#And if I won't... IDK I might die lol
barra-400 · 20 days
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June pt. 12
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
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the degenerates: out of context
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chrisbangs · 10 months
#i'm fine btw lol#i talk a lot abt killing myself for someone who's probably not gonna do it#tried before and it famously didn't work . which is why y'all have to suffer and deal with me now 😻#but it's fine i won't do it#i will just dream abt doing it until i die fr one day#hopefully sooner rather than later#such is my life . life fucking sucks i hate being alive etc etc#nothing tethering me to lifeeeeee and that's fine i've come to understand that nothing remains meaningful to me apparently#i need to put my head in the oven or smth#damn dude i should just kms but it's like . 😮‍💨 you know . hard to think it might not work again etc etc#lol idk#school is starting again and i've never been more suicidal in my life i think like wow#i really do not want to do this ... but it's cool 🫂 who cares#i'll suck it up and get the fuck over myself and deal with#like either i do it or i get kicked out.. i don't really have much of a choice 😮‍💨🤲 so#anyway... i'm fine really... it doesn't matter anyway... even if i wasn't bc there's literally nothing to do abt it so why bother#i'm going to go and try to stomach some food bc i've been throwing up everything i've been eating bc of how stressed i am#and then i'll just . lie down on the floor and patiently wait for tmmr#i'm really tired 👍 like beyond the regular usage of the word tired.. m fucking exhausted...#blah blah blah wah wah wah my life sucks you guys are sick of this so i will shut up but i think i'm not gonna be super active on here#anymore bc of school so 🫡 just figured i would log out but im sad so who i be if i didn't make some depressing text post abt killing myself#before i did. that 👍 jrjrjdkdkdkd lol#dl#neg
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
the candymakersssss 😭
#thank u wendy mass for my like middle school reading and also this amazing book still now asjdhgklabfgjkdhf#lowkey thought i might cry at one point 😂🤪😭 BRUH i love this book sm like there's nostalgia kinda i read this book so many times#but also i love these characters and their friendship sm i want more 🥺 i'll probably reread the sequel too#which i don't remember anything of basically lmao but i do own it so i assume i read it XD#my brother said he kinda remembered it being weird and multiverse-y idk lol but idc i want more of them#(however i've been rly wanting to reread they boht die at the end lol so i might do that first)#(and let the candymakers sequel be like my pick me up after XD)#LOGAN SWEET BELOVED MY CHILD EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE WORLD DESERVES THE WHOLE UNIVERSE THIS BOY#i love him sm and it's funny considering his last name i guess lol but rly the only thing i want to say to describe him is just#sweet sweet boy. sweet wonderful lovely angel boy 💗#also the writing like i sorta remembered the end or at least that everyone was good at the end lol#but at the beginning of philip's pov like when he had the wrong idea tho i rly did want to hate him lmao#but i was like girl stop he's 12 he's a lil misguided#his dad's a bit of a dick lol#AND HE'S ALSO SO SWEET THE SECOND HE FINDS OUT THE TRUTH HE'S LIKE SO#great about it idk lol ajkhgldfhbg#miles and daisy also beloveds <333333 they're all so wonderful#the friendship oh my goddlkjakdfgnkadfhguqreighndfjkbvjkdffha#the end w logan and philip does he have one or two l's i could check the book right next to me but i won't apparently lol#the end w them seeing each other's candies in the clouds and just the whole lil group hangout thing at the end#and a lil before the end like miles realizing the truth abt daisy and his reaction is so sweet 😭#i'm probably running out of tags lmfao bye i could talk about this forever apparently a;skjdhgirbgqilerugbsjkfhaf the candymakerssss <33333#jeanne talks
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animeomegas · 2 months
For Neji x alpha x itatchi...
You just gotta hope and pray that alpha can help meditate things when it comes to pups
Calm one down. Talk to the other to explain everything
And for sex like, Neji may not want to take a dominant role but it doesn't mean he can't like sit behind Itatchi with his head in his lap like idk comforting person?
Like alphas fucking Itatchi real food and Neji is just sitting there talking sweet to him, not dominant but submissive, kinda like a healthy middle?
But for Neji and his role play? He can be like me, start small and maybe try different things when he gets more confident and more comfortable, he could probably do it eventually, slow and steady with people who love and care for him.
Does make me wonder... In this AU, how would Neji's first heat go? Or just one of the early heats. Would Itatchi build him a nest full of all their things? Maybe do what I said earlier but in reverse? Him comforting Neji while the alpha jerks him off/eats him out? Maybe take the alphas place when they get tired?
Sorry that this is so long but it interests me so much 😭
Pfft, poor alpha with the pup mediation XD This is still where I think these two would struggle the most.
I guess the one thing I thought of is, if Itachi has pups straight away, which he wants, then Neji is too young for his own (in his opinion) and doesn't know about his infertility, so he'd probably take more cues from Itachi with pup rearing.
Maybe just maybe, this means Neji chills out a little when he has his own or Itachi has his second, because he's already seen a pup be successfully raised without 100% organic food lol.
Neji will need to chill out, because if he doesn't, him and Itachi won't get along. Itachi doesn't appreciate digs at his parenting style, and Neji... is petty.
I do really agree with you on Neji comforting Itachi though, I think that's sweet. When Itachi does go into subspace, Neji can stroke his hair and whisper naughty things. I like that!
Idk about the other way around though, because I think Itachi is one of those people that is deeply uncomfortable with roleplaying. He just... can't be anyone but himself because it makes him want to curl up into a ball and die lol.
As far as Neji's first heat... interesting.
Itachi isn't that good at building nests either, but he's better than Neji which is good, I guess. It becomes an awkward team effort between three people that aren't great at nests, but it gets done XD
I think Itachi would mother hen Neji when he's going through those first intensive painful heats. Alpha is on sex duty. Itachi is on cleaning, cooking, feeding, bathing and comforting duty.
He preps meals, helps hold Neji's head up when he needs to drink, wipes him down when he's sweating, constantly does laundry. I think Itachi has a nice comforting scent too. Neji's is the more mainstream attractive scent, but I think he likes Itachi's scent because it just smells... calm.
But if alpha was asleep and Neji was begging for some relief... Itachi would provide.
Can you imagine waking up and seeing Itachi eating out Neji right beside you?? I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven lmao.
And don't apologise for the length!! I'm loving this AU. Figuring out how it might work is so much fun!!! <3
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moodymisty · 2 months
(This isn't a request, just some Konrad daydreams driven by 4am insomnia that had me screeching and I just have to share with someone while I wait for my meds to kick in!!)
