#And you bet after the whole ordeal when they let him out back into the pasture he just rolled in the worst mud he could find
art-of-wackylurker · 11 months
@engagemythrusters JUMPSCARE TIME
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Roona got a fancy hogsteed as a gift, oh my
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batsythoughts · 3 months
Can I request a plantonic yandere batfamily x innocent female reader.
Summary: Reader is a professional figure skater. The batfamily goes to the skating rink to see one of to see skaters practice skating,that's until they first meet you. Ever since then they started to go to the rink to watch you skate,soon you are getting stalked home every night and then kidnapped.
I am so sorry that it took so long to get to your request, it was a very emotional month. But I did not forget about it. I am trying a mix of the bullet point writing I do on here and the traditional style of writing for when it's dialog heavy.
So without further ado, Yandere! Batfam with Professional Figure Skating Reader!
It had only happened because Cass had won a bet after making the most busts in a week while on patrol, so she got to choose a family activity they would all have to do
She had picked that they go to the ice rink because there was a performance from a national group that was going to be in Gotham for a couple of months that she had seen online
Bruce had even paid to have the rink to the family so they could even try skating themselves before having to go on patrol
Bruce had gotten seats that were within the first few rows so they could get a terrific view without having the glare of the glass messing with the experience
They had gotten there an hour before the show so everyone, including Alfred, could get the seat that they prefered
Dick and Alfred seemed to be the most interested along with Cass while the others patiently wait for the whole ordeal to be over with
When the lights went down and the show finally began, everyone focused on the ice as the performers came to the ice
They all watched in awe as the music played overhead while the skaters meticulously moved across the ice
Bruce occasionally glanced over at Cass to see her grinning as her eyes followed every moment she could
At the part of the show when there was a ballad, two of the performers went to the center while the rest went to the edges
Bruce had felt Cass place a hand on his arm while leaning forward to the edge of her seat
He had fully expected her to be looking at the duo at the center as they did their act
Instead, he watched as she nudge Damian while pointing at the skater that was resting in front of their section
He noticed them both focus solely on her while she and the others did small circles around before stopping in their original spots
He glanced between his children and the performer as he took in the fact his kids were in two separate states of awe
Bruce himself even felt his brow furrow as he watched the girl shift expressions and blink while trying to hold back a smile
He looked over at the others in his group as he made eye contact with most of the boys who were seeing the same thing as him
When the ballad ended, Bruce noticed that Damian and Cass were focusing on the one skater instead of the main performance
Dick and Jason both shared a look before individually making eye contact with Bruce to silently ask what was going on
They only got a shake of the head before turning back to the show
They all applauded when it had finally come to an end and they watched the skaters leave the rink and audience filed out
Bruce and Alfred quickly guided everyone back out to the car to grab their jackets and skates that they had gotten earlier that day
They all made their way back into the empty building as the performers all were walking out after getting out of the costumes they had
Everyone notice Cass and Damian searching the faces to be disappointed when they didn't see the skater from earlier
When they got back into the arena, all eyes went to a lone figure on the ice doing a small routine
As they all got closer, they saw the girl with headphones on while doing a small spinning leap and landing before gliding backwards on one foot with a large smile
Cass let out a gasp as the skater went into a pirouette for a few moments before coming to a full stop while striking a pose
Each of them clapped as they saw her turn towards them
You pulled down the headphones while trying to catch your breath. Gliding over to them and opening the gate and carefully stepping out of the rink.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't think anyone would still be here after the show." A nervous laugh bubbles out of your throat while looking over at each of them.
Most of them were about cut in that nothing was wrong with what you were doing. Damian spoke up before any of the others could open their mouths. "That wasn't in the performance. What were you doing it for?"
Cass lightly pushed him while Jason gave a disappointed groan. But you simply gave a small chuckle while flashing the young boy a smile. "I do that after every performance. It helps me get out the leftover nervous energy."
Dick put a hand on Damian's shoulder while playfully shaking him. "Damian's just straightforward, but he did enjoy the show! Cass was absolutely enamored watching you skate across the ice. She was practically bouncing in her seat through the whole thing!"
You smiled at them all before taking notice of the skates in each of their hands. "Do you all normally skate? I don't remember seeing any of you at all from when I was younger."
Bruce gave small shake of his head while looking at you with a polite grin. "No, we were just doing this for some family time."
A small nod of understanding comes from you while looking at them all again. "I get that. Do you all want some help getting the skates on? I don't mind helping if you all want it."
Cass gave a nod before anyone could politely refuse for you to leave and go rest. They all just quietly watched as you kneeled down to begin tying Cass' skates before moving around to help the others. Damian didn't even complain as he watched you take off his shoes with a practiced grace before tying his skates.
After getting everyone in their skates, you helped get them onto the ice. The grin still on your face with a small clap of your hands. "Alrighty, now onto the fun part! Who wants to get on the ice first?"
Cass and Dick were the first one to get on the ice with you before the other boys followed a couple minutes after with Bruce and Alfred joining in last
Everyone paid attention to each move you made with them, each small trick you helped Cass learn, always grinning at them all the way through
When it was finally time for the family to leave to get ready for their nightly routine, Bruce made sure that you safely made it to your car while everyone waved goodbye
The car ride back was mostly quiet with the occasional comment from Cass and Damian on things that they enjoyed with the show
The night was went by without any major incidents as the family went through the motions until they got back to the manor
The morning was uneventful until Dick went through a few random boxes and found a few old year books
He brought them out for the others to look at in hopes of a couple laughs
It was all going well until Tim flipped to a random page in Dick's senior yearbook
He stared for a second before recognizing the skater from the night before on the page with all the sophomore photos
All the kids took turns looking over the photo before beginning to look for other photos of you
Tim even went searching on social media sites to find out more personal information with Cass and Damian both looking at his phone
Bruce and Alfred watched from the door way as they all searched for information without argument
Bruce took a deep breath as his eyebrows furrowed while he began having a few thoughts that started to concern him
Alfred glanced at Bruce before placing a hand on his shoulder and saying he would get started on any preparations that needed to be made
Bruce was about to tell Alfred not to do anything, but stopped when he realized that this was one of the first times all the kids were fully getting along with one another with a shared interest
From that day forward, everyone had begun getting as much information they could on you to prepare a space specifically to your liking
Every night, two of them made sure that you got home after the nights performance before going on with their regular patrol routes
As the months went by and the living space for you got the finishing touches, Bruce was trying to mentally prepare everyone for what reactions you might have when you got brought there
Dick and Jason had even thought of bringing up the idea of setting up a small ice rink in the cave for you as a way to help with coping due to the sudden change
It was finally the last day of the show and Bruce had gotten tickets for the family to see you preform on the ice again
They sat in the same seats as before as they made sure to watch every part of your routine with smiles on their faces
At the end of the show, they all waited for you to come out to the ice to do your after performance
When you finally got out, they all applauded with a few cheers as well as they took in your surprised expression
A startled laugh escaped your throat as you looked over at all of them. "Wow! I wasn't expecting anyone to look for me here! Everyone was out in the lobby to do the whole curtain call."
Dick placed a comforting hand on Cass's shoulder before flashing a charming smile. "Well, we wanted to give a personal congratulations here for you. And Cass here wanted to give you this bouquet."
Cass took a hesitant step forward before holding out the flowers for you. You took the flowers with a soft coo before look back at her, "These are beautiful! Thank you so much sweetheart." Reaching out, you pull Cass into a small hug.
She eagerly returned the hug before pulling away to look back at her family. "We wanted to get you something to show that you did amazing. Damian helped pick them out with colors that we thought you would like."
You looked over at Damian with a large smile as you adjusted the bouquet. "Well, I absolutely love them! Thank you all so much for coming to watch the show again."
Bruce gave a curt nod as he placed a hand on Jason and Tim to appear show you the care he could show if needed. "We enjoyed it immensely. And we also wanted you to know that if you need it, you have a place to stay with us anytime no matter what."
"Thank you for the offer. I appreciate it, but I have my own apartment," you polite explained while adjusting the light jacket you were wearing. "I am going to be in Gotham for a couple months until I audition for the next show. So we can hang out every now and then if you all want. Sound good?"
Bruce smirked as he gently patted both boys shoulders. "Sounds wonderful. We have to get going now, but we will be seeing you again very soon."
They all said a small goodbye before leaving for the manor to begin the last preparations
Bruce went over the plan again with everyone to insure that everything would go as smoothly as possible
Dick and Tim were in charge of leading you to the agreed upon location due to them being the most personable
Jason was supposed to wait for them all at the waiting point before injecting you with a sleeping agent
Cass and Damian would be helping Bruce to make sure there were no witnesses for the ordeal and made a quick get away
Everyone watched as Jason grabbed the vial with the drug before inserting the syringe
Tim was the closest to him to double check that Jason didn't use too little so you didn't wake up too soon or too much to avoid complications
When the time came, Dick and Tim were waiting for you to come out of the building to get the main plan into motion
Dick had put a nail in one of the cars' tires to make the impression that it was naturally run over and caused a flat and take care of a few things in the trunk
The moment you walked out of the building, both men stood at attention as you went over to the lone car in the parking lot with the bouquet tucked in your arms
You had fumbled to get your keys out of the pocket of your jacket until you stopped and looked at your tire
Dick and Tim shared a nod before walking over as you kneeled down to inspect the damage
"Dang it. This doesn't look good," you mumbled while feeling around the tire. Groaning when your finger grazed the head of the nail that was sticking out. Completely unaware of the presence of the people coming up behind you. "This isn't a great way to end the day."
Dick smiled as he watched you quietly worry over the tire. Waiting a moment to take it in until he gently knocked on the side of the car. "Everything alright over here?"
You startled off balance at the sudden voice behind you. Taking a moment to catch your breath while looking at the two vigilantes standing beside your car. "Oh, uh... yeah. I just have a flat. Just need to put my spare on and then get going."
Tim tilted his head while offering his hand to help you up. "That's a shame indeed. We can help change it for you." Tim lifted you up before wiping off your jacket and resettling the flowers. "It would be dishonorable of us if we left you to do it yourself."
Dick nodded in agreement while kneeling down and pretending to inspect the damage. You looked between the two, completely oblivious of what they were doing. "I couldn't have you do that for me. I have the stuff in my trunk and can do it myself. You both have more important things to do than replacing a tire."
Dick stood up while shaking his head and walking around to the trunk. Opening it up with a wide grin as he spoke reassuringly, "It is not a bit of trouble. We want to help you out as a fellow citizen. Now, where is your jack and tire iron?"
A confused look crossed your face at the question. You quickly went over to look in the trunk before giving a small whine. "Dang it. I know I put them back the last time I used them. Something must have happened since then."
Dick placed a comforting hand on your shoulder as he pulled you closer. "Hey, it's alright. You can call to get a tow truck here in the morning to take it to get the tire fixed. But right now, we can walk you home to make sure you get there."
"I couldn't ask you to do that. My apartment is only 20ish minutes away. I can walk there myself," you tell them with a shrug. Double checking that the car is locked and taking anything that couldn't be left in there overnight.
Dick shook his head while putting a hand on your shoulder as he walked beside you. Tim coming to stand on the other side as he offered taking all the things you took out of the car.
"That is not happening. This city is too dangerous for a lady like you to walk at night alone," Tim cut in before you could say anything else in the matter.
Dick gestured at Tim in agreement as he gave a gentle pat to your shoulder. "He is absolutely right. We would never live with ourselves if we found out that something happened to you while we did nothing. You just tell us were the building is and we will get you there."
The next few minutes were filled with light banter between the three of you. After getting past a corner, a flash of lightning appeared overhead as thunder sounded in the distance.
Dick tightened his grip while looking up at the sky with a small grin. Nodding at the alleyway as he spoke in a calming tone, "We should take a short cut. Don't want you getting a cold from getting rained on."
He began walking down the alley without waiting for a response. Tim walked a few paces ahead and looked around for any signs of life. Nodding when he saw no unwanted onlookers. "You have nothing to worry about anything bad happening to you. We all promise to keep you safe."
A soft laugh sounded from you as you nodded until you slowly stopped. A confused expression coming over you as you looked at the two of them. "What do you mean 'all'?"
Jason moved from the corner he was hidden in and covered your mouth with his hand. Efficiently inserting the needle tip into you neck and injecting the drug into your system. "It's okay. Just relax and everything will be over."
You struggled as the two held you in place to avoid you harming yourself. Their grip was firm even after you began going limp until they were certain you were knocked out. Jason removed his hand and carefully pulled the needle out. "There we go. It's going to be alright. We're going to get you home."
Tim contacted the others immediately after Jason had injected the drug into your system
Bruce pulled the Batmoblie into the alley and got out to open the trunk
Dick and Jason gently maneuvered you into the trunk on the blankets they put into to cushion you while adjusting your head to rest on a pillow
After securing the trunk, Bruce gave a small nod to the boys while getting back into the vehicle and driving back to the manor
He sent a message to Alfred to be ready for them so Bruce could get back to patrol and not raise suspicious if any of the public noticed
Alfred was there waiting when Bruce pulled in and stopped the car
He opened the trunk and lifted you out to begin taking you to your room and placing you on the bed
He removed your jacket and shoes, placed them in their right spots, pulled the covers over you, and placed a kiss to your forehead before leaving the room
This posted by accident so it wasn't as done as I wanted it to be. But I don't want to take it away from you all since I haven't posted in a minute. So I can make a part two if you all want. And I'm fully back now so I should be posting more often than I have.
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love-toxin · 10 months
bonus night - mike schmidt
plot: jk it's just por-//SHOT
(cws: fem!reader, FNAF movie spoilers!!!, rough sex, riding, begging, a teeny tiny taste of dom mike, tit sucking, bruising, protected sex w/ a twist, post-fnaf canon, established relationship)
wc: 2k
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There's absolutely no question that it's been a long fucking day. One of many, in fact, both behind him and yet to come.
Aside from his sleep schedule still being tremendously fucked from that five night ordeal, Mike's also had the stress of landing a new job and keeping it this time. He's lucky–god, he's lucky that an old friend of his just happened to have a connection–but that just puts more pressure on his ability to keep a level head and not lose this one. Plus, with his meds cut out as well as a whole host of new traumas to keep him up at night it's almost more stressful than fighting for his own life. With today being the end of orientation and the first real shift on the job, it's finally sinking in that a new chapter of life has started but his problems are still an uphill battle.
Bills, backpay, rent, Abby's therapy, pacifying their aunt who was quite aghast at waking up disheveled on their living room floor…it's been a process to say the least. His one saving grace has been you. You. His beautiful, gentle angel, with a voice like sugar and honey and skin as soft as velvet, warm like a shallow pool on a summer's day that he'd want to float in for hours. You're so precious he can't think of a single thing he's done in life that tops being your lover, or even comes close.
Well…maybe there's one thing.
