#And yes I did the joke above that she doesn’t always understand dirty jokes
weirdthoughtsandideas · 10 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 6 🕺🏼
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🤌🏻 luz-camara-y-accion Follow
So my dad left before I was born. Apparently the second my mom told him she was pregnant with me, he just ran off.
Anyway to this day I am wondering… what if he’s still out there? What if he found another woman and had another child?
What I am saying is that, imagine if I suddenly bump into someone who almost looks like me, is also from Italy and then turns out to be my half-sibling or something.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Would be so wild lol
That reminds me, when I was smaller I randomly got the feeling I had an older brother or something. But I feel like it was just an ”only child wishing they had siblings” thing.
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
I always have such weird dreams. I need to write them down more.
🏍️ entre-dos-mundos Follow
Did you dream about me? 😉
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
You wish 😉
🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Hey! This website has guidelines and you’re breaking them!
I’m giving you a warning before reporting you.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
And I’m giving you another warning before I block you, weirdo who reblogs my posts
🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
You can’t! I have not found it, but I am sure there is a rule to not block people without reason. Blocking someone without reason is against the law!
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🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Hello. There is something weird with Tumblr. I am trying to click on some blogs and it says they are ”ghost blogs” or that they ”do not exist”. But they clearly do exist! Is something wrong with the system?
🙍🏻‍♂️ my-name-is-tomas Follow
I’m having the same issue 😢
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💍 queenoftherink Follow
Did anyone elses’ guardian give them ”the talk” by using flower metaphors? I’m trying to figure out how (not) normal my childhood was, and if anyone else can never see daisys the same way ever again.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Mine did not give me any. Rather she just expected me to know. I got to learn by reading and hearing girls talk in school.
Also when I got my period and told her, she sighed and scolded me for being so ”late” 🤨 (I was 13 how is that late)
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Haha. Uh.
So I got the talk when I was 12. Age I got my period? 11.
Did not know what it was. Thought I did something wrong. Refused to tell her because ”she would never understand and probably scold me for not being careful” or something.
She found out on her own, probably because she noticed a stain somewhere, and I was almost crying, begging her to not be mad and she was like ”😐 I knew this would happen, so I don’t see a reason to be mad. I just didn’t know it would happen so soon 😐”. She then gave me pads and told me to use them whenever this happened. She also gave me a small smile and stroked my hair slowly. Then she said ”I should have known you were an early bloomer… 🙂”
I had no idea what that meant until a YEAR later when when she finally gave me the talk. And then it was all in metaphors of flowers.
#what was up with her and flowers seriously
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Most delusional crushes you’ve had?
I’ll start: Someone on the internet who wrote nice posts and who I was so obsessed with meeting, to the point where I ran around trying to search for her whenever I heard she was nearby.
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Omg same
📸 felicityfornow Follow
… you’re welcome?
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
People tell me so many dirty jokes that at this point I’m assuming that everything is a dirty joke when it not even is.
📸 felicityfornow Follow
I’m sorry, I feel like this is my fault…
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Was that a dirty joke?
#seriously I need to know #I can’t keep track of what is and what isn’t
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🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Hey! I have a brand new fic I posted today!
Check it out! 💫
Posting every saturday🪐
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
It's so fun how easy I could find my friends here 😂 Half of them didn't even have to say they had tumblr, I found them anyway.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Wish I could say the same, but people refuse to tell me and I can't seem to figure it out.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Strawberry boy when he can't figure out who runs the tumblr blog even with clear signs of who it might be:
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🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Hey! Only Luna can call me that!
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
If I'm the only one allowed, why did you name your blog that?
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
So like. I dream about the future and stuff.
I dreamed that I was pregnant.
And like. That may happen at some point. In the future. But my dreams that predict the future are often stuff that happens basically the next day.
Not that it… would make sense for me to be pregnant right now…
Or, well…
I’m buying a test.
#vilu gets real #SO glad my dad is not on Tumblr he would freak if he saw this
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I usually joke about myself being the most distracted person in the world, but at times it feels like everyone looks down on me for it. I know that is not the case, but sometimes I feel like it.
Because I am like that, I easily forget stuff, and having to have people remind me, it sometimes feels like people don’t take me as seriously? Like they see me more as a child than someone their age. I mean, sometimes I feel like my friends act like I am their baby sister just tagging along and ”not knowing as much”. And I know they don’t actually see me like that. I know that’s just how I feel. But… ugh. I wish I could concentrate more on things, I wish I could not forget stuff so easily. I wish I could keep my mind focused on what people want me to focus on, and yet my brain does not let me.
I wish I didn’t feel like I somehow missed a manual on how you’re supposed to act in life. Why does everyone know how to behave in social situations except for me?
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Hey Luna? I know you tagged this with ”may delete later” and all that, but I need to assure you, yes, that is only in your head about us seeing you as ”someone younger who does not know as much”. We do not see you like that!
In all honestly… we’re all on the same page when it comes to ”maturity” I would say. Trust me when I say, I can be very distracted too. You just have not seen it yet, but trust me.
I guess I can sort of relate to ”not knowing how to act in social situations”, but I guess when there’s more of us, we act in our own way that we then percieve as ”normal” but then we meet someone else who never would act that way.
Anyway, we love you Luna, and you’re not alone with thoughts like this 💜
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Luna I need you to know, if you ever feel ”childish”, just know I am way more childish than you.
Seriously, I’ve been in situations where I go out of them feeling like I acted like a toddler and everyone else was so mature and cool in comparison.
You should just KNOW about all the antics I’ve had that you haven’t witnessed. If there is someone who does not know how to act in social situations it’s me.
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Luna sometimes I’ve felt like I am younger than YOU. Seriously. I don’t know how anyone has ever seen me as mature 🤣
And I may joke that you’re distracted, but I never look down on you for it 🩵 Because you’re also at the same time very focused on what you want, when you get an idea there is no stopping you! And I admire that so much about you 💖
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Oh my gosh, guys… I really was about to go delete my vent post because I made it under such a spontaneous rush and then it felt weird to just write all of that.
But I feel really happy by your messages, and that I am not alone 😅 💕💕
I still wish I wasn’t distracted in the way I am, though.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
HELP, it’s so wild finding this post now like 4 years later?
I’m happy I never feel that insecure about why I can be so distracted and all over the place anymore. Because I did look into it and I did get an explanation 👏🏼 And honestly I really should have done that earlier because 😅😅 there was some CLEAR signs.
But it did feel validating hearing people had similar thoughts as me, especially about feeling like you’re more ”childish” than what society expects you to be.
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
People are asking why my ”childhood rival” is my childhood rival and if we are still rivals:
Basically I was born 2 days before her and, while I of course do not remember this, I have been told we met the first time in the hospital when I came for my 48 hour checkup. I really imagine newborn me seeing her screaming her lungs out after just being born and thinking ”what a drama queen”.
Idk, we just provoked each other by existing. There is a picture of us on a playdate when we were around 9 months old, and I chew on her arm. I guess the adults thought this was cute and that we played, but I am sure that I was attacking her.
From the memories I do have, we have had epic fights like on the christmas party where we caused a mayhem, we fell down from a tree together during a wrestle game, we poked and teased each other so much at school that an assigned teacher had to be a guard at recess so that we would not interact… and then there was all the things that happened when we were teens…
Is she still my rival? Yeah. But I guess it’s ”playful teasing” now more than actively hating her.
If I hated her, I’d ignore her. And we have never been able to ignore each other.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Shut up you nut 💜
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Pairing: Sandor Clegane x Reader
Requested by: anon ‘Hi!!! So I saw that your requests are open and I absolutely ADORE your writing, so may I ask for a Sandor x stark!reader in a established relationship where maybe Sandor proposes and then the two marry? Could it be more centered on the marriage and very fluffing and loving? I love to imagine how his enormous cape would fit on the small reader! Completely fine if not tho!! Thank you!!💕’
Notes: so in this, you’re the oldest stark child, around 19, and it’s set around the time Margaery comes to King’s Landing ish. Sandor doesn’t escape after Blackwater. It’s all a bit vague and definitely not canon compliant, but just go with it I guess :)
Warnings: swearing, Joffrey being... Joffrey.
Gif creds to owner
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“Are you not frightened of the Hound?”
You smiled gently at your sister as you brushed her hair. “I’m not. Why D’you ask?” You said, pulling her fiery hair into northern style braids. Sansa’s pale cheeks flushed and you grinned mischievously. “What’ve you heard, Sister?” You tease. “Do you still believe some of the knights in your pretty songs exist?”
Sansa nibbled her lip- a nervous habit you both have- and shook her head. “No- I- well... it’s just that I heard... I heard the King say something about marrying you off to him, now that he’s been released from the Kingsguard. To make an example of the Starks,”
You sighed softly. “Look at me, Sansa. Everything the Lannisters do is at the expense of the Starks. You’re starting to understand this now and I’m proud of you for it. But don’t you worry about me. I’m not scared of Clegane. Besides... they’ve too much on their minds with the Tyrells coming to court. Stick to them, Sansa. The Tyrells are smart, the Reach is a valuable resource that the North has always relied on. Befriend Margaery. Win over Ollenna. Sing and dance with Loras,”
“But we aren’t in the north anymore, YN,” she whispered and you tipped her chin up.
“No. But we are northern ladies. And we are the sole heirs to Winterfell for all we know. It’s time we started playing the game of thrones properly, don’t you think? Now go. I’m sure Margaery is waiting for you to rescue her from her grandmother,”
With Sansa’s unease put to rest, you got yourself ready, braiding your own hair and dressing, before leaving your chamber.
Precisely on time, you passed Sandor in the hallway and flashed him a brief smile. “Clegane,” you said softly.
“Lady Stark,” he replied, giving you a rare hint of a smile as you backed into an alcove.
“Sansa has heard talk of... of a wedding,” you said lowly. “Between us,”
Sandor towered above you, but his massive hand was gentle when it cupped your cheek. “Would a wedding to me be so bad, aye?” He teased, but when he saw the severity in your eyes he frowned. “Joffrey did make a jest of it. I think it was more to torment the little bird, to make her uneasy,”
“She still thinks you’re a great hulking monster even though you’ve protected us since they put my father’s head on a spike,” you said bitterly.
“Don’t fret, my little wolf,” he said softly. “The cunt makes japes like that all the time. At the expense of our houses, our families. Only the joke’s on him if he goes through with it. Because then we will be married, all proper,”
You nodded and stood on tip toe to press a gentle kiss to his lips- well, more like his chin, even reaching up like you were. “I love you. I need to go, so do you, before people notice we’re gone,”
“Ah... Lady YN,”
You blew out a shaking breath as you steeled yourself to deal with Joffrey. You turned around and sunk into a low curtsey. “Your majesty,” you said sweetly, though you made sure to let your broad accent ring clear, to remind him that as long as the starks lived, winterfell would never be his.
“I have been looking all over the Keep for you, my lady,” he said, grabbing your arm. “I thought you had escaped... like your silly bitch of a younger sister,” you gulped, knowing he was talking about Arya.
“I’m sorry you had to look for me, Your Grace. May I ask what I am needed for? I would be honoured to serve Your Grace,” you spewed the words you knew boosted his ego, following him as he walked you back to the throne room.
“I have a gift for you,” he said casually. “At first I considered giving it to Sansa... but I already gifted her her father’s head... no, I think it’s your turn to receive a gift from your king,”
“Yes, your highness, thank you,” you said with a tight lipped smile, urging yourself not to start shaking. Joffrey walked you to the throne room, grinning madly to himself. He left you in the centre of the room and seated himself casually atop the Iron Throne. Your eyes darted around the room, soon landing on Sansa, who was with Margaery Tyrell in the shadows, her eyes red rimmed.
“Lady Stark, I think it’s time you found a husband! Your sister has been betrothed for some time, so I think it’s only right for her older sister to be wedded and bedded before her,” your eyes widened slightly and you nodded slowly. Cersei and Tywin were stood to the left of the throne looking thunderous. Clearly they weren’t happy about the heir of Winterfell being married off as a jest.
“Your grace?” You said carefully. “You’re very kind,”
Joffrey smirked. “I am, aren’t I? Dog? Come forward. I have found you a pretty little wife... do as you would like with her. The ceremony will be in ten days’ time,”
You shut your eyes and exhaled, making sure you looked relatively frightened. Sandor stepped forward, though he didn’t really need to, as he towered above the rest, and gave a solemn nod, murmuring “yes, your grace,” you repeated his words before you were all dismissed.
Straightening the neckline of your dress, you sighed, sweeping off invisible dust. It was light grey, almost white, with long velvety sleeves and a tight fitted bodice with tony direwolves embroidered on the trim. You let your hair- dark like your father’s- fall in loose waves over your shoulders, only the front part braided back.
“Oh, YN, you look beautiful,” Sansa whispered, flinging her arms around your neck. You smiled softly, rubbing her back.
“Come on now, sister,” you said, although your voice cracked slightly. Together you walked to the carriages that would take you to the Sept; you were to be married before the Gods, and you knew exactly what Sandor would have to say about that. Fuck them.
As you stepped out and climbed the steps, you held your head up, your face a stony mask of serenity. You entered the sept and took a deep breath, gasping when you felt a hand grab your arm.
“Don’t fret, Lady Stark... I’m going to give you away to the Dog, seeing as your father had his head cut off for being a dirty traitor,” you nodded as Joffrey began walking you to the start of the aisle. “He’ll tear you apart at the bedding ceremony,” he whispered in your ear. “And failing that, his sons will rip you in two the same way they did my grandmother,”
You ignored his words as he began walking you down the aisle, smirking to himself as you looked up ahead at the stained glass. You heard the court’s whispers as the disgraced stark girl was marched up the aisle, the small laughs at Ned Stark’s daughter being whored out to the Hound. At the alter, Joffrey let go of your arm and returned to his place by his mother as the Septon began talking.
“We stand he before god and men to join man to wife. If you would take your bride under your family’s sigil...” you looked up at Sandor for the first time in your ceremony, your eyes soft as you turned around. Your knees buckled under the weight of his thick cloak- yellow, with three black dogs embroidered onto it- as he draped it over your shoulders; you could easily use it as a blanket, spread out like a starfish and still have plenty of room. Instinctively, you tugged the fabric closer to you, his scent wafting up from the huge cloak as you both repeated your vows.
“For I am his as he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days,” you said softly, and finally, you didn’t have to speak anymore, because Sandor was kissing you, hard, probably harder than was decent in the Sept, and as the crowd of clueless ladies and lords cheered, you could hear Joffrey raging to his mother that you were supposed to be terrified...
But that didn’t matter.
Sandor leaned down to whisper in your ear: “Fuck the gods. Fuck the king. You are mine and I am yours,”
Tags: @lotsoffandomrecs @zodiyack @rabeccablake @simonsbluee @wonderwoman292 @little-bit-of-randomness @doozywoozy
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xavadak3davrax · 3 years
A little check in on Lawyer! George
Warnings: Smut (18+) pussy slapping, sir kink, just porn with little to no plot (?).
a/n: Sorry I haven’t posted anything but mental health sucks sometimes and mine as been in pieces. This a little check in on Lawyer George. Also for anyone reading I will probably write other stuff that is not Fred or George. But doesn’t belong in the harry potter world. I’m very into Loki and bucky and steve rogers from the mcu world so yeah :) i will keep doing stuff for them to. just adding a little bit of spice. Also sorry for any mistakes! 
This is based on this story. 
In a lifetime, a lot of things can happen. y/n just never thought that for her it would be the fact that she’s dating one of the most successful lawyers England has ever seen, or that she would sleep with him, spend so much time at his apartment that it’s also now kinda of hers…
But it happened to her. And it wasn’t easy. Although they had Fred’s approval, when word got around in the office, things got hard for her. The gossip became harsh and eventually some people who worked closely with y/n turned on her because ‘she was sleeping with her boss’. It took her a while to grasp her new reality, but the truth was, she was head over heels for the ginger boy, and if people around her couldn’t understand they were in love, then let them be. If there was someone who was good at separating work from relations was her. After their heated encounter in Fred’s office, it never happened again in the work place. There were times where it was close calls, but it was all George’s fault given his cock was hard twenty for seven, given he had to look at the woman he loved work hard, and effectively and honestly that was a big turn on for him.
But y/n always stopped before it could get any more heated. Always excusing herself with a ‘I’m sorry sir’ and then turning around to go on her way, shamefully hiding her smirk from her boss, who had to stand in the middle of whatever place they were in, hard, and sweaty from their heated make out session.
George never quit trying tho. Even in the days y/n came to the office from his home, and they probably had some time together that morning, he just couldn’t get enough of her.
“y/n, thank you. Would mind just reminding George of the meeting we have in ten? He’s been a little lost today.” Fred said, looked at y/n for a mere moment to take the documents she was giving him and then looked at his work again. Cases had been flooding non stop ever since they had win one of the biggest cases ever. y/n, now a permanent lawyer at the firm was more than happy about it.
She smirked a little, taken the fact that Fred wasn’t looking then turned to walk to the door.
“Sure boss.” She joked, hearing Fred groan at the name. Then, as smoothly as she could went to George’s office, knocked on the door, and didn’t even expect an answer before barging in.
Only to catch her boyfriends with a hand on top of his pants massaging his hard cock. She then had confirmation that the outfit she chose did do it’s wonders. She always wore suits, but usually the blouses she wore underneath were work appropriate, but recently and after talking to a friend outside work she thought she would change a bit, make it a little harder on him. After all, she’d taken notice how much more intense their sexual encounters would be. Today with her suit she chose a lace black body, it was still work appropriate, specially in the way she did her suit jacket, but George had definitely seen it this morning when it was not so appropriate.
“See your brothers right, then.” She closed the door behind her, and rested her body against it with her hands behind her back, looking at George, with his head back, and his hand almost squeezing his cock had hard as he could.
“Baby.” He sighed loudly, his head turning to look at her his hand still in the same place. “You look…” he couldn’t finish is thought, she was consuming everything in him. His thoughts, and now his scent given she was just a few meters away. “Please help me.”
“You know I won’t baby, but you can always help yourself.” She smiled, walking closer to his desk and leaning on the other side of it, her breasts came into better view.
George had always understood why she didn’t want to it, but today when she had chosen this outfit out of all the others he couldn’t help but get more frustrated.
“You can’t do this to me y/n you know that.” Dominance had taken over his voice a little bit more. He took his hand out of his cock, and then got up. She stiffened, turning her head to the side to see him come up to her. His hands came on either side of her arms and squeezed. “Walking around in that lacy body, no bra, unbuttoning it only when I’m around, knowing people around here know about us. You know what you’re doing, and yet...” he came closer, his breathing in her neck, she shivered. “yet you still don’t let me take you.” He kissed her just on the spot he knew she liked. “Right here baby, on my office, in my desk, I’ll make it quick, you know it.” His voice was raspy, filled with list.
y/n was close to loosing it, her voice already trembling. “F-fred said you have a meeting in ten. He a-asked me to w-warn you.” Her hands that supported her body on the tip of the desk turned white from the force she was putting on them.
“Great then, I have ten minutes to make us both cum baby, do you think I can do it?” One of his hands came to unbutton her jacket and then came down a little bit more and stopped at her pants, asking for permission.
In that moment y/n knew she couldn’t hide it. It had been always hard to deny him in the work place. It had been so good when they did it the first time, she had just gotten so paranoid with everyone else, to think about how good they both had felt.
“Please, sir.” She murmured, body coming to meet his. George took the hand close to her pants and forced her body down against the desk. Their back turned to the door, that was unlocked.
“You will stay like this, and you will take my cock and make no sound, understood baby?” he whispered raspy. “Can’t have some noise asshole coming in here seeing the way I’m ruining you.”
“Yes, sir.” y/n’s hands had come up to rest next to her head. George took no time and undoing her pants pulling her underwear down, while also taking a look at the wet spot they had.
“How long have you been wet?” He asked, she didn’t answers right way, the coolness of the air of the office hitting her wet, hot pussy was to much for in such a vulnerable state. He slapped her pussy, not hard, just enough and the way she liked it to have her body squirm beneath him. “I said, how long had this pussy been wet?” he had to control the tone in his voice to not become so loud that anyone passing outside the door could hear.
“Since this morning, sir.” She murmured.
He laughed, jokingly at her. “This morning? You pathetic little baby, wet since this morning? And what made you wet ahm?”
“You sir, wet from the shower.” She said above a whisper, her pussy so wet her juices were starting to cover her pussy lips and coming down her inner thigh. George brings his hand again close to her pussy and plays with her clit, thumbing around it, playing with it before giving it a slight pinch making her moan. He slaps it again, but not hard, just as a waring.
“I said, be quiet.” He heard her little ‘sorry sir’ and then continued the assault on her pussy. Two of his fingers circling her wet entrance before thrusting in hard, brushing her g-spot making y/n bite her knuckles to contain her moans. George’s fingers had always stretched y/n out the best way possible, and they were long enough to hit the spots only her vibrator could, but never her own little fingers. George always teased her about it.
George twists his fingers in just the right way to caress her velvety walls in the way he knows she likes, and then scissors his fingers inside her making her knees buckle and shake.
“S-sir please.” She murmured.
“Baby, so little time and so many things I wanna do to you. I always do you know it don’t you?” She nodded. “You always love my fingers, you always love to fuck yourself on them. You love to suck on them like you suck on your favorite lollie… my cock.” She clenched hard on his fingers from his dirty words and George let out a small moan at the feeling. “And I always have to stretch you baby, you are always just the snuggest little thing ever. Always.” He had been avoiding with his fingers her g-spot, just to make her more needier for him, but this times he hits continuously, make y/n have to hold her moans by biting hard on her lip. Her pussy spasmed around his fingers warning him of her orgasm. He pulls out, his fingers covered in her juices, and spreads it around her pussy, bringing them to his mouth to taste her.
“Always taste the best dirty girl.” He smirks, and then brings his hands to undo the belt of his pants pulling it down, along with his boxers making his cock spring free. His cock had been hard since he entered the office this morning minutes after his girlfriend, and so by now and after having his finger in her pussy, he his licking from his tip, he his read and swollen and twitching from the pleasure.
He rests one hand on her back to keep her in that position while the other comes to his cock, strokes it two times before bringing it close to her pussy and thrusting inside her. Her pussy engulfs his cock, tightens around him as he sinks himself as deep inside her as he can. He thrusts into her over and over again, his cock being hugged by her smooth and velvety skin makes him groan lowly, the hand on her back dents her skin there because he also has to be quiet and it’s hard when she feels so good.
“Just, the dirtiest pussy, baby.” He whispers, the sound of his balls hitting her filled pussy it’s all that can be heard in the office and for a moment she’s scared people outside can hear it. But George’s dirty words and his movements take that thought way just as quickly as it came. Her hips push back to meet his making him bottom out on her, and he stops for a moment, and so does she, both trying to remain calm and quiet but he’s completely inside her and it feels too good for both of them.
“Please, George, fuck me, hard.” She tries t say it quietly but her voice breaks around moans.
He doesn’t answer and just gains his force again to keep fucking his cock in her soaked pussy, that’s so wet squelching sounds can start to be heard.
“You are so close baby.” He says, his hand coming to gather at her head forcing it down on the table. “Squeezing me nice and tightly like you can, letting me know I’m owning this pussy just right.”
And that’s when y/n explodes around him, she tightens so much that she pushes his cock out of her, her body quivers all over and the tips of her fingers tremble form the orgasm, trying to hold onto to something. George forces his cock back inside, chasing his own orgasm that’s even closer now that he just saw his girl cum the way she did. He doesn’t need much time, just the right movements and the squeezing of her pussy and he’s emptying himself inside her. y/n almost cuming again from how intense and hot his orgasm is. And how he groans close to her ear, her name, and the pet names he as reserved to her.
He pulls out, cock now soft and all wet from her juices and his cum, her pussy ruined but fulfilled and smiles on both his faces.
“What were you scared of exactly?” He asks after a while trying to regain his composure.
It takes a bit longer for /n to come back from the place she was in. She was still laying on his desk and George had to bring her up carefully, he kissed her jaw and then slowly turned her to him. She was ruined and he would have been worried were it not for the smile on her face.
“I love you.” That’s all her brain could master. More words than that was hard, and after anything they did y/n always felt immense love for the man in front of her.
“I’m taking that as a ‘we’re doing it again’ no?” he said, smugness evident in his voice. With the force she had she slapped his chest.
“Yes.” She murmured resting her head on his chest. “And you’re late to the meeting, lucky Fred didn’t barge in here or anyone else and saw what we were doing.”
“You mean, me fucking the life out of this pussy and claiming it as mine?”
“George, you’re disgusting.” She said, but they both knew she was playing.
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yesimwriting · 3 years
The Problem With Light
a/n i literally did not mean to write this, i was working on requests and then my mind was like ‘remember that lowkey love triangle kaz brekker x reader x darkling thing you always say you're going to write’ so yeah,, here we are :)),, two longer fics are coming!! 
Summary: Kaz changes his plans after meeting the Sun Summoner and Kirigan teeters on a line the reader isn’t sure she wants. 
Chapter One: The Conflicts of Prayer 
Kaz knows a lot about patience. He knows how to bear the weight that the passage of time thrusts onto one's shoulder. He knows how to cultivate the seeds that he sews. If he wasn’t like this he’d stand no chance at one day avenging the ghost that refuses to leave him. 
