminists who signed an open letter supporting trans women and girls
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negative-speedforce · 9 months
What made you decide your OCs names/what do their names mean?
Sivonne Alessandra Thawne: Sivonne is a bastardized version of the name Siobhan that 14-year-old me heard for the first time, and I thought it sounded cool. Alessandra, their middle name, means "Defender of men" and I thought that worked pretty well for her.
Jason Luca Barron: Jason means "Healer", Luca means "Light". It works pretty well for his personality.
Cassandra Addison Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Hailey Tuyet Laurence: "Hailey" chosen at random based on vibes, means "hay's meadow" and "Tuyet" is Vietnamese for "snow".
Jessica Esmeralda Wells: Jessica was just chosen to establish her as the E-2002 version of Jesse Wells, and Esmeralda means "emerald". It was just chosen at random.
Regina Maria Rivera: "Regina Maria" is a reference to her family's Catholic faith, meaning "Queen Mary", which refers to Mary, mother of Jesus.
Ember Mallory Del Rosario: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Aryazana'canwr'mwyar'nos: Aryazana doesn't mean anything, I made up the name myself, and "canwr mwyar nos" means "Night Singer" in Welsh, a reference to her abilities from being half Siren. Her human name, Arya, means "Illustrious".
Catherine Danielle "Cat" Stewart: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Kyle Nolan Spencer: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Maxwell Samuel Seng: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Eric Matthew Akintola-Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Jacob Devon Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Khalil Marcus Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Antonio Carlos Rivera: Named after the little brother in Disney's Encanto, aka the character he was based off.
Ameerah Jade Carmine: "Ameerah" chosen at random. Her middle and last names are colors, as to reference her ability to use the visible light spectrum to warp people's emotions.
Regina Catherine Barron-Stevens: Named after Gina and Cat, close friends of her parents.
Rania Rayan Al Qallaf-Martinez: Rania was chosen because it means "Queen", due to Rania's original status as a villain before I revamped her character, Rayan was chosen at random, it means "Door Of Heaven".
Lydia Angeline Hawke: Lydia was chosen at random, Angeline was chosen because it is a name similar to that of one of my most difficult coworkers.
Meredith Nadia Alatorre: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Kelsie Saoirse Gupta-O'Riordan: "Kelsie" chosen at random, "Saoirse" chosen because it means "Freedom" and is relevant to her role in-universe as Siv's therapist.
Cory Faye Fields: Name chosen at random based on vibes
Delilah the Cat: Named after the biblical Delilah, a cunning woman who uses trickery to get what she wants (like a tiny half-feral kitten lmao)
Sivonne Bellona Thawne: "Sivonne' to establish her as E-2022's Siv Thawne, "Bellona" because it's a Roman war goddess, and I think that fits Onnie's vibe.
Penelope Lowe: Name chosen at random based on vibes
Jessica Marina Wells: "Jessica" establishes her as E-2022's Jesse Wells, and "Marina" was based on "Marina and the Diamonds", one of my favorite musicians.
Moon Hyun-Ki: Hyun-Ki means "Clever" and I thought that would be a good narrative choice because he keeps trying to outwit Jessi and would be able to if she wasn't OP af.
Qiara Lucia Bradshaw: Qiara as an alternate spelling of "Kiara", but with a Q since she technically doesn't have a real name, she's just "Q". Lucia was chosen because it means "Light".
Marie Kiyoko Kaneyama: Marie chosen because it means "Bitterness" and Marie's one of my Angst Blanket OCs, "Kiyoko" after "Hayley Kiyoko", aka Lesbian Jesus.
Liah Amina Abdul: "Liah" was chosen because it sounds vaguely similar to some other Cardassian names, (It also means "delicate" so that's an extra bonus), Amina was chosen because it means "Faithful".
Soraya Farwah Al-Sharif: Named after a couple of close friends I had in middle school.
Thalia Xanthe Sylvan: "Thalia" after Thalia Grace of the Percy Jackson novels, "Xanthe" after one of the mythical Amazon warriors.
Athena Stonehenge: Not her real name, but was chosen because it's giving "Mysterious, wise, and cunning". Her real name, however, is Mollie, and she will kill you if you call her that.
Laila/Experiment 669: Laila is Arabic for "Dark night", which is a homophone for "Dark Knight", aka Sith lmao. Her experiment number is a cross between "666" and "69" because I am very mature.
Reyna Blazestar: Chosen because it sounds like some 13 year old's power fantasy Mary Sue OC name, which it technically is, because Reyna uses a fake name to distance herself from her abusive stepmother.
Aldrich Tobias Morgan: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Samira Nasrin Yazdani: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Sohelia Morgan Yazdani: "Sohelia" means star, and I thought that'd be funny because Vampires and the sun, y'know? And Morgan as her middle name is a subtle way of giving her father's last name without outing her as half-vampire.
Vanessa Leah Wolf: Name chosen at random based on vibes, HOWEVER, her last name, Wolf, was chosen because she gets transformed into a monster by a mad scientist and I thought that was subtle and fitting for her.
Matthew Avi Rosenthal-St. James: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Dolores Valentina Aguilar: "Dolores" means "Sorrows" and I thought it was fitting for a vampire. "Valentina" was chosen based on vibes.
