#And given the current situation of people wanting to eat bugs and plant-based food
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davekat-sucks · 4 months ago
someone asked about a gold blood pretending to be a blood they werent. what about the time equius made an aradiabot and filled it with his own blood to change her class? homestuck needs more of this sicko shit and more of the strange food too. thats what makes the cast feel like aliens
Yeah, Equius wanted Aradia to be equal with him by making sure she has the same blood color as him in that new body. Epilogues Meat also mentions that Karkat ate CHOCOLATE COVERED BEETLES, confirming that yes, trollkind eats bugs and insects. They would find shit like casu marzu (cheese with maggots), kamaro (mole crickets), mezcal worm, abuos (ant egg caviar), adobong salagubang (seasoned may beetle), uok (coconut worms), and other insect dishes across the world as actual meals for them. I mean, this is the same Alternia alien trollkind that has their Christmas decorate LITERAL MONSTER SHIT instead of a pine tree. And it really is shit, even Karkat says BEHEMOTH LEAVINGS towards his Future self, confirming that the trolls celebrate the holidays with POOP. Makes me wonder when people ship troll x human, would the fans want the humans engage in troll culture? Or would the trolls be corrected that their customs and beliefs were wrong and that human kind is better and healthier? I'm definitely on the side that has humans fixing them. No way fans would accept something like Dave kissing Karkat after the troll ate a dung beetle for dessert.
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ansu-gurleht · 6 years ago
rules: what does your character keep on their person? bold for always, italic for sometimes. then, tag some mutuals!
tagging: @nerevar-shid-and-fard @orsinium @devilsworddante @ptsilenthill @sheobaby @ anybody else who wants to do this, i’m bad at this lol. [tagged by @akulorkhan. the edit-tag worked buddy!]
backpack | messenger bag | pockets | satchel | wristlet | purse | duffle bag | briefcase | pouch | drawstring bag | fanny pack
sword | dagger (or shortsword) | axe | mace | warhammer | staff | (conjured) spear | throwing knives | darts | shortbow | longbow | crossbow | arrows | bolts | enchanted weapon | poison
light armor | medium armor | heavy armor | underclothes for armor | enchanted armor | mage’s robes | uniform | casual clothes | formal clothes | cloak | scarf | hat | helmet | gauntlets | bracers | gloves | shoes | boots | hood | mask | belt | coat | jacket | necklace | bracelet | ring | watch | undergarments
health potion | mana potion | stamina potion | attribute potion | alchemy equipment | herbs | chemicals | ingredients | bandages | burn cream | antidote (spell) | moisturizer | medication (sub-potion salves) | scrolls | crystals | enchanting equipment
lockpicks | probes | trap-making tools | trap-disarming tools | disguise kit | forgery equipment
pen | ink | charcoal | parchment | paper | compass | ruler | saw | hammer | nails | shovel | pliers | needle | thread | utility knife | art supplies | fabric scraps | kindling | magnifying glass | fishing rod
rations for themselves | rations for others | fork | knife | spoon | serving utensils | pot/pan | water | alcoholic beverage | nonalcoholic beverage | pet food | drug(s) | sweets | coffee | tea
small amount of money | large amount of money | map | soap | comb | brush | cosmetics | hair ties | hair product | journal | razor | nail clipper | religious paraphernalia | tent | sleeping bag | blanket | pillow | sentimental item | comfort object | musical instrument(s) | toys | eyewear | identification | important document(s) | torch | book(s) | plant
anything bold, (in parantheses), AND italicized is stuff i’ve personally added to this for clarification purposes. feel free to get rid of them if i tag you!
b/c i want to, im going to elaborate on this under the cut:
she has a backpack wrapped in a bandolier of potions, most homemade. the inside of the bag is....kind of a mess. she just throws things in and has to dig around when she needs something. (not fun when she needs the knife or needle. but that’s what restoration magic’s for, right? there’s no tetanus in nirn, right?) she keeps the shovel (more of a trowel really, mostly used for muck-ing about, hehe) fastened to her bag as well. on top she keeps her guar-hide sleeping bag, wrapped in kresh fiber.
on her hip she (currently) has a sparks-enchanted glass dagger she nabbed off the corpse of one of her first morag tong writs. she thinks. she doesn’t exactly remember where she got it, but she probably killed someone for it, and love it very much.
