#And sling is a flying fish!
mossy-paws · 6 months
PHIGHTING! Mermaid au chibis
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What silly little guys,,, decided to design scythe since yeah!
She’s based off of a olive head sea snake! And the rest y'all hopefully know by now :3
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ltwilliammowett · 5 months
Old naval slang
A small collection of terms from the 18th - early 20th century that were and probably still are known among sailors.
Admiralty Ham - Royal Navy canned fish Batten your hatch - shut up Beachcomber - a good-for-nothing Cape Horn Fever - feigned illness Cheeseparer - a cheat Claw off - to avoid an embarrassing question or argument Cockbilled - drunk Cumshaw - small craft - Chinese version of scrimshaw Dead Marine - empty liquor bottle Donkey's Breakfast - mattress filled with straw Dunnage - personal equipment of a sailor Flying Fish sailor - sailor stationed in Asian waters Galley yarn - rumour, story Hog yoke- sextant Holy Joe - ship's chaplain Irish hurricane- dead calm Irish pennant - frayed line or piece of clothing Jamaican discipline - unruly behaviour Knock galley west - to knock a person out Leatherneck - a marine Limey - a British sailor Liverpool pennant - a piece of string used to replace a lost button Loaded to the guards - drunk Old Man - captain of the ship One and only - the sailor's best girl On the beach - ashore without a berth Pale Ale - drinking water Quarterdeck voice - the voice of authority Railroad Pants - uniform trousers with braid on the outer leg seam Railway tracks - badge of a first lieutenant Round bottomed chest - sea bag Schooner on the rocks - roast beef and roast potatoes Show a leg - rise and shine Sling it over - pass it to me Slip his cable - die Sundowner - unreasonable tough officer Swallow the anchor - retire Sweat the glass - shake the hour glass to make the time on watch pass quickly - strictly forbidden ! Tops'l buster - strong gale Trim the dish - balance the ship so that it sails on an even keel Turnpike sailor - beggar ashore, a landlubber claiming to be an old sailor in distress Water bewitched - weak tea White rat - sailor who curries favor with the officers
Sailors' Language, by W. Clark Russell, 1883 Soldier and Sailor Words and Phrases. Edward Fraser and John Gibbons, 1925 Sea Slang, by Frank C. Bowen, 1929 Royal Navalese, by Commander John Irving, 1946 Sea Slang of the 20th century, by Wilfried Granville, 1949 The Sailor's Word Book, by Admiral W.H. Smyth, 1967
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eggyrocks · 3 months
bruised part eighteen -> three times
m. list
♪ now playing: space song by beach house ♪
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Iwaizumi almost caves three times.
1: That night. In Bokuto’s apartment.
Their position on the couch is uncomfortable and slightly awkward. A clumsy entanglement of numb limbs. She lies on top of him, delicate arm outstretched and resting on the cushion above them and her cheek flat against his chest.
He’s not even pretending to pay attention to the show that plays. His hand is lightly cupping the back of her head, dragging it down to her neck and smoothing out the frizzy ends of her hair. And he’s looking at her, completely focused on her. Enamored with her. Consumed by her. “That guy’s such a fucking dick,” she commentates on the show, voice muffled by the way her cheek is pressed into his chest. “Hope he dies.”
Iwaizumi chuckles lowly. “You can’t wish death on every single person that pisses you off.”
“Why not?” she counters. “It’s not like it’s ever worked. Oh, and by the way,” she says, lifting her head and turning to face Iwaizumi, her chin now sitting just below his neck, “those Etsy witches are scammers. You still have a full head of hair.”
He tries not to be distracted by her sudden increase in proximity or insecure about the details of his face and how well she can probably see them. Iwaizumi quirks an eyebrow at her. “And you’re mad about that?”
She makes a little humming noise of contemplation, and then raises a hand to run through the ends of his hair. Iwaizumi tenses at once, in an attempt not to react, and is hyperaware of where exactly his gaze lands, and is careful not to let it wander. “Nah, I guess not,” she decides, dropping her hand back down. He mourns the loss of it. “You look handsome as is. But I want my money back.”
Iwaizumi thinks, for a second, about reaching into his pocket and fishing whatever compensation she was looking for out of his own wallet. A form of apology for his hairline not receding.
Instead, he sort of just stares, still in awe that their closeness, on how it doesn't even seem to make her flinch. So much in awe that Iwaizumi can't even think of anything to say. She blinks at him, as if waiting for something, and he's sure, then, that he's going to kiss her.
Waiting be damned. He's waited long enough.
The universe doesn't seem to agree, though, and decides to force Iwaizumi to keep his word. Because the front door slams open, hitting the wall behind it with such a force that Iwaizumi is sure there's going to be a hole in the wall. And through it comes Bokuto and Akaashi, attached at the mouth and hands wandering. So entranced in each other they don't even seem to notice that they have witnesess.
"Well damn," she mumbles, looking past Iwaizumi to see them, "took them long enough."
Iwaizumi looks away. It feels too intimate, for him to witness. "He totally forgot you're here."
"Yeah," she agrees, and then yells out, "Oi!"
They break apart at once, Bokuto standing up proudly with a bright grin and Akaashi flushed red and unable to make eye contact. She's still in Iwaizumi's arms when she says, "Date went well?"
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2: When Oikawa left, two weeks later.
He was honestly almost surprised to see how it affected her. Especially given the amount of threats she had made on his life and his face for the duration of his stay. But she had hugged him for so long and told him she didn't want him to leave and Iwaizumi could hear in her voice the way she held back tears.
She didn't hold them back on the car ride home.
"Ugh," she groaned, wiping away tears with the sleeve of her hoodie. "God, I can't believe I'm crying over fucking Oikawa Tooru."
Iwaizumi can't believe it either. It's rare to see her cry over anything. He feels oddly and uncomfortably jealous, and pretends that he does not. He pulls up in front of their apartment, feeling grateful he doesn't have to drop her off at Bokuto's now that her arm's clear of a sling, and places the car in park. "Wanna fly to Argentina?" he offers, half-joking.
She sniffles, trying to calm herself, and gives a weary smile. "Only if you're coming with me."
And fuck, it's there again. That feeling, that urge to lean in and kiss her. It hits him hard, so hard he feels momentarily dizzy. She looks at him from across the center console with big, wet eyes and god, it's all that he wants.
And then, there is a slight tremble to her lower lip, and tears begins to rapidly pool in her eyes. And before Iwaizumi has the chance to say anything else, she's crying again.
He settles for holding her. It wasn't the right time, anyways, he reasons.
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3: A month later, at her gym.
"Keep your elbows up Izumi," she calls from the outside the ring, standing next to Iwaziumi with her arms crossed. Inside of the ring are two sparring thirteen-year-olds, who fight with a tenacity that almost scares Iwaizumi.
It's the same way she fought, when she was that age.
She leans in closer to Iwaizumi and whispers, "They never fucking listen to me. Good thing I'm not their goddamn coach, or anything."
"Yeah, well when you were thirteen, you punched your coach in the dick, so," Iwaizumi reminds her, grinning at the incident. He remembers it so clearly. At the time he was amazed he got to witness it, and he took the first opportunity he had to tell everyone at school about it.
She rolls her eyes. "Whatever, that dickhead totally deserved it. He was hitting on my gross mom," she insists, as if the incident isn't over ten years old at this point, and she still has to defend herself. "And he like, totally sucked as a coach. He offered me a beer for every win I got."
Iwaizumi whips his head around at this information. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, and I won a lot when I was thirteen. It was before my slump."
He scoffs. "God, no wonder you're like this. Every adult figure in your life was negligent at best."
There's a gentle elbow nudging into his side. "What the hell do you mean 'no wonder you turned out like this'? I thought you were supposed to be in love with me or something."
The reminder brings a bit of heat to his cheeks, but Iwaizumi grins either way. "Of course I'm in love with you," he says. "I was in love with you back then, too. I like that you're a little insane," he teases lightly.
And she looks up at him with this big, admiring gaze and Iwaizumi can see it, then, how much she loves him. He doesn't know how he hasn't seen it before. He can almost feel it rolling off of her in waves.
He wants to kiss her then, too. That same, overwhelming feeling. He would, if not for the two thirteen-year-olds punching each other in the face, trying to draw blood.
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It happens when he thinks it won't.
Iwaizumi is getting home from work, muscles tight and eyes strained from staring at a screen for longer than he's used to.
She's in the kitchen when he gets home, and she is fighting a losing battle. The first thing he sees as he abandons his work bag on the ground and clears the threshold is her, standing in front of an oven, holding a plate of what he assumes to be brownies. But it's soupy and chunky and steams like they were just pulled from the oven.
Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow. "What the fuck is that?"
She groans. "I tried to make you brownies," she whines, and is quick to abandon the pan on top of the stove. "But, obviously, my skills lie elsewhere."
"Why were you trying to make me brownies?" he questions, entering further into the kitchen to try and get a better look at them. He winces. There's oily looking puddles on the surface. He would try it, just show some appreciation, but he thinks it might kill him.
She leans up against the kitchen counter and crosses her arms over her chest. "Because I'm in love with you, obviously."
And it's just something about the way she says it. So casually. So matter-of-fact. She loves him. It's plain, it's simple, it's true. She's in love with him. The same way that he's in love with her.
So really, Iwaizumi can't be blamed. He really just can't hold it back, anymore.
Iwaziumi turns from the hot mess of a dessert she tried to make for him, and faces her. And in a second, he has her face pressed gently between each of his hands. There's no time, really, for him to think about what he's doing. He just does it.
He just kisses her.
And she kisses him back.
