Poison Apple Tales
876 posts
A developer of deliciously interactive tales.
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poisonappletales · 4 days ago
hi crownruler!! I just wanted to make this post in order to thank you. Don't take this risk and beauty and the war has helped me through a lot of dark times, and I wouldn't be where I am without it. I wish you nothing but happiness :D
Hello, Anonymous!
Aww, I'm touched to hear it and I'm happy the games have managed to help you through a lot of dark times. I also wish you happiness and all the wonderful things in life.
(On a side note, this is usually around the time I schedule my Discord visit that I try to do once a month, but right now, I'm down with a cold so I've been resting up. We'll have to see about next month...which is also when the White Day replies will be rolling in! I hope you all look forward to that.)
Anyway, Anonymous, I'm grateful you took the time to leave me this message. It certainly brightened up my day. Ambrosia would want to give you a big hug...as does Unknown.
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poisonappletales · 25 days ago
2025 Valentine Event
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and you know what that means! It's time for our annual Valentine event. Same rules as before applies! If this is your first time hearing about it, don't worry. I'll go over the details again.
Here’s how this Valentine tradition works:
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1) Make a Valentine.
It can be a card like this, an audio piece like so, a drawing - or anything else outside the box! Just keep it PG-13 and clean. (Nothing that promotes hateful/malicious content and nothing religiously offensive either.) Here’s a full list of previous Valentines (along with the men’s accompanying replies).
2) Give your Valentine to one of the men (or women) from any of our games - i.e. Don’t Take This Risk or Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces).
The webtoons are included. You can give a Valentine to multiple characters if you so wish! (This is Girl x Boy and Boy x Girl so if you give a Valentine to a man, he’ll treat you as a woman and vice versa. Friendship Valentines can be given to all.)
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3) Get a Valentine back about a month later!
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In Japan, White Day is on March 14 and it's when men return gifts to women who gave them something on Valentine's Day. In accordance with that, you can expect to receive a White Day reply one month later! (For the sake of convenience, the female characters will reply at the same time if they receive anything. Basically, if you send in something for the Valentine event during the submission period, you'll receive one back around a month later!)
To avoid overwhelming your tumblr feed, I will typically spread out the White Day replies over several days so if you don't see it immediately, please be patient until I finish posting everything.
Submissions will remain open until February 17, 2025. (That means you have until the clock strikes midnight and it turns into February 18.) So if you'd like a response to your Valentine, please do turn in your submission before that time!
I can't wait to see your Valentines. Have a great week!
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poisonappletales · 1 month ago
Hi! I'm not sure you'll believe me but I'm actually hiyokol! DTTR popped into my mind after listening to "In This Moment" by Nine Inch Nails, and I was wondering how things were with you. I'm glad to see my translation came out! It has been so many years. I'm also looking forward to playing Beauty and the War. Glad to see you're still active. I'll be seeing you around! ^^
Hello, hiyokol!
It's so good to hear from you. I actually messaged you when I released your Spanish translation in the Don't Take This Risk extended version. I didn't realize you made a new account, but I'm glad you stopped by to tell me!
Unknown and I are also glad you were thinking about him after hearing a Nine Inch Nails song. You definitely did an awesome job with the Spanish translation!
Work is definitely still being made on Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces) and I can't wait for you and everyone else to see the finished result. I'll be slow on social media updates until I've reached a certain point of progress, but once I do, look out for them!
I'll also be visiting the Discord today (January 26, 2025) at 8:15 PM (PST)! It'll be my first Discord visit for the new year. For those who can make it, let's chat!
Also, stay tuned for the annual Valentine event that's coming in February. Hope you're looking forward to sending in those Valentines and getting a White Day reply back in March!
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poisonappletales · 4 months ago
I was thinking that this project had probably been canceled, I'm glad I checked in on you though. I was a big fan since I was like 13... so like 6 years ago. I was even active in the discord for a bit. I'm glad that I will actually still get to play the complete game one day.
Hello, Anonymous!
I'm glad you checked in, too. I can hardly believe it's been that long! Rest assured, progress is still being made on the game and I still look forward to hearing about players' experience with it whenever it's complete.