“Mike,” The squeaking of the bed beneath you just barely drowns out the high, sweet whimper that your voice has melted into. “Please baby, slow down-”
A squeaky “ah!” flies from your mouth regardless of that insistent plea, your lover's hips like stone pistons as he bucks up and topples you over to land back against his chest. He loves you there; the feeling of your tits squished against his chest as he holds your ass in an iron grip. Thumbs dig into each cheek, palms splayed out to keep you spread but still in your place–stretched enough to take him but tight enough not to let him slip out. Not even now, an hour after he carried you through the door over his shoulder, when his spit and cum and sweat have coalesced into a damp sheen spilling over his lap. Fuck the mess. He'll clean it up later, if he doesn't just throw his whole bundle of sheets into the wash to scrub away the evidence.
Each thump, thump, thump of your body thrown down rings more in your ears than his, but both of you feel it equally. Your womb kissed with hard, stinging passion on every thrust, and Mike's stomach twisting and flexing as his cockhead beats that spot raw, instincts begging him to drain all he has left inside. He's got lots of pent-up energy to spare, and on the one night that his sister's gone to a sleepover you can bet he took the chance to let some of it out. He'd barely had time to grab a condom–as eager as he was, it pales in comparison to the heat between your thighs when you see him get all riled up. If he'd let you put it on for him, you'd probably have it off in a second. Now he's just at the mercy of your needy and downright addictive pussy.
“Fuck!” Your mewls shift into a spitting, hissing curse when he bites down on one of those beautiful breasts of yours. Unlike what a weaker man would do, Mike isn't averse to leaving bruises–what else could be expected? He tries to be a gentleman in public and you always tell him he is, but the desire to put hands all over those pretty tits and mark his claim on them is second nature now. And no matter how much you'll complain about them being sore afterwards, you'll still push them in his face with that devilish look that's daring him to do it all over again.
Besides, he can't resist those things swinging right in front of him. And you'll forget the sting so quickly, his tongue will make short work of those shallow wounds you feel as he latches his lips and starts to suck. Greedily.
Your hands in his hair won't stop him. But they don't really want to–as always you love to tug but you never push him back, you don't try to get any more space between you because what's already there is still not close enough.
God your whiny voice is so cute. He couldn't feel more lucky to have picked you up when he did. How would he know that the girl he helped out once for an ice cream would end up being his girlfriend? He just thought you were cute, and he felt bad seeing your face fall as you counted out your change in line, so he hadn't thought twice about the dollar he put down on the counter in your stead. Such an adorable little ditz, and now he's got you riding his lap and kissing him awake nearly every morning. If he wanted to catch a break, this is it.
“M-Mike, m'gonna cum,” Your whimpers dig into his ear and tug at the strings of his heart, his head already turned to soothe you with a low, soft shush brushed by your cheek. There there. With a stroke of your hair, you're melting again.
“Mhm,” He hums again, his warmth a lull following the furious heat that's been sparked by the friction of his hips pumping at a violent pace. “Shh, sh sh. We’ll go slow, I promise.” His murmuring muddies your head, his fingers descending quickly towards their destination. Once they reach it at the crest of your soft, pudgy mound that's been brutalized by his cock, he's glad to see you finally let that tension go as you slump forward into his chest. You just need to cling to him for awhile, and he certainly won't be complaining.
The smell of your sweat, your heat, your sleek, soft tongue wetting the bruises your teeth leave in his throat, all that whining and groaning and high, girlish squealing as your hips hump his lap–these and more are all reasons he has to absolutely worship you. Your starry-eyed gaze as you look upon him in ecstasy etches itself into his very soul. He won't ever forget this…he won't ever forget you. Not the warmth of you both being cheek-to-cheek, your hand coaxing out his end as it trails reverently from his jaw down his heaving chest.
“Pleeeeease,” You whisper, so achingly sweet he could cry as easily as cum. “Please, baby?”
Please. Such a pretty word. Prettier from your mouth most of all, so pretty it hurts–nearly stings as he digs his nails in and leaves marks on each cheek, though it will moreso for you when you wince at sitting down at your desk tomorrow morning. You're shaking, trembling more like, and even if he made you wait for it you wouldn't be able to obey. The spasms wracking through you can't be controlled, nor can the grind of your hips down as you let those strong hands drag you all the way to the base. So far that it causes a twinge in your expression as the orgasm passes, your ecstasy blotting out the stretch that you're gonna feel all the way up to your hips in the morning.
But he's got to get in deep, has to make it ache, so he's got a grip so firm it's trembling up his arms and you're shaking even harder on top of him as he digs in and lets loose. There's no question he's hit your womb, it's more curious to whether he's broken through it or not…by the way you bite down on his shoulder and bear the pressure, though, he must be nearly there. Nearly squeezing through that tight, tight wall so he's draining his seed right where it's meant to be. And you paw at him all the while, lower lip quivering, tears threatening to spill, yet you won't let up on rubbing yourself back on his thighs–it just isn't enough until you've taken all he has to give, and even then he can spot that gleam in your eyes that begs for even more. The fact that the condom's split isn't even in his mind, it's floated so far away he won't think of it until it's too late to stop.
Yet all that heat hits the same end after the climax. The friction subsides, the breathing slows, and the two of you are left in content silence as you quietly come back to your senses. There's something even more intimate about losing oneself as a collective; being so hedonistic in pursuing an indulgence, yet facing the fear of baring your own heart to one you love in the process, and reaching an even more satisfying end as it all comes to a close. It's glorious. He wouldn't trade it for anything. He wouldn't trade sex for his own life now that he's had it with you. But, again, he's still coming down from the high–he’ll most certainly feel the embarrassment of losing himself so indulgently as the cool air from the AC starts setting in.
“Was that good, baby?” Your tone just drips with deliciously sinful innocence, god. You've got such a proud expression on your face as he finds the words through his post-coital haze, hands inching back down your ass to grab handfuls of it yet again. Once he's got a grip he tugs, and draws you closer to meet you in a kiss–and as wet as it still is from the exercise, the way you lean into it and giggle is just enough to send his heart burning into passionate flames yet again.
“Very. Always is.” Panting, sweaty, he'd have no trouble convincing the neighbors he was just having it out on a treadmill for the last hour. If he could afford one.
“The best you've ever had?”
“Best. Best and only. Can I get up now?”
“Mmm…” You make a show of thinking up your answer only to tap him on the nose as you lean forward over him. “...No. I like this.”
Mike claps you on the ass suddenly, the smack echoing loudly in his modest little bedroom and eliciting a squeal from you that's just as punctual. Your squirming only draws a heat up inside him again though, and he knows better than anyone that that's exactly what you want. You'd be happy if he never got out of bed again, and if he spent all day with his cock nestled nice and warm inside you.
“Up. I gotta piss. Don't make me count.”
“Fiiiiiiine.” Huffy and puffy as always, you soon relent and slip off with a bit of manoeuvring to flop into bed beside him. “Can I at least hold it?” Rather than say something equally as shameful, he just pushes his pillow over your face with reddened cheeks and ducks with laughter as you launch it back at him, already up and on his way to the bathroom to wash off–and to soon find the evidence of that broken contraception that's definitely gonna plant a seed of worry in him when he realizes. Or…maybe not. God knows how many jokes you've made about wasting his cumshots in your mouth, and how often you've jumped him with no inkling of whether he's got a rubber in reach or not.
Maybe this is just another chapter of life, one more stage he's been readying himself for unconsciously. Whatever it comes with, he's gonna be beside you either way–so in a sense, he's more prepared than he's ever been to face what lies ahead.
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takusan-no-ai · 2 months
You need a lollipop
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PAIRING: Ellen x Male Reader (Romantic) (Fluff)
SUMMARY: (Y/N) is a workaholic, and his girlfriend Ellen will force him to take a break.
“I saw this one SUPER cute nail polish online yesterday!” Ruby said while walking with her friends around campus. It was break time and so the four friends, Ruby, Monna, Lynn, and Ellen, decided to just walk and talk outside.
“Really? Send it to me later…,” Ellen replied. Monna and Lynn were having a mini convo of their own, and everyone was happy. Key word, was.
A large group of boys, likely in the track team as Ellen noted, came gunning straight for them. The girls were able to dodge, but the boy in front of them with his face in a book didn’t. And so he crashed right on top of Ellen, who was too tired to dodge again.
They both rubbed their foreheads, while Ellen’s friends were giggling in the background. She looked at them confused for a moment, and then she looked at the boy straddling her; (Y/N), sits in the seat at the front of class, voted most likely to be an overachiever. She also kinda liked him. Not a lot. Only a little. Really, just a little…
Her friends were aware of this, and only helped her up after the poor boy started freaking out about it. “Don’t worry, it’s those jocks fault, not yours. Besides, everyone else is fine.” Moona calmed the situation down naturally.
Ellen didn’t make eye contact with (Y/N), her face starting to get too warm for comfort after the whole ordeal. And she just knew her friends would tease her endlessly; the thought alone made Ellen puff out her cheeks.
Some days had passed since then, with Ellen’s eyes always drifting over towards (Y/N) during class. It wasn’t until she saw him especially tired that she grew worried of his health. Though she’d never admit it directly.
He was sitting at his desk, eyes heavy with bags, hair messy, and the tips of his fingers red from the hard grip of his pencil as he scribbled down unintelligible notes. Ellen walked over to him, her tail swaying slightly back and forth. She looked around the room, making sure her friends weren’t watching.
“Hey.” She said
He shook slightly, immediately turning around to look at her. “So-sorry. How long have you been there?” (Y/N) asked. Ellen rolled her eyes and handed him a lollipop. He made a confused expression.
“You clearly need one.” She thrusted it into his hand and walked away. Before she could flee the scene he grabbed her hand and forced eye contact with her.
“Thank you. My name’s (Y/N), what’s yours?” He asked, letting go of her.
From then on the relationship progressed smoothly, and before Ellen knew it (her friends already betted on it happening) they both started dating.
Of course, Ellen still took note of his constant over working habits; she honestly never understood it. Why didn’t he sleep more often? Sleep is great. It recovers energy, can give sweet dreams, and lets you skip hours of the day. What wasn’t there to love about it?!
So, to keep him from being in an early grave, Ellen took it upon herself to graciously expend her own energy and keep him away from work. Karaoke, skipping class, listening to concerts, even just sleeping. It didn’t always work, but she did notice a change in habits with (Y/N).
He was more willing to take breaks, and would often text Ellen about his excitement to spend more time with his girlfriend.
“Hey pup, ready for a movie night?” He asked cheerfully; his eyes were burning bright, appearance clean enough where he could be mistaken for a celeb, and a cute smile to boot.
Ellen puffed out her cheeks, this was getting too much. Love was too energy draining, especially with (Y/N); her heart kept pounding every time she’s with him, which makes her exhausted, but she likes it so she stays, which makes her really exhausted. It was a never ending cycle. And yet she still loved it.
Ellen sat down next to him, placing her tail on his lap so he could hug it. “Yeah, movie nights are only fun when I’m with you.”
- Fin
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zombieplaygrounds · 4 months
cw: jealous! simon x soldier! reader, oral sex, foreplay no intercourse, implied age gap, throat training ish, etc
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You really are just the unluckiest gal, the captivation of Simon's greedy attention. Couldn't say no to your legendary lieutenant - not that you wanted to anyways. Liked having his special attention; whole ordeal probably started off so sweet. You absolutely admired, wanted to make him proud in any way possible, on the field, and off. You - so easy to manipulate into dropping to your knees, all rowdy with adrenaline from your first few missions with him. Hot blood of a puppish recruit.
Had to throat train you, teach you to keep that jaw slackened while he bobbed your head for you. Whimpers vibrating all around his cock from the hot walls of your throat, tongue desperately offering stimulation for him - you wanted to please him so badly. And you looked so pretty begging for it, drove Simon crazy, made his eyes roll back and his body limp against the wall. By then, your eyes had watered with sloppy tears that streamed down your cheeks, Simon's thumb reaching off to rub it off, bringing it to his mouth to taste your salty pleas.
"S.. Simon." You'd croak so softly, strands of drool dribbled on your lips, vision blurred and light headed. Oh, what he'd give to see you painted.
You knew better than expect that occurrence to be a one time thing - you weren't that dumb. Not like the other soldiers implied, that you were just some air headed solider, best as canon fodder. Maybe that was why Simon used you with such ease, releasing the grip he had on your hair after he came down your throat, wiping off his cum from your lips and letting you lick it right off his finger; all these just because you were too dumb to say no. Too desperate to not beg for his attention, come back into his embrace when someone was too mean to you.
A proper brat you were. Impossible for Simon to imagine himself actually loving you. Then came the time Johnny approached you, devious smirk, arms crossed and listening to you yap about your day, wagging your tail for other men. Oh, you were such a whore - should really know better than to let other men talk to you. Especially men like Johnny, who had already imagined you whining with his cock bullied into you.
Later that day you would have quickly graduated from suckling the cum from Simon's cock to letting him fuck you. Dragged into his own personal quarters and thrown on to the bed, a yelp emitting from you on impact. You sat up, quickly, head tilting dumbly, "Si, what's wrong?"
God, you were so dumb, so oblivious. It made Simon growl with something furious, something jealous. His palm pressing in to his own face for relief of his expression. He was good at masking his emotions, good at hiding what he thought, but when he was with you it all went to shit. And fuck, nothing irked him more.
His touch was gentle, experienced, undressing you and watching goosebumps form on your flesh from the exposure, your nipples pebbled and fun for him to pinch, flick, tug. Yet, Simon's words were still harsh, furrowed brows as he rumbled out, "So ye like, MacTavish, mm?"
You'd shake your head rapidly, your bottom lip quivering a bit while Simon's free hand rubbed away at the nervy nub between your thighs. Already wet - like a whore. Simon laughed to himself, a cold and cruel laugh as he continued with his little touches, mapping out your body in a lazy rove. "S'okay, lovely, can wag your tail for these other men. Bet they get you real wet, make you think some dirty stuff. Can feel it from how wet this cute, little cunt is. Just remember.."
Simon trailed for a moment, leaning close to whisper softly in your ear, "Simon owns ya."
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techwrecker · 15 days
𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐏𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬
Summary: The first time you hold Echo in your arms
Genre: fluff
Tags: SFW, gn!reader (but reader is slightly shorter than Echo), very fluffy, mando'a, prompt/ask
Word Count: 0.7k
Warnings: N/A, (please let me know if I missed any!)
A/N: Thank you so much for the ask! This was so lovely to write.
Other: divider by @moosgraphics & @bunnysrph (tysm!)
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“Okay, hold on. Let me try adjusting this way,” Echo said from under the hull of The Marauder.
The trusty ship had blown the second capacitor in one week. After putting it off for too long, Echo begrudgingly decided it was time to lift the hood and see what had your home all hot and bothered. You volunteered to be his assistant, knowing it would put him in a better mood about the whole ordeal. Normally Tech would be his number two, but he and Wrecker were working on something else at the moment. Besides, this gave you some alone time with Echo and that alone made your heart beat a little faster.
