#And after probably a full year or better of this life Nezu comes to me with a proposal of making the League official UA staff
kakusu-shipping · 1 month
I wasn't even keeping up with the MHA manga but I did read the last three chapters without context and I've already decided how to fix the ending for my Self Insert
#mha manga spoilers#bnha manga spoilers#The League is not dead first of all that's a really Fucked Up ending#Instead they all end up in Critical Condition and the Public is told they're dead#(Including my S/I who is currently in captivity for conspiring with the League)#Jump cut to months later All Might comes to visit me and says there's someone who wants to see me#So cuffed and blinded I ride in his car to a secure location#Said location turns out to be a spare dormitory on UA grounds#And inside- is the League!#They'd been waiting until they'd all woken up and been released for the Hospital before letting us all see eachother#We're all sat down (piled on one couch holding on however we can) and told the situation#The plan was change our names and ship us off to another country with dedicated surveillance#So we can have our second chance in piece#But rebuilding Japan is taking a LOT of resources so we all have to sit tight at UA until they have funds to spare again#Which will be a few years#In the meantime we get lots of visitors! The Todorokis come over every night to make dinner#All Might and Izuku come to sit and talk with Tomura an hour or so a day#Ochaco spends every spare moment between Rebuild work with Himiko either in the house or wandering school grounds#And after probably a full year or better of this life Nezu comes to me with a proposal of making the League official UA staff#They have a perspective that is very important to young heroes now a days and plenty of experience on the field#It's keep us under surveillance without forcing us to move away from the families we've just reconnected to#And that's how both Tomura and Izuku can be UA Teachers together <3
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 319 Spoiler Analysis: Found Family
Holy crap what a phenomenal chapter!  This arc in general has been great, but this chapter might be one of my favorites of the arc.  Not just because it focuses on Class 1-A (I’m so glad to see the kids again), but because of the growth we see in these kids in general especially Bakugo and Shoto IMO.  Like, holy shit ESPECIALLY BAKUGO!  I stand by my opinion that Bakugo is one of the best developed characters in the series.  There’s so much I want to say about this chapter and I’ll try my best to do so if my poor injured left hand will let me 😭:
The chapter starts off with the first of 3 colored pages we’re going to get over the next few weeks to celebrate 7 YEARS OF MY HERO ACADEMIA!!!  CONGRATS, HORIKOSHI-SENSEI!!!  This series revived my love of anime/manga and really helped me in some really rough spots in my life.  I will forever be grateful towards Horikoshi for bringing this series to life and blessing us with such an incredible story full of beautiful characters.  MHA may be a little overrated, but I still think it deserves all the love it can get.  
Anyway, the color page.  It shows Uraraka, Iida (who has red eyes here, so IDK why the anime gives him blue eyes though I do think they work better for him personally *shrugs*), Shoto, Tokoyami, and Bakugo after basically figuring out where Deku went.  Bakugo is shown tearing up his letter (which says something like “Thank you for being there, Kacchan”; there’s more but I can’t translate it 😭) and you can kinda see some bandage wrap around his arm where he was stabbed.  Also, both Bakugo and Shoto still have some visible injuries on their faces and Bakugo’s hands, so they’re still recovering from the War.  It’s a really pretty page in general and I can’t wait to see what the next 2 color pages are going to look like.  I also kinda want Horikoshi to take a break after this too again so he doesn’t overwork himself.  Maybe he’ll treat himself to the MHA: World Heroes Mission movie 🍿.  
So, Shoto and Bakugo have figured out that Deku is most likely with Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist.  Problem is that none of them are answering their phones.  I like that Bakugo calls Best Jeanist “Pair of Denim Pants” 😂 and Shoto’s image of Endeavor is still a very angry version of his old man.  Shoto’s still making amends with his father, but he’s still not THERE yet.  Regardless, these kids are smart enough to know that something’s up.  Especially since All Might hasn’t returned to UA either.
It’s basically confirmed by Ojiro that because classes have been suspended, our Class 1-A kids are still 1-A; they haven’t moved into their second year yet.  That clears up the confusion on whether we should still refer these group of kids as 1-A still or not.  
Now Bakugo’s showing how much of a genius he really is despite his personality.  Bakugo figures out that the Top 3 and All Might are working together as a group based on how they all connected with each other back at Central Hospital.  Also, Bakugo concludes that All Might snuck Deku’s letters under their doors while Deku started running.  Ultimately, Bakugo does know more about Deku and All Might more than anyone else does.  He’s been around his childhood friend and he’s admired his idol longer than most people have.  Bakugo understands how bad the situation is and he’s ready to take action.  
As are the other kids.  You can see how determined they are and you can see Kirishima’s black roots coming in 🥺!  Even Uraraka gets some shine here by bringing up the idea to trick Endeavor to come via getting help from Principle Nezu as Endeavor was a UA student.  It’s really interesting to see Ochako in a more serious roll than usual, but I actually like it.  I hope she’s still as bubbly as she always was at the end of the day, but she’s definitely matured and grown a lot over the corse of the series.  Even the simple things like her hair show it as it’s not as floaty as it was before.  I love it when Horikoshi shows small details like this.  It adds to the characters and stories a lot.  Also, the art in this chapter is amazing.
And now it’s Endeavor vs. Class 1-A in a much needed conversation.  All the kids are wearing their school uniforms to make this as formal and serious as they can.  EVEN BAKUGO IS PROPERLY WEARING HIS TIE YOU KNOW SHIT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!  And, I must say, Bakugo looks damn good with a tie 😳.  You can also get a decent height measurement on the kids here if you want.  Ngl, sometimes I forget that Shoto’s about 2 inches taller than Bakugo.  It’s definitely the hair.  
Shoto’s the first to step up and he scolds the hell out of his old man.  Rightfully so tbh.  Endeavor shouldn’t have ignored Shoto’s calls even though I kind of understood why.  Shoto reminds Endeavor of their plan to stop Dabi though thankfully that’s what’s pushing Endeavor forward so he hasn’t forgotten.  Shoto calls his father “Endeavor” and gets mad at him fro leaving Deku and All Might alone.  The rough translations say he called Izuku “Deku” here too btw.  Endeavor has no response.  I think this anger Shoto’s unleashing is very justified and has been burning inside him since Deku left UA.  His best friend just up and left him and his friends with nothing but a letter to kinda explain things.  Also, Shoto and the rest of 1-A (minus Bakugo) have basically been lied to for about a year.  I’d want answers too if someone did that to me.  
Bakugo steps in by putting a hand on Shoto’s shoulder (🥺) to calm him down a bit and to say his piece.  Ultimately, he thinks what Deku is doing is right, but that the way they’re all doing it is wrong.  I love Deku and All Might, but they’re sacrificial idiots.  They care more about others than they probably ever will themselves.  That’s how All Might lost his OFA in the first place.  It’s because of that that All Might doesn’t have it in him to stop Deku from going down this path.  They shouldn’t have been left alone.  Someone should’ve kept a closer eye on them.  I know the Top 3 were all worried about getting too close to Deku before, but really, someone should’ve been watching them closer on the sidelines.
The next page is a really cool drawing of Endeavor flinging his phone to the kids to catch.  The previous panels showed Endeavor with this face that’s regretful and I think he realized something: That Bakugo is right and that the kids might be better off finding Deku than he is.  So he basically gives the kids his GPS on his phone.  Those are just my thoughts, but it does look like that.  I don't think Endeavor’s just going to up and give up though.  He’s probably going to start rethinking things though.
As Sero manages to catch Endeavor’s phone, he and the rest of the kids think about how even though they’ve only known Deku for a year, they still think of him as family and cannot let him go down this thorny path alone.  They’ll carry the OFA burden with him if they have to.  They can’t smile without Deku around.  These kids truly have become a family over the year.  It’s amazing to see.  Everyone’s like a brother and sister and it’s really nice to see.  I just love Found Family stories, guys 😭❤️
And really quick, I want to focus on my ❄️🔥 boy, Shoto, really quick.  As he’s thinking about Deku, he mentions how shocked he still is about Deku keeping OFA from them and how Deku thought just a letter would suffice.  He has this sad look on his face like he’s trying to say: “I still can’t believe my best friend hid this from me for so long.  Why?  Did he not trust me?”  That’s just my interpretation.  Still, I can’t imagine how upset Shoto must feel.  I think he still cares a lot about Deku enough to go out and find him, but he’s gotta feel some sort of betrayal.  More so than the other students outside of Bakugo because, again, Deku was essentially Shoto’s best and closest friend 💙😭
Endeavor is rightfully worried about letting the kids out in the state of Japan right now, but now Principle Nezu speaks up and praises the kids on growing up so well.  He’s also took into account Deku's feelings about his mission which is why he agreed to the team up.  Also, Deku’s still welcome back to UA whenever he wants thank god ☺️.  He’s a student who has to be protected.  There’s a cute panel of Uraraka and her mom crying happily after getting her acceptance letter too.  Not 100% why this is shown other than Acceptance Letter part, but it’s cute to see.  Maybe Ochako realizes how much Deku needs to be protected or something.
As for the refugees, Nezu had the security system strengthened in time for the Cultural Festival earlier, but they never used it before.  It’s call The UA Barrier.  God, how strong is this thing?  Is it strong enough to stop Shigaraki who was able to Decay the last barrier?  This seems like something that’ll be used in the final battle TBH.  
So, Nezu trust the 1-A kids to bring Deku back home.  Which is exactly what they plan to do as all 19 of them enter Kamino in a badass full page.  I actually wasn’t sure if all 19 of them were there at first since I couldn’t find Shoto for the life of me, but then my eyes saw the BIG-ASS ICE WALL IN THE BACK AND I THOUGHT “OH THERE HE IS!!!” LOL 😂 
The next panel actually does show Shoto with Momo as they capture the villain from the last chapter.  Momo politely calls Bakugo “Bakugo-san”, but Bakugo demands that he be called his insane hero name: “GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD DYNAMIGHT”!  I CAN’T WITH THIS DUDE SOMETIMES WHY DO I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 💥🧡
Deku sees his friend and wonders why they came.  Ochako answers because that they were worried about him, but Deku tries to convince everyone (including himself) that he’s fine.  He’s obviously not and Bakugo calls TF out on him!  He even drops a good F-bomb for good measure.  Bakugo mocks Deku for trying to act like All Might and asks Deku if he can even smile right now.  I actually really like it that Bakugo’s calling Deku out on his shit.  I think Deku needs some good tough love right now to knock some sense into him.  Who would be better to do that than Katsuki Bakugo himself?
As Deku is trying to convince everyone that’s he’s fine (while still looking like a demon btw), there’s a small focus on Iida.  Actually, a few panels this chapter have focused on Iida.  Maybe he’s remembering the time Deku saved him back when they went up against Stain.  Deku saved him then so it’s now Iida’s turn to save Deku.  Also, Iida hasn’t gotten much focus lately and I really like his character, so I’m glad he’s being brought back to the forefront again.  Also, I like hearing Kaito-san’s voice in general so I’d be happy to hear him again (thanks for that one, Haikyuu).
