#And i experience emotions (like appreciation) very intensely and hence all the !!!!!
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tani-b-art · 17 days ago
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i actually want to have a talk with crystal. it’ll be an intense fellowship. no pleasantries whatsoever.
crystal…you’re the one! it’s you, you, it’s you, you, you. it’s you, you, it’s you, you, you, it’s you (if anyone gets it, you get it). she’s the reason why ava has an aversion to letting janine love on her. crystal helped to create that ava—the one that doesn’t allow herself to receive affection and that’s why she keeps averting and diverts janine’s affection she wants to shower her with. the ava that retreats and clams up when physical affection is extended towards her. she doesn’t trust affection coming from anyone and i’m feeling like it’s because of crystal-ptsd. and janine has been the one to try the most…which she will, eventually but to me, this absolutely explains why. notice…crystal is forever invading ava’s space with the taunting touches, and bougie air kisses and whatnot and ava let’s it happen and then rejects it not even a second later. but she always lets it happen. i’m thinking she probably lets it happen because instinctively, she’s remembering and recalling some nice times with crystal and it’s bringing her joy but then she instantly has to remind herself that crystal also manipulated those moments/signs of affection and purposely hurt her and it crushed ava. and for crystal to just revert right back to being uppity and snooty even after ava did this big kind act. don’t appreciate it. something happened in college between them. crystal intentionally hurt ava. the college days with her sorority…i think a lot happened during that time period for her. lots of awakening. maybe ava was janine before she was picked by the girls, crystal specifically, and then transformed into the ava we know post-pledging and with crystal’s help…hence, ava’s relationship with crystal is very much a version of ava and janine in certain aspects but reversed. crystal is to ava what ava is to janine. what also happened in college was an ava awakening in her sexuality and crystal possibly helped her in that but she was also the girl to crush her (she had to have betrayed her). it’s feeling like ava was a dare or experiment for the hazing period of crystal’s freshman sorority year. idk.
ava obviously still has a huge soft spot for crystal because for her to get compassionate and empathetic enough to spread the district bag with crystal and crystal’s school…yeah. backstory pls. ava will just always have an appreciation for crystal despite what transpired many years ago in college. that soft spot never goes away. it’s imprinted and embedded because it was special. thats understandable—i get it. it’s just terrible that crystal did it. another reason why ava is hyper-guarded with letting those emotions make an appearance. however, ava got all mushy and sentimental over crystal (she really blushed after crystal told her “thank you”…actually the reaction to the “thank you” was one that showed how much she wasn’t expecting crystal to say it. the true blush was after crystal said she appreciated what she did).
had my good sis all flustered that she couldn’t even get her zinger in order!
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say, crystal…imma need you to disappear out of ava’s world. for good. be happy at your school and go. we are on a bus ride to ava’s full emotional development here and you’re a barricade on the emotional journey. kindly move! move out the way! but sincerely, genuinely apologize to her & ask for her forgiveness before you move. then…yeah you gotta move, move!
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not gonna lie, their love/hate dynamic is kinda steamy and intriguing because it’s so much mystery behind it and that’s the only reason why i took a quick detour from avanine lane to talk about it
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(they both get a perverse pleasure outta their interactions! they both get a kick out of flustering and one-up’g the other and leaving the other malfunctioning on what’s supposed to be their routine of subtlety roasting each other! y’all saw how cocky crystal got when ava fumbled that lock and key retort. crystal also had a smirk of “i knew she would look out for me because…”, because she remembers what they did back in the day. oh wow, they too have a semi psycho-sexual energy b/w them. they must’ve have some very, veeery extremely electrifying moments in college. my gosh we need a flashback)
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saikisolosyourfav · 7 months ago
Baby Steps - Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Hi! I'm somewhat new to Tumblr. However, I wanted to announce that I just released the first chapter of my Wattpad story:
"Baby Steps - Kusuo Saiki x Reader"
I'm really proud of it and I would appreciate it if you checked it out!
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From the moment I opened my eyes for the first time, I knew I was different. 
My earliest memories of childhood are not of colorful toys or the comforting warmth of my mother's arms, but of vivid, swirling visions that danced in front of my eyes. At first, they seemed like dreams—strange, incomprehensible images and sensations that faded as quickly as they came.
 But as I grew older, it became clear that these were not just figments of my imagination. I could see things others couldn’t. I could hear whispers from places far away and feel emotions that weren’t mine. 
A soft touch in my mind could tell me when my mother was sad or when my father was angry. At first, I thought everyone could do this—feel the emotions of others, almost taste their thoughts. But as I grew older, I realized that wasn't the case.
I could move objects with my mind, read people's thoughts, see glimpses of the future, and so much more. My parents found out rather quickly, and while my mother was fairly surprised, my dad seemed much more relaxed by the idea.
Surprisingly, my abilities didn't scare them. Rand, my father, was a brilliant scientist, as was my mother, Tamiko. Together, they were celebrated in their field, their minds a harmonious blend of genius and innovation. My father told my mother that my abilities were likely the result of 2 geniuses. 
While my parents were prestigious in their field, their brilliance masked a secret, one that I was too young to understand then.
The last thing I remember of my mother was the soft melody of her lullaby, a gentle hum that seemed to resonate with the very air around her. I was three years old when she died, leaving me with a father who was already starting to fray at the edges of his sanity.
My father had always been fascinated with the boundaries of human potential, but he took that curiosity to a place my mother would never have approved of. Before I was born, he altered my stem cells, mutating them to foster psychic abilities that were unheard of. Hence, he was never really shocked when he learned I had psychic abilities. I was his experiment, his creation, though my mother never knew of his little science experiment in her belly. 
From the moment they found out I had psychic abilities, they ran gentle tests to ensure I was safe and to make sure I wouldn’t harm myself or others.
Those early years were almost idyllic, filled with the love and warmth of my mother and the quiet intensity of my father. 
The how and why of my mother's death are still shrouded in mystery to me, but it was the catalyst that pushed my father over the edge. 
Grief-stricken and desperate, he abandoned all his ethical values. Our home, once a sanctuary, was sold off. In its place, Rand built a fortress—a psychic-proof laboratory with a single master bedroom for himself and a series of holding cells and testing labs for me.
I was no longer his daughter; I was his subject.
The first tests were simple, almost benign. He wanted to see what I could do. Moving objects with my mind, reading thoughts, and influencing small events are just a few examples. When he realized the extent of my powers, the tests grew more rigorous. 
I was placed in environments designed to stress my abilities to their limits. He would test my telekinesis by having me manipulate hundreds of objects at once, or he would push my mental endurance by forcing me to maintain force fields against relentless, simulated attacks. 
As the years went by, my powers only grew stronger. I learned to harness them and to manipulate anyone and anything at will. But with this power came isolation. The loneliness was suffocating, and I longed desperately to be normal. I hadn't stepped foot outside in ages. The most comforting thing I saw for 10 years was the clouds I saw through the skylight in one of my labs. 
As I got older, my powers grew stronger. I tried to hide them whenever I wasn't being tested to pretend that I was just like everyone else, but it was impossible. I felt like a freak.
One particularly grueling test involved my precognition. He would have me predict a series of random events, altering variables constantly to see how far into the future I could see and how accurately I could interpret those visions. The tests were relentless, and each failure was met with more work, each success with cold, clinical note-taking. My father’s face was a constant mask of stern resolve, and his eyes were devoid of the warmth I remembered from my early childhood.
By the time I was thirteen, the tests had escalated to physical extremes. One day, I was placed in a room with 100 armed guards. My task was to disarm them using only my psychic abilities. The guards were relentless, each attack more brutal than the last. I managed to fend them off, but I was exhausted. My body and mind pushed beyond their limits. 
As I lay there, panting and bruised, my father looked down at me with an expression that was a mix of pride and something far darker. He saw me not as his daughter, but as the ultimate realization of his life's work. I knew then that I had to escape. If I stayed, I would be nothing more than a tool, a means to an end.
He got the guards to escort me to my holding cell, and from there I went to lay on my bed.
My heart pounded in my chest, fear flooding my veins. I pressed my hands over my ears, trying to block out all the minuscule noises I heard throughout the building. 
The creaking of my bed, the scuff of the shoes of the guards standing outside my room, the thoughts of the scientist down the hall, and the shattering of my dad's beer bottle on the kitchen floor.
I heard him yell and start stomping his way down to my holding cell.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I curled up on my bed.
Suddenly, something inside me snapped. A surge of energy coursed through me, fierce and wild. I could feel the walls around me and sense the metal and nails that held the building together.
I didn't want to be studied, didn't want to be poked and prodded like some lab rat. 
The room seemed to twist and bend, as if reality itself was warping to protect me. The air crackled with energy, and a sudden gust of wind swept through the room, knocking over furniture and extinguishing the lights. In the chaos that followed...
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onewomancitadel · 2 years ago
I’ve had a thought about the Weiss-Jaune stuff happening in this volume that I’d like to run past you. It’s been in the back of my mind since E5 and after this most recent episode it clicked that it feels akin to the development of the Blake-Sun relationship in V2-5, if in a more compressed timeframe. In that there’s this overt (in this case, contra B/S, unreciprocated) physical interest lending a patina of romantic potential to their interactions simultaneous with recurring moments of disconnect undermining that potential. Particularly the hurt when Jaune overhears Weiss insinuating he’s crazy is sticking in my head now as quite similar, narratively, to Blake’s startled upset when Sun misreads her intentions at the top of V4. And then in E9 Weiss figured out the right things to say to him to crystallize his epiphany but any romantic coding that might be read into the moment is (I felt, at least) deliberately refuted through the piling on into a whole-group hug, which again (this is what made it click) feels reminiscent of the inverse correlation between Sun’s emotional understanding of Blake and the intensity of his romantic interest in her.
Which strikes me as interesting because obviously the B/S detour on the way to Blake’s true love interest facilitates development Blake needed before she could be a good partner to Yang—Sun’s friendship confronts and incites the unraveling of Blake’s instinct to retreat and burn bridges for the sake of protecting her loved ones. So it occurred to me that something similar might be behind what they’re doing with Weiss and Jaune in this volume, with her fleeting/superficial romantic interest and romantic incompatibility precipitating a closer friendship that helps him reach an emotional turn toward his true love interest. I’m not invested in the story’s romantic pairings per se (I really enjoy them—I do love how RWBY handles its romantic arcs—but the romance isn’t what’s gluing me to the story), hence my interest in Jaune/Cinder largely comes down to noting that the narrative set up for it is, uhm, conspicuous, and trusting I’ll enjoy seeing how it unfolds. But I was irately nodding along with some of your posts on the Weiss topic earlier in the volume because the out of nowhere of it all really Bugged Me, so I’m interested to hear how this line of thinking tracks from a less casual-enjoyer J/C perspective? Hence rambling in your inbox, apologies for the lengthy ask.
Okay, if you guys really actually love me, please use paragraph breaks. I try to mindfully use paragraph breaks and space out text as best I can to make for an easier reading experience myself. It might also help that if you're sending an essay like this you supply a title with it and maybe even a tl;dr so I don't accidentally skim-read it and delete it assuming it's about something else. Someone bringing an essay about Jaune/Weiss into my inbox really is cause for alarm. You don't know the stuff I've historically just deleted.
Just so everyone knows, Tumblr used to have a word limit of around - I want to say like 250 words, so a paragraph - and a lot of us are still getting adjusted to the freeform wordcount. It's a really different experience because I'm not just answering brief thoughts/questions, I'm now like, interacting with whole essays, and to be entirely frank I'm not overly fond of it. You have to appreciate the length of my response to brief questions (e.g. this very ask here today). I don't think Tumblr is conducive to a debate format like this lol.
That being said: yeah I had separate thoughts about Blake/Sun and its equivalency to Jaune/Weiss, and I was talking to my IRL friend about that yesterday; in the past I've speculated that the Blake relationship patterns also reflect Jaune's, including a point of contention over a redhead kill. I didn't make any posts about the development of Blake/Sun as it pertains to V9!Jaune/Weiss, mostly because I actually hated that storyline then and found its development really boring (on my rewatches I'm really bad and usually just skip past Blake's storyline when Ilia's not around) and I didn't feel confident expressing my feelings on the matter. So that being said, that you've outlined what seem to be eerie parallels, I think you've arguably done a better job than I possibly could on the topic.
So consider yourself the very rare exception in this circumstance where I'm not annoyed and actually quite grateful. Even further I'm grateful someone else noticed the parallel to Blake/Sun, so I'm not the only one seeing it. I agree with everything you've said here (although I would quibble that the romances are thematically and narratively fundamental to the show, and I am personally here for the show insofar as I think its most interesting ideas are actually realised through the romances and the character redemptions. I'm a 'shipper' in a very serious sense that might run contrary to casual fandom, but a shipper all the same).
I'm glad you found my earlier posts about Jaune/Weiss relieving, because I feel pretty alone on the matter since it's obviously a ship some people want to happen, and it's the 'obvious choice' insofar as lazy storytelling. Nice guy waits patiently and gets hot and she finally notices him, yay. I'm gonna puke. Nevermind the replacement goldfish business.
I'm very curious that you're not largely a shipper and you're mostly approaching the matter textually; first of all, way to blow up my ego, because you know the frightful thing with Jaune/Cinder is of course the accusation I'm biased and seeing things because I want them to smooch, but further to that, if you don't mind me asking, what convinced you? I think what you've outlined here with the romances suggests we have similar background of analysis, especially that tension between the shiny thing in the left hand (anime romantic trope) and the textual meat in the right hand being disguised. This type of magician's foreshadowing trick is interesting, even if at times I feel it's a little mean when they do it (it's not a RWBY exclusive thing, just maybe some elements of how it's done). To be totally frank, I do think the shipbaiting is partly to stir furore, but the out-of-nowhereness did make it a little strange (and tonally off with his reintroduction, but that's me).
Seriously, go back and rewatch Volumes 4-8 and compare the Jaune/Weiss interactions to the romances developing at that time. Every reunion, there's no major Jaune/Weiss reunion (V5/V8) when all the others get one, there's barely any dialogue, even when he's healing her in an ostensibly major fucking dramatic scenario their dialogue barely scratches the surface of just buddies being friends. If I were a shipper I'd be disappointed because fan of the romance or no, there is genuine intensity to the other canonical romances, even completely pre-canon ones (e.g. Oscar/Ruby confrontation in V5 and their whole everything). So the out-of-nowhereness in V9 is either bad writing, or it's paralleling Blake/Sun and is saying things about who Jaune once thought he should've been. I'm not going to repeat all of my Jaune posts, but seriously, the only way I can intuitively parse this is that he puts all of those notions about who he should've been to bed, including the idle childish fantasy of the perfect princess (who doesn't even want to be a princess, so who is the one in this story who desperately wants to be a Maiden). I think it's especially damning that Weiss has only noticed him 'now' from a textual perspective, even if shippers consider it 'finally earnt' now he's hot or whatever. Shiny thing in the left hand, meat in the right hand.
If the show had committed to Blake/Sun, hey, I'd give it to the Jaune/Weiss shippers no problem. But it didn't and it was never intended to. So what fucking gives? Because I really don't think it was only purely shipbaiting with those two; I think there was something more weighted there done with the teasing and who the characters are/who they want to be, even if there was some of that. So is the story smart or not? Are they setting up Jaune to do things related to Cinder after this for a reason? (If we do get a parallel of V4/V5 fully, Jaune does want to hunt Cinder down back then, and um... I'm just saying, Blake returns to Yang after her time with Sun...)
So if you've got (bold for kill, central conflict to the given canon endgame pairing): Blake/Adam = Jaune/Pyrrha, Blake/Ilia = Jaune/Weiss (Beacon era), Blake/Sun = Jaune/Weiss (V9), Blake/Yang = Jaune/who??????? WHO, PRAY TELL??????
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lets-talk-spirituality · 2 years ago
Thank for responding to my note about having a quiet life; I really appreciate you trying to understand my perspective.
on that note I just wanted to address how you said “I have wild nights when they come up because I believe in living life to the fullest.”
because similarly to how you talked about people who are force-fed anti-drug just-say-no messages, Ive found a lot of us are fed this idea that life has to be a certain way for it to be fulfilling.
wild nights aren’t fulfilling for everyone just like quiet nights aren’t fulfilling for everyone- and by that I mean the live life to its fullest. I know for me going out and drinking and getting up close and personal with strangers in a club (or whatever) is like a meta kind of hell for me. But if you give me a nice dinner with friends/family where we’re laughing so hard we almost choke or having deep conversations or dancing in the kitchen…all followed by a hot bath, a good book, and writing….now that is living life to the fullest for me.
I really try hard to empathize and understand other people and their lives and perspectives (hence the books! Lol) which is honestly why I keep circling all the stuff about Harry because he seems so contradictory at times (tho as a Gemini myself I GET the contradiction omg haha) and it’s like impossible to pinpoint who he really is. To me it’s like a mystery and I’m a detective (yes I also read lots of those) trying to understand him. Maybe not the best use of my time but lol where’s a friend supposed to get their Sherlock fix in this day and age?
Oh my bad I wasn’t trying to imply you don’t. I think more and more I’m aware that what makes me feel alive can be more extreme. I think peace can feel almost like being numb to me so I think I seek out like heightened experiences and to me that’s what it feels like to be alive. I know that’s not necessarily healthy because yeah it’s probably part of the thrill of relationships with unavailable people. There’s a part of me that needs that thrill. To me life to the fullest is that extremity. I guess.
There’s this quote I keep going back to: “That part of me which seems old to you was worn out by intense and premature experience. It was the self-abuse of all one’s emotions, and one came through it, if one did at all, with a sense of almighty boredom and fretfulness.”
It’s from Lost Horizon and this guy is being told how he’s so wise for someone so young and that’s his response. And it really resonated. When you live on high key mode, whether you tried to or not, I do think it warps your ability to find joy in things. And to relate to people with more normal or I guess less intense experiences.
I realize my last ask response to you also sounded sort of passive but I didn’t mean it to come across like that and thanks for this response. I’m human too. I try to preach being open minded and owning up to mistakes and I try my best to do that too. Even though I don’t always succeed so thanks for seeing that and giving me a chance to make amends. Because I actually sort of wish I could be more like that. That I didn’t need more to feel okay. Maybe we’ll get there one day. But sometimes idk if you can rewire everything. Maybe some people are meant to live fast and hard. Idk.
I feel sometimes what you’re talking about—I guess that’s belonging— and I don’t alway need substances to feel alive or connected but again, a lot of my experiences make me feel very disconnected from people. I guess that’s what makes it so hard when I do feel connected to someone and they eventually go away.
And same. I like the mental mystery. I don’t think he sounds contradictory but I think half the time I contradict myself in the same sentence and it’s because half the time I do believe both and I am both. That’s sort of the allure though, never pinpointing for sure.
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ex-silent-reader · 5 years ago
Another open (love) letter to authors
Hello lovely authors!!!!
I’ve been a lot slower to comment on the fics I’ve read then I would like to be so I thought it would be more effective to share my appreciation for you lovely authors in one post, perhaps monthly, because I am able to reach more people as well as express myself and my feeling of appreciation more in-depth without sounding repetitive and sending everybody the same message (I hope this approach doesn’t take away any genuity of the post). I was very happy that my last love letter got my appreciation across to many authors across the platform, and if a response to my appreciation sparked joy within me, I can’t even imagine how rewarding it must feel to get feedback on an actual story, so I am trying to be a more engaged reader. I’ve noticed the main features I admire in every story are the characterization, worldbuilding, and general writing style. For this appreciation post, I would like to focus on the world-building I have been privy to.
YOU GUYS ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!! Like, the other day I just sat down and thought about all the Au’s I’ve read and how AU literally stands for alternate Universe. ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!!!!!! Can you imagine being able to create AN ENTIRE WORLD???????? I can barely write about the one I’m currently living in so I’m amazed by the creativity so many authors have shown in their world-building. I’ve read Space Au’s, Royalty Au’s. F2L, E2L, Roommate Au’s Hybrid Au’s, Fantasy Au’s, COLLABS, INTERCONNECTING STORIES the list truly goes on and on and on. Each time I am amazed by the storytelling and the detail put into each Au that makes it come to life. I am a very visual person so I tend to visualize a story as I read it, and I am only able to do this because so much time, effort, and detail is put into the story that the vision naturally materializes for me. I truly admire authors’ ability to create an entire world where things just flow so smoothly, especially with all the little intricacies in many worlds (ie, ABO ones, or manoeuvering different POV’s, creating new characters, redefining old ones etc.) I want you all to know that your efforts translate beautifully into your stories and allow me and many others to immerse ourselves in something new and bigger than ourselves. Please know that after a long day of school and work I look forward to coming home and immersing myself in the worlds you create, they are a way for me to take a break from an otherwise hectic life and I’m more appreciative of it than you could ever know, and I hope this can translate even a bit of that admiration and appreciation to you. Thank you for allowing me to experience the new worlds you create!!!
Side note: While I am tagging a specific list of authors, who I personally read and enjoyed work from (excluding those who I tagged last time and i KNOW I will forget people because I am a mess and i’ve been awful at keeping track of things), I chose to title this, and my last love letter as “open letters” because I want everybody who puts love and effort into their craft to feel acknowledged and appreciated. I would love to be exposed to even more authors so please feel free to comment and recommend authors who you appreciate (including yourself) because I would love to engage with more people and spread my appreciation for those who chose to share their work with us. 
Xoxo Gossip Girl, I mean ex-silent-reader
@joonsrack @suga-kookiemonster @jeonsweetpea @honey-piggy @johobi @luffles424 @jhspetitegf @crystaljins @ubemango @minnpd @seokjxnnie @inkjam-moon @gimmesumsuga @solastia @personawife @cutaepatootie @chimknj @shadowsremedy @go-gently-please @teawithkpop @flowerwrites06 @softyoongiionly (I know I tagged you in the last one but I still haven’t recovered from the world building and storytelling in La Grande Maison, I’m sorry)
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cancerjupiter · 4 years ago
venus & mars: water signs
Because water itself is formless, those with Venus or Mars in Water signs often don’t really know what they feel or what they want without experimenting. It’s only when they experiment that their feelings are drawn out and thus experienced more consciously. Remember, Water is formless, and so watery people’s feelings need to be given form by being with and relating to another person or situation. Water is a passive element; it reflects. Anyone with Venus or Mars in Water signs reflects other people’s desires; and so, they want to be wanted. If another person really wants them, it turns them on! The Water signs don’t want to make themselves too vulnerable, which is another reason that they will often wait for the other person to show desire or feeling first. The Water signs are very passive, especially Pisces and Cancer, reacting to the other person’s intentions and desires before they themselves discover where they’re at. This is somewhat true of Scorpio also, but Scorpio is a more desirous sign with more initiative, and—even though Scorpio doesn’t like to be vulnerable either—those with strong Scorpio attunement often get so desperate for sex and/or emotional intensity that they take the risk.
