#And voila
spicy-seaweed · 15 days
that feeling when you’re going through your bin of “junk pencils” and find an apparently well hidden stash of prismas
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michelle-manips · 5 months
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Bonnie Bennett Gif
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borealtwilight · 2 months
it has finally happened
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the john halo order number
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rviner · 2 months
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cpyclopse · 11 months
"And maybe this is killing a part of me
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But it aint called love without a little tragedy~"
[My Art]
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brasiliangp · 1 year
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@f1blrcreatorsfest sprint 3: throwback - western
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greenand-blue · 11 months
In the spirit of Halloween I have a fucked up idea.
TW for descriptions of violence and gore below the cut
(Edit I’ve decided to call it Pighead AU so that’s the tag if anyone’s curious)
Engineering student Martin Kratt has fallen on hard times; school is harder than he thought it would be and he promised his folks he wouldn’t do drugs when he got to college but how else is he supposed to stay awake to study? After being attacked one night after a small bender, he wakes up in an abandoned factory, his head trapped in a massive metal contraption. The puppet that comes on the TV says that he “wants to play a game.” He tells him that the contraption on his head will split his face open if he doesn’t slice open the dead body in the corner to find the key. As he stands up to get to the body, he hears a *click*. The trap is active and time is running out. Martin doesn’t hesitate to slash open the body’s stomach, desperately searching through blood and slimy flesh to find his salvation. Just as the last ten seconds began, finally, he found the key. The blood on his hands made it tricky to slip it into the lock but, just in time, Martin threw the thing off his head. It hit the floor and snapped shut. Shaking and crying and screaming, covered in someone else’s blood, Martin jumped when a hidden door opened. The puppet from the TV rolled in on a red tricycle.
“Congratulations. You are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. I have a proposal for you; join me, and teach others the lesson you have just been taught. I have been watching you. Your skills are wasted on dime a dozen office buildings and gentrified neighborhoods.” Martin sat there and thought it over. What other options did he have? He stood and faced the puppet.
“When do I start?”
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aqpippin · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday - 
goodecox au 🥐
(beach house fic)
Gigi is warm and golden, and Jackie can still feel the sand and taste the salt on her skin when she presses a kiss into the redhead’s shoulder. The evening is quiet, they move with ease, nothing needing to be said between gin and tonic refills and the occasional refresh of the grazing board between them. 
Gigi alternates between chewing on crudités and her pencil as she works through a little crossword book she bought at the airport, mumbles a little ‘fuck’ every time some condensation drips off her glass and smudges her lead scratchings. Jackie works through emails and invoices and Gigi doesn’t even have the heart or the energy to tell her to stop, just lets her do her own thing in an attempt to keep the peace that has grown between them. Jackie feels like Malibu sunsets go for hours, with the way the sun moves lazily away from the coast timestamped only by the changing of the tide rather than the shutter of Gigi’s instagram story. As much as she loves the city, as much as she swears she’ll never leave New York, she feels like she can live like this forever. 
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simquoya · 2 years
damn, ma
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Lotus is sitting nervously in her living room, fidgeting with her hands as she waits for her mother, Eve, to arrive. She knows that Eve can be unpredictable and inconsistent, and the news she's about to share could trigger her mother's past addiction issues and emotional instability.
When Eve finally arrives, she greets Lotus with a cold stare. Lotus takes a deep breath and nervously blurts out, "Mom, I'm pregnant." Eve's expression immediately turns from cold to furious, and she starts yelling at Lotus, accusing her of being irresponsible and making a mistake.
As Eve continues to berate Lotus, Sami walks in the door and immediately senses the tension in the room. He asks what's going on, and Eve turns her attention to him, accusing him of taking advantage of Lotus and impregnating her for his own selfish reasons. Sami tries to defend himself, but Eve is too enraged to listen.
Finally, Sami has had enough and tells Eve to leave their home. Eve responds by saying, "See, it's already starting. He's pushing your momma out. After you have that baby, you're next." Lotus breaks down in tears as Eve storms out of the house.
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haveyoumetmythief · 1 year
Girl who has never seen Breaking Bad, shittily vacuum sealing an oz of weed into smaller sandwich bags: Getting A Lot of Breaking Bad Vibes from this
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moth-like-habits · 1 year
(Pixlriffs lore in which I experiment with iambic pentameter)
It takes not mortal blood to trick a god
And as such “My name has been Pixlriffs”
Is not a claim made from a mortal tongue
The god of Stratos knows not who he meets
In truth the miss is not his fault alone
His immortality is not yet old
And memory seems not to serve him well
The past- a copper king and mesa home
Are lost in mist from rising to divine
The archeologist hopes the flood of power treated his friend well
Yet he remains under a spell to hide
How would how should how could he tell him now
This life is not the first that they have lived
How could he speak of humanity lost
The end of empires similar to these
The end of the world
This burden need not land upon his friend
Indeed the truth of time takes tolls to learn
For now, the god may believe in the lore
The emperor of past will watch him grow
And as such: “My name has been Pixlriffs”
Uncertainty within the tense he chose
His friend, his kin, his kind might yet unmask
An answer for a question he won’t ask
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skeilig · 5 months
the homemade chipotle bowls i've been eating for lunches and dinners this week seriously taste just like chipotle, they even give me a tummy ache.. real authentic chipotle experience..
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acting-pterygii · 6 months
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in honor of being almost a week late to the ides of march : the ca(s)ts of julius caesar!!
…and bark antony.
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savepc2023 · 1 year
Oh the topic of Brynn! Does he have a picked LI(s)?
