#And now we jump back into the wonderful of Webtoon. <3
drawsdenfiles · 11 months
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The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
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faulty-writes · 2 years
No request? 😳
Than could I have more Monama(? I think that's his name) and Tenya iida fighting over reader? It could be any scenario, I just enjoy love the thrill of two guys fighting over me 😤☺️☺️☺️
But in, the end I choose Tenya lol.
[ Ah, it's my cute friend Cole! I was wondering where you went, don't go leaving me now. Haha. His name is 'Neito Monoma' so you were close! But I enjoy verse stories! So this will be fun to write. I made a new banner for this. I also stole the idea from this really cute Webtoon comic called Boyfriends, I love that series so much. <3 ]
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It was a brutal winter, and while there wasn't any evidence of snow on the ground. You woke up one morning to find your room as cold as an ice box and wrapped yourself in your blanket before going to the living room to see your fellow classmates.
They were huddled together, trembling due to the cold temperature and you couldn't help but notice the way Uraraka and Izuku were pressed against Shoto. You assumed he was the greatest source of warmth at the moment given that his left side possessed a fire quirk.
"What the heck is going on man?" Eijirou questioned as he continued to rub his arms. "I don't know! The heat must be out!" Kaminari exclaimed, proceeding to wrap his arms around the redhead who gladly welcomed sharing his body heat.
Tenya seemed to be the only one besides Shoto who wasn't shivering. "Perhaps we should check the surrounding buildings to ensure our fellow students aren't suffering through the same conditions we are," his suggestion was responded to with groans.
You frowned, Tenya could be high-strung but he only had the best intentions in mind. "I don't think that's a bad idea..." you said quietly causing your fellow students to turn their heads. "Oh yeah?" Katsuki said, stomping over to you.
He had a menacing glance in his eye and you took a step back before Tenya rushed over. "Enough Bakugou," he stated in his all too familiar stern tone. Of course, Katsuki didn't take his words kindly and instead, glared at him.
"What the hell are you gonna do about it four ey-" before he could finish, the door to the front entrance was kicked open with such force that it scared a majority of the students present, yourself included. There stood Neito, looking as furious as ever.
"What the heck is he doing here?" Eijirou questioned, his arms still tightly around Kaminari who replied, "I don't know man, but it can't be good," he could already feel the annoyance as Neito stepped inside. Placing his hands on his hips, he glanced around before laughing.
"How pathetic! The great Class A's heating is out too, how awful," he mocked, pressing his hand against his forehead and the other to his chest. "What do you want man!?" Eijirou demanded, whatever it was couldn't be good.
"Me? Well, I..." he paused and allowed his gaze to linger on you. "Hm!?" you felt slightly uncomfortable and Tenya seemed to sense this because he gently pulled you behind him. "May we assist you in any way, Monoma?" he asked, crossing his arms.
Neito huffed, looking rather unhappy. "I came to steal your heat, what else?" he replied before Tenya raised his eyebrow. "I believe you already took notice that we do not have heat," he pointed out before Neito smirked and began to approach him.
"Then perhaps I could borrow someone's body heat, surely you don't think you can keep Y/n all to yourself," he commented in a sly manner making Tenya tremble in response. "I...I beg your pardon?" he replied, somewhat confused by the other's words.
Granted he had somewhat of a rivalry with Neito when it came to you, and had small quarrels with him in the past in an effort to gain your affection. "What do you say Y/n? Surely you'd like to cuddle with someone from the superior class," Neito held his hand out to you.
"Um..." you stepped out from behind Tenya and looked at that offered hand before reaching out for it. But, ended up jumping when Tenya clasped onto it causing you to look at him bewildered. "I'm afraid that Y/n already has a prescheduled plan with me," he said firmly.
You raised your eyebrow, knowing that he was lying. But you said nothing and looked back at Neito. Annoyance spread across his features. "You still can't keep them all to yourself!" he repeated, reaching over to grab your free hand to try and pull you towards him.
"Do not treat them in such a manner!" Tenya responded, wrapping his free arm around your shoulders and forcing you back against him. "You Class A clowns truly believe you own everything, don't you?" he said, once again pulling you against him.
After a few minutes of back and forth, you ended up agreeing to cuddle both of them. You were in the middle, Neito was to your left, and Tenya was to your right. Your blanket was thrown over their shoulders and you were happy to finally feel some warmth.
Of course, the cold atmosphere had triggered your allergies and in the midst of cuddling, you sneezed. "They must be allergic to you," Neito replied before getting up to get a tissue. However, Tenya reached into his front pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. "Here you are," he said, politely handing it to you.
"I do hope you find more use out of my handkerchief than a mere tissue," he stated which caused Neito to growl. "L-like I could even find a tissue in this poorly designed Class A dorm!" he snapped, crossing his arms with a visible pout.
His words caused Eijirou, who happened to be passing by to stop in his tracks. He turned to glare at Neito and pointed a finger at him. "All the buildings are designed the same man," Neito stomped his foot before snapping "Shut up!" at him.
"Make room!" he demanded as he rejoined the three-way cuddle. "You can't have Y/n all to yourself!" he repeated yet again, making Tenya raise his eyebrow. "I'm afraid Y/n belongs to neither of us," he said, though he selfishly wished the opposite were true.
"However, I am not opposed to them seeking warmth from me," he said, noticing that you had leaned closer to him when Neito had gotten up. A few minutes passed before your stomach growled, causing both of their heads to turn.
"Are you hungry?" Tenya questioned before he got up. Neito huffed, "Of course they're hungry! " he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Does Class A not recognize when a stomach growls?" how dreadful. Moments like this made him wish that you had been placed in Class B with him.
Tenya chose to ignore his words and pondered what supplies were in the kitchen. "I believe I can create a hot dish that would increase the temperature of your body momentarily," he commented as he covered you with the blanket.
"As if you Class A wannabes know anything about cooking!" Neito stated, jumping up from the couch. "I'll see if I can make them a proper meal in your less than organized kitchen," he said, brushing past Tenya who yelled, "Excuse me!" in response before following after him.
Half an hour passed as you heard them struggle in the kitchen, then a sweet and savory scent filled the air. "Here," Neito said as he walked over to the couch and laid a rather large bowl of noodles on the table in front of you. "Luckily I was able to find pleasant ingredients, what a miracle," he commented with a smirk.
Your mouth watered as you looked at the noodles before turning your attention to the kitchen. "Where's Iida?" you questioned, making Neito's smirk widen. "Seems that know-it-all doesn't have any culinary talent," he stated, it was amusing to see someone so intelligent struggle with simple ingredients and vegetables.
"I believe you are due back in your own designated dorm room," Tenya stated when nightfall came. "As if I'd listen to a poor excuse of a hero student like yourself," Neito replied as he wrapped his arm around your hip and pulled you closer to him.
Tenya frowned. "Pardon," he said before grasping your hand and gently guiding you back towards him. "I do believe the only 'poor excuse' at this moment is the lack of manners in which you display," he noted before you felt yourself being yanked back to Neito.
"How dare you!" he snapped at Tenya and once again you found yourself being pulled back and forth between the two. 'Maybe Uraraka and Izuku were onto something when they cuddled Shoto...' you thought with a long sigh.
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marahuyos · 3 years
Kaeya didn't think that the one time that he and his brother bonded together again was through the form of gliding off of a dragon's back on a deserted island.
Although, he guesses, this island adventure seemed to have some merit.
@gloomyyyboo pushed me this bc i have no self control when it comes to these brothers. yes ik im writing for an event rn but the new island dialogue made me soft
tw: act 3 spoilers, genshin webtoon spoilers (ig dont quote me im just assuming from the posts ive read)
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Kaeya didn't think that this how his pseudo-vacation would turn out.
He could be back in Angel's Share for all he cares, or even Cat's Tail (he's not picky). A drink tastes much better when he has nothing to wake up early to next morning (or something that he's avoiding). Hell, maybe he could go to Liyue with the traveler at some point, wanting to see if their drinks are as any different as Mondstat's alcohol. Or, maybe if he's feeling sober, he can go to one of those operas that he overhears Liyue tourists talk so much about.
Being on a deserted island as a summer getaway wasn't on his list and he's honestly surprised that he didn't think of it.
The salty breeze was something Kaeya is fond of. The lapping of waves against the white sand, the sound of seagulls flapping and cawing at any fish they find, the sun that shined and made the ocean sparkle as if it were a jewel... It was this sight that offered him respite in the foreign land of Mondstat. Had it not been for the Hilichurls, this would have been the perfect island getaway.
Emphasis on would have been.
Letting out a sigh through his nose, he doesn't even need to turn around to feel the burning gaze of his brother. "Any more glaring at you might actually set me on fire."
Kaeya hears his telltale grunt before hearing sand shift behind him. "And I don't suppose that running around the beach as if nothing is going wrong is going to be of any help."
Diluc's dry humor was something Kaeya would love to joke about but not at this moment. It's not often that he finds himself being so close to home and even more so with his other home. He wasn't sure if it was the environment that made his defenses crumble a bit but he was sure that he won't be letting this opportunity go to waste.
"Oh come now, Master Diluc." Kaeya chided, turning around with his arms raised as if he was asking for a hug. "It's not often that we have the opportunity to be in a beautiful island such as this!"
"For me, maybe." Diluc says, before glaring at Kaeya. "But you have it easy."
At that, Kaeya let out a chuckle. "Well, can't get anything past you, huh?"
He then breathed in a bit of that air, the salt making his nerves alight. His toes scrunched themselves on the wet sand and he wondered when was the last time he and Diluc were together on a shoal just like this. He still remembers Crepus taking them to a beach as a vacation but who knows how old they were at that time?
(Kaeya knows. Kaeya knows all too well.)
"... You could at least join me in getting your feet wet." Kaeya mentions to him. "The ocean waters can work wonders."
"If it's not obvious to you." Diluc spat, glare hardening. "We are on a deserted island, Razor jumping ahead of us and Albedo gone who knows where. And you have the time to dip your feet?"