Victorie Amelie Bernard: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
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karouvas · 8 months
Top 5 PJO characters (I'm curious about VA/Bloodlines and TLT too)
PJO I’ll just do a top 10 since you did :)
Nico Di Angelo
Piper McLean
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arrelano
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Hazel Levesque
Thalia Grace
Clarisse La Rue
Zoe Nightshade
Meg Mcaffrey
I made that specifically characters from the Greek series, if we were including Magnus Chase and TKC top 6 are unchanged but then it goes Alex Samirah Sadie and Thalia is no.10
Sydney Sage (not shocking lol)
Rose Hathaway
Lissa Dragomir
Adrian Ivashkov (although he could be no.3 if I’d reread bloodlines more recently/depending on my mood)
Christian Ozera
Jackie Terwilliger
Mia Rinaldi
Jill Dragomir
Abe Mazur
Angeline Dawson
and TLT (I just did a top 5 list for my own amusement so here’s 10 lol)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus
Ianthe Tridentarius
Camilla Hect
Gideon Nav
Pyrrha Dve
Palamedes Sextus
Coronabeth Tridentarius
Mercymorn and Augustine lol
Judith Dueteros
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Okay okay okay have a looong list babe! 💚 (Going with literally everything that gives me vibes lol) (There's also ones that we already talked about but not explored that much... ops?! But they have a *) (Will also use # you'll know why lol) Also, there are some ocs that are in the same universe, but decided just about specific relationships so kept them separated! (Also, tried to follow you "don't do crossover with this oc" list, know that you alredy did some exceptions with me but we always talked about it first and I don't want to make you uncomfortable! If you think you could feel comfortable with some of that ocs or have some other ideas you know I'm always here 👀)
Sure that I forgot someone, but!
Harry Potter
Ara Black & Bianca Black-Lupin
Ara Black & Viss Potter
Emerald Evans & Viss Potter
Gemini Black & Eden Rosier *
Gemini Black & Rosalind Potter
Gemini Black & Gunnie Newton
Eurydice Crouch & Eden Rosier *
Eurydice Crouch & Rosalind Potter
Venus Malfoy & Viss Potter
Andromeda Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Ashley Wilson & Mike Lore
Ashley Wilson & Ashley McCoy
Ashley Wilson & Reggie Warwick
Atalanta Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Blossom Talbot & Mike Lore
Blossom Talbot & Ashley McCoy
Blossom Talbot & Catarine Johnson
Calliope & Catarine Johnson
Cassandra Aelius & Reggie Warwick
Cassandra Aelius & Gilbert Summers & Lucas Alderidge
Crystal Solace & Mike Lore
Crystal Solace & Reggie Warwick
Crystal Solace & Gilbert Summers
Delia & Catarine Johnson
Desdemona Gaumond & Mike Lore
Desdemona Gaumond & Reggie Warwick
Elyana Chase & Evelyn Chase
Esmerelda Wilde & Mike Lore
Esmerelda Wilde & Ashley McCoy
Esmerelda Wilde & Reggie Warwick
Lila & Iris Hardcastle
Mila Bellamy & Reggie Warwick
Pandora Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Pandora Jackson & Mike Lore
Stella Beauregard & Mike Lore
Stella Beauregard & Reggie Warwick
Summer Sol & Gilbert Summers
Viola Di Angelo & Reggie Warwick
Adina Lightwood & Elys Herondale * (and the kids ofc)
Adina Lightwood & Vienna Lightwood
Adina Lightwood & Pepper Orla #
Ariadne Blackthorn & Cassandra Blackthorn
Ariadne Blackthorn & Pepper Orla #
Ariella Lightwood & Elys Herondale
Calla Frey & Elys Herondale
Cassiel Fell & Elys Herondale
Clem Wayland & Elys Herondale
Evanna Garroway & Brian White
Josephine Garroway & Brian White
Mikaela Fairchild & Elys Herondale
Minerva Bane & Elys Herondale
Minerva Bane & Alice Knight
Minerva Bane & Lydia Knight
Minerva Bane & Pepper Orla #
Rebecca Wayland & Elys Herondale
Ainsley Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Deborah Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Elle Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Esther Colt & Kayla Winchester
Isla George & Kayla Winchester
Jude Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Marmaroth & Kayla Winchester
Nevaeh Murphy & Kayla Winchester
Rachel Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Teen Wolf
Abigayle Whittermore & Freya Ringold
Adrien Argent & Raphael Blackwell (& Diana & Angeline Blackwell)
Adrienne Argent & Ginevra Stilinski
Adrienne Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Adrienne Argent & Angeline Blackwell
Alexis Argent & Ginevra Stilinski
Alexis Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Arianne Martin & Ginevra Stilinski
Arianne Martin & Candace McCall
Arianne Martin & Samantha Ellis
Avril Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Avril Argent & Alastair Henwick
Belle Serpico & Addie Lewis
Bridget Finstock & Addie Lewis
Brooke Parrish & Diana Blackwell
Carmen Rivera & Candace McCall
Eden Dunbar & Ginevra Stilinski
Eden Dunbar & Stan Benson
Elsa Lahey & Candace McCall
Elsa Lahey & Samantha Ellis
Natasha Reyes & Linette Reyes
Natasha Reyes & Stan Benson