Mars and Venus in Water signs are extremely sensitive, and hence they experience pleasure and emotional intimacy with even the subtlest of stimuli. Sex for them is closely associated with emotional security and emotional release, and with a sense of emotional belonging and tranquility. The sensitivity of Mars and Venus in Water signs is not limited to their own feelings; they are also extraordinarily sensitive to where the other person is at and how he or she is responding emotionally and sexually. They reflect the other person’s state of feeling and energy. They merge into the other person’s feelings and so adapt themselves to the other person’s emotions. They get a lot of pleasure out of seeing the other person’s subtler feelings and needs being satisfied.
Those with Venus and/or Mars in Water signs get a lot of feeding themselves from feeding the other person. We already know Cancer and Pisces for being giving and nurturing signs; but I think Scorpio is often much more giving and nurturing than they’re given credit for, although admittedly they can seem to consume others just as often as they feed others. They’re so private that their better qualities are not often noticed! Yes, they are often extremely cheap with emotions and money; but if they decide to give, they can give tremendously! All the Water signs can be cheap, and can be takers and givers. Cancer is often extremely cheap with money and self-protective of their feelings, sometimes to the point of becoming almost totally identified with the rigid mask they often wear. And Pisces, while not known for being cheap, is often a taker in the sense that they can endlessly leach energy or money from others without contributing any energy themselves. This is an example of the important point that there are always two sides to any astrological factor. We shouldn’t heap all the negative qualities of a certain element onto just one sign of that element.
One last note about a Water sign Venus or Mars: they get personal satisfaction from feeding another person emotionally and by being fed, with all of this happening mysteriously, beyond concepts. Because Water is a silent element, slowly working its will with little flamboyance, those with a Water sign Venus or Mars don’t enjoy talking very much in romantic or sexual situations. They prefer a silent merging and blending, a quiet harmony that is rarely experienced savored in depth.
Venus in Water notes: Affection and appreciation are expressed sympathetically and with empathy through identifying with the other person’s feelings. The person feels love and closeness with another through an interchange of sensitivity and feelings on a subtle level, leading to an experience of deep merging.
Mars in Water notes: The individual asserts self through emotional subtlety and persistence, and by appealing to the deeper feelings and needs of others. The method of operation uses intuition, shrewdness, and slyness to attain goals and desires. Physical energy is stimulated by deep yearnings, feeling needed by others, subtle intuitions, and intensity of emotional experience.
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lettrespromises · 4 years ago
#LettresPromises informs you : You have one notification. ──➤ 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐕𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋!
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─➤ @theastroooooworld​ 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 : ❝oi oi oi nikki ♡! i hope you are well as always. can i have hc's for Tanaka, Ushijima and Bokuto (separately) ? how would they behave with their childhood best friend who supports them since their beginning in volleyball but with whom they gradually fall in love ? thanks !!je t'aime tant, prends soin de toi et des tiens 🧡🌅❞ ─➤ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 : ❝my dearest cam,  forgive me for the terrible, terrible sense of never being on time but i’ve heard this letter comes at the right time (hopefully this letter will help a tiny bit while you’re healing.) je t’aime fort fort, prends soin de toi (et de ton tibia et de tes cervicales) et des tiens! sealed with a magic kiss to blow your pain away,  nikki.❞
──➤ 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐎𝐁𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 : Tanaka, Bokuto and Ushijima gradually fall in love with their childhood best friend. ─➤ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : mentions of a nose bleeding.
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──➤ Tanaka Ryuunosuke sent you a letter, would you like to read it?
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Despite his flamboyant sense of worship for Kiyoko, Tanaka does not know how to handle emotions, romantic ones, that is. Sure, he (alongside with Nishinoya) are willing to kiss each centimeter of concrete blessed by Kiyoko’s footsteps, but despite his burning passion, Tanaka is rendered into a stuttering mess when the attention is focused on him.
He has hidden and sometimes projected his blooming crushes for other people onto proves of love for Kiyoko, and in that sense, knowing he could solely focus his attention on her brought him a sense of security because he is so scared of the unknown, especially romantically-wise.
Hence why, whenever he would find himself appreciating someone who wasn’t Kiyoko a bit too much to his own liking, he would bury that feeling deep down and instead transform these hushed sentiments into demonstrations of love for his one and only goddess. 
Sometimes, feelings tend to be a bit stronger when they are mixed with nostalgia, that is, childhood nostalgia. Truth be told, you, Tanaka and Noya were always found together... And often in the worst scenarios (just like that one time you and Ryuu were waiting for Nishinoya and you had to help Tanaka contain all the blood leaking from his nose at the sight of the bombshell accompanying Nishinoya’s grandfather.) 
Surely enough, Tanaka had always seen you like the equivalent of Nishinoya, meaning that he would confess every little secret locked in the back of his mind, even those including Kiyoko. 
Your presence was comforting, and he always considered you extra fuel to animate his fire whenever you would watch him during practice (and you were the first to throw an empty bottle straight to his head whenever he would throw his shirt off after scoring an impressive bottle.)
But in a very, very dramatic way, Kiyoko found herself become gradually set free of Tanaka’s romantic antics and devotion which led her to question the cause of all of this— despite her dislike for any kind of grandiose display of devotion, the fact Tanaka had started to stop giving her attention was a huge red flag regarding his state.
She hesitated to go talk to Nishinoya, but she was expecting to be met with no serious answer, and instead, just watch him drool during several minutes. 
She, thus, went to the next best person who would be able to comprehend this sudden switch in attitude: you, and your lifelong experience regarding Tanaka.
You were undoubtedly quizzical, but things took another turn when Tanaka himself showed up around the corner of the gym, and an uncharacteristic blush crept on his cheeks, Kiyoko took it as a clue to leave you alone.
“Is there anything you wanted to tell me, Ryuu? Are you sick or anything? You haven’t been, you know, following Ki—“
“I like you a whole lot. A lot. Like, a lot.” He confessed, his body was rigid but his eyes testified of all the love he had for you.
You couldn’t help but allow a soft giggle to break free from your lips, “does that mean you’re going to be worshipping me now?”
And as soon as the words died on your lips, his dropped on one knee, and delicately reached for your hand which he enveloped with his palms and soon smothered with love-infused pecks. “Anything for you, my beautiful divinity. I’ve been waiting for this day since we were kids, now I got to worship you everyday, the sunshine of my life.”
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──➤ Bokuto Koutarou sent you a letter, would you like to read it?
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Before Akaashi came in the picture, you’ve always been his pilar, his rock, his pivot, his safe person. Bokuto soon learned to identify you as the person he could go to if anything were to happen.
You knew firsthand how to handle his emo mode since you were kids, and as a child, Bokuto would make himself appear look sad on purpose just so you could focus your attention on him and smoother him with love and kind touches.
Years later, this side of his personality never faded away, but never did your calming antics, nor did you stop always keeping an eye out on him during practice.
Bokuto expressively asked you to be the manager of the team, he said it was to “give you the best seats in the house to admire the way of the ace”, but truthfully, you were the fuel to the fire burning like an inexorable inferno within him.
You and Akaashi completed one another perfectly to find a balance for Bokuto, but at times, when Bokuto would find himself being overwhelmed by sad thoughts on the court, Akaashi would always suggest him to look at you, sitting on the benches.
It had become a ritual, each time Bokuto felt nervous or tortured by his own emotions, his shining golden orbs would find your frame, and a smile on your end was enough to make him feel at peace again. And that, ever since Bokuto started playing volleyball.
One day, during training, Bokuto had ententered a severe streak of shots, and each time the ball slammed the ground loudly in victory, his eyes darted on your form to study your reaction. He started doing anything to impress you since that day, even the silliest things like carry all the water bottles for you until (inevitably) tripping on the ground.
But striking for your attention and validation over and over again also meant that his emo modes were going to be even more intense too.
As his palm slapped the surface of the ball into a diagonal strike, his body shifted in a straight position, thus transforming the shot into a straight line.
The whines of protest were already leaving his lips, and soon enough his entire body language testified of how his emotions got the best of him: his shoulders were slumped, the tips of his hair faced down, his brows were weakly furrowed. It was a crisis situation.
“Agaaaashehhh! Can you get me Y/N, pleaaaase? I feel like I’m gonna melt and freeze at the same time.” Bokuto pleaded, his golden orbs were glossy under the gathering of the salty pearls in the corner of his eyes.
Without wasting more time, Akaashi jogged to you, and quickly explained the situation with a hint of worry in his tone which was unsual for him.
Your palm brushed Bokuto’s back in a soothing manner, only to find yourself prisoner of his embrace as his forelimbs found shelter on the small of your back, the tip of his nose nestled in the crook of your neck.
“Y/NNNN, I can’t even do diagonal shots anymore... It’s, like, my body goes for diagonal but I keep on hitting straight lines, I feel so dumb and useless...” His words were accompanied by whines of discontent, clearly indicating that this emo situation was more alarming than the others.
Your palm rubbed invisible shapes on his back in a soothing manner, humming at his confessions, “I can’t do anything right, can’t hit diagonal shots, can’t be a good captain, can’t even confess to you that I’ve loved you since day one.”
An angel passed.
“Kou, did— were you serious?”
“Does that mean you don’t like me? ‘S fine, I swear.” He now had his state focused on you, eyes as glossy as ever, and it took you all the strength in the world not to soothe his pain away by smothering him with kisses.
“I like you too, Kou, as big as the sky.” You offered him a genuine smile, your palms having moved to cup his palms while your thumbs were brushing the skin of his cheeks.
The tips of his hair immediately quirked up, and his signature grin throned once more amongst his facial features : “Wooooah! As big as the sky? That’s so big, sunshine! Guess what? I love you as big as the court!”
Another giggle found its way past your lips, soon quieted by the way your planted a peck on his cheek, “That’s a lot, Kou, more than I could’ve ever hoped for.”
And as Bokuto cradles you in his embraces, he excitedly stares at Akaashi who has a hint of a smile on his face, jumping a bit over the excitement.
“Kou, I know you’re happy and all but it’s hard to keep up with your hug if you’re jumping all over the place.”
“My bad, sunshine, you just make me so happy, ya know?”
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──➤ Ushijima Wakatoshi sent you a letter, would you like to read it?
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Now, I have already stated that Ushijima is not emotionless, rather he decides whether or not something or someone is worthy of the reveal of his emotions. And only three things fit on this list: Tendou, volleyball and yourself.
You actually met Ushijima as a child at an art discovery class for children. Ushijima had isolated himself from the rest of the children because the remarks of his mother were still ringing loud and clear in his head, but when you approached him and complimented how unique of an approach his left hand offered, he was over the moon (not that he showed it though.)
Much like Bokuto, Toshi is the kind of person to associate someone as his safe person, someone he can go to if needed, or at least feel their presence for reassurance. Needless to say, you are this person to Wakatoshi, always have been since the first doodles you’ve shared together.
In his case, Tendou actually pushed you to be the manager of the team, remarking that your presence would probably motivate Ushijima even more and make him more grounded if he had someone to hold on to during games.
To this day, you’ve always stayed late after practice and watched over Wakatoshi, spike after spike, serve after serve, until his fingers were bleeding and the moonshine outshone the neons of the gym.
You always carried medical tape with you, because you knew he was always bound to push behind his limits, only because he knew that you’d always be there for him, which happened to be true.
Now, now. Wakatoshi does know what feelings are, he knows how to recognize them kinesthetisically and tends to do mental notes of how people manifest their own emotions. Thus, he starts to notice the way his stomach creates knots whenever you’re in the same vicinity.
After training, Tendou finds him reading ads in the latest Jump edition, but Ushijima is quick to interrogate him : “Ah, an ad for plant medicine. Do you reckon this would help my stomach ache, Tendou?”
Tendou blinks once, then twice “Mhm, ‘depends on what kind of stomach ache we’re talking about here, Wakatoshi-kun.”
“It‘s odd. It’s not so much painful but it always happens when Y/N is near me.”
Tendou wipes an inexistent tear away in a dramatic manner, “Toshi-kun, you’re not sick at all, you’re in love.”
Since this sudden realization, Wakatoshi tends to avoid you because he believes that despite the sweet nature of this feeling, this stomach ache is taking a bit too much space to his liking.
He realizes soon, however, that the longer he waits, the worse it becomes.
After practice, and in an ever so natural manner, Ushijima grabs your wrist, and sends a glare to the rest of the team in order to silently tell them to leave the gym now that practice is over.
“Y/N, I’m sorry for taking some of your time so suddenly, I hope I did not startle you.” His grip on your wrist fades away slowly, and you offer him a hint of a smile.
“Don’t worry, Toshi, you’re all good.”
“I requested your presence because it seems I have developed feelings for you.”
A vivid blush colors the apples of your cheeks, your mouth is set agape for a few agonizing seconds: “You think or you know?”
“I don’t know.” He replies, and there’s a hint of disappointment in himself at the lack of retrospection on his end.
“Well, let me help you then.” Your palm is now enveloping his cheek in a loving hold, whilst your lips plant a lingering kiss on his opposite cheek, leaving Wakatoshi at loss for words.
“I, um, I’m positive now. I truly have feelings for you.”
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banana-undies · 4 years ago
The saliva of a vampire contains an anticoagulant (a substance that prevents blood from clotting, allowing it to flow for longer). When vampire saliva comes in contact with human blood, it also triggers a rush of endorphins, making the overall experience for a victim to be rather pleasurable—so pleasurable that the victim could forget it ever happened.
Upon feeding, a vampire's complexion becomes flushed and healthy; their skin also increases in temperature, making them look more human at first glance. This effect lasts several hours to several days depending on how much blood is consumed. Conversely, the longer a vampire goes without blood, one may notice their skin becomes paler and they look more fatigued.
The eye of a vampire contains a layer of tissue called a tapetum lucidum, found behind the retina. This allows a vampire to see perfectly in the dark. When a light is shined into a vampire's eye, it glows.
A vampire is unable to experience a drug high by ingesting drugs; they can experience a drug high by drinking the blood of someone on drugs.
Vampires possess superhuman speed, strength, stamina, agility, and grace. 
It takes a lot to make a vampire tired, but it can happen.
Vampires do not need to sleep, but some may do so for pleasure or if they are fatigued.
A vampire's power boosts upon drinking blood. The more blood in their system, the stronger they are.
To kill a vampire, one may either remove its heart (causing instantaneous death), or setting it afire and ensuring it is nothing more than ashes and embers. The second option is more difficult because the body must be completely destroyed, unrecognizable. Decapitation only causes temporary paralysis.
The demonic energy contained within a vampire's blood is responsible for a semblance of homeostasis: It acts much like a human circulatory system in the fact it allows blood to flow within the body; it also acts like a digestive system in the fact that it "burns" away all that a vampire ingests. Vampires do not excrete.
When the blood of a vampire is spilt, one may notice that it moves on its own, oftentimes in an attempt to rejoin the body. When left to its devices, a vampire's blood evaporates into hot steam, leaving no traces of its existence.
Vampires have significant power over their own blood. They can harden it at will, transforming it into a substance much like crystal. Vampires will use this ability to generate razor-sharp claws, or to shield their skin from attacks. It is strong enough to shatter steel.
The blood of a vampire is extremely corrosive, though it has a pleasant aroma.
As the cells of a vampire are, for all purposes, dead, they are resistant to disease and infection as bacteria and viruses are uninterested in them.
Vampires are pale, and, as explained above, become paler when starved of blood. They are incapable of tanning—their cells no longer produce melanin as their cells are dead and frozen in place.
Other than saliva (which is altered by vampiric infection) and blood, all bodily fluids are purged when a human transforms. Vampires weep blood rather than tears; vampires do not ejaculate or discharge; vampires lack lymph.
Vampires are "undead"—they exist in suspension between life and death. Because of this, telepaths cannot peer into their minds (if they attempt to do so, they are struck with a splitting headache); they cannot be tracked; no form of magic can detect that they are even there. 
When a human is transformed, the infection does kill them, but the demonic component of a vampire's blood prevents the soul from exiting the body, trapping it within. Hence, vampires still experience thought and emotion—impulses of the soul translated into chemical processes by the brain. In this case, the demonic energy of a vampire acts like the nervous system, allowing thought and emotion to occur no different than a typical human.
A newly-made vampire is dubbed a "pup" (adorable, I know); a vampire who makes another vampire is called a "sire"; the term used to refer to a vampire of considerable age and power is "coagula".
As breathing is not a requirement for vampires, they are resistant to asphyxiation, drowning, and poisonous gases—this also makes them terrifyingly efficient swimmers, deadly, even. Most vampires still breathe out of habit, or to speak, or because they feel uncomfortable without their sense of smell.
Vampires have greatly increased senses of smell, sight, taste, and hearing.
Because of a vampire's enhanced taste, certain foods disgust them. (Garlic.) Smell also factors into this. Some vampires find it difficult to eat altogether; some vampires have forgotten how to eat.
Because of their superhuman sight, vampires have no need to wear contacts or glasses, though some may still do so in order to blend in with humans.
The origin of vampires remains a mystery. It is, however, proven that they are connected to demons in the fact that it is demonic magic that animates them. Some demons, especially if they are animalistic, shun daylight, much like how some vampires are killed by it and how all vampires don't really appreciate the sun too much. Some demons, such as the chupacabra, also sustain themselves by drinking blood. Vampires who have fallen out of touch with their humanity behave and oftentimes appear demonic.
The cure for vampirism? Very rare, but there is one way. The vampire must come in contact with sephira—the magic produced and utilized by angels. Immense amounts of sephira are released when an angel abandons their mortal disguise. It eats away at the demonic magic within a vampire, eventually freeing them of their curse. Sephira is also emanated by yliaster, the material that angels are composed of, and crushing yliaster has a similar effect to angels reverting to their true forms, though it's definitely not as grandiose.
Vampires can have sex in the same manner humans do; when a male vampire is sexually aroused, blood flows down there. However, as explained above, vampires do not produce semen or discharge, and so, while they may feel the sensation of an orgasm, nothing else will happen.
A vampire can elongate its mouth and dislocate its jaw like that of a snake. 
Vampires possess a pair of retractable fangs that may appear during sexual arousal or bouts of extreme emotion, especially anger.
Vampires possess an extreme healing factor, allowing them to repair damage to their bodies in the space of seconds to hours depending on the severity of their wounds. Some vampires can reattach severed limbs. This goes along with the whole thing about the demonic energy in their veins doing everything it can to preserve the body it inhabits.
Typically, as vampires grow older, their tolerance for sunlight decreases, and they gain significantly inhuman attributes—this is all tied to how psychologically human they are. A vampire who has forsaken their humanity definitely looks and acts the part.
When denied of blood for an extended period of time, a vampire loses its rationality and devolves into a ghoul, a bat-like monster whose only instinct is to drink blood, regardless of who it belongs to.
For a human to become a vampire, vampiric blood must be introduced to the bloodstream. After a brief sensation of euphoria, much like an orgasm, the human experiences intense, burning pain as the demonic agent of a vampire's blood alters the body. Depending on how much blood is in the bloodstream, this process can lasts hours to days, and is enough to send a human into catatonia. 
Sunlight makes vampires uncomfortable; in some cases, it will burn them and kill them. Younger vampires, more often than not, have a higher tolerance than older ones.
There are twelve special vampires, called wraiths, whose power(s) greatly exceeds that of a typical vampire. Their power is able to be obtained by killing and draining their blood. You killed it, you bought it. If a wraith is fed to a ghoul, the ghoul retains its intelligence and human shape. An example of a wraith is Dracula.
A group of vampires is called a clan.
Human blood is significantly more appealing to vampires in comparison to animal blood.
Vampires can detect blood-related abnormalities with ease.
Vampires are able to hypnotize humans by making eye contact with them, forcing them to do their bidding. Humans with significant mental fortitude may resist. Animals are unable to resist.
Holy items do not repel vampires. They can enter churches as they wish, touch holy water, etc.
Vampires do not need to be invited into homes, though they may ask if they want to be polite.
When killed, a vampire's body ruptures and explodes into a fountain of blood, leaving no corpse behind. 
My take on vampires! Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to answer.
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indigobackfire · 4 years ago
HPHM MC Profile ✧
Indigo Silverwood
“ Getting near you is like stretching my hand into an open flame. I know I’ll burn myself, yet I crave the heat. ”
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Nicknames: Indie. Didi (only by family). Silverwood. Silvie (by people who don't bother learning her name).
Gender: Female.
Birthday: 6th of March, 1973.
Born: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Mother: Clarin (née Tramer) Silverwood - Half-blood, Ravenclaw, English.
Father: Palmer Silverwood - Pureblood, Slytherin, Scottish.
Siblings: Jacob Silverwood (b. 1968), Phoenix Nobleworth Silverwood (b. 1973) - Phoenix was adopted after the death of his parents when he was just a couple of months old.
Ethnicity: Scottish, English, (probably with some Spanish roots).
Sexuality: Straight.
Blood Status: Half-blood (by her muggle grandmother on her mother's side).
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.
Eyes: Naturally yellow/golden/amber (nobody knows why, since their parent’s eyes are brown) but both hers and Jacob's eyes are like this). She wears glasses for her Astigmatism.
Hair: Naturally dark brown, but she asked her mother to turn it red when she turned 8 and doesn't plan on undoing it any soon.
• She’s average tall and reasonably strong build, honey-brown skin littered with scars from venturing with the vaults and being freaking attacked by dark wizards, big hands and feet due to her height. A large chest that grows at once in her 4th year (”Everybody's starring, Rowan!”).
• She keeps her nails short. Her makeup is often down to just some lipstick (mascara smudges her glasses, eye shadow irritates her eyes), her hair is often long wavy and fluffed for extra volume. She often smells like coconut oil from all the creams her mother insisted she used.
• She looks a lot like her father which gives her a rather rough look - like a handsome but wild animal - yet has enough of her mother’s attributes to be considered attractive and poise if well-groomed.
