#And future posts will be with their mother and their uncles and cousins!
dragon-fly34 · 2 months
SMB-LM: William Junior Gravely Boo
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After Regina, I had to do one of William, he's really cute, and I did.
{The first photo is what her OC looks like in gl2, the second is from an anime business on Google of what she looks like as a teenager and the last is her wearing a casual outfit}
Here is some headcanons about him:
-> Shy and quite cute, William Junior is Regina's twin, he is 10 minutes younger than her, she usually teases him about being older than him, but he doesn't care.
-> He took after his own father's shyness, because King Boo was shy as a child! But before becoming a piscopath.
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-> He loves reading and finding out about the world, when he visits his uncle Bowser's king, he asks questions about the history of the kingdom, he also does his research with the Boos.
-> Sometimes he is clumsy and ends up hurting himself, when he was little he caused dozens of bruises on his body.
-> (As I said in a post by Regina about her relationship with Bowser's children) William also has his favorites, he plays with Morton, Wendy and Roy.
-> Sometimes twins William and Regina venture into their kingdom while their parents are busy, they are always accompanied by Boolossus, King Boo's royal guard and the twins' nanny in case they get lost.
And that's it folks! I'm going to make more of these little ones, bye!!!
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barblaz-arts · 9 months
Barblaz's Wenclair AU's masterpost
*NOTE: This is sorted by order of chronological events. If you want to see them by date posted, make sure you're in my blog before clicking on the name of the AU in the tags if ur on mobile. If ur on desktop, click on my blog's name first then click on the tag for the AU. Have fun backreading mwah!
Inuyasha AU - AU based on the anime Inusyasha. For the youngsters unfamiliar with it, it's an old anime about a modern Japanese teenager named Kagome who gets magicked to a feudal Japan that is terrorized by demons. She accidentally awakens a half-demon named Inuyasha(literally means demon dog) who was sealed frozen in time by Kagome's ancestor and Inuyasha's first love, Kikyo
Wednesday meets the half-demon Enid
Familiar faces
Kitty the Manticore
Pokemon AU - name speaks for itself i think.
Hex Maniac Wednesday and Cute Trainer Enid want to battle!(over a Mimikyu?)
Cover art
Getting to know Wednesday and Enid's Pokemons
List of Gym Leaders, Elite Four and the Champions
The Balcony Talk: Pokemon AU Edition
The boys awakening some "green-eyed monsters"
Challenging Champions Morticia and Gomez Addams(warning: it's still a WIP)
When you're part of their team...
Fanart by @enidtendo64
"Wenclair in my moot's styles" drawing meme by @kris-6758
Fanfics inspired by this AU by IntrusiveCreativity on AO3
Next Gen Nevermore AU - Wednesday and Enid as wives with a daughter named Vega
Meet Vega Addams
She has (both) her mothers' eyes
Mothers and daughter
Enid the wildlife rescuer
Baby's first wolf out
Vega's love for the extraterrestrial
Domestic Addamses
Full Moon nights are Family Nights
Finding the right 'do
The Heroes of Nevermore
Height Difference
SkyWolf Meet Cute
Meet Sora Toriyama
Clowning each other like an old married couple
Principal Barclay
Clingy wolf
Family Day
Meeting Mrs. and Mrs. Addams
Full Moon Nights are Family Nights(ft. Sora)
Vega's favorite place: Sora's shoulder
Vega's Uncle Pugsley and his diverse children
Vega's Uncle Pubert, bane of her existence
Pubert fucks around and finds out
Happy Halloween
Regine Ottinger
Voices for Vega, Sora, Regine, and Pubert(ask)
The Mystery Missfits
Get to know Vega's cousins
Sora and Regine's parents
Bonus Vega fanfics by other authors:
Enid and Wednesday have a very important conversation with their daughter (by @eggplant-crusader)
Sora visits the Addamses (by TheVeryGayLouvio on AO3)
The aftermath of Vega's first wolf out by @whitebeltwriter
Vega and Sora's misadventures by @whitebeltwriter
Meet the Addamses AU - based on the movie Meet the Robinsons. Due a magical mishap, Vega Addams accidentally brings teen Enid Sinclair into the future and desperately tries to hide from Enid that the Addamses are the family she will eventually marry into.
Wednesday's daughter is full of woe(and stressed as FUCKK)
Addamses of the future
Enid Addams
See you later
Witchcraft Baby AU - loosely inspired by Lilo and Stitch. Wednesday is a witch who used Enid's blood to make a homunculus. The consequences are dire as their creation is taboo and Wednesday used the blood of a Sinclair to do it. Wednesday wants everyone to leave her and her creation alone, meanwhile all Enid sees is a chance for family.
A deal is made(fic)
Wednesday backstory(fic)
Vega the Homunculus (art)
Jailbreak (art)
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octuscle · 3 months
Blood is thicker than water
Peter hated being out in the fresh air. He had hated working on the farm ever since he had had to help his grandparents muck out the barn during the summer vacation. Yes, there weren't many other ways to earn money here in Lincoln now. But Nebraska wasn't Peter's future either. He was very sure of that. His future would be somewhere in New York, Singapore or London. Somewhere where the big money was. That's where he wanted to go. And that was where he belonged.
The job at the local bank wasn't that glamorous yet. But it was the starting point. Working at the cash desk, processing loan applications, it was all just a prelude to the glittering world of investment banking and hedge funds. He was hardworking, he was smart and charming. And he looked incredibly good in a suit.
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When the board called him into his office, Peter saw his big moment had come. He adjusted his tie knot, took a deep breath, knocked and entered the office of his top boss. "Peter, good to see you, have a seat!" Mr. Harrison greeted him. "I hear wonderful things from you. I thought it was long overdue to meet you in person." Peter had to make an effort to stay cool. "As you probably know, the head of our corporate client department is being replaced. And even though you're actually a bit young for a position as head of department, I've been advised to consider you." Strike, thought Peter. "However, I have a, shall we say, delicate task… But if you master it successfully, I have no doubts that you are the right man for the job." A few minutes later, Peter wished he had never started at the bank.
The farm he was on his way to belonged to his uncle Cleatus. It had once been his grandparents' farm. His mother's parents' farm. Not the one where he had had the humiliating experience in the cowshed. This was his father's parents' farm. Damn it, he thought to himself. I must have manure running through my veins. I come from a clan of cows. "Anyone home?" he called out as he arrived in the yard between the stables and the house. The farm looked run-down. He hadn't been here for a long time. Suddenly he heard someone loading a shotgun. "I'm not expecting visitors!" Peter heard a harsh voice. Peter turned around and grinned as friendly as he could. "Hi Uncle Cleatus! It's me, Peter" "Peter, damn it, why are you in disguise? You look like an asshole from the bank!" Peter gulped. This was going to be fun. His uncle invited him into the large kitchen. It was dirty and untidy. Peter saw the pile of unopened post. He took a deep breath, declined the offered beer and began: "Uncle Cleatus, I'm actually not here by choice. And let me get straight to the point: I'm one of those assholes from the bank…"
"Junior!" roared Cleatus. "Say goodbye to your cousin!" Peter looked down the barrel of the shotgun. It hadn't gone as well as he had hoped when he told his uncle that the farm would have to be foreclosed. "Junior, now!". The floor shook as Junior approached the kitchen. It was beginning to stink. Slurry, sweat… And then his cousin Junior stood in front of him. A colossus! He took him in his arms and almost crushed him. "Throw him out, the asshole!" Peter lost the ground beneath his feet. Junior carried him out into the yard. And threw him into the mud. He lay in mud, cow shit and manure. Peter picked himself up and turned around. He wanted to protest. But one look in Junior's direction was enough. And he took off in the direction of the town.
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Something was strange… Peter should actually feel humiliated and bad. But he was fine. The dirt on his ruined suit was drying. He was sweating in the warm air. He whistled a song. He was doing well. Of course, his uncle's farm hadn't been saved, but at least he hadn't put his own family out on the street. Shit, that wouldn't be worth a promotion on this planet either. He was beginning to develop pride in his grandparents' accomplishments working this land. They had made this country great. That made him very proud. And he was growing, without realizing it, in his suit.
