#And he can't help her because the way his father taught them to handle monsters is through violence not negotiation
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year ago
that SPN post + me flipping through a collection of story ideas has ne thinking of that time I looked at SPN and went "alright, if I wanted an Egyptian-American take on some of this, what would that be"
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stellarhistoria · 2 years ago
hold on i wanna rant about the team for a second so forgive me for this
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ace lancealot cytos: aryin's adoptive brother and the only person aryin has ever known who would have ever fit the true name of the cytos' if there ever was a person. headstrong and fierce, determined and brave, always helping those in need but never sacrificing himself and his own well being to do so (though one would argue that getting constantly in danger would be self sacrificing). one time, aryin joked that, if he was born into a family, would they have been twins? cayde grimaced at the thought; zee looked as if it caused him physical damage. canonically has (had?) a psychic link with aryin prior to the player disappearing.
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cayde pendraco: aryin's best friend and closest confidante, the very definition of "you've seen me at my worst; you chose to stay". one of the people who encouraged aryin to step away from the clutches of his father's desires and wishes for him during the first three years away from the rest of the group, cayde could ask aryin to do anything and aryin wouldn't blink. no hesitation. they're also both ex knights, which makes them bond more.
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juliet herald: ( over at @stellafortunae ) aryin's childhood friend and girlfriend of ace. known for being headstrong and brash, juliet is ofttimes uncertain of the people who show her gentleness, believing her surroundings as unsteady as the shifting sands. aryin can't say that she's unwarranted though. he was where she was, once. before rose. before peter. daughter of the most powerful man in existence.
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jetsam ryder: ( over at @constellaeinfinitum ) aryin's philosophical debate partner and someone who aryin has become quite fond of in the past few years of knowing them. an ex privateer turned pirate turned magic user turned chosen hero, jetsam is not someone who rushes headfirst into danger, often found questioning why things are the way they are, and grabbing everyone else by their collars to keep them safe. and if all else can't be done - they're usually on the frontlines with aryin, regardless of their, ah, unfortunate health pool. may or may not be questioning if what they feel for some party members is friendship or true love.
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gwennen gawain: ( over at @zodiac--muses ) aryin's girlfriend and the long lost princess, and sole survivor, of the gawain family lineage. aryin has always been a hopeless romantic, but he never believed he would fall so hard and so fast for gwennen gawain, even with all that he knows about her and her family. and oh, do the history books not do her endless beauty justice. he doesn't believe he deserves her, and some days he questions how he managed to get her to fall in love with a monster like him. but if a princess can fall in love with a monster, then this monster will rend the world to keep her safe.
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addam druei: aryin's new boyfriend and the recently put back together, only son of mordred druei (i know, i know, i GET IT). aryin had made a half-joke ( half serious comment ) to quell the nervous man's energy to something pleasant about being a polycule, and perhaps aryin wasn't against it. but... last time, last time... they weren't strong enough. what if they aren't, again? what if they can't protect him, OR HER? addam is determined to make that smile aryin wears a real one, because he knows it isn't.
teachers under the cut:
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zee genarel: described simply as a strawberry blonde twink of a femboy, zee is aryin's magic teacher, who taught them through their days of being an uncomfortable druid and cleric, and then again as they navigated the new classwork of wizardry with absolute glee in his temperament. however, to call zee a good man would be incorrect. zee is confident, selfish, and goal - oriented. this does not make him a bad person, but he is not good at handling those who have lost everything, time and time again. aryin respects him. that is all.
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vivian ashwind: ( seen only in anonymous asks ) a twin sister without her twin brother, vivian highwind is an unwitting, but not unwilling mentor for the group of keykids trying to find what they fight for in this raging war. she has been around a long time, and while she herself is a wanted woman, she is not one to go down without a fight. she is a good woman, abrasive as she may be. aryin does not know if he can call her a friend, let alone a teacher, not after...