Magical Aspects
1st Wand: Red Oak wood with Dragon Heartstring core, 12″, pliable. "The true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect dueling wand. Its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive spells, and a good person to have beside in a fight." Indigo had good times with her red oak wand but as the years went by, her emotions start affecting the wand's efficiency. The wand would bleed a glowing red light in moments of extreme physical or emotional pain and become extremely unstable.
2nd Wand: Beechwood with Thestral hair core, 13", rigid flexibility. "The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond their years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation." Indigo has a hard time adapting to her new wand, it's stubborn to her spells and acts upon its own will especially considering its unusual and unstable core, Thestral hair, which is of unknown habilities, except for its use in the mythical, Elder wand. Her wand is one of a kind which is why she has to adapt her abilities to match the wand's requirements. Despite all, it's a remarkable instrument for undoing curses/spells and detecting danger.
Animagus: Somali cat. She's already certain she wants to be a cat animagus - harmless, of easy blend, and enables an approach to humans -, but decides for the Somali breed, during the process, for its sumptuous golden fur and agility.
Patronus: Kangaroo, for its fighting spirit and family values, not to mention its strength. (In-game it's the Abraxan, but only because I thought it would be cool.)
Patronus memory: (During the first times) Her first Quidditch match, not just because they won but because everyone she loves from Hogwarts was there, and she got to cheer their victory together. (Later years) Her family gathering for hot cocoa during a rainy night with Jacob with them.
Abilities: Legilimency, and great emotional influence over magic (Don't get her frightened or angry or she will blow you up).
Boggart:  Her boggart changes constantly - she can't decide if it's either because she overcame the old fears, or if the new ones toppled those, creating a pile of fears. And since the new DADA teacher is always teaching Riddikulus again and again, the famous curse-breaker is always the most awaited in the line.
Jacob, eyes dark and musty, clothes covered in blood, someone's blood. He walks to her and slowly raises his sleeve, the Death mark is craved deep in his flesh and it glows. Behind him, it rises the Dark Lord.
Riddikulus: He turns into a younger version of himself from a photograph she recalls laughing about with her mom (he's running wearing a loaded diaper, crazy hair, rosy cheeks).
For a while is someone in a cloak threatening to cast the killing curse over her friends, whispering each of their names like a snake but she's frozen unable to stop them.
Riddikulus: The cloak falls to reveal a bunch of gnomes piled up wearing wigs and makeup.
For another, very realistic corpses of all of her friends spread at her feet, a dark wizard across from her, it's over and there isn't anything she can do to save them anymore - it was a grim day in DADA, but they all wanted to see it didn't they?
Riddikulus: This is the one time she fails to defeat a boggart, letting the horrible scene consume her, she falls to her knees defeated, and even after Rakepick's shouting, when she tries to cast the spell, it fails again and again.
This last boggart came to show everyone around her how truly terrified she was, not for her own life, but for that of those around her. How despite the confidence she was constantly displaying, in reality, she was afraid she couldn't save them from whatever was trying to get her.
Amortentia: Her Amortentia smells like Jacob's cologne — which he used to borrow from their father which is why she recalls so easily —, fresh Catnip ever since she became an animagus, bakings just out of the oven — extra intensity if there's chocolate involved, and freshly washed sweaters (from hugging Barney and the Weasleys).
Mirror of Erised: She's under the shadow of a tree, Jacob on one side along with Phoenix and Aspen, Barnaby's head resting on her lap, Rowan by her side, and Orion for some reason. They're laughing and reading books, it's an eternal spring afternoon.
Pets: A Sphynx cat, Mocca, a brown and white rat, Franccesca, and (later in her Hogwarts years) a Great Horned owlet, Plum.
Things she always carries with her: Her wand (duh), a handmade Gryffindor bracelet that used to belong to Jacob, the Handbook of Magical Theory, a handful of peppermints, a pouch with some money, a flask of Wideye potion, some Murtlap Essence, and a family photo during Christmas of 1980.
Lucky Amulets: She has a dream catcher made by Phoenix from feathers he shed during transformations and a "broken" knight from Murphy's chessboard who decided to leave the game for good and now sleeps on Indigo's nightstand with its horse, she likes stroking the horse the night before every Quidditch match
Best Friends
Her brother, Phoenix, takes the crown in matter of importance because, well, they're siblings who grew up practically like twins, but their relationship deserves their own detailing.
Rowan has got to be the first. Not only they share the same adventurous nerdy spirit, but Rowan also is the one to stick around even when everything is dark and uncertain and Indigo's popularity plummets. Indigo is always excited to hear whatever Rowan has to say - most times about books or Bill Weasley - and she's rarely fazed by the weird things Rowan does.
Murphy McNully is a close second, having officially met in the middle of her second year, they're both still fresh in a matter of friendships which allows them to open up, both in desperate need of company and support. He's often a companion in the girl's library and common room study sessions and sits with them during meals.
Charlie Weasley has her heart and soul from the moment they first speak during year one, but it actually takes a while until they form any real bond, which begins after he finds out she has been seeking his brother's help to search for the cursed vaults.
Ben is a friend she cherishes deeply but often finds it hard to break through his protective shell which makes him feel distant even when he opens up to her. Unlike her friends, she grows more liking towards Ben after he has his change in personality, as he feels more open about himself.
Chiara is a friend she deeply appreciates for her courage in reaching out for her help in times of need and trusting her with her secret. In Marauder fashion, she likes keeping an eye on her on the nights of full moon - which is good to train her cat tree climbing. They often have afternoon tea together and she teaches Indigo useful healing spells.
Andre and Indigo didn't have a great start, as she thought of him as arrogant and inconsiderate, and he thought she was careless and selfish. But when she helps him with a transfiguration mishap during their 3rd year when he was trying to be creative - and the reason he now has a two-headed cat - they start opening up to each other and begin a friendship. He's a good friend to confide in about the mundane aspects of her life and Quidditch intrigues.
Orion means to her more than she can put into words. Not only he is her team captain, but also a dear friend whom she turns to in times of emotional instability cause she knows he'll be the one to successfully help her clear her mind. They enjoy each other's company even if they don't have anything interesting to say. They sit together during every Divination class for as long as the subject goes.
She has no "rivals" as she finds that sort of labeling quite petty, but would definitely punch Emily Tyler on the stomach and perhaps Face Paint kid for all his eavesdropping.
She has an easier time bonding with her fellow Gryffindors since they spend most of their time together in classes, lunch, and hanging around in the common room.
Dormmates: She and Rowan got placed in a room for three people, as the ones for five were already full, along with a girl called Tanya. But at the beginning of their 4th year, they find out she has bailed out to another dorm room claiming they 1. Snort and speak in their sleep on a regular basis, 2. Will eventually endanger her with their cursed vault shenanigans, 3. Will get her killed - which, spoilers, actually happens, oops. So they basically have the dorm for themselves.
Favorite Classes:
Magical Theory
Least Favorite:
History of Magic
Favorite Professor: Kettleburn. Despite CoMC not being on her top favorite subjects, she enjoys her time in his classes and reminds her of her grandfather on her father's side who's a highlander wizard.
Least Favorite: Binns. Just retire you old man!
Quidditch Position: Chaser. Despite enjoying her time as Gryffindor's beater, she notices the position takes a toll on her physical wellbeing, having to carry a heavy bat and being injured by bludgers more times than she can keep track of. So she returns to her chaser position after a year.
Favorite Team: Montrose Magpies. She never had an interest in Quidditch before she began playing but decided to pick a team to support. Of course, it had to be a Scottish team and settles for MM because of professor McGonagall who's also a supporter.
She's not indigo's face claim, but it's hard to find good red-haired characters out there.
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I guess I'll leave her background and history for another post since it interweaves very tightly with her sibling. And since I'm still exploring her story.
Well this is just an intro to my beloved MC
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years ago
History repeats itself  (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N: Hi guys! I'm on a roll (it's that high that patients that are about to die experience right before they crash. Kinda fitting, giving the fact that I'm going to die tomorrow bc of OH, isn't it? :D), like back in the old, good days. This was a request made by a wonderfull Nonnie. Thank you so much for suggesting it! I hope you enjoy it and that I didn’t disappoint :D
This fic is part of the ESIMY series (Claire and Ethan met and got married before they started working together and that’s basically all you need to know, as the fic can be read as a separate work)
Tag list: @paleweasels, @kittykatchoices, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian, @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @awhmilkywey @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @bucket-harrington , @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @daisy-ashton, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie, @choicesobsessedd, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @justanotherrookie @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble 
  Enjoy! <3
Paging Dr. Ramsey to Dr. Banerji’s office.
He looked up from the article he was reading, expecting a message from his wife. They were supposed to go home soon, finishing her last day of work before she would go on maternal leave. The page didn’t read as urgent, and yet somehow, a shiver ran down his spine. He couldn’t explain it. Call it a hunch that made him abandon his work and rush through the halls of the hospital.
Naveen was waiting for him by the door, his expression gravely. The air in the room was so thick that Ethan, who was running, stopped abruptly in his tracks, feeling weight being slammed against his chest. He didn’t know what was happening yet, but it couldn’t have been anything good.
“Naveen?” he asked, walking closer, treading slowly and carefully, as though it would save him from the approaching heartbreak he could already feel. His friend sighed heavily, stepping towards to him and laying his hand on Ethan’s shoulder.
“You might want to sit down.”
“Tell me. I need to go pick Claire up from the locker room in five minutes.” He didn’t miss how his mentor’s face fell at the mention of her name, making his stomach drop in worry. “What happened?”
“Claire is being transferred to the OR as we speak.” He said, the next words being an almost exact echo of his own words years back. “She had a seizure, full eclampsia. We’re delivering the baby.”
That day, from the very beginning, was a bust. Her head was pounding, slowly but surely rising and breaking through the threshold of her pain tolerance, causing her to reach out to her OB-GYN in search of any advice, along with some painkillers. Her vision was getting blurred around the sides from time to time, making it incredibly difficult to read charts or look her patients in the eye. Esme asked her about it, figuring out something was wrong when she misread the patient’s name while they were walking towards their room, but she dismissed her with a kind smile.
“That’s pregnancy for you.” she joked, seeing in her resident’s eyes that she didn’t believe her. Sighing heavily, she nodded. “Okay, it’s not typical. I- I would appreciate if you kept your eye on me today. I feel like something is about to go south and I’d like to avoid that.”
“Of course, I’ll watch you like a hawk.”
Light sensitivity came next. Supply closets were her biggest friends that day, providing with as much darkness as she wanted, blocking out any traces of light. She couldn’t barricade herself in there, no matter how much she’d want that, so she braced herself and pushed through.
She knew all those symptoms too well. She was, after all, treating her pre-eclampsia since it reared its ugly head three weeks ago. The moment she heard her diagnosis, she felt as though she has been struck by a lightning. It was the same diagnosis she gave Dolores not even three years ago.
Ethan wouldn’t survive it if this case ended the same way.
Claire was battling with herself. Should she tell him about it and let him worry about her every second of every day until she gave birth and the postpartum eclampsia was ruled out, or should she shoulder that weight on her own, treating it behind his back and praying that he’d never have to find out that the very same complication that took away his dear friend not that long ago, now threatened to take away his wife too.
She opted for something in between. There were symptoms that she couldn’t hide from him, about which they talked and she let him ask about them on their appointments. Dr. Weland, her OB-GYN, was aware of the whole situation, carefully formulating her answers for the first-time father.
It kept her up at night. She knew he would be scared, disappointed that she didn’t tell him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. He’d lock them both up at home for the remainder of her pregnancy, with a private doctor at hand, and treat her with extra caution. But most of all, she didn’t want to see the panic in his eyes, which she knew she’d find there. He would stop sleeping, watching over her at every moment.
Dr. Weland expressed her concerns when she saw Claire that day, hence her asking Esme to keep an eye on her. It wouldn’t be wise to send her home; she would need help in case something went horribly wrong.
Three hours later, as though on cue, she felt pain in her stomach, right below her belly button. All the symptoms she’s been experiencing that day cumulated, striking her at once with double their force, bending her in half. Esme, who was just down the hall, called out her name, rushing towards her, just in time to catch her as she crashed towards the ground, her body shaking.
“She’s seizing! Page Dr. Banerji!” the resident shouted, taking care of the fallen doctor.
“What about Ramsey?” someone asked, pager in their hand.
“Do as I say!”
What happened next could only be described as a chain reaction, its magnitude that of an avalanche. Naveen was called, OR was ordered, Claire was moved onto the bed and wheeled away. The hardest was still ahead of them.
Ethan fell against the wall heavily, struggling to catch his breath. “What do you mean eclampsia? Did she have any symptoms before that? Did she know? Who found her?”
“Dr. Ortega. She probably has more answers for you than I do. Come on, we’ll talk to her and Dr. Weland.”
His every move felt as though there were two impossibly heavy bricks attached to his feet, and another three on his shoulders and his chest. Panic began rising in his chest, fighting the overwhelming urge to let the tears fall. Esme was waiting for them by the entrance to the OR, worry spelled on her face.
“Can someone tell me why my wife and my daughter are fighting for their lives in there?” he barked the question, shaking in emotional distress. Naveen placed his hand on his shoulder, asking him silently to let the doctors speak.
“She’s been not feeling well for the whole day. Asked me to keep an eye on her; she told me she felt like something was about to happen.” the youngest doctor explained, stepping away to make space for Dr. Weland.
“Claire was treating her pre-eclampsia for the past three and a half weeks. The symptoms you noticed and were asking about were all a part of it. She asked me to not tell you, hoping that she would be able to avoid developing eclampsia.”
Never before in his life had he looked up at someone so fast. “She knew? And she didn’t tell me?”
“Ethan, I know you’re angry but-“
“I’m not angry. Right now, I’m terrified, because my family is fighting for their lives and I’m here, instead of being by their side. Step aside, I’m scrubbing in.”
“No.” Naveen shook his head, pulling him aside firmly. “And you know why.”
“Move out of the way, Naveen, I’m going in there.”
“I’m going to lock you in my office if you don’t calm down. You won’t help anyone by being emotional and reckless. Breathe, son, they’re going to be alright.” Ethan’s breathing was treading on the line of hyperventilating, panic rising in his chest even more. At last, tears fell, two trails running down his cheeks. He fell into his friend’s embrace, sobbing like he hasn’t done in a very long time. Helplessness, anger at fate and at himself for not noticing it sooner. “Claire is a fighter, so are you, and so is your daughter. They’ll pull through.”
“The last time I had to give this diagnosis to a person I cared about was Dolores, and she was dead within ours. Don’t tell me to calm down.” He stumbled over his words, holding onto Naveen’s arms for dear life.
“This time will be different.”
Not even an hour passed before the surgery ended. It gave Ethan enough time to go over the last weeks, all the pieces falling together into one tragic picture. It was all there, right before his eyes. Edema on her hands and feet, which could be written off as a pregnancy symptom. Headaches plagued her quite often even before she was married, so he didn’t even bat an eye on it, maybe except for the intensity of them. Her nausea returned long after her morning sickness phase passed, but again, pregnancy manifested itself with a variety of things.
He blamed himself. After Dolores died, he thought he’d be able to see the symptoms and prevent it from getting worse, but when it mattered the most, with his own beloved wife, he failed to add two and two.
“Ethan, you can see them now. The baby is safe and healthy, Claire’s condition is under control, she’s stable and conscious.” Naveen called out for him, a small smile on his face spelled out relief.
Jumping to his feet, he ran towards them, catching the room number from a shouting Naveen, not waiting for anyone. Nurses and doctors moved out of his way, some of them knowing what happened, others having no idea but knowing better than to stand in Dr. Ramsey’s way.
The lights in the room were dimmed, curtains closed, providing privacy and peace. Ethan opened the door as quietly and gently as he could, his stare falling onto Claire immediately. She smiled at him lazily, watching his every move in anticipation. He strode towards her, sitting at the edge of the bed and taking her hand in his, rising it to his lips and kissing it, over and over again, saying silent prayers of gratitude. Tears started running down his cheeks again, wetting her skin, his shoulders shaking as he let out all the emotions.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, choking on her words, her face wet with tears too. He looked up at her, shaking his head.
“No. It’s my fault. I- I somehow attract tragedy. My Mother, Naveen, Dolores… and now you.” She looked at him confused, not understanding his reasoning at first, only seconds later did she remember his thought process, her eyes filling with horror.
“Ethan, that’s none of your fault. I won’t be sitting here, letting you blame yourself for something completely out of your control.” She grabbed him by the sides of his face, hauling him onto her, pressing their lips together and lingering there, connecting them, again and again. “Your Mother wasn’t your fault.” Kiss on the nose. “Naveen wasn’t your fault.” Kiss on the forehead. “Dolores wasn’t your fault.” She kissed both his cheeks, catching his tears.  “I wasn’t your fault, and neither was she.” She cried, her voice getting thick from tears. Her head crooked towards his left, pointing towards their daughter.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” his words stabbed her like a knife that she herself was holding against her heart. She knew he’d ask, but she wasn’t prepared for it, no matter how many times she rehearsed it in her head.
“I didn’t want you to worry.” She explained after a moment, biting her lip in shame. “I thought if I can get through this and not have any complications, you’d never have to find out. Especially with how it ended for Dolores…”
“There isn’t a single thing in this world more important to me than you two. Whatever it is, however hard it gets, I want to be there for you. For both of you.”
Both of them cried silently, embracing each other as closely as they dared, refusing to let the other get away even for a mere inch. Silent comfort, not needing any words, only each other, alive and well.
The soft sound of wailing pulled them out of their little bubble, pulling their attention towards the crib by the bed. Ethan stood up, walking over to look inside, Claire peaking from her position on her bed.
A little girl was staring up at him, her eyes blue and curious. She couldn’t smile yet, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t see how at peace she was. Perfectly fine.
His whole family was perfectly fine.
“Katherine…” he muttered, running the outer edge of his index finger along his daughter’s cheek softly.
“She looks like a Katherine to you?” Claire asked, humor in her voice. He nodded, turning to his wife. “I was thinking of Isabelle.”
“We can compromise.” He embraced her, kissing her head tenderly.
“Katherine Isabelle Ramsey. Perfect.”