Standing there, in their kitchen, Iwaizumi kisses her, and she kisses back, and something in his chest explodes.
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-> fun facts!
only one chapter left! ahhhhh!
yachi may have walked into the kitchen shortly after this and screamed
she immediately texted her gc with oikawa and hinata
and now no one will know peace
i changed the song from hypernight to space song bc it felt more fitting
highly recommend reading while listening
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @polish-cereal @iheartamora @ferntv @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @rinheartshyunlix @causenessus @makkir0ll @cr4yolaas @k8nicole @cannibalsrider @bookworm-center @frootloopscos @ekeio @michivrse @phoenix-eclipses @hermaeusmorax @milkwithspiceyicecubes @anonnreader777 @mehreya @kmwife @rrosiitas @riousluvs @atsumou @ryeyeyer @faesix @milesmoralesluvs @bae-ashlynn @um-no-ok @kozuskitten @ncthourss @ms-downhill @bellamsby @karasyuu @k0z3me @blamemef0rit
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zevred · 6 months
Good Friends
pining and in denial rosie is doing something to my brain chemistry
rosie rosenthal x gn!reader
wc; 699
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Rosie likes to think he’s friends with everyone at Thorpe Abbott. He’s been with his crew for years and he makes an effort to befriend the new guys when they come in, even if they won’t be around for long. Even John Brady’s stopped making snide remarks, and Rosie swears the band has started playing more of the songs he likes.
He’s definitely friends with you. That’s what he says when Pappy elbows him in the ribs, grinning, and when Crosby wags his eyebrows over the rim of his glass. It’s just that you like to dance and Rosie’s usually the one to indulge you. He can’t control when the music slows down and he can’t help but pull you close because he’d never ruin the last song of the night for you.
Maybe he’s given you a ride or two on the handlebars of his bike, or when he’s conveniently forgotten his bike at home, he takes the time to walk you across base. He likes hearing your laugh and even during those late nights, your smile is radiant under the moonlight. He’s chased you through the rain and let you muss his water-logged curls. Rosie’s hands tense at his sides when he sees the hair plastered to your neck. He tells himself he’d do the same for any of his friends and brushes the wayward tendrils into place. He says goodnight but Rosie knows you’ll haunt his dreams. The curl of your lips is superimposed on the inside of his eyelids. Your whispered taunts linger, brushing up against the shell of his ear. Even the smell of you is stuck on his skin.
He does his best to scrub himself of you before each mission. Rosie knows there’s a job to be done and he hates that the thought of you might distract him. So, he uses extra aftershave the morning he flies and slicks his curls into submission. He doesn’t have time to think about his friends flying in other forts, certainly not enough time to think of you. There’s only him, his crew, and the mission. There’s no room in the plane for the ghost of you.
When he lands and interrogation is over, Crosby tells him you’ve been a live wire, on edge for hours up in Air Exec. Rosie aches to know you’ve been fretting, but when he sees you, he plasters on a cocky smile—the one that always has you rolling your eyes—and asks if you’ve been missing him.
You always look a little shaken, a little like a ghost when you see him again, but without fail you scoff and turn to walk away from him, allowing him to sling an arm around your shoulders and haul you into his side. You walk like that, hip to hip, and Rosie can almost feel your ribs folding, making room to interlace with his.
You stop outside the gear room, and the rest of Rosie’s crew is already inside, stripping out of their flysuits. It’s the two of you alone in the hallway and his name is a hoarse whisper on your lips. Rosie. He’s never Captain Rosenthal when it’s just the two of you. You called him Robert once, to accuse him of cheating in cards, and the aghast look on his face sent you into such a fit of laughter, the game of cards was abandoned. But when you say his name like that…
Your bodies are pressed close, near enough to share breath. You’re looking up at him with those pretty eyes of yours, cheeks flushed and—he shouldn’t notice but he does—your lips are bitten-red. He doesn’t need to hear your question to know he’ll say yes. You could ask him to fish down the moon and he’d steal it from the sky. Usually, you’re asking to see his plane or to swap sides at meals. There are some things, some things that make his breathing hitch, that Rosie wonders if you’ll ever ask. He could ask, step just an inch closer, but the question tangles in his throat and he repeats the same mantra he’s been saying for months.
You’re just friends. Good friends.
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pixelnrd · 8 months
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The final destination on Heather’s bucket list was Sulani. It was a place she had been to once before but never really gotten to know. She knew her Dad had grown up there in a hippy island community, that he had resented it and moved away. She had always wanted to know more about this place that looked so tropical and picturesque in all the pictures - surely it couldn’t be as bad as her Dad made it out to be.
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Indeed upon arriving Heather realised her Dad was surely wrong. This place was a paradise. An island haven of beautiful beaches and oceans. These days it was less hippy commune than it was in the 70s, and more tourists and spring break beach parties. But that didn’t stop Heather from exploring it at her own pace. She would snorkel in the reefs and JetSki across the foreshore, feeling the salty spray in her hair. She would purchase food out of little beach shacks - barbqeued fish, sweet tropical fruits and Kalua pork - and eat it on the beach.
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Heather made contact with her cousins while in Sulani and spent time with them too. She got to know her cousin Siouxie well and the two would often go to the beach in the late afternoon to sunbathe and swim.
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Siouxie showed Heather the fun side of Sulani. She helped her find a job bartending at one of the many beach shacks that lined the foreshore, and every night Heather would sling cocktails before clocking off and partying with the rest of the backpackers and college students that came through.
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And every now and then someone new would catch Heather’s eye, and those little sparks she loved would begin to fly. She couldn’t help herself but fall head over heels for every girl that reciprocated her affection.
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💚 for Jake and baby Blue please my lovely 🥰
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💚 A Healing Kiss with Jake and Baby Blue
I had an absolute blast writing this request for you, Beth! I hope you adore it! After all, what could be cuter than stingrays and kissing Jake on the beach?
“Oh my god, you're so cute!” 
You're in seventh heaven, wearing waders and standing in the middle of the clearest waters you think you've ever seen. There are so many rays prowling cheerily through the water. The throng is thickest around you as you stand holding a basket of scraps of fish. The water is the clearest blue you've ever seen, the white sand sparkling under the rays of the sun. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience, getting to experience the Cayman Islands with so many stingrays. You've always been interested in stingray conservation, and Jake, your beloved, wonderful husband, heard you express longing only once before you had tickets booked. Of course, Jake's here too because he loves beaches and because he hasn't let you out of his sight since you said, “I do.”
You don’t mind, relishing in the heat of his gaze as he watches you do what you love to do, what you thrive doing. Right now, he's a ways down the beach, strolling through the waves and looking like a model. He's got your wedding ring with its blue sapphire for safekeeping while you're dealing with smelly fish guts and eager stingrays. Speaking of the rays, and not your husband, you're here to help measure the rays right before they enter their breeding season. Your job is to slip each ray a piece of fish after they get measured and released outside of the temporary enclosure, the one the other marine biologists call the “baby gate”. 
By the time you walk back onto the beach, you're sweaty and stinking of fish. But your heart practically sings. This is what you studied so hard to do. You're part way through a discussion about stingray mating when you notice Jake limping your way.
All marine statistics and thoughts of cute stingray pups fly right out of your head.
“Are you okay?”
He slings an arm across your shoulders and pastes an easy grin on his face.
“I’m perfect, sweetheart! Now, why don’t we go get cleaned up and get some dinner?”
You agree easily, but halfway to your rental cat, you get the sneaking suspicion you aren’t actually going to enjoy dinner anytime soon. 
“Are you sure you’re alright, Jake?”
“Right as rain, baby Blue.” His smile is starting to look more like a grimace. “Why do you ask?”
“‘Cause you’re limping, and you look like you’re in pain.” You pop the tailgate of the ridiculously big truck Jake insisted on and push him down.
“What happened, darling?”
“A jellyfish. I didn’t even see it in the water.  All I felt was the bite. Then I looked down.”
Your brain goes into overdrive. What if Jake was stung by a Box Jelly or a Sea Nettle?
“It was a little clear white one with purple dots on top.”
You gasp in relief as you scramble for the tote bag you slung into the backseat this morning.
“You’re lucky I packed for jellyfish stings and stingrays, babe.”
You brandish the hydrocortisone in success as you tug it out of your bag. 
“Where's the bite, Jake?” Your eyes are focused on his legs, trying to figure out where the bite could be. He doesn’t respond. There's a hopelessly fond look on Jake's face when you look back up.
“On my calf.”
Treating the small sting is easy, a couple of dabs of hydrocortisone cream and Jake is good to go. You massage the cream into his calf in slow, gentle circles, trying not to put too much pressure on it. Every time your eyes flick upwards to meet his own, you see a grin growing across his cheeks. But you don’t address it until you've wrapped a protective bandage over the skin.
“What're you smiling at me for, huh?”
“Well, you're smiling back!” he quips, eyes crinkling with the force of his smile, sun-streaked hair curling over his forehead. You roll your eyes at the childish quip.
“You're so beautiful, Baby Blue.” 
The gentle words in a reverent tone make you flush with a heat completely different from the summer sun blasting down.
“You were in your element today, and I swear you've only been more beautiful when you walked down the aisle to me.”
He tips your chin up, hands gentle as they pull you closer.
“My hands are covered in hydrocortisone cream,” you murmur against his mouth.
“Don’t care. Want a kiss from my Baby Blue to make me feel better.”
Those words, coupled with a boyish smirk, have you groaning even as you wrap your arms around his neck, keeping your fingers away from his person.
“Mmm, you're lucky I love you, Jake.”
“You are going to kiss me, right?”