“Did it work?” You asked from beside him. He was half buried beneath metal while you were sat criss-cross to hand him the tools he needed.
Echo grunted with exertion before replying. “Well it didn’t not work, I suppose.”
“Need anything else?”
“Yeah— a new hand me the laser caliper. I’m not sure how much life this bird has left to give.” 
“On it.” You fished the tool out of the box and handed it to Echo. “Here it is.”
Your fingers brushed one another, shooting a sizzle of pleasant nerves up your spine. Your body was desperate to feel his touch against your skin again.
He tinkered a few minutes more before rolling out on the crawler for a breather before continuing. Still on his back, you could see his chest heaving slightly from the work.
“If anybody can fix her, I know you can.” You gave him a sweet smile and reached an open hand out to him to help him sit up. He took it, grateful.
“Thanks, love,” he said with a smile.
Your cheeks warmed pink against the cool breeze and you looked away, toward the ground. Echo wasn’t your boyfriend, but there was definitely something building between you. Echo let go of your hand only to stand up and stretch. You followed suit. You were still avoiding his eyes so as to not let your face become any redder. He wasn’t an overly affectionate man, so you were surprised when used his scomp link to raise your chin up, forcing you to meet his eyes. His gaze was determined but soft.
“You know,” he started, taking your hand back up in his. “I couldn’t imagine roaming around the galaxy in this bucket of bolts without you. I’m really glad you’re here.” He took a step closer to you.
Your chest surged with love for Echo, reaching the tipping point. You flung your arms around his torso, enveloping him in a hug you had been dying for weeks now to share with him. The crook of his neck fit your face perfectly as you nuzzled into him. He obligingly hugged you back, tightly. He wanted to hold you until forever and then some. It was as if your bodies had been made for each other, molding perfectly into one another. Two pieces of a puzzle that had found their perfect match. You couldn’t believe how perfect, how right, it felt to hold and to be held by him.
Echo was the first to slightly pull away so he could see your face. You had the biggest grin in the galaxy plastered across it. His eyes were so full of love for you, he couldn’t help but smile back. His face was covered in grease so you reached up and wiped a smear off his cheek. He took it up in his own hand and brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“Echo, what are we going to say to the others?” You were worried they would forbid what you shared together.
“Don’t worry about it, mesh’la. I walked in on them last week placing bets on how long it would take for us to finally be together,” he chuckled. “Hunter is about to make a lot of credits.”
You laughed and finally let him go. He had to finish fixing The Marauder before the crew got back for the evening. The time Echo spent under the hull seemed excruciatingly long, but you knew it was only because you were anticipating the moment he finished. You wanted to pull him against you and fit perfectly into his arms again. And once he finished, you did exactly that. From now on, you took every opportunity you could to let Echo know you cared for him by holding him in your arms. Until forever.
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taglist: @baddest-batchers @rinksu-no-joo @welcometo79s
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guitarstringed-scars · 3 months
how to lose a guy in 10 days- t. oikawa
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day two
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the air is crisp as the four of you walk to the nearby diner. you file into the booth, ordering your drinks from the smiling waitress. you all begin to discuss your writing while you wait for your food, koushi is going this afternoon to interview alumni about how campus has changed and tetsuro has a ton of sports articles to read through from the first years. the waitress drops off your orders, and the conversation starts back up. yui is writing an article on art pieces about love, and that eventually transitions to your writing.
“so, how was last night?” koushi asks, taking his final bite of food.
“it went well, i think he-” you are cut off by the door chiming as a group enters, and to your wild disappointment, it’s a few members of the volleyball team, most notably toru. you drop your head to the table as your friends all turn to look who made you have the reaction. you sit back up and sigh. unfortunately, he quickly notices you.
“y/n!” you hear toru call out. you watch him approach your table, his friends trailing a bit behind. “i was just about to text you, would you want to go to a movie tonight?” he asks.
“yeah, lets do it.” you say, giving him your sweetest smile.
“i don’t think we’ve met, im toru.” he says, shaking hands with koushi and yui. “well, we’ve met before. good to see you tetsuro.” he says, giving him a wave.
“yeah, good to see you too.” tetsuro mutters out between mouthfuls.
“ah! this is sawamura daichi and koutaro bokuto.” toru introduces his friends, and they wave at you all. you give them a smile, and wave back. “i’ll see you later then.” he says, ruffling your hair as he goes to sit with his friends.
“i want him.” yui says, slamming her hands on the table. you turn to her with a look of disgust. ”toru????” you ask.
“sawamura daichi. did you see him? he was so cute!” she says as you all stand up to leave.
“yui do you ever think that maybe a break from guys would be a good idea?” koushi asks desperately.
“no!” she says cheerfully, “y/n, you got to get me set up.”
“that’ll be the only good thing that comes out of this bet.” koushi sighs.
“yeah y/n, i feel like someones gonna get hurt from this, and i’d rather it’s oikawa than you, but still…” tetsuro trails off.
“it’ll be fine, i probably wont see him after this anyway.” you brush off their concerns, unlocking the apartment door.
“we’ll see about that.” yui sings.
you roll your eyes, opening your phone to a message from the man himself.
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toru sighs. he was really hoping to go see the godfather, especially when mamma mia is showing all week, but you just had to go see it tonight. its okay, he’s willing to make this sacrifice to win this bet. sure, toru thinks you are a good person, but sometimes you can be annoying. that whole basketball game ordeal sure proved it, and now this. it’s okay, he only has to deal with it for 8 more days, that’s all. he’s snapped out of his thoughts as koutaro shovels some of torus pancakes onto his own plate.
“hey! what do you think you’re doing assface?” he shouts, smacking koutaros fork out of his hand.
“aw, you were too lost in thought to notice the first pancake i took so i thought it would be okay.” he whines.
“was not!”
“were too!”
“alright, just give him the pancakes back.” sawamura cuts in.
“he’s too distracted thinking about this bet.” koutaro says, chowing down.
“i still think its a bad idea.” sawamura pipes up, “theres just no way anything good comes out of this.”
“i’ll get you a date with her friend, hows that sound for something good?” toru says, finishing his drink.
sawamura doesn’t respond, he just simply rolls his eyes as he pays the check.
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you are pulling on your shoes when tetsuro comes out.
“ready to go?” he asks.
“yeah, lets head out. i have sooooo much writing to do for this story.” you say, swinging open the door.
the walk goes quickly, and when you step in the paper room, its already pretty lively. you and tetsuro are the last of the team to arrive.
“Y/N!” yui cheers, she’s huddled in the corner next to asahi, the fashion editor. “i have great news.”
“what is it?” you ask, putting your bag down.
“i found the guy from the diner on instagram and requested to follow him!” she smiles.
“is that it?”
she frowns, “come on, that’s great progress!”
“i guess, but did he even follow you back?” koushi chimes in.
“well, no not yet!” she answers. ”optimism is key yui.” you say, before turning to your computer to type up a log of the day so far.
day two
✓met him at a diner (accidentally)
✓made plans for a movie
the big plans will probably happen at the movie tonight. you specifically requested mamma mia for 2 reasons
it’s not what he wanted to watch
it should be emptyish, but not too empty just perfect for talking too loud for a movie theater.
boom! it’ll be perfect. just 2 more hours of writing here, and you’ll be executing your plan.
those two hours were filled with coffee supplied by the years old coffee maker in the back corner, gossip about love lives, and answering your readers questions. you send a message to toru.
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that means you’ll leave here at 7:15. being late is a great way to lose a guy as well, especially if you set the time. that means you’ll get there around 7:30 exactly, right on time for the movie, but late to meeting toru.
so thats exactly what you do. by the time you show up, toru is sitting on a bench in front of the theater. as you look at him with his head down, you feel sort of…bad? you shouldn’t let your actual feelings get in the way of this story, but he is a person, even if tetsuro has told you he isn’t a super great one. he looks up briefly, and his face lights up as he catches a glimpse of you. yeah you definitely feel bad.
“hi! you look lovely tonight!” he says, crossing over to you.
“thanks snookums!” you almost visibly gag as you say it. you can tell toru is caught off guard.
“oh- we should head in, the movies starting. i already bought you a ticket.” he says, grabbing your hand as he leads you to the theater.
you sit down as the music starts, and immediately begin talking loudly. you were right, the theater isn't completely full, but there are definitely some people there.
“this is my favorite movie ever.” you say. a lie.
“yeah me too.” toru responds in a whisper, also a lie.
someone behind you two shushes you.
“what are you thinking about?” you ask him, as he pays attention to the movie, still talking full volume.
“nothing, im just watching the movie.” he whispers.
another shush from the back.
“oh so i suppose your mind is a complete blank? who is she?” you ask.
he turns to you, still whispering, “who’s who?”
“the girl you’re thinking about!” you start to shout a bit now.
“be quiet!” someone says.
“i’m not thinking about a girl-” toru starts.
“you can’t watch mamma mia for an hour and not be thinking about a girl!” you say, turning away from him.
“do you really want to know what i’m thinking about?” he whispers in your ear.
“yes.” you say.
“i’m thinking about how beautiful you look right now, so let’s watch this movie.” he says, smiling at you.
a beat passes as he turns back to the screen.
“awwwwwwww, toruuuuu. you are so sweet!!!” you are practically shouting at this point.
“um, i'm going to have to ask you two to leave.” says the shy movie theater attendee.
“whyyyyyyyy??” you whine.
“uh, it’s too loud, i’m sorry.” ”hmph!” then toru is apologizing to everyone, and you two are out on the street in front of the theater.
“lets get home.” he says.
“i’m upset, that’s my favorite movie!” you pout.
“i’m sorry, we could watch it back at my place if you wanted?” he offers. perfectly setting up another chance.
“yes please snookums!” you cheer, before pouncing on his back. “carry me there!”
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as you and toru enter his small apartment, you can’t help but start to realize just how tired you are. it doesn’t set in until you are sprawled out on his couch as he turns on the movie. it’s truly realized as you start to doze off on torus shoulder during dancing queen. you wake up the next morning in your own bed.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
idea that I can’t get out of my head is having some kind of contest with Bakugou and you bet with each other. it’s over something trivial, something simple, but he’s so goddamn competitive and you already know you’ll win, so you take him up on the offer.
the offer being—he can’t tell you no for an entire 24 hours. it’s a system either one of you could abuse, but you trust the other not to.
and he loses, quite to his shock, and begrudgingly accepts the consequences of the bet. he does everything you ask him to, including food cooked and readied for you, carrying you across the room so you don’t have to walk, stupid shit that you can see tick on his nerves. but as the day goes on, you start getting bolder and bolder, until you find yourself biting off more than you could chew.
“Eat me out until I cum.” You tell him in a rush of breath, pretty eyes blinking wide when he whips his head around to look at you. But his own shocked expression melts into a cocky one, as he tilts his head at you and leans down until his nose brushes against yours.
“Sweetheart, you’re asking for a regular Tuesday night.” He doesn’t say much else, barely lets you get a word out as he’s dropping to his knees and spreading your legs for you. You’re not sure why you’re so shocked that he did it without compliant, but you didn’t think he’d be so enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. Stroking his own cock through his pants as he slots his mouth over you, lapping at you, moaning whenever you push his head and command that he does it better.
And when you cum, after the nth time, does he finally let up when you tell him to. But you’re not done with him yet, no. Instead, you pull him back by his hair, look at his wet mouth and low eyes, drift down to his cum stained shorts and grin at him.
“Fuck me like you hate me.” You thought he moved fast when he was going to eat you out, but he’s damn near a blur at this request. Your clothes go flying, and you’re filled to the brim in what feels like seconds. As he holds you close and fucks you with a glint in his eye that makes your knees tremble, you pull him in by his nape, whisper,
“Kiss me.” And he grins at you, big and wide, slamming his hips until he’s buried to the hilt. It makes you whine, eyes fluttering shut as Bakugou speaks against your mouth,
“You don’t even have to ask, baby.” He kisses you hard enough to take your breath away, and you wonder why you’ve never betted him before.
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Hi! How was your day? Good,i hope?
Anyways,I found your account recently and I really liked your partner squad AU! It's so wholesome and funny 😭 And I love Polyamorous relationships (i guess that's what it is?)
Here's a little headcanon (?) request for them,because I read the 'loosing colors' HC and I think that was just my favorite thing out of the partner squad thingies-
Honestly,I just want some hurt/comfort. I like crying (/j)
I give total freedom to you about what angst it is,but if you want,or are out of ideas,here are some:
-Reader comes back home after being harassed (not s3xually,maybe just about the way they act? Maybe they just stick out a lot and some people don't like it??? Some people are bullies man..)
-Overworked reader (Maybe breaking down??)
-Socially anxious reader?
-the reader fainting suddenly??
Something like that! Anyways,I hope this isn't too vague of a description,and that you have a fantastic day!!
okey dokey folks! we've gots some ✨A N G S T✨ to go through so it's-a time to get-a cooking!
Here's the Loosing Colors post btw and I'm gonna use that one just for this first scenario (omg. a sequel, yes!)
💙♥️🖤Partner Squad Reacting to Gray!Reader getting harassed💙♥️🖤
💞 As a whole 💞
💞 Oh, they pissed. As soon as they find out that you've been having trouble with some inconsiderate trolls being nasty to you for having lost your colors, you can bet they're practically up in arms and very eager to have a talk with those bullies.
💞 (You're mortified and somehow manage to convince them to Not Do Anything To Harsh for your sake, though.)
💞 Lots of reassurance!
💞 Your partners won't allow you to sulk or dwell too much in the whole ordeal and they'll make a combined effort to always lift your spirits up whenever you start to believe the rude and flat out unnecessary things the bullies said to you.
♥️ Barb ♥️
♥️ She's easily the most outraged out of the lot. She hates bullies (kinda ironic, yeah, but you get the idea.).
♥️ Particularly, she hates bullies that joke and tease about such sensitive topics as losing your colors. Because, c'mon, that's just straight up professional huge a-hole behavior.
♥️ Whenever she wants to help you feel more comfortable with your situation, she'll take your hands in hers and raise them to your eye level, as if wanting you to take a good look of your laced fingers.
♥️ “Y’see? I'm sorta gray too, if you think about it. But I think you rock those grays way better than me, babe.” (She's intentionally corny to get a smile out of you and it works every time.)
♥️ She tries to get back at the bullies, but she's always too obvious and you never let her have the payback she's so adamant you deserve.
🩵 Branch 🩵
🩵 He can relate.
🩵 Oh, he can relate a lot. He grew up gray and, man, can trolls be cruel even if they seem to be all sunshine and rainbows. Not to say ‘he’s had it worse’ when he was younger, no, he's not the type to downplay a situation like this, ever, but he's definitely the best candidate to help you go through this ordeal because of his past.