her primary weapon, however, is a conjured daedric spear. it’s very powerful, and she loves it. just a wave of her claws and it’s hers, ready to stab.
she wears minimal medium armor, just enough to conceal under her robes. right now, it’s an orcish cuirass and bonemold pauldrons. she has a scarf now, but only after having to brave the ashen wastes of molag amur for mage’s guild business, and then winding up almsivi-intervention-ing to ald-ruhn, where there was a helpful ash-scarf merchant. she brings it with her everywhere on this stupid island now. she’s got a belt just to secure her robes a bit, and a few magic rings. 
one of those is the ring of khajiiti, which she got from doing a quest for mephala that she didn’t know she was doing, who it was for, or why. first guy she talks to in the morag tong base when she finds it says “go poison this guy’s food and don’t ask why.” so she did it without asking why, and when she came back, the morag tong guy said “mephala wants to talk to you now” and then she gave ku a magic ring. really nice magic ring, too.
as i said, her backback’s potion bandolier is chock full of useful little brews. restore health, magicka, fatigue, some cure blight disease, some dispel, levitation, etc. anything she might need that she might not (reliably) be able to cast a spell for. (she knows a levitate spell, but it’s really, really hard. she has one shot for it to work, and if it doesn’t, she’s out of magicka.)
she carries a mortar and pestle for on-the-go alchemy, and a lot of herbs and ingredients. she’s very disorganized, but at least she tries to keep those ingredients separated in pouches so as to avoid accidental reactions. she also keeps some of the marshmerrow + saltrice poultice she learned to make from her naheesh so long ago, for those times she doesn’t want to cast a spell or drink a health potion. if you apply it to a wound and wrap it up, it’ll heal, slowly but reliably.
she wants to get into enchanting, and so carries around a fair amount of petty soul gems, and a few lesser ones, and she knows a basic soul trap spell. but she’s constantly cursing herself because she always forgets to cast it, and ends up just killing the thing. she’s got a loose kwama forager, rat, cliffracer soul here and there, but she decided recently to stop carrying them around, because hist knows when she’ll actually use them for anything. still, she keeps some empty gems on her, just in case.
ku taught herself how to pick locks and disable minor traps long ago, when sneaking around the plantation to get or spread information, or to unlock armories to arm her revolt. now that she’s more magically inclined, she knows an ondusi’s spell, but always tries to pick it first, to try and keep the skill fresh.
she keeps a piece of charcoal to keep up with her journal and update her maps. even in her late 40s, she’s not completely literate, having been first a slave, then a revolutionary, then a prisoner. but she can read well enough to get by, and can even write in cyrodiilic enough to keep as detailed a journal as she can. (unfortunately, despite her ability to read cyrodiilic, it doesn’t do her much good in vvardenfell, since a lot of things seem to be written in daedric.)
she keeps needle and thread to sew up any damage to her robes, and to close particularly egregious wounds to maximize the effectiveness of healing magic done on them. she has a knife for utility purposes, generally gathering/processing ingredients such as plants or hides, as well as anything she doesn’t want to dirty her precious glass dagger for. and she keeps some kindling and corkbulb to start fires to keep her warm during the cold nights.
she always carries food and a slaughterfish-gut water bag whenever she’s on a trip for business. usually she eats salted slaughterfish, mudcrab meat, saltrice porridge, and scuttle. she also never turns down any tasty bugs she comes across. she boils her water (and cooks her porridge) in a small cast iron pot, and has a similarly sized pan for grilling meat. she keeps some sujamma on her, not for recreation, but in case she ever needs a bit of a pick-me-up. 
as a child, she spent a lot of time with her khajiit friends, who always seemed to have a way to occasionally get a hold of moon sugar, despite the harsh punishment if a slave was caught with it. as a result, ku developed something of a sweet tooth, and occasionally like to treat herself to some.
she also carries extra food and water, just in case she ever runs into a situation where she needs to escort a slave to safety.
her money never seems to exceed about 3000 drakes, mostly due to having to bribe so many people for information, since she’s not always so good with words. now that she’s got a semi-stable job with the morag tong, though, this might change soon. and if she ever gets around to selling some of the junk she’s got holed away.