The kiss you press to your husband's lips makes today even better than stingrays and getting to flex your Marine Biologist skills ever could. How did you get so lucky with this man? You can't believe another woman once looked at him and decided he wasn't her forever. But you know you'd thank her anyway. Because Jake Seresin is yours.
“Mmm,” his groan makes you shudder when you pull away. “You know, I'd get stung by jellyfish any day if this was the tender loving care I got at the end of the day.”
You cackle as you wipe the rest of the sticky cream off on a napkin.
“You know, if you wanted a kiss, all you had to do was ask, right?”
“What can I say? My pretty wife gets me all hot when she's competent.”
You get a little heart-eyed and swoony when he says things like this. So you press another kiss to his lips before pulling away.
“So take me back to the hotel and show me! I don't mind room service tonight!”
Tonight's going to be fun, you think, as you chuck the tote into the backseat and buckle yourself in. You can hear Jake cursing as he closes up the tailgate and starts the car.
“You, Baby Blue, are trouble.” He admonishes, green eyes dark as they playfully glare you down.
“Yours!” you chirp back, completely sure tonight is going to be even better than stingrays.
Not to spoil anything, but it definitely was.
Ask me to write a kiss for one of my pairings!
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stillxnunpxidintern · 10 months
Shanks x Reader Imagine - Unfortunate Sailing
(This little imagine has been stuck in my brain for a while.)
You're part of the Red Hair Pirates, while you're happy to drink and get drunk with the crew, you only do it sometimes as you like not waking up with hangover or trying to do your liver in. Plus in the mornings you enjoy the quiet before everyone starts to wake up and groaning with a hangover.
If you're feeling annoyed because of the crew you will bring pots out of the kitchen and banging them, watching the crew moan, simply for your pleasure.
One particular morning you got a call on your personal Den Den Mushi, from your childhood friend, explaining a situation that was happening and needed help. After listening to them you figured that the rest of crew of wasn't needed for this, as you knew a few people in your hometown that will that would be more than happy to help.
After telling crew and declining the offer for them helping, knowing that them being there was a little overkill and you didn't want the town run dry of rum, with how much they all drunk and stocked up on, but did promise them that if you needed help you would inform them.
After packing what you needed and weapons, you told the crew to behave till you got back and hopefully you would be back as soon as possible. Shanks asked once more if you were sure of your decision and told him you were. He then said where they would potentially gonna be when you finished with business, you pressed a kiss on his lips and left, as you began your journey home.
You made it to your hometown quicker than you were expecting and immediately started making plans with some of the other people to deal with the problem of the bandits.
Having dealt with pirates of varying crews, the bandits were easy to take care of and very little injuries were attained by all. The whole town held a party after the bandits were defeated and didn't have to worry about them anymore.
Having spent a week catching up with your friends, you knew it was time to leave and head back to your red headed man.
Surprisingly you were able to get on a ship that was heading near where Shanks and the crew should be, so that made your life easier or it would of, had the ship not been attacked in the night half way through the journey.
You were thrown from the bed you were sleeping into a table with such force you were certain that you heard cracks, as you wheezed trying to get your breath back.
Hearing shouting and screaming, you grabbed your weapons and left the room to find who was attacking and help out. More cannonballs were being shot and you were doing the best to dodge people and the splinting wood that was flying around.
Just as you reach the deck, you were thrown again by the sheer force and you crashed into the railing of the ship, with your left collarbone taking the brunt, making you give a small cry of pain.
You did your best to fight but due to the darkness, the pain you were in and being unable to recognize who was attacking, most likely pirates, the battle was over and you were left clinging to broken wood to keep yourself afloat.
At some point you slipped unconscious and when you woke next, you were in a white room with light hitting your face, you were sure you would of died drifting unconscious at sea.
Eventually you found out from the doctor that had been looking after you, that a fishing boat had gone out earlier and had found you and brought you back to their island to be treated.
The doctor explained that you had broken your left collar in two places, and that it should remain in a sling until it was healed, you also had a couple of ribs that were fractured and the others were bruised, so best to avoid to doing much as they heal and then there was a gush to the head that was healing fine.
You had more cuts and bruises all over your body, that were bandage up, but resting and not moving much was the best thing for you.
After a couple of day, you were able to contact Shanks and the crew, letting them know you needed to be picked up, but conveniently left out what had happened, that was a conversation for later.
You had been at the port since the ship was spotted, so when the Red Force had finally arrived in port and docked, you were relieved to finally be going home, sleeping in your own bed and taking a long bath but you were also apprehensive giving your current state.
Taking a deep as breathe as you, being mindful for your ribs, you watched as the gangplank was lowered and waited for the commotion of the crew, when a little voice in the back of your mind made you wonder if you could escape before they saw you but that thought quickly left, as you heard your name being called.
You quickly told them to shut up, it was too early to be dealing with them and their shenanigans plus you weren't in the mood for it. You could hear Beck say it was past midday and you shot him a betrayed look he was meant to be on your side, as the other responsible person on the ship.
You were doing everything in your power to avoid the glaring issue and certain red head, you were happy they were here but you just wanted your bed and deal everything later one.
You were distracted by the crew that you didn't notice the looming shadow over you till your head was moved so you were looking up into the face of your captain and lover.
You could see concern in his eyes, obviously, but also there was a hint of anger and could see he was about to ask, but you stopped him by putting your hand up and shook your head.
His shoulders fall and pressed a kiss into your hair, and only says later to you, to which you just nod your head as his hand rests on the small of your back, as you head back aboard the ship.
Once back in the capital cabin, you looked at the bed and couldn't wait to be in it but you first a had a quick wash and pulled on loose cloth, with slight difficulty and pain but you managed. You then settled on the bed and did the best you could to find the best position to sleep.
At some point when you were napping Shanks had come in and settled behind you, gently pulling you between his legs and laying you against his chest as he rested his chin on top of your head.
When you wake sometime later it takes you a few moments to realise you weren't in the same position as earlier but definitely felt more comfortable than what you had fallen asleep in.
You felt a hand stroking your hair and moved your head to see Shanks, you didn't think it would anyone else but you never know its happened before.
After a few moments and feeling more awake, then shuffled around so your right side was against his chest, allowing you to look up at him easier. There was silence between you two as his hand came up and ran his fingers over the nearly healed gush on your head. It left a little scar but your hair would cover mostly.
His hand then travelled down your face and stroked your cheek with his thumb, then travelled down your neck and across your left collarbone with the lightest of touches and then continued down over your ribs before resting his hand on your waist.
The stillness between the two of you only last a few moment, before Shanks is resting his cheek on top of your head before asking what had happened to you to end up with those injuries.
So you explained to him how everything had happen, there were a couple of moment, while explaining when his fingers digged to your waist, which made you wince as you were still covered bruises and cuts.
You knew that he was down right furious, murderous, at the pirates that had attacked you and a little angry at himself for not being more insistent that the Red Force went with you, and you getting hurt could have been avoid altogether.
To distract Shanks from his musing, you moved your head and pressed kisses into his jawline and a couple of his neck, which got him, as he looked down at you with a cheeky smile.
He then peppered your face with kisses, as he teased that you couldn't be that hurt but he wouldn't fall victim to your alluring smile and addictive kisses till you had recovered.
You just laughed at him and kissed him again, to which he turned his head away each time and said nope, he wasn't falling for it again.
After a few moments of trying, you pouted at him and saying you were gonna tell Beck that he was being mean and attempted to get up but Shanks just tighten his hold to keep you against him, as he gave you a couple of more kisses and rub his face against your, whining that Beck would make him do some sort work.
You shook your head at his antics before a yawn escaped you, so you settled into a comfortable position and closed your eyes. As you drifted off you felt one more kiss pressed into the side your head and a mumbles words of affection.
It had been over a week since your return to the Red Force and had docked at some little island, having a party on the beach.
You were happily sitting in-between Shanks legs, using his thigh as a pillow, watching the fire as Lucky was cooking on it, when an unexpected visitor turned up, making some of the newer crew mates reach for their weapons.
Lifting your head up to see who was causing the commotion, you saw that it was the sword wielding Warlord. Shanks told the men to stand down as he welcomed Mihawk to come and drink with them.
Mihawk eyes locked on you, as you gave the Warlord a smile as you laid your head back down, noticing the bandages and sling that your arm was still you.
While Shanks was carding his fingers through your hair, Mihawk came and crouched in front of you, taking your face gently in his hand, he then called you Darling as he looked over you.
Upon hearing Mihawk call you darling, Shanks pouted at the swordsman and complained why he never got called darling.
Noticing the look that Mihawk was giving Shanks, you giggled to yourself, before his attention turned back to you and inquired as to what happened, as he stroked your cheek. You gave a murmured short explanation of what had happened.
When he let go of your face, you made a little grumble at the loss as you went back to using Shanks thigh, as the red head gave a better explanation of what happened to you to the Warlord.
As both men spoke (more like bickering you though) with each other, you slowly drifted off to the sound of their voices.
(Possibly implied MiShanks x Reader, take it how you wish)
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cooperbutter88 · 3 months
I'm seeing some other people share their mlp one piece designs so I wanna share my own here!!
I made the designs pretty simplistic- I wanted them to look like they could be background ponies inside the actual show of mlp. I also tried to make them look as show-accurate as possible!! I'll talk a bit about them under each picture, but you can just scroll through to see them all.
Starting with Luffy!
