#And thank yoh if you're reading
springs-hurts · 5 months
lmao I was trying to live tweet but I couldn't because it was so good I couldn't stop watching it but here are three tweets
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Alright,but if y'all have watched Firebird, please don't come at me, ik I'm pinning all the blame on Roman and ik I'm wrong but fuck if I don't want to blame someone, I don't even know what to say, him marrying, him denying, him saying "Welcome Home" And then asking him to "act" When louisa comes, fuck fuck it's all so wrong, why society is so fucked up, I'm so frustrated
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wilted-society · 1 year
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pairings: charles leclerc x ferrari sister!leclerc
synopsis: y/n leclerc, the youngest of the leclerc siblings. gets frustrated over the weekend, as her team ignores her suggestions about what they should do with the car. y/n keeps her frustration at bay, but it's difficult when race day comes close and her team is incompetent.
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"fuck!" you said as the car crashes down the barrier, losing its power. "putain!" you hit the car with frustration, you get out of the car and walked away. throwing away your gloves in frustration.
"looks like leclerc got herself another dnf right here! ending in P11, how will this look for the young leclerc?" the commentator's voice blasted through the televisions of the viewers.
you made your way to the garage, you took off your helmet and the angry frustrated look was distinct on your face. "y/n you're up for an interview." your manager informed you whilst handing you a drink.
you took it with an angry look, "jesus christ i just got off a race! can't i take a fucking break for a minute?!" your manager nodded, "noted, i will inform them" "thank you, david." yoh thanked the manager. you felt bad for lashing out on everyone, this weekend has especially been tough on you. today was qualifying and you just ended up on P11, there was so much pressure on being the first female driver to enter f2. but if you wanted to make it into f1, you were going to be professional about it.
the tv in front of you played a replay your crash, in slow motion. she felt bad for herself, you felt like you let everyone down. but what else could you do? when you were always the one suggesting to the prema team on what they could do to improve the car, but they never listen. it's all bullshit.
"this is fucking bull." you say to yourself, looking down at the ground. you felt tears swelling in her eyes, you let them drop.
"hey mon ange," charles' voice was heard, you looked towards where charles was and stood up and hugged him. "it'll all be alright." he reassured you. that's when you let it all out. you sobbed into his chest as you felt charles patted your back gently. "it's all a disaster, charles! everything is falling apart. it feels like it's all coming down to me." you ranted in between sobs, charles frowned at the thought of her sister feeling like this. because he understood what it felt like to be in her situation right now. he pulled away and wiped the tears from her face, and said. "hey, it's not the end of the world, ange. it may feel like everything's falling apart right now, and yeah, i can admit that i feel like that, too. i understand you and what you're feeling right now." his eyes witnessed your teary eyes and continued, "i promise you, this isn't the end. and things will be alright. just have faith, ange! alright? can you do that for me?" he asked you assuringly, and you nodded in reply.
"i'll tell you what, when the race is over. we'll get ice cream? you love ice cream." charles smiled at her, "y.. yeah, i would love that very much." you smiled again, wiping those tear-stained cheeks of yours. it was clear that charles beamed at the sight of your smile, "there's that smile! come on, let's go to maman?" you simply chuckled, wiping the remaining tears off her eyes before speaking, "yes, let's go to maman." you two walked out of the garage, and he lets you change out of your attire and into something comfortable. you two made your way to the ferrari hospitality, where you would be getting ice cream and wait for arthur to finish.
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a/n: THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD!!! i kinda wrote this impulsively because i was bored, and i just got discharged from the hospital. and i promised you guys i would finish this fic for you. thank you for being patient! and i apologize if there are any mistakes in this fic, as it was rushed and not actually proofread. thank you for reading my works! as always, stay safe. <3333
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notfreetoday · 1 year
MPW Ep 2 Subtitle Corrections
Subtitle Corrections: Ep 1 here
Cultural/Language Tidbits: Ep 2 here
Same translation disclaimer applies. Thanks to everyone reading the first post and geeking out with me in the notes, I really appreciate it XD Ok, Ep 2, let's go! Sorry in advance for the length!
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If you're wondering why Yoh's freaking out about the rainy season even though they've been together for 3 years, the manga artist posted a clarification on twitter:
By the way, “it’s been 3 years since then” – that phrase refers to it being 3 years since that conversation regarding the slave contract. As for living together, they’ve only just started (to do so) around Mar/April*, so (at this point) it’s only been a few months (for them). What if (I) got it wrong…. I remember making a note of it, but the file that I wrote it in and passed over (to the crew) couldn’t be found right, so… (was it) a dream?” *Japan's rainy season comes around June/July, so this means that this is the first rainy season these two have been experienced together.
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[Y: まずっ] Y: Tastes bad In case the original "that sucks" sounds like Yoh might be talking about the news of the young forecaster - he's really just talking about the food here.
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[S: 遅くなるからいらねぇっつっただろう] Original: I told you not to bother since I returned late Mine: I told you I wouldn't need it cause I'd be late right? This is actually a pretty harsh sounding line tbh. It's sort of inkeeping with Segasaki's curtness, but still pretty harsh - so this tells us he's tired after a long day, and explains the frown on his face that Yoh just wipes away with his cuteness
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Nikujaga literally means meat and potatoes. It's a stewed dish and a very well-loved comfort food. Super easy to make too (link goes to an easy to follow recipe, and the site also explains a little about the dish).
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[Y: 本当、顔だけはいいよな] Y: Really, it's only his face that looks good.
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I've talked about this in my cultural/language tidbits for this episode (linked up top) but I'll add it here for completion's sake
[Y: あ、いや。なんでもない…です*] (Ah, iya, nandemonai…desu*) Y: Ah, no, it's….nothing* Yoh let's his sentence trail off before tacking on a "desu" at the end. "Desu" is an ending verb characteristic of "polite" speech, which Yoh doesn't use frequently with Segasaki (in fact, by this point, he has not used polite speech with Segasaki at all, except for maybe saying the full form of the word "welcome home", and even that's pushing it). Here he adds it at the end as an afterthought (the polite form of "iya" would be "iie", if he had wanted the whole sentence to be polite from the get go), which tells us that Yoh's feeling a little off-kilter here, and does introduce the slightest distance between him and Segasaki. We'll see this distance increase as the episode goes on.
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[Y: いや、どう考えても食べ過ぎだろう] Y: No but, no matter which way you look at it, (he's) eaten way too much hasn't he? Btw, if your hair started standing at the spoon scraping the pot - in the manga artist's post about visiting the shooting venue (as well as during Ep 1 twitter space) it was mentioned that Mashiko, the actor, can actually cook, so during filming they had to tell him what someone who can't would likely do, and also asked him to do the housework poorly (because Yoh's not supposed to be good at cooking or housework hahaha)
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この人*、明日も朝早いんだよな。たぶん。 Original: This guy, has an early morning again tomorrow. Probably. Mine: This person*, has (to leave) early tomorrow morning too. Probably. *The word here is "kono hito", literally "this person". There's actually nothing wrong with the translation "this guy" tbh because that's a fairly neutral term in English, but I'm highlighting it here because in his monologues, Yoh usually refers to Segasaki using much rougher language, such as "koitsu, aitsu", except when he addresses Segasaki directly in his head. I'll talk more about how Yoh addresses Segasaki in the analysis post, but for now - this sentence hints that Yoh has clocked Segasaki's tiredness (subconsciously or not) and is feeling a little bad for him. Then again he quickly hides that by adding on "probably". (Adding the word "probably" behind your sentence is a common way to express doubt/negate what you just said, and incidentally is commonly used by comedians to deliver a punchline).
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[Y: あの*…あの…寝るなら部屋でとおもって。] Original: Um… Hey… You should go back to your room. Mine: Um*... Um... if you're going to sleep then, (it would be better to sleep) in your room - at least that's what I thought...
*"あの…" (ano…), translated as "um" here, is a common sound you use when you want to get someone's attention but don't want to sound too demanding - it actually isn't being polite per se, but it does show the hesitancy with which Yoh approaches him. Contrast this with the way Segasaki gets Yoh's attention (so far it's just been "Yoh" or "Oi" - the latter of which you would NOT use unless you were close to the person, or looking for a fight).
As a general rule of thumb, the level of politeness in Japanese is directly correlated with the length of the sentence and just how far you can beat around the bush. So, Yoh's suggestion that Segasaki goes to sleep in his room is literally just "if sleeping, then room..." and everything else in that translation is assumed. He may not being using polite speech forms here (that would be "to omoimashita" instead of "to omotte") but this is still a common way to be polite because he's making a suggestion that is so mild Segasaki can choose to ignore it. This is a great example of Brown & Levinson's "negative politeness" which we'll revisit when analysing their speech patterns, and which you can read about in entirely too much detail here (free to read).