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morelikeastrhoelogy · 4 years ago
Some astrological opinions
(positivity edition)
This is from a Cap pov ✨
Aries : Alrighty Aries ! I don’t have many Aries friends in my life, but I am an Aries moon and what I can say about the few Aries people I met is : even if you can be very confrontational and impulsive, at least I know you’re speaking what you truly think on the instant - like, you aren’t the type to stab people in the back, you stab your opponent and look him/her in the eyes. And do you know how rare it is nowadays ? Sometimes you can judge one’s moral values by the way they treat their own enemies. Also, you guys are young souls in the reincarnation cycle, hence why you often got so much energy to make bold choices or actions - and honestly, that’s refreshing, we need to feel new energies in our lives, which you always bring with yourselves ! 🔥
Taurus : Tauruses, I’m always so protective with you, I think you are so underrated ! Perhaps that’s because you are so reliable ? You are among the first people I instinctively trust when I get in a new school, a new town, and once you start sticking around someone, you don’t let them down - this may be part of your stubborn attitude ahah. You are what I would call « root » friends, and what’s really delightful with you is that we don’t necessarily need to know each other’s full life stories to share nice and warm moments together. Simple friendships are sometimes what we need the most to reconnect with ourselves, and you are the kind of people that always make people feel home. Also ? You know how to keep your close friends’ secrets - which don’t prevent you from judging them though 👀
Gemini : Alright, two of my very good friends are Gemini, and let me tell you : you guys are the people that make Caps like me feel fun when I have to do social interactions. There’s such a fun, dynamic energy with you and it’s contagious, you are my partners in crime and actually, long-lasting ones. For Earth signs, I think you bring this light-hearted vibes we desperately need sometimes, and I think the world would be definitely less bold and less funny without you to try out things I would secretely regret not trying. Also, when it comes to serious issues, you are among the first to help, even when I expect it the least, which makes you more trustworthy than what the cliché says. I wouldn’t say reliable though, but it’s not a criticism, it’s more because you have so many projects that you can easily adapt or change your plans depending on what you’re currently interested in. I’m speaking more specifically of Gemini girls here btw - sorry guys, I really don’t know you much... 🌪
Cancer : Cancers, you are the sweetest, most genuine and softest people I’ve ever known. I thank the Universe for sending you in my life, because you are the people that help me learning to embrace a softer, more vulnerable side of my personality, especially Cancer boys, who are among my best friends. As an Earth sign (and a Cap), I’d say we complete each other’s needs, and you guys bring us emotional liberation, which is priceless. You always care for you friends and you deserve to be cared about just as much, please don’t forget this. Also, Cancer girls : you are f i e r c e. And you know how many meanings can this word hold for you. 🧡
Leo : A round of applauses for the Diva of the Zodiac ! While it is true most of my Leo relatives and friends love attention and drama, they are actually the sweetest when their affection comes right from the heart and not from the ego. Most of them hold their eccentricity from a lowkey lack of confidence, though. You are the type of friends who will act generously to show your love, you just love to find the right attention for each of your friends and honestly, I am grateful for having a few Leo relatives because they always help me bringing out a more extrovert and fun side, just like Geminis. I’d say the difference with you and Geminis are that your energy comes from the fire of your heart while Geminis are literally free, non-rigid spirits, which give them the same vibes but I’d say you’re a bit more of a sentimentalist compared to them. Finally, I’d like to say that my father figure was a Leo too and he wasn’t necessarily « extra » like the cliché, Leos can be quiet and humble too, but their generous, affectionate heart will always betray them - when it’s not your ego, ahah. 🦁
Virgo : Dear Earth fellow, I think Caps and Virgos are very similar in their rational way of thinking and organizing their life. Along with Tauruses, you feel safe and I just know I can rely on you when I have a project going on. I’m not necessarily talking about business project, although it could be : it can be something personal, which is much more important, and I know I can trust you to have my back. You are very protective when you love someone - and also ? quite kinky for some of you. Yeah, people say you are control freaks, that you have a problem with authority but you know what ? Most of the Virgos I know don’t have that problem, or rather : they start off like this, and with time, they become of the chillest friends I know, unless when they start panicking about something they didn’t expect or didn’t know how to handle. You sure don’t like to feel your ego hurt, and you won’t spare your words when you attack back, but that’s also because you do know how to choose your words, almost like Water signs, but in a more calculating way - and I mean it in a neutral way, like it can be used to find peace in a argument too, because you are very observant of the people around you, what triggers them and what appeases them. 🦢
Libra : Libras, you’re going to hate me for making such a short passage for you, but truth is... I literally don’t know any Libra in my life. However, from what I know and the few Libras I met in my life, I’d like to say you do stand out with your aesthetic. People say you are always good-looking, but I think this beauty mostly comes out of the fact that your appearance matches your soul, your way of feeling and embracing yourself - and that’s incredibly sexy. Also, that’s definitely something ethereal with you, you are a free spirit like Gemini but even more regarding your social life. You don’t want to be chained to relationships, you let them go with the flow and I think that also comes from your intellectual and emotional attachment to freedom - like the other Air signs. ☁️
Scorpio : I don’t really get the hate around Scorpios. Just like Pisces, they are among the most loyal, dedicated and caring friends I’ve known, even if they may have some trouble expressing what they feel intensely. I don’t mind it, personally, I love how meaningful their little gestures can be, you just know it comes from a honest place ! Your friendships are solid ones too, once someone got your heart. People say you might be manipulative, but again, isn’t it the same reproach for every Water signs ? Tbh, unlike Pisces, I’ve seen you guys be criticized most of the time because of your blunt honestly, and not your lies. You’ re too proud not to say what’s on your mind when it matters to you. Finally, I also love your creativity, I think yours is quite underrated compared to the other Water signs’, I mean, when you channel your intensity into art, you guys come up with such great ideas, I had so much fun writing stories with my Scorpio friend ! 🖤
Sagittarius : My sis is a Sagittarius, and as chaotic our relationship can be, I must admit there’s no one braver than her in my life. She has this fire, this willpower that has always allowed her to bounce back in hard times, and I think that’s what I find most inspiring in Sagittarius. You guys don’t hesitate, you just chase your goals and desires and it’s basically what’s life is for ! Just remember you are allowed to be vulnerable sometimes. Also, I think you are actually very very smart, but in a cooler, « no big deal »way than other signs (don’t get me wrong though : you know your worth, and you won’t hesitate reminding people), I guess that’s what makes your humor so witty ! Oh, and your fashion aesthetic ? It always carries a part of your personality, you aren’t the type to buy clothes that aren’t of the quality or the brands you like. I actually think you are quite fashionable, but always in your own style. 🐎
Capricorn : Alright my dear fellows, time to give the Goat some appreciation time. Of course one of my best friends is a Cap, because between goats, we understand each other. While it would be difficult to find the good parts of my Cap personality, it is so much easier with this friend. Caps are reliable and loyal, the friendships we offer is made of iron, and we rarely break them, unless we feel truly betrayed or used. Just like Tauruses, we don’t like drama, or at least, we don’t like to start dramas - but judging people ? Oh h o n e y.... Anyway, that’s probably because we have more maturity and mostly self-control in social interactions. Don’t get me wrong : on the inside, we can hold grudges forever as long as our ego thinks it’s important. So, yes we are proud beings, stubborn ones, but that’s also what makes us succeed in our goals and rarely give up, despite our fear of failure and disappointment. Also, I think we can all agree that we are funny as hell, in the goofiest or wittiest ways possible sometimes. Finally, I wanna conclude with something : on the emotional level, we are a lot similar to Scorpios. What we feel is so authentic and dedicated that we often have a hard time to express it, especially since we are also like Virgos in our way of observing people and calculating our words. We might fear it wouldn’t be worth the risk, so we keep it inside and express our love in subtle, yet genuine and protective ways, with gifts or caring advises for example. 🐐
Aquarius : Ohh, Aquarius, I had the most amazing and heart-breaking friendships with you. I know a lot of people have a negative experience with Aquarius, but I think that’s because our own expectations of them end up being betrayed instead of accepting them as they are, including their boundaries and their conception of relationships. You don’t owe anything to any of your friends, if this friend doesn’t stimulate you anymore, on an intellectual or emotional level, you won’t fake it, you won’t force it, you just follow your guts, even if that person used to be your best friend or that person you used to text every day and night. Friendships last as long as you have fuel to feed them with these free spirits. These old souls don’t have time anymore to keep superficial friendships for old time’s sake, they want mature, profound connexion, and when they actually fall in love and let down their rational, cold-looking wall ? They become devotee of their lover. There’s no in-between with you Aquariuses : it’s ride or die, the spiritual, intellectual or emotional connexions you share are intense, often fusional for a time, and the best thing to do with you is to enjoy it while it lasts and respect your boundaries. 🌬
Pisces : Let’s end up with the oldest souls of the zodiac ! Maybe the ancient age of your soul explains why you understand so well the mechanisms of the soul ? I think you definitely are the moms of the Zodiac, more than Cancers, but that’s a bit despite yourselves. You didn’t ask for this, it’s something you genuinely feel, as your soul remembers its past experiences. I do think most of you guys partly suffer from this empathy and these overflowing emotions when you don’t manage to channel them through exercices or art. Tragic thing is, when you reincarnate, you forget you are an old soul, and yet, you are born with the feelings and intuition of an old soul, which can take some times to figure out. I think this is the main reason why people often accuse you of being toxic or having boundary issues. That’s why I also don’t agree when people call you the baby of the zodiac. You are no baby, you are the oldest of them all, and you don’t know what to do with what your soul has acquired during all these past lives. Also, even if you are caring and very compassionate, you have to admit you do have a strong ego too. It’s okay, no need to repress it, everybody got one and we won’t throw rocks at you for showing it when you lose your temper 🌊
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years ago
birth chart reading for @phoneixfromtheashes
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a locomotive shape. this means that you're a very ambitious person, with a lot of energy. pluto has a big influence on you, and your life revolves around understanding your feelings, transformation and emotional growth. the empty part of your life is what you have to develop, hence your family, career life and also your mental health.
your dominant planets are mars, venus and the sun. you are definitely a very charismatic and charming individual! you have high standards and big goals for your life that you are motivated to achieve. you could come off as a know-it-all as you're quite confident, but you have a very caring and affectionate side to you that others may not see at first.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is air. in your life, you adore seeking for knowledge of any kind. you may be interested in studying different subjects, from those you study at school like science, maths, literature etc. to more unconventional ones, such as astrology, psychology, criminology and so on. you enjoy interacting with people; even if you’re not that sociable, you’ll still be interested in their point of view and their ideals, as you see it as a way to expand your own mind. you’re also interested in vintage, and you may have a retro aesthetic or just like history in general.
🌎 ascendant in sagittarius, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by jupiter and mars
you see the world as an adventure. I feel like you typically don’t relate to sagittarius ascendant stereotypes; sag risings are usually very happy-go-lucky, they smile often, but pluto being conjunct to it may change things a bit. you’re more of a loner, you’re not as extroverted as other sagittariuses. you may relate more to scorpio rising, actually. ironically, you often look sad or angry. you have a knack for philosophy, and your favourite is most probably ‘you only live once’. you tame dying before making the amount of experiences you want to have in your life, hence you could even be impulsive sometimes. you’re the type to always be up to crack a joke or anything that can make you and others smile, yet when someone gets against you, it’s over for them. you have quite of a sharp tongue, you’re pretty blunt and straight-forward. in fact, you may often get in troubles due to your impulsiveness, which may be misunderstood. you have an incredible charm to you; it’s not like taurus’ or libra’s, those are more related to physical traits. sagittarius people, on the other hand, are surely very talented at something; maybe, at school you were one of the best students, and everyone recognized it and appreciated you for that; people understand your potential, and you may often receive compliments for your skills. basically, your personality is charismatic. due to pluto being conjunct the ascendant, I feel like you may even struggle too much with pessimism during your first years, but in case you are, you shouldn’t be. jupiter is also your dominant planet, and it’s willing to give you the best of luck if you respect its themes. hence, you need to have faith in the universe and be optimistic. try to look more at the positive sides in life and even in people. physically, sagittarius is all about abundance, hence you may have trouble losing weight. you could have big bones, or at least something bigger on your body that doesn’t make you look like a victoria’s secret’s model. you’re more on the thick side, in fact you probably have a pear/hourglass body shape, with wider hips and/or thick thighs and lower body in general. you could also have wide shoulders, and something big and memorable on your face as well. maybe you have a very distinctive nose, or perhaps your eyes are almond-shaped. your forehead and lips could be pretty wide as well. I’ve also noticed that sagittarius people have a very lively sparkle in their eyes, even though they may be very dark. it’s like having two/three tiny diamonds at the centre of each of your eyes.
sagittarius ascendant conjunct sagittarius pluto: pluto, combined with your sagittarius rising makes you look a little bit naive. people may try to take advantage of you, and to defend yourself you tend to become bossy. you’re really competitive, and feel the constant need to prove others’ wrong, even though it’s not the best way to do it. in your life, you could encounter lots of enemies that may try to stop you from transforming yourself. or maybe, your grandfather is an authoritative figure in your life and in your family’s in general, and his influence has a big impact on your life. also, something I’ve noticed about pluto conjunct ascendant individuals is that they may feel unhappy when they’re young. as time goes by, they transform and become as they want, which makes them feel more satisfied with themselves.
🌞 sun in capricorn, 28° / 3rd decan ruled by saturn and mercury
you are an extremely hard-working and responsible person, even though you may struggle with self-esteem as a child. in fact, you're quite insecure about yourself. you're a perfectionist, you always want to be at your best state, and that could pressure you. since you were a child, you always took care of your responsibilities, in fact you probably didn't find yourself at ease around your peers at school. you get along more with older people, or that are at least as mature as you, as you grew up sooner than other kids, with a strong sense of duty. you tend to be a bit too materialistic; for example, when thinking about a gift, you immediately think about something material that costs money, not something handmade, for example. money is very important for you, and you aspire to achieve a great status in life. you're also quite pessimistic, you never set your expectations too high, mostly out of fear. you're constantly afraid that things could turn out the way you don't want them to be, as you always want to have everything under control. because of that, you may even appear as bossy or snobby, as you may have the impulse to control people as well. you don't do it out of malice, though, it's something very subconscious that comes from fear. fear of not being able to achieve your goals and being criticized by others.
capricorn sun conjunct aquarius venus: you enjoy peace and harmony. you want your surroundings to look all neat and clean, and same goes for the people you surround yourself with. you wish people saw you as easy to approach, even though you may struggle with your image. you try to be as formal and kind as possible with people you don’t know well, unless they start getting on your nerves by disagreeing with your opinions or being too bossy. you’re very feminine, not only in your looks and manners but also in the way you dress. you’re quite romantic too, and dream of having a perfect marriage. the downside to this aspect is that because you take so much care of yourself, people may mistake your self-love for vanity, especially with your capricorn sun. also, your self-esteem may depend too much on others’ opinion of you; you may start thinking you’re ugly and unworthy of love just because someone told you you’re not their type, to sum up.
🌙 moon in aries, 1° / 1st decan ruled by mars
you aim for greatness. this is where your strong desire to be the #1 comes from, pretty much. you're very proud of yourself, and you don't like to acknowledge your mistakes. you always want to look like you have your life together, even in certain moments when you feel lost. I would say that this is a sort of self-sabotaging mechanism, as you can literally go as far as forcing a smile if it shows the world that you can stand by yourself. overall, I would say you deal with your emotions in a very 'child-like' way; after all, aries is pretty self-centered. you tend to preserve yourself more, unless someone really special to you is involved. in fact, aries moon makes you really protective of your loved and trusted ones, even though they're not many because of your high standards. you're also very honest, you speak from your heart. while it's a positive trait, you may be too blunt and ruin your relationships because of that. you're both smart and fast, hence you may get annoyed when people mishear or misunderstand your words
aries moon conjunct aries mars: your feelings are very intense. you may tend to react aggressively, or at least overreact. you feel the constant need to express your emotions, but you also want to be understood by others. you tend to be aggressive because you're actually afraid that others may be the first ones to hurt you. you don't really do it with malice, it's your way to defend yourself from eventual enemies. this placement also indicates that your childhood / family life was or will be quite turbulent. to cope with this placement, I'd suggest you to be a little bit more mechanic when you express your feelings. you don't have to hide them, just try not to vent all your anger around.
aries moon square cancer jupiter: you enjoy making different experiences and living your life to the fullest, making you also a risk-taker. you may lack self-control. with this trait you get bored easily, and you may have a reputation for being flaky. you tend to overindulge; you may spend too much money, or even develop eating disorders like binge-eating. at least, you're able to build your life again and have a fresh start, but you risk to get stuck in this cycle. you have the potential to master different talents, but you may struggle to develop them due to this placement. you're a procrastinator, and you find it hard to focus on more things at the same time. you may also attract people with different beliefs and ideas from you, causing you to fall out with them easily. there are also positive sides to this placement, though! you're probably naturally lucky, even though luck may not always be by your side. you have a nice sense of humor, making you more likeable to contrast your pluto conjunct your rising.
🗣 mercury in aquarius, 14° / 2nd decan ruled by uranus and mercury
mercury is exalted in the sign of aquarius, so this is definitely a beneficial placement! you have a very distinctive way of thinking and speaking. you don't like being like others, you don't follow trends. you're probably the trendsetter, and you may find confidence and pride in your ideas and opinions. some may even define you weird, but you have very strong beliefs that could actually be helpful for the world. you're quite 'ahead' of others from this point of view, you're able to find beauty in things without being influenced by others. for example, you may follow a fashion trend before it gets viral. you are able to come up with very innovative ways of solving problems, you're extremely creative. you may even be the type to invent your own words, or perhaps you love learning and reading new words, you have a wide vocabulary. you're also probably interested in science and any darker or logical topic, you want to use your words and theories to change something in the world. you want to leave an impact, maybe even help others through your mind. you have a very witty sense of humor, you most likely speak fluent sarcasm and you're also very astute. I would say that the only problem with this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all. you're proud of your intellect, you can't help but show it off, but obviously others may be jealous of you or feel attacked. for your voice, I assume you have a very particular tone, maybe even a nasal voice. mercury is also retrograde, so you may have troubles communicating your thoughts in a clear and understandable way. due to this, people may misunderstand your ideas and opinions and viceversa. you're more introspective, you're better at thinking than speaking, which may make you more of a listener.
❤️ venus in aquarius, 0° / 1st decan ruled by uranus
when it comes to love, you actually step out of your comfort-zone! aquarius is unpredictable; that is, you're not into clichés. sure, you need a loyal partner who's stable both emotionally and financially, but at the same time they must have something unique about them. you're not the type to fall for the first guy you see down the street. in addition to that, you're not into the typical, cheesy romantic stuff. you want your partner to be a friend, not only a boyfriend/husband. you want to feel able to talk and vent to them, just like you'd do with a friend, but also someone that is willing to stay with you through thick and thin. you hardly fall in love at first sight, and you act quite casually around your crushes. in fact, most of the times you come off as so detached that you hardly look like you're interested in someone. people could get intimidated from you because of that, in fact sometimes you just wish you could be the one taking the lead and ask others out, and maybe you do. also, you need a partner that can stimulate you mentally. you can't stand a boring relationship with no amusement and excitement, you want someone that can constantly surprise you in some way. in fact, you'd probably choose brains over looks. last but no least, you hate feeling committed. that doesn't mean that you're unloyal, not at all. but you can't be with someone possessive that wants to take control of your life, it would be the death of you. you're able to stand up on your own.
aquarius venus conjunct aquarius neptune: this placement balances your strict, detached aquarius venus combined with your materialistic earth energy, giving you a place in your heart for romance. you probably dream of a love like those you hear about in fairytales; you're not only looking for a partner, you literally want a princess/prince, who's willing to give their all to you. you find yourself daydreaming often about love, and it may also be your source of inspiration for creativity and art in general. probably, you may idealize people too much; that is, you may create a version of others that only exists in your head. hence, once you get to know someone better, they turn out to be the exact opposite of what you thought. this causes you to be sort of naive when it comes to relationships, so pay extra attention to this problem now that you're aware of it.
☄️ mars in aries, 0° / 1st decan ruled by mars
you're very impulsive, it's natural for you to act before you think. you're motivated to pursue your goals. you're a natural born leader, you love being the boss and being seen as a point of reference, even though this could make you seem a bit bossy when working in groups. people may see you as fearless, but that's because you don't think much about your decisions. even if you make a wrong choice, you don't give up and try anything to solve it. in fact, you can't stand losing. you're a serious competitor, you always strive for the 1st place. that's also caused by the fact that, with your capricorn sun, you're likely afraid that people could see you as too weak, and then take advantage of your kindness. you're very defensive, but your purpose isn't hurting others, but protecting yourself.
aries mars square cancer jupiter: you easily come off as more assertive and arrogant than you actually are. you say things impulsively, and sometimes you’re too blunt and hurt people’s feelings. you don’t do it on purpose, though, there’s no malice behind your acts; it’s just your natural way to express your opinions. you’re also very competitive, and this may make you look selfish. on a positive side, you probably have a naturally nice body (or maybe you react fast to diet/workout). you’re a risk-taker, and if you’re not you should try breaking the rules sometimes (obviously not doing illegal stuff lol). in fact, it’s when you’re both physically and mentally active that you’re able to come up with even better ideas, as you’re full of creativity. to cope with this placement, you can try doing something fun to challenge your mind, basically get out of your comfort-zone. of course you don’t have to overdo it, but it would be beneficial.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in sagittarius, with also the sun, chiron and venus placed there. you come off as someone very sympathetic and bold, you're probably the fun one in the family or in your group of friends, even though pluto's presence conjunct the ascendant may delay this energy. you are very charismatic, you have a witty sense of humor and people are always pleased to have you around, as you're able to light up the room. people always see you as someone easy to talk to, someone trustworthy. you probably have great problem-solving skills or, otherwise, you just ignore your problems and wait for time to heal. you're also quite spiritual, you may be sensitive to higher entities and you could possibly also be religious. chiron is also here: your deepest insecurity is your appearance, your identity. it may be that when you were younger, you used to struggle a lot with your appearance. you could have been bullied, or perhaps you could have suffered from an eating disorder. luckily, this placement can get better. in fact, you can gain wisdom from this wound of yours; you can heal others who have self-worth issues once you start loving yourself. your sun and venus here definitely make you very attractive! people often find you charming, even if you're not conventionally beautiful there's something about you that makes you attract people. you'll become more confident and aware of your charisma as you grow up.
your 2nd house is in aquarius. neptune, uranus and mercury are also placed there. your relationship with money isn’t stable at all. you may often go from periods where you earn a lot of money and possessions, to other times where you lose all of them all of a sudden. same thing goes for your self-esteem, it fluctuates a lot. you find beauty and aesthetic in material things; you most probably love clothes, art, music… anything that isn’t exactly a priority in life, but that allows you to express your personal taste, which is very refined. this placement makes you very creative, and hence you could make money out of your creativity. it would be a great way to find a job and become successful, but also to increase your security and confidence. you could even be a very innovative person, and with your capricorn sun you would make an excellent leader / boss. you could also make money through internet or with technology in general. looking ridiculous is your biggest fear, hence you end up overworking to prove yourself that you're capable to do anything you want. you have a slow way of thinking and speaking. your voice may sound really calm and pleasant to hear, yet still strict and ambitious. you’re probably a good singer, or at least have the potential to become one. you tend to overthink a lot, but you eventually get to a conclusion and stick to it. no one is gonna change your mind. you enjoy learning and working in creative ways; you might enjoy using powerpoints, flashcards or maybe study with your friends, or listening to music. you also probably have a nice, aesthetic handwriting and you like organizing your agenda. your voice is probably very soft and youthful.
your 3rd house is in pisces, with also the moon and mars placed there. when it comes to speech, you’re most likely more introspective. you may not be much talkative, and most of the time you keep your ideas and thoughts to yourself, but actually it's hard for you to hide them. you may be secretive, but you're easy to read. you learn the best when you’re close to creativity or imagination, you’re very intuitive and hence it's easier for you to learn new topics. while you're very empathetic and you're able to properly convey your thoughts and feelings in your speech, you may also come off as sensitive or even insecure. you may have a quiet voice, and hence you could come off as shy. on the other hand, you may have the tendency to lie, or just being confusing in any way. you may not always express what you want crystal clear, as you want to able to modify the story just in case you encounter some hardships. also, you never truly express your feelings, probably out of fear. probably, the way you elaborate your thoughts is also influenced by your family and the impact they had on you. you’re always vague, and you keep your private matters for yourself. pisces is a mutable sign, so you may also find yourself changing ideas often, your mind wanders from one thought to another. your intellect is your greatest strenght, it’s your energy tank. you’re interested in a bunch of things, and hence you may have troubles staying focused on one thing at the time. you probably have tons of hobbies, and you may end up not being much precise since you have tons of things that you have and want to do. you can’t stand boredom, you need your day-to-day life to be exciting and, above all, offer you something new to learn and / or experience. you're very curious about the world, you always want to be informed about the latest news and everything that surrounds you in general. this could make you love gossip and journalism, for example. in fact, you're quite chatty, you love talking to others, and you're likely to have a good sense of humor as well. you live to fill up your mind with knowledge, and you love sharing what you learn with others. in some cases, you may even come off as a bit of a know-it-all.
your 4th house is in aries. while outside you may appear as very polite, when you feel comfortable you actually become way more fiery. you’re very impulsive in your home environment, you could have been some sort of warrior in your childhood. maybe you used to argue a lot with your parents, perhaps because they were too overprotective. yet, I don't see any kind of trauma. you may have a very strong emotional bond with your family, even though you may argue often as you're all pretty sensitive and impulsive. you could be particularly attached to your mother, even though you used to argue a lot. you may also have a foreign background to you, perhaps you moved houses a lot when you were younger or you were in contact with people from all over the world. you could have also travelled a lot, you got to make lots of experiences growing up.
your 5th house is in taurus. you are a very creative, artistic person. you’re able to relax by watching netflix, eating, writing, painting… anything that can be done at home. you’re not the type to hang out too often or party all night, you’re more of a homebody. you could also love sleeping in, just being able to stay in bed all day wearing comfy clothes is a vacation for you. you always try to be at your best state, and you want those who surround you to be perfect too. it's hard for you to fall for someone, as you take everything in consideration: personality, physical appearance, fashion sense... it may look like it is too much, but once you find the right one that truly satisfies your standards, you're in for a long ride. you'll want to travel, live your life in the best way possible with the person you love.
