#Andrew Finkelstein
masoncarr2244 · 1 year
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The Idol 1x01.
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thesimonkshow · 1 year
The Endgame Of The Idol
TW: This post will include mentions of physical abuse so be wary.
So I’m sure by this point everyone has seen or heard about HBO’s The Idol, the newest offering by Euphoria creator Sam Levinson & Abel Tesfaye a.k.a. The Weeknd. It focuses on a pop star named Jocelyn following the death or her mother and a very public meltdown as she attempts to return to the music industry which hits a roadblock when she gets involved with a club owner named Tedros (Tesfaye) whom is leading a cult of amateur pop stars.
It has received A LOT of discourse even before it aired, with many decrying Levinson’s involvement due to his over reliance of sexuality in his productions, many had concerns his involvement would lead to the show being infused with a messed up form of storytelling that would overshadow the story being told. Since it’s airdate, the sexualised elements of the show have been criticised for being too frequent and provocative but this weeks ep Daybreak had an element that moved a more toxic element of the show into the main story.
At a dinner table Jocelyn discusses her recently deceased mother and mentions she used to hit her with a hairbrush when she lost focus, Tedros (who’s looking to break her further under his power) orders her to retrieve the brush so he can use it on her, as he assumes the reason she is struggling to make impactful music is because she no longer has her mother around to ‘discipline’ her. We’re then treated to a rather icky sequence of him using the brush, paired with shots of aftercare and concludes with Jocelyn thanking Tedros for caring about her, yeah…
For a crowd that was already turned off by the show, this will no doubt enrage them, however this one scene of Jocelyn’s backstory opens up an opportunity for new avenues for her team to travel down: We already known Xander (Troye Sivan) didn’t try to help Jocelyn due to not wanting to loose his paycheck as part of her creative team, Leia (Rachel Sennott) is already weak willed to make any level of impact and Nikki Katz (Jane Adams) alongside Andrew Finklestein (Eli Roth) couldn’t care about anything but getting music out into the world to make them money, but what about the other members of her team who’ve shown a care for her emotionally beyond the need for business Chaim (Hank Azaria) & Destiny (Da’Vine Joy Randolph)? How come they didn’t step in any earlier to help her? Is there a potential to have them be redeemed?
Jocelyn’s mother passing away opened up a whole new avenue for her to make her own impact on the world so Tedros robbing her of that opportunity and Jocelyn seemingly ‘welcoming it’ doesn’t sit well on the mind of even those watching The Idol with an open mind, however with this sequence, the show may have just given itself a second season. Think about it, if the show ends on a season final with Jocelyn introducing Tedros at her concert & being met with cheers, it sends a very negative message that abuse leads to results and only backs up the concerns shared about Levinson’s involvement in the project in the first place and even if this season were to end with Jocelyn overcoming the negative influences in her life and regaining her power, it looks as if it’d be rushed rather than paced out fluidly (there are only a handful of eps remaining, two or three dependent on whether the fortnight showing of the show will be the finale), however with a second season that focuses on the new ‘Power Couple’ of Hollywood with Jocelyn becoming concerned with how Tedros’s is dealing with his star rising due to his association with her, it would showcase a commitment to telling the story in a fully fleshed out way.
The endgame of The Idol is clear: Jocelyn is meant to go through a rough handling of the worst parts of the music industry & come out stronger at the other end, obviously going to therapy to deal with the deep seated issues her mother, Nikki & Tedros have created in her, but ready to heal and grow, whether HBO will give Sam, Abel & Reza Fhaim the opportunity to continue it? Only time will tell.
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aronarchy · 8 months
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A copy of the first reading list, if you dislike clicking on Google docs links:
The liberal news media is working overtime to silence Palestinian voices. As we sit thousands of miles away, witnessing the massacre through social media, the least we can do is educate ourselves and work to educate others. Apartheid threatens all of us, and just to reiterate, anti-Zionism ≠ antisemitism.
Academic Works, Poetry and Memoirs
The Revolution of 1936-1939 in Palestine: Background, Details, and Analysis, Ghassan Kanafani (1972)
Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries, Rosemary Sayegh (1979)
Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment, Mazin Qumsiyeh (2011)
My Life in the PLO: The Inside Story of the Palestinian Struggle, Shafiq al-Hout and Jean Said Makdisi (2019)
My People Shall Live, Leila Khaled (1971)
Poetry of Resistance in Occupied Palestine, translated by Sulafa Hijjawi (Baghdad, Ministry of Culture and Guidance, 1968)
On Palestine by Ilan Pappé and Noam Chomsky (2015)
Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on the US-Israeli War Against the Palestinians, Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé (2013)
The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969-1994, Edward W. Said (2012)
Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique, Sa’ed Atshan (2020)
Stone Men: The Palestinians Who Built Israel, Andrew Ross (2019)
Ten Myths About Israel, Ilan Pappé (2017)
Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question, Christopher Eric Hitchens and Edward W. Said (2001)
Palestinian Walks: Notes on a Vanishing Landscape, Raja Shehadeh (2010)
The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in the Middle East, David Hirst (1977)
Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom, Norman Finkelstein (2018)
Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians, Noam Chomsky (1983)
Israel and Palestine: Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations, Avi Shlaim (2010)
Politicide: Ariel Sharon’s War Against the Palestinians, Baruch Kimmerling (2006)
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, Norman G. Finkelstein (2015)
Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire, Jehad Abusalim (2022)
Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory, Ahmad H. Sa’di and Lila Abu-Lughod (2007)
Peace and its discontents: Essays on Palestine in the Middle East peace process, Edward W. Said (2012)
Three Poems by Yahya Hassan
Articles, Papers & Essays
“Palestinian history doesn’t start with the Nakba” by PYM (May, 2023) 
“What the Uprising Means,” Salim Tamari (1988)
“The Palestinians’ inalienable right to resist,” Louis Allday (2021)
“Liberating a Palestinian Novel from Israeli Prison,” Danya Al-Saleh and Samar Al-Saleh (2023) 
Women, War, and Peace: Reflections from the Intifada, Nahla Abdo (2002)
“A Place Without a Door” and “Uncle Give me a Cigarette”—Two Essays by Palestinian Political Prisoner, Walid Daqqah (2023)
“Live Like a Porcupine, Fight Like a Flea,” A Translation of an Article by Basel Al-Araj
Films & Video Essays
Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight (2021)
Naila and the Uprising (2017)
Off Frame AKA Revolution Until Victory (2015)
Tell Your Tale Little Bird (1993)
The Time That Remains (2009)
“The Present” (short film) (2020)
“How Palestinians were expelled from their homes”
Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists (2011)
Born in Gaza (2014)
5 Broken Cameras (2011)
Little Palestine: Diary of a Siege (2021)
Al-Nakba: The Palestinian catastrophe - Episode 1 | Featured Documentary
Organisations to donate to
Palestine Red Crescent Society - https://www.palestinercs.org/en
Anera - https://support.anera.org/a/palestine-emergency
Palestinian American Medical Association - https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023
You First Gaza - https://donate.gazayoufirst.org/
MAP - Medical Aid for Palestinians - https://www.map.org.uk/donate/donate
United Nations Relief and Works Agency - https://donate.unrwa.org/-landing-page/en_EN
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund - https://www.pcrf.net/   
Doctors Without Borders - https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/where-we-work/palestine
AP Fact Check
This list is not exhaustive in any way, and is a summary of various sources on the Internet. Please engage with more ethical, unbiased sources, including Decolonize Palestine and this list compiled by the Palestinian Youth Movement.
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The Idol 1x01: The Characters
What I have understand so far:
- Xander = he is her creative director.   
- Leia = her best-friend / assistant. 
 - Chaim = he is her co-manager. 
 - Destiny = she is her co-manager. 
- Benjamin = he is her publicist. 
- Nikki = she is a record label executive. 
- Dyanne = a friend / backup dancer. 
- Andrew Finkelstein = a Live Nation representative. 
- Life is war = the security chief of Tedros’ club?
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moondal514 · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about this ask from @theravenkin’s blog that talks about how AFTG is a fandom that likes to do random ass and hyperspecific niche au’s so naturally I thought I’d make a fic rec list of 5 of my faves:
Under A Sea of Mist by puddlejumper99/ @writingpuddle
For a thousand years the Lord Ruler has reigned over the Final Empire. Ash falls from the sky and strange mists shroud the night. The skaa labour in the fields and the nobility dance in their Keeps, their glittering lights blinding them to the cruelty in their hearts.
The skaa rebellion is a fantasy and Neil knows it. The Lord Ruler is immortal; there's no overthrowing him. It's as much a surprise to him as anyone else when he gets recruited. But as he gets drawn deeper into the plot, he starts to discover things that will change their understanding of magic forever.
There's always another secret.
Mistborn au. There‘s probably only like 4 people that love both of these fandoms like me, so reading this felt so self-indulgent, like it was ripped straight from high school me’s wildest dreams, and it just makes me clap my hands with joy like a child every time I think about the fact that this fic exists
Whispers in the leaves, shadows in the moonlit night by Silveriss/ @wulfrann
Monsters and ghouls of every age,
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Far beyond the graveyard and its renowned Spiral Hill, the Woods prevail. There are no animals to be found there, not one sign of life but for the shifting of the mist and gentle caress of the wind.
Neil has lived in Halloween Town for as long as he can remember, though memory is a fickle thing.