Raegan Stilinski & Ginevra Stilinski
Scout Stilinski & Ginevra Stilinski
Scout Stilinski & Candace McCall
Scout Stilinski & Addie Lewis
Scout Stilinski & Stan Benson
Sylvia Hale & Raphael Blackwell
Sylvia Hale & Alastair Henwick
Stranger Things
Abigail Layton & Olivia Marlow
Abigail Layton & Sunny Henderson
Angelica Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Angelica Hopper & Sunny Henderson
Angelica Hopper & Effie Munson
Beth Munson & Effie Munson
Beth Munson & Olivia Marlow
Beth Munson & Nora Wheeler #
Camila Nelson & Miles Henderson *
Camila Nelson & Olivia Marlow
Camila Nelson & Autumn Hopper
Cara Henderson & Miles Henderson
Cara Henderson & Sunny Henderson
Cara Henderson & Ethan Clifford
Ness Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Jacob Hopper & Miles Henderson
Jacob Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Jessica Wheeler & Alex Byers
Jessica Wheeler & Dolly Harrington
Jessica Wheeler & Nora Wheeler #
Kaylie Hopper & Miles Henderson
Kaylie Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Kimberly Harrington & Miles Henderson
Kimberly Harrington & Autumn Hopper
Kimberly Harrington & Dolly Harrington
Kimberly Harrington & Sunny Henderson
Laura Hyde & Olivia Marlow
Laura Hyde & Effie Munson
Laura Hyde & Ethan Clifford
Laura Hyde & Nora Wheeler
Lori Hill & Olivia Marlow
Olivia Wheeler & Sunny Henderson
Olivia Wheeler & Olivia Marlow
Olivia Wheeler & Nora Wheeler
Rhiannon Ballard & Miles Henderson
Rhiannon Ballard & Effie Munson
Samantha Mayfield & Dolly Harrington *
Samantha Mayfield & Ethan Clifford
Sidney Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Sidney Hopper & Alex Byers
Spencer Hargrove & Dolly Harrington
Stacey Byers & Alex Byers
Stacey Byers & Miles Henderson *
Descendants (Everyone & Jax lmao)
Ace Hearts & Gavin
Ace Hearts & Brielle
Ace Hearts & Rowan Cheshire
Princess Addie & Prince Baz #
Anissa Radcliffe & Jess Hearts
Anissa Radcliffe & Esme Balthazar
Beatrice & Juniper White
Beatrice & Celestine
Beatrice & Prince Baz #
Blossom & Celestine
Chessy & Jax Hearts
Chessy & Jess Hearts
Chessy & Juniper White
Chessy & Rowan Cheshire
Chiara Potts & Jax Hearts
Chiara Potts & Jess Hearts
Chiara Potts & Prince Bax #
Cian Hearts & Gavin
Cian Hearts & Brielle
Cian Hearts & Rowan Cheshire
Eliane & Jax Hearts
Eliane & Celestine
Elise Charming & Crystal Charming #
Elise Charming & Prince Baz #
Evander Grimhilde & Jax Hearts
Evander Grimhilde & Esme Balthazar
Finley Rider & Jax Hearts
Finley Rider & Primrose Rider #
Fitz Rider & Primrose Rider #
Fitz Rider & Jax Hearts
Gloria Gothel & Primrose Rider #
Harley Hook & Jess Hearts *
Princess Isabelle & Primrose Rider #
Princess Isabelle & Prince Baz #
Princess Kyra & Jess Hearts
Mae & Celestine
Queenie Hearts & Brielle
Robin Fitzherbert & Primrose Rider #
Rylan Fitzherbert & Primrose Rider #
Rosabelle Legume & Jax Hearts
Rosabelle Legume & Prince Baz #
Sloane White & Juniper White
Sloane White & Jess Hearts
Sloane White & Prince Baz #
Taryn Porter & Jax Hearts
Topher Charming & Prince Baz #
Topher Charming & Jax Hearts *
Topher Charming & Crystal Charming #
Topher Charming & Armie & Bernie Poppins
Violet Kingsleigh & Gavin
Violet Kingsleigh & Brielle
Violet Kingsleigh & Rowan Cheshire
Violet Kingsleigh & Prince Baz #
Winnie Pan & Jax Hearts
Winnie Pan & Jess Hearts
Effie Cox & CJ Holmes
Kit Holmes & CJ Holmes
Elaine Watson & CJ Holmes
MCU (Should have a list just for them ngl)
Achilles & Aimee
Adelaide Stark & Eleanor Stark
Adelaide Stark & Rebecca Stark
Adelaide Stark & Victoria Vill
Alvina Strange & Victoria Vill
Alvina Strange & Melissa Parker #
Alvina Strange & Aimee
Anya Barton & Kit Barton
Aphrodite & Aimee
Aria Parker & Melissa Parker #
Ava Potts & Victoria Vill
Ava Potts & Kit Barton
Ava Potts & Mia Barnes
Bianca Davis & Mia Barnes
Bianca Davis & Kit Barton *
Bianca Davis & Eleanor Stark
Brigid & Rebecca Stark
Brigid & Trixie Kingsleigh
Calypso Lokidottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Calypso Lokidottir & Aimee
Cora Royce & Kit Barton *
Courtney Lang & Helena Watson
Eir Odinsdottir & Aimee
Eir Odinsdottir & Sol & Mani #
Eir Odinsdottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Elena Barnes & Kit Barton
Elena Barnes & Mia Barnes
Elizabeth Barton & Kit Barton
Ellie Coulson & Victoria Vill
Ellie Coulson & Melissa Parker #
Elsie Carter & Mia Barnes
Erna Bragidottir & Sol & Mani #
Evelyn Rogers & Mia Barnes
Ezra Barton & Kit Barton
Freya Thorsdottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Freya Thorsdottir & Aimee
Ilya Romanova & Kit Barton
Ilya Romanova & Mia Barnes
Jameson Barrett & Mia Barnes
Justine Barnes & Mia Barnes *
Kassandra Maximoff & Victoria Vill
Kassandra Maximoff & Kit Barton
Mia Pierce & Kit Barton
Mia Pierce & Mia Barnes
Nicholas Barton & Kit Barton
Peyton Parker & Victoria Vill
Peyton Parker & Melissa Parker
Saga Thorsdottir & Aimee
Sammy Barton & Kit Barton
Tyler Barton & Kit Barton
Wendy Parker & Trixie Kingsleigh
Wendy Parker & Victoria Vill