The final spread shows Deku telling everyone to move away while Bakugo, Iida, and Ochako get ready to stop him.  IT’S DEKU VS. CLASS 1-A!!!  WE’RE ENTERING CIVIL WAR FOLKS!!!  Seriously, though, this is great.  I was thinking that it would be just Bakugo and a few other students finding Deku.  Instead we got the whole class.  And looks like that “helping hand” thing will happen later because we got a battle to fight first.  
Bakugo’s become a damn fine leader and I love to see his growth every freaking time🧡! I like how Iida has his hand on Bakugo’s back to support him btw.  It’s weird that Shoto’s not in this page though.  He’s one of Deku’s best friends, so I would think he would be in this page along with Bakugo and his first 2 friends (Ochako and Iida).  Maybe Horikoshi’s saving Shoto for a more 1-on-1 conversation with Deku.  God, I hope that happens because I think along with Bakugo, Shoto deserves a good talk with Deku the most.  
Honestly, I’m not sure who would win this battle.  I’ve been going through scenarios in my head on who would win, but I can’t come to a solid answer.  Class 1-A has 19 versatile Quirks under their belt and they have more energy than Deku to fight, but Deku still has 6 insanely powerful Quirks that he’s been practicing for a while.  The kids could probably win if they strategize enough and use Deku’s exhaustion against him, but again, Deku has OFA and multiple other Quirks.  If he could beat Lady Nagant, one of the best snipers around, he might be able to beat the 1-A kids.  He could just escape with Smoakscreen, Black Whip, and Float if he wants to really.  That would put 1-A on another wild goose chase.  There’s also Deku’s Danger Sense which will be a pain to deal with.  Also, Deku said that he’s as strong as All Might was in his prime with Fa-Jin and OFA combined.  Only AFO and Shigaraki were strong enough to take on THAT.  Plus, we still don’t know what the 2nd OFA Holder’s Quirk is yet.  Deku might use it in this battle.  God, I have so many theories in my head now.  I think this battle will be awesome, but ultimately, I want Deku to come home 😭💚
Me reading and loving My Hero Academia: 
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,702 Words
Summary: Training and Todoroki siblings.
Warnings: Abuse Mention, Death Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Notes: Touya’s clothes include links to what they look like.
Hair Dye Buddies: Chapter 5
"Where are we headed? The teacher dorms?" Touya asked.
"They're right over there." Shoto told him, showing him the building inside the gates. "But we're not going there. Mr. Yamada is over in the 1-C dorms right now, talking to Shinsou, another friend of mine through Midoriya, I guess. We're gonna go bother him and ask if you can train."
Shoto led Touya along after him into the 1-C dorms and was instantly greeted with exclamations of a new student from about half the populous. Touya was happy he still had a mask on his wrist because he heard someone coughing. He quickly put it on his face as he hid behind Shoto.
"No, this is my brother. Where's Present Mic? Still in Shinsou's room or down here?" Shoto asked the tall one with the big chin.
"Mr. Yamada is up in that weirdo's room. Is your brother even allowed on campus?"
Shoto brushed past him, taking Touya's wrist in hand and pulling him along to stay closeby so he wouldn't get bothered by the Gen Ed students who had bombarded them at the door. Touya got led up to the fifth floor and the fourth room on the boy's side before Shoto knocked on the door.
"S'up, little listeners?" Present Mic asked as he opened the door to reveal who Touya was assuming was Shinsou sitting on the bed looking rather tired.
"Is this a bad time?" Shoto asked.
"Not at all, me and Shinsou here were just talking about something but we were just finishing up since Shinsou needs to get his sleep in." Mr. Yamada told them. He was loud and energetic and bubbly, Touya was reminded of Fuyumi.
"Mr. Aizawa said we'd need someone to watch over Touya if he were to train his quirk. and Mr. Aizawa feel asleep in the 1-A commons. I'm sure that Sero's put whipped cream in his hand by now. But Touya needs a teacher to watch him and you're the only one who I knew where you were." Shoto told him.
"Alright, I'll be there just gimme a few minutes, little listeners!" Present Mic beamed and closed the door over. The pseudo-twins stood down the hall by the stairs and waited about ten minutes for Shinsou and him to finish up and hopefully Shinsou was falling or already asleep. He'd looked like he'd need it.
Shoto led Touya back through the students downstairs but this time, Mr. Yamada was leading them through. They began the twenty minute trek to Gym Gamma and they began there.
"Alright, kid, show us what you've got." The teacher told him and he unleashed a blizzard in the building they were in, icing the walls and floor with its intensity before he stopped it of his own will, something he'd never have achieved with his old fire. "That's a mighty strong blizzard you got there, kiddo." Yamada told him.
"Thanks." Touya mumbled.
"Do you have any special moves yet? Yamada asked.
"No, but I guess I could work on it?" And thus began trying for hours until he came up with a concentrated stream of snow flurries being like a firework, his snow acting as a smokescreen, and he learned how to create instant-made snowballs.
"You did great, little listener! I'm proud of you!" Yamada exclaimed.
"Thank you." He mumbled as Shoto and him went back to the dorms and Mr. Yamada
"Do you wanna take a shower, Touya?" Shoto asked.
"If you didn't pick up anything for yourself, I have some soaps in there. Most are for dry skin, but that's probably a plus with how much your fire used to give you burns. The whole towel closet is communal so you don't need to worry about grabbing the wrong one." Shoto told him as they got into the dorms.
"Yeah, thanks, Sho." Touya smiled.
"The twins are bonding!" Yaoyorozu looked pleased.
"Hi, Momo." Shoto greeted them.
"Hi, Momo." Touya parroted.
"Did you have fun training, Touya?" She asked.
"Yeah, I came up with a few things I can do besides just making a blizzard. It feels like this quirk was actually made for me." He proudly announced.
"That's great, Touya. I'm happy you're advancing quickly!" Momo bubbled with energy and smiles. Touya smiled back a bit, her energy was unmatchable, though.
"Hey there, Touya." Came Aizawa from the living room.
"Hi, Mr. Aizawa." He muttered.
"Us teachers had a meeting about the permanence of your deaging and Nezu has your adoption papers going through tonight on a UA direct order. All you need to do is sign them since you're technically a legal age and you'll legally be my son come tomorrow morning." Aizawa handed him a paper on a board.
"Okay." Touya read it over briefly before he signed on the line for his name to be.
"Congratulations, you're my son as of dawn tomorrow. Welcome to the family, we have more cats than humans." Aizawa told him, patting his head and Touya thought he'd get hit for a split second and jolted a the touch.
"Sorry." He muttered. "Didn't mean to react like that."
"You can't help engrained habits and I don't get offended by old habits. They die hard, I get it." Aizawa told him. "Alright, get a shower, you trained with Hizashi, I heard."
Flopping on his bed after his shower felt like heaven. Touya wasn't sure that wasn't what this was, actually. No Endeavor, no abuse, he had his brother, friends, a new parent even. He felt like he was home as he fell asleep in the cloud of a bed, cuddling a pillow close.
He heard but didn't react when Midoriya and Bakugou had their inevitable argument or Aizawa screaming at them to both shut up. He was actually kind of happy to have been deaged. Whatever life he had, he didn't care what it was, couldn't have been better than this new second chance at life.
The next morning was a weekend. Naturally, Aizawa invited Fuyumi and Natsuo over to speak on the matter of Touya's deaging. As soon as Natsuo walked into the meeting room and saw Touya, he was bawling and Fuyumi gasped and stood still. Shoto had to lead her in all the way to close the door.
"Touya, you're alive." Fuyumi whispered.
"Hi, guys." He awkwardly greeted them.
"As you can see we have some serious business to discuss. Please, sit." Aizawa told them. Both older siblings sat down in the chairs around the table.
"How is he alive!?" Natsuo asked loudly, causing the other three siblings to jump.
"Touya was found by Kirishima here the night before last." Aizawa gestured to Kirishima sitting next to him. "Touya has been permanently deaged five years for the last month. And his quirk was changed by the man Kirishima found harassing him outside a convenience store." Aizawa told them.
"He was on the streets two weeks and that man, Matsuda Ryuu, housed him for two weeks after." Aizawa told them. "Touya was temporarily enrolled into UA's hero course so I could keep an eye on him, however his enrollment will be come permanent if that's what he wants. I've legally adopted him since he's stated, at this age, your father threw him out onto the streets to begin with."
"Touya is staying in the 1-A dorms and I trust neither of you will have trouble not telling your father of this development until we figure out how to handle the situation of your father possibly trying to take custody back." Aizawa looked at Natsuo and Fuyumi expectantly.
"Of course not!" Fuyumi exclaimed.
"I don't speak to that piece of shit." Natsuo told him.
"I'll likely tell him once I establish full custody and fully move him into both my house and the dorms. Get him set up, establish communication lines to me and my partner, Hizashi." Aizawa told them.
"You'll keep him safe?" Was all Fuyumi asked.
"Of course. I'm his new parent and guardian, of course I'll keep him safe."
"Alright. Then, I don't see a problem." Natsuo told Aizawa and he looked over Shoto and Touya. "You know, I always thought you two looked like twins." Natsuo told them abruptly.
"Alright, if everyone's good with this, you two have full admission to the campus for the day so you can spend time with Touya and Shoto. Touya has yet to set up anything in his room, so hopefully you two can help him with that." Aizawa told them.
And, with that, the four siblings were off to the dorms and ended up in Touya's room, Natsuo laughing when he saw the clothing Touya had.
"You're still our emo brother, Touya, good to know." Natsuo smiled brightly.
"Yeah. Kirishima's friends took me out for that." Kirishima slung his arm around Touya's shoulders.
"Yeah, his style's a lot like Bakugou so a lot of that stuff is things we picked out for him." Kirishima told them. "This shirt is actually one Kaminari, our local pikachu, picked out for him. Speaking of, I should probably stop him from trying to get his toast out with a fork for the fifth time this week." Touya let them look at the black shirt with chains he was wearing as Kirishima saw himself out.
"I'm glad to see you never changed." Fuyumi beamed.
"I never aged, guys, of course I didn't change. I'm an angsty teenager in the prime of my quarter-life crisis." Touya reminded them.
"You know what I mean." Fuyumi smiled brightly as she hugged him close, she was sniffling? Was she crying? Touya tried to look up but his head was buried in her neck in a way he could barely move it. "I missed you so much." She whispered.
"I mean, I missed you guys too, for the month I remember at least." Touya admitted.
"We thought you died, Touya." Natsuo joined Fuyumi. Shoto awkwardly hugged him as well.
"You three will make me cry and then Mina will be mad about my makeup getting messed up again." Touya let his siblings tackle him into a cuddle pile on the bed. He felt safe having people, his siblings no less, holding him so close.
Taglist: @lgbtforeverything @rin-tanaka @everythingisstardust
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lavenderslemonade · 5 years
Hello! I'd like to make a request if I may! How would Aizawa, Mic and All Might react if they found out their S/O used to be a Villain (a pretty bad one at that) but gave it all up just to be with them. How they find out is totally up to you! Thank you!
Sure thing! Also, my requests are currently open if anyone is interested!