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He had parked his car outside on the country road so as not to get it dirty on the muddy dirt track. Peter now stripped out of his dirty suit on the road and sat in the car half naked so as not to soil the seats. The suit lay crusty, but neatly folded, in the trunk. It wasn't the end of the day yet. He had to report to the bank. He needed something to wear. And, given the way he smelled of cow shit and manure, a shower, too. Peter scratched his chin to think. His chin was scratchy. Very scratchy. And his upper arm looked kind of powerful. His cock in his boxer shorts was getting hard. Shit, what was he going to do now? Fortunately, he remembered the workwear store at the entrance to the town. He would find something to wear there. Maybe nothing from an Italian designer. But it would certainly be better than underwear.
The waitress in the store looked as if she was always serving men in their underwear. Peter mumbled that he needed something for the office. The waitress nodded understandingly and said that a guy who was built like him was certainly not the kind of person who would fit into an office. Peter didn't understand, but nodded. "Go into the changing room, I'll bring you something," said the sales assistant. Peter did as he was told. He looked in the mirror. Yes, he was a man who, in his underwear, you would probably expect to see as a construction worker or tree cutter. Arms like his didn't really fit into a shirt. "You look like you have an appointment at the bank," said the sales clerk. "You'll want to look respectable." Peter actually wanted to say that he worked at the bank. But somehow he had the feeling that wasn't true… "Yes, I have a farm to save," Peter replied. "Shit situation," replied the salesman. "Bankers are all vultures!"
When Peter arrived back at his small office, where he was a corporate account manager, he took a deep breath. Yes, he too was a vulture. But not as bad as the money-grabbing careerists up there. He was a passionate banker. He wanted to help people. His people. Before he called Mr. Harrison, he took a deep breath. His huge chest rose and fell. He reeked of sweat in his cheap polyester shirt. And after his visit to the farm, he probably had cow shit in the treads of his rough boots. But he just wasn't the type for penny loafers and Egyptian cotton shirts. He was a guy from Nebraska. Even if he did work in a bank.
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The conversation with Mr. Harrison went as Peter had expected. You couldn't expect sympathy from a man like that. And Peter didn't want to work with a man like that again. He had saved hard. His dream had been to buy a house in the suburbs soon. But now there were more important things. One word followed the next in the phone call with Mr. Harrison. Until Peter plucked up his courage and told the vulture to stick his money up his ass. Peter would pay off his uncle's debts. And then turn his back on the bank. He threw his tie in the garbage can. And unbuttoned his shirt. Free! Free at last!
Junior was quite a challenge. His cousin was a few weeks older than him. And he hadn't been softened up by working in the city. But Pete had been living on the farm for a few weeks now and, thanks to his cooperation, there was a silver lining. The auction was off the table. Everything would be fine. And at the next wrestling match in the cowshed, Junior would lose and Pete would win. And the winner would get his cock sucked by the loser. Life on the farm was wonderful!
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astro-vogue · 4 months
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
⟣ After my post about your Future Spouse According to Derivative Houses, here's PART I on how to find info about your FS family and home, the place he/she/they grew up in.
According to Derivative Houses, your 10H indicates your spouse's family and home they grew up in, it shows the way he/she/they were raised by their caretakers because the 10H is the 4th from the 7H, so it functions like a 4H of your FS chart.
♈︎ 10H in ARIES
Your spouse could've been raised in a very active house where there was lots of sports involved and competition, maybe a home where quarrels and debates happened to be part of the daily routine. They were likely raised in a very "fight for what you want" way, "you have to be strong and independent" way. Their parents might've been couragous, bold, funny, outgoing people, maybe arguementative or at times aggressive and competitive. Their home might've been covered in trophies or medals, or just had a little gym inside as well as an outdoors area where sports appliaces, or even just had a lot of red furniture.
♉︎ 10H in TAURUS
Your FS might've grown up in a very calm and comforting environment full of cosy energy and peaceful vibes, they may have a very stable family and always lived in the same place since they were a kid. Your spouse's family was probably serene, they provided their children everything they needed or even spoiled them with many gifts from time to time, could also be from a well-off family. At worst, they could've grown up in a family of lazy, stubborn and envious people. Their home might've been very richly decorated, chic, luxurious with beautiful pieces of furniture and many artworks around.
♊︎ 10H in GEMINI
Your FS might've grown up amongst many siblings, cousins and uncles, their parents could've been separated or even divorced hence Gemini rules duality so there could be a double home or double family. They may also have grown up in two different houses (such as a countryside one for the summer season and a city one for winter). Their family was likely made up of funny, humourous and witty people where communication happened to be easy and flowing. At worst their family struggled with communication and your FS might've felt like they couldn't really voice their opinions and feelings. Their home might've been pretty trendy styled and with many open spaces, decorated with many books, newspapers or diplomas attached here and there on the walls.
♋︎ 10H in CANCER
Your FS might've grown up in a very nurturing and caring family, probably with many kids around, their family might've also been very sensitive and empathetic to their children's needs, feelings and overall safety, they could've even been overly protective of them, almost too clingy at times. At worst their family could've neglected your FS needs and never taken his/her/their emotions much into consideration, especially their mother. Your FS home might've been very large or very cosy, pretty well decorated and full of light warm colours, with many family pictures attached on the walls or put on furniture, the kind of home to have all the pictures of them as little kids attached on the walls. As well as a house full of patriotic flags.
♌︎ 10H in LEO
Your FS might've grown up in a very extravagant, bold, even well-known family, where lots of drama was likely to happen daily. They may even come from a family working with kids or in theatres. Your FS parents might've raised them in a very prideful and bold way, always caring about their natural expression and giving them lots of attention all the time. At worst your FS might've had narcissistic or very prideful parents who never gave them much attention and always thought about themselves only. Your FS home might've been extravagant, maximalist, with eccentric furniture or decorations, it might've also had a rich and luxurious home, almost royal-like or in a well-off area of their city, or even near an elementary school or theater.
♍︎ 10H in VIRGO
Your FS might've grown up in a strict, meticulous and perfectionistic family, as well as a very organised and productive one, their house wasn't likely warm and affectionate in a showy way, they rather had acts of service or quality time as love languages, not much physical contact or gift giving. Their parents might've been very focused, smart and objective people, even very sarcastic or with dark humour. At worst their parents never really showed them affection and only focused on their success/scholastic achievements, kinda parents to always push the kids to be perfect at everything. Your FS home might've been very minimalistic and decorated in pastels, not too much color was there, a very organised and always clean home or the complete opposite, its home might've also had plenty of books around as well as Gemini 10H.
♎︎ 10H in LIBRA
Your FS might've grown up in a home centred on values such as balance, fairness, equality and support, as well as respect for each others opinions and a peaceful/diplomatic communication. Their parents likely treated each of their kids equally and provided the same amount of things for everyone. At worst their parents might've been passive aggressive, never really communicating problems and treated their kids unfairly, also neglecting the importance of their children's opinions and never being truly understanding. Your FS home might've been very beautiful and amazingly decorated, shabby chic or lots of glittery things could've been around, as well as good scents and flowers everywhere.
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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lostloveletters · 4 days
This Must Be The Place (John Brady x OC)
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Summary: Home is a place, and a person, and a strange thing to navigate when Brady’s been away from his for so long, and Woody’s never quite had one.
Note: I really missed writing for Brady and Woody, I'm sorry it's been so long! I was thinking I'd have this done like a week ago, but then I got stuck on a scene and had to rewrite some things. Do not interact if you're under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Some angst.
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‘I’m coming home. Woody will be with me. We’re getting married.’ 
John’s letter home, sent just before their departure from England, hadn’t been that short, but the message was clear enough that by the time they were Stateside, his mother had called—paid the long distance charges and all—just to speak to him after years of anxious writing. He choked up when he heard his mother’s voice again after so long, handing the phone to Woody so he could compose himself when he felt the conversation getting away from him.