Wendy Parker & Melissa Parker #
Will Parker & Kit Barton *
Will Parker & Melissa Parker
Will Parker & Victoria Vill
Will Parker & Eleanor Stark
Will Parker & Rebecca Stark
Zora Wright & Kit Barton
TASM (Trust me on this, especially when you read one specific name lol)
Constance Osborn & Victoria Vill
Constance Osborn & MJ Watson #
Jill Stacy & MJ Watson #
Posie Parker & Victoria Vill
Posie Parker & MJ Watson #
Princess Aelia & Maeve *
Allyria Pendragon & Elissa Pendragon
Aurelia Devlyn & Mabel
Aurelia Devlyn & Delfine
Elsine Pendragon & Elissa Pendragon
Lynette Starfall & Maeve
Abbie Hudson & Nate Simmons *
Abbie Hudson & Kaylee Hummel *
Abbie Hudson & Maya Puckerman
Abbie Hudson & Mirabelle Ryder
Amelie Kline & Cosette Chamberlain #
Ash Astor & Cosette Chamberlain #
Barbie Corcoran & Linda Berry #
Barbie Corcoran & Maya Puckerman
Betty Fabray & Nate Simmons *
Betty Fabray & Elliott Walker *
Betty Fabray & Kaylee Hummel
Mac Hudson & Connie Sanchez #
(The Band & The Band? 👀)
Cece Cartwright & Nate Simmons *
Cece Cartwright & Elliott Walker *
Cece Cartwright & Melanie Jay
Charlie Sylvester & Nate Simmons
Christie Hummel & Nate Simmons
Christie Hummel & Kaylee Hummel
Daphne Carter & Susan Cole
Daphne Carter & Morgan Smith
Delilah Puckerman & Susan Cole
Demi July & Dulcie Klempt
Demi July & Nate Simmons
Demi July & Ronnie Nell
Dolly Corcoran & Linda Berry #
Dolly Corcoran & Jean St James
Gilbert Hummel & Kaylee Hummel
Haruki Knox & Nate Simmons *
Hillary Holliday & Nate Simmons
Holden Pierre & Chrissy Chamberlain
Holden Pierre & Nate Simmons
Jeremy St James & Nate Simmons
Jeremy St James & Elliott Walker
Jeremy St James & Jean St James
Johanna Berry & Linda Berry #
Joy Shuester & Morgan Smith
Joy Shuester & Nate Simmons
Joy Shuester & Elliott Walker
June Harris & May Taylor & Melanie Jay
June Harris & May Taylor & Lyra Wells & Melody Wells
Kendall Pierce & Nate Simmons *
Kendall Pierce & Elliott Walker
Kendall Pierce & Lula Delaney
Lilibeth Anderson & Jean St James
Lilibeth Anderson & Chrissy Chamberlain
Lindsay Wright & Zeke Wright
Lindsay Wright & Dulcie Klempt
Roman Kline & Cosette Chamberlain
Roxie Flores & Nate Simmons
Roxie Flores & Jennifer Glynn #
Sadie Berry & Linda Berry
Abigail Claremont-Diaz & Emma Spring
Abigail Claremont-Diaz & Romeo Dunn
Caroline FMW & Princess Valentina (& Emma Spring)
Caroline FMW & Eliza Halley
Caroline FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Cate FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Eileen Eisner & Eliza Halley
Isabel Luna & Lenora Richards
Kennedy Quinlan & Romeo Dunn
London Carter & Emma Spring
London Carter & Ken Morrison
London Carter & Lenora Richards
Lucy Kent & Ken Morrison
Lucy Kent & Emma Spring
Madison Richards & Lenora Richards
Margaret FMW & Princess Valentina
Margaret FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Allison Queen & Virginia Falcone
Allison Queen & Jericho Valeska
Bellatrix Bullock & Lila Hart
Bellatrix Bullock & Jeneva Valeska
Bellatrix Bullock & Jericho Valeska
Chrissa Wayne & Jeneva Valeska
Chrissa Wayne & Annalise Pennyworth
Chrissa Wayne & Karina Wayne
Chrissa Wayne & Jericho Valeska
Dakota Dent & Margaret Gordon
Dakota Dent & Jericho Valeska
Felicity Nygma & Lila Hart
Felicity Nygma & Jericho Valeska
Isolde Kean & Margaret Gordon
Isolde Kean & Hel Mooney
Isolde Kean & Ade Kean
Isolde Kean & Larissa Thompkins
Isolde Kean & Jericho Valeska
Josette Cobblepot & Lila Hart
Josette Cobblepot & Hel Mooney
Josette Cobblepot & Jericho Valeska
Leander Zane Hayes & Elijah Crow
Leonie Murphy & Margaret Gordon
Leonie Murphy & Penelope Fisher
Leonie Murphy & Jericho Valeska
Lorena Falcone & Margaret Gordon
Lorena Falcone & Virginia Falcone
Lorena Falcone & Hel Mooney
Lorena Falcone & Jericho Valeska
Ophelia Wayne & Margaret Gordon
Ophelia Wayne & Virginia Falcone
Ophelia Wayne & Karina Wayne
Ophelia Wayne & Jericho Valeska
Piper Gordon & Margaret Gordon
Piper Gordon & Mireille Lacroix
Piper Gordon & Larissa Thompkins
Piper Gordon & Jericho Valeska
Sarina Strange & Jeneva Valeska
Sarina Strange & Jericho Valeska
DC Comics/Batman (Coming soon I swear, working on some of them 👀)
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sixbucks · 1 year
A Complete List of the 2023 LAMBDA Literary Awards Winners and Finalists
Congratulations to this years "Lammy" Award winners and finalists! In line with Lambda Literary's mission to advocate for LGBTQ writers, the awards are a way to amplify some of the best writing by queer authors today. More than 1,350 literary works were submitted this year across 25 categories of LGBTQ+ literature, so these books faced some steep competition.
Kick off your own Pride Month Reading Challenge by stocking up on these winning and finalist books! Use promotional code PRIDE23 at check-out to get 20% off these books throughout the month of June.
Bisexual Nonfiction
The Winner: Appropriate Behavior by Maria San Filippo
See why the title essay of this book went viral on the Paris Review website back in 2019.