🩵 Lot's of open-heart talks, venting, hugs and, yes, lots of tears from both sides as well (just don't go around telling everyone, please).
🩵 He's still devastated that something as awful as losing one's colors could ever happen to you but he can't mope about it forever (never in front of you, at least); he remains strong for your sake.
🩵 He also tries to ‘avenge’ you in whatever way he can, almost begging you to let him at least do something to deal with the ones that bothered you, anything, but you never give in and eventually he gives up (very reluctantly).
🧡 Hickory 🧡
🧡 Now, Hickory over here, he's actually the only one that manages to evade your suspicions and he flat out threatens the trolls that harassed you to buck off (in an eerily peaceful and very cowboy-ish manner, might I add).
🧡 After that, you don't ever get bothered again and Hickory lets you believe that those trolls simply had a change of heart.
🧡 His way of helping you go through this hardship is not by ignoring the issue, but he just rather not mention the obvious unless it's absolutely necessary.
🧡 It's not like he's in love with you for your colors or whatever, but he does care deeply for your mood and feelings. He just wants you to be happy, y'know?
🧡 When the time comes that your colors gradually start to show up again, he just smiles and he'll go out of his way to always remind you of how beautiful those shades and tones look on you even if they're still a bit dim.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
🩷 She's frustrated, very, very much so. Why and how can other trolls be so mean and nasty???? Like Why?
🩷 After finding out about the way you were harassed, she gets clingy. She gets clingy because now she doesn't want to leave you all on your own, exposed to more mistreatment.
🩷 Just like Branch, she's familiar with the subject of color loss and she doesn't take it lightly for a second.
🩷 You could even say it's a bit of some sort of guilt she feels about the way Branch used to be treated in the past that she's now worried 24/7 about you.
🩷 She refuses to allow anyone even think about ostracizing you; she'll go feral if she ever catches someone even batting an eye at your lack of vibrant colors, let alone comment anything on the matter in a negative way.
💚 Tresillo 💚
💚 He's still not entirely used to seeing you without those lovely colors of yours and he's not shy to admit out loud that he misses them.
💚 But he doesn't do that to make you feel bad, or inadequate or guilty on any level; he's just honest like that, and he hopes for the day that your beautiful colors return.
💚 Then, and only then, he'll know you're really and truly okay. And if you're happy, he's happy.
💚 Like Poppy, he gets overprotective and almost overbearing just so he can keep an eye over you so no one else dares bother you in the slightest about your color loss.
💚 He won't threaten anyone like Hickory did, but he will glare and give the worst of stink eyes at whoever steps out of line in his presence, and man, he can look kinda scary when he's serious like that.
💙 Trollex 💙
💙 Like mentioned before, Trollex once lost his colors too after the passing of his parents, but that particular experience he has on the subject is what gives him the reassurance he needs that you can get better, just like he did and just like Branch did as well.
💙 The thought of someone bullying you for your situation makes his blood boil but he's more concerned on how you feel and what you think.
💙 Forget those bullies, they don't matter now. Now it's all about you and how you feel and what you need.
💙 He becomes a bit of a mother hen, always asking about your mood and hoping that one of these days, your bright colors will shine bright once again.
💙 He's a great listener, so if you need a shoulder to cry on or just vent, he'll always be there, ready to give you advice and make sure you always leave with a huge smile on your face.
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skatingbi · 10 months
When Zoro is shoved out of the gallery by Sanji, his first thought is "What the fuck" and his second is "I really said that out loud".
To be fair, Zoro isn't great with words. For one, he never thinks before he speaks 90 percent of the time. He also simply never saw a chance to compliment anyone, really. Zoro is the epitome of act first, talk later. Always has been, and probably always will be until the day he dies. Until a few seconds ago.
When Zoro noticed the cook's dual toned eyes, too many thoughts surfaced at once for him to decipher all of them. He definitely thought they were beautiful, but he didn't mean to say that sappy shit out loud. Sanji's blue eye was also nearly identical to a shade that some glaciers take on in the North Blue. He vaguely remembers other pirates talking about them here and there. He's never seen them, but if he had to guess what type of blue the ice was, he would think of the color of Sanji's eye.
Now, on the other side of the gallery, Zoro leans against the door. After the reaction he got from Sanji, he's not sure where to go from here. He didn't even mean to say that out loud either. It just... came out. Most of what Zoro says does that, but looking at Sanji in that moment made his brain short circuit, his heart stutter, and his lungs hitch. He felt something he's never put a name on before, and because of that, he didn't question it until after Sanji kicked him out.
Zoro's feelings about Sanji are complicated at best. He used to not think about it, but after this, maybe he should. He runs a hand down his face and sighs. He can feel how warm his cheeks are and knows for a fact that if anyone came in, they'd notice the embarrassingly bright blush he's sporting. So he pushes himself off the door and goes to the crow's nest to meditate, train, sleep, or something that will take his mind off of this.
Meditating doesn't work. Neither does training, or sleeping, or keeping a safe distance away from Sanji. In fact, Sanji is actively avoiding him. Has been for the past few days. That wouldn't be out of character for the blond on a normal day, but it's more frequent. Sanji actively kicks the swordsman out to do the dishes himself instead of letting him dry them like he usually does. It's fucking confusing. Zoro can understand insecurity if the main problem about this whole situation is that. He's no stranger to it. The issue, though, is that Sanji's eyes are gorgeous to him, and Sanji doesn't see it. He's just trying to understand why.
A few more days pass by like that. The crew, especially Nami and Usopp, notice. Only Nami makes it known that the crew is very much aware of the awkward shift in Zoro and Sanji's dynamic. It's made especially clear when Nami corners Zoro while he's about to fall asleep on the deck.
"Alright, spill the beans." Nami demands with her hands on her hips and an eyebrow raised. Zoro only opens one eye to acknowledge the redhead in front of him, who's blocking the sun, and it makes Zoro mildly agitated.
"What do you want now, witch, I'm trying to sleep."
Nami rolls her eyes, "I know you're dense, but you're not stupid." She huffs a sigh and bends at the waist over Zoro to glare at him. "You and Sanji have been weirder than usual. Fighting is one thing, but ignoring each other for days is unusual, even for you two." Nami explains.
Zoro rolls his eyes. Sure, him and the shit cook haven't talked, but that's none of anyones business. Let alone Nami's. For all he knows, she could just blackmail him with the embarrassing ordeal of being known. He'd honestly rather not, thank you very much.
"Fuck off, Sanji's the one ignoring me. Let me sleep in peace." Zoro argues back and closes his eyes, resting his arms behind his head to hopefully fall asleep while he still can.
Nami groans in frustration. Okay, fine. If those two idiots want to ignore each other, then she'll let them. It's not like it's any of her business anyway. She just has a bet to win against Usopp, and she's not above changing the stakes to be in her favor. She just has to wait a little longer.
Some part of Nami suspects that Sanji is avoiding Zoro because of something deeper, more personal than just their usual fights. She's willing to bet money that their weird little spat is based on this. She doesn't have evidence. She just has a feeling, and usually, it's right. What's that saying again? Always trust a woman's intuition? With this knowledge in mind and with an ulterior motive, she leaves Zoro alone to have a gay crisis in peace.
What Sanji and Zoro don't know, though, is that she already knows Sanji has heterochromia, and she also doesn't give a shit. She noticed when sanji was too drunk in skypiea while dancing with the wolves, and to be honest, she's surprised no one else even noticed. This knowledge has led her to believing that Zoro said some stupid shit about it. Go figure.
Zoro goes back to trying to sleep. Behind closed eyelids, he can still see a pretty icy blue eye hidden by long blond hair. He wants to see that again. Directly after that thought, though, Zoro suddenly has an epiphany. An almost life changing realization that will most likely fuck him over in the near future. It's laughable how he's never realized it given the past few days.
Zoro likes him.
Sanji and Zoro, for lack of a better word, dance around each other for the next few days. If someone asked Sanji why didnt they just go back to how they normally did things, he couldn't answer them. He can't answer them because he knows that the real issue isn't his eyes. It's what they mean to him.
Sanji is a sentimental man. All of the things people have given him are kept one way or another. He has a drawer in his kitchen for the small trinkets or rocks Luffy finds. He still has that dial Usopp let him keep. He keeps recipe books given to him by Robin on the counter away from the sink. He even kept Nami's hairtie despite nearly snapping it the other day.
There are other things he's kept, too. Franky's things aren't really trinkets, but that doesn't mean they aren't important to him. Franky once gave him a gag gift of matching sunglasses, and he refuses to wear them. They're still tucked into one of the drawers in the dresser next to his bunk. Chopper and him share spices since they're multi use, and it means a lot to him to have his safe space also be useful for others in the crew. He loves being given things, no matter how small they may be.
When his mother died, the first thing he wanted to do was gouge out his eye. When he thinks back on it, the only reason why he couldn't is because he was scared. What small 10 year old wouldn't be? Now, although he loves his eyes deep down, he still runs away by hiding them. It's a gift that he hates, but deep down cherishes like it'll get stolen from his grasp one day.
He's aware that he processes grief by running away until it catches him on a warm, sunny day. Lately, that's exactly what it's done. Grief is hunting him, and he's the deer being shot in the leg so he's unable to run. Refusing to look into a mirror does nothing to stop it.
So, yeah, Sanji is ignoring Zoro. He knows why he's ignoring the moss ball. That doesn't mean Zoro will let him, and he's pretty sure the swordsman is going to corner him eventually. Sanji just needs to stall for time.
But that's not the only reason why he's avoiding him.
"Marimo, I swear to god, if you don't get out of my kitchen, I'm gonna shove my foot up your ass!" Sanji is not in the mood for this. Zoro knows Sanji is not in the mood for this. Will this stop Zoro from getting in the cook's business? Absolutely not.
"I'd like to see you try, curly brow, now shut the hell up and let me dry the goddamn dishes." Zoro huffs as he pushes Sanji out of the way with his hip. Sanji delivers a swift kick to his leg as retaliation.
"Fuck you I can do it myself!"
"Well fuck you because I'm gonna do it anyways!"
"Gods, why are you so insufferable!?"
Now, here they are, with Sanji being forced to let Zoro dry the dishes while he washes them. Sanji keeps a reasonable distance away with a cigarette in his mouth, exhaling smoke through his nose occasionally. Zoro tries (and fails) to not let his eyes wander to Sanji. The cook's eyebrows are scrunched, and his mouth is downturned. The cigarette hangs loosely from his lips as he silently works.
Once Zoro actually realized a few weeks ago he liked Sanji in a (probably) romantic way in some form, it was hard for him to not stare. Zoro never felt attraction to someone like that. He's definitely thought some people were handsome, but that's about as far as it went. Looking back, Zoro thinks that maybe he always thought Sanji was good looking. The swordsman couldn't help but look at all the things that made Sanji his own unique person, handsome, and especially pretty. It's not like he would say that out loud, though. He'd rather attempt to fight Mihawk again than say all that shit out loud to anyone.
Zoro's prolonged silence makes Sanji fidget in place, leaning side to side on each foot, while he washes the last dish. After that his cigarette is nothing but the filter and he snubs it out on the ashtray nearby. To combat the nervous energy, Sanji washes his hands and uses his hip to shove Zoro so he can grab the towel he uses to dry his hands. He's earned a glare by the swordsman, "Oi, the fuck is that for, cook? You wanna fight?" Zoro challenges, and Sanji would be a fool to say no.
"Bring it on, shitty swordsman!"
On the deck of the sunny and in the middle of their routine fights, another tragic incident has occurred: Sanji's hair is in his way. Not only that, but Zoro decides to take advantage of it. The blond isn't sure what Zoro gets out of wanting to see something that Sanji would rather keep hidden, but he'll be damned if he lets Zoro win.
Zoro, the conniving bastard, keeps getting into his blind spot. Or at least trying to because Sanji knows better, and he's sailed with Zoro long enough to recognize the little hints when he fights. Zoro's right foot shifts to his left, but his arm holding wado twists minutely, and it's barely noticeable, except Sanji knows he can block this with a kick.
Zoro uses the blunt edge of his sword to strike, and it lands on Sanji's left shin, raised high enough for him to take advantage of his flexibility. Sanji looks into Zoro's eyes with a challenge, and Zoro grins. Not the scary one he reserves for their enemies, though. There's a subtle crinkle on the corners of his eyes and this smile feels genuine. Were those dimples? He never noticed those before.
Huh. Thats new.
Wait. Why is Zoro looking at him like that? Like he's exciting and interesting? That's the only time Zoro smiles like that: when something is worthy to devote his full attention to. It does something to Sanji. It's the same feeling he had when Zoro told him his eyes were beautiful. Sanji's footing falters, and he nearly stumbles gracelessly to land on two feet. Zoro huffs out a sound suspiciously like a laugh and takes a step closer, sheathing his sword in the process.
Sanji takes a step back, but Zoro is zeroed in on a mission he's determined to complete. He slowly walks forward until their faces are inches away, and he raises his hand slowly.
The blond holds his breath, not moving and looking right at Zoro. Like tunnel vision only on the hawklike golden eyes before him. That feeling is back, too, and it's stronger with how close they are suddenly. Sanji wonders if the rest of the crew are out on the deck as well, but the only thing he can hear is Zoro's labored breathing from their fight and the way the wind makes his earrings hit together. A soft melody of chimes and ocean waves.
He needs to get his shit together.
"Get the fuck out of my face, Moss." Sanji orders through gritted teeth. He could back away, kick the swordsman like he usually does, but his feet feel like theyre nailed to the floor. Zoro doesnt move. Neither does he.
Well, his legs dont move. His hand does. Zoro's scarred knuckles show a gentleness that almost makes Sanji shiver. A tall, muscular, scarred swordsman capable of displaying softness similar to somebody holding priceless art made of glass. That's how Zoro brushes his hair away from the cook's face oh so slowly, dragging it out and tempting Sanji to either kick the shit out of the man or do something he might regret. He almost wants to lean into the touch and relish in it. He's never felt gentleness like this before, and it terrifies him deep down where the subject of his trauma lies.
Zoro takes in Sanji. His skin is somehow still pale despite the days in the harsh sun, the only evidence being the freckles decorating his hooked nose, cheeks, and part of his forehead. What Zoro cares about the most, though, is his eyes. Finally, at the risk of displaying a side of him he never thought he had, he can take in the pretty brown and blue eyes that he's thought of for the past few weeks. He doesn't miss the uncertainty the cook displays through the confused arch in his dark curly brows and parted lips.
There's a lot of silence, which is uncharacteristic of them. They've never gone so long without talking before unless one of them was in a coma. Sanji's just about to escape via insults and physical violence until-
"Huh, your eye is kinda like those glaciers in the North Blue." Zoro mumbles, a quiet baritone that vibrates in Sanji's chest despite the only point of contact being the back of a calloused hand on his cheek. Suddenly he feels lightheaded and warmth on his face, spreading to his ears to make them uncomfortably hot.