Woody’s semi-frequent correspondence with his mother, particularly after his father died, put her in her good graces, as she found the letters odd yet charming. She especially appreciated the photo of the two of them that Woody included in one of her letters—which must have been from the party for Dye’s crew when they completed their 25th mission, since she was actually wearing her WAC uniform instead of her typical coveralls in it. ‘I thought it was from a movie magazine!’ his mother gushed to him in the letter that followed.
Looking at that photo, framed and displayed on the slightly yellowing floral-patterned wall along with decades’ worth of memories, from his parents’ wedding to his childhood with his brother, made him more certain of his future with Woody than ever. 
He pulled his pipe from his mouth and sighed. Being home without his father around made him feel a bit unsettled, even though he had been greeted with hugs and kisses from just about every one of his relatives at the door. His father had been their rock, the one who kept it all together, the kind of husband and father he aspired to be someday. Turning around to look at his fiance, he tried to see her through his father’s eyes, and quickly determined he would have liked her, there was no way he couldn’t have.
Woody cleaned up damn well when she wanted to, her blonde hair had been in hot rollers and then painstakingly styled early in the morning, before they took the train into town, his brother Gene waiting at the station to drive them to Victor. She scrounged up the money to buy a new dress from a department store for the occasion—midnight blue, loose-fitting, ‘Something I can move in,’ she had told him. John wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to seeing her legs like that. Throughout the evening, his eyes drifted to the soft, flowing hem around her knees as each of his relatives fawned over her.
It wasn’t necessarily eavesdropping, not when aunts and uncles and cousins clamored over each other to speak to his future bride, who bashfully accepted their compliments and patiently entertained their questions.
“You’re from San Diego, aren’t you?”
“San Francisco, actually, but I’ve been all over.”
“San Francisco! It must be so sleepy up here to you!”
“Oh, I’m just glad to be wherever John is,” she said, glancing over at him almost shyly. “We could end up in Alaska for all I care.”
Her story of how they met won them over. The twinkle in her eye when his relatives gasped and crossed themselves when she told them of his crash landing upon arrival at Thorpe Abbotts—a detail he omitted in his letters home, it only would have been a source of unnecessary anxiety back then, but humorous and exciting in hindsight.
She’d ridden up to the wreckage of a well-executed emergency belly-landing in the truck with Ken Lemmons and the rest of the available ground crew, ready to get to work once he examined the damage. In the middle of Ken’s quick and astoundingly accurate assessment—’It really wasn’t that bad,’ she assured his enraptured family—she introduced herself to the fort’s pilot, mentioning to them how handsome she found then-Lieutenant John Brady when she first saw him.
“Love at first sight,” one of his younger cousins gasped.
“Something like that.” Woody said, light laughter in her voice. “After a while, I realized the progress on the plane wasn’t all he was interested in when he came around the hangar to watch me work.”
Their eyes met from across the modest living room’s threshold, sharing private smiles as if the dozens of people crammed inside all disappeared. 
“Can you blame me?” he finally said.
Everyone had something to say after that, all clamoring to get their two-cents in. One of his uncles patted his shoulder, "You picked a good one."
He grinned—he sure did.
The sentiment was reiterated as the larger group dispersed throughout the house. He managed to slip into the dining room to make a plate of what was left of the hors d'oeuvres his mother had set out. Cheese and crackers, some cold cuts, too. Didn't realize how much he missed things like that, savoring each bite as he stood near the kitchen, watching Woody with one of his aunts.
She slouched a bit, withered compared to how she had been entertaining everyone in the living room. 
“A lady mechanic,” his aunt marveled, “you know I can hardly believe it, but I’m sure you showed those boys a thing or two.”
“I was just glad I could do my part,” Woody said, the canned answer acceptably modest.
“Your family must be so proud of you.”
Her strained smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “My parents are, um—“
“Aunt Del, I think I heard my mother asking for you,” John interrupted, setting his plate down.
“Oh, I better go see, then. Lovely talking to you, dear,” she said, patting Woody’s arm before departing the kitchen.
Woody leaned against the counter, audibly sighing in relief. She fought to blink away her exhaustion, traveling into town in the morning to keep up a facade through the evening, wanting so desperately to make a good first impression on his family, the agreeable, lovely future in-law they all wanted.
He moved in front of her, shielding her from any nosy relatives who might poke their heads in, looking for her. 
“You saved me,” she said.
“She shouldn’t be bringing it up anyway," he said. "I know my mother told them—"
"It’s a practice run for the wedding.”
“We could elope. Go to the courthouse first thing in the morning…”
She chewed on her bottom lip, eyes darting all over the room before bringing her attention back to him. "No, we couldn't," she said with finality. "It wouldn't be fair to them."
But it'd be nice. Shorten the list of things they had to worry about, though it'd just as quickly put her on his family's shit list as she managed to get in their good graces over the course of an afternoon. It almost felt too easy. Maybe that was what everyone wanted after everything that happened over the past few years, glad to finally have John home and willing to overlook any reservations about the woman he brought home with him.
“Have I mentioned how beautiful you look?” he asked, gently tugging on the hem of her dress and pulling her from her thoughts.
“I feel naked without trousers on.”
“I wish you were.”
She tapped his chest with the back of her hand. “Watch it, Johnny.”
“I’m sorry we have to stay here.”
He nodded toward the crowded living room. “Lack of privacy, for starters.”
She shook her head, echoing her earlier sentiment. “I’m just glad to be with you.”
“As soon as we’re both working, we’ll start looking for a place. Maybe an apartment to start.”
“Your family would be okay with that?” she asked. “Us living together?”
“Probably not, but we’re engaged at least, and after the past two years, I don’t want to be without you again.”
“Me either.”
They spent the following half hour or so hiding in the kitchen before his relatives began filtering out, leaving them with hugs and well-wishes and promises to invite them over for lunch or dinner sometime. 
"Woody, it was great meeting you," Gene said, giving her a hug. "Keep an eye on this one, he might not look it, but he can be trouble."
"I'm enough trouble for the both of us, believe me," she said, retreating back to John's side.
The house was soon empty, save for the three of them, sitting in the living room with the radio playing softly in the background of the conversation between John and his mother.
Even though she brewed some coffee for them, Woody could hardly keep her eyes open. She nodded off for a moment, her mug nearly slipping from her hands.
"John, the poor thing is exhausted. Why don't you show her upstairs while I clean up? I made up your brother's old room for her."
"Thank you," Woody said. "Really, for letting me stay here. I can pay you rent, or—"
"Please, you're almost family now. And I trust you both to…" his mother struggled to find the words, almost flustered, and Woody tried her best to contain a snicker, "mind yourselves."
"Woody keeps me honest," he lied.
"Alright," she conceded with a smile. "Good night you two."
As soon as they were upstairs, they wasted no time in shoving into the bathroom together—a tight squeeze, but more than fine by them. Their respective nighttime routines peppered with kisses and soft touches while teeth were brushed and faces were washed, practically pressed against one another while sharing the limited sink space. 
They paused to look at themselves in the mirror on the wall, a domestic portrait staring back at them. He pressed his lips just below her ear, settling his chin on her shoulder as his arms wrapped around her waist from behind. 
Whenever she blinked, she expected it to be a dream she would wake up from, back in the barracks at Thorpe Abbotts, waiting for him to come back, worrying incessantly. But she put her hands over his and squeezed gently. Real, warm, loving. Always loving.
"I wish we didn't have to sleep in separate rooms," she mumbled.
"We'll be fine," he said. "It won't be for too long, anyway."
She wanted to say something—that it was ridiculous, they were adults for crying out loud. And after everything he especially had been through, couldn't there have been some grace, some wiggle room, all things considered? But it'd been clear through the way his family interacted with him throughout the day that they didn't know nearly as much about it as she did. Even then, there were things he kept to himself, things she'd probably never know.
Feeling almost useless, she turned around, pressing her lips to his, hoping he knew everything she couldn't say was in that kiss, in the way her blunt nails tenderly scratched his jaw. "I'll see you in the morning."
