#And the pentagon shaped heads
tmntkiseki · 8 months
Do we have anyone else who does largely prefer the Fast Forward style to the original 2003 style or is that just me?
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greyborn2 · 6 months
Slowly but surely coming to absolutely adore twelve sided dice
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aggressionbread · 1 year
listen i'm no stranger to phobias i have such a debilitating fear of so many things and its nothing to be ashamed of or make fun of but i just saw someone tag that 5 star review of ducklett as pentaphobia which is apparently the fear of the number 5 and my eyes have been opened to something new today
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
Lovefool [dark!Konig x fem!Reader]
Konig gets to secure a little trophy from the battlefield. Hope you're in for a ride.
!TW! Kidnapping, Yandere themes, Dub-con, dark!Konig
Tags: Yandere, Dark Romance, colonel!Konig, dark!Konig, Size kink, Age gap(Konig in his thirties and Reader is in her twenties), Stockholm syndrome speedrun, Konig is a huge pervert, submissive Reader
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You never knew who he was before he attacked.
Your teammates did – whisperers about KorTac getting on their tails, stories about their crazy psycho commander who could barely pass a word to his subordinates while smacking heads off trained men in full armor. Spooky tails for the recruits who refuse to train in their free time – something about “If you aren’t getting in shape by the end of the month, König is going to get you”.
You never knew who he was – you barely knew the organization you worked in.
Cyber security, lowly private military. They are hiring based on CV alone and didn’t ask for a fancy college and a few degrees in hacking that you could never get. They wanted experience, and you had at least a bit of it – you passed through basic training, never serving in the military before, but fine with promises of never actually going out in the field since you would be giving them intel and cyber support from the sidelines.
Well, they never told you that “the sidelines” would be 100 meters away from the actual battlefield.
You don’t even remember what the mission was about – something important, you guess, because they asked you to be here, on sight, computer in hand, and your comrades, with whom you barely talked outside of work, alongside you. Something about weapon smuggling, though you never actually understood if you were stopping it or doing it. Working in the middle of the European Union pays a lot, and it sort of counts as free travel – you’re somewhere in Germany, maybe on the border with Poland or Austria or Czech Republic. Nothing but fields of grass and occasional mountains. They gave you a riffle, a sidearm, and instructions to try not to get too wounded since they wouldn’t be dragging your body out of the field. S[read sheet with intel opened on your computer – you’re not their secretary, but at least they don’t want you to hack the Pentagon.
You heard screams from your tent: “KorTac”, “Compromised”
What was the weirdest thing – he was alone. A single man shouldn’t be able to take on a team of trained mercs, even as lowly as your company was. You all had weapons, armor, and means of at least taking him down as a group – and you were like a bunch of babies with toy guns on the playground when a pitbull came in.
Your leader fell first – you saw his head explode with a perfect shot right between his eyes. no one screamed sniper, but you still ducked under the field table, hoping that it would save you a few minutes of peace before you’d manage to delete all of the important files from your laptop. This was the protocol – if you are in the middle of dying, you need to first make sure that the enemy won’t get a hold of precious company correspondence and deeply personal photos of your cat.
You leaned forward to see what was happening on the field – you heard screams, you heard gunshots, you heard…
Deep, loud, the laugh that sounded both malicious and cheerful at the same time. It sounded like the man had a field day of breaking necks and stabbing his teammates. You've never seen so much blood on someone. You wish you never had.
Your teammates are falling like porcelain dolls when the elephant hits the kitchen, and you are trying your best to be a good little hacker and not let your company down before your inevitable demise. Turning on your laptop, waiting for whatever ancient version of Windows you had since the budget was mostly going into flashy guns and cool night vision headsets, you are getting ready to format all the disks when….
“The Windows update is in the process. Please, wait approximately 9 hours to complete”
Oh, hell no. You are not going to wait another 9 hours, you could barely survive for the next 9 minutes! Of course, naturally, obviously, you can just turn off the computer and get it off work because the files will get fried up and it won’t turn on again, ever. Which would still complete your goals, so…
— Come on, please…f-fuck, please, just let me…
“As a method of complete data loss prevention, Windows has disabled the ability to manually turn off your computer. Please, wait approximately 9 hours to complete”
— Found you, Maus.
Something – a hand, big, covered in the type of protection you never saw on your fellow soldiers – yanked your ankle, dragging you from under the table you were hiding under. The air stinks of blood and you involuntarily whimper, hands are going to grab the laptop. You need to smash it, destroy it, maybe just drop it hard enough on the floor, push it against the wall, and try your best to kick it enough to damage the disk and prevent KorTac from accessing the files.
The guy steps on your hand, taking the laptop away. You swear to god you hear a crack – you prayed that he would accidentally smash the laptop, but it was your hand under his boot.
— Hurts? Good.
You whimper as he carefully puts the laptop away, checking if it’s still working. He then returns to you – laying on the floor, fingers still shaking in pain, and attempts to grasp for the computer that was snatched away. There is nothing you can do – you have a gun, yes, and he has at least three guns and deadly man-bear hands, so even if you were fast enough to draw a gun before he would, he can just kick you like a puppy.
König – it’s him, it must be him, your teammates were screaming his callsign and talking about a devil who wears a sniper hood and has the height of a not very small tree – kicks you in the ribs, turning you from the side to your back, facing him. If you were stronger, you would do something cool – bite his ankles, for example. Or spit in his face as the last remaining tip of your dignity, before he would kill you or torture you or feast on your flesh.
— Verdammte Feiglinge, can’t even face your death like a man. Look at me, ja?
Crying isn’t a shameful thing to do. So, you cry. Soft little whimpers, sniffles, you are probably looking wet and disgusting, but you hurt, scared, and fucking tired and you want out of here, and you never actually wanted to be a soldier, and they all lied to you while promising to keep you out of the field, and this uniform is horrible, and you feel your tears soaking the half of bandana you were using as a face mask and…
He snatches the mask from your face. Look you in the eyes for long enough to make your whimpers even more audible. You can swear to god that his pupils were dilated. That his hands were shaking. You could see his eyes getting scrunched in that particular way that their owner is smiling – sincerely, openly, from the bottom of his heart.
— Please…p-please, be fast, I don’t know anything, I will…I won’t, I…
Rough, calloused hand goes to cup your face. The material of his glove is tough and soaked in blood as he smears it on your cheek, your fingers are going to wipe away the tears – you don’t understand what’s happening and you are even more scared, and your mouth is twitching in a terrified grimace. He pushes the tip of his finger into your mouth, making you suck on the blood and dirt of the fabric. You think you are going to throw up.
— Quiet.
You don’t understand why he didn’t kill you yet. He is touching your face, slowly, his one hand is enough to cover your entire head and you’re sure that if he’d want to just squish your brain like a rotten cabbage, he could just fine. He pushes his finger even deeper in your mouth and you lick it involuntarily because this is an intrusion and you have the brain of a two-year-old who sees the world through their ability to devour things, and his pupils dilate even more. He looks at your frown, your tears, and your lips wrapped around his finger.
He yanks you on your feet embarrassingly easy.
— You’re a hacker?
You blink a few times. Now, the protocol is that no, you can’t state who you are, If he knows that you are a hacker, he can take you away for interrogation, maybe torture you for passwords and the intel on your company, and being tortured isn’t something on your monthly calendar. Now, the protocol also states that you have to be able to die for your company, and…
He grabs your neck, lifting you – surprisingly gently, softly even, a hand supports your waist so you won’t be able to either kick him or get choked to death because of his grip.
— Answer me, Maus. I might have a reason to let you live.
You do want to live. Maybe not long, definitely not until you’re 100 years old with dozens of grandchildren, but being able to live past the next few hours and then days and then weeks does sound incredible.
— Y…yes. I’m a cyber security specialist.
He squeezes your neck more. Pushes you up, making you cough in your grip. You never experienced anything like this before – never had a guy strong enough to handle you like this. It would look cool from the side, probably – like something from a videogame. It would look hot in the porn, probably, if it was consensual and happening between two passionate lovers.
But you are his enemy, and he is yours – cold blue eyes peering right into yours. He is looking at you like a piece of meat, and not even in the lustful, hungry way. He looks like a butcher in front of a very good beef cut, thinking about where should he sink his knife to get the best steaks. A hunter standing over the wounded deer, thinking if he wants your head above his fireplace or taxidermy your whole body as a wicked trophy.
— Didn’t know they’d allowed someone so fucking small in the field.
You can swear to god that you saw him smile, under this hood. You can’t see his face, obviously, only the blood-soaked fabric and his eyes, but something still tells you that he is smiling. Enjoying your attempts to escape, maybe – you tried to kick him a few times, producing a deep, amused chuckle from his lips. He holds you so easily like you are nothing but a sweet little kitten. You might not be as big as him, but he still shouldn’t be able to lift a grown woman in full gear with just one hand. Right?