Speaking of Discord, I'll be visiting there today (October 27, 2024) at 2:45 PM (PST)!
I'm still being rather quiet on the social media front for the time being, but I'll have a slew of posts once I finish enough progress on the game, which is where my focus is at currently! Please do continue to look forward to it!
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poisonappletales · 5 months ago
Hi! So sorry to bother you, but I just recently found out about Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces) and from what I’ve seen the universe is really interesting! I was just wondering if there’s any specific order your games should be played in to understand the lore properly. I would really like to know as much as I can about the universe in your games! Thanks for reading and have a good day!
Hello, Anonymous!
Don't worry, you aren't a bother. I'm so happy to hear you're interested in exploring the world of Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces).
To best understand the lore properly...I would recommend playing the Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces) demo first. (Although, you can just as easily play War: Valentine Edition first if you just wanted a sneak peek of the bachelors...and King Barium. Just keep in mind it has a lighter tone than the main game!)
After that, you can play any of the following in whichever order you like, depending on what you're looking for.
The Lighthearted Group
War: Valentine Edition
Ready, Set, Parody! (This is a parody game.)
Darker (?) Group
Ambrosia's. (This is a real-time bestie/girlfriend simulation. This could have fit with the Lighthearted Group but I put this game in this group since you might glean hints from it better pairing it with Death Room.)
Death Room.
Don't Take This Risk. (Set in a different universe but Unknown is in Beauty and the War...)
More Lore
War: 13th Day. (If you really enjoyed the lore present in Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces), feel free to dive straight into this afterwards. This game is best played to completion to fully understand everything.)
Aside from that, you might find interesting tidbits/character answers just by digging through my tumblr.
You can also come talk to me! I'll be on the Discord today (September 29, 2024) at 1:30 PM (PST). I have something to do today so I may only be online for an hour or so, but I'll be happy to chat with whoever is able to make it!
I hope you all have a great rest of September!
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poisonappletales · 7 months ago
how on earth do you get endings 10 and 11 for dttr!!!!
Hello, Anonymous!
I should probably post an updated Endings Guide for Don't Take This Risk Director's Abridged Cut, but here's a quick cheat sheet (spoilers ahoy for anyone who wants to get to these endings on their own):
Ending 10
After you're over at Unknown's place and he kisses you -
I don't think you'll like what you hear.
Come closer.
Then...come closer to me.
Try to stab him and then stop when given the opportunity.
Ending 11
Like the above but keep trying to stab him.
And as mentioned before, these two extra endings are only for the Director's Cut version so if you have the original, these won't be in it.
I also hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far! I'll be on the Discord today (July 28, 2024) at 4:00 PM (PST). Looking forward to chatting with all of you who can make it!
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poisonappletales · 8 months ago
I found this blog when I got obsessed with DTTR back when it first came out. That phase passed a while ago, but every few years I come back to check on Beauty and the War. Is it still in active development?
Hello, Anonymous!
Yes, it is! Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces) is still in active development. I do apologize for how long we're taking, but trust me, a lot of love and passion is being poured into it. I can't wait to show you what we've been cooking once it's ready to be unveiled!
For now, just keep following this blog and we'll keep you updated. At the moment, I mostly post something once a month but I am hoping to be more active once more progress has been made on Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces).
I'll be on the Discord today (June 30, 2024) at 7:30 PM (PST). It'll be my first Discord visit for the summer! Looking forward to seeing those of you who can make it!
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poisonappletales · 9 months ago
Hello, I recently learned that you had created a webtoon for your dont take this risk games. Was this project abandoned? I really liked this game and I find this webtoon really good.
Hello, Anonymous!
Rest assured, the webtoon for Don't Take This Risk is currently on hold and will resume after Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces) is complete!
Unknown is actually in Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces). You can find out his real name, face and past there once it's released. He is also a romanceable bachelor.
Either way, I'm happy to hear you liked Don't Take This Risk and its webtoon! Stay tuned until its return. Feel free to keep following this tumblr in the meantime for updates!