Also! I can’t believe I’ve already reached 200+ followers, close to 300! thank you guys so much for the support! I’ve actually been debating on posting My Hero Academia fanart. What do you think? Should I go for it?
How (Aizawa, Present Mic, and All Might) React to Their S/O Being an Ex-Villian
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- He knew you had come from a pretty tough life, he just didn’t know how tough
- He found out when principal Nezu asked if it was okay for the school to look into your background at the chance of hiring you as a substitute for possible classes
- Aizawa gave them permission, though knew it would be best to talk with you first, though just in case you were down for it, you could already be in the clear to start
- When he brought it up during dinner that evening he noticed you had visibly tensed before running to the bathroom to throw up
- He couldn’t understand why such news would make you upset
- You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes, due to what you know he’s now bound to find out
- When Nezu calls him into his office, he’s suspected that you’ve been given the all clear, but Nezu just gives him a sympathetic look before stating that the school doesn’t feel comfortable hiring an ex-villian
- Nezu, feels nothing but pity and shame for having to break the news to the teacher, and slides the file to Aizawa for him to read over
- He finds out that your parents died when you were a child, something he already knew about
- Though he knew you had adopted parents, he didn’t know that before then you have been bounced around from multiple foster homes
- He reads the reports of physical abuse by different families, and once he gets to your high schools years, he see’s where you were first arrested
- It started out as petty theft from stealing food, to cheap jewelry from stores
- It wasn’t till he read up to your late teens that you started doing extreme theft
- Robbing museums of priceless jewels as well as stores, plus helping sell illegal weapons to villians
- Once he got around to you being twenty three he noticed that all the villainous things you used to do just stopped
- He remembers when he met you when you were twenty two at the local cat cafe near his house
- You claimed to be busy mostly due to work, which he now found out what that was, though it clicks in his head that once you turned twenty three was when the two of you had started to date and get serious
- When he gets home, he’s still processing the information
- He was married to an ex-villian, you had been keeping this from him
- He honestly feels betrayed, upset, and currently feeling conflicted about being angry
- He finds you in the bedroom, knees against your chest, staring blankly at the wall
- You just look so sad, and hollow, and something that attracts his attention is the packed up suitcases beside you
- Were you really planning to leave now that he had found out?
- “I’ll go if you want. I’m sorry I never told you.” You stated, still not being able to bring your eyes to meet his
- He just sighs and climbs onto the bed with you, watching once again as your body tenses 
- “Why did you never tell me.” There’s clear evidence of hurt and anger in his voice causing you to roughly swallow 
- “Because I never wanted you to give me that look. All those nasty looks of disgust I could receive from people who would watch as I was arrested, but I can’t handle you looking at me that way.” You’d choke back a sob
- Aizawa would honestly be conflicted
- He doesn’t know if he should pull you into a hug and comfort you, or just let you be
- Though he weighed against the last option feeling you needed some times, he couldn’t bring himself to leave you alone
- He was scared, and knew that if he left you alone you’d take it as him wanting you gone, and no doubt about it if he came to check on you, you’d probably be gone through the window and left down the fire escape of your apartment building never to be seen again
- The thought of you leaving caused his chest to ache. The two of you had spent the past six years happily married
- You weren’t a villian anymore, you have paid your dues, and learned from them, thus he felt he had nothing to judge you on or hate you for
- The past is the past, and he honestly wanted you forever in his future
- He’d wrap you in his arms, hugging you close as you sob into his outfit
- When you finally fall asleep from crying so much, he’d tuck you in and start unpacking your suit cases and putting your clothes back up
- His heart would clench when he finds a copy of your wedding photo in one of your suitcases 
- After that you’re more open to him about your past, and no longer feel afraid to answer questions he has for you about your childhood
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- He finds out by accident
- He had come home late from patrol, wanting nothing more than to take a hot shower and cuddle with you, who was most likely already asleep
- He noticed that the mail hadn’t been gotten, and figured your day must’ve been so stressful that you forgot
- Ever since he met you, you’ve been helping with community service, now rolling around to be your fourth year
- He always suspected it was a hobby or something you enjoyed doing
- Oh boy, when he saw one of the letters was from the court house for you he got a bit curious
- He knew he shouldn’t be opening your personal mail, but he was curious as to why the court house would send you a letter
- Suspects that they’re asking you about jury duty, though he’s taken back when he reads that you only have six more months left of community service, and you’ll be able to be a full member of society once again
- He’s confused till it clicks in his head
- If you were forced by law to do community service, you must’ve done something pretty bad
- He sneaks down the hall past your shared bedroom, peeking his head in to see you sleeping soundly
- He goes straight to his office and types your name into the search bar
- He watches as images of you as well as articles of your past crimes pop up
- Turns out you were born into a mafia associated family, thus you practically grew up with a family of villians
- Spends about three hours doing research, noticing that he had met you the year you started your community service, about eight months in if he was correct
- After staring at a computer screen for so long he decides to take a shower to process the information
- He decides that once you wake up the two of you could discuss this and figure out why you wanted to keep this from him
- You grew up in a family of villians, it wasn’t your choice. You didn’t know better until you had been arrested
- Once he’s done showering he notices his office door is cracked open a bit more than he remember leaving it
- He goes to peek in, noticing you at his computer, tears in your eyes and a look of heart break
- He can’t stand you looking so broken, thus he’d push the door open slightly, calling out to you
- You’d shoot your head in his direction, a look of hurt and betrayal playing on your facial features
- He’d reach out to you, but you simply stand and walk past him before he can even touch you
- He chases you down the hall, not being quick enough as you lock yourself in your shared bedroom, and he can hear the closet door opening and the sound of clothes being thrown into a bag
- He’d start to panic begging you to open the door, to talk to him, that he’s not mad you at you for keeping it a secret
- Once he starts to break down crying, you finally open the door
- Instinctively he wraps his arms around your waist hiding his face against your stomach
- He feels your body tense at this action, though it relaxes just as quick
- Can feel you trembling as well as a few sobs escaping you
- Feels you shift to be on the floor with him, holding each other close as the two of you just cry
- After you’ve both settled down, you fixed a pot of tea for the two of you
- Spending most of the night discussing your past, your child hood, and how you had honestly planned to return back to crime until you met him
- The two of you remain quiet the other half of the night, enjoying each others presence, and he can now see a sense of ease on your face 
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- He had actually met you while you were perched on top of a building, watching as a rich family got in their car to go to a social event
- You were preparing to loot their home while they were gone till-
- “I am here!” The loud voice nearly caused you to scream
- You look up at the tall man, realizing who he is, the one and only All Might
- You were pretty sure you had been busted
- “I thought I was patrolling this area by myself this evening? Ah well! It’s always nice to have company!” He’d laugh loudly like usual
- You’d simply chuckle awkwardly before stating you had to go, but he insisted you stay
- After that for some reason, he always appeared where you were, stating he was also there to help you patrol the area
- It started annoying you to no end, thus you tried your best to endure it till you could rob a place in peace
- He followed you around like a lost puppy, talking with you, asking your questions about your life, some which you lied about
- However, having him around became a bit of a breath of fresh air
- Whenever he would appear you’d forget about your goal of robbing a building or home
- It practically got to the point of you waiting for him so you two could talk instead of looking for a place to steal from
- It surprised you when he asked you out to dinner one evening
- You’d never seen the symbol of peace so flustered before
- That was the beginning of your relationship
- The two of you were there for each other, through thick and thin
- He finds out when he’s leaving the police station one evening after turning in a villian
- States he’s in a rush since his girlfriend is preparing dinner that night
- Tsukauchi finally asks Toshinori who he’s seeing since he’s gotten all up and romantic for the past two years
- He gives your name to the officer, and he takes note of his friends worried expression
- “That’s a little risky don’t you think? No, more than risky! Do you know how the public will react when they find out you’re dating an ex-villian?!” He’d scold
- Toshinori is honestly confused
- Was his friend mistaking you for someone else?
- Seeing Toshinori’s confused expression makes Tsukauchi sigh before showing him your file
- Toshinori silently reads through before sighing and closing it
- He arrives home late that even seeing you sitting at the table by yourself
- It hurts him to know he made you wait, but he has to ask you
- Tsukauchi had stated that it had been years since you robbed anything, he All Might was able to trace it back all the way to the week before you met him
- He had come to the conclusion early on that you had most likely been planning to rob the house he met you at
- “(y/n), we need to talk.” He states, and takes note of you visibly tensing
- He asks you about your past as a villian, and requests that you be up front with him
- He can see the look of fear in your eyes, and watches as you quickly try to make a run for it
- He’s faster, caging you against the wall, staring down at you
- He states he’s not mad, and not planning to turn you into the police, all he asks is that you be up front with him
- Thus you tell him everything
- How you were planning to rob the house you two had met at, that no matter where you turned he was there
- He feels his heart swell as you explain just spending time with him caused you to turn away from being a villian anymore
- You two would remain quiet, as you’re honestly scared about what he might do
- You were sure he would never hurt you, but there was still the chance that he would call the police
- You tensed once you felt his hands press against your arms, and slide down to grasp your small hands into his larger ones 
- He randomly apologizes for being late, and gently leads you back into the kitchen so you two can have dinner together
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inoobwriter · 3 years
Life At U.A High School: Part 3
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Summary: After remembering the deal you did with Mr. Aizawa, you now face against Bakugo. A little intimidate by him you still try to give your all. Will you win against him? Or will you lose miserably and lose the deal as well?
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Main Pairing: Midoriya x Bakugo x Todoroki x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k words
Art Cover by Me
Read Important notes & Chapter list (Click here):
Previous Part (Click here):
Part 3:
"Hi! I'm F/N L/N! It's very nice to meet you Eraser Head!" You said as you introduced yourself to Mr. Aizawa
"Eraser Head?" Mr. Aizawa looked at you with one eyebrow going up.
"Urk-" You said covering your mouth, "Mr. Aizawa! I meant to say, Mr. Aizawa!" You said standing up straight and clapping your hand together.
"I'm surprised you know my hero name." Mr. Aizawa said turning around.
Principal Nezu had secretly made an arrangement for Mr. Aizawa and you to meet before your first official day here. Probably to get acquainted with the school and each other.
"Why wouldn't I? I know all the things there is to know about you!" You said as your fangirling came out of you, "You are very cool sir! The way you use your quirk and the way you let your hair go, it's gorg-" You said cutting yourself off, "Awesome!"
Mr. Aizawa still looking away from you responded, "Listen I'll get straight to the point since I still have a lot of work to do too. I don't think you are worthy of being in here."
You looked at him as you heard those words.
"I'm pretty sure you heard the news about the attack on the school and not to mention the Hosu City incident. Are you sure you want to join in during the middle of the year? Not to mention the fact that you'll be in danger but you are already behind as it is."
You looked at him as he said that, I-"
"How do I know you won't drag the rest of us down?" Mr. Aizawa asked looking straight at you.
You flinched at those words and then looked down at the floor, thinking of an answer to say to him.
"Go, home kid. Try next year at the beginning of the school year." And with that, he walked past you heading towards the door.