— I’m not…not s-small.
You don’t have much fight left in you. You are on the verge of just asking him to kill you, to be honest, your neck hurts and the pain spreading from your fingers pulsates and transforms. You hope they are not broken – even though you understand that your chances to live past these few minutes are very slim. Even your usual snark is lost, forbidden in the hands of a giant who likes to play with his food.
You do feel like a mouse – in a way that you would die under his boot very soon.
He – König, monster, colonel, fucking deadly mercenary – chuckles again. You can get used to this sound. Melodic almost, in a way that most alarms are melodic while telling you about inevitable catastrophe.
— Kleine verfickte Maus. Ich wette, dass du auch ganz eng bist.
He is laughing, again. Laughing and chuckling and you can’t take it anymore because he is so obviously stronger than you, it’s not fair. You want to put your foot on the ground and tap it like a spoiled brat, like a baby on the playground whining for their mom to take them home because other kids don’t want to play by their rules. The difference in skill is so obvious, that you aren’t even able to put on some sort of fight.
— Wh…I don’t speak German.
Your other hand – the one that didn’t get squished under his boot – goes to scratch his arm. Maybe put up enough struggle that he would accidentally let you fall right from his grasp. He doesn’t react and you feel hopeless. Weak, useless, you remember all the times you decided to miss training so you could just chill in the lounge with other rookies or do something on your computer.
— You will, Maus.
Then, there is only darkness.
You woke up…somewhere.
Come to think of it, it wasn’t the first time you woke up. You remember opening your eyes, feeling the vibrations under your cheek, hearing the noises of a car or other vehicle moving fast. Too fast for your already spinning head and stomach – you don’t remember if you were coughing or vomiting, but the movement wasn’t stopping to ever let you breathe. You were being transported somewhere, without a chance of knowing where you were heading. At least now, when you get to the final, as you think at least, destination, you’re clean.
As much as someone tied up to a chair somewhere that reminds you of a basement can be.
You’re stripped of your weapons obviously – not like you had a chance to use them anyway. Your hands are tied behind your back, your legs are bound to a chair, and your tragic lack of clothes is…more evident than you wanted it to be. At least you still have your underwear on – it still didn’t make the situation better. He saw you naked, completely, and he might do god knows what with you now.
Although you have some feelings about what he can do with a weak enemy hacker, half-naked and tied up in a secure place.
You would panic, but it requires energy. A resource that you don’t have right now.
— You woke up. Gut. Started to think I went too much again.
His accent is weird, you think. The thought only occurs to you now, when you can hear him more clearly while not being that afraid of getting out of this alive. His voice is weirdly calm for someone of his size – you want to think of gentle giants but this man is far from gentle and is almost too big to even be called a giant. A colossus, you want to say.
— Again?
Your voice is raspy, both from your sleep and from lack of water. When was the last time you drank anything? Probably more than a few hours – your throat is dry as sandpaper, and your head is dizzy from both your trauma – he either strangled you to unconsciousness or beat you hard enough – and the dehydration. You don’t want to spend another minute in this basement – you think this is a basement, at least, the high humidity on the walls and some garbage tossed to the corner is fairly evident. It’s large, too – you never saw anything like this. It might be a KorTac prison, but the remains of a bike and a few shelves of canned foods tossed to the other side of the room tell otherwise.
— We’re allowed to take trophies home. Sometimes I get…impatient.
You’re in his house? Does a monster like him even need a house?
“A trophy”
Funny how you don’t even feel that dehumanized. He didn’t kill you, you don’t feel the evidence of violation on your body – you are clean, neat even, your stomach and private parts aren’t hurting, and, as much as you hate to say this while tied up to a chair, you are as comfortable as a person in your position can be.
— What are you going to do with me?
You shake like a leaf. He finally steps closer to you, coming from the ladder – you can hear the lock and a heavy door being closed, setting your hopes of escape. Not like you could, in your position – the bruises already forming on your legs and hands, a numbed pain in your head and fingers. You feel shitty and comfortable at the same time, trying to tune off the discomfort and just concentrate on talking to him.
He didn’t kill you – this is good, you can work with this.
He left you alive – this is bad, he is going to torture you, he is going to do a million terrible things with you and you are not a part of a regular army, You didn’t get the torture resistance training. Maybe, if it was some of your friends, other girls in the group who got through military school and never missed gym to sit on their computers, they would have survived. You never felt so weak before – not even on the battlefield.
God, you’re scared.
— Your computer. My employer needs the info you had on it.
It’s not personal, at least. He is here for the information, not to take advantage of your weak, fragile body. It made you almost feel at peace, almost made you forget about your lack of clothing and the damp basement you’re being put in.
— What sort of info do you need?
You slowly start to wiggle your hands in your binds – he used plastic locks, those stupid unremovable things that are slowly cutting the soft flesh of your wrists. You can’t untie them, but you can try at least tear them on the metal of your chair. You can try to, just to say that you did, and not feel bad about not resisting him at all.
— Your last mission. You were trying to smuggle weapons into the EU border.
— We were trying to stop the smuggling of weapons.
At least, you think you were – your head hurts, your memories are dizzy, and they never actually told you what kind of job you had. Come to think of it, actually, you never asked whether you were the good guys or the bad guys – it was always about money, paychecks, getting your job done and not dying from lack of nutrition because most tech-jokey jobs are already filled with uninspired chatbots and graduates from fancy colleges with a dick between their legs. Not reserved for tired women like you – so you turn to, ironically, paramilitary organizations. How the tables have turned.
— That’s not what our intel says, Maus. Do you want to lie to me?
You don’t. You just don’t know if you are telling the truth or lying because you are too fucking tired to even think straight.
He comes closer, and you whimper involuntarily. His breath hitches.
— Scheisse…they knew who to hire.
He grabs you by the neck again, and you can finally see him fully – towering over you, cold blue eyes staring right into you. You sob, not able to handle your emotions because, oh god, he is going to rape you, torture you, and then put a giant burning stick right in your ass because everyone knows that this is the best way to hack a computer – you just need to find the person who put the password in the first place.
— Can’t you just hack the computer yourself?
He chuckles – you’re getting tired of that sound. You hate that you found his voice attractive, you hate the fact he is keeping you down here. You want to destroy that part of your body that likes the attention – how his eyes are only kept on you. Never had a guy kidnapping you before, and you fight the feeling of disappointment that strikes you when you remember that he is here because he needs the intel. Not because he wants you.
— It wasn’t a…conventional operation. Can’t waste manpower on breaking the walls you installed.
His hand goes to cup your face again – you frown, breathing stops because he is so close and he takes off his gloves, allowing his rough, calloused fingers to linger on your cheeks. He squeezes your face in an almost adorable manner and steps back again. You lick your dry lips again, trying hard to keep at least one part of your body moisturized, and his breath hitches again.
He goes behind you, ruffles through shelves – you can hear something falling, his awkward grunt as he had to pick it up. He is more clumsy than you though – more nervous also, hands are jittering and fingers twitching every time you look at him. Adorable, really, how this huge mess of a man can look so innocent and almost nervous in front of you.
König returns after a minute or two, holding…a water bottle. Closed, lid still on, little plastic wrapping in place. You have half a mind about just drinking it, even though he doesn’t offer it to you. Not like you could open it yourself, with how your hands are still tied up behind your back.
— You don’t speak German.
It’s not a question – it’s a statement. you watch him opening the bottle with ease, large hands are working on something so fragile and delicate. You can’t remember the last time you had sex, not with how fast your head is spinning and memories still foggy, but you think it was a long time ago – because you feel your cheeks heated from the simple actions of his large fingers ripping through soft plastic.
God, you don’t really remember what was happening before you got here, not in detail, but you know that you needed to get laid like, a year ago.
— No.
— You will.
— Wh…what do you mean?
Is he going to make you install Duolingo? Is this what it all was about? Some elaborate prank, a marketing campaign, a tough lesson for silly girls who think that knowing just your native language is enough to live your life and…
— When you want something, Maus, you have to say “bitte”.
If you were a strong and cool soldier, you would use this moment to jump from your chair, using the weight of your body to fall on him and make him lose balance, and then spit in his face as your last remaining blast of human dignity.
But you aren’t a cool and strong soldier, and you really need to drink.
— B…bitte. What does this mean?
— Please.
He is almost whispering, the water bottle tanging in his hands in front of you. You take your time, considering the possibilities – you can play like a good little prisoner and allow him to take your pride and just toss it aside. You can play like an obedient hostage and ask him nicely, hoping that it would be enough.
You don’t know what to do – appearing too shy and soft can give him…ideas. And you don’t want this crazed giant who is keeping you bound in his basement to get ideas. You can…you probably can spend more time without water. Or food. Or shower and change of position.