Since his mother, Mary Finkelstein, died two years ago, he hasn't been as good at following her orders as he used to be.
He's made friends. He's not sure how it happened, really - it feels like he just woke up one day with his life suddenly entangled with a whole group of people he hadn't noticed getting slowly closer.
He's also taken the habit of looking at the Woods.
There's something calling to him. He can hear them in the wind, the whispers in a hundred incoherent tongues.
They say crossing the threshold is always the most difficult part.
Nightmare Before Christmas au. Really gorgeous atmospheric writing and adds some v cool worldbuilding elements to the Nightmare Before Christmas universe
The Real Folk Blues by moonix/ @annawrites
Captain David Wymack and the bounty hunter crew of the Bebop spaceship might be a little out of their depths chasing down the infamous hacker and notorious runaway Neil Wesninski, whose bounty exceeds even Kevin's wildest dreams. Worst of all, Andrew might actually enjoy it.
Cowboy Bebop au. The Foxes are space cowboys, I think that’s all I need to say
I'd Never Want to Complicate Your Heart by jingerhead/ @jingerhead
Andrew glanced at the board and found his name at one of the pods of two rather than four (thank god), right next to the windows. Next to his name was ‘Neil Josten’, one Andrew didn’t recognize, but he had to be at least a sophomore to be in this class. Turning to find the right seats, Andrew found himself pausing as he walked, seeing the person he’d be sitting next to for the foreseeable future if Mr. Browning had his way.
And shit, this was either a good thing or a bad thing, because Andrew is very, very gay, and Neil was good looking enough to become a distraction very quickly.
Or, the Heartstopper AU nobody asked for but that I absolutely needed to write.
Heartstopper au. I called this fic Heartstopper for the asexuals in my bookmark notes and in my comment on it and I will stand by that until I die cuz some of Neil’s experiences with his sexual orientation in this fic echo my own so well I got chills
Andrew Minyard's Diary by fuzzballsheltiepants/ @fuzzballsheltiepants
Andrew is comfortable with his life. He helps edit bad books. He has his collection of people, an apartment, and a novel he will never finish writing. If only his cousin and best friend would stop trying to set him up with one Neil Josten.
Except...perhaps he wouldn't mind being set up with Neil after all.
In which Andrew is Bridget Jones, Kevin is Daniel Cleaver, and Neil is Mark Darcy. Except none of them are like their inspiration characters at all.
Inspired by @scribbleb_red, who said on Twitter "What if there was a Bridget Jones AU?" and when I said, "Yes please!" she handed me the reins. I hope this is even remotely what you were looking for.
Bridget Jones’s Diary au. Absolutely hilarious concept with just perfect character dynamics
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are-they-z · 11 months
Supporters of Creative Community For Peace Open Letter (Support of Israel) - Part 2/2
Bryan Terry, Head of Development, Vice TV
Melanie Greene, VP, Finance, Above Average Productions
Antony Gordon, Managing Director, Adeptus Partners/CEO, AG Productions
Jennifer Duberstein, Head of Sports Business Affairs, CAA Sports
Diane Mayer, CEO/Founder, Crown Jules Entertainment
Dan Carrillo Levy, Writer/Director, Moxie 88
Logan Binstock, Agent, CAA
Gregg Rossen, Screenwriter
Stephany Hurkos, Personal Manager, Stephany Hurkos Management
Jessica Pollack, Talent Strategy Executive, UTA
Marla Levine, Attorney/Producer/Consultant
Andrew Lear, Partner/Agent, UTA
Ben Bruskin, TV Traffic Coordinator, Allen Media Group
Steve Bornfeld, Writer/Editor, Freelance
Linda Lichter, Attorney, Founding Partner, Lichter, Grossman, Nichols, Adler Feldman and Clark, Inc.
Scott Stone, President, Stone & Company Entertainment
Mark Canton, CEO & Producer, Canton Entertainment
Robert Kamen, Writer
Itay Reiss, Manager/Producer, Artists First
Stephanie Davis, Literary Manager, Wetdog Entertainment
Sean Canino, President of Television, McFarlane Films LLC
Barry Schkolnick, Writer/Producer, Schoolboy Productions, Inc
Richard Rionda Del Castro, CEO, Hannibal Media
Lawrence Scot Deutchman, Producer, Great Escape Entertainment, LLC
Jeff Hynick, Partner, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
John Ondrasik, Singer-Songwriter, Five for Fighting
Erik Arnold, Writer/Linguist
Sean Elliott, Partner/Office-Head/Talent Manager, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Sadaf Muncy, SVP, Development and Production, HappyNest Entertainment
Dean Cain, Filmmaker
Brandi George, CEO, Presse Public Relations
Roger Friedman, Owner, www.showbiz411.com
Marc Klein, Screenwriter, Birdy Num Num Inc
Eytan Keller, President, Keller Productions, Inc
Adam Schweitzer, Talent Agent, CAA
James Stoteraux, Writer/Showrunner
David Hunt, Owner, FourBoys Entertainment
Chad Fiveash, Writer/Showrunner
Adam Rosen, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
Kevin Misher, Principal, Misher Films
Nathaniel Bear, Filmmaker, Nat Bear Media/4M Reviews
Deborah Gilels, Publicist, LAMedia Consultants
Lionel Chetwynd, Writer/Director/Producer
Dick Atkins, Producer, A-Films, LLC
Wayne Fitterman, Agent, WME
Gloria Carlin, Actor
Ellen H. Schwartz, Film Producer
Larry Webman, Agent, Wasserman
Emily Gerson Saines, Founding Manager/Producer, Brookside Artist Management
Michael Skloff, Composer, MSM
Joshua Feldman, Writer
Cory Richman, Manager, Liebman Entertainment
Sharon Paz, Senior Talent Agent, A3 Artists Agency
Jonathan Rubenstein, Producer, Crystal City Entertainment
Leah Yerushalaim, Agent, CAA
Brian Liebman, Manager, Liebman Entertainment
David Bickel, Writer/Producer
Samantha Nisenboim, Producer
Ruchel Freibrun, Marketing Specialist
David Caspi, Journalist, Golden Globes
Tommy Finkelstein, Head of Business Affairs, Independent Artist Group
Peter Biegen, Writer
Patrick J. Nicolas, Actor
Constantin Werner, Writer/Director/Producer, Rusalka Film
Jordan Silverberg, Head Of Music, Wild Card Creative Group
Susie Arons, President, Strategic Communications, 42West
Ben Winston, Partner, Fulwell 73
Jeff Refold, COO & CFO, Ryan Seacrest Productions
Robert Lantos, Producer, Serendipity Point Films
Beth Schwartz, Showrunner
Gideon Yago, Writer
Mel Nieves, Actor/Playwright/Screenwriter/Arts Educator
Phyllis Strong, Writer
Beverly D’Angelo, Actor
Ron Mix, Retired Professional Football Player
Shyla La’Sha, Actor
Ellen Lafair, President, Big Top Marketing and Promotions, Inc.
Robert Siegel, Writer/Showrunner
Mitchell Gossett, Talent Manager, Industry Entertainment
John Fogelman, CEO, FactoryMade Ventures
Tanisha Harper, Actress, Mariko Entertainment
Jonathan Golfman, Co-President Film, MRC
Allen Kates, Ghostwriter/Author, Holbrook Street Press
Hannah Li-Paz, Assistant, Echo Lake Management
Harris Doran, Writer/Director/Producer
Lawrence Kopeikin, Entertainment Lawyer, Kopeikin Law PC
Cindi Berger, Chairman, R&CPMK
Patricia Marin, Producer, Marin Group Productions
Andrew Carlberg, Producer
Yariv Milchan, Chairman and CEO, New Regency
Ashley Adler, Voice Actor
Ben goldmanRobert Zaccano, Executive Producer, Little Theatre of Mechanicsburg
Ali Axelrad, Actor
Trevor Raine Bush, Actor
Nancy Belle Novello-Hahn, Owner/Founder iRead2Know Radio Network iHeartRadio, iHeartRadio
Ann Kline, Music Supervisor
Jennifer Kim, Sr Manager, The Walt Disney Company
E Randolph Kielich, Visual & Photographic Artist, Broken Light Inc.
Dawn Solér, President, Working Music Entertainment LLC
William Todd Levinson, Actor, Independent
Jessica Kaminsky, Writer/Producer
Gary Mantoosh, Partner, The Initiative Group
Oliver Ewy, Actor
Beth Milstein, Writer
Eric Slee, Data Analyst, Writers Guild of America West
Julia McArthur, Actor
Matt Galsor, Partner, Greenberg Glusker
Jessica Sharzer, Screenwriter
Eileen O’Farrell, Owner/Manager, Eileen O’Farrell Personal Management
Tair Biton, Producer, One Night Only
Scott Rosenbaum, Showrunner/Writer
Sam Kott, Producer
Howard Brande, President & Executive Producer, Brain Bucket Productions, LLC
Hodayah Miller, Executive Assistant, HBO
Jan Kovac, Film Editor
Emma Andrus, Filmmaker
Amy Elmer, Events, CAA
Danielle Nebel, Actress
Dorit Rochelle, Publicist
Kevin Gimble, Agent
Lars Sylvest, Producer
Lawrence Bender, Producer, Lawrence Bender Productions
Naomi Bulochnikov-Paul, EVP, Publicity & Head of Communications, Disney Entertainment
Ashley Kline Shapiro, Vice President, Publicity, ABC Entertainment
Liza Chasin, Producer, 3dot Productions
Michael Diamond, Partner/Talent Agent, MGMT ENTERTAINMENT
Sheri Rosenberg Kelton, CEO/Literary and Talent Manager, SRK Entertainment
Jay Weisleder, Film & TV Producer, Fuego Films
Kristin Konig, Talent Manager, MGMT. Entertainment
Diana Garelik, Manager, Original Content Post Production, IMAX
Theodore Bressman, Writer
Andy Hirsch, Actor
Leonard Fisher, Music Engineer, L. F. Productions
Claire Kennedy, Writer, Baby Banana Productions
Gary Shlifer, Director/DP
Paul Farberman, President, Paul Farberman Entertainment
Robert Golenberg, Partner, Silver Lining Entertainment Productions
Melanie Elman, Talent Agent, Gersh
Maggie Lane, Writer/Producer, The Maggie Lane Company
Lindsay Arends, Actress
Scott Weinger, Writer/Actor
Sarah Abrams, Artist
Kia Kamran, Attorney, Kia Kamran P.C.