"I don't know." You said still looking down at the floor.
Mr. Aizawa paused as you said that.
"I don't know if I'll get in the way or not." You clenched your hands and turned around to face him, "But I refuse to be a burden to anyone!"
Mr. Aizawa frowned turning around to face you, "It's not that simple just because you say you won't be, doesn't mean-"
"I won't leave! Not until I get to at least prove myself!" You said looking at him straight in the eyes, "Hero's are supposed to always help those in need even if you're not as strong or skilled as other heroes! I might not have the full knowledge as the rest but I proved that I could at least hold on my own in the exams! So shouldn't that mean something!?" you screamed at him.
Mr. Aizawa glared at you.
After you calmed down you realized what you just did and started to panic.
"Uh- what I meant sir was that-"
"Huh?" You asked confused.
"One chance." Mr. Aizawa said walking out the room, "If you can't convince me that you won't be a burden to us then you're saying your goodbyes to this school."
And with that Mr. Aizawa had left the room leaving you alone in there.
***End of Flashback ***
'L/N.' Mr. Aizawa thought while looking both at you and Bakugo, 'Show me what you're really made of then.'
"Begin." He said firmly.
Bakugo started blasting himself towards you at very high speed.  You froze at the sound of his explosions. As you saw red fire coming out of his hands, a women's voice echoed in your head, 'Y/N!'.
'N-no.' You thought as you were trying to force your legs to moves, 'Not now!'
"What's the matter!" Bakugo yelled as he was ready to use his right hand to send you off with a blast, "Don't tell me you're giving up that quickly!"
Instinctively you open a portal in front of you. Bakugo quickly tried to dodge it but because of his speed, he went inside the portal. You quickly open another portal facing down exactly 3 yards away from the ground making Bakugo slam himself against the ground.  You left relief that he was away from you that you drop down to your knees trying to calm yourself down.
'So it's true then.' Mr. Aizawa thought, 'L/N is afraid of fire.'
You grabbed your head trying to focus, 'It's not fire! It's not fire! It's not fire!!!'
You remember watching the sports festival on your computer the day it was broadcasted. You were amazed at how many talented people were showing off their strength. You were more amazed at a brunette girl who kept charging at a blond guy. You were shaking in your chair as you saw him being crazy and violent towards the whole competition. You had so much respect for her because she kept trying even though it was obvious that she was going to lose.  
'I wish I could be like her...Uraraka' You remembered as you clenched your hands, 'Because she was brave...unlike me right now.'
"Tch." Bakugo got up trying to regain his balance, "That's all you got punk?"
He then quickly blasted himself again towards you ready to anticipate your next move.
'As long as you never give up on your dreams it can come true!' The words echoed in your head.
'No!' You yelled at yourself internally, 'I won't-'
You stood up and looked at Bakugo's eyes, "I won't let you bully me!"
You quickly made a portal and moved it in his direction forcing him to get in.
Everyone was a little surprised though Mr. Aizawa was still unfazed by this.
"Wow!" Present Mic yelled, "L/N can apparently move them as well! What a surprise! Honesty this girl keeps surprising us more and more."
'According to the sports festival he's really a nutcase but he's very intelligent.' You looked up at the sky, 'He'll probably think I'm going to do the same thing twice.'
You open another portal in the air facing upwards this time, 'Got to keep me unpredictable!'
Bakugo pops out of the portal except he was prepared to dodge the ground so he maneuvers himself to glide to the sides only to be confused that he was in mid-air.
'Now!' You stretched your hand out as you open another portal forcing him to go back in and slamming him again on the ground with another portal.
'I purposely made my previous battles seem repetitive to make myself seemed predictable and lower their guard towards me. So far it seems to work.' you thought smiling to yourself.
"ENOUGH!" Bakugo yelled as he was getting pissed off more than he already was.
He put both his hands down where the floor was and started making a lot of explosions causing a big ball of smoke to cover the whole training ground, blocking everyone's version.
"Wow! Bakugo has gone impatient to the point where he's going stealth!" Present Mic said trying to see what's in front of him.
'Shut up!' Bakugo thought closing his eyes, 'Focus! Where're that stupid loser's movements!'
Bakugo heard in the corner of his left ear a bunch of people coughing and talking, he obviously assumed that was the rest of his stupid classmates. He grits his teeth as he tries to listen to your movements until-
"THERE!" He ran up towards where he heard you moving around quickly.
You turned around to where you heard his voice but only to be punched in the stomach.
"GOT YOU, YOU MORON!" Bakugo yelled smirking at you being in pain.
You coughed up blood as you pushed him away making a portal under you to fall on. You then teleported a few yards away from him since you couldn't concentrate well on your quirk. You turned around to see Baku coming towards you with his hand ready to give you another punch.
"TOO SLOW LOSER!" Bakugo said punching you on your waist where you had been previously hurt.
You screamed out as you pushed him away. You then started to run away from him.
"WHAT'S THE MATTER NOW? NOT SO TOUGH NOW EH?" Bakugo said laughing at the fact you were trying to run away from his grasp.
'You need to calm down!' You thought to yourself.
You started to run away from him as you hold your waist trying to breathe for air.
"Oh, no will L/N will ok?"
"Don't you think Bakugo is going too far?"
"Why isn't Mr. Aizawa stopping him?!"
Midoriya turned to look at Mr. Aizawa seeing if he would stop the fight but he did nothing.
'Is he really going to let this side?!' Midoriya thought as he turned around to look at Bakugo. Thinking about your fight with Bakugo reminded him of Uraraka's fight with Bakugo. How he knew Uraraka wasn't as strong as Bakugo but she still managed to put up a fight till the end.
'Is that what your thinking Mr. Aizawa?' Midoriya turned to look at him again, 'Do you think she can lay a hand on him?'
'Now L/N, how are you now that you experiencing danger?' Mr. Aizawa said looking at you pitifully running away, 'Not so easy now that you feel it first hand.'
Mr. Aizawa closed his eyes and turned around, 'This is the type of burden I was talking about. The type of being in danger and knowing that there's no one to help you. Knowing you can't do anything except admit defeat to your opponents...Well, it's shame really. I kinda liked your quirk, it would have been a great asset for your defense but you still lack the knowledge of focusing in a dangerous situation.' He then opens his eyes, 'A weakness like that will get you killed on the spot.'
"WHERE YOU'RE RUNNING OFF TO?" Bakugo yelled at you
'Oh right.' Mr. Aizawa said turning around, 'Better call off the fight now.'
He then looked at you... smiling?!
Everyone looked at you wondering why you were smiling like an idiot.
You pull your hand away from your waist and looked at Mr. Aizawa's eyes, "Don't go celebrating when you haven't won yet."
Everyone flinched at your words, wondering what trick you had up your sleeve.
"Ohohoho~ Does L/N have a plan that she hasn't revealed to us yet?" Present Mic said always narrating the battles that were happening right now.
"You see Bakugo. I have been a fan of class 1-A for a while now. I mean come on, you guys are the coolest and strongest first years of the school so far." You said putting your hands up, "Obviously I did my research before passing my exams for your class."
Midoriya, Bakugo, and Mr. Aizawa froze at what you said.
'What does she mean she did the research? On who? On what?' Midoriya thought pressing his finger on his chin.
'Research? On the students? But even with that, there's no way she could read each and every student here especially since they improved tremendously ever since the sports festival happened.' Mr. Aizawa thought as he gave you a sharp gaze.
'What is she thinking?' Everyone thought.
"SHUT UP YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!" Bakugo went flying towards you and you smirked making him stop in place.
"I GOT YOU NOW!" You yelled as you made a portal underneath you falling in it again.
'Quick! Look for the farthest distance away from me.' Bakugo thought as he turning around looking for you. He knew that whenever you teleported away it was because you were trying to get a safe distance between yourself and your opponents.
'You're the type that I hate the most too.' Bakugo thought gritting his teeth, 'Always thinking your hot shit and when you finally have the chance to prove yourself, you hold back.'
Then he notices you coming down from the sky and as he gets ready to aim he suddenly sees another portal made under you then as if he wasn't confused enough he notices a lot of a portal appearing around him all in mid-air, not once touching the ground.  All of them being angle to a certain degree.
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As you fall you looked at Bakugo's eyes for a split second giving him a smile as you fell into the portal on the ground. Suddenly Bakugo felt a swift air coming from the back of his neck, he turns around only to see you swiftly entering another portal. Then he felt another breeze on the left side of his face only for you to again enter another portal. You quickly kept getting out of a portal and entering a portal making yourself faster as time went on.
"Oh, I get it!" Midoriya said putting his fist on his other hand, "That's really a genius move."
"What is it Midoriya?" Uraraka said turning to face him.
"Yeah explain it to us already!" Kaminari said waiting in suspense.
"Basically L/N is weirdly bouncing off her portals!" Midoriya said sparkles in his eyes.
Everyone looked at him weirdly as they didn't understand what he meant and Midoriya sighed.
"L/N is traveling at a high speed through her portals," Todoroki said walking up to the rest of his classmates, "When she fell off from mid-air just now, she did that to pick up speed. I'm not sure how her quirk works but it looks like she can transfer over velocity through her portals."
Midoriya looked at him, surprised that he joined in on the conversation.
"Just like how she managed to shoot out your tape Sero." Todoroki looked at him
"Don't remind me of that," Sero said sulking,
"Oh sorry." Todoroki turned around.
"Yeah, he's right. Look at the portals they aren't facing straight out. They are angle sideways either up or down. If they were facing straight she would have been shot out straight and lose her velocity causing her to fall flat on her face." Midoriya point to the portals.
"Ooooh yeah! I get it now!" Kirishima said amazed at the discovery
"So basically she's constantly falling and therefore adding more speed to herself and eventually with all that speed she'll hit Bakugo at the last minute. Very smart." Asui said looking up
"A good tactic but not a great one, in the long run," Iida said adjusting his glasses.
"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked
"While yeah constantly falling and angling her portals to gain speed is smart but for how long?" Iida said looking at the scene in front of him.
Everyone then realized what he meant.
"L/N is gaining speed but also it's affecting her body. How long before it becomes unbearable for her. Or better yet will she even manage to get a hit on Bakugo before she's forced to stop this." Iida said concerned, "Even I have my own limits of going high definitions of speed."
Everyone looked at you exiting and entering portals. Wondering whether your plan was a good idea or not, after all, you only have one shot. And Mr. Aizawa was ready to see the results of this battle.
'Shit! She's moving too fast!' Bakugo thought looking around. Bakugo was always a strong confident person who always went head-on into fights. He wasn't good at dealing with multiple things at once and you knew this.
'Just a few more turns!' You thought, 'Got to get him quickly before he gets time to react.'
You looked at Bakugo as you were constantly teleporting to different places.
"Oh, man! A lot has happened today even though it's still the first day at U.A High for L/N! Will she succeed in her plan? Or will she fail miserably?" Present Mic said hyping up the final conclusion of this battle.
'You have my thanks, Uraraka.' You thought, 'Without your brave plan at the sports festival. I wouldn't have known he hated obstacles moving around him. Class 1-A also has my thanks, without them, I wouldn't be able to calculate the distance between each portal I put out here.'