But Jesper is almost an hour late. Kaz has been standing in a dimly hit branch of a relatively important hallway in the Little Palace. Jesper was supposed to come while in disguise to bring Kaz his new disguise and his newly repaired cane. Kaz’s hand flexes again, wishing he could feel the detailed head of one of his few comforts beneath the broken-in leather of his gloves. A bitter part of him claims that if Jesper isn’t injured once he arrives, he’ll be injured once Kaz gets his hand on his cane. 
He shifts his weight, the pain in his leg starting to take its toll. The slight relaxation disappears once he hears footsteps. Kaz turns, ignoring the ache the motion brings him. His entire body hardens, preparing for a fight. He doesn’t look like he belongs here yet and there’s nowhere to run. The person crossing his path will need to be taken care of--knocked out or something more permanent. 
The person only pauses to look at him when Kaz angles himself forward in a fighting stance. He watches the person, a girl, shifts back slightly, eyes wide and defensive. She’s a mess--hair disheveled, nose slightly bleeding, and dirty kefta. Her appearance isn’t why Kaz finds himself frozen, not because of the girl’s appearance but because she’s her. Y/n l/n. The Sun Summoner. 
“Sorry! I--” She almost winces, but then her eyebrows furrow together. “You’re not supposed to be here.” Kaz’s jaw locks. He could take her physically, but for all he knows she could raise her arms and blind him permanently with her light. “That’s okay,” she breathes, something in her looking a little relieved, “I’m not supposed to be here either.” Kaz watches her oddly, wondering if her trustingness is a trap in itself. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” 
It’s a joke. That much is clear by the gentle uptilt of her lips. It’s as if she doesn’t know she’s bleeding and looks like she just ran out of a fight. Her expression doesn’t harshen at his silence. Kaz finds himself disliking that. It’s not enough that she can summon the sun, she also has to seem like it.
He needs to say something. Jesper was supposed to be watching her and now he’s not here and she is. The plan is unraveling and if he talks she’ll stay here or reveal where she’s going to next. That’s the kind of thing he needs to salvage this. 
His lips part, but he’s not sure what to say. “You’re not supposed to be here?” 
She shakes her head once. “No--I’m supposed to be in personal training, but I kind of got my ass kicked in group training and my pride needs a break.” The admission leaves her sheepishly. “It’s probably for the best, becoming a Sun Summoner overnight has given me a bit of an ego.” She sighs, the sound strangely light. “Then again, I kind of need an ego for what’s wanted from me and if one bad fight is all it takes to kill it then it’s not strong enough, considering--” Kaz tenses as she cuts herself off. “Sorry, I’m rambling, we both have places to be.” Hope presses into him stiffly. She’s going to say it. “Where--where are you supposed to be?” She shifts back slightly. “Not that I have to know, but you’re not from here, and--” 
Kaz steps forward, pushing through the stiffness in his leg. Y/n’s gaze drops. Kaz’s discomfort worsens, someone like her doesn’t need to know his weaknesses. “Are you here for me to pray for you?” She scratches her arm, “I-I can, but I tell everyone I pray for I don’t consider myself a Saint.” 
The honesty of the comment twisted something in Kaz’s thoughts. “Yes,” he lies, partially distracted by the beginnings of a scheme. He can feel Inej’s future anger as he lies again, “I’m here for prayer.” 
“I spent so long rambling,” she says in a tone that implies apology. 
He nods once, wondering how someone could  be that apologetic and survive. The weight of such power must strangle someone like her. That could be a good thing. Someone like her must be spiraling with all this change and sudden strength. Maybe this could be simpler than an abduction plan, a few choice words and he could convince the girl to come with him. He could get her to believe there was something she needed to do in Ketterdam. If she went there willingly, things could be much more efficient. 
Inej won’t like this, and for this to work he’ll have to think of the right way to present the plan to her. He weighs his options and the details as y/n whispers words with her eyes closed and hands folded together. The words he can make out are kind. He expected that, but what he didn’t expect was the earnestness of them. 
She means each part of her prayers. Kaz regrets noticing that. 
“I can’t promise my prayers do anything,” she finishes, voice returning to its normal volume, “but I hope you get what you need.” 
What he wants is within his grasp now that he knows what to do. “I’m sure good things are near.” It’s the most honest he’s been since her arrival. 
Y/n nods once, “I should go before my reprieve costs me more than it's worth.” 
He watches her disappear down the hallway. Her movements are light, calm and unweighted. 
“Boss,” Jesper’s appearance is brash, “I’ve spent this entire time looking for her. She was in training like she was supposed to, took an awul blow, delivered an even meaner one, and then disappeared.”
Kaz tries to imagine the same hands that were just so neatly folded in prayer as fists. “You just missed her.” He doesn’t wait for Jesper’s reaction, he just takes his newly repaired cane back. “And we’re changing the plan.” 
I tried going to Baghra. I told someone who believed my prayers meant something that I was going back to training. But then I remembered her words from last time and the shame I felt when I could not create light. I haven’t summoned light once without Kirigan’s touch. 
I’m the Sun Summoner--I am the person that summons the sun by themselves. Kirigan and I aren’t the Sun Summoner together. I’m pathetic. And instead of trying to get better, I’m wandering the library because all anyone can talk about is the way Zoya punched me in the face. 
Baghra picked me apart when I looked shiny. I can’t imagine the kinds of comments she’d make if she saw me with a bloody nose and dead leaves in my hair. I’ll go tomorrow, once Genya fixes both my matted hair and cracked self esteem. 
For now, I have the one thing that’s always comforted me. My books. I wander the library, trying not to think of anything. Of Baghra, of Zoya, of the strange man in the hall. 
He seemed weighted by something. I always wish I could do more for those that ask for my prayer, but the longing is sharper now. I don’t know him, so it’s ridiculous to want to help him so badly, but my uselessness itches beneath my skin in a way I’m not used to. I don’t know why I feel more protective about this stranger than others. I’ve had people fall to my feet weeping, begging for me to save them. That hurt me, but the desire to help this one stranger burns in a way I’ve never felt before.  
“I don’t know why they don’t look for you here every time you disappear.” His voice is as soft and subtle as a shadow. “They’d save so much time.” 
I fight the urge to defensively grasp the first book I can reach. “You’re making it sound like I have a habit of vanishing in order to make a point.” My defense is weak. We both know that this isn’t the first time I ran away from something here. “Sometimes absence is just that.” 
“When you’ve waited for someone as long as I have, all absence is significant.” The words are not harsh but they should be. I don’t know how I could respond to that. 
He steps forward easily, as he always does. I keep myself still despite the way that warmth settles against my chest uncomfortably. I manage to hold onto my stillness even when he raises a hand, one gentle finger brushing above my top lip. I tense at his lingering touch. 
Kirigan turns his hand slowly, exposing the red on his fingertips. “How di--” 
“Training,” I interrupt quickly, “I promise I got a decent hit in as well.” 
When he nods, his expression is clearly weighted but I cannot interpret it. He almost always looks like that. I shouldn’t find anything about the man that stole me from everything I’ve ever known (even though he had good reason to do so) alluring, but I want to understand him. It’d feel like knowing a secret the rest of the world is desperate for. 
For a moment we just stand there, Kirigan closer than he’s ever been. Sometimes when he’s quiet I think he knows my secrets. All of mine. Even my curiosity about him. “I don’t doubt that.” 
At least he tries to be nice to me sometimes. It’s more than anyone else here can say. Except maybe Genya. “You don’t have to say that.” He knows it’s true. “Keep in mind you found me in the library, hiding from Baghra.” 
He hesitates. “No one likes training.”
“I think I’d find it tolerable if…” Can I say this to him? Admit the extent of my helplessness? He looks at me patiently, waiting for me to give something to him. “I’m the Sun Summoner--that’s supposed to be me. That’s supposed to be mine, and I can’t do it by myself.” 
The patheticness of my struggle hits me in full force. I drop my head as he weighs my words. “It’s in you,” he says it so surely I don’t think I could argue. 
I smile politely. “Thank you.” 
Kirigan reaches downwards, towards my wrist. He latches onto me so quickly I’m too surprised to back away. “Light,” he prompts like it really is that easy. 
I know I can do it with him, so I don’t see the point in showing it. “It doesn’t count if I get help.” 
“Y/n.” Sometimes I think his voice is softer when he speaks my name. 
I raise my hands, overlaying them, letting the hand that he touches make up the base of my cup. Reaching into myself, I search for the power beneath my skin. With him, that power seems to sit directly beneath the surface, desperate and greedy. I don’t call to it, instead I simply let it flow. The light bleeds from me, a sphere of blinding light bursts into my hands. It’s bright, burning, and desperate to escape my control. 
My mind clamps around the power tightly, restraining it without choking it out until the light in my hands is exactly as small as I want it to be. I hold it there, letting its warmth melt away all of the bad. I let it grow, the light illuminating a path I can barely see--a path in which I do not disappoint those that need to have faith in something and for some unknown reason decided to place it in me. I hold onto that feeling, and then I let the light disappear. 
I smile at my hands. The only good that’s come from this is the way the light makes me feel. “Y/n.” I look up at Kirigan, who’s showing me both of his palms. “That was you.” 
A feeling better than the light coils up my stomach and into my heart. I grin. I did it without him. I can do it without him. “That--how did you know that would work?” 
“I knew that you could do it, you just needed to see it.” 
Warmth fills me, light and easy. A little too light. I have to work at not reaching for him, not because I need to, but because I want to. “Thank you.” This time I mean it.
“Your gratitude is premature,” he warns, but nothing about it is harsh, “I’m here to send you back to training.” 
At least the thought of facing Baghra no longer devastates me. “There’s always a catch.” I smile, hoping he understands what he’s done for me. “But I think this time it may be worth it.” 
He almost smiles. “Tell me if you still feel that way after spending time with Baghra.” 
A fair warning. It’s more than I expect from him. “Will do.” 
Kirigan’s expression threatens to soften, but he turns away from me with a soft nod before I can try to decipher the look. I let him leave before disappearing down another hall, forcing myself to look for Baghra. I think of my interaction with both Kirigan and the stranger, at least Baghra won’t be the weirdest part of my day
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Curious Travels - Geralt of Rivia x (f)reader
- reader is part of my Of Monsters and Men series
Summary: Yet again has your humble bard dragged you and Geralt to another kingdom for whatever reason, though as the snow falls outside, you know just how to keep warm.
Warning: fluff, SMUT, some actual plot
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Jumping off of your own horse you’re immediately greeted with the soft crunch of snow under your boots. Your pack of three mighty adventures have traveled all this way to the wintery mountainside kingdom of Turga for, as Jaskier would say, “food, festivities, and fun times to be had”. Not being one to ever walk away from such intriguing tidings, you’ve made it a point to accompany Jaskier on his trek to the kingdom.
Geralt on the other hand could absolutely not be bothered in the slightest to come for such “fun times to be had” but he loves you and begrudgingly decided to follow the two of you anyways.
The whole ordeal of traveling had taken about a week, through forest and fields, streams to pass and bridges to cross, until finally at last your horses had reached snow. And more importantly the wooden post naming the direction of said mountain kingdom, causing your bard to become even more chipper and talkative then usual.
Much to your amusement and Geralt’s silent moody frustration, though he would have liked to smack the bard across his head or quite possibly snap that lute in two. Watching your face light up at Jaskier’s jokes and stories from before he met both you and Geralt, so far has kept the grumbly Witcher to himself, just being able to see your beaming face is enough to make this trip all the better.
Though he’s still doubtful anything fantastic will actually come out of this journey in any way, considering most travels with the two of you end rather poorly.
You’re eyes grew big once they spotted the snowy glowing city of Turga sitting comfortably atop a silver hill in all her beautiful glory. Jaskier wasn’t fooling, this place is absolutely magnificent, it’s like a true winter wonderland.
Great evergreens stand tall at the large wooden gates of the town, two guards dressed in silver armor and a red sash over their breast greet you three with generous smiles of welcome tidings that take you more off center then you’d ever expected. How strange it is not to be looked down upon, or scrutinized by people who always tend to think the worst.
Jaskier simply grins, clearly knowing something you and your grouchy Witcher do not, but what could that possibly be, then again it isn’t exactly abnormal. Following closely behind, you and Geralt lead your horses along the snow covered streets as Jaskier leads the way to the stables.
The whole time your eyes have been wide in awe at the beautiful surroundings of the town, lanterns held up by steel chains hang in a line above your heads. Dashing evergreens keep watch from their various positions in the square. Oddly enough the stables look cozy, decorative pines are hung at the front doors, and from the opened windows you can see on the inside that there are rafters kept along with ornamental little flags of a hundred colors.
Soon enough the face of a dirt smudge stable boy races out of the wooden door, a wreath on the back of it jostles at the quick unexpected movement. Although on further inspection you realize he is a sylvan once you notice the two hooves peaking out from under his oversized cloak, he smiles brightly at the three of you while his big shimmering eyes shine a soft pink as he shuffles through the snow to Jaskier’s steed.
“Vallo Vaskier! Hove yuv bveen!” Exclaims the boy in a peculiar accent with a smile that could light up a room.
“Oh you know..” Shrugs the bard, “A bit of this a bit of that. But here’s something....I have made some loyal companions on my travels, they’re a real time, it’s been great honestly...although a tad bit dangerous at times but eh I’m still breathing.” He laughs, “So anyways, when’s the grand feast at the lady of winters hall?”
The boys face turns into a thrilled grin, “Are you performing?”
Jaskier glances to you before turning back to the kid, “Of course I am. Didn’t just travel all the way up here for nothing. So uh, when’s the feast?”
“Oh, right the veast. You hev to be invited first. But I vouldn’t vorry to vuch, vord alveys spreads vhen you’re here Vaskier.” States the stable boy with a curt nod.
“Boy you got any taverns close?” He snaps his head up to you, curls bouncing in the process as he gives a shy smile before nodding.
“Of course mviss. Vaskier knows ver they are.”
A smirk plays at your lips as you find the bards gaze, “I should have know.” You mutter, turning your head to find Geralt, “Now to find that tavern.” You add suggestively with a quick wink. Causing your man to hand you the smallest of smiles in knowing acknowledgment. 
“Alright, Finn. Take this pretty lady to her home for the night. You’ve got two others who’ll need a stall.” States Jaskier as he nods to his horse, “And uh, the one with the scary face and white hair, be good to his mare. She’s very special to him, more then the half-vampire that rides with us and..Oh! Oww! Y/N don’t hit me woman!” Stammers the bard as you fold your arms across your chest.
A smirk upon your lips at his flustered reaction, “What was that about Roach being more special then me? You didn’t finish what you where going to say.”
“Well I would have if I wasn’t assaulted first.” Assures Jaskier, turning back to the kid, “Anyways, we’re ready to find our stead’s a place for the night. Well perhaps a couple nights, we may be here for a few days give or take.”
“A few days? He never said anything about that?” Grumbles Geralt in that familiar gravelly voice of his, “Y/N did he mention a few days?”
Grasping your horses leather reigns in one hand, you rest the other on Geralt’s broad cloaked shoulder, “Oh where’s your festive spirit? Come on love this is gonna be fun. I can feel it.”
Turning to follow Jaskier and the stable boy into the barn, Geralt tugs for Roach to start walking, rolling his golden eyes as he watches you swagger into the large pine rimmed entrance. Though a small tinge of excitement rushes throughout his body when remembering that subtle wink you shared with him only moments ago.
Your crimson irises light up at the colorful flags and cozy barn atmosphere, perfect for the tired horses that so desperately could use a good rest. You’re never this impressed by such festive decorations most times, but it’s been a long while since you’ve bared witness to such things. It feels rather nice, and anyways, another adventure with your boys is always welcomed.
The stable boy quickly takes Jaskier’s horse to get settled for the night, leaving yourself to find your own stable and Geralt to do the same. You turn, leading your own mare into a hay covered stall and doing what you can to help her feel more comfortable.
Taking off her saddle, you lay it off to the side, going now to brush her brown back, smoothing her fur down as you do. While so lost in your own little world you can’t help but begin rambling about your thoughts to the patient horse.
“Now since it’s come to mind...I think this place isn’t too bad, ya know? I haven’t really met any of the townsfolk so my true impression of the people here have yet to be determined. Although I’m not really getting a hostile feeling coming from this place so that’s good.” The mare snorts in reply, or at least you think she does, causing you to chuckle at the horses timely reaction, “Yes, my friend that’s exactly what I was thinking but you already new that and now I am talking to a horse.....and Geralt is standing right over there isn’t he.” You rush, whispering the last part to your horse.
Geralt leans his large frame against the wooden stalls door, a small amused smirk pulling at his lips as he watches you brush the mare. “Not strange at all. I think they understand, in their own way.”
“Maybe it’s because I travel with you too much, look at me, I’m talking to a horse.” You mutter with a small laugh, “Though I guess their company can be better then an actual persons. I have a feeling you know my meaning.”
He smiles again, looking around the barn until his golden eyes find yours once more, “Better then most.”
You gently tilt your head in a small nod, brushing the last of the mares ruffled hide before setting the brush down. Then reaching for your belongings that are hanging from a metal hook inches from Geralt.
He politely steps to the side as you take your cloak and sheathed silver dagger from off of the hook, bundling them under your arm you take a step forward past him, stopping for a moment to not-so-subtly trail your eyes up to his handsome face.
“See something interesting?” He muses, eyeing you up just the same causing a swarm of butterflies to make themselves know in your stomach. 
Biting your lip you refrain from pushing him against the wooden wall and kissing him like your life depends on it, deciding to instead hug your things tighter and give him a small fangy smile.
“Oh, you have no idea.” Is all you can whisper out as you swiftly turn on your heel to go and find Jaskier before you change your mind and pounce on your Witcher like a cat to her prey.
It doesn’t take long to find him, the bard is casually seated on some blocks of hay as he gently strums on his lute while the stable boy brushes his horse for him. Jaskier is so caught up in his own world of playing that he neglects to notice when you’re standing directly in front of him.
“Jask!” You vocalize loudly, causing the entranced bard to jump and just about drop his prized lute if not for the strap.
“My gods Y/N, warn a man would you.” He sputters, setting himself a bit straighter once again as he gathers his bearings, “I could have dropped my dear lady just now.”
Taking a couple steps backwards towards Geralt, you chuckle, “In that case, I’ll try harder next time.”
Jaskier sends you a silent dirty look, causing Geralt to slip a couple hushed snickers out from behind you. “Alright bard..” Starts your Witcher, “where’s the nearest tavern? Considering it’s late and we’re all hungry.”
Jumping to his feet, Jaskier nods, “Right. Right. Of course, a tavern would be nice. Well my friend...and Y/N...let’s go find one.”
“Yes let’s.” Mutters Geralt, annoyance lacing his voice as Jaskier practically swaggers past the two of you, lute tightly in hand.
You turn to follow, nudging Geralt’s shoulder as you step past him, “Come on my White Wolf, let’s find that tavern. I could use a good rest, how about you?” The wink you send him is all but enough to fill his mind with wondrous thoughts for how his evening may truly end.
His heart admittedly fills with warmth and excitement as he watches you trail Jaskier out of the barn and into the wintery night air. Soft cool snowflakes kiss your warm skin as you stand in the silver wonderland, waiting for your Witcher to catch up.
A pleased smirk shows itself upon your face as you turn your head up to the dark clouds, enjoying the feeling of the small ice crystals as they float all around you. The night is absolutely divine, as you enjoy the small white puffs of air leaving forth from out of your mouth and nostrils.
You feel no chill from the harsh winter air, though you’re surprised when a certain someone unexpectedly attempts to throw a snowball at your back. Hearing the ball of ice swishing in the crisp air, you step inhumanly quick to the side.
A burst of laughter falls forth from your lips when the snow crashes into the shoulder of Jaskier as he looks from house to house trying to remember where the tavern is. He jumps back, his blue eyes wide as he snaps his jostled attention over to you, and the snowy haired man smirking from behind you.
“That was—was....Y/N!” Grumbles the bard with an angry pout before he begins to smile and eventually shake with laughter as well.
Chuckling still, you turn a raised brow to Geralt as he simply shrugs, “Couldn’t help myself.”
“Yeah okay, Sir. I-Didn’t-Even-Want-To-Come...” Suddenly your eyes narrow causing Geralt to loose his amusement, “You tried to hit me with a snowball, you fucker.”
Geralt takes a cautious step closer to you, a pleading look crossing his features, “And now I know how well your reflexes are.”
“You already know how well my reflexes are.”
“Yes. But...” He pauses for a moment, trying to think of what to say next as you await an answer, finally he takes another step closer, bringing his hand to tilt your head up with the tips of his fingers. His face so close now you can feel his hot breath against your skin, “I’ll deal with your wrath all night long if that’s what you’d wish.”
Gently removing his hand away from your face, you lean in even closer, your lips practically brushing past his own, “I think that is a deliciously appealing proposition, my love.”
Geralt has no time to answer before you swiftly shift away from him, leaving the man with his thoughts and slightly tighter pants as he watches you walk over to Jaskier once again, knowing exactly what you’re doing to him.
It took about a good fifteen minutes to actually track down the tavern of Jaskier’s choice, an admittedly large and homey hall appropriately called The Silver Faun Inn. Quite the name for quite the tavern, as per usual when walking into anywhere on the continent in a place like this.
Your marry band of three was immediately greeted with a multitude of cautious glares and many other intrigued excited glances. Though to your relief, no one dares bother either of you while you make to find a quiet corner for the late hour of the darkening evening.
Soon fresh food and tasteful ale is to be had, filling the three of you up just enough to be satisfied for the night, but not too much, you’ve got plans for later. Plans that are so obviously unnoticed by the titular bard who’s now decided the tavern is in desperate need of entertainment.
Leaning into Geralt’s strong side, a lazy smirk upon your face, you watch in amusement as Jaskier joyously strums his favorite lute. “Don’t think I’ve heard that ballot before.” You whisper.
Your quiet Witcher hums in reply, earning him a light friendly squeeze to his forearm that rests on the table next to yours, “The enthusiasm radiating off of you is just, astounding.” You chuckle, burying your face into his shoulder.
Geralt smiles affectionately at your adorable reaction to his less then impressive one, his heart swells with more silent joy when you pull away once again. Only to stop yourself from speaking, your scarlet irises so caught up in your lovers humored face.
You remain quiet for a moment, your face stoic though your eyes crinkle with mischief before you finally break out into a large beaming grin. Without a second thought, Geralt leans in to gently press his plush inviting lips against yours for a beautiful moment of love and lust.
He feels so lovely, you can tell just how much he truly wants you, but all to soon does he pull away, “I think we should find that room, what do you say Y/N?”
Biting your lip, you stare longingly into his golden eyes, “Fantastic idea. I got the keys so let’s get outta here.”
In a heartbeat do the two of you slip from the taverns quiet corner to wander past your oblivious bard as he belts out another marvelous tune that sends the crowd into fits of song and laughter. Soon all is forgotten and left to the back of your minds as you lead your Witcher up the steps and down to the end of the hallway where your room just so happens to be.
Quickly going to unlock it, you’re bewildered when the little metal key won’t turn left, huffing in frustration you try and force it as gently as you can muster. Geralt leans an arm against the doorframe doing nothing to help you focus on your new task at hand.
“Y/N just turn it left.”
“I am turning it left.”
“More gently.”
“I am turning it gently.”
“How much did you drink?” He chuckles.
Snapping your head to him you playfully make a face, “Same as you idiot, now if only I could fucking get this bitch open then we could...” Errreck. Crack. “Oh fuck me.” You deadpan.
“I’m trying.” Muses Geralt.
Smacking Geralt against his arm you take a step away from the broken lock, “Dammit. I broke the fucking key....and I think the lock too.”
“Can you open it now?”
Sighing in annoyance you raise a brow at your man, “Well uh, guess we’ll find out.”
Turning towards the thick wooden mahogany door with its freshly broken lock, you nervously reach a hand up to turn the golden door handle, sucking in a breath you twist the knob only to be met with resistance.
Pursing your lips together you lean your head against the door, “Whoever made these shit locks I’ll fucking cut their hands off cause apparently they don’t need them anymore with whatever kinda fuckery this is.” You growl.
All you wanna do is get it on with Geralt, this is not helping.
“You could just force the door.” Suggests Geralt.
“I’m not forcing the door love, I really don’t need a bounty on me for breaking a knob.”
“Well, guess we’ll just have to sleep in Jaskier’s room tonight then.” Replies your Witcher with a shit eating grin, he knows just how much you want him right now. And so help you god if you don’t get what you want when it comes to a night with Geralt of Rivia.
“No! No! I can handle the fucking door!” You sass.
Taking a step back into the hallway, he folds his arms over his chest, “Alright then. Open the door Y/N.” Smirks Geralt, urging you to create some chaos.
Huffing, you take a step back, readying yourself to charge the grand mahogany door. The smirk on your Witcher’s face is admittedly smackable or kissable, you just can’t bring it in you to focus on anything else but opening this door. He watches in anticipation as you charge, hands out and ready to force open the closed entrance as you make hasty steps for the tavern room.