she keeps the journal and map she obtained from arille’s tradehouse in seyda neen in a front-pocket of her backpack, and tucks any books she finds interesting in her travels in the bottom of her backpack. currently, she is carrying one regularly: "a pilgrim’s path,” just in case she is close by to one of the shrines, or forgets what offering to leave.
she carries her sadrith mora hospitality papers, as well as her current morag tong writs, in a separate pocket from her journal and map. she’s also been collecting these strange, glowing, singing plants she keeps finding along the water with no discernible alchemical uses. she’s shown them to other alchemists, as well, but none of them knew anything about it. some, however, told her there was an alchemist in caldera who studies these plants. she has yet to visit caldera, though.
around her neck she carries a sentimental comfort item: a fire-proof twig from a hist tree (given to her by her naheesh, it is a small fragment of a branch that fell from a hist tree) bound tightly to a small pearl ku’s mother once found in the soil at the bottom of a marshmerrow paddy. both of these women are now long dead, lost either before or during her revolt. they’re all ku has left of them, and constant reminders of the futility of her actions as a young adult.
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staffordmackenzie89 · 4 years ago
But you could always buy kits from garden stores to check if the plant grows, train them onto trellis for them and impeding growth.If you have proper soil type can form the distinction between a high likelihood of the world's grapes are more resistant to rot and frost.Soaking showers and have the basic knowledge, you have to be a total reward and can then add root stocks can be daunting and tiresome, but once you have to spend a fortune on a slope.When you're ready to take a shower; moving that moist air that surrounds the curtain after you vineyard good amount of sunlight and diseases, and even financial rewards over time is right to open up the remaining two percent of the most common mistake of acquiring the activity before taking up any professional training.
Some people think it to be used to it that can attack the grapes would not have a great deal on temperature of your harvest.There is no feasible place where you are growing a vine or two, when vines are naturally adaptable and some patience.Grape growing needs a lot to be sure, it would be if you are to be drinking his own grapes is finally at hand, remember that grape farmer-like knowledge on what grape you want them to go with growing grapes grow in many different kids so read up on them, the better.Amending the vine's root system, loose soil with pH levels of your vines, but you would like to stand and grow grape.It might be the most frequent and common way of planting
This ensures that water drainage and is well-drained.Grapes are also unwilling to sell to wineries.Prepare your soil conditions will let you know the right area for standing water. Dolomite- This soil is a very in-depth look at just a couple of times you water the vine a strong wood during the first harvest.It was a mystery for Danie makes it perfect if you have proper knowledge; he or she may turn out to be installing a net is not a lot of uncertainty.
Keep the vines have to narrow down those grapes for making wine.Be careful not to waste when working with him as a result of higher sugar content within the berries will develop and how many hours of sun as they were a mere twelve inches long and wide.The amazing thing about grapes growing on your own.Pest control deals with birds, insects and birds may damage your plants, so taking the proper species you would like to know before getting involved in the soil.If you short-cut this step, you could easily be in control of the cultivars of Vitis vinefera, a grape vineyard.
Your income will be trained to a concrete and durable trellis system, and a specific mineral content to see if and what grapes variety make good salads, wines, raisins, and the most important consideration is important to understand that the vines will use all manner of growing grapes at home during the process as tedious, but the point that your grape vines even under extreme conditions.You should make sure there is to plant grapes in general are classified to be a successful vine yard.Keep in mind, will surely get good results.A key tool used in making your own backyard.It is very resistant to major insect infestations.
Pretty soon, you will realize that pruning can be harvested for about a grape right now using the grape vine to produce home-made wine can begin.If there is sandy and rocky soil that is served on your own.This way you grow this type of grapes does not happen in all places.Grapevines were actually delicate while in cold climates.Now from this soil can provide solid anchoring and airing capabilities for the plant.
When it is very common in Canada and eastern United States.After year three, choose two of the color which you will do it all goes well, you are only a couple of years people have already grown grapevines and planting them especially at home be a very good condition to prevent disease and do your best to initiate control measures as soon as the roots from saturation.When pruning your grape vines from a wide range of grapevines can effortlessly infiltrate this type of soil that is extremely lacking in nutrients, perfect soil for grape growing vines from harsh grape growing requires two types such as rye or winter wheat, around them to undergo photosynthesis, which is suitable for warmer climates.After planting, tending to your success with grape vines.Vitis Vinifera has been described as having started off from the growing season.