The hallway was short, the room easy enough to find with Woody's two suitcases sitting neatly next to the door, Gene having brought them up for her once they got to the house, encouraging her to unpack after the party, 'Make yourself at home.' She hesitated, more than used to living out of the two suitcases and not having much to her name anyway. She was careful when she set one of them on the bed, digging through for pajamas, a satin set consisting of an olive green camisole, matching robe, and loose, flowy pants with lace detailing around the cuffs. John bought it for her when they were in Manhattan, insisting his family would think he wasn't taking good care of her if she puttered around in her old PT shirt and men's pajama bottoms. Felt like they spent half the money they had on hand to buy new clothes, so they'd be real people and blend in with all the rest. 
His mother made up the room beautifully for Woody—the soft, worn linens smelled faintly of detergent, but mostly of home, something she heard plenty of people refer to when the scent of a certain blend of tobacco or freshly cut grass was in the air, but never quite understood until she got under the covers and immediately thought of John.
Settling on her side, she stared at the wall between them, like if she looked at it long enough, she'd be able to see through it, see him. One measly wall, nothing compared to two years and thousands of miles, but she still missed him terribly.
She wrapped her arms around her middle in a weak attempt to comfort herself and closed her eyes. She couldn't find sleep behind them despite her earlier exhaustion, her racing thoughts keeping her awake.
The door creaked open, and she sat up on her elbows, brows furrowed in confusion until John closed the door behind him.
“Are you out of your mind? Your mother could come up here any minute and—“
“It’s not that…I can’t sleep without you,” he mumbled, almost embarrassed. They’d spent the past few weeks practically attached at the hip, from the time he arrived back at Thorpe Abbotts, on the ship from England to New York, to the guilty weekend in a Manhattan hotel room. Even in the familiar walls of his childhood bedroom, he tossed and turned when left to face the night alone.
“Oh, Johnny,” she cooed, extending her arms to him. “Come here.”
He curled up into her, burying his face in the crook of her neck. She silently cradled him until she felt hot tears on her skin.
“Are you alright?” she asked softly.
“‘m sorry."
“Don’t ever apologize. I love you.”
“I love you.” He held her tighter, the way he would cling to a teddy bear when he was a boy, too young to face his fears on his own but too old to seek the comfort of his parents for it. “I love you so much.”
In an attempt to calm him down, she stroked his hair. It wouldn’t look great, his mother finding them entangled in bed together or catching him sneaking out of her room. She didn’t seem like an unreasonable woman, though. Surely she would understand that seeking comfort wasn’t a sin—nothing they did was, not when there was love at the root of it all.
“Go to sleep,” Woody whispered, though she could tell by his steady breathing he already was. “I’ll be here in the morning.”
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larz-barz · 6 months
Updated Mikitama info post
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her new design!:D
Family (biological)
Mother: Unnamed (dead)
Father: Unnamed (dead)
Aunt: Unnamed (dead)
Aunt: Aika Shineeza (alive) (father’s and Haruki’s sister) @uponthefantasy
Uncle: Haruki Suzuki (alive) (husband of unnamed aunt and father’s brother)
Brother: Michio Suzuki (alive)
Great great etc. grandmother: Hana Tsugikuni (demon) (married to Kokushibo)
Great great etc. grandmother: Kana Suzumi (Hana’s and Kokushibo’s daughter)
Great great etc. grandfather: Kokushibo
Family (adoptive)
Mother: Yuna Handa (alive) (dies in an au) @kimetsu-chan
Father: Giyuu Tomioka (alive)
Cousin: Shiina Suzuki (alive) (dies in an au) @nothingtoseehere1-2-3
Bother: Zeno Arakawa (alive) (not actually adoptive, they act like siblings tho) @kimetsu-chan
Uncle: Tengen Uzui
Aunt: Hinatsuru Uzui
Aunt: Makio Uzui
Aunt: Suma Uzui
Sister: Ames @donkeybro
Sister: Hikari Sano @ta-ni-ya
Brother: Hikaru Sano @ta-ni-ya
Father: Hiroto Ichiga @night-mince0
Brother: Jun’ichi Ubuyashiki @blueberrypie20
tw: abuse, murder, attempted murder
Mikitama and Michio were raised by Haruki since he killed their parents after Mikitama was born.
One day, when Mikitama was 3 and Michio was 6, their aunt Aika tried to take both of them in, but Haruki only let Aika take Michio.
Before leaving, Michio gave Mikitama her purple bow that she’s always wearing.
Haruki is very abusive towards Mikitama, and only Mikitama.
This is because of Mikitama being a yokai.
When Mikitama was about 6 years old Haruki attempted to drown Mikitama which led to her fear of water.
Shiina was adopted by Haruki when Mikitama was 9 years old and Shiina did everything she could to keep Mikitama safe.
Also, Mikitama was forced to live in poverty despite her uncle being rich since he wouldn’t spend any of his money on her.
One day, when Mikitama was 10 she was digging around in a closet and found various scrolls and letters from her father, who was the starlight hashira when he was alive.
She used those to teach herself the starlight breathing style and how to do total concentration breathing constantly.
She did the final selection with her future adoptive mother, Muichiro, and Aoi at 11 years old then became the starlight hashira at 12 years old.
Mikitama is a very kind and selfless girl.
She’s very shy and sweet.
She’ll do anything to protect the people around her no matter the consequences.
She’s very introverted and submissive.
If someone is being rude to her she’s not going to do anything about it.
She’s always willing to help anyone.
Random facts
Her favorite food is chicken udon.
The first time she met someone who didn’t mistreat her she was stunned to tears.
In Kimetsu academy her best subject is chemistry.
She doesn’t think she deserves to be treated with kindness.
She’s deathly allergic to garlic.
She made her arm warmers and painted her sword sheathe herself!
She loves cooking and sewing.
She often has really bad nightmares.
(TW: S/A) Her uncle has s/aed her before.
When she and Michio reunited they both cried together for an hour and they hugged the whole time.
Mikitama’s birthday is February 3rd and she’s 14! (14 in the show and 15 irl-)
She doesn’t like peppermint.
She’s also deathly allergic to onions.
She has 3 powers: Turning into a cat, shrinking, and healing.
In her small form she is about 2’2.
She wraps her tail around her leg when nervous or scared.
She’s very good at drawing.
She’s 4’8
She’s extremely light for her age, only weighing 94 pounds!
Tagging: @kimetsu-chan @demonslayerdoodles
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leelarots · 2 months
this is a master post about my au/fic canon for the deca. i will link this in my deca posts in future, so i don't feel like I have to explain stuff every time. thank you so much to this sub-fandom for making me feel so welcome!
current lineup:
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6/10 drawn, design ages frozen at 18-25
to do: vansell, drax, mortimus, jelpax
basic info from left to right:
Magnus | 6'4 | Oakdown | hazel eyes, black hair
Ushas | 6'0 | [?] | 'black' eyes, dark brown hair [portrait]
Koschei | 5'7 | Oakdown | blue-grey eyes, black hair [portrait]
Theta | 5'8 | Lungbarrow | brown eyes, light brown hair [portrait]
Millennia | 5'3 | Brightshore | hazel eyes, blue hair
Rallon | 5'10 | Stillhaven | brown eyes, black hair
[other info on the fic(s) below cut]
current word count: 2.3k
the fic:
will be separated into different 'books', each focusing on a select few characters and one main plot each.
will have theta as a regular gallifreyan instead of half human or another species. however, it's worth noting that for the narrative, I am going to make all 'freyans have some human genes due to past inbreeding
(with luck!) will be partially illustrated
won't be an attempt at following the incredibly messy canon. godspeed to those who try.
won't be centred around thoschei. as much as I wish it was, writing worldbuilding for gallifrey and fleshing out other members of the deca is also enjoyable to write about
other notes on my worldbuilding:
at this point in time, time lord households do not refer to parents or siblings. the hierarchy goes from bottom to top cousins -> aunts/uncles -> granny/grampas -> kitriarch
theta may not be half human/the timeless child, but I aim to still make him 'adopted'. he knows who his father is, but his mother is not of rank, and left him as a baby outside of the lungbarrow household. the connection between him and braxtiel is that they were both left with a note in the same handwriting, addressed to their father.
koschei's 'hypnotic' nature and high telepathic ability is a rare genetic condition. most gallifreyans have a weak latent touch telepathy, trained up in the academy. hypnosis is a different story, but koschei can carry off a potent version of hypnotism without training. he is only in the academy because of his condition.
related to the above's last sentence, becoming a time lord is somewhat class locked due to the initial exam for joining the academy requiring training only supplied by expensive tutoring. if you are not born into a time lord family, it is very difficult to get in.
a main theme of the fics will be around the stagnation that occurs when people in power do not change. as the occupants of the high council live for so long, they have the ability to enforce only their beliefs/beliefs of a small bubble, refusing to move with the times or address changing circumstance.
looming has only just come into existence during the fic canon. none (or at least most) of the deca are not loomed.
