bagel-boy-sama · 2 years
Happy 200 days ToG M!
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Maybe one day I'll post all of the art from the game
Today's not that day
Everytime I remember to start my phone is almost deaded.
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yarn2 · 14 days
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Endorsi sketchess (from a month ago)
i still pop up whenever you search my former name, so dunno what to do about that
im probably gonna limit my visibility for now 😞
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jue-viole · 2 months
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I’m not expecting you to understand me, though and it doesn’t change the fact that I’m a devil, either. I’m just following what my heart tells me too. Isn’t it the same for everyone? - Endorsi Jahad
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ylge · 8 months
KhunBam Dungeon Meshi AU doodles
Explore the dungeon and discover delicious monster-cooking recipes with Bam's party!
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Trivias and HCs:
1. Bam once got trapped in the dungeon, where he discovered he could eat the monsters there.
2. When Bam was taken to upper ground, he kinda misses the taste of monsters he ate back then. When he has the chance to go back to the dungeon with his new party, he's overjoyed that he can try monster-cooking again.
3. Bam has many secrets from his time being trapped in dungeon.
4. Khun is Bam's 1st party member, but before then he's already Bam's close friend.
5. Khun is a mage graduated from magic academy. His main element is ice.
6. Endorsi was actually an ordinary human. Her soul got mixed with a beast's soul in an accident in her past.
7. Having a feline characteristics, Endorsi is incredibly flexible and it makes her a strong combatant
8. Endorsi is a calico cat
9. Both Hatz and Isu are the last member joining Bam's party
10. Hatz is a swordsman from eastern archipelago
11. Before joining Bam's party, Isu works as an informan
12. Just like in canon, Hatz and Khun bicker a lot. Bam thinks they are really close, aren't they?
13. Khun always initially never agrees when Bam wants to cook monsters, but then gives up because he's a pining idiot and he can't refuse Bam.
14. Yes, Khun is in love with Bam.
15. Bam likes Khun too, but he's too dumb about romantic love.
16. Bam is too immersed in monster-cooking to realize his feelings, Khun is too scared to tell Bam about his feelings. You know, the usual.
17. Rak is also the part of Bam's party, he's the real latest member of the party. I just haven't decided his race yet. That's why he isn't here
18. There are Yuri and Evan too, Yuri is also a beastkin ( I planned all the Jahad Princesses to be beastkin because you know, beastkins are artificially made just like Jahad Princesses). Evan stays as his canon race (dwarf)
19. Bam has a sword named The Black March. Yuri gave it to him, she was also his first sword-wielding teacher
20. There's a rumor about the devil of the dungeon in the lower level spreads around the adventurers. The devil was seen to have a pair of horns, A pair of jet black wings, and a long dark hair. Its presence suddenly vanished mysteriously, at the same time Bam was taken to the upperground.
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keejot-arts · 10 months
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your uber has arrived
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asbestieos · 7 months
why are there so many au - coffee shop fics in the au - food service tag this is NOT what i WANT. I dont WANT my blorbo in a cozy cafe worker au i want her WIRED and TIRED banging out burger after burger and chugging 2 oz sippy cups of free employee benefit soda between rushes
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aloyns-blog · 1 year
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Tower of God/ Башня бога
Источник Twitter: @zayaaa_zaya
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flaviasabinadeluce · 9 months
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Simple Art of Androssi, entitled "The Perfect Pair"
I was going to do the ToG art challenge this December but that's not possible rn. This is the only art I was able to do for it so far. Maybe next year I'll add pairs of shoes scattered around like I had the idea for this year.
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khunismydrug · 2 years
I miss my sunshine children
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why is this panel so pretty
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flavia8 · 2 years
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All 31 together! My favorites are the drawings of Hwa Ryun and Elaine, my least favorites are the drawings I did of Yuri and Anak
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animechristi · 2 years
Tower of God: Symptoms of Loneliness
I place this at the service of Christ by the hands of His mother.
“It is not good that the man should be alone” - Genesis 2:18
First, disclaimers:
1.)    As of 2022, Tower of God is an unfinished webcomic written by S.I.U., so I cannot comment on the series as a finished whole.
2.)    That said, I really like ToG. I think the MC is a great example of someone growing in virtue and the author does a great job at creating a diverse cast of characters. If the art style turns you away, I suggest you hold out since it gets way better over time. Alternatively, you can watch the anime which is a good adaptation with a great OST by Kevin Penkin.