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grey ashlynn: deceased. a gunslinging spitfire of a man who went through a deep effort to keep these kids happy and safe through any means necessary, even if it meant putting himself in danger time and time again. in many aspects, he was their honorary group dad, but none of them wanted to say it. if they said it, that would mean he could leave them. turns out, they just needed to know it for him to be attacked, to be killed, to be taken from them. aryin misses him. aryin misses his dad.
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mrfandomgage · 4 years ago
Chara, asleep: I... didn't want to fall back asleep
Night: No wonder people don't like you, you're rude and self absorbed.
Chara: Stop patronizing me with my own thoughts
Night: Force of habit.
Chara: Whoever your father is, he raised you poorly.
Night: Which one? The one that laughed at my funeral, or the one that watches over me now?
Chara: So why are you still here?
Night: I... just like being around others.
Chara: Alright, so what's your real name? No way am I going to believe it's "NiGhT tErRoR"
Night: I don't like my old name. It wasn't given to me for any other reason but to just simply give me a name. You, you were named by your mother before she died! That at least came from a place of love!
Chara, tears streaming his face: you like all of my bad locked down memories don't you?
Night: . . . It was Frisk, and It was Chara. Long story Short. I'm Night Terror. I will not discuss my name further. You can call me Nighty or something like that.
Chara: Frisk and Chara?
Night: I said No!
Chara: ... Frisk?
Night: STOP IT.
Chara, crouching down and ruffling through her hair: Frisk is a cute name
Night, looks frustrated: ...
Night, swats Chara's hand away, and she cries: That's not my name! That's not my name! I'm not her! So stop calling me her!
Chara: ... Who is she?
Night: She... oh... Stop bothering with my memories!
Chara: but that sounds interesting, and you already dug on my past, so why can't I know more about you?
Night: it's a long story
Chara: I have all night
Night: ... you will always be talking to "Frisk" when you talk to me, Chara is forever asleep in our soul. She... she was nice, maybe a little sad... But I'm not her anymore!
Chara: Come on, why was she sad?
Night: She... She had to live as a dream in a world of nightmares. I don't know how it happened. I honestly don't want to know why. She was supposed to be a bright beam of positive energy, in a world so negative, it wanted to crush her. Can... Can I stop?
Chara: I just said I have all night
Night, looking more tired: one day, she couldn't handle the verbal and physical abuse. She was beaten til she woke up, and screamed at for her to hope she'd never be awake again. Hearing of a legend that she may never be able to wake from. She woke up once more, but this time, in a nightmare with monsters. She wasn't just beating, but torn apart. She wasn't just yelled at, but broken til she killed herself by banging her head into a tree, or wall. Somehow, she sought to it to wake up... Chara I... I'm really tired
Chara: is your story done?
Night: ... one day, in her nightmare, she found a friend. Rare was it she had someone to talk to. Sans. He was like a father. She could cry to him, hug him, he'd listen and care. Waking up wasn't so bad anymore, he was there to help her. Then, he had a job. She found him and he did his job. Over. Over. And over. She cried, she wept. And at one point, she was too distraught to move her legs. She had to crawl to him. He still had his job. She then gave up. Forgot she had existed, and accidentally just continued walking into him. I... I can't remember how I ever got passed him. I just remember being stabbed with a trident, I don't even remember the pain. Just being impaled and thinking "where am I?" After that... she kept going. She wanted to free these people even though she couldn't remember a single thing. Her brain was empty. Her crying meant nothing to anyone, her pain meant nothing to anyone, her life meant nothing to herself but only as a means to wake up and continue and help people she didn't know. The next thing she remembered hearing, was encouragement, apologies, and worse of all, her friend trying not to cry... I... ... ...
Chara: who was her friend?