Your recent post about the stinky rat man got me thinking of something truly, hilariously awful: Konrad's favorite meow meow is a PERPETUAL.
Maybe he watches her die. Maybe he accidentally kills her himself. Whatever happens, he'd probably be losing. his. fucking. mind.
..And then she comes back. Oh god, I'm loving imagining at how truly deranged he would be over that. I know he tortures Vulkan SUPER HARD after finding out he's a perpetual, but that seemed driven a lot by "You think you're good and noble(and sane)? I'll drag you down to my level."
I wonder if he'd mistake her as some kind of phantom/delusion brought on by grief and madness at first. Extra comedy: he accidentally(purposely?) kills her again while freaking out over her showing back up alive LMAO. Meow meow can't catch a fuckin' break with this man.
Now I'm wondering how a few other primarchs would react to something similar though
Sanguinius and his sons in mourning and his dead wife just shows back up like "Why did you bury me alive?!" completely unaware she DIED.
Perturabo's shitass sons being like "I told you it was a waste of time!" and then the horror of realizing they didn't escape their step-mom after all.
I'd assume all the primarchs would try to find out what the fuck happened, and maybe go to Malcador for information once they start drawing blanks? Idk.
Fulgrim would so cute, just hyped as fuck. "I have a wife? That won't get old and die before me?? I don't have to lose this one???" Bonus points if she's the last one he was going to marry because he got too heartbroken seeing his wives get old and die over and over 😫 the queen and her corgis vibe forreal
I can't really figure out Mortarion even though he's one of my faves. On one hand, WITCH!! On the other hand,he'd be so relieved the One Good Thing in his life isn't actually gone forevet..
Oh my g o d. Lorgar. Thefucking goddess shit would go CRAZY. Kor Phaeron slamming his head against a wall because he thought he finally WON. HOW DID SHE DO THAT? Some of his followers getting spooked about being rid of her because s u r e l y it was the Powers who orchestrated such a miracle... So maybe she is meant to be here? Uh oh.
Guilliman is another one I'm just like ????. All I can think of, is he'd quietly go find Emps/Malcador and be like "whattheFUCK? explain?please?how?"
It might be because I'm heavily sedated but it's all sO funny to think about. Some legions quietly rejoicing because The Distraction is gone and shejust. Comes back 😭
But can you imagine the parties thrown by the ones who really loved their legion mothers?! And you thought theFUNERAL was extravagant..
Im not sure what time it is there but I hope you slept well and have a good morning! Sorry forcthis stream of consciousness garbage by theway LOL but you always have such cool takes on things I couldnt help muself
This a joy to read friend, I have nothing to add.
Lorgar in particular with a perpetual beloved would be fucking INSANE. His whole religious trauma would be going wild as well as even some of the more apprehensive Word Bearers might be a bit more, respectful.
Imaging Vulkan's wife ends up coming back a few weeks after they desperately mourned her loss, and it's time for the galaxy's largest hug. They form a line.
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aluria-sevhex · 2 days
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ToT Bonnie i love you but that is not how it's pronounced
-"stardust" are you the starhead bitch from the trailers
-i feel like i'll have to ask the librarian for a book eventually
-THE RUNNING ONE IS CALLING OUT SIF LOL (for running from his problems) (hmmmm Sif what problems r u running from?)
-ugh. it's the starhead bitch
-plot twist the star head is Siffrin and that's why he's depressed :P
-their name is Loop. i don't trust them
-"Yeah, better know this one's pronouns so you can think very clearly in your head that they're getting on your nerves."
-LOOP CAN READ THE PROFILES? WHAT KIND OF META BULLSHIT IS THIS </positive i fucking love meta bullshit>
-hm is Loop some sort of weird representation of the player. or a god.
-learn WHAT?
-hm feel like this game might explore some of the moral iffiness that tends to arise with time loops. is a friendship genuine if one person knows exactly what the other will say?
-"don't eat pineapples. you're allergic" fuck you. i WILL eat pineapples and i WILL enter anaphylaxis and i WILL die stupidly but it will be WORTH IT
-maybe Loop was a normal person who got stuck in a time loop for too long and fucked up somehow? and that's why they're like this
-idk if i'll zone out much i don't wanna miss any differences
-altho if there's a difference won't i zone back in?
-then again there's a lot of dialogue
-maybe this will be plot-important somehow?
update after being gone for a bit:
-Tears weewoo
-side note i am so glad i fought that thing that dropped the crest even tho it was hard. fighting it again on future loops is gonna suck tho
-also fun fact right after i died to the Tears i ran ahead and accidentally got crushed by the rock again. which i think is bullshit because I RAN TO THE SIDE OF THE ROOM
-back to more important things. like Siffrin saying nya. or the thyme pun.
-ODILE SAID IT. look she has a phd or whatever equivalent there is here probably, she's like 40, i think she's earned the right to do whatever the fuck she wants
-Isabeau is AOBB (Assigned Omelette By Bonnie)
-"It'd be awful to keep yourself from becoming a person you feel comfortable with just because it would upset someone else."
Breaking news: the game where the protagonist uses he/they, two other major characters use they/them, and there is a conversation explicitly referencing pronouns and giving them, unsurprisingly supports trans rights
-uh... why are the Vaugardians freaking out over crab. does the Change religion ban it?
-Vaugarde is weird. first, they have a VERY SPECIFIC RULE where entering the FIRST ROOM of a house is fine, but any further is rude. second: crabs??? ok i guess???
-an openphrase... ya mean a password?
-fuck it i am fully in "taking gratuitous extensive notes" mode
-hehe protector craft is gullible :P
-oh hey tasteful artistic nudes. so this room's resident is an art student. hopefully their grasp of anatomy was improved :]
-Mira said what the crab instead of what the hell
-"what the CRAB did you let Bonnie do when we said no!!!"