You smile, 'I know that even if I do get his bandana or not. I would have lost the bet.'
'If you can't convince me that you won't be a burden to us then you're saying your goodbyes to this school.' Mr. Aizawa's words echoed in your head
'Even if I beat Bakugo I won't have enough energy to deal with Midoriya...I lost.' You thought.
'Thanks, class 1-A.' You suddenly opened a portal facing directly at Bakugo, 'For welcoming me into your class warmly.'
Then you exit the portal facing Bakugo at full force causing a big explosion that smoke came out and blocked everyone's view at the scene. You instantly fell unconscious.
3: The Burden (End)
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Part 2
Chapter List
Part 4:
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k1nky-fool · 3 years
In Loving Memory
Part 1/?
Shouta Aizawa x OC
Rating: Teen (this is subject to change chapter to chapter)
Warnings: not beta read, bad spur of the moment choices, one character's existential crisis seen from an outsider's point of view, and purposely bad fashion sense.
Taglist: I'm dropping this in a discord channel too, so hi my dudes! And if you want to be tagged in future chapters, feel free to send in an ask, or PM me!
Author's Note: I really just want to make sure I get this chapter out. Because I want to have a small platonic one-shot with my OC Shizune Kiokuro and Mirio Togata for his birthday tomorrow that's set after the Overhaul arc. For angsty bitter sweet reasons. I should have that out tomorrow.
He felt a little bad for it. To be fair she had walked in wearing something that just threw him into a fight or flight response. She looked absolutely unhinged and deranged. Shouta could relate, but it made him activate his quirk immediately. He thought he had better control than this, and he managed to catch himself before anything major happened and before anyone could notice. But the woman had frozen in place and looked around like she was trying to find the source of whatever had caused the strange feeling.
Her eyes caught Shouta's and she looked him up and down with tired eyes. She shrugged him off and sat down in a seat at the table. He figured she was the new hero course third year hire after the last Investigations teacher retired.
This new year would be quite a lot. Several new teachers were joining the UA staff this year, including but not limited to All Might, and whoever this jarring woman was. It was enough to have Hizashi here to fill the role of obnoxious staff, but now there would be All Might?
Then there was this woman with a neon green mohawk and she's wearing an orange, green, and purple bowling shirt tied into a crop top, hot pink jean shorts and… are those fucking Crocs? Shouta himself couldn't be bothered to care anymore, but it was unusual that he was the only one seeming to notice something this bizarre.
"As many of you have heard, we are welcoming Toshinori Yagi to our staff this year, but All Might is not our only new addition. We also have Kiokuro Shizune joining the third year staff." Nezu happily introduced.
Everyone turned to see Shizune and she smiled brightly. Now it finally seemed that everyone was noticing her. A few teachers looked at her with disgust. Some were staring in surprise. Others just weirded out. Shizune, for her part, just chuckled at the wide array of reactions until everyone had gotten their eyeful and looked away.
None of the previous reactions stayed on their faces. And nobody bothered to look back at her. That much was odd. At least Nemuri would look back a few times and whisper about it to whoever was sitting next to her.
For the rest of the meeting, nobody looked back at her, as though she had completely faded into the background of an arcade floor someone had vomited every slushie imaginable onto. There wasn't much meeting to focus on beyond the full class files that every teacher was given at the beginning of the year. Shouta wouldn't be bothered to read it. He didn't want to have any preconceived notions about any of his students before he met them. They would have to make their first impressions count.
Shouta kept finding his gaze back at Shizune. She just sat there like a clown, tilting her chair back with a bored expression on her face. She didn't seem to think anyone was paying her any attention.
The exact second Nezu dismissed the meeting, she was gone. He wasn't going to bother talking to her, but the speed in which she was already out the door was almost impressive. But the less time he had to spend getting to know her the better.
He had a lot of work to do before his students showed up in class next week. He got back to his computer and started up. He hated the paperwork, but he had known what he was in for when he started.
"Say, Aizawa." Fucking Nemuri. "How do you think All Might's gonna fit in here?"
"He can worry about that himself."
"Oh come on, you don't even wanna know why he's suddenly decided to teach classes?" She asked. "I mean, the number one hero suddenly settling down to teach some brats? Gotta be the most bizarre thing we've seen."
"He wasn't the most bizarre thing about that meeting." He sighed. "Go home, Kayama."
"Oh? What was the most bizarre thing about that meeting?" She asked.
"Either you're blind or just stupid. Go home." He said again.
Suddenly Nemuri was all the more confused. "What did I miss?"
"The clown in the corner." Shouta deadpanned. "You'll get along well."
"The hell are you talking about? Are you ok?" Nemuri reached for his forehead, but he leaned out of the way.
"I'm fine. You can leave."
"Alright, fine." She shrugged off. "I'm going."
Finally, quiet. He liked being the only one in the office no matter how late it was. Being the last one here was worth it.
At least he wished he was the last one here. Meandering steps that thudded ever so softly on the floor. He didn't even bother to look up, knowing the colors on their shirt would give him a headache.
"Evening, Kiokuro." He acknowledged. It would be worse if she didn't know he was here.
She stopped dead in her tracks. Not saying a word. A beat of silence went by before she said anything. "How the fuck did you do that?" Her voice quivered.
"Do what?" He still didn't bother to look up at her.
"How did you know it was me? You're not looking at me." She asked.
"Your crocs make a dumb swishing sound on the floor. Your steps are quick and soft because you don't weigh a whole lot. And you walk around like you're not heading anywhere in particular, so you make strange noises, but over a large surface area. Not in a straight line." He explained like she should already know this. "I remember how you walked into the meeting."
Shizune stomped over to the side of his desk and forced his chair toward her. Fine. Guess he's not getting any work done. He finally conceded to looking up at her.
She still wore the outrageous outfit from earlier. However, her expression was one of complete fear as her eyes frantically searched his face. "Are you fucking with me?"
"People don't remember me, Aizawa." She said, "How the fuck did you know it was me without looking up and keeping me in your line of sight?"
"What are you talking about?"
She took a step back, seeming to think something over. "My quirk." She began. "When I'm in your line of sight, you know me, you see me. But the second I'm not in your line of sight, you forget me. It is impossible for people to remember me without looking at me. If I'm not being looked at, I don't exist to anyone but myself."
"You're a stealth hero." He noted.
"Yeah. I'm the perfect stealth hero." She snapped. "So how the hell do you remember me?"
Shouta stood up, glaring down at her. "My quirk is to erase quirks."
"Oh.. you're Eraserhead." She noted. "That must have been what I felt in the meeting room. Why did you feel the need to erase my quirk the second you saw me?"
"Your shirt gave me a headache. My first thought was that it was a threat." He deadpanned.
"Oh… well that's kind of the point… but that means that it never got the chance to lock onto you. Which means the next time you looked at me, there was nothing to remember, because you hadn't forgotten. Wait then that means…" Shizune paused.
"Yeah, good luck with that." Shouta shrugged off, leaving her staring off into space. "Go home, Kiokuro." He called back as he closed the door behind him.
It was another week and a half before he had seen her again. Only two days after classes had started. He didn't want to be here, especially not while there were still students in the classroom.
Shouta had come to collect the uniform reports that All Might had left behind. All he had to do was take them down to the support department, then he could go home. But Iida, Midoriya, and Ururaka were staying late on a Friday afternoon, cleaning the classroom. They were almost done by the looks of it.
"Hi, Mr. Aizawa!" Ururaka greeted. He gave her a wave, going straight to the podium where All Might said he left the reports.
His stomach jumped when a knife flew past his face. His scarf was activated immediately, and wrapped around the assailant's wrist. But it was in vain. They had taken his scarf in their grip and jumped into the air, spinning and pulling him toward them. In one move, they kicked him back into the wall.
He grunted in pain, but his eye caught the obnoxious colors of his attacker.
"Mr. Aizawa!" Midoriya was up and ready to fight, but Shouta held up a hand to stop any of the students from attacking her.
They all waited for him to do something, so he just stood against the wall as she held a knife to his neck, staring her in the eyes. "You kids can head out. Ms. Kiokuro and I have something to discuss."
"But Mr. Aizawa, sir…" Iida began to protest, but must have come to a different conclusion. "Of course. Let's go." The other two followed him out of the classroom. They wouldn't remember this, and Shizune would be safe.
"Alright… you got me alone, now what do you want, Kiokuro?" He grumbled.
She bit out a laugh. "Now, you see- hmm honestly I-" it took her a brief moment to gather herself, and he probably would be more comfortable without the knife at his neck. He lifted his hand to move it away, but she kept it in place. "Ah, yes." She nodded. "You are driving me insane."
"That's unfortunate. Can you get the knife out of my face?" He asked.
"No." She pushed him again back into the wall. "Listen here, fucker-"
"My name is Shouta."
"You are officially 'fucker' until we figure this out." She commanded.
"Great. I could think a lot better if you took the knife out of my face."
"Shut up." She ordered, but let out a breath in annoyance. Shizune resigned to putting the knife back on her belt. "Alright, look… I really want nothing more than to go on about my life and forget you exist, just like everyone does for me."
"Then do it."
"Now, that's the problem! I feel safe knowing that there is nobody that has any memory of me. But you-! You." She laughed, pulling the knife out of the wall and holding it back at his neck. "Every time I think I'm safe, I'm reminded that you remember me."
"Why the fuck-"
"I don't trust you, Shouta." She hissed. "I don't trust you with the memory of me."
"Why don't you?"
"Gee, I don't know. Maybe because I don't know you? Or because there's no reason I should trust you?" Shizune argued. "Really it's because you're not special."
"Well clearly I am." He said. "Because whether you like it or not, I do remember you. And there's no way to fix that."
"Now, Shouta, that's the wrong answer. Because I can fix it by beating it out of your head, and I can then rest easy knowing that there's nobody in the world that will ever find out." She said.
"But you're not going to do that." He figured. "You could have killed me when you first attacked me. Even in front of the students, it wouldn't have mattered. But you're a pro-hero."
Shizune let out a sigh and took the second knife away from his face. "So what can I even do about you, Shouta?" She began pacing the floor, rubbing the buzzed sides of her head. "I can't just leave you with my memory because I tried that for a week and it's driven me insane. I can't sleep knowing someone could be thinking about me, even if you physically couldn't care less if you tried. It's not a matter of if you are or aren't, it's a problem that you can at all."
"Alright, calm down, Shizune." He noted that in this little squabble they had somehow come to a first name basis and that novelty wasn't wasted on him. Very few people got this far, let alone in such a short amount of time.
"It's not easy to calm down about this. It's been almost fifteen years since I've had to trust someone with the memory of me." She was going to start rambling if he let her keep going.
"It's ok. Don't worry about that yet. Now, tell me why again you don't trust me." He said.
"Because I never trust anyone. You're not different, you're not special. But as of a week ago, you are the only person on the planet that knows who I am." She explained.