Kaeya scoffed. "They'll be fine. After all, it's just like old times where we used to collect seashells with father."
It was an offhand comment that Kaeya didn't pay mind to. He wasn't even trying to rile Diluc up.
But he sees Diluc stiffen in his spot and he had to pause from walking away. "Master Diluc?"
"You..." Diluc trailed off, putting his arms away from their crossed position. "You remember that time?"
That comment should have set him off. Made him angry. But Kaeya didn't deserve to feel angry after all this time.
He shrugs at him. "Always have."
For a moment, only the sounds of the waves crashing against the sand and seagulls crying were the only things present.
Then the sound of boots being taken off and pants rolling up. Then the sound of another pair of feet going in the shallow waters.
The brothers soon walked side by side, Kaeya closer to the ocean as Diluc was tentative in his steps as if he was experiencing stepping on sand for the first time. In Kaeya's thoughts, maybe it is so. The silence between them made Kaeya both squirm and relax. This... This was far too much agreement that the brothers have. And he wasn't sure if he liked it or not.
"Do you remember when we used to find the prettiest seashells and give them to father?" Kaeya asked him. "I remember you falling flat on your face on the beach when you picked up one."
He was expecting a grunt but not a scoff that Diluc returns. "After that, you got crashed under a wave and started crying because you lost all of your shells."
The thrumming in his heart was too much, the pit of his stomach soon churning. How long has it been since they had a normal conversation? One without spite or tight-lipped jokes that leave one or the other too bitter? Should he even continue this conversation?
He looks at Diluc, he sees the slightly eased smile and the tension on his face seemed to ease.
Kaeya picked up a random conch shell on the sand, it's curved shape slightly slipping in his grip. "Should we do it again?"
And Kaeya never felt his heart go lighter when Diluc picks up another shell, a smile that made him look years younger.
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Worldwide (Joshua Hong)
Hello! This is one that was requested by our lovely haley!! Mild throwback to our rusher days!! Have a lovely day everyone!! 💛💚
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You sat on your couch, knees pulled up to your chest, staring at the package. You shouldn’t have this. You knew you should just put it back and then forget about it until Joshua got back again. But, your eyes kept staring at it, expecting it to burst into flames or open itself or do something. 
Things with Joshua lately had been… rough. You knew you loved him, and you knew he loved you, but it had been a rough patch for you two. You both knew this relationship wouldn’t be easy. When was dating an idol an easy thing to do? You got to watch him flirt with fans and say sweet things to them, but you always reminded yourself that at the end of the day, he was looking at you. He came back to you. 
But you also knew that he was tired, trying to juggle a growing career and a getting serious relationship. You knew the guilt he felt at not always being able to be there for you, no matter how much you reassured him that you understood he couldn’t always physically be there. 
While you understood, you still couldn’t help the hurt that you felt. You always saw your friends out with their partners, giggling and swinging their hands, smiles on both of their faces. You couldn’t really do that either, even when Joshua was around. He kept the skinship to an extreme minimum when you two were out, not wanting to expose anything about you two. 
You really loved Joshua, and he really loved you, but you knew you were both tired. You had this rock in the pit of your stomach, wrapped in fear that the end may be soon. 
He had just gotten back from tour, one that had been really long for both of you. You two had a weird air, Joshua giving you a tight hug before leaving and promising to be back soon. Once he got home, he basically dropped off his stuff, and then immediately had to go back to Pledis for some work emergency. He gave you a quick kiss, saying he needed to talk to you when he got back. 
You made it through most of the tour okay, but Joshua saying he needed to talk to you now? Terrified you. Considering he barely contacted you during the tour? You kept telling yourself he was busy, he had a lot to focus on while on tour. But now you were wondering if that was intentional? Did Joshua not need you? Was this tour a test to see if your relationship was something worth fighting for? Did he determine that he had to make your worst fear come true? 
So you distracted yourself until he came home. You cleaned your kitchen. You vacuumed. You read a couple webtoons online. You then decided to start unpacking his stuff, something you debated for a while. Because if he was going to break up with you, he would want to take his stuff with him, right? But why would he bring his stuff here if he was planning that? 
You had just started unpacking when you found the package. It was a simple brown package, with twine holding it together. As you picked it up, you saw your initials on the tag, causing you to furrow your eyebrows at it. 
And now you were in your living room. Staring at the package. Wondering what it was. 
If Joshua wanted to give it to you, he probably wanted to be here to give it to you. But man, your curiosity was killing you. Was it a good thing? Or was it a goodbye thing?
You jumped as your phone rang, seeing Joshua was calling you. 
“Hey.” You answered, hearing Joshua sigh. 
“Listen, I’m so sorry. I might be a little later than I planned…” 
“Really?” You asked, pouting. 
“I’m so sorry. Please go to sleep, we can talk in the morning, okay? Just get some good rest.” 
“Hey, I am coming home tonight. I promise.” He said, you letting out a sigh. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You muttered, Joshua sighing himself again. 
“Get some rest.” You both hung up the phone, your eyes going back to the package. You shook your head, reasoning that you would have to wait until the morning to find out. You got up, changed into pajamas and got ready for bed. You sat in bed for about 10 minutes, before you got back up, walking towards the living room. You sat on the couch, pulling the package onto your lap. You took a deep breath, opening the side of the package and pulling the contents out. 
It was… letters. A bunch of letters. A small stack of letters. Each one with your name on it. There was nothing else on any of the envelopes, just your name. 
You made a quick decision, making yourself some tea and grabbing a blanket, settling into the couch, picking up the top letter, slowly opening the envelope. 
Dear Y/N, 
Hey uh. How’s it going? How was your day? I’m not really sure why I’m doing this. I could just call you right now, but I thought I would try this? I don’t know, this is probably silly. But I guess it’s romantic, huh? Anyway, we just took off this morning. I always hate the look on your face when we have to leave for tour, but today it seemed so much worse. I guess that’s part of the reason I’m doing this. I really hope you have so much fun until we get back. So much fun that you have more stories to tell than I do. 
God, this was a dumb idea. xJoshua
Hey Y/N, 
It’s been a few days since we left now, and I just found the first letter in my bag. I still feel silly doing this, but oh well. Maybe you’ll think it’s cute or something. I’ve been thinking about you a lot the last few days. We found this dog while going to get coffee yesterday morning and I took a picture with him to show you later. I almost sent it to you, but then I remembered the time difference and didn’t want to chance waking you up. I did get the picture of you at our favorite restaurant. It made me smile from ear to ear that you ordered my favorite dish there instead of yours although your friend ratted you out and told me you also ordered your favorite to take home haha. At least you’re eating well while I’m gone! We have our first concert tonight, don’t worry, I’ll take your necklace on stage with me. It is my lucky charm, after all. 
This is still dumb. xJoshua. I’m not writing another one.
Y/N my own true love who I love more than Jeonghan Hello Y/N, 
So Jeonghan found my other letters. He is now making me write more of these because HE thought it was adorable. Also, excuse the crossed out part. I only have so much paper and I refuse to let Jeonghan win like this. We’re in another new town this morning, some of the guys want to go to a carnival later. I’m still debating on going or not. We don’t have the concert until tomorrow night, but traveling is tiring and I kind of want to sit by the pool for a while (yes, I’m at a pool, are you jealous? ;) ) I know if you were here, you would tell me to go with them. Just to get your voice out of my head for a bit I might go. Remember when we went to that fair? You were so cute trying to win me that stuffed tiger. I kept telling you that I was supposed to win you something since I took you on the date, but you just stuck your tongue out at me and told me to shut up. I’m pretty sure that was the day I knew I loved you. 
Ugh, I can’t show you these ever. xJoshua
PS. I went to the fair. I won you a tiger. Suck it. <3 (It’s pink) 
Dear Y/N, 
I’m sorry I called so late last night. I guess my timezone math was still a little off. I just needed to hear the sound of your voice for a bit. At least I got to kind of tuck you in, right? Even if it was on the phone. I’m starting to get into a habit of doing this. I still feel silly, but it’s getting easier, I think? Hosh hasn’t come back from DK and Jeonghan’s room yet, so I’m just in our room by myself right now. The moon is huge tonight. You would probably spend an hour trying to get a picture of it. I just tried, it’s not great but it’s a decent picture? No it’s bad never mind I even cracked the window open in your honor. It’s so weird. Remember how I always complained about you wanting to have the window open at night? I never understood how you slept with the cold air and the traffic noise, but it’s actually helping now. It’s not great since you’re not here to cuddle with, but it makes me think of you. Hosh usually shuts the window at some point in the night though. I promise when I come back, I’ll let you keep the window open every night if you want. 
Of course, I’m never actually showing you this, so we shall see. xJoshua
Hey Y/N, 
You are not going to believe this! You remember that old hand lotion you used to have? The one that smelled like honey? The one that when you ran out and we went to the store to get more and they told you it was seasonal and you cried? I FOUND IT. We were in a shop and I smelled it, so I asked the girl working about it and she showed it to me. It was a different little tube than the one you had, but I swear it’s the exact same scent. I can already picture how excited you’ll be when I give it to you. I’m half tempted to just mail that to you, but I also want to keep it with me until I get back. Then I can see your face when you smell it. I miss you a lot. More than you think. 
Only a couple more weeks. Then I’ll be home. xJoshua 
A carat asked about you today. I was not prepared at all for that. I mean, yeah, they know about you and everything, but I was not prepared to be asked about you. They didn’t ask anything bad, just that they wanted to know how you were and if I missed you while on tour. Kind of a weird question to ask at a fanmeet but whatever I guess? I told them you were doing well and that I was looking forward to being able to see you in 2 weeks. I at least hope you’re doing well. I’m sorry we keep missing each other this week. Between my schedule and yours… We just can’t line up at all, huh? God, this almost feels worse now that I’m almost home, you know? Like, we’re so, so close but still so far away. I can’t believe I didn’t notice how distanced we’ve been. I don’t know how. You were always there for me when I needed you and now that I can’t come see you after a long day… I don’t know. You know I’m yours, right? No matter where I go or who I meet even the fans you constantly point out as pretty, which I don’t know why you keep doing that to yourself because I still stop breathing when I see you or what happens, you’re my one and only. If anything this tour just made me realize that whether it’s Paris or London or Tokyo all places I want to take you, by the way, I’m going to think about you worldwide. 