"The book brings that same frank, funny gaze to bear on a succession of other doomed romances, mining them for complicated truths about how the love stories we inherit, consume and tell come to shape our experience and expectations. Think of it as rehab for road-weary romantics." —The Guardian
Carrying It Forward: Essays from Kistahpinanihk by John Brady McDonald (not carried by Tertulia)
Never Simple: A Memoir by Liz Scheier
Open: An Uncensored Memoir of Love, Liberation, and Non-Monogamy by Rachel Krantz
Lesbian Fiction
The Winner: Gods of Want by K-Ming Chang
Locus Magazine called this finalist for the 2022 National Book Award an "extraordi­nary literate and structurally inventive novel about female sexuality, cruelty, desire, and trauma that echoes the work of Lovecraft and Melville. A book this good, this devas­tating, should factor on all the award lists..."
Big Girl: A Novel by Mecca Jamilah Sullivan
Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley
Our Wives Under the Sea: A Novel by Julia Armfield
Gay Fiction
The Winner: The Foghorn Echoes by Danny Ramadan
Author Andrew Sean Greer called this book "Full of joy and righteous anger, sex and straight talk, brilliant storytelling and humor... A spectacularly researched Dickensian tale with vibrant characters and dozens of famous cameos, it is precisely the book we've needed for a long time."
Call Me Cassandra by Marcial Gala
God’s Children Are Little Broken Things by Arinze Ifeakandu
Hugs and Cuddles by João Gilberto Noll
Lesbian Memoir/Biography
The Winner: Lost & Found: A Memoir by Kathryn Schulz
This thriller/sci-fi mash-up was named a best book of the year by NPR.
"In the end, The Paradox Hotel succeeds as both a mystery and as a story involving time travel. Do you want head-spinning theories on the flow of time and what it might do to people and places? You’ll find both in abundance here. But you’ll also find a resourceful, haunted protagonist pushing herself to the limit to uncover the truth behind an impossible case—one that eventually leads her to a conclusion that satisfies both of the genres from which this novel emerged." —Tor.com
Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean
Into the Riverlands by Nghi Vo
The Circus Infinite by Khan Wong
Bisexual Fiction
The Winner: Reluctant Immortals by Gwendolyn Kiste
Meet Us by the Roaring Sea by Akil Kumarasamy
Mother Ocean Father Nation by Nishant Batsha
Roses, In the Mouth of a Lion by Bushra Rehman
Stories No One Hopes Are about Them by A.J. Bermudez
Transgender Fiction
The Winner: The Call-Out by Cat Fitzpatrick
All the Hometowns You Can’t Stay Away From by Izzy Wasserstein
Didn’t Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta by James Hannaham
Manywhere by Morgan Thomas
Wrath Goddess Sing by Maya Deane
LGTBQ+ Young Adult
The Winner: The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado
Funny Gyal: My Fight Against Homophobia in Jamaica by Angeline Jackson with Susan McClelland
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore
The Summer of Bitter and Sweet by Jen Ferguson
LGTBQ+ Middle Grade
The Winner: Nikhil Out Loud by Maulik Pancholy
Answers In the Pages by David Levithan
Different Kinds of Fruit by Kyle Lukoff
Hazel Hill Is Gonna Win This One by Maggie Horne
The Civil War of Amos Abernathy by Michael Leali
LGTBQ+ Children's Book
The Winner: Mighty Red Riding Hood by Wallace West
A Song for the Unsung: Bayard Rustin by Carol Boston Weatherford and Rob Sanders
Kapaemahu by Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson
Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle by Nina LaCour
The Sublime Ms. Stacks by Robb Pearlman
Transgender Nonfiction
The Winner: The Third Person by Emma Grove
Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender by Kit Heyam
Faltas: Letters to Everyone in My Hometown Who Isn’t My Rapist by Cecilia Gentili
Feral City: On Finding Liberation in Lockdown New York by Jeremiah Moss
The Terrible We: Thinking with Trans Maladjustment by Cameron Awkward-Rich
LGTBQ+ Nonfiction
The Winner: The Black Period: On Personhood, Race, and Origin by Hafizah Augustus Geter
And the Category Is…: Inside New York’s Vogue, House, and Ballroom Community by Ricky Tucker
How Far the Light Reaches: A Life in Ten Sea Creatures by Sabrina Imbler
The Women’s House of Detention: A Queer History of a Forgotten Prison by Hugh Ryan
Virology: Essays for the Living, the Dead, and the Small Things in Between by Joseph Osmundson
Lesbian Poetry
The Winner: As She Appears by Shelley Wong
Beast at Every Threshold by Natalie Wee
Concentrate by Courtney Faye Taylor