Yep!! Strap in though cause this lowkey MESSYYYYYYY
(tw: uh. Sex)
Ok so Brynn has high sex fame. Like really high. Fucking every time he has an encounter high. But his encounter rate isn't that high so dw he's good.
But like during everyone of those encounters with unnamed NPCs he's bottoming, but not with the named ones that he gets with.
Namely, Whitney and Kylar.
He was Whitney's fuck buddy for a long time, but it was him that was on top. Because he likes seeing Whitney being submissive like cmon that's an interesting view. But that's the thing, they were only fuck buddies. Atleast to Brynn. Whitney, that mf, fell for Brynn.💀💀💀💀
But by the time he realised he did, Brynn had met Kylar and was in the process of getting rizzed up by him🗿 Kylar and Brynn were also fucking, but there wasn't any romance on brynn's part yet
And basically, after a really really long time, Brynn starts entertaining the possibility of romance with Kylar.
And then they get into a relationship and Whitney has to watch this guy that he liked go and date a. Loser.🗿
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 years
Raising Chaos.
essentially an origin scene where chiar and syl meet and also how chiar becomes a cryptid
cw: wishing for death, general whump, chiar gets reanimated/resurrected and he isn’t thrilled about the fact, whump of a minor (OC is 16) and as always let me know if I missed any tags!
He should be dead.
That much he knew. He couldn’t feel his arms…was that normal? He couldn’t move and he didn’t know if that was normal either.
Darkness pressed down on him, comforting and heavy with the weight of the shadows. It invited him in…and he was so tired.
So, so tired.
The darkness crawled under his eyelids. It wasn’t painful. He let it crawl deeper. Shadows for bones.
A grave for a bed.
He shouldn’t be alive.
Darkness in his brain, making a nest. A nest? Of tissue and muscle and– he didn’t want to think about that. He didn’t want to think about anything.
He was so, so tired.
“Come on!” The frustrated voice took him by surprise. He became suddenly aware of the hands on his chest– buzzing.
That wasn’t right.
That was even worse.
A soft curse.
And his existence was ripped apart, stemming from the hands on his chest. The buzzing grew, filling his head, wrapping around his bones and pulling the joints away.
He couldn’t even scream.
But he could feel every change the buzzing did to him. Everything wrapped into one moment, and that one moment changing him in a million ways, shredding him into pieces and putting him back together.
Let me out– Let me out–
The buzzing reached his eyes. What had he done to deserve this shattering pain? It didn’t burn, it didn’t ache, the buzzing swallowed him– worse than the darkness. At least death had been gentle. This was worse than living.
This was agony.
Let me die again–
Colors exploded behind his eyes.
Grey. Blue. Blue. Shades of blue spiraling lighter and lighter until it was all he could see. Faintly, he could hear a voice above him.
“Come on, kid, you’re almost there.”
The pain grew worse with the words. It seemed impossible for the pain to exceed this limit– but it did– god, it did.
It hurt– beyond words. Beyond anything he’d ever felt before.
His eyes throbbed. Worse still, he could feel his bones giving way inside him, hardening into the rhythm of the white noise.
The buzzing, the glowing, was somehow becoming a part of him.
He didn’t want it to–
He screamed then. He couldn’t stop.
The buzzing receded. But did not completely leave. Instead, it settled into his bones and just under his skin.
Through the blinding shades of blue, the boy made out the shape of someone standing over him.
He struggled to sit up. The buzzing grew louder. Underneath him, he could feel stone but the world seemed to slip and slide like it was melting snow on a window.
“You alright?” asked the voice. Its casual tone did little to comfort the boy.
I’m supposed to be dead, he wanted to scream. I’m not supposed to feel anything. But he didn’t say anything, and curled in on himself, head between his knees.
Leave me alone.
He inhaled sharply. The air burned the inside of his nose with its sharpness and he choked on it. The choking turned to sobs.
Leave me alone.
A new voice interrupted, harsh and impatient. “Did it work?”
“Yes.” The first voice sounded defeated. “Give him a second. He’ll be fine.”
“Count your lucky stars, Syl Westerling. If you had failed Fain again…”
“I didn’t.” The first voice– Syl– hesitantly placed a hand on the boy’s trembling shoulder. “Kid? Chiar, right?... It's what your memorial says your name is. Do you think you can stand?”
Chiar glanced up at him, catching sight of dark blue eyes without pupils. He shuddered. Something told him his eyes looked like that now.
Blue. Without pupils. Chiar turned away, covering his head with his arms.
“You don’t deserve this,” Syl whispered. “They didn’t give me a choice.” That was as close to an apology that Chiar got. Syl dragged Chiar off the table.
Chiar didn’t move.
The man in the entrance snapped at Syl to get moving.
Syl exhaled a soft curse, careful for the man not to hear him. He picked Chiar up and carried him.
As they passed out the entrance, he muttered. “Leave your humanity at the door. Forget it. Reject it. You’ll never be one of them again. They’ll fear you, and what they fear, they’ll try to control. Don’t let them, kid.”
“Stop talking to yourself, it’s unsettling.” The man’s voice was hard.
Syl’s eyes blazed but he fell silent.
Don’t let them control you.
tagging: @pigeonwhumps @kira-the-whump-enthusiast (let me know if you want to be added!)
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
I’m already back with more Hunchback AU stuff.
Starting with this glowing lamp with remnant inside (this’ll be explained later, don’t worry)...
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And a quick little doodle about Judge Glitch, the lantern, and a certain someone talking about potential names..
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(Extra fun fact: Glitch can see what the guy’s supposed to look like, as does the other. Consider it a special ability these two in particular have.)
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