'shobogans' are the occupants of the capitol's surrounding slums. this may change.
religion is banned/illegal, but I aim to portray that as being hypocritical—time lords started out as a religious sect. the cloisters are indeed remnants of the original religious building, buried underneath the capitol.
a large portion of gallifrey is not optimal for human-like life. the largest part of the planet's gallifreyan population is centred in the glass globe cities, such as arcadia or the capitol.
humans regularly trade with gallifrey, although the trade lines go: widespread human trade lines -> undocked spaceships around gallifrey -> permanent human settler-traders on the planet. it is not permitted for anyone to go to and from gallifrey freely without a specific, hard to obtain permit. time lords can obtain a permit more easily.
related to above, this is my reason as to why gallifrey has cats and other human items. some human plants and animals are considered invasive.
human-gallifreyan marriage is somewhat taboo. theta is commonly rumoured to be half human without basis because of his being 'different'. once again, the fact most gallifreyans are part human is to show that they are hypocritical.
I could go on, but I won't lol this is long
I am aware of how ambitious this project is. for that reason, I can never promise that the whole fic series will be completed. drawing and sharing my headcanons is enjoyable for me, though, as the deca is my current favourite thing. it's been years of me tinkering about with them in silence, I'm rather hoping I can find others who like my ideas.
my ao3 is soupsmog
want to know something specific? want to talk? pop me an ask, comment on my deca related posts, or join this academy era server, where I'm pretty active. dms are not really open because they make me anxious, sorry!
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louissatturi · 1 year
"Bio" Adopted father's: Felps, Forever, Pactw, Mikethelink, Cellbit
Goddess Mother: Goddess Mine
1% Father: Quackity
Step-Father: Roier
Step-grandparents: Foolish, Vegetta
Bio sister step-aunt: Leonarda
Aunt: Baghera & Jaiden (jaiden is Bobbys mom but idk what she would be in relation to richas só here she is)
Uncles: Slimecicle, El Mariana
Bio step-Brother: Bobby
Bio 1% step-sibling: Tilín
Bio sister and cousins: pomme, Juanaflippa
This post can have changes depending on what heppens in the future
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lialacleaf · 11 months
Simon Riley x Reader: Baking Headcannons Pt. 4
The Finale
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Thank you all for your support of the Baking Headcannons! Despite this being the finale, I will be posting one shots for this series to my Patreon account in the near future!
Little feet pitter-patter across the floor of your home, and you watch from the couch as a small head of blonde hair pops up, a little hand swiping a lemon shortbread cookie off the plate settled on the counter.
Your home is often full of sweets and baked goods, and you're certain your husband gains a pound or two when he comes home from deployment. It's not like he's not going to work it off later anyway.
"Momma, why do you like making shortbread cookies so much?" Your daughter has always loved your cookies just as much as your husband does, and you smile at the memory of your first attempt at making them.
Simon always knew when you'd pulled his mother's cookbook out, and you could only describe the way he slunk into the kitchen as a lost puppy following his nose home by the smell of his favorite treats.
"What is it with you and the shortbread?" you asked one evening, licking lemon batter off the spoon once you'd stuck the cookies in the oven.
The look he gives you is so close to a smile it hurts. "Mum used to make em' for my birthday," he'd say, and you'd swallow thickly, bumping his shoulder playfully with your own.
Six months later you'd perfected the recipe for his birthday, just like his Mum would have done for Simon if she were still there.
After that, shortbread cookies had become a tradition. They were the first thing you and Simon baked when you moved in together and were featured on the dessert table at your wedding.
You still felt your face grow red at the memory of your mother profusely thanking Simon for teaching you how to cook, as she no longer had to fear for the safety of her kitchen during the holidays.
Blueberry shortbread had announced the arrival of your firstborn son to the team, and Johnny had beamed as he proclaimed himself an uncle, crumbs collecting at the corner of his mouth.
It didn't escape your notice that Simon wished Tommy was there to share a beloved family treat to celebrate the news, and the absence of an uncle, aunt, and cousin would be forever mourned. He hung an old family photo in the nursery, a promise that while they were gone, they would never be forgotten in the Riley household.
The first thing you baked with your son was his father's favorite shortbread cookies, and Simon had caught the two of you licking the mixing bowl with pure adoration.
"It's a very special family recipe," you explain to your daughter, lifting her into your lap as Simon simply smiles at her from beside you, your son already curled up against his father's side as he doses off with a full stomac of sweets.
"Do I get Grandma's cookbook if I get married before Tomas?" your daughter asks, and Simon chuckles.
"If the lad can't cook I suppose you'll need it," Simon offers with a grin directed your way, and you swat his leg playfully.
"If you get Grandma's book first, you'll have to give it to Tommy's wife someday, welcome her into the family," you warn, and your daughter's features pinch in disbelief.
"No one wants to marry Tomas," she says in disgust, and you can't help but laugh at the way she whispers her brother's name, as if not to wake him so that he might defend his charm.
"Funny, they said the same thing about your father," you snickered, and Simon rolled his eyes.
"Mhm. And yet I was the one winning you over with my skills in the kitchen."
You smile as your daughter giggles, nestling between you and Simon contently.
You have everything you could ever need. Everything you could ever want. You've given Simon more than he ever thought he would have in his lifetime, and it all started with a cookbook.
I hope you guys liked the ending! This was originally supposed to be one part but then it just kept going...
tags: @i-feel-violated @oranoyaora @beautifulcollectivewolf @notsosweetcheeks @vinithechocolatevampire @prttylilkittn @babygirl-riley @animarix @emily-roberts @bibbyreads @originaldeerhottub
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spacebarbarianweird · 3 months
I'm honestly very proud how Alethaine (Astarion's daughter) and Elren (her husband-to-be) turned out.
Alethaine looks like a dark witch. She wears black, ressurects the dead, knows a lot dark spells, also can rip your throat.
But on the inside...
She is cute and soft.
Alethaine is literally this meme. Everyone thinks she is Wednesday but on the inside... she's def Enid.
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She likes sweet things. She prefers the life of comfort. Plus, she is smart - reads a lot, knows a few languages. Alethaine is an introvert, the only time you can see her in a tavern is when she looks for a job.
Also, Alethaine is demisexual to the point of asexual. She literally never slept with anyone before she turned 300 just because it hadn't been interesting enough for her.
At the same Alethaine often makes close friends. She treats Theris (her tiefling dhampir friend) and Mierni (Gale's adopted dhampir son) as her brothers and cares about them.
She likes kids and can care about them even if they have special needs.
But she is also selfish (she enlisted for the "saving the world" quest only because she was going to be paid dearly). Cruel - kills without mercy. Barely cares about anything and anyone unless they gain her trust.
Alethaine stuck between three worlds: the world of mortals, the world of undead and the world of elves never truly belonging to any of them. But over the course of her life she learns to enjoy what life has to offer.
Elren Goldenroot has a few layers as a character. The first impression of him is that typical elven hero who saves the less fortunate fighting with his family sword.
But he doesn't just fight monsters or villains. He hunts the demons straight from the Abyss. And he knows everything about those lovecraftian creatures. When Alethaine asks him to bring her a shovel to intorogata a corpse, he doesn't ask 'why', he asks 'when'.
He is tolerant to anyone and anything - maybe one the reasons Astarion adores his son-in-law.