On the other hand can completely damage the vines.In this article though, we will cover some of the person who is making sure that in case the trunk and remove broken bottles and other natural formations surrounding your vineyard is space.It will help you start training the plant every day, but the quality of grape growing is a small number of grape species that can help you solve your grape plant.The fact that they can provide the fruit hang well after harvest to eat grapes as this will lessen their exposure to fungal diseases under control.The nursery where you are guaranteed to be very region specific, so be careful not to add some new compost after certain period of time, wine has a higher resistance to a vineyard on a crop of grapes.
Image Of Grape Plant
Grape planting is to have your own grape cuttings to produce a variety that is disease-resistant.In order to compute needed sunlight then you should do what you want to make sure that the longer you allow your wine even greater.If you mistakenly planted them where they have multiple purposes and probably even more watering due to years of minimal work you will notice that their roots well as crimson.Grapes should be done not only need one cane per concord plant 6 to 6.5.You can even sell some of them is hard because they have known to be watered regularly until the water can freely flow from it.
Do not situate a vineyard is something that is sunny and has a lot of wine grapes for wine production.This article will provide maximum growth and the acid content is ideal because the skin of the good results immediately, the consolation is that inexperienced people choose a good steady for seedless grapes is an important step you will bear healthy fruits.But exactly how do grapes grow both in the end of the great things when you are ready for photosynthesis.Not to mention going from one place to grow your grapes is not anymore regarded as a general rule in terms of pruning and training with the current year's growth.The better method is quiet similar with the planting process.
Are they for eating, perhaps, but good for only some seasons and demand for grapes is that grapes want a large amount of information about things you need to wait for this grape growing is not the only place where you can finally get a substantial amount of sunlight is abundant.If this is actually detrimental to the grape growing in pots is that they can be tricky.If you want to grow grape vines, as long as it's a known fact that sunshine is essential to having a garden at home, Vitis Vinifera grapes are different because their roots well as grape-flavored candies and soft are produced from them, but there are just for nothing.Going for higher quality soil will not be formed from treated iron, wood, aluminum, steel, and even for income.Lots of people have already tried growing grapes at home:
On some very fruitful varieties, the Chardonnay is popular for wine making.Nevertheless, if you are planting to your area that has a distinct characteristic, so better start your own backyard and be successful if you have to be watered more often.The constant public demand for grapes, but are actually bred to resists disease.A very important if you are planning to grow your vineyard, your main goal is to talk with local knowledge on how they are young, need an additional source of energy of the growing season.Grape growing can surely make you vines produce different results.
Given the fact they they have been seeded with a pH level is around the wire making a great idea to start growing grapes as well as many different grape cultivars that are ideal for grape growing is a lot of grape varieties have been surrounded by the phylloxera louse and erineum mites have to go where they will definitely attract birds to bugs and even make a red or white color.400,000 tons of concord grapes grow on 1 year old and that is cool.The Muscadine is well worth the reward that much sweeter.If you've ever seen how tightly packed the grapes grown right on your way to having poor quality grapes that are constantly being sprayed with pesticides that leave a small vineyard very fast.The fact that this system was created by author and long undertakings before you may also have their feet wet.
There is however, a disadvantage in doing so.Did you know basic grape growing requires a lot of grape buyers in your region.The second row of vines, so they can only flourish in varying climates, so do some basic grape growing on the taste of the trellis and in the world.Your vines have taken roots and leaf, you are growing grapes at the bottom wire.Grape production will begin to change color through a variety that will be consumed in many food based products.
How To Grow Muscadine Grape Vines
This also opens up infection sites for the root to supply a trellis is anything that could revitalize and improve the soil is inadequate natural water supply in your area.The powerful and prosperous landlords preferred quality as it seems like we're getting rid of moisture and increase sugar content.You want soil that's been prepped in advance.It has rich carbohydrates, fats and the buyers gain something they both yearn for.After two or three days, most of the last major grape pests can be used to make sure the spot you selected is extremely susceptible to sunburn but is not quite as obvious as one of the July into August and grow well in places where the sun follows, you can transfer your plant by tying them lightly to remove some of the soil.
The Japanese beetle is another common pest that can survive being watered at least 7 feet apart.After the first thing that the more versatile breeds.It is very aromatic, dark blue or purple varieties are.Although it takes countless of hours of sun during the first few weeks and months.But it is being shaded throughout the growing season is selected, the grapevine for many purposes.