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A purple earth pony! Also, I made it so all devil fruit users gain swirls on their hooves. His cutiemark is a treasure chest with some meat inside, next to his hat. (Don't... Don't think to hard on the implications of meat in the mlp world 😅)
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Pegasus Zoro! Three sword style is so much easier with 6 limbs. His cutiemark is a thought bubble of three swords in the shape of a Z (to signify his constant napping) (Zoro will say it's to signify his name)
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Nami is an earth pony, simply because if she was a Pegasus then her weather based attacks wouldn't be too impressive... Her cutiemark is a vine with tangerines attached, though if you look closely you see they aren't fruit, they're berri and a compass
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Usopp is a unicorn with an extra long horn. I gave him some deep purple eyes that I think goes well with his coat
His cutiemark is mallet and a sling shot meld together.
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Sanji is a unicorn with a slight curve of his horn. His eyes are magenta to reference his heart eyes. His cutiemark is a frying pan with four fish cooking, plus a smoke cloud that starts with a curly line that grows into a heart.
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(couldn't get it to download with no background... Lame)
Chopper!!! He's a a reindeer that ate the pony pony fruit. He's smaller than the rest still, but when he transforms he either turns into a large stallion or his usual reindeer look. Also gave him some blue accents to go with his nose.
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Robin! I gave her cuffed hooves, because I think it goes well with the cowboy aesthetic of Miss All Sunday
The hooves she makes with her devil fruit don't have her the swirls, but they do have the same cuffed look
Her cutiemark is a book, that also appears to look like a poneglyph (pony glyph?)
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Super franky! Another unicorn, though he lost his horn in the train crash. He rebuilt it with metal but it doesn't work the same now. His different coloring represents the parts of his body rebuilt as a cyborg.
His cutiemark is a ship in a sea of cola. The top of the ship is also a hammer. The background sun also looks a bit like the sunny! I imagine he was a late bloomer of his mark, getting it after he recovered from the train accident.
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Brook who looks honestly pretty creepy like this! I tried to replicate his goofy skeleton look but it's difficult for a pony... Anyways! I made him a Pegasus that can no longer fly (no feathers...)
His cutiemark is embroidered on his pants, a music note that's also his top hat.
There's all the strawhats!! If you're a fan of these designs, I actually have them all (+ another character) available as stickers on my Etsy!
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They're three inches big and they stick wonderfully, I've had one on my water bottle for the past two months and it hasnt shown any signs of peeling!!
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queerdiazs · 2 years
Eddie’s alive, just stuck in the Upside Down, but he doesn’t go to Dustin or Mike or Lucas—oh, no. And not even Steve, either, no matter how much he respects the dude.
Nah, Eddie traverses the woods of the Upside Down, knows where that old beat up truck sits that he and Wayne found a few months ago during season that they fixed up with the blessing of the landowner, and waits for his uncle there. 
Eddie’s trailer is fucked and he knows Wayne doesn’t have the money to afford a hotel room, so he sits in that truck in the woods, shivering and bleeding and singing songs to keep himself awake, and waits until Wayne turns it on.
And when he does in a few hours, Springsteen’s faintly heard and Eddie laughs because he loves his uncle, adores the man and he wishes he told him more of that when he had the chance, but he’s determined he’ll have more time later, he just has to get out of this hellish place first, and so he starts talking. 
It startles Wayne at first, swears and yells flying, and then there’s tears shared between them, so close and yet so far apart. Eddie explains what he can, pressing his hands into his wounds in hopes of slowing the bleeding, and he tells Wayne to hurry with an aborted, “I love you.” 
Wayne hurries. He fishes his rifle out from beneath his seat and thinks—about the kids who joined Eddie's club, about the band kid and the kid with the questions and the other kid, too, with soft brown eyes and a sad smile when he ducked his head in acknowledgment—and takes off. 
He finds Harrington’s house, knocks on the door until the kid comes running. He slings it wide, revealing himself and the band kid and Henderson, Wayne thinks, who's momma is sweet and kind at the diner, and says, “My nephew is alive. Let’s go get him.”
And he didn’t know what he expected from this kid—if he thought he’d get directions or what—but he’s surprised when Harrington nods, slips on some shoes, and follows him outside to his truck where Eddie's voice is still coming through the radio. 
Harrington says hi, a broken sort of thing, and promises they’re on the way, for him to just stay where he’s at, and Eddie giggles, says, “My knight in shining armor,” because he's always been romantic, and Harrington goes red and says, “Goddamn right I am,” and Wayne listens to Eddie's laughter the whole way to the portal that takes them to the other world. 
It's dark and ugly and dead, but they find Eddie fast. He’s bleeding out, blubbering as soon as he sees Wayne and Steve—“Call me Steve, please.”—and it takes both of them to carry Eddie up and out of that shithole dimension. 
They take him to the hospital, Eddie resting in Steve's arms the whole way, and as soon as Eddie's taken back and stabilized, Wayne and Steve collapse in the hallway. They’re quiet when they do it, but Steve's tears are hot and Wayne’s grip is tight and they hold one another close. They ask a nurse for an extra bed in Eddie's room; she’s reluctant but she does it anyway when Steve asks nicely. 
Wayne and Steve camp Eddie's room as he rests, talking quietly and getting to know one another better and sharing stories of Eddie. soon, Wayne passes out in the recliner—helps his back if he sleeps upright since those discs have been deteriorating—and wakes up a few hours later to see the extra bed unused.
Steve’s crawled up into Eddie's bed with him, nestled close and tight, and they’re both awake, faces turned toward one another as they giggle and whisper and chuckle, but Wayne can’t hear them and he thinks that’s okay. 
He rests some more, content to listen to the soft sounds of his boys—his boys, ‘cause Harrington is his now; a decision he made when he saw the darkness in the kid's eyes that reminds him so much of his own shit—lull him to sleep. 
That is, until one Dustin Henderson hears the news that Eddie's alive and safe and recovering. He causes a ruckus and a half, and the hospital staff is in shambles, and Wayne laughs because he might just have to make Dustin one of his own, too.
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i-give-you-a-fish · 2 months
holy shit you're so cool
-- @fishslingeranon-official
Thanks, it’s mostly the saltwater i cover myself in
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You get a Blue Flying Fish
Exocoetus volitans
I want you to sling this bad boy into the sun
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vauxxy · 2 years
(any version) peter parker x reader
(rivals to lovers because that’s the best trope)
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peter parker ends up being roped into coming to betty brants party, despite immensely disliking the person who urges him to come. the party sparks a strange realisation and challenges their previous thoughts and feelings towards one another.
warnings: straight people and guns and female pronouns and alcohol and swearing xx
“fuck off penis parker”
y/n turned her head away from her lab partner, dragging her hands across her face as she crossed her legs. peter rolled his eyes and rested his head in his hand. “whatever, it was just an idea,” he scoffed, scribbling something down in his note book. y/n furrowed her brows.
“are you fucking serious? a study on what causes ‘goth girls’ to become pot heads? that’s an obvious dig at me and i won’t stand for it”
“what do you suggest then, y/n?”
peter smirked, fiddling with his pencil as he looked up at y/n.
“maybe a study on what causes guys with tiny dicks to become nerdy virgins” y/n proposed, loudly closing her science book. “oh wait,” she continued. “i think we know the answer to that one already!”
peter parker folded his arms and leaned back into his chair. “you’re such an… interesting personality, y/n” he laughed as the bell rang.
the rest of the class quickly fled the scene, most uncomfortable by the two teenagers’ constant arguing. their shoes lightly tapped the ground, y/n seemingly faster than usual.
as she hurried to her locker, gwen stopped her. “you’re in a rush” she stated, leaning against the metal doors next to y/n as the other girl frantically put her books in her bag.
“i’ve got to do the groceries, make dinner and meet with the bank all within the next few hours so i can go to this stupid party you want me at, so i’m in a little bit of a rush i guess” y/n joked sarcastically, pushing a hand against her hair anxiously.
“i can help you out if you want?” gwen offered, walking away with y/n. y/n shook her head as she headed towards the subway with her friend. “honestly, it’s all good. it’ll only take me an hour or two anyways” she smiled, catching the eye of a familiar nerd waiting for the train to area.
y/n and gwen. turned to face peter. “are you coming to the party tonight?” gwen asked, leaning her head on y/n’s shoulder. peter pursed his lips in response. “i didn’t even know there was a party” he replied, turning off his phone. y/n chuckled, shaking her head. “that’s so… like you, peter” she chuckled as the subway arrived at their platform.
the three got into discussion as the doors opened, walking in and luckily finding seats. “are you still pissy about the goth-pothead comment?” peter asked, staring at the screen of his phone. y/n shook her head and arched his brows, turning to face peter. “i don’t give a flying fuck about that, i have the memory of a fish,” y/n replied.”i just liked teasing you” she smiled.
“you should come peter, it’s at betty brant’s house” gwen interrupted, hanging onto her school bag. peter chuckled, slightly shaking his head. “i’m not too sure about that one,” he replied. “parties have never really been my thing” gwen gasped and put her hand on her heart. “that’s so crazy! who could’ve known that the skater boy didn’t like parties” she joked playfully, holding onto the trains hand rail as it moved around.
“you should come, i’d love to see you as a drunken idiot” y/n smirked. peter gazed up at y/n, crossing his arms. “oh, i am not good at being drunk- i get all weird” peter muttered awkwardly, causing gwen and y/n to instantly light up. “you need to come now!” gwen laughed, covering her hand with her mouth. he shook his head, standing up. “i’ll think about it” he murmured reluctantly, slinging his bag over his shoulder at the sound of the train announcing his stop. “you better come, i wanna see you make an absolute fool of yourself” y/n teased, pushing peter lightly. peter looked back at y/n, pursing his lips and meekly waving goodbye to the two girls.
as he left, gwen turnt to y/n. “you know he’s into you, right?” she stated, taking peters old seat next to y/n. y/n chuckled sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “very funny, gwen” she responded. she nodded her head, nudging her shoulder a bit. “he’s got a thing for emo girls, even ones he supposedly hates” gwen affirmed, smiling.