Sanji's face is somehow ever prettier when he's blushing, and that shocks Zoro out of his thoughts enough to pull away and attempt to make a beeline for the crow's nest. Sanji stares for one, two, three seconds, and then delivers a swift kick to the back of Zoro's knees as soon as he turns around.
"You...you fucking dumbass swordsman! You fucking pervert! Shut the fuck up or I'm gonna kick your fucking ass into the ocean!"
"Hah?! What the hell, shit cook!?"
Now what the actual fuck. Thats twice, fucking twice now that something Zoro said or did made Sanji a fucking inconsolable mess in the weirdest most cliche teenage romcom novel kind of way. What the fuck. How was this happening? Why is he so flustered, and why is it because of that brute?
Sanji always thought he was straight. Women are pretty. They're gorgeous, empathetic (most of the time), graceful, with pretty skin and soft curves. He always appreciated that in women, and he most likely will until the day he dies. Zoro isn't any of those things. He's emotionally intelligent, sure, but you couldn't get the dumbass to take his own advice even if you held him at knife point. He's not soft, he's rough around the edges, with a stern expression even in his sleep. His smile is almost always weird as fuck (except for the one he gave him recently) too. The swordsman only cares about swords and alcohol, but you could probably add rice balls to that list too. Zoro is the epitome of sharp and rugged.
In conclusion, the only similarity between Zoro and women is that Zoro has big tits somehow. No, he is definitely not focusing on that now while making dinner.
The more Sanji thinks about Zoro, though, the more he thinks back to that fucking look. When Zoro brushed his hair away from his face and admired him. He fucking admired him for gods sake. Either Sanji is high as fuck or he's having a nightmare because nobody has ever looked at him with that kind of raw emotion before, not even women he flirted with.
Okay, so maybe there's more to him than meets the eye. That doesn't mean he likes the idiot. Maybe he just needs to learn to take a compliment.
As he thinks about this, he sets the kitchen table and portions out the penne alla vodka for all of the crew members. There's a bottle of sake for Zoro, and because he's feeling... a lot, Sanji allows himself a glass of wine today. As he's deciding between a red or white wine, Luffy barges into the kitchen.
"Sanji! Is food done?!" Luffy asks, practically bouncing towards Sanji excitedly. The captain's loud voice startles Sanji out of his thoughts and he jumps slightly. He quickly saves face to look at Luffy with exasperation.
"Yes, food's done. Go get the rest of the crew- hey, don't touch that!" Sanji says while swatting away Luffy's stretched arm from Nami's bread, "That's for Nami! I gave you enough already. Go get everyone else before you decide to terrorize the place." He demands to a laughing captain whos already out the door halfway through Sanji's reprimand.
Seconds later, the crew files in. Everyone sits and begins to eat. Chatter between them fills the room, and Sanji preens at the compliments for tonight's dinner.
Everything is normal for a while, and soon everyone finishes their food. Luffy only tried to steal Zoro's food a couple of times and only succeeded once, only because the moss ball let him.
Coming much too soon is dish washing. With Zoro. Sanji's conflicted feelings regarding the man have been making him avoid the target of his confusion the days following "The Incident", as Sanji refers to it, and he's not keen on experiencing whatever the fuck is going on between them again. Only because he doesn't know if he can hold himself together if Zoro looks at him like that once more.
It's silent for a few minutes. The repetitive motions soothe him, and Sanji lets his mind wander to mundane thoughts. As he chews on the filter of an unlit cigarette, he thinks of some tasks he needs to do this week. Inventory should be done tomorrow. Ask Nami how long until the next island, and maybe he should-
Zoro clears his throat, and for a moment, he thinks it was just Zoro being Zoro. He's probably trying to annoy him. Yeah, fat chance this time. Anyways, maybe-
"Cook," and Zoro looks at him, putting the plate he just dried down and placing his hands on the counter, "Why're you hiding?" He asks, and Sanji doesn't look at him. Zoro's eyebrows angle slightly in confusion.
Zoro left that question open ended on purpose. He knows Sanji well, or at least he likes to think he does, so asking directly would just make the cook confrontational. Hell, even a vague question would, too.
"What the hell are you talking about, marimo?" Sanji scoffs. Yeah, just as Zoro figured.
"You know what, and I ain't gonna spell it out for you," Zoro leans forward, looking at Sanji even though he tries tilting his head down and away from zoro's perceptive gaze, "Cmon, curls, I need to know if I overstepped. You may be a pain in my ass but I'd never hurt you." Zoro explains, and what the fuck.
Sanji has been asking himself that a lot lately. Yet he doesn't know how to reply to Zoro. All he knows is "You...Dumbass, you make me feel. You make me feel," He whispers like they're the only ones on the ship, "And I dont like it." He finishes.
He has no clue if it's the truth. Hell, earlier today, he was having a sexuality crisis over the man before him. Neither does Zoro. They both look at each other until Zoro looks away with resignation. "Okay." He whispers back.
Sanji learns quickly that he doesn't like that look on Zoro's face.
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bon2bonn · 5 months
My hand to hold p.4
Carlos Sainz x driver!reader
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The pitter patter of rain rang through the circuit , everyone took shelter away from the rain and chose the warmth of shelter away from the cold wet weather .
Everyone tinkered around inside or tried to pass the time in hopes the rain would soon end and the day would proceed as planned despite the hindrance, all preferred the dry warm refuge over the fresh drizzle, all but two who now stood right at the edge of the open garage/empty unit at the end of the pit zone , their jackets on with their hoods up , both sharing the same mischievous grin as they looked at each other, going through their little track one more time before starting.
She nods along with Carlos as he listed off while he was busy rolling up her sleeves , securing them around her wrists instead of dangling past her fingers " we start from here , five points for the first who reach the other side of the pit , five for the one who gets back first and five more if you didn't get caught , got it ? " she confirmed with a " yup! " . both drivers then peeked their heads out spotting their team's principals along with others , all standing halfway through the pit with their jackets on and umbrellas sheltering them from the still falling rain .
They shared another look filled with determination before turning back to Fernando who stood as a referee with a whistle in one hand and a cup of fresh coffee they bribed him with in the other , he took a sip from his steaming cup and gave them the rules " alright , no pushing, no tackling, no hair pulling, no tripping the other , any violation grant the other 5 points automatically, any questions? " Both had questions but before either of them could ask he kept talking " No ? , good , now on your marks " both turned quickly , forgetting about the questions and got into position waiting for the signal " ready? ........" He took another sip " Aaaaand , go!" , Fernando called before blowing the whistle, both drivers sprinted out and into the rain , flinching at the cold contrast and the splashing puddles they stepped on while trying their best to get to the end first .
The chatting group halted when two speeding figures sprinted past them , Toto sighed tiredly while rubbing his temple after he took one glance at the shorter figures jacket, knowing damn well who was it , stating with a blank face " I'm too old to deal with this " then he turned and made his way back to the Mercedes garage willing himself to do nothing about it , the others laughed at his retreating figure before looking back at the still racing drivers who now almost at the end of the bit zone .
They passed the Red Bull garage where Max stood with his own umbrella in hand ready to step out but froze once he saw the two splashing their way through the rain . he cursed under his breath as he raised his umbrella making his way out waiting to ambush them when they get back around .
lando made his way next to Max, his phone raised and his umbrella tucked in his arm as he was recording the whole ordeal since they sprinted by the McLaren garage, too lazy to participate but still cheered them on " Go N/N ! , I bet on you against Charles! Don't let him win ! " He shouted making her scream back " fuck Charles!" , earning himself a shove from Max who scold him " don't encourage her! " , lando shrugged but kept recording as the running two didn't slow as expected when they reached the line making them both slip on the wet ground tumbling in a laughing heaps ,but they both exclaimed at the cold rain now soaking their heads and seeping through their clothes as their hoods fell back when they went down, both shrieking loudly , shivering when the cold water seeped down their back from where they lay on the puddles Carlos tried to roll away from the water " aaaaaaah! It's cold!!, it's too cold !" But couldn't with how much he was laughing, same as Y/N who screamed out " fuck! It's worse than I thought!!!!! , it's ..... Shit! , I can't feel my face! " They gave eachother one look and burst into another fit of laughter but paused when they saw Max making his way over making her scream out " we got compromised! , abort mission! Abort!!! ".
Carlos took hold of her cold hand helping her up and both made a run for it . Narrowly Dodging Max who stood before them with a not so pleased look , making him charge after them shouting " Y/N stop right there! You'll get yourself sick !" She shouted back " No! , I won't" . he cursed when he almost slipped " shit! I swear I'll tackle you down!" She shouted again " do it and I'll bite !! " , he groaned as he pushed on to catch up with them " you won't dare! " , She cackled " try me , bitch! " He almost got a hold of her hood that now laid down on her back leaving her head exposed and her hair dripping from the rain and sticking to her face and neck, but the moment his fingers grazed the hood she turned her head back , hand still held tightly in Carlos's hold letting him guide the way and snapped her teeth at him , startling him as he held back his hand screaming at her distant figure " you little shit! " , his shouts fell into deaf ears as they ran further and found themselves out of the pit and out on track instead, making them slow their pace into walking instead, their joined hands swaying between them as they enjoyed their Rainey walk , both soaked to the bone but yet unbothered when they enjoyed eachother company , dancing hand in hand and twirling in circles accompanied by the rain as their melody.
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crushedsweets · 7 months
Jdjejfjsjd can we know more about ninajack????? Pleasssseeee sucker????
I GOT YOU. i organized it by concept rambles, then if i were to write a 'getting together' one-shot thing.
nina has a crush on everyone. usually its veryyy short and fleeting and she realizes it was moreso admiration and appreciation rather than romance, but its like she's hardwired for romantic love. even when she's "with" jeff (she calls him her boyfriend/fiancé but neither are very loyal), she's crushing like crazy
so, when she's introduced to Jack through Clocky.. he's tall, mysterious, has a nice voice, polite, freaky. SHE'S CRUSHING HARD. REALLY FUCKING HARD. like running off with clocky squealing and spinning and going 'I THINK IM IN LOOOVEEE HE'S SOOO FINEEEE' and clockys like no. you are not. please.
nina would start asking clocky/toby "ohh we should visit jack today i bet he's lonely lets go see him" and they see right through her shit. clockys more likely to be like 'i do not want you bothering him, i dont think he can take it' since she'd be aware of the whole... falling in love with jenny only to be horribly betrayed fiasco.... and even if she loves nina, she doesn't trust her not to hurt people. but toby is more likely to think its funny as fuck and bring nina along.
another big point is. nina's appearance matters a lot to her. she used it all her life to get what she wanted - ranging from when she was little and using doe-eyes to beg her dad for toys, to being a sexy, fun chick at the bar getting drinks from randos... but jack can't see her. he has thermavision and echolocation, so he gets the gist of her appearance, but it'd really mess with her. she doesn't think theres anything about her to love, other than her appearance and what she can give. but he really thinks she has a sweet voice, at least
it would be after she officially breaks things off with jeff. jeff stabs her in the stomach, liu drags her to jack, and jack tends to her wounds.
they'd require her to stay with jack for a few days, just during her recovery.
nina's depressed, understandably, after the whole ordeal. jack gives him her room so she can actually lay down, and he sleeps on the couch. she never leaves his room, is always in there moping and crying and trying to contact jeff - but he's blocked her on literally everything, so..
it'd start by jack bringing nina meals. breakfast, lunch, and dinner, he'd bring her something and insist she eats. some days she would, some days she'd cry and beg him to leave and take it with him. he'll leave it alone for a while. "this isnt my problem" or whatever, but... she wont heal properly if she's not eating. so jack would eventually try collecting her, pulling her out by the hand and quietly asking her to come eat dinner with him. he'd insist it's for him, that he's been lonely, something like that - a little bit of manipulation, but it works. it gets her to eat.
he'd do it more often, and she'd think she's doing a good thing. he'd start bringing her out to cook with him, all that.
maybe one day while theyre cooking together, nina would be in such a good mood after a long time of moping, and he'd just comment on how nice her laugh is. and immediately she's like oh. woah. ok.
maybe that night, just like he asks her to eat with him so he's not lonely, she'd ask him to come lay with her so she's not lonely. then jack finally gets his fucking bed back. and nina, i guess....
bonus points cuz she'd be wearing his clothes. BIG AS FUCK ON HER. theyre so cute
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rensukei · 2 years
↻ ...bound to happen
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in which a whipped diluc is head over heels and literally won't do anything about it, so you take matters into your own hands. [ triggered, chase atlantic ]
cw smut, diluc story quest spoilers. unhinged!diluc, pretty ooc bcause i got carried away, somewhat cocky reader, size kink, light hair pulling, fingering (f!receiving), lotsa dirty talk, petnames, unproteced sex (wrap b4 you tap ladies and gents), dilucs a slut. wc: 2.5k
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a/n i go nuts for this man. loco.
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it's late. late late. the angel's share has rid of all its patrons, save the boisterous few straggling at the bar top.
"and— and you know what i said to him?" kaeya slurs out.
you, out of your hefty adventurer's clothing and instead swapping them out for more casual and comfortable attire, stand leaning against the counter as you indulge in kaeya's inebriated antics. "what'd you say?"
"as a matter of fact... right now i can't recall what i—" he pauses, taking a deep breath before he finished his sentence, "what i said."
"well," you begin to make your way around the bar, grabbing the half-empty glass from in front of the man as his expression drops, "i believe it's time for you to head on home, captain."
"ah, what time is it?" he murmurs out, barely loud enough for you to hear.
"12:47," a voice calls out from the storage room, "would you like an escort? i bet y/n would be happy to see you out."
"oh nono, it's quite alright," the blue-haired man stated, recalling the last time you offered to help him outside and the daggers that were then stared into his back by the redhead from the tavern doorframe. "i'll be just fine on my own. thank you, though."
you sigh in relief; nothing against the captain, you just don't feel like dealing with a drunk person right now, no matter how good they are at holding their own. "ah okay then; well, goodnight kaeya!! be safe on your way home."
"will do, princess."
and with that, the angel's share is empty of drunkards and left with you and an irritable diluc.
"that was a lot easier than i had expected it to be, don't you think, 'luc?" you walk towards the storage room behind the bar but are started by his large frame appearing in the doorway.
"sure, princess." he huffs out, sliding past you to restock below the bar.
you know exactly what this means. your poor employer, mad that his brother has the common and occasional use of platonic petnames, is getting possessive. even though he's your employer. your boss, who has the frequent habit of letting his eyes linger for far too long or gets way to close to you when reaching for a certain bottle from across the bar, is stomping around because someone called you princess who wasn't him.
it's not like it goes unnoticed by you, either. you know he has developed a liking to you; whether it was before he asked you to work at the tavern or after, you don't know. all you know is that ever since you've been working there, he's suddenly taken more shifts, among other things.