Esther Hornstein, Producer
Candi Zell, Actor
Joshua Jolcover, Editor, Dunphy Films, Inc.
Marc Gerber, Retired Film Marketing Executive/Creative Advertising Producer
Isabelle Marcus, CEO
Sally Ware, Manager, Industry Entertainment
Stu Levy, Founder and CEO, TOKYOPOP
Josh Radnor, Actor/Writer/Director
Steven Warner, Actor/Writer/Director, Trove Films
Larry Webster, President, Media Magik Entertainment
Courtney Kivowitz, Owner/Partner, MGMT. Entertainment
Aron Baumel, Partner, Goodman, Genow, Schenkman, Smelkinson & Christopher, LLP
Stephen Sewell, Screenwriter, ISM Films
Roger Kumble, Writer/Director
Kevin Asch, Director
Ben Goldman, A&R, ONErpm
Ori Marmur, VP, Original Studio Film, Netflix
Jay Levy, Writer/Producer, Jay Levy Entertainment
Oran Zegman, Film/TV Director, Van Zegman Films
Marty Adelstein, CEO, Tomorrow Studio
Zosia Mamet, Actor
Mor Muriel Naim, Director/Writer
Anna Green, Promoter, Exceptional Artists
Shira Gross, Actor
Tara August, President, A Type, Inc.
Henry Selick, Animation Director, Twitching Image Inc.
Adam Kanter, Partner, Head of Motion Picture Literary, A3 Artists Agency
Stacey Sher, Film and Television Producer, Shiny Penny Productions
Russell Schwartz, Head of Business Affairs, Starz
Peter Levinsohn, Chairman, Global Distribution, NBCUniversal Studio Group
Todd Rubenstein, Partner, Yorn Levine
Limor Gott Ronen, Executive Producer, Gott Films
Maor Azran, Producer, MA Productions
Andy Given, EVP Production Administration, Sony
Howard Benson, Producer, Judge & Jury Records
Sheryl Feuerstein, Agency Owner, EastWest Media
Mollie Fermaglich, Writer
Constance Schwartz-Morini, Managing Partner/Co-Founder, SMAC Entertainment
Jonathan Prince, President, PhilmCo Media
Zoey Grayce, Actress
Jennifer Dietz, Partner/Founder, Animal Law Attorneys, PA
Marnie Briskin, Talent Manager, Circle of Confusion
Evan Silver, Director, Reformschool.tv
David Kendall, Writer/Director
Alicia Karlin, VP, Global Touring, AEG Presents
Romeo Santiago, Location Scout & Manager, Romeo Santiago & Co
Joe Montifiore, President, Rafterman Media
Marc Brownstein, Bass Player/Co-Founder, The Disco Biscuits/HeadCount
John Jacobs, Producer, Smart Entertainment
Peter Bochner, Editor
Paul Pflug, Managing Partner, PCG
Kevin Farley, Artist
Nacho Arenas, Founder, Planeo Films
Marty Callner, Director, Cream Cheese Films
Alex Berechet, Location Scout
Odeya Rush, Actress
Pierce O’Donnell, Partner, Greenberg Glusker LLP
Jeffrey Moon, Video Editor
Andi Howard, Artist Manager/Record Company Executive, Andi Howard Entertainment/Peak Records
Bob Ringe, CEO, Anime Entertainment LLC
Dan Signer, Writer/Producer
Viviane Telio, Film Agent, Verve
Adva Reichman, Writer/Director
Wayne Tighe, Chairman and CEO, The Tighe Group Entertainment, LLC
Nami Melumad, Composer
Richard Wolf, Producer/Composer, The Producers Lab, Inc.
Roni Weissman, Filmmaker
Josh Schaer, Writer/Producer
Mendel Goldman, Musical Artist, Born Entertainment
Marie Minnich, Website Developer, Lyrics On Demand
David Margolis, Photographer
David Rowell, Associate Professor, Arts and Entertainment Management, Dean College
Martin Masadao, Production Designer
Mary Jo Mennella, CEO, Music Asset Management, Inc.
Lisa Rockoff, Freelance Make-Up Artist
David Lasky, Producer, David Jay Lasky Productions
Lynn Silver, Actress/Writer
Annah Boyer, Actor
Dana Kaminski, Actor, Voiceover
Billy Schwartz, Film Acquisitions/Sales, Quiver Distribution
Karen Maine, Writer/Director
Julie Hermelin, Managing Partner, Gutsy Media
Julie Carson, Retired Sales Manager, Warner Bros
Camila Seta, Executive, CAA
John Kreidman, Producer
Gary Pearl, Television and Film Producer, Aquarius Content
Sharon Hart-Green, Writer
Michael Burwick, President, Strategic Sports, Media & Entertainment LLC
Charlotte Lichtman, Agent, CAA
Ethan Landzberg, Independent Producer
Louis Allen Epstein, Agent/Entertainer/Head Writer, Best Entertainers/AdamsDavy Productions
Cheryl Watson, Retired Theatre Teacher/Acting Coach
Bonnie Greenberg, Music Supervisor/Professor, Ocean Cities Entertainment/NYU
Douglas Denning, Screenwriter
Iddo Goldberg, Actor
Charles Horn, Writer
Louise O’Brien-Moran, VP Production & Deputy Film Commissioner, Manitoba Film & Music
Tory Howard, Vice President/Partner, Atlas Artists
Matt Sherman, Talent Manager, Matt Sherman Management
Douglas Edley, Talent Agent, UTA
Jessica Kantor, Agent, UTA
Frederic Richter, Archival Producer/Consultant
Emily Brundige, Animation Writer/Showrunner
Scott Halle, President, Gramercy Park Entertainment
Jess Parker, Actor
Brett Gursky, Writer/Director/Producer, Magic Hour
Danielle Solzman, Film Critic, Solzy at the Movies
Barry Weiss, Academy Member
Ann Cherkis, Writer/Producer
Christopher Lussier, Producer, Hollywood Motion Pictures
Anastasia Pozhidaeva, Screenwriter
Gary Kaplan, Singer/Performance Artist
James Cullen Bressack, Director/Producer, Sandaled Kid Productions
Natalie Shampanier, Screenwriter
Inon Shampanier, Writer/Director
Mark Owens, CEO, Rogers & Cowan/PMK
Dani O, Producer
Kevin Walsh, Producer, The Walsh Company
Allan Mandelbaum, Producer, Imagine
Shelly Amor, Artist
Brian Schneiderman, Writer
Heidi Peaster, Author
Jarrett Furst, Producer
Holly Spiegel, Engagement Manager, Motion Picture Television Fund
Cheynne Moye, Streamer/Content Creator/Activists, Twitch
Howard Stein, Film Professional
Suzanne Scara, Writer, Active Ingredients
Vincent Brown, Writer, Completely Plausible Prod.
Susan Gurman, Theatrical Agent, Gurman Agency LLC
Michelle De Vries, Music Supervisor, Extra Mile Music
Mary Beth Leidman, Host/Producer
Linda Kessler, Artist
Sarajane Robinson, Actor
Risa Miller, Novelist
Danny Cohen, President, Access Entertainment
Maksim Kunin, President, Banyan Communications
Dagmar Jaeger, Visual Artist
Marc Simonsson, Film and TV Agent, SoloSon Media Limited
Paul Richman, Director, PR Films
David Thurman, Musician, Aweberry Records
Marnie Salsky, Documentarian
Deborah Hall, Writer
Fredric London, Actor
Winfried Hammacher, Producer, WMG Films
Jack Ferdman, Film Critic/Podcaster, Rewatching Oscar Podcast
Anne Smith, Hairdresser/Makeup Artist
Kenneth Slotnick, CEO, AGI Entertainment Media & Management, LLC
Jacob Marko, Television Producer/Artist
Miriam Spritzer, Entertainment Journalist, Golden Globes
Marian Wolf, Chief of Staff and SVP US Publishing, BMG
Brian Stern, Partner, AGI Entertainment Media & Management
Edward Fletcher, Musician
Thomas Arslan, Director
Steve Kline, President/COO, Better Noise Entertainment
FTV Teubner, Artist
Steven Cohen, Writer
Robert Harris, Founding Partner, Lazarus & Harris LLP
Victoria Selman, Author
Gregor Tholl, Author/Journalist
Na’ama Keha, Filmmaker
Max Nagler, Agent, Verve Talent & Literary Agency
Thomas Lynch, Retired Actor
Ben Solenberger, Actor
Marilee Albert, Producer/Author, Amicus Pictures
Richard Wright, Podcaster Host/Producer, TPFP
Matt Torres, Artist
Kadia Saraf, Actor and Writer
Terry Serpico, Actor/Writer
Leslie Litt, Sr. Casting Executive, Amazon MGM Studios
Betty Pillk, Actor
Victoria Gordon, Actress/Singer/Writer
Robin Blick, Musician
Andrew Atkinson, Actor/Musician, Chapel Music Company
Ross Warner, Writer, Operation Thunderball
Udo Kulvinder Jolly, Actor/Playwright
Vicky Asher, Singer
David Livingston, Director
Andreas Galk, Author
David Stone, Artist Manager, PRF Management
Jim Smith, Writer, 2thirteen22 Productions
Benjamin Shekelbergstein, Producer/Director, New World Studios, Inc.