-checked it again. the people are "doing fun things" eh so what if an art student draws porn, that's on me for peeking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still hope it improved their grasp of anatomy. if the anatomy was bad and the narration didn't tell me i would be disappointed in it :P
-ooo drawn tarot card. isn't the Six of Swords a bad one? i feel like it's foreshadowing somehow but i don't feel like looking its meaning up
-i fucking hate the triplet Sadnesses they're so annoying
-the reason the Mandela Effect with Berenstein/Berenstain happened is because Sif equipped the e
-OH? saving records party progress if you loop back to that spot :0
-yippee i beat the Sadness boss that changes its type (this is like the first enemy that does that i think)
-Mira are you hungry
-this question keeps popping in my head but where the fuck IS Siffrin from plot twist the kid was right and he's from the sky idk i'm saying random shit
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fortanuvasyama · 8 months
@crepus i spotted your tags and had to say something lol
the answer is... maybe??? idk what Jason would have done if he was brought into the fight under different circumstances, but he did choose to work with Joker B of his own free will (and agreed pretty quickly, though that might be more because the [supposed] plan was to kill Joker A) (and also bc Joker B has decided he's not the Joker after all and that he needs to kill Joker A after which I guess Joker B would... die? kill himself? i think? idk man) and he actually set up a distraction with Rose to prevent Bruce from interfering (bc I'd imagine Bruce wouldn't want him to kill Joker A 😒)
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(side note: lost my shit laughing here at the entourage of actual bats following the batmobile)
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(btw that kid with Rose up there ^ was part of Joker B's group and Jason had the condition that the kid be uninvolved if Joker B wanted Jason's help)
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(that's why Rose has the kid with her, so Batman can help the kid)
ANYWAYS so Jason is at the fight because he wants to be/he has a chance to kill a Joker/Joker B gassed him into not being paralyzed by fear, so depending on which motivation you think is right then one could argue that it's Bruce's fault he's involved.
BUT ANWAYS.... the set-up here is: Joker B is driving a train that will (unbeknownst to Jason) crash into Gotham and cause a big boom. It's a trap to lure in Joker A - who wants to kill Joker B because there must only be one Joker, blah blah - and Joker A comes swooping in on a dirigible/blimp (filled with bombs) to blow up the train.
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A big fight between them and the henchmen ensues, Jason gets Joker A at gunpoint, and then Joker B reveals the true plan, and Jason gets booted out of the conductor's car.
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(btw i'm omitting panels that are unnecessary to my narration, there's more in-between chatter that makes the story flow better)
so Jason decides to go for the blimp and steals Killer Moth's suit-wings-jetpack-thing (no idea what it really is) to get there, and hijacks the blimp. He tries to call for Batgirl (Stephanie atm) and gets Batman instead, and outright tells Bruce that he chose to do this, and also that they need to stop the gas in the train and the bombs in the blimp somehow. But there's no way to do either in a way where the gas won't blow into the city anyway...
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And so Jason's solution is...
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a big explosion that eats up the gas with the bombs in the blimp.
(genuinely a miracle he's not dead just from that lmao)
And there's an argument to be made that, uh, Jason... drowned. And was dead. For a pretty solid amount of time.
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and Rose resuscitates him!
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Rose is a miracle-worker apparently lol
A N Y W A Y S the point is, yeah Bruce could be held responsible for part of this if you look at it a certain way. I definitely think Jason's plan of blowing up the ship he was on by crashing into something in order to save people is very reminiscent of a certain other time.....
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peachypinkygloss · 1 year
Idk if you are taking any requests but if you are would you do vampire jin x vampire reader ? Just lake it romantic and sweet and all thank u :>
How did you know I had vampire!jin in my wips? 🧐 I will do it sweet with a little bit of dark romance for you, lovely! Thank you for your request 💜
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My Soul
No one said loving a vampire would be easy, especially not one who is tortured by his past and his present. Your love for him is eternal, even though you cannot be with him forever... Or can you?
pairing: vampire!seokjin x fem!reader
genre: vampire au, established relationship, smut
word count: 3.8k
warnings: vampire bites 😏 (i went crazy with that, sorry not sorry), dom seokjin/sub reader, unprotected sex, oral (f), praising, possessiveness, blood kink I guess 🫢.
a.n.: omg, i couldn't stop. eventually i did, lol, but please i hope this won't get ignored. 😔
'He is half of my soul', you said to your parents. 'He knows me by heart, he knows me more than I know myself'. They tried to hold you back, but they couldn't, to be whole, you have to be with him. You fled, you ran away with all the conviction in the world.
You knew where your love was hidden. Hidden from society, hidden from humans because no one wants to understand him. No one but you. You're the only one who accept him as he is; a blood-thirsty creature from the deep darkness.
He's not dangerous, no, he's only a man damned to live forever alone. 'Why do you bother to be with me, darling? Why do you do that to yourself?', he told you one day and you responded without any hesitation, 'I love you so much, I cannot be with anyone else. Staying by your side is the best decision I have ever made in my life.'
It was the best decision and still is, but you wonder sometimes if love can last eternally. You don't want to leave him. Though, one day you'll have to. As cruel as it is, vampires are immortal. Seokjin can't die, unless you rip his heart out of his rib cage. No matter how strong you love him, he is with you until your death, and he will suffer, more than you could ever imagine.
You joined him in the large and cold mansion he occupied for a hundred years. You share a house with him, yet, you spend your days - nights - searching him through the manor. He wakes up when the night falls and sleeps when the sun rises. You try to follow his biological clock, but your human-self needs to see the natural light.
So you search, you search... Opening each door, lighting every candle, calling his name during hours. The manor is big, immense. He had a hundred years to adapt to the place, you had less than eight months.
Maybe this is what it's like to love a vampire. It's not easy, nobody told you the contrary, but you thought that perhaps he'd show you his world. It feels like he's scared to take you with him, locking himself up in his office or in the library.
After all, he drinks your blood every two days, he sinks his fangs into your flesh, he makes love to you while sipping this fluid that nourishes him out of your body. You gave up on your life, you left your family behind you to live the big love. You don't regret it, of course you don't because no one else makes you this happy without even proving to you their existence daily.
But you want him to trust you and believe in you. Believe that you don't see a monster in him, only a beautiful angel who found himself trapped in the body of a cold hearted vampire. This is not his fault, this is who he is and no matter what he has done in his past or what he will do in his future, you will stand by his side for the rest of your life.
The night has fallen, the stars in the sky are shining and the air is cold. You shiver, walking into the hall, your feet stepping on the red carpet longing the floor. You tried the library, but you didn't see Seokjin there, so you are heading to his office. He hasn't eaten in two days already and he might be hungry. You know he won't come to you, you have to find him yourself.
He's ashamed of who he is, he doesn't like to take your blood, but at the same time it procures him so much pleasure - every time he takes a bite, he regains all of his energy and power. He says he doesn't like being a vampire, that sometimes he'd rather starve himself than drink your blood.
In reality, he hates being dismissed by humans. He hates being different, hates how people are scared of him when he was one of them once upon a time. He wasn't born like this; he had a mother and a father like everyone else, yet they think he's devoid of any humanity.