I can’t wait to see you. I can’t wait to catch you and never let go. xJoshua
P.S. That carat earlier also told me about this candy store and I may have bought you different flavors of that one candy bar you like. I hope they taste good. 
I’m home now well, at Pledis but I felt like these needed a conclusion. Not sure why, because I’m still not sure you’re ever going to get them. But it felt weird to just… end? So I gotta write this I guess. I managed to get the next few days off because some guys are going home for family and such, and I intend to annoy the living hell out of you. I gotta make up for lost time, right? Hopefully we can pick up right where we left off. I plan to get those spicy noodles you love on the way home. That will be a good start to our days together. I can’t wait to remind you just how much I love you. I’ll even listen to you read those gross cheesy books you like to read I don’t know if you know this but you make the cutest face when you find something cute you read and it makes my heart just U W U We’re getting called into a meeting now, but I’ll be home in a few hours. I love you. 
Maybe these letters weren’t a terrible idea. You still might not get them. xJoshua
Joshua smiled to himself, picking up the envelopes with folded paper inside. He glanced at you, sound asleep on the couch, the last letter barely hanging from your hand. He looked over your face, examining softly. You looked tired. He wished you had just gone to bed, but he also knew that he probably gave you reason to be afraid of him wanting to have a discussion with you. 
He carefully took the letter out of your hand, chuckling a bit as you kept a hold on it. He got it eventually, shaking his head and he put it back in its envelope and tossing it on the table with the others. Joshua then stood up, stretching his arms over his head a bit before reaching down to pick you up. He was going to let you keep sleeping, but he might as well move you to your bed so you wouldn’t hurt in the morning. 
As he was part way down the hall, he heard you start to mumble. He stopped walking, looking at you with your eyes still closed. 
“..Shua?” You mumbled, Joshua chuckling again. 
“I’m here.” He whispered, not sure if you had actually woken up or if you were talking in your sleep. 
“Is it morning?” You mumbled, Joshua smiling at you. 
“Not quite, but almost.” He said, finally getting to your room. He carefully opened the door, leaving it open as he walked in. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked, eyes starting to blink open a bit. 
“I’m done with work for the day.” He said, pulling back the covers and laying you down, pulling the covers back and tucking you in. He sighed, thinking about how he had waited to do that for so long. 
“Mhm.” You said, your eyes falling again. Joshua just smirked, brushing some of the hair from your face before getting up to get ready for bed himself. Once he was ready, he walked to the other side of the bed, crawling in himself and letting himself relax. He felt you poke his arm, causing him to turn his head. You were looking at him, eyebrows slightly together. 
“How was the tour?” You asked, Joshua just smiling at you. 
“It was great, but we can talk about it in the morning, okay?” He said, turning to face you. “Get some sleep.” 
“What time do you go in tomorrow?” You mumbled. 
“Didn’t you read the last letter?” He asked, you shrugging. 
“I fell asleep at the start of it.” You said, snuggling a bit into your pillow. 
“I have off the next couple days.” He grinned as your eyes widened, head picking up a bit. “Yeah, you’re stuck with me now.” He laughed, you letting your head rest again. 
“Oh my.” You said, a slight smile on your face. You snuggled into Joshua a bit, which he happily accepted. “So, did you miss me?” Joshua placed a kiss on your head, holding onto you. 
“You know I thought about you worldwide.”
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets <pt. 3>
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GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
WARNINGS: It’s a bit emotional, but not too bad. So don’t cry, ok?
Part 3 here we go! Like I mentioned before, I want to make this story as realistic as possible, while still allowing for fun elements. Obviously that implies some emotional moments, but I feel like this will hopefully allow us to see Beth (and the other characters) is a familiar light. I’ve fallen in love with these characters much faster than I even anticipated, so I hope you enjoy! Part 4 will be up soon!
A hushed conversation is what eventually pulls me out of my slumber, although I try my best to ignore them.
“I just feel bad waking her up, she must be exhausted.”
“Yeah, but she won’t be able to sleep tonight if she sleeps much longer.”
“True. Ah, do you think she’ll notice if I steal her photo from Jeju Island?”
At this I finally drag myself to consciousness, ferociously protective of my photo. “You touch it and you die,” my threat comes out sounding not quite as threatening as I had hoped, and the fact that my exhausted brain only managed to get the threat out in English doesn’t help.
I turn to see Minsuh and Aera standing guiltily in the doorway, the former with an embarrassed smile.
“Did you just threaten us?” Minsuh asks tauntingly, knowing that it always takes me a few minutes after I wake up to completely switch into Korean mode. I simply nod as angrily as possible.
“Of course,” Aera snorts at my predicament. “It was easy to tell from your tone of voice. You know, for being the youngest, you aren’t very respectful of your elders.”
I completely ignore her, this being a common point of teasing between us all. Although I am the youngest, and the last out of the seven of us to find out about this whole soulmate mess, they still tend to look to me when it comes to making leadership decisions. I’ve never questioned it much, having always felt most comfortable leading, but I can’t help but wonder if it has something to do with who my soulmate is.
I check my phone to see that it’s already nearly 9 pm, and I shoot them a glare at the same time my stomach growls. They simply skip out of my room, but not before Aera peeks back in to tell me to freshen up.
“We’ll go out to eat in fifteen minutes! Are you sure you don’t want takeout instead? It’s been a long day for you.” Aera takes all of my possible needs into consideration, a trait that I’ve always admired. It’s also the reason why we’ve often had to tell her to slow down, breathe, and focus on taking care of herself. I hope Jimin will understand that too.
Long story short, I have a lot of hopes for my fellow soul-sisters and their soulmates and very, very little for myself.
“No, I want to go out. It’s been so long since we’ve all gone out together. What are we getting?”
Aera smiles at me, pleased with my decision. She’s one of the most social, always aching to get out and go do something.
“Ichika was going on about getting some udon noodles, does that sound alright?”
My stomach rumbles at the mere mention of the Japanese noodles, and we both take that as a yes.
When Bang Si-hyuk decided that it would be best if the seven of us had an apartment together in Seoul, our only condition was that it be close to good food. He might have thought it strange or immature, but I’m still grateful for our foresight back then.
I currently wander beside Himari, our arms slung around each other's shoulders. Ichika leads the way with Kyung-Soon, the two of them rubbing their bellies as we all talk about the good food we just devoured.
If I try hard enough, the cameras that are capturing our every move fade away into the blackness of the night.
Minsuh, Aera, and Seohyun bring up the rear, singing “Mic Drop” at the top of their lungs.
“Himari! Himari!” Seohyun giggles like a maniac. It’s no secret she’s a sucker for Mic Drop. I’ve heard her sing it more than I’ve heard the actual song at this point. “C’mon, help me with the ‘mic mic bungee’ transition, from j-hope to Suga.”
Himari wastes no time in jumping back there, the two of them looking absolutely insane as they go all out. It leaves the rest of us with tears running from our eyes at the sight.
“You look drunk,” Kyung-Soon points out, trying and failing to look serious. “Did you drink?”
Both girls giggle in response, still trying to perfect the transition. “No, of course not. We’re drunk on life, Soon-ah!” Seohyun blurts out, and we all groan in response.
“You know how we get when we’re all together,” Aera interjects. I note that Minsuh has taken her phone out of her pocket and is filming the show. I have no doubt that she’ll find a way to use the footage against them in the future.
“It’s been sooo long,” Ichika adds, smiling warmly at me.
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry that I had to leave for so long. I know you all missed me.” I smirk at them, and they roll their eyes at me. Nobody denies it though, I have hundreds of text messages stating how much they missed me to prove it. I swear I received at least one every day.
Kyung-Soon links her arm in mine, and we continue walking. “We’ll see you weirdos at the house,” she calls over her shoulder. One camera breaks off to follow us from a distance, the other staying behind to watch the show play out. Sure enough, Seohyun and Himari hardly even notice our absence, they’re too busy trying to remember choreography.
With only a couple of blocks left to go before we make it back to our apartment, Soon and I fall into a companionable silence. It’s a while before she breaks it.
“How’s everything going with your book?”
I smile at her, touched that she thought to even ask. She’s always been good at that, though. “It’s...going.” I shrug, and she gives me a knowing laugh.
“You’ve said that about every book. Is this one no different?”
Kyung-Soon is one of the quieter ones, but she’s also one of the people I trust the most. We’ve spent countless nights over the past three years talking late into the night, bouncing book ideas off of each other as well as discussing our deepest fears.
“Well, it was going great for a while. Right now I’m struggling with a bit of writer’s block. Or it’s not even writer’s block. I’m just…” I sigh, craning my neck to look up at the stars far above me. “I’m just tired.”
Kyung-Soon hums in acknowledgement. That’s another thing that I admire. She rarely jumps in with a solution. If she asks a question, it’s because she wants to listen to the answer, not because she’s waiting with a counter-attack.
I wonder for a brief moment if Jin, her soulmate, does the same thing. I entertain the thought for all of two seconds before shaking it off.
Our apartment can be seen at the end of the street, the balcony light still flipped on from earlier.
“Why do you think you’re tired?”
I look at Kyung-Soon, my oldest soul-sister also looking at the balcony light with a small smile on her face. With that expression on her face, I release a shaky breath. The exhaustion from my flight, the pressure of my book deadlines as well as current Webtoon updates and meetings that I have coming up all settle in.
“Soon-ah,” I whisper, and I lower my gaze until it falls on the microphone clipped to my shirt. “Am I doing the right thing?”