Without warning the giant door swings opens, taking you off guard as you fly through the new opening and into the grand room before falling to the hard floor with a grunt. Your chin smacks the wooden floorboards with a thwack sound, your opened palms doing just the same when you land.
“Ouch.” You mutter, lifting yourself up from the ground, turning when your nose catches the scent of someone new.
Snapping to your right, you’re caught with big brown fearful eyes of a young maid, “Oh, uh....your room is ready miss.”
Not aware of the less then friendly grimace adorning your face, Geralt steps into the room before you decide to shove the girl out yourself, “Sorry. The lock wasn’t working, I think we may have broken it.”
Quickly snapping out of her frightened trance, the girl turns a nervous eye to your Witcher, “Um, that key you have there...it’s not the right one. I’ll just uh....leave then.” She whispers, her eyes never leaving yours as she hastily slips out of the room and down the hallway.
Geralt gently closes the door, shoving a chair under the handle to create a makeshift lock while you take a couple steps forward over to the large mattress, resting a hand on the bed. He turns to you, “Well that was...”
“Entertaining much?” You scoff, rubbing your split chin, “I think I’m bleeding....no yeah, I’m definitely bleeding.”
Geralt hums, nodding before walking over to find a small spare cloth on the nearby table, “Sit on the bed I’ll clean you up.”
Doing just as directed you sit, watching as your silver haired lover walks across the room to seat himself next to you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
Rolling your eyes you pout, “Funny is it? The things I do for you, and now my fucking chin hurts.”
Suddenly his eyes go soft, though there still remains a tinge of humor in them, “Y/N, you’ve already healed and the pain will die soon enough....here, let me just clean the blood away.” He mutters, reaching his arm up to press the pale cloth against your blood smudged skin.
Fine, ignore my pain you ass.
Though you’re still annoyed, the feeling of being tended to by Geralt is enough to dissipate away all your recent frustrations and brewing anger. Sending you into a blissful minute of staring lazily into your mans pretty golden eyes like a dazed lover.
Once he’s confident all the blood is gone, he sets the pink cloth in his lap, saying nothing as the two of you stare deeply into the eyes of one another, the sexual tension of the room rising by the second. You slip out a soft breath, the tiniest of smiles pulling at your lips.
“This is the part where you kiss my pain away. Right here.” You point at your chin, just below your lips. His golden eyes dart down, following your directions.
Ever so meticulously slowly does he lean in closer, the blood smudged cloth left and forgotten as it falls to the floor when his large hands go to touch your face. His lips press softly onto your chin, then cheek, then the other, and another two over your jawline. Earning a satisfied hum of approval from you, much to Geralt’s satisfaction.
Your own hands grasp onto his thick forearms, the rest of yourself feeling rather warm all over as Geralt kisses all over your face, slowly as ever.
“You know..” Kiss, “Geralt, mhmm....my lips are right here...” You mutter, just as he presses a heated one onto the preferred area you’ve asked. He tastes so sweet, like the ale he drank earlier in the evening, but this is admittedly much better then any ale you’ve ever drank.
Soon his hands fall to your waist and arm, then to many other places as he decides to explore your body with his calloused hands. Not being one to hold back, you do just the same, earning a low husky moan from deep within his throat when you palm him just to see what’s going on down there.
Fortunately he’s decently hard, the fabric of his dark pants are nicely stretched out from what pleasantries await you soon enough. Leaving him be for the moment, you gently break away from his sweet lips.
“Oh don’t give me that look.” You chuckle at the annoyed expression adorning his handsome features, “I’m just, rather wet down here and I’d like to get things rolling. Though don’t get me wrong I could kiss those lips of yours all fucking day.” You add, deliberately doing your best to give him your bedroom eyes.
He pauses for a second, his eyes trailing from your clothed nether regions all the way up to your shimmering lust filled gaze, “You’re already wet?”
Rolling your eyes you reach out to pull him further up the bed, “Oh fuck off, you’re already harder then a frozen ice cycle and that was before we even got into this room so shut uh uhh mhmm...” Is all you’re able to ramble out before he’s attacked your neck again with those beautifully plush lips of his, the rest of his body hovering just above you as he rests a knee between your parted thighs.
His lips leave a wet trail all the way down your throat until they reach the edge of your tops laced fabric, where a clear V is had that reaches down to the area between your breasts. He kisses once on the lace and exposed skin on your sternum, then another further down.
He’s just about driving you wild with the frustratingly grand lack of friction in certain areas that are so desperately craving such attention. Done with his teasing you lightly tug at his long white hair.
“Geralt just fuck me already.” You mumble, sucking in a quick breath when he gently squeezes your breast without warning.
Kissing your cheek, his face remains mere inches from your own as he stares mischievously into your crimson eyes, “We may need to take some clothes off first.” He chuckles, planting a quick kiss to your lips before sitting back on the bed.
Laying there, body hot and pulsing with pleasure unreleased, you hastily sit up and fumble as fast as you can to remove your grey top. Flinging it to the floor as your eyes find Geralt’s once again, though this time he’s completely shirtless.
Drinking up every last little piece of your muscular Witcher, you bite your lip as he smiles at you, “And that’s a sight I could look at everyday.” You just about swoon at his quick witted words, no doubt feeling a bit heated the longer he stares at you.
Winking at him, you swiftly shed the thin dark material calling itself an undershirt, a playful gleam in your eye as you watch Geralt quickly find your two exposed breasts. Beautiful and soft, your nibbles perked at the arousal coursing throughout your entire vessel.
Wanting to be bold, you wiggle a brow at him before confidently standing, your eyes never leaving his. He watches with an intrigued curious gaze before you begin unbuttoning your black trousers, earning another blissful smirk across the mans face.
Soon enough are all the buttons finally undone, with a spectacular dramatic bow do you then go to shimmy out of your pants, kicking them to the wooden floor in a rush as you’re now left in nothing but your small whole filled and slightly ripped underwear.
As to be expected, Geralt reaches a hand out to touch your exposed legs, getting nothing but a quick playful kick to his hands as you hum in disapproval. Instead you go to set a hand on your hip, nodding your head for him to remove his own concealing attire.
He hums in reply, standing to his full height as you unabashedly watch him fully undress himself, tossing his pants and undergarments to the floor ever so dramatically. He stares you down with those big beautiful golden eyes of his, you keep your sights locked onto them and painfully ignore his now exposed member that’s hard and dripping with pre-cum.
Biting your lip, you try your absolute best to keep from smiling, “Fuck me I love you so much.” You speak breathlessly, your eyes turning more serious again, “Now sit, please.”
Geralt hums, seating himself upon the soft billowy mattress just as directed, deciding to lean back on his arms and let his body lay open and ready for you. Blinking slowly you finally reveal a pleased smile down at him, just about mirroring the same one that he’s handing you so freely, just like his body.
Slowly you walk forward on the bed, your legs held firmly to either side of his lower waist as you kneel down, hovering your soaked womanhood right above his glistening member. You let out a breathy chuckle, resting your palms against his broad shoulders as he does the same action but with your bare hips.
“May I?” You politely ask, leaning your head against his as he gently squeezes the flesh of your hips in reply.
“Of course.” He mutters, low and gravelly in your ear as he patiently awaits your body, his very heart about to explode with how much he loves you right now.
Parting your legs wider, you remove one hand from his shoulder to quickly grasp his thick cock, “Alright let me just...” Bringing it to your dripping entrance you line it up perfectly, “I’m coming in..” You laugh, “literally.”
“Y/N you don’t have to say it...”
Digging your fingers into the side of his shoulder you quickly tilt your head to shut him up with a kiss, “Yes, but you laughed.” Pulling back to look at your face, Geralt’s mouth opens to reply, though his words are left on the wind when you slowly slide yourself onto him.
The new welcoming warmth of your core sending his mind swirling with nothing but a colorful bliss. Yours about the same, he’s big as he sinks deeper and deeper into your body until finally he’s completely filled you up.
Closing your eyes, your face scrunches up in slight discomfort at the new thrilling contact, this feeling isn’t anything new it’s just he’s quite large and you need a couple moments to adjust before the real fun begins. Sensing your slight displeasure, he keeps still inside you, trailing a comforting hand over your cheek as he watches your brows furrow together as you adjust.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I don’t mean to hurt you.” Worries your beautiful Witcher as you open your glistening scarlet irises to find his concerned face.
Shaking your head you slowly roll your hips into his, “Never. Apologize for a big dick Geralt....you’re honestly about to work wonders so keep that pretty mouth shut and make me scream.”
Holding in his laughter, he decides to do just as you’ve asked, a second later do you gasp in surprise when both his hands dig into your hips. Pushing you down onto him even more as he pulls you with each roll of your hips against his. Creating a blissful synced rhythm that begins to bring a low pleasurable build into your soaked core.
He suddenly thrusts up into you as you bounce down on him over and over again, your chests rubbing against one another as you both attempt to hold each other’s gazes for as long as you can try. The room feels hot and sticky, the smells of sex, sweat, and Geralt filling into your sensitive nostrils that drives you mad with lust.
All that can be heard is the familiar slapping of skin on skin as you both move against one another in quick passionate motions. Without warning Geralt thrusts deeply into your sweet spot sending you into a flurry of moaned curses as he thrusts his strong hips into you over and over again.
Your body falls flush against his as you whimper and moan into his shoulder from the intense buildup of pure pleasure that he’s slowly filling you with by the second. He can tell you’re close and with that thought in mind you’re pleasantly surprised when he abruptly holds your back, keeping you against him as he quickly lays you onto the soft mattress.
You audibly moan at the new positioning, not being able to hold back any more whimpers of pleasure as he fucks you into the comfortable bedding like his life depends on it. You’re visibility sweaty now, the slickness of yourself and Geralt doing everything to increase your growing pleasure as he slides in and out of you like a crazed man gone years without a proper fucking.
Another moan escapes from your lips as Geralt bounds you into the mattress, hitting you with deep precise thrusts each and every time, leaving you with nothing to keep you steady but his bare back that no doubt is covered in fresh pink scratch marks.
He keeps flush against your body, his manhood buried deep within your parted thighs as he intertwines his fingers with yours, his lips so soft and inviting as they press against your neck and jaw. You can’t remember if you’re ever felt such pleasure from this man as he pulls you to the edge of oblivion.
He suddenly moans against your ear sending new waves of bliss deep into your core and just like that do you come, moaning his name over and over again as he relentlessly thrusts into you with all that he has left.
He grips your hands tight, his warm seed spilling into you a second later, causing you to squeeze your legs tighter against his, “Ugh fuck Geralt.” You moan, your lips brushing past his as he pumps into you for a few more blissful moments before he falls limp against your body.
Utterly spent with your heated love making session, you chuckle at his honestly adorable actions as he lays flush with you, his cock still buried deep inside. He may be a large heavy man, but you’re no common human woman who lays underneath this handsome Witcher.
It’s plain as anyone could see, though you’d cut the throats of anyone bold enough to take a peek at your secretive actions.
Humming in content, Geralt moves to lay at your side, bringing you along with him so that he can stay inside you for a bit longer. You smirk, holding him close as he does the same, “A little needy tonight are we?” You muse, placing a chaste kiss against his puffy red lips.
“Maybe I missed you in more ways then one.” He replies, his golden eyes finding your crimson ones, “It certainly doesn’t help that Jaskier is always with us when we set up camp. I never get a true moment to myself with you.”
Trailing a hand down his scar covered back, you smile once again, “Well you’re about to get a whole week with me if you’re lucky. And I’m looking forward to every single second of it.”
The way you make him feel cannot ever truly be expressed in Geralt’s mind, though you can tell he loves you deeply even when no words are said at all or perhaps when he gets flustered and stumbles on his tongue for the right ones. Though right now he seems to have you vexed, completely entranced and utterly opened and surrendered to him.
But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel the same, his eyelids close in content as you gently trail your fingers down his cheekbone, earning a low hum from deep within his throat that sends shivers down your spine even with something so innocent as this.
You break out into a grin, your fangs showing as you let out a couple chuckles once you realize he’s still inside you. His own lips curl into a tired smile, though he doesn’t open his eyes. “Y/N?” He mutters, wondering what on earth could be so funny right now.
Pushing a few stray hairs out of his face you blink, trying to contain yourself once more, “Oh nothing, you’re just being....dare I say, cute. And all things considered, you’re still inside me.”
Geralt shows you a lazy grin, “I like being inside you.”
“Yes and what if I have to relieve myself, or get a drink?”
“I see no problem when you’re lucky enough to be laying next to me.”
Fake scoffing you gently tug on his silver locks, “Geralt of Rivia you’re blessed enough I love you so much you ass.”
Finally he opens his eyes, the most adorable of smiles crossing his face, and only for you, “Well I guess someone has to.”
“Yes.” You smirk, “And I’ll make disappear the next confidant fucker who dare think to take you away from me.”
“So I’m assuming that last tavern wench we met a month ago went missing....not, under mysterious circumstances?” He wonders, a brow raised in humored accusation.
Rolling your scarlet irises, you give him a friendly pat over his bare shoulder, “I wasn’t appreciating that foxy look she was giving you, looked like a horny buck ready to pounce.” The look he gives you is enough to make you burst with laughter, “What? Don’t give me that face Geralt, I didn’t do anything adherently evil....all I did was leave her in the middle of the woods...near another town!” You protest, trying to make your little petty adventure sound less terrible.
 “Well, at least you were nice about it,” Muses Geralt, “though I’m not sure if that’s better.”
“Oh shut it, I couldn’t help myself if you’d like to know alri...” Knock. Knock. Knock. Three raps against the thick bedroom door immediately draws your attention away from Geralt. Propping his head up by his elbow, he turns a protective glare at the mystery person keeping themselves on the other side.
Wanting to snap at the hidden individual who dare break you away from your rather pleasant evening, you push away from the soft comfort of the mattress, quickly pulling out of Geralt, you maneuver yourself into a seated position. “I’ll see who it is, can’t be anyone with a personal vendetta against us, well.....at least I don’t think so.”
Pursing his lips together in slight apprehension, Geralt silently watches you slip from the bed with nothing but a thin white sheet to keep your nakedness from any prying eyes. Your steps to the barred door are swift and silent as an owl in flight, just the same when you remove the chair from the door knob.
With one hand on the golden knob and the other grasped tightly onto the bunched up bed sheet, you turn a curious glance to Geralt who’s now seated fully upright on the mattress, a thin sheet covering his previously exposed manhood.
Finding your sights upon the door once again, you turn the knob, swiftly opening the door where you’re both greeted with the nervous wide eyed face of a young elven boy, who looks only to be about fourteen, dressed in lord-like attire. A suspiciously high status pose about him that sends your brows furrowing in confusion for this strange unexpected intrusion.
Wearing a soft purple scarf over a pure white thick fur laced jacket, his green eyes shift warily from you to your shirtless Witcher then back to you again. His cheeks most certainly reddening the longer he stares, mouth slightly agape, clearly this kid was not expecting the sight before him.
Deciding to relieve the awkward atmosphere, you clear your throat, “Well you certainly don’t look like an assassin, nor do you appear to be ready with coin for a wanted killing. So, do relieve us of this suspense...I was kind of in the middle of something important.” You state, the tone of your voice appearing slightly annoyed even when you try and hide it.
His big emerald irises flicker as he blinks, swallowing his nerves, does the elven boy in the fancy coat and purple scarf stand a bit straighter, “Hello. I am Venemyr of Rorym, messenger to Queen Allira and her husband King Gabriel of this winter kingdom of Turga.” He stammers, eyes shifting nervously from Geralt to you, suddenly he pulls out a folded piece of white and gold craftsmanship in the form of a beautiful card.
His hand shakes slightly as he reaches out for you to take the concealed letter, finding no ill intent from the boy, you fearlessly accept. Once in your hand does he finally begin his explanation, “I come to ask the Princess Y/N of Alkatraz and the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, if they will accept this invitation to the King and Queen’s eldest son’s banquet as special guests of honor.”
Oh, now things have just gotten very intriguing.
Not positive on how to correctly respond to this large proposition, the young elven messenger nods, “My adversaries had been made aware of you two by a bard named Jaskier who is thought of warmly in this kingdom, then it appeared that the eldest prince became very interested in meeting a lady dhampir and a Witcher of Kaer Morhen.” 
Oh, Jaskier you motherfucker.
Smiling politely, Vesemyr watches with wide foresty eyes when he catches sight of your fangs, noticing his apparent change of demeanor, your face falls, “Uh, well, thank you for the message and this invitation? We’ll see to it soon, and without a doubt report back accordingly sometime tomorrow.”
“The banquet is in two days.”
“Is it now?” You reply in a knowing tone, your brows raising, “Good to know, now if you’ll excuse us...the hour is late and you’d better get to wherever you’ve come from before it gets any colder outside.” And with that said do you flash him a wink before slamming the door into his scared little face and high end attire without a second thought.
Looking down at the strange yet exquisite invitation placed in your hand, you turn it over and find the golden waxes seal of a house sigil. “Y/N come to bed, I think I’d like to have a look at whatever fuckery Jaskier has roped us into.”
Raising your attention back up to the naked man seated casually against the headboard, you smile, making swift steps to the mattress before launching yourself next to his side causing the bed to shift and creak at your jostling movement. Instead of finding his annoyed expression, you’re fortunately greeted with an arm pulling you flush against his side.
With the two of you wrapped up in the white bedsheets, leaning comfortably on one another does Geralt slowly take the parchment from out of your hand. He holds the letter up, studying it’s beauty in the side table’s candle light as you rest your head on his shoulder with one arm slung over his muscular waist.
His breaths are slow and calm, the rise and fall of his chest gently pushing you up and then back down again only ever so slightly while your Witcher carefully observes the golden wax of the houses sigil. “A stag, with a crown of leaves....should we open it?” Muses Geralt, fully aware of how much you want to see what’s inside.
Geralt I swear to god.
Gently giving his waist a loving squeeze, you nod, “If you’d be so kind.” Humming in reply, Geralt makes quick work of the letter, soon its cut open and pulled out for your eyes to witness its ink marked contents.
“Fuck.” Mutters Geralt dismally, “Guess that kid wasn’t fucking with us.”
“And I guess we’re going to a party.” You exclaim, much more excitement flowing through your voice then what Geralt could ever give.
He quickly turns his head down to you, “Y/N no. I don’t give a shit if this prince wants to speak with us, I have no interest in becoming involved in something like that.”
You lightly chuckle at his less then stellar mood before turning your face to press a chaste kiss to his bare shoulder, he sighs, meeting your crimson gaze once again, “Think of it, free drink and food, and this prince wants to see us....we’re practically the guests of honor and I cannot wait to see Jaskier tomorrow cause I’m gonna slap him for it...then I’ll thank him.”
“Ugh, fine.” Begrudgingly mutters Geralt as you press your lips to his.
Maybe a part 2 later on, idk we’ll see. Hope you enjoyed this :)
Tagged for series:  @seninjakitey​  @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​​@haleypearce @diegos-butt​ (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work) @a-girl-who-loves-disney
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Hi, this is me (again)! If you have time and motivation can you please write something in High school AU (i just love it so much). Maybe something with MC who is told by her mother that as a girl she doesn't have to be smart she just have to be beautiful, she shouldn't have her own opinion and should only find herself someone who will take care of her and rfa + minor duo heard that? But remember that your well-being is the most important and it's ok to take a break! We love you!
High School AU where the RFA overhears Mc‘s Mom saying to her that she doesn’t have to be intelligent but beautiful
Hey my love, thank you for sending in a Request! Just like the last Requests I will leave out the Minor Duo due to the busy time. However I will write it again if you want to, yes? Hope you like it, please give me your opinion!
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,,Sometimes I wonder how parents raise their daughters,’’ Jumin mumbled as he walked down the hallway with his best friend Jihyun.
Jihyun laughed at his friend’s words.
,,I mean, I’m not wrong, am I?’’ Jumin asked.
,,Today in music class, a girl chuckled and thought she was cute. The teacher wanted to know if she knew something about Beethoven and she simply looked at me and said, ,,Jumin-oppa, I don’t know, can you say it?’’, it was so disgusting!’’
,,Well, I think she just has a crush on you,’’ Jihyun laughed.
,,No, she doesn’t,’’ he corrected.
,,She just wants my money,’’ he said and with that they finally changed their shoes and went out, ready to go home.
Neither Jumin’s or Jihyun’s driver was there. Instead, a girl with her mother stood there.
,,No one cares about your good mark you got in math. The world doesn’t need a doctor like you! All you have to do is to find a rich man and do what he wants! Just listen to him and be pretty for him so that he always will love you. Everything else is not important,’’ the mother told the girl who was looking down.
,,See, I told you,’’ Jumin said, shaking his head.
However, at the second look he noticed that the girl who was looking down was you, the one who was always a bit better than him at school.
,,What your mother said is completely wrong,’’ Jumin said loudly.
,,Keep studying. An intelligent wife is more exciting than a dumb chicken like everyone else,’’ he said and with that Jumin finally saw his driver and dissappeared.
The next day, you saw him again.
,,Thank you,’’ you said.
,,You showed me that my feelings are important too. I will fight for my way thanks to you,’’ you smiled and walked off, making Jumin blush and keep up with you…
You and Zen were very good friends.To be honest, one of you just had to say something about a relationship and you guys would finally become a couple.
,,Okay, Hyun, my mom is here, so tomorrow at my house?’’ you asked him.
Both of you planned on studying together to start your dream of being in entertainment.
You wanted to become your boyfriend’s manager.
And of course, even though your prince was intelligent, you were the most intelligent of the two of you.
A few hours later, Zen did as he was told. The young boy already met your parents.
They were kind, much kinder than his mother. He saw your parents as second parents even through you often told him that your mom was manipulative and mean.
Zen rang at the doorbell. The loud sound was heard and a few seconds later an older woman opened the door with a smile on her lips.
,,Hyun! My favorite son-in-law!“ she joked and pulled him in, hugging him.
,,How are you? Wait, you’re here for Mc, right?“ with that she called you, her daughter, who a bit later stepped down the staircase.
You had your hair up in a messy bun, the one Zen loved so much.
You were wearing other clothes than the one you had today at school. It looked much more comfortable.
You and Zen could feel your mother tense up as you walked down.
However, you ignored her and went up, giving Zen a kiss and making him sit down.
And then you began to study, which ended with you both arguing about this one question.
,,You have to subtract this from here and add it on this side,’’ you explained.
,,No! Why are you doing it like that?!’’ Zen asked you back.
,,Gosh, Zen! Just do it your way and I will do it my way and later on we can check!’’ you told him, a bit annoyed by now.
Suddenly, your mom came in with a few snacks.
,,How do you dare?’’ she asked.
At first Zen thought that she meant him, but apparently she meant her own daughter…
,,First, you open the door like that! You look really bad! Totally messy! And then you also argue?! Don’t act as if you’re intelligent. Just do what he says and accept that! You don’t even know how to study! Just be an obedient wife!’’ your mom hissed.
At some point, Zen jumped up and grabbed your hand, storming out with you ,,I finally understand what you mean,’’ he told you before he comforted you.
You could almost say that Yoosung was kind of a stalker; he always followed you around, observed you, and dreamed about you, the girl of his dreams.
You were the most beautiful girl at his school, as well as the most intelligent and kind human being.
He never saw someone smile that bright, laugh that happily, or think that hard.
The young man was totally different and for you, he wanted to change.
One day, it was a cold afternoon and Yoosung could feel that it could begin to rain. He wanted to ask you if you were interested in going home with him.
And after a lot of hesitation, the boy finally approached you.
However, he was about to go again when he saw that you were talking to someone.
Yoosung didn’t mean to overhear you guys but he heard.
And his heart was crushed at the words you had to listen to.
,,I already told you that you won’t go to that school, Mc! Your studies may be good, but you should learn how to make kimchi and be a good wife! Just find someone who will take care of you and your family and both of you will be much happier,’’ the woman said.
,,I am your mother and  I know what you need,’’ she nodded and opened the door.
,,However,’’ you began ,,I don’t want to live like that! I am me!’’ you said, louder, trying to fight her. However, no one helped and the situation ended with you staying back while she drove off.
Even though Yoosung said that eavesdropping shouldn't be said out loud, he did as soon as he heard you sob.
,,What she said isn’t true,’’ he called.
,,I, for example, like independent people,’’ he said and was about to go away when you suddenly pulled him back.
,,Help me, please,’’ you begged him, your red puffy eyes on him while your trembling hand tried to stop him from leaving you.
Yoosung hugged you and padded your back.
,,I will help you. I will be here for you,’’ he assured you.
And so your long journey began...
You and the brown haired girl were best friends.
Well, deep in your heart you knew that you may have felt a bit more than that, but this was a completely different topic.
You and Jaehee did everything together.
You two went shopping together, went to school together, and hung out together.
You and Jaehee often wore matching outfits and ate the same lunch.
Jaehee’s house was almost yours too because you stayed there so many times. 
But Jaehee never really visited yours, after all these years, she couldn’t remember what your kitchen looked like, how your house smelled, and what color your walls were.
And the reason was that your mother was a quite strict one with everything else, but an open mind.
One day, it was the day of the school’s drama production. You played a big role in it because you were the one who scripted everything and helped the teacher a lot.
Jaehee never saw such an intelligent person.
Such a kind person.
And she never saw such a bad mother like yours.