“i don’t care anyways, i couldn’t like a jerk like that”
“are you sure? you flirt with him every chance you get”
“no! that’s just banter, don’t get it twisted” y/n scoffed, standing up for her stop. “i’m gonna go run some errands before the party, see you then” she smiled. gwen nodded, waving goodbye.
- - -
running from the bank to the grocery store back to her house was a rather tiring routine, but she had to do it to make sure her siblings were all tended for before she even thought about enjoying herself.
while she was walking to the bank, she felt a pair of eyes staring daggers into the back of her head, but as soon as she turned around she found absolutely nothing to be afraid of. this had been happening much more than usual, causing herself to become more cautious than usual.
getting ready for the party, she felt the same fear she felt at the bank, but it was more so about what gwen had said before. to soothe her nerves, she called her friend and put the phone of speaker as she did her makeup.
“we’re gonna get pete so drunk tonight, i wanna know what he was talking about on the train” gwen laughed, causing y/n to subconsciously smile. “i wonder if he’s a funny drunk or one of those depressing ones with no filter” y/n responded, grabbing her keys and walking out of her bedroom.
she put her hand over the speaker of the phone and shouted out to her siblings. “i’ll be back in a few hours, call me if you need anything” she announced, heading out of the house as her siblings all said their goodbyes.
hopefully the night wouldn’t end in disaster.
- - -
“bottoms up!” gwen shouted, already hammered 50 minutes into the party. y/n, gwen and peter were all sat in betty’s spacious bathroom, close together with a bottle of vodka and a carton of apple juice. the three teens took their respective shots, each at different stages of drunkenness.
y/n sat back into the coldness of the empty bathtub with a bottle of beer in her right hand and a shot glass in the other. “i feel like my body doesn’t align with my brain” she cried dramatically. gwen turned to her friend, leaning against the cabinet underneath the sink. “how so babe?” she replied, popping every other letter she spoke. peter’s eyes moved over to y/n intrigued by her sentiment.
“i just feel like my boobs should be bigger!” she sulked, sitting up to face gwen and peter. gwen sympathetically arched her brows, cradling the vodka bottle. “no! you have great boobs…” she slurred as peter turned beetroot red and turned away from y/n, leaning against the bathroom wall.
“but what if i want double d’s??!!” she exclaimed, leaning back. peter leaned his head to the side. “for the record, i think your boobs are nice” he stated, clearly out of it. y/n and gwen were both taken back by this sudden comment. “uhhh, thanks?!” y/n stuttered, covering her face in embarrassment. “don’t think too much about it, weirdo” peter defended himself, “maybe if you weren’t such an emo you’d like them more”
gwen suddenly jolted up, as if something clicked. “y/n you’re right, he doesn’t have a filter when he’s drunk!” she smiled, turning to peter. y/n’s eyes lit up, mouth opening slightly. “i’d like to think i’m a very well held together drunk person” peter nodded his head, assuring himself. y/n shook her head, leaning over to pat peters shoulder. “i literally don’t understand a single word you said”
“well, this newfound information deserves a game of truth or truth” gwen suggested, taking another shot. peter refused at first, but he didn’t really have a choice in the matter anyways.
“peter, truth or truth?” gwen asked. peter took a while to think, tapping his chin. “i think i’ll take a wildcard here and say… truth” he reposed. “since when we’re you so observant of y/n’s boobs?” she asked, causing y/n to object. “that’s a weird question-“ she was cut off by peter answering almost instantly. “i am a very observant person, i see things” he justified, slurring his words. “but” he continued, “y/n is a pretty girl, despite her rude comments and scary makeup so i’m obviously gonna notice her nice boobs”
y/n tried to form a sentence but all could come out was a confused “thank you??”
after a few beats of time, she straightened her back and peeked over at peter. “someone wants to get into my pants” she sneered. peter threw up his hands defensively. “hey, no way! gross…” he muttered. “i’m just telling the truth, you’re the one making it weird”
gwen nodded her head in satisfaction. “okay, now you ask someone” she insisted, passing the bottle to peter. “okay, gwen… truth or truth?” he asked, taking a swift and instantly regretting it as the taste hit his mouth. “truth” she replied, curling her knees towards her chest. “what’s the weirdest secret you know about anyone at this party?” peter questioned. gwen took a few moments to think of something.
“betty is screwing the camera dude for her little morning announcements” she nonchalantly replied, shrugging her shoulders. y/n gasped. pulling at her hair slightly. “i called it!” she shouted.
the game continued, the questions getting weirder and more provocative as time went on.
“y/n, truth or truth?” betty asked, crossing her arms confidently. “truth” she replied.
“who’s the most fuckable person at school?” she smiled like a drunken sailor. y/n didn’t hesitate one bit, absolutely smashed. “peter” she whispered loudly, pointing at the boy who was now sat next to her in the bathtub.
peter’s eyes widened, frozen in place. “what?! why me?” he asked, chocking on his words. gwen gasped, grasping at the torso of her dress in shock. “you’re tall and you’re secretly ripped… and you’re awkward and nice but not to me which i find a little attractive” she muttered. “you’re a major dick with a terrible attitude- but i feel like if i was to do anything with anyone you’d be the nicest” she stated as her eyes fluttered.
peter was at an utter loss for words. “are you two into each other and just decided not to tell me?” gwen, cried, smiling as she laid back. “i don’t like peter, i just find myself being very, extremely attracted to him” y/n, bit the inside of her mouth. “despite his obvious and unavoidable flaws, of course” she continued. peter stared at her in shock, pushing his hair back. “honestly, i agree” he interjected. “i find myself thinking about y/n a lot, but i don’t like her” he said.
“that’s literally the definition of liking each other” gwen affirmed, drinking the last bit from the bottle. “i need to get more!” she shouted, standing up. “get something fruity” y/n pleaded, reaching out. “sure” gwen agreed. leaving the room.
moments passed, and quickly y/n moved towards peter. “do i like you, penis parker?” she asked, resting her head on his shoulder. “how am i supposed to answer that question” peter laughed, leaning into the movement.
“kiss me so i know if i like you” y/n demanded, jolting up and facing peter.
their faces were mere centimetres apart, they could feel the warmth of each others bodies.
“are you sure?” he asked, moving in a little closer.
“yes i’m sure, don’t be a pussy” she responded, placing her hands on peters shoulders.
suddenly, their lips made contact as their bodies intertwined. peter put his hands in her waist as he leaned further into the kiss.
the expression turned more passionate, but before they could continue the door opened suddenly.
“can you guys leave? it’s 2 am!” betty demanded, holding a trash bag filled with empty bottles and plastic cups.
the two jolted off each other, startled by her sudden entrance. “oh, shit-“ she clenched her teeth as she realised what the two were doing. “sorry, you’ve got 30 minutes to wrap… that… up” she hesitantly remarked as she walked backwards out of the doorframe and closed the door.
the two sat in silence for a few seconds.
“i can’t tell if that was a good idea or not” peter sighed, sinking into the floor of the bathtub. y/n closed her eyes. “i’m so confused” she muttered, covering her face. peter turned towards y/n again and moved the hands from her face before leaning into kiss her again. y/n returned the gesture, pulling herself into him.
“guys betty brant is kicking us out-“ gwen announced as she opened the door, her eyes widening at the sight in front of her “HOLY SHIT!” she shouted, gasping loudly. the two pushed off of each other again, moving to separate sides of the bathtub.
“umm… it’s not what it looks like?” y/n said, not even sounding convincing enough for herself. “no, it definitely is what it looks like” gwen nodded leaning over to let out an exhausted laugh. “i fucking called it!” she cheered, parading out of the bathroom.
y/n stood up, gesturing her hand out to peter so he could follow. “i should probably get an uber” she stated, stepping out of the bathtub as peter took her hand. he followed and nodded slightly. “me too to be honest, i don’t think i can drive” he laughed, stumbling a little.
the two exited out the bathroom and awkwardly walked outside the house together.
the cold air hit y/n’s face as she stared at her phone screen, waiting for her uber to arrive so she could get out of this awkward tension.
“do you wanna talk about what happened?” peter started, looking over at y/n. she looked back, noticing the large distance between the two. “no-yes, no??” she responded, putting her phone in her jacket pocket. “i’m gonna sleep on it, if that’s okay” she finally replied cohesively, fidgeting with her hands. peter nodded, hiding his hands in his jean pockets.
the uber pulled up to the sidewalk, announcing that the uber was for y/n. she took a step forward towards it before peter grabbed her hand and pulled her into one last kiss, sinking into the moment. y/n clinched onto him as if they’d never speak again, holding him closely.
she pulled away a few seconds later, taking a step backwards. “uh, i’ll see you later penis parker” she remarked, stepping inside of the car. peter waved as the car started and drive off with the girl he was snogging a few moments before. he took a deep breath in, holding his face. “what the fuck…” he muttered.
- - -
it had been more than 24 hours since the party and there was complete radio silence between both parties. peter was hunched over in his bed, staring at his phone as he yearned for a text from y/n ti meet up or something. it was already sunday night and they were supposed to sit next to each other for the first two periods in the morning.
to take his mind off the stress he was feeling, peter put on his suit and climbed out of his bedroom window.
he swung around the streets of queens for a few good minutes, taking in the cold air as it collapsed against the fabric of his suit. he wound up on the rooftop of the tallest building in sight, staring over the city streets. his eyes traced over every movement he could see, swinging his legs over the end of the building.
in the corner of his eye, he could see two figures standing in an alleyway nearby. suspicious of the situation, he cautiously swung closer to navigate the situation better.