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[Y: じゅあ、俺は寝るので** あの、その、そういう��とで、おやすみ] Original: Then, I’ll go to sleep. That…sort of thing. Good night. Mine: So then, I'm going to bed, therefore**... Um... that... with that... night!
"Therefore" is an awkward translation for the word ので (node), which is more often translated as "so". I've chosen to use that word because "node", whilst again not a polite form per se, is less colloquial than the more commonly used "から(kara)", to mean the same thing. It tends to pop up more in writing than in speech. "Therefore" doesn't make a sentence polite/formal in English, but it's definitely less colloquial than using the word "so". The use of "node" is just that tiny bit out of place in this sentence paired with the informal pronoun "ore" for "I" as opposed to the more formal choice of "boku".
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Again, Yoh answers Segasaki properly here with a "はい (hai)" as opposed to his usual "un" (which is a sound that expresses agreement), when told that Segasaki will be late again. There actually aren't very many moments where Yoh does speak politely to Segasaki (he's definitely rude when he talks about Segasaki in his head hahaha), so these moments stand out. This whole short exchange, together with the random -desu he added earlier, just make Yoh's sentences a little more stilted/awkward, and more distant. Individually they don't deserve much mention at all, but together, and in the context of his jealousy, show just how unsure Yoh is about where he stands with Segasaki.
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[Y: あの人の帰宅が遅くなり] Y: That person returned home later and later
"That person" - similar to the above usage of "this person". This sentence is incomplete - the verb form of the last word - 遅くなり (osokunari) indicates that there should be a second part to the sentence (the "completed" form would be osokunatta). But after he says this, there is a pregnant pause, as Yoh puts his phone down and continues cooking alone. The pause continues all the way into the next scene, before the sentence continues, highlighting the loneliness that Yoh feels.
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[Y: 当然、触れられることもないままに] Original: Of course, he did not touch me at all Mine: (and) of course, (I) remained untouched (by him) as well
The literal translation for this would be "(the situation in which I) was not touched (by him) continued on as well". Yoh uses the passive form of the word "touch", which places the emphasis on Yoh "receiving" the action of being touched as opposed to placing the emphasis on Segasaki "carrying out" the action of touching Yoh. Consider the difference between the sentences "I was hurt by him" and "he hurt me". The former is the passive form, and is super common in Jp, much less common in Eng. If this is confusing - welcome to Jp grammar just know that the emphasis of this line is more on what Yoh does not have, rather than what Segasaki has not done. It accentuates Yoh's feelings of emptiness and loss.
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Y: すっかり日々は過ぎて Y: The days pass by completely ...
Similarly, this sentence is "incomplete", and is instead continued by Segasaki walking in and telling Yoh he'll be late again. (This whole bit just hurts my soul tbh, Yoh is so lonely. )
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This is a teruteru bouzu aka a charm of sorts for good weather. See the cultural tidbits post for Ep 2 linked up top for more info!
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This is said really strongly, and gives the "what the hell are you doing" feel. Yoh's truly upset here.
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I try not to care about some of the subs in these side conversations because they don't add much to the main story and these posts are already too long, but this sentence should really be "Dammit, maybe I should (go) troll the chat" (and the previous sentence should be "If this was broadcasted in a certain country it would be instant death" aka N.Korea ^^;) and I just think it was a nice touch to hint at the fandom wars/flaming that goes on between fans hahaha
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[Y: しんどい] Y: This is too draining The word here used is "shindoi", which is a term used when you're feeling mentally/physically exhausted/drained, and carries a sense of frustration (at feeling this way) and sometimes (emotional) pain.
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This. Is. Huge. Segasaki does 2 things here - one, he rejects an after-work meal, which you rarely do because Japan is all about the group and rejecting a group invite, to welcome a new member, can make you seem like you aren't a team player - two, the guy who invites him is his senior, which you can tell because Segasaki sticks to polite speech forms whilst the other guy does not. It's still relatively casual, so you can tell he's got a good working relationship with them (probably why he's not worried about rejecting them) but still. In Segasaki's world, Yoh is the No. 1 priority.
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This is more accurately "WTF". There are many sounds in Japanese that aren't exactly words, but carry a lot of meaning - "Haa?!" is one of them, and is a very rude way to express a lot of anger and shock. Please, never say this in real life. You will royally piss off whoever it's directed at and if you are outside a Shibuya bar you will get punched.
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The word used here is てめぇ (temee), which is a really rude way to say "you", and has the same energy as "you bastard". Segasaki usually uses the informal pronoun "omae" for "you" when he talks to Yoh, he's definitely pissed off here.
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This is the same word, "shindoi" again.
I'm going to put the rest of the whole argument here with just my translation because it's too long to screencap the whole thing.
[S: 何なんだよ?このエロい惨状は Y: うるさい。 Y: 俺は売れっ子エロ漫画家になるんだ S: なんだそりゃ。おい *takes away beer can* Y: 売れっ子さんが シコリながらネーム描くと いいのができるって言ってた S: なんも描けてなかったぞ。 S: おい、だめだっつってんの S: 飲みすぎ 出すもん出して 寝てただけだろう Y: 黙れ! Y: 俺はエロくて 抜ける漫画描いて いっぱい稼いで Y: 早く こんなとこ出ていくんだ S: はあ? おい、お前 どういうつもりだよ Y: どうもこうもないよ! Y: 平気で抱かれてると思うなよ 。 Y: 俺のこと、好きでもないくせに Y: 便利な奴隷としか思ってないんだろう?そんなにやりたきゃ隣のキャスターとやってろよ S: お前 さっきから 何を... Y: 俺はあんな風に笑いかけられたことない]
Breakdown: S: What's up with this? This lewd disaster of a scene Y: (You're) annoying! ["うるさい (urusai)" is often translated as "shut up", but it literally means someone is being "noisy", and here is more of a complaint that Segasaki is being bothersome] Y: I'm going to become a hot-selling erotica manga artist! [the word used here is 売れっ子 (urekko), which literally means "someone who gets huge sales" and mostly refers to idols, entertainers, TV personalities etc. So Yoh is not just saying he's going to become popular, he's saying he's gonna be like a celebrity manga artist, which is why Segasaki snorts a little at this] S: What's with that? Hey. *takes away beer can* Y: The hot sellers say that if you jerk off whilst drawing your storyboard, you'll come up with good stuff [urekko-san is a pretty cute way of referring to these popular artists] S: You've not drawn anything, you know? [this is said with a really indulgent air, which contrasts directly with the more authoritative tone of the next line] S: Hey, I'm telling you no more *grabs beer can* S: You drank too much. You just shot what you shot and then went to sleep didn't you? [And this is back to an indulgent tone - also, everyone knows Segasaki is talking about cumming here, he just doesn't actually say it so directly] Y: Shut up! ["黙れ (damare) - contrast with "urusai" earlier. The former is used much less commonly and really does mean to "be quiet". This is why Segasaki pauses and looks at Yoh. Up until now Segasaki just thinks Yoh's gotten drunk and is whining cutely, but this word means things are serious.] Y: I'm going to draw manga that is erotic, that you can wank off to, and then earn lots of money [this is a call back to the conversation with Man-san over the phone in Ep 1, which I did not include earlier because I didn't think it was important to the story when Yoh says "the work that was released last month was amazing! There was a big buzz around the topic "I can't wank off (to this)" - Yoh was being sarcastic here, meaning that he got reviews that his work wasn't erotic enough] Y: and leave this sort of place soon! S: What? Hey - what (the hell) are you thinking? [Again, "haa?" here shows he does NOT like what Yoh's saying, but he does soften the end of the sentence with a "yo"] Y: I'm not thinking of anything! Y: Embracing me so easily - don't think you can (keep on) doing that [again, this is the passive form, so the emphasis is on Yoh being embraced, and here has the nuance of "don't think I'll just (keep on) being fine with being embraced (by you) like it's some sort of norm"] Y: when you don't even like me [this line has quite a bit of bitterness in it - the emphasis here is strongly on Segasaki and his apparent "non-liking" of Yoh my english is dying.] Y: You think of me as just a convenient slave, don't you? Y: If you want to do it that much, go do it with that forecaster next to you! S: You... from the start... what have (you been saying?) Y: I have never been smiled at like that before [again, this is in passive voice]
It's obvious from the acting alone that this entire argument is pretty emotionally charged - this is also reflected in the language because Yoh uses the pronoun "ore (I)" a lot. Pronouns are frequently dropped in Japanese - often you can go an entire conversation without ever uttering the words "I/me" or "you", in part because the pronouns are assumed and also because emphasis on an individual can come across as too selfish/narcissistic or direct. Segasaki uses them often enough with Yoh, which fits his personality, but Yoh normally doesn't. So, when he uses "ore" here it stands out - his plans to be successful and leave, his feelings, his interpretation of Segasaki's actions - all of the emphasis is on his own self. The message is very clear - Yoh is hurting a lot more than he is blaming or accusing Segasaki.
