#And nonbinary people get wands
cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
How are You Seen and How is Your Style Perceived?
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Hey fellas!! This reading is a suggestion from @evaalison72020!!! Thank you so much for your request! The decks used today are The Tarot of the Divine, The Moonology Oracle, and Believe In Your Own Magic Oracle. Take what resonates and leave the rest but always be ready for new perspectives.
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Drop your reading suggestions in my inbox for future PAC. Thank you all in advance! Love you🤍
Astrology: Leo, Pisces, Virgo (maybe cancer)
Song: Her Diamonds by Rob Thomas
Vibes: Green, red, yellow, ohi'a tree blossoms, intense emotion, crabs, birch tree, Pele, bow staff, modeling, boho fashion, photography, 999, 4444, swords, lotus root, dragons, monkeys, selenite, howlite
Cards: Queen of Wands, King of Cups, Judgement, Supermoon, Garden
Hello, pile one! I am really digging y'all's energy. You have a very androgynous energy so people have a lot of variety in how they perceive you. I think first I will start with your style and ease into those who know you a bit deeper. So, your style is very earth-toned. How you dress tells people that you are reasonable and balanced. You hate wearing shoes so you don't wear them if you don't have to. You might have a touch of fantasy in your accessories. I see crystal bracelets or pendulum necklaces. You like to wear loose-fitting clothes that make you feel free. I'm specifically seeing a long red skirt. It's about knee length. If a skirt doesn't resonate it could also be a red jacket or sweater that you tie around your waist. People initially see a really free spirit with a whimsical side. People might be surprised by your free spirit but not usually put off by it. You have a very cheerful vibe to you that makes people feel at home. They view you as light on your feet and a positive influence on everything around you. However, occasionally you get excited by something and your eyes narrow in. You have a very intense stare. It can be pretty intimidating.
As for the androgyne tones I was feeling earlier I will now explain a little further. So, you sorta reflect gender at people. This is not to say you are gender fluid or nonbinary but that is a possibility. The vibe I am getting is whatever gender the person perceiving you is, is the gender they see you as. Which can drastically change how people see you, in my experience. Women see you as safe to be around. Men see you as capable and responsible. Nonbinary people see you as a comrade. This also brings in a lot of suiters that get confused by your presentation. I hear many people see you and think, "Woah, did you see them? They looked so cool." These people are always too shy to say anything to you though.
The people who are closest to you view you entirely differently. They know you well enough to see your truest emotion. Your emotions are as intense as the stare I talked about earlier. You have the heart of a dragon. It is difficult to express the deep feelings a dragon would feel through a humans body. It comes out as explosive bursts of immense sensational expression. You are the one laughing the hardest, crying the most, screaming the loudest, burning with fury and jumping all around when you get excited. The people closest to you see you as powerful because of this. They know you are harmless but if challenged you can be extremely dangerous. You are the king of sentiment though so the ones closest never get caught in the crossfire of your emotional depth.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini
Song: Daddy AF by Slayyyer (spirit picked this one... not sure why)
Vibes: Purple, storm cloud blue, peach pink, cranes, wings, bindi, bangs/fringe, sake, green tea, circles, red lips, 222, 555, amethyst, rose quartz, Kali, Lilith, Hekate, Persephone
Cards: The High Priestess, Ace of Cups, Three of Swords, Mirror, Full Moon in Cancer
Welcome, pile two to your reading. You are scene as very mysterious. The public eye doesn't know what to make of you. Honestly, I can see the mystery in the cards but I am also struggling to tap into you. You are very guarded but very beautiful. If you have ever heard of the term kuudere, I think that would be pretty accurate to how to are perceived . If you are unfamiliar with the term it just means you seem very in control of you emotions. So much so that you might come off as cold to some people. You appear to be serene outwardly but on the inside I see you have many different emotions. The style you wear is similar to how your emotions are displayed. Serene and mysterious. I see you could wear spiritual clothing that is meant for spiritual protection. Overall, the public views as an extremely beautiful but private individual that is low-key spiritual.
You have a dark feminine energy to you. This can draw in those who are fascinated by mystery. You don't like to let people close to you though because of painful situations you have been in before. I see you have experienced many heartbreaks and have given many sacrifices to people who did not meet you with gratitude. You honestly didn't let this eat you up inside. You moved forward with confidence and led yourself towards loving yourself. You worked towards the relationship you had with yourself and you resolved a lot of pain that you carried with. Entirely because you were fed up with people breaking your heart. You decided you wanted the person closest to you to stop breaking it too. You.
Those who can even reach the idea of being close to you view you as much softer than the public. They still see you as pretty mysterious but they can see that you are very sweet and accommodating. They have seen you at your worst and watched you kick ass all the way through. They see you as the baddest bitch on the block. It is very rare for you to have people close to you but when there are you are very loyal. You like to invite them over for drinks and thats when you let your truest self shine. You are an absolute riot. You have the wittiest joke and the funniest comebacks even when you are intoxicated. You have allowed yourself to cry on a friends shoulder over drinks too. Alcohol really loosens that vice grip you have on your emotions. I see you really only let your best friend see these parts of you. This person views you as their favorite person on earth. They really truly believe you are an angel. They have supported you through a couple really hard break-ups. I think they will always be the closest one to your heart.
Astrology: Aquarius, Capricorn, Taurus
Song: Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac
Vibes: Grey-blue, gold, purple, white, stain glass windows, arctic foxes, wolves, yokai, beetles, sharks, snow, ice, winter, 111, 963, 100, red hair, feathers, black tourmaline, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia
Cards: 6 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, New Moon, Shark
Hi, pile three! You have an entirely different impression you often give than how you actually are. Those who see you would not be able to guess how you actually are. You give a very scary vibe off to people. Strangers are intimidated by your appearance. Which is such a shame because your energy is so warm and inviting. :( You are very tall and have a broad figure with wide shoulders. You tower over most people. If you aren't physically tall people still get that energy of intimidation from your energy. People scurry out of your way as you walk past and avoid looking you in the eyes. You also have very strong eye brows which might give you real bad RBF. Those who aren't scared off by you, hold a lot of envy for how much you command attention. I also see you have really long beautiful legs that people comment on all the time. They mostly seem like complements but they probably don't really feel like it. They want to be like you but they just don't understand how much it actually bothers you to be as big as you are. I'm so sorry to you about all the door frames you run into and all the beds you have grown out of. It's tough be a big person.
Despite all your physical appearances, you have a lovely soft feminine energy. It is so nice to be in it feels like the biggest, softest, warmest bear hug to ever exist. You are a wonderful host. I can smell something really good so you might be an excellent cook or baker. I see you love to give back to your community through this skill. Which makes those a bit closer see you as this protective loving parental energy. I see you baking cookies for your neighbors and maybe your church. I can feel how happy you make people feel the closer they get to you. You have such a soft heart with a rough outer exterior. It does throw some of your neighbors kids for a loop at first.