Prelude by Brynne Rebele-Henry
Yearn by Rage Hezekiah
Gay Poetry
The Winner: Some Integrity by Padraig Regan
Alive at the End of the World by Saeed Jones
Brother Sleep by Aldo Amparán
Pleasure by Angelo Nikolopoulos
Super Model Minority by Chris Tse
Bisexual Poetry
The Winner: Real Phonies and Genuine Fakes by Nicky Beer
50 Things Kate Bush Taught Me About the Multiverse by Karyna McGlynn
Dereliction by Gabrielle Octavia Rucker
Indecent Hours by James Fujinami Moore
Meat Lovers by Rebecca Hawkes
Transgender Poetry
The Winner: MissSettl by Kamden Ishmael Hilliard
A Dead Name That Learned How to Live by Golden
A Queen in Bucks County by Kay Gabriel
All the Flowers Kneeling by Paul Tran
Emanations by Prathna Lor
LGTBQ+ Anthology
The Winner: OutWrite: The Speeches That Shaped LGBTQ Literary Culture by Julie R. Enszer and Elena Gross
Queer Nature: A Poetry Anthology edited by Michael Walsh
This Arab is Queer: An Anthology by LGBTQ+ Arab Writers by Elias Jahshan
Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource by and for Transgender Communities Second Edition by Laura Erickson-Schroth
Xenocultivars: Stories of Queer Growth by Isabela Oliveira and Jed Sabin
Gay Memoir/Biography
The Winner: High-Risk Homosexual by Edgar Gomez
All Down Darkness Wide: A Memoir by Seán Hewitt
An Angel in Sodom by Jim Elledge
Boy with the Bullhorn: A Memoir and History of ACT UP New York by Ron Goldberg
I’m Not Broken by Jesse Leon
LGTBQ+ Mystery
The Winner: Dirt Creek: A Novel by Hayley Scrivenor
A Death in Berlin by David C Dawson
And There He Kept Her by Joshua Moehling
Dead Letters from Paradise by Ann McMan
Lavender House by Lev AC Rosen
LGTBQ+ Comics
The Winner: Mamo by Sas Milledge
A Pros and Cons List for Strong Feelings: A Graphic Memoir by Will Betke-Brunswick
Gay Giant by Gabriel Ebensperger
Other Ever Afters by Melanie Gillman
The Greatest Thing by Sarah Winifred Searle
Lesbian Romance
The Winner: The Rules of Forever by Nan Campbell
Hard Pressed by Aurora Rey
If I Don’t Ask by E. J. Noyes
Queerly Beloved by Susie Dumond
Southbound and Down by K.B. Draper
Gay Romance
The Winner: I’m So Not Over You by Kosoko Jackson
Forever After by Marie Sinclair (not carried by Tertulia)
Forever, Con Amor by A.M. Johnson
Just One Night by Felice Stevens
Two Tribes by Fearne Hill
LGTBQ+ Romance and Erotica
The Winner: Kiss Her Once For Me: A Novel by Alison Cochrun
A Lady’s Finder by Edie Cay
Loose Lips: A Gay Sea Odyssey by Joseph Brennan
Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner
The Romance Recipe by Ruby Barrett
LGTBQ+ Drama
The Winner: Iphigenia and the Furies (On Taurian Land) & Antigone: 方 by Ho Ka Kei (Jeff Ho)
Duecentomila by kai fig taddei
Rock ‘n’ Roll Heretic by Sikivu Hutchinson
The Show on the Roof Book by Tom Ford, Music and Lyrics by Alex Syiek (not carried by Tertulia)
Wolf Play by Hansol Jung, Samuel French
 LGTBQ+ Studies
The Winner: Keeping It Unreal: Black Queer Fantasy and Superhero Comics by Darieck Scott
Lesbian Death: Desire and Danger between Feminist and Queer by Mairead Sullivan
Sissy Insurgencies: A Racial Anatomy of Unfit Manliness by Marlon B. Ross
Surface Relations: Queer Forms of Asian American Inscrutability by Vivian L. Huang
There’s a Disco Ball Between Us: A Theory of Black Gay Life by Jafari S. Allen
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demetrabrodsky · 2 years
Battle of the Books 2022: LAST GIRLS https://bcpl.info/youth/battle- Please enjoy this fantastic video review of #LASTGIRLS by librarian-extraordinaire Jessica (Maryland, Catonsville Branch) then watch all the videos for the BATTLE OF THE BOOKS nominees. I'm so honored #LASTGIRLS was nominated for Battle of the Books 2022! I'll be doing two programs for them on 11/10 and there is a full list of programs on their site. https://bcpl.info/.../battle-books...//youtu.be/Kgzs1MKRrp8 
Here's the full list:
~BLACKOUT by Dhonielle ClaytonClayton, Tiffany Jackson, Angie Thomas, Ashley Woodfolk, and Nicola Yoon
~FIREKEEPER'S DAUGHTER by Angeline Boulley
~THE GIRLS I'VE BEEN by Tess Sharpe
~THE INHERITANCE GAMES by Jennifer Lynne Barnes
~LAST GIRLS, by Demetra Brodsky @demetrabrodsky @demetrabrodskybooks
~LEGENDBORN by Tracy Deonn
~LONG WAY DOWN: the graphic Novel by Jason Reynolds, illustrated by Danica Novgorodoff
~PUMPKIN by Julie Jodi Murphy
~RAYBEARER by Jordan Ifueko
~WHITE SMOKE by Tiffany Jackson
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lyricityhq · 25 days
fizemos um mwf e um mwm anteriormente, mas vou adicionar mais alguns nomes. players, sintam-se à vontade pra recomendar fcs também.