your 6th house is in gemini, with also saturn sitting there. in your daily routine, especially at work, you have to communicate a lot. you come in contact with lots of people, or maybe you write stuff like blogs or books. generally, you have a very hectic schedule, as you have different hobbies and appointments that you can’t abandon. this placement indicates that you may be prone to overwork yourself, as you put a lot energy in your job. you could be quite superficial in a certain sense, and you’d risk to waste your potential with as you may take your job as a challenge, for example, you need to feel mentally stimulated to like it. in fact, your ideal career has to include something that allows you to express your personal taste, ideas and interests. in this way, it won’t feel too heavy to you, and you’ll find pleasure in working. as for your health, you may have problems with your bones, for example with your back or teeth, or to your lungs. you may suffer from anxiety or asthma, for instance, or anything that doesn't allow you to breath properly.
your 7th house is in gemini. jupiter is also placed there. in a partner, you seek someone intelligent that is able to keep up with your rhythm. you don’t have time to nurture someone, you want them to fully understand you. in fact, you may be more attracted to older partners, as they’re supposed to be more mature. I don’t see many issues arising in your marriage life, it will probably be very peaceful, but it may take you a while to find someone you like. you’re a picky person when it comes to love, you want someone hard-working and responsible with a big brain, yet they should also be quite outgoing and funny. you need mental stimulation, someone that is a constant adventure for you and that is worth exploring. you may meet your future spouse at work, according to your chart. otherwise, you could meet them in a bank, in a restaurant, at a concert, at the mall… also, they could help you gaining more confidence in yourself. you may be the type that likes making new experiences regarding love, and you often date your crushes. yet, you feel too limited in a relationship. you don't enjoy committing to someone if that someone isn't perfect for you, you're only completely loyal to the one you consider your true love. you can't give up your freedom, your thirst for adventure and experiences for someone else. basically, your ideal partner would be a risk-taker, someone loyal but not too clingy, that is down to go on a road trip in every moment. someone impulsive, that could help you stepping out of your comfort-zone. you're probably into those youthful love stereotypes, e.g. high school dates. you want your relationships to be filled with excitement, you despise boring, traditional and cheesy things. you may also find yourself being attracted to unavailable people; that is, you could fall for people that are already taken, or maybe they're physically unavailable, e.g they live abroad or in another city in general. you're also attracted to foreigners, and people that have a wise, yet bubbly aura around them.
your 8th house is in leo. you have the potential to become a very successful individual, with a great amount of charisma. yet, since the 8th house is related to pluto, the malefic planet of transformation, there are some hardships to this placement. in fact, you may have the tendency to look down on people that aren’t as open-minded as you are. I have the same placement, so I understand that it’s not easy at all, but you should learn to accept respectful people’s opinions. if you do that, you’ll finally be able to glow brightly. you’re very curious when it comes to taboo topics, you like learning about them. you’re probably into conspiracy theories, as well as matters like astrology, tarots, horror, tragedies, mystery... you can use them to transform yourself and grow up, so you could definitely use this birth chart reading to improve yourself. 8th house is also the house of karma, and yours is kind of strange. you may often feel like you’re right about something, e.g the sky is blue. you’re very proud of your observation, but then it turns out to be different. it’s like the universe is constantly teaching you new things. luckily, this is something that gets better with time.
your 9th house is in virgo. at school you were a very diligent student; you were practical, precise and organized, you enjoyed studying at being the best in class. yet, you could be quite bossy at times, as you could come off as a bit too arrogant but you're just very dedicated. on the other hand, you're also very intelligent and open-minded above all, you could feel particularly drawn to foreign cultures and languages and you could be naturally skilled. you may also get to travel a lot or even move abroad at a certain point in your life, you're definitely a citizen of the world and you hardly ever have prejudices.
your 10th house is in libra. you have an eye for aesthetics, and you want to have a reputation for looking classy and mannered. basically a lady, but that knows how to stand up for herself. in your ideal career you need something that makes you express your need for beauty, possibly even justice. you may have a passion for poetry and literature in general, or maybe you could be particularly skilled at fashion. you have a natural talent to match colours with undertones, body shapes, vibes etc., and you could make this particular ability of yours a job. you’re also a charismatic, strong-willed speaker, hence you could also do well as a lawyer, a politician, an activist etc.
your 11th house is in scorpio. you are extremely picky with your friends. you have trust issues, probably caused by your karmic issues again, that make you secretive around your friends. you may close yourself in your shell, or maybe you actually know a lot of people, yet you only consider a few of them your friends. most of the time, you may also befriend people that try to take advantage of you, people may betray you often. or perhaps, since there’s a possibility that you understand that, you could be the one who leads the group and acts quite bossy. this is something that gets naturally better with time; actually, your friends will be of great help for you to grow up. you may have big dreams for your future, yet you may feel intimidated as they’re very intense, and hence hard to make come true. you need to pay your karmic debts in order to finally feel comfortable with others and have the motivation to achieve your long-term goals.
your 12th house is in sagittarius, and pluto is also sitting there. you're particularly interested in religion and higher beliefs, hence meditation would be effective for you. yet, you need to get enough sleep, or you could not be able to fully embrace the spirituality of this placement. you may also be able to have prophetic dreams, or at least they have a strong moral beyond them. possibly, you could make lots of good dreams, even though you do have many nightmares as well. perhaps, your dreams could bring you luck; for instance, you may dream about the winning numbers of the lottery, or maybe they may warn you about certain people or events in your life that could harm, you are strongly connected to your higher self.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love you attract gemini, sagittarius, leo, virgo and taurus. your future spouse will most probably have sagittarius, virgo and leo placements, hence they’ll be very hard-working, intelligent and witty, but also very cheerful and a bit moody. it may be love at first sight, and you may find them very attractive. you may also meet at work, or you're going to be introduced to them by your family or friends. or perhaps, you're going to marry someone older than you, and you meet them later in your life, around your 27s/28s and so on. your children will be heavy in taurus and libra placements, hence they’ll be very creative and quite lazy too, they'll probably love eating and they will like playing around. yet, they could be a bit too stubborn and sometimes materialistic.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is a very fiery person, with a short-temper. she could have sometimes even been quite violent with you during your childhood, and she might have a bit of a childish behaviour. deep down, she’s actually kind of insecure with her role as a mother. she may have aries, libra or leo placements in her chart. your father, on the other hand, is more submissive. he’s a peaceful person, even though he most probably has a passive-aggressive behaviour. you could actually have a better relationship with him rather than with your mother, or at least he understands your needs better. he may have libra, taurus or scorpio, as well as pisces in his chart. if you have siblings, they most probably have pisces, capricorn, virgo, gemini or aquarius placements in their chart. you have a great relationship with them, even though it could have been a while for you to get along. overall, your relationship with them was peaceful.
📊 career
you could do well at a variety of jobs to be honest! with your gemini in the 6th house you could actually work in different fields before sticking to one career, hence you’re pretty experienced. I certainly see you being successful in your career, you will most likely work alone and you'll most likely be a boss or even famous. you're very hard-working, so I can see you having your own business for example. otherwise, you may also do well in an aesthetic field, you probably have great creative talent. you may be an artist, a creative director, a screenwriter, a writer, a singer, a musician... or even more practical jobs like lawyer, judge, possibly also a therapist or psychologist. you'll settle down on a career that will make you feel emotionally fulfilled, you'll truly enjoy what you do.
👕 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably have a very particular style. it probably describes who you are. you may be into traditional pieces of clothing that are always a must: cardigans, blazers, plain t-shirts, jeans etc. you probably wear natural shades of colours, hence white, beige, grey etc. or maybe also pastel colors. you may also be into retro fashion trends, especially 70s/80s. you don't like following fashion trends, you prefer making your own.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, the focus was on yourself. maybe, you had troubles with self-esteem and identity in general. you had to work hard and finally understand who you were to fulfill your past life purpose. hence, this lifetime your focus will be on the bonds you create with others. even though at first you might feel almost scared to the idea of marriage, this lifetime you're here to develop this matter. after all, you may despise love for your troubled past. with your north node in the 7th house, you're naturally lucky in love. there's nothing to be afraid of, you only need to take small steps and open your heart to someone, putting your worries and insecurities aside.
🤔 major transits analysis / august 20
transit moon is currently conjunct your natal venus in your first house. this placement indicates that you could be feeling particularly moody lately, but also very affectionate and needy, you're craving attention. you may dream about your loved ones or even about your crush or partner for example. also, with transit jupiter in your 2nd house conjunct your uranus, you may come across unexpected luck in these days, so pay attention to any signs! they were most likely meant to be.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated with you :)
-libramc xx
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saladejin · 5 years ago
Call An Uber? | 04
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BTS x Reader | idolverse au, uber driver!Reader, translator!Reader |  Fluff, flirting, super slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, mature themes and eventual smut
Summary:  Your normal life with a normal, yet inconsistent job gets drastically changed when your dreams come true. Sounds boring right?
What happens when all of this occurs, but you’re still doing something you love AND getting a large sum for it? Now there’s something to think about, and it’s definitely not what you’re thinking.
Warnings: Implied mental health struggles, anxiety and slight panic attack
Word Count: 2.9k 
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  Another three days passing brought forth another fresh steaming pile of emotions. 
I was due to start my job at Bighit in the following week, and had been dropping in to meet with Bang PD and the staff regularly since the initial signing of the documents. Its only purpose was just for me to get to know everyone, since I would start off in the company playing a major role, and for me to get comfortable in the environment. PD-nim knew I was not used to working for such large and renowned companies, and I was so happy he had taken that into consideration.
Another meet-and-greet done today, and I was trembling. 
I didn’t know why it had all suddenly decided to drop on me now, but my only solace was the splash of vivid crimson sitting out in the otherwise monochrome carpark of the building. I yanked open the car door with shaking fingers and all but fell into the familiar leather seat, my breathing uneven from the tightening within my chest.
Don’t get me wrong at all, the company was absolutely amazing, and so were all the staff and their immediate hospitality. Bang PD was like a second father to me already, and I’d even had him ruffle my hair once today after he’d somehow managed to laugh at one of my jokes. His assistant, which I now knew as Chang Soojin, or just Soojin-unni as she had told me to use, was becoming a reliable colleague and friend pretty quickly too. I had met many members of the staff, including the co-ordi noonas, managers, stylists etc. Even a group of interpreters who specialised in specific languages.
Hence why they employed me so quickly, I’d thought to myself after finding out they only knew English and Korean.
There was that one Spanish interpreter, who had been absent on the ‘fateful day’, but he was now doing fine and had profusely apologised to me afterwards. I felt bad for the guy, as I probably seemed like a warning replacement if anything of disarray was to happen again.
Bighit can be bloody scary, damn.
My breathing had evened slightly, but stress was still causing my head to become a mess of jagged scribbles. So much had changed in my life recently, and even if it had an overall positive effect, my mind was still left reeling. This was the kind of sudden responsibility that made me want to revisit my childhood days, to let go of being an adult and to be surrounded by nothing but carefree bliss.
A light rapping on my car passenger window tore me from my strangling thoughts. I gasped, squinting my eyes to glimpse at the darkly clothed figure before sighing. The person had thoroughly frightened me, and I wasn’t very happy about it. They crouched down to look in, and when they saw I was making no move to stop them, they pulled open the passenger door hesitantly.
“Is this Uber operating?” Yoongi softly asked.
I was still irritated that my precious alone-time had been ruined, after going through quite a bit of anxiety about my life in general, but I couldn’t bring myself to refuse the impassive man at the moment. After even more thought, I concluded that having someone to talk to would in fact help me the most right now. When I nodded slowly, sighing again in an attempt to regather myself, he lowered his head in gentle understanding.
“Uh, if it’s a really bad time I-”
“No, Yoongi. Wait is it even okay to not use honorifics? Should I call you oppa?” I shook my head, my voice steadily gaining life again from how croaky it sounded before. I hadn’t cried, but I was definitely on the verge before he’d made his appearance.
Yoongi settled into the passenger seat holding a lidded coffee cup. He was dressed in dark but flowy clothing, and I questioned his sanity briefly considering how hot it was outside. It was mid-afternoon at the moment, but we both didn’t seem to have schedules planned.
“Even though I’m not against it, I feel like dropping the honorifics would work better for you. I won’t get offended,” he hummed, sipping his coffee. I noticed how tired his eyes were under the cap he wore, and instantly felt bad for being annoyed with him before. He adorned a black mask too, but it was sitting under his chin to make talking and drinking easier.
“Did you also want coffee? I could offer to get you one.”
His sudden question caused me to blink in confusion. Then I realised I had been eyeing the cup in his pale hands quite intensely. His dark eyes were blank and his pale blue-white hair was slightly roughened from the breeze outside. Trying not to fawn over him, I broke out into a strained chuckle while my hands came up to slap my cheeks in embarrassment.
“No no no, I wasn’t…Ah I’m sorry, I just have a lot going on at the moment.” I decided to let the cat out of the bag with another sigh. He may as well know what was going on behind my outwardly apparent emotions. I didn’t even know how I was meant to hold a decent conversation when my insides were such a nervous wreck. I knew I would build myself up again eventually, but he just happened to catch me at a vulnerable time.
“Yeah, I could tell,” he started. “I followed you out because I saw you running out here shaking like a leaf. I guess it sounds kind of creepy when put like that.” He shrugged, eyeing the dashboard of my car while I just tried to take in his quiet observation.
“No, actually I appreciate it. You haven’t even met me yet…ugh why am I doing everything backwards right now?” I rested my head onto the steering wheel, positively exasperated. Yoongi and I had never even held a conversation before, but here I was acting like a total idiot and making him worry about my mental health.
“Don’t worry about it, you’re all I hear about these days.” He sighs with a groan, letting his head roll back to rest against the leather headrest. My own curiosity was tickled.
“Really? Let me guess, ‘the crazy Uber chick who somehow managed to get herself involved with shit that didn’t concern her’?”
He laughed silently at that, the gummy smile melting my bundling insides into a puddle – and suddenly everything was alright.
I didn’t have to have everything in my life figured out right now, I just had to make the most of my time with these amazingly driven individuals who had undoubtedly captured my heart. Alongside this job which was actually my passion to begin with.
I didn’t even know how I hadn’t freaked out over the fact that the Min Yoongi, worldwide famous producer and rapper, was sitting in my car. He was sitting in the same seat the Park Jimin had sat in about a week and a half ago. I needed to shut down my brain before it began to burn a hole into the back of my skull from overworking.
“That would be funny, but no, definitely not. I just wish the young ones would let me sleep, but they’ve been excited. I swear I’ve already met you ten times at this point.”
I snort in amusement, absolutely loving how blunt he was about the whole situation. Too many people, since I had arrived in the country, were overbearingly polite and careful with their words. I was not used to it at all, and it made the ‘foreign’ experience all the more jarring. Yoongi probably understood this to an extent, so I was grateful he tried his best to be more casual right away.
“Look, can I start driving? I just need to clear my head a bit. Maybe I can introduce myself properly.” I exhaled loudly, my nerves significantly calmed since chatting a little. Even though I felt terrible at the thought, I couldn’t help but be grateful that it was Yoongi who had paid me a surprise visit instead of one of the others. His presence was somewhat reserved and I had trouble reading the guy half the time, but his company was the type I needed instead of something loud and overwhelming.
“Sure, I did kind of barge in so you can continue with whatever you were doing.”
You mean almost having a mental breakdown?
“But I do want to actually meet you, because if I have to hear your name around the dorm one more fucking time without knowing who you are, I may just snap.”
I laughed loudly, his grunt-worthy words causing amusement to roil around in my chest. I figured I would question him about exactly what was said a bit later. For now, I just needed to relax and ease my worries, and driving was my channel for exactly that. I started reversing out of the carpark with silence finally befalling the car, grateful to finally leave behind the line of black company vans surrounding me. I found it ominous if I was completely honest. Engulfed by the view of several identical black vans was a little unsettling when the only car I was used to was Red.
When did I even decide to name my car? It’s such a boring name too.
“Well, I can start by saying my name is (L/n) (Y/n). (Y/n) is fine, and you already known I don’t care for honorifics. I’m from (Y/c), and I landed a job at Bighit Entertainment by letting two of your band members hitch a ride. Ultimately escaping their foreseeable deaths.” My dramatic tone increased the longer I spoke, and I could see the corners of Yoongi’s lips turning up gradually.
“That sounds about right. Jiminie told me you were a big fan, but it turns out you are really collected when you see us. I appreciate your efforts, but feel free to let it out if you need.” He tilted his head with a smirk, his ‘Genius Suga’ persona surfacing within the span of two whole seconds. I just bit my lip to contain another amused giggle.
“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m not one to freak out after the initial shock. Most of my extra-ness is of the internal type, I’m afraid.”
He shook his head in mock disappointment, eventually flashing me that endearing expression where his lips stretched across his whole face. I covered my cheeks with one hand to stop my bubbling amusement from erupting.
“Stop please, or I’ll crash!”
He simply sipped his coffee, smirking again at my reaction. I knew I hadn’t actually doused his ego, but his antics still aided in lifting my spirits higher and higher. As I tried to figure out where I wanted to drive, Yoongi pulled out a small notepad full of scrawled notes and scribbled out lines.
“Well, you already know who I am, that much I can guess. Now that we’ve met, I can tell those kids to shut up and do something useful,” he continued. Even though his tone was full of complaint, I knew he loved every single one of those boys wholeheartedly.
“Where are they now?” I asked through a smile, glancing down as the rapper flicked through his notepad to the page he had last used. “Practicing more, at least I know Jiminie, Jin-hyung and Jungkook-ah are. We’ve got a big concert and a comeback soon, so everyone is riled up.”
“Yeah, that seems like a packed schedule for at least a few months. I’m really excited for what you guys have in store though, it seems too unreal that I actually get to see everything behind the scenes for the first time in my life,” I sighed out in awe, thinking about a possible new album and new content. How could I even go about it normally when everything was different? Wait, was I going to get a discounted album? I surely hoped so.
Yoongi looked at me carefully before making a few notes in his notepad, his fingers working the pen deftly through long and hardened experience. His ripped black jeans were tighter than I initially thought they were, but my attention only went there because he was tapping his foot rhythmically as he wrote.
“Lyrics?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow in his direction and diverting my attention. I drove towards the outskirts of Seoul, hoping to find somewhere quiet and peaceful to settle for a bit. The time had essentially flown by, but I was sure the sky wouldn’t darken just yet.
“Yeah, just the usual. I help write a lot of songs, and lyrics always just flood into my brain at the most random times, you know?” he murmured, flicking backwards to another page and filling in another empty space.
The realisation that I was driving somewhere random and unknown hit me suddenly, and I briefly wondered if taking Yoongi with me would end up costing me my job all too soon. I was quickly reminded of a similar occurrence with two maknaes, one that caused the managers and Namjoon to lose their absolute marbles.
“Um, I was gonna drive randomly around the area, but I just realised that your managers would skin me alive if they knew I took you with me. Does anyone know you’re with me?”
Yoongi looked up, his eyes, which were once laser-focused on his lyrics, now scoured into my own and I gulped suddenly. His long, dark eyelashes were always beautiful, but they were even more mesmerising in person and this close. They contrasted so nicely against his milky skin that I almost lost focus on the road again.
I may just crash and kill someone one of these days. Customer or not.
“I texted a few people,” was all he said before returning to his notepad, and I shrugged indifferently. He was an adult, and he could make his own decisions. I just hoped I didn’t cop any roastings for it later on.
“Would I be able to show you something?” he then asked.
I glanced sideways, catching him picking at his nails with his teeth apprehensively. It seemed he was stuck on something to do with a lyric, but I didn’t know how I could possibly lend a hand. His lyrics were always so impactful and flowed so nicely. How could I form my own opinion when everything I’d heard from him so far was nothing less than beautiful?
“Yeah? Did you need another perspective?” I probed, willing my feelings of disbelief down into the depths of my subconscious.
“Well, I’m trying to tie together my verse in one of the new songs, and I almost have it. I want someone fresh to have a look.” He held out the pad and I pulled over onto the side of the smaller road. We were now definitely nearing the more ‘picturesque’ side of Seoul anyway, and the city fell away behind us as my eyes scanned over Yoongi’s handwriting. The last line struck a chord deeply within me.
“This is real you, and this is real me” – which one is “you”? Which one is “me”?
“Wow, this really hits hard,” I breathe, reading over the snippets of the verse he had written again to fully absorb what was going on. The whole thing was emotional, and raw. I could imagine his voice rapping hard to form these thoughts, the angry and hurt emotions seeping in.
“I can feel the struggle through the lyrics. It’s like you’ve been through a false love that you threw yourself into after believing it was true...a betrayal of sorts, I guess?” I met his eyes again and grew a little confused when a chuckle of irony fell from him. It must have been some joke I didn’t understand.
“I’m glad you feel so much from it.” He blinked. “I’m actually going to try a different technique with this track, so expect some changes from my usual style.”
He then smiled again, taking the notepad before I could catch any glimpses of the other notes. I couldn’t contain a soft huff of annoyance. “You’re not just gonna tell me?”
He deadpanned before parting his lips to respond. “Just because you work for Bighit doesn’t mean you get every special privilege.” I almost reeled at the thought of bothering him with my question, but he only smiled again while tucking his notepad away.
“Plus, you’re a fan, so my goal is to keep it a secret for as long as possible.”
“Mean,” I grunted, pulling out onto the road again so I could start to head home. The sky was darkening, and I knew there were only so many boundaries I could push before I crossed the line. Yoongi seemed to know this too, but he avoided addressing the subject for some reason.
“Where do you want to be dropped? I’ll have you know I’ve been charging you handsomely for this Uber service,” I muttered, still pretending to be pissed off at him for hiding information.
“I’ll buy you a coffee next time, I promise.”
          Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved
tagged: @l4life​, @joyful-jimin​
139 notes · View notes
makorragal-312 · 4 years ago
Void (Part Seven)
And we’re back! Also, I officially launched my Ao3 account, so you’re welcome to read Void on there as well (username is the same, however I’m not good with links right now so you might have to find it manually until I can. *sweat drop*) But anyway, enjoy the chapter!
“What are you scared of?”
Lance sat up again, a feeling of uneasiness washing over him. He looked down at his hands, clasping them together as he tried to put his words together. He knew he could be honest with Keith and tell him what he was feeling, especially considering he’s been the most transparent with him for the last couple of weeks before now. But he knew that if he said too much at this moment, he might push him away. And for some reason, the thought of that made him feel small. A feeling he NEVER wanted to experience again.
