zilly, early 30s, it/its, they/them, or any pronouns
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why is pissing nsftadults only. 21+ preferred. early 30s, genderfuck, bi aro-spec polyam; white north american mostly omo & soft bdsm; RACK; pro-fat, pro-slut
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 15 days ago
you're a piss sub? how cute! can you show me how long you can hold? did you drink enough water? very good! show me how good you are at holding your piss until you're allowed to go. show me how full your bladder is too.
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 15 days ago
flustering a dom is such a power trip it feels like finding a settings menu you weren't supposed to have access to and hitting all the shiny buttons. you can make these things blush and stutter
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 15 days ago
rb 2 give this 2 all ur moots:
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 15 days ago
Watching you squirm on thr floor hands pressed against your pee hole as you leak and cry, begging me to let you let go, but no matter how much you wimper and whine I deny you to fully let go. Punishing you for ever leak and making you drink just as much water as you did leak keeping you nice and full.
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
okay so here’s something i was talking to a lover about last night. being a “dom” is not something inherent to you, it is a role you take on. you can have naturally dominant tendencies, but when you go to be a dom or dom someone, that’s a role you’re taking on, and with it, there’s responsibility you’re accepting.
I am once again recommending the new topping book to anyone who wants a more detailed look at this, but i’m going to talk about some key points here that have changed the way i dom for the better.
- you need to be aware of your own capacity. it is better to say “that’s really hot but i don’t currently have the energy to provide the kind of aftercare that would require” than to do a hot scene and get lost in the drop.
- when you dom, you are taking on responsibility for the physical and emotional well-being of both your sub and yourself. you need to be prepared to do this. emotionally this means being prepared, provide aftercare, check in with them, deal with bad sub drop if it happens. Physically this is where we get into some basic RACK.
- I want to talk a little bit about the risk aware part of RACK. it is your responsibility, and this one applies to the sub and the dom, to do your research. knowing “oh this is risky” does not count as risk aware. you need to be looking into specific risks for specific scenes and seeing how one should handle them. for bondage this means learning how to do it properly, always having safety shares on hand, things like that. for knife play, it means having first aid stuff on hand. i for one know where my closest ER and urgent care are just in case.
- another thought on risk awareness and risk management, there’s nothing wrong with saying “that’s hot but it’s outside of my risk tolerance.” or even, i can’t tell you how often the conversation is “that’s hot but i need to do more research first.”
-when your sub is deep into subspace, or when the scene is already going on, it is your job as the dom to remember their boundaries and enforce them on their behalf. when your sub is out of it, part of taking responsibility for them is saying “i know that’s outside of your boundaries, we’ll need to negotiate that when we’re not in a scene” or like “that’s hot but we’ve never done it before and i’d feel more comfortable if we talked about it outside of a scene first.” it is better to wait and do the thing later, or not do it, than to risk violating your sub in a way that matters!
i’m sure i’ll have more thoughts on this, ill add them as they come to me.
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
i need a dick in my ass and a full bladder
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
im so surprised catheters arent more common. you can force someone to be full. spreading open your legs and having yet another one of your holes claimed. feeling yourself be filled more and more and they are in total control of your bladder. being so exposed and giving up the right to pee. being filled to the brim while they watch. wiggling and squirming and panting because you're so so so stretched but no, honey, not yet, you can pee when i say. watching all the water flow down the tube and into your body.
how is that not so fucking hot??
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
a dom has their two subs hold their pee. they give them a little challenge. first one to wet themselves will have to be edged, tied up, and left to watch the other sub get rewarded by the dom. winning sub also gets to use the toilet and loser sub has to hold it again.
now imagine these two subs trying to sabotage each other, pressing on each others' bladder, one trying to convince the other to wet themselves because its their turn with the dom, tempting them to use the toilet. meanwhile the dom watches in amusement as their subs fight over them...
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
Yea, your girl is a masochist, but have you confirmed the types of pain that she's comfortable with??
Sure, your lover is into petplay, but have you talked about whether you're supposed to yank on that leash??
Absolutely, she's into degradation, but do you know whether that name makes her think of a bad ex??
Mhmm, your girl is into getting choked, but do you know how to grab her without endangering her?? Do you even know if she wants you to stop her blood flow and/or airways???
I see, your darling is into rope, but do you know whether you're tying them up in a position they don't like?? Did you even remember your rounded edge scissors in case of emergency??
Okay, so it's into CNC, do you react with care and compassion if/when it safewords??
Yea, your Dom/me is hot and scary, but have you communicated your needs, and wants, and appreciation for them?? Are you ever making sure they're having fun?? Are you ever even using your safewords, if not why?? You might need to!
Just please, I'm so so tired of hearing people pushed away from/out of kink spaces whether, online or irl, because there are some kinksters out there that cannot practice safely.
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
oh? you're doing a hold right now? you should just let go. i know you can probably hold it or you can wait a little longer but what if you just let go? just relax and wet yourself. i think you've held it in long enough. what? someone said you don't have permission? i say you do. you have my permission. just relax...don't you want to hear that hiss...the pshhh and wsshhh of your pee trickling out? wouldn't it be nice to feel all warm and empty? let go and wet yourself. i won't tell them~
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
the peasantry n rebels all accusing my giant thick frilly princess dress of being a sign of the opulence n wastefulness of royalty but rly its practical n i need it bc all the heavy ruffles r good at keeping me from visibly tenting it
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
I found the perfect omorashi party game on Amazon 😯 Just imagining an omo party, we play this game, no one’s allowed to pee. It has me feeling a certain way 😏 Oh what I’d give to have some in person friends to play with.
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
a dom telling their sub to wait until they are allowed to pee. the dom making the sub do certain tasks like drinking more water or grinding against the dom's lap. the dom putting the sub in different positions to really test their bladder. legs spread, arms locked. any position that makes it hard to hold or puts pressure on their bladder. then the dom keeps them spread, the sub whimpering as they say they can't hold it anymore. the dom sternly says to keep holding, saying if they can wait just ten more seconds, they can go. the sub squirms as the dom starts to count down, pressing on the sub's bladder more and more with each number. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and the dom smirks as their sub waits and waits for the last number. parts twitching and legs trembling. a single drop leaks out as they beg to let go. the dom presses firmly and finally says 1, giving the sub permission. the sub cries out and bursts, finally wetting themselves all over the place.
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
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shooting star
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
You’re not a bad sub if:
Edging isn’t for you.
Denial isn’t for you.
Pain isn’t for you.
Anal isn’t for you.
Oral isn’t for you.
You’re also not a bad sub if you need to safeword, if your limits are different today, if you have chronic conditions or mental health struggles that limit you more than you’d like.
There’s so many posts that talk about the “ways to be a good sub” and honestly there is no one way and it’s okay to do what’s right for you. You’re not a bad sub at all.
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decaffeinatedgalaxyprince · 18 days ago
you're a piss sub? how cute! can you show me how long you can hold? did you drink enough water? very good! show me how good you are at holding your piss until you're allowed to go. show me how full your bladder is too.
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