She waits patiently for me to continue, even as she gestures something to the cameraman. He mumbles a quiet “goodnight” before retreating into the shadows to set up his camera in a new position.
Kyung-Soon unlocks the door, quietly ushering me inside as I take deep breaths. It doesn’t take long before I’m led out onto the balcony, and I realize that she must have told the cameraman that we would be up there, thus allowing him to capture more footage without having him impose on our conversation inside. I’m grateful for her kind thought, I usually hate when the cameras have to follow us inside.
“It’s just, everytime I come back to Seoul, I start questioning myself all over again.” I wrap myself up in a spare blanket, offering another to Kyung-Soon which she accepts. “There’s just so much uncertainty. Not just in my job. I’m kind of used to that by now, everything can change in a rewrite or an editorial meeting and turn my whole book upside down in a matter of seconds. It’s frustrating, but I can handle that.”
Soon sits quietly, looking up at the night sky. I mirror her movement, hoping it masks the tears that are threatening to spill over at any minute now.
“What’s the other uncertainty?”
We both already know what it is, although I rarely speak about it. I’ve never really even known how to open up and talk about how even though I should be the most happy girl in the world knowing that Kim Namjoon is my soulmate, I have to stop myself from fleeing to Antarctica at the mere thought of actually having to face him.
“I can’t-” I start, but Soon cuts me off.
“You have to.” I look over at her face, which is now completely serious. “Beth, please don’t lock us out and keep all of these feelings to yourself. You don’t have to tell us every little thing, but you need to talk about it. Just because you don’t say it out loud doesn’t mean that you won’t feel scared or worried anymore.”
Sometime during her little speech, the tears started falling. I fall into Soon’s embrace, neither one of us acknowledging the fact that this is the first time I’ve openly cried about my soulmate since that first weekend in Jeju Island. And, if I remember correctly, all of us cried a bit that weekend.
We stay there for a few minutes, and I close my eyes tight because every time I open them they stray to where the cameraman sits in the shadows, eating up the sentimental moment.
“Please tell me,” Soon whispers, and I nod even as a broken hiccup leaves me. I chuckle at the random hiccup, and it helps me to breathe easier as the load I’m bearing is already starting to feel lighter.
“I look at our boys,” I begin, clinging tightly to my blanket and looking up at the stars for the strength I need to say what I need to say. “And I feel like they’re already complete. They have each other, they have ARMY, they’re complete. They have no idea that soulmates are even a thing, let alone that they have soulmates. There’s a part of me that’s mad about that. Mad that for the last three years I’ve been waiting for a man that is already happy without me, that is already more loved that he can even fathom. Mad at freaking Mr. Bang,” Soon chuckles, knowing how much I love and hate the man, “because he refuses to tell them until the ‘time is right’. It’s been three years! And I’ve picked myself back up and tried my hardest to continue on in my career, and it’s fulfilling. I have the most amazing friends in the world, my family is so loving and supportive, and I love my job.”
I stop, nearly panting as my anger fades into something sharper, jabbing at my heart as hot tears spill out onto my cheeks. Soon squeezes my shoulder, bringing me back to the present.
“So why do I feel so lonely?”
I lose the ability to go on speaking, the words too heavy to push out anymore. Instead I simply stare down at my knuckles that clutch the blanket so hard they’re white.
“Oh, Beth. I’m so sorry. Here I was, thinking that it was physically impossible for you to miss Namjoon. Turns out you’re just like me!” Kyung-Soon chuckles even as she wipes the tears from my eyes. “And I know what you’re thinking. How can I miss someone I’ve never met? Easy.” She holds a hand to her heart, and for a moment I can see through my tears enough to see the faraway look in her eyes, mingled with pain and adoration. “Jin has my heart. The idiot doesn’t even realize it, but he’s got it. So I just hope that he returns it to me soon, and in person. That way I can give him a taste of his own medicine and steal his heart. See how he likes it.”
I can’t help but laugh at the evil wink Soon sends me.
“He’ll probably fall in love with you the second he sees you, Soon-ah.”
“What’s that word you taught me again? When I want to say the same thing back?
Another chuckle falls from my lips. “Ditto?”
“Yeah, that. Ditto, Beth. Namjoon won’t know what hit him.”
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whereisten · 5 years
Creature Feature - Part 3
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Preview | Taeil blurb
Summary: You work at your family’s 9-5 nighttime theater for the supernatural. Your fling with vampire!Taeyong is just that: a fling.
Pairing: Vampire!Taeyong x female reader
Word Count: 4.9k words
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Smut
Warnings: cursing, attempted suicide mention, death mention, oral sex (male receiving), fingering, penetration, cock warming
Part 3
[8:30 PM]
It was Saturday night. Your parents rewarded you with the weekend off and you caught up on some sleep and did some online shopping. You sat in your apartment in one of the many high rises in Downtown Mystic. You laid on the couch and scrolled through a webtoon on your tablet, kicking your legs like a lovesick schoolgirl. The latest chapter of the webcomic had you gushing. 
Your phone sounded off a text. You didn’t even have to check who it was.
Your parents were back for two weeks now and Yuta’s gifts did not cease. He was sneaky, you had to hand it to him. He somehow always knew when your parents weren’t around to drop things off at your office. It was a good thing he never figured out where you lived.
Day 1 (when your parents came back): The Tiffany necklace
Day 2: a $250 gift card to the Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa
Day 3: a Versace safety pin evening dress (he knew your measurements a little too well as it fit you like a glove)
Day 4: Godiva chocolate covered strawberries delivered to you every night before you left for work
…..It made your head spin to even go to Day 14. 
You didn’t use any of Yuta’s gift’s (except for the strawberries because those couldn’t go to waste and you planned to start up a payment plan with him when you kindly rejected him...AGAIN). 
Every time you tried to approach Yuta, though, you were always pulled in another direction by an employee at work. You were everyone’s go-to woman. Their emotional support only daughter. You couldn’t catch a break.
To hell with it, when you got back to work on Monday night, you would ignore everyone for 10 minutes and they would just have to accept it. You would find Yuta when he “stopped by to meet a friend” like he has for the past two weeks. 
Taeyong wasn’t around much either. You met up only a couple of times to French kiss like it was a contact sport but conveniently neither of you had time to be disappointed when you had to part. You both had lives to live. Separately. 
So, there you were, on Saturday night, feeling antsy with nothing to do now that you had to wait for the next chapter of True Beauty to update next week. You weren’t used to being free on a Saturday. It was a weird feeling. To no avail, you called up a couple of friends to see if they were down to go clubbing. You were always the designated driver so you thought they would jump at the chance to avoid paying for a Lyft. 
Alcohol only had a temporary effect on your body: hence, the dream designated driver. 99% human. You wished there was a name for the type of creature you were. Your parents were adamant that you were a human but you knew you stood out from the rest of that population. Your parents were never particularly fond of talking about your family history either so that did wonders for your anxiety.
Age 16
“But mom, how is that I can sense things? The other day at CVS I got change back from the cashier and I knew he wasn’t human. How does that make sense?” I asked.
“You were kissed by an angel, sweetheart. You were blessed with all sorts of quirky gifts. But you are a human: the purest of all of the creatures. Well, below angels. But we’re pretty close.” She replied, winking. I inherited humility from her, apparently.
Now that you were getting older...you were starting to have doubts about this whole “kissed by an angel” business. Why didn’t your mom have any of your abilities? It just didn’t add up. 
You could only hold on to the things you knew: you could understand any creature, you could identify any creature in disguise, your cuts from falls healed very quickly, you could manipulate your dreams, your alcohol tolerance was most impressive, and you had a powerful urge to be with a vampire. 
You missed the feel of Taeyong’s elegant fingers tracing against your thighs and moving dangerously close to your heat. His teasing was torturous but you enjoyed every second of it. You found yourself mimicking his movements to yourself and imagining he was there with you. 
You got off on fantasizing Taeyong on top of you on the couch but the euphoria didn’t last long.
You sighed. You felt really stupid for not sharing your phone number with him. 
You thought about going to Target for the hell of it since you never had a chance to go. Your unusual schedule would usually lead you to groggily shop for groceries at 8 in the morning once in a while. You were elated to go at nighttime and kill a couple of hours browsing.
You chose to go makeup free and in an old university tee and yoga pants. It felt good not give a fuck about how you looked for a night. 
You headed over to Target and made a beeline for the Starbucks to get a frappuccino. You haven’t had one of them in months and you were close to the point of tears when you tasted the whipped cream again .
You moaned in happiness. “Yes.”
“I’ve heard that before,” a voice came from behind you. 
You jumped at hearing Taeyong’s voice. “AH!’
Taeyong chuckled when you turned around. “Stop! I could’ve dropped my frap.”
He was in a loose-fitting white tee and black jeans. They looked affordable but you knew that was not the case. He took the straw and drank some of your drink. “I would’ve bought you another one.”
You rolled your eyes. “Very charming. What are you doing here?” 
“It’s nice to see you, too, y/n,” he said, pecking your cheek and caressing it. 
You sighed. “Do you live around here?” This Target was down the street from your place. 
He shook his head. “I’ve been on the lookout for a video game for Doyoung. I’ve been to two Targets already.” Doyoung was one of Taeyong’s vampire pals. 
You frowned. “You should’ve called ahead and asked if they had it in stock.”
Taeyong’s eyes grew. “I did not realize that was an option.”
You laughed. “It’s cool. If you want, we can go to all of the Targets across town until we find Doyoung’s game.”
He smiled. “I’d like that.”
The third time was the charm as Taeyong found Doyoung’s game: Princess Peach & Pals 2. You high fived each other when you checked it out.
Taeyong asked, “I didn’t see you at Sinema yesterday. Are you okay?” 
You took his hand and squeezed it. “Got the weekend off.”
Taeyong looked happier than you did when your parents told you. “I’m glad. You really needed it.” 
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s kind of weird not having any plans or someone knocking at my door asking for help with the claw machine.”