“hand over the money, i know you have it” a booming voice announced from the distance, instantly alarming peter. moving closer, he could see that the figure responsible for the voice had a handgun pressed against the second figure.
quickly, peter swung towards the alleyway and dropped right behind the armed man. he punched him down almost instinctively and pressed the front of his body against the cold floor. “what do you think you’re doing, threatening people this late at night?” he asked, webbing the gun to the ground and holding the man’s hands behind his back. “the fuck?!” he shouted, muffled by his face smashed against the concrete. peter webbed his hands in place and stuck him to the ground before standing up and looking at the other figure.
he instantly recognised the girl in front of him, chocking out of pure shock and somewhat rage.
“attacking a teenager? not cool, man” he sighed, quickly contacting the authorities and standing by y/n. she had tears in her eyes and was shaking harder than anyone peter had ever seen anyone shake before. “are you okay ms?” he asked, holding into her shoulders. she shook her head, sobbing quietly. “i’ll get you out of here” he stated, grabbing onto y/n and webbing the man to the floor once again, just in case.
he swung the two back the the top of the building as her tears wet the torso of peter’s suit. it took everything in her power to not kiss her again and hold onto her as tightly as possible.
he set her down, rubbing her back softly. “do you mind telling me what happened?” he asked, crouching down to her level as she sat on the floor of the building. she nodded, sobbing a little quieter.
“that- that was some weird stalk-stalker” she cried, trying to explain herself. “he was following me around all week because- because i’ve been going to th-the banks”
peter nodded slowly, trying not to rush her. “i think he though i had money… but i definitely don’t have- like any…” she sighed, drying her eyes. she bit the inside of her mouth. calming down a little. “you don’t need to worry about him anymore, he’s going to jail for a very long time” he reassured her.
soon enough, y/n started talking to the masked superhero about her week. “i’ve been having a lot of financial issues, and boy issues, and like… issues” she stated, laughing a little bit. peter’s ears pricked up. “boy issues?” he asked, instantly regretting it. so unprofessional he thought, internally judging himself. “oh yeah,” she laughed. “i don’t think you’d wanna hear about that, you’re a whole ass superhero” she smiled, shaking her head.
“i’m all ears” he reassured her, crossing his arms.
“well… there’s this boy who i used to really super dislike but we got drunk- like shitfaced drunk, and we kissed like three times and i liked all the times…” she frowned, covering her face. “but i’ve been busy so i accidentally ghosted him- but he’s been ghosting me too!” she argued with herself, perusing her lips. peter instantly filled with regret.
“it sounds like you two really like each other, maybe just be truthful to how you feel” peter suggested, fiddling with his hands. y/n nodded. “that’s probably a good idea” she agreed, standing up. “and stay away from banks for a while” he laughed, patting her in the back.
peter swung y/n home, making sure she was safe before heading back towards his bedroom for the night.
“what the fuck…” he muttered, collapsing into his bed.
im probably gonna do a part two cause im a little nerd xx
also i refuse to edit any of this so sorry if there’s mistakes lol
happy days 🫶
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 9 months
The Missing Sock
Summary: Azula and Sokka take a trip to Norway. Sokka does not like planes.
He first sees Tromso as a twinkling of golden dots amid a sprawling, craggy snow-capped expanse. A sea of black rocks with frosty-sugary caps. The rest is hard to make out between the semi-darkness of near nightfall and a good wintery haze of snowflakes. He watches them rush over the plane’s blinking wing. He leans back in his seat and holds his breath. 
Azula reaches for his hand. “You doing okay?”
“I hate this part.” He admits. “My ears do this popping thing…”
“Everyone’s ears do that.” She fishes around her carry on bag and offers him a stick of cinnamon gum. He hates cinnamon but the popping it twice as unpleasant so he hastily unwraps it and pops the gum into his mouth. 
“I hate flying. I really hate flying.” He winces. “I hate landing the most because sometimes it does this bumpy thing, especially when the weather is like this. But landing is the only way to stop flying…are you seeing the issue?”
Azula chuckles. “Yes, I think that I understand the problem.” 
He squeezes her hand as the pilot welcomes them to Tromso and announces their descent with a reminder to remain seated with their seatbelts fastened. As though Sokka had even unfasted his to begin with. 
“It’ll be over before you know it.” Azula promises. But he knows that she knows as well as he does that he is going to be petrified and sinking deeper and deeper into that plane seat until its wheels touch the icy ground. 
Oh geez! What if the runway is icy? What if they forgot to salt it and it is too slick for a good landing? Do they even salt runways? He yelps as the plane hits its first patch of turbulence. To her credit Azula doesn’t sigh or roll her eyes. He decides that she is a true gift from the universe when she allows him to practically crush her hand.
“Well that wasn’t so bad.” He declares. 
“Right.” Danger behind them, she resumes her eye rolling. “Please don’t tell me that you get carsick too because we still have about a two hour bus trip to Lyngenfjord.”
“Buses, trains, cars, those are fine. I can deal with those.” He promises. And he keeps to his word. In fact he seems to rather enjoy watching the frosty landscape roll by. And she is rather fond of watching the snowfall in the headlights. 
She yawns and leans herself on Sokka’s shoulder. The chatter around her combined with tinkling folk tunes playing over the speakers and the rocking of the bus is making her sleepy. She nuzzles her head in the crook of his neck and lets him stroke her hair.
When she opens her eyes again it is to a wall of mountains that fill the skyline.
The bus comes to a stop. While she waits for the aisle to clear she yawns again and gives her arms a good stretch.
And when her feet meet the snow she gives her legs a few pumps. “I really do hate sitting all day.” She remarks. Especially since it is now an hour into nighttime. The wind gives her cheeks a few good kisses and she has burrows herself deeply into her coat. 
Sokka steps off of the bus and takes a candy cane out of his pocket and his eyes light up. “I forgot that this was in there!” He looks at it and shrugs. 
“Please tell me that you got that last week or something and not last year.” Azula grumbles. 
Sokka hums, “it very well could have been from last year.”
“You sicken me.” 
He slings an arm over her shoulder. “And you’re going to spend a whole week with me in a small glass igloo.” He fixes her with a lopsided girn. “Just you, me, and the night sky. And also a bunch of people we just road the bus with but they won’t be in our igloo…”
“I sure hope not.” Azula stuffs her hands into her pockets. 
Sokka checks his watch. “It looks like we’re just on time for dinner. I’ve been meaning to try that delicious, delicious reindeer meat.” 
“What would Aang say about that? I’m going to tell him that you…”
“Don’t do that! He’s a sensitive guy. What happens in Norway stays in Norway.”
“Is that how we’re approaching this trip? It’s going to be one big secret?”
“I think that it would be funny if every time Zuko asked how it went we both just said something like, ‘oh…you know…’ and then just not elaborate. Make it sound more exciting than it really was. And if he really pushes for details we can talk about how I was abducted by a troll and taken to the mountain said and you had to steal a longship and come rescue me.” 
“Let’s just get dinner.” She sighs. 
“You’re right, sled-dogs would be more believable than a longship.” 
“That’s the part of the story that would be unbelievable?” She shakes her head and stuffs her hands back into her pockets. She follows Sokka down the snowy path, listening to the sifting of snow beneath their feet. Watching her breaths puff towards a starry night sky. 
Sokka slips his arm through hers.
He thinks that Azula is absolutely precious when she is asleep. Her face is so serene, so relaxed. She isn’t exactly asleep yet, she is still stirring, trying to keep herself awake. He keeps telling her that they have all week to see the northern lights and that he will wake her up if he spots them. 
She begins to untangle herself from abundant layers of the most fluffy blankets that he has ever seen. Now and then she treats him to her softer side. The softer side that enjoys wearing oversized sweaters-–usually his. The softer side that allows for moments where her feet hang over the side of the bed; during her sleep, one of her socks had come off. She stares at her feet with a soft pout, resigning herself to rummaging through the blankets to find the missing one. 
He doesn’t wait for her to find it before scoping she and the remaining blanket that she has left wrapped around her shoulders into his arms. She gives him a small protesting shout. “I haven’t found my other sock yet.” 
“Why do you need a sock when you have a Sokka?”
She groans. “I swear, I will throw you out of this igloo and let you freeze to death.” 
He snickers. “Then who’s going to make you some hot chocolate to go with your view of the northern lights.” He sets her down on the sofa and gestures to the glass ceiling. He turns his back on her. “Trick question!” He answers before she can and turns around to reveal two steaming mugs. “I already made them.” 
It is so stupid. Even he knows that. And while it is indeed stupid, it is stupidly touching. He can see that smile on her face. The one that she makes when she is trying not to laugh. She takes the cup in her hands. 
He loves that particular smile very much. She doesn’t wear it often, usually saving it for when they are alone together. 
“You want to go outside and have a closer look?”
“I’m going to need my sock for that.” 
He points to the floor at the foot of the bed.
This isn’t the first time that she has seen the northern lights with him. But they look different—each location providing its own special atmosphere and magic. Rovaniemi had been more enchanting and childlike, like a fairy tale. The lights over the Blue Lagoon in Iceland had a very contrasting maturity to them. In part it felt like they were a part of the Lagoon’s package deal. They were nice to see with glasses of wine and a hydrating facial mask. Lyngenfjord is a nice in between;  majestic and powerful. Caught between a visual lullabye and a type of luminous meditation. They wrap themselves around the mountain tops adding sprays of green and teal to the sharp white of snow. 