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[Y: もう疲れた。あんたといると疲れる。嫌いだ S: お前 酒入るとめちゃくちゃしゃべるんだな Y: ねぇ、何で雨の時はだめなの? S: はあ? だって、お前が言ったんだろう] Y: (I'm) tired out. When (I'm) with you, (I) get tired. Hate it. [We've lost the "I" pronouns here, because the emphasis is on the extreme sense of physical and emotional fatigue as opposed to Yoh himself, and on how much he dislikes that feeling. Of note, "hate" here is closer to "detest/really dislike" - the word is "kirai" - which is not as strong as the word "nikui" which we talked about in Ep 1 when Yoh said he hated the part of him that always listened to Segasaki. Also, this is the first time Yoh has addressed Segasaki with the pronoun "you" out loud - he uses "あんた anta", which he also used in his head in Ep 1, after they did it. Again, we'll talk about this in the analysis post in the future, but for now just know that this term is usually used between older couples.] S: You... once you start drinking you really start talking huh? [literally, you "become able to talk"] Y: Hey...why is it when it rains, (we) can't do it? S: What? Because, you said so didn't you? [the last "haa?" from Segasaki! This time expressing his surprise and slight indignation.]
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[S: 俺は優しいんだ] S: I. am. Kind. Great example of Segasaki's use of the "ore" pronoun here to quite literally emphasise how great he is. "優しい (kind)" in Japanese carries the connotation of being thoughtful, anticipating the other person's needs and wants and then meeting them etc. It's a characteristic that people often say they look for in their potential partners.
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[S: そもそも、なんだ先の言いぐさは 好きじゃないだの 出ていきたいだの お前 俺のプロポーズを受けといてよくそんなことが言えんな S: 養ってやる*っつってんだ プロポーズ以外になに] S: In the first place, what was with those things you said earlier? That you don't like me, that you want to leave... You... that was rich, saying all that after accepting my proposal. S: I was saying I'd provide and care* for you. If that's not a proposal than what is? ["養ってやる" is a pretty possessive way to say I'll provide for you - it's the same word used when referring to parent providing for a child, or an owner providing for a small animal. It's not rude per se, but it does imply a power imbalance. Segasaki actually sort of has a point here because... this is not something you say to someone else unless you're in a relationship ^^;]
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S: ていうかお前、俺のこと嫌いなんだ S: どうなの S: Actually about that... so you hate me huh? S: Which is it?
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S: ふーん。あ、そ S: Ohh..? I see. ふーん (Ohh..?) - Segasaki says this a lot, especially in this episode. This is another one of those sounds that isn't a word but carries a lot of meaning. It has a dismissive sort of tone to it, like you've already assumed something or when you're pretty nonchalant/not impressed about whatever the other person has said and are just playing along with them by giving them some attention (so again, if you use it wrongly, it can piss people off). Segasaki uses it whenever Yoh goes mute or shy, as a way to tease Yoh - though Yoh seems to think Segasaki is dismissing/not interested in his answer. あ、そ (A, so) - again, Segasaki says this a lot - can be interpreted as "oh really?/I see/is that so?" - Combined with the above, you can see why Yoh often thinks Segasaki isn't interested in his answer, and even when he does recognise it as teasing, he gets too flustered to do anything about it.
This seems to have gotten longer, if you reached the end - congratulations! I hope this makes it a little clearer why it's so obvious to us as the viewer that Segasaki is really quite patient with Yoh, and is waiting for him to come to terms with his feelings, but at the same time so confusing for Yoh, because of the way many of these interactions can be read both ways. In Ep 3, we'll really be able to get into their dynamics because they've got so much more interaction together.
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prismasnotebook · 1 year
hiiii i loved your nolan fix sm ahhh ❤️‍🩹 i was wondering if you could write another one where the reader is nolan’s gf and filming with mrbeast crew or something like that? thank you!!
Summary: competitive Nolan and gf have to compete in a couples challenge video
CW: light hurt/comfort, low key dramatic
“What,” Nolan asked with a nervous laugh of disbelief as he finally realized what the video that Jimmy invited the two of you to be on under the pretense of ‘you’ll know more when you get there’.
You on the other hand felt a little bit of excitement bubble up inside of you at idea.
“I don't want to compete with her,” Nolan stated, and your face scrunched up at the response and Jimmy grinned some.
“Why not? I know guys that would love to compete their girlfriends.”
“Maybe know different guys,” Karl commented and you snorted.
“Okay, no. Not like- okay, Nolan why don't you want to compete with your girlfriend?”
“Because if I win her feelings are going to be hurt and if she wins she’s going to rub in my face.”
“Oh, so if she wins you're feelings are going to get hurt,” Jimmy clarified with a satisfied smile.
“Hey, no,” Nolan started to defend but Jimmy waved for Tareq to follow him as he swapped over to you and you couldn't help but laugh at his predicament.
“You seem like you're feeling a lot better about this competition than Nolan is,” Jimmy noted, and you shrugged.
“Well, its not difficult to feel good about an easy win,” you commented and Jimmy’s eyes widened some as Karl let out a laugh.
“Yoh hear the Nolan, you're girlfriend said you're a loser, she doesn't think you stand a chance. Ouch.”
“Okay, yeah, I heard her I’m right here,” he said and Tareq panned them camera from Karl to Nolan before back to you and you just shrugged before Jimmy moved on too one if the other couples he invited that we're in another room.
“Tense in here,” Karl commented and Nolan went over to push him out the door and he complained the entire way very lightly fighting back.
“I have to be in here so we know you two aren't conspiring,” he finally whined.
“What do you mean conspiring were competitors?”
“Okay winning team gets a prize, but the person on each team with the most points gets a different prize.”
“Jimmy would do something like that wouldn't he,” you commented before crashing onto a beanbag in the room and Nolan fell somewhat on top of you.
“Well, this is the last time you guys can be nice to each other until the end of the challenge. Anything you want to say,” Karl asked after switching on his camera.
“Good luck, you're going to need it,” Nolan said and you let out a laugh wrapping your arms tightly around his waist as he sat on top of you.
“What ever helps you sleep at night, baby.”
Not long after the two of you were split up and brought to the first challenge, foam pit fist fight. To be clear their we're giant square foam gloves over both your hands, and well as multiple pieces of foam armour. It was ridiculous to say the least.
And, it was all a fun and fine friendly competition until the round four- lovers quarrel.
You were each given lines, some of which were text from your phones and some which were fake the goal was to guess based on the others persons personality and expressions during the game which were real and which were fake.
“-’I mean I don't know sometimes I just wonder if we should break up’” Karl read and you let out a small laugh.
“Fake,” you answered and the buzzer went off, and your eyes widened as you looked to Karl and his own eyes widened as he looked between you and the person who had each of the real fake inputs programmed into his computer.
“Doesnt matter, that was my last one right,” you asked and Karl nodded and you got up moving to the love conquers all obstacle course and powering through it just enough to hit the buzzer.
“And, like that the girlfriends are one up on the boyfriends,” Jimmy yelled and he went to film a small bit with you but you waved him off as you stepped away from everyone while still being in the room, trying to use everything in you not to cry before the buzzer went off again, and then a third time, and then a fourth and by the fourth time, you could here Nolan.
“Hey,” he called with a warm laugh and you turned around toward him trying to keep the devestation off your face.
“Do you ever think we should break up,” you asked, fishing for honesty, but his smile just dropped some.
“Just, do you ever think that? It's okay if you do, I just I don't know, do you,” you asked and everything you were feeling was beginning to leak through onto your face and in your movements and voice.
“I- do you want to break up?”
“Do you,” you asked again, with so much more force this time and his eyes ran along your face and no words followed. Not a no. God, he wasn't saying no.
And, shit it would've spiraled so far if Karl wouldn't have started yelling your name and sprinting toward you, “It was a machine error! I talked to the guy and it was a machine error. Your answer was right. It was fake.”
“It was you asked,” your voice cracking in a little bit of relief, even though you drill werent confident.
“Yeah, okay, this is the screenshots of text used, and this is the list of fakes that AI came up with. It's just- the machine fluked. He never sent that anyone, okay?”
“You never texted someone that you want to break up,” you asked, voice and eyes watery as you looked back to Nolan.
“No, I would never. I love being with you.”
“Why didn't you say no when I asked then?”