Finally, those who are closest to you see you as extremely generous and kind. They know the world thinks you have sharp claws but they know that they are mistaking paws for claws. They love being around you and working together to help being a safer community. They know you give to charity and work in a place that helps those in needs. They see you as the sweetest, nicest person they have ever met in their lives. They wouldn't trade you for anyone. They trust you with their lives. If they are in any danger or in need they call you first. I think maybe at some point you had someone slander your good name because of your appearances. All your closest community friends and family came to your defense and saved your reputation. They truly, deeply care for you and I think you feel the exact same.
Astrology: Aries, Libra, Sagittarius
Song: Cooler Than Me (Cover) by Ethan Fields
Vibes: Gold, black, teal, white flowers, maximalism, alternative fashion, lily pads, frogs, 333, 4646, leaves, vines, coral, mountains, low gravity, forests, fairies, pixies, unicorns, culture, tigers eye, Zues, Aphrodite, Eros
Cards: Queen of Cups, 3 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Full Moon, Expectations
Hey there, pile four. Welcome to your reading! People outside of your circle see you are drop dead gorgeous. You make everyone question their sexuality or fall to their knees. Even your friends flirt with you constantly. You obviously flirt back just for funsies but thaaat can get you into some romantic fiascos that you never had any intention in getting into. Oops, lmao! I see strangers see you in two different lights. There are people who are stunned by your handsomeness. They are the ones turning their heads to get a second look. ;) Theeeeen there are the people who think you are doing way too much just because you like looking good. Thats dumb. Those people are dumb. Their opinions do not matter. That's because you are one of a kind! No one can match your style and brilliance. No one has the confidence to do what you do and make it look THAT good. AND THE BEST PAAART is that everyone knows it. Even if they are acting nasty about it. I see you like to wear lots of jewelry. Chains on chains on jewels on chains. You aren't addicted to glitter. Glitter is addicted to YOU!!! You love to do stuff with your hair too. I see you might have many wigs that you love to trade out. People are always convinced it's your real hair. Everyday you get more and more admirers. The public can not get enough of you.
Your energy is interesting. It is feminine but it presents in such a masculine way. You have this go getter vibe to you but then everything seems to come your way before you can even step towards it. It's like for a long time you had to fight for what you wanted but now people just hand you things you want before you can even ask. When people get closer to you, they just seem to give you things randomly. They will hook you up with their connections. Literally people are doing your networking for you. The way people see you gives you many opportunities in life. Don't worry about getting the opportunities yourself, baby. The universe loves to spoil you through your admirers.
The people closest to you see that you are a go with the flow kind of person. The universe pushes you somewhere and you just let it push you along like a leaf in the wind. Some of your closest friends think you are nuts but they know it always seems to work out for you anyway. Even if you don't make sense to them. They see you are a surviver and they know how ruthless you can be, babe. They see these as extremely admirable traits. The people closest to you feel like they have been around you since you were young so they like to mess with you like siblings would. It is pretty easy to get close to you though so they might not all be that way. They view you as loyal, kind, fun and unique. They wouldn't have you any other way.
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signed-sapphire · 6 months
Okayyyy rewatched Wish
Here are my notes
Valentino wasn’t as annoying as people say. Sure, he did nothing for the plot and could’ve been removed entirely, but he didn’t make near as many butt jokes as people say he did
The lead-ins for all the songs were great. Certain media (Hazbin, for example) just jump into the songs
Magnifico??? Didn’t touch the pages??? So why would he be corrupted? Why does Amaya know of obsidian oil? Don’t you just skim the pages to release the evil?
Dahlia was amazing
“At the very least break the hold it has on him�� Amaya? Didn’t you found this kingdom with thin? Wouldn’t you know?
Also Amaya was very sidelined. Where’s her backstory?
Asha’s magic wand mishaps were… corny at best
Why did they make Dario high all the time? He’s not stupid. I feel like they made him try to be like Fred from Big Hero 6 but failed
“Nine zillyboo, twenty alphabet!” Val, buddy. No.
DAHLIA. MATE. TRUE LOVE’S KISS CAN BRUNG HIM BACK I swear, it feels like the directors were switched
The spider-carriage thing. I feel like that could’ve been a Disney reference instead
Gabo was still my favorite out of the teens. Bazeema was sweet too
Also. Halzeema moments were actually in canon.
Sabino did not act 100 at all.
Crushing wishes did nothing to people except make them sad for .2 seconds
Asha’s drawing, her magic wand, none of that was important to the actual plot
I feel like the horses could’ve been Disney references too
Why did the roof open? That was never explained
Mag’s hair needed to be messier. Evil Magnifico? Crazy hair
How did he hear them from all the way down there
Mag’s really out there beating up a minor
The curse rope green things were not scary at all
Was Simon just in the forest the entire time?
The Magnifico getting sucked inside his staff… I feel that could’ve been a play to Dr. Facilier somehow
The stars raining down were beautiful
Was Star’s nose tap a reference to something?
The people’s talking… idk how I felt about that
Another half-assed apology. First Namaari, now you. At least Simon’s was an actual apology. Wait. More of it goes on.
Ok his apology isn’t too bad
How did the staff get all the way down there?
Changed my opinion, Amaya deserved to tell Mag off
Did Mag’s curse break once he was in the mirror? Why did he act sad all of a sudden?
I’ve heard Asha’s movements weren’t finalized until later, but her movements seem pretty fluent
Clumsy and energetic, sure, but besides from the mouth drooping part, she wasn’t that quirky
Which. Could be a bad thing. She didn’t really have much of a personality
I like the Peter Pan building a flying machine idea
Zootopia ref
Why does everyone suddenly understand Star
But off-topic they were so cute
“It” I guess
Why refer to Star as an it
“They” was too woke for the Disney execs? Why, you had a one-second offhand comment about a water cousin who’s nonbinary!
That Cinderella-reference thing… wasn’t slow enough to be a dress transformation. So I’m fine with her not having a different dress. I mean obviously I would’ve loved it but idk
“I understand you well enough” I DON’T! HOW ARE THEY TELLING YOU
Some of Valentino’s jokes were funny. Sue me
I liked the Tinkerbell and Mikey Mouse reference at the end
The storybook was a nice callback
Overall. Not as bad as people are making it out to be. But definitely not worthy to be Disney’s 100
I’d say… 7/10. The backgrounds did look watercolor, but the shading seemed off in places. Especially Sakina. There was major improvement to be done, but with the hell the execs were giving (and the proven creativity of the concept art) I feel this movie is getting too much hate. Critiques and criticism are fine. But don’t blame the writers for getting rid of Starboy. Yes, it could’ve been better. But it’s Disney. And the creators tried their best to pour their love into a movie that they didn’t have a full say in.