You knock on the wooden door, hearing a chair being pushed against the floor and footsteps approaching. You hold your breath, preparing yourself to see him. You came early in the morning, at one o'clock approximatively, only to not miss him. He never leaves the manor, but the whole place is practically a maze in which you have to find the exit in order to spend a night with the love of your life.
The doorknob turns and the door opens, letting you see Seokjin for the first time today. He looks tired, his black hair is messy and his bangs cover his eyes. His plush lips are red, tainting towards the colour violet, missing cruelly the warmth of your skin. He has on a black dress shirt that shows a little bit of his clavicles and is tucked into his trousers. A belt accentuates his tiny waist and his shirt hugs perfectly his large shoulders.
"Hi." You greet him softly, a smile crowning your lips. He eyes you up and down and you shiver under his intense gaze. "Can I come in?" You ask, even though you could do whatever you want here, after all you share this house with him. You prefer to ask anyway because you know how much Seokjin likes to be in peace and work in silence.
You notice him clenching his jaw, maybe trying to get the pain away; his teeth must hurt since he didn't eat in two days. You wonder if the pain is amplified by your presence and your smell. He probably feels the thirst more intensively with your blood running through your veins a meter away from his fangs.
"Of course." He responds calmly, stepping aside for you to walk in the room. You pass by him, looking at the half-moon shining through the windows. His desk is right in front of them, his drawing and painting materials scattered all over it. He closes the door behind him, following you as you observe the scene in front of you.
A canvas is supported on an easel, a small table settled aside of it where a jar filled with paint brushes and a painting palette are placed on. You look at the canvas, recognizing the face of someone with feminine features. The painting is half-way through finished and you think the woman presented might be you.
"It's beautiful." You turn around toward Seokjin, seeing him shoving his hands into his pockets. His gaze is set on you, but then it shifts to the painting. He walks until he's beside you, looking at his work, analyzing each part of it to find any detail that could be interpreted as an imperfection. "Is that what is taking all of your time? Making you forget that you have to eat?" You question him.
He sighs. "Perhaps." He says, stepping to his desk and leaning down on it. You follow him with your gaze, seeing how his skin glows under the light of the moon. He looks like a prince, a prince from heaven you would affirm if you didn't know he was a vampire. "I'm not hungry."
You can't accept more lies from him. You can't stand there, facing him, when you are the witness of his own descent to hell. "You know you are, Seokjin. Don't you think I see how you ogle at my neck?" You move closer to his leaning body, his fingers gripping the sides of the desk, knuckles turning white.
A part of you wants him to take what's his, to take you and your blood, to mark you as his and only his. He needs to eat and you don't care about the stupid morals he tries to stick to. You understand his pain, you understand how he regrets what he's done, but there's a point where he must accept who he is. He might be a vampire, he still thinks like a human.
"Don't come closer." He warns you once you are a meter away from him. He closes his eyes, inhaling through his nose as he tries to keep control of himself. Your smell invading his nostrils doesn't facilitate the task, though.
"Why? Will you bite me?" You dare to say, well aware that it's what is going to happen. "Seokjin..." His name rolls on your tongue, leaving your mouth pleading and desperate. "You don't have to be afraid of who you are." You assure him, disobeying him as you step closer.
He doesn't respond, he looks at you, he listens to what you have to say. It won't be done overnight, but you'll help him, that's why he's your soulmate. If he's not complete, you're not either.
Your body reach him and he has to hold himself back from following his vampire instinct. You glare up at him and his lips tremble, his eyes are glossy, he wants to keep you away from the beast he thinks he is. You lay your palm on his cheek, the warmth of your skin contrasts with the coldness of his own.
"Because I'm not." You murmur to Seokjin, his muscles tensing up at your contact, closing the gap between you two. "I'm not afraid." You repeat. Your breasts are pressed against his chest, your hair gracing the side of your neck where he usually digs his canines in.
He leans in unconsciously, his desire stronger than his morality. Your lips brush against his, giving you goosebumps and making your heart beat faster. "You should be, darling." He whispers against you and his breath fans across your face. You missed having him this close to you, so close you can hear him breathing.
You close your eyes, feeling his plush lips softly laying down on yours. He kisses you and positions his hands on your hips, fervently rocking your two pelvis against each other. You back away, leaving Seokjin to stare at your lips. "I love you the way you are." You confess, even though that's not much of a secret.
He crashes his mouth on you again, this time rough and impatient. His way of saying 'I love you more', you suppose. This breaks your heart a little because you can't love him forever, the contrary of him. He can and he will, you know it.
His large hands run up and down your sides as your arms are secured around his shoulders. The thin material of your robe allows you to feel Seokjin's touch more distinctively, as if there is nothing between his fingers and your skin. You can feel his rings poking your flesh, leaving bruises all over your hips.
He touches you like he's discovering your body for the first time again, but he knows it like the back of his hand. Your body is his sanctuary, his most precious property, a sacred object he has to keep safe. This is ironic because when he bites you, he feels like he's ruining you.
His right hand slides up on your body, feelings the curves of your waist and breasts, and cups your jaw. He makes you look at him, his slender fingers poking your cheeks as he holds you tightly. His skin is cold, but you love it, you love having it against you. It reminds you that as long as you're alive, you'll be with him. Always with him.
"You don't know how you make me feel." He whispers and you close your eyes a second to enjoy his breath against your face. "You don't know..." You open them again and you see that his pupils are dilated. You feel like a prey under him right now and you shudder, the adrenaline running through your veins, excitement bubbling in your belly.
You gasp out of surprise when you feel your feet leaving the floor, Seokjin raising you up, your thighs around his waist. He turns you both around and lays you down on his desk. All signs of control are gone and you're totally at the mercy of the vampire.
He unties the belt of your robe, revealing your naked body to his hungry eyes. He groans when the scent of your arousal reaches his nose. He inhales your smell deeply and he turns crazy, completely forgetting any sense of rationality he has.
He kneels to be at the same level of your crotch and his head dips between your thighs. He nibbles the skin of your inner thighs, licking and sucking like it's his last meal. His large hands hold up your thighs for you, kneading the flesh as he leaves wet trails on your skin.
"Mmh-!" You whine when you feel sharp teeth brushing against you as sloppy kisses are left over your thighs. You lift your head up slightly to watch Seokjin and you moan out as you notice his fangs shining under the glow of the moon. You throw your head back against the wooden surface, his tongue now licking your clit.