"Alright, so we've established that you don't trust me any more than everyone else. Which is understandable. I met you a week ago." He followed along. "But since I do remember you, and we don't have a way to fix that beyond extreme violence, we need to figure something else out. You said there was no reason you should trust me. In the event of someone having memory of you, what would make you trust them with that information?'
Shizune thought for a second. "I need to know that person won't tell others about me. I need to be a complete secret."
"That's great, because I don't want to talk to anyone about you." He deadpanned.
"But how can I be sure that you won't be convinced by one of your friends to talk about me? How do I know that Yamada or Kayama can't ask the right question to get you to talk about me?"
"First, I'm an underground hero, just like you. If you don't want anyone to know about you, then nobody will know about you." He promised. "And second, I don't even want to tell them about myself, let alone make an effort to tell them about you."
"Fair enough…" She shrugged. "But I still don't know you. For all I know you could be lying about this."
"And for that, we'll have to trust each other." Shouta figured. "How about I give you a piece of information about me that I don't want people knowing?"
"You would do that?"
"I don't want to, but it's fair. I'd be essentially letting you hold me hostage." He explained. "If someone ends up knowing about you in any way that you haven't given them, then you have this information to do what you want with."
Shizune looked him up and down. "What makes you think I need something true to do that?"
"You don't, but this is supposed to be a gesture of trust."
"Oh yeah…." She remembered. "You do realize it'll have to be something genuinely secret. Something you would literally rather die than have other people know about."
"Which is the issue. I don't think there's anything I would have a problem with other people knowing."
Immediately Shizune lit up with a wicked smile across her face. His students should be glad he doesn't smile like that. "I bet I can find something."
"I will bet you can't." He deadpanned. "Not that I think your investigation skills are lacking, there's just nothing for you to find."
"More mysterious men than you have said that to me and been so. very. wrong." She chuckled, taking a step closer to him. He didn't like the sound of that, but if it meant she could find something that would make her less of a lunatic, then he would let her investigate.
"If you're that confident in yourself, then you have my permission to poke around in my life until you find something." Shouta allowed. "But I don't think you needed my permission in the first place."
"Eh, I don't stalk people unless I need to for work." She shrugged. "I'll see you around."
Shizune was gone, but once again, there was no change in Shouta's memory of her. If she could find something that he cared so heavily about, he wondered what it would be. What would an outside investigator determine to be the most important part of his life?
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas: True Might
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  Powers don't make the hero - passion does. Luckily for Izuku and Toshinori, this is something the quirkless have in droves.
AKA: All Might is a quirkless vigilante, One for All isn't a quirk that exists and 1A gets a whole 3-week buffer before villain's start kicking their face in as opposed to the 3 days of canon.
Basically: Quirkless!Vigilante!All Might and Quirkless!Successor!(gen ed) UA Student!Midoriya. It’s a riot.
Yagi is stupid strong, his only form in this AU is basically Muscle Form from canon, but he’s a little less ridiculously cut. Not quite chubby, but huggable. This is mostly because he A, isn’t a celebrity that needs to have a marketable image and B, he really likes carbs.
He’s not exactly a vigilante by choice, in his day and age quirkless kids weren’t permitted to apply to UA, either gen ed or heroics. When Nezu got the job, that all changed, but it was a solid decade too late for Yagi.
He’s admittedly a little bitter about it, but he refuses to do anything but his best. He might be a little snippier with Pros than he really needs to be but oh well.
Katsuki and Izuku are utterly enamoured with this crazy vigilante that just doesn’t lose, refuses to back down from a fight even when he’s outmatched, and somehow coming out victorious anyway, rescuing everyone. They have a tense relationship, but often find time to get together and just ramble about how cool All Might is, share theories and dissect his fights. It’s not uncommon for Katsuki to have been hurling abuse at Izuku during class, only to show up at his house after school with a backpack full of snacks and a notebook full of questions.
Izuku knows most of what Katsuki does is to keep his status in the school. If he showed pity to a dumb quirkless runt he’d be painted with the same brush. This doesn’t make what Katsuki has done right! Only Izuku doesn’t blame him because he’s way too forgiving.
Izuku is the smartest person Katsuki knows and vice versa – they are each other’s measuring stick. Katsuki shows Izuku bravery, Izuku shows Katsuki determination.
Episode 1 goes as it does but you see a real flash of regret when Katsuki tells Izuku to jump off a roof because they are kinda-sorta friends. Izuku looks so betrayed. We meet the slime villain like before, All Might saves Izuku and 100% doesn’t expect the kid to fanboy about him and ask for two autographs – one made out to a “Kacchan”.
“Can someone quirkless be a hero?” “The whole world will be against you. Most places won't even give you a shot – no matter how good you are. You’re better off picking something else.”
Izuku is crushed but he does understand. All Might leaves and Izuku trails off kinda hopelessly. He follows the sounds of explosions without meaning to.
It’s Katsuki! He’s dying! Like usual at this point lmao. Izuku rushes in much like canon, All Might shows up, pulls Katsuki free and slams a dumpster on the slime villains head before making a speedy getaway. The police rip into Izuku but Katsuki actually defends him. “You were doing fuck all while I fucking died – don’t knock the only asshole who tried.” Izuku quietly slips him the autograph before running off the scene. Katsuki cries because Izuku got that for him even after he was such a fucking bastard that day? He can’t bring himself to be a dick to Izuku again, even only for show.
All Might finds Izuku and he's like “Sorry I was an ass I was being a dick because I had low self-esteem – I’m quirkless. If you’ll have me I’ll make you into the best hero the world had ever seen
Izuku, obviously, says yes please!
Also, hypermobile Izuku with joint braces as support gear because just let me project please my arms are killing me ( I wrote this a while ago and yes. My arms are still killing me - yes even now). He gets them after All Might sees him miss a dodge because his ankles rolled beneath him. They support his joints beyond the normal range of strength, letting him do some crazy pivots and handsprings, making it easy to support all his weight on a single-arm with very little strain. They can also lock in place, lessening muscle fatigue if he needs to hold onto something for ages and preventing injury if he’s pushing against something. Produced by David and Melissa Shield and imported through Nighteye Heroics.
Is support gear illegal for civilians to own? Yes! But medical equipment isn’t so if you can just convince people its medical not support you can get away with a lot.
Yagi has no weapons himself, other than the random shit he picks up and swings at people, and has little support gear other than a communicator, panic button, and a whole lot of zip-ties.
Izuku should probably have weapons but I’m struggling to think of anything other than war fans because how cool would that look? Because Shonen they would also have the ability to create powerful downdrafts that would give a boost to a jump or dodge.
Probably doesn’t get them until later and needs to train with them.
In this AU, One for All isn’t a quirk. Rather, it’s a role, passed from quirkless person to quirkless person, the only people who can’t be hard countered by All for One. They tend to be vigilantes, crime lords or hero managers, doing their part to foil as much of All for One’s plans as they can, through whatever means necessary.
It’s a role with a pretty high fatality rate.
No one knows All Might is quirkless other than those close to him, they instead think he has a strength quirk. He’s the most prolific vigilante in Japan and is almost as much of a household name as canon All Might. More divisive though, with most people decrying his vigilante status when he could ‘easily make a respectable hero’. He’s also pretty brutal with his takedowns of some villains, leading a lot of people to call him an unregulated brute. Still more call him a villain which, legally he would be - were he using a quirk.
Nighteye is his contact in the heroics industry, gives him loads of inside info that’s typically not something he should be passing on. He’s still close with David Shield. Nighteye imports any costume parts he needs from David and leaves them at various pickup points for Yagi.
He went to college with David in America after Nana died; America having a quirk blind admission process helped - but he’d have gotten shit talked a lot if people didn’t just assume he had a strength quirk. Dude was and is crazy big.
David was one of the only people that knew he was quirkless
OH FOR FUN; Nighteye was also going to this American college and that’s where he met All Might. The three of them became the world’s strangest group of friends and may have lowkey done some slightly illegal vigilante work around the campus and surrounding town. They had a reputation for getting no sleep ever and being the most mismatched set of people
Secretly Smart Jock, Business Man with a Touch of E-boy, Science Hipster. They all tumbled into class together with varying levels of alive-ness. Nighteye and David were very much not morning people.
UA! It’s a ride. Izuku fails the practical but he’s not shocked – he was prepared for this.
He actually got like 30 hero points? But they refused to admit him on hero points alone due to his ‘deficiencies’. They don’t exactly tell Izuku this but Aizawa was there and he was furious.
Gets into 1C with Shinsou, Shinsou fuckin hates him on sight for reasons best known to him (It’s bc he was so god damned cheerful he just – assumed Izuku had a quirk. I love Shinsou but he’s more than a little judgemental). Izuku is like smiling through the pain because he just wanted to make a friend his age – Katsuki barely counts.
He sits with him at lunch and makes friends-ish with the hero kids who dragged Katsuki along, meets Ochaco again. She’s upset he didn’t get in – especially after he tells her he apparently got 30 points. The whole table gets mad on his behalf and hes embarrassed and happy.
Like day 2 he’s leaving gym and someone is like “Oh LMAO it’s Deku – he was in the year below me at Aldera. Only fuckin quirkless kid in the whole school; can’t believe he got into UA.” He turns to Izuku. “Who’s dick did you suck to get in you - ?” And Shinsou just decks him. He grabs Izuku – who is super confused fyi – and s p r i n t s. They have to stop after a while because hes having a panic attack and Shinsou doesn’t know what the fuck to do and he’s mad and upset and the sunshine boy is sobbing –
Aizawa shows up, having seen the (end of the) altercation and is ready to expel some gen ed kids he can’t legally expel – until he sees the two kids from the entrance exam he was interested in – including the quirkless kid who should have gotten in. Well he’s much more willing to hear them out.
100% requests expulsion on those 2 2E kids because that’s Discrimination and they should know better as second years. Nezu grants it because those 2 were di ck s
No USJ because no All Might – stuff like that will come,,, later : )
Sports Fest! Izuku and Shinsou kick ass, Aizawa is Watching. All Might may have gotten in as a crowd member with Nighteye and a visiting David and Melissa and they are cheering on their sun son. Also, Nighteye is going to go cheer on Mirio so he just got a pass to attend all 3 days of the sports festival. He’s just buying snacks on the second day because he’s never talked to one of the second years in his life.
Shinsou and Izuku make it to the tournament. Izuku has been training pretty seriously with All Might for a while now and hes a very good fighty boy. Makes it to the 3rd round of the tournament where he loses to Iida. Shinsou makes it second where he loses to Katsuki. Izuku is like “Iida might you be Ingenium’s brother or something?” “Yes, I am!” “OH MY GOD I LOVE INGENIUM ISN’T HE THE COOLEST” “YES MY BROTHER IS AMAZING” Shinsou is just watching while faintly amused.
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Shouji Mezo X Reader part 1, remember
The hospital room was lonely and cold as the doctors, police, and heroes  argued. It was no surprise luck would run out and get caught. Punishment would be unclear though, Y/n wasn’t an ordinary citizen. Though she may not get jail time she may get the wrath of her family which would be way worse. No words were spoken to Y/n when the nurses and doctors review her injuries. Ignored, that was what she felt. Yeah, she suffering from injuries, but her emotions were running. Her injuries were the only thing preventing her from showing her anxiety.