He chuckled because he helped you fix the claw machine a couple of times. “So you’re free, then?”
“Yup. Why? What were you thinking?”
He stepped back and wrapped his arms around you from behind. “Spend the night with me.”
You restrained yourself from yelling yes a hundred times. “Okay.”
Taeyong led you to the parking lot. He approached his motorcycle, a 2018 Suzuki. You stopped. How could you forget that he rode a motorcycle.
“y/n?” Taeyong asked as he pulled out two helmets. 
“You know what, how about I just take a Lyft over to your place? Gives you time to hide your snacks and your blood bags.” You avoided his stare.
He frowned. “Why?”
“I’m...I don’t do motorcycles.” You hugged yourself. 
You were scared, Taeyong realized. He never wanted you to be afraid. He tried his best to see to it that you would feel safe without him. He never wanted to cross a line that you drew. He thought the only way he could scare you was if he bit you. 
He thought wrong. 
“I’ll go slow, I promise,” he said as he hugged you again. 
You mumbled against his chest. “I don’t know…”
“You can trust me. I don’t live that far from here. It’ll be ten minutes, tops.”
You knew your fear was over-the-top but you couldn’t help it. So many maniacs were on the road. You could barely keep it together in your Corolla. But you were curious. You wanted to push the fear aside and be a little reckless. Taeyong wouldn’t let anything happen to you. Regardless of what your parents told you, vampires were strong and they protected their own. Taeyong regarded you as an equal. He’s said it multiple times. You were his friend and he would take care of you.
So what the hell?
“Okay,” you said, steadying your voice. 
He helped you secure your helmet. He did the same for himself. He got onto the bike. He nodded for you to get on. You wrapped your arms tightly around his abdomen. It was rock solid and you could feel his heartbeat accelerate. 
“Hey. Don’t let me distract you,” you teased.
He chuckled. “Even when you’re not around, love.”
You smacked his arm. “You’re so annoying.”
He laughed. “You ready?”
“Let’s go,” you said as you squeezed him tighter.
Taeyong enjoyed this more than you will ever know. He started up the bike and you moved at a decent speed out of the parking lot. Your heart rate was deceiving you and you knew Taeyong could feel it, too. 
You just let yourself feel what you felt and hoped that excitement would take over. And it did. 
When you got onto the main road, you cheered and laughed. You let yourself be free. For all of your life, you liked to think you had some freedom. At the root of it all, you were stuck in a lot of ways: family obligations, your career, and who you could marry, to name a few. But in this moment with Taeyong, you’ve never felt freer. 
Taeyong purchased one of the properties at a luxurious oceanfront hotel, Hotel La Mar. He lived on the top floor. 
“Make yourself at home,” he said. “I’m going to wash up.”
You marveled at the spacious apartment. The furniture was leather and the floor was a plush carpet. You could envision yourself curling on the floor. That’s how cozy the space felt.
The living room had a plasma screen TV with shelves and shelves of movies: everything you could think of.
Huh, a movie theater employee human hybrid (?) with a cinephile vampire lord. An interesting concept, you thought. You kept exploring and noticed that there weren’t many photographs around the space. There was one of Taeyong posing in front of the Eiffel Tower at night. Bold of him to break the rules overseas, you giggled to yourself. Another frame contained a visibly older photo. It was a picture of Taeyong and who you assumed were his family: his parents and his sister. You wondered when this was taken.
“1985,” Taeyong answered into your ear, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to rise.
You yelped.
He took the photo frame into his hands so you both could admire it. “This is my family. My mom, my dad, and my older sister Chaewon.”
1985? Taeyong looked exactly the same as he did in that picture. That must have been around the time he became a vampire, you thought.
“I turned a year after that,” he said. You noted the hesitance in his voice.
“Oh,” you said.
“When I was a human, I fell in love with a vampire.”
“Oh, so we’re going there...”
Taeyong took you out to the balcony so you could watch the night sky over the ocean.
“We don’t have to talk about it-“ He started.
“Are you kidding me?” You’ve been dying for more intel on this man.
He smiled amusingly at you. You were so curious and open with him. You were precious to him.
“I met Cleo when I was 22...She was older than me. I didn’t realize at the time just how much older. I worked at my father’s dojo over the summer after I graduated from college. I was going to get my master’s in architecture. I had everything going for me. I dated a few girls in college but I didn’t find someone I wanted to settle down with. I was...a bit of a hopeless romantic.”
Still are, you thought to yourself.
“I was closing the dojo one night when a couple of thugs broke in to rob the place. They were in the process of beating me to a pulp when Cleo and her friends came in and...took care of them.”
You understood that to mean they were sucked dry.
“She told me she’d been watching me for a while and didn’t know how to introduce herself. So that night was as good a time as any. I was shocked to see vampires for the first time. Once upon a time, the world you see every day at Sinema was a fairy tale for me.”
You figured as much. Not all vampires were born as vampires.
“But I couldn’t get Cleo out of my mind so soon I fell into that world. Never looking back.”
And that’s when you heard the regret in his voice.
“Cleo paraded me all over the supernatural parts of the country. She would take me to clubs. Introduce me to her friends. I moved in with her not even a month after we met. The first time she drank my blood...I didn’t expect the emotions to be so strong.”
The alarm bells rang off in your head.
“I was all hers after that, y/n. She bewitched me. I was at her beck and call. Nothing else mattered but how I could please her.”
You could see the pain in his eyes and how he avoided looking at you.
“That’s why...” You started.
Taeyong continued, “I can’t do that to you. It’s not worth the risk. My escorts? Those human women visited witches to give them the resistance from falling under a vampire’s spell. An attraction can grow, sure, but the intense devotion a human feels to a vampire is taboo now. Vampires don’t want to deal with what they would call collateral damage after having one night of unadulterated pleasure.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Your heart hurt for the man before you. It wasn’t his fault that he was under Cleo’s spell. She manipulated him.
“But every now and then, a vampire just won’t care,” he said.
Which means this kind of abuse still went on to this day, you realized.
“After the first bite, I begged Cleo for more. She offered to do me one better and asked for me to join her on her travels around the world: as her vampire prince. Her words. Not mine.”
Taeyong sighed and rolled his eyes. “Looking back on it, it was bullshit. But the human me was...singing from the rooftops. I idolized that woman. She was the key to my happiness. I would follow her to the ends of the earth. And that I did.”
You thought about his family and his life.
“I was a vampire. I couldn’t live my human life anymore. I was devoted to Cleo and that was all that mattered. I gave up on my master’s. I told my parents I was getting married, traveling the world, and didn’t plan on coming back. I was mad at them, y/n. They told me I was a fool for throwing away my future for a woman who sucked me in and would spit me back out. I hated that they doubted me but even more that they doubted Cleo.”
“So you left...”
“I did and it didn’t take long for me to realize that my parents were right. I loved her unconditionally, knowing full well that she was preying on other humans like me, building an empire...well, a harem would be a more accurate term. Soon, I realized I was no longer her favorite and it was eating me up from the inside. I...couldn’t take it so I-“
You felt a sense of dread at what he was about to say next.
”I never even considered the possibility that I could end my addiction to her. I just thought of the quickest way to put me out of my misery. I planned to stab myself in the chest.”
You put your hand to your mouth. “Taeyong...I-“
He squeezed your hand. “It’s okay.”
“It’s a lot...Remembering your darkest days...I don’t want you to feel pressured to tell me everything,” you added as you traced your fingers against his knuckles.
He shook his head. “I want to share this with you.” His brown eyes shifted into bright a shade of blue, suddenly.
“Taeyong, your eyes...”
“They’re blue, aren’t they?”
“Yes but why?”
“I’ll explain. Someone saved me the day I wanted to end it all. Jaejoong. Jaejoong...is like a father to me. He talked me down and helped extract Cleo’s latches off of me. And with that, my memories of her were gone. The witch who helped us with this process was able to conserve pieces of my memories and I only had the nerve to access them recently...After I met you.”
“I wanted to know why I couldn’t let myself bite you. Something inside me was holding me back. I wanted to drink from you so badly but you weren’t an escort. I knew the rules. About the damage that could be caused. But I wanted to understand the nagging feeling at the back of my mind. And accessing those memories again...my eyes turn blue as I reflect on the darkest time in my life.”
“Oh, Taeyong...” You sat curled up against him and held him tightly. “I’m so sorry.”
Taeyong tucked some of your hair back so he can cup your face. “Thank you for listening to me. I thought you would be running for the hills by now.”
“Everyone has their dark past. Granted, mine consists of a crappy ex-boyfriend but my point is that I really appreciate you telling me about yourself. I didn’t expect that.”
Taeyong sighed. “You know, the arrangement we have...”
“I like it. But...” He stared out at the sea.
“Go on,” you said as you kissed his neck.
“I don’t want to be just friends with you,” he almost whispered. You were close enough to his lips to hear every syllable clearly.
“I know...”
“You do?” He looked down at you as you played around with the fabric of his tee.
“You told me everything...Basically. I don’t think you did it without an agenda,” you said as you removed yourself off of him and looked into his eyes.
He rubbed his hands against your legs, wishing you’d worn shorts so he can feel your soft skin heat up at his touch. “What do you think?”
You were about to respond when his hands ran up to your butt and he squeezed it. “I...I think we’re ready to move up another level.”
He smiled. “Really?”
Before he went for your butt again, you got yourself up and straddled him. “Really.”
You kissed him deeply, begging his tongue to meet yours. Taeyong quickly reciprocated.
He cupped your face again. “You are so beautiful.”
“I know you mean that,” you said, realizing you looked like a struggling college student in your getup. He really liked you. He wouldn’t avoid your stare. He was happy.
The blue in his eyes vanished and it was back to his warm dreamy brown.
“You okay?” You asked.
“Never better,” he said as you pulled you closer to him. He always embraced you like it was his last time.
He was indeed a hopeless romantic.