“Because, I thought that was what you wanted and I was trying to change your mind,” he said and it only made you cry a little harder. You felt like a jerk. He said you name quietly pulling you in a hug. “I love you. I don't want to break up. In fact, I want to watch you go win your big prize and then I want to go home and I want to do whatever you want to celebrate your victory.”
“I’m so sorry,” you muttered over and over and he rubbed your back. “I’m a big dummy.”
“It's okay. You were upset and hurt. I would've been too.”
“I love you,” you finally muttered, pulling yourself together and moving so you could look him in the eye.
“I love you more.”
“Yeah, probably,” you agreeded and he let out a slight laugh along with his complaints, as you used needing to film the last bit of the video as an excuse. But, with the way you heart swelled when he could do nothing but compliment you when being interviewed about losing, you doubted that he could truly ever love you more than you love him.
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ficsbynats · 2 years
《"we have a guest and they're staying 》
Content: pure fluff, a very confused katsuki.(a/n at the end)
Katsuki walks in to your shared home after a long day at work. As he was about to walk into the bedroom, you quickly move in between him and the bedroom. He starts to say a greeting to you when you, over excitedly, say "we have a guest katsuki!!"
"Hah?", is his first reaction, "who? Since when? you didn't tell me that over text."
Yoh look up at him with a big smile, way too much enthusiasm, katsuki thinks. He scrunches his eyebrows "this guest is in the bedroom?" He peers over your shoulder inside the bedroom through the partially open door," Is it fucking Mina and denki trying to pull a prank on me?"
Your smile turns into disbelief, "what- no, katsuki! Come on. We have a guest! They're gonna stay too!!", You try to signal to him, enunciating the sentence.
He looks at you standing before him, arms behind your back and a cheeky grin on your lips, clearly confused and gears turning...what the fuck's this woman talking about?... A guest? Doesn't seem like anyone's here so who-- then it hits him. His eyes widen as he looks at you, you make eye contact and your eyes become watery as you nod slightly.
"You- we-?", He asks for confirmation
"Yup, I'm pregnant hon", you say smiling and showing him the positive pregnancy test.
Instantly he hugs you and whirls you around, "that's great news!!!", He peppers you with sweet kisses and holds you close, a warm hand over your stomach. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you so much. And I can't wait for the tiny brat"
"Katsuki!", You scold him, laughing "don't call our child a brat, we both know you're gonna be the one spoiling them!!"
A/n: Thanks for reading!!! This a a really quick drabble I wrote. Plz ignore any mistakes it's 1 am. I hope you enjoyed, plz check out my other fics which are a bit longer then this and as always, get a snack or drink some water, go pet your pets and check up on your parents, siblings, partners or roommates. And stay safe and true <3
Comments, reblongs and any interactions are very much appreciated. Drop me a request
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I looked and looked and looked for who to credit this art for. Maybe I'm blind. Maybe I need to do alternative searches for art to use on my posts. Anyhow, I found both of these on Pinterest. If you or someone you know is the creator, please message me and I'll add the artist.
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A/N = Lovely Rengoku. This man can fit into any situation and make it work ... well, maybe not ALL. But you know what I mean. This ~one-a-fucking-gain~ didn't pan out how I planned it. I was originally going to write a whole thing but it pretty much just ended itself. It worked out well, though, despite being kinda short.
C/W = I don't think there are any. Talk of nudity, a small group of nude people posing for artistic purposes. Other than that it's just a fluffy piece. Flirting between Rengoku and y/n (F!reader). Enjoy!
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Sign Here X_____________
"Hey, this is beginning art, right?" You asked the man looking over the class syllabus on the wall. He looked to be close to your age, maybe a little younger. He was goddamn beautiful, too. Tall. Not an ounce of body fat in the wrong place. Muscular. Cool hair; blonde with red tips.
He looked at you. For a good 10 seconds before he said anything. Scanning over your face, stopping at your eyes and your lips. You found yourself feeling some way. Not uncomfortable, but like you were under a microscope. Being inspected.
"Yes, this is my class, beginning art."
You narrowed your eyes. "'Your class?' Oh, you mean you're in this class, too? Cool. Well, my name is y/n. I guess I'll see you around. Thanks."
"Heh, no, this is MY class. As in, I'm the instructor. I'm the everything ... actually." He said calmly and smiled at you as he put his hair back in a tight bun and you watched him walk to the oversized desk in the corner of the room.
"Hello, welcome to ...?" He rolled his hands out like as he was encouraging the classroom to interact.
"Arrrrtttt for beginnnnerssss!" Everyone participated. Even you. How could you not. This man could convince a perfectly healthy person to drink a vile of poison.
"Good job, kids," he laughed. Clearly noting the older people in the class. "In this course, we're going to learn how to draw animate and inanimate objects. Always be prepared because I will surprise you from time to time."
You looked around the class to see everyone was completely enthralled with this young man. The person to your left was a woman, maybe in her 40's. She looked nice. You leaned over and said, "I can't wait to see what kind of surprises he's talking about," and giggled. She put her hand over her mouth as she giggled back at your comment.
"Y/n, care to tell me what's so funny back there? I'm not here as a comedian. I'm here as an art teacher. So if comedy is more up your ... alley? Perhaps you would like to go to the room a few doors down and share your humor with everyone that isn't here to learn how to draw?"
You shut up real quick. "S-sorry ... uhhh, I-I don't know your name." You tilted your right ear toward him, waiting for his response.
"I was actually just getting to that before you flexed your humorous." He stared into your eyes for what seemed like an eternity. You don't think he blinked the entire time, either.
"My name is Kyojuro Rengoku. Yes. It's a mouthful. Yes, you have to call me by my full name or I will kick you out of this class."
Your body sunk as he laughed. "No, not really. You can call me Kyo. I'll write it on the board in such a way it'll be simple enough to pronounce." He grabbed the chalk and began to say out loud what he was writing. "Kee-yoh. Kyo. Simple enough, yes?" He looked at you. Again. What the hell was up with him. "See, y/n, I can be funny, too."
You nodded, feeling your cheeks pink up. He still hadn't taken his eyes off of you as your face transitioned back to its original color.
"Now, what exactly is going to be a surprise in this class, you're probably wondering. I presume you all read the waiver etc. that was included in your packet? I know I got most of them back all signed. If you didn't sign one, stay after and talk to me."
Shit, you thought, I never got anything like that.
└────── ⋆☆⋆ ──────┘
Class was only 45 minutes tonight as it was just a basic introduction about what would be covered and when.
"Y/n, may I have a moment of your time?" He sounded so relaxed when he talked. You thought about asking him what his secret was. "Did you mail in your signed waiver? I sent it out with the syllabus about 3 weeks ago?"
You started to twist your bottom lip around with your teeth. "I ... I don't - ah, I mean I didn't ever get that. None of it, Kyo."
He was taken aback by your use of his name so casually. So effortlessly.
"Hm. Look over your information here and tell me if it's correct." He handed you a planner and had you find your name.
You pointed at it.
"Here's my name, phone # and addre-" You stopped and looked at him. "This is my old address. Where did you get this from?"
You'd moved 5 months ago to a little house. But you thought you'd changed everything over before you'd even moved out.
"I got it from here, from the school."
"Ohhh, oh no. I forgot to notify the school." You got a worried look on your face. "Does that mean I'm going to be kicked out of this class?" You didn't even try to disguise your concern.
"Nooo! No, nothing like that, y/n. But I will need you to fill one out, just to cover everything."
"Cover? Cover what? You doing blood sacrifices in here or something?" You laughed.
He didn't. "Among other things, yes."
You waited for him to tell you he was kidding.
A full minute must've gone by before he gave you a half-smile, the left side of his mouth turning upward.
"There will be no sacrifices of any kind in my class, little lamb. Do not worry." He chuckled, rather darkly for someone who was trying to be reassuring.
Little lamb. You're pretty sure you had a "little" orgasm when he called you that.
"Just initial on these and sign at the bottom?" You pointed at the paper.
He put his hand next to where you were pointing, almost resting it right on top of yours.
"Mmmm ... mm-hm. Did you read what it said, y/n?"
You shook your head, quickly at first but then you slowed to an almost complete still.
"It's just about ... about art, and ... other stuff. R-right?" You swallowed hard, it hurt.
"It's basically a declaration that you're ok with nudity in any capacity. You're ok with multiple bodies being nude and draped or sitting on one another. "Basically ..." he continued, "that you're not going to file a sexual harassment claim against myself or the school because you're uncomfortable. It states very obviously that there will be profound nudity in this course. If you're NOT ok with that, then you're free to change your mind, of course. You'll get a full refund, no questions asked."