You take your time answering, and his demeanor seems almost…anxious. His eyes are darting between the water bottle and your face, between his hands and your body – like he can barely keep a calm facade and not force you into doing something nasty. Like he is almost afraid that you are not going to cooperate and he would really have to hurt you in a meaningful way.
— Can I have water, bitte?
— Gutes Kätzchen. Drink, you’ll need it.
In the end, you broke down first. Not because you are this weak, but because being a brat won’t save you in a situation like this. You don’t want to die over something as trivial as your pride.
König seems…at ease. He takes off the bottle cap and brings water to your lips, allowing you to drink as much as you want. You lick the remaining drops from your lips and he puts a half-empty bottle aside.
— I won’t tell you the password.
You mumble under your breath, barely audible. He chuckles.
— I count on it, liebe.
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mauesartetc · 11 months
Redesigning Helluva Beelzebub
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Hoo boy, roll up the sleeves for this one.
The Original
In my review of Helluva Boss 108, I mentioned that Beelzebub's character design put me in mind of how some DeviantArt kid's fursona might look. And... Yeah I stand by that statement. The most likely reason I can figure Viv Medrano wanted her to be dog-like was to make a reference to her Die Young music video, which featured an anthro wolf singing a Kesha song (for context, Kesha herself voiced Beelzebub and co-wrote a song for this episode).
But for those who are unaware, Beelzebub's traditional depiction looks nothing like this.
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Really the only visual similarities the Helluva version shares with the Infernal Dictionary version are the insect wings, six limbs, and the crown thingy over the head. (At least I think that's a crown-? Kinda hard to tell on both counts.)
Bee's eyes get somewhat more insectoid later in the episode, but that feels like a cop-out. Wow, her eyes and colors changed. Totally a bug demon, right?
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They had the same problem in Hazbin Hotel with Katie Killjoy, who's allegedly supposed to be a praying mantis but barely resembles one, even after her transformation.
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I understand the desire for fresh takes on old figures, and taking creative liberties so the new interpretation doesn't feel generic. But the changes should at least make sense. By now it's pretty clear Viv couldn't care less about representing Ars Goetia demons faithfully, as demonstrated with Paimon, Andrealphus, and now Beelzebub. You could slap completely different names on these characters and it wouldn't change a thing. I posted this meme a while back but it's never been more relevant:
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On top of that, what reason could there possibly be for the design to be this damn complex? Why did she need so many markings on her face? Why did she need so many layers of hair? Why did she need flowing goo for her hair, tail, and body, each requiring dedicated effects animation?
When it comes to a hand-drawn production, less is more. Any superfluous details on a character just make unnecessary work for the animators.
Anyway, here's what Viv has to say about it.
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Alright, I'll admit: The lava lamp bit is a little clever. Basically it works as a regular stomach does, but on demonic steroids. But it wouldn't look so much like Viv's making this up as she goes if we'd seen Bee's stomach performing its intended function in the episode. Let her chow down on a giant piece of food (maybe that cotton candy she's been handing out-?) and swallow it, and let Loona (and the audience) see it dissolving in her transparent belly. As a general rule, if it's not shown or explained in the work itself, it's not canon. Like I've said before, Viv: Elaborate on the nuances in the story you're telling, not on social media.
Also, "Her ears are designed after beehives"? Wh...Wha? Ma'am have you ever seen a beehive.
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(Hell, even if you told me the ears were inspired by the generic cartoon beehive we're all familiar with, I wouldn't have guessed. There's a difference between being subtle and being vague.)
I can kinda see it in the overall shape, but that's a very specific design inspiration that wasn't clear at all in the design itself. Same with the "animal trainer" thing: I never would have picked up on that if Viv hadn't pointed it out. If a character design doesn't visually convey all the necessary information, it's not a successful design. Show, don't tell. There's a communication breakdown between what Viv's telling us and what Bee's design shows us.
(It's possible she actually meant "Her ears are designed after honeycombs", but even then, each compartment has a specific pentagonal shape that's not coming across at all here.)
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I also find it interesting that Bee and Loona have almost the exact same body type. Of course Viv's pretty infamous for samebody syndrome, but it's actually unnerving how similar these two are.
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Might this be a reference to Vortex's "type"? Is this foreshadowing a relationship with Loona? Am I overthinking this? Yeah, probably. Viv's demonstrated a clear preference for tall, skinny body types over the years, so it's safer to assume that's the explanation. It's all aesthetics. It ain't that deep. Occam's Razor and all that.
Finally, Bee how the hell does your shirt work.
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The Concept
So at this point it seems most logical to lean into the "bee" thing for the redesign, and scrap all the canine elements. As for the blobby hair and tail... yeeeah let's nix those too. We're going for a streamlined version that's easier to animate. And because I ignored the ringmaster look for my redesign of Asmodeus, it only makes sense to do the same for Bee's animal trainer vibe (what little there is) for the sake of consistency. I know this version of Hell has a circus theme with its highest-ranking demons, but there's never been an in-universe explanation for why that is.
Let's look at actual bees, then. A quick peek at Google has informed me that certain insect species have smaller, "simple" eyes (also known as ocelli), in addition to their compound eyes. In bees, this manifests as a triangular grouping of three beady eyes on top of the head.
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In her Helluva Boss episode, Bee's full demon form has three eyes, which could be a reference to this triangular arrangement, plus her regular form has two spots on her forehead in addition to the third eye. So it's possible Viv actually did research for something. Pleasantly surprised on that front.
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Next, the body. I've noticed that some folks find Bee's skinny body type refreshing, as the sin of gluttony is too often personified with fatness. And that's fair. That's valid. But consider this:
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Imagine any Vivziepop character saying that about a chubby person. Imagine the series sending the message that fat people can be sexy too, and that they have worth outside of their appearance, enough for at least one character to consider them girlfriend material. That they're valued and appreciated regardless of this culture's beauty standards (which we know nothing about since the worldbuilding is as thin and flimsy as tissue paper, but whatever). Imagine if this show finally had a fat female character who wasn't relegated to the background. Don't know about y'all, but that would be refreshing to me. And when you take into account all the fat-shaming of a character who isn't even fat, portraying a fat character as attractive would be a nice change of pace for this show.
Now let's talk about clothing. In the episode, Bee's clothes show off a lot of her body, with a cutout crop top and short shorts. We can take a similar approach for the redesign (something that still shows off her chest, belly, and limbs, in keeping with the extroverted "party girl" persona), but that perhaps includes more queenly elements.
The Redesign
Because this is a redesign, many elements were already in place, but I still had to figure out how this character would look as a bee. Here's where the preliminary sketches came in. Lots of trial and error in this process.
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Wrestling with this character's face got a lot easier once I realized I could mold it into a pentagonal shape akin to a honeycomb compartment. It took a few tries, but at last, I had a final sketch.
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All that was left to do was test out some color combinations.
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I tried a few different approaches, but in the end, this is the version I felt worked best.
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I used many of the colors from the original, but pushed the orange much harder since orange is the symbolic color of gluttony as a sin. And overall it gives Bee a nice honey-ish look rather than the generic black and yellow we already see on so many bees in cartoons. I thought the colored outlines on her clothing would add a soft, feminine touch, as well.
And just for kicks, here's a quick sketch of her giant form, inspired by the Infernal Dictionary drawing of Beelzebub.
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The canon version of this character exists in the form she does for no reason than to stroke her creator's ego. "Hey guys, remember when I animated that Kesha fan video? Remember how cool that was? Wanna see me foist this unnecessarily-complex character design on other animators while I take a victory lap?" I wouldn't mind so much if Viv animated any of this herself, but she didn't. I could almost excuse this if she had no animation experience and didn't know how much work it requires, but she does. The self-aggrandizing entitlement is just off the charts. But a nonsensical design is leagues better than a stolen one, so... brownie points for that, I guess.
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trivia-yandere · 11 months
Hello! I love the stories you guys write! Thank you for taking the time to write. I’m not sure if you’re still taking requests, but I was wondering if you could write king jungkook/jimin tying princess reader up to the bed and having his way with her and it’s her first time. She has to marry him now. Thank you again!
so i followed most of what you sent, with a little twist :) i hope what we came up with is enjoyable
word is bond
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in order to save your kingdom from perishing, you agree to give your body to the demon king - jimin. @chimmy-licious @bangtans-momma @sweetempathprunetree @momnomnom @darkuni63
word count: 5.142
warning: unsolicited touching/groping/biting/grinding, blood, voyeurism, public humiliation/degradation, oral (f receiving), throat fucking, yandere tendencies, finger sucking, dark themes, sadism, compulsion, riding, creampie, violence, multiple character deaths, manipulation, mind break,
halloween masterlist | alternate universe masterlist
The castle walls are tall, towering hundreds of feet above you. The throne room is bright - pentagon shaped windows shining the early morning sun into the throne room. You saunter down the marble floor, the heels of your boots clicking against it. Your royal attire is made to attract attention - and to separate you from the townspeople, of course. The royal jacket is larger than you’d like, but plated in gold, fur lined around the collar of it. Your skirt drags along the floor as does the cape you wore.