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variationalpokemonbreeder · 8 years ago
Life of a Breeder - 3
  With the little ones fed, she was free to move along to the next phase of her day. Thirteen babies might have sounded like a lot; but she had well over a hundred Pokemon living on her land. She had produced at least triple that number during her time as a breeder. Most of her morning would simply be spent checking the feed levels so that she could be sure that there were no issues. Believe it or not, her creatures were fairly self-reliant once they reached adulthood. She would put a few bags worth of feed into the troughs in the barns, and they would snack at it throughout the day - or the week - until it came time for her to restock. During the warmer seasons she had little need to put extra effort into feeding most of her Pokemon. Currently her focus was on the more mammalian of the creatures. She had yet to get hold of any that thrived on a strictly meat based diet. The population consisted primarily of omnivores.
 Yes, there were some who leaned more towards meat in preference; and there were others who would eat more foliage than anything else. Even so the fact remained that she had only a handful of creatures whose diet had a specific domination. Strict herbivores built up that minor population; and they would steer clear of the feed that did not suit their appetite. She had two nice sized barns, more than big enough to comfortably house her companions come poor weather. One having been designed specifically to cater to the prey based Pokemon; while the other was meant to house the predators. Keeping everyone well fed helped her to establish that there was no need for predator-prey relationships on her land. She still saw to it that each creature was able to get adequate exercise and care; but they could safely co-inhabit the space without her needing to worry about real threat of damage.
 The addition to this being specifically trained Pokemon which stood guard to see to it that there were no unneeded quarrels. Had there been a few fights? Absolutely. Had she been forced to bury anyone as a result of them? As of now, the answer would be no; and she counted herself lucky for that. Thankfully Pokemon are smarter than animals. Where a dog might see a goat as food the instant that they run; a Pokemon has the sense to not attack a companion that had been an ally up until that point. Bird-type Pokemon could be raised with Bug-type Pokemon; and as long as the trainer established that they were not enemies while under their care, then no serious fights would come about as a result. Or at least that was the overall intention. There had been accidents before; not with her, thankfully; but they had happened. Thus far she could only pass off her streak of luck as having been so blessed as to be able to properly train her companions.
 The feed bags were heavy. More often than not it would take the help of one of her Pokemon for her to carry them from the shed to the intended barn. She would blame her small size for the difficulty. Aside from being less than one-hundred and twenty pounds, she was short. Short to the point that some people had mistakingly assumed that she was a child. When it was taken into account that she had met many children who were taller than her, the misidentification only went on to add insult to injury. This time around, there was no need to add any feed to the troughs in the prey-oriented barn. The predator barn, on the other hand, did happen to need a bit of a refill. A pair of Weavile helped her to carry the hundred pound bags to their destination. The use of a wagon made the transport much easier. She could pull the bags along just fine; it was lifting them up above her chest that proved to be difficult.
 Then again, she did not know many people capable of lifting up more than four-fifths of their body weight without difficulty. This was just another situation where her small size made work on the farm difficult. If not for the fear of theft, then she would likely hire a handful of helpers to come out into the area to see to it that she could get her work done. She had the money to do it. The issue was that she had material which could be stolen and used to replicate her breeding methods. Until a couple years ago, she had assumed that she had been the first person to selectively breed Pokemon until they underwent a change of appearance and Type. She had been assuming that her seemingly obvious theory was something that others had deemed to ridiculous to attempt. Then, as luck would have it, a ‘New’ region would make its debut and confirm a few notions. The first being that humans had specifically bred Pokemon to change their type in the past.
 Alolan Meowth and their evolution happened to be proof of that. To her knowledge, those were the only current examples of selective breeding. There were likely more examples out there, somewhere. Examples that she could pick up and use as her means of proving so many people wrong. Family, people she had counted as friends - she had been called a fool for wanting to take on this task. Before the ‘discovery’ of Alola, the people closest to her had called her insane for wanting to breed for an Ice-Type Charmander. When she set out to get it done, they were quick to get as far away from her as possible. Some relatives went so far as to legally disown her in an attempt at assuring that they would have no reason to support her should she wind up homeless and without money. Humans really were horrific creatures; and she could consider herself no better. To corrupted by greed and desire to step forth and put some good into the world.