He has a lot of friends. He literally has a friend in every village or a town he visits. But at the same there is a great sorrow - he believes he witnesses the dawn of his race. But the moment he realizes there is still hope for elves, he invests himself in the battle against the demons and pledges allegiance to the king of elves, the promised saviour. But when the savior dies... He makes a decision to take his place. Not because he wants, but because he believes his people need a leader.
At the same time... Elren is extremely vulnerable. He feels himself a ragged doll stitched of different pieces. His father was a Wood Elf and he'd died before Elren was born. His mother was half a Sun Elf, half a Moon Elf (from her he'd inherited golden hair and pale skin). She suffered from post-partum depression and died when Elren was only two. He was raised by her secon cousin, a half-elf, and his human family. Elren overlived them all - and had to take care of his third cousins when they grew old (meanwhile they were younger). Elren learned Elven only when grew up and it was his second tongue for many decades.
His identity makes no sense to any elf - it's a mix of different cultures plus learned languae. He spent all his youth trying to shape himself from reading about elves and talking to the few he met.
Also, he is a CSA victim. Repeatedly raped by a human cleric in his teens, he carries a deep sense of embarassment about what happend. His memories were so messed up his testimony sounded implausible (he couldn't say how many times it had happened, on what days etc) and people decided his family just wanted to frame 'an honet man'. Elren's uncle had to sell his farm and meanwhile none of his family tried to blame Elren, he considered himself guilty.
By the time Elren and Alethaine meet they have 300 years of life experience. Both have their own sorrows and regrets and very little hope to the better future. But together they will have to make decisions that will lead them to become the first Queen and King of Elves in millenia.
Thank you for reading the rant. I just love my OCs
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sunnysideprincess · 10 months
Last few days have been wild lol, had a cystectomy, finally met my cousin's husband and now people are asking me to get married and have a baby before "it's too late", so I wrote this instead of punching them
no actual cheating happens here
Steve Rogers is a respectable married man. But he's called in by Virginia Potts, told Tiberus Stone's husband needs a bodyguard and it's fine, he's fine. He can take the heat of a family known to sell weapons to death and destruction. Except the husband is Tony fucking Stark, a man who is so obviously trapped. A trophy for Tiberus like his mother was to his father. And while Stone gets to sleep around, Tony's kept on a chokehold by his own father, uncle and husband. He's a writhing chrysalis trying to evolve, trying to break free. And Steve is helplessly in love with those furious doe eyes looking at him with all the rage as he stops him from trying to sneak away. Again and again. But he is also in love with his husband for seven years. So there's nothing to be found here.
"It's for your own safety," he tries to tell Tony. But the man won't listen. He throws a punch, two. Accuses him for being his husband's spy. Steve assures him he's not. He tells him Miss Potts picked him. And that pulls Tony up short. Leeches the anger out and leaves sharp confusion instead.
"Pepper sent you?" And Steve is a respectable married man. But if those eyes don't stop looking at him with all the curious wonder of a predator, he doesn't know what would happen. All he knows is that he'll end up long buried.
There's a change. Where Tony's rage and struggle pulled Steve in like a depraved blackhole, his gentleness and wit tethers something inside Steve. Keeps him coming back. Tony is a genius. But he's not a psychopath like Stone, not a greedy bastard like Stane, not a businessman like his father. He has hopes and dreams that could save the world. He sees a future that's bright and green. And Steve is a respectable married man headed for ruin.
Steve tells Bucky he would be late. He tells him he's got priorities and his husband says nothing, just nods and kisses his cheek.
He should have known.
He finds Bucky beside James Rhodes, doned up in his Soldier regalia.
"I'm assigning Barnes to Tony's guard."
"We have Rogers."
"Well we've also got Ten Rings coming after him."
There's that. Even Howard Stark doesn't want his son dead. And though there's an ugly scowl on Stane's face he doesn't like, Steve is more worried about deciphering Bucky's blank stare and the gentle flex of his metal limb.
Things go differently this time around. Tony meets Bucky not with fury, but a gentle curiousity. Like he's trying to peek through the icy winds of a storm. He picks and prods at him like a cat sniffing a new scratch post. Asks about the arm. About the metal. About the joints. And the connectors. But never about how he lost the weighted piece of flesh in the first place.
Steve is torn between pulling them apart and asking Bucky to say something.
But Bucky has his back to him. And Tony's eyes are sharp as ever.
"You're lucky my Rhodeybear warned me about you. Or you would gotten the same treatment as him."
Steve can put it on paper. He won't even have to look to know Bucky's interest at that. He always loves it when someone shoves at Steve's immovable strength.
"I punched him. Twice," Tony explains, and like an automated machine Steve defends himself.
"It didn't hurt."
Bucky snorts, shakes his head and throws him a look which tucks the message home. We'll talk later.
"You came back all bruised like a peach."
"Oh," Tony breathes and then blushes. "Well, that's an image."
"I want him," he mourns to Bucky on the sparring mat. Once Bucky has beaten him senseless, gotten the rage of betrayal out of his system. Once Steve learns that he is a respectable married man. But he can learn to be not. "I want him for both of us."
It takes time. Bucky is wary. Skittish around this other guy.
There is Stane and his obvious displeasure. There is Ten Rings and their looming threat. There is Tony himself, pulling away, haunted by a sad, guilty shadow.
"I'm married. And so are you." There is that and more under. There is Stone and his pride. Bruises marking Tony's skin. There is rage boiling up inside Steve, checked by a cold press of Bucky's hand over his neck.
There is too much. And too little.
But when Bucky falls, Steve isn't there. He is trapped behind the rubble after someone blew up the building. He is trapped and worried about the old lady with him, calling for her son and her daughter, bleeding from her torso.
He isn't there. Yet when he gets home, Bucky is there with his fury and rage, his eyes dark and lips warm as he lunges at Steve.
"He's a fucking idiot," he snarls and Steve grins. "He's gonna get himself killed!"
After, Bucky tells him the story.
"He just fucking jumped in after the kid. Wearing a goddamn tom ford suit like it's armor. Ten Rings wanted him alive so of course they stopped shooting. Only saving grace is that I was there. Picked them off one by one."
"And now?"
"Fuck you, Rogers."
"You already did."
"Shut up. We gotta genius to save."
Now, Steve and Bucky are both respectable married men. But they are also known to be a little bit rotten on the inside.
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coolshadowtwins · 5 months
I know everything else I post about is SVSSS, but I do have a MDZS au I’ve been thinking about for years lol
It’s an Encanto Au! Jin Ling is Mirabel, having no gift like the rest of his family.
His family of a lot of uncles and a lot of cousins. There are, of course, his mother Jiang Yanli, and her magical healing cooking. His uncle, and Yanli’s brother, Jiang Cheng, who controls the weather with his emotions. His other uncle, and Yanli’s other brother, Wei Wuxian, who can see the future. He disappeared ten years ago, and nobody is allowed to talk about him.
There’s his uncle Jin Gaungyao, who can hear everything that’s happening. And JGY’s son, Jin Rulan, who’s about to get his gift during his fifth birthday. And there’s his other, other uncle, Mo Xuanyu, who can transform into other people.
And there’s his perfect cousins, Lan Sizhui, who can summon flowers and is over all perfect. And Lan Jingyi, who is super strong. (They are probably cousins through WWX, but no one talks about that)
I never decided who Abuela is, because on one hand, the Yunmeng Trio is the triplets, so I feel like it has to be Madam Yu. But there are so many Jins here, so I feel like it needs to be Madam Jin? Of course, then it’s weird for JZX not to have any powers, since he’s the dad that married in. Never mind. It has to be Madam Yu. I have decided.
The background event, instead of a proposal, that everyone is panicked for, is the Lans’ coming to check on Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi, which has everyone stressed.
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kaledya · 4 months
Bonjour. Guess who returned!!
I saw your post on how you can't really draw at the moment because of your back, I hope you'll be back at your thing soon ❤️
But to the questions, mainly about side characters:
1) I am curious about Mammon's daughter's character in further detail. Did you come up with a name yet? You said we could compare her to Charlotte from Princess and the frog in her sassiness and general demeanour, but is she really a bad person like her father or is she actually a good girl? How would she react if she found out (unless she knows) how Mammon treats his employees, mainly Fizzarolli (unless his character history changed in Sinners Symphony), for example Mammon threatening Fizz after announcing he's quitting his job? And lastly, what is her relationship with her "cousins" and "uncles/aunties"?