You can feel the eyes of the townspeople, behind a mountain of guards, on you. You keep your eyes straight ahead on the throne, the large elevated seat that you once dreamed of sitting upon.
You made your way to the throne chair, a guard assisting you upon the elevated surface. You look back at the large crowd, so many people in such a closed off room - all of which are here for you. Your heart feels heavy with joy knowing that your people were here to witness you be crowned as Queen.
Your eyes caught with your brother - the former King. He’s seated at the far right of the large throne room, an emotionless look in his eyes. He doesn’t smile your way when your eyes meet, but you aren’t surprised. You cannot recall the last time your brother smiled at you, maybe back before he was crowned as King once the death of your parents; and that was many years ago.
The crowd begins to clap and cheer once they witness Haneul, an old soldier who once fought alongside your father and now stood as a mentor, lift the crown high above your head. The crown is gold, several circle ornaments displayed upon it with several different gemstones and diamonds upon it. A smile forms onto your lips when you feel the crown be placed upon your head. 
“All hail the Queen!” Haneul says, voice boisterous and loud so all of the crowd could hear.
You bow your head slightly to the crowd, eyes roaming to all faces of the people - your people. 
Once again, your eyes meet those of your brother. You aren’t upset that he doesn’t appear cheerful - after all, the throne was overthrown and now you took his spot as ruler. However, there's a tint in his eyes that you cannot understand.
Your elder brother had been King for years now, nearing a decade since the death of your father a year after your mother. He wasn’t married, and still hasn't found a wife to call Queen. He was always a busy man, becoming a soldier once he was of age, working his way up to lieutenant, sergeant and so on. 
The death of your father came sudden, and your brother was crowned King a week after. You saw the once youthful look turn to one full of stress and disdain. His expression turned emotionless overtime, appearing completely far gone.
Your brother was once loved as a Prince, but became hated as a King. He became tyrannical once he was in power, no longer valuing the townspeople's needs or wants. He was now responsible for the suffering of the same people, forcing working hours to increase, along with tax becoming nearly unreasonable. Anyone who rebelled against your brother was arrested, sended to an underground confinement - and likely to die.
What caused the rebellion against your brother had you at the forefront of it all. You had begged your brother to stop his madness, that it wasn’t like him to be such a cruel individual. You had stormed past guards and elite soldiers to get to your brother, in his hands a gun pointed straight at a man. Guards are attempting to hold back a forming mod, all protesting the life of the man who your brother held a gun at.
You’d never forget that day your brother had made you decide the fate of the man. Princes or Princesses never had the authority over a King or Queen’s decision. “I allow you to live a good life in the palace, sister.” your brother stated. “But since you are too stubborn to mind the business of a Princess, then I’ll allow you to make a decision of a Queen just this once.”
The life of the angry mod - nearly 100 - or the life of the man was in your power to decide. You had refused, shaking your head at the thought of it. The man didn’t deserve to die, he was just one of the first to go against your brother's harsh ruling, the mob following soon after in protest.
“You’d be a weak Queen, sister.” was your brother's final words to you after he killed the man and detained the angry mod in confinement. 
It was now evening, the townspeople all guided out of the palace. It’s eerily silent inside the castle, even the guards don’t appear to speak much.
You sit inside of your study - the same that once belonged to your father and brother while they ruled. Your arms are crossed as you look upon your brother. He leans against a large bookshelf, dark eyes on you. 
Haneul observed the pair of you with a sigh. He was such a close friend to your father, he was there when the two of you were born nearly a decade apart. He was seen as a mentor when you both needed him to be, or a friend if it was that. Witnessing your brother become a complete tyrant wasn’t something anyone expected, but neither was the fall of love the two shared as siblings.
“Congratulations on becoming Queen.” your brother steps away from the bookshelf, hands behind his back. “You’ve surprised me by holding a sword in front of you so threateningly.”
Your brother’s teasing. He had scoffed when you had come, stating that he had no business being the King if he couldn’t run it without causing such fear upon the people.
“I have given you the title as Queen willingly. To think my own flesh and blood would betray me in such a way.” your brother hisses with a shake of his head, dark hair flowing around him.
“You became a tyrant!” you hiss, slamming your hands onto the table. “You were never a leader or a King, brother. You became someone that not even I knew.”
“I’ve done whatever to assure your safety most importantly, sister.” your brother stalks towards you, a malice look in his eye. “I’ve done everything with good reason.”
“Good reason?” you scoff. “Murdering our own people is a good reason, brother? Forcing them to work such cruel hours and raising the prices of taxes and rent is a good reason?”
You shake your head. You had no need to listen further to your brother's ramblings. 
Haneul steps between the pair of you with raised hands. “Let’s attempt to remain calm.” he says with a warning tone. 
“No.” your brother hisses. “Since my dear sister believes that I am nothing but a tyrant, how about I tell you the truth.”
You knit your brows at your brother. 
“There’s a reason we do not get out of our Kingdom's walls and why they are so high, sister. You’ve been told countless folklore of the mountains that surround us and just how we are to not step foot from the gates - especially at night?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod your head slightly. There was never a need to question the elder people in your lives who told you how dangerous outside the walls were. The townspeople remained inside, living comfortably in their own homes. Schools, sanctuaries and factories remained inside the Kingdom grounds, surrounding the castle you resided in. There was enough food to be had between the townspeople and the royals - farmers growing the best vegetables and raising livestock and all.
“There’s a reason for this, sister.” your brother continues. “I had good reason to become the way I am. Haneul, you were one of several survivors that fought the darkness that are outside our Kingdom walls decades ago while our grandfather reigned. You understand the threat we face day by day.”
Haneul nods slowly, eyes glancing at you.
“What darkness?” you question, leaning closer to your desk.
“Women are not allowed in the army, sister, and thus you have no true reason to understand just what we are raised to fight outside the Kingdom walls. We have been able to slain such darkness for decades until a new threat came upon.”
You feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise at your brother's words. 
“I’ve come face to face to a new threat, a King such as myself, of this darkness.”
Haneul is the first to react, his eyes widening at your brother's words. “Impossible.”
“I tell no lies, Haneul.” your brother shrugs. “It seems as though us slaying the lower demons were just a distraction for the King to rise into power once more.”
“Your grandfather has slain the King back in his reign. I’ve watched-”
Haneul is interrupted by your brother once more. He waves the older man off with a huff. “He was never slain, Haneul. He killed all of my men that came with me years ago and left me as the sole survivor.”
You gasp at the words.
You recall the time your brother was brought in several wounded after returning, but you were not given a direct answer to what had happened. The sight of the blood stained floors had haunted you for weeks on end.
“What exactly are you saying, brother? What darkness is threatening us?” you try your best to not appear frightened, but it’s impossible.
Your brother - after all these years - wore an expression. That of sadness…fear.It’s as though you can finally let his guard down and tell you what he was feeling; allow everything in his mind to fall right into your lap.
“The demon King was never dead, Haneul. He was unable to seek his revenge for he was wounded, which is why he had his own army to do so. But in the last few years, he’s grown stronger by the day. He warned me that we would be coming to take over our Kingdom and get revenge on the very people he managed to defeat him temporarily.”
Your brother's eyes never leave yours.
“You and I, sister, are who he wants dead. He left me alive just to spread the word - that or this is all a game to him.” your brother’s voice cracks -  one that was once so deep and stern, now has a whimper to it. He can finally break the wall he has put up, but at what cause?
“I did what I had to do to raise an army to fight this darkness, sister. Haneul. I needed the townspeople working constantly on our weapons, armory and anything else we needed to fight them off. We needed the money to bring in outside sources from down the mountains if need be.”
“Brother…” Why didn’t he tell you?
“All the sacrifices I made, sister, was to not only protect the Kingdom, but to protect you.” your brother turns away from you. He was your elder brother and right before your father’s death, he had promised that you would always be out of harm's way. “You told me that you’d never forgive me for the tyrant I’ve become, sister. And that was the risk I was willing to take if it meant you’d remained alive.”
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“What is a Queen willing to do in order to protect her Kingdom?” is what the demon had asked you.
“Anything.” is what you told him.
Your brother had told you that soon - maybe within the next five months - that darkness would take over your Kingdom and that was the reason he became completely tyrannical. You now understood why he became so harsh, why he needed such a large amount of money to supply weapons and armor; even if you didn’t completely agree with his reasoning. 