(At the moment, my updates will be sporadic. When I'm done with the programming and art for Beauty and the War (X Playing Pieces), I should have more time for social media posts and whatnot. So please look forward to that!)
Also, since I do have some free time for Memorial Day, I'll be hopping onto the Discord today (May 27, 2024) at 4 PM (PST). For those of you who can make it, hope to see you there! It's been a while and I'm looking forward to shooting the breeze or answering any questions you might have!
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poisonappletales · 10 months ago
@serphantel's Friendship Valentines + White Day Replies
@serphantel submitted the following Friendship Valentines:
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Here's the White Day reply:
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Ambrosia | Onyx | Caramel Location: North America
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"All right. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to explore this continent and look for the White Rabbit!"
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[has already started walking off towards the hills] "Stay close."
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"Ah...okay." [pats Caramel the deer to encourage him to follow along] "Oh, and I've brought along some food so we can stop and eat whenever we need a break."
[holds up a basket of food with a bright smile]
Wildfire | Brooks Location: Greenland
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"What are we here for again? I missed what that healer said. She has such a soft voice. She really ought to speak up louder."
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"I think she said we're supposed to explore the monuments for White Chocolate."
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"Monuments...like things built for dead people? And she thinks there's chocolate there?" [rolls her eyes and mutters:] "I don't even know what kind of chocolate we're looking for. Is this supposed to be some kind of special glowing piece of white chocolate?"
Arsenik | Viktor | Unknown Location: On the way to Brazil
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"Ooh. Brazil. We definitely have to try out the spicy dishes and the beaches."
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"I suppose we can. But just remember to keep an eye out for -"
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"What? No. It's the -"
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"All right, Hobbit. Here we come! We should look for him on the topless beach first."
[Arsenik sighs and shakes his head.]
Jasmine | Rosemary Location: Asia
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"Come on, Lady Jasmine! The concert is starting soon! We have to hurry!"
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"I know, I know. It's just that the line for that store was so long. And I wasn't leaving without that dress. Anyway, we're supposed to look for somebody, aren't we?"
[gasp] "Wait, is that..."
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"What is it?! Did you see a singer? Let's see, let's see! We have to ask for their autograph!"
Chase | X | Wind Location: Russia
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"Is it just me or is it pretty cold here?"
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"It's not like I said I couldn't handle it! So what are we here for again? We're looking for some of night-light, right?"
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[mocking] "I'm sure X can tell you since he's such a note-taking sensei."
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"Ha ha. Very funny. It's not like I constantly take notes. Anyway, we're supposed to be looking for the White Rabbit. I think that's some kind of rock band, right?"
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"So let's take a look at the music people!"
King Barium | Bo-Peep Location: Australia
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"Wow! Look at that huge spider! Maybe we can be friends and I can ask if it's seen...what was it that we're looking for again?"
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[with his arm around her shoulder] "Love.
We're looking for love. In all the right places." [laughs and then pauses as the big spider skitters across their path]
"Crikey. That is a big spider."
And that should be the last of the White Day replies! I hope you all enjoyed them. I certainly had fun making them, along with the skits!
If, for some reason, I accidentally missed a Valentine, let me know so I can remedy that ASAP. For now, I hope you all had a Happy White Day and an awesome rest of the week!
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"I may have one more White Day surprise for you. But I'll save that for later when we're in private. You did get my invitation, didn't you?"
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poisonappletales · 10 months ago
@automaticcheesecakenacho’s Valentines + White Day Replies [5/5]
@automaticcheesecakenacho submitted the following Valentines:
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She wrote:
Here is the 3rd Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Night (Second batch) 
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She wrote:
Here is the 5th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Thunder (Second batch) 
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She wrote:
Here is the 10th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Alexandrite (Second batch) 
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She wrote:
Here is the 13th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to The Count (Second batch) 
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She wrote:
Here is the 15th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to X (last of the Second batch)  (Note: I was debating if I should have the characters address me as Nacho or Miss Nacho but maybe I'll consider it for next year's 2025 Valentine grams - if there will be a next year 🙌 Overall had super fun & looking forward to White Day~)
Here are the White Day replies:
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"Get out of here."