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just-animaxiz · 3 months
Ok thanks to the 6Teen! RC9GN crew by @lsd-ink, I'm now thinking of funny/cute headcannons (Mostly about Punk Bots, Randy, and some of the other characters) SO IM DRAGGING YOU ALL WITH ME ON THIS ONE.
Starting off with my favs.
To pay off for their jail time, The Punks decided to work at the McMall (Cuz McFist owns 80% of the places), but somehow, Spike is not too keen on working so he decided to take a part-time job as a mechanic in a local station. Luckily it's not a product of McFist.
While Spike works at a mechanic, Thorn works as a bookstore worker and Skewer works in a Claire's type of store! Despite their appearances, they're really decently well with their jobs!
Thanks to @destiny-in-the-universe I do hc that the Punks do go to Randy's school to finish education, and surprisingly, they're really good at a few subjects! Most definitely, they're really skilled at creative writing, shop class, and gym!
Like always, Spike is envious when he first meet Randy. Seeing him have this normal life, with a loving parent, normal home, and everything. Though, Spike can't bully Randy because it doesn't make him feel better. They eventually bond over music, get to know after awkward moments, then eventually, the two got closer like brothers!
Spike got his attack dog moments not only to Randy but to Thorn and Skewer as well. He's been their provider ever since they escaped, and he doesn't want ANYONE to hurt them.
Doesn't matter if you're a girl, guy, nonbinary or anything - Spike will judge you when you're dating Randy or his brothers. He wanted someone who's good for them, and if they ever break a brother's heart, the wolf will bite.
While working at Claire's, Skewer gets asked by a little girl on why he's dressed like that. To humor her, he told the girl that he's the guard of the store, protecting anyone who tries to ruin the princesses' jewels and presents. His looks is a warning sign to anyone who tries to steal them. Astonished, she assumed he's a knight, along with Thorn and Spike, and she gave him the loyal knight ceremony where she tapped a toy wand over his shoulders and deemed him, "Sir Skewer!"
That encounter made Skewer happy in the inside, and if anyone makes of that, they'll know why his name is Skewer.
Thorn, meanwhile, loves working at the bookstore because he loves reading. He entertains the audience by reenacting the scenes, especially in manga books, and got the store a very good attention gain!
He does wonder about Japan and is always ecstatic whenever Mrs. Cunningham includes them on holiday trips to Japan.
Usually, when Randy's group comes together, Spike comes to visit with the other Punks on their breaks, and they have a good time hanging out!
Spike calls Heidi wrong names just to annoy her like how she annoyed Randy by calling him the wrong names.
Skewer and Howard have a chess battle, even though Howard thought it would be lame at first - The reason why he changed is because Skewer claimed Howard can't win.
Thorn have a little gossip fun with the girls, and sometimes would tease Randy over the girl he likes.
Now I heard Randy is the Ninja in this au, and if so, Spike would 100% know it's him. Why? Cuz he's his brother. The others will know eventually.
One thing to note is how Spike's face changed whenever he passes by a McFist product or even a poster of McFist.
Bucky, Steven, and Flute Girl all work at the music store. Bucky is very happy and friendly - Flute Girl is cynical and annoyed - Steven is [Trombone Music]
Bash is the local bully and thinks he has power over everyone because 1. His stepdad is the owner of everything, including the mall and 2. Cuz he's big and powerful. Some of the only people who aren't afraid are The Punks and Mrs. Cunningham.
Remember the Creepy Swamp Wizard, CatFish Booray? He has a food truck outside of the mall and it... Well you decide.
Mrs. Cunningham, in my book, is a lawyer that is often not present to the boys. She's been working hard to pay off for everything, but when she does have time, she wants to get to know each of her boys well and hang out with them.
When she needs alone time, Mrs. Cunningham usually either reads novels or practices fighting at the gym. It gets the stress from work out of her. People saw her as agile and skilled, which is how they saw Randy being talented at athletics.
Morgan is one of the popular girls and she is the queen of dancing. She leads dancing mobs at public places for the popularity.
McFist is occasionally seen at the Mall during grand openings or new product advertisements; however, one time he spotted Spike in the distance and he can't help but feel like the punk's familiar to him.
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roonotrue · 6 months
Cotl Fanfic - Thoughts & Opinions?
So, this is the first post on this new account and it's a question for my Cult of the Lamb fandom pookies. I just recently got the game and I'm obsessed with it and have been thinking about writing a BUNCH of fanfiction.
So I wanted notes and suggestions on some things, and I might even make polls on some of them, starting most importantly with the topic below:
Gender, Pronouns, and Sexuality that are so far, are solely based on vibes and what I've seen the rest of the fandom agreeing on (And canon of course):
- The Lamb's identity will probs change depending on the fic type, but for most of them they will be assigned male at birth, He/They & Pansexual. Simple and sweet because our lamb boi is just tryna SURVIVE out here in a cult of idiots that can't even cook their own food or clean up their own shit. (Is this just me wanting to write more he/they characters in my stories because I'm he/they? Yes. Yes, it is folks.)
- Narinder is transgender male He/Him. I'm making him transgender male because I said so. I want more trans rep guys, leave me alone. & Homosexual because if his whole vibe and personality doesn't scream gay angsty emo cat I don't know what else in this world does.
- Leshy is cisgender He/Him. I can imagine him experimenting with they/them though. I may include something on that... If anyone has any notes on that I'm all ears. Best Bi. His level of chaos just radiates ADHD bisexual with way too much energy and free time.
- Heket is cis-gender She/Her. The only girlie in the family, fates have mercy on her and her patience. A lesbian for sure. I think the whole fandom just sort of agrees on this, right? With like, lots of wives because she is a highkey baddie? At least that's the impression I've been given based on all of her fanart and simps.
- Calamari- Sorry, I mean Kallamar, is cis-gendered He/Him. I was thinking of making him a transgender man too? Idk, I've just been told the cis's need rep too, and it made me gag and now I want to wave my magic writer wand and make all the characters trans and nonbinary. Opinions on that are welcome. Anyway. A pansexual, and I hear he canonically had multiple spouses? Despite looking like he has zero rizz. I mean, damn. Good for him I guess. Go squid boy, go.
In this, he's gonna be single though, because I like the idea of him struggling to find new spouses and Heket laughing at his struggle.
- Shamura is absolutely nonbinary they/them. A friend has told me this is canon, and that people may gun for my fucking throat if I change it. Not that I really want to, it fits. Shamura is lowkey one of my favorites. I just like spiders. I'm also deeply afraid of them and cry if I see them irl. I also think they're bisexual in the exact opposite way as Leshy, in that they are a calm, mildly tired wine aunt of the family, mixed with the senile grandparent that snores loudly then stops and everyone pauses and looks at each other like 'Are... Are they fucking dead?'
Anyway, this is a long post, but I needed to get this out there before I started writing stuff for this fandom. Any opinions are welcome, but no bullying other people's thoughts, and be chill guys.
Fr. I'm like a skittish cat, you'll scare me away, and then no one gets fanfiction.