2) I was thinking about Bee's son, mainly about who's the father? I mean, since Beelzebub is currently dating Tex (unless she isn't dating him in Sinners Symphony), is he his father or not? If he isn't (which, Let's be real, I guess he isn't) what does he view him like, unless he doesn't know about him. What is his relationship with his mother like? Depending on the answer to the previous question, who was his real father and where is he now? What did Bee's son think about this? And lastly, do you have a name for him and again, what is his relationship with his "cousins" and "aunt's/uncles"?
3) What else could Belvedere (my precious favourite side OC of yours) do? We know he's a butler, and a good one for sure, and a teacher/nun for the royal offsprings, but where else his capabilities may lay? I doubt this is all he can do, perhaps he is more like Alfred than we thought?
Is the picture above accurate to reality? (Please be true please be true XD)
I just really want to see more of Hell's Alfred Belvedere in the future
4) Recently we have been revealed that there isn't such a fool that would fight Constantine. But let's say there would be a sinner that would be brave enough (or perhaps have nothing to lose?) to stand up against him for their honest opinion, for example speaking out what they think about his cold logic at the expense of his feelings and lack of empathy, and how they disagree with it (let's say based upon their experience in human life), perhaps even mock it. How would he react?
I just hope you'll get alright, and I will continue to watch your career with great interest.
Have a nice day/night, and may we meet again
Her name is Monet her nickname is Mone (I hate you Mammon) this name meaning wealty protector.
She's truly her father's girl, but
I can't call him completely bad. So let's look at it this way, she is the daughter of a sin and one of the most noble beings in hell. Why would someone like this treat imps well or respect them? Imps are beings located almost in the lowest layer of hell and have short lives. Monet grew up being taught that she was far superior to them In other words, she does not build the sets for evil, she does not think that what she does is wrong.
And in the scene where Fizz swears at mammon and quits, Monet took her father's side
"How dare that imp insult a Sin, even though my Dad spent his precious time for him!?
Monet even goes on stage and tells Fizz this
"I don't know what you think about your relationship with my uncle, but all you have your worthless body, you'll grow old and die, and all that's left will be my poor, heartbroken uncle."
""If you ask me, if you really loved him, you wouldn't put him through this pain."
Monet is really sassy and outspoken, but technically she's telling the truth here. Sins are immortal beings and 50 or 100 years is a very short time for them.And yes, according to Monet, Fizz is a pet. After all, you love your pet very much, but you know that it will die before you.And here Monet really doesn't want her uncle to be sad or heartbroken.Even though Mammon has a bad relationship with Oz, Monet loves her uncle.
After what Monet said, when Oz talks to Monet, Monet thinks, "Did I say something wrong?"So she doesn't realize that what she says is bad.
2-His nickname is Wasp
Wasp's father was a hellhound and died of old age a long time ago.Wasp really loved his father and had a good relationship with him.
Wasp considers his mother's relationship with Vortex normal. Bee had not had a relationship for 150 years, and when she became lovers with Vortex, Wasp was happy for his mother.
He's not on bad terms with Vortex, they're not too close.
Bee and Wasp have a really good relationship. Wasp is already very similar to his mother and likes the same things, so they have a very close bond.
He and Charlie are close, kind of like the Wasp, the fun cousin who loves to party.And they both have the same level of high energy,That's why they get along so well.
Wasp and Monet, they love to spend good time together and have fun. So they're really on good terms.
Constantine does not like Wasp's attitude and finds him irresponsible and childish. Wasp likes to get on Constantine's nerves.
Wasp finds the Satan's daughter very serious and boring, and the Satan's daughter finds him annoying. But still, their relationship is not bad, they get together from time to time and spend time.
3- Belveder is Alfred in every sense
He is a great and very strong warrior and also a very knowledgeable person.Someone who has been loyal and served Lucifer for centuries, even when lucifer was at his worst.
Belvedere is someone who gets his strength directly from Lucifer, so he can fight against most nobles without any difficulty if he wants, and he never loses his gentlemanly air while doing so.
He doesn't have a family himself, but he cares for Constantine and Charlie as if they were his own children.
Even though he is a hell born who is not born as a noble race, he is someone who no one will show the slightest disrespect to, thanks to his current position.
4.It is very rare for Constantin to talk to a sinner. He rarely talks even to overlords. The mere thought that a sinner could talk to him is an insult to him; if that sinner shows even the slightest disrespect, he will die right there.
Constantine is the prince of Hell, but he is disgusted with sinners. How dare a sinner come and criticize him?Just for this reason, that sinner crosses his limits.And he gets punished for it.
But if that sinner speaks logically and Constantine thinks they are right, he will not kill him, he will listen the sinner, and if he thinks the sinner is smart enough to deserve an answer, he will answer. So if you're smart and talk logically, chances of survival are higher.
The reason for Constantine's patience and tolerance towards the sinners in the hotel is Charlie, Charlie's presence protects them, especially Alastor. Constantine may be a loving brother to Charlie, but he is very cruel to others.
Have a good day too!
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citrusbusiness · 5 months
Hey it's time for me to rant about mildly annoying things about society and being aro/ace! (Long post warning)
Okay so when I was eating dinner with my parents today and we were talking about our grandparents for a bit. Specifically, my grandma getting sick, and how my uncle traveling around all the time but living with them did not help that. Anyway then I was thinking about him, because he's unmarried with no kids and so is my other uncle. So then I brought up the fact that I have no first cousins, making my one joke about the topic that I'm the onliest only child ever. And we laughed about it for a bit, but then my mom said something else.
“See that's why –and I feel a bit like Jane Austen saying this– that's why you have to get married”
And my aroace brain already did not like that, but obviously I wasn't going to tell her that because I'm not out?? And then my dad then butted in with a joke about the reason being that the family line would end if I didn't, which annoyed me, but interestingly, my mother brushed that aside.
Instead, she said “because when you get old you won't have any siblings or cousins to help you.”
I... Had not been expecting that. So I sat there, not liking where the conversation had gone but not doing anything about it. I just put it aside to rant about later (this is that) and moved on with my evening
But I've come back to it now.
I'm not mad at my mom for telling me that I have to get married. I'm annoyed at my situation and our society for existing in a way where she's right.
I don't have siblings or cousins I'm close with who could help me. The only people I have are my friends, and who knows if I'll still be friends with them? Also, I have maybe one actually aro friend, all the others are highly likely to get into romantic relationships and maybe have children. They'll have their own people to be taking care of. I'm just going to be lower priority, that's how our society works. Hell, with the internet the way that it is, there's no guarantee that I would even live in the same area as most of my friends.
And this isn't even just an old age thing. What happens if I need a serious surgery? What person, with their own job and family and life, has the time to spend taking care of their friend for an extended period of time? I mean, I might, but I don't have the whole romance thing getting in the way.
I realize that I'm being pessimistic and that I should probably have more faith in both my friends and the way the world works. I'm just frustrated that because we place so much more emphasis on romance than we do friendships, once people start pairing up the friendships get left behind a little bit. I'm frustrated that you could make an argument that I might have to get married, not because I truly want to, but for the sake of my own health and comfort in the future. I'm frustrated that someone can say something as uncomfortable to me as “you have to get married,” and still have a decent point.
Again, I'm being a pessimist and I'm not mad at my mom. Or my dad.
…I need more irl aro friends.
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Pomegranate Seeds
Chapter 1 - AO3
A/N: After this chapter, this story will be posted exclusively on AO3.
The glares of his new classmates burned Felix as he exchanged pleasantries with Mme. Bustier.
If there was any doubt Adrien had already explained the… situation he caused with his impersonation, it faded under the strength of their looks. It was only two weeks after the anniversary of his aunt’s disappearance after all; no doubt the wounds he caused trying to defame Adrien were still fresh.
Particularly the wounds of the three girls who ended up getting akumatized because of his actions. He’d have to avoid them in the future in case they wanted revenge on him.