Night: Sans, he seemed so distraught about something. It confused her, reawakened some of her senses, she remembered the pain mostly, and the thorns cutting her body at the moment, making her warm blood spill to the ground pooling around her bruised knees. She began crying. She thought she fell asleep and when she woke up, she was still crying. She saw her friend as one of the many ashamed individuals in front of her. With that, she went home. Her parents were happy, then she came into the house. Oh how I think of them. I found out I had nothing coming back home. A few months passed... she was walking home from school, in her old, grey clothes. Lifeless she walked, and lifeless she was about to be. Her throat was slit, and thrown to the ground. She finally, and absolutely gave up. She was unimportant, she was worthless, she was nothing. Her soul broke. But something kept it together, at least half of it. Something made it whole again. I awake, because my soul consumed another, someone happy, someone cheerful. Someone filled with the negative energy that surrounded me. Someone to keep forever asleep in my mind while I use his soul for what I want. I took his soul, and all my hatred, my anger, my pain. It was forced to become one with mine, no matter what. I woke up. My throat was burning, and I sat up in my casket, wearing traditional purple clothes, for special events. I wanted yellow. I had desires of my own in such a long time, and the main thing that got me going was the idea of wearing the color yellow for the first time in my life. I left my funeral, sneaking around. I made... an arrangement to make it a closed casket. My first kill, it was so much fun. Do you get my point ye-
Chara: Continue
Night: what?
Chara: Continue, I want to hear more.
Night: I... don't want to
Chara: Continue, Fri-
Night: NO! I'LL CONTINUE! Please just don't call me her name... I remember going to the front doors and there were two people smoking, and that was my father and mother. Laughing that their daughter just died. I hid about and left somehow. I walked all the way home, it was Sunday, people were at church. I'd be praying too if I were them. I got home, and slept on my parents' bed. I knew they'd be at least an hour, I needed a nap. But oh. I got my parents soon and hung them from the lights. My mom was trying to pray, as my father fought and swung, til he had no breath to part his lips. All I could do as I watched them struggle was laugh. Then, I went out in the night. School kids who bullied me, bled their beds and their parents screamed. A lot of people died, but I don't know how most humans died to be honest. I only remember the monsters. I remembered Sans. So I killed his brother and saved him for later, I killed every monster. Hunted them down, one by one, and took their lives. After everyone else was dead. I gave Sans a note, telling him where to find me. We met. He was smiling as always. I told him that he had a job. All he did was nod. So I came at him and he... he did nothing as I cut him down. All I did when he was dead was... all I did was... all I did was laugh. Laugh and laugh.
Chara: ... you're lying
Night: What do you mean? All I did was laugh, I-
Chara: you were crying, laughing as a way to cope with the pain
Night: No I wasn't! I-
Chara: you're crying right now
Night, rubbing away the tears streaming down her face: ...
Chara: how long were you crying?
Night: ... I... I'm not Frisk. I can't be her. She died, never hurting anyone or anything. I Killed my friends, my family, children, I killed everyone that knew how to love. I killed Frisk, and I still do that. I don't care about her.
Chara: you're just a kid.
Night: That doesn't excuse COLBY JACK, I still did everything, because I wanted to, I still killed everyone, because I was... because I... was... because I'm a real monster! Just because I miss Sans now doesn't mean I'll stop! Just... I'll take breaks... and maybe one day I can permanently die. I haven't found anything to do that yet.
Chara: Who is your dad?
Night: he's pretty cool. I don't feel like I want to hurt anyone while around him. I got my education in one universe, he taught me magic in another. He feeds me and cleans my hair. He's pretty strict on what I can do at home, but he's worried about me. Maybe you can visit some time.
Chara: Maybe, your dad sounds cool.
Night: please, just, don't call me Frisk. I'm not her
Chara: You are her. You're just confused, and a bit more aggressive than average.
Night: ... a bit?
Chara: long story.