He swipes his tongue from side to side, creating friction and making you wetter than you already are. Your fingers instantly find his fluffy head of hair, gripping on his black locks. He slides his pink muscles through your folds, your walls clenching around nothing as he comes back again to lap at your sensitive bud.
Your hole is quivering while Seokjin focuses on your clit, sucking on it quite relentlessly until he replaces his mouth with his index and middle fingers. You buck your hips when he begins to do circular motions on your bud, pressing on it and sending waves of heat between your legs.
You don't mind the change, but you understand why he did as he gives you open-mouthed kisses on your inner thighs. You shiver when he gently bites your flesh, not sinking his teeth in, only chewing on your skin. He prepares you for an eventual bite, teasing by poking you with his canines.
"Jin! Oh- God." You arch your back at the sudden pain going through your body, tightening your grip on Seokjin's hair. His fangs slowly enter your skin, piercing through it like a sharpened knife. The stinging pain is intoxicating - familiar at this point, giving you the pleasure that you needed.
You feel your blood being sucked up out of your veins to nourish Seokjin. His canines are severely sunk into the flesh of your inner thigh while his fingers are still working on your clitoris. The knot in your stomach tightens rapidly and he quickens the pace on your bud, sending you over the edge.
"Aah... Yes, yes..." You moan, your thighs trembling around his head, pelvis moving frantically against his hand. You squeak when you feel his fangs pulling out of you, leaving two bleeding holes on your thigh. He massages softly your clit to drive you off your high as he eyes your wound he made to you, watching the blood dripping down your meaty flesh.
He grips your thighs and pushes them back, exposing your pussy to him. He licks up your cuts, collecting the red fluid on his tongue. The metallic taste linger on his taste buds and he savours each second of it, swallowing everything til the last drop.
You know it's not enough for him even though you already feel dizzy from the lack of blood. He needs more, the veins in your thigh are not big enough for his thirst. It's not the first time he bites you there, the placement feels intimate and is perfect during sex, arousing the both of you. But since he went two days without swallowing anything, he might go in for more later.
He then stands up, hovering over your weak body. "You're delicious, love. So fucking good..." He praises before he kisses you and you can taste the remains of your own blood. You wince at the unpleasant flavour, but after all those times, you got used to it.
The stuff that was previously on the desk is now on the floor as it fell during the moment he was eating you out. Seokjin can't bother less, immersed into the luxury of having you displayed like that in front of him.
He unbuckles his belt anxiously, his eyes filled with lust as he looks down at you. He passes the leather material through the metal loop, unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers. You bite down on your lip in anticipation, wanting nothing more than his hard cock into you. You can clearly see the large bulge deforming his briefs and you salivate at the sight.
He pulls out his erection out of his underwear, lowering his bottoms down his thighs. His dick bounces up gracefully, hitting the soft silk of his dress shirt. You love how he doesn't care about undressing, so eager to feel his cock wrapped up by your tight walls. "Shit, darling. So wet for me." He states, glancing at the wetness dripping out of your hole, running down to your ass. "I'll fuck you good, I promise."
You whimper when he slides his tip through your slicks, parting them open to make an entrance for his cock. He pumps himself a couple of times, spreading your juices over his dick as you stare at it in awe. Seokjin is painfully long and a bit curvy, capable of hitting you in the right places. Each time he enters you, he does it slowly and it feels like a never-ending agony.
"Please, Jin." You quietly plead, knowing that a man like him demands to be begged. He always gives you what you want when it comes to sex.
With a hand enveloping the base of his shaft, he sinks into your wet cunt inch by inch. He hisses when he bottoms out, your pussy completely filled with his hard cock. "Fuck, you take me so well, sweetheart. So well..." He breathes out, staying still for a moment before he goes out until his tip is only in.
Your legs are hanging on his shoulders, meaning that when he'll thrust in, you'll feel him deeply inside. He wastes no time to pound into you and your boobs bounce on your chest from the hardness of his strokes. "Jin!" You scream his name, gripping the side of the desk tightly to not get pushed away by Seokjin's dick pumping into your pussy.
"That's it, yell my name like it's the only thing you know." He groans when you contract your walls around him. "Scream it because you're mine, Yn." You moan at his words, frowning your eyebrows from the burning pain you feel on the back of your thighs. His skin slaps hard against yours, leaving your own sore and irritated.
You're his, only his until your death, until your soul leaves the earth and abandons his forever. He might as well die with you when you think about it because without the other, you simply can't live. The half of your soul, the missing piece of your happiness.
"I'm yours, Jin. I'm yours." You repeat, closing your eyes to fully enjoy the pleasure he's giving you.
He repeatedly hits your sensitive spot, making you moan and cry under his body. He holds your thighs tightly against his chest, his nails sinking into your flesh. "Ah, fuck..." He curses as you clench around him again, feeling your high approaching.
He eyes your neck, seeing your jugular pulsing, inviting him to pierce it. He grits his teeth, his fangs still visible, meaning he's not satiated. You tilt your head to the side, showing him your flesh to encourage him to bite you. He leans down on you and his thirst prevails, again.
"Mph!" You scrunch your eyes shut at the intrusion of his teeth into you for a second time, the area of your neck much more sensitive than your thigh.
He drinks your blood greedily and he pounds into you faster and harder, his own orgasm threatening to arrive soon. You'll cum soon too, his cock slipping in and out of your pussy and brushing against your walls make the knot at the pit of your stomach tightens.
His Adam's apple bobs every time he takes a gulp, every time he takes blood out of your veins. "Ah, Jin! I'm cumming!" You yell, warning him. Your hole quivers and Seokjin's thrusts rip an intense orgasm out of you, your whole body shakes like a leaf.
He backs away from your neck abruptly, blood flowing in abundance since he pierced the biggest vein, the wound freshly open. "Fuck, fuck!" He places his arms on each side of your head, his pelvis hitting your sensitive clit as he sinks his cock in and out, chasing his orgasm. "A-ah, shit!" He bucks his hips against you, staying still. He shoots his cum in you, painting your walls white, his dick twitching angrily as he milks himself dry into the warmth of your pussy.
He licks your neck up while he lazily fucks his cock in you, healing your wound. You shudder under his body, your chest and forehead covered in sweat.
After your session of heated sex, you both returned to your shared bedroom. Seokjin has all of his energy back as well as his powers.
"Jin?" You call his name softly, bringing his attention on you. You're laying beside him on your belly while he is staring at the ceiling, a hand on his stomach.