Lyngenfjord has a rolling sheet of water and she can see the glowing ribbon reflected in it. It is like seeing two displays at once. 
She supposes that she should consider herself lucky that the lights only show themselves briefly, she could get frostbite while transfixed under their spell. Gloves and a steaming cup of hot chocolate won’t spare her nose from the harshness of the cold. 
“You just don’t get tired of them, do you?” 
She shakes her head. She would like to see them everywhere. To pick and choose which displays were her favorites. She sits herself in Sokka’s lap and hands him her phone. So far they have three pictures for their scrapbook—a hobby that has been treating her well. She can refer back to it when she needs a reminder that things aren’t so bad. That most of the time she is a happy person. She slips her phone back into her pocket and tilts her face up for one last glimpse at the lights as they fade back into the stars. 
Sokka takes the opportunity to press a kiss to her lips. “Want me to tuck you back in?” 
She nods. “Yes please.”
Her dreams are pleasant that night. 
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (37)
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37. The Kraken and the Dragon
Summary: The war takes an interesting turn, and you found yourself with your hand ties with a new danger looms over your new and big family 
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, death, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :) 
Wordcount: 2.8 k
Notes:  Sorry it took so long, I was really overwhelmed with all the fronts I opened, but here we are! thanks for the patience
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You know Cregan had been sleeping some herbs into your nightly tea for you to sleep more soundly, and you thank him for it… you  had been so psychologically drained that nights are essential to recover your energy… but the dreams you are having are slowly torturing you
Last night dream consisted in scouting the frozen woods, on foot, finding your dragon slings hugging each other in a frozen cave, they jumped at the sight of you, and ran towards your awaiting arms
It felt so real you almost believe it, you could see the scenery so clearly in your head, it broke your heart when you woke up and you were alone in your room in Winterfell
Your search has been fruitless, your children were still missing, no leads, no nothing, except for…
When you were flying above Torrhen’s Square, you had heard of a group of two children, a young woman, and a dragon, that led you to a small fishing town on the banks of a river.
But what you found there was even more scary…
Ironborns, in small boats, raiding the villages… There was no connection and yet, you felt like it was… like there was a vivid connection between those two separate sightings
You knew your sister had a pact with the Greyjoys, a flimsy pact that was less of an alliance because you knew how flimsy Irion borns where only a fool would trust them…
Before you could investigate that lead further, Rhaegar came to find you, you shared your theories with him, but before you could act on them… He gave you his news
“We have to return to Winterfell, now”, he said, alarmed, “there is news from King’s Landing, we need to go”, with your heart in your mouth you both flew back to the capital of the North, what can it possibly be this important to…?
Rhaenyra had taken King’s Landing, and she was summoning you
“She what?”, you asked, your son wore concern in his eyes, and Cregan did as well as he looked at you
“Rhaenyra took King’s Landing, it wasn’t difficult, the royal army decimated, all the Queen’s children gone, nobody knows where Aegon is”, he said firmly, “and her first command was to summon you to the capital”, he said, looking right at you
You grabbed your forehead, because you were certain you had gotten a sudden fever, you felt dizzy and 
“Gods”, you whisper, “What about… all the traitors?”
“She filled the dark cells under the Keep”, said Rhaegar, “the first one to go will be Otto Hightower
“Of course”, you whispered, “and you both said, she wants to see me?”
“Yes, she summoned you first”, said Cregan
“Me? why?”, again, his concern was visible
“I’m guessing for you the bend the knee”, he said
“I can’t go, I’m looking for my children”, you said wobbly
“There is something else”, Rhaegar said
“What? what is it?”, you asked
“He said something cryptic in the message, she wrote, The Kraken and the Dragon”
You got angry, you didn’t want to answer the call, but, how could you say no? if the ironborn… if the Greyjoys had your children… you didn't even want to know what might happen to them, they were treacherous, not to be trusted, and Sarra…
“What?”, you asked, suddenly enraged, there were no coincidences, you had learned that the hard way, and if Rhaenyra mentioned the name of the people you thought responsible for taking your children…
“You need to go, I will stay here and follow the lead, I’ll fly to Pyke myself if I have to”, he promised you
“The Greyjoys cannot be trusted”, you warned, but as you look into his eyes, you whined, “I want to find my babies”, you whispered, “I want to find Sarra”, you said
“I know, but if you don’t go…”
“What? what do you think is going to happen?”, you asked
“Mother, you had risen armies, you looked her in the eye and told her she wasn’t your Queen, you need to bend the knee”, he said, “there is too much at stake”
And it hit you
You had said those things to her, you fought her battles as you were distracted, she had taken the Iron Throne for herself.
“I will go”, you said, “I will go and bend the knee for all of us”
“I will go to Pyke”, Rhaegar said
“I will need a ride South”, said Cregan looking at you
Time was acting curious when the only thing you cared about was finding your children, time became a funny thing, and when you flied all the way down to King’s Landing in one night, time happened even faster
Soon you landed in the Dragonpit, and everywhere you looked at… was black and red, red and black, the red three headed dragons heraldry could be seen hanging from everywhere
It was insane
Cregan had come with you, sensing he needed to bend the knee to ease the troubled mind of the new Queen, who had lost so much during this war.
You were received by a carriage and a platoon of soldiers, all of them wearing black and red, it was dizzying.
King’s Landing has not been touched by war, it had no held battles within its walls, and yet, you could feel it in the air as you were advancing through the empty streets, the unrest, the uneasiness, the mistrust, it was like the calm before the storm. Like in the middle of the gloomiest, coldest day you felt this warm breeze, something that clearly did not belong there, that it was a clear omen that a storm was on their way.
That is what you felt 
You were received by cold, unknown looks, not even one single Lord, the Keep seemed empty, devoid of life, and the lousy court. It was empty.
You guessed that first the Greens eliminated those who were devoted to Rhaenyra, and now Rhaenyra had eliminated those who were devoted to Aegon the Usurper
Black banners with your sister’s sigil were hung on both sides of the huge entrance to the Throne Hall, and soon you walked those short steps up to enter the most important room in all the Kingdoms. You shared concern looks with Cregan when you were before the doors, he only nodded, and soon, the doors opened
“Princess Y/N of House Targaryen, Lady of Harrenhal, and Lord Cregan of house Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North”, someone presented, you looked down the room, to the other side and…
There she was
It was like a dark vision, your sister seated in the Iron Throne, grabbing it tightly, her mouth twisted and a frown on her face, your uncle was standing next to her on her right, and Jacaerys was in her left
“Sister”, she greeted
“Queen Rhaenyra”, you said back, you couldn’t anger her, this woman before you, she was no longer your sister, who knows what she is capable off
“Cregan Stark”, she greeted then
“Your Grace”, he said back
“You took the capital”, you observed
“My rightful place, wouldn’t you say?”, she asked
“Of course”, you said back hastily, “it was a good strategy, not even I saw it coming”
“Because you were everywhere else, but where it mattered”, spitted your uncle
“Sister”, you said gently, ignoring him, “maybe you are not aware, but Aegon the Usurper attacked Winterfell, in these terrible events, my two young children barely escaped, alongside Lord Cregan’s oldest daughter Sarra, they are missing in the frosty forests, I was searching for them…”
“Your children are safe”, she interrupted, and you looked up at her wide-eyed
“What?”, you asked, astonished 
“I know where your children are”, she said, “and you own daughter, Lord Stark”, you both stood there, frozen, you couldn’t see if that in your sister’s tone was a threat, or if you should feel relieved
“Where are they?”, you asked
“Safe”, she said
“WHERE?”, you asked loudly and firmly
“You are talking to the Queen”, said Daemon, “Show some respect”, he muttered, but as he looked at Rhaenyra, she shook her head slightly
“To my understanding”, she said then, looking at you, “you have captured Helaena Targaryen, and her children”, she said like it was a good thing, you shared concerned looks with Cregan
“Captured?”, you asked, “what do you mean?”
“She is your hostage, isn’t she?”, she asked
“She is in Harrenhal, yes”, you said vaguely, “and her children”, the ones you tried to kill, you thought bitterly 
“I see”, was she hinting what you thought she was thinking
“And the traitor and usurper, Aemond targaryen?”, asked Daemon
“What about him?”, you said
“He plotted to usurp our righteous Queen”, he said, “he is a traitor and therefore, must be executed”, you paled at the thought
“He was key, in the defeat of the Greens”, you said then, “he convinced Highgarden to join our side, my queen”, you said firmly, “he is faithful to my daughter, they are married, he is of my blood now”, you said firmly, “he surrendered, he surrendered the Baratheon Army he was leading”
“He will have to come here and bend the knee”, she said
“He tried to kill me!”, interrupted Jacaerys
“And I stopped him”, you fought 
“Because of him this war erupted”, said Rhaenyra
“The war is almost won”, you said, “Aegon might be at large, but you, my Queen, hold the capital, we have armies, the Lannister’s is completely destroyed, as the Baratheons, we have dragons”
“The Northern army is at your service, my queen”, said Cregan, “thanks to your sister, is almost complete, just as the Arryns”
“The Arryns are facing an uprising and a civil war”, said Daemon
“Sister…”, you called, taking the complete attention of her, you couldn’t care less about anything else, “where are my children?”, you asked then
“I need you to understand it is not easy for me to trust you”, she said defensively, “you said I was not your sister, nor your queen, so you must understand, you need to fall in line”
“So you took my babies to make me fall in line?”, you asked, and she kept quiet, your father’s crown must have a tight hold in her brain, you thought bitterly, “I’ll fall in line”
“This is a good start sister”, she said, “If you say our half brother and sister are not a threat, they will come here and bend the knee to me as well”, she said, “as will your children”
“You have no reason to suspect me or my family”, you said
“Really?”, mocked Daemon, “Do you want to know what sigil is hanging over the Twins in the Riverlands? or in Highgarden in the Reach?”, he asked, and you didn't even know the answer, “yours, not our Queen’s” 
“Those were…”, you didn’t even know how to explain that
“Your children weren’t they?”, she said, “they did those treacherous things”
“We are on one side”, you said sincerely, “they took those castles in your name, they were fighting your battles”, you said gently, even though you weren’t truly sure about what you were saying. 