3.)    I want to talk about loneliness, but that is a wide category, so this will have to be limited to a specific type as I’ll clarify later on.
Second, here’s the plot:
            The premise of ToG is simple. There’s a tower. Climb it. Get to the top, and your dreams will come true. Simple, right? Yes and no. The issue is this: you climb each level - known as a “floor” of the tower - by passing a test, a test where there is always a winner and loser. Thus, it very quickly becomes every man for himself.
Our story begins with Bam a young boy who lives in an underground cave. One day a girl named Rachel stumbles across this cave, and the two becomes friends. But Rachel wants to climb The Tower and tells Bam to forget about her. Our infatuated boy is not to be put down and so quickly chases her up the tower.
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Third, what I want to talk about:
          My focus this article is a conversation between Bam and Endorsi a girl who is living only for herself. Endorsi has no problem stepping over people to get what she wants. She grew up in a family that encouraged the strong and neglected the weak. Bam on the other hand, had no one with him in the cave and so treasures anyone he meets.
            At one point, the climbers need to get 10 signatures of “friends” they’ve made. Endorsi has set herself up as an independent climber and so she has no one to reach out to for such a task. At the same time, she finds herself out of money and so Bam buys her lunch each day in order to get her signature. Later she asks Bam why he wasted the money just to get her signature. His answer? “I hate being lonely, so I don’t want others to be lonely either.”
            Endorsi, however, doesn’t immediately say “thank you”. Instead, she tries to defend her isolation. “I like being alone,” she says, “It feels worse to be with someone. They bother you… and make you nervous, so it’s better to be alone.” But Bam turns this argument upside-down. “But doesn’t that also mean… you’re lonely?”
            His point is this: for some of us, the dislike of people is not a cause but a symptom of loneliness. And Bam proves this by his next question: “Is that how you feel with me?” To which Endorsi replies: “No.” The point is that, by realizing there are people she enjoys being with, Endorsi now understands loneliness isn’t being with people we dislike but being away from people we do like. If you’ve ever sought refuge in a friend at an event where you don’t know anyone else, I think you’ll know what I mean.
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Okay, so what’s the point Mr. “Christian Commentator”
            Recall the verse at the top of this page. “It is not good that the man should be alone.” As Christians, we believe that from the beginning of our existence we are called to live in a community. This is why family is not just a social but a natural structure. Despite whatever you may read from Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau, we never find man simply alone in a state of nature.
            We are not meant to be alone – no matter how much we convince ourselves that it’s good for us. Even the early monastic movement was aware of this with solitary hermits being the exception not the norm. You don’t take on the solitary life to be independent but to realize just how dependent you are on God. It makes us grow in humility by knowing we don’t have everything under control.
So now here’s the point.
        To move away is also to move towards. In recognizing that it is not good to be alone, we know what it is we should be looking for: building community with others. Big surprise, a recurring theme in Tower of God is whether it’s better to dominate others or work together with others to obtain your goal.
            As I mentioned at the beginning, loneliness is a broad category, so I’d like to look at a specific type of loneliness, one that makes us dislike people. Just like Endorsi – when there’s no one around us that we’re comfortable with – we can easily turn to ourselves to accomplish everything. Afterall, wouldn’t asking for help be a sign of weakness? And here pay attention to the lies of the devil: wouldn’t they think I’m stupid? Do they only help me to feel good about themselves?  Wouldn’t I be in their debt or be putting myself under them?
            All of these are ways the devil gets us to close ourselves off to others and put us in a state that is not good for us to be in. To borrow words from Classroom of the Elite, we mistake isolation for independence. We forget that God has said “Behold how good and pleasing it is when brothers dwell together” (Ps 133:1).
So what are we to do?
Talk is nice, but this is pointless if I don’t offer practical advice. I’d like to preface this by saying these aren’t magical cures, but simply things that I’ve reaped much benefit from.
Frequently invoke the name of Jesus. E.g. “Jesus Christ have mercy on me” or whatever form you find helpful and can be prayed repeatedly while you’re working. This reminds us that we can’t do anything without Him.
If you don’t have a devotion to a particular saint or your guardian angel, get one. Doesn’t matter who; start making friends with those we look forward to spending eternal life with. Just like with Jesus, talk to them about anything that’s happening.