Mark Landesman, Business Manager/CEO, ML Management Partners
Mandore Oviedo, Writer/Producer, Fenna Productions
Diana Hoffman, President, Music With Confidence
Meirav Zur, Actor/Producer
Cheryl Bloch, Partner, Backyard Pix
Homer Hickam, Writer/Author, H3 Author
Susan Cartsonis, Partner, Resonate Entertainment
Alyssa Rosenheck, Author, Speaker & Photographer
Dina Smith, Production
David Kanter, Manager/Producer/Partner, Anonymous Content
Erika Rosenheim, Talent Manager
Jeff Greenberg, Senior VP, Gersh
Suzanne Farwell, Producer
Clément Bauer, Producer, Resonate Entertainment
Tim McKinney, Actor/Director/Producer, Cubed Five Productions
Kaci Christian, Retired TV News Anchor & Investigative Reporter
Aaron Sandler, Producer, Lot 2160
Sharlene Martin, President, Martin Literary Management
Lisa Moran, Production, The Alan Parker Film Company
Susan Sofayov, Author
David Rose, Partner, Pryor Cashman LLP
Jonathan Sturm, Director, HR, MLB Network
Debbie Peiser, Director/Writer
Oriana LaRusso, Social Media Influencer
Chris Collins, Producer, Purposeful Pictures
Michael Chait, Director, TMU Pictures, LLC
Sandy Sabean, CEO, Merity, LLC
David Eisman, Partner, Head of Entertainment Group, Skadden
Emily Greenberg Hogan, 1st Assistant Director
Ross Kohn, Producer
Catherine Rich, Executive Producer
Maxwell Weberman, L&OD, Endeavor
Carole Davis, Actor
Lindsay Fabes, Actor/Director/Singer
Geoffrey Cantor, Actor
Duff Berschback, Lawyer, Concord Music Publishing
Karynne Tencer, PR Exec, Tencer & Associates
Sloan Roberts, Actor
Iris Bahr, Actor/Author
Robert Glynn, Writer/Director/Editor/Camera Operator
David Singer, Co-Chair, Content, Media & Entertainment, Jenner & Block LLP
Hal Burg, CEO, Brandview
Adam Rodman, Writer
Micah D. Sjerven, Freelance Filmmaker
Rafael Marmor, Founder, Delirio Films
Eric Kranzler, Manager/Producer, Entertainment 360
Carly Sadolf, Actress/Producer
Beth Delany, Writer
Jim Heath, Teacher/Writer/Actor
Scott Ratner, COO, OBB Media
Kyria Collins, Singer-Songwriter
Maxim Rowlands, Pianist
Chris Dawson, Visual Effects Artist
Allison Estrin, Casting Director, Allison Estrin Casting
Suzi Steiger, Freelance Art Dealer/Curator/Writer
D.J. Gugenheim, President/Partner, Incognegro Productions
Samuel Cohen, Actor
Arthur Spector, Head of Film & TV, Epic
Michael Feldman, Actor
Dalia Ganz, SVP Digital Marketing, Warner Records
Marc Stone, Filmmaker, Banjo Films
Jen Lanter, Director, SHTARKcontrast
Nathan Kaye, Actor/Musician/Music Producer/Composer, New Realms Films, Australia
Max Perlman, Actor
Jordan Serlin, Writer/Agent/Inventor, Warner Bros. Records/ICM/Pacific Swan
Toby Emmerich, Producer, Fireside Films
Peter Vogel, Producer, Blank Slate Pictures
Rebecca Shapiro, Writer/Director, Not Even the Chair Productions
Phylis Rossi, Actor
Eric Eskenazi, Founder, Brooklyn Digital Media, Inc.
Narayan & Janet Baltzo, Musicians/Songwriters, Love Bus Music Unlimited
Natalie Cassoni, Curator, Artist, Cassoni Design Gallery
Michelle Satter, Founding Senior Director, Sundance Institute
Kiersten Lipkin, Choreographer/Dance Educator
Larry Kunofsky, Writer
Michael Glouberman, Writer/Producer, Global Robot
David C. Tam, Actor/Writer/Producer, Telesis Design and Development
Justin Hires, Actor, Hire Level Productions
Saul Blinkoff, Executive Producer/Director, Life of Awesome!
Cindy Bond, Founder/CEO, Mission Pictures International
Jacob Abrams, Executive Director, Abrams Theatre Project
Iris Helfand, Retired, Theatrical Wardrobe Union 764 NYC
Golan Ramraz, Writer/Producer, EGX Film Factory
Eric Schrier, President, Disney Television Studios
Scott Pollack, President, A to Z Media
Matthew Tishler, Songwriter/Producer
William Schmidt, Writer/Producer, Edelson Productiobs
Bruce Cohen, Producer, Bold Choices Productions
Roslyn Cohn, Actress
Greg Goetzman, CEO, Goetzman Group
Alex Astrachan, Director of Development, Permut Presentations
David Permut, President, Permut Presentations
Jill Littman, Partner, Impression Entertainment
Ari Luxenberg, Senior Vice President, Business Affairs, Paramount Television Studios
Joshua Rothstein, CEO/Founder, Ice Cream For Dinner
Kevin Lin, Co-Founder, Twitch
Stacy Harris, Publisher/Executive Editor, Stacy’s Music Row Report
Mark Rogers, Musician, abovewaters indy
Nizar Aghri, Writer
Timotius Samanuli, Director, EMOS Global Digital
Virtic Emil Brown, Filmmaker, Artist Studio Prods.
Tim Clemente, Writer/Producer, XG Productions
Jay Karas, Director
Laurence Miller, Producer, Nimax Theatres
Birgit Grebenstein, Sound Technician
Mitchell James Kaplan, Author
Sheila Richey, TV/Film Producer, George Richey Family Music
Gero Worstbrock, Head of Legal & Business Affairs, Constantin Film
Vered Danovitch, Actor, LAV
Richard Motzkin, EVP & Managing Executive, Global Soccer, Wasserman
Matt Greenberg, Managing Partner, Greenberg Chopurian-Valencia & Associates, LLP
Neil Silvert, President and Owner, Your Grey Matters Podcast
John Benjamin David Tatum, Actor/Producer/Director
Matthew Mishory, Director
Iyar Hartogs, Influencer Manager
Dan Bleiwas, Former Major League Baseball Scout
Lisa Cohen, President, Associated Booking Corp.
Sabrina Nudeliman Wagon, CEO, ELO Studios
Peter Tordai, Chief Creative Officer, White Dog
Al Rain, Songwriter/Producer
Tahj Mowry, Actor
Val Stulman, Writer/Actor/Educator
Jonathan Kier, Co-Founder, Upgrade Productions
Gary Gilbert, Producer, Gilbert Films
Jennifer Joel, Co-Head, CAA Books, CAA
Larry Klein, Record Producer/Musician, Strange Cargo Inc
Alan Zweibel, TV Writer/Screenwriter/Playwright/Author
Patrick Schabus, Publishing Director, The Friendly Facts
Seth Faber, SVP Artist & Label Strategy, Stem Distribution
Sylvanna Seydel, Actress/Costumer, Made With Mischief
Yehuda Siegal, Actor
Betty Jo Butler, Talent Agent and Producer, Resilient Films Studios
Daniel Finkelman, Producer/Director, Danielfinkelmanfilms.com
Michael Drebert, Creative Director, Resilient Films Studios
Joseph Browns, Film Set Designer
Zach Calig, Writer/Producer
Greg Hoffman, Actor
Hallie Brookman, Agent, UTA
Victoria Cook, Partner, Frankfurt Kurnit
Ed Buller, Composer/Producer/Musician, who’ll ever have me
Freddie Green, Writer/Director
Andrea Jolly, Actor
Simon Halfon, Producer, Nemperor Ltd
Steve Luna, Actor/Filmmaker
Ricky Kirshner, Producer, Kirshner Events
Jacob Schiff, Agent, CAA
Gerald Petievich, Writer, Charles Carr Productions Inc
Allegra Israel, Games Producer
Allyson Taylor, Actress, Aqua Talent
Don Swayze, Actor
Josh Roehl, Singer/Songwriter
Patricia Randell, Actor
Bill McCarty, Comedian/Actor
Judy Friedman, General Counsel, PhilmCo Media
Dmitry Borshch, Artist
Michal Shany, Entertainment Attorney
David Blackman, EVP, Head of Film &TV Development and Production, Universal Music Group
Declan Joyce, Actor/Writer/Producer, Irish Magic Inc.