He watched your face closely for any kind of a reaction.
"Who - who will be the nude model?" You asked, trying to use your big girl voice.
"Anyone who is willing to pose. Sometimes it's someone from class. Sometimes it's someone from a newspaper ad that needs some rainy day money." He paused, "And sometimes," he leaned back in his chair, "sometimes, it'll be me." A cocky look washed over his face. He knew what you were thinking. He was counting on it.
You almost lost your balance when he said that.
"Y-you pose?"
He nodded, looking a little proud of himself for having given you such a reaction.
"I - I think I'll stay in the class then."
"Fantastic. Sign ... right ... here."
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Taglist: @callm3senpaii
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jackrabbit-fandom · 5 months
Hi hi hi!!! I saw you write for one piece and was wondering if I could request something for luffy thats probably a little too specific..????
I headcannon luffy is somewhere on the aro/ace or gray spectrum and would just be so interested in reading about reader having feelings for him because hes like just you know luffy our boy😭 and luffy considers reader as practically oul mate type thsts how close they are.
Maybe like he feels just a tiny bit of something but decides to leave that until after he becomes king of the pirates but if its too hard you dont have to do this😭😭
Like doesnt have to be anything long or too grand and its okay if you dont want to write it🙏but thank you so much in advanve if you make it! ^^ (also hopefully no events that happen after sabaody because thats where i am right now im sorry but you dont have to if yoh dont want!😭💔)
AroAce Luffy headcanons (sorta)
So I'm not super versed on the aro part of the spectrum, but i am on the ace side, so i know more given that. Ether way, luffy is one of my favorites, and this is one of my own headcanons for him. More so, headcannon style then "story" cause im still trying to figure that part out, lol
Firstly, I'll say that to make this work, im going more so in the demi-romantic/sexual side. I am of the opinion that while he is slightly oblivious, and let's be honest, kinda dumb at times, luffy isn't completely clueless to these things.
Nothing too big here, gender neutral pronouns, fluff/tiny bit of angst, It's a tiny suggestive, but it's not really anything bad, Mabye, a bit of crack cause luffy
Sorry if this wasn't exactly what you were looking for. Like i said, I've never done this before, but hopefully, you liked it anyway
Having feelings for this guy would be kinda hard, mainly because he's very obvious when people do like him. Hed likely just assumed your best buds for a while unless you get the courage to just tell him. This can get frustrating when he's constantly hugging you and hanging around you.
If we do go fully on aroace luffy, it'd probably hurt a bit. He'd probably fully ignore your feelings for him or just not notice. It would be more so a one-sided pinning. If you're part of his crew, he likely clings onto you like he does with the others, which could also make things worse
If you confess to him now, he'd just straight up tell you he's not interested, or he doesn't care about that kinda thing
However, if we go more of a demi route and you confess, theres a few outcomes:
The first one is that he just bluntly says he's not interested, just like in the aroace one, which is kinda harsh but not fully unexpected. I don't think he'd mean it to actually hurt you, but he does mainly seem to tell the truth with these things
The second would be where he misunderstands your confession somehow? And it ends up as a kind of "i love you." "i love you too, buddy!" Thing which just gets awkward....
The third is where he's known you for quite some time and has been able to get close enough to develop some feelings. With him, he's a very loyal friend, but in terms of relationships, he's not used to feeling that kind of love, i guess? So it'd likely take him a bit of time to get used to the feeling and figure out what to do with it. It likely does come with confusion and a few questions, but as i said, he's not COMPLETELY clueless. He knows what a relationship is, at least. You'd have to essentially be his soulmate, which in his mind is likely someone who has his sense of humor and can cook. Obviously, he has a bit more to that, such as he'd prefer someone who doesn't manipulate or hurt ithers for their own personal gain
If he were to start a relationship, i do think it would have to be after he became king of the pirates. He doesn't really want many distractions in his adventure when it comes to that kind of relationship. Plus, like i said, he'd have to be very close to you, so assuming you a strawhat as well, I'd give him plenty of time to grow attached. So once his goal was reached, he may be willing to try a relationship. I still see him as a very goofy person even then, so he'd probably still just treat you like his best buddy but with a new title.
Like i said, i dont think much would change when it comes to how he treats you. He's already very affectionate with his crew, so he likely acts the same with you. If you asked, though, i think he'd try to give you a bit more than the others, but it still wouldn't be a big difference. Though if you asked for a kiss... you might end up with the sloppiest wettest smooch in the world right on your cheek.
Given that he's inexperienced, he might ask the others for some advice which likely wouldn't end well, its ether zoro giving him the dumbest awnsers sense they share a brain cell, sanji attempting to give luffy 'gentleman lessons" and getting frustrated, usopp acting like a expert just to not be that, or him finally getting to nami and robin and getting actual advice. That would somehow backfire anyway.
On the side of Ace, i don't think he'd be very interested in that kind of stuff. It's been confirmed that he reacts towards the bath scenes and such due to usopp being there. He just doesn't strike me as the type to be overly active in that area, again i dont think hes clueless,i doubt makima never gave him and his brother 'the talk' he just doesnt care for it. It's just never been something he's been interested in. He likely overheard Shanks talking about it at some point but didn't really care.
One piece and luffy are not my own characters, though the headcannons themselves are mine
Sorry for any grammer or spelling errors.
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sirguyofdykesborn · 5 months
started reading rote because of your art and its ruined my life (good)….. thank yoh so much …….
when you're finished start reading earthsea by ursula k. le guin and report accordingly
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bengiyo · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we went through a rainy season and Yoh struggled with the lack of sex they were having and jealousy over Segasaki's new young and attractive co-host. I get the sense that this relationship is relatively new for both of them. Segasaki started working late to avoid temptation, but Yoh eventually broke first and spent an afternoon drunk while furiously masturbating. We learned that the reason they only have sex before sunny days is because Yoh complained about not being able to clean the sheets on rainy days, so rather than get an additional pair of sheets, share a bed, or get other laundry equipment, Segasaki decided they just wouldn't make a mess before rainy days. I am obsessed with them.
Segasaki is wearing a pink tie with a blue and white striped shirt. I love it.
Ah right. Yoh has said he hates Segasaki.
Looks like Yoh is getting chewed out for making his erotica too plotty by his editor.
I'm totally with Yoh's friend about the power of manga. If you're trying to write a lot of dialogue, write a novel instead. It's a visual medium.
What IS Yoh's deal about denying his obvious relationship with Segasaki?
Noticing the lavenders in the flowerbed behind this park bench.
I'm really into Segasaki. It's not often we get a lead who can be fond of his boyfriend in a way that carries sexual desire this effectively consistently. There's a sense of maturity about it that's understated in a way I really like.
Agreed, Yoh. That is a big ass piece of chicken.
I love gay people. They fuck on the regular and cohabitate, but holding hands on a date is too much.
I'm so fascinated by the way Segasaki holds on to everything Yoh says, even if Yoh doesn't seem to take his own words seriously. Why is Yoh so adamant about the dialogue of his manga if he's not serious about what he says?
I just wanna thank Japanese shows for caring about the continuity of ambient light as it pertains to time in their shows. Sometimes it is so wild to jump between day and night scenes in Thai BL.
These hoes finally bought some extra bed sheets! 😂
Whoa, Yoh's ears are so red. Mashiko is channeling an intense level of embarrassment.
I'm glad Segasaki seems content with their dynamic and seems like he can read Yoh.
Interesting. Why would the preview focus on Yoh's friend coming over? I'm so curious about next week.
These two have incredibly enjoyable chemistry. I'm really excited about how with each MBS show, the leads seem more comfortable with each other then the last show. We've come a long way from Mr. Unlucky.
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I just read your demo and wanted to thank yoh for sharing you story! It's so good and intresting and i already can feel the tension
My question is regardless how will we be able to play our MC and their attitude towards their siblings after the "you're now the heir" fiasco. I'm ready to throw hands with second son
Because, and maybe i lack perspective needed, Godley did his little sibling so dirty. Oh, you're not willing to abandon your god but perfectly fine with burdening 13 yo child with something so huge?
Neifile has her own perfectly good reasons but Godley?? Shame
But again, maybe i lack the historical context needed
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far and can already sense the tension building.
Your query is answered under the cut.
As for your question, I think it comes down to historical context. In this setting, breaking an oath is considered a grievous offense—not just a personal failure, but one that drags the entire house's name through the mud. When Godley took his oath, it wasn’t just to his society or the church, though those are significant; it was an oath to his God. Renouncing it could have devastating consequences. At worst, it could lead to your entire house being excommunicated, effectively placing you outside the faith. This would open the door for other houses and even your own vassals to depose you, invade your lands, or imprison and execute you. At best, it would result in your house being ostracized at court, branded as godless oath-breakers, which would severely diminish your standing and influence.