After a night in isolation, finally someone came in. It wasn’t anyone she was hoping for, but she didn’t really know who to hope for in this situation. She was in trouble. It was the man dressed in black that had the long dark hair that took her down. She didn’t know what his quirk was, but he didn’t know what hers was either. 
“Doctors told me I busted your shoulder.” He said. 
 Y/n blinked. She didn’t hate the hero, yeah he captured her, but she sacrificed herself to the situation. From how far she ran, from all the blood she lost, she gave herself up so someone special could escape. She knew that last fight she wasn’t going to win, but it still sucked. She was already injured from the previous activity, but this man was the final blow to taking her down.
“I wouldn’t have used that much force if I’d known who you were.” He continued. 
She scrunched her nose at the comment. All her life she was looked down upon, underestimated. It wasn’t her title, her birth, her quirk, it was a mixture of everything. This hero was afraid of her capabilities when they fought, he punched her like he meant it. She knew he was scared of her, and what potential she had against him.
 “You’re not getting jail time, if it’s what you’re wondering. You are a minor, and the daughter to some important people.” He said. “Which doesn’t add up why you were a part of that crime ring.”
A majority of the reason why Y/n wasn’t talking, was her throat had felt swollen from the sedation, or the fighting. A lot had happened. She wasn’t going to snitch.
“Jail time would have been heaven.” She choked 
Those bars would protect her from the disappointment of her family.
“The justice system is still figuring out what to do with you. It’s annoying how high up your family it.”  He said leaving. 
 (First name) (last name) is the youngest child of a doctor of quirk experiments, and a government official. It’s not sure that the couple does hold love for one another, but they had common goals of making powerful hero quirk children. Their oldest child didn’t manifest a powerful quirk, but had a brain to follow their parents footsteps. There were two more older siblings. Y/n, what was thought to be the dream prosperous child with a quirk like hers, but...things didn’t go as planned. It was long before crime interested her that things went wrong. 
 Aizawa sighed. Today was a low point. Not only did he capture one of the criminals, that could have been dangerous for police to get involved, but she was the daughter of important people. Instead of seeing her daughter. Her mother went to yell at the man who took her down. 
“What kind of hero fucks up my daughter’s shoulder! That is excessive! How dangerous could she have been!” The older women yelled while being held back by police officers. “You should be arrested you-“
“Ma’am, your daughter was part of a-“
“Did any of you see her? She’s helpless! She can’t fight, all teenagers do stupid shit and you want me to believe this muscle man couldn’t have been any more gentle to my daughter!”
 Her words were deep in his brain. Aizawa didn’t feel guilty for what he did, a majority of the girl’s injuries happened before the heroes got involved. When he faced her, she wasn’t this weakling her mother thought she was, without what he assumed her not using a quirk she held her ground and was able to block him from the target. He couldn’t tell if this was an act for the mother to lessen the sentence because she would be embarrassed if word got out her daughter was a trouble maker, or if she really didn’t know her daughter. After requesting public records, he learned that this whole issue was bigger than what he thought. 
 (First name last name) had a decent file. She was a suspected victim of an assault when she was younger, but child services involvement concluded it wasn’t from the family. Her quirk was unclear and requested not to be use because the side effect “injury her” but lacked a labeled how it would  hurt her. No combat abilities were written in there a year before the fight. The police had a record on her not as a future criminal, but a person of interest. Connected to something that was not concluded. She is currently a high school student and up until a couple months ago she was in a private school till switching to online due to illness. Her illness wasn’t even labeled. It was either a forged file or a poorly written one. She held her own for being badly injured against a pro-hero. Aizawa was playing it safe with the girl, not knowing what she would rip out. He could cancel her quirk, but at least wanted to know what it was before he suffered from dry eye. Her prior injuries were what made her lose focus. He punched an open wound and she began to shake her stance of being his opponent. He shoved her against the wall and her shoulder popped.
The lawyers met with Aizawa to discuss the girl’s fate. They were pissed that she was probably going to be paid out for the crime and go back to living her life. Aizawa reminded them she was still a child. He didn’t hate the girl, thought she was misguided, but she probably needed someone to whip her into shape. 
They sat across from the angry mother and her lawyers. The father wasn’t present, but it probably wouldn’t look good if he was there, bad publicity if he was visiting a hospital which would lead out to his daughter being a troublemaker, how can he help run a country if he can’t even control his sick helpless daughter. The mediator sat at the end of the table between the two groups. 
“Looking at the case, we cannot send the young Y/n to jail because she is a minor.” The mediator began. 
 Her mother smirked feeling confident. 
“None of these offenses will be going on her record because of her youth, but we will not be sending Y/n back to her family either”.
The eyes shot open between both groups.
“Why the hell not? She is my daughter.” The mother asked.
“Looking at you and your husbands work hours, you both are not home with her anyway. The lack of parental guidance has probably led Y/n astray on the dark path she chose. Looking deeper into her file she would need to be around people to look over her illness and injuries. You guys have never even been able to lock down what her quirk is.”
“That’s because it hurts her, I wouldn’t make her use her quirk if it hurts her!”
“What is her quirk like?” Aizawa asked.
“None of your business justice freak!”
“Settle down.” The mediator demanded. “Her adult older siblings also wouldn’t be able to care for her. Which is why we came up with an idea.”
The mediator’s assistant stood up to announce the compromised punishment. 
“Guilty for her crimes, (full name) will be in Eraserhead’s custody. Though he did commit excessive force on Y/n his quirk would be able to save Y/n from any self harm that could come with her quirk, and be able to provide guidance back on to a better path. He has the credentials being a teacher and a hero to help inspire (first name last name).”
It was not what he wanted, but the face of the mother was priceless because she was the most pissed off.
“I don’t know if I will be able to take on (full name).” Aizawa said being honest. He has a whole class to worry about.
“We looked at your day job, and it is true, having (full name) being considered a transfer student would not look good, but as a teaching aid she may be able to help.” 
“When the hell is my daughter suppose to get her school time in then?”
“Looking at her online progress she is ahead of schedule and does have fairly good grades. Teaching may not be her choice, but consider it an apprenticeship. It’ll give her technical skill for a future job and can get credited I bet.” The mediator said.
There was more back and forth from both sides hating the compromise, but there wasn’t another coming. The minor wouldn’t be able to have a normal sentence, she doesn’t have normal parents. Aizawa didn't need a teaching aid and didn’t want that girl near his students. But he couldn’t help to agree getting her away from them might do her some good. The set up seemed to turn out even better having at UA because she was surrounded by heroes who would be able to capture her if she escaped, she would be under surveillance, and recovery girl would be nearby if she got worse with her illness. Some changes were made, her last name wouldn’t be known, she would be extra help for all the classrooms, and she wouldn’t be allowed to leave campus without one teacher.
The school board was worried about bringing a person like (full name) to their campus, but it was a perfect punishment for overkill against a minor. Though her unknown quirk was deactivated she still was able to fight. However near a lot of heroes all day she wouldn’t be able to hold her own. Principal Nezu ended up allowing it after doing his own research on the family.
 Aizawa told class 1-A that he was accepting a teaching aid, they thought it was cool, but didn’t really think Aizawa needed someone.After the USJ attack, he was able to manage a class by himself after all his injuries. There weren’t many questions since the capture wasn’t allowed to air on the news. No suspicion at all. 
 Y/n looked at her empty dorm. It had been awhile since she felt this normal nervousness. Making her prison bearable, she decorated it in fairy lights, fake flowers, and other trivial things. Passing herself in the mirror she looked at herself. Did she look weird? Would they know how sickly she was? A bunch of hero freaks are gonna wanna save her from her quirk. Condescending worried looks once they hear her have a coughing fit. It would be so long since she would be around people her own age. She’s always been the baby of the group when she was committing crimes. 
“You don’t have to come in if you’re still unwell.” Aizawa told her. 
“I can handle cleaning and sorting papers.” She told him. “You guys only do mornings and then hero training in the after noon.”
“I didn’t think you would decorate your room like this.”
“What, you thought I’d be boring and treat this like a cell? If this is my new home, I might as well be comfortable and fetch looking.” 
“Are you going to follow the file? Not tell my students who you are, influence them in any way that can hinder their growth?” 
“Yeah, I don’t really think I’ll be talking to them much.” She said. “It’s not like I’m probably smarter than them at their subjects.”
 In all honesty Y/n was expecting to get caught at some point. Maybe it was to destroy all expectations of her, but it didn’t seem that way. Her mother called her weak and helpless and that she couldn’t have done what she did. There was no way poor little Y/n could ever rebel or be bad. 
Y/n didn’t sleep. She was scared to meet so many people at once, not people, peers. She was so used to how the adults treated her, that mistakes were made on her and she would never be the same. So much potential ruined, but still a perfect girl.
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How He Saved Iris
Izuku Midoriya x Quirkless! Reader
Warnings- Mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts. 
Summary - She was at the end of her line and he was determined to save her
Notes - Hi when I’m in bad places I write fics and this was a result of that so it’s a little rough but please enjoy!
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"You never think about the consequences" God if I had a dollar for every time I heard that.  I'd probably own UA by now.
"You never think about anyone else! You're so selfish!" Selfish isn't the right word. I just don't care. It's as simple as that. I'm in a hero society with out a quirk. I can't be a hero and I can't be anything else. Quirkless is worse than death in this world.
The breeze hits my ankles as I stand on the railing. My body waving back and fourth slightly. The sun shines above me. It's a nice day not too hot and not too cold. Birds chirp as the fly above me. I lift my foot up hovering it over the empty sky. A step into nothing. A step and then it's over.
I always wondered how I'd die. I always assumed I'd die a hero. Too bad I couldn't. Too bad I die like the bad ending. A path no one wants to travel.
"Mama I'm coming home," I mumble softly. Another step and the ground beneath me disappears.
Before I can fall I feel someone desperately grab my arm. They pull me back on to the roof. I hit their chest. Feeling their racing heart agaisnt my back.
"You okay?" A soft voice asks. It doesn't match the muscular form I feel against my back. As I turn to face the person I see soft green hair and a face littered in freckles. He's looking at me waiting for an answer. I simply nod.
Okay doesn't try to hop off the roof of the school.
He's wearing a UA uniform. Apparently we go to school together.
"You could have gotten seriously hurt," He says finally, "it's lucky I grabbed you when I did."
"Lucky," I repeat.
He looks tensely at me. Not knowing what to say or do. His green eyes look to my uniform.
"You go to UA? I haven't seen you around," He says softly. "What class are you in?"
"Class 1C general studies," I explain, "no one really remembers us."
"General studies?" He asks. I nod.
"What about you?" I ask him, "I've never seen you around so I assume you aren't general studies."
"Yeah I'm class 1A Hero course," The boy replies. He offers me his hand. "I'm Izuku Midoriya." I wait a couple seconds before taking the hand tensely.
"No one class me by my name," I tell him, "they all call me Iris."
"Iris?" He asks me.
"My nickname growing up," I share.