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"...Since when am I a 'sensei' for note taking? I take notes for me the way I want it. But since you asked, sure. I'll give you some pointers.
Just look at what you want to remember. And then...just keep it simple. Put down something that reminds you of it or somethin'. I don't know. What are you tryin' to remember?"
[smirk] "And if you want to know what's the next step after that...well, just close your eyes."
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"So, based on the guesses I saw submitted...almost everyone thought mine was 3 - which is Arsenik's."
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"I get the feeling the lighting or the clothing is what might have made people assume 3 was yours.
Same goes for the stark pale lighting in Chase of the Trold's. No one was able to guess his and I'm assuming it's for that reason?"
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"I bet trying to guess Dev, Dominic and Grant were the hardest, haha. Although, it is because of me there were lighting tricks at all.
Not sure how well it really masked my smooth chocolate skin tone." [wink]
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"All right, everyone. If you feel like you got a lot of it wrong because of him, you know who to throw sushi at.
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"Do you really want someone to throw Prince Sushi and Thunderous Sushi at you? They seem like they have some bite to them." [giggle]
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"Either way, it was very enjoyable to read everyone's guesses. I hope you had fun, too.
If you guessed the majority right, that means I'll give you a kiss. Well, I might be saving a kiss on the lips for a...different occasion. But I can kiss you somewhere else if you'd like.
And if you guessed the majority wrong, I'll have to teach you a lesson. How, you ask? We'll see. perhaps I'll tickle you." [chuckle]
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[to Night] "Don't interrupt me again if you value your safety."
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[smiling] "How scary."
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poisonappletales · 10 months ago
Rayne's Valentine + X's White Day Reply
This is Rayne's Valentine for X:
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"𝑫𝒊𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝑰 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝑿?
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏.
𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏'𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒄𝒌? 𝑰 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐 𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈... 𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅?
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑰'𝒎 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕. 𝑨𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆, 𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒅?"
Here is X's White Day reply:
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"I don't know why but I'm thinking of that one song. Who's it by again? Baba Roach?"
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"Don't ask me. I don't come from your world. But is it a good song?"
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"It's a rock song so I'm sure you'll find it suits your taste just fine."
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"The candles in the shape of a heart is a rather romantic gesture. It sounds like you're telling her you'll do what you want, as you please, on your own. But your actions say otherwise. It's an invitation."
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"Well, this is a White Day card after all, right?"
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"And since it's you, you have to put fire on it."
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"Let's roast some marshmallows!"
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"We should roast you."
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"No way!"
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[giggle] "Is it just me or do you look a little more roasted?"
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[grins] "Think I've been out in the sun for too long?"
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"Also, for those of you who are having fun with the Niku no Kabe quiz, the answer key is coming soon. For now, here's a hint.
The lighting may serve to deceive you, as it is meant to make it a little less obvious who is who. Focus more on build and physique."
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poisonappletales · 10 months ago
@automaticcheesecakenacho’s Valentines + White Day Replies [4/5]
@automaticcheesecakenacho submitted the following Valentines:
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She wrote:
Here is the 2nd Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Arsenik~ ❤️ (Note: I did mention "Wall of Meat" last year in the Discord "Beauty & War" server when it was around my b-day, but I didn't provide an image so here at least you see the image of what the "Wall of Meat" looks like - I still love the birthday story + Thank you again Crown Ruler~) 🙏
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She wrote:
Here is the 9th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Onyx (Second batch)  (Note: I actually love how this Valentine gram turned out~ ❤️) 
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She wrote:
Here is the 11th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Dev (Second batch) 
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She wrote:
Here is the 12th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Dominic (Second batch) 
These are the White Day replies!
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[chuckle] "That's all you have to put on your White Day card, Onyx?"
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"Happy White Day."
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"Oh my. Sir Dominic really ruined that wedding certificate..." [giggle]
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[teasing] "Ruined it? Or improved it?"
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"If I was at a Niku no Kabe cafe, I feel like I wouldn't be able to stop blushing..."
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"I'd never want to leave!"
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"Oh, and the answer key to this 'quiz' will be coming soon. Shall we make a bet? If you get most of the answers right, I'll give you a treat. But if you get most of them wrong, I might have to punish you..."