Kellie Adan, Spiritual Director/Writer
Michele Robins, Artist
Michael Black, Singer/Songwriter/Artist
Alan Bradley, Author/Songwriter
Richard Klagsbrun, Writer/Composer
Michael Porter, Director, Netflix
Stanley Herman, Actor/Writer/Music Publisher, Jordan/Herman/Holmes
Jon Keidan, Trustee, George Gershwin Godowsky Trust
Adam Gershwin, Manager, Marc George Gershwin LLC
LJ Strunsky, Managing Director, The Ira Gershwin Music Estate
Nataliya Kirakozova, Film Director, Founder, Dva Kapitana
Misha Aranyshev, Editor, Dva Kapitana
Dan Liebman, Actor
Ross Buckley, Senior Business Development Manager, Prime Video
Brett Rosen, Motion Picture Agent, Endeavor
Beth Suckiel, Artist, East Linden Avenue
Iris Joon, Artist, Blair Records & Publishing
Marshall Blair-Cohn, Musician/Composer/CEO, Blair Records & Publishing
Peter Samuelson, CEO, PhilmCo Media LLC
Gerry Tamber, Lead Singer/Mandolin, The Shade Tree Pickers Bluegrass Band
Seth Oster, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, The Wonderful Company
Michael Pasternak, Actor, Founder, The Amazing Bottle Dancers
David Kantrowitz, Musician
Sam Schifrien, Founder/Content Development & Production, 93 Cedar
Cathryn Wadden, Costumer
Jan Kunesh, Exec Director, Production Finance, 20th Television
Robert Avrech, Screenwriter
Sharon Lieblein, Casting Director, Sharon Lieblein Casting
Orly Sitowitz, Casting Director
Bob Kushell, Writer/Producer
Jeffrey Bank, CEO, Alicart Group LLC
Nancy Klopper, Casting Director
Larry Jenkins, Manager, LJ Entertainment
Stacey Pianko, Casting Director, Stacey Pianko Casting
Susan Paley Abramson, Casting Director, Paley Hempe Casting
Lindsay Heiman, Showrunner’s Assistant, Warner Bros.
Wendy Warren, Writer
Tim Blough, Actor
Cathy Sandrich Gelfond, Casting Director, Mackey/Sandrich Casting
Josh Lieberman, Agent, Creative Artists Agency
Mark Silverman, President & COO, Fox Sports
Danielle Cohen, Global Operations and Distribution Executive
Heidi Kozak Haddad, Writer/Actress/Producer
Steven Adelson, Director/Producer, Breakout Pictures Inc
Michelle Hansen Como, Story Developer
Justin Kalifowitz, Founder & Chairman, Downtown Music Holdings
Sherrill Hayes, Writer
Andrew Bergman, CEO, Downtown Music Holdings
Peter Lewit, Managing Partner, Davis Shapiro Lewit & Grabel, LLP
Binta Niambi Brown, Talent Manager, Omalilly Projects
Andrew Howard, Personal Manager, Shelter Entertainment Group
Brenda Kyle, Television Executive
Chris Hartung, Musician
Aidan J. Crowley, Actor/Producer
JoAnne Ruggeri, Arts Administrator
Rona Menashe, Co-CEO and Co-President, Guttman Associate
Lizzie Friedman, Producer/Partner, Priority Pictures
Michael Rauch, Showrunner
Yael Bergman, Producer/Writer, YB Productions
Marissa Nadel, SVP, Integrated Marketing, Paramount
Paul Simpson, Actor
Alan Gary, Actor/Writer, Too Much Fun Productions, Inc.
Eric Gault, Musician
Noah Morris, Writer/Producer/Actor, At Liberty Entertainment Studios
Steve Vitolo, CEO, Scriptation
Noel Ashman, Film Producer/Director
Brian Ash, Writer/Producer
Keith J. Klein, Media Director
William Jeffcock, Director
Jennifer Peralta-Ajemian, Founder/Casting Director, JPA Casting
Ari Roussimoff, Director/Artist
Garry Schyman, Composer, Garry Schyman Productions
Carol Berke, Color Designer, Walt Disney Company
Ari Lubet, Manager, 3 Arts Entertainment
Samantha Korn, Talent Agent, WME
Shari Shankewitz, Partner, WME
Daniel Rak, Agent, WME
Gabriella Shink, Talent Agent, WME
Anna Anna, Agent, WME
Rachel Goldberg, Director
Hilary Michael, Agent, Partner & Co-Head of Literary Packaging, WME
Max Maulitz, Agent, WME
Nicole Rosen, Producer, Ladybug Productions
Agnieszka Kolek, Artist
Jeremy Drysdale, Screenwriter
Samantha Leon, Talent Agent, WME
Alyssa Reuben, Agent, WME
Jeffrey Schnabolk, Senior Manager, IMG Models
Caroline Gold, Writer
Natalie Haverstock, Artist, Miss Ballooniverse Ltd
Mina Kupfermann, Artist
Alan Chebot, Director/Executive Producer, Parallax Productions, Inc.
Wade Brown, Writer
Anna-Sue Greenberg, Producer, Facet4 Media
Sheri Kelton, Manager, SRK Entertainment
Euphrosene Labon, Writer, Wise El Co
Abraham Hoschander, Attorney and Radio Talk Show Host
Nancy Josephson, Partner, WME
Nathan Ross, Film/TV Producer, Lilyrose Productions Inc.
Howard Klein, Partner, 3 Arts Entertainment
Amir Shahkhalili, Agent, WME
Andrea Cayton, Philanthropist
David Boren, Partner, Ritholz Levy Fields LLP
Marc Emert-Hutner, Vice-President, Membership, Pop/Rock, ASCAP
Sara Laffer, Executive, WME
Orna Rachovitsky, Actress/Producer/Filmmaker, Goldart Films
Orestes Matacena, Actor/Producer/Writer/Director, Goldart Films
David Herman, Documentary Director, Double Shot Films
Kos OmIsrael, CEO, Kos Entertainment
Dolores Delaney, Writer
Rhonda Gale, Business Affairs Consultant
Kirk Acevedo, Actor
Talin Chaturantabut, Actor
John Winfield, President and Chairman, InterGroup Corp.
Neil Blair, Founding Partner, The Blair Partnership
Marilyn Lindsay, Production Accountant
Amanda Alley, Creative Executive, Skydance Media
Jim Jackoway, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Ben Jacobs, Writer
Steven Keslowitz, Attorney and Author
Aaron Wilson, Writer/Artist
Richard Cannon, Photographer
Nina Mueller, Translator & Actor, COMM-art
Leo Pearlman, Managing Partner, Fulwell 73
Nicholas Frenkel, Partner, 3 Arts Entertainment
Rebecca Wicking, Actor/Singer
Mark Mason, Playwright
Keith Lucas, Filmmaker, LBMC
Joanne Horowitz, CEO, Joanne Horowitz Management
Rod Lurie, Film Writer/Director, Perfection Hunter Productions
Raquel Munoz, Production Executive
Scott Baker, CEO/Founder, RiverArch Ventures LLC
Alexander Ney, Artist
Joel Ney, Independent Creative
Frank Eckhardt, Artist
Noah Munro Lehrman, Musician/Writer
Bar Maman, Artist, Art by Bar
Jamie Conviser, Music Producer, The Walt Disney Company
Roland Ronge, Photographer/Artist
Dvora Englefield, Partner/Head of Music Artist Strategy, WME
Brian Ross, Writer/Producer
David Sacks, Executive Producer
Hannah Lowy, Writer/Director
Bernd Schuller, Artist & Scientist
Will Daws, Creative Director, Plum Pictures
Rinne B. Groff, Playwright/Performer
Lori Silfen, Head of MGM Music, MGM/Amazon Studios
Jacob Elyachar, Chief Content Producer-Writer/Podcast Host
Michelle Jubelirer, Chair & CEO, Capitol Music Group
Andrew Heinze, Playwright, New York City, American Renaissance Theater Company
Adam Butterfield, Producer/Actor
Lisa Mierke, Manager, Mosaic
Bruce Kirschbaum, Writer/Producer
Chaim and Stephanie Glicken, Co-Founders, Digilicious Media LLC
Julia Rymer Brucker, Artist/Art Educator
Lloyd Braun, Producer
Sarah Agor, Actress/Producer
Nathan Ross, Producer
Jonnie Forster, Founder, The Penthouse
Sarah Ulicny, Writer
Holly Hubsher, SVP, Bay Mills Studios
Michael Rubinoff, Theatre Producer
Bruna Papandrea, Founder/Producer, Made Up Stories
Mitchell Akselrad, Writer/Producer
Liran Nathan, Actor
Fred Raskin, Film Editor
Sasha Valenti, Artist
David Friendly, Film/TV Producer, Friendly Films
Allison Eden, Glass Mosaic Artist
Sasha Valenti, Artist
Rachel Morrissey, Artist
Lisa Edelstein, Actress/Artist
Harel Sharon, Editor In Chief, CON-ART magazine
Wyatt Benny, Songwriter/Filmmaker, 327 Films
David Hedges, Writer
Seth Saltzman, Musician/Music Professional
Zoe Manor, Designer/Producer
Emily Leonard, Music Talent Publicity Assistant, The Lede Company
Victor Fresco, Writer/Executive Producer
Adam Shulman, Manager/Producer, Anonymous Content
Sarah Flack, Film Editor
Steve Sackstein, Background Actor
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speculativism · 7 months
I was really shocked at what seemed to me to be Andrew Maxwell's stupidity on this week's episode of The News Quiz. He said he had a theory that most British people had never met anyone who is Jewish! "Rubbish!" I thought, "Britain has a very large Jewish population!" But when I checked online sources I found that the numbers were less than 400,000 even for the "enlarged" Jewish community which includes non-Jewish relatives of Jews. This is a bit of a bombshell to me. I suppose I had a slightly distorted idea of the population numbers because I've lived in North London a couple of times in my life and North London has a large Jewish population. I've always felt that I may have some Jewish ancestry in me but I've never been able to prove it. The nearest I can get to "evidence" is that my Scottish grandfather was from Renfrewshire which has a significant Jewish-Scottish population.