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the-diamond-fox-express · 5 years ago
The tale of Casey Grimm part 5: the sheriff and the stringless
It was night time in showdown valley and everyone finished what they are doing and called it the night, Sheriff Jones is checking the town to make sure everyone is safe in doors
But until he heard strange noises in the darkness " Scrrrreeee ( stringless sounds ) " that sound made Jones jump, because he knows that stringless comes out at night, the sound gets louder and louder, so loud that Jones is shaking in his boots
Then all the sudden the sound stop, now it is very quiet no sound or noise, until sheriff Jones heard the sound of boots walking on wood planks, then he saw a figure in the distance and it stop
Sheriff Jones got out his gun and pointed at the figure " who... who are you " he spoke to the figure
The figure didn't say a word and came even closer to Jones, until it began to speak " mmm he he he... you don't reorganize your dead daughter "
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" GASP" Jones was shocked by surprise to see that the one who made those sounds is Casey, he also knows what that means " you are... you are a " Casey made him pause
" yes Jones I am a stringless now, by what you did to me " Casey in a angry mood
Jones continues to shake in a fierce kind of way " how... it's impossible for to become one of those... mo... monsters "
That made Casey more angry then ever " a monster... A MONSTER... SO THAT'S WHAT YOU CALLING ME NOW A MONSTER " Casey continues talking " the only monster here in this town is you, you are the one who made me what I am, all because of your jealousy, and now it's your turn " Casey taking out her scythe like weapon
" GULP, my turn for what " Jones not to sure what Casey meant it's his turn
Casey finish her sentence " well, it's your turn... to have the same fate as Me ! " as Casey charging at Jones with her scythe, but Jones dodge it and he shoot at Casey 6x, Jones know that he only has six bullets in his gun then he turn to Casey
Some how Casey is still standing up even she got shoot so many times " hmph, is that all you got Jones... he he hehe ha ha HA HA HA " Casey laughed so hard " you that I'm already dead, and you can't kill me again " Casey is going mad and charges at Jones again but this time she will not miss
Jones began to run away, but before Casey reaches up to him, a lasso came out of nowhere and caught her " run Jones run " a farmer shouting at Jones to run, when the farmer saw what he caught that tries to attack, he sees that what he caught was Casey Grimm herself, he was shock what he had seen, but his so distracted that Casey broke free of the lasso and ran after Jones, then the farmer pass out of what he sees and the townsfolk woke up by the noise and see him on the ground
Meanwhile as Jones ran and ran into the desert as he thinks he will be safe but he is wrong, right behind him was Casey catching up, Jones tried to run even faster but Casey is much faster then him, as soon Casey reach out to him and grab him, Jones punch Casey in the face to get her off him
Casey was holding the side of her face where Jones punch her as her hat fell off, when she removed her hand Jones sees what was behind her hair, behind her hair was that half of her face is gone " you really are a stringless, THE CREATURES THAT KILLS FOLKS WITH STRINGS " Jones having a panic attack what he made Casey become
" that's right Jones you made me a murderous... killing... a dead hearted monster that I become " as Casey swing her weapon at Jones, Jones have nothing to fight against Casey but he has his sheriff skills and strike
Both Casey and Jones having a bloody fight, Jones using his skills and Casey using her sheriff skills with her weapon, as Jones get's tired he cannot fight anymore, then Casey kick him in the distance as Jones is to weak to get up
Casey slowly walks towards him as Jones lifting himself up, Casey put her weapon against his neck about to kill him
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" you are the one who started this, and now I'm going to end it " as Casey lifting her weapon to the side ready to swing, but before in the time she's about to swing, someone came out of nowhere and stop Casey " CASEY STOP "
Casey turns to see who had stop her and it is Faceless, " Faceless... what are you doing "
" I'm trying not to let you go to far " Faceless in a worried way " if you kill someone with strings, you will lose control of her stringless side and none of us can stop you in that stage " that made Casey realize what is she doing and drop to the ground and cried
As Casey cried, Faceless turns to Jones and go towards him, he pick him up by the neck and shouted " so you are the one who killed my goddaughter " as he continues shouting at Jones " why did you do that, after you took in and rise her "
Jones couldn't speak and Faceless drop him, Casey stops crying and stand beside Faceless as Jones began to tell him why " I know that I'm a bad father... cough ... cough ... but sometimes parents do mistake of what they taught there children" Casey is beginning to lose her ground " to make them better... smarter... stronger then any of us..."