You were now Queen and the Kingdom and the townspeople needed you to be there for them. Against Haneul and your brothers wishes, you made your way out of the large Kingdom’s walls, assuring to close the gate behind you. You never been outside the Kingdom, walking down the dark path towards the forested area - you never had a reason to, either. The moon is high and shining bright and you’re thankful that it gives you enough light to see where you were going. 
Though you were never raised to fight in the imperial army, you were trained in combat and how to protect yourself if need be - you just hoped that what you were taught was enough if you came across whatever darkness was out there. 
You’re unsure how long you’ve walked the dirt path and yet, you’ve found nothing. Your plan was something you weren’t sure of yourself - find the darkness and what? Fight them off yourself?
Your head snaps to the left, instantly, you grab your dagger to defend yourself. Before you can do anything to defend yourself from any attacker, you feel your feet being lifted from the ground and the side of your body throbbing in pain.
You’re at a loss of breath, chest heaving while your heart is beating erratically. Your back is pressed firmly against a tree, your hand clenches along your ribcage.
“I’ve never seen a woman out this late.”
The voice is sinister and you do not see who it belongs to at first. Your vision is blurred and you’re doing everything in your power to focus on your surroundings.
Footsteps, you hear them coming. Your eyes slowly become wider when they capture the thing in front of you - was this the demon your brother spoke of? Part of the darkness that was going to take over the Kingdom?
The demon is tall, you note. Its eyes are dark and appear to have no irises. It’s covered in hair and its spine is curved. You recall the tales you heard when you were younger from your brother of werewolves, but this cannot be that - right?
You raise your dagger, the light from the moon flashing the demon right into the eye. You gulp just as the demon lunges. 
You scream upon feeling something slash along your cheek, but you were determined to win this fight. Your dagger comes down onto the demon's shoulder as it gets closer to you, and your feet kicks it away from you, but to no avail. You feel your royal attire being ripped, your jacket going first. 
To think you survived this long without truly knowing the truth of the darkness that plagues the forest and mountains outside your kingdom - lived long enough to become Queen.
To now possibly die before finding a way to fight for your Kingdom long enough.
Your clothing is ruined, near shreds when you hear a high pitched scream come from the demon before you. It begins to burn before your eyes. Your hand immediately touches your cheek, the warm blood oozes onto your fingers.
You cannot see anything surrounding you - or whoever the voice belongs to. There's a breeze in the air now and it causes you to shiver due to your shattered clothing.
There’s a force pulling you by your hair. Your hands reach out to try to get whatever it was off of you, but you’re shocked to feel your clothes being ripped, as well. You struggle against the unseen force, your thighs being pulled apart.
“I’ve yet to see a woman out of the Kingdom.” The voice speaks once more. “Until now. And not just any woman…” you’re shocked to feel a wet sensation upon your cheek. “...the Queen.”
Your clothes - though shattered - are completely off of your body. You’re left in nothing but undergarments and chest binding, and soon the bandage bindings are off of you, as well. You feel disgusted with the unseen’s force hands upon your skin, touching and groping.
You feel a pair of lips kiss down your bare skin, the wind blowing erratically around you. The unseen force places kisses upon your neck, down to your collarbone, breast to your stomach. There’s goosebumps littering your skin, the foreign sensation disgusting you - more so because you feel a pool of pleasure between your legs. 
“What is a Queen doing outside her kingdom?” the force asks.
“The King…” you trail off, just as you feel hands tug at your undergarments, the cotton clothed that is the only piece of dignity you had left. “I-I need to see him…”
You force stops and for a moment, you begin to think that you’ve hallucinated. You go to cover your breast, chest heaving as you breathe.
You close your eyes for a moment to capture your breath, and once you open them you’re startled. 
“You’ve come out of your Kingdom to see me, Queen?” the man's voice is the same as the unseen force - low and sultry, a hint of taunt in his voice.
The man appears human, tan and smooth skin with dark hair with matching dark eyes. His lips are plush, pink and full.
You feel as though you’re hallucinating once more. The man is right where the unseen force had been, now instead he’s pinning you down. You feel far too exposed for his eyes and unsolicited hands wandering. 
“Usually I kill whoever comes so deep into the mountains…” the man's nails are long as he trails them down your cheek. You feel the cut on your cheek begin to burn and you winch slightly. The cut disappears in a matter of seconds and you no longer feel the throbbing pain from your side. “...but you look far too appealing to get rid of, Queen.”
You swallow the lump in your throat.
“Why have you ventured out to see me, Queen?” the man doesn’t stop his touches, nor does he care about asking for any form of permission. His hands grip both of your naked breasts, tongue dipping down to capture a nipple into his mouth. 
“Please, stop.” you beg, shuddering beneath him at the foreign sensation. “I-I…you’re going to attack my kingdom.”
Your back arches when the demon continues to suckle onto your breast, eyes flickering up to you. “I am.” he says after popping your nipple from his mouth. “Such a whorish body for a virgin, Queen.”
The demon shoves your thighs apart, his eyes on your clothed center. He notices the wet spot on your underwear and hums. 
You feel hot with embarrassment, thighs quivering to close. 
“I sense that you’ve come out here to make a deal with me, Queen? You’re far too weak to kill me.” the demon laughs, as if the thought of you attempting to cause him any harm is just that comical. 
The demon rips off your underwear and dips his head between your legs. His tongue laps between your folds.
Once again, your back arches and your eyes clenched shut. You want to fight the demon, but there’s no use - he’s stronger than you, even if he appears human. He holds onto your legs tightly as he ravishes your clit hungrily.
Your moans don’t go unnoticed from either of you. You didn’t want this - he was a demon and presumably the King your brother spoke of. However, you cannot control how your body feels - and it feels far too amazing to not moan.
“What is a Queen willing to do in order to protect her Kingdom?” is what the demon had asked you, lifting his head from your throbbing clit, licking his lips.
“Anything.” is what you told him, fresh tears pooling down your cheeks with overstimulation.
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“Sister…” the look on your brother's face breaks your heart. “...what have you done?”
The demon’s name is Jimin - or that’s what he called himself when he allowed you to leave, making sure your skin was littered with bite marks and bruises before he did so.
The last time you saw Jimin was months prior when you had strolled through the forest. He had allowed you to leave and told you in five months time, you would see him again. 
Jimin didn’t say that when he’d return, it would be without bloodshed. He allowed the darkness - as your brother called them - to wreak havoc upon the Kingdom. Innocent lives were lost and nearly half of your soldiers had gone with them.
Your brother’s eyes fall upon you, running towards the same demon King he had warned Haneul about months prior, a look of disbelief on his face. He holds the sword high in one hand, ready to attack Jimin if given the chance to - only you had stepped right in between the blade and the demon. The demon held a smug look upon his face, a smirk forming on his plush lips.
You were crying, your brother notes. Your hand grasps Jimin’s top, pushing him away with all your might - something he allowed you to do. You had fallen to your knees next, begging for the King to call off the darkness surrounding you - to stop the havoc upon innocent blood.
“I told you I’d do anything.” you cried to the smug King. 
“That you did.” Jimin quips.
The demon king raises his hands, flicking it slightly. It was as if it was a call to attention - the once demonic entities that savagely attacked the townspeople and guards - now surrounded you. 
“Sister…” your brother murmurs, eyes gazing along the different types of entities surrounding you all. 
“A Queen is willing to do anything to protect her Kingdom.” Jimin states to your brother.
Jimin snaps his fingers, and in a blink of an eye, the scenery changes. You are now inside the palace in the large throne room. Your brother, several guards and soldiers including the demonic entities occupy the room.
You swallow the lump in your throat, eyes roaming to the frozen crowd.
“They’re conscious. Just unable to move.” Jimin states from behind you, a hand gripping your shoulder. “I want them to watch their Queen crumble beneath my fingers. Especially that brother of yours.”
Jimin snaps again and now, you feel it once more - the unseen force. Your royal attire is being ripped from your body once more - falling to shreds at your feet. Jimin watches intently at the show before him, you flushed and hot and embarrassed.
Jimin raises a hand and points two fingers at you. He flicks it low and instantly, you fall to your knees. 
Jimin is slow to walk towards you, and when he does, he grips your cheeks harshly. He pries your mouth open and enters two fingers inside of it.
“Don’t choke.” Jimin commands, forcing his fingers deeper inside of your mouth.
You do, feeling the tips of his fingers reach closer to the back of your throat.
Jimin sighs with a shake of his head.
You gasp when your cheek stings. You fall to the side, barely managing to catch yourself. 
“Open your mouth for me, human.” Jimin commands, but it’s as though he does it himself. Your mouth opens wide as if on impact - having no true control of your actions.
Your eyes are wide as you watch Jimin release his trousers. It falls to his knees and before you is his cock - erect, veiny and large. 
“I can smell your fear, Queen. You being afraid will not stop me from taking you in front of your soldiers, guards and brother.”
Jimin places the tip of his cock on your tongue, rubbing it along the wet muscle for a moment before he fully enters your mouth.