Actually, it was kind of her fault, Jaehee thought.
Your mother approached her and asked her where you were staying.
And without thinking about it, Jaehee told her that you were behind the scenes.
Your mother walked there on her red high heels, the dress way too short for a theatre at a school, and her perfume almost too strong for her.
Jaehee could feel a headache coming up as she smelled the strong aromatic smell on her.
Without thinking about what she would see, Jaehee followed your mother, curious why she would search for you.
In that very minute, your mother observed how you were arguing with a boy. The older boy one class above you who actually had a crush on you, or so it was said.
And from the frozen expression on your mother’s face, Jaehee could tell that she wasn’t okay with the way you were talking to him.
,,ARE YOU CRAZY?!’’ she asked you, making Jaehee twitch at her sudden yell.
Apparently you felt the same.
,,I told you tons of times to shut your mouth!’’ she hissed.
,,The young boy was talking to you! You should have nodded and agreed with him! Don’t tell him to do it better or different! How did I raise you?!’’ she asked you.
From afar, Jaehee could see that your eyes were watery.
,,I only want the best for you, but what can I do if you ignore me? You should simply be obedient and make sure that you find someone who will just take care of you! 
Get out of these dirty clothes and apologize to him! Maybe he will show mercy!’’ she said, standing on her right leg and pulling the white Gucci bag on her shoulder again.
,,No need,’’ Jaehee finally dared to say something.
,,I will take care of Mc and then she won’t need to change,’’ Jaehee said.
,,Don’t worry, I will treat her better than you,’’ she scoffed.
,,You are such a tomboy!’’ Saeyoung teased you and let you run off before Saeran could find you for taking his idea of making the garden more beautiful.
He never saw a girl like you at the school he was visiting thanks to a friend of his and his fiance.
The catholic school only accepted intelligent students or students with money, but he never expected you to be there. You were a little tomboy that was super intelligent and kind of rich.
Usually the rich people there were just dumb.
,,He got her,’’ Saeyoung laughed as you stopped.
He guessed that his twin brother found her from the other side, but he was so wrong.
Approaching you to make him calm down, he suddenly realized that the high, annoyed voice wasn’t his brother, but instead, a woman’s voice.
,,Again, you look like garbage,’’ the woman said.
,,Didn’t I tell you to look like a lady like everyone else and just try to find a good person who will take care of you? Instead, what are you doing? Walking off like that in dirty clothing,’’
Saeyoung could hear that the person you were talking to was annoyed.
,,Mom,’’ you tried, making the red haired boy even more curious.
,,No, mom, you will embarrass me.
Now, please go and put something else on and try to make someone like you in class.
Like I said, studying isn’t the most important thing as long as you have a person who will give you money and a house.
Look at me, I also didn’t study a lot, but your father came to like me.
My tights helped me to have you,-’’
,,The only reason why he didn’t leave yet,’’ Saeyoung said from behind, approaching the both of you.
His uniform was dirty from the place he stayed hidden and his hair was just as messy as yours.
,,I beg you for pardon?!’’ your mother asked you and began to play with her nails on the purse.
,,I said that her father didn’t leave you yet to make sure that Mc isn’t alone with you, a manipulative old hag.
Besides he is sleeping with your friend daily by now,’’ Saeyoung said, laughing and trying to pull you away with him.
,,How dare you-’’
Saeyoung laughed. ,,What? Make you realized that there won't’ be a man forever who will just like you for being obedient like a dog?’’
With that, he pulled you along with him until he reached Rikas place with a sobbing you holding his hand.
19.03.2021// 22:05 MEST
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bunnysuit-femboy · 3 years
The Worst Wingman - Dust and a Goddess
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(Chapter 1 / 3)
Jean x Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: mentions of homophobia
Summary:  Jean knew you better than anybody else, so why was he so good at picking the worst people on the planet for you to go on dates with. You were persistent to find a boyfriend this year and you thought Jean could help you find the perfect man, but apparently he loves to watch you suffer. If only you knew the perfect man for you was the one setting you up on all of these dates.
Notes: I posted this on my Ao3 first, but I thought I’d post it here too. So, please enjoy!
First Saturday
Another Saturday night meant another shitty date with another uninteresting and weird guy. You knew Jean hand-picked these dates that he sent you off with, but it seemed he didn’t know you or them at all. Every single date was just another bust, undeniably and irrefutably.
And, this date was just another on the already long list of bad dates.
“So,” Your date said with a smile, “You’re good friends with him, aren’t you?”
You nodded with the wine glass close to your lips. He had asked you the same question nearly fifteen times in the last fifteen minutes. It was as if he couldn’t believe it himself. As if he were surprised, or maybe even a little bit jealous.
“Yeah,” You said with a fake smile, “We’re in the same friend group. I met him freshman year, when I became close friends with Mikasa and she introduced us-”
“How is he?”
The redhead smiled wide, “How is Eren? What’s he like as a friend?”
You raised your eyebrows and placed your glass back on the table, “Eren?”
The redhead nodded excitedly. He was nearly on the edge of his seat, leaning towards you like a child about to hear a war story from his grandfather. It was odd that the boy had gotten caught on the idea of Eren being friends with you when you had just explained how Jean was the one who set you up on the date.
“Eren is- um,” You looked around the small restaurant, trying to find inspiration for a way out of this conversation from the other diners, “He’s cool.”
The boy is physically upset about your discretion, “And?”
“And,” You involuntarily continued, “He’s- uh, he’s very nice. He-uh he helps me with my homework, and helps me study quite a bit.”
It was all a lie, but only partially. Sure, somebody in the friend group was really nice and helped you with homework and helped you study, but it wasn’t Eren. It was Armin who was the nice one, but you didn’t know Eren well enough not to switch the two names when talking with the boy in front of you.
“That’s awesome,” The redhead said with an admirational sigh, “I bet he’s super helpful. He’s definitely the type to not give up until you know everything, for sure.”
“Oh.” You grinned at your empty dinner plate. “For sure. He’s the best. He’s super dedicated, and he always makes the harder information easier for me to understand. He’ll word it in ways that he knows I’m more comfortable with.”
“I’ll have to join you two, sometime.”
You looked at the boy with furrowed eyebrows, “You want to join me and Eren while we study?”
Boy, is he going to be upset when he finds out Eren is actually an adorable blonde boy with big ocean eyes who’s not nearly as blatantly mean. Also, it’s a bit strange the redhead wants to go on a study date with you and somebody else. Isn’t he at this date for you? But, all he’s asked you about all night is Eren.
“Of course,” The boy said with a smile, “I would just love to see him again.”
You giggled lightly to yourself, “Do you want me to get his number for you?”
Though the comment was purely a joke, the boy didn’t flinch nor smile. He just stared at you with a look of defeat in his eyes and he almost looked angry. His eyes never left your face, his mind not finding an ounce of humor in your question.
His reaction caused your smile to quickly falter, “Do you actually have a crush on him?”
The redhead rose from his seat, “I have to use the bathroom.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Right now?”
“Yes,” The boy’s voice came out harsh, “Right now.”
“Oh, okay.” You watched as the boy walked off towards the bathroom. And, once he was out of earshot, you pulled your phone from your purse sitting on the back of the chair and phoned Jean.
The phone only rang once before the call was picked up. He spoke a half-assed greeting above the sound of yelling in the background. You knew he was with Connie and Sasha tonight and you knew they were playing video games from the noise coming from behind his voice.
“Don’t hey me,” You spat angrily through the phone, “This guy is insane, Jean, he’s fucking weird.”
Jean was now laughing, “How is he weird?”
“He keeps asking about Eren.” You took a quick peek at the male’s bathroom door. “He offered to go on a study date with me-”
“That’s nice of him.”
“-And Eren.”
“Oh,” Jean said, “That’s weird. Eren doesn’t even study with you, he’d have to be smarter than you to be of any help.”
“I may have lied to him.” You took a quick swig of wine from the glass and then turned back to the bathroom doors.
“Aw,” Jean said with a smirk, “Poor Floch.”
“Floch,” You said excitedly, nearly knocking the discarded fork from your plate, “That’s his name! I forgot it about two hours ago, but didn’t have the heart to ask him.”
Jean was uncontrollably laughing on the other side of the phone. It wasn’t like these types of calls were foriegn to him. You normally called Jean in the middle of a crisis, and most of your crises these days happened mid-date when the boy did something weird and left to go to the bathroom.
“You’re a horrible date,” Jean said between his giggles.
“It’s not a normal name.” You held the wine glass to your lips. “I wouldn’t have forgotten his name if it were Brian or Nick. It’s his mom’s fault I forgot his name.”
Jean smiled into the phone, “Now, you’re blaming his mom for your ignorance, how cruel.”
You couldn’t help but grin as well, “Also, I think he has a thing for Eren.”
“Really?” Jean takes a moment to remember something. “That actually makes a lot of sense. I met him through Eren because they were in the same chemistry class last semester. He seemed reluctant to go on the date with you until Eren told him he should, then he was all for it. I thought it was weird, but not weird enough to be concerning.”
“It’s not weird nor concerning,” You said sweetly, “He just has a crush and he doesn’t know how to deal with it, it’s endearing.”
“He’s actively homophobic.”
“What?” You peek at the bathrooms and notice nothing has changed. “You set me on a date with an active homophobe?”
Jean shrugged, “I didn’t think about it.”
You shook your head angrily, “After this date, I am coming straight to your apartment and I am giving you a piece of my mind, Jean Kirstein.”
“Oh no,” Jean said with a smile, “I’m really scared, she used my last name.”
“You should be really scared. I’m bringing my baseball bat and everything.”
You took another peek at the bathroom and then checked the timer on the call. Seven minutes and fourteen seconds was how long you had been on the phone with Jean and how long Floch had been in the bathroom. Sure, it could be reasonable, but you still got a weird feeling from the whole thing.
“‘You okay?” Jean asked endearingly once the silence between you two had settled.
“He’s coming back,” You lied, “I gotta’ go.”
“Okay, just-”
The call ended quickly with one press of your finger. You put your phone back in your purse and let the bag fall to the side of the chair. You looked around the beautiful restaurant and tapped your fingers impatiently against the clothed table.
You leaned to your side in order to get closer to the couple beside you. At the table sat two people: one with long brown hair and wide glasses dressed in a tux and the other with short dirty blonde hair also dressed in a tux.
“Hi,” You said to the brown haired person to your immediate right, “Could I ask a favor of either of you? It’ll only take a minute, I swear.”
The brown haired person smiled widely, “Of course!”
“My date, a redhead, went to the bathroom nearly twenty minutes ago, and I can’t go into the boy’s bathroom-”
“You want me to go?” The brown haired person’s eyes lit up with excitement. “I can go see if he’s still in there, or if he’s sick, or if he’s dead - God forbid, but how interesting, right?”
You nodded with a smile, “Yes, thank you, please. I’m sure he’s not dead, but I’m just worried.”
“Don’t worry until I come back with news.” The brown haired person stood up and left, heading towards the bathroom.
You watched the nice brown haired person go off towards the restrooms. You watched them weave around tables, even stopping now and then to peek over diners’ shoulders, looking at what they had decided to eat for the night. They were strange, but in an endearing way - something you weren’t entirely used to seeing on these dates.
“You know,” The blonde guy spoke up suddenly, snapping you back to reality, “They’ve done that a few times on our dates before, as well.”
“Hm?” You turned to the brown haired person’s date.
The blonde guy smiled, “My date, they get interested in something in the bathroom and don’t bother coming back out for half an hour. The first time is scary, but you’ll get used to their curious mind.”
You grinned weakly at the nice man, “Yeah, I have a feeling there won’t be anything to get used to because there won’t be another date.”
The blonde boy furrowed his eyebrows, “Oh?”
“He wasn’t the best date I’ve been on, nor the best person I’ve been on a date with.” You turned towards the bathroom in time to catch the blonde man’s date making their way back across the restaurant with a frown. “In fact, he’s the first date to ever crawl out of a bathroom window to get away from me.”
“I’m sure that’s not what happened,” The blonde man said with a worried glance at his date. You weren’t sure how you knew it, but you were entirely sure of the redhead’s escape.
“He’s gone, dear.” The brown haired person placed a gentle hand on your shoulder as they sat back in their seat. “The window was pried open, I assume he crawled out of it.”
You nodded with a fake smile, “Thank you, for checking. I can pay-”
You reached for your purse, but the brown haired person shook their head, “No, no. Don’t even try to pay me. In fact, let us pay for your meals, it’s the least we can do.”
You shook your head quickly, “No, I can pay for them, but thank you.”
“No, he left you high and dry and-”
“You’ve already done enough for me tonight.”
“-You don’t deserve to pay for a meal you didn’t even enjoy.”
While the brown haired person was distracting you with a back and forth battle of who would pay for what, the blonde man waved down a passing waiter. He mumbled something to the waiter, pointing at your table over his shoulder. The blonde man pushed a small plastic card into the waiter’s hand. The waiter nodded pityingly, running off quickly towards the hostess’s table at the entrance.
“No,” You said with another shake of your head, “You don’t have to pay for a taxi, I don’t need one-”
But, you did need one considering Floch was your ride here.
“No,” The brown haired person continued, “Let me pay for your wine. In fact, have our wine. It’s the least we can do.”
“No, I don’t need more wine-”
The waiter was back and the blonde man finally spoke up over the argument between you and his date. He held two slips of paper in his hand and looked at you both with a small smile.
“Hange,” He said to make his date stop debating with you, “It’s okay, she doesn’t need your insurance card. And, ma’am, don’t worry about the bill, it’s already been paid for, and you don’t owe me anything in return. I’ve been in your shoes before, and I wish somebody would have done this for me.”
“Sir,” You said quickly, “It’s really not that big of a deal-”
“Not anymore,” The blonde man said with a smile, “Next time you come to this restaurant, just bring somebody you trust. I promise, not everybody is as awful as that boy.”
You bit your lip to keep the newly created tears from falling. You couldn’t help the overload of emotions happening in your throat and eyes. You didn’t normally cry so easily in front of strangers, but these strangers were overly generous. And suddenly, you were remembering the last ten dates that all ended just as horribly. It seemed like nothing was working out in your favor anymore.
“Thank you,” You said with a large smile contradictory to the tears that now fell down your cheeks, “I-I don’t know where to find those not awful people, but I really hope I will someday.”
“Oh no!” Hange said as they quickly wrapped you in a tight hug. “Moblit, look, you broke her.”
Moblit giggled with a shake of his head, “I’m sorry I broke you, dear.”
You shook your head into Hange’s shoulder, accidentally wiping the tears on the shoulder of their black tux. You couldn’t express to Moblit how badly you wanted to find not awful people, and how badly you wanted a date that didn’t end horribly. It was just more complicated than that, and it seemed awful people were the only ones Jean could offer you dates with and the only ones he thought deserved dates with you. So, what did that say about how he viewed you as a person?
You spent a few minutes crying into Hange’s shoulder, mumbling incoherently about boys and school and your pot-smoking next door neighbors who are way too loud when they have sex. They listened to your tangent intently, nodding along, as if they could understand any of your words.
Once you had wiped the tears from your face and thanked the couple profusely some more, you made your way from the restaurant. You knew you could call a taxi to Jean’s apartment, but the weather was nice and his apartment wasn’t too far away. So, walking seemed like a convenient money-saving way of getting the whole date out of your mind.
You walked down the street of town, but once you got to campus, you slid the heels from your feet and into your hands. You walked across campus with your shoes balancing on your fingers like the morning after a horrible one-night stand.
Eventually you made it to Jean’s apartment building and found your way to his front door within a few minutes. You knocked on the wood with your heel and weren’t too surprised when the door opened almost immediately. Jean stood in the doorway, still shouting at the other two over his shoulder.
“Hey,” Jean said once he finally turned his attention to you, “How was the-” You swung the heel swiftly into his stomach, earning a surprised grunt from the boy.
“Don’t mention this date ever again.” You said the threatening words with a glint of anger to your voice, but your face was pressed into a sweet smile.
Jean nodded slowly, “Will you at least tell us what happened?”
You sighed, “Later, I’ll tell you, but I know Connie will bully me for it.”
Jean nodded some more, “Later?”
“The least you can do is let me stay the night.” You raised your eyebrows at the boy. “Since you made me go on the worst date of my life with a homophobic jerk.”
“Okay,” Jean said with a grin, “But only because you’re practically begging for me.”
You swung the heel into his stomach a second time, but he grabbed it before it could give any damage. You both looked intently at each other, your eyes glaring annoyedly and his eyes admiring the sight in front of him. This was exactly what you expected from him, this is exactly how he acts after these dates. He’s always the one to pick up and put back the broken pieces once the doll breaks, even if he’s the reason the doll fell in the first place.
Once you walked into the apartment, you left your shoes and purse by the door, right beside Jean’s shoes. You waved a quick hello to Connie and Sasha - who were too distracted shooting zombies to see you - as you walked past them in the living room and found your way straight to Jean’s room. You knew the apartment like the back of your hand, you had been here a million times.
You walked across the small room to your drawer that Jean keeps all of your clothes in for when you stay. You pulled it open and picked out a pair of cheetah print pajama shorts and an old t-shirt from an now irrelevant ex boyfriend. You threw the clothes on his bed, getting ready to change just when the door suddenly opened.
You turned to the door with tired eyes and furrowed eyebrows as Jean joined you in the room. He leaned against the now closed door, physically keeping the others from joining as well. He crossed his arms against his chest, taking in the sight of him - you in your satin black dress you wore on nearly every date.
“So,” Jean said finally, “What happened?”
You sighed, “He crawled through a window.”
Jean’s eyebrows furrowed, “He crawled through a window?”
“Yes, when he went to the bathroom and I called you. He crawled through a window to get away from me.” You looked anywhere around the room but the boy. “What’s wrong with me?”
“Hey,” Jean moved from the door, coming across the room to you, “Nothing’s wrong with you. Something’s wrong with him.” Jean held you at arm’s length, his hands on your shoulders. “Not only did he leave you, but he has a crush on Eren of all people. I’ve seen birds at the park who are more attractive than he is.”
You grinned sadly, “I bet people don’t crawl through windows to get away from Eren on dates.”
Jean ran his hand down the side of your head, “Eren doesn’t give them the chance, I don’t think he’s ever been on a date.”
“But, people would go on one with him.” You finally looked up at the boy in front of you, trying to keep the tears from spilling the second time today. “He’s not undateable. I’m undateable. I’ve scared guys away every Saturday night for the last two months.”
“You’re not undateable,” Jean said sternly, “You just haven’t found the right one. And, you won’t find the right one if you don’t keep going on these dates. Every horrible date means you’re one more Saturday closer to your soulmate.”
“And, what if I don’t have a soulmate? What if I’m damned to die alone?”
“Then, I’ll die with you.” Jean brought you in for a tight hug, your face snuggling into his firm chest. Jean whispered his words, mostly to himself, “I’d give up 200 soulmates if it only meant I could die with you.”
You closed your eyes against the soft fabric of Jean’s shirt. It was hard to trust his words when there seemed to be so many contradicting factors. Maybe tonight was a total bust, but next Saturday was a new day. You could try again next Saturday, and the Saturday after that, and the Saturday after that. And, every Saturday for the rest of your life until you found your soulmate, even if that seemed like a pointless mission.
You’d do it for both you and Jean, it was the least you could do.
First Sunday
You woke up in Jean’s bed with his body close to yours. It was a standard cuddling position for your friendship: face-to-face, his arms wrapped around your side, your arms cradled against your chest, and your legs intertwined. Despite the normalcy associated with the position, you still woke up with a dorky smile and butterflies floating around your stomach when you saw him sleeping in front of you.
Today was no exception.
You grinned ear to ear as you watched the peaceful rise and fall of Jean’s tanned chest under the thin fabric of his white t-shirt. You watched as his lips parted against the pressure of the pillow under his cheek, a small stream of spit rolling from the corner of his mouth and onto the fabric of the pillowcase below. Every Saturday night ended with tears and regrets, but every Sunday morning began with sweet dreams and a special sleepy boy.
You turned away from Jean, reaching for your phone on the nightstand. The only way to successfully grab the phone was to also pull yourself from Jean’s grasp and from between his legs. It was a horrible price to be paid, but it had to be paid nonetheless.
You checked your lock screen, reading over playful messages from your roommate asking about how good Floch was in bed - assuming you had stayed at his house since you hadn’t come home. And, a few confused messages from Eren asking you who Floch was, why he was texting him, and how he was connected to you.
You locked the phone and turned back to Jean. You were expecting the boy to still be napping peacefully, but he instead stared sleepily at you. Your face had been in a grimace from the mentions of your date last night, but Jean’s honey brown eyes quickly dissipated any negative feelings.
“Good morning,” You whispered, “Did you sleep well?”
“Good morning,” Jean said as he shifted his head and wiped the spit from the corner of his mouth. He was hoping you hadn’t noticed the wetness and that you weren’t questioning the wiping motion he made at his cheek. “And I-”
You smiled, “From the drool spot on the pillowcase, I’ll have to assume you slept well.”
Jean’s cheeks turned rosy, you could see the physical embarrassment on his face. He wasn’t the type to accept humiliation so easily, he was always one to fight back. Just his humiliation isn’t enough, if he’s going down, he’s taking as many people he can take with him. So, you weren’t sure why you were surprised when he swiftly sat up, grabbed the pillow, and attempted to shove the wet spot into your face.
You yelped, rolled, and sprung from the bed only a second before the pillow could land on your cheek, right where it was heading. You were up on your feet quicker than you ever thought you could be, your body still feeling the aftereffects of sleep. You looked down at the boy in front of you, the pillow still tightly gripped in his hands and a mischievous smile smacked across his face.
“You little bastard,” You said with a shocked smile.
Jean smiled back, “I’m actually quite big.” The words were meant as a joke about his body’s size, but both of your dirty minds immediately jumped to the size of something else on his body. “In more ways than one.”
You shouted at the boy between the giggles escaping from your throat, “Jean! Seriously!”
Jean shrugged, laughing along at his own joke, “I’m sorry, I had to!”
“You didn’t have to do shit!” You made your way to the bedroom door. “I’m going home!”
“One bad joke and now you’re leaving.” Jean leaped from the bed, following you to the door. “At least let me make you breakfast first.”
You turned to him with an intrigued glint in your eyes, “Will you make me waffles?”
“Sure,” Jean said as he playfully shoved your shoulder, “I’ll make you waffles.”
“With chocolate chips?” He walked in front of you, leaving the room with you following behind him like a child.
“Yes, I can add chocolate chips.” Jean tried to hide the grin spreading across his cheeks. “Do you want bacon and sausage as well?”
“Shut up,” You said from behind his back, “You know that I don’t.”
His voice sounded sweet, “Yeah, I do know.”
You stood against the counter, only a foot away from where he stirred the waffle mix. You watched as he eyed the waffle box intently, then poured the four other ingredients into the bowl after the dry mix. He looked a bit confused as he moved the spoon around the bowl, as if he was deathly afraid of missing something but not wanting to give the impression that he’d be stupid enough to miss something.
You knew where the coffee was kept and how to work his coffee machine and while you waited for it to brew, you watched Jean with a weak smile across your face. He could feel your eyes on him. Jean tried to ignore the weight of your eyes, not wanting his cheeks to go red though his chest was already inflating from the action.
Jean spared a glance in your direction, only a few seconds before the coffee finished brewing with a loud splash. For those few seconds when both of your eyes were held on each other, time seemed to slow. You could read the admirational glint in his brown eyes and he could read the appreciative glint in your eyes. Before the moment could go much further, you turned away and grabbed the coffee pot and mugs.
You not only knew which coffee beans Jean preferred, but you also knew how he liked his coffee. You poured a little bit of his roommate’s creamer into his mug, and then the tiniest bit of sugar as well. After the coffee was finished, you handed him the mug with a quick smile.
Waffles eventually found themselves on plates and forks eventually found themselves in between fingers. You both ate breakfast against the kitchen counter, Jean leaning down farther than you had to. You moved your fork against the softness of the slightly underdone waffles - he didn’t know just how much batter was supposed to go into the waffle maker at once.
Jean suddenly spoke up by your side, “Are you free this Saturday?”
You turned to the boy, “I normally am. Who’s next?”
“I have a friend on the football team.” Jean ignored your initial grimace to the statement. “He’s nice and desperate, the way you like ‘em.”
You turned back to your waffle with a small pout, “Maybe I should give guys a break for a little.” Jean raised an eyebrow at you. “I’ll just become a nun and write off men altogether.”
“You can’t do that!”
Your head snapped back to Jean, “I can’t?”
“No,” Jean said, “You can’t.”
“And, why can’t I?”
“You just can’t.”
A thick silence had settled in the room, the only sound being the scraping of forks against the porcelain plates. You wondered why Jean was against you becoming a nun. You assumed it was because he was the type to fight persistently, so possibly the idea of giving up on something indefinitely was foreign and upsetting to him. You knew he indirectly reflected onto other people, yourself included.
After a few more moments of silence, Jean started walking away. You watched him as he moved across the living room, heading straight towards his bedroom. Right before the boy could get to the door, he turned to you with a single raised eyebrow and a cocky grin.
“Hey,” Jean said from across the room, “Do you wanna go to the bathroom before I do?”