Mme. Bustier instructed Felix to sit in the back next to the black-haired girl who had confessed to Adrien in her video. It was both good and bad: good, because it kept him out of eye-sight from most of his classmates, bad because there was little doubt in his mind that the black-haired girl would try to get revenge for his cousin.
Typical Adrien, always ready to let others do his dirty work for him.
Felix nimbly dodged a kick from Lady Wifi on his way up. He’d researched his class before insisting to his mother that he should attend school in Paris, specifically in his cousin’s school with his cousin’s class. He’d found Lady Wifi’s blog—he didn’t care enough to remember her real name—early in his research, but it was only useful about discussing her classmates’ akumatizations. The rest was trashy articles about the Parisian heroes love lives.
And the false exploits of another one of his classmates, but that was blackmail for another time.
Meeting the weight of Lady Wifi’s glare with a glower of his own, he smirked when she flinched away from him. Amateur. Was she even trying to be intimidating? Felix was a cold-blooded blue-blood; he’d stared down the most intimidating members of the fashion and movie industry and held his own. One teenage girl was nothing compared to famous photographers, directors who thought they could order him like an intern, Audrey Bourgeois, or his uncle.
He slid into his seat by the black-haired girl. From the back, he could look out over the rest of the class. He had full view over everything: the cutesy posters on the walls, the top of Bustier’s desk, his classmates whispering and passing notes. All was visible under his eye. The windows behind him were good too, reflecting all the light the room needed onto his desk and back, keeping him warm despite the winter weather.
He watched the others calm slightly once he left their immediate sight, turning their attention back to the liar he’d learned about last night. Bafflingly, they listened with rapt attention to her story about convincing some prince to forgive convicted criminals. She spared an obvious look behind her, locking eyes with him, as she mentioned that everyone deserves a second chance.
How despicable of her, using his own unpopularity to make herself look better.
He was almost impressed.
He glared at her and she gasped, folding in on herself so everyone else would take pity and comfort her. Her acting wasn’t even that good; she couldn’t cry on command and her shoulders shook, not like repressed sobs, but like she was violently shrugging. He directed children who were better actors.
But despite the girl’s bad acting, her seatmate rushed to comfort her, rubbing her hand over her back and murmuring in her ear. Their surrounding classmates, excluding Adrien who did his best to ignore Felix, glared back at him.
He couldn’t help himself. He smirked.
“Excuse me.”
At the stern words, Felix turned his attention to a new problem: the black-haired girl. Out of the entire medley of videos Adrien had received on the anniversary of Aunt Emilie’s disappearance (a month after his father’s death, for which he’d received no word from Adrien, not even a text of condolence—), her video had memorable. She’d confessed her love to Adrien, sappy and heartfelt and so genuine that he couldn’t help but pity her. Adrien wasn’t a good person to fall in love with; he was more likely to string her along to ‘keep the peace’ than reject her outright.
But that was then, and this was now. And now, she was an enemy with close access to both his person and personal items. Who knew what she could do—
“My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she continued, a light tilt to her head. “I’m the class president, so feel free to ask if you need something. However, I must ask you not to start anything with the rest of the class.”
He sneered. “I assure you, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng—I am not here to start anything. That won’t stop me from finishing it though.”
“That’s fine,” she agreed. Felix blinked in surprise. “Self-defense is self-defense. But I would make sure you have evidence that you weren’t the one in the wrong. Certain members of staff tend to victim blame.” Her eyes flicked to the front of the class, where Mme. Bustier was trying to bring the class to order.
“That’s absurd.”
“That’s reality. I just thought you ought to be warned, considering how everyone already hates you.”
“Oh? You noticed that, didn’t you?” Voice dripping with sarcasm and a curled lip, Felix looked down at her. “And you’re different, right? You’re willing to be on my side, defend me from your bad classmates, comfort me when your friends bully me?” He scoffed. “Save it.”
She sighed. “Think whatever you like, but I’m not trying to use you. I’m not a liar. Besides, I doubt they consider me their friend anymore. If they harass you, then they’ll harass me too.”
He studied her for a moment. She looked tired: dark bruises hung under her blue eyes and little strands of hair stuck out of her pigtails, like she hadn’t bothered to properly dress her hair. “…You’re not in the back out of choice, are you?” He already knew the answer.
“That’s right.”
“You said that you’re not a liar. You were referring to the Volpina girl?”
Her eyes widened. “Her name’s Lila Rossi. You know she’s a liar?”
Felix rolled his eyes, promptly forgetting the name before it stuck. He didn’t want to remember anyone. “I can do basic research, yes.”
“You shouldn’t bring it up to the others then.”
“What? You don’t think they deserve to know—”
He watched warily as her frame trembled and her fists clenched. “Of course they deserve to know; they just won’t listen! They’re so trapped in the lie that Lila’s an amazing person who needs their help and that she’ll help them fulfill their dreams that they can’t listen to reason.” She calmed herself down, breathing deeply. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten angry. But they hate me because I tried to tell them the truth. Don’t give them another reason to hate you.”
He scoffed. “And I’m supposed to assume you don’t hate me? I saw your little video, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng. I know how you feel about my cousin. And I was the one who tried to ruin his reputation.” So show your true colors, went unsaid.
“I don’t hate you, M. Graham de Vanily.” He scoffed again. “I don’t! I’m angry at you, yes, but… I would like to give you a chance. I don’t know the circumstances that led to your… behavior two weeks ago, but regardless, I’m willing to give you a chance at friendship… provided that you don’t do something so cruel again.” She looked away, her cheeks ruddy. “If you want.”
His eyes narrowed. Pretty words from a pretty girl, but did she mean them? “Do you always forgive so easily?”
“I try to.”
“That’s a good way to get stabbed in the back.”
She smiled, close-lipped and bitter. “That has been happening a lot lately. It’s alright though; I’m willing to risk another stab wound.”
He hadn’t expected that. What on earth had been happening in Adrien’s class? They seemed close before, from what he saw online and through their videos, but to isolate and hurt one girl to the point that she’d be willing to risk friendship with him out of all people…
Before he could think of a response, Mme. Bustier finally called the class to order as they started their lesson for the day.
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny
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rivensdefenseattorney · 9 months
Sky Character Profile
Basic Information
Name: Prince Skylar
Race: Halfling Elf
Age: 20
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 5'8 (173 cm)
Education & Background
Education: Red Fountain Polytechnic
Year: 3
Specialty: Strategic Leadership and Command
Subspecialties: Royal Governance & Diplomacy | Mystical Creatures Conservation and Management
Favorite Class: Conservation & Care of Magical Species
Birthplace: Eraklyon Empire
Father: Emperor Erendor
Mother: Empress Samara
Uncle: Prince Andreas (Deceased)
Aunt: Lady Lorena
Cousin: Prince Thoren
Brandon/Helia (Specialist Best Friends)
Stella/Flora/Aisha (Winx Best Friend)
Love Interests
Personality Traits
Strong Sense of Duty: Sky takes his role as the future ruler seriously, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to his responsibilities.
Influential: His natural leadership qualities and charisma make him adept at guiding and inspiring others.
Extroverted and Kind: Sky is sociable, friendly, and genuinely cares for the well-being of those around him.
Loyal and Overprotective He is fiercely loyal to his friends and can be overprotective, especially when it comes to their safety.
Naive: Sky tends to believe in the goodness of others, leaving him more prone to being taken advantage of due to their trusting nature.
Idealistic: Sky holds strong beliefs in the possibility of a better world and often sees things through an optimistic lens. He is passionate advocates for causes he believes in, even if it seems far-fetched to others.
Skills & Abilities
Knowledgeable in various types of magical creatures
Proficient Swordsman
Proficient Archer
Excellent Leader
Fluent in several languages
Excels in Dragon Taming and Riding
Hobbies & Interests
Magical Beasts Enthusiast
Star gazing
Cloud watching
Quirks & Habits
Follows a vegetarian diet
Habitually checks and keeps track of the weather forecast
Has a pet dragon named Lady
Winx Rewrite Master Post
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