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"So why did you choose that one, Onyx? You had four date options."
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"Out of all the options, it seemed like the safest location to take her on a date."
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"I'm guessing the dog in the lower left won't be a very nice doggie..."
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"That's a dog? Well, if anyone could tame a dog-like beast like that, I'm sure you'd find a way."
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[sarcastic] "Sure, just feed it some ice cream. Or that sushi of yours."
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"Nobody touches the sad sushi! Also, I don't think it's wise to feed dogs treats like those...they would have to be made of dog-safe food or dog treats."
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"Why are there fruits on the header when it's called a Wall of Meat?"
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"Well, after having so much meat, fruit will be a refreshing palate cleanser."
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"What would a reverse Wall of Meat look like?"
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"You mean, if a man were to be surrounded by shapely women? I imagine it'd look like the king's harem."
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"Good luck with your guesses, everyone!!"
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"Tick-tock, tick-tock."
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poisonappletales · 10 months ago
@automaticcheesecakenacho’s Valentines + White Day Replies [3/5]
@automaticcheesecakenacho submitted the following Valentines:
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She wrote:
Here's the first of the second Valentine collection and it's for majority of the characters that I wrote a Valentine gram to last year, 2023. The only one that I wrote a friendship Valentine gram to is for Sis Ambrosia~ 💌 This is part 1 and it's to Sis Ambrosia~ Love you Sis Ambrosia~ ❤️ 
Link to where I posted all of the second Valentine collection:  https://www.tumblr.com/automaticcheesecakenacho/741165649700782080/hi-again-world-please-see-the-first-post-from?source=share
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She wrote:
Here is the 4th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Chase (Second batch)
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She wrote:
Here is the 6th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Barium (Second batch) 
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She wrote:
Here is the 7th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Unknown (Second batch)
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She wrote:
Here is the 8th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Viktor (Second batch/collection)
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She wrote:
Here is the 14th Valentine of the 2nd Valentine batch to Grant (Second batch) 
Here are the White Day replies!
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"...If you don't have much experience with confessing or being in relationships, I'm not sure how helpful your advice is, Lady Ambrosia."
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"Even if I haven't been with a man before, Lady Jasmine, I do have my observations!
But I do believe trusting your intuition is important, even when it comes to things outside of confessing to someone you like."
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"You should've included something about looking your best, too!"
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"Ah, I think it'd be better to say...be confident! If looking good helps you to be more confident, then you can certainly do so. It doesn't hurt."
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[rolling her eyes] "You give such boring, cookie-cutter advice. Forget about confessing. Just give the guy a smooch. You'll know if he likes you then."
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[blushing] "Um...that's a very bold move. It's also possible it may not be appreciated so I...well, I don't know if I'd be able to do that..."
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"No duh."
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"Not to mention, Sir Thunder might be dangerous so I was including a lot of safety tips..."
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"It is almost unbelievable that Grant of the Trold received a Valentine. He also made his card design really simple..."
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"There's nothing wrong with simple. Or with him receiving a Valentine! My brother deserves to have one!"
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"His wrestling tips could use some work. But cool dog."
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"Haha! Is everyone just criticizing everyone's advice today? At least there's nothing to complain about with mine."
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"I don't know. I feel like you're kind of copying my Valentine's style."
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"No, I'm not. Mine has sushi and yours ice cream."
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"They're both food!"
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"Um...why does the sushi on the left look like it's crying? I don't think anyone should eat that one."
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"Hah, making it your pet now?"
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"I'll make it a very happy sushi. I'm just not sure what sushi...eats?"
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"Say, Arsenik. You prefer my confession 'tip' over Ambrosia's, don't you?"
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"Oh, of course not. Miss Ambrosia gives perfectly sound advice so I wholeheartedly recommend seeing her if the confessor is unsure about things."
[murmuring:] "Never mind the fact that If Miss Ambrosia were to follow your advice with the wrong man...it could completely ruin her first kiss."
Here are some extra confessing tips from Ambrosia, tailored for each man!