“So...” You couldn’t get Cleo out of your mind, though. You wondered what she looked like and how she seduced Taeyong. At one point, Taeyong was in love with her without the enchantment of a vampire. You couldn’t help but wonder if he ever compared you to her. And just how much he remembered after the memory wipe. “Where is Cleo now?”
He cleared his throat. “She’s dead.”
There was a sense of dread again at the pit of your stomach. “How did she die?” You sat beside him again.
“Jaejoong...finished her,” he continued.
“When Cleo found out I had defected to another clan, she was furious,” he said.
“She came after you?” You asked, shocked she would care so much.
“It’s not that she cared,” he answered your thoughts again without realizing it. “It was a matter of pride for her. I was her property. And Jaejoong took it away from her.” That infuriated you.
Taeyong continued, “Jaejoong hid me away from her for a year. So I wouldn’t be tempted to go back to her. Even if her influence escaped me, she could easily lure me in again. I was weak, starved for love. For anything I could get from her after I left everything behind.”
“In 1987, Jaejoong and Cleo faced off. She perished from a wooden bullet shot to the heart.”
You still had so much you wanted to ask. “How do you know she’s gone?” You blurted. You didn’t have a lot of remorse for the death of this woman, you understood.
He met your gaze. “Jaejoong brought me to her body.”
You waited for him to continue.
He said, “And we burned it, making sure no trace of her remained.”
He worried that you would see him differently upon hearing this.
But you understood. She was a monster that preyed upon innocent people and played with them like dispensable toys. You hated that someone could be so vile and tinker with the heart of the man you...
“Wow,” you said, meekly.
“I know,” he said, “Jaejoong took in the lost boys of her clan and helped them become independent. Like he did with me. Now we pledge our loyalty to him.”
You wondered if Jaejoong was really as heroic of a man as Taeyong made him out to be.
You sat with Taeyong in the kitchen. You took some cake mix out from your shopping tote and asked him if you could bake it. “Mind if I use your kitchen?”
“Depends. What flavor is the cake?”
“Red velvet,” you answered.
“Only if I can lick the spoon,” he said as he helped pull out all of the supplies and ingredients.
As you mixed the cake mix with the other ingredients, Taeyong watched you.
You were something else. After telling you some of his darkest memories, you didn’t run off. You didn’t doubt him. You stayed. And for that, he would be eternally thankful.
“You can lick the spoon now,” you sang.
Taeyong creeped up from behind you, dipped his finger into the bowl, scooped some of the batter and ran it across your neck. You stood still.
He moved his finger dangerously slow across your neck and his tongue followed even more slowly behind. You moaned at his delicate touch.
“It tastes pretty good,” he whispered. You could feel his cock grow against your leg.
Taeyong held you from behind as you finished putting the mix into a pan. You laughed at how he clung to you like a koala.
The cake would take about half an hour to bake, which meant...
“Lead the way, Taeyong,” you said.
He scooped you up and he bolted to his bedroom. You laughed.
He tossed you on the plush California king bed and nearly pounced on top of you. You yelled and giggled like you were playing tag.
He kissed you hard as he laid against the bed frame. You pulled his shirt off. He did the same. You surprised him then.
“Where’s your bra?” He asked.
“I took it off when I went to the bathroom. I thought you noticed and that’s why we’re here now.”
“I mean, your nipples looked...”
You pulled him closer. “How do they look?” You lowered your voice.
“Pretty,” he said as he kissed you again. You pulled down his pants and cock greeted you.
Taeyong stood up on the bed as you kneeled down to greet his gorgeous length.
You grasped it hard and Taeyong grunted. “Does it feel good, baby?” You asked.
“Yes, love,” he said as he ran his fingers against your hair.
You took his length into your mouth and moved slowly back and forth, enjoying the taste of precum in your mouth and the sound of Taeyong’s moans. His length tickled the back of your throat. The discomfort was mild but you liked giving him blow jobs. So with practice, the pain became pleasure. You were getting wet at the thought of pleasuring him now.
“Feel me,” you said as you moved your eyes down to your panties. Taeyong put his hands down there and gently placed two fingers inside of you. He moaned again as you sucked faster.
You wanted Taeyong to know that you weren’t there to play with his heart. That was never what you wanted. You wanted to get to know him. And you didn’t want to keep lying to yourself. You were all in. And somehow, you would find a way to make it work.
Taeyong tugged tightly at your hair as he was on the verge of his climax. The thought of his climax aroused you ever further and felt the vibrations deep down in your belly. When he came, you found yourself soaked from him and yourself. You lathered up his cum. You fingered yourself and gave him a taste of your essence. You took all of his cum in and dragged your tongue up to his abdomen and met his lips. You kissed him.
He hugged you and wiped the sweat off of your forehead. “I love you.”
You exhaled like you held your breath for a long time. “I love you, too.”
He laid you down so he could pleasure you. He kissed you again and ran his hands up your thighs and forced them open. You gasped.
He greedily lathered up your cum. “You are exquisite.” He began running his index finger in and out of your clit. You started rocking back and forth.
He tsked. “Stay still, angel. Or I’m going to stop.”
You whined. “Meanie.”
He laughed his deep laugh and just the sound of that made you moan.
His unoccupied hand gripped your thigh tightly, squeezed your ass, and caressed you face. He liked watching you come undone under him. It kept awake sometimes when he was home alone.
He continued to finger you and you mewled when he inserted two fingers. You felt yourself building up again. You couldn’t help but rock back and forth. You wanted to climax.
“Taeyong, please,” you begged.
He smiled as he removed his fingers.
You whined even more. “Evil overlord, please.”
He pecked your lips. “Your wish is my command.”
He quickly inserted his cock and it hit you hard that you cried out. The pain quickly became pleasure as you both moved back and forth.
“Fuck,” he exclaimed. “I fucking love you.”
“I...love...you...” You managed to get out until you both released.
You both went for two more rounds before passing out on the bed. He held you as he covered you under the sheets. The timer went off for the cake.
You were about to get up but Taeyong pulled you back.
“It’ll cool. It’s okay. Just stay with me,” he said as he snuggled up against you.
“You’re so clingy,” you said as you laid your back against his front. He spooned you. His cock was in your ass. You’d wanted to do this with him for a while.
Taeyong was beaming. You were beside him now and neither of you was in a rush to leave. You could take your time and enjoy each other.
He moaned against your neck. “Are you hungry, though?”
You laughed. “I’m good.”
So you laid beside each other as the sun rose and slept for hours.
You stayed asleep but Taeyong’s phone rang. He slowly got up from bed and covered you with the sheets. You frowned in your sleep like you unconsciously knew he left your side. He laughed quietly as he took his phone off the nightstand.
He walked out of the room so as not to disturb you.
“Hey Jaejoong, how was South Africa?” He asked.
His leader chuckled over the phone. “Beautiful. The great white sharks were incredible. You have to come with me next time.”
“Are you back in the country?” Taeyong asked excitedly. Jaejoong was gone for a while on his travels.
“Yes. I landed today in Mystic.”
Taeyong replied, “That’s great. You have to come over for dinner. I’ll make your favorite chicken parm and you can drop off all of the souvenirs you bought for me.”
Jaejoong laughed. “I hope a keychain won’t disappoint you. How about I come over tonight? There’s something I wanted to talk about with you.” You noticed the shift in his tone.
“Is everything okay?” Taeyong asked.
“Yeah...They’ll be even better soon enough,” Jaejoong said.
To Be Continued in Part 4
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comicteaparty · 5 years
March 16th-March 22nd, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from March 16th, 2020 to March 22nd, 2020.  The chat focused on The Phoenix by Bri de Danann.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on The Phoenix by Bri de Danann~! (https://www.bridedanann.com/thephoenix)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until March 22nd, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic!
Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I'm really loving Cassidy so far - her confidence is infectious! One thing I'm interested in learning more about - the worldbuilding exposition we're given during the intermission. Like, it paints the Alliance in a REALLY positive light... which makes sense, because contextually this is an Alliance-produced ad/propaganda piece. So, I'm curious to find out what the actual story of Marketplace is.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Just started reading from the beginning..."You need a blue cat in every scifi creation" is making me feel very called-out right now, heh.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Aaaand the cat-guy runs up stairs on all four feet, that's a good touch
I wish a lot of these pages were bigger, or at least had the action spread out a bit more! Like, on this page https://www.bridedanann.com/pg-13-chapter-1 the "And...associate" is a very funny beat, but there's not enough space to put the speech bubbles one-after-the-other, so they read out-of-order and you lose the rhythm of the joke
That overhead shot of the city streets, too -- it's great, cool evocative setting, neat glowy future architecture, solid anatomy and a good feeling of motion with the figure -- so I wish the whole thing had more room to breathe.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I will second that criticism about the bubble order
Also on the topic of criticism, I don't know if the author already knows this or not, but the formatting is a bit messed up on mobile and you have to scroll a lot to reach the page(edited)
Thanks for the layout critique! It's something I've noticed and have tried to fix in my writing and bubble placement in subsequent chapters! I am still learning but I'm glad you like the setting and action! Also, for the mobile viewing on the site I am aware that it is messed up. Squarespace is honestly trash at setting up for mobile viewing, I've tried to finagle it but it won't stack neatly... this is why I put it on tapas and Webtoon, they are set up for mobile and it makes it much easier. Sorry for that inconvenience! I am looking into getting a better site for the home of my comic
Something I like about the beginning of the comic was it just kind of defied my expectations. Like from the cover I was expecting something a bit more light-hearted, maybe even philosophical. And then nope, it's a space adventure. Yet at the same time I still get some of those beautiful more whimsical shots in the art, and it's an interesting combination. As for favorite scene, definitely https://www.bridedanann.com/pg-15-chapter-1 A very light comedic moment that takes the normal graceful leap of faith and turns it into what it would actually be like in real life for most people. Gotta love that subversion. Favorite character right now is Arerio. As the newcomer to the crew, I just connect with Arerio the most right now, plus I'm invested in Arerio's sort of bodyguard defense roll for the crew. Means Arerio is gonna get them spicy action scenes. So far, I've enjoyed seeing Cassidy and Arerio interact the most. I like that Cassidy is both frank with Arerio while also pushing Arerio to do crazy things like jump off random buildings. I kind of feel too that, again, as the newcomer, their lack of established relationship makes what will develop for it have higher stakes, vs. the people Cassidy has clearly known for a long time.