You looked at Cregan by your side, the war had exploded because of you, your children fought battles because they thought you were dead… you couldn’t even began to explain what they were thinking, they wanted blood in your name
“You said I wasn’t your Queen, nor your sister”, she repeated, “of course now you spew deceitful words in front of me”, she said spitefully. You sighed loudly, this is something you could have never even think about happening, so you did the one thing you could in this position
You kneeled right in front of her, “I, Princess (Y/N) of House Targaryen, Lady of Harrenhal, rider of Vhaelar, I pledged my undying allegiance and devotion to you Rhaenyra of house Targaryen, first of her name, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm”, you said firmly, looking down at the ground, Cregan kneeled right beside you
“I Cregan Stark, swear my allegiance to you my Queen, the North is yours”, he said then. You didn’t care at this point, you would do anything to recuperate your babies, no matter the cost. 
“Like i said”, she said firmly, “this is a start, you will summon your family here, and they will al bend the knee and call me their rightful Queen”, she demanded, and you nodded, and you started planning, you needed to speak to them first, to explain, to see what they thought about this.
“I will”
“And the Tullys, and the Tyrells”, she also demanded
“This war isn’t over yet”, said Daemon, “we still have battles to fight, enemies to defeat, that cunt… needs to die”
“What about my children, when will I be aware of their whereabouts?”, you asked again
“As soon as all the family and the Lords and Ladies of the realm that you so selfishly rallied to your side instead of mine, swore allegiance to me”, she demanded.
And you looked at Cregan.
You had come willingly to King’s landing, but now you were not sure you could get out of it by your own will.
As soon you realized, you were right
You and Cregan were politely asked to stay and rally the Lord and ladies by raven.
You were not treated like a prisoner, but they wouldn’t let you leave, though they gave you complete freedom within the keep
Your children were prisoners, your older children could be easily treated as traitors if your sister so pleased.
Helaena, Helaena and her babies, the rightful heirs of Aegon II, the current King of the seven Kingdoms… they were more in danger than anyone else, and you had no idea how you were going to protect them
In your stay in the Keep you had learned other things as well
Otto Hightower had the first ticket for a one-way trip to the gallows, but first Rhaenyra wanted the surrender of the biggest army at play, an army with a dragon that were stalking the Stormlands not far from here… other treacherous lords were condemned as well, but they deserve it…
And Queen Alicent, she was made a prisoner in the tower of the hand
You needed to see her as well, but you weren’t sure they were going to allow you to
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“Where are we going?”, demanded to know Sarra, as she held on tightly on Saera and Vaegor
“The dragon Queen has given us permission to plunder and ravage everything in the Westerland we can get our hands on”, said the Red Kraken, “we are going to start in Casterly Rock”
“You are insane, even I, a Northerner girl know that the Rock cannot be conquered, not even by Dragons”, Dalton Greyjoy only chuckled darkly, “let alone by sea”
“You know nothing of what we are capable of doing, the Lannister army is in shambles, if we cannot take the rock we will take Lannisport and hit them by land”, he said, “I don’t have to explain military strategies to a little girl”, he mocked 
“That is even more insane!”, she said, “Let us get out”, she looked at the far off shore, “Here we are near The Grag, aren’t we? we are in the Riverlands, the Tullys are our allies, leave us in a small boat, I can row to shore, and then you can go and plunder and sack whatever you want, we are deadweight”. She said urgently, “My betrothed has a dragon, his twin brother, his sister, HIS MOTHER!”, she said, “they are all looking for us”, she explained, “they are going to be angry”
“Even in Pyke we have heard stories about the Strong Dragon”, he said, “I know who he is, he is the main reason why you are still in one piece, and I haven’t let my crew have their way with you”, Sarra flinched, grabbing the kids tighter against her, “you are safe as long as our new Queen says so”, he said mockingly, “I have no intention of burning to death, not before I fuck the Lannisters nicely in the ass”, Sarra tried to cover the children’s ears but it was of no use
Dalton looked up at the sky, the medium size dragon was flying over their heads, untiring, unwavering, sometimes she would fly towards land, but she would always come back, then he looked at the little girl, who the beast was bonded too
“No, you're going to stay here, in the safety of my boat, how can I deliver you to the Tullys, uh? what kind of gentlemen would I be?”, he said simply. Rapuaa was going to help with the invasion, medium sized or not, she was still a fire breathing dragon
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More notes: it looks live everyones meeting in Casterly rock
@tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxyy @mikariell955 @genesisliveson @mendes-bae @caspianobsessed @notmundane3000ane3000 @kamisunshine @just-someone11 @ietss @joliettes
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verysmallcyborg · 4 months
Just lying here wondering what Fornax's fondest memory might be. Or a regret they can't quite get rid of... 😁
one of their fondest memories that is both boggling and amusing is The Major General Incident™
in their early days, they would sit out on the docks or large rocks while fishing, often utilizing their tail as a second "lure" because the end is tapered off and could be mistaken for a larger worm of sorts to fish. however, one day fornax had a rather mighty bite on their tail, and when they pulled it out of the water, they saw this miniscule, rotund shark ... that had equally miniscule legs! she stared at this little creature for a solid 20 seconds before processing that this thing bit them, and they let out a yelp while slinging their tail out toward the ocean to send it flying away. almost no one believes what she saw, but they certainly have the bite scar to prove it!!!
now, a regret that they can't quite get rid of.....
fornax knows it's impossible to help and save everyone, they know they can't do that - it's unreasonable. they regret that they don't have the ability to do it, and yet... they still try. this is tied to the helplessness that they felt when they lost both of their parents at a young age; it fueled both their protective and vindictive nature down the line. their heart and rational thinking often conflict with each other because of this :pensive:
thank you for the ask, iron!! <3
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nintendoteuthis · 2 years
Ok idk if you’ve covered this yet but how in the hell do inkling/octoling eggs work? Have they transitioned to livebearing like some fish, or do they lay terrestrial eggs? They definitely have evolved to prioritize care over amount of offspring like large mammals do, but I’m weirdly curious how you think cephalopod egg laying transitioned to an intelligent society
So modern cephalopods lay a ton of eggs at a time, and will encase them in an egg mass of some sort. The shape of the egg mass is highly variable across different cephalopods. Flying squids (which Inklings are probably descended from) will make a big gelatinous orb and lay their eggs inside that.
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And this orb will float in the ocean and terrify divers.
I think that, on land, the egg mass has turned into an egg sac, kinda like that of sharks ("mermaid's purses"). The egg sac proves a nice, insulated environment that protects the eggs from the elements and ensures that moisture isn't lost. The mother probably also injects ink into the egg sac. This practice probably evolved at first to help camouflage the egg sac (this is a thing that some cuttlefish species do today), but as ink evolved its current function in the cephaling lineage, it also functions to boost the embryos' immune systems. Some mothers think that this can influence the babies' ink color, but results are inconclusive.
As with large mammals, Inklings and Octolings prioritize parental care of few offspring. This is the complete opposite of how pretty much all modern cephalopods function. So each egg sac will probably just have one egg each most of the time (though twins are not uncommon!). This probably evolved in tandem with increased intelligence, longer lifespans, and sedentary civilization - all of which are basically transitioning from an individualistic live-fast-die-young way of life to a more community-based, ensure-you-live-long way of life.
I don't think that Inklings and Octolings evolved live birth, and there's one crucial reason why: transformation. If your entire body is reorganizing itself on a regular basis, that would make it very risky if an embryo is developing inside of you. Live birth also takes a lot of energy and puts strain on the mother, and given the high-metabolism lifestyles of the average Inkling or Octoling, that's a strain that the mother wouldn't need. It's safer for your eggs if you just leave them at home for the day. The egg sac would still need some degree of incubation and protection, though (especially given they're warm-blooded). Early cephalings may have done so either by covering them in nests of rotting vegetation (as alligators do) or simply by holding the egg sac close to the heat of the body. And the parents probably traded off egg care duties like many birds do.
In the modern day, there are two birthing events for Inklings/Octolings: the laying of the eggs and the hatching of the babies. So pregnancy only applies to the period before the eggs are laid. Producing the egg sac and laying the eggs inside is much less stressful than giving birth is for mammals, and probably easily happens at home. It takes several more months for the embryo to fully develop within the egg sac, over which time the parents are already babying it, thinking of names, etc. The parents still trade off carrying the egg sac around and keeping it warm - it's not rare to see expecting parents carrying the egg sac with them in a baby sling - or they just rent a home incubator from the local hospital. Friends of the family can come and say hi to the developing eggs in the "nest" (either a crib or an incubator). And the baby (or if you want to be technical, the paralarva) hatches looking like this:
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Fly-fishing is a popular passtime for everyone, from children to senior citizens to spiders. The bolas spider, also known as the angling spider or fishing spider, releases a scent that mimics that of female moths. When male moths investigate, the bolas spider captures it with a special silk thread with a sticky end, called a bolas.
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(Image: A bolas spider (Mastophora cornigera) slinging a bolas by Peter J. Bryant)
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