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♡ He seems like a gentleman so I would think he would appreciate good manners.
However! I also believe he has a sense of honor so it's more important to be honest and genuine. If you're someone who's rough around the edges, then let it shine! Of course, self-improvement is always good. But you should not have to change yourself specifically for a man. ♥
So that brings me to my next point!
♡ Charge your confession with the pure power of your love!!!
♡ Sir Chase looks like he might doze off if you go on for too long. So keep it short, simple and to the point!
♡ Don't let his scars scare you! Once you get to know him, you'll see that he's not such a frightening man at all.
♡ With Imugi, I feel like it's always best to approach with caution.
♡ You might benefit from confessing with your eyes first. So look at him with the power of your love and see if he returns the look!
♡ I have no tips for Sir Cyanite. You should not confess to him.
♡ It's awfully hard to tell what he's thinking. Maybe you should use your finger and draw a heart on the glass of his helmet. Hehe...
King Barium
♡ Um...I think it might be rather easy to confess to him. Rather, he might easily confess to you by inviting you to join his harem! But do you really want to join it?
♡ Put on your best smile!
♡ Speak loud and clear!!
♡ X marks the spot!!!
♡ Ehe, more seriously...X marks the spot.
♡ Give him some more of his favorite candy?
♡ I don't think you need any tips here either. Rather, I would say...don't say 'yes' to everything he wants, okay?
♡ Throw sushi at him.
Prince Alexandrite
♡ Erm...not much is known about him, is there? I don't even know him myself, really...so let's just rely on our trusty fail-safe.
♡ Charge your confession with the pure power of your love!!!
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poisonappletales · 10 months ago
To Sir Unknown,
Something happened at work awhile ago that made me think of you.
I was flipping through a book, and the page I landed on had the "Nobody " poem.
It really made my day! ♡
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"I'm glad I could make your day, kitten. And that you're thinking of me. I always think about you."
More White Day replies will be coming soon! For now, I just wanted to mention that I'll be visiting the Discord today (April 28, 2024) at 9:10 PM (PST)! For those of you who can make it, I'll see you there!
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poisonappletales · 10 months ago
@automaticcheesecakenacho’s Valentines + White Day Replies [2/5]
@automaticcheesecakenacho submitted the following Valentines:
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She wrote:
Part 7 of the first Valentine collection to Crown Ruler and this one spells out "Pieces" (P - Patreon, I - Ikemens, E - Eats, C - Chase, E - Eats, S - Since) 
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She wrote:
Part 8 of the first Valentine collection to Crown Ruler and this one spells out "Happy" (H - hey, A - Ambrosia, P - Pinterest, P - Pay, Y - YouTube) 
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She wrote:
Part 9 of the first Valentine collection to Crown Ruler and this one spells out "Valentine's" (V - Viktory, A - Alexandrite, L - link, E - entwined, N- needs, T- Twitter, I- itch, N - nods, E- eagerly, S- save) 
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She wrote:
Part 10 (last) of the first Valentine collection to Crown Ruler and this one spells out "Day" (D - D&D, A - Arsenik, Y - yo) 
Here is Ambrosia's answer, along with the boys' White Day replies:
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"Lady Ambrosia, what's with all the trees in your wishlist?"
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"Trees are nice. A-Also...I've never had a Valentine's Day with someone before so I wasn't too sure what else to list."
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"I like that you listed 'whatever you would like to do' at 6 PM."
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"You might also note that she included a question mark at the end of it so whether she agrees to it or not would depend on the nature of it.
More importantly, she shouldn't be on a Valentine date with a scoundrel who would take advantage of her."
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"Oh, but what if she likes it?"
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"Want to continue our D&D adventure, Arsenik?"
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"I'm sorry. What was that? It's hard to hear you over all the shouting."
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"I don't know if I ever heard you raise your voice before. It's kind of weird."
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[giggle] "Well, everyone was shouting so I thought I'd join in. Besides, I'm sure we're all thirsty after all this shouting. Everyone can now settle down with a nice cup of hot chocolate. Mm..."