"Mh?" He hums, telling you to continue.
"You could transform me." His eyes snap open, turning his head in your direction worryingly. He sits up on the bed and you follow his actions, doing the same. As he seems completely afraid, you smile. "I want you to show me your world. I want to be a part of it." You confess, shifting your body closer to him.
"You are already a part of it. You are my world, sweetheart." He tells you, his voice sounding through the silence of the night.
"Jin, I love you." You take his hand in yours, your warmth enveloping him. "More than you could ever imagine and I know you feel the exact same. But tell me, tell me you don't want to leave me." He frowns, confused, because the idea of leaving you is strange to him, totally delusional.
"I would never."
"Then prove it to me." He's about to answer you, but you cut him off before he can. "Bite me. Give me the ability to love you for eternity." You say in one breath, having memorized this whole sentence into your mind. Having imagined this scene in your head numerous times before. "Take me with you. Don't ever see me die, don't ever suffer for the loss I would be."
You feel your eyes watering, looking at Seokjin hopefully, wishing for a positive response. "Is that what you want? Are you sure?" He asks you. You chuckle, finding his question silly, but still adorable.
"Yes, I am."
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 months
Okay, going into #bsd fyodor tag is still impossible for me :/
Look, I love Bram a lot, but how are people saying that Fyodor somehow killed Bram??
'Cause if you see it in order:
Bram orders his vampire to kill Fyodor -> Fyodor dies -> Crime and Punishment activates -> He becomes Bram
So, in this case, (cuz we do have a lot of other things to blame Fyodor for lmao) but in this particular case, what are we blaming Fyodor for lol? Dying? Getting killed by Bram? His ability activating involuntarily?
Dazai literally says this:
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Meaning, Fyodor has no control over his ability. He becomes whatever or whoever kills him, so he has been morbidly molding his masterplans around his own DEATH all along! He was frantic because he feared he will be MURDERED by the wrong person!
No wonder, he wants a world without abilities! Because, no matter what, he just cannot DIE. No wonder, he says this. He almost sounds envious other humans can die so easily?
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Also, did he manipulate Bram into killing him? No. Fyodor has not made contact with Bram at all. He let Bram do whatever he wanted. Bram was under direct control of Fukuchi, btw. And, it was Ranpo who asked Bram to kill him with one of his vampires.
In fact, Fukuchi says he locked up Fyodor faraway in prison so, he won't interfere in any of Fukuchi's plans.
I mean, once again, this panel:
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Sorry I am salty, but I guess seeing him as a demon who feels no pain in killing others or even himself (rather than the fact that he has been killed who-knows-how-many-times over the centuries yet is unable to "die" and be set free from the world -- this has made him completely desensitized to the idea of pain felt over death) makes it easier for everyone to plot out the next plan for "its" the demon Dostoyevsky's death.
Murder is the activation condition for his ability god just just think about it?
He might have lived his whole life as a normal ability-less person
until the day he was......... killed
I wonder if he died a death of natural causes, his ability would never ever have activated??? idk
but this also carries the heavy implication that he has never died a death of natural causes.
Only murdered by another human every. single. time.
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cawdra · 5 months
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Good question, @avvielalame-blog
Last year I went to the hospital. It was some cyst (idk the medical lingo), and it was painful af. They gave me some sort of strong opioid (again, no idea what the medical lingo is, but I think it was Buprensomethingsomething). Mind you, I was on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds, but I hadn't taken them for almost a week, cuz I couldn't get out of my bed the whole time (before I eventually went to the hospital). I told them I was off that medication, and because the prescription is pretty old, they gave me the painkillers. TURNS OUT THE FUCKING MEDS WERE NOT OUT OF MY SYSTEM YET!!! So uhhh... yeah.
(If you don't know, mixing these two things can be very dangerous because they can raise dopamine levels too high or something, which is INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS!!! I'm a pretty large person, so this didn't hit me that hard (and also I was off the meds for longer than 24 hours), but if I was slightly less of a fatass and more of a responsible medicine taker, I might have actually been comatosed.)
Anyway, I was riding high that night. I didn't have anything else to do, so after seeing a good omens edit, my first thought was, "That seems gay. I'm in." So I turned on Prime and watched it all in one night. It's not like I was going to sleep in a ward full of screaming people anyway, so might as well make the most of it. The nurses told me to sleep, but I told them I wasn't sleepy, so they just gave me my antibiotics and, whatever else, took my temp and walked out. Did they care about the gay shit I was watching on my phone? No, they've seen worse.
Anyway, I watched the show, ugly cried for like an hour (harder than I did from the cyst that was torturing me for about a week), and then went to sleep at around 2 pm. When I woke up, I, as a responsible queer, decided to rant about it to my friends. After telling them all those things, one of my friends (who actually watched the show with his sister) said, "Are you sure the anesthesia didn't scramble your brain, cuz none of that happened lol."
When I tell you I was DEVISTATED!!! Literally a "You... you serious?" moment. Cried almost as much as I did at the ending.
Also, if you want to know: I had a dream about how the Ineffable Husbands teamed up with some nun (who was as much of a nun as she was a saint - only on a technicality) and they made her carry the Second Coming, which eventually got her kicked off the nunnery of whatever cuz 'These days, if you get pregnant as a nun, you won't be called ‘The Virgin Sarah’ or ‘The Virgin Linda’. You will be called ‘a common whore’. So much for being a virgin.' (Quote from my fanfic (and the weird opioid trip).
I don't know what the rest of the dream was because Mr. Party Pooper (aka my friend JK Juno ily (^з^)-☆) cut me off because I was talking nonsense.
Long story short, the painkillers got out of my system, I took my meds, renewed the prescription, and went on my still-on-going recovery journey.
Did I suffer two heartbreaks in less than 12 hours? Yes. Were they worth it? Eh. I mean, it inspired my fanfic, but wasn't THAT worth it. Did I enjoy my trip? No, I threw up, had diarrhea, and then constipation for two weeks.
I still get an awful surprise when I rewatch Good Omens for a specific scene, only to find out AGAIN that I was just hallucinating.
Moral of the story - don't do drugs and be honest with your doctors and nurses cuz you might actually die.
Anyways, TOODLES!!1!!111!!!