You looked around the kitchen with a confused look on your face, as if the apartment could give you any clue as to what he was implying with his words. You didn’t have to use the bathroom, nor did you ever insinuate within the last twenty minutes that you did.
You tilted your head curiously, “Why would I need to go to the bathroom before you?”
Jean smiled at the idea of his next words, already proud of himself, “Just to make sure I can’t crawl out through the window.”
Jean laughed as you pretended to throw your fork across the spacious apartment. He was proud of his joke, and you had to admit that you weren’t as upset as you should have been. Last night, the idea of your date crawling through a window in order to get away from you was the worst thing that had ever happened. But with Jean, it was just a funny memory.
Jean came back to the kitchen after a few moments, still giggling lightly about his joke he made nearly two whole minutes ago. You ignored his cockiness by trying to fight the smile forming on your face.
Jean leaned towards you, wrapping a muscled arm around your shoulders. Being pressed against his body in this way made you now realize how he smelled. He smelled of a rich cologne of rose and mahogany. You hadn’t noticed the cologne before he left for the bathroom, but it could have very well slipped past you.
Jean spoke from above you, “I’m glad you aren’t still upset about last night.”
“I never said that.” You looked up at the boy, his arm still around you. “But, I am starting to see the humor in the situation.”
“Good,” Jean said with a smile, “It’s not nearly as bad as that guy who asked if his mom could join you for the date.”
You cringed at the thought, “And, I said yes.”
“And, the one who asked for a vial of your blood.”
You shrugged at the taller boy, “At least he asked, there was the one guy who stole my hair scrunchie without asking first. I think he used it so he could clone me.”
“Yeah.” Jean quickly remembered another awful date. “And, the one who gave you a yarn doll of yourself as a first date gift.”
You smiled widely, “I’m nearly a hundred percent sure that it was actually a Voodoo doll. I’m glad I accepted it before I told him no to a second date.”
Jean grinned down at you, only an inch or two from your face. It was hard not to smile when looking at the boy. He was beautiful and reminded you of an ancient sun god. From his tanned skin, to his lively brown eyes, and his deeply inviting smile. It was hard to look at Jean and not feel your heart skip a beat, especially when you were so close to him.
“They’re all funny stories now,” Jean said, “So, that’s good.”
You moved deeper into his arm, “Funny stories that I don’t need.”
“But, funny stories nonetheless.”
“Yeah,” You mumbled sarcastically, “Thanks to you.”
“Hey!” Jean was pulling you into a quick bear hug as you laughed against his chest. “I try to find the University’s best guys for you! They are truly the school’s finest.”
“Then, why do they all suck?”
He didn’t answer your question because he wasn’t sure he knew why. He didn’t know why he threw these horrible guys onto you, under the impression of them being good matches. But, in his defense, it was hard to find somebody of your quality.
You were a goddess amongst mortals and these men could never be enough for you. And, if these men were mortals compared to you, then Jean felt he wasn’t even a mortal. He was the dirt hiding in the crevices of somebody’s shoe, he was the dust somebody breathed in before they yawned. Jean felt he could never equal up to you, but maybe these other guys could get close. And, maybe - just maybe - if he helps you get a boyfriend, then he wouldn’t think about you being a goddess so much.
Next Chapter
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 4,547 Tags: SFW, Making out, Phone calls, Getting to know each other, Mentions of sex Summary: Monday, the first full day they spend on the case in Los Angeles, after vacation, is tough. The week gets better, and gets worse, as cases like these do, but there are moments of light in the darkness. Collection: Sophie Cortes timeline, 1 year-1 year 3 Months at the BAU (See Masterlist for reading order) Link to AO3 or read below! Monday, the first full day they spend on the case in Los Angeles, after vacation, is tough. The unsub they are looking for brutally tortures his victims—his teenage victims—and he’s escalating, kidnapping the third child just 72 hours after the second, so everyone is on edge, working themselves to the bone.
They don’t get back to the hotel until well after eleven, and Sophie plans to take a quick shower and then crash pretty hard after such a draining day, but something makes her head for Aaron’s room after her shower instead.
“Hey,” she says softly when he opens the door, and he smiles, looking as exhausted as she feels. “I just wanted to check in with you really quick. I’m sure you’re tired.”
“Yes, but I always have time for you.” He steps back and lets her into the room, and she fidgets nervously—why, she’s not entirely sure. Maybe because this is their first face-to-face in the real world, no hazy, happy vacation feelings making everything softer and easier? She’s not certain, and when he closes the door they just stand there, looking at each other for a moment.
Whether she or he or they both bridge the distance, Sophie can’t say, but one moment they are staring at each other with an electrically-charged foot of space between them and the next they are kissing hot, slow, sultry. One arm wraps around her waist, the other touching her face, her wet hair, and she moans softly against his lips.
Kissing him is everything she thought it would be and more: his hands are strong, but gentle, his lips soft but firm, his body as she presses against him big and solid and delicious, and if he expects her to break the kiss first, he’s going to be waiting a while.
When he eventually pulls back, he rests his forehead gently against hers, smiling down at her like there is some sort of inside joke between them. “Coconut,” he murmurs, and when he presses his nose to the hair at her temple, she understands, smiles back.
“Didn’t realize you like it quite that much,” she teases, still a bit breathless, and he chuckles softly, pulling back a little and putting space between them.
“It’s not just the shampoo I like. I think you’re an incredible woman.” She smiles, maybe a little shy about such a direct complement, and he touches her cheek gently. “I knew that from the moment I met you, but working so closely l got to know you as a person, and I really like who you are.”
“I really like you, too. I like how, in front of outsiders you’re tough, impervious, unmoved, but when it comes to the people you care about you’re just a marshmallow.”
“A marshmallow?” he says, pretending to be offended, and he leans down for another kiss, this one less heated but more indulgent: to Sophie, it feels like the first one, he just needed to get out of his system, but the second is all about tasting her, feeling her. It makes her knees weak, honestly, and she wraps her arms around his shoulders so he can support them both.
“I’ve thought about this,” he murmurs into her ear when they break apart. “Of what I would do if you came into my room, in your little pajama shorts,” he emphasizes by squeezing her butt affectionately, “and told me that you wanted me.” She leans back at that—because he’s hot, so hot, and she gets to look openly now, to touch—and presses her hands against his chest.
“Hmm. What’s your plan, in this situation? When I tell you that I want you?”
“I give you what you want, of course. Anything you want.” She bites at her bottom lip, because she could get really used to hearing that, and takes a few steps back, pulling him with her; she lays down on the bed, guides him so that he hovers over her, and his eyes are dark and wide. When she tugs him closer for a kiss, his hands find her waist again, pushing up the bottom of her shirt.
It feels so good to be under him, another taste of making out like they did on the couch at the beach house. He is a solid line of heat along her body, though he keeps himself from fully dropping his weight onto her, and his hands are deliciously rough on her skin, his teeth perfectly sharp as he nips at her ear. It’s heaven after months of wanting him, absolute heaven.
“Anything I want, you said,” she murmurs, looking up at him when he pulls away, and she brushes a hand through his hair. “Because I want a lot more of that, maybe even a little of this?” His tie is already off, the top button of his shirt unbuttoned, and she slips the next two free, eyes on his face to make sure it’s okay.
“I did say anything,” he confirms, voice low, and he’s breathing hard above her, and that makes her think deeply dirty thoughts...
Someone raps on the door, and Aaron jumps up like she burned him, and she slides off the bed and into a heap on the floor.
They exchange a look, and Sophie hurries to the desk chair across the room. She smooths the front of her clothes, and he buttons his shirt, exhales long, and then opens the door.
“Hey, Hotch; sorry, I know it’s late, but I saw the light on.” He swings the door wide, letting Morgan in, and he looks apologetic when he sees her sitting at the desk. “Oh. I didn’t realize you were here, Cortes. I can come back.”
“No, that’s okay, I got what I came for. It’s getting late, anyway.” She stands and makes for the door, briefly pausing between the two men. “Thank you, Hotch. We can finish that discussion tomorrow, if you like.” She tries to convey a few different things with her eyes, and judging by the gleam in his, he understands them all.
“Absolutely. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight. Night, Morgan,” she says with a nod, and she smiles softly as she ducks out of the room.
Twenty minutes later, when she’s lying awake thinking of the feel of his hands on her face, her phone chimes.
AH: I’m sorry our discussion ended so abruptly. I was enjoying it very much.
SC: Me too. So was I.
SC: I have high hopes for the future, though.
AH: So do I. I’ll be hard at work coming up with a plan for our first date.
SC: Mmm, I love it when you talk plans.
AH: Now now. Get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.
SC: Goodnight, Aaron.
AH: Goodnight, Sophie. Tuesday doesn’t go any better, is spent canvassing the neighborhoods and schools and parks near the dump site and basically praying they don’t find another victim. Sophie stares at the crime scene photos, truly some of the most gruesome she’s ever seen, for so long that she’s not even sure how she falls asleep that night, but she’s out as soon as her head hits the pillow. Wednesday is better, in a way. A fourth child is taken, but the unsub makes a mistake, and they get a partial plate which leads them right to him. The third and fourth victims are found alive, if a little worse for wear, but they’re reunited with their families by the afternoon.
Sophie plans on having some pizza and a couple of beers, maybe a bubble bath, to celebrate the victory, but they are all gathered in the lobby of the hotel when JJ’s phone rings, and by the look on her face, it’s not time to celebrate just yet.
“An acquaintance of Strauss’s is asking for our help in San Diego. She wants us to head there right away, since we’re already in California.” Aaron looks a little irritated at the case coming from above him, but he nods—what can he say, no?
“Alright, change of plans, then. Sorry everyone.” There is a chorus of groans—clearly Sophie wasn’t the only one with a different idea of how her evening would go—and they board the jet for a new destination.
Sophie doesn’t even register it’s San Diego until Aaron takes a seat next to her on the flight.
“Hey,” she says quietly, looking around them. It’s suspicious as hell, she knows, but it’s instinct.
“Hi. I used to sit here and talk to you all the time, before; don’t make it weird,” he says with a half smile, and she matches it fully.
“Sorry, have you met me? I make everything weird.”
“I know. I like that about you.” She wants to grin, and keep on grinning, but she knows she looks smitten and tries to tamp it down. “I was coming to ask if you planned to let your brother know you’d be in town.” Realization must dawn on her face, because he frowns. “I take that as a no.”
“Well, I hadn’t planned on it. I didn’t even really put two and two together. And I’m not sure if I should, anyway.”
“I don’t know if I’ve earned the right to weigh in on something like this, yet,” he begins, and she tilts her head, surprised.
“You earned the right a long time ago. I’ve trusted you with some of the most guarded, tender parts of me. I would have thought you knew that already.” He looks into her eyes, nods.
“Yes, I did know that. I just don’t want to overstep.”
“Weigh in all you like,” she says with a soft smile. “If you overstep, I’ll let you know.”
“Okay, well. I think you should at least make an attempt to contact your brother while we’re here. If he doesn’t want to see you—that's his loss, but at least you know you tried.”
“What’s the point, though, if I’m 99% sure he’s going to say no? Why put myself through the heartache?” She may hide it well most of the time, but not staying close with her brother after their father’s death is one of her biggest regrets in life. It hurts deeply, and often.
“I don’t know about you, but I’d hold onto hope for the 1% if it meant one more day with someone I love.” She exhales deeply, wills the sudden rush of tears to leave her eyes so she doesn’t cry on the plane, nods.
“You’re completely right. I should at least try. Nada arriesgado, nada ganado. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” His face is soft, and she can tell he wants to touch her, comfort her, maybe kiss her, but there are too many eyes on them. Even Reid is watching their interaction curiously.
“I just want you to be happy, and it’s clear that losing your brother like this has hurt you. This could be your chance to patch things up.” She swallows, puts her hand on his arm; she’s done it before, in front of the others, and it’s painfully obvious they’re having a heart to heart, so it shouldn’t be too unexpected.
“Thank you. Really. I appreciate you.”
“I know. And I appreciate you. Let me know if you need a couple hours, we’ll make it work.” She agrees, and picks up her case file; he does the same, and doesn’t leave.
That night, she can’t sleep, and when a text to Aaron confirms he’s still awake, she presses 'call’, sinks back against the pillows while it rings.
“Hi,” he greets, his voice deep and quiet, and she closes her eyes, soaking it up. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I thought it might get suspicious if I ended up in your room every night, but I wanted to talk to you. Is this okay?”
“This is great. It’s funny how I can miss your voice even after being around you all day.”
“Yeah, for me too. I miss hearing you say my name. My first name.”
“Sophie,” he whispers, low, and she licks her lips.
“Hmm, that’s better. Is there anything in particular you want to talk about?”
“Anything is alright with me. Did your brother ever text you back?”
“Yeah, he said he’ll call me when he wakes up tomorrow—so, around noon, probably,” she says with a laugh, and he chuckles too.
“Well that’s something, at least. A good start.”
“Yeah, it is. Thank you.” She feels herself getting emotional again, and hates that vulnerability, so she forces herself to brighten up. “Maybe we should talk about our previous relationships.”
“Okay. I can go first. You know Haley was my high school sweetheart. We met when we were 15, went to college together, got married at 25. Divorced at 37.”
“Because of your work,” she recalls sadly.
“That’s right. I tried to be very present when I wasn’t working, but it wasn’t enough, of course. We grew apart.” He sighs. “Honestly, she put up with me longer than she should have.”
“It’s the nature of our job, and our personalities. We obsess. It’s not an excuse, but I get it.” She turns onto her side, curls up against her pillow. “What was your favorite thing about her?”
“I always liked how optimistic she was, and ambitious. She was with me every step of the way as I became a prosecutor, then an agent, unit chief, and she became a teacher, then vice principal, principal. For a long time, I thought we were growing together.”
“And for her to encourage you to join the FBI, to do the job you love, and then leave you over it… that must have been hard, even if she had legitimate reasons for wanting to end things.”
“It was hard for me to reconcile for a while. It made more sense when I found out she fell in love with someone else.” Her heart sinks.
“Oh, Aaron.”
“She didn’t cheat on me, but I gave her the time to fall in love with him by not being there. They’re married now, with two kids.”
“Do you still see her?”
“We meet up once a year for coffee, to go over what’s been happening in our lives. I always talk about work, and you can see it makes her feel like she did the right thing. And I’ve started to think that maybe she did.”
“I’m a little biased, so no comment. But I am sorry your heart was broken. Did you date much after?”
“I dated one woman for about 4 months, but we broke up because I wasn’t available.”
“This job makes it hard to be available for anything else. In a way, I’m glad I don’t have much family, that my brother doesn’t want to see me often.”
“I think that’s why we come together the way we do. Found family. It’s almost necessary.” He sighs, and she can tell that’s it for him. “So I know you have said you don’t date much.”
“Yeah, my last real relationship was back in Chicago. Taylor. He works Fire and Rescue.”
“What did you like the most about him?”
“He had a way of making people feel comfortable that I’ve always admired. He makes friends easily, and it translates well to his work, when people are scared or hurt.”
“How long were you together?”
“A year. Doesn’t exactly compare to 22 years, but it’s the longest relationship I’ve ever had. I was busy with school and didn’t really have time to date. Then work got in the way.”
“So you’ve been alone for a while. No family here, no boyfriend.” It makes her sound kind of pathetic, and she laughs lightly.
“Yeah, I guess, but I get by.”
“I know you do. What did you like least about Taylor?”
“He wasn’t like this at first, but before we broke up he… I’m not trying to take this down a sexual path, but the story involves sex, if that’s okay.”
“Of course.”
“Okay, so you know that a lot of women need direct clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm. I don’t, particularly—I like it, but I don’t need it, I can have an orgasm from intercourse. Well he would just batter my clit, all the time, to the point that it hurt. And when I told him it hurt, he basically mansplained my own body to me, and how that couldn’t be true because he knows ‘the clitoris is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones due to its high concentration of nerve endings’, like he was reading it out of a textbook when a living, breathing woman is sitting there telling him it’s too much. It was the first time I ever cried during sex, and when I can’t trust you with my body, I lose all emotional regard. Things just kind of fell apart from there.”
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that. That he broke your trust that way.”
“Thank you. I think that’s another reason I don’t date. It’s hard for me to fully give myself to another person, to trust, sometimes.”
“I promise I will listen when you’re telling me how you feel, physically or otherwise. I would never do what he did.”
“I know. I trust you. I don’t think we’d be doing this if I didn’t.” She takes a deep breath, blows it out slowly. “Okay, let’s lighten it up. Um… If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?” He hums thoughtfully.
“What a question. I’m assuming this is strictly based on what I want to eat forever, without taking nutrition into account.”
“Of course. What would make Aaron Hotchner smile every time he takes a bite?”
“Okay,” he begins, and she can hear the smile already. “I’m sorry, vegetarian, but it would be a big, juicy cheeseburger, with lettuce and tomato and extra pickles, the skinny French fries, and a cherry Coke.”
“How All-American of you. That’s cute.”
“And what meal would you eat for the rest of your life?”
“So, my instinct is to say tacos, but there’s this jalapeno popper pizza at the shop by my house… If it were legal for me to marry this pizza, I would have done it already.”
“Wow. That must be some pizza. I’m a little jealous.” She laughs softly.
“You probably should be, it’s amazing. It has jalapenos, obviously, but two other types of peppers too, and three kinds of cheese, and ranch sauce. So I’ll make a commitment and say, that pizza. For the rest of my life.”
They talk a little more before heading to bed, and she’s so happy it makes even the prospect of meeting up with her brother seem a little bit less daunting. Thursday is a blur of interviewing witnesses who worked with the victim, but she’s able to sneak away at two to meet her brother Leo for lunch. He looks taller, somehow, more like 6’2” than 6’0”, and darker, from all that good California sun; she grins when she sees him. “Hola, broki. Creciste!” she says, marveling at his height, and he pulls her into a hug, smiles the same goofy, charming smile as always.
“I haven’t grown, I think you shrunk. And you’re so pale.”
“That’s life on the East Coast for you,” she explains as they pull apart, and they take their seats.
“That’s office life, hermana. You need to get out more. I bet your lungs are tired of all that recycled air.”
“I get out when I can. Been soaking up your sun and air the last few days working on this case.” The waitress approaches, and they order drinks; Leo’s a regular, knows what he wants to eat right away, and she orders the same to make things easy.
“The murder of that financial guy, right? Stockbroker, or something?” She raises her eyebrows, surprised he knows that much. “I heard on the news the FBI was on the case, figured that meant you, when you texted.”
“You watch the news?” she teases, because he has always been type to avoid real life at all costs, and the news is about as real as it gets.
“It was on at the DMV; don’t get too excited.” She laughs, because some things never change, and they chat a little more about the case, about what’s going on in his life—girlfriends, boyfriends, parties, surfing—as they eat.
“Actually, I wanted to tell you,” she says after a tale about a tall, dark, and handsome guy named Daunte, setting down her fork, “I have a boyfriend.” His brows shoot up his forehead.
“A boyfriend, ‘mana. I never thought I’d see the day. You’re such a lone wolf anymore.”
“Not by choice, by necessity,” she mutters, stabbing at her salad. “But yes, I have a boyfriend now. It’s really new—like, less than a week new—but it’s been a long time coming.” He takes a sip of his lemonade, smiles softly.
“He’s a Fed like you?” She must appear surprised by his astuteness, because it morphs into a grin. “You’re at work 24/7, Sophia, where else would you meet him?”
“Oh, for a minute I thought you were taking after your profiler sister there, buddy.” He frowns down at his plate.
“You don’t have to worry about that. I hate how you can get into people’s heads.”
“I do it to catch bad people, Leo. Rapists, murderers. I don’t do it to you, and you know it.” She sighs. “I didn’t want to talk about this today, anyway. I just wanted to come see you, catch up. It’s been nice.”
“Yeah, it has,” he agrees easily, and they steer away from the topic of her work, onto safer things. He pays for their meal—she almost falls out of her seat just to get a laugh out of him, and it works—and she has to get back to the precinct, but they make a pact to talk more often, so she considers the whole thing a success.
When she walks into the conference room they are using, she catches Aaron’s eye, points down the hall. “Can I borrow you for a sec?” she asks, and he excuses himself, follows her to the other end of the station; he presses his palm to her lower back when they are out of eyesight.
“Did everything go alright?” he asks seriously, and she pulls him in for a hug. His arms wrap around her easily despite their location, and he sighs, rests his cheek on the top of her head.
“It was really great, Aaron. It was hardly tense at all, and I… I would never have done it if it weren’t for you. So thank you.” When she pulls back, she tries to show him how grateful she is with her gaze, and he can tell, she knows it.
“You’re welcome. I just want you to be happy.” Their people aren’t around, but other cops are, so this is already bordering on too much PDA; she wants to kiss him, but restrains herself, takes a deep breath.
“What can I do to help?” she asks instead, and he fills her in on the new details of the case.
“So what’s your favorite movie of all time?” she asks that night, over the phone again. They’re all hoping it’s their last night in California, that the lead they have will pan out so they can finally go home, but no one more than Sophie and Aaron.
“A Few Good Men.”
“Oh, that’s so lawyerly of you. I probably would have guessed between that and… Witness for the Prosecution.”
“That movie is older than you. It’s older than me.”
“I like old movies. My mama always watched the classics in black and white, so I find it soothing.”
“What’s your favorite?”
“Oh, that’s such a hard question. Maybe… The Maltese Falcon? I love the drama of noir films, but I also like romances like Roman Holiday. Or anything with James Stewart.”
“Now I know why you’re attracted to me; you’re an old soul,” he teases, and she laughs softly.
“There are many reasons I’m attracted to you; I’d list them, but I can’t afford to keep you up all night.”
“Not tonight, anyway,” he murmurs, and she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, smiles like an idiot.
“Right. Not tonight.” She hums as she thinks of another question to ask him. “If you could only use one of your senses, which would it be?”
“That seems cruel. Let’s say, just for one day. And you wouldn’t have to work, so don’t take that into consideration.”
“Would I be with you?” he asks, and her heart feels soft.
“If you want to be.”
“Then hearing, I think. The way your voice wraps around me when it’s just the two of us, it feels almost like we’re touching, anyway.” God, she’s such a sap, melting completely at his words. She says nothing for a moment, and he clears his throat. “You?”
“Oh, touch, for me. As much as I love the sound of your voice, I’m very tactile, and I don’t think I could go the day without touch without losing my mind.”
“That’s good to know. Explains why you’re always hitting Morgan.” She laughs.
“Yeah, that’s an easy way to get some touching in for the day. I prefer softness, but I’ll take what I can get.”
“I’ve got a question for you, and then we should probably get some sleep,” he says after a moment. “Which of your personality traits are you the most proud of?”
“Hmm, I don’t know. Resiliency, I guess? I’ve always been able to push through hard times and focus on my goals. I’m very fortunate in that way. What about you?”
“I would say rationality, I think. It makes me better at what I do, even if it’s not always appreciated.”
“You know that you’re more than this job, right? I mean, I know we agreed that we obsess over it, that we let it be a part of who we are, but it’s not all you are. I can think of so many great traits you have that make you a good person, Aaron.”
“I don’t often tell myself that I’m a good person. A good agent, sure. A good boss, sometimes.” She frowns, feels for him.
“In that case, I’m happy to be the one to tell you. Often. Loudly.” He breathes a laugh, then yawns. “Yeah, I’m ready for bed, too. Maybe tomorrow we’ll get to go home, and we can work on having one of these conversations in person.”
“I would really like that. Sleep well, Sophie.”
“You too. Goodnight.” Friday morning, they catch the murderer, put him behind bars. It’s high profile, and Sophie’s there when they take him in; she hates having cameras in her face, hates California because there are always cameras, but she feels a rush of satisfaction when she gets the killer in the squad car and shuts the door in his face.
A couple of hours later, when she’s packing her bag, she gets a text from Leo: Nice job, hermana. Te amo.
Maybe some things will change after all.
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
I can be your lover
Part 7
Robbe knows Sander is staring, finding the awkwardness between them funny and not gut wrenching like he is. And Robbe is happy to be around Sander too but the guilt is still in the back of his mind.
It’s a nice surprise that Sander doesn’t hold anything he did or said against him. It helps with all the other bad feelings he’s trying to subside, to pile in the back of his brain, trying to make them smaller and smaller so he can focus on what’s happening now. Sander being chill with him, so much so that it feels like he’s making fun of them for being quiet and awkward.
“You went back to the bleached hair…” Robbe tests the waters himself, wanting to know how chill Sander really is. Because he’s amazing at keeping a straight face but Robbe knows he’ll feel in his words and his tone if he’s being nice just to be nice.
Sander nods his head, drinking his beer, his eyes still never leaving Robbe’s. He’s so comfortable and relaxed, leaning against the old and fancy back porch rail, acting like they haven’t just spent years with no contact because Robbe was rude and sabotaged their first attempt of a relationship. It feels nice, the best feeling, honestly, but Robbe can’t forget as easily about the last few times they talked before this.
“I did. As another part of this...restart again.”
Robbe laughs, leaning against the side wall next to him so he can stare back at Sander and stand on his shaky legs.
“How was it? Moving back, I mean…”
Sander shrugs, looking at the view from Noor’s balcony, “I think it’s a lot easier when you’re moving with no intention of doing it again any time soon.”