What I liked about the art most is the spacescapes. Beautiful color choices and blending, such as https://www.bridedanann.com/pg-1-chp-2 And like, if you're gonna have a space adventure, having great spacescapes like this is fantastic! Insofar, I like that the comic seems to be exploring authority and trust and what people do when they no longer trust the people in charge. While I don't have a favorite moment yet, I do feel this is a very important topic these days to talk about, as more and more young people are growing up unsure if they can trust authority figures. As for the story content, I've really enjoyed the world-building. Like that Intermission part was really right up my alley, and I enjoyed how expansive the world is yet balanced to not bring up the world at every turn in the main story. It makes for a good setting for space adventures. For the comic's strengths, I'm gonna say a combo of the world-building, the creativity in the world-building, and the effort put into the spacescapes. All together, these just make the space part of the space adventures seem more interesting, which surprisingly not every story nails in that regard.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
How much control does Squarespace give you over your CSS? If you can edit that, it would be really easy to do things like make the little spaceship-graphics disappear completely in mobile view, so readers don't have to scroll past them. (A host with a Wordpress installation would give you total control over the CSS. Switching would take some effort, the benefits might or might not be worth it for you, but it's probably worth looking into it and seeing what you think.)
Back to the comic itself -- just got through chapter 1, and, aha, this is an Oppressing AIs Who Want To Be Free kind of Space Empire? Plus, this narration about a planet being "discovered" and happily "added" to the Alliance -- even though it already had native residents, and the Alliance apparently decided to rename it without their input -- is...chirpily ominous.
Chapter 2 cover: oooh, is that a plant-person I see?
Comic Tea Party
9. Given the comic describes itself partially as a “found family” story, how do you think events in the comic will bond the characters into a family? What obstacles will the characters go through that challenges their relationships, and what is the overall message about family?
10. Why is The Phoenix’s AI being hunted by the Alliance? Further, why are Cassidy and crew seemingly risking themselves to protect the AI from the Alliance? Which side is right in this situation?
11. Why and/or how do you think Cassidy wound up on the Alliance’s bad side? What about Arerio – why doesn’t Arerio trust the Alliance either? Overall, do you think we as the audience should trust the Alliance?
12. What aspect of the world-building so far do you think will become relevant to the events of the story – especially in regards to Cassidy’s crew’s activities? How will the addition of Arerio change how the group operates from what has been revealed so far about their activities?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Well, the Alliance is definitely evil, and Cassidy said AI Rights. Remains to be seen whether it's a general "the AI wants to have free will and not be controlled by authoritarian programming" issue, or something specific like "the AI refused to carry out a specific mission." I thought it was the ship's AI, given that it's not described as an android/robot/etc -- but now we've seen it enter the scene in a humanoid body, so I wonder if the issue is "it experienced mechanical dysphoria while ship-shaped, and the oppressive space empire wouldn't allow it to switch to a new body."
From initial impressions, I get the feeling all the main cast are outcasts in some ways, at least as far as the Alliance goes. And I think that along is will what bond the characters, since regardless of events, it can always come back to "at least were outcasts together." As for obstacles though, I kind of feel like there's bound to be personality conflicts and while they might all agree the Alliance sucks, at the end I feel each choice Cassidy makes is gonna divide the crew in some way. As for overall message, though, I think it's that family can be anyone and you're not just stuck with the family or even birthplace you were given. Go to where the people who care about you is. As for why the AI is being hunted, not entire sure, but I'm sure a lot of it is just its an AI. People tend to be extremely fearful of the idea of AI or AI that isn't under control. I mean, there's a reason this is a common theme in sci-fi. So for all intents and purposes, I think a large part is just AI = danger to the Alliance. As for why Cassidy and crew are risking their lives, it's probably just they see the AI as a person, not some hardened criminal threat. As for whose side is right, probably neither in my personal opinion. XD They're two extremes that fail to consider the other point of view.
I get the feeling that Cassidy was probably a bit too free-spirited and rebellious for the Alliance's liking, so they outcasted her and snowballed the whole thing. In regards to Arerio, I feel like he witnessed something horrible and just noped outta the situation. I don't think we should trust the Alliance as an organization. Maybe individual people in it, but the whole organization is surely corrupt. I've talked a bit about the world-building I think, but I want to mention again I actually enjoy the Intermission the most. Really gave some context to the story. I kind of feel Arerio is gonna cause Cassidy to take more risks. Cause there is less of a need to be careful if you've got muscle. And while this may increase good deeds, it will inevitably put them in more dangerous as they become more infamous.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
The Intermission was hosted by an AI with some kind of official role, so it's definitely specific to AI that don't "follow the rules" in some way. Details to be revealed, I'm sure. And if one extreme is "I am definitely a person" while the other extreme is "You are definitely not a person", that's not a situation where you should try to consider each other's views and find a truth somewhere in the middle! You gotta stand up for the person, insist that they deserve the same human rights (...sapient rights?) as everyone else.
I don't really view this as an argument of definitely a person vs. not a person for this story personally. I mean I'm sure that's in there. But I think this is more about "AIs are safe" vs. "AIs are dangerous"
Calliope Ψ ^,^
AIs will absolutely be deserving of rights. Their danger notwithstanding, it would be unethical to withhold inalienable rights from a sentient being simply based on their being digital instead of electrochemical.
Just in case anyone thinks otherwise, I 100% think AIs are deserving of the same rights as people. However, I do think talking about safety is still important and to blanket say AIs are auto safe or auto dangerous are two extremes, neither of which is entirely correct. But obviously I'm basing this off my interpretation of the comic. It could shift to the people vs. not people debate, which would be a different matter to me.
Calliope Ψ ^,^
Humans are just as dangerous as AIs, that much is true, especially given how much we appropriate low-level proto-AIs to do our bidding. Though, I definitely understand where you're coming from ^^
Yeah. Like i mean humans are the exact same, which is why we take precautions and have laws and enforcement to stop dangerous people. AIs should be treated in a similar respected but cautionary fashion. Just enforcement for AIs will obviously have to be different cause you can't exactly throw an AI in jail and hope for the same results.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Found a little time today. So quickly running through the prompts:
1. Liked the setup of meeting someone who doesn't know the plot to act as our window into things... with the twist that Cassidy and crew are actually known by reputation at least.
2. The cloaked ship angle was a good one, I didn't think of that (I was envisioning that moment in Back to the Future II when Marty steps off the roof) and wow leap of faith by Arerio.
I think that kinda shows how the Alliance is bad news. Arerio was practically willing to die instead of be captured (though presumably he figured there was an ace up a sleeve somewhere).
3. Honestly, I like Sequoia. Cassidy's a bit reckless for my tastes, Arerio didn't really ping for whatever reason, and the others we're still learning about... and here's a character who seemingly drinks water by holding hair in a cup. I gather s/he's a type of tree. Seems to hang back and observe. Liking that. Of course, I'm weird.
4. The Cassidy/Tiko felt a little annoying at first but the interaction on the bridge later helped me to realize this is just a thing they do, and I like that they can be so casual with each other. (When it's not some life and death thing!)
5. Each character's distinctly different, though maybe that's more about the background than the art. I also liked the trip up the stairs and the fall off the tower. The visuals conveyed the scale/scope to me.
6. I'm bad with themes. I suppose the idea of coming together (when faced with a problematic Alliance)?
7. The AI thing has set up a good mystery. And maybe I'm watching too much "Picard" lately, but there's different places they can go with that that others have pointed out too... seems to have been a bit of a topic so far.
(I'm fading, I'll hit a bit more tomorrow.)
(Oh, I like the little comments at the bottom of the panels. So maybe that's a strength too.)
What I'm most looking forward to seeing in the comic right now is just this first mission so we can get a feel as to what the characters are involved in. That will really set a lot of the tone for the rest of the story, so it'll definitely be a positive step forward. Overall, though, I really enjoy the effort put into the comic so far, and it'll be nice to see where it is in a few months~!
Just to hit the highlights of the last questions, continuing from last night... there's probably the idea that family is the people who stick by you more than the people you're related to. In fact it might be interesting to see who some of their parents are (assuming they're alive) and whether they approve versus got into similar trouble.
The AI is being hunted because it's mostly armless. Eh heh... I'm wondering if maybe it's obsolete and refused upgrades or something? But maybe Cassidy and team are able to prevent any viral takeovers, the Alliance simply isn't listening? (That got a bit random but I don't think it's been pitched already.) And "right" is probably somewhere in the middle.
Alliance, as others have said, is probably shady (not the least of which because of the art portrayal?). But I guess there's some reason they're still in charge. ("Firefly" comes to mind, not because I was ever one who watched it, but because I think they were in a similar situation? I could be way off base.)
I liked the thought (I think it was Rebel) of the crew getting riskier now that Arerio is there. Though they seem a bit free spirited anyway, so it might be more a case of not raising their guard as much as they have before.
Anyway, I'd be looking forward to a bit more of the secondary characters (like Sequoia) as the twist of their mission (isn't there always a twist?) becomes apparent. Best with it!