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everettemontgomery · 6 months
Everette Montgomery
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Nicknames - Monty
Nationalty - American
Race- African American/White
Ethinicity- Finnish/Irish/Nigerian
Pronouns/Identity - They/them. Cupioromantic, Asexual, Nonbinary
Zodiac - Scorpio
Mbti- ISFP
Patronus - Horse
Wand - 13.75 inch oak, phoenix feather
Likes - The Library, The Lake, Quiet classrooms, Hockey, Quidditch, Myrtles bathroom
Dislikes - Cassandra.. Gnomes, Herbology, DADA, MACUSA, The Ministry
Good at - CoMC, Muggle Studies, HoM, SoAR
Poor at- DADA, Divination, Duels
Boggart - Coyotes
Weakness - Intensely sensitive
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Growing up in the Appalachian region of the states, Everette always knew they were different than their family. They never quite seemed to fit in. They didnt know why, of course. How could a little kid know why their cousins didnt want to play with them, or why theyd exchange a glance and giggle when Everette talked about something they liked. They tried to fit in, they really did. They wanted to. Theyd pretend to understand the things their family liked but they could just never wuite get into it. Rather than watch scary movies and sleep on the floor of their nanas basement, they wouldve liked to watch movies based on books they liked. Or even just talk about the books they liked without being cut off.
School was better. Everette had friends they could talk to for once, people that wouldnt shut them out or shun them. Sure people still picked on them but that was nothing new. Home.. wasnt so good though. Everettes parents werent bad parents, dont be mistaken. But that doesnt mean they were deserving of any sort of reward. They did the best with what they had really. Everettes older brother was an oops baby, and they got married. Everettes themself was an oops baby too, somehow even more so than their brother. They were too little to understand why mommy was screaming at daddy, or why daddy wouldnt read them a story some nights. They didnt understand why daddy was sleeping on the couch when they got up for school in the morning or why mommy stopped coming to church with them. Their brother did his best to shield them from the worst of it, but he could only do so much. Eventually Everette would start finding mommys wine.
Everette had at least one person in the family they felt normal around, besides their brother. And that was their uncle. He didnt come around often, only Christmas, Thanksgiving, the occasional easter. But Everette was always excited to see him. And everytime he had a new little trinket for Everette. Everyone bit Everette seemed to know why the card shuffled by themself and why the character on the card they had would sometimes disappear. But no one would tell Everette. They remember their uncle trying to, once or twice. But their mother always stopped him. And then it was another fight..
The first time their Uncle came around for a birthday was their 11th. Wizards dont typically get their letters on their birthdays, but their uncle pulled a few strings to give Everette their early. The only people excited were Everette and their Uncle. Their dad looked.. sad? It wasnt an expression that Everette recognized. Their mother looked angry. Which Everette immediately knew. It wasnt until they were 11 that they were told their uncle worked for MACUSA, and Ministrys American organization. And it wasnt until Everette was 11 that they were told they were also a wizard.
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It was a hard few weeks after that. Everette doesnt remember most of it. But they do remember the relief on their brothers face when they were told Everette was going to live with their uncle from then on. Everette was not so relieved. They didnt want to leave their brother, why would they ever want that? They were assured theyd get to come back for summer and Christmas, but their brother was already sixteen by then. Hed be off before long. But their brother knew it was best. He knew Everette didnt need to be around for the oncoming divorce. The one that was years in the making. Years coming.
It was hard to get adjusted to Scotland. A whole new country, that Everette felt distinctly out lf place in. They didnt look like anyone sround them, or at least not many people around them and it was hard to understand the new accents. Their uncle was a help of course. Teaching them the new vocabulary and how to understand the people around them.
He seemed the most excited. Everette was told that for years he was the only wizard in their family. Not since some distant guy Everette couldn't remember the name of. He was glad to finally be able to share this with someone. Everette was glad to finally feel normal. To finally not be the black sheep.
And soon enough, their uncle was walking them to the train platform. And the look of confusion on the poor things face ehen they were instructed to walk through a pillar. It was a shock, for sure. To talk through brick to see hundreds of students just like them, and a big red train.
A kiss on the head, and the securing of robes. The securing of hair and one final hug, they got on the train.
And they sat beside a girl who looked just like them.
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jazzmckay · 7 months
oc tag meme!
tagged by @lyriumlullaby-ao3 to talk about an oc :>
here is one of my inquisitors from dai!
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NAME: el of clan lavellan
NICKNAME: just el. el is already a shortened version of their given name because they're nonbinary and their given name has too strong of a gender vibe
GENDER: afab nonbinary
TAROT/ZODIAC: the knight of wands (upright: action, courage, energetic, rebellious, hot tempered. reversed: reckless, impatient, impulsive, volatile, domineering). and idk, aries?
HEIGHT: i never think about height idk whatevers average for elf
ORIENTATION: queer. in what way? wouldnt you like to know, weather boy
FAVORITE SEASON: autumn. they're more comfortable in cooler weather, but they also don't love how cold it gets in the south for winter
FAVORITE FLOWER: sorry to say el barely thinks twice about plants in general. they do NOT stop to smell the roses
FAVORITE SCENT: i may have picked the wrong character for this lol literally the one oc with the defined trait "dull sense of smell"
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: coffee. they like it bitter
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: at least 7, then five more minutes, and then lying about for a bit because if someone makes them move too fast they're gonna start biting
DOGS OR CATS: both are okay, but more of a dog person. they like the energy, the ability to have them as a combat companion, that sort of thing. cats tend to mind their own business though so el's cool with them
DREAM TRIP: regrettably, seheron. only place that both piques their interest and is worth exploring in their opinion, but of course. there is a war there, so
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 2 max or they'll start to feel like theyre drowning in it
RANDOM FACT: when they're pissed off, they like to fuck or spar if they're willing to interact with other people, and if they don't want to deal with anyone, they go to the undercroft to make new weapons. harritt and dagna know to leave them alone unless they ask for something
tagging! @streganicha @thelaughingmagician @inscrutable-shadow and @broodwolf221 yes i know youve done it already but if youre up for round two, give us another :3
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ground rules: default safeword is 'safeword' or stoplight colors 'red' or 'yellow light', or if i need to communicate something but don't feel the need to stop the scene entirely, i'll use parentheses to (talk like this) sometimes
(updated sept 2024) i'm a switch, age early 30s, central US time zone, nonbinary they/them trans & bi. gender neutral terms usually preferred, or androgynous-masc, or ask. i love interaction; anons, asks, reblogs, and replies are all good! dms not so much, the msg system doesn't like me, and i prefer keeping things semi-public here until i know someone better. introduce yourself & share your limits too, especially titles and pet names. i fucking love those
i have an omo server on discord called the cuddle puddle. main rules: 18+ obviously, no age regre/ssion kinks, no ince/st kinks, no abuse kinks, no 'momm/y' or 'dadd/y' titles or roleplay, no sexualizing littles or fictional kids, no 'bab/yfur'. introduce yourself to get access to the main channels. invite here: https://discord.gg/9pZXvB2N2A
top tier fantasies: being denied permission to pee, especially if it's until i beg/admit that i'm going to have an accident if i don't get permission. being told what to drink. being told to hold it all 'or else'. being told to leak a little. having to ask permission to cross my legs or hold my crotch. being told if i can't hold it/obey whatever holding rule, i'll be punished: i love funishment oh my god. i love being threatened with no toilet breaks or with lots more drinks and nowhere to relieve myself. praise! praise + humiliation!