Casey grabs Jones' shirt, she began to lose herself as Jones sees her eyes begin to fade in blackness and only a red glow in her eyes " Sccrrrreeee " Casey making stringless noises again, then the noise turns into growls as began to transform in her beast site
As Faceless watched her body grows bigger, her body changes to animal parts and her boots, gloves and everything she wears torn, and then she stops growing
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Casey is bigger than anybody not even Jones, Jones is now even more afraid of her even in her beast form
Casey had keep her form for to long ever since Jones took her in, Casey began to growl at him like Jones is face to face with a massive bear that what's to kill him, then Beast Casey let out a huge roar at Jones " RRRRROOOOOOAAAAARRRR, huff " that made his ears ring
Faceless knows that she's going to kill him, so he put his hand on her leg and stroke, as his stroking he sings the Grimm's family's lullaby, that made Casey lost her grib and drop Jones
As Casey was distracted by the song Faceless warned Jones " Jones... if I see you came near me or her you wish you already dead " that made Jones in a tightened site as he ran but to town
Faceless continues to stroke and sing as Casey drop to the ground and she began to come back as her eyes return from the darkness of her eyes " Fa... Faceless " as she begins to come back from her stringless self
Faceless stops singing and talk to Casey " there we go... there's the little beast I remember " as Faceless places his hands on her face " wow look at you, now more scarier then your cute version " beast Casey head butts into Faceless in a gentle way
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Faceless began to giggle " he he ok ok Casey... I know you feel so but sometimes you can't handle it and it wants to come out "
" I know that but I can't help it " Casey began to cry again " I know what you mean, I'm to afraid to do it again "
Faceless stocking her fur like hair " I know Casey I know " as he continues strocking " let's go home now, you had a rough night " Casey agrees with him as he hops on her back like a horse and road off
Many mouths went and the town hears what the farmer had said for what he saw last night, and the townsfolk believed that Casey is still lives but in a stringless version of her, the town knows that Casey is still there hero
For Jones he still stays with his children and he never spoke a word about Casey
Faceless he still does his job, began creepy of course
As for Casey she has two jobs one in the day and one at night, in the day she still does sheriff stuff but as a stringless she's much faster and stronger than ever before and town cheers for her, and at night she works for Lorelei undertaker known as miss undertaker she kills stringless for her to get her job done
Faceless sometimes visit Casey at her new home, her home is abandoned mansion, it's so big that it's perfect for when she's in her beast form
Now from this day Casey is now known as the stringless sheriff of showdown valley, and as for her beast form everyone calls her the beast of showdown valley
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And that's how Casey came to be
I hope you all enjoy this story, if you have any questions like me know in the ask box and i'll answer them
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bahytarek · 6 years ago
Ben Tennyson - Ben 10,000 - Ben 10K
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Hero of Heroes - Wielder of the Omnitrix
Ben has been through a lot growing up. It all might seem glamorous, and sometimes it looks like fun but the truth is that this life isn't all perfect.
He's had many victories throughout his life. He defeated Vilgax, destroyed Zs'Skayr, made peace with the Highbreed, saved Galvan Mark II from a psychotic vengeful Galvanic Mechamorph, prevented the Incursean Empire from taking over the Earth, made other realities and dimensions a safer place, and created the entire Universe twice.
This man never stops doing what he does best, being a true hero. He spends most of his time saving the universe or stopping some crook. However big or small the problem, Ben risks his life and jumps ahead to save the day. We saw that sometimes, Ben does get hurt, even if he got hurt as an alien. Ben risks his physical health without even considering how bad things could get because he believes that if he doesn't step in, things could get worse, and can you blame him? People depend on Ben on a daily basis, and the job just gets harder and harder on him the older he gets, never really getting a chance to relax. Notice how I said job.