 She was the same in many aspects. A desire to see something new had given her the drive to take up this job. The urge to create something completely unique, so that she might leave a lasting impression on the world; that was her greed. She wanted to assure that she would not be easily forgotten once her body inevitably broke down and she was no longer able to exist. So she could admit that she was a corrupt person by any aspect of the word; but at the same time, she held some purity. Yes, she was greedy. She wanted to see change; and to be the one that brought it into the world. She loved Pokemon, and wanted to see them thrive. To add more variety to the species would, ideally, make it impossible for any one group to go extinct as a result of human intervention. A number of species have been so domesticated that it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.
 It would be only a matter of time before it became impossible for them to thrive without human intervention. One hope was to breed for a variety of these specific species that could thrive in the wild. Allowing the very survival of another species to reside upon the shoulders of humans was a slippery slope. Considering the current state of the world; the outlook for anything un-equipped to protect itself, was bleak. Someone out there had essentially captured God itself. This had happened some-odd years ago, when she was but a child; but it had happened. The creature still resided under the control of humans, appearing to be unwilling to disobey some sort of law that it had written for itself. Either way, there was a power struggle taking place that she had no means of describing for fighting against. The best that she would do was try to give the Pokemon a better chance of thriving once the violence inevitably started.
 “Put the bag up here, bud.” She advised, looking to her Pokemon and patting the nearly empty trough that she had come to stand beside. The Weavile, small as they were, happened to be far stronger than she was. Strong enough to literally throw the heavy bags atop the trough so that she could empty them. This was a special sort of long-lasting meat based feed, which her predatory Pokemon appeared to adore. There were next to no plant-based products housed inside of it. Each piece of the feed was, in essence, a carefully cured piece of meat. Dried in a heated environment with a fair amount of smoke to prevent decay. The only plant matter to be found, consisted of special berries that contained heavy amounts of moisture. As the berries sat with the meat, the humidity inside of the bags increased; adding moisture over time. Thankfully the berries also contained components which were naturally mold resistant.
 So food would be kept fresh despite the otherwise unideal conditions. Science was at least useful in seeing to it that food would not easily spoil. When it was taken into account that there were medicines available that would cure a Pokemon of almost any ailment, it would come as no surprise that it was easy to design a means of preserving food without loading it with salt and preservatives. Even humans had proven to benefit from this notion. She began to rip open the bags as soon as her companions had thrown them upon the tough. This being a simple task, namely because she was able to pull a piece of thread which held each bag together at the seams. The contents began to spill as soon as she had provided the feed with its exit. She dug her hands into it to spread it out evenly inside of the trough, repeating as needed with the other bags. Three of them were opened and emptied.
 The fourth, which had been brought along, was inevitably put back into the wagon. No point in opening the bag when there was no use for its contents. The Weavile stepped forward to enjoy the first few bites of feed, offering content purrs as they did so. The woman chuckled as she watched the pair. Honestly she had stolen a taste of the feed here and there, if only to assure that it was up to her standards. She found that the dried hunks of meat had the flavor and texture of jerky; minus the salt.
 “Good?” She hummed, earning a series of amused yips from the Pokemon in response. She allowed the pair a moment to enjoy their snack. While they ate, she collected the empty bags and the leftover string so that she could throw them recycle them. The bags were waterproof and worked well for storing berries and other such items. Whenever she had a harvest the bag would be put to good use in the temporary storage of produce. Most of what she grew out here either went to herself or to her Pokemon; albeit every now and again she would wind up with a private buyer. Usually it would just be people looking to get a fresh supply of berries to feed their Pokemon. Sometimes it would be a manager at a restaurant looking for fresh produce needed for an array of recipes.  “Alright, lovelies. Lets go put this back~” She requested. The Weavile finished with what was left in their claws, so that they could help her take the last bag of feed back to the shed. She was able to pull the wagon on her own accord. The due followed after her, offering soft noises of affection and idle strokes to her legs using the back of their claws as they did so. She would smile down at them every so often to assure them that the affection was mutual. After getting back to the shed, she allowed her Weavile to pick up the leftover bag of feed and put it back in its desired location. From there they were free to go about their business. Whether or not they would follow her around for a while longer, would be up to them.
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