“It’s just…I shouldn’t be feeling this way, y’know? I shouldn’t be feeling this conflicted. I mean, come on! I’ve had feelings for Allura for the longest time, you know that. But for all that time, she always brushed that aside, never taking me seriously. Honestly, there were some points that I just thought I should just give up, wipe my hands clean, and focus on…other things.” Lance tightened the grip on his hands.
“But then, she started to notice me a-and acknowledge my feelings. And she actually said yes! I asked her out and she actually said yes! This is the part where I should be happy, right? I should be smiling from ear to ear and screaming from rooftops. And then, I don’t know what happened, man. The minute my mom opened that door and Allura walked in, I was just…petrified.”
“Lance.” Keith started. Lance raised his head and looked at his leader’s eyes. They didn’t hold any pity, thankfully, but they did hold concern and some other emotion he couldn’t quite pinpoint. He smiled sadly.
“Completely, utterly petrified. It’s like, I was so ready to sweep her off her feet and kiss her at the end like in the movies. But when it came down to it, I couldn’t even deliver! I wanted to do it so badly, and I know that I keep on saying it but I did! But when I tried, it just felt…wrong.”
Keith raised his eyebrows in shock.
“Yeah, like. You know how you’re watching a baseball game and the player hits a home run and you somehow end up catching the ball? But then you see the little kid next to you looking at it like it’s their whole world so you decide to give it to them instead because at the end of the day you’re both happy? You caught it, but the kid gets to keep it. You’re not gonna lose sleep over it as long as you know you made someone else’s day and you feel good about it. THAT’S how I felt. I got Allura, she wanted to kiss me and I walked away because I WANTED TO. I know I did the right thing by not kissing her half-heartedly s-so why can’t I- WHY CAN’T I JUST GO TO SLEEP??!!” Lance wailed, clutching his hair as tears began to spill down his cheeks.
He heard Keith getting up from his stool and walking towards him, but at this point he didn’t really care. He couldn’t take these feelings of confusion anymore. He wanted nothing more but to take them and throw them to the nearest star system. But he couldn’t, not while it meant that there was a chance he would lose something important to him. Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps stop.
“I know why you can’t sleep.”
He felt fingers grip his chin as felt his head get turned upwards. He saw those purple eyes again, looking at him with the same emotions from before, only this time the emotion he couldn’t make out was making its presence more known in his gaze. Lance was blindsided and didn’t have time to react before Keith leaned in closer to him and opened his mouth.
“Because you’re thinking about me.”
Lance’s eyes sprung open as he gasped for air. He felt his hands clutching the blankets on top of him, making him throw them to the side as he quickly sat up. His eyes scanned the area, trying to find some familiarity. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was indeed in his Garrison bedroom, no threat in sight. He allowed himself to breathe a much-needed inhale and somewhat able to release a shaky exhale. He felt beads of sweat forming on his head as he continued to catch his breathe. What the hell was that about? He wiped some of the sweat off of his forehead, surprised to find the droplets even though he knew of their presence earlier.
After a few minutes, he was eventually able to calm down, but that didn’t stop the red paladin from feeling the intense whiplash from his dream. How can a dream be real and not real at the same time? Everything at the start of the dream he knew was real. He remembered taking his aspirin. He remembered talking to Keith. He remembered admitting to Keith how afraid he was of everything with Allura and him freaking out, which pretty much made the aspirin he took earlier pointless considering he felt a slight ache in his head. But what played out towards the end of the dream was something that definitely didn’t happen, because anyone would remember something as intense as that. No normal person could forget about someone walking up to them, turning their face to them and looking at them as if they had something to prove.
Because you’re thinking about me.
Keith’s words caused a searing heat all over Lance’s body. He could feel it from his aching head to his shaking hands. He could remember the look in his eyes, looking at him as if he was the most important person in the world. He looked at him like he wanted him to be okay. Like he wanted him to be his. He remembered how before he woke up Keith was leaning into him. Almost like he was going to do what he couldn’t. Guilt forced its way back onto Lance’s shoulders, though it wasn’t as heavy as before.
“I need to cool off.” Lance spoke softly, getting up and heading to his bathroom for a much-needed, arctic shower.
“Well, look who the love dove dropped in.” Pidge quipped with a smirk on her face.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Lance replied sarcastically as he sat at the table. After showering and getting ready, he had debated on what to do for the remainder of the day considering they weren’t under Honerva’s threat at the moment. He thought about going to Shiro and asking for advice, but he was already as busy as is and he didn’t want to add on to any stress he had. He couldn’t go to Veronica because she would just tease him and he was NOT in the mood for it…at all. For a second, he thought about finding Keith, but once he felt the heat in his body again he pushed out of his head, refusing to take TWO cold showers on the same day. Amidst that thought, he remembered that he owed Hunk details about the date, so he decided to just do that. Hence where he was now, in the Garrison cafeteria, sitting next to Pidge, who was working on some calibrations on her laptop and across from Hunk, who was looking through some of his family recipes.
“Soooo, how did things go?” Hunk asked eagerly. Lance shrugged, trying not to make a big deal of things.
“It was good. Got no complaints.” he replied, attempting to put up a smile. Unfortunately, that response wasn’t good enough for the table.
“Just good?”
“What did you do that made it ‘just good?'” Pidge teased, making Hunk snicker in response. Lance looked between the both of them, wondering why this wasn’t the end of it.
“Nothing. It was good. We went to my family’s house, had a delicious dinner, went to a nearby park and talked for a bit, and we came back and I dropped her off at her room. That’s all.” the red paladin recounted, trying his best to hide his frustration. Hunk and Pidge let out a unanimous “hmm,” indicating they were satisfied with the answer. Lance breathed out through his nose in relief, the frustration from earlier fading. He saw a recipe card for coconut cake laying out in front of him, and pulled it towards him. He couldn’t help but to notice the small yellow drawings splayed around the card. The contents were surrounded by yellow coconuts, smiling suns and yellow swirls. He was so entranced by them that he took him a minute to notice Hunk and Pidge staring at him.
“What?” Hunk and Pidge looked at each other, smirks growing on their faces before they turned back to them.
“Well?” Pidge said, laying her arm on Lance’s shoulder. The boy in question tried to hide his annoyance as he furrowed his freshly trimmed brows. Please don’t ask what I think you’re gonna ask.
“Well what?” Lance responded with gritted teeth.
“Did you kiss her?”
“Does it really matter, guys?” Lance responded, slowly getting more and more agitated. Hunk crossed his arms in fake stern yet firm intrigue.
“Uh, yeah. It’s your first date with Allura and we want to know EVERYTHING. So did you guys kiss or not?” Lance sighed hard, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
“WHAT?! Why not?!” Hunk wailed. The red paladin pinched the bridge of his nose as he explained.
“Because, Hunk, it was only our first date. Yes, I’ve been in love with Allura for what seems like forever but I don’t want to do something that scares her off, y’know? Besides, does anyone even kiss on the first date anymore?” Lance shook his head, trying to get back on topic. “The point is, I’m just going with the flow. I just…wasn’t ready.” Lance lied, though it wasn’t a total lie. He wasn’t ready to kiss Allura, but there was no way in hell he was going to tell them that it was because of their freaking leader. He felt Pidge remove her arm from her shoulder as she crossed her arms, tilting her head in thought. Hunk did the same.
“Yeah, that makes sense. I get you, dude. But good job, though.” Hunk responded reassuringly, sending Lance his big signature smile.
“Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” Lance exhaled, smiling back. He was glad that Hunk was backing up a bit. He was always the type of guy who never wanted to cross boundaries, something that Lance was immensely grateful for at the moment.
“Yeah, I get it, too. I just naturally assumed that you would go for it because of Lotor.” Pidge stated flatly. Once again, annoyance and frustration rushed through Lance’s body.
“Pidge. C’mon-” the paladin started. The green paladin raised her hands in surrender.
“I’m just saying. She and Lotor were getting pretty close to each other back in the Castle of Lions. They were literally side by side 24/7.” she pointed out. Hunk nodded his head in agreement.
“Yeah. Who knows, maybe if he wasn’t, you know, some crazy prince stealing the quintessence of other Alteans, he probably would’ve been her boyfriend by now.” Hunk said jokingly, making Pidge giggle in response while Lance was getting more and more agitated. It’s bad enough he had to pretty much lie to his friends about why he decided not to kiss Allura, it’s a whole other thing that now he needed to deal with hearing about Allura being with Lotor. And just when he had felt that every insecurity that he felt when Lotor was around pretty much vanished when Allura started noticing him. Lance clasped his hands together tightly.
“Okay. I think I see your point, guys.” Lance spoke lowly, his teeth gritted. But his statement was simply ignored as Hunk and Pidge continued.
“Did you see the way that Allura was looking at him? I’m telling you, man, I saw some sparks flying!”
“How could she not? With his long flowy hair and his princely charms?”
“Just imagine them working on stuff together and then out of nowhere they just start dancing around the room like in the movies?” Pidge cackled.
“And then he just starts twirling her and then holds her above his head like in that one cheesy dance movie?”
“And then Lotor looks deep into her eyes and says ‘Allura, my sweet princess, will you become my Altean dancing queen?”
“‘Oh Lotor, my gorgeous bad boy prince! I became your queen the moment I laid my eyes on you!’ and then they both lean in and-“
Lance stood up quickly from his seat, slamming his hands hard against the table, making Pidge and Hunk turn their heads at him in shock. He was visibly shaking, head down as his eyes were trained onto the table. He just couldn’t take it anymore. Every bad thought and insecurity he had been able to somewhat move past since readjusting to Earth, and it just came back in full force as if he had gotten sucker punched. He felt like he was back on the Castle of Lions, being ignored and brushed aside be everyone, his warnings and himself being forgotten.
Allura walking past him.
Pidge and Hunk ignoring him.
Shiro looking down on him.
Keith abandoning him.
Lance felt himself starting to walk away from his friends. He wouldn’t allow himself to hear this any longer. He knew they didn’t mean to tease him or bring Lotor back up to him, but that’s what it felt like. Lotor and Allura had always been somewhat of a sore spot for him. Something he tried to push to the back of his head to focus on everything else. But it’s like every time he tries to forget, it always comes back to bite him. And how could it not. Lotor was everything that he wasn’t. Of course, Allura would want him. Hell, if he hadn’t gone crazy and was still around, he wouldn’t have hesitated to kiss her the way that he did.
“Lance? What’s gotten into you?” he heard Pidge shout behind him.
“Yeah, man? You good? D-did we say something wrong?” Hunk asked worriedly. Lance stopped as he approached the doorway. He turned his head towards them, giving them a tired smile.
“No. You said everything right.”
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7-wonders · 6 years ago
Lost In the Shadows
Summary: As a naturally curious person, the odd mannerisms of your elusive new boss pique your interest, making you determined to figure out who, or what, he is.
Word Count: 6.5k
A/N: It’s a vampire Michael fic! I really hope you guys enjoy; feedback is always appreciated, and if you loved this I would love if you’d give it a like, comment, and reblog. Enjoy!
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There’s something strange about your new boss.
Being one of the longest-tenured employees at Kineros Robotics, having worked in the R & D department for a whopping three months, you were initially relieved when Ms. Venable had told you about the sudden arrival of a new owner. You loved your work, and could think of no better job than getting to conduct experiments on new technologies to help paraplegics and researching artificial neuron studies, but the two men that hired you made it really hard to not think about quitting at least three times a day. Jeff and Mutt, the two coked-out oddballs who somehow managed to co-found a Fortune 500 company, had annoyed or harassed nearly every employee of theirs to the point of quitting within their first three months of work. You’re an anomaly, and if the pay and benefits weren’t so good, as well as the research opportunities, you would have long been out the door with the same people that you were hired with.
The announcement of a new owner was initially a welcome change to the company’s personnel. Maybe this owner would be able to put Jeff and Mutt into their places, and make them realize how to conduct themselves as the founders of such a prestigious company. Hell, maybe the new owner would even allocate some new funds to your R & D department so that you can finally purchase the new, state-of-the art projector that would allow you to create lifesize, 3-D, virtual models of your various research projects that you’ve had your eye on for a month now. Even Ms. Venable, the always stoic secretary whose only emotions seem to be apathy or disdain, manages to crack a small smile when she tells you the news. The long-gossiped about arrival of a new boss seems to be just the thing that will help boost employee morale and allow you to actually get some work done instead of having Jeff and Mutt pester you to see if you can build them a realistic sex robot (a request that you’ve denied multiple times).
Things seem like they’ll be great, and for the most part, they are. Jeff and Mutt hardly cause distractions for you now, and they approve almost any budget request you put on their desks. However, the constant look of fear that caused their eyes to dilate and widen, combined with the welcome lack of cocaine in the building, had you questioning what has gotten into the pair. Employee retention has never been higher, but so many of the newer employees walk around in a dazed stupor, only answering you if you snap your fingers in front of their faces or repeat their names. The common factor in all of this is, of course, your boss; the only question is, who the hell is your boss?
For such a dramatic change in the productivity of Kineros, you’re expecting a much larger authoritative presence than what you’ve seen. Indeed, this new boss is extremely elusive and never in the office. What’s striking to you is that there was never any official memo. No note, no email, not even Ms. Venable was able to gossip about who this boss was, simply for the fact that she couldn’t find out any information. Luckily, you’ve managed to become acquaintances with many of your coworkers, something the purple-clad secretary has never been able to accomplish. The details, while scarce, are enough to form a vague image in your head.
According to the dazed employees whom you now work alongside, the boss is a man called Langdon. No word on whether it’s his first or last name, because apparently he’s so intimidating that any question a person may have flees their mind at the sight of him. In fact, people forget most aspects of their encounters with Langdon, thanks to two possible reasons. The first is, of course, that he’s just so damn frightening that everyone’s brains develop some sort of short-term memory amnesia in an attempt to forget about what they just saw. The second which, from general consensus seems to be the more plausible, is that his beauty is so blinding that it’s impossible to remember what the conversation was about when one is staring at “those cheekbones!” Kineros has always seemed to have shallow assumptions and vapid materialism woven into its very core, so it’s not too surprising to hear that everyone is so dazed because they’ve got the hots for Langdon.
Langdon, it would seem, is the only topic that employees know how to talk about lately. Frankly, you’re sick of it. You don’t really care who the boss is, what he looks like, or where he is that’s so much more important than the business he now runs, so long as the company’s running and your paychecks are being deposited into your bank account on a regular basis. If he really wanted to make sure that Kineros was running smoothly, he would show his face around the office more in order to quell the rumors and prevent you from having to stop disoriented coworkers from applying two sources of the same charge and nearly blowing up the labs for the third time in a week.
It’s late on a Friday, which means that nobody, save the janitor and security guards, is in the building. While everyone else employed here bolted for the doors the second the clock hit five, you were just getting started with your more-important research. You like working when it’s blissfully quiet and you can move around while you think, pacing back and forth as you run over calculations or decide which millimeter difference would help your machine to work more efficiently. Lately, you’ve often found yourself in the labs until the security team has to ask you to leave so that they can finish their rounds. With all of the commotion over Langdon’s appointment, it’s been difficult to get much work done during a traditional work day.
You’re sitting at your desk, random pieces of paper cluttering the workspace around you as you attempt to work out the schematics for a new prosthetic hand you’re designing that would be controlled by a patient’s brain, when the sound of shoes clicking across the shiny floor has your pencil stopping in its tracks. It’s a foreign noise, especially at this time of the evening; both the custodial and security staff wear heavy boots, the footsteps of which you could recognize from a floor away. These are different--lighter, yet confident. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up before the door to the lab opens, and you tense before taking a precautionary sip of tea and slowly turning around.
The tea was a bad decision, causing you to nearly choke as you lock eyes with your unexpected visitor. You’re sure that you’ve never met before; surely you would remember someone as ethereal as this man? His face looks like it was crafted by the most renowned Renaissance sculptors themselves, all sharp angles and delicate features. His blonde hair flows to just past his shoulders, and his cold blue eyes (accented with a dark red eye shadow that’s perfectly applied to the inner corners) watch you with an intensity that makes you shiver. He’s dressed in all black, a stark contrast to the white decor of Kineros. A silk scarf hangs loosely around his neck, ornate rings decorating his slender fingers. Your eyes linger on the metallic talon ring that sits on his index finger, which looks sharp enough to easily slice through anyone or anything.
Although his delicate features give him the look of an angel, there’s something much darker that clouds his face like a summer storm. You’ve never felt as intimidated by someone’s mere presence as you do in front of this man, and you realize that this can only be the mysterious Langdon. He smirks as he watches you scramble out of your chair, amused at your clumsy reaction to his sudden appearance. You feel intensely scrutinized as he looks you up and down, his lip curling as you nervously tap your fingers against your leg.
“It’s--uh, nice to finally meet you, Mr. Langdon,” you stutter, mentally smacking yourself for how unprofessional you look and sound. You weren’t exactly expecting visitors tonight, hence the messy bun you pulled your hair into and your bare feet, heels having been kicked off as soon as your coworkers left.
Langdon takes calculated steps towards you, stalking closer until your heart is thumping wildly at the abrupt proximity. You don’t know it, but the scent of your blood as it rushes just under the surface of your delicate skin has his eyes imperceptibly fluttering in near-ecstasy. He’s been around for a long, long time, and tasted some of the finest blood that the world has had to offer, but it’s extremely rare for someone’s essence to sing its siren song to him in the way that yours does.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” he drawls, voice lilting and higher-pitched than you would have expected. It’s tantalizing, sweet, and teasing, everything that you would expect from this man. “A pity I have not been able to visit here sooner, but I have had...other matters to attend to, as of late.”
You find your head bobbing up and down at his excuses, realizing that you would quickly do anything that this man asked of you if it meant you got to hear him say your name again. The sound of your phone chiming, an alarm you had set to remind yourself to get up from your desk and get something to eat if you still hadn’t left the office (at least nobody could ever say that you underperformed at your job), snaps you out of the daze that Langdon’s presence had put you in. You narrow your eyes, refusing to let this man charm you into submission like everybody else at this company.
“What, did you buy another company just so you could arouse some more suspicion as the mysterious, elusive commander-in-chief?” Your breath catches in your throat, the words escaping before you can even think otherwise.
Langdon stares at you for a long moment, and you’re already bracing to pack up your belongings and leave before security has to drag you out of the building. Then, something unexpected happens. A slow smile spreads across his face, one that shows off his (oddly sharp-looking) teeth.
“Witty and a genius, then.”
“Hardly, but thank you, Mr. Langdon.”
“It’s Michael,” he divulges, and you get a warm feeling in your chest that only a select few are privy to this information.
Langdon--no, Michael, you remind yourself--glances over your shoulder at the rough sketches of your next projects that clutter your desk.
“Artificial neural pathways? That sounds like quite the endeavor.”
“It will be, but it’s an endeavor I’m excited to take on. We’ve only used artificial neural pathways in order to enhance computers, but why not use them to help people? They’re made to mimic human functions; if I can figure out a way to target specific areas of the brain and make them small enough for successful implantations, there’s no telling what we could accomplish. Think of all of the traumatic brain injuries that would be healed with these! We could, potentially, eradicate diseases like Alzhiemer’s and dementia.”
Michael, for whom empathy is not an emotion commonly felt, finds himself listening intently as you explain your ideas. Your face lights up as you talk about this passion of yours, making his chest clench almost painfully. He didn’t come here tonight to ‘meet’ some of the people under the Cooperative’s hierarchy, he came here to feed. The entire damn reason for showing up suddenly at Jeff and Mutt’s thirtieth-story office was to collect part of their payment that comes along with selling their souls, like allowing Michael to take over the company, further his plans for the end of days, and have free reign of a hunting ground that was teeming with blood of all different types and tastes.
There’s multiple reasons why Michael doesn’t allow himself to get attached to humans. For starters, their lives are all too short compared to his, and all too irrelevant. How can they expect to make any sort of a meaningful mark on their dull world when they have, at most, a few decades to live? Pathetic creatures, Michael’s always thought whenever he watches them; a predator stalking his prey. They’re so easy to fool, to charm and glamour until they’re basically baring their necks to him, begging him to feed from them. Humans are pliable, minds easily molded by any force stronger than a slight breeze.
You were meant to be nothing more than Michael’s next meal. The beginning of his hunt was so routine, it was almost comical how easy it was to waltz into your lab and work you into a daze. Your damn phone alarm had ruined it all, had snapped the spell that he had put you under and allowed you to face him head-on. As soon as your little backhanded insult reached his ears, he knew that he couldn’t go through with it. His kind is, unfortunately, prone to enhanced feelings. In addition to their physical abilities becoming heightened with the transformation, their emotions are as well. It’s one of their very few weaknesses, and one that may have just saved you from your death.
If it were any other day, any other person, any other occasion, intense rage would course through Michael’s body and the victim would be dead before they could even blink. Today, though, he’s slow to anger. Whether that be because he had just fed three days ago or because he’s actually enjoying this hunt, your remark catches him off guard. You have a fire within you that Michael hasn’t seen for some time. Even if he doesn’t cloud the mind of a human, they’re usually so taken by his beauty that they couldn’t even think to say anything remotely disparaging. He admires it, that fight, and it’s enough of a hesitation for that admiration to make him doubt his choice for today’s meal. After you explain how you plan to develop neurons that would save a person’s brain from the slow decline of disease, Michael knows that he can’t kill you.
Michael could, of course, still feed from you without killing you. Although it looks like the obvious option from an outsider’s perspective, it’s only feasible when the source is a willing party in this dark tango. He’s had a few of those partners in previous decades, but has been without one for the last twenty or so years. When hunting, like Michael is, there are only two options for what to do with one’s prey (after all, consuming a human in their entirety was lethal, the dead blood dragging his kind to their own deaths). Either the victim’s supply is drained for macabre leftovers, or they’re compelled to forget the entire experience.
Small-scale compulsions have no lasting effect on the compulsee, but forcing a person’s mind to forget hours upon hours of prior events leaves them in what’s basically a trance. They become sleep-walkers, only this is a dream they can’t wake up from. With their glazed eyes and one sentence answers to any questions that may be asked of them, they’re temporarily shells of their former selves as their minds try to comprehend and make sense of the sudden gap in memories. Michael can’t do that to you, can’t watch your brilliant mind be muddled just so that he can get a quick meal. Hell, he would just kill you, but something in him balks at the mere idea of such an act.