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Ben started this life since he was 10, and took it as a game up until Vilgax threatened his family and showed him the risks of being a hero. Ben has spent most of his childhood as an outcast and as a target for bullying, the Omnitrix made him feel like he was worth something, like he was a hero. After defeating Vilgax for the first time, Ben still goofed off but knew deep down that there will come a time where he'll have to get serious.
Zs'Skayr is a complete psycho, instead of beating the snot out of Ben like Vilgax, he hit him where it really hurt, mentally. Zs'Skayr possessed Gwen and threatened Ben by making her stand on the ledge of a building, willing to commit suicide by jumping off. The next time Zs'Skayr attacked Ben's family, Ben was over protective of Gwen and Grandpa Max, he was scarred by his last encounter with Zs'Skayr. Gwen took it as him being cocky and selfish but the opposite is true, and for a 10 year old, Ben was completely brave.
In Secrets of the Omnitrix, Ben believed that Gwen was killed and completely blames himself, wishing it was him instead, a feeling that no 10 year old should feel.
Ben eventually unlocks Feedback, an alien he feels strongly attached to. During this time, he became enemies with a corrupted Galvanic Mechamorph named Malware. Malware eventually destroyed the Conductoid's DNA within the Omnitrix, making Feedback unaccessible. Ben loses for the first time, and in his rage he straight up murders Malware. I assume it was after that incident Ben removed the Omnitrix for 4 years.
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Enter Alien Force. Ben wears the Omnitrix again because he fears for his Grandfather's life. This choice wasn't easy because it shows that he enjoyed being normal, but as soon as someone needed his help, he didn't hesitate to slam it on his wrist. He eventually becomes close friends with former enemy Kevin E.Levin.
Ben matured a lot during the first two season of Alien Force when he had to deal with the fact that his beloved Grandfather "died" and that he was in the middle of a Galactic War. After it ended and Max was revealed to be ok Ben managed to be happy again in season 3. Yet once again, Gwen mistakes this as him being cocky and wreckless, and even though he was a little cocky, Ben was just truly happy for once, and felt like a true hero again. At the end of Alien Force, Ben blew up the Omnitrix to stop Vilgax, proving that it's not the watch that makes him a hero. Ben doesn't feel this way though, and proceeds to take the Ultimatrix from Albedo.
In Ultimate Alien, Ben is now famous, not only across the stars, but on Earth as well. He has to deal with fame and criticism at the age of 16 while still trying to pass in his classes and save the Universe everyday. To a kid, this is a lot of pressure. In the beginning Ben seemed fine with it, but at some point it just seemed exhausting. Above all of this, his relationship with Julie, his girlfriend at the time, was rocky. She wished that he was there more but how could he? He's constantly trying to keep the Universe safe, he hardly even gets a good night's rest, and she expects him to be available? Again, the other characters make it look like it's all Ben's fault but the truth is, Ben can't do anything about it, despite the fact that he could turn into aliens, he's only human!
Ben eventually fails to save the 5 aliens that trusted him and then has to deal with the fact that his once best friend Kevin, is once again evil. It's up to Ben to stop him, it has to be him wheither he likes it or not, and this obviously hurt him, but he has no choice but to stop him, even if it meant to go to the extreme if the situation required. Because deep down, it's his fault, or so he thinks. He believes that maybe if he defeated Aggregor himself, if he was strong enough, Kevin would be ok. In the end it all worked out, but at what cost? Ben considered killing his friend, this will forever haunt him. He even willingly "sacrificed himself" to free all the Ultimate Aliens that blamed him for their imprisonment inside of the Ultimatrix, not because he had too, but because he wanted to. Freeing these creatures to him were far more important than his own life. At the end of Ultimate Alien, Ben gets the Ascalon and can now recreate the universe in anyway he wishes, destroy all evil, but he doesn't, he just fixes everything. Ben isn't arrogant or misuses his powers. Even though Ben can now control Alien X (or eventually) he wouldn't do anything extreme because he has limits, he knows right from wrong.