That said, you’re absolutely free to be upset with Godley (I won’t take away the MC's autonomy!). But it’s important to recognize that Godley is bound by important obligations. His oath to the church is as unbreakable as Neifile's marriage contract to Peter. From Godley's perspective, having you inherit—despite your young age—is the lesser evil. For him to inherit the lordship would be tantamount to declaring war on the faith itself.
I hope this provides some insight into his decision!
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Author about the body swap thing I wanted to ask for headcannons but I accidentally wrote fic lmaoo. Please do whatever u are comfortable with. Yoh know everyones gonna eat it up everything and anything u write coz u are such a godsend and so good at writing it
Awwhhh, you're so sweet!! Thank you! 🩷🩷 I have taken literally FORVER to type this up, and to be honest, I've been brainstorming it, and then in the last hour, FINALLY found my words! I'm no good at body swap, so I hope this is kinda what you were looking for, but if not, I can take another stab at it 😅
SO i have two thoughts in mind about this - a body swap where you're just friends-ish / mutuals, but also one where you're in an established relationship
also, this post is kinda all over the place, and i'm so sorry for that, lmao, idk what happened
i'll try to organize my thoughts
admittedly, i read some body swap fics on ao3 prior to writing this, just to get the idea, but my brain will always go back to the episode of supernatural where some kid switched bodies with Sam
can you imagine a spell going wrong and one day you wake up ~biologically~ where you're not supposed to be?? like wtf
like imagine kai was doing a spell - maybe a complicated gemini spell he didn't understand, or a love attracting spell (bc he has a crush on you) type spell, or maybe he's just fucking around, or maybe he's not to blame and someone else cursed him, OR, maybe, YOU fucked around
either way, you wake up the next day to a huge problem, bc you know him, but not that well, and now you gotta fix it
[a bit of heretic!kai]
ooh ooh imagine one of the heretics, or even lily, did the spell to get back at you both
or maybe mary louise knows you have a crush on him so she takes matters into her own hands
or lily's just stale that kai won't listen to her and stay in the house, so she did it to fuck with him
~ back to the main thoughts ~
no matter how it happened, it happened
you wake up totally not in your body and it takes you a minute to determine who's you have
and the horror / excitement / confusion you feel when you realize kai is in yours is unmatched
i mean… he's cute… the urge is explore is STRONG, but you can't do that without consent
and kai is facing the same issue
but you do have to look at each other?? yourselves?? to get dressed, so you both allow a little sneak peak as you do that, but that's IT
then, as soon as you're ready and build a bit of confidence to confront the situation, you're both out to find each other
if kai did the spell bc of a love spell gone wrong, he's gonna be a hot mess
trying not to stutter, no eye contact, shuffling feet, biting his lip
if he did it on accident trying another spell, he'll be nervous, but more capable of explaining the mess; "it was a 2 person spell; i thought with luke i could; i'm looking for a solution"
if someone else cursed you both, you'd meet up with ???'s dancing in your heads
aware you're definitely in each other's bodies but having no clue what to do about it
[switched by someone else / swapped as a curse or payback]
can you imagine?? if you're cursed, and it becomes a multi-day thing as you try to figure out whodunnit??
you spend all day together narrowing down your list of vengeful enemies, trying out reversal spells, siphoning magic from yours to his, but never finding a solution
and then by the end of the day, you get this really weird feeling and you don't want to be separated from your own damn body, so kai sleeps on your couch and you take to your bed
but even that distance feels weird, so he ends up in your bed and your hands are touching, and maybe your legs are tangled just a bit
and when you wake up, you're still in each other's bodies, so it's upsetting, but also a relief that you have each other's, and your body didn't do a second jump overnight??
at some point, you tried calling your old friend, kol, who had been body swapped before, but his situation was very different
he kept dying and that's why he jumped twice, but his mother might have some answers if they read her grimoire
so you borrow the big old dusty ass book and kai eventually manages to undo the spell
but after that, kol is very adamant about the dangerous gemini not having any access to his family's magic, to which you can agree is valid, and kai thinks is "fair"
besides, covens are very particular about grimoires being in their own families, so kai can understand his concern
so the book is dutifully returned without kai having anymore access to it
when your curser learns you reversed the spell, they're not happy, but don't try again
kai is already gemini, and now you're working with mikaelsons, and you're already close with kol, and now kai, too, by working so close to him and sharing his literal body and sleeping with him bc it feels weird to not sleep with your own body, so the curser doesn't try again
but they are stale af for the rest of their life
but not stupid enough to try again
[plain, old, experimentative, backfired spell]
if kai's own dumb spell backfired and switched you, he'll come clean about it quickly
he'd probably be so nonchalant about it, but secretly screaming inside
and then you ofc don't know a reversal, so you spend all day with him looking for one
maybe you can't find one, so you're forced to call his dad
his dad berates him over the phone so strongly, and gives you a little insight to what his childhood may have been like
you feel some sympathy for the kid, and get why he felt the need to become the leader so bad // to feel some control over his domineering father
once you get unswitched, you force him into a conversation about how you want to be friends with him; how the situation helped you understand him better; how you've actually really liked spending time with him... but would like to do that in your own body
after some hesitation, bc he doesn't trust easily, he agrees
explaining to your friends that an unexpected body swap led to your friendship raises some eyebrows, but you're confident in your decision to befriend kai
you both could use a friend, and hey, maybe it'll help to have him in the long-run with MF drama
[love spell gone wrong]
poor guy just wanted a perfume-equivalent spell, or a little extra added charm, or something like that, but instead he swapped your fucking bodies
the process of working out this accident occur much like the previous backfired spell, except kai doesn't know how to admit his original intent, and therefore, doesn't
it isn't until you actually ask what he was trying to do, once you're already unswitched, that he blurts it out without meaning to
but all is well, as you admit a little crush of your own on the siphon, but had no clue how to admit it
from there, you kind of start as friends that kiss each other, but as trust grows, so does your relationship
his confidence grows, too, and he gets less shy
one morning that you've covered ~many bases~, he stands proud in your kitchen and finally admits, "yeah, that body swap was bc i had a crush on you; it didn't go as planned, but worked out just the same"
and just maybe it's that moment that you realize you love his dorky ass self
[YOU had the backfired spell]
if you fucked around, that would be even crazier than anything he did, because no one, i feel, would be expecting it
like everyone can see kai doing some weird shit where bodies end up swapped, but if witch!reader is fucking around and manages to get into his body (lmao), questions WILL be asked
but imagine doing the walk of shame to wherever he lives, and having to explain to him the reason he feels all weird inside is because of a spell you did
and then you have to go through the whole ordeal of finding out what exactly happened, what to do about it, and where tf to go from there
because honestly, you can't live a day in someone else's body and then just ... move on ...
like no, he's attached after that, whether for better or for worse (it's for better, you know it)
but in a situation where you fucked around (and certainly found out), kai would find it so fucking funny
the whole town would manage to find out bc that's just your luck, and anyone who's not incredibly worried for you (jo, bonnie, liv, stefan), is laughing their ass off (damon, caroline, enzo) but none of them are helping bc wtf are they supposed to do??