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about The Phoenix this week! Please also give a special thank you to Bri de Danann for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked The Phoenix, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://www.bridedanann.com/thephoenix
Bri’s Redbubble Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/bridanann/shop?asc=u
Bri’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/bridedanann
Bri’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/BriDanann
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lady-une · 7 years
Surprise Delivery
A/N: so ummm yeah, I happen to be a big Running Man fan and yeah Kwang Soo just does it for me lol. Like i just want to take him into my bed and never let him out of it. I often watch episodes of running man while I’m working and today a scenario popped in my head. Thankfully I work from home and was able to just get this out of the way while it was fresh. I hope you enjoy lol. If you like it please share and let me know what you think. Even if its not your cup of tea still let me know what you think. Contains some cute smut :p
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It’s been 3 months since you left Korea and you missed it. You missed all the fun and excitement you had promoting your webtoon. You never thought it would have gotten that much love over there nor did you imagine that you would be so well received. You figured the readers there would stop reading the webtoon when the news broke out that the author was in fact someone from the states. What started out as something fun you did when you were bored quickly became a passion and you couldn’t put the laptop down. Eventually it gained enough attention that a company from Korea caught wind of it and wanted to turn it into a webtoon. You jumped at the chance but asked to be under a korean alias name so that the webtoon had a chance against all the others out there. From there it blew up! Readers were in love with your work and you had a pretty large fan base that wanted to meet the author. So your company flew you out for you to do promotional events. It was a blast! You were doing fan meet ups and even did some guest appearances on a few variety shows.
 The one you had the most fun with was running man. You were always a fan of the show and you told your manager that you really wanted to do the show when they asked you to come. You always knew the cast was funny and warm hearted but seeing it first hand was amazing. When you first met Kwang Soo you tried so hard to keep yourself in check and not to expose the crush you had on him but Jong Kook noticed the blush that crept up on your face every time Kwang Soo was by you or talked to you. You had a feeling he played a big part in you ending up with Kwang Soo as a partner and you couldn’t be more thankful. The whole episode you felt a connection to Kwang Soon and you had hoped he felt it too. When he asked you to dinner after the shoot you excitedly took him up on his offer. Dinner was spent with laughter and a million questions allowing both of you to get to know each other.
 The rest of the time spent in Korea was spent doing promotional events and any free time you had was spent with Kwang Soo. When the episode aired the media’s eye jumped to you and Kwang Soo. Pictures and articles were popping up all over social media about the girl who captured the Prince of Asia’s heart. There were pictures of you two eating dinner and pictures of you two holding hands laughing as you walked along the streets of Seoul. On your last promotional stop which was a fan meet up Kwang Soo showed up. The fans were going wild and he walked up to you as a fan and asked for your autograph and a picture. You couldn’t help but laugh and play into it. When you stood up for the picture and he put his arms around you and you rested your head on his chest. As you two pulled apart he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box and handed it to you. You opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace. You looked up at him with a surprised smile on your face.
“Don’t forget me”
 He took the necklace from the box and had you turn around while he put it on you. You touched the necklace before turning to him and throwing your hands around his neck. You didn’t care if you were in a room full of fans who were yelling and taking a million pictures. The only thing that mattered was the man in front of you.
 That was months ago and now you were back home away from where your heart wanted to be. You and your Oppa called and video messaged every day but it wasn’t the same. He would even call you during his shoots even when they were filming. You tried to keep yourself busy with writing but it was hard. Today you couldn’t handle it and decided to go for a run. On your way back you noticed a van parked on the street that you had not seen before. You didn’t think anything of it and jogged up to your front door. The run had helped clear your head so that you could write and decided a shower would be needed before you would go back to work. Just as you were putting your hair up into a bun you heard the door bell. You walked down to the door and opened it. It was a delivery man and truck.
 “Delivery for - -, can you please sign and we can unload it.”
 You looked at the man and looked behind him to see a delivery truck currently backed up in your driveway. You looked at the form to see the sender was your publishing company. You signed the form and stood waiting in your doorway as the man went back to the truck and opened the back up. He climbed up in and dispersed out of sight. What happened next you didn’t expect at all and it happened so quickly. You noticed people coming up with cameras and your eyes shot from them to the back of truck just as the the running man cast started to hop down. You laugh and crouched down to the ground covering your face. When you look back up Kwang Soo had just jumped down from the back of the truck and looked at you with a sly smile on his face. You couldn’t stand it any longer and you stood up and put your hands on your hips and shaking your head before you ran at them full speed jumping into his arms and wrapping your legs around him.
“I know. I missed you too.”
 He set you back down and you went to the rest of the cast giving them hugs and telling them how much you missed them. The rest of the camera crew came in and took their spots and you were given my mic. You were then told the new mission for running man and that you were going to be with them on this mission. You couldn’t be happier to be with the running man cast again and of course with your oppa. You all played a game for the first event and after the crew started to pack up and the cast was about to be loaded up into the van you saw earlier. They said a car would be here for you bright and early and to pack for a couple of months. You hugged everyone goodbye and stood in your driveway as the van backed up. Just as it was about to drive off it stopped and the sliding door opened and Kwang Soo jumped out. You figured he must have forgotten something but the van drove off as he was walking back to you.
 “Oppa what are you doing?”
“I have spent enough time away from you.”
 He takes your face in his hands and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was soft and sweet but you didn’t need that. He was right it had been too long and you need him. You break the kiss off and grab his hand leading him inside and up the stairs to your room.
 “- - are you sure?”
“Oppa I am sure. I have missed you so much. I didn’t know if I was going to make it here alone without you. When I left Korea I left my heart with you. I love you Lee Kwang Soo.”
 He pulls you into his arms and kisses you with such passion that you felt as if he was trying to consume every bit of you with his lips. You both slowly backed towards the bed and when your knees hit it you fall back pulling him with you. You wrap your legs around him and pulled him closer. His lips moved from yours down to your neck leaving a hot wet trail and causing a low moan to escape your mouth. He bit down on your shoulder just as he pressed his crotch into you revealing just how hard he was for you.
 “Too many clothes oppa!”
 He stood up and started to take his shirt off and you sat up to help him unbutton his jeans. He tried to help you take his pants off but you brushed his hand away and pushed them along with his boxers down to reveal his thick hard member that was standing proudly up. You bit your lower lip as you took his member in your hands and gave him a couple of pumps. You made sure to keep as much eye contact as you could as you lowered your head and licked it from the base to the tip. You could see him trying to keep control and you wanted him to lose it. You took him in your mouth and bobbed your head up and down as you hear him let out a grunt and felt his hand on your head. He was trying to set your pace and you let him. You take him as far as you could in your mouth and with your free hand you reached up and grabbed his sack and played with it.
 “Fuck. Yes keep doing that.”
 You speed up your bobbing and you could feel his member grow bigger and you knew he was close. He pulled your head away by your hair.
 “That’s not how I plan on finishing.”
 He reached down and pulls your shirt up and over your head. Next was your bra that met your shirt on the floor. He pushes you back and made quick work of your  bottoms and panties leaving you completely exposed in front of him.
 “God your so beautiful.”
 You backed up on your bed so your head would be on the pillows and he climbed his way onto your bed. He settled in between your legs with his member resting on your lips and your legs wrapped around him. You pulled his face to yours and kissed him. You had dreamt of this moment so many times in the past few months and now that it was happening you didn’t know how to feel. You were happy but at the same time overwhelmed. You kissed him trying to show him how much you cared for him. His hand that was bracing him came up and played with your breast kneading it with his big hand that was so warm. He alternated between kneading and pinching your nipple. His lips left yours and made another wet trail right down to the breast he was playing with. When he took the nipple in his mouth you felt his his hand make its own trail down to your entrance.
 “I can feel your warmth already and I haven’t even entered you.”
 He said as he pulled away from your breast to look at you.
 “I wonder just how wet you are.”
 You let out a moan as he slips one of his long fingers inside you.
 “So wet and tight.”
“Only for you oppa.”
 He goes back to playing with your breast, sucking and nipping at them as he inserted another finger trying to prepare you for him. With his long fingers pumping inside you and his mouth on my breast you could feel yourself getting close.
 “Oppa please don’t stop.”
 With that he pulled his fingers out and his mouth off your breast.
 “I’m sorry princess but the only thing you will be cuming on is my dick.”
 You throw your head back in frustration and you hear him chuckle as he climbs back up and positioned himself at your entrance.
 “Don’t worry princess I won’t leave you unsatisfied.”
 With that he pushes his way in and your back arches off the bed and you let out at a moan feeling him enter you and stretch you to make room for him.
“Just relax.”
 He came down and takes your lips with his and holds onto your hip as he begins to rock into you. The sounds of skin hitting skin filled the room along with your mixed moans and grunts. You could feel yourself getting close again but you weren’t getting to the point you needed. He sat back on his heels and kept rocking into you as one of his hands goes for your clit taking some of the moisture leaking out of you and using it as lube for him to circle your clit.
 “Oh my god yes. Just like that.”
“Let me see you play with your breast princess.”
 Your hand goes to your breast and you begin to roll your nipple between your fingers and pulling on it.
 “You look amazing princess.”
“Oppa don’t stop I’m so close.”
 You could feel your climax coming and when it hit your back arched up and you clamped down on his member squeezing it as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over you and you moaned out his name.
 “Kwang Soo!”
 When the waves subsided, you were still sensitive and twitched when he flicked your nipple with his finger before capturing your lips with his. His pumps were still long and hard and the kiss was full of passion and need. You could feel his movements pick up the pace and knew he must be getting close. You pull away from the kiss and looked him the eyes.
 “Look at me. I want to see you as you cum.”
 He let out a small moan and his pace became quicker and harder. You were both moaning but never lost eye contact. He let out a low hard grunt and you felt him twitch and jerk and you felt him release inside you, his cock twitching with every stream of cum he shot inside you. He stilled his movements and dropped his head to rest on yours with his eyes closed.
 “I don’t know if I can move right now. That was amazing.”
“Oppa I know how you feel.”
 He pulled back and had a lazy smile on his face as he looked into your eyes.
 “I love you - -, please tell me you will stay with me in Korea. I can’t stand to see you get on that plane again.”
 You could feel your eyes begin to water. You wanted nothing more than to stay with him there, you smiled and nodded yes.
 He kisses you sweetly before rolling off and pulling you with him so your head rested on his chest. You could hear his heart beat and you smiled knowing that his heart belonged to you just as yours was his.
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