"oh, please, diluc," you huff out, having dropped the whole 'master' ordeal early in your job at his request, "you know how he is, it's all respectful."
you know it's one of the more severe cases tonight when you're met with no response.
"'luc, c'mon. what's wrong?" you walk up behind him as he stands in the back room.
he swears you'll be the death of him one day. for a man with such restraint and politeness, you always test his limits. "nothing, y/n. excuse me while i finish this case," he turns around as his eyes widen, not expecting you to be so close to him, "you can go home, you're done for tonight."
"i'm not leaving, diluc." you say, moving in front of him to stop him in his tracks. a newfound surge of confidence ignites something deep within you, and you aren't playing coy today. "why do you always do this?"
he blinks, shaking himself out of his frozen stance. he has one of two options here: tell you to leave again for your own good, or stay and play dumb and watch as the situation unfolds. as much as he really wants to you leave for his sanity's sake, he picks the ladder. "do what?"
"oh, don't play stupid with me. you get so worked up over the smallest things when it comes to me." you behind walking towards him as he inches back with each step you take. "—and don't think i don't notice how you stare at me all the time, i'm not dumb."
with no more walls to hide behind or wine bottles to blame his business on, all he has left is you, him, and the few inches of space that separate your hot bodies. "y/n..."
"what's wrong, boss?" you lift your head to meet his unreadable gaze, your eagerness from the confrontation somehow still fueling the fire, "cat got your tongue?"
"you..." diluc is genuinely speechless, being able to do nothing other than bringing his hand up to cup your small flushed face. his thumb grazes your bottom lip as his mind roams the endless possibilities that this moment could turn into. his other arm finds itself wandering to your hips, pulling you into to his body and finally closing that painful gap that held you two apart. "you're insufferable," he whispers out.
"so," you sigh out a shaky breath, "whats it gonna be, 'luc?" your arms slide up and around his neck and pull him down closer to your face as you continue, "are you gonna leave me high and dry again," your hand entangles itself in his red curls, pulling the slightest bit as he takes in a sharp inhale, "or are you finally gonna take what's waiting right in front of you?"
both of you knew this was bound to happen one way or the other, the question just came to who would make the first move. its almost as if a clock was ticking for years and it finally went off; after all of the lingering touches and spared glances, the building tension and mutual pining—everything came to this. diluc lustfully envelops your lips in his as he pulls you impossibly closer, taking in everything you have to offer and more.
no words are said as your positions are switched when he hits your back into the wall behind you, earning himself a labored gasp from your lungs. this felt better than you had ever imagined; all those times you spent lying awake, fantasizing about your boos no less. its not like he's a saint, though. the young master has spent many nights staring at his ceiling, cursing his mind for plaguing himself with thoughts of you, shaking and begging beneath him.
the air seems to have gotten a considerable amount thicker as it's suddenly hard to breathe as strained gasps and broken moans fill the dim room.
"you have no idea how long i've waited to fuck you senseless, y/n." he forces out in between muffled kisses as your tongue passes over his lips, using this as an invitation to take your breath away with open-mouthed kisses as his hands begin to traverse your curves beneath your clothes.
"diluc, i-" you gasp out, taken aback by unanticipated intensity that he assaults you with.
"oh, now what's this, angel? cat got your tongue?" he mocks, diving back into your lips, never giving you a chance to catch your breath.
he carefully lifts your shirt in a silent plea for you to take it off; despite hit hurried nature, he's still got a hint of respect left. indulging in his wishes, you dispense of the garment, leaving just a simple bra in between him and your skin. all you can manage to get out is a broken whine, hovering close over the line of being way to lewd for the setting. getting impatient, diluc slips a hand past the waistband of your pants and begins to rub small circles into your aching bud.
the tent forming in his now tight trousers doesn't slip past you as he continues his effort on your searing core, working the most sinful sounds out of your kiss-flushed lips.
"oh, 'luc," you whimper out, grabbing his wrist in an insincere effort to pull him away for your heat as his fingers slip into your wet cunt, "please—"
"yeah, lemme hear you, baby," he mindlessly grinds into your hip with his continued ministrations, "oh, archons—gotta get you ready for me, yeah? 're ya gonna take it all f'me?" you have no idea where this side of him is coming from but zero complaints will ever be heard from you. "you look so pretty all breathless for me, angel," his fingers hit that bundle of nerves within you that have your head thrown back and your legs quivering beneath you, threatening to give out.
you love this feeling—his large frame looming over yours as he undoes you with his skilled hands. the tent forming in his trousers is nearly unbearable at this point as his lustful eyes watch every twitch he sends through your wavering body.
diluc slides his fingers out of your leaking heat, bringing them up to taste the slick that has accumulated up on his digits, pulling a deep groan out from his throat. impatient and insatiable, he drags your pants and underwear down all together, leaving your bare cunt out. the cold air biting at your core with the added embarrassment of being exposed in front of someone who is basically staring holes through you causes you to try and cover up, but diluc is quick to grab hold of your wrists.
"do you not want it?" he teases, a hint of worry and sincerity behind his dark tone.
"no, i—" you sharply inhale as you feel his cock spring out from his pants and hit your naked thigh, dumbstruck by the sheer size of him, "i, um..."
"you... what?" his head lowers as he presses kisses and marks all down your neck, "darling, if you don't tell me what you want, how will i know, hm?"
at this point you're contemplating if you should even continue this; the mere thought of his dick being inside of your tight little hole is enough to make anyone shudder; it's huge. unfortunately, you're way too hot and way too deep in this to deny it. luckily though, you have just enough spunk left to fuck with him.
"d—don't try and act all high and, mmmhh, and mighty, just because you're finally about to fuck me," you stumble a bit, but eventually get it out, "last time i checked, y—you had to fuck your hand in the bathroom because me ass brushed up against y—diluc!!"
amused and a bit fed up with your antics, diluc pushes his tip in past your wet folds without warning, earning a deep groan from his lungs. archons, the way he can feel you stretch around him; he could relive that moment forever. he hikes your legs up around his hips, pressing his length farther into your lewd hole, procuring the most licentious lascivious looks and noises from your pretty face. he says nothing as he sits still for a moment as he acclimates himself to the asphyxiating feeling of you enveloping him completely.
"i'm gonna start moving," he uses one hand to guide your face to meet his gaze, "is that alright with you, y/n?"
you melt under his light but assertive touch, mindlessly nodding to agree. he languidly pulls himself out and slowly slides back in with his lips slightly parted in concentration.
it takes little to no time for him to reach a sickening pace, pounding into your poor cunt as you gasp out, no longer trying to keep a quiet voice. having already been worked up by him earlier, you were quick to reach your climax. all it took was the suffocating feeling of his cock hitting you right there as you unfolded in his grasp.
"oh, y/n—fuck, i'm close," he huffs out as he thrusts into you at a sickening pace, his rhythm faltering as he nears his limit. "ahh—ah!" he stutters out while his hot cum spills into your core. whispers of profanity are thrown around as you both ride out the high, gasping for any air you can intake. he looks beautiful like this. his red curls loose in his hair tie, flowing over his tensed shoulders with little pieces stuck to his forehead. his face displays an expression of one that you could paint so many pictures of in your mind.
with both of you heaving in the afterglow, reality snapped back into diluc’s mind. his eyes widen in a panic-stricken manner as his hands fly up to grasp your shoulders, "oh... oh my archons.... i'm so sorry, y/n, i..." hes speechless. what got into him?
you, breathless, just want to go somewhere and lay down somewhere comfortable. ""luc, its fine, i came onto you and i probably shouldn't have pushed you like that—"
"no no, are you okay? did.... did i hurt you at all? archons..." his hands come up to run through his unkempt hair.
sensing his increasing anxiety, you pull his hands down and gently place them on your bare hips. "diluc," you wait until he meets your gaze, "im okay. more than okay, actually."
"..y/n...." for someone who was so insanely explicit, he's rather quiet now as a hint of a blush falls upon his face.
on your tippy toes, you stretch up to place a chaste kiss on his cheek after you finish redressing. "i need to get going, okay? i'll see you tomorrow when i come in for my shift."
just as you begin to walk out, his hand reaches out to lightly wrap around your dainty wrist in protest, an unreadable expression covering his face.
"um..." he definitely wasn't ready to say whatever he was thinking, if he was thinking at all in that moment, but he never let go of your wrist. "i've got a nice shower at the manor.. if you'd like."
a smile creeps over your complexion, "that sounds wonderful, 'luc, thank you." your hand moved to intertwine it with his. "but... try not to go rogue on me this time, okay? i was surprised by you back there."
this time?? is there even going to be another time? the mere thought of this possibly happening again is enough to fry his brain, but his embarrassment from his previous unhinged manner is the only thing he's able to focus on right now. "gods... i really am sorry, y/n. i... i just finally had you after wanting you for so long and i just snapped."
"yeah, snapped my back." you giggle out.
walking back to the winery, you remember how you got here in the first place. kaeya was a good wingman whether he knew it or not.
maybe from now on, your boss doesn't have to be just your boss.
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©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 :: tpwk!!
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lynnlovesthestars · 11 months
What do you think each companions’ favorite flower would be? Other than Shadowheart’s being night orchid
Ohh, i love this question..
Characters: Astarion, Wyll, Gale, Lae'zel, Karlach, Halsin. (+ minthara, Jaheira and minsc at the end)
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Astarion wisteria: he never noticed it grows in the cemetery where he was buried. The night he died and came back to life, the wisteria was not in bloom yet, so he didn't notice, but after the absolute ordeal he came back a few times and in one of them, the wisteria was beautifully in bloom. It was magical to walk underneath the cascading pinks and purples, and in a way it felt like one of Tav's hugs. After seeing it, he finds a book about wisteria in Gale's stack of books, and it took him a second to steal it.
Every time he'd read more about this flower, his interest in it only grew, and along with it, he found himself growing pretty fond of the flower.
He could see himself in the delicate white petals: wisteria has different meanings in each region of Faerun and all of them were, in a way, parts of him.
Longevity, immortality, but also melancholy and a life cut short. It's new beginnings and self-reflection over the past.
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Wyll likes poppies. Maybe it's the simplicity that catches his eye right away, or maybe the beautiful vibrant colors, nevertheless he makes sure that there's always a pot of poppies at home. He mostly takes care of it, cause he doesn't want to put the responsibility on someone else, but you bet he will water his poppies with a precision worth of the blade of avernus.
His first memory of poppies, he holds it very dear, cause it was one of the last truly happy memories with his father.
Wyll worked with his father briefly before Ulder had to depart for Elturel. They took their horses and traversed along the Chionthar to make sure it would be safe for Ulder and the fists to cross. Tough as they were riding, they stumbled upon a stunning yellow and red poppy field. It reminded them of the flaming fists, of their home, of their mission, but lastly of the sunset that would await them after Elturel was safe. Though they didn't actually say it out loud, they knew Wyll was going to treasure the moment.
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Lae'zel loves snapdragons. First because they remind her of the might of githyanki's, then because she found them particularly relatable. Snapdragons can survive in the harshest temperatures, just like she was able to endure her whole life being turned upside down.
It's not easy to make her smile genuinely, but if you show up with Snapdragons, she will melt inside. (Though she'd never admit it)
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Gale likes hyacinths. He's mesmerized by their structure, their colors, their smell. They are just so intriguing. He started growing hyacinths to practice his weave control, but over time he really grew fond of them.
Gale definitely has a name for his pots, and refers to them as his children. One time he was rambling about the flowers, and everyone believed he was a father and forgot to let them know.
"I cannot believe you all" Gale exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "do you think i'd really choose to be stuck here with you, rather than at home with literally my children?!"
"Yes" everyone answered in unison.
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Karlach LOVES SUNFLOWERS. They just make her smile. She is a naturally outgoing and sunflowers just remind her of herself. Also she spent so long in Avernus, away from the sun, that when she came back to the surface, she followed it like a sunflower.
It wasn't easy to find them near Baldur's Gate, in fact the closest she's ever gotten to one was near Rosymorn monastery. The field was clearly blesses by Lathander, cause those sunflowers were breathtaking, even if she had to see them from her horse.
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Halsin loved every flower, of course. But one that always made his heart swell was the four o'clock flower. It was something so unique: a flower that would bloom only at dawn. It was like a secret only for those eyes that stayed vigilant in the dark. It was a flower for those lonely souls that couldn't sleep. Although he always had nature by his side, he did feel lonely at the end of the day. Through the decades he had many lovers, but no one could fill that emptiness, and that flower passed unnoticed until everyone went to sleep, just like he would pass unnoticed as he guised as a butterfly.
Jaheira peony
Minsc marigold
Minthara black dahlia.
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s-seishiro · 1 year
࿐STREET RACER AU! shidou ryusei
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summary: pretty explanatory. just some ideas inspired by that one oikawa street racer fanfic and @asxte.ria on tiktok
— headcannons+
— no warnings!
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Shidou is FAMOUS in underground street races. Everybody knows his name, everybody knows his game and everybody knows to stay out of his lane.
He drives a modified Toyota Supra. The body paint of the car being a magenta-ish pink. It’s decorated in decals and other miscellaneous stickers.
Everyone knows he arrived based on the sound of his 2JZ-GTE engine.
Most of the racers tend to stay clear of Shidou because of his anger issues and eagerness to throw hands with anything or anyone who inconveniences him.
He is a brash driver. He doesn’t really care if he has to play dirty to win—as long as he’s number one.
Shidou just loves living life on edge. Wether it’s speeding through the city in a high speed chase, or riding dangerously fast just to feel the wind in his hair. All of it is for the thrills.
This carefree, idgaf attitude of his has landed him in the underworld hall of fame. Causing him to be one of the most sought after racer in all the competitions. Everyone is itching to see who will be the one to dethrone the king.
He is VERY competitive. He LOVES the adrenaline he gets during and after a race. But because of this rush he tends to get pretty violent and angry at times. It during those moments when people fear him and know to stay clear of his path.
Surprisingly, Shidou is VERY popular with the spectators. Many people enjoy betting on him to see him trash his opponents—or vice versa. And of course there are those who think he is extremely attractive. Women would often flock over to him to compliment him, hoping for at least one chance. And he doesn’t really mind the attention.
He NEVER lets anyone else handle his car. He doesn’t trust the street. If it’s not him fixing his car then nobody is.
Okay so let’s be real, he has tattoos. I’m thinking a dragon tattoo that’s kinda in the same position as Kaiser’s rose tattoo. And for some reason he’d probably have those Japanese back tattoo of the tiger and the dragon.
Is known for his odd relationship with the Itoshi brothers.
Everyone in the underground community even public community knows of Shidou and Rin’s rivalry. The first time the met was at a underground race—one that Rin accidentally stumbled upon. And Shidou, of course wanted to prove that he was better than the “official” racers. This whole ordeal was trending on Twitter and every time they have a rematch, the event is sold out.
Itoshi Sae was more interested in Shidou’s speed—and at one point you can see that Shidou’s was on a official team. But he quit because he had tons of restrictions placed on him to “save face.”