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paulburkhart · 7 months
NEW LIKED VIDEO The REAL Origin of the 12 Tribes of Israel Try Speakly free for 7 days + get a 60% discount of an annual subscription: https://ift.tt/hI4A5gx Buy the Biblical Family Tree chart: https://ift.tt/tu98hFd SOURCES: * Baden, Joel S. (2012). The Composition of the Pentateuch: Renewing the Documentary Hypothesis. Yale University Press * Finkelstein, Israel & Neil A. Silberman (2002). The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts. Free Press. * Fleming, Daniel E. (2020). Yahweh before Israel: Glimpses of History in a Divine Name. Cambridge University Press. * Friedman, Richard E. (2009). The Bible with Sources Revealed. HarperOne. * Friedman, Richard E. (2017). The Exodus: How It Happened and Why It Matters. HarperOne. * Schmid, K. (2010). Genesis and the Moses Story: Israel's Dual Origins in the Hebrew Bible. Eisenbrauns. * Tobolowsky, Andrew (2017). The Sons of Jacob and the Sons of Herakles. Mohr Siebeck. * Tobolowsky, Andrew (2022). The Myth of the Twelve Tribes of Israel: New Identities Across Time and Space. Cambridge University Press. * Wright, Jacob L. (2023). Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and Its Origins. Cambridge University Press. CREDITS: Narration by Matt Baker Animation by Syawish Rehman Audio editing by Ali Shahwaiz via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wtBBVnyX3A
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[ad_1] Q: I dwell on the sixth flooring of a 54-unit co-op constructing within the West Village. 5 years in the past, throughout renovations within the condominium beneath mine, a wall was eliminated and I misplaced my connection to the constructing’s intercom system. It has by no means been restored. The constructing’s architect is meant to assessment and approve all renovations, however apparently didn’t catch this downside. I've notified constructing administration a number of instances, to no avail. The common doormen are conscious of the issue and name my cellphone if mandatory, however when others are on responsibility, I miss deliveries and guests. What ought to I do?A: A working intercom isn’t only a comfort when guests or meals deliveries arrive — it’s a authorized requirement. Below the state’s a number of dwelling regulation, buildings constructed or transformed after 1968 with eight or extra items should have a two-way voice intercom system linking the entrance door to every condominium. Town’s housing upkeep code additionally requires a functioning intercom.“Because of this, the co-op has a authorized obligation to restore or exchange the intercom,” stated Nancy Kourland, a accomplice who handles actual property litigation with Lasser Regulation Group, based mostly in Manhattan.Furthermore, Ms. Kourland stated, courts have discovered that intercoms are a vital service and that failing to take care of them is a breach of the guarantee of habitability underneath state regulation as a result of it impacts the habitability and safety of an condominium.You'll be able to seek the advice of your proprietary lease to make certain, nevertheless it’s most unlikely that repairs to the intercom system as you describe can be the accountability of a shareholder. Write a letter to the co-op board notifying them that you just haven’t had a working intercom since 2019, and that it must be repaired instantly. You'll be able to add that if it isn’t repaired, you'll take additional motion.If the board isn't responsive, you may search a restore by making a grievance to 311, or by beginning an HP continuing in housing courtroom.You'll be able to withhold your upkeep charges till a restore is made, based mostly upon the proprietary lease. If the co-op brings a authorized motion towards you for nonpayment, the damaged intercom may very well be a protection in courtroom, stated Andrew I. Bart, a senior litigation counsel who focuses on co-ops and condos at Kagan Lubic Lepper Finkelstein & Gold, LLP.If the issue was brought on by your neighbor’s renovations, your neighbor could also be liable for the restore, relying on the lease phrases or the alteration settlement that was signed when the work was carried out, stated Andrew Freedland, a accomplice in the true property division at Herrick. In case your neighbor is discovered accountable, they might then have a declare towards their contractor, Mr. Freedland stated.For weekly electronic mail updates on residential actual property information, enroll right here. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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burner2047 · 8 months
I worked for Jimmy Finkelstein in the mid-90s. What a tool! He was an abyss of clownery and everything he touched got sucked into its foolishness never to return in any worthwhile let alone functional form. I remember his sock-footed tantrums (and the sound his foot dragging made on the commercial grade low pile office carpeting) triggered by one thing or another (mostly by his ego). What I learned most about having someone like Jimmy Finkelstein as the Boss is that you’re doomed. Someone who never “needed” a job, who displays no discernible talent, charisma or genius, and yet is handed the reins because Dad — it’s the patriarchal American way to ruin if you ask me.
When I heard about the Messenger, before it even launched, I knew it would fail because that shit flows from the top down. Jimmy’s brother, Andrew Finkelstein changed his last name to Stein when he entered his politics era. Now entering his post-Messenger era Jimmy should change his name to Failkelstein… and retire from publishing and any other potential cockamamie business endeavor he may deficiently devise.
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lizseyi · 2 years
Klaviyo becomes the recommended email solution partner for Shopify Plus - Skywire London
Many a fashion, luxury or lifestyle business presently working with a dedicated Shopify agency for high-end brands, will have reason to take an interest in the announcement of a new “strategic partnership” between Shopify and Klaviyo. 
‍What’s involved in the new “partnership”? 
The new “product partnership” between the Canadian multinational ecommerce firm Shopify and the marketing automation company Klaviyo will see Shopify make what has been described as “a strategic investment in Klaviyo to build upon the long-term collaboration between the platforms.” 
As part of the agreement, Klaviyo will gain the status of recommended email solution partner for Shopify Plus, which is the plan Shopify offers for merchants with higher-volume sales, and who therefore require a greater level of functionality, scalability and support than is available from the base-level version of Shopify. 
The enhanced collaboration will also mean Klaviyo receiving early access to new Shopify development features, which a press release announcing the news said would help the two parties “accelerate critical new technologies designed to help merchants navigate recent shifts in online marketing.” 
Building on an established association between the two brands 
It should be noted, of course, that this latest partnership hardly represents the first time Shopify and Klaviyo have been linked. The Klaviyo solution is already available in the Shopify App Store, and Klaviyo indicated that it expected the new partnership to “further strengthen opportunities for merchants to deepen customer relationships amidst a dynamic marketing environment.” 
The features and benefits of Klaviyo’s customer platform include its unification of customer journey data under a single solution, and the accessibility and actionability of this data, which enables marketers to draw upon it in their efforts to acquire, enchant, and retain customers. 
Klaviyo co-founder and CEO, Andrew Bialecki, commented: “Our goal has always been to understand our customers (and their biggest challenges) and build the most loved product that solves those challenges. 
“Partnerships with leading platforms like Shopify that share our values and mission are crucial to how we help solve those challenges creators and brands face. We’re excited about what this continued partnership represents for our customers.” 
Harley Finkelstein, President of Shopify, stated: “Klaviyo is a shining example of the outsized impact Shopify’s app and partner ecosystem can have on the next generation of commerce solutions for independent brands. 
“Klaviyo has become invaluable to hundreds of thousands of merchants to help them better understand their customers and engage them in highly personalised ways across so many touchpoints. 
“Klaviyo’s success has been astounding, and we’re excited to take this next step in our already robust partnership to make it even easier for Shopify merchants to grow their businesses.” 
Would you like to know more about how the Shopify-Klaviyo connection could aid your own business in its efforts to grow during 2022 and for many more years to come? If so, you could be well-advised to get in touch with our own Shopify agency for high-end brands here at Skywire London; we’ll help you plot the best possible path ahead for your firm in the luxury sector.  
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onceuponatown · 3 years
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The Mohonk Mountain House, also known as Lake Mohonk Mountain House, is an American resort hotel located on the Shawangunk Ridge in Ulster County, New York. Its location in the town of New Paltz, New York, is just beyond the southern border of the Catskill Mountains, west of the Hudson River.
The National Historic Landmark Program's "Statement of Significance", as of the site's historic landmark designation in 1986, stated:
Begun in the 1870s as a small resort for family and friends by the Smiley brothers, it became so popular that it was enlarged many times. Because of the Smileys' love of the outdoor life, the area around the hotel was treated as an integral part of the attractions of the resort. Much of this area was planned as an experiment in conservation of the natural environment, and as an educational tool for the study of botany, geology, and outdoor living.
The resort is located on the shore of Lake Mohonk, which is half a mile (800 m) long and 60 feet (18 m) deep. The main structure was built by Quaker twin brothers Albert and Alfred Smiley between 1869 and 1910.