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In Omniverse, Ben has gone through a lot. Gwen and Kevin left him behind, his only two real friends that could ever understand him in a way. He eventually gets close to his new plumber partner Rook Blonko. At some point, Ben recreated the Universe after it was destroyed and is the only one that remembers it's destruction. Even though he did something so heroic, he was forced to stand trial in front of the entire Universe for it. Not only that, but because of this one moment, another villain, Servantis, makes a hit squad to kill Ben just because he believes that Ben is too powerful to be trusted. Servantis also reveals Kevin as a sleeper agent. Ben again would blame himself for Kevin's turn but was more optimistic about saving him this time. Instead of trying to kill him, he just wanted to leave, regroup, and come up with a plan (he didn't know of course that Kevin was secretly good).
Ben was also forced to leave his friends and family behind on Earth thanks to the Incursean invasion. He was forced to deal with Malware, the alien that killed Feedback and mentally scarred Ben for years. He learns that in most realities he becomes evil. He temporarily died right before giving his Omnitrix to another Ben, but instead of being saddened by the fact that he's dying at such a young age, he gives advise to the other Ben to become a hero, to protect this Universe from monsters like Vilgax. Ben as a person has gone through so much growing up, and we got to watch him become a true hero, a hero of heroes. He mentored a younger alternate version of himself, he taught Rook how to be a hero instead of just being a plumber, he taught Kevin the importance of friendship, he inspired Gwen to become Lucky Girl and pursue magic, he motivated Grandpa Max to become a plumber once more. Literally everyone that gets close to Ben will have some kind of heroic trait because Ben shows them what it means to fight for others, to be selfless, to truly become a hero.
Ben knows about the man he'll become in the future, he's well aware that things will get harder and that he'll be a hero for ever. The pressure of knowing that he'll have to fill those shoes eventually must put some pressure on him sometimes.
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We now know that at the age of 20, Ben becomes more serious and more of a loner. The reasons why are unknown, and the possibilities are endless. Maybe he blames himself for the loss of his Grandfather's arm or maybe he couldn't handle the fact that he was forced to throw Kevin into the Null Void again. Whatever the reason, Ben decides that it's for the best to do what he does on his own. Due to his history of almost losing his loved ones, it's easy to understand that at some point something happened that made him quit having a team. He'd rather die than see the ones close to him get hurt, but with this solitude and loneliness, he eventually became angrier and less sociable. We also learn that with the help of his master control, Ben used XLR8 to patrol the entire planet on a daily basis to stop any kind of crime from happening.
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Ben no longer sees this as a game, it's his mission, it's the one thing he believes he's good for, being a hero. It's all anyone ever needed from him, it's all he thinks he needs to do. What's troubling how ever, is his loss of self. Ben got so comfortable with the idea of going hero all day 24/7, he no longer becomes Ben, because to him, Ben is just a weak human transformation. He no longer needs Ben, he's just the wielder of the Omnitrix, all that matters to him is being who people need him to be when he's needed, but not by being himself.
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After the episode "Ben 10,000", Ben lightens up and begins to become the man he once was, one by one. In "Ken 10" he's happy, up untill he sees Kevin again, realising that he can't escape the mistakes of his past. This is when Ben reverts to his serious, more stubborn self, and pushes Ken, his son, aside to take Kevin down. Later when he sees Ken hurt, he loses his temper and demolishes Kevin as Waybig.
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Four years later, we see that Kevin is better, angry, but better. Ben is still happily married with Kai (unlike Julie, Kai is also a hero, thus understanding the responsibilities and the pressure that Ben is under), Ken grew to be more of a hero, making his father proud, and Ben's life seems to be fine in a way.
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Ben's life wasn't easy nor fun, but in the end, he has a group of loving family members and friends to support him when needed, and as long as they are by his side, he can learn to enjoy life and still be the hero the world needs him to be.
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