You stifle a gasp when Michael’s suddenly inches away from you, hand ghosting across your cheek and talon ring dangerously close to nicking your skin. His cyan eyes burn into you, as if he’s sifting through the deepest crevices of your soul. He smiles again, but this time it’s softer, like he knows something that you don’t.
“A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be here this late at night. Go home, (Y/N),” Michael whispers, head tilting while he watches every minor movement that your muscles make. Your brow furrows at his abrupt instructions and you tense, not willing to let this near-stranger tell you what to do.
“But I’m not done yet, and why should I even--”
“(Y/N),” Michael almost coos, eyes searching yours as he gets your attention and pins you to your place. You want to move and escape his grasp before berating him for his actions, but you can’t seem to even blink, much less look away from his gaze. “Go home.”
His words carry a different power this time around, and you start to gather your coat and bags as soon as he lets go of you.
For tonight, Michael will reduce himself to hunting on the streets, finding some vagrant to satiate his needs. He won’t kill you, not until he figures out how you managed to unknowingly find a weakness of his and exploit it to avoid your death. For now, though, Michael releases you from the building and watches you until the door closes behind you, making sure your stubborn mind actually heeds his compulsion. Even when you’re out into the cool night, you can still feel the piercing gaze of Michael’s chilling eyes on your back, closely watching your every move.
There’s definitely something strange about your new boss.
For the next two weeks, you’re constantly on edge at work as you try to keep an eye out for Michael. You’ve attempted to figure out how he got you to leave so suddenly on that night, tried to find some logical explanation for the strangeness of that evening, but you just can’t. You’re a woman of science, one who finds solace in facts and figures. All of the collected data in the world couldn’t explain the enigma that is Michael Langdon.
The computer has become both your best friend and your worst enemy as of late. You’ve searched almost nonstop for some sort of an explanation, with nothing to show for it except for a few Reddit /nosleep boards with their made-up horror stories. It’s useless, you’re starting to feel, and you’ve spent far too many hours perusing the internet instead of focusing on your work. A direct consequence of this action, you’ve stayed late at work nearly every night that you’ve found your mind wandering. What had originally seemed to be a self-inflicted punishment, however, is starting to feel like a piece of a much larger puzzle.
Michael starts to become a familiar face around Kineros on the evenings that you’re working late. While he may just be an extremely productive night owl, it’s still a little odd that he’s only ever around during the later hours of the night. When you had asked Jeff and Mutt about it after your first encounter with Michael, they had both stuttered aggressively before unconvincingly telling you that “he makes his own hours.” You weren’t buying it at all, and their behavior towards the matter only made you more suspicious. Why did you only ever see this man in the late hours of the night?
The odd work habits were the main red flag, but others just kept popping up as soon as you realized that things were not quite right. You couldn’t help but notice that every person who shared the same dazed demeanor you had seen on countless others since the change in personnel had one other thing in common: they had all come in contact with Michael. You’d be working late, see one of your coworkers in the kitchen while you were both grabbing another cup of coffee, see Michael on your way back to the lab, and the next day that coworker would be walking around like a zombie. You’ve tried to convince yourself that there’s no correlation between the two situations, but the only other option would be some sort of poisoning that happens after-hours. Obviously that’s impossible, considering you haven’t been affected like the other employees have.
It’s childish and fanciful, the theory that’s placed itself in the forefront of your mind. However, what other conclusion could you come to that would explain the strange and unusual things that you’ve seen and experienced lately? Michael, this young, ethereal man who was able to have you completely under his spell with just the utterance of your name, managed to take control of a Fortune 500 company in a day. The odd mannerisms that others around you have displayed only began when Michael showed up here, not to mention the ever-present glass of what looked to be red wine nestled snugly between his fingers. You only ever see him at night, and he appears so suddenly and quietly that it’s as if he’s a ghost. Everything about him seems like a rose dipped in poison: beautiful, but deadly.
You’ve seen Michael helpfully calibrate your neutron spectrometer with simply a glance at the machine and some skilled handiwork. Even a professional repairman, with their specialty tools, would have required at least a week to get it to working condition. He even lifted the 300-pound piece of equipment like it was the weight of a newborn kitten, briefly making you think that it wasn’t nearly as heavy as you thought it was. That was quickly disproven when you tried to lift it after he left and couldn’t even move a corner of it.
You’re not some 15-year-old child anymore, which is what will make this conclusion so humiliating if it actually is wrong. You know what the realm of possibility is, and that even most things that belong outside that realm are still rooted in logic. That you would believe yourself to be the protagonist of some teen supernatural novel is almost ludicrous. You’ve eliminated all other possibilities, but Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself once said that “once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” With all that you’ve seen, and all that you know, there can only be possible truth.
Michael Langdon is a vampire.
It’s not a conclusion that you’re proud of, but it’s the one that you’ve got. Nevertheless, the plan that you’ve formulated will either make or break you, and your career. You know that you’re the only Kineros employee in the building tonight, since Jeff’s ‘birthday’ (third one this year) warrants a massive party at his house that all employees are invited to attend. Most of your coworkers won’t turn down the opportunity to indulge in some of the finest drugs that the West Coast has to offer, and you’ve asked around enough to discern that you’ll be the only one here tonight. Since it’s a Thursday, Michael should, if what you believe is correct, be stalking the halls tonight in search of his next meal. Theoretically, predator will become prey.
You’re sitting at your desk, legs propped up on the table while you twirl a scalpel between your fingers. Although you could have already set your plan into motion, you’re hesitant. What if it doesn’t work? What if you just turn out to be some fool with your head in the clouds, making yourself bleed for no reason? Worse, what if it does work and you end up getting yourself killed? It’s now or never, you decide, and with a deep breath you dig the tip of the scalpel into the pad of your finger.
Michael’s head snaps up the moment that he smells the blood being spilled from four floors below. It’s impossible for his head to not be clouded with your scent whenever he’s in this building, the rich aroma so intense that he can practically taste it on his tongue. Now that your skin has been cut, you’re all that he can think about. He’s been desperate to control himself, has sensed your ever growing suspicion since your first encounter two weeks ago. He can’t let himself slip up, not after he’s been so careful for so long. The injury that you’ve sustained, however minor it may be, changes everything.
The door is flung open with such force that it rattles the hinges, your head snapping up at the disturbance. It’s been maybe 30 seconds since blood started beading at the tip of your finger, and it’s such a small amount that you’ve been preparing to injure another part of your body that will produce more blood. Michael stands mere feet away from you, looking positively ravenous. His chest is heaving as he takes deep breaths, and his eyes are locked onto your finger.
“I knew it,” you mutter in disbelief, brandishing the scalpel in front of you as a pathetic weapon. Dark veins have appeared like cracks under Michael’s eyes, which are now a startling shade of red and black. It’s obvious that he can sense your fear, can hear your heart beating wildly in your chest, when he smirks and shows off his pointy fangs.
“It was only a matter of time before you figured it out, hmm?” Michael teases, voice sounding even more exquisite than it normally is. “You’re not like the other employees here, oh no. You’re smart, and self-aware. You’re able to believe in things that seem to be outside of the realm of possibility, no matter how insane it may seem.”
“Stay back,” you warn when Michael starts to take a few steps closer, still staring at the blood that has welled on your finger.
“You think that little knife of yours could stop me?”
A loud gasp is the only noise you can produce when Michael is gripping your wrist in less than the blink of an eye. He forces the scalpel out of your hand, and it falls to the ground with a clatter. You can only watch as his tongue wraps around your injured finger, sucking and licking the blood and prodding the wound to produce more. Your knees grow weak as you watch the shockingly erotic scene play out in front of you, Michael moaning around your finger. He only pulls off when the blood flow stops, your cut clotting quicker than Michael can agitate the wound.
“I taste good to you?” You ask, watching him intensely as you snatch your hand back from him.
Michael licks his bottom lip, where some of your blood has pooled, before smiling ferally and nodding. “Absolutely divine, pet.”
Anger flares at the pet name, but that’s really the least of your concerns right now considering a fucking vampire is ready to devour you.
“You want more?” Michael nods enthusiastically. “Then you’re gonna have to sit down and answer my questions.”
“And what makes you think I won’t just drain you right now?” Michael drawls, quirking an eyebrow at your demands.
“You won’t,” you say confidently. “If you didn’t kill me that first night you showed up in my lab, there’s no way you’ll kill me now.”
Michael locks eyes with you for a long moment, a shiver wracking down your spine as you stare into those dark red eyes. You honestly don’t know if he actually would kill you, and you’re praying that you guessed right. Finally he nods, sitting in the seat that you occupied mere minutes ago. You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding, hopping onto the desk to give yourself some illusion of dominance in this situation. He’s annoyed that you’ve flipped the tables on him, but that annoyance turns to rapture when you dig the scalpel into the fleshy part of your palm just enough to bring a drop of blood to the surface.
“Answer my questions, and I’ll cut enough to let you drink. Deal?” You wince at the pain of the blade piercing your skin, but push it to the side as you wait for Michael to make his decision.
“Yes, fine! We have a deal.” You remove the blade from your hand and wipe the blood against a cloth, making Michael groan at the waste.
“Oh hush, you haven’t even answered my questions yet.”
“Just what would you like to know?”
“First: how are you a vampire?” Michael leans forward in his seat, teeth glinting as the light hits them.
“Ah, but I am so much more than just a vampire.”
Michael then proceeds to tell you the Sparknotes version of his story, which spans almost 400 years. How his father, the fucking Devil, created him with the goal of ushering in a new era for Hell to reign on Earth. The idea was that an immortal Michael would be able to live among humans and constantly change and observe, like a chameleon, collecting information and discerning when the right time to end the world as it is known would be. Unfortunately, immortality comes at a price. In order to live forever, with enhanced abilities and as young as he is now, Michael must feed from the blood of humans in order to retain his youth. One life benefiting another, although you don’t really see how senseless killings would benefit anybody but the killer.
“If you can’t survive without the blood of humans, then why are you so obsessed with ending the world?” You ask finally when Michael’s finished telling you his history.
“It’s not so much ‘ending the world’ as it is weeding out those who are not fit for survival. Only the strongest shall survive, and the strongest will be given the honor to serve Satan and his creatures.”
“Cultivating your food source, then?” You snort at the sheer ridiculousness of his plan.
“We won’t have to kill when everyone is willing to offer themselves. Think of it as a blood drive. Only a couple of pints every few weeks, which is what they would sacrifice to remain alive and in good health.”
“Why do you believe you’re so much better than everyone else?”
“Because I am,” Michael says as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “I’m the Antichrist, (Y/N). I possess powers that your mind couldn’t even fathom. I could level an entire city with just the snap of my fingers, could bend you to my will with a simple glance.”
“That’s how you were able to get me to leave the building that first night,” you realize, Michael nodding in agreement.
“Very good, pet. It’s also why so many of your fellow employees look as if they’re sleepwalking,” he mocks, giving you half a mind to dig the scalpel into the side of his neck. “Don’t even try it. That silly little wound would barely harm me, let alone kill me.”
“Great, you can read minds too?”
“Yet another one of my numerous gifts.”
“This is...a lot to take in.”
“Obviously. It’s not every day that you meet a man such as myself.” Michael licks his lips, staring at the beating pulse point on your neck. “Now, I believe you promised me some of your blood after I did what you asked of me?”
“Wait!” What sounds like a growl rumbles from Michael’s chest as he rolls his eyes. “Why didn’t you kill me, that first night I met you? It’s pretty obvious now that I was meant to be your meal then, so why did you decide not to? Aren’t I a liability now?”
“You are,” Michael admits. “You could, theoretically, run to the press and spill my secret. But you won’t. I don’t know you that well, true, but something in me knows that you won’t.”
He’s right, and you hate the fact that he is. Even if you were to tell the media, would they even believe you, or would they just think you’re crazy? Michael hasn’t killed you yet, but it’s entirely likely that he would end your life if you tried to tell anybody. Vampire or not, you’re not a snitch. His secret, unfortunately, is safe with you.
“Alright, fine, I wouldn’t tell anybody. That still doesn’t answer my first question, though. Why didn’t you kill me on the night we met?” Michael hesitates, the first sign of any emotion other than a confident arrogance or intense hunger.
“I--vampires are prone to heightened emotions. What you would feel as a normal emotion, we feel that tenfold. I was so close to completing the hunt and draining you, but your alarm snapped you out of the daze I had you in. When you made fun of me for never being around, it managed to make me laugh. You didn’t know it, but you had bought yourself some time. After you explained to me your plans, and I saw the brilliant mind you possess, there was no way I could kill you. You’re the first human I’ve talked to for almost a decade that’s made enough of an impression on me to avoid becoming prey.”
“I thought you were going to end up firing me after I said that,” you joke, placing the scalpel down now that you know you’ve made it impossible for Michael to kill you. “Well, a deal’s a deal.”
Michael’s eyes widen, and his fangs nearly pierce his bottom lip, even as he’s smiling. “Is it alright if I bite you? It’s been so long since I’ve had someone willingly let me feed from them.”
He closes his eyes and shudders, the mere thought of getting to bite you already exhilarating.
“Um...yeah, I guess?” The speed at which Michael moves is dizzying. One moment you’re staring down at him, and the next he’s got your back pinned against the desk.
“I’ve had to cut back on my hunts here in an attempt to keep you from figuring things out, but now that the secret’s out, that won’t be an issue.” He breathes deeply, nose nuzzling against your neck. You gasp when he lightly nips your pulse point, licking the heated flesh thoroughly.
“I won’t, like, become a vampire or anything, will I?” Michael smirks up at you, red starting to make its way back into those blue eyes.
“There’s a very specific process to become a vampire. You have nothing to worry about, pet.”
“This is so fucking crazy, I can’t believe I’m going to let an actual vampire bite me,” you mutter, nervously laughing as Michael brushes the hair away from your neck.
“I should warn you that many people find immense pleasure from being bitten.”
“Why’s that?”
“When connected to a pulse point, my heartbeat begins to sync with that of whomever I’m biting. This connects us, basically, and is very pleasurable for both parties.”
“Hmm, so exaggeration is also a vampire trait,” you quip, staring up at Michael. “Just get it over with, please.”
You refuse to close your eyes or look away, not wanting to show that you’re actually scared of the situation. Michael leans over you, heavy weight pressing you down against the glass desk. It’s a little shocking when he starts off by gently kissing your neck, nipping and sucking like every person who’s ever given you a hickey before has. When his hair starts to tickle your face, you lean your head further to the side. Michael looks up from his position, and you’re startled to see just how rapidly red floods into his eyes and black veins pop out above his cheekbones. He smirks, shooting you a playful wink before letting his head drop back into the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
You yelp when he first bites you, two pinpricks that feel like a liquid fire easily slicing your skin and allowing Michael to drink from you. His hips keep your lower body from squirming, hand locked in your hair and arm on your shoulder to prevent your thrashing. A question of whether Michael’s fangs act as straws, or if he simply allows the blood to pool into his mouth, enters your head. However, all thoughts are quickly pushed aside when the near-agonizing pain suddenly turns to a blinding pleasure.
Michael moans at the same time as you, but it hardly registers over the sound of your own pumping blood roaring in your ears. You can suddenly feel everything; blood running through your veins and being drained by Michael, how his velvet coat feels against your bare wrists, and even how painfully hard he is against your thigh. If this were any other time, you’d laugh in his face and make fun of him to the point where he would love to kill you. Now, though, you’d be a hypocrite, for your own arousal pools between your legs. You’re extremely grateful that you’re unable to move, or else you’re pretty sure your hips would be bucking up into his.
All of your senses are clouded by Michael. The sight of him, eyes closed and teeth clamped over your neck as he drinks deeply from you. The sounds of him, consuming your blood and loudly moaning at the same time. The feel of him, pressed up against you much in the same way a lover would position themselves. The smell of him, that rich copper that you now associate with blood and something earthy, something you only smell when you’re around a precious antique. Even how you can practically taste what he’s tasting, can see the allure in your own sweet, yet tangy, blood.
All you can think of, all you want, need, is Michael. Michael, Michael, Michael. You chant his name like a prayer, hands itching at the need to wrap around his lithe form and pull him even closer to you. The intense pleasure is all-consuming, and you realize that you would gladly let him drink you to death if it meant your last moments would be spent in ecstasy.
Michael isn’t a new vampire, and knows all of the signs when it’s getting to the point that his victim is going to start losing too much blood. He can sense your heart beating faster, breathing quickening as your legs weakly kick from under him. It’s incredibly difficult, but he manages to pull away. He can’t resist his base urges, leaning in to collect the last few drops of blood from your puncture wounds before sitting up between your legs and licking his lips clean. You scramble up, lightheaded and so aroused that you’re pulsing between your thighs.
“That was--that--wow,” you stutter, clutching a hand to your neck. You cringe slightly at the feeling of your own heart beating beneath your fingers, Michael smirking and delicately cleaning his fangs with his tongue.
“Such pretty noises you make, pet. Not to mention just how delectable you taste. Best that I’ve had this century, surely.”
You silently curse when you feel your cheeks heating up, Michael smiling widely at the blush on your face.
“Are you done now? I’d like to go home now,” you discreetly shift your thighs, trying anything to stop feeling so hot and bothered.
“I get the feeling that you’re just as desperate for more, just as I am.” When he reaches down and palms himself through his slacks, you blanch and jump up.
“Goodnight, Michael.” The man in question stands, gleefully watching as you shakily gather your things.
“Goodnight, (Y/N). Rest assured, this is not the last time we will find ourselves in a situation such as this.” Somehow, you don’t doubt that at all.
Tag List: @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @lichellaw @sebastianshoe @pastel-cloudz @ultragibbycentralworld @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @dolceandchalamet @everything-is-awesomesauce @langdonslove @ccodyfern @consultingsnowqueen @starwlkers @readsalot73 @jimmlangdon @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @hplotrfan @omg-hellgirl @gallxntdean @storminmytwistedmind @venusxxlangdon @langdonsdemon @kahhlo @americanhorrorstudies @antichristwrites @xxxmaterialistic @forgetting5sos @sadsadiesworld @michaelsapostle @izuniias @divinelangdon @wroteclassicaly @lvngdvns
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aliceslantern · 5 years ago
Heartlines, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 11--Samhain
Twelve years ago, Xemnas betrayed the royal court of Radiant Garden to his father, Xehanort. Prince Ienzo flees to another city and begins university in the aftermath, hoping the anonymity will protect him from eager eyes with ill intent. The darkness spilling across the country, as well as an individual from his past, cut short Ienzo's new beginning and bring new conflicts to light. Strained between the desires of his magic and his heart, Ienzo's choice will change him forever.
Modern Fantasy AU, Soulmates, Zemyx. Updates Fridays until it's done.
Chapter summary:  Ienzo and company go to a resistance meeting, with many unexpected twists and turns along the way.
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
The next morning, Ienzo was sore; he felt it rather distinctly when he moved. There had been a little blood, the night before, but it had sorted itself out. He did not exactly feel enlightened, merely disappointed. He had wanted it to be good, or at least painless. He considered buying himself a dilator, considered spells. He knew next to nothing about sex magic; should that change? Or was he merely thinking too hard about things?
Likely the latter.
Aeleus was waiting for him at the kitchen table. “Good morning, Ienzo.”
“You seem tired.”
“I… am.”
He cocked his head. Aeleus looked tired himself. “Is everything alright?”
Ienzo hesitated. He wanted someone to talk to; but how embarrassing was it to admit what had happened? That he couldn’t even have proper sex with his own soulmate ? He also knew the longer his pause went on, the more Aeleus would be concerned. “Something did happen, but it should fix itself.” He hoped.
He nodded. “I know we… are not so close anymore. But know I am a patient ear, Ienzo.”
He smiled. “I know. And I appreciate it.”
Ienzo made them both omelettes. He needed, more than ever, the neat order of cooking. Perhaps he was more upset than he thought; though he did know that increased emotionality was a side effect of his pills.
“Kind of you,” Aeleus said. “You always were a little chef--though your idea of meals back then were a lot less palatable.”
“I’m sure Even’s been feeding you gruel,” Ienzo said.
He cracked a small smile. “He never did see the body as more than a vessel.” For a moment they ate in silence. Then, “Will you come with me to the Samhain meeting?”
“Yes. Moreover… I have… some interested parties.” When Aeleus’s expression did not change, Ienzo added, “They do not know who I am exactly. But these are also magic users. They sense me. And Demyx.”
“I should like to finally meet him.” He twirled his fork idly.
“I don’t think of them mean any ill will. And apparently I’ve met Kairi. Though I do not remember. I never thought I would be an unreliable narrator.” Ienzo shook his head.
“She was only four when she met you --I’m surprised she remembers as well. But given her magic… I’m not surprised.”
“What is her line?”
“It has to do with the heart, and memory. Her power comes from within, unlike yours, which connects you to the magic of the earth."
“...Must be part of why she has a normal hair color.” Ienzo sighed.
“Indeed. Ansem was fascinated by it, naturally. His own heart always  was with the sciences, not… petty bureaucracy.”
“As was yours, if I recall correctly.”
“And now I use that knowledge to undermine Xehanort.”
“If my parents had not passed, I wonder where you might have gone,” Ienzo murmured. “All of you.” This he did not remember at all; their deaths, comparatively speaking, had been mundane. A car accident, of all the things, and Ienzo’s mother had been too incapacitated to use her magic to save them.
“I doubt that would’ve stopped all that came next. Dwelling on it will only cause you pain.”
“...I know.”
Aeleus scooped up the last remaining bits of egg. “When we go… would be best if you wore a hat. Moreover, we should split up.”
“Then what should I tell Riku and Kairi?”
“There’s an abandoned mansion in the woods. Tell them to meet us there shortly before nightfall.”
He nodded. “Right. I’ll have Demyx meet me here.”
“Do you know if the boy has any combat experience?”
Ienzo thought of the afternoon with the Heartless. “I highly doubt it.”
Aeleus sighed. “Very well.”
The rest of the day, Ienzo waited with an anxious excitement for time to pass. His coursework provided little distraction, even though Eraqus had given him an independent research project. He dressed comfortably, but anonymously, and headed down into the basement.
