#And the Marvels too
ayo-edebiri · 1 year
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse + text posts
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amartworks · 1 year
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While listening to Hobie's contemporary records an incredibly vital question comes up… does he know?
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wingedcorgi · 9 months
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mfw i decide to remake a comic from 8 years ago
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bioethicists · 6 months
this is going to sound simplistic + i promise you it's not: stop following people whose entire schtick is being cruel or fighting with others online. even if the ppl deserve it! even if it's not a ~problematic~ cruelty! even if you agree with all of that blog's opinions!
it's one thing if someone snaps back when provoked or posts the occasional "get a load of this guy". nobody needs to play up respectability for people who haven't given them respect in return. but if someone's online identity centers around being needlessly mean for laughs + they're constantly seeking out socially acceptable, easy targets for petty cruelty, that's a red flag. there's a huge difference between not taking shit/cracking a joke + mocking others as your several-hours-a-day hobby.
especially if, when they are inevitably in the wrong + mocking someone mercilessly to their 50k followers over something petty goes south (shocking!), they become extremely defensive or block everyone or play the victim or dismiss it as "well, how was i supposed to know they were autistic? i'm autistic + i don't meow in public" or whatever.
this isn't a "well i knew all along" post bcuz nobody should be shamed for being in the dark about something like this but many of the popular bloggers who have later been exposed for serious harassment or abuse should not have shocked us. if someone's blog is 90% shit like "you should light yourself on fire because you watch x anime" or "look at this so-called lesbian bitch + her ugly fucking boyfriend at a kink convention- it's giving drowned rats", should it really shock you that they are also being cruel or abusive in less internet-acceptable ways? if they've already shown you that they get a such a thrill out of being vicious that they do it daily + are regularly rewarded with thousands of followers?
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wombywoo · 2 months
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local cuisine 🤌
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stars-obsession-pit · 10 days
If anyone saw this for a moment earlier when i accidentally hit post, no you didn’t
The Ultimate Enemy ends a bit differently. Though Danny does still overcome his evil future self, Dan leaves him with a few parting gifts for his trouble.
Danny is thrown into another universe, and his obsession is distorted. Where it once was Protection, now all it is is Violence. One last-ditch attempt by Dan to make Danny into a monster like him.
However, Danny’s human mind is still intact. So despite feeling the perpetual urge from his ghost half, he can keep it in check. Somewhat.
But not entirely.
So he becomes a Rogue. He doesn’t like it, but what else can he do? He needs to do something.
Of course, he does his best to minimize real harm, to focus his attacks on those that deserve it - the polluting factories, the corrupt businessmen, and all others that exploit people. He tries to eke out as much nourishment for his core as he can from the engagements, especially the fights against the heroes that come to stop him.
But it’s not enough. He still knows he’s causing harm and hates every second of it, even as his obsession sings at being fed.
The heroes notice. How could they not? A powerful, young, villain who clearly doesn’t want to be doing what they’re doing but seemingly can’t stop? There must be something else going on. Some force pushing him to do this.
And they’re going to save him from it.
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dandylion-s · 1 year
Ok ok ok I'm getting emotional. Lemme be corny for a minute..they had an Indian spiderman. A whole superhero who is INDIAN. Not a sidekick. Not a tech guy. A hero. Who does hero things!!! And is unabashedly, whole heartedly desi. His world is desi without being tragedy porn. Like yes show us Bombay traffic! Show us ads for zomato!!! And aunty ke saath shaam ki chai! Show us people pilled on a scooter with no regard for safety!!! Pavitr Prabhakar is amazing and I love him with my entire little desi heart.
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kettle-bird · 2 months
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I've been getting into X-Men lately! Or, well. One specific X-Man.
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wolfpup026 · 3 months
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god of stories
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pbnmj · 1 year
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it’s important to me that peter and co always have their bank accounts in the negatives . like it is fundamental that spider-man is broke
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nounaarts · 3 months
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*queue 80’s music*
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Here’s all their crimes listed :)
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bubbarnes · 6 months
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“... you okay?”.
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medixnoche · 1 month
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the most serious thing in the world
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berrydoodleoo · 6 months
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The winner of my Thanksgiving poll: my headcanons for the twins! I've been working on their designs for a while now lol.
I started playing FFXIV in 2019, so in my head, the twins are about 20 years old now and most of the way through their growth spurt. So here are my ideas for how they look, alongside their EW selves.
I have Lots Of Thoughts about the twins and why I picked these designs, but I don't have time to ramble now. I have more stuff with them though so I'll save my comments for then!
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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#oh he's on that leash all right 💀😳
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mellosghosts · 7 days
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uh guys why would someone say that to a grown ass man i dont get it
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