~ CAwdra
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 4 months
The main problem with HH/HB isn't just the writing, Viv and her fetishes/favoritisms, world building, character designs, and all the controversial shit, it's the fucking concept of both shows
Sorry if I'm being vague at first I'll try to explain it the best I can
This is mainly targeted twords Helluva Boss but I'll also include some Hazbin in it too
So, y'all know the concept of Helluva Boss right? Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona run a business where they kill sinners rivals in Earth, right? Well if you just think about that you'd know how fucking stupid of an idea it is for a show
I'm just convinced viv one day was like
"Hey! I should make a show with a bunch of horny demons who kill people in real life!"
Without putting even AN INCH consideration through it, she just made the show and was soooo surprised with all the backlash of it
The whole point of I.M.P is fucking pointless, there no point of getting revenge on people in real life cause when they die...omg, THEY'LL GO TO FUCKING HELL, STUCK WITH THE SAME PERSON WHO HATES THEM FOR ALL OF ETERNITY
And sure, there is like a 0.001 percent chance they'll go to heaven, but may I remind you they also share the same hell as Hazbin, and the angels can visit hell, so it wouldn't make a fucking difference cause idk they'd probably piss off the person who paid the I.M.Ps that killed them
As for Hazbin, the plot isn't bad, for once Viv has a good idea, but that doesn't mean it's not shitty, from the first episode it was doomed, this mainly has to do with the extermination
So as y'all know in Hazbin in the first episode Charlie explains how there's an overpopulation so evey year the angels just like fucking kill then all, that's where it doesn't make sense!!!
First of all, how can there be an overpopulation since hell (or I guess pentagram) is very, VERY HUGE, what's the need for an extermination?? Besides when Charlie sang Happy day in hell there where like a shit ton of background characters already getting murdered, hell can literally handle their own overpopulation 💀💀
Second of all, they're already dead, WHERE DO YOU GO AFTER YOUR DEAD?? In the finale where Sir Pentious (sorry if I spelt his name wrong lol) got killed by Adam, he was shown ending up in Heaven with Sera and Emily, so if that's what happens when you get killed, it basically means EVEN IF SINNERS GET KILLED THEY'LL STILL AND UP IN HELL AGAIN, VIV, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Third of all is how people are born into hell, it's not really deep as people make it to be, since there's like a lot sex they could just like...yknow?
The whole extermination wasn't thought through and only used as a poorly written plot point for the show, and not to mention they never said why Adam moved up the extermination, which makes me pissed off given they don't even bring up again and probably won't cause Adam is dead (thank you Nifty 😭😭)
Aaanyways that's all I gotta say, I might update this if I forgot anything lol
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
how long do you think itd take barbatos to break with mc giving him puppy dog eyes/doing the cute begging thing?
i think he can old out for a while depending on the situation but he Will crack bc its mc. (diavolo gets jealous/pouty since it can be a lot more difficult for him to get his way with barbatos)
for me itd be getting back into the kitchen after he bans me for never turning on the hood for the gas range (id rather die than listen to the fans) and also because i test if pans are still hot by pressing my hand flush against the metal. would probably take months and even then idk if i could do it id just have to bribe the lil d's to let me in lmao
It's funny because I really think he could hold out quite a bit and that it does depend on the situation.
For instance, the scenario where he's kicked you out of the kitchen. He would clearly be concerned about your well being. So if he thinks that giving in is going to put you in some kind of danger, he is far less likely to actually give in lol. I think you could convince him eventually, but he'd be super cautious about it. Like okay you're allowed back in because he can't take any more puppy dog eyes, but he's going to supervise you the entire time.
For other things, I think he'd give in immediately. Obviously you won't even need to do that if you want something he'd willing give you anyway, like I dunno a special pastry or something. But if you're trying to get him to do something like... oh I dunno, take a break with you when he's still got work to do, that might be met with some resistance at first.
I think he might use the situation to tease you because we know what a big tease this guy is. It'd be all oya MC I know you can be good and show a little more patience, hm? But if you keep at it, he'll eventually just laugh and say something along the lines of how he can't continue to refuse you.
Well I mean, that's how I think it'd go anyway. And only if he really didn't think that indulging you would be harmful to you in any way. If that was the case, he'd never give in completely lol.
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solo-by-choice · 5 months
alright, so would my fave survive castle Dracula? For the sake of @canyourfavesurvivecastledracula I'm doing Josh Lyman from The West Wing myself. Although I've only seen the show once and am not super... sure of my ability to remember enough minutiae to do this but I'm trying anywayyy
uh, no. He'd die. lol.
He wouldn't take the crucifix. He's not a superstitious person for the most part so I think he'd just find everyone freaking out about him going to the castle to be ridiculous. He's also Jewish. If he did take the crucifix, it would be to get the lady to stop bothering him and then he certainly wouldn't wear it.
He is technically a lawyer. I guess. He doesn't practice law, though, and I don't think he ever has. I suppose he could, but you know what let's not get into this because then I'll start questioning what an American from the late 90s/early naughts is doing in this story... (If Josh were from 1897 I suppose he'd be from Europe in the first place, but not England, and I'm having trouble imagining Dracula going to all this trouble to move to idk Poland or whatever.)
So maybe Josh doesn't make it past the shaving scene.
If he does, I think he might be able to keep alive for a while. He's good at talking; he could keep Dracula entertained as a conversation partner. The biggest issue might be his documented inability to be civil with people he doesn't like. He might be better at faking it with someone who has a (metaphorical) gun to his head, but we have no data on that kind of situation.
I doubt he'd put up with Dracula's weird touchy-feely habits. I'm not sure what he'd do about it, but I just don't think he'd be as fun to toy with as poor Jonathan because he wouldn't have Victorian manners preventing him from calling Dracula's behavior out. Which of course means Dracula won't put up with him as long.
If anyone's expecting him home on time, it's Donna. And presumably his boss is either Leo or Bartlett. (Sorry I'm thinking too much about transposing the cast of west wing into Dracula rather than assuming everything is the same in Josh's life which I think is how you're supposed to do this. So whyy is the deputy white house chief of staff bringing real estate paperwork to a count in Romania? oh nvm) Unfortunately I'm betting none of these people know shorthand, so Josh can't try and send them secret messages.
I do think Donna would recognize any letter that wasn't written in Josh's voice, but what good would that do them?
Does Josh get eaten by the Girlies? I guess the real question is whether Dracula saves him. I don't think Dracula would find Josh as fun a plaything as he did Jonathan. By this point Josh has probably started loudly demanding to be allowed to leave, is climbing the walls in boredom in every way but literally and has read every English book Dracula owns and taught himself basic Romanian. Josh's no genius, but he's smart and has the energy level of a working dog. He needs enrichment! Anyway Dracula probably thinks he's really annoying and maybe he lets his roommates bite him.