The previous owner or tenant must’ve had plans to finish the space; there was drywall covering the cinderblock walls, but the floor had yet to be insulated. Considering their utter lack of possessions, it was mostly open, empty space other than the water heater. It had a damp, musty smell to it. Ienzo cast an additional ward on the door and sat on the blanket he’d brought down.
He took a deep breath in through his nose, letting himself feel it spread down to his lungs. He tried to slowly wake the magic, but it was a hungry thing, and rose immediately to his skin. Hence, why he’d wanted to do this down here. He kept breathing, trying to keep his thoughts orderly, calm. He could sense Aeleus moving around in his bedroom upstairs; Even was in the study, writing. Once he thought he was sufficiently centered enough, he stood.
When Ienzo was younger, the magic was more volatile, exploding out of him whenever he had a sudden wave of feeling. Sometimes this had a positive or neutral effect; making plants explode into growth, or suddenly having lights fly out of his hands. Others… not so much. Once a temper tantrum had knocked all of the books off of Ansem’s shelves in his study. Controlling it had taken time; and considering how he’d grown up, he’d had a lot of time getting to know his own power. He could make people see things, hear things. Elemental spells came with ease, as well as healing spells. If not for his physical body, his power would be almost limitless.
Ienzo understood why Xehanort wanted him so badly. Ienzo could be a weapon. Else… a threat to be eliminated.
With the magic humming freshly and readily under his skin, he generated some fake Heartless for himself to fight, tossing his own emotions at them to make them unpredictable in this fight--his embarrassment, his shame, his disappointment. This settled… he struck out at them with a sort of fury, the blades of the magic sharper, their color more intense than he remembered. Was it possible that Demyx was not only masking him, but making his power stronger ?
All the fakes gone, Ienzo was breathing hard, and was sweaty. He noticed that the soreness in his hips was gone; the magic had healed it away. He was just wondering if it were worth taking another shower when his phone buzzed.
I’m here. Demyx.
They hadn’t talked too much since their failed attempt at sex, not that it had been long. Ienzo wasn’t fully sure what to say, but he did want to embrace him. He dismantled the ward and climbed back up the stairs. “What on earth were you doing down there?” Even asked, pouring himself what Ienzo was sure was his dozenth cup of coffee.
“Keeping myself limber--the way you tell me to.”
Even just rolled his eyes.
“Demyx is here. Be nice.” He crossed through the kitchen to the front door and hurriedly brushed some of the dust off of his pants. Ienzo heard rain pattering outside; it must’ve started recently. He opened the door.
“Lovely weather, huh,” Demyx said lamely, lowering the hood of his jacket. “Hey.”
A beat.
“How are you… doing?” he asked.
“Alright, I suppose. Yourself?”
“...Okay. Dunno if I should be nervous for this or not.”
Ienzo ushered him in. The clothes he was wearing were much darker than normal. “All you have to do is look pretty and be near me.”
A sigh. “Yeah. I know. Adventure, and all that.”
Ienzo smiled a little. He leaned up to kiss him once. “One of my guardians will be going with us.”
Even poked his head into the room.
“Good to see you again. Even, right?”
Even frowned a little. “You’re--” He put a hand to his head. “I completely forgot that ruffian we met that afternoon had a name.”
“...And not exactly a common one,” Demyx said. “That ruffian is right here.”
A faint blush rose in his face. “You’d better take care of him,” he said.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s my whole thing.” A shrug.
“I think we’ll survive,” Ienzo added.
Even acted like he hadn’t heard him. “You do realize how important his life is?”
“Do I realize. I was given this , wasn’t it?” He pulled out the pendant. “Look, man. This is the only thing I can do right, so let me.”
Aeleus came down the stairs then. Ienzo didn’t know what he’d expected; Demyx’s free-flowing nature was bound to clash with Even’s anal-retentiveness. “Are you ready to go, Ienzo?” he asked.
“...Quite. Come on then, Demyx.” Ienzo slid his hand into his.
The three of them headed out into the rain. It was a light fall rain, bringing with it freshness and the salt of the sea. Demyx lifted his head slightly, letting it kiss his face. “Rain always makes me miss home,” he murmured.
“I know you are a… seeker,” Aeleus said. “Where does your line originate?”
“Destiny Islands.” The street shone faintly in the rain, especially as the sun set in earnest. Unprompted, Demyx added, “we… were what you’d call sirens. I didn’t even walk on two legs until I was ten. Normally we can shift at will. Normally.”
Demyx hardly ever talked about his past with Ienzo, even since some of his memories returned; he normally focused on more lighthearted minutiae of their days.
Aeleus’s curiosity broke his usual quiet. “What was that like?”
“ Really weird. Everything just seemed so dry , and my skin was so itchy . I felt like I couldn’t breathe. The doctor just said it was trauma.”
“Because you washed up on the beach?” Ienzo asked.
“Yeah,” he said, and his eyes had gone distant. “All of a sudden it felt like… something was missing. That part of me… was just gone.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “Truly.”
“Have you tried, since then?” Aeleus asked.
He nodded. “No go. Almost drowned myself a few times, trying.” With a laugh, but it lacked humor.
It was a miracle he didn’t resent Ienzo, he thought. Then, given their bond, was that possible? He didn’t want Demyx to hate him. “I have magic,” he said quietly. “Maybe I can fix that.”
Ienzo could see he was trying to bite back the hope. “You think?”
“What’s the point of having this power, if I can’t do anything with it? I will try. For you.”
“Power should always be used to help others,” Aeleus said.
“Is there anything else you remembered?” Ienzo asked in a low voice.
“Mostly just… stuff with my parents,” he admitted. “Just normal… stuff. Are we almost there?”
Ienzo did not push it farther.
The trees of the woods only made the rain louder, the sunset still darker. Aeleus’s flashlight soon became one of their only points of light in this darkness. Demyx squeezed his hand a little harder.
“Afraid of the dark?” Ienzo asked, only partially teasing.
“Nope,” Demyx said, but it wasn’t at all convincing.
The path crossed over with an old cobble road that must’ve been in use when the mansion was active, and eventually opened up into a clearing. The building must’ve once been beautiful, though now it was crumbling and derelict; its turrets had peeling shingles, its wide front windows were filthy and cracked, and the stained glass in its small clocktower had pieces missing. The black iron gates had been opened, leading to a garden with overgrown bushes and marble arches that were falling apart. Ienzo could just barely see Sora, Kairi, and Riku by the front door.
“You made it!” Demyx said cheerfully.
“And now my favorite boots are covered in mud,” Kairi added, with a sigh. “Oh well.”
Aeleus pushed open the double doors. Someone had clearly been through; candles had been lit in the rusty candelabras, and there were footprints in the dirt leading to another room. They stumbled over broken bits of inlaid parquet.
“You guys sure this isn’t a trap?” Sora asked. “Seems kinda creepy to me.”
“It is very safe,” Aeleus said.
“I think between us we can handle a Heartless or two. What, you chicken?” Riku asked.
He flushed. “Am not!”
They followed this trail of candles into a small study which seemed normal until Ienzo noticed the trap floor; only Aeleus’s quick hand stopped Demyx falling down the hidden set of stairs.
“Ever graceful,” Riku muttered.
“Shut up .”
But the steps were strange; jarringly metal and modern, and very clean . Sconces shone dimly in the metallic darkness.
“Let me go first,” Aeleus said. “Just to make sure.” He disappeared into the other room. After a pronounced silence, where they all looked at each other, Aeleus added in an odd voice, “Ienzo? Can you come through--just you?”
“Wait,” Demyx said.
“I trust Aeleus,” Ienzo reassured him quickly. “There must be a reason.”
Ienzo took a few steps… and realized why very quickly. With his magic so close to the surface, he could sense Aeleus’s energy… and the energy of one other.
He thought his knees might give out, and he took another few halting steps. “Father.” It sounded more like a bleat, a cry, then a word. “Father.”
Ansem had aged considerably in the past twelve years. His blond hair, once well-kept, was longer, and there were more wrinkles around his eyes than Ienzo remembered, but the warmth in those eyes was still the same. “Well met, little Ienzo.”
He couldn’t help it. He all but threw himself into Ansem’s arms. Tears he didn’t realize he’d been holding in were suddenly streaming out of his eyes. It shouldn’t hurt this much to see him again. He shouldn’t smell exactly the same, like oranges and coffee.
“I wish I could’ve seen you sooner, child. I know.” He could hear the tears in Ansem’s voice as well. “You’re so tall.”
It took Ienzo longer than was dignified to stem the flow of tears. Finally he did, and pulled away from Ansem at least enough to look him in the eye.
“Look at you,” he said softly. “I can hardly believe it.”
He swiped at his eyes. Slowly, he took off his hat, letting his hair fall back into his normal style.
“You look so like your father.”
“Where have you… been?” Ienzo asked slowly.
“In hiding. Much like you. But I have been… trying to devise a way for us to be together again. That starts here, with this resistance.”
“You’re its leader?”
Ansem laughed; Ienzo realized he’d forgotten what it sounded like. “Heavens, no. I’m not certain one could say we have a leader. Even so… I wish for you to have a good life, Ienzo, and for our people to be safe. This is one of the ways to do so.”
“Are you… disappointed in me, then?”
“Why ever would I be?”
Ienzo found it hard to meet his eyes. “Risking myself… for whatever might come from this?”
“Not at all. Your determination to make change is admirable.”
A beat of silence. Ienzo did not know what else to say. “I am… tired of waiting around,” he said. “How can I simply go to school while the darkness advances? While Xehanort wreaks… what kind of hell?”
His expression darkened. “Yes… I believe they were going to speak on that tonight.”
“...Quite.” He paused. “Moreover…” He reached into the collar of his shirt and pulled out the pendant.
“Oh…” Ansem sighed. “Child, you must understand… they promised you protection. I did not know--”
“It came with a body? Even said the same.” He ran his fingers along the glass. “He… is here with me.”
“That is a comfort. And I understand… you may be resentful. Naturally so.”
“My life has been without choice. Of course I want to do something now.”
A small smile. “Of course.”
“Would you want to meet him?” Ienzo asked.
Ienzo felt oddly numb as he climbed the stairs. The others were waiting patiently; Kairi was braiding Riku’s long hair as they watched something on Sora’s phone. Demyx, on the other hand, had an anxious, pinched look on his face. “Are you okay?” he asked instantly. “You look like you’ve been…” He reached out to touch Ienzo’s face.
“Come with me.” He took Demyx’s hand and led him down into that metal room.
Seeing Ansem, he gasped. “Oh--uh--your majesty--” He bowed a little.
“None of that,” Ansem said. “My name is Ansem. A king in exile is no king, is he?”
Demyx’s smile was very nervous. “This is why you were upset.”
Aeleus, who had been tactfully silent, finally said, “I didn’t want to say something sooner… lest it didn’t pan out.”
“Thank you, Aeleus. I know this was difficult.”
“Sorry--I’m just shook,” Demyx said. He pressed a hand to his forehead. “I mean, I knew you were the prince and all, but like--”
“...The prince?” another voice said from the stairs. Riku crossed his arms. “Sorry to crash the party, your majesty.”
They would’ve found out at the meeting, but Ienzo felt the chagrin anyway. Ansem sighed.
“Oh my gods!” Sora’s hands snapped to his mouth. “You mean this whole time you’ve been--”
“I kinda knew,” Kairi said, with a shrug.
“You knew and you didn’t say anything?”
Ienzo’s blush deepened. “Yes, yes, king, prince. We’ve got it.”
Sora frowned. “But if you’re the prince--where’s the princess?”
Ienzo cocked his head a little.
Comprehension dawned on him. “Oh! Sorry, I--”
“It’s okay. And I presume you know you must all carry this secret with you.”
Riku chuckled a little. “Why wouldn’t I? Things just got interesting. Though I’m surprised you got this one to keep a secret.” He thumped Demyx on the shoulder.
“Ow! Hey--”
Ansem laughed too. “These are the reinforcements Aeleus told me of, then.”
Ienzo shook his head. “Quite.”
He approached Kairi. “It is good to see you’re well. And your parents?”
“They’re good too.”
“We should head in,” Aeleus said. “It’s getting late.”
The next room was yet more metal, glowing panels on the floor adding extra light. A handful of people were already there; a woman about their age with a long brown braid, a young man with a scar across his face, a middle-aged blond man, and of all people--
“ Yuffie ?” Demyx asked.
“Guys! Hey!” She was cross-legged on the floor.
“What are you doing here?”
“ Resisting . Duh.” She rolled her eyes.
“But how long have you--”
Her cheer faded a little. “Since my dad died last year,” she murmured. “I kinda took it up for him.”
Yet more voices from the doorway. “Sorry we’re late,” a woman said. “Believe it or not--the train was delayed.” She had a bright blue bob. With her was Even, carrying papers and looking pissy.
There were a lot of people in this small room now. Ienzo knew that soon the air would probably start feeling stuffy. He had so many questions--for them, for Ansem, about this place, about Xehanort, about… everything. All of these magical fields brushed up against his, making him anxious.
Demyx rubbed his arm. “Power, huh,” he muttered. “Yuffie. Who would’ve thought.”
“Can we come to order, please?” the scar-faced man asked tiredly. “Lot of new faces today. I was asked not to point out the obvious about our special guest, so I won’t. Why don’t we go around and introduce ourselves?”
They did. Ienzo learned the blue-haired woman was Aqua, their longtime contact; she gave him a little wink.
“Why are we in this creepy basement?” Sora asked.
“Lotta power in this room,” Riku told him. “Being underground helps keep it from being too obvious. The metal does too.”
“The girls are keeping watch upstairs,” the woman with the braid, Aerith, added. “They’ll let me know if they sense anything.”
The circle had reached him. Demyx gave his hand a small squeeze. Ienzo looked towards Ansem, who nodded once. Not only was he outing himself as royalty, but he was also quite literally outing himself.
Get over it, he thought to himself. These people all knew some level of persecution; would they truly care about gender? “My name is Ienzo,” he said in a low voice. “But more likely… you know me as Ansem’s adopted child… _____.”
He kept his eyes on the floor as the revelation filled the space, a mixture of surprise and smug knowledge in equal parts. He saw Even’s lips flatten into a thin line, his disapproval clear. But he did not protest.
“I hope I may be of use to you. My power. I am tired of hiding and taking advantage of your good grace. Part of this havoc is because of me. I can’t lie back and take it anymore.”
The blond man laughed. “Well, we’re lucky today, ain’t we,” he said around the toothpick in his mouth. “Not one, but three bluebloods. I see you there, Miss Kairi.”
She blushed.
“All that power means something,” Aqua added. “Given Ienzo’s reach… if you’re truly willing to do this…”
“A trump card to turn the tide?” Leon asked. “That would be nice, wouldn’t it?”
“I am willing.”
“It might give people hope, to know you’re still alive,” Aqua said. “If not the public… than the very least the other members.”
“That this fighting isn’t for nothing?” Ienzo sighed. “I hope so. Tell me everything. Please.”
Ansem had said there was no leader; but the man named Leon seemed to be most comfortable doing the talking. He outlined the situation for Ienzo; Xehanort so far was determined to take the nation city-state by city-state, spreading his darkness across the nation from one coast to the other. He seemed to have created a second front as well, moving down towards them from the north. Hearing the casualty reports was… sobering.
“Why is nobody reporting this at all?” Ienzo asked.
“The masses would panic,” Aerith said. “Not to mention… where would they go ? Twilight Town is safest at the moment.”
“And the governments are just lying like dogs?”
“It seems… to a degree… Xehanort is willing to see some kind of reason,” Leon added, his lip curling. “If a city surrenders to him… he does apparently offer some kind of protection to the civilians.”
“The trolley problem,” Riku muttered. “Better a few die than all.”
“Quite,” Aeleus said gravely. “Moreover… what of these Heartless? They’ve been breaking through the city wards, and apparently beginning to show some kind of sentience.”
Aqua touched Even on the shoulder; he nodded once. “I’ve been looking into that,” he said. “I’m afraid… the truth is not for the faint of heart.” Ienzo cocked his head; Even scowled. “What? Child, you don’t think I sit around all day doing nothing but wait for you to come home?”
Yuffie tittered. Ienzo’s face heated.
Even gathered himself; his face lost all expression. “Heartless are supposed to be merely shadows, but the information I’ve been gathering… is worrying, to say the least.” He shuffled through some of his papers. “There have been… disappearances, if you will, in these areas noted to have higher than normal Heartless populations. At first, it seemed as though these individuals were simply being consumed, as Heartless are wont to do, but… these Heartless are chatty. They mention something about their hearts, about hearts pulled from bodies… and knowing what I know about a person’s heart and the way it is expressed through the aura… My working hypothesis is that these Heartless are being created from humans. Though how… I’ve yet to determine. Darkness can break physics, but so far all the casualties from Heartless have just been… bodies. I’ll need to study further.”
There was just silence for a long time. Ienzo looked at his palms. That Heartless he’d killed before he’d run into Dilan had been a person… he’d killed someone. A hot rush of nausea nearly brought tears to his eyes.
But they were suffering, he thought quickly. Then, could I have helped them become human again?
Even let out a long breath. “Moreover… there’s some circumstantial evidence that Xehanort… is using some of my own personal research to forward his agenda.” He grit his teeth. “ That I cannot let go of.”
“What kind of research?” Leon asked.
“I was looking into ways to create artificial bodies… to help those who have lost physical functioning. It was all theory , and yet… Cid found some concerning surveillance footage in Radiant Garden proper.”
“The replicas…” Ansem murmured. “You don’t think--”
“I’ve no idea what he would need bodies for , nor do I know how he’d animate them.” Even was really getting agitated now.
“Someone has to find out,” Aqua said. “I could investigate and report back.”
“And be safe about it,” Leon said. “If this is possible… we need to know.”
There was a pronounced silence. “Could I do something with my power?” Ienzo asked.
“No,” Even and Ansem said at the same time; Even locked eyes with the king once, his expression growing pained for a moment before smoothing to neutral. “No, it’s simply too dangerous for you,” Even finished. “They’d sense you in a heartbeat.”
“Even if I went with him?” Demyx asked, the fear in his voice audible.
“It’s not worth the risk.”
Ienzo’s fists clenched in his lap. “So what can I do,” he said softly.
Leon’s blue eyes (a cool blue, a normal blue) met his. “I’m wondering…” He began, drumming his fingers on his notebook. “How does your power… work with electronics?”
“I’ve no idea,” Ienzo said honestly, his curiosity piqued.
“Cid,” Leon said, still holding Ienzo’s gaze. “See what you can come up with about the network.”
“Shit, now that’s interesting,” Cid said. “Right on.”
“So should I connect to this network,” Ienzo said. “What then?”
“Think that depends on the true extent of your power. But potentially… well. Hope I haven’t gotten too rusty at hacking.”
Something to hold onto. “Right.”
The meeting ended not long after that. Ienzo was reeling--between the information about the Heartless, and seeing Ansem again, he had no idea how he was supposed to feel. The others broke off, to talk to Leon and see how they might be of use; Demyx squeezed his hand. “Guess I married up,” he murmured.
Ienzo smiled wearily. He could see across the room Even and Ansem in conversation, their expressions sharp, serious. After a moment, Ansem reached out to touch his arm. “Go on,” Ansem mouthed towards Ienzo. “I’ll see you soon.”
Though Ienzo was loath to listen, he also knew that Even and Ansem deserved a proper reunion as well. He let Demyx guide him out of that stuffy room, back up the stairs, and out of the mansion. It was fully night now. “Samhain,” Ienzo murmured. “I wonder if we’ll see any spirits along the way.”
Demyx shuddered. “I dunno. Not sure I want to find out.”
He exhaled. “You’re right--it’s after dark. We should go home.”
They headed back towards the forest. The rain was heavier now, the darkness thicker; Ienzo lit a small orb in his hand to guide them back onto the path. Demyx shuddered.
“It’s alright, if you’re scared of the dark,” Ienzo said. “Fine, especially now.”
“Some protector I am. Can’t even stand the dark.”
There was a whisper behind them, a crunch; Ienzo turned. “Must be one of the others.”
“Are you… sure?”
“Take a breath. It’s okay.” Still, Ienzo moved a little faster. The whispering got louder.
“I don’t know,” Demyx said, with a trace of panic.
“We’re nearly back on the street. They’ll be repelled by the light.”
The whispering surrounded them, a heavy smell of smoke, making the light in Ienzo’s palm dim. Ienzo let the magic wake further, and found to his shock there were more Heartless than he thought.
“I can… I can take them. Don’t worry.” But Ienzo had never seen this many Heartless at once; he had no idea why he hadn’t sensed them before.
There was a jammer.
“Saїx,” Ienzo whispered. “Oh--Ansem.”
“The others can protect him. We need to get out of here.”
“Stay near me. I’m going to… take care of them.” Heartless being made from people.
Ienzo… hesitated.
It was this hesitation they sensed, and they descended onto them, snuffing out his light entirely, shadows screaming.
Find boy find boy
Help me
Who’s the other one?
It’s hurting hurting hurting
Make it stop. Make it stop.
Where’s my wife?
“Ienzo, maybe you should do something?”
It felt like something was tugging at his magic, making him feel weird, weak, numb--
“Ienzo!” A more desperate cry.
“I can’t--I feel--” He tried to conjure magic with his palms, but it was hard to breathe.
“ Ienzo .”
A burst of light, a smell of the sea, and suddenly Ienzo was even wetter than before, and on the ground. Demyx tapped his face; he was doubled, dizzy, his phone flashlight throwing his face into sharp relief. “Demyx? What…” He struggled to sit up.
“I… I did magic, I don’t know how--they’re gone. The ones I didn’t kill I ran away.”
Ienzo tried to gather his strength. The magic seemed to be returning, so slowly… “I smell… vomit.”
“That was… me. I’m sorry. Just--thinking about what Even was saying--”
“Killing people,” he murmured.
“But they’re not people, they were screaming in pain, I heard it--”
“You did the right thing,” he said.
Demyx helped him up. “It was… water,” he said breathlessly. “Water, and… and light, I--I didn’t even know I could--”
“A latent power.”
“Triggered by you,” he mumbled.
“Maybe you… can get your powers back.”
“We need to get home,” Demyx said. “I… I don’t like the look of this place.”
“I hope we were the only ones attacked,” Ienzo muttered. He had to lean on Demyx heavily. “My fathers…” He pulled out his cell phone to text them. The bright screen sent a finger of pain through his right eye, and suddenly everything went black.
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