“If it isn’t baby eyelashes? I see you switched out your car for something a bit more modest!” Shidou pulled up beside Rin’s car, smirking once he saw the clear disdain on his face. The two of them just happened to be stopped by a red light on the same intersection. And Shidou, despite Rin not using his official race car, STILL spotted him.
Rin didn’t even need to glance in Shidou’s direction to know it was him. His brightly colored car instantly gave him away. “When will you ever stop being an public eyesore?”
“Your life is an eyesore.” Rin gave Shidou the deadliest side eye known to mankind, twitching in annoyance at his words. Shidou however was having the time of his life! Bothering the little Itoshi brother was his favorite pastime.
“Shut up, you antenna ass freak.” Rin spat, winding his windows up to block anything else Shidou had to say. It was still early in the morning and he was already getting pissed off.
“Hey hey hey language! Does your brother know you talk like that? Oh wait! You two aren’t on speaking terms are you?”
Before Rin could get a word in Shidou zoomed off, leaving a trail of skid marks and exhaust. Shidou finally got the perfect reaction out of Rin, and so there was no reason to wait at the red light anymore.
Once again he had successfully left Rin without the last word. And he knew Rin wouldn’t dare run the red to catch up to him. He had a professional career to worry about—a restriction Shidou was glad to not have over him.
Now if Shidou has a lover…things get a bit interesting.
I can just see him always inviting you to watch his races. And most of the times you can’t attend because it’s late at night and the two of you are still college students.
But there are special instances where you watch his races—and it’s then he makes sure to show out.
After you get used to the run down of how things go—he drags you into the race into the passenger seat. Leaving you with no wanting except:
“Buckle up angel~!”
He loves hearing your screams of fear and excitement as he drives dangerously fast. He would tease and laugh at the way you clutch onto the seat for dear life.
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Oh To Not Have You
Pairing: Anthony J Crowley x Male reader (can be read as ftm reader aswell) mentions: strong language, drinking, death, angst, mentions of holy water, swords and mentions of hell fire. And reader is called Raphael once. Please do not read if uncomfortable. Fem aligned don't interact. If there's any warning i left out please let me know -> do not repost, copy or translate my work or post them anywhere. Reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated A/N: This is my first fic that isn't a request and my first good omens request. I apologize in advance if this is too angsty. Also i wanted to credit @fly-flower-fanfics as i got the inspiration to write this from their fic 'I Knew You' go read it, it is quite nice.
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𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗎𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌, 𝖨 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆 𝖨 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋. 𝖬𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗅𝗒, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍’𝗌 𝖿𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗉𝗉𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗒, 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝖼𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝖺𝗇 𝖾𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗍𝗒 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽𝗇’𝗍 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗅
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Something in the air felt different, it felt like doom was hanging by your shoulder ready to snoop in when it’s time came in.
You sighed and pushed those thoughts aside as you sat on the couch with a Jane Austin novella Aziraphale had lent you to read as he had boasted about it for weeks. Crowley and Aziraphale had decided to meet in St. James Park but you had decided not to go as you felt exhausted from running around all day, yesterday to stop Armageddon.
Crowley and Aziraphale walked over to the vendor “a strawberry lolly and a vanilla with a flake, please” Crowley hands the vendor the money before Aziraphlae asked “how’s the car?”
“Not a scratch on it” was Crowley’s reply as they looked at Aziraphale “how’s the book shop?” aziraphale looks at Crowley “not a smudge” he says slightly suspiciously as he walks to the other side of Crowley “not a book burned, everything back just the way it was” Crowley hands aziraphale his ice-cream before taking her own as aziraphale looks around while asking “you heard from your people yet?” Crowley shakes his head with an almost deep sigh “yours?” he asked aziraphale “nothing”
“Do…you understand-w-what happened yesterday?” Crowley asked as they looked at aziraphale “well, I understand some of it,…but some of it-” aziraphale sighs “well, it’s just bit too…” aziraphale raises his eyebrow only to notice Crowley not looking at him “ineffable” Death interrupts them “oh, that…that’s funny, seeing him here. Th-that’s meant to be bad luck” Crowley wouldn’t like to admit it but he was internally terrified but they didn’t want to think about the what ifs in this moment. In that moment death had disappeared “it’s meant to be bad…” Crowley stammered he turns around to look at aziraphale only to see him gone he turns around again only to see him being dragged away by Uriel and a squad of angels. Crowley was distracted by this whole ordeal but decided to chase after them “stop! Stop them!” some old lady interrupts “what’s wrong, love?” before Crowley can figure out what’s happening the old lady who happens to be hastur who knocks Crowley out “oh, bad luck dear” hastur says mockingly while Crowley groans and faints
Aziraphale was tied to a chair, he tired pulling against the ropes but they were too tight for him to slip his hands out. He hears foot steps behind him and “ah. Aziraphale” he recognizes the voice, it was Gabriel. He patted aziraphale’s shoulder “so glad you could join us” he said with a forced smile and with sickeningly sweet voice “you could’ve just sent a message, I mean, a kidnapping in broad daylight” Aziraphale says making Gabriel shrug “call it what it was: an extraordinary rendition” he chuckles as aziraphale fakes a small smile “now, have we heard from our new associate?” Gabriel asks only for Uriel to reply “he’s on his way” Gabriel smiles “he’s own his way. I think you are going to like this” he walks towards aziraphale who raises his eyebrows “I really do…and I bet you didn’t see this one coming” Gabriel leans forward as he says that, the only reaction aziraphale could muster was a forced smile.
Meanwhile down in hell Crowley was facing his trial for using holy water on another demon “Creatures of Hell, you have heard the evidence against the demon known as Crowley. What’s your verdict?” Beelzebub addresses the demons behind the glass window, there were shouts of ‘guilty’ from them “do you have anything to say before we take our vengeance out on you?” Beelzebub says as Crowley turns around from looking at the glass window “what’s it to be?” he asks as he shrugs “an eternity in the deepest pits of hell?” he continues but hastur interrupts Crowley “no no, we’re going to do something even worse…Letting the punishment fit the crime” in that moment arch angel Michael arrives carrying a jug of holy water, they pour the liquid into the bathtub after hastur refuses to pour it himself as he had seen what it could do…
Aziraphale could sense something was wrong, he could sense someone else’s presences, someone close to him.
{Flashback} Crowley smiled at you “I wish you could come with angel” they said as you smiled at them “I wish I could too, I’m just a little exhausted after yesterday” Crowley couldn’t help but pull you in a hug, she rarely showed her softer side, something that was usually reserved for you “I’m glad you are okay” they whispered before pulling away and kissing you gently… Crowley left to meet aziraphale at the park but the moment he stepped out they could sense something different in the air but the moment he saw aziraphale who had a look of worry on his face, they knew that indeed something was wrong. Aziraphale went on to explain what he had found out before putting out the idea of them switching bodies and here they were now {Flashback ends}
The presences was too familiar for aziraphale (Crowley) to ignore as soon as he realized he felt panicked but he needed to not show any emotions “you don’t get this view down in the basement” he hears someone’s voice, before recognizing them as a demon, the demon walked further. Aziraphale (Crowley) looked at the demon before his eyes landed on…You. You who was being dragged by two lower grade demons. Your eyes widened a little as you see aziraphale their but his presences was different, it wasn’t aziraphale’s presences but it was still a lot familiar for you to ignore. Then the realization hit you, it was Crowley, they both switched bodies, the eye contact you held with aziraphale (Crowley) was cut short as the demon ignites…Hell fire “What are you trying to do Gabriel?!” You looked at the archangel Gabriel “well, with one act of treason you averted the war” aziraphale (Crowley) looks at you to see you looking at Gabriel before you say “well, I think the greater good…” Gabriel cuts you off “don’t talk to me about the greater god sunshine. I’m the archangel fucking Gabriel” you were a little shocked to see no one other than Gabriel cursing “the greater good was we were finally going to settle things with the opposition once and for all” Uriel walks over to you and unties your tied hands, aziraphale (Crowley) wanted to shout for them to not hurt you but hurt them instead, he saw how your wings unfolded, they took a deep breath as it clicked what might happen, you look confused at Gabriel before you shook your head as the realization hit of what was at hand “you can’t-you can’t do that Gabriel…taking an angels wings is shaming them” Gabriel smiles “well that would do you good seeing how you have relations with demon Crowley” aziraphale(Crowley) looked at you as you licked your lips, you felt like you were a little child who begged to not be punished for stealing some sweets “ba-banish me…banish me from heaven for all I care Gabriel, but not my wings, I’m not going to let you shame me like that, no-not in front of all of them!” you could feel tears prickle your eyes making you blink them away, you didn’t like crying or showing vulnerable emotions, something you always encouraged Crowley to show, well it wouldn’t be wrong to call you a hypocrite.
You could feel aziraphale’s (Crowley’s) eyes on you but you didn’t want to look up but you couldn’t stop yourself as you heard his shout “take my wings Gabriel! Take them but leave them alone” Aziraphale (Crowley) was trying hard not to show who he truly was, crowley knew the only thing you truly cared for about yourself were your wings it took a long time for you to let them touch your wings, he knew you couldn’t live with the pain and the shame, deep down Crowley always felt like you dated him cause you pitied her but that was far from the truth and you had always made sure they knew that even if you both ever had fights or arguments.
{Flashback} As you walked out of the bedroom with a book in your hand and a cup of tea you had noticed the change of atmosphere in the apartment, you sensed Crowley’s restlessness. You looked at him, concern etched across your face “Crowley, what’s gotten into you?” crowley shot you a playful grin, mischief glittering in his eyes like malevolent stars “You know, I've been feeling a bit nostalgic lately. Thought I might pay a little visit to our friends down below. Stir things up a bit, you know?" You set your book and cup of tea down on the counter, the unease in your gut growing stronger “crowley, you can’t be serious. You are not thinking of causing trouble in hell, are you?” She waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, nothing too major. Just a little chaos, a few practical jokes. Keeps the place lively, you know?" You stood up, your voice taking on a more serious tone. "Crowley, this isn't a good idea. Hell isn't exactly on the best terms with you right now." Crowley's grin faltered slightly, but they quickly recovered. "Oh, come on, angel. They'll get over it. Besides, it's all in good fun." You approached him, your expression stern. "It's not just about them 'getting over it.' You remember what happened last time. It turned into a mess." Crowley's eyes narrowed, and their tone taking on a defensive note. "Are you doubting my ability to handle my own kind?”
"It's not about your ability, Crowley," you replied firmly. "It's about the potential consequences. You might enjoy pushing boundaries, but this time it could lead to something worse." Crowley turned away, their frustration visible. "You're being overly cautious."
"I'm being realistic," you countered, your voice unwavering as you stepped closer. "I know you're powerful, Crowley. But sometimes power alone isn't enough to fix things." Crowley's shoulders slumped a little, and her gaze softened. "You're right. I just... I get caught up in the thrill sometimes." You reached out and placed a hand on her arm. "I understand that, Crowley. But we have to face the reality of the situation. Times have changed." They sighed against your touch, their arms wrapping around you. "I can't help but be a bit of a troublemaker." You pulled them into an embrace, letting your warmth and affection envelop them. "I wouldn't have you any other way. Just promise me you'll think twice before you jump into something like this." He looked down at you, his eyes softening as they met yours. "You really do care about me, don't you?" you couldn’t help but smile softly "Of course I do," you whispered, your fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back. "I love you, Crowley, even when you're being mischievous." She leaned into the embrace, her forehead resting against yours. "I love you too, more than anything." {Flashback ends}
Gabriel smiles sarcastically “oh but aziraphale you see, we have something for you too…you aren’t going unscathed sunshine” you looked at aziraphale (Crowley) fear striking you deep, aziraphale (Crowley) tries to reason with Gabriel “I don’t suppose I can persuade you to reconsider?” Gabriel looks at aziraphale (Crowley) seriously “I’m sorry but the decision is already made” Gabriel’s voice dripped with malice “we’re supposed to be the good guys, for heaven’s sake.” Uriel hands Gabriel the sword “well, for heaven’s sake, we are meant to make examples out of traitors. Hence…no wings” with that the two lower grade demons grabbed your wings as Gabriel wasted no time slicing through them at the base, you were hit with excruciating pain but you didn’t want to scream, you didn’t want to give Gabriel the satisfaction of your pain. After that moment everything was dark, you didn’t notice what was happening until you felt your body thump onto the ground making you groan and try to pick yourself up somehow. Your whole body ached from the pain of falling from heaven, if Crowley was here he would’ve laughed at that but you soon felt like a knife was being drilled into your heart as you thought of Crowley and what he would think of you now, you were fine with the part of being a fallen angel but your wings something you treasured was taken away from you. You looked at your hands, you scoffed noticing how the tips were blackened with your nails turned into claws…
Weeks had passed since the events, Crowley sat by the door of his apartment holding one of your sweaters he had gotten you years back. Their heart ached from the pain, the pain of having lost the one good thing they had ever had. Your pained expression kept doing rounds in Crowley’s mind with Gabriel’s words running around in her mind ‘well that would do you good seeing how you have relations with the demon Crowley’ they kept thinking it was their fault that you weren’t here in his arms, telling him that it would be okay.
Memories after memories played in Crowley’s mind as he took a swig from the bottle of talisker scotch, before groaning as his eyes wondered over to the kitchen…
{Flashback} As you strolled into the kitchen of your apartment, Crowley followed along behind you like a lost puppy. The morning had been cozy and warm– breakfast in bed, courtesy of Crowley's culinary expertise (if you could call reheating frozen waffles expertise, that is). You cherished these small, tender moments between you two. But now, duty called, and it was your turn to tackle the aftermath of the meal–washing the dishes. As you ventured further into the kitchen, Crowley's humour had you laughing at something she'd just said. Amidst your laughter, your foot made unexpected contact with the edge of the open cabinet door, and gravity took over. "Fuc-Crowley!" you exclaimed, the words slipping out as your body lurched forward and your dignity took a tumble. Crowley's eyebrows shot up in concern, but that was quickly overtaken by an incredulous look. "My dear, are you practicing your own version of interpretive dance?" they joked. You managed to regain your balance and stood up, rubbing your slightly bruised ego along with your toe. "I'll have you know that our kitchen cabinet just tried to eat me alive," you said, half-joking, half-serious. Crowley chuckled, but her grin soon morphed into a mockingly serious expression. "Ah, you've just discovered our cabinet's hidden agenda, have you? It's a rebellious cabinet, you see. Always yearning for some fresh air." You raised an eyebrow. "Fresh air? It's a kitchen cabinet, not a tree-hugging hippie." Crowley shrugged, their lips curling into an exaggerated pout. "Well, excuse our cabinet for wanting to explore its more…open-minded side." You couldn't help but burst into laughter at his absurd and dramatized reasoning. "Open-minded? More like open-doored!" Crowley gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "Are you suggesting our cabinet has some sort of existential crisis, torn between its open and closed states?"