so you debate calling a mikaelson or a far-away parker father, but kai doesn't like either of those options and votes instead to check gemini grimoires or, y'know, play the guessing game
maybe in his guessing game, siphoning the magic out of both of you does work (and then you take a three day nap [together] out of exhaustion)
or maybe he happens to have a spell that works and you're so grateful for the effort that you propose dinner or cocktails or something, but kai decides instead that he'd rather have you as someone he can trust, since now you REALLY KNOW EACH OTHER and he doesn't think you'll betray him after that
maybe you then admit that the reason you think you got swapped is because your crush-clouded mind had been thinking of him all day, and at the time of the spell
so now, with this new information, he's certainly not letting you walk off and pretend this never happened
nope, you're stuck with him for life now
ever since he became coven leader, you've been helping kai learn new spells & adapt to all his new magic and all that
lots of gemini spells require 2 people, but even tho you're not gem witch, you're trying your best to help him
and that's when, this time, it backfired, and switched your bodies
it's like polyjuice potion on steroids, how you look like him but feel like yourself, and he looks like you but feels like himself immediately, you tried to reverse it, but efforts were futile
after wondering for a moment about wtf to do, eventually you decide you'd have to go to jo or his father to get help
you both picked jo, buuuut she's at the hospital on a shift until late so you gotta get through the day as each other
you had made plans for lunch with your friends, but they hate kai, so not wanting to tell them about the swap (they're hesitant about you dating already), nor being allowed to cancel (per caroline), kai has to manage being you throughout the hour
and when kai usually goes to chill with damon for that hour, you have to pretend to be him, but mostly because explaining the situation to damon seems like a headache you can't handle
ofc, when you get into your right bodies, this might be a fun story to tell someday, but right now, it's not
now, you both have to handle each others' lunch dates, and it is not something you're looking forward to doing
in kai's situation, caroline immediately noticed something was up, but kai's a good liar. elena was none the wiser and rambled on and on for twenty minutes about med school, but in that meantime, bon picked up on kai-ish and certainly not y/n-ish habits, too
granted, the two of you have grown so close you're beginning to share habits, but some things are so recognizable to the individual that bonnie has doubts
through the solid skill of gaslighting, kai makes his way through lunch, but you're struggling through your lunch
unfortunately, you do not share your bf's ability to down three cocktails and not trip over your bar stool when you get up for the bathroom, nor do you have the same habit of rolling up every paper straw wrapper you have and flicking it across the table, and nor are you able to lie as well as he is, when damon and ric ask, "wtf is wrong with you"
and after a moment of staring and prodding, and the realization that ric will find out anyway, then tell damon, you cave and tell them both what happened
damon, ofc, begins to study you like a bug
ric is apprehensive and scoots back in his seat
eventually, you get away from their grasp and meet up back with kai
the girls go one way and you and him go the other
you manage to avoid them for much of the rest of the day by returning home and studying spells
you try a couple that might be able to reverse the one, but you refrain from doing too much; both of you are afraid of making it worse
kai tries to siphon it out of you, but that doesn't work, either
finally, in the evening, jo and ric show up and try to help
jo finds a spell that could work, but… she needs another witch
liv refuses
ric refuses to involve bonnie
so jo calls their father to handle it
over the phone, after chiding kai for fooling around, he helps jo with a spell that will unswap you
the switch itself is rather visceral and a bit painful
but it works
he hangs up after one more chiding, then jo and ric scold you as well, then they finally leave
you and kai don't practice spells for some time after that
or, at least, you stick to anything with latin that you can for sure translate
the next time he goes to portland, he'll take a grimoire that'll help him understand some of the more difficult spells -- and their reversals
because while the whole ordeal wasn't bad, it was just weird
and certainly something you'd like to avoid
~ now, for a smidge of nsfw ~ mostly for established relationship kai, but can be for friends that turn into relationships, too
despite the whole ordeal being a lowkey mess, if you were to find a solution that didn't involve his dad, kai would be hella tempted into talking you in to trying it again just for ~fun~
one, bc he had some fun messing with care and bon
but even more so, bc he wonders what sex is like in that situation
i think we can all agree, kai has a little NPD mixed in with his ASPD, so sex with the self is something that would be at least a bit intriguing
plus he's just so curious about everything
and being able to feel what you're feeling is so motivating for him
he's both curious and wants to make sure he's doing a good job
it'll be half cheat sheet, half check mark that he's giving you what you need / deserve, and half straight up curiosity
so if the opportunity presented itself, he'd totally body swap again
but he needs to know there's a spell to undo it, too, bc he quite likes his own self
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bbyquokka · 2 years
This has been living in my head rent free ever since I saw it
Idk if you saw but if you did, Remember when Chan made a freaking EDM with Changbin's like dwaekki sound during one of his lives? The kulchong sound so like I was thinking Changbin and x fem reader in a relationship but she's like close friends with Chan and she joins his live and they make the freaking song and changbin thinks Chan made it so he be hating on it but in reality it was his girlfriends idea 🤣 and he's like baby wait I take it bacccckkk it's goood! Or something like that 🤣
i love this request. pls click here for the time of your life. (the full video is 15 mins long so i just shared the timestamp where chan plays the finished version of the edm) i so badly want chan to release this. ITS SO GOOD!! as always, pls lemme know your thoughts and opinions – i welcome all feedback!
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⌢ : ⤹ 🐷🐰 kulchong!
→ PAIRING: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
→ GENRE: idol!au | fluff
→ SYNOPSIS: Chan got challenged by Minho to make an EDM track on live. You join in on the fun by suggesting to add in Changbin's YOH and KULCHONG!
→ WARNINGS: pet name (babe)
→ WORDS: 1.1k
→ have a request? send it to me here. read my rules to learn about my guidelines before submitting requests! | 2811 update
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
→ m.list — → you can also read it on my ao3
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You swing your legs, currently sitting on the countertop as you munch on some toast. Your phone held lengthways as you watched Chan's room. 
"Ok, so." Chan begins, "Lino challenged me to make an EDM track so, I am going to attempt it with the help of you guys." Chan laughs, eyes flickering up to his big screen. He plays a few sample tracks, mashing and mixing them together. You frown, chewing on your toast slowly as a form of concentration. 
"It's missing something." You mumble to yourself, watching Chan's eyes flicker around the screen, clicks and taps of the keyboard a faint sound with an occasional chuckle of embarrassment from Chan.
"It's missing something." Chan reads a comment. He frowns, thinking as he sits back in his chair. The chair rocking a little due to him putting all his weight on it. "You're right, it is missing something."
You suddenly get an idea. You live with Changbin, him being your boyfriend. The longer you're with him, the more you learn about his little habits and inside jokes. During the relationship, you got close with the members too, but became especially close to Chan.
People say that you and Chan are best suited for each other, you and Chan a hundred percent disagree. Although you are alike in many ways, the relationship you have feels more like a sibling relationship. You see Chan as more of a brother than someone you would like to date; it's one of those feelings where you have to experience it to know.
You jump down off the counter, brushing the crumbs off your lap as you open up your messages, scrolling and clicking onto Chan's.
you [14:05]: im watching your live. i have an idea so im coming over. see ya soon 🐺
As soon as you hit send, you quickly get dressed. Your phone buzzes with a notification from Chan. A simple "Okay 👍🏼" is received. You grin, knowing that Chan knows it's going to be the most fun he is going to have.
"Here she is!!" Chan announces, clapping and laughing. You make a show out of it, cheering and clapping also before laughing and saying a hello to the fans.
"I heard you were making an EDM track." 
"Yeah, Lino challenged me to, but something is missing and I don't know what." 
"Well, I was thinking. Why don't we add Changbin's yoh and kulchong to it. Spice it up a lil, y'know." 
Chan laughs at your suggestion, the chat box going wild claiming you're the best and it's a brilliant idea. You thank the fans, playfully basking in the glory.
"That's not a bad idea, y/n." Chan hums, opening up some folders that hold demo tracks and sounds. He finds Changbin's "YOH!" and "Kulchong" samples, playing them instantly. You both burst out laughing, Chan playing the samples over and over again.
"C-Chan Stop!!" You whine, holding your stomach. "My stomach… It hurts!" Your stomach muscles burning from laughing too hard, tears falling from the corners of your eyes.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry." Chan laughs, stopping the onslaught of pain and torture. You thank him, wiping your eyes before working alongside Chan to make the best EDM track. Chan mixes and mashes clips together, pulling and putting them apart all with your advice.
After thirty minutes, you decide to take a break. Chan plays the first few seconds of it, you both bob your heads in time with the music, short puffs of air coming out off your nose as you splutter. 
"It's so–" Chan states, looking at you. 
"Good!" You both say in unison, laughing before giving each other a high five. Chan's phone rings, Minho's contact popping up.
"Hi lino. I'm on live and with y/n so I'm putting you on loud speaker!" Chan does so, Minho's voice filling up the small room.
"Dude, that was kinda good." Minho laughs softly, the background noise being cars passing by and an engine running indicating Minho is on route somewhere.
"Did you like it?" Chan asks, laughing softly.
"Yeah. I think it's pretty good! Wasn't expecting you to add in Changbin though!" 
"Oh, that was y/n's idea. That's all on her, not me. I cannot take credit for that." Minho hums in satisfaction, clearly pleased and impressed with your idea.
"Impressive. Anyways, I have to go. I only called for this." Chan laughs, rolling his eyes.
"Typically. Bye lino." You also say bye, Minho saying his goodbyes to you and to stays before hanging up. You and Chan make the final touches to the track before playing it for stays. Chan decided that it was time to say goodbye, doing his usual ending before closing the live.
"We should show Binnie!" You giggle, already getting excited at his reaction. You know what it's going to be; you can picture it in your head. A bubble of excitement rises from your stomach, making you tingle.
"Should we? Think he will like it?" 
"It's Binnie! Of course he will." You say, already getting your phone out and texting Changbin to come to Chan's room asap. Changbin appears moments later, dressed in a tight black t-shirt, cap and sweatpants.