also great: bondage. sexual omo. sharing fantasies. someone describing accidents or their own relief to make my desperation more urgent. talking about how full i must be and how much i'd love to pee. multiple doms giving me attention. multiple subs holding with me, competing for attention. sensory play. pressing or massaging my full bladder. mild intox.
good: being told what to wear. teasing about waterfalls, water sounds, etc. fantasies about consensual public stuff. golden showers. light s&m. sounding. humiliation. holding contests. peeing somewhere besides a toilet. holding a long time. rapid desp. making me admit/explain what i want in detail.
ok: 'you only want to pee, you don't need to.' some ws. measuring capacity (it's a lot. and therefore kind of a pain to measure)
ask first: 'you don't need to pee, you're not desperate, you just think you are' gaslight type teasing. unrealistic hold goals. holding indefinitely without a goal. short term no touch. pleasure denial / joi. piss drinking. overstim.
no: diap. actual oppression or abuse dressed as kink, including under/age inc/est & non/con. orgasm denial. most hard s&m.
i'm a fat transmasc with a fat trans dick and a sopping wet cunt. my ass is cute too (and very fuckable). gender neutral, masc, or androgynous language prefered. you can switch it up, i'll let you know if i like/dislike something or you can ask. i love talking to people, even if you don't want to talk about sex or bdsm explicitly. i live in an apartment so i can't really do jumping jacks at 3am.
i have a wand vibe, several toys and plugs, a stand to pee funnel, and a decent amount of bondage supplies that you should also feel free to ask me about
other kinks, rough tier list of things that i do like:
S: omorashi, bondage, begging, voice, praise, wholesome, humiliation, DP, clothed sex
A: d/s, roleplay, anal, oral, frottage, dry humping, sounding, wax play, temperature play, sensory play, boots, masks, exhibitionism, leather, terato, science/lab roleplay
B: ws, uniforms, object insertion, body worship, lingerie, dacryphilia, light intox, jeans
C: petplay, feet, s&m
now go forth and tell me to hold my pee 🥰
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lovestrucksapphic · 2 months
For NSFW asks: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
10. have you ever been caught masturbating? i've been interrupted but never outright caught, like when my old roomie walked into the bathroom when i was in the shower 20. if you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be? a tall dominant trans girl who would throw me around and treat me like her personal chewtoy. if we're being completely honest here 30. something you have hidden in your room that you don't want anyone to find? my sex toys, my lewd drawings, my weed stuff, my diary. y'know the usual "things i don't want people to see" 40. what do you wear to bed? ummm usually a super duper oversized t shirt or nothing at all. bc my room gets incredibly hot and i hate it sm!!! 50. how would you feel about taking someone's virginity? oh! a little intimidated, i think. i would wanna make sure it was a positive experience for them, and everything would be on their terms, at their pace. god knows i wish my first time was better, and that the other person actually gave a fuck about me;; 60. if you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do? omg i'm not even gonna lie. i'd probably just spend the whole day masturbating ghfdjskdhf it's my personal nonbinary dream to be able to switch "parts" at my own free will. if onlyyy 70. have you ever bought a sex toy? if so, which one did you buy last? first sex toy? if not, which one do you plan on buying when you do? first sex toy: tiny lil knockoff magic wand ( 3/10. not powerful enough. eventually made me cum but took a rly long time, i was probably better off just using my hands ) last sex toy: romp switch ( 6/10. it's ok, still takes a while unless it's up all the way, and it can get pretty noisy even though it's supposed to be quiet !! ) 80. favorite sexual position? maybe i'm basic but i luuuuv missionary. staring into someone's eyes while they're using your body for their pleasure and slowly watching them unravel and lose themselves >>> 90. have you ever had a one night stand? do you still keep in contact with them? i've had three one night stands, and i don't talk to any of them. i'm only sad about not staying in contact with one of them though;;
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
also now that rwarb was such a successful adaptation, which queer romances would you like to see them tackle next?
Weeeeelll if there were zero budgetary and casting restrictions in place, if I could just wave a magic wand and make great adaptations--
Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid--SEEMS like one of the easiest options, comes built in with a sequel, and it's like. Along the same lines as RWARB, while being.... a lot more sexual and a good bit angstier because the stakes are arguably HIGHER (mostly I'm thinking of Ilya being a world-famous Russian athlete who's also like. Bi.). I feel like it's funny and swooningly romantic in a manner similar to RWARB, but it's the next level up in a sense re: maturity. I also think, again, they could actually do this... albeit with a lot of obstacles re: both sexual content and like, casting dudes who could be fake hockey players lol. And one of them has to either be Russian or miraculously do a bang-up Russian accent. Both of these things are challenges.
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian--would be SUCH a good mini? A historical romcom with the soft bisexual former highwayman and the flashiest motherfucker who's ever walked into the tavern or whatever like "HELP ME ROB MY DAD... and I will consider letting you look at my ankles". And then he SWORDFIGHTS LMAO? Perfect perfect perfect. then you could have the Marian book as a sequel.
Something Fabulous/Something Spectacular by Alexis Hall--you begin with a mini on the ultimate m/m romcom roadtrip romance, then you transition to the equally funny but also deeply emotionally stirring book about two nonbinary characters falling in love? and one of them is BASICALLY a rockstar?
A Long Time Dead by Samara Breger--the sapphic Interview with the Vampire, incredibly good and wry and dark and funny and ROMANTIC
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall--would be an amazing sweeping four part period drama; I just love the premise so much, with the heroine transitioning by faking her death at Waterloo and her best friend never emotionally getting over it and then meeting her again after her transition and not recognizing her until he realizes she has THE SAME FRECKLES??? JESUS. A full-stop ROMANCE romance.
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles--JOSS DOOMSDAY and his gay exploits in the marsh! Blackmailing his old hookup to continue his smuggling operation and then following that old hookup home and going "so like... you down to fuck or....?"
This is completely impossible but I'm gonna pie in the sky and say Tiffany Reisz's Original Sinners would make the most demented borderline-impossible explicit TV series ever. Imagine the ongoing antics of a bisexual dominatrix, her ex-boyfriend except actually not except the love of her life who is a Catholic priest that gets sexual pleasure out of inflicting pain, a totally straight man (according to himself) who has nonetheless been in a 20+year off/on thing with a bisexual French guy who runs the kink underworld of New York City or something. And they all fuck together sometimes. Like at Christmas. Complete with a snowball moment! Because Christmas!