mwm: mena massoud, avan jogia, niko terho, jeon wonwoo, dylan sprayberry, alex landi, john boyega, alberto rosende, daniel kaluuya, yoon jeonghan, diego boneta, jacob batalon, keiynan lonsdale, keith powers, chris evans, micheal evans behling, daniel ezra, aubrey joseph, trevor jackson, luka sabbat, kedar williams-sterling, jonathan daviss, jesse williams, charles melton, darren barnet, rish shah, alperen duymaz, alex fitzalan, gregg sulkin, wen junhui, cillian murphy, paul rudd, alex høgh andersen, rami malek, emre bey, regé-jean page, alfred enoch, trevor jackson, chay suede, patrick gibson, darío yazbek bernal, leo suter, michael cimino, aaron altaras, taron egerton, oliver stark, cha eunwoo, timothée chalamet, tom holland, choi yeonjun, william gao, katsamonnat namwirote, hero fiennes tiffin, charlie plummer, noah centineo, jacques colimon, boun noppanut, áron piper, hwang hyunjin, freddie thorp, pawat chittsawangdee, jaehyun, maxence danet-fauvel, bangchan, atthaphan phunsawat, ryusei yokohama, park seonghwa, tye sheridan, park bogum, taylor zakhar perez, jonah hauer king, emre bey, regé jean page, lucien laviscount, woo dohwan, kofi siriboe, froy gutierrez. mwf: nana, lily collins, natalia dyer, alexandra daddario, adele exarchopoulos, brenda asnicar, fiona palomo, camila morrone, courtney eaton, madison beer, maude apatow, saoirse ronan, dianna agron, suki waterhouse, liana liberato, olivia holt, maia mitchell, gideon adlon, maya hawke, phoebe dynevor, olivia dejonge, haley lu richardson, kiernan shipka, anya taylor-joy, olivia scott welch, angourie rice, kathryn newton, bailee madison, sara waisglass, thomasin mckenzie, katelyn wells, diana silvers, sadie soverall, katie douglas, jessica alexander, kaitlyn dever, natasha liu bordizzo, bruna marquezine, anya chalotra, priscilla quintana, camila mendes, alba baptista, whitney peak, halle bailey, ashley moore, brianne tju, brittany o'grady, amita suman, davika hoorne, yandeh sallah, greta onieogou, stephanie beatriz, zoë saldaña, audrey plaza, bianca santos, brianna hildebrand, diana guerrero, emeraude toubia, gina rodriguez, karla souza, ebone noel, jorja smith, melissa fumero, oldey jean, angelina jolie, gwendoline christie, christina ricci, emily ratajkowski, rosamund pike, cobie smulders, halle bailey, grace van patten, ryan destiny, ayo edebiri, yara shahidi, rain spencer, chase sui wonders, alexa demie, ana de armas, zendaya, alycia debnam-carey, bensu soral, danielle campbell, ella purnell, zion moreno, adelaide kane, imani lewis, lana condor, madeline mantock, issa rae, caitlin stasey, britt robertson, elizabeth lail, summer bishil, jane de leon, kiana madeira, ogan browning, hunter schafer, danielle rose russell, alva bratt, kristine froseth, erin kellyman, luca hollestelle, seychelle gabriel, rachel hilson, sophie skelton, alina kovalenko, zorzo natharuetai. mwnb: liv hewson, quintessa swindel, amandla stenberg, janelle monáe, troye sivan, emma corrin, jessie mei li, mason alexander park, sara ramírez, fin argus, lizeth selene, nico tortorella, e.r. fightmaster, roberta colindrez, brigette lundy-paine, indya moore, mae martin, chella man, dua saleh, blu del barrio, dominique provost-chalkley, katie findlay, celeste o’connor, jade willoughby, kaylee bryant, ariela barer, poppy liu, terry hu, lachlan watson, pedro vinicius, shamir bailey, asia katie dillon, tylan grant, theo germaine, sivan alyra rose, ess hodlmoser, bilal baig, vico ortiz, fin argus, mae martin, james majoos, kehlani parrish, olive gray, morningstar angeline, tommy dorfman, ruby rose, bex taylor-klaus, gerard way, jude karda, kaitlyn alexander, shamir bailey.
0 notes
yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
I’m so sorry for asking this if it does become a long ask but i honestly don’t know who else to ask in general about this and your blog is always such a great read. When it came to JCH and William what were their personalities like, bonus questions of you don’t mind, why did they have such rivalry was it always like that? Sorry if you already answered this, have a nice day!
John and William were nearly polar opposites, actually.
John was a decently uptight, mature, perfectionist, and almost bookworm-ish man. He prioritized his appearance and name a lot. Mainly because he was part of the rich elitist class, and married into wealth. Elizabeth once described him as being “industrious” as a child. He also came across as being a bit prudish, and even socially-reserved.
While William was an energetic and outdoorsy young man with an adventurous spirit, and had passion that didn't suit the aristocratic upperclassmen society that his family was a part of. Due to William's preference for the rugged lifestyle, he had never fit in with his brothers or the North. And while described as being a social and outgoing man by his close friends, he was very reserved and distant to others. Likely because of his defying characteristics that shocked most of those who had presumptuous expectations of what “the great statesman's” son should have been like. He often faced harsh judgement due to such.
Although I really wouldn't say William and John had a “rivalry”, per se. I can't say much in regards to William's childhood, or about his relationships with his individual siblings, but it seems like William had been alienated from all of his brothers in general. Likely because of their differing political beliefs (Which also seems to have played a part in James's fued with Alexander Jr). Most of Hamilton's sons were Jacksonian Democrats, while William was a Whig. And additionally, as I said before; William did not find himself comfortable in the wealthy higher-up class that his brothers were associated with. Also because William decided to moved half across the country, so it would have been hard to contact him or see him. Muldoon claims that his family was repulsed by the rumors that William was romancing with a particular family member that was a woman, but gives no sources and I haven't seen any implication of this.
They did seem to have a bit of friction though, particularly concerning William's nephew, and JCH's third child; John Cornelius Adrian Hamilton. Major source here being; Rough Diamond: The Life of Colonel William Stephen Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton's Forgotten Son, by A. K. Fielding. Cornelius was apparently a little bit of a “problem child” of John's, and was becoming more and more estranged from his family due to his disapproving actions. While studying at Princeton, John may have heard rumors about Cornelius's poor habits in college and decided that an overseas voyage to China would benefit his career path, to which he did for three years without much protest. After his return, he met Angeline in New York. Born in 1816 to Captain John Romer and Leah Van Tassel Romer, Angeline was four years older than Cornelius. But despite the differences in age and upbringing, the two seem to have been happily in love, and they married on September 13, 1838. Apparently John Church was disapproving of the match, but didn't stop the wedding.
It's likely John was too embarrassed to introduce his new daughter-in-law to his friends in the New York elite society, so he sent Cornelius and Angeline West with promises of giving them property there. And so the newly wedded couple traveled from New York to Springfield, Illinois, where Cornelius worked as an engineer until August 19, 1839. It is there, the two likely met their uncle William.