From 1883 to 1916, annual conferences took place at Mohonk Mountain House, sponsored by Albert Smiley, to improve the living standards of Native American Indian populations. These meetings brought together government representatives of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the House and Senate committees on Indian Affairs, as well as educators, philanthropists, and Indian leaders to discuss the formulation of policy. The Haverford College library holds 22,000 records from the 34 conference reports for researchers and students of American history.
The hotel hosted the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration between 1895 and 1916, which was instrumental in creating the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands. Those conference papers were donated by the Smiley Family to Swarthmore College for research.
The house was given a United Nations Environment Programme Award in 1994 in honor of "125 years of stewardship". According to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, "Through its buildings and roads, its land, and its spirit, Mohonk exemplifies America's history and culture. Mohonk has since managed to maintain its 19th century character into the 21st century."
Mohonk Mountain House has 259 guest rooms, including 28 tower rooms, an indoor pool and spa, and an outdoor ice-skating rink for winter use. The property consists of 1,325 acres (536 ha), and much of it is landscaped with meadows and gardens. It adjoins the Mohonk Preserve, which is crisscrossed by 85 miles (140 km) of hiking trails and carriage roads. The Smileys conveyed the majority of their property to the preserve, in 1963. At the time the preserve was called the Mohonk Trust. 
Mohonk Mountain House has hosted many famous visitors including lawyer, Daniel H Kovel, industrialist John D. Rockefeller, financier Charles A. Schmutz, naturalist John Burroughs, industrialist Andrew Carnegie, prolific author Isaac Asimov, and American presidents Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Bill Clinton. Guests have also included actor Alan Alda, former First Lady Julia Grant, author Thomas Mann, and religious leaders such as Theologian Lyman Abbott, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, Reverend Ralph W. Sockman, Reverend Francis Edward Clark. `Abdu'l-Bahá, the eldest son of Baháʼí Faith founder Bahá'u'lláh, stayed there in 1912 during the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration as part of his journeys to the West. William James Roe II described the resort as a "palace of peace" after his stay there, writing an article of the same name, published in Harper's Young People. 
See our other post on the Mohonk Mountain House here. 
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yourdailykitsch · 2 years
Did Taylor sign on with that PR firm you talked about?
Answer: I noticed this past weekend that a PR Firm had recently followed Taylor on instagram. I was curious because Taylor hasn't dealt with a PR Firm or had a publicist for almost 10 years now. At one point he just said that he didn't know why he was paying a publicist when it was something he could do. Whether the new agency he signed on with (WME) suggested it or if he anticipates an onslaught of press/appearances he doesn't want to have to deal with, I don't know. Regardless he now has a publicist through ID-PR and her name is Phillene. Some of the clients she represents are: Taika Waititi, Jude Law, Denis Villeneuve, Sean Penn, Zach Snyder, Sacha Baron Cohen, Emerald Fennel, etc.
As far as his agency goes. I was able to track down who specifically represents him at WME and he is now repped by the team of Andrew Finkelstein and James Farrell, who represent (to name a few): Nicolas Cage, Michelle Dockery, Jon Bernthal, Rachel McAdams, Denzel Washington, Bill Skarsgard, Zac Efron, Dylan O'Brian, Joel Kinnaman, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Richard Gere, Steve Martin, Ted Danson, John David Washington, Miley, Oprah, Tom Holland, Henry Cavill, Jessica Biel, Joel Edgerton, John C. Reilly, Mike Myers, Eric Bana, Gwendoline Christie, etc.
I just wanted to update the previous post a) because I had new information and b) this is a shift in Taylor's philosophy and how he has managed his career over the past 10 years as far as publicity goes.
Again, hoping this all means good things in the future and news to come. Ready for all the news!
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The Idol 1x01: Quotes
“- But what is the image saying? (Xander) - That she’s young, beautiful, and damaged. (Nikki) - Sh... - Eh, not damaged. She had problems that she overcame beautifully. (Nikki) - O-Okay. Uh, the robe, the hospital wristband. (Xander) - Mm-hmm.  - I mean, are we romanticizing mental illness? (Xander) - Absolutely. (Nikki) - And you’re fine with that? That’s cool? (Xander) - You people are so out of touch. (Nikki) - You people? (Xander) - You college-educated internet people. (Nikki) - Okay, yeah. You’re criticizing me for going to college. (Xander) - Oh, will you let people enjoy sex, drugs, and hot girls, okay? Stop trying to cock-block America. (Nikki) - No, Nikki, I’m not some sort of prude. I just don’t think that with everything that she has been through, she should be wearing a hospital wristband. (Xander) - Mental illness is sex. (Nikki) - No, it’s not. (Xander) - Yeah. If you live in Sioux City, Iowa, you are never gonna meet a girl like Jocelyn. She’s not walking down the street, she didn’t got to your high school, she doesn’t work at the bar or the diner, and she did not marry your best friend. And if, on the off chance, she did, she is still never, ever gonna fuck you. Unless, she has some very, very serious mental problems. And that right there is why mental illness is sexy.” (Nikki)
“- According to the nudity rider, we only can show the side boob, the under boob, and the side flank. (the intimacy coordinator) - I didn’t ask. She did it. (the photograph) - Okay, so I’m not allowed to show my body? (Jocelyn) - Not in the general, like, human rights structure of it all. (the intimacy coordinator) - You realize how fucking annoying and insane that sounds? (Xander) - It’s actually very progressive. It’s to make sure she doesn’t feel pressured. (the intimacy coordinator) - Right. I don’t feel pressured. (Jocelyn) - Fully respect that. (the intimacy coordinator) - This is her album cover. (Xander) - It’s also my boob and my house. (Jocelyn) - Fully respect body autonomy.” (the intimacy coordinator)
- “Hey! You! Come here! You want $ 5′000? You keep this door shut for the next three hours. Hold it. You gotta hold it really hard. (Chaim) - Who’s in here? (a guy) - All right? None of your business. Just take it or leave it, yes? Yeah? Okay, good. (Chaim) - Yeah, yeah.” (a guy)
“- No one’s having a pschotic... Let’s all calm down. (Benjamin) - Yeah, please.(Chaim) - Deep breath. Kay. I’m gonna give some information. I need it to be received peacefully, calmly. Okay? We’re the number one trending topic on Twitter. (Benjamin) - Okay. All right. (Nikki) - It’s not... (Benjamin) - No. I find out who did this. May God have mercy on their fucked up, depraved soul. Okay?” (Chaim)
“- It’s gotta say, it’s gotta say “revenge porn”. It’s gotta say “revenge porn” or they’re not gonna take it down (on the phone). - Andrew Finkelstein (at the gate). - Do you have ID? (security guard) - No, I’m from Live Nation. I’ve been here many, many times. (Andrew) - That’s great. Do you have ID? (security guard) - No, I don’t fucking have ID! (Andrew) - There’s a lotta people here today. We can’t let anyone in without an ID. (security guard) - Jesus fucking... Okay, let me deal with this fuckin’jabroni. Hang on. I’m gonna Google myself. Here, watch this. Ready? “Andrew Finkelstein, Live Nation”. What? Whoa! Who’s that? Huh? See that punim? See this face? See that face? Wow, they’re similar. (Andrew) - Okay, okay, sir, calm down. You don’t have to be so rude about it. I’ll get this figured out, okay? (security guard) - Yeah, I don’t have to be so rude. You know, my fucking star client has face full of cum. I’m not rude. (Andrew) - Mr. Finkelstein. So sorry for the inconvenience. (security guard) - Now you’re sorry. Thank you. (Andrew) - Right this way. (security guard) - You’re mensch. Wonderful fucking service.” (Andrew)
“- Lock him in a closet, too? (Destiny) - Remind me to let that guy out at some point, but not yet. (Chaim)
“- You know, you worry too much. Just relax. (Chaim) - I worry too much. My shareholders think I worry too little. You know, every time I fuckin’ breathe in and out, I hemorrhage money for Christ’s sake.” (Andrew)
“- Oh, there’s no shame in being a slut, case in point. I’m just worried she’s having another psychotic break. (Andrew) - No, no, she never had a psychotic break. Never had one. She was just exhausted and she was tired. (Destiny) - She’s a trouper. She reminds me of myself at that age. Okay, the thought of you younger is terrifying to me. (Benjamin) - I was having fun. I was getting fucked in the ass of the Capital Records building stairwell and then walking straight into meetings. (Nikki) - Yeah, I remember. I was the one fucking you. (Andrew) - Jesus Christ! (Benjamin) - Learn form the best. (Andrew) - Can I just remind everybody that we have “Vanity Fair” with us today? So, if we could just... keep the shit-talk to a... (Benjamin) - Oh, my God! Having her around is like living in communist China. (Nikki) - Benjamin, did you get the revised statement from Holly? (Andrew) - Revenge porn? (Benjamin) - Yeah, exactly that. Make sure that every dipshit with a keyboard has it spoon-fed down their fuckin’throat. (Andrew) - But it’s true? (Benjamin) - Well, if we say it it. (Andrew) - I’m in a “Twilight Zone” episode. (Benjamin) - All right, people. (Andrew) - Okay, see you later. (Nikki) - We live to fight another day.” (Andrew)
“- Tomorrow, I wanna wake up to, uh, like, 150 Google Alerts telling me Jocelyn’s some kind of feminist hero, right? (Nikki). - Okay. Yeah, me too. (Benjamin) - You can do that. (Nikki) - But I’m gonna start with victim and move up from there. (Benjamin) - Yeah well, it’s the same difference. (Nikki) - I don’t understand anything. How could it possibly be any fucking worse? Just tell me a scandal that was worse, recently! (Chaim - we don’t want to know). - She’s coming out of it more famous than when she came in. And that’s! That’s the win. Let’s just put it that way.” (Benjamin)
- “Ah, you’re dangerous. I mean, how could anyone not fall in love with you? (Tedros) - I don’t even know you. (Jocelyn) - You fit perfectly in my arms.” (Tedros)
- “What a fuckin’ boner killer. (Tedros) - I know, she prevented us from starting our family. (Jocelyn) - (...) and I hate it, and you’re gonna hate it, too. (Jocelyn) - You hate it? How can you put out something you hate? (Tedros) - Well, you obviously don’t work in the music industry. Pop music is just... superficial. (Jocelyn) - I think Prince would disagree with you. (Tedros) - I love Prince. (Jocelyn) - Are you gonna call “When Doves Cry” fuckin’ superficial? (Tedros) - No, I love that song. (Jocelyn) - If that song came out today, it’d be a smash tomorrow. (Tedros) - So, all I have to do is make music like Prince? (Jocelyn) - I didn’t say that. (Tedros) - Easy. I’ll just do that. (Jocelyn) - No... I didn’t say that. (Tedros) - Why didn’t I think of that? (Jocelyn) - You can’t make music like Prince. Pop music is like the ultimate Trojan Horse. Ya get people to dance, ya get people to sing along. Could say whatever you want. Shit’s powerful. (Tedros) - I like you. (Jocelyn) - I like you, too. You got the best job in the world. Should be having way more fun. (Tedros) - I’m trying.” (Jocelyn) While playing “Pieces of Your Heart” by Meduza & Goodboys)
“- Did it hurt? That photo? The betrayal of it? (Talia from Vanity Fair) - Of course. But, I mean, what am I supposed to do? (Jocelyn) - I don’t know. Fuck up the guy that did it to you. (Talia) - Like in the piece you’re writing? (Jocelyn) - Yeah, actually. I think it would be inspirational for young women and girls all around the world who have been targeted and humiliated in the way you were. (Talia) - Revenge is empowerment? (Jocelyn) - It’s human, I think. (Talia) - Look, I mean. I think... five years ago when people would tell me that it was important to comment on something publicly, I would buy into it. But now I just know that I’m being hustled. (Jocelyn) - Yeah, I mean, obviously, my editor is breathing down my neck, gun to my back, trying to get me to get you to talk about this photo. It’s all anyone can talk about. (Talia) - I get it. We all have to answer to somebody. (Jocelyn) - Who do you answer to? (Talia) - God.” (Jocelyn - Wrong, the public opinion).