New Camelot Trilogy--will never happen, but in my wiiiiiiildest dreeeeeeams this would be like, a 10-episode miniseries (or more??? Like a full outlander-style 13 episode series..... or a three season deal with 8 episodes per season...). It's just one of my favorite romance series of all time, it does such a good job of melting from the simple love triangle to this complex menage a trois of possessive wounded messy people? And somehow two of them are the president and the vice president lmao??? Of course, in the same sense... I'd love a Thornchapel miniseries. Like, you'd get a m/m/f throuple, a f/f couple, and this one bi priest guy they all fuck with at points? But nobody wants me to have the Gothic polyamorous friend group romance I want.
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aeide-thea · 1 year
up in the middle of the night (or, really, rounding the corner of it now) rereading old fic (from a fandom i was never actually in, about a canon i never actually read, because if we're gonna go full Deep Internet we might as well go all the way, i guess) about a, hm, partially queerplatonic polycule and also somebody being nonbinary in a way that somewhat maps onto the way i'm nonbinary—
(or, i don't know, i stopped feeling confident about claiming that language for myself sometime around the time i first saw theyfab discourse happening in the distance and no one in my social vicinity deigning to acknowledge it even long enough to push back at it, so like, these days i mostly just feel like no language assigned or aspired-to is really mine to use, honestly, but i guess 'genderqueer' feels like a modest enough assertion i can probably safely make it: genderqueer, agender, what even is a gender anyway—)
but it really is just like. i wish i could have the experience you're supposed to have in your, like, early- to mid-twenties really, where you live with a bunch of people you have, like, ambiguously queerplatonic relationships with and get to be casually nakeder than conventional norms allow and be, like, a shirtless genderless person around other people and get that reinforced for myself. but of course instead it's like. i missed the boat on the possibility of that experience just like i missed the boat on the rest of life, and i live with my father which is—a grab bag of nice/comfortable/mediocre/stifling but mainly for the purposes of the current conversation just not a plausible environment in which to push nudity taboos and attempt to reframe bodily meanings; and so what i get instead is to flop around in the middle of the night like an unevolved magikarp feeling crazy and melancholy and reading fic where imaginary people make unconventional impossibilities possible for one another because they love each other and it's, like, an updated version of that pathetically tragic anecdote abt the woman calling the gay bars just to listen down the phone and know they were out there…
like honestly i probably would want top surgery really, or at least, to like. wave a wand and have—no tits? smaller tits? something, anyway, sometimes—but i also want people's perception of my self not to depend on my making that happen? i don't know. it's like. my ugly little tits are ugly and i never wanted to sprout them in the first place but it's also like. sux that all roads to social gender acceptance/affirmation regardless of direction involve active cosmetic modification of my own body. like actually that was a major part of the concept/constraint i wanted to get out from under.
i don't know. the things i want seem unreasonable and impossible no matter what camp you ask and i feel gadfly-maddened and oversensitive and despairing about the whole tangle of it (never mind any other aspect of my (non-)life). like it's no fucking wonder i spend so much time as a disembodied word-utterer on the disembodied internet. language my truest tongue of my truest body. heart-sea and heart's ease and heart's blood-without-blood. (found myself thinking here abt heaney's ban-hus (blood-holt, dream-bower) and went to look it up and was poured right back into the problem and then back out of it again. (woman-)body as wordless geography, limned and unlimbed by words.)
gender of the day: poiesis. (ἡ ποίησις, of course—the feminine article, which transcribed becomes he: a meaningless homograph, to be sure, but then so too am i a queerly-drawn thing; and anyway even a wildly-strung cat's cradle is still a cradle, the dots of it connected to hold a meaning like any other constellation…)
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firsttarotreader · 4 months
Hey tarot mami, I have been going through your readings and I have noticed you do a lot of readings on Pedro's feelings towards men and women, especially what attracts him to each gender, so to spice things up a little how does he feel about androgyny, is he sexually attracted to quite androgynous people. ❤
Hello! I asked about the androgynous look on people of all gender expressions and sexualities, okay? It’s about androgynous people that may identify as any gender, nonbinary or not. Also, this refers to possible attraction and not an overall “opinion”. The first pull was the 10 of Wands, 7 of Wands reversed and The Empress.
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10 of Wands followed by 7 of Wands reversed points to him potentially feeling “intimidated” by these people at first, like an overload to his senses and the feeling of being overwhelmed. Like he feels insecure sometimes, but then he lets go and carries on. With The Empress, he might like their authenticity and their freedom to express themselves and show their feminine and masculine sides with ease and confidence. That may be attractive to him.
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The second pull was the 5 of Coins, Knight of Swords and Knight of Coins. 5 of Coins means he could feel kind of estranged to them, like there is a wall and they are two separate worlds in the beginning. Knight of Swords shows him then focusing on the communication, being very direct and intellectual, developing great conversations, but not a lot of emotional connection. Knight of Coins points to a possible attraction being built over time, a slow burn, based on getting to know the person and taking time with them and letting things evolve.
So I would say, with these cards, the attraction to androgynous people would possibly be about the person. If he meets them and likes them and gets the time to connect, things can work out fine!
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glitterdustcyclops · 2 years
y'know the thing that really grinds my gears about the useless white liberals who are all "but i have to play Protocols of the Elder Wands of Zion because it was my childhoood and it was important to meeeee" is that guess what? i also read harry potter as a kid
it was one of the most important books of my childhood, i literally learned my love of reading by reading harry potter. i figured out i was queer by reading hp fanfiction, i poured hours of my heart and soul and brain into thinking about and dreaming about these fucking books. starting with the order of the phoenix my parents wrote a special dedication to me each time a new book released right on the first page, because they knew how important this series was to me
so please, cis people, imagine for a fucking second how it feels to be a trans nonbinary person in this absolute hellscape of a year, living in a state where i'm like 75% they're going to make my very existence literally illegal any day now and also know, bone-deep and true, that the author of one of the foundational texts of my childhood, the architect of my imagination, a woman i once respected and admired, who literally made me want to be an author, fucking hates my guts and doesn't think i deserve to exist.
i'm so fucking sorry but your right to play Soros Expelliarmus: The Game and not feel guilty about giving money to a woman who will 100% use that money to make sure i have less rights than i already do now does not even remotely fucking holding a candle to that
this series has been absolutely destroyed for me, and every time i have to hear about her stupid bigoted face i'm reminded over and over and over again that my rights, my fundamental humanity, don't mean a goddamn thing to her or to you. whatever flimsy excuses you've come up with it to justify it doesn't matter. that's the message you're sending, to every trans person and jew in your life.
so fine, spend your money however you want, i literally can't stop you.
but then you have the nerve, the absolute unmitigated gall, to want us to celebrate you for it?
absolutely FUCK that noise. if you get to give the bigot lady more money so you can experience Jew Hunters of Azkaban then i get to remind you that you are a spineless moral coward for doing it. them's the rules. don't like it? i dunno maybe don't fucking play the game.
seems pretty simple to me.