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poisonappletales · 10 months ago
@automaticcheesecakenacho's Valentines + White Day Replies [1/5]
@automaticcheesecakenacho submitted the following Valentines:
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She also wrote:
The first collection of Valentines (#1-10) are for you Crown Ruler and it spells out "Beauty And The War X Playing Pieces Happy Valentine's Day." Hope that's ok~ After sharing all of the first collection of Valentines, I will share the second collection of Valentines where it's to each of the same characters that I sent to last year. I apologize that I do not know how to share the 10 Valentine images here at the same time, but I did create a Tumblr post showcasing the 10 Valentine images (only for the first collection). I tried to include the URL share link under "insert/edit image" but in case it doesn't work in the submission form, here it is: 
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/automaticcheesecakenacho/741161330475679744/hi-world-its-been-a-while-since-i-posted?source=share
Here is Part 1 of the First Valentine Collection and it spells out "Beauty."
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She also wrote:
Please refer to the first submitted Valentine collection description for information. This is part 2 of the first Valentine collection for Crown Ruler and this one spells out "And." (I forgot to mention for both the first Valentine collection and the second Valentine collection that I had a picture of Thunder that you drew last year hidden in all the Valentine grams as like a "Can you spot Thunder?" sort of mini game that I did for fun 😊) 
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She wrote:
Part 3 of the first Valentine collection to Crown Ruler and this one spells out "The." 
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She wrote:
Part 4 of the first Valentine collection to Crown Ruler and this one spells out "War." (W - Wind; A - Arsenik; R in Rosemary) 
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She wrote:
Part 5 of the first Valentine collection to Crown Ruler and this one spells out "X" in "X Playing Pieces" 
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She wrote:
Part 6 of the first Valentine collection to Crown Ruler and this one spells out "Playing" (P - poison, L - link, A - Arsenik, Y - you, I as in myself, N in Onyx, G for Grant) 
The boys' response:
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"That is some recipe, Imugi. I shudder to think of you garnishing a corpse with a package of ramen noodles."
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"If a Vi body can't be found, a Hulder substitute will suffice."
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"You should definitely work out after a meal."
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"Shouldn't you work out before a meal?"
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"Well, if you were to work out after a full meal, you should wait two to three hours. But it's okay to do something light, like taking a walk. It's actually better for you!"
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[sarcastically] "Thanks for the fitness advice nobody asked for."
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[teasingly] "It's not what was asked for, but it's what was needed. ♥ And Sir Wind, you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to cook a dead body!"
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"Who says it's cooked?"
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"Sir Wind, you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to cook a raw body!"
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"If you ask me, an Onyx kick is a pretty light stretch, right?"
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[muttering] "Speak for yourself! I'm not doing them!"
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"I don't want to do any of these because I don't like their names. I don't want to wave at Alexandrite!"
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"Oh no. I'm starting to have a craving for ramen now."
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"Oh, so now you want what I'm cooking."
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"Um...hold everything but the ramen, please. Thank you."
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poisonappletales · 11 months ago
@serphantel’s Valentine + Night’s Reply
@serphantel sent this Valentine to Night:
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This is Night's reply:
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"Does no one think going to an old manor with Night is creepy? Or is it only with me?"
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"It's just you."
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"I don't know. I wouldn't want to go to an old manor with Night."
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"And just what do you think I would do?"
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"Uh...I don't know. I just don't trust you."
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"Even though the Vi are your rulers now?"
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[muttering] "It's because you're one of the Vi that I don't trust you."
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"This White Day reply had a really long gap from the last one." [sarcastically:] "Ambrosia, were you seriously opening up an ice cream parlor?"
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"Hehe. I'm only teasing. But I was treating a patient that came down with a stomach bug recently...of course, they can have ice cream once they're feeling better."
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"So if I was ice cream, what flavor would I be?"
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[frowns slightly] "Chocolate, I suppose..."
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"You sound really reluctant to put me on the menu. Did you even give the flavor I was much thought?"
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"The ice cream parlor is now closed."
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"What is with this imaginary ice cream parlor?"
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"You say that but you're the one who brought it up earlier, Wind."
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"I wasn't being serious."
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"Neither was she."
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