Jimin is a true demon - your human tears do not affect him. With each thrust, he hits the back of your throat, but your mouth never falters - you’re compelled to keep your mouth open until he is finished. 
Jimin grunts, surprise how your throat takes him so well - he can see the outline of his cock on your throat as he fucks you, and it only makes him want to hurt you more. 
Your throat swells with a thick, salty substance and you find it difficult to breathe. You’re squirming beneath Jimin, wanting everything in your power to fight his compulsion and to get away from him.
“Swallow.” Jimin hisses - and you do. It’s difficult at first, so thick that it takes several tries. But when you do, you begin to cough at the new found oxygen you receive when Jimin takes his cock from your mouth.
Jimin cackles at your appearance - puffy lips and face, blurry eyes with tear stained cheeks. 
“Go ahead, Queen,” Jimin tilts his head. “tell me how you are going to save your kingdom.”
As if it wasn’t humiliating enough to have the eyes of people who respected you watching, Jimin wanted you to further be embarrassed. 
“B-By letting you use me.” your throat hurts, throbbing with such pain. 
“Hm…” Jimin shakes his head. “I want to hear you beg, Queen. You came to me, afterall.”
You’re shuddering, naked skin erupting in goosebumps. You bowed to Jimin, wishing that this was nothing but a cruel nightmare you’d wake up from. “Please u-use me…”
Jimin snorts, unamused. “If that’s what you call begging, then I’ll kill them now.”
One guard is unfrozen. He falls to his knees, engulfed in bright orange flames. His screams echo off the wall of the throne room, echoing deep within your mind. 
“Please use me and don’t hurt my people!” you scream, hot and fresh tears soring down your cheeks. You’re trembling in fear, Jimin’s true nature showing. “Hurt me as much as you’d like!”
Jimin’s interest peaks, a smirk forming onto his lips. “Oh?”
The unseen force slams your face against the marble floor and forces your legs apart. You feel Jimin behind you, sharp nails against your naked skin. His skin burns yours, so hot that it feels as if it’ll melt yours. 
“A Queen would do anything to save her kingdom.” Jimin cackles once more.
You scream out when you feel yourself being stretched out. Your eyes clenched shut, tears finding their way out of your eyes somehow. 
Jimin grinds deep inside of you, hissing at just how tight you were - a true virgin. Instantly, you’re bleeding, blood seeping down your thighs mixed with slick. But Jimin doesn’t care. He doesn’t slow his abusive thrusts.
“For years I’ve been bound into the forest until I was able to break free.” Jimin says, his abdomen slapping against your ass as he takes you. “Years my kind has been falling to the likes of filthy humans such as yourself.”
You’re going to die, the pain excruciating. With each thrust, you’re pounded against the marble floor roughly, hitting deeper and deeper inside of you that you’re positive you’d be split open. 
“And now, Queen, I will take out decades of frustration upon you with no remorse.”
Jimin’s promise rang true. He continues to pound into you at a brutal pace for who knows how long. You felt yourself being filled countless times - each time more than before.
Jimin had flipped you onto your back, admiring how your breast bounced  furiously as he fucks you, his cock causing a bulge so large in your stomach. Your cries are nothing but music to his ears, pussy clenching him so tightly as it drips a large puddle around him.
Jimin hoists you up, fucking into you against one of the frozen guards, not caring about any of them or their lives - humiliating you was his true purpose. You’re unable to speak, only screaming and crying louder with each thrust.
Hours upon hours had gone by and you had no tears left to cry or any protest to give. You accepted your fate by now. Your insides hurt and you’re truly unsure just how many times you could be pleasured by such a demon - an insane amount of liquid had squirted out of you countless times.
“It’s your turn, Queen.” Jimin drops you onto the ground, amused by your twitching form. His cum oozes out of you rapidly, clit throbbing and red.
Your body suddenly feels hot and any exhaustion you once felt is now gone. This had to be the work of Jimin’s demonic powers.
You spring from your fetal position to wrap your legs around Jimin. He sits upon the cold marble floor, wrapping his arms around you.
What was going on? Why had you suddenly regained such strength and stamina?
You sit upon Jimin’s erect cock and moan out. Your hips rise and fall at an alarming pace - you’ve never done this before, however, you appear a pro at it. Your fingernails dig into his skin and you feel your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
Jimin chuckles at your new eagerness, allowing you to go wild against him. It may be his compulsion over you, but he cannot fake your orgasm or your slick - that was all you.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself, Queen. Does my cock do this to you?”
You nod your head erratically, your hips never buckling. You’re creaming his cock, stars forming in your compelled eyes. All you could think about his Jimin - his cock, his cum, and him overall.
“You’ll only cum when I allow you to, Queen. Is that what you want? To cum?”
“Please, please, please!” your mind is blank - you’ve forgotten what you initially agreed upon with the demon, all you can think about now is cumming all over his cock. “Please let me cum!”
“Cock hungry whore.” Jimin wraps a hand around your neck and squeezes. “These people would never respect you as their Queen even after you risked your life to save theirs.”
You’re cumming, a pool of slick shooting out of you, but even then you cannot stop your aggressive riding. You wanted more than to cum - you wanted Jimin’s cum deep inside of you once more - over and over again.
“What are you willing to do to have my cum, whore?” Jimin begins to thrust along with you, reaching deeper. “Would you watch your Kingdom burn for it?”
You’re too far gone now and you nod your head.
Humans were truly easy to fool.
“So be it.” Jimin snaps his fingers, the room erupting in a fit of fire.
Even with the sounds of screams, you want nothing more than for Jimin to use you - to breed you. It’s what whores truly desire, Jimin thinks, to be bred by whoever is willing. He’s positive once you come back to your senses, you’d be devastated to know that your brother, Haneul, the royal guards and soldiers are dead - however, he promised you that your Kingdom would remain; not the people occupying it.
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Your comic series is the first Rottmnt comic Iv ever read! It was an amazing first impression to the Rottmnt fandom! Could you teach me how to draw the turtle boys ( rise turtles)?
Also love the new update!
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Aw! I’m so glad my comic made on good impression on you! ^v^
Of course! I’d love to help you!
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So first thing’s first, here’s the boys the best I can draw them. The most important thing when learning to draw new characters is identifying what makes them look like them. We’ll start with the faces since that’s, in most cases, the point of focus.
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Leo’s face is a pretty tall and vaguely pentagonal. His face is also very angular, the corners of his cheeks and top of his head are very sharp. Leo has the traditional style mask with tails that drop down to about his waist.
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Donnie has that smart boi forehead and majestic eyebrows. His forehead often has a soft curve to it while, similarly to Leo, his cheeks and jaw use sharp angles. Remember too that the top of his head is flat, there’s no curve. His mask is that newer pirate style that wraps over the top of his head, with the tails looking like curvy squares.
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Mikey’s face is a combination of a rounded square and a circle. The top of his head, while much rounder than Donnie’s, is somewhat square. The bottom of his face is a curve. Sometimes I draw the curve in line segments, but it’s not a requirement and won’t impact the way he looks. In general though, Mikey has a very circular face. His mask is the traditional TMNT style with the rounded bouncing tails on the back.
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Raph is arguably the hardest to get right for some odd reason. Really though Raph’s face is just a shorter version of Leo’s face with slightly more exaggerated angles. His face is like a fat pentagon. Also tip: Raph’s eyes are always just a little smaller then you think they’re going to be. Trace some scenes from the ROTTMNT movie, you’ll see what I mean. Raph’s mask is the same style as Donnie’s where it covers the whole top of his head. There’s a small nick on the edge above his right cheek and the tails are tattered.
Okay, next are their markings! They play a lot in how easily identifiable they are.
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I figured these diagrams should help as a little map as to what spots go where.
Alright, now we’ll look at their shells. There are many amazing diagrams and explanations for drawing their shells on Pinterest I’ve found, but I’ll sum it up here as best I can.
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Leo’s shell is very sleek in design making his is profile look the thinnest of his brothers. Many people describe his general body shape as being an inverted triangle.
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Donnie’s shell is very straight with hardly any curves. I didn’t include his battle shell in this since that qualifies as “gear” in my opinion, so you get to see what Donnie’s shell looks like! You’ll notice that the sides of his shell are very wide, which I’m guessing is because the curve of his carapace is so shallow.
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Mikey’s shell is very similar to Leo’s but is a lot thicker and boxier(haha get it? Cause he’s like, a Box Turtle? :D I’m so lame…). He’s also much rounder and the distance between his plastron and carapace is pretty big.
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Raph’s shell is probably the most complex of the boys because of all the spikes. Good things to keep in mind are that the spikes on the top of his plastron angle out, and spikes on his carapace flow up. In general think of Raph as a pentagon, he’s got big broad shoulders and arms and almost comically short legs. (And yes, I’m aware that I didn’t include the side of his shell here, it was too big to fit on the diagram. But just to give you an idea of where it should be, around the “w” in “flow” is where it should connect to his carapace.