(obviously shoutout to this poll for the names i used for the game)
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actuallyvady · 2 years
Every so often I make the joke that every piece of art or fic where kim is trans adds a year to my life but the reality is way more complicated and personal than that?
I have had a complicated relationship with my body for a long time. I think most trans people do, though each person experiences it differently. I'm lucky, in a lot of ways! My breasts are too small to need a bra or binder, and my features are generally androgynous; in most ways, dysphoria hasn't been terrible. Which is probably why it took so long to decide I wanted to transition. But there's one thing that has bothered me a lot for a long time: my genitals.
It's weird to talk about it. I hate even typing that word. Because I have hated that part of my body for so long. I didn't want to look at myself, I didn't want to touch myself any more than necessary-- I don't do tampons because it bothers me. I never really masturbated much. The worst part, though, is that I get the most pleasure from penetration-- I can have a clitoral orgasm without it, but I don't like it near as much.
When I thought I was a straight woman that was... fine. Straight men are bad at foreplay but they can usually manage what actually gets me off. I didn't really want them paying much attention to that part of me anyway-- oral always made me incredibly uncomfortable.
Then I started to realize I was not a woman. At first it was identifying as nonbinary, in various ways. But it came back, almost every time, to wishing I had a dick. Sometimes I wanted both, sometimes I wanted to just wave a magic wand and be entirely a cis man. I had the deeply frustrating experience of recognizing that I wanted to masturbate but didn't have the body to do what I actually wanted. The fact that I could only satisfy my arousal with penetration was much worse once I recognized that.
I started having relationships and sexual encounters with people that were not straight men, which meant that sex did not look the same anymore... and for years I just. Didn't bother with my own pleasure. I had plenty of fun! I very much enjoy getting my partner(s) off, in various ways. But I never let them return the favor. I almost never took off my underwear, even. It would ruin the moment, for me, because what I had was not what I wanted to have.
Recently I started thinking seriously about transitioning, and the question of whether I would want phalloplasty came back. After all, what I wanted was a dick, right? When I first started researching transition, like eight years ago, that was the first thing I looked into. I didn't really want the things that T would do (or so I thought, for years) but I wanted that.
And then I found Disco Elysium. And Kim Kitsuragi.
I feel personally called out by his existence for a lot of reasons. I won't go into most of it here. But one of the big ones is that he isn't a pretty anime boy, or otherwise especially conventionally attractive. He's older, he wears glasses, he's got a receding hairline. And suddenly I felt very okay with some of the aspects of transitioning that had made me hesitate before. Did I want body hair? What if I hated my voice? What if I lost my hair? The existence of Kim made all of that okay. He's the reason I'm on T now.
And then I started seeing trans Kim fanart. Not just fanart-- smutty fanart. And fanfic! Trans!Kim, with the genitals I have always had complicated feelings about, being portrayed as an attractive, sexual man. Trans!Kim enjoying having penetrative, vaginal sex. Trans!Kim being comfortable with and enjoying his body. Trans!Kim being masculine and horny and sexually desirable. There was a whole day I spent dissociating and looking at every bit of art and fic I could find. I genuinely felt like I was drunk or high.
And all of a sudden I found myself... feeling better about my body. I'll masturbate, now, just because I can, and enjoy it. I let my lover actually see all of me, and touch me, and get me off. I don't even really feel that need to have a dick anymore. Sure, if I could wave a magic wand I would do so but all the surgeries? It doesn't feel necessary anymore.
And that's because of trans!Kim.
That's why I say y'all are adding years to my life.
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opinated-user · 2 years
Things LO will not address in her HP fanfic:
The Wizarding World withholding magic from Muggles that could save lives, specifically medical care, leading to thousands of unnecessary deaths each year for centuries
Love Potions being legalized rape potions
Slavery, which she is readily excusing already.
The coded racism of only humans being allowed to have wands
The many faults of the Wizarding government system that allow Ministers of Magic to stay in power for extreme lengths of time, leading to corruption
The gender essentialism of staircases in dorms allowing "biological girls" to go into the dorms of boys but the stairs knowing your AGAB and rejecting "biological males" (JKR's terms) who try to do the opposite.
All of the non-white characters having names that flag up their ethnicity and are often poorly thought out. LO will make this worse by making the focus white characters and not racebending anyone, as her casts are always overwhelmingly white with the only major character of color she's ever written being a mass murderer descended from slavers.
The inherently flawed structure of Houses leading to in-group mentalities, a lack of cooperation among students and fracturing within the Wizarding community.
Boarding School Syndrome and the long-documented psychological damage that boarding schools have been shown to have on children, especially those who attend during their preteen years.
Prejudice against werewolves, the strict segregation of species who are humanoid and sapient, and the mistreatment and demonization of half-human hybrids such as Hagrid.
The lack of female friendships and interactions that are non-competitive and not related to men in some way.
The antisemitism, an issue she ignores in every piece of media she likes and an issue she refuses to listen to Jewish people on, because she, a goy, knows more about Judaism than Jewish people.
The lack of racial diversity, which she will likely make worse by writing out a lot of the minor characters who are POC. This will be excused by her by trotting out Aliana, her Token Black Character, as if one TBC makes a work diverse.
The lack of queer representation, which she will 'fix' with a queer Harry and Aliana and probably an underage sapphic for Harry to lust after. No ace, pan, gay, genderqueer, nonbinary, or other marginalized identities will be shown. Why include a queer character she can't get off to?
Things good HP fics have already addressed:
All of the above.
She won't stand out enough in a fandom this crowded and this much better at writing than her enough to get attention. My guess is she'll give up on it in the same way she seems to have given up on TSR updating. She wants to be a Big Name Fan, but lacks the ability to be creative enough to do something to merit it, the focus needed to write out something lengthy and original, and the maturity required to ingest anything over than children's media and SW, meaning her understanding of how to write complex topics is extremely limited.
Talking about a new fic is a good way to divert people's attention off her Sankaku accounts full of 3D realistic loli, shota, incest and rape, but actually writing a good fic? Completely beyond her.
you forgot the complete lack of any disability representation, despite the fact that magic could literally make things so easy for disabled wizards. the closest thing we ever got on the original series was Harry being able to repair his glasses easily, nothing else. it's the implication that the wizard world has managed to erradite all disabilities, including neurodivergent ones, or JK just never even thought about them existing at all? nobody knows and LO probably won't ever adress it either.
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wartorns · 2 years
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–— 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐒 : introduction.
BASICS CHARACTER NAME  : tracey  davis  AGE + BIRTHDAY + ZODIAC  :  twenty - three,  aug  24,  virgo GENDER + PRONOUNS  :  nonbinary + she / they SEXUAL ORIENTATION  :  pansexual TRAITS: perceptive, sympathetic, critical, evasive, individualistic  SPECIALIZATION  :  healing YEAR  :  third HOUSE  :  slytherin STUDENT ACTIVITIES  :  chaser ( slytherin team) ,  herbology  club,  quidditch club PETS / FAMILIARS  :  a turtle ( name tbd )  BLOOD STATUS  :  halfblood  WAND  :  tbd PATRONUS (IF APPLICABLE)  :  non - corporeal BOGGART  :  their mother, at the other end of their wand, afraid 
grew up as a muggle - raised by their mother, a young nurse, in a small town just outside of london. they received an owl from an anonymous man claiming to be their father, giving them a heads up that a letter from thiudreiks might arrive. it’s the only communication tracey or their mum ever received from him. 
the letter still came as a shock, neither of them having any understanding of the world that was offered to tracey. it was clear right off the bat that they didn’t entirely belong -and muggles weren’t considered in a very high regard. wanting desperate to fit in, tracey tried to find their place. never mentioning the muggle town they grew up in, or the muggle mum they left behind. little white lies ! from a kid who wanted to fit in ! it gets out of hand, as most little white lies do, and they had to go with it. 
summers home are...odd. the dynamic has changed quickly, once tied to the hip with their mum, there’s a distance they can’t seem to cross. her mom is a bit afraid, though doesn’t admit to it, and tracey feels strange acting like a muggle. just before tracey goes off to aurelius, their mum admits that she’s found someone else and they’re having a baby. a ‘normal’ muggle family. it’s a cut that still hasn’t healed. 
tracey’s initial interests in the magical world stay true - herbology, quidditch & healing. is now specializing in healing, playing as a chaser for the slytherin team & is in the herbology club. 
the scary & weird events around town have caused random, mysterious letters to appear !! from someone who claims to be their father. tracey doesn’t do much to the letters - sometimes they remain unopened in her trunk, sometimes they light it on fire. no response has been given yet but the sudden concerned act is more annoying than anything else.
a bit quirky ! a bit odd ! wants to fit in but always finds that it’s more difficult than they’d like it to be. a true and loyal friend, tho likely takes a while for them to feel that way. one of those people where they know everything about you and you feel really close to them ! and then realize you’ve never met their family, don’t rmr specific info, and don’t really know them ?? 
friends  :  best friends, someone who knows their Muggle background, confidants, smoking friends, party friends, adventure friends
rivals : quidditch rivals, ex friends, ex lovers etc, rly anyone who they don’t get along with !! angst ! 
romance : will-they/won’t they, ex hookups, current hookups, first loves, lets find a song with lyrics that’ll crush us ! 
other : ive rly got no thoughts on who her dad is but maybe it’s a relative to someone ?? could be pureblood or halfblood or whatever. people who also hang in the herbology green houses, not exactly friends but a respect is there for some reason, good influence, bad influence 
smooches for u & any plots u want !! 
and a pinterest bc i am addicted ! and what of it !  
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wendylover2008 · 1 year
team hope galaxy incorrect quotes 3  💗💜💚🖤💛🤎 (and sakura)  warning some contain some shipping and some language
Sakura (new OC): Okay okay stop asking me if I'm straight, gay, bi, whatever. I identify as a pansexual  bigender (female and nonbinary) threat 
wendy: Why are your tongues purple? calli: We had slushies. I had a blue one. adia: I had a red one. wendy: oh wendy: wendy: OH wander:  wander: You drank each other's slushies that’s pretty gay.
wendy: The stars sure do look beautiful tonight. wander: Yeah, they do. wendy: You know what else is beautiful? wander: *Blushing Furiously* Who? Did you mean me? wendy: What? No, I meant Calli.  
wendy: I was arrested for being too cool. wander: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.    
wendy: I hardly slept last night wander: When you can’t sleep, it means someone is thinking about you. Someone who loves you. wendy: Who would be thinking about me at 3 a.m.? calli: [gay panic] 
wendy: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions? wander: Put spaghetti in it. wendy: I'm currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you. calli: Put spaghetti in it. wendy: I'm currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two. adia: Put spaghetti in it. wendy: I'm no longer taking suggestions.    
calli: Why are wendy and wander sitting with their backs to each other? adia: They had a fight. calli: Then why are they holding hands? adia: They get sad when they fight.  
wendy: *Screams* wander: *Screams louder to establish dominance* calli: Should we do something? adia: No, I want to see who wins.   
wendy: What does 'take out' mean? wander: Food. calli: Dating sakura (new OC): Murder gaelic: IT CAN MEAN ALL THREE IF YOU'RE NOT A COWARD.  
wendy: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses. wander: This knife is actually a magic wand. calli: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel. sakura (new OC): *cocks gun* Magic missile. gaelic: What the ruck is wrong with you people.  
wendy: So uhhh... my question is: my friend keeps on going into the pantry and grabbing handfuls of fettuccine... uncooked... sakura (new OC): I would hope they're not grabbing handfuls of cooked fettuccine! gaelic: In your pantry! wendy: Yeah... and eating them raw, and they keep calling them 'chips'. ... How do I make them stop? sakura (new OC): Is your friend here? wendy, motioning to wander: Yeah. sakura (new OC), to wander: You're a monster! Words MEAN things! >:( calli: Does anybody remember- I haven't been to Olive Garden in many moons- but they DO have a like- fettuccine bottle that you can just- grab em out of and chew- calli: HOLD ON. WAS THIS A PRANK YOU GUYS PULLED ON ME WHEN WE WENT TO OLIVE GARDEN AS KIDS?! calli: NO, STOP. EVERYBODY SHUT UP. DO THEY GIVE YOU RAW FETTUCCINE TO CHEW ON IN THE LOBBY OF THE OLIVE GARDEN Everyone else: No. calli, to sakura (new OC) and gaelic: YOU RUCKIN BASTARDS sakura (new OC): YAAAAAAAAY! gaelic: THE PRESTIGE!  
wendy: Rules are made to be broken. wander: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. calli: Uh, piñatas. sakura (new OC): Glow sticks. gaelic: Karate boards. adia: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. wendy: Rules. wander: 
wendy: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke. wander: Okay, but what is updog? calli: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish. sakura (new OC): Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released. gaelic: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden. adia: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter. wendy: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs. sakura (new OC): You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current. calli: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway. wander: What’s a henway?? wendy: Oh, about five pounds.
wendy: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous. wander: What if it bites me and it dies!? calli: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, wander, learn to listen. sakura (new OC): What if it bites itself and I die? gaelic: That’s voodoo. adia: What if it bites me and someone else dies? wander: That’s correlation, not causation. sakura (new OC): What if we bite each other, and neither of us die? gaelic: That’s kinky. wendy: Oh my God.  
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 That’s everything. See you next time on team hope galaxy incorrect quotes   💗💜💚🖤💛🤎
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