"You started it by leaving it wide open!" you retorted, pointing a playful accusatory finger at her. Crowley's expression turned playful as well, their eyes gleaming mischievously. "Well, if you ask me, it's a clear case of cabinet freedom. Just embrace its rebellious spirit!" You shook your head, still chuckling. "Fine, fine. Next time I'll be sure to consult with the cabinet before attempting to close it." Crowley feigned a sigh of relief. "Finally, cabinet diplomacy at its finest." You both shared a laugh, and with the tension diffused, you turned your attention back to the task at hand – the dishes. But as you began washing, you felt someone’s hand wrapping around your waist “I am sorry for that truly angel” Crowley whispered making you smile and shake your head “now look who is going against our cabinets rebellious spirit” as you said that Crowley laughed knowing you had forgiven them. {Flashback ends}
Crowley had pushed herself to stand up and staggered into the hall with the bottle and sweater in his hand when their eyes drifted to the thermostat in the hallway triggering another memory.
{Flashback} You stepped into your apartment, the memory of a fun lunch with Aziraphale still lingering, a sudden blow of cold air slapped you like an unexpected icy shower. You involuntarily shivered and called out, "Crowley, dear?" There was a pause, and then Crowley's voice floated from somewhere within the apartment, dripping with feigned innocence. "Yes, my sweetheart?" You continued walking further into the living space, brows furrowed as your breath visibly puffed out in the chilly air. "Why is it so cold in here?" you asked, your voice laden with bewilderment. "Oh, is it now?" Crowley replied, an exaggerated gasp in their tone. "Must be the work of that mischievous fairy again." You rolled your eyes, not buying into the act. "Crowley, stop messing around. Did you mess with the thermostat again?" A dramatic sigh emerged from the direction of the thermostat, as if it held all the world's woes. "Darling, I must confess, the thermostat and I have become quite the friends lately. It's nothing personal, really. We just found a common interest in creating an arctic ambiance." You crossed your arms, exasperated. "This isn't funny, Crowley. It's freezing in here!" 
"Oh, come on, angel," Crowley cajoled, her voice dripping with amusement. "Think of it as an opportunity to embrace your inner polar explorer." Your patience was wearing thin. “I don't want to embrace any polar explorer tendencies. I just want a comfortable temperature in my own home!" Crowley's voice took on a faux-hurt tone. "But, my dear, I thought you loved a little chill in the air. You know, sets the stage for warm cozy cuddles and all that." You tried hard not to smile "Cozy cuddles are great, but not when I can see my breath indoors!" you retorted, your tone a mixture of exasperation and amusement now. There was a pause, and then Crowley's voice softened slightly. "Alright, alright, I may have turned the thermostat down a bit." You huffed, torn between annoyance and amusement. "Why would you do that?"
"Oh, just to keep things interesting," Crowley replied with a nonchalant shrug that you could practically hear through their words. "Besides, it's quite amusing watching you walk around like a penguin in our own home." You sighed, giving in to a chuckle despite yourself. "You're impossible, you know that?"
"But you love me for it," Crowley purred, their tone filled with smugness. You shook your head, unable to suppress a smile. "Yes, I suppose I do." The two of you exchanged playful banter for a moment longer before reaching a silent agreement. The thermostat was soon adjusted to a more reasonable temperature, and as the warmth returned to the apartment as you moved to hug Crowley to steal their warmth “you owe me cuddles now” Crowley couldn’t help but smile and kiss your forehead… {Flashback ends}
Crowley felt like he was about to lose it, lose herself. Memories flooded in, each triggered like a cosmic punchline in some never-ending joke. Your laughter, so full of joy, echoed through every room, every hall they entered. With each step, she couldn't help but wonder: What was the point of all this? Why was she being bombarded with memories if you were already taken away from them? It was as if the universe was toying with them, pushing their limits.
Crowley's mind, always curious, couldn't help but question the unfairness of it all. The way things worked above and below seemed twisted. Disagree, and you're cast out. Ask a simple question, and you're condemned. Protect what matters, and you're met with scorn from all sides. The more she thought about it, the more he realized the irony of heaven and hell. They were supposed to stand for righteousness and damnation, but they felt more like an illusion. The very fight between them seemed pointless now, as if both were in the wrong. A scoff escaped Crowley's lips. Heaven and hell, once archenemies, now looked like different sides of the same coin.
What made all worst was the fact both hell and heaven had taken the last thing they cherished. It felt like there was no point in staying and enduring the searing ache every time thoughts of you surfaced. Nothing mattered anymore, everything was cast in shades of grey. Colourless, like it used to be before you, before you entered Aziraphale's bookshop on that rainy day. The day when Crowley's existence gained vibrancy, even in her endless life. Crowley couldn’t help but let out a wry chuckle at the memory when they came face to face with the locker, the locker that held the answer to their emptiness without you. . This was the key to filling the void left by your absence, the answer might be the path to finding you again, even if it meant tolerating a bit of pain. Compared to what you had gone through, it was a small price, Crowley thought. With slightly unsteady hands, he unlocked the locker, revealing a thermos filled with holy water. The solution was within reach—a step away. Seeing the thermos, an idea forms in Crowley’s mind: to end it all. A way to reunite with you, to hold you once more in her embrace. What reason was there to linger in a world that had lost its lustre?
Crowley willed herself to grab the thermos before sliding down the wall, the bottle of talisker scotch sat beside them as they held your sweater close their chest with the thermos of holy water in the other hand, he couldn’t help but laugh “the time has finally come, huh?” he unscrews the top of the thermos seeing the liquid in it shimmered, the soft glow of the room reflecting off its surface. It was a symbol of purity, of divinity, of everything that was meant to be beyond their grasp. A bitter smile tugged at Crowley's lips as she contemplated the ultimate paradox: an immortal demon tempted to consume the very essence that would destroy him.
Crowley took a deep breath before lifting the thermos up to their mouth, memories continued to surge within him, memories of laughter, shared moments, and unspoken promises. Memories of you. But just as their lips grazed the brim of the thermos, a voice broke through the heavy silence. "Crowley."…
{Your pov}𝖶𝖾𝖾𝗄𝗌 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗉𝗉𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗒, 𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗁 𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝗈𝖼𝗈𝗈𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍, 𝖺 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗁𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈𝗈 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗆𝗂𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽. 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝖼𝖼𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗅 𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖢𝗋𝗈𝗐𝗅𝖾𝗒 𝗈𝗋 𝖠𝗓𝗂𝗋𝖺𝗉𝗁𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗂𝗇𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗎𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗒 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗌𝗉𝗂𝗇𝖾. 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗆𝖾𝖽: 𝖶𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝗃𝗎𝖽𝗀𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖻𝖾? 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝖾𝗏𝗈𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝗀𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗐𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽. 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽 𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝖺𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗈𝗇 𝖺 𝖼𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗅 𝗀𝖺𝗓𝖾, 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗂𝖿𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗂𝗌𝗈𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇, 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗂𝗆𝗆𝗈𝖻𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗓𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝖾𝖽, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗂𝗇 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾. 𝖣𝖾𝗌𝗉𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗇𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝗎𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝖾𝗄 𝗌𝗈𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝖢𝗋𝗈𝗐𝗅𝖾𝗒'𝗌 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖺 𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗌𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗎𝗅𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗈𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗌 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗒𝗓𝖾𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎. 𝖨𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝗂𝖽𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌, 𝖺 𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗍 𝗂𝗇𝗇𝖾𝗋 𝗏𝗈𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖾𝖽, 𝗎𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄 𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝖾𝗄 𝗌𝗈𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝖢𝗋𝗈𝗐𝗅𝖾𝗒'𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝗆𝗌. 𝖨𝗍 𝗍𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗌𝖾 𝖾𝖿𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖾𝖺𝗋, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗁𝗈𝗐, 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖼𝗈𝖺𝗑 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇. {Your pov ends}
Crowley almost wanted to laugh, to laugh at the insanity. Their minds was playing games on them like they thought it was playing when he first saw you in the bookshop. ‘When we first met, something about you felt distant, like a dream I couldn't grasp. Something about you felt made up like you were a fragment of my imagination’ Crowley thought as they closed their eyes hearing your voice again, they wanted to scream and laugh from how delusional he was getting ‘but you breathed life into me, made me feel like I wasn’t lost something I hadn’t felt ever since I fell from heaven and even then it felt like God was playing one of her sinister jokes on me.’ but something snapped when she heard footsteps, when she sensed your presence. Crowley opened his eyes to see you standing there he couldn’t help but actually laugh as he thought ‘God is enjoying this little game’ but as you stepped forward they moved back not knowing how you could be alive despite all logic ‘You literally fell from heaven without wings!’. Crowley shook her head and moved to take the drink of the holy water, not wanting to indulge in Gods little games. They took a sip waiting for the searing pain, to feel their insides burn only for nothing to happen to see you rushing forward, they grabbed the bottle of scotch throwing it at you hoping it would pass through you as he thought you were a mere hallucination but you dodged just in time before rushing over to him “Crowley” you took the thermos from them “y-yo-you did-didn’t” you looked into the thermos before looking at a drunk beyond belief Crowley.
Your eyes, so familiar and kind but they held a mixture of concern and compassion as they met his. As you reached out, your fingers brushed against Crowley's cheek, a jolt of realness coursed through him. The touch was so vivid, so touchable, that it erased any lingering doubts. Crowley's eyes searched yours, searched for the truth they longed to find. "wh-why did you do this?" you asked, your voice soft yet urgent, as if trying to bridge the gap between past and present. Crowley felt a rush of emotions welling up within herself, a mixture of relief, confusion, and a lingering sense of vulnerability. They smiled, a smile that held the weight of years of pain and longing. "I didn't know if you were real" Crowley admitted, their voice carrying the raw honesty of someone who had been pushed to their limits. "The last few weeks I've spent drowning in doubts, in memories that felt like they were slipping through my fingers." his grip on your sweater tightened, as if to ground themselves in the reality. Crowley's gaze dropped, her fingers tracing patterns on the fabric of your sweater. "I thought I was losing my mind, that I was trapped in some sort of twisted dream. And I... I couldn't bear the thought of being alone, of never seeing you again." The vulnerability in their words was visible, a confession of the depths to which he had sunk in his desperation to hold you again.
You were left speechless, Crowley never showed such raw emotions. Yes, they shared what they were feeling but never did he cry in front of you. Crowley had looked up at you again, their eyes glistened with tears as they stained his cheeks “but I’m here now” you whispered trying your best not cry, you had to hold yourself strong so you could reassure crowley that you were indeed real. Crowley’s voice trembled “yes, you are here now, and I... I don't know how to process it. I want to believe, more than anything, but I'm so scared that this is just another cruel trick up God’s sleeve” In that moment, Crowley felt like a wounded soul, caught between the promise of a second chance and the fear of having their heart shattered all over again.
As Crowley's emotions swirled like a hurricane of uncertainty, you looked at her with such tenderness, your voice carried the weight of the connection between the two of you as you whispered “Crowley, look at me. Feel the warmth of my touch. Can you doubt the reality of this moment, when every fibre of your being responds to my presence? Me being here isn’t a twisted trick or a cruel joke. I’m here, with you, by you” Your thumbs brushed away the tears on Crowley’s cheeks. “I’m not a mirage, nor a shadow of the past. I'm right here, by your side.” You reassured them again “Every moment we've shared, every laughter and tear, they're all real, Crowley” Crowley's vulnerability melted in the warmth of your words, their eyes fixed on yours as if seeking solace in the depths of your existence.
As Crowley gradually sobered up, an unspoken question hung in the air, creating a noticeable tension. However, you refrained from addressing it, fearing that he might notice the missing fragment within you. You didn't want him to realize that you were missing a piece of yourself. Amidst their sniffles and a sore throat from weeks of silence, their own voice was shaky yet determined “Angel,” she began “if you were here all along, why…why didn’t you come here sooner?” you looked away from Crowley, a complex web of emotions swirling within you. Confronting the truth of your own feelings seemed daunting, almost unbearable “Raphael… please, tell me.” The name hit you like a ton of bricks. Crowley had never addressed you by that name before, except once, a millennia ago. It carried a weight of history and intimacy that was rare between you two, he usually called you angel or some other term of endearment. “That's not... not my name anymore” you admitted, your voice heavy with the weight of your confession. “I'm... I'm a fallen angel, Crowley. A wingless, fallen angel.”
A mixture of empathy and disbelief crossed Crowley's features. She could sense the self-disgust that had seeped into your words. “I'm a fallen angel too” she softly replied. “Yet, you don't hate me. So, why harbour this hatred for yourself?” Their fingers gently tilted your chin, coaxing you to meet their gaze. However, you turned your eyes away, the intensity of your self-loathing making it impossible to hold his gaze. You started to speak, but your voice quivered, causing you to pause. With a determined shake of your head, you silenced yourself, the words caught in your throat. "You—," you began to say, only to halt as your voice wavered once more. Collecting your thoughts, you continued, "You are just a fallen angel, Crowley. But I… I don't have my wings. I lack possibly the only thing I ever liked about my—myself." You sighed as your voice cracked before continuing “I thought you’d hate me…you’d hate the fact I am broken now. After all an angel without their wings is a laughing stock” The vulnerability in your words struck Crowley deeply. She found it hard to reconcile the image of you, the being she had cherished and admired, with the anguish you were currently wrestling with. Her heart ached, realizing the extent of your inner turmoil, her own feelings welled up inside her.
As Crowley gazed upon you, their eyes softened with a warmth that could melt away the heaviest burdens. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of their lips, a mixture of affection and understanding radiating from their very being. With a gentle touch he cupped your cheek, guiding your gaze back to meet his “listen to me, my dear” Crowley's voice held a soothing rhythm, like a lullaby meant to comfort troubled souls. Something that was so rare for their voice, for Crowley herself “I've seen you through eons, through highs and lows, through darkness and light. Wings or no wings, that doesn't define who you are, what makes you, well, you, goes beyond physical forms and celestial titles.” Crowley could still see the doubt in your eyes as he smiled before he continued “Your kindness, your strength, and your very essence – that's what drew me to you in the first place.” Her thumb brushed away a stray tear that had escaped your eye like you had done for her. Their gentle smile seemed to radiate a kind of tenderness that only they could offer “And believe me, my love, if there's one thing I've come to understand, it's that love transcends all. I've loved you for who you are, for your heart, your spirit, your essence. The wings were just a beautiful accessory to the magnificent soul that you are. So, don't you see? You are cherished, and you are loved – wingless, fallen, or whatever you might be. And as long as I'm here, you'll never face this journey alone. We'll rebuild together, in our own way, with love as our guide.”
In that moment, amidst the fragility of your emotions and the weight of your confessions, a connection tightened between you and Crowley. It was a connection built upon shared struggles, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, you were not alone. And as you both sat there on the floor of Crowley’s well your shared apartment, grappling with your insecurities, a glimmer of understanding sparked, promising the possibility of healing and acceptance.
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i hope you all enjoy this, and i hope you all have a good day/night
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