Unfortunately for him, Vampire!Josh is also annoying. But if they could get past that, Josh could do a great job running Dracula's take-over of his new country. Wants to be the guy the guy relies on, after all. America won't know what's hit it.
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dragynkeep · 9 months
not the rwby fandom vilifying anger even when it's completely justified and a completely human emotion that everybody feels and something that even the most shoddiest or basic of characters should feel if you want an at least half way engaging story. even when it's fucking hypothetical
let ruby be fucking angry the same way jaune can be. let her slam him into a wall and yell in his face while consumed with grief. her best friend just died at the hands of her other best friend, she should be allowed to be upset. especially after practically destroying an entire kingdom to save her because that's how much ruby refused to sacrifice her only for someone else to let her die anyway. especially when she's in the kind of mind set she has been since falling into the ever after.
and okay, i get it if that's not the direction the writers wanted to take ruby’s character, but they didn't even let her find out how penny died in any proper way at all. show the audience her character and state of mind by directing her anger in herself. anything as simple as "i can't believe i let this happen" would work. or show how much ruby should be feeling angry and upset about it but chooses not to be. or just idk TALK ABOUT IT A LITTLE
but no. the head fucking writer practically says "ruby's too nice to be upset at jaune so we won't even bother lol" like be fr, eddy. how little could anyone care about their own protag istg
The writers have shown that they fr don't know how to write human emotions and real reactions to things. Just because we as the audience saw Jaune and Penny when she died, and know exactly how it went down, and how the writers "wanted" it to come across as Jaune giving Penny her final wish, that does not extend to Ruby.
Ruby wasn't there when Penny died. She wasn't there to say goodbye, to be there for her best friend, and now has to grapple with the fact that one of her oldest friends was the one to kill her. I don't care if the audience, or the writers, can see this logically, Ruby is not us.
None of these characters react as fucking people and any chance we get for some revelation or development, the writers throw it off screen. We might as well have them defeat Salem offscreen too with how much of the meat of the show is not there or made up by the fans.
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shaampoo · 5 months
Hey quick question to the smiling critters fandom cause I'm making a fic and idk if I should tag it as Psychological horror or comedy or both (poll near the end before the death headcanons), and some headcanons on how the smiling critters died
If I made a fic where the smiling critters reincarnated , like, all of them, and they reincarnated into the cartoon world
BUT (and here's kinda where I find it a comedy) they don't know everyone else reincarnated, and they're pretending they didn't reincarnate (cause they don't want the others to worry about them/ think they're weird in case the other critters didn't reincarnate, and they really don't want to ruin their second chance), and they keep getting into scenarios where like "did the others reincarnated or no??" And maybe they also think only some of them reincarnated
(I headcanon they died one by one, catnap being last, so they don't know if the others died as well, so they don't know if they reincarnated as well)
So it's a kinda a comedy of scenarios where they're like "who's reincarnated??" "I hope they don't think I'm acting weirdly" and some "I hope they don't realize I'm not they're actually [insert character here], and hopefully they don't realize I somehow replaced them"
Then the reason why it's psychological horror :
Well, since they all died, and most of the reason due to catnap and stuff, they're kinda walking on eggshells, not knowing if they can trust they're friends
(I headcanon [sourced from PickyPiggy's cutout] that PickyPiggy ate KickinChicken, CraftyCorn and BubbaBubbaphant, so yeah, definitely some trauma there, and maybe PickyPiggy starved to death [I think she said "still hungry..." In her cutout after all])
And maybe retaining some fears from how they died and trauma from the past life that that they kinda have to repress cause they don't want the others to worry (since they don't know if they're even their friends, and if they would understand, [so maybe angst as well in the tags,that's one hell of a whiplash if I decide to include all three tags lol])
Anyways, onto the headcanons of how they died, and how this might affect how they act in the fic
Catnap and Dogday:
We already know how they died, Catnap with a painful boop and Dogday getting possessed, so no headcanon needed there (though, it wasn't really said Dogday died, but I'm pretty sure I would die if that happened to me, but maybe Dogday is built different, who knows)
So Dogday is probs scared of catnap, like everyone else (and probably dislikes catnap, especially when he said "that...thing...Catnap" like, zamn)
Seeing in her cardboard cutout saying "Still hungry..." I'm guessing she starved to death or something, so she's probably more hungry in the fic, OR she doesn't like eating anymore
Craftycorn, KickinChicken and BubbaBubbaphant:
Seeing how PickyPiggy said "Seared Unicorn, Grilled chicken, Flayed elephant, yum!" (or something like that), and then "hey, wanna be my friend?" Guessing PickyPiggy ate them. So the three probably hate and/or are scared of PickyPiggy, and maybe everytime they hear her stomach growl they just tense up and get a meal ready (or just bolt)
I'm guessing she got lost, seeing like, on her cardboard cutout she said she was lost and stuff and "you won't leave me, right?" So I'm guessing she and her companion (may e they were searching for supplies or traveling or something) got lost / split up, and BobbyBearhug eventually died while lost, so yeah, maybe some abandonment issues for her,
Guessing she fell to her death, seeing as like, her cardboard cutout screams "JUMPPPPP!" so I'm guessing she jump through a big home while running away from someone (maybe catnap) and tried to jump over the big hole (there's lots in playcare after all) but fell to her death, I also kinda theories she might've been with BobbyBearhug at the time, and tried to jump with BobbyBearhug but may e BobbyBearhug hesitated, and saw HoppyHopscotch fall to her doom, may e HoppyHopscotch even abandoned BobbyBearhug just to try and jump to the other side, which would probably make BobbyBearhug more traumatized (poor girl, frfr), anyways, so probably some fear of heights for HoppyHopscotch
Anyways, if you guys got your own theories, don't be afraid to tell me! I like reading theories about characters I like, and if you guys got like, any scenarios I can do for my fic that would be cool too (since I'm opting for a more show-like fic, since they reincarnated into a cartoon world where they're kinda like in a show so the chapters are kinda like episodes I guess, idk how to explain it lol)
Also, Dogday and Catnaps names are probably the shortest cause they're the main two characters, thus, it's better to have shorter and more recognizable names, especially since the show Is catered to more younger audiences, (though, it makes less sense if you view Catnap as the newest member [especially since Catnap plush was recalled and stuff, ] but may e he's the guy they add when the show is losing popularity to boost ratings, but there's no way Smiling Critters loses popularity)
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