“Are you staying with your parents?”
Sander looks at him and he doesn’t have to say it, Robbe knows it’s not Sander’s favorite thing to do: go back to living with his parents. They’re lovely but they’re also overprotective and Sander has very little patience after so many years dealing with it daily.
“Yes.” He grunts. “Hopefully for just a few days.”
Robbe exhales shakingly, not sure if it’s because he’s a little cold after drinking freezing cold beers or because of this conversation, face to face with Sander, “Are you looking for a place already?”
Sander nods his head again, leaning against the rail behind him again, putting his beer on the floor next to his feet.
“You wanna see some apartments with me?”
Robbe feels a heat wave rush up through his entire body right away with the implications of that, even though he knows Sander is just making a joke again, loving to make Robbe feel all types of embarrassment and fondness at the same time. Robbe daydreams for a second about seeing a bunch of apartments with Sander, thinking about how they would decorate each one, how it fits for their lives and routines, even their serious conversations about how they would pay their bills would make Robbe excited. He gently rubs his fingers against each other, no bruises or skin asking to be peeled.
That’s how it always was between them: Sander likes to tease Robbe in any way he can because he knows Robbe gets both shy and more in love when Sander is being weird.
“I think it would be fun.” Sander snorts, smiling like Robbe hasn’t hurt him constantly for the past few years, “I mean it, Robbe. I’ll behave myself.”
“Says the one that couldn’t keep his hands to himself if we dared to be shirtless around each other by accident, or took a shower together.” Robbe teases right back, knowing he’ll lose if he plays the teasing game with Sander.
“But that’s not fair, c’mon! You’re talking about us being horny teenagers and half naked or completely naked around each other. There’s no chance of behaving in those scenarios.”
They laugh it off, looking at each other until it fades out back to silence, staying quiet for some time, looking at each other, surprisingly keeping their distance and the light, playful conversation. The pile Robbe was trying to minimize is completely gone now.
“Are you missing your old life already?” Robbe puts his head to the side against the wall and he notices Sander losing his focus, staring down at his exposed neck before meeting Robbe’s eyes again.
“No. Not really. I just got here so maybe it’ll happen later. But I’m happy to be home, even if living with my parents for a second.” Sander looks down, smiling to his thoughts, and up again, suddenly with those puppy eyes with a hint of cockiness if Robbe can stare long enough to find it, “And are you happy that I’m home?”
“Yeah…” Robbe takes a deep breath in, filling his lungs to the maximum “I’m sorry for making your life a mess the past few years. But yes, I’m selfishly happy that you’re home. It doesn’t mean anything, of course…”
“It can…” Sander says just above a whisper, in that challenging way he can use whenever he wants that something to happen. It’s hard to have a normal conversation with someone you’re clearly still very much in love with. Robbe knows him too well not to notice these changes in his gaze, in his tone and he’s still able to understand what each of them means.
“I see you came to this party just to make my life more difficult...”
Sander sighs, grabbing his beer from the floor to finish it at once, licking his lips, putting the empty bottle back on the floor. He shakes his head slowly, as if even he isn’t sure himself of his negative movement.
“You think I’m too hurt to give us a second chance and that you don’t deserve it if I do. And you feel bad that you’re the main reason why we spent the past long years apart. You were always the overthinker and that’s okay. I was always the one that only cared about us, fuck the rest. And that’s okay. We’re different people, you not being able to make a life changing decision so quickly doesn’t make you a bad person. Me still desperately wanting you back after everything doesn’t make me weak for a bad person.”
Robbe swallows the little saliva he has in his mouth, slowly trying to digest all the hard truths that were just said, put out like it was nothing when it felt like the heaviest weight on his shoulders for all these years. Sander is not wrong but hearing him say it so blunty, a very Sander way of doing things if Robbe can say so himself, makes everything feel a lot more real - and meaningless compared to the thunder storm Robbe had in his mind whenever he thought about it privately - and it’s easier for Robbe to fully comprehend when someone explains it to him by their point of view.
“It wasn’t fair to keep you in the middle while I was...struggling mentally all over again.”
“It really wasn’t fair for you to not give me a choice but I get it in a way. It’s not the same but if I was brave enough I wouldn’t want you around when I have an episode. But I’m too attached to ask you to ever leave me alone like you did with me.” Sander exhales, smiling at him, “Now that we got that out of our way, can we leave?”
Robbe laughs, in shock, opening and closing his mouth, wanting nothing more than to leave with Sander. But he’s sure everyone is watching them from the inside, wanting to know what’s going on. The second they get inside and go straight to the front door, he knows his friends will tease them about it. Every time they stop talking, Robbe can almost be sure that the music inside is a little too low for a party.
And it still feels uncertain, how they’ll feel about this once they’re awake tomorrow, thinking more clearly, the adrenaline of finally seeing each other and fixing what they can of their problems out of their system after a good night of sleep and hours to get rid of all the alcohol they drank.
“Yes.” He exhales like he’s been holding his breath since Sander left in that plane years ago. Even if he’s scared, his brain doesn’t seem to give him any other option because why would he say no to running away with Sander?
Sander grabs the bottle from the floor and Robbe pushes himself to stand up properly, turning around to push the glass door open, hearing the soft music playing inside quickly embrace them too - definitely too low for a party - and he can only hope the balcony door has a level of soundproofing. He can’t look at anyone in the eyes so he makes a bee line to the front door with no excuse in mind, hoping Sander is following him.
He can’t hear a single comment or a laugh but he can feel the anticipation of everyone noticing how they are already leaving, and together, and he laughs under his breath, rushing past the door, closing it behind him, waiting outside, not even sure at this point if this was what he was supposed to do.
Sander appears after a long, nerve wracking minute, closing the door behind him, smiling at Robbe.
“Did they say anything?” Robbe asks, feeling dumb for staying outside even if just for another second. Anyone can come out and make fun of them.
“Noor came with me to the door. She was staring and not saying a word and they were laughing. I’m pretty sure some advice was whispered but I wasn’t paying that much attention to take notes. You want me to go back inside and check…?” He points back, threatening to go back inside and Robbe holds the sleeve of his jacket.
Sander laughs and Robbe shakes his head, blushing, rushing downstairs, finally. It does feel like an escape, makes his heart beat fast and he laughs when he hears Sander’s snort echoing around the building.
He holds the massive front door open for Sander and they start walking home. They know where they’re going and to do what but Robbe can't bring himself to kiss Sander on the street like he so badly wants to do it.
“Use condoms, you dirty boys!” Moyo screams, half his body out from the apartment window and Milan appears too.
“And lube! Lube, Robbe!”
“Will do.” Sander doesn’t scream back, but answers anyway, loud enough for anyone on the sidewalk level to hear, showing his thumb up to the boys that wave back to them and blow kisses.
“That wasn’t embarrassing.” Robbe smiles, looking around them, a little more at peace when he doesn’t find anyone on the street or looking at them from any window.
“It could be worse.”
“How, exactly?”
“They could be coming with us to buy those things…” Robbe laughs because that would really be a lot, a lot worse.
Robbe bites his bottom lip, walking sideways to look at Sander.
“So you don’t have condoms...or lube…?” He frowns, very ashamed to be asking.
“I didn’t want to assume anything coming here tonight.”
“Good. Right. You’re right.”
“Thank you.” Robbe is still thinking about them, stopping to buy condoms and lube on their way home, when he feels Sander’s hand going from one of his shoulders to the other one, finally hugging him, pulling Robbe to face him, walking back, hoping Sander is looking at where they are going.
“Fuck, I miss you, Robbe.”
“I miss you too.” Robbe feels their hearts beating almost just as fast and as loud against each other, and he puts his arms around Sander’s waist inside his jacket, pressing them closer, looking up in a quiet way to ask for a kiss, “I can’t believe you’re home.”
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samwrights · 4 years
Team Karasuno as dads [hc]
For a married woman that doesn’t want kids, I sure do fantasize about my boys being dads a lot.
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He definitely cried when he found out you were pregnant.
When your daughter was born, he couldn’t even be in the room because he was so overwhelmed with you being in pain and the fact he was about to bE A DAD
He doesn’t even remember how you started dating because he was so blown away by your beauty or so he claims but the fact that y’all were married?? And having a kid?? When did he get so bold??
Eventually he got over it cause he felt bad that he wasn’t in the room holding your hand while you literally pushed a whole ass human out ya cooch.
He fainted
The first time he held his daughter was the first time he had felt complete, more complete than when he rejoined the volleyball team in his third year. It felt amazingly right. He tries to deny the fact and say your wedding was just as wholesome but you can tell. Fatherhood is something entirely different for him
“She takes after momma’s beauty.” A simp through and through.
Asahi is a parental HOG. Which is kinda nice cause he loves doting on your child but also HI I AM MOM AND WOULD LIKE TO HOLD MY BABY???
He tells YOU how to hold her and feed her and little ticks about her personality like you aren’t on maternity leave and are with the baby ALL DAY (although he is REALLY pushing for you to just be a stay-at-home mom)
Because he is soooo doting, it’s very rare that you wake in the middle of the night to feed or change her—Asahi is ALL over it. But he is human and there are days he’s too tired to wake up from dead sleep. It’s ok, he’s your human. Daddy deserves rest too.
Asahi would totally be a co-sleeper, or at least nap with the baby as much as he possibly could.
Definitely bought her multiple onesies that say “daddy’s little princess”.
She gonna be a spoiled brat when she’s older 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Daichi Dadchi;
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I mean he’s a literal running joke in the fandom
After being elected as the unofficial dad of the VBC in his high school days, it was no wonder that he was such a natural with your three munchkins.
Having three slightly older boys of varying ages, you relied heavily on Daichi to get through to them when you couldn’t.
He’s definitely the strict parent; your sons all try to take advantage of you 💀 demons
Your boys saw you as a pushover most of the time because you were just so tired.
“Just keep trying for a girl, they said. There’s a 50/50 chance, they said.” Was something Daichi would find you chanting to yourself often while you cooked dinner and the boys were playing soccer in the house and breaking something.
Even though Daichi is strict, he really tries to emphasize to the boys to treat you with kindness to make it a bit easier on you.
“Guys, please don’t make your mother rip her hair out.”
“We’re just playin’!” They would sing in flawed harmony
“One day, you guys are going to be all grown up with your own special person with your own kids, and you’re gonna love them so much that you’ll understand why I’m telling you to calm down and listen to your mom.” Asjdfkhlek.
“Ewwww, daddy loves mommy.”
“I sure do.”
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On god, Suga would be the most patient parent. He treats your toddlers like mini adults and not your insane nine year old girl or six year old boy.
He listens thoroughly when they are upset about something, cautiously listening to the deeper truths about why they’re upset and takes great care in making sure his children feel validated.
Super dad 🥰
But it’s not a random event; after being married to you for the last decade, he had so much practice with conflict resolution and genuinely listening to you that it was a natural tendency at this point.
For the most part, your children are incredibly well behaved. Sure, there’s an occasional incident because, well they’re kids. Your daughter, being the older of the two and nearly finished with primary school, was entering her phase of discovering boys and constantly writing in her diary.
Suga may be super dad, but he is not perfect, and for some reason I totally see him reading her diary.
“Koushi, put it back. Now.” He was just going to pretend that you using your mom voice on him didn’t turn him on and prepare him to fill you with another baby.
While he may be an expert on conflict resolution, you enforced respecting their privacy; quite a dynamic between the two of you in terms of validating your children as individuals.
“But honey, our daughter is starting to like boys.”
“At least one of the females in this house does.” 💀💀💀 with angels for children, someone had to be the clown of the Sugawara family and it was certainly you.
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You and Tanaka had your first baby in your guys’ third year of high school, which you would be lying if you said it wasn’t hell.
Tanaka fought tooth and nail to try to do everything from makin dinner, working, making sure you were getting rest, and of course still playing volleyball. Everything except actually trying to graduate.
“I don’t have time to study babe, I have practice and then we gotta put this squirt to bed.”
There was a constant argument about Tanaka continuing with volleyball that nearly forced you two to split. While you knew how important it was to him, there was no way he was going to graduate from Karasuno while he was trying to care for you, a child, work, and play volleyball.
“Ryuu, please. I know you don’t wanna quit but if you can’t pass your classes, you won’t be able to participate anyway.” He did not take well to that.
It took him time to come to his senses and in that time, you had kept you and your son away from him to allow him his space.
Apparently that was also a wrong move on your part.
He was so angry and frustrated being away from his mini me that he had easily conceded to retiring from volleyball if it meant being able to watch his little nugget learn how to sit up and crawl.
Yes, he goes HAM on the nicknames. Squirt, nugget, mini me, beanie baby, tyke, and all of the above. He pretty much calls your son everything but his actual name.
“I’m sorry for being stubborn.” He says one night while you help him study for his finals, your sleeping son swaddled in your arms.
“I’m sorry for making you give up something you love.”
“Nah, I got you and the munchkin. That’s all I need.”
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I love Noya 🥺 but at first, he is a chaotic parent. Granted y’all had your first child when you were still in college and he hadn’t the faintest clue on how to be a dad.
To be perfectly honest, you weren’t quite sure how to parent either.
Neither of you knew how to change diapers
Noya definitely got peed on more times than he wishes to admit
When your son was still a newborn, just around finals time, neither of you could figure out for the life of you why your baby was crying in the middle of the night. Which inherently made you cry because you had an 8am final and you had finished studying 5 hours prior 🙃
“Try to get some sleep, babe. I’ll take care of him.” Nishinoya’s voice was thick with exhaustion, but he knew how little you’d been sleeping since giving birth.
When you went to leave for your final, Noya was asleep in your living room rocking chair, baby safely in his arms with the both of them just snoozing away.
It was a struggle but the two of you faced the challenge together, one step at a time with your energetic four-year-old son as you graduated university. By the time you had all settled into a larger apartment together as a family, Noya had yet to pop the question. He was too busy having fun with his little man.
Sometimes it scared you how in sync he was with his child probably because he was still a child himself but it was sweet and endearing.
“Hey babe?” He asks softly after the two of you tucked away your boy for the evening. You raised in eyebrow at him, silently goading for him to continue. “Do you want to have another?” Needless to say, he sure as shit impregnated you that night asjckglpwm
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With Hinata being an older brother, I actually see him being a wonderful dad. However, homie’s got a one-track mind and with him playing professionally, you’re usually left to do the parenting.
Your kids definitely like you more than Shoyo, not that anyone blamed anyone; they just never see daddy :(
BUT when he is in dad mode and home, you suddenly remember why you were eager as shit to have more kids with him 🥴 which explains ya you’ve got your third on the way
When he does come home, he automatically greets his older, 8 year old son with noogies and a brief wrestling session. For some reason, Hinata felt the need to compete with his own child 💀
But when he sees his daughter, his world stops because he has favorites and EVERYONE in the Hinata house knows it
Always asking your 6 year old girl how her day was, asking how she was doing ruling over her imaginary kingdom and if she found her Prince Charming yet.
“Pffft I don’t need Prince Charming, daddy, he’s icky!!! Mommy says I don’t need a man!”
Where is the lie
“Your mom is absolutely right and you should totally listen to her, she’s the best queen in the whole world.”
Because of his one-track mind, he is engaged fully with your kids when he is actually home. Your son had naturally gotten into volleyball which, even after a long day’s practice, Shoyo spends hours training him.
“Do you think this one’s finally gonna like me more than you?” He asks one night while he’s doing the dishes after dinner, while you’re right beside him drying them off.
“Sho, our kids love you. But mom is home with them allllll day and has been since birth.”
“Can we keep trying until one of them finally likes me more?” 💀💀💀 “or until we have enough to make our own volleyball team?”
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How this socially inept clown got ANYONE pregnant was unthinkable. Of course, to anyone but you. After being with him all throughout high school, it was more of a wonder how you didn’t get pregnant sooner
This dude dirty. His one track mind, if not on volleyball, was entirely on you. Nearly every night was date night which ALWAYS ended with bow chicka wow wow 😏 you horny mfers yalll moved in together as soon as you graduated from Karasuno.
Clothing at home was nonexistent.
With the two of you in your second year of college, living in your apartment, and being 8 months pregnant, the air had dramatically shifted.
Kageyama’s once still high sex drive had been channeled into school work, working, and of course, volleyball. You were planning on at least completing your semester before taking time off to care for the baby. It seemed one of you would have to really step up, and from what it seems, it wasn’t going to be Tobio.
When he was home, which was very few and far between with how much he had going on, he had tried to dote on you as much as he could physically muster. Kisses here and there, bathing together, and lots of snuggles.
Kageyama is in charge of the nursery and there’s no room for argument on this. With him not being as present at home, he sets up the nursery as a way to communicate with his child that he’s never going to see because of volleyball
I love Kags, but he is nowhere near ready to even think about parenting 💀 which you tried to be patient with, but with the due date approaching very rapidly, you kinda needed him to step it up.
“I’ve helped.” He tries using the nursery as an argument and he had gone to every doctors appointment but homeboy still doesn’t know how to make a bottle or change a diaper
Was he prepared to have to clean up baby shit and vomit? Absolutely not. Was he going to anyway? Lmao, absolutely not. This boy only wants to be daddy, not dad.
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It shook everyone and their mother when people found out that Kei not only had a girlfriend that he met in college, but that his girlfriend was a milf according to Kuroo and Bokuto
When you and Kei had first started dating, your daughter was already five. And while you obviously didn’t bring her to classes with you, she was always with the two of you for date nights. Oddly enough, he really didn’t mind.
His patience for kids, now that’s he’s older and kids are actually kids and NOT his peers, rivals that of Sugawara’s.
“Hey Tsukki,” your spawn asks at dinner one day. “When are you and mommy gonna get married? People keep making fun of me cause I call my parents mommy and Tsukki.”
“Making fun of people isn’t cool, it’s so lame. They’re just jealous cause they don’t get to call their parents mommy and Tsukki.”
That same night, Kei offers to read your daughter to sleep as if to reinforce the notion that mommy and Tsukki was cooler than mommy and daddy. Of course, he was pushing for this to hide that he was upset that children were making fun of her.
After that Tsukishima really gets into his dad role—walking your daughter to school with you or without you everyday, picking her up and giving her grandiose hugs. He made sure to lock eyes with every spectator, his height towering over many at the kindergarten. Silently telling them all “do not fuck with her, or you answer to me.”
He’s sosososo protective, I can’t. He ain’t scared to fight a toddler.
Even well after you and Tsukishima introduce a child of your own, your daughter still insists on calling him Tsukki and adamantly tries to teach her sister to say Tsukki instead of dada.
“You’re okay with the kids not calling you ‘Daddy’, Kei?”
“The only one I want calling me daddy is you.”
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This poor bean 💀 not only was he not prepared for fatherhood in the slightest, but twins?!
You both swore up and down they were evil. If one was hungry, the other one would refuse to eat until the other finished their meal. This applied to using their diapers as well.
Imagine the energy of Hinata and Nishinoya as baby twin boys, and lo and behold, yours and Tadashi’s kids.
While you had slightly more patience with them, knowing they were going to grow up eventually and become their own independent humans. Tadashi was not handling this well at all.
Low key, he felt like he was doing a horrible job as a parent and, after the boys had finally gone to sleep for the night, you’d spent a lot of time consoling Tadashi.
“Why can’t I be like—“
“Baby, you’ve got to stop comparing yourself to all of your friends. None of them have twin boys that are less than a year old.”
“Yeah but Hinata has three of them, so does Daichi—“
“Honey, you aren’t them. You’re you, so please, just be you.”
He’s ambitious when it comes to parenting—he wants to be the best dad ever, and he only gets better with practice.
That doesn’t make him wanna tear out his hair any less, but as the boys get older, it does get easier. We pretend their toddler years didn’t exist, it was a nightmare that Tadashi does NOT want to relive
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mothra-obeyme · 4 years
Feel free to ignore if it makes you uncomfortable- but maybe the demon brothers reacting to finding out that MC is intersex? I'm gender fluid and have changed my name but a lot of my family rejects me, including my parents. and it's hurting me a bit right now. So maybe some comfort headcanons? Only if you're comfortable.
It's alright it doesn't make me uncomfortable. Don't worry.
I made the MC nonbinary but i use it as an umbrella term so i hope that's alright
I also didn't know if you meant them finding out you're nonbinary or intersex because intersex has to do with the X and Y chromosons and biology so i just used nonbinary because i didn't know what you meant 😅
The Brothers finding out that you're nonbinary
When you first came into the Devildom you didn't tell the brothers you're nonbinary because you were scared they would reject you like your family did. A few weeks later when you were more comfortable with them you decided to tell them that you're nonbinary.
Undateables Version
!Warnings: Transphobia, Swearing!
"I'm very proud of you that decided you feel safe enough to tell me something as important as that. I accept you for who you are no matter your gender and if anybody doesn't then tell me and i will take care of them."
Lucifer also asks you which pronouns you use and you will never see him using something different and when he does accidentally not use the right pronouns he won't make a big deal out of it knowing that you want him to cause a scene
But you still have to explain it a little bit more to him to make him understand your situation better because he doesn't know much about genderqueernes
When you at one point decide to tell him about how your family rejects you for being nonbinary and doesn't use the right pronouns he will be very mad because how could someone be such an ignorant b*tch
Will go to visit them and have a talk with them
Will also ask Diavolo if you can go back to the Devildom if they're still rude to you after Lucifer had a talk with them
When you have a gender crisis and you don't know where to go for comfort you can always come to him. He will be there for you no matter how bad you feel.
Will also ask which petnames you're comfortable with and which not
If you're usually wearing a binder he will ask you if you at some point want to get top surgery and if you don't and are comfortable with wearing binders he's going to make sure you're not wearing them for too long
When you told him that you're nonbinary he was confused at first and maybe sounded a bit rude because he didn't know what you meant
But he didn't really meant it to sound rude so when you explain it to him he understands what you mean
"You thought i would reject you, didn't you. Well jokes on you i'm the great Mammon so of course i'll accept you!"
Will ask for your pronouns as soom as he has to use them he's like:
"So then . . . wait are you using the other things like ... fuck what it is it called like with the she/him/they thing...."
"Do you mean pronouns?"
"Yes! Those which are you using?"
If you decided to tell him first and he finds out about it he's gonna be so happy inside but will act as if it's nothing
When he finds out about your parents rejecting you, not using your right pronouns and misgendering you he's really mad and he swore he will protect you with his life
So your parents should watch out because Mammon may not be the most intelligent out of his brothers but he's still the 2nd Strongest and really fast
Also gets really protective whenever someone is being rude to you and purposely misgenders you
With him being on the internet so much he already knows which genders there are and how to be respectful to members of the LGBTGIA+ community
So when you told him your nonbinary he was very understanding and also didn't make a big deal out of it because he thinks that people shouldn't have to come out and that it's a normal thing to be queer or genderqueer
Is also making sure to comfort you whenever you have body dysphoria and don't like your body
When searching for games to play with you he will do his best with choosing games that are nonbinary inclusive or where you don't have to give your gender
Is also understanding when you find a term you're more comfortable to be called
When you told him about your parents he got really mad and wanted to end them right away so you made sure to calm him down
Will try and convince Lucifer to let you stay here because if you're gone he's gonna be alone and you're more safe here then with your toxic parents
Will death glare at everyone who misgenders you or uses the wrong pronouns
I think he already knows the basics about being genderqueer so when you told him hoping he wouldn't reject you he was making sure to tell you he still accepts you and you being nonbinary doesn't change that
After you described your gender more to him he will search for books about it to make sure he understands you better and knows how to be respectful
Asking about your pronouns will also one of the first things he does and if he uses the wrong pronoun once he will make sure to apologise
If you're struggling with your gender and body dysphoria is getting to much he will make sure to give you a hug or cuddle and comfort you
At first he may not know how to do it but he will get better at it will ask you how to help you and will read the books he can find about it
Also when he finds out about the way your family treats you he's going to be mad as fuck like you're not able to hold him back Lucifer and Beel are literally pulling him back from trying to kill your parents as brutal as possible
After you managed to calm him down he will try everything he can do to let you stay here and you not having to go back to your family
I don't even want to talk about what he does when someone purposely misgenders you and uses the wrong pronouns like you don't want to know what happens to them
He's probably also one of the brothers who's educated on that subject so when you tell him that you're intersex he's completely understanding and makes sure that you know that
Will also ask for your pronouns and ask if any petnames he regularly uses makes you uncomfortable in any way and if they do he'll stop using them
Supports any clothing you're comfortable wearing
You feel comfortable wearing a skirt even if you identify as nonbinary ? Hell yeah he supports that
I think he's also someone that thinks clothing doesn't have a gender and everybody can wear what they want
Oh boy when he finds out about your parents
When you told him he has that sweet smile on his face but you know he has so much rage in him right now
And with that smile he will have a talk with your parents and will call out everything that's wrong about them (ex: that they have no style; their bad skin etc.)
And after that he will try and force Diavolo to let you stay here with him because he's way too alone without you and he needs your affection
If anyone is being rude to you in public and is being a transphobic idiot he'll be like
"Hey honey can you hold my bag for a second?"