Okay! So now that we’ve covered what the boys look like, let’s apply it to their bodies!
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Here’s a quick sketch of Leo. “Oh, but Indie” I hear people say, “I can only draw basic shapes and stick figures!” Well to that I say good because that’s what I’m doing too!
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For drawing action, it’s crucial to capture the energy of the character. And in a style like Rise’s energy is an iconic trait. So I’ve re-invented this “shape method” to actually be useful. The number one thing is that these shapes are loose guides as to the positioning of the body. Don’t think of these shapes as “well chests are like cubes and arms are like rectangles.” These shapes are place holders. I could replace those circles with stars and it wouldn’t change anything. I just use circles because they’re faster to scribble and stand out against the hard angles of everything else.
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Here’s a picture of the shapes overlayed on the image, as you see, these shapes are guides to help comprehend a complex angle in 3D space. Sadly I don’t have much I can assist with on proportions, since I learned purely by studying total uncreepily real life people and myself (I swear I’m posing in the mirror for purely educational reasons! Okay!?).
But anyway, for this kind of thing, practice is the only remedy. Just draw action pose after action pose. Trace scenes from ROTTMNT and the movie to teach your eye to see what things should look like and to train your brain to recognize patterns of shapes and angles.
I hope you found this at all helpful. I’m not really sure how great of a teacher I am but people keep asking questions like these so I guess I’m okay. Glad you liked ROTP so much and I’m glad it made such a good impression on you! ^v^
Good question! :]
And of course if you have more questions, feel free to ask. Here are some previous asks about drawing I’ve gotten that you might also find interesting:
Tricks for Drawing Extra Expressive Faces
More Tricks for Drawing Expressions
Tips and Tricks to Drawing Non-Graphic Wounds
Basic Guide and Tips for Drawing the 2012 and Rise Turtles
How to Draw 2012 Raph’s Fire Ninpo
Nailing The 2012 TMNT Style in 2D
Important Concepts in Drawing Female Characters
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tojjist · 1 year
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘁 - 𝗝. 𝗘𝗴𝗼
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jinpachi ego x f! reader
tags: pwp, unintentional exhibitionism, semi-public sex, ego being an asshole, degradation, reverse cowgirl (kinda), mentions of masturbation (third person(s)), dacryphilia if you squint, marking/bruising, humiliation, unprotected sex, creampie, vaginal sex, slight objectification of reader.
note: this is my first ever fully-written smut so uh yeah forgive my lack of description and experience. also kinda rushed write it at like 3am in maybe an hour. Likes and reblogs are highly appreciated! minors, ageless & blank blogs dni
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“ego-san! eguhh—!”
your hips thrust; up, down. up, down. moving against his length. ego’s long fingers were digging into the soft skin of your hips, forcing harsher movement as your walls swallowed him whole.
“such a fucking slut,” he whispered into your ear, his breath hot against your sensitive skin. “taking my cock like a champ, that’s how you like it, huh? wanna get fucked ‘til ya can’t see?”
you don’t respond to his harsh words, too focused on the pleasure. your hips kept thrusting but you weren’t doing all the work; ego knew you wouldn’t be able to move on your own when he’s balls deep inside you.
but, jinpachi ego doesn’t take well to being ignored. if he asks you a question he expects you to respond.
one of his hands curls in your hair, harshly fisting it as he stops helping you move. naturally, your movements become sloppy and sleazy over his cock, still attempting to enjoy his length despite the way he’s gripping your hair and turning your face, forcing you to look at him.
“answer, sweerheart. wanna hear my little doll’s response, hm? don’t leave me waiting, whore.”
it was so astonishing how easily his vocabulary swapped. to him you were but a little fucktoy for him to enjoy. he didn’t have to make you feel good, which he did. you at least owe him an answer.
“y-yes, egoh-san,” you blabbered, barely able to keep your sanity together.
it is embarrassing; you’re a strong woman of a high position, yet the highest position you can get with this man is riding his cock like a slut. how he knew all your weaknesses you don’t know. jinpachi ego is a wonder and as much as you’d like to explore him, it’s clear he’s the only one getting any exploring here. you’re only there to serve, to drool and moan as he fucks you stupid.
but unbeknownst to either of you, it is broadcasted all over the blue lock.
you knew having sex right in front of the the controls was a bad idea. god, you begged him so much to just drop it and have sex somewhere else.
but ego insisted to do something he’s seen in some porno, sitting on his chair while you’re on top of him. the leather chair was whining under you two as you moved. you would have been worried about it breaking if you weren’t too busy getting fucked.
and now you’re both paying for ego’s selfishness. it was you, huffing and moaning, your breasts jiggling up and down as he had lifted the shirt off them. one every screen of every room. everyone was watching now.
and the boys? oh, they were devouring the broadcast. how could they not when your soft begs echo through almost every room of the pentagon shaped building?
seriously, these controls should be more complicated. yet one wrong move is all it took you and now 300 young men are watching you sob.
“ego-san—! ‘m close! close!!”
your tears weren’t many, but the ones that fell were fat, blurring your eyesight and arousing jinpachi oh so much.
“feels good-“ he groaned slightly at the way your hips move faster, teeth clenching agaist each other. “feels good, slut? ya like my c-cock in you— fuck-“
the way your face reddened and your moans became even more pitched was definitely the finishing line for most of the boys, watching as one of ego’s fingers rubbed at your pretty nipple, squeezing your breast then pinching the darker skin in the middle.
with a final sob, a final thrust, and a final breath, your release came. your head jerked back as your spine arched, moaning especially loud now. ego groaned as your gummy walls tightened around him, teeth clamping against the plush skin of your neck. he made sure to leave his mark on you; dark bruises on your neck as he bites so hard it almost draws blood.
one would be a fool to think that jinpachi was helping you ride out your orgasm. his name is ego. no one matters, not even you. he was only chasing his own release, wearing you out until his cock twitched under the pleasureful pressure, shooting white paint across the walls of your tight cunt. the lewd noises of skin slapping against each other remained loud, echoing across the monitor room as jinpachi rocked your hips back and forth until he couldn’t anymore.
“get up.”
“what?” you squeak innocently ant his harsh demand. you were barely just catching your breath.
“ya heard me, don’t make me say it again. get up.”
if there is one thing you learnt from being ego’s personal stress reliever, it’s to obey. no questions asked. he demands, you answer.
and you are one good lap dog. you allow him to mush and shape you however he likes because, for some reason, it felt so fucking good.
you didn’t have to be told another time, twice is a lot. you stand up without question, back facing jinpachi as you wait. was it anticipation or dread pooling in your stomach? you weren’t sure.
“bend over.”
his words were absolute. but this time you went rigid, not moving an inch.
“did you not hear me?” “ego-san..”
ego stands up, hand finding your head roughly as he begins to push it down. “when i tell you to bend over you fucking-“
he noticed it too.
there was a small red light, coming on and off, indicating that this is in fact getting recorded.
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starrysharks · 3 months
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if i had a nickel for every skinny, pentagon-shaped head, sidebangs-having, musically-inclined, gloves-wearing feminine character i've ever made, i'd have two nickels
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But, you may ask, why wouldn’t cleaning and menial tasks be automated in the future? It’s a valid question, but one that assumes other people will address it. This handy bit of sci-fi logic overlooks the fact that a military is a vast labor force that can be coerced—via the chain of command—into taking on “other duties, as needed.” Sure, a military’s primary purpose is to hang the threat of violence over the heads of another polity, but in the meantime there’s food to cook, passageways to clean, toilets to scrub, and so on. A professional military can be used to carry out these other tasks because it costs less. It also leads to soldiers being used for incongruous and insidious functions, such as “diplomatic missions” teaching children in occupied territories how to dance La Macarena. This helps mask the brutal nature of military occupation and manufactures consent for imperialism. Given how often mainstream entertainment, including superhero films among many others, is subsidized by the Pentagon, perhaps honest depictions of grunt work are viewed as “negative portrayals” and subject to funding getting cut for such projects. After all, if military life was shown to be as tedious as the life of a fast food worker, how useful could it be as a recruitment tool? While it’s not clear how much films and television “wag the dog” with respect to the written fiction that once inspired them (and is increasingly shaped by them), it can subtly influence whether military science fiction writers include these details in their written work. This erasure of most grunt work from military science fiction is at best romanticizing a rather mundane job; at worst, it serves—intentionally or not—as imperialist propaganda.