(And this is the one I struggle with most) Put in effort to know more about people, it will help you love them. Spend time learning about their likes, dislikes, and family, and most importantly don’t be afraid to share your own life with them. (Endorsi wouldn’t have realized her scenario if she hadn’t talked with Bam about it)
As I said, this is not a cure-all. But it is a place to start. When we find ourselves hating the company of others, let’s stop and ask ourselves why. If it’s because we think we don’t need anyone, then that’s the first sign we’ve gone too far.
I could go on but will stop for now. Perhaps this topic can be revisited from a different perspective.
St Justin Martyr, pray for us.
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derekscorner · 8 months
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wearethewinx · 1 year
I SAID I wanted to talk about Aisha:
It's been theorized that Aisha doesn't want to be a princess. I strongly disagree. She takes her role as the princess of Andros extremely seriously, and imo she clearly WANTS to be a good ruler. Yes, she snuck out to dance sometimes and refused her arranged marriage, but that NEVER stopped her from doing her Princess Duties, and she doesn't have baggage around the decorum of her station. She deploys it effortlessly when beneficial and takes it off just as easily. She drops everything at a moment's notice to return to Andros at the slightest sign of trouble to Be Their Princess
She is DEVOTED and LOYAL. Like, maybe the most of all the winx? She knew Flora for like, a week, and that was enough friendship currency for her to BREAK INTO HELIA'S ROOM AND PAW THROUGH HIS SHIT. Yeah Stella committed identity fraud for Bloom on day 1, but that's Stella. Aisha is responsible! Considers her actions carefully! EXCEPT when a friend needs a favor
That devotion includes her parents. Aisha's respect for her mother is paramount, even after the betrothal fiasco, and that's not just a passive thing. She proudly says "source: my mother told me and she's NEVER wrong" in class. I really wish we got to see more of Aisha's relationship with her parents
She knows a lot about poetry and speaks many languages. Again, I just wish we saw more of this
Basically homeschooled
Her royal education doesn't seem to include magic? Which is SUPER interesting to me. Every other princess we meet except Diaspro is canonically some kind of magic student, but Aisha seems self-taught. While every other princess in the magic dimension is learning to be a fairy or sorceress, the princess of Andros is learning diplomacy, fencing, languages, poetry, dancing, etiquette. That says a lot about Androssi royalty!
She's gentle
I feel like Aisha is often flattened as 'the strong one' (and I do have personal beef w/ how people incorporate that into her design- she's sporty, not a bodybuilder. Dancing, motorcycling, and surfing are not activities that lend themselves to big bulky biceps!!) and I really think that's a boring disservice to her. IMO she's the sort of person who would really appreciate and treasure little friendship tokens, and spend a lot of time just. Trying to do nice things for the winx, and solve their problems. She treasures quiet time spent together.
Helia loving her (despite Aisha thinking he's a loser) because she knows a lot of philosophy and has a good command over her Vibes. Her and Brandon Doing Sports together bc the other Winx aren't interested and the other specialists annoy her too much, and them becoming catty frenemies. Aisha knowing about the history of Domino and the legend of the Dragon Fire, and bonding with Bloom over it. Bloom drawing a picture of the Winx together and Aisha keeping it forever. Aisha still being scared of the dark and Stella giving her a magical light. Musa helping Aisha plan something special to celebrate the Day of the Rose. Tecna Musa and Aisha bonding over the difficulty they have being openly emotional. Flora and Aisha fretting over eachother's well-being and bonding over their shared sense of responsibility to their families
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ylge · 5 months
ToG Sapphic Week 2024
Day 7 - (Stolen) First Kiss (Hwaryun x Endorsi)
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Okay Tower of god I'm sorry but the beginning of the fifth episode of season 2? ????????? What was that??????
So you're telling me that Khun just accidentally overheard princess Androssi trying to take Baam on a date and then still thinking of it years later? Oh he clearly is so jealous it's so obvious🙂‍↕️
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And then how they slowly zoom out Baam with a flower and standing on one knee before Khun?????#&#? Like for a few seconds I genuinely thought he's gonna propose to Khun or smth😳😳😳😳
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There's no heterosexual explanation for this scene I'm sorry🫸👁️👄👁️🫷
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