And then kick that demon right in the face yes not punching because he doesn't want his hands to get dirty or accidentally break one of his nails
Oh and he will completely destroy their confidence and will make them cry
When he you told him that you're nonbinary he got realy confused because he didn't know what it meant
But after a while of explaining it to him he began to understand it and also accepted you immediately because he's boyfriend material
You do have to tell him to use other pronouns because he doesn't really know that your old one don't quite fit anymore
But he's very willing to learn more about genderqueernes and overall being queer and will try his best to make you as comfortable as possible
If you wear a binder and he saw you wearing one for the first time he'll get a little concerned and will ask if it's healthy but when you tell him that it's alright if you don't wear it for too long he's pretty chill
But he will make sure you're not wearing it for too long because he wants you to be healthy
Whenever you struggle with something be it body dysphoria or people being rude to you and transphobic he will intimidate them and make sure they will go away
When they're away he will ask if he can hug you and ask if you're alright
When he heard about your parents not accepting you he will be very angry and Beel is scary when angry but he'll be so sorry if he scared you
He just doesn't know how your own family can be so unaccepting and toxic
He will try his best at convincing Diavolo to let you stay here
He will be a little confused if you wear a skirt but when you tell him that you think clothes have no gender he's like
'Wait. Yeah that's completely true i should've realised that sooner.'
And will compliment you no matter what you wear or what's your style because he likes if you feel good about yourself no matter your clothes or gender
"You're nonbinary? Cool. What pronouns do you use?"
Like he'll be so casual about it you're like 'Wait i thought this would go different.'
He doesn't know everything about gender queerness but that doesn't mean he doesn't accept you
I don't think he really cares about gender he cares about your personality and if you're comfortable to sleep on and cuddle with
Will death glare at everyone who's being mean or transphobic and if they still don't stop he's not above beating someone up
Yes he may be lazy but he still hates when someone makes you feel bad
If you wear a binder he'll make sure to remind you to not wear it for too long
When he found out about your parents he was like
"Maybe killing humans is okay. You just have to kill the right ones."
Like you have to try your best to stop him from ending your parents life as soon as possible
I think he would buy you a blanket or pillow with the nonbinary flag on it because why not
He probably also thinks gender is a social construct and that you can wear whatever you want as long as you feel comfortable
Also gives you little compliments over day they may sometimes be a little weird but he's trying his best
"You're comfortable to sleep on no matter your gender."
Please reblog
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 4)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2652 Warnings: none
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: A huge thank you to my wonderful beta Sam @buckyofthemyscira​ Feedback is always appreciated!
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The past few days have been exactly what you wanted a month ago, peacefully silent, yet somehow it doesn’t feel right. You were able to finish your paper in record time, fully concentrating on your work but part of you missed the incessant music from next door.
There was an odd comfort knowing Bucky was home playing, and with the knowledge of his musical talent you now wanted to hear what he would come up with. Getting to know him briefly was… well, it was something. It could have gone a lot better if you didn’t stick your foot in your mouth.
Bringing up the music related noise was one thing but how you ever managed to bring up the noise of his “nighttime activities” made you wish you could have vanished into thin air, never to be seen again. You had done your best to avoid Bucky ever since, rushing out of or into your apartment as quickly as possible. You weren’t sure how you could ever face him again but you couldn’t deny that a small part wanted to.
Facing your shared wall you imagined where Bucky might be, picturing him on his couch, lounging across the cushions of the soft leather as he leisurely plucks away at the guitar strings, sounding out a melody. Or was he more focused, sitting upright and gliding his dexterous fingers across his keyboard? Was he at his computer editing his melodies? Was he thinking of you?
The silence was deafening. With your palm pressed against the wall you began to lean in with your ear, hoping you could hear anything. With a slight gasp you jumped back, there was noise but not any coming from next door. Your phone buzzed against the coffee table, with Steve’s face illuminating the screen.
“Hey Steve!”
“Guess who I saw going into Sweetgreen?” The strain in his voice clued you in to the right guess, Lillian. “Yup, and she wasn’t alone … yeah she’s still with Jason, for now,” he muttered under his breath, expecting her to cheat again.
“I’m sorry Steve. You know you deserve better than her, right? I know you know this.”
Steve sighed heavily. Even though he knew what you were saying was right, seeing his ex still hurt a lot.
“Thanks Y/N, I do know that, doesn’t mean I’m going to torture myself though and go in there so is it cool if I pick us up something else? I’m in the mood for carbs.”
Chuckling at Steve’s admission you couldn’t help but agree, salads were great and all but all this Bucky stress you’ve put on yourself definitely makes you crave heavier foods.
“Mmmm, yes tacos! Extra guac please Rogers!”
You set your table in preparation for Steve to come over with food, remembering to throw your wallet on the table to give him money. The last time he came over you had forgotten, being so caught up in reliving the terrible memory of your interaction with Bucky. Steve might have been right, if he handled talking to Bucky maybe you wouldn’t be so worried about running into him.
“Sam tells me you guys spoke,” Steve said, digging a tortilla chip into the container of guacamole.
You chewed quickly to swallow the bite you had taken. “Why do you always ask me a question mid-chew?” you joked. “But yes, we did speak and…” your voice lifted with anticipation as Steve’s eyes widened, waiting for you to continue. “He gave me the number for Elena Rodriguez. She’s head of the social work department and…”
“Oh my god Y/N please just tell me!” Steve begged.
“I set up an interview with her next week!”
Steve’s eyes crinkled with his excited smile though it faded shortly after as you nervously mused about fitting the internship into your schedule.
“One step at a time,” Steve offered with a small laugh.
He’s right. One step at a time. You didn’t even go on the interview yet, you might not even be hired for it; the thought of which worries you even more, but you remind yourself to breathe and take things as they come.
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The elevator ascends slowly, filled with your eager coworkers looking to join the rush home. As it lets off on the ground floor, everyone dashes to the heavy glass doors as you leisurely stroll to the security desk.
Mr. Lee had a big smile on his face as he seemed to be in the middle of telling Steve a story. Slowly you approached the desk, seeing Steve smiling down at something in his hands.
“That’s what I said but Howard was ahead of his time. A comic book movie…” Mr. Lee chuckled. “It didn’t work in ’47 but it sure would be a hit now.”
“Oh, what’s this?” you asked.
Steve held up a sealed copy of a comic book, Kid Colt, which you were unfamiliar with.
Leaning over the desk towards you Mr. Lee spoke, “Tony found that for me in his father’s things. That’s how Howard and I met. He wanted to make a movie outta this. Stark Pictures. He never did though, the whole thing became a big tax write off.”
“I didn’t know you knew Howard Stark.”
“Oh yeah,” Mr. Lee boasted humbly, “Since I was seventeen. He was a good man. You know he was so proud to finally be a father. He worked a lot, probably more than he should have but he had Maria and the nannies bring little Tony over to the office. Tony Stank I’d call him. Oh boy, you could smell those diapers from a mile away it was so bad.”
Hearing Mr. Lee talk about the head of your company so freely like this made you laugh. It also made Tony Stark seem a bit more human. As far as you knew he was a workaholic who may or may not be seeing Pepper Potts. You’ve caught the way she looks at him though, with an extra twinkle in her eye or how she hesitates for the smallest moment to gather herself before going into his office.
“Tony Stank, that’s amazing,” you laughed, wondering if Pepper has ever heard this story before. “Well, have a good night Mr. Lee!”
Steve came around to the front of the desk standing tall, filling out his blue uniform with his broad stature. It was unfair how he could pig out on food with you and not show any sign of it. Meanwhile, your stomach has been rumbling all day from last night’s dinner.
“I’m on the late shift today,” he frowned.
“Poor Stevie,” you joked, wiping an imaginary tear from your eye. “Not that my night will be any better, I’ve got a shit ton of laundry to do.”
“Enjoy the sweaty laundromat then.”
“Oh I will,” you said sarcastically.
The steady hum of the running washing machines drowned out the sound of the newscast coming from a small TV mounted on the wall. It’s muggier inside than out, and even with the door open you can’t escape the permeating smell of cheap soap and mildew.
The wash cycle is nearly over so you move from the metal chair you had been uncomfortably sitting on, listening to music to pass the time, and lazily stroll over to the machine that is spinning your clothes. Quarters jingle in your pocket as you walk, ready to be placed in the dryer as you wait some more. You hate laundry day.
It’s crowded too, with all the chairs taken and other people leaning against the wall. A few kids were running around screaming, not helping their tired mother who looked too exhausted to even reprimand them as she folded all their clothes.
No one looked happy to be there, not even the attendants who had to apologize to the screaming man who didn’t understand why he couldn’t use one of their reserved machines. It was a cut throat world on laundry night, with other patrons fighting to stake claim for the next free machine.
A loud buzz lets you know your clothes are done, you wheel a basket over and open the door. The shadow of the clearly impatient person waiting for your machine blocks the dull light from the fluorescents above so you hope to grab everything quickly without dropping anything on the dirty linoleum floor.
“It’s all yours– oh.” Your mouth hung open, not expecting to see Bucky standing beside you. “H-hey.”
“Hey Y/N. Didn’t want to startle you,” he sheepishly said. “Uhmmm, is this free?” Bucky gestured to the obviously open machine.
You nodded quickly. Not knowing what else to say you stared awkwardly at the basket of damp clothes and said, “I’m gonna dry these.” Smooth.
Turning around you let out a deep breath and worried over what would happen next. It would be extremely rude to ignore Bucky and continue to listen to music. He hasn’t done anything wrong to you, not this week at least, but you were too scared to risk saying something stupid, again.
It would take at least a half hour for your clothes to dry so you put on a brave face and decided to walk back towards Bucky. Dressed in casual black shorts and a white t-shirt, his smooth, toned arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against a support column, squinting to read the poorly transcribed closed captioning on the TV.
“Hey neighbor,” you said, offering a small friendly wave as he turned his head.
Bucky smiled, standing upright as he turned to face you completely to greet you back. He looked genuinely happy to see you, which made you feel even worse for how you left things.
“I’m sorry if I made things weird the other day. I didn’t mean to,” you blurted out before your brain gave any thought to see if this was a good idea.
Bucky chewed on his bottom lip, the gaze of his ocean blue eyes staring right through you. “Don’t worry about it,” he said with a cavalier air.
“So how’s the music coming along?” You were truly curious, having not heard any sound.
“It’s not bothering you, right?” Bucky winked.
“No, not at all,” you smiled softly. “Are you still working on that one piece?”
Bucky asked which one and you hummed the tune. Closing your eyes you missed the way his own lit up in delight hearing you repeat his melody.
“I know I complained about the noise but honestly it was so beautiful,” your voice lightened and he felt the weight of emotion even through the simple way you described it. “Maybe that’s why I couldn’t focus.”
Bucky adjusted his weight, needing to ground himself after your words made him feel as light as air. His music meant so much to him, working tirelessly to bring to life the sound he envisioned in his mind, to know that the unfinished piece had such an effect already made his heart swell with pride.
He developed his music like a chef crafting a recipe. Each instrument was a different ingredient, carefully selected notes were gathered on the counter, waiting to come together in a symphonic skillet. The flavors of music combine, heating up together the piano is covered in the spice of an electric guitar, with the drumming rhythm simmering beneath the surface as the sound of strings are poured generously over the top.
In the end the dish is a delicious feast for the ears but here you were, happily devouring the unfinished ingredient in its raw form.
“Yeah…” his voice came out breathless. Catching himself Bucky cleared his throat. “It’s actually for an upcoming video game. I can’t say which, but it’s part of an emotional scene when the main character finds his family is gone.”
“I can sense the depth of it.”
“That’s not even the best part,” he explained as his face grew with a wide smile. Bucky became lost in describing the emotion of the violins that would come in. “They’re the voice of the character and when he’s lost everything I have them coming in, crying out in pain. It’s sharp and strong, and beautifully tragic.”
Listening to Bucky describe his music resonated in your soul. You saw the complete love and passion he had for it and once again you felt terrible about asking him to stop.
“I’d love to hear it, if that’s okay.”
You looked at him with hopeful eyes, and Bucky smiled, nodding before he spoke his answer. He couldn’t wait for you to hear everything together.
You passed the time by getting to know each other a little more. Bucky has a younger sibling named Rebecca who moved west to work as an avian veterinarian in a bird sanctuary.
“My parents are lost without them around,” Bucky joked. “Do you know how hard it is to try to explain how to use Skype to them over the phone?”
“Oh believe me, I know. Somehow my mom always calls at the worst time to have me explain the most basic function on her phone that she already knows because we’ve gone over it a million times but…” You threw your hands up as Bucky joined in with your laughter.
When your clothes were dry Bucky gave you some space to fold them alone which you appreciated, not wanting to showcase your intimate items in front of him. He was still a stranger, sort of, but you were glad you were getting to know him.
Checking the time you realized it was on the late side and you still needed to shower before bed. Your clothes were packed neatly into a laundry bag, well most of them were at least. One sock managed to get eaten by the dryer to your dismay, and you hoped its pair was somewhere on your floor having fallen out as you prepped the laundry.
Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you gripped the bottle of detergent with your other hand and walked towards Bucky.
“Hey,” you called out to Bucky who lifted his head from his phone. “I’ve got a few things to do tonight still so can I take a rain check on hearing your music?”
“Yeah, of course.” Bucky did his best to mask his disappointment but he understood. He noticed the slump of your shoulders, balancing the laundry bag high on one side and letting your other limb hang low with the weight of the heavy bottle.
“Do you want me to carry that back?” he asked.
“Oh, no it’s okay, I can manage.”
The apartment was only two blocks away, two long blocks but still, you didn’t want to inconvenience Bucky even though judging by the curve of his biceps it wouldn’t be a problem.
Bucky walked with you to the front of the laundromat as you smiled and said goodnight.
“Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered, watching as you walked down the sidewalk until he could no longer see you in the crowd.
The words stayed on his lips like they were always meant to be there and Bucky has a brief flash of a life he’s never thought about.
A warm bed, made even warmer by the figure curled against him. His breath syncs with theirs and he’s at peace. His heart beats to the rhythm of love and his lips purse together to plant a soft lingering kiss on their forehead. A smile secures itself on his face because he’s truly happy; surrounded by the comforting feeling knowing that when he wakes up that person, his love, will be by his side.
The machine buzzes at the end of its cycle dragging Bucky back to a reality that has him gasping for breath. He steps outside for a minute for air, needing to clear his mind of the vision that seemed so real it scared him; for better or worse he can’t quite say.
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babydollmarauders · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you would be interested in taking a request for prompt 15 with Reggie from Julie And The Phantoms? Maybe she can see and hear them all the time and her and Reggie catch feelings for each other and she tells him not to fall in love with her? Of course, he does and he confesses to her and it’s all a angsty because she thinks it won’t work because she’s a lifer and he’s a ghost but then it ends up being fluffy with him focusing really hard to touch her and they smoooooch or whateva? Sorry if this was a lot to ask for.
Fallin’ (Reggie x Reader)
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Requested: Yes
Summary: Reggie and his best friend fall in love, but she doesn’t believe they can be together.
Pairing: Reggie x Reader
Prompts: 15. “I told you not to fall in love with me.”
Warnings: Mild language at the end.
A/N: I love writing for Reggie, and my sister sure likes it when I do too, because she gets to read them when I’m done and she always complains there’s not enough Reggie fics (he’s her fave)
Your earbuds were starting to make your ears ache, but you kept them in for the sole purpose of making sure no one talked to you. You were sitting at the top of the bleachers in the gymnasium for the school assembly, the sound of your favorite band, Why Don’t We, was flowing into your ears as you blocked out the sound of Dirty Candy. You closed your eyes for a second, leaning your head back on the wall behind you, slowly letting your consciousness slip away from you. That is until you felt a nudge on your knee, opening your eyes back up, you realized the assembly was over and everyone was leaving the bleachers. You stood, collecting your backpack before jumping row to row, making your way down the seats. When you finally reached the bottom, you heard a piano playing. You removed your earbuds and looked up to the stage to see Julie Molina, a fellow music program student. You watched as she sang, her voice captivating you, making you push you push through the crowd of students and make it to the front of the stage just in time to see three boys and their instruments appear on the stage. As the schools resident freak, a.k.a. the daughter of a medium, you could already tell that the boys were other worldly. Yet, you couldn’t help staring at the bassist, who obviously caught you as he sent a wink your way. You could feel your cheeks get red, but did you didn’t have much time to dwell on it, as he soon disappeared along with the two others. You shrugged your shoulders and started pushing your way out of the crowd as they all stood entranced by the appearance and disappearance of the band.
“That’s wild. They could see us when we’re playing, but not when the music ended.” You glanced over to see the three boys again, only this time at the side, in front of the stage.
“We should double check.” The bassist ran onto the stairs to the stage, waving his butt around a couple times. “Yeah, I don’t… I don’t think they can see us.”
“I wish I couldn’t see you.” The drummer stated exasperatedly.
“Yeah, me too.” You shook your head to try and get the image out of your mind as the boys heads whipped around too.
“You can see us?!” They questioned, eyes wide.
“Yeah. My mom’s a medium, so she can see and talk to ghosts, I inherited the trait from her.” You explained. “It kinda makes me the school freak because nobody believes me.”
You looked around to see that the gym was empty besides you, the boys, Julie, and her friend Flynn, who looked upset. You watched as she ran out, Julie following after her. You followed after the boys, making your way out of the gym as well, not feeling like going to calculus.
“This is so cool! Having another person be able to see and talk to us. I’m Luke, by the way. And that’s Alex.” The guitarist pointed to the drummer that you related to in the gymnasium. “And that’s Reggie.”
Reggie smiled and waved at you before the boys began to make their own little pyramid, clearly waiting for Julie. You leaned against a column near them, watching as they scared Julie.
“JULIE!” They exclaimed, making her jump a little in fear and scream.
“You! Stop doing that! I’m serious.” She glared at the ghost boys, making Reggie puts his hands up in mock surrender.
“Whoa! This one’s all on you. We were already here. Well actually, we were over there.” He pointed behind them. “And then we came over here.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his stupidity, making Julie’s head snap over to you, finally noticing your presence. Thinking you were laughing at her, she stuttered for an excuse, but shut her mouth as you began to speak.
“Relax.” You told her. “I can see them too. Daughter of a medium, remember?”
“Oh! Right!”
Its now been around a week, and you and Julie had become fast friends, but you had mostly hung around the boys, them enjoying the company of someone besides Julie that can see and talk to them. You had become closest to Reggie, you and him bonding over your love of things such as Star Wars and your guilty pleasure of country music. He even played you his song ‘Home is Where My Horse is’. You were currently sitting in the studio with Reggie, Alex was currently with his ghost friend Willie, and Luke currently talking to Julie at school, which you were currently skipping. Reggie was complaining to you about Jar Jar Binks.
“Reg, you know I love hanging out with you, but please, I’m begging you, to let it go.” You rolled your eyes at his whining, but still laughing his offended face.
“Awww, I love hanging out with you too.”
“Just don’t fall in love with me.” You winked jokingly, and Reggie laughed but honestly, you weren’t joking. You’re mom had told you before about a time that one of the ghosts she was friends with in her teen years had fallen in love with her and got pissed and refused to stay friends after she told him she couldn’t be with him because he was dead.
It had been about a month now since you had met the boys and you were currently watching them perform ‘Edge of Great’ at Julie’s garage party. Watching as Julie attempted to ignore Luke to try and shake the crush she had confessed about to you. But, she wasn’t the only lifer in love with a ghost, because you and Reggie had only gotten closer, and honestly you think you may have broken your own rule and fallen in love with him. Your eyes wandered his body, his signature leather jacket conforming to his arms. He caught your eyes on him and sent you a wink, making you roll your eyes and smile, but on the inside, you felt like you had just melted.
Once the performance was over and the boys disappeared, you made your way into the garage, passing Julie as she made conversation with some of the guests.
“On your way to find Reggie?” She assumed as she sent you a suggestive wink and a laugh, to which you just shoved her shoulder.
“Shut up.” You laughed, embarrassed that she knew you so well. You climbed up the ladder in the garage into the above space, as that’s where Reggie had told you he would be after the performance. You spotted the ghost boy sitting on a bean bag, playing around with his bass.
“Hey loser.” You smiled at him, his head snapping up to look at you, his eyes peering into yours.
“Hey freak.” He chuckled out, setting his bass down on the ground next to him, eyeing you as you sat in the bean bag next to him. You watched as his smile dropped and his tone suddenly became serious, which was very unlike your best friend. “(Y/N), I need to tell you something.”
“Of course. You can tell me anything. You know that.” Your eyebrows furrowed together, your smile dropping as well. He seemed like he was struggling to get the words out, and you began to speak at the same time that he finally spit them out. “Are you okay?”
“I’m in love with you.”
“Wait what?!” Your eyes grew wide, your breath hitching in your throat. “Reggie, I told you not to fall in love with me.”
“I know! And I tried not to, but I mean, look at you! You’re beautiful, and you smell good, and we like the same things, and I mean, can you blame me?!” His voice seemed to drown out as he rambled on and on.
“Reggie, you realize that we can’t be together, right? I mean, you’re kind of dead.” Your eyes grew glossy with tears, your voice breaking at the end of your sentence.
“If you don’t love me, just tell me. Please, don’t make excuses.” Your eyes locked with his. You could deal with your feelings when you thought he didn’t return them, but now knowing that he felt the same way made your heart ache.
“Reggie, you don’t understand. I do love you.” You explained. “I’m so in love with you, you can even ask Julie, I confessed this exact thing to her yesterday. But we’re from different worlds, literally. I mean, I’m alive, and you’re dead. It would never work.”
“I can make it work. I can try, for you. We can do this.” He grasped your hand in his and you gasped at the feeling.
“How did you do that?!” Your voice shook, knowing you couldn’t keep your guard up for much longer.
“I focused. Really hard.” He moved his hand to now hold your face. “See? We can make this work. All you have to do is say the word.”
“Okay. We can try. But please, if this doesn’t work, don’t leave me alone. I don’t think I could handle that.” Your voice was as soft as you could possibly make it, knowing that if you tried to speak any louder, it would break again.
“I promise”
His eyes shut slowly and you took that as a sign to close yours as well, his face coming so close to yours that you could feel his minty breath fanning across your lips. Your lips finally collide, locking together and moving in sync. His tongue brushes across your bottom lip, and you part your lips slightly, letting his tongue push past them and gently caress against yours. You explored each others mouths, before pulling away from each other for some much needed air.
“I feel dirty. Like I just watched some weird heterosexual porno.” You heard behind you, and you whipped around to find Alex peeking at you both from the ladder. Watching as he shuddered and jumped down from the ladder. “Gross.”
Taglist: @starkeysgirl @meangirlsx @whyisquill @bestdressedandstressed @aunicornmademedoit @solophantoms @noncannonships @chennyetomlinson @dpaccione
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obxcunt · 4 years
Love bites || (8)
pairing: jj maybank x reader [eventually] || rafe cameron x reader
warnings: SMUT, typos, cursing.
summary: it was supposed to be a good summer for you, the last one in the obx before going to college, the last one with your friends and family. Unfortunately, a sudden and mysterious death is about to completely change your life, pushing you directly into a brand new world and into a very sexy vampire’s arms.
part seven || masterlist || part nine
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You were now both in the living room, sitting on the couch next to each other, your legs resting on JJ’s laps. “I—“ He cleared his throat. “You’re okay?” He asked, again. “Do you need anything? Does it hurt? Maybe you—” You chuckled lightly, head falling against the couch.
“Look at me, JJ.” You said, your eyes searching for his deep blue ones. “I’m fine.” You murmured, again and again. “You don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
He scoffed. “I— I can’t help it.”
Kiara and Marcus walked in the living room together and seemed a bit worried. JJ turned his head in their direction, frowning. He could tell something was wrong, Marcus remaining silent and looking away.
Marcus had long brown hair, dark eyes and a beard. He looked like a cowboy, lost in the wrong generation. You discretely looked at the older man, wondering how old he was.
“How are you feeling, Y/N?” The witch asked.
“I— I’m fine, just tired and still a bit confused.” You touched your head, grimacing. “But my nose isn’t broken, that’s cool.”
“What’s wrong, Marcus?” JJ asked, nervous. “What happened outside? Did you catch him?” Marcus remained silent. “What’s going on?”
“We have a problem.” Marcus replied. “He’s way too fast and strong, we are clearly dealing with a newborn. He’s going to come back here.”
Kiara moved closer. “And, we don’t understand how he even managed to get inside the house.” She said. “Maybe another witch helped him or something. However, me and my dad are the only wizards living on the island.”
“Wait, what?” You asked. “He— He’s gonna come back?” JJ instantly turned to look at you, his hands reaching out for yours as they were resting on your thighs. “But— But we are not prepared for this, he could—”
“Unfortunately, this is a pretty common thing in our world.” Marcus interrupted. “This boy is different from us, he’s a hunter.” JJ clenched his jaw, looking back at him. “He’s dangerous and he’s not going to leave the island anytime soon, not until he gets what he wants.”
You sighed. “Me…” You murmured, tears emerging again. “Fuck—” You looked down, holding JJ’s hand.
The blond shook his head. “Hey, Y/N.” He leaned his head closer to yours as you looked up again. “I’ll never let this guy approach you ever again.” He promised. “Don’t worry, you’re—”
“This isn’t about me, JJ!” You said. “I— I don’t care about myself and the possibilities but—” You paused, licking your lips. “What about my parents, huh? What if, he comes back to my house, and kills them?” JJ sighed, looking straight at you. “What are we supposed to do?”