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goodpossums · 1 year
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Raoul, the man of the hour, 2023, 35in diameter, approx. 2.5ft tall
my final for a felting elective! he was a big hit with the ladies<33
materials, processes, and in-progress photos:
two part sculpture: his main body is wet and needle felting over an armature of pink insulation foam strung on a hula-hoop. I filled the gaps with expanding foam and shaved the overflow off with a box-cutter. Then I painted most of his body, and buffed out his head and jaw with scrap upholstery foam that is cobbled together with sewing and glue. I don't have pictures of it here but I also cut and shaped pink foam legs. Then I made big wet-felt rectangles to cover his back and sides and wet-felt socks to pull over his legs. Everything was tacked down thoroughly with felting needles and then needlefelt details were added, including covering his belly with anchored in tufts. The ear and eyes are all needlefelt over sponges, and the teeth are just raw needlefelted wool. Then all my professor and I had to do was spend a full afternoon trying to engineer a stable stand for his legs because I had tried just inserting them in on doles and no matter how much I tried to line them up properly they were jsut going everywhere and it was a sorry sight when I'd try to stand him up. We ended up making a little wooden pentagon that he sits on top of; lucky his fuzzy belly hides it pretty well and his new owner just has him standing on the ground in her office. I also put a mix of glue and water over certain parts of his face like his eyes, tearducts, gums and teeth so they have a smoother look.
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Special thanks to my professor and my studio assistant mom lol.
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tmntkiseki · 2 months
2003 turtle heads are still a massive pain in the ass tbh
I've gotten decent enough at drawing them that I have days where I am like "Awww yeah, this isn't so hard."
But then there are still plenty of days where I'm struggling to get the head right and all I can think is "Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Michael Dooney, grant me strength."
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ranmagender · 8 days
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[ID: A comic on a white background. to the left is a square with light purple walls and a black outline and an eye on the side, inside its colored red with organs showing. The square says "I know what you are!" and thinks of a pentagon with each side a different color. To the right is a dark blue sphere with one eye and a crease line over it. they have a worried or confused expression. they have darkish green swirls on their cheeks and one on the right side of their top head indicating a 3d shape. theres a smaller dark blue circle to the left of them indicating a hand and they are holding a brush. their thought bubble has the lgbt flag in it END ID]
Square thinks Sphere might be....a chromatist *GASP* !!
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artfight · 2 months
Hey AF tumblr mods, first off thanks for all you do here 💜
I have a question about my art style? So my style uses the same basic shapes for the sketch/body shape (circle for head, pentagon for torso, lines for everything else). I just wanted to clarify due to base usage rules, does that count as a continuous base? And if so, what should I do to fix it? Or should I just not post at all?
I just wanted to clarify before posting any attacks, sorry if it sounds confusing ^^’
As long as you are not using a base or tracing your own art, you are perfectly fine in submitting attacks! Though feel free to get in touch with a moderator on-site or through the Discord server if you're worried.
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alionanight · 4 months
Shapes of May Triangle Week Day 7!
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Here are the final three triangles, I had a lot of fun drawing them!
These designs belong to @missmaydae, @icexversemaster, and @comettheninja1!
Enjoy your doodles! :)
Tomorrow, pentagons begin!
(My submissions for pentagon week are open until 4:00 pm pst tomorrow, so if you want your pentagon drawn head over there!)
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thecreaturecodex · 5 months
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Image accessed at the Ultraman Wiki here
[Bemstar is one of the kaiju from Return of Ultraman who appears in the most series, movies and spinoffs. As such, I wanted to make sure that it was on the more powerful end of the Return of Ultraman monsters I'm statting up. Due to that popularity, it keeps getting new powers as the plot demands. This Bemstar can release a heat pulse, which it gained in Ultraman Mebius, but its gullet is not a pocket dimension, as it is as of Ultraman X. I've already done enough monsters with extradimensional stomachs (such as the astral dreadnought and Dalmosh), and besides which, few if any PCs are Colossal in size. ]
Bemstar CR 22 NE Aberration This creature is bipedal and vaguely star shaped, with a broad body and patagia connecting its limbs to its torso. Its arms end with a hooked claw and its feet are toeless. Its head is birdlike, with a short bill and a single yellow horn growing from its head. Its head, shoulders, arms and lower legs are scaly, and leathery flaps grow from its thighs. At the center of its belly is a pentagonal plate with an orifice in the middle.
Even dragons have predators. The outer dragons are far flung in space partially because of their ability to freely explore the cosmos, and partially because they are hiding from their predator, the bemstar. Bemstars are ravenous horrors that fly from system to system hunting outer dragons and swallowing them whole. They have faint and malicious intelligence, and if bored, a bemstar may make planetfall in order to try some new and exotic prey.  
A bemstar’s most notable physiological feature is its gorge, the central mouth leading to a digestive system that encompasses most of the bemstar’s anatomy. Not only can it swallow up to Gargantuan creatures whole, it can also swallow laser beams, breath weapons, magic missiles and many other types of supernatural energy. The more it eats, the more it can expend that energy to either heal itself or release bursts of incinerating heat. This heat pulse combined with the beam it can shoot from its horn give it powerful ranged attacks, but bemstars prefer to close into melee as soon as they can and fight with their natural weapons, the better to swallow as much prey as possible. Bemstars are awkward fliers in atmosphere, and usually land after making a charge with their horn.
With their effective immunity to breath weapons, some of the few sages that know about bemstars to speculate that they are an artificial species designed for the purpose of killing dragons. What intelligence did this is unknown, but bemstars happily ally themselves with a wide variety of space monsters in order to wreak havoc. These alliances last as long as the bemstars are well fed, but an ally might become a meal if the bemstar grows hungry or impatient.
Bemstar             CR 22 XP 615,000 NE Colossal aberration Init +4; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +19, scent Aura frightful presence (180 ft., Will DC 27)
Defense AC 38, touch 2, flat-footed 38 (-8 size, +40 natural) hp 462 (28d8+336) Fort +21, Ref +11, Will +18 DR 10/epic; Immune fear, petrifaction, poison; Resist cold 20, electricity 20, fire 20 Defensive Abilities gluttony points,suction attractor spout
Offense Speed 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (poor) Melee 2 claws +32 (2d8+18/19-20 plus grab), gore +31 (4d6+18), bite +31 (4d6+18) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks bemstar beam, heat pulse, powerful charge (gore, 8d6+27), swallow whole (AC 30, 46 hp, 4d6+27 bludgeoning plus 5d6 fire)
Statistics Str 47, Dex 11, Con 34, Int 5, Wis 15, Cha 17 Base Atk +21; CMB +47 (+51 grapple); CMD 64 Feats Cleave, Critical Focus, Dazzling Display, Defensive Combat Training, Flyby Attack,Great Cleave, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Weapon Focus (claw) Skills Fly +11, Intimidate +33, Perception +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception SQ gluttonous healing,no breath, starflight
Ecology Environment void or any land Organization solitary Treasure none
Special Abilities Bemstar Beam (Su) As a standard action, a bemstar can fire a destructive beam from its horn in a 140 foot line. All creatures in the area take 22d6 points of damage, half of which is fire and half of which is force (Reflex DC 36 halves). A bemstar can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution based. Gluttonous Healing (Su) As a move action, a bemstar can spend 1 or more Gluttony Points to heal itself of 1d6 points of damage per point spent. It can also spend points to remove status conditions, at the following rate: 1 point—fatigued, sickened 2 points—diseased, staggered 3 points—cursed, exhausted, nauseated 4 points—blinded, deafened, paralyzed A bemstar can spend as many Gluttony Points on this ability at a time as its Hit Dice. Gluttony Points (Su) Every time a bemstar uses its suction attractor spout ability, it gains a number of Gluttony Points equal to the damage dice absorbed. If it absorbs a spell or effect that doesn’t deal hit point damage, it gains a number of Gluttony Points equal to the spell level, or 1/3 the Hit Dice of the creature creating the effect in the case of supernatural abilities (such as a void dragon’s suffocating breath). Whenever a creature dies in a bemstar’s stomach, the bemstar gains gluttony points equal to that creature’s HD. A bemstar can have as many Gluttony Points as twice its HD at a time, and unused Gluttony Points are lost within 24 hours if not spent.  Heat Pulse (Su) As a standard action, a bemstar can spend Gluttony Points to create a burst of fire centered on itself in a 120 foot radius. All creatures in the area take 1d8 points of damage for each Gluttony Point expended (Reflex DC 36 halves). Half of this damage is fire and half of this damage is force. A bemstar can use a maximum number of Gluttony Points at once on this ability as its Hit Dice. The save DC is Constitution based. Starflight (Su) A bemstar can survive in the void of outer space. It flies through space at an incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM's discretion)—provided the bemstar knows the way to its destination. Suction Attractor Spout (Su) If a bemstar is targeted by a ray or a force effect, or if it is in the area of a line or cone, that effect is neutralized. In the case of a line or cone spell or effect, it affects everything closer to the origin than to the bemstar normally.
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