On August 1, 1839, that Angeline gave birth to their firstborn son, named after William Stephen Hamilton. Sometime in 1839-1840, William took in Cornelius and his family in Wiota at Hamilton's Diggings. In 1841, the couple had their second child, named Edgar Augustus Hamilton (Who would later write admirably about his great uncle). Apparently, William tried many times to encourage Cornelius to get a paying job. Once trying to convince him to become a lawyer, and then later a surveyor, but it isn't known if he ever took either.
Later during 1842-1845, letters between the family in New York showcase a growing rift between them. A letter from E. W. Turner - an acquaintance from Galena, Illinois - written May 19, 1842, indicates that JCH was concerned about “conflicting statements” he had heard about his son's behavior. Turner followed up with another letter in June that notified John Church that he had “made strict inquiry with regards to the unfavorable news you had of [John Cornelius] and find it only partially confirmed” and that; “his uncle William has been [...] more than he has for any slight deviation from morality which he may have been guilty of as well as the society he has been forced into at his present place of residence-Wiota.” He reassured John that his son could purchase farmland and settle in Galena instead, but then says that Cornelius isn't fond of doing such. Which means, having lived under William's roof, had only urged Cornelius's defiant behavior. That clearly only enraged John more, and must have taken a toll on William's and John's relationship.
Anyway, the rest of the story doesn't have much to do about William. In 1844, Cornelius followed his father's orders and left his wife and children — after he and Angeline had become strained with time. Angeline and her children stayed with William, and she was likely the woman many had rumored to have been William's “mistress” (Once again, there's not much of any evidence to actually support this). I wonder if William and John were ever close as children, since they weren't too many years apart, and the children were usually always partnered into two when going someplace or doing something. If they had, it fell apart in adulthood as many of William's relationships with his siblings did.
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naturallyalisia · 3 months
Book Alert ‼️
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As it’s already known it’s been a while since I’ve read a book and finished it fully, but since I’ve started ( my new bestie ) anti-depressants I’ve begun truly enjoying things again and reading is another one of those things
Funny Gyal: My fight against homophobia in Jamaica
Angeline Jackson w. Susan McClelland
I was drawn to this book at my library in their LBGT section for pride month. As a child of Jamaican parents and a bi-sexual identifying woman for well over 10 years I had to read and give it a try.
It’s not too often I find books about my family’s home country down to the parish. So it was refreshing.
Centered around her corrective rape the Angeline walks us through the experience of this, her childhood and finally coming into herself and accepting who she is. All while still maintaining and cultivating a relationship with god despite what her community tells her.
The book was a ride insightful,and heartbreaking without giving too much away.
If you’re a person of the LGBT+ community and Caribbean, especially Jamaican “Funny Gyal” is a great read.
From start to finish it was like being seen and understood. 10/10
My only negative point was that the end felt rushed.I wish there was a bit more on her as an adult or when her family finally understood she wasn’t budging. This is who she is.
Other than that good read! Though graphic at points and maybe triggering in regard to the rape.
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retiredficwriter · 8 months
oh!!! i took a bath and completely forgot to send you an ask for the wip tag. definitely thought i did🤡 Percy Jackson AU!!
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tagging @frankensteinsmona too!
it all started when i made this post choosing the melrose fam's greek godly parent. i put on my tags that i hoped this wouldn't awaken any fanfic ideas... 🤡
sydney receives a prophecy that a child of poseidon (jill) has been claimed, and she has to protect them or a war will break down (still have to outline this part). she goes on a quest with adrian and eddie. trey and angeline would join them along the way.
i want to incorporate some key moments in bloodlines with a greek myth twist. i have some ideas but i need to research more.
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thalkonvotes · 8 months
Preliminary Candidates
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Alander Pulliam (Independent)
Angeline Payne (Republican)
Brittany Nichole Jones (Unaffiliated)
Chase Oliver (Libertarian)
Cornel West (Independent)
Dave Gardner (Independent)
David Stuckenberg (Republican)
Donald Trump (Republican)
E.W. Jackson (Republican)
Howie Hawkins (Other)
Huhnkie Lee (Independent)
Jacob Hornberger (Libertarian)
Jason Palmer (Democrat)
Jill Stein (Green Party)
Jorge Zavala (Green Party)
Joseph R Biden Jr (Democrat)
Lars Mapstead (Libertarian)
Marianne Williamson (Democrat)
Nikki Haley (Republican)
Peter Sonski (Nonpartisan)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr (Independent)
Robert Michael Duncan (Republican)
Ryan Binkley (Republican)
Shiva Ayyadurai (Independent)
Terrisa Lin Bukovinac (Democrat)
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ellipsesplay · 2 years
One month from now, meet this star-studded cast:
Kate Budney
Flynn Jungbin Byun
Oscar Chicaiza
Kenedi Chriske
Leigh Dillon
Yoosep Im
Chyna Jackson
Chris King
Joseph Lee
Sabrina López
Gabriella McKinley
Carla Angeline Mongado
Maria Noriko
Karina Ordóñez
Yasmin Ranz-Lind
Kristen Smith
Caitlyn Somerville
Eli Wassertzug
Isaac Williams
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laylahofarkwright · 2 years
An announcement from Arkwright Palace!
-Read the Newspaper below-
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Tuesday September 20, 1909
Crown Prince to be Married!
Crown Prince Jackson of Arkwright, the Heir of the Throne is engaged! He chose a beautiful Lady, Named Angeline, with a quite unique name.
Their Wedding shall take place in March of 1910. Many have taken bets on where the wedding will take place; Lancaster Cathedral could be the couple's place to wed.
How the King and Queen Feel -Official statement from Arkwright Palace-
My Wife and I are very pleased with our son's choice. I wish my son and his soon-to-be Wife nothing but love in their up-coming years. -King James
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