“I’m gonna stay with you, close to your house, drive you around whenever you need to move.” You rolled your eyes. “I’ll be your bodyguard.” He shrugged his shoulders. “We’ll find a solution, we can’t let this guy live any longer.”
“No, no, no.” You objected, eyes widening. “I don’t want you guys to get hurt.” Marcus scoffed. “It’s— It’s dangerous, what if you—”
“It’s not negotiable.” Marcus interrupted, crossing his arms. “We need to kill this guy, this week.” You sighed. “We can’t deal with him and Ward at the same time, it has to be done soon.”
Kiara and JJ nodded. “We’re gonna have to establish a plan.” She turned back to Marcus. “Let’s do this tomorrow, we should get some rest now.” She turned back to JJ. “Also, the spell won’t last forever.” She added. “You won’t be able to enter the house without her permission first as soon as you leave.”
“You should stay here for the night, JJ.” Marcus suggested. “Since her parents are coming back tomorrow, it’s not safe for her to stay here alone.” The blond vampire nodded. “We’ll see you tomorrow at the Chateau, we’ll have a reunion.” He looked at you. “It was nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“I— Yes.” You replied. “It was nice to meet you too, sir.” Marcus chuckled at the nickname before exiting the room with Kiara, the brunette waving at the two of you.
“Okay, let’s go upstairs.” You said once they were done.
You both took the stairs in silence, secretly enjoying each other’s company. JJ didn’t say anything, but he was really happy to be with you tonight. However, it wasn’t easy for him to control himself around you sometimes: his strong emotions tempting him constantly.
“Welcome to my bedroom.” You joked, closing the door behind him. “It’s a bit messy, i wasn’t expecting anyone.” You admitted, scratching the back of your head.
“Oh, really?” He teased, smirking as you smacked his arm. “It’s really pretty.” He said, looking at the lamps around the bedroom: giving a cozy atmosphere to the room. “Is that you?” He asked, pointing at some pictures on the wall, right above the desk.
“Yes with my mom.” You moved next to him. “We were at my grandparents' house, it’s a few hours away from the island.” You explained, the blond humming as he looked at the other pictures.
“I—” He narrowed his eyes, clearing his throat. “I don’t see your dad, anywhere.” He said, before looking at you. “You— You don’t like him very much, right?”
You sighed. “We— It’s complicated.” You walked away, sitting on the bed. “We used to be close, but not anymore.” JJ turned around to look at you, feeling bad for bringing up the subject. “It’s getting worse.”
“I— I’m really sorry.” He said, making you smile. “I should mind my own business.”
“Don’t be silly.” He sat down next to you, taking off his boots. “You wanna learn more about me.” He smirked, nodding. “We jump directly into the sensitive subjects.” You both laughed, getting comfortable against the headboard. “He— He cheated on my mom five months ago.”
“Oh.” JJ murmured. “Does she—”
“She knows about it, she forgave him.” You laughed nervously, looking away. “I can’t believe it, it’s fucking ridiculous.”
“Maybe— Maybe she wants to give him another chance to save your family.” You looked at him. “I’m not defending him, he’s an asshole but—” He paused schrugged his shoulders. “I’m not very good at this—” He laughed nervously. “Maybe, they both realized how important their marriage was. Maybe he’s faithful now, maybe he doesn’t want to lose everything.”
“I don’t know.” You said, sighing. “They’re always fighting, arguing over the most random things.” You smiled sadly, playing with your fingers. “I always end up in the middle.”
JJ wanted nothing more than to wipe away the sad expression on your face. “If— If you need to escape one day, or want some peace.” You looked back at him. “You can come to the Chateau, wherever you want.” You hummed, smirking. “I— You can hang out with us, especially me.”
You both laughed. “Oh, right.” He winked, making you laugh even more. You smacked his arm. “How could a sane person turn down such a nice offer.” You smiled, fleeing his gaze for a second.
“Exactly, Y/N.”
You both calmed down, looking at each other with intensity. Butterflies were emerging in your stomach at the sight: the beautiful vampire caressing your cheek with his thumb. You wanted him so bad, noticing his eyes full of desire moving down to your parted lips. You both couldn’t deny the attraction anymore.
JJ seemed fine on the outside, fighting an intense storm made by his emotions on the inside. His brain was telling him to leave, to run away from here. His heart was telling him to kiss you, to listen to his own desires for once. He wanted you so bad, no matter how risky and dangerous it was. You were this beautiful forbidden fruit to him and he was dying to finally taste it.
But, as soon as you moved closer: his nose brushing against yours, his whole body tensed up and he pulled away from you.
“Oh…” You murmured, heartbroken. “I— I’m really sorry. JJ.” You added, touching your trembling lips. “I— I thought you liked me.” You laughed nervously. “I’m ridiculous.”
“Wait, what?” He asked. “Shit— I do.” You looked back at him, frowning. “I like you, Y/N.” He breathed in and out. “I— I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone so badly in my entire life before.”
You blushed at his words. “I don’t understand.” He wanted to tell you the truth. “What’s wrong, JJ?”
“Remember, back in high-school, when you punched Rachel Green in the face?” You nodded, still frowning. “You did it, because she was calling me a Dirty Pogue.” He swallowed hard. “I— I’ve been in love with you ever since.”
Your eyes widened. “Wha— What?” You were extremely confused, shaking your head. “This doesn’t make any sense, you were ignoring me in high-school and at parties. I thought you had a problem with me back then.”
“You’re a Kook.” You rolled your eyes. “I know, it’s ridiculous. But, you were hanging out with my enemies all the time and—” He sighed. “You had a boyfriend back then.” You grimaced at the memory. “I was admiring you, in secret. I was always looking at you, thinking about you. You were making me nervous. But, this was before, through my human life. Everything is different now.”
“I’m so confused.” You rubbed your face. “You don’t like me anymore, now?” He shook his head. “Because you’re one sexy vampire, you probably had sex with beautiful vampire women and i’m nothing more than a boring human girl.” He laughed nervously at your words. “That’s not funny.”
“I— I haven’t had sex in a while.” He admitted. “Vampires’s emotions are way deeper, which means that my desire for you became even more important and stronger.” Your lips parted, cheeks heating up. “It means that my need to feel you is consuming me even more than it was before.” You were breathing heavily, a violent heat igniting your whole body. “But, this is completely different from human relationships. If we start, who knows what could happen. I could break your bones, while fucking you too hard. I don’t want to hurt you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t hold back anymore. “Holy shit—” You breathed with difficulty, one hand moving to his neck to pull him closer. “I— I don’t care, kiss me.” He chuckled, both hands moving to your waist.
“Don’t say that.” He said. “You’re driving me crazy.”
“You’re torturing me, JJ.” You said back, moving to his lap, sitting down right on his crotch. “Please—” He growled as you moved against him. “One kiss.”
“If you keep doing this—” He sighed, licking his lips. “We both know, it won’t be just a kiss.” You smirked, pressing your forehead against his. “JJ…” He loved hearing his name in your mouth and loved even more how eager you were to feel him. “You’re not gonna hurt me.”
“Shit.” He breathed.
In a second, you were getting slammed against the bed: back pressed against the mattress in a gasp. His body was hovering yours, standing right between your opened legs. His mouth moved against yours through a passionate kiss, your hands moving behind his neck to pull him closer. You wrapped your legs around his waist, moaning against him as you felt his hand caressing your bare thigh before firmly grabbing it.
He pulled away, his lips moving to your jawline and neck. He wasn’t out of breath, unlike you, he was unstoppable. You moaned against his ear, sensing him gently biting your skin. He pulled away, sensing the urge to bite you, his eyes turning darker and teeth coming out.
You opened your eyes. “What’s wrong, JJ?” He looked away, not wanting you to see him like this. “Hey, look at me.” He groaned, shaking his head to chase his dark thoughts away. “Hey, it’s okay.” He looked back at you, expecting another reaction as you caress his cheekbones and kiss him softly. “It’s okay…” You repeated quietly, his eyes softening at the sound of your voice. “I trust you.”
He kissed you again. “I— I wanna try something.” You didn’t say anything, waiting for him to make the next move, which he did: moving down and kissing your thighs. “Can— Can I?” He asked, ready to take off your pyjama shorts and underwear.
“Yes, please.” You said, whining as you felt the cold air against your skin. “Shit—” You moaned, head falling back against the pillow as JJ’s hands firmly grabbed your thighs, the feeling of his cold rings against your burning skin making you shiver. “Please, do something.”
He couldn’t believe it, this wasn’t another wet-dream, it was real. He made sure you couldn’t move, holding you tightly against the mattress, his head placed directly in front of your heat. He kissed your bikini-line slowly, wanting to tease you, the anticipation building in your body and driving you crazy.
He moved down. “Better be loud, baby.” You moaned at his words. “I want the whole island to hear you.” You hummed, biting your lower-lip.
“Fuck—” He moved his tongue between your folds, licking all the way up to your clit: sucking on it and looking straight at you in the eyes. “JJ—“ You cried, gripping on the sheets.
He continued devouring his favorite meal with pleasure, trying his best to remain calm as he bruised your thighs with his rough fingers: which made you moan even louder. His tongue wandered through your heat, while your fingers were playing with his soft hair: your whole body shaking at the sensation. He used his thumb against your clit, his tongue focusing on the entrance as he listened carefully to your moans.
“I’m— I’m gonna cum, JJ.” You murmured, looking down at the beautiful vampire between your legs. “Fuck!“ You moaned, his thumb moving fast against your clit, making you shake in euphoria as you tried to close your legs on him. “J— JJ!” He smirked against your wetness, savoring the way you taste. “Oh my god… You’re amazing.”
At midnight you were cuddling him, falling asleep in his strong arms, your arm around his waist and your head resting on his bare chest: using the sound of his heartbeat as a lullaby. He played with your hair and kissed your head until you were peacefully snoring, looking at you with adoration the whole night.
tag-list: @prejudic3-deactivated20201112 @thestorysofargone @ifilwtmfc @callmeimpetuous @katiaw2 @iccyyyybitch @agirlwholovescoffee @hvrcruxes @magicwithaknife @obxmxybxnk @lus-shh @bibliophilewednesday @k-k0129 @acvross-the-universe (tumblr won’t let me tag some of u guys!)
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Captain Georgiou January - February Day 3′s scheduled creation is by Al @dykekeit​. Thank you to Al for sharing this essay!
Here’s the thing: this story isn’t about me. I’m white and Jewish―not exactly lacking for representation in Star Trek, even if I am a lesbian―not with the ta’al itself coming from the Kol Nidre service, not with Benjamin Sisko’s character more closely resembling Moses than any other religious figure. How many times have I seen myself, loved myself, in Trek? I’ve taken heart in Leonard Nimoy’s Yiddish, in Jim Kirk’s Tarsus IV backstory, in Benjamin Sisko the reluctant prophet and in Kira Nerys, fighting for her traditions amidst pressure to assimilate or die.
And yet, the first time I saw the trailer for Discovery, I almost burst out crying hearing Michelle Yeoh’s voice—her accent, the way she pronounced Shenzhou, seeing her in the captain’s chair—because it felt so much like home.
Like I said, this story isn’t about me. This is a story about my sensei.
I still don’t know what name she was born with, growing up just outside of Hong Kong. When she arrived in the United States, there was no large Chinese community on the east coast in those days; she didn’t speak English, and no one around her spoke Cantonese. She was alone, totally alone. I still can’t fathom the sheer amount of chutzpah it took for her to stand her ground and carve out her place the way she did, but I know what it took: a skill for organization, a love of scheduling, a gift for disdainful silences, and an intense, rigid sense of etiquette. When you stand barely five feet tall, it’s all necessary.
Sensei loves gardening and darjeeling tea, and hates anything sweet to the point that I have gone out of my way to buy her chocolate above 70% grade dark. Oh, and did I mention? She loves Star Trek.
Sensei gravitates towards characters like Spock, like Data: immigrants, constant strangers among new and adopted cultures alike, repeatedly explaining their differences and saving face and proudly, wholly themselves, no matter if people understand them or not. They are characters who defy expectations and use every difference as a strength, no matter if it’s supposed to be a weakness. I wonder, sometimes, as she’s teaching me about the protective properties of jade bracelets and how the good Jewish delis she knew used to serve thinly sliced beef tongue for sandwiches, but not any more—were the stars visible in Hong Kong, growing up? Did she want to escape to the dark sky, to the other side of the world—anywhere?
How did I meet her? Well, when she was thirty-nine, my sensei took up kendo, the Japanese martial art of fencing, and almost twenty-five years later, she had reached fifth-dan (that’s fifth degree black belt!) Into her dojo I stumbled. Picture this: me, a clumsy, skinny Jewish lesbian, never worked out in my life, thought swords were kind of cool, walking into a dojo and finding a sixty-something Chinese woman who, though she barely came up to my chest, could kick the butts of every single much-younger six-foot-plus male student she had.
I guess it’s not surprising I stayed.
Over the next six years, my sensei taught me everything, and not just about kendo. In between correcting my wrist angles, my posture, my follow-through, my footwork, my uniform, my dojo etiquette, and anything else she could think of, there were moments of life coaching: how to focus, how to be disciplined in everything I do, how to help, how to put other people first. When I burst out crying during practice, she reminds me that the dojo is a safe place for emotions. She introduced me to Hong Kong-style diner food, showed me real dim sum and how to order and eat and share it properly, cultivated a lucky money plant for me to bring home and instructed me where to put it in my house for best feng shui, advised me to begin acupuncture for stress, told me to take more initiative when pouring tea for other visiting sensei. On the worst day of my life, I wanted her advice. Once, I managed to get a signed copy of Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club addressed to her personally. When I presented it to her and she learned I hadn’t read it, she turned around and gave it right back to me, insisting with a smile that I read it first so that we could talk about it together.
In the middle of all of it, a new Star Trek show, called Discovery, was announced, and soon, a new trailer dropped. The captain’s name was Philippa Georgiou, and she was played by Michelle Yeoh.
I did nearly burst out crying. It was Michelle Yeoh, but all I could see was Sensei, in command and speaking her accented English, proof of a past beyond a Starfleet that demanded “standard” English for assimilation.
Captain Georgiou was concerned with etiquette, both social and honor-bound: Starfleet doesn’t fire first. In the dojo, I am to bow respectfully, I am to shake hands and thank my opponent after every match, I do not hit just to hit or shy away in fear. The only way a kendo match works is with mutual communication; an opponent is not a faceless thing to be beaten so much as a partner to create opportunities. We may strike first, but we are not aggressors.
Captain Georgiou said: the best way to know yourself is to know others. Take care of those who are in your care. I still remember the time I watched a fellow dojo member rush across the tournament floor because someone had the wrong-colored tasuki to change it without a thought—because he had noticed a problem, therefore he must help. I sat there, frozen. I told Sensei this story later with absolute wonderment and shame and she just smiled, patted my hand, and shared some of her favorite raisin walnut bread with me. She knew the lesson had stuck. Other times, she has snapped at me for forgetting to hold a door open for other people, but—
Captain Georgiou: disciplined, teasing, dedicated, setting stars and valuing candor: your confidence is justified. My shock when Sensei first told a few of the other girls and I some dirty jokes late at night before that same tournament was only matched by how funny it was, and how it was immediately followed with a discussion of our weaknesses in shiai combat, and what our approach both physically and mentally would be for the tournament the following day.
I wonder, through fanfiction and fanart and discussion with others, what Philippa shared of the universe with those around her—with Michael, with Saru, with all those under her care.
I once told Sensei that reading The Joy Luck Club and trying to understand all the Chinese cultural nuances from an outside perspective was like looking through a waterfall, or trying to see through a beaded curtain—seeing outlines, but not being able to grasp details. She smiled, and nodded, and said, “yes.” What she meant was, of course I couldn’t, and no one would be able to explain every detail to me―not if I didn’t live it, but more importantly, not if I didn’t ask questions. When Captain Georgiou brought Michael Burnham to the bridge for the first time, she said, “This can be your new home, if you want it to be.” She asked for little but trust and mutual respect from a certain Vulcan-raised human who needed to re-integrate into an all-too-familiar but still foreign culture. The dojo is foreign, and it is my home, and I must always ask questions.
A human who had seen a life of loss, but still chose hope. A mentor who saw everything as a lesson, full of expectations both written and unwritten. And I, or Michael Burnham, watching her set a star.
Sensei: 谢谢, I love you, and I hope to see you in person soon.
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
NSFW alphabet for ethan x mc??
I’m assuming you’re referring to the nsfw alphabet otp asks? 
If so, Ethan x Odette are below the cut!
Aftercare: What they’re like after sex Odette likes to lay around and cuddle for no longer than five minutes. After which she’ll hop up, trying not to make a bigger mess, and pad to the bathroom to pee and shower.  Ethan definitely likes to relish in their closeness no matter who’s on top. As their relationship progresses and Odette relaxes a bit more, he actually likes to clean her up afterwards. He’ll kiss her forehead before he leaves her laying there to grab a wet cloth and wipe them both up gently, all the while looking down at her with glittering eyes and a private smile. 
Body part: Their favorite body part of theirs and of their partner’s   Odette loves her long, naturally straight hair and her tiny ears. She loves Ethan’s dimple and a beauty mark he has on his left ring finger.  He doesn’t have a favorite part of his body. It’s a body. It functions. But if he had to choose it may as well be his toned calves. Ethan really loves her boobs, but his absolute favorite part of her is the glow of her emerald eyes of her brightest smile.
Cum: Use your imagination for this one aha (what are they like when they finish, how do they feel about their partner’s cum/face, etc) Ethan’s face changes each time with the varying degree of his orgasm - if it’s a deep and good one his entire face scrunches together and he breathlessly curses. The one constant in every orgasm is the way his nose scrunches and jaw slacks into the sexiest “0″ face. His deep, ragged breaths so erotic.  Odette tries to hide her face - she hates how ugly it looks to the point that in the early stages she’d really try to keep herself from coming. But Ethan’s a giver and all it took was his loving gaze and a soft “i want to see you” as he tugged her arm off her face for her to not give a shit. The sex is fucking fantastic.  Ethan thinks she’s absolutely breathtaking, and Odette adores how young he looks. They both appreciate the others vulnerability.  
Dirty Secret: Do they have any secrets that would come to light during sex (not kinks) Ummm... Odette has a weird relationship with intimacy. She’s not about it, not really. She’s got to be in the right mood for sex or any sort of touching. She gets better as the relationship progresses, which is why she doesn’t sleep with someone until she’s sure they’re going to be around long-term. Usually, with her last few partners, her rule has been 6 months dating before sex. She made an exception for the rule with Ethan (just shy of 5 month mark).   For Ethan it would just be that he hasn’t been intimate with anyone in about two years by the time the two get together. 
Experience: How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing? Odette knows her way around a body. She’s only had two sexual partners besides Ethan, but the girl knows where everything goes and really can a girl really be bad at sex?  Ethan has ten years more experience than Ode and a total of 11 sexual partners. He’s a giver and has gotten very good at perfecting his tongue technique. He knows he’s relatively easy when it comes to finishing so it’s always about his partner.  
Favorite Position (Bonus horny points for including a visual) Too lazy to get a visual. Ode likes to be fucked against a wall, and Ethan prefers to have her on top. 
Goofy: Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc They take turns depending on who’s initiating and where they are lol but Ethan is usually the goof.  Ode likes to tease Ethan and throw little remarks his way for foreplay. Ethan is mostly more sultry and praising in the moment. He jokes back with her, matching her banter like always. 
Hair: How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc. Odette is completely hairless. She’s had all her hair lasered off, except for a patch of her bush where she likes to keep the option open. She bleaches her hair so her pubic hair is a dark blonde.  Ethan scapes pretty well. He’s never had any complaints. 
Intimacy: How are they during the moment, romantic aspect… Odette likes romance. She actually needs it to get anything out of the act. She’s not one to be able to separate sex and her feelings. She needs mental stimulation to help get her off whether it be dimmed lights and closed eyes or Ethan talking dirty. When she’s really trying to catch an orgasm that seems like it’ll never come her way she tends to be a bit removed from the moment than Ethan would like.   Ethan is very much present and very tuned into her needs. It is all and always about her. Sometimes he’s much to selfless in the bedroom for her liking. Like, when she knows she’s not gonna cum that session he doesn’t really accept that and keeps drawling it out. And then she’s gotta pull out a secret weapon to finish him off and not hurt his feelings. These two never lack intimacy - they both make sure it’s always present. Their favorite positions are the ones where they’re facing and can look and leave lingering kisses on the other’s face. Very disgustingly cute.
Jack Off: Masturbation headcanons perhaps Ode has a bullet Jackie got her ask a gag gift one Secret Snowflake. She’s only used it a handful of times while she was reading something erotic.  Ethan doesn’t see the need to masturbate. Nothing could ever compare to the real thing, so why bother. Though when he did it was usually in the shower.
Kink: Does the character have a kink or a few? Ode likes roleplay and edging, being dominated and even a little bit of bondage. Once she’s comfortable enough (a year into their relationship or so) their sex gets really really fun.  Ethan’s a boob man. And we know he’s an exhibitionist. He likes his balls fondled and maybe a finger up the butt if he’s drunk enough 😉
Location: Favorite places to get down and dirty She prefers to keep their business in the comfort of their own home.  Ethan would like to convince her to try it in the office or their car, the sun lounger of their forever home. But he’s okay with taking things however slow she needs. Ode did let him feel up her skirt on a long Amtrak once and it’s the highlight of his year. 
Motivation: What turns them on, gets them going etc Ode needs the romantic aspect of it all. She needs the validation and assertion of their relationship to be that vulnerable with someone.  Bickering turns them both on immensely. Both Ethan and Ode are wildly attracted to the other’s mind so any sort of stimulating conversation or argument would get them both hot and bothered.
NO: Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs Neither would do anything degrading. Ethan’s a lil freak and willing to try most things once.  Her biggest turn off is smell. There’s a difference between sultry musk and man stank. Lucky for her Ethan’s very good at cleaning himself.  
Oral: Preferences in giving or receiving, skill, etc She prefers to receive. Laying there and doing nothing but running her fingers through his hair is her bread and butter, sometimes even the dessert too. As for skill level she’s average. She’s very picky about circumstances and therefore lacks lots of practice. Though she does a very wonderful thing of rolling her wrist while she’s sucking him and swirling her tongue around his tip that throws him over the edge. She keeps that little skill in her pocket and only breaks it out absolutely necessary. Ethan’s a giver. Always has been. That’s it. That’s the explanation 😂
Pace: Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc. They’re slow 90% of the time. Always savoring the moment. These two don’t have sex frequently, possibly 3x a month so it’s always a special lengthy time.  The only time it’s fast and rough is if the moment calls for it and they have an understanding. 
Quickie: Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc. Ode finds quickies difficult. Deep in the relationship she’s more inclined because the relationship and feels are so strong and stable she’s able to get more out of it.  Ethan’s on the same wavelength. He’s not opposed to a quickie. Though he says he’s not a man of endless patience, he is for her. He’ll gladly spend hours making her feel good.
Risk: Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc. Yes, they’re okay with experimenting later in the relationship. Slow and steady they’ll make their way through all their fantasies. 
Stamina: How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last… Ethan goes for rounds. Two preferably at a minimum. A normal round lasts 40 minutes; foreplay galore!!!!!   Before they move in together deep relationship, Ode tends to feel gross after sex and needs to clean up and move on immediately. Ethan helps her work through this just by loving her. 
Toy: Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves? Ethan finds her bullet and they use it together sometimes. 
Unfair: How much they like to tease? They like to tease one another a lot. It’s a form of foreplay and declaration of love. 
Volume: How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc Ethan is a grunter. And a dirty talker when coaxed. He’s also perfected his voice - low, gruff baritone that oozes sex. He’s stupidly athletic so he doesn’t run out of breath easily which is an advantage for rough play and the inevitable rounds. His mouth is usually busy kissing, sucking, biting, licking to really make any other noise than grunts or moans. He is partial to a gasp and groan when she is driving the affair and he’s utterly powerless against them 😏 Ode whines. and gasps. and tries not to make a sound because she doesn’t want to ruin the little bubble they created. if she ruins it odds are she won’t be able to finish. 
Wild Card: How wild are they in the moment?  Kinda touched upon above, they’re really gentle and sensual with one another. These two are figuring things out and treat one another like the most precious thing on the planet. 
X-Ray: Describe what’s going on in their pants through pictures or words Ethan is well-endowed and scaped. Ode is generally bald. 
Yearning:  How high is their sex drive? For an old man, Ethan’s got stamina. If it was biologically possible he would always be inside her, right where he belongs. Sometimes round two is just him going down on them.  Ode needs some convincing. They both know when she’s ovulating because she’s much more forward than normal. 
ZZZ: How quickly they fall asleep afterwards Once she’s showered and fresh, Ode climbs into bed and reads whilst snuggled up to Ethan’s side.  Ethan is always on clean up duty. It’s very rare that he’ll be too tired to roll out of bed after a session. Normally, if they had late-night sex, he’ll fall asleep 15-20 minutes later.
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