"What's up, doll. Your message sounded urgent." You grin, standing up for Changbin to sit in your seat. He sits, grabbing your hips and pulling you onto his lap before wrapping his arms around you.
"We made something for you!" You press the spacebar, the track playing. Changbin listens, his thumbs idly stroking your waist. He frowns but struggles to keep his smile and laughter at bay.
"Do you like it? Chan made it an–"
"Don't like it." He huffs in a playful, childish manner. "Why did you have to add my yoh and kulchong in it?!" You burst out laughing, Chan doing the same. Changbin protests about the track, voice rising in decibels.
"I'm going to phone lino and tell him it was a bad idea!" Changbin reaches for his phone. You laugh, struggling to catch your breath as your stomach starts to hurt again.
"W-Wait! you really don't like it?" 
"No." Changbin struggles to not smile, frowning at you.
"Awe. But, I made it with Chan too. It was my idea to put in the yoh and kulchong." You pout, sniffling playfully pretending to be hurt. Changbin's gaze softens at the new information, he hands cupping your cheeks.
"Oh baby! I had no idea. I love it, absolutely love it!" You keep the pout, making it quiver a little bit.
"You're just saying that."
"No no no!" Changbin frantically says, worried that he might have hurt your feelings. "I love everything you do and create babe." 
"Really?" Changbin hums and nods, stroking your pout. You grin, kissing his lips sweetly.
"Does that mean I can create more tracks like this then?"
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→ TAGS [open]: @chaneomma | @sstarryoong | @laylasbunbunny | @dilucpegg3r | @chanssmiles | @meltheninja13
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lacewing707 · 5 months
Yoh lacey!!!!!!!!! Why would you have me laughing so much I'm embarrassing myself here. If i could send u all the screenshots i took you'd laugh.
I would read and laugh and literally go "you're so stupid for that" 🤣
Oh i really liked customization btw. And cindy and her friends can literally just fuck off. 🙄
I loved the last scene because fuuuuuuuck that guy. Ashton is an idiot...
I like it.....
I'm Stupid... i know.
You need to gimme save slots at some point tho please. I wanna replay alot of the options.
Oh i noticed a lil bug. If i change my MCs name then when Ashtons dumbass shows up in the cafeteria he still calls them Nancy. But i loveeed it. I needed more. 😭
Hehe thank you. Your asks always make me so happy 😊
I’ve just figured out how to add save slots, so I’ll do that in the next mini update. Thanks for your message! I am giggling like a kid right now cuz you’re just so sweet! 💗💗💗
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notfreetoday · 1 year
Hi! I read your post about amae recently and I wondered something in regards to Segasaki and Yoh (MPW).
(Spoiler ep 8!)
Segasaki asks Yoh to wait at the door and greet him when he gets home from work. Though Yoh is confused he recognizes that it's something that would make Segasaki happy. He then takes the initiative to say the greetings in the kitchen, giving his anwer to the request. Is this Yoh recognizing Segasaki's amae?
Hello! Thank you for reading my post 😁 And yes it is! Specifically, asking Yoh to come to the door regardless of what he is doing, is the amae part (plus, the way Segasaki says it). Standard greetings like okaeri and tadaima (see Ep 3's post for more) are what make coming home feel like, well coming home. They're a very common part of everyday life - but Segasaki doesn't say "I'm back". Yoh has said "welcome back" before - but only after Segasaki comes to look for him.
Ep 8 is when Yoh finally recognizes Segasaki's amae - In fact, Yoh specifically uses the word "amae" when he does realize it, though I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the subtitles (I haven't fully watched the subtitled version of EP 8 yet).
Since it'll take me awhile to get to Ep 8, I'll just do this part first, because it looks like the subtitles make it a little harder to tell that he's amae-ing.
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S: その代わり S: 俺が帰ったら通話中だろうが何だろうが S: 玄関まで来い S: んで* おかえりっていえ Y: そんなこと** してほしかったの? S: 悪いかよ?*** Y: 別に悪くない S: Instead of that, S: When I come back, whether you're in the middle of a call or doing whatever else S: Come to the front door S: and then*, say "welcome back" Y: Is that something... you've wanted me to do?** S: (You mean) I can't (want that)?*** Y: No... there's nothing wrong (with that)...
*Segasaki uses a shortened, informal version of "and then" here, and together with his muttering, and his unwillingness to look at Yoh, he sounds like he really doesn't want to have to admit this (though, he still sticks to his rough speech 🤣).
**Yoh's phrasing here makes it sound like he's genuinely surprised that Segasaki wants this, because, like I said earlier, it really is something very simple that most people would take for granted.
***悪いかよ - Literally "Is it wrong?", with an ending particle that indicates this line is a challenge, except for the fact that he says it so tentatively.
Y: 本当よく分かんないやつ* Y: そんなことでうれしいの? Y: おかえり Y: お仕事 お疲れ様** Y: 玄関じゃないけど Y: Really... such a difficult to understand guy* Y: Would something like that... really make him happy? Y: Welcome back Y: You've worked hard at the office** Y: Well, it's not at the door though
*Yoh uses the informal word やつ (yatsu) to refer to Segasaki here, which he's never used before. Depending on the context, it can be considered rude, though is often used casually amongst male friends. In this context here, it's used to express affection mixed with mild exasperation.
**お疲れ様 (otsukaresama) - standard greeting; full version "otsukaresama desu/deshita". Literally means "you're tired/you've worked hard" and is an acknowledgement of the effort someone has put in for the day, more than it is some sort of praise or commendation. For eg, Yoh says this to his lousy editor in Ep 5 😅
That said, the way Yoh says it here is very sweet, adding the honorific prefix "O" to the word "shigoto (work/job)", and then tacking on the polite version of this phrase, "otsukaresama". Remember when I talked about the different definitions of sunao in the amae post as well? I mostly talked about Yoh not being able to be honest/straightforward with his own feelings, but the other definition of sunao describes an attitude/behaviour towards other people. That definition is usually translated along the lines of "cooperative/obedient/deferential" (note that these words sometimes carry a negative connotation in English, which is not so in this particular usage of the word in Japanese here). This is Yoh being the very picture of sunao here. It's adorable and sweet and it's no wonder Segasaki jumps right on him 😂
Thank you for your question! I'm really happy to know that amae is starting to be a little more understood, since it is quite a common phenomenon in many JBLs :))
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Hello Josi!! It's been forever! How are you??
LifeTM has had me hostage but I managed to spend this ask today, so I'm very happy 😊
I am here to scream about My Personal Weatherman. Omg, I'm obsessed. It's such a good show. This week's episode was so good!
So I was soldering if you would gif all the hugs in this episode, with Yoh being possessive over Segasaki? I loved all those moments ❤
If you have the time :)
I hope you're having a good week and that everything is going well ~~
Hello again 🥰
I am doing just fine. I was a little bit stressed from work and personal stuff, but that is behind me now. And you are lucky, because this Taikan Yoho set will be my last gif set for the month of september. I decided to take a little hiatus and enjoy my holiday with reading and watching stuff 😊 (Well, I prepared some for the weekends, but no sets for running shows.)
This weeks episode was indeed so cute and just... soft and I had to gif these scenes! I love them so much! 😭
So thank you again for this request! You can still request sets, but I won't be able to do them until october 😊
I hope you like the set and the moments I choose 💜 You can find it here 🌻
I hope you are doing fine and life treats you kind! Have a wonderful time! 🤍
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togetherhearted · 2 years
It's my first request on this blog, I hope I'm not doing anything wrong...
please please please i NEED a superhero! Vi x reader. idk like they meet while Vi is in the middle of a battle???? ANYTHING IS FINE, REALLY 😭😭😭
I LOVE that skin and I need to read something about her otherwise I'll go crazy
ofc if you don't like the idea or you don't want to write something like that feel free to ignore my request! Have a nice day/night dear! 💕💕
Ohhh I know what you're talking about~ I haven't got that skin since I don't play her;or jungle in general 😔
But I bought Jayce!
Anyway,I do hope this is fine!
Saving a life
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As the building's rubble fell from above and right onto you;you thought you were done for good. Your life flashed in front of you. Time seemed slow. Your eyes were now closed;waiting for the impact;waiting for the crash on your already injured body. An impact that never came. -Good thing I came in time huh?- You blinked as you looked at the woman holding the rock like it was a feather. You recognized the flaming vigilante Vi. -You all right?Are yoh badly injuried?- With a switch motion of her arm, she threw away the debris. You shook your head, breathing slowly. -Thank you. You saved me...- -No problem. It's my job to help- With a wink she took a few steps back. -I must go now. There might be more like you to save, and Jayce needs my help. Stay safe citizen!- With a high jump she was gone;bouncing from wall to roof. You watched her getting far away before running for shelter.
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