“- I don’t know. I haven’t done anything in, like, a year. And I just feel like people are, like, waiting for me to fail. And I just don’t wanna, like prove them right. (Jocelyn) - Yeah, but, Joss, you always do this. You always second-guess yourself right before something comes out. You’re just gonna drive yourself crazy. (Leia) - I just don’t wanna, like, make a fool of myself. I don’t want people to, like, make fun of me. (Jocelyn) - They are not. Trust me. It’s good. It’s, like, really good. (Leia) - (....) What’s wrong with him? (Jocelyn) - He’s so rape-y. (Leia) - Yeah, I kinda like that about him. (Jocelyn) - Joss... No. Gross. So disturbing.” (Leia)
“- Hello, Angel. (Tedros) - You call all the girls Angel? (Jocelyn) - Just you. (Tedros) - Yeah right. (Jocelyn) - Fuck’s up with her? She doesn’t wanna hang out with us? (Tedros) - She’s my assistant. And my best friend. (Jocelyn) - She’s your best friend and your assistant? (Tedros) - Yeah. (Jocelyn) - She’s your best friend that words for you? (Tedros) - Yeah, isn’t that nice? (Tedros) - Really? Hm. (Jocelyn) - Don’t you think that’s kinda, like a nice arrangement? Oh, for her it’s amazing. Fuck. Can I be your best friend? I’d love to get paid. (Tedros) - Can I play you my new song? (Jocelyn) - Are you desperate to put this specific song out? (Tedros) - No, I’m not desperate to put anything out, my team is. ‘Cause everyone in my life is, like, telling me that it’s really great, but I don’t believe them. (Jocelyn) - Why? (Tedros) - ‘Cause when you’re famous, everyone lies to you. (Jocelyn) - And you trust me? (Tedros) - I just think you’re enough of an asshole that you might tell me the truth. (Jocelyn) - Cheers to that. (Tedros) - I don’t know. I feel like it’s, like, too superficial or something. (Jocelyn) - (...) If you’re gonna sing a song called “I’m a Freak” you should at least sing it like you know how to fuck. You gotta stop carin’ what people think. You are too locked up in your head. (Tedros) - Yeah? (Jocelyn) - Yeah, you’re thinking too much. You need to block out the world. Feel it. Do you trust me? (Tedros) - No. (Jocelyn - Good reply!)
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wulfrann · 4 years
Whispers in the leaves, shadows in the moonlit night (Andreil Nightmare Before Christmas AU)
All for the Game
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Aaron Minyard & Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Aaron Minyard
Additional Tags: The Nightmare Before Christmas AU, Neil is Sally, Andrew is a werewolf, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Temporary Amnesia, Visions, Dreams and Nightmares, Typical Twinyards Drama, Spooky Woods, Body Horror
[ One-Shot - 20k words - Published 2020-03-31 ]
Written for the AFTG Reverse Big Bang 2020 !
Monsters and ghouls of every age, Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Far beyond the graveyard and its renown Spiral Hill, the Woods prevail. There are no animals to be found there, not one sign of life but for the shifting of the mist and gentle caress of the wind.
Neil has lived in Halloween Town for as long as he can remember, though memory is a fickle thing. Since his mother, Mary Finkelstein, died two years ago, he hasn't been as good at following her orders as he used to be. He's made friends. He's not sure how it happened, really - it feels like he just woke up one day with his life suddenly entangled with a whole group of people he hadn't noticed getting slowly closer.
He's also taken the habit of looking at the Woods. There's something calling to him. He can hear them in the wind, the whispers in a hundred incoherent tongues.
They say crossing the threshold is always the most difficult part.
[Read on AO3]
[Appreciate the Art]
Author’s note:
2020 is the year, I told myself a while ago, where I become more involved with the AFTG fandom. And thus, here we are. It wasn't without sweat and tears, but I still managed to complete my RBB fic, and of that I am very proud. It ended up being double the length it was supposed to be and the longest thing I've ever posted in one chapter, but I regret nothing.
I was lucky enough to be paired with a fantastic artist: Ally, aka kittyfeathersflying, now an estimed friend. Please go give her some love, because she's amazing and deserves to have her talent appreciated. This prompt was incredibly fun to build on, and I would not have finished this fic if it wasn't for the enthusiasm she showed for all of my ideas.
I also had the help of an incredible beta, makebelieveanything, who really pulled through and did not hesitate to call me out when my syntax went haywire or, worst of all, slipped into French grammar territory. I could not have asked for a better beta - this fic would be so full of typos without her, you would have pulled your hair out.
ANYWAY friendship and love and all that is great, but keep in mind that this fic is tagged as Body Horror. Part of it is due to Neil being Sally, but most of it you can only blame on me and me alone. (And probably The Magnus Archives, but that's neither here nor there.) All I will say here is that it gets gross. If that is something you're sensitive about, you can either skip this fic entirely, or you can of course message me for more details.
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dcpravities · 5 years
alrighty, with the event coming up, i wanted to put together a starter call for my characters as well as their costumes they’ll be in! hopefully i’ll actually be able to write all the starters for once in my life, but - you know, nobody’s perfect. 
feel free to request as many as you like - capping all of them at three unless otherwise noted, and please be sure to let me know who you’d like the starter for! 
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adam maitland — beetlejuice; ghostbuster (2/3) delia deetz, barb maitland
adam milligan — supernatural; clark kent (2/3) buffy summers, enid rhee
alice longbottom — harry potter; vampire (2/3) marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes
andrew minyard — all for the game; cop (1/3) lilo
babs gordon — dc comics; red hood (2/3) leia organa, jason todd
billy kaplan — marvel; posh spice (0/3)
catra — she-ra and the princesses of power; catwoman (0/3)
eliot waugh — the magicians; demon (1/3) kai parker
flynn rider — disney; prince charming (1/3) kit
haruka tenoh — sailor moon; not dressing up (0/3)
matthew lynch — the raven cycle; devil (0/3)
nancy wheeler — stranger things; not dressing up (2/3) sofia, el
noah czerny — the raven cycle; ghost (1/3) blue sargent
roxanne weasley — harry potter; sexy voldemort (1/3) lucy weasley, james sirius potter
sally finkelstein — the nightmare before christmas; jean grey (1/3) kat karvey
scorpius malfoy — harry potter; where’s waldo (3/3) daphne greengrass, narcissa malfoy, albus potter
sirius black — harry potter; stripper (6/6) marlene mckinnon, lily luna potter, ange, kevin tran, bellatrix black, regulus black
yuuri katsuki — yuri on ice; victor nikiforov (0/3)
zuko — avatar the last airbender; not dressing up (2/3) toph, allie pressman
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