"Hey Midoriya you coming or what?" A guy shouts from the door way. Midoriya looks back to me. His expression is soft and full of concern.
"I should get to my dorm," I reply. I wave off before past him to the door.
"You can't be a hero you quirkless nothing"
80% of the world has a quirk. How unlucky do you have to be to be in the 20%. When all my life I just wanted to be a hero how is it fair that I get nothing?
No quirk. No future. Not in this society.
At 5 years old they gave me my diagnosis. No quirk. Despite my parents both being hero's with great quirks I was deemed a nothing. A nobody. And as if the fates decided my life wasn't bad enough mom got the diagnosis three days later.
My dad died the day I was born. An villain killed him while he was trying to save someone. He and I never got to meet. My mom and I were left alone. But she never let that worry her. She still faced the world with a bright smile.
I was 7 when she died. The concept of death was so hard to understand. I thought it was my fault. I couldn't save mom. Her funeral was hard. I don't think I talked for months after it. They moved me in with my grandma. The old lady had many faults her biggest was loudly telling the world I was a stain on her sons legacy. How someone in her family line would never be quirkless.  I suppose that's when I started the idea. The only way to be happy was to not be. That's when I started to want to die.
The truth is I didn't exactly want to die rather I want everything to end. I wanted to stop being so sad. I thought the worst of it was then. But then saddens turned to nothing. It turned to feeling empty. Feeling numb to everything.
"Hey It's you," I hear a soft voice say. I look up from my book to see the messy green hair and face full of freckles. "Iris."
"And It's you Midoriya," I reply, "in the library interrupting my reading."
"Oh sorry you just looked lonely," He says softly, "I wanted to invite you over to study with my friends and I." He points to a full table to bright colorful hero's students. All beaming with joy and excitement.
"No," I say reply, "I just want to read alone."
"Come on you can't want to be alone," He tells me, "we'd love to have you join us-"
"I said no," I say firmly. He nods then stands from the seat. His eyes remain on me. "Can you leave already?"
"No," he says, "I'm gonna stay here with you. You can't make me leave." He sits back down. "I won't make you talk or listen. But I'm not leaving you alone." I roll my eyes and look back to my book. He pulls a notebook out working on some math problem. I find it hard not to sneak glances. Why won't he leave me alone? Why can't he take a hint?
The next day he's there again. Waiting at my table working on his homework as I try to read.  My eyes focus on the numbers he's scribbling through. He skipped a step.
"That 7 is wrong," I reply boredly
"Really?" He asks.
"Yeah It's supposed to be a 9," I tell him as I flip through my book.
"You're right. Thanks," He says giving me a big smile. I scoff looking back to my book. I shouldn't have helped him. I don't want to encourage him sticking around me.
The next day when I get to the library he isn't there. I smile in relief thinking he's forgotten about me.
Who would have imagined? A girl so full of emptiness would finally want to put that to an end? I have nothing to say. No why to give. No one here deserves my last words. No one ever tried to care.
"What are you writing?" Midoriya asks as he sits across for me. I scoff ripping it from my notebook. Shoving the note in my pocket.
"Doesn't matter," I growl, "why can't you just go away?"
"No you still look lonely," he tells me, "as a hero it's my job to help people. To make them smile."
"I don't smile," I snap back, "and I don't like it when people try to help me. And I especially don't like heroes."
"How Can you not like heroes? They are so cool!"
"I don't have a great experience," I growl.
"I wanna be just like you mommy"
"Quirkless loser! Quirkless loser!"
"I wanna save the day"
"You just haven't been around the right heroes," He tells me, "a lot of them are so nice and so cool! Like All Might! You have to at least like All Might."
"No i hate all heroes," I say harshly, "now leave me alone."  I raise the book to cover my face. He looks down.
"I know a kid who didn't like heroes," He tells me, "his parents were heroes and they died when he was really young. It took him being saved by one to realize how great heroes are." I keep trying to ignore him. But he moves pushing my book down to make eye contact with me. "I'm gonna save you. I'm going to make you like heroes."
You better move fast then Midoriya.
"UA academy for a hoax."
Grandmother was never very nice. Her whole family came from heroes. The longest line of heroes ended with one mistake. After my mother died she changed my last name. Said she didn't want her sons legacy to be connected to me. I lost my parents, my dream, and my name all before the age of 10.
"You want to drop out of UA?" Nezu asks me. I nod calmly. I feel the eyes of teachers around the office on me. No one drops out of UA. Its the best of the best. You get expelled sure maybe even transfer departments. Maybe. But to drop out all together. It's unheard of. "Well this is certainly unexpected."
"Do you have another school in mind?" Aizawa asks me.
I have half a mind to make a joke about a special school in hell. But they wouldn't find it funny. Instead I make up a lie. They sigh before telling me I'd have to stay til the end of the week. I nod.
"Thank you all," I say softly before excusing my self from the room.
3 days. My last day is when I'll do it.
"You look very pretty today," Midoriya says as he sits across from my in the lunch room. I had myself so tucked away in the corner most people never found me. How did he? I don't reply to him comment. Instead I watch as he sits down his tray then looks to my napkin holding a hand full of crackers. "No lunch?"
"Nah heavy breakfast," I lie. He moves handing me half of his sandwich.
"If you eat that I'll be quiet for a whole 5 minutes," He says to me. I take it from him. Half to get him to leave me alone and half because the aching pain in my stomach is eating away at me. I rip up the pieces and take the tiniest bites. However upon noticing his careful glare I finish it off. "Five minutes," He tells me, "so why are you over here by yourself?"
"I don't keep many friends," I reply.
"I see," He tells me, "I don't see why not. You are kinda nice when you aren't glaring daggers at people."
"Don't mistake me helping you on a problem for me extending my friendship to you," I say harshly, "I don't want nor need any friends."
"Everyone needs friends," He tells me.
"Well I don't," I scoff. I move standing from the table tossing my crackers away and march from the cafeteria through the empty halls.
"You were a failure from the start. If you had just died the world would had been better off."
"I'm worried about her," Aizawa says to Nezu, "I can't see her just dropping out."
"Iris has always been a bit of an odd one out," Mic adds in, "maybe she was finally tired of feeling less than everyone else.  Think about it her parents were heros and she's just a general studies kid."
"Her grades have been slipping for the last couple months too," Nezu says to the group.
"I'm worried," Aizawa repeats, "maybe we should call home."
"She's dropping out?" Midoriya whispers. He's been hiding outside the door. He didn't mean too but he heard Iris and felt the need to listen. Dropping out? Why would she do that?
Take away everything for someone and what are you left with? Nothing. I have nothing to gain or lose. Nothing to feel. Nothing. Besides no one will miss me.
"You're late," Izuku says watching me carefully. I move sitting down across from him in the library.
"Why do you keep sitting here?" She asks finally.
"I'm gonna save you remember," he tells me. I roll my eyes. "Why are you dropping out?"
"I don't fit here any more," I tell him, "it's not my place ya know. I'm not a hero kid or support kid. I'm just kinda here."
"But what about your friends," He says softly:
"I don't have those," I reply as I open up the book.
"I'm your friend."
I scoff at the notion.
"You don't even know me," I say sternly.
"You've only read romance novels this whole week. The ones where it's star crossed lovers," He tells me, "you read fast about 16 pages every 3 minutes. You skip lunch every Tuesday to walk the gardens. I learned that from Shinso. You water the lilies because you don't think the garden ever remembers too. Aizawa is the only teacher you've seemed to bond with because he used to train you."
"So you're a stalker," I say simply, "we still aren't friends."
"I'm trying to be," he says softly, "if you'd just let me in."
"After Friday you can pretty much forget about me," I reply, "I'm not important."
"When I met you- I thought you looked familiar," He blurts out, "you're mom she was DragonWing! And your dad was Dragoner! You had hero parents so why do you hate them so much?" All the emptiness turns to anger.
"God you follow me around you watch my every mood dig into my past and you wonder why I won't talk to you!" I shout at him, "I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be around you! So until I leave UA leave me the hell alone!" The entire library had turned to look at us. Anger radiates off of me as I glare down at the boy. "Don't bother me anymore." I yank my bag onto my shoulder and march off. The day couldn't end fast enough.
I didn't realize I left the note behind.
My life was always destined to end in tragedy. From my parents death to the quirkless marking. I could never catch a damn break. And man did no one stop. Kids are mean sure but adults were the ones who crushed my dreams.
I hope in my next life I'm a butterfly. Or something that can fly. I just want to be free you know. To not feel empty and helpless. All I've ever wanted was to feel again.
'No. She wouldn't?' Izuku thought to himself. Denial filling his bones. She'd never kill himself. But it really seems like it. Oh no. What do you do in these situations? He didn't know.
"Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku shouts. He catches the time. He won't make to the pro in time. Instead he focused all of his energy into his legs. One shot.
3:30 the last bell rings and by 4 the commons is cleared. I've chose this to be the perfect time. Not witnesses no unintended harm. Just like the day Izuku found me I'll toss my self off the roof. Maybe I'll learn my quirk is to fly? Or maybe I'll realize I have a immortality quirk. Naive thought. Better than the thought that' keeps playing in my mind of how my body will look on the pavement.
I place my shoes on the ground. My letter was missing so I had to quickly write up another one. I rest it in on the heels of my shoes then move stepping up on the railing.
My mind moves to my mother. Her soft hair and gentle face. She loved me more than she ever had time to express. A pro hero who even though her daughter was quirkless told her she could become a real hero. The stories she told about her and my father. They way they met in school. They way they were happy.
It almost makes the emptiness worse.
3:28 3:29
3:56 3:58 3:59
The last kid leaves the walkway.
She takes her first step.
She starts to fall
"It's the end"
"Not yet!" The voice is strong. Powerful even if it's high pitched. He dives off to grab her. His arms clutching her tightly. The lack of gravity catches them. Uraraka. She smiles at the two. Iida and Todoroki at her side. The two guys help pull the jumper and her saviour back onto the roof.
Tears stream down the girls face.
All I wanna do is die
"Why did you do that?!" I sob helplessly, "It wasn't almost over I was almost free!"
"No you almost made a terrible mistake," The blue hair boy says looking at me.
I look to Midoriya still holding onto me. I move burying my head in his chest.
"I wanna die! Just let me die! Please! Why did you do that?"
"I told you I was gonna save you," He says to me as he strokes my hair, "I meant it. I'm gonna save you from yourself. I'm gonna help you."
"I don't want your help!"
"I know but you're gonna get it," He says to me, "something drew me to the roof that day and since then I made it my goal to help you. So let me." I meet his eyes. Green. Bright and full of life. He's so positive. So bright. It's not fair.
"I'll just keep jumping," I say at once.
"And I'll keep pulling you back," He tells me, "but you and I both know there is a better way to solve this."
"Let's start off with telling a teacher," He says softly. He offers his hand to me and helps me from the ground.
We do just that. We tell Aizawa about attempt number one and two. He asks questions I don't want to answer. I answer them anyway. We reenroll me into school then I'm admitted to the hospital. It's lonely at first but Midoriya visits a lot. He helps me feel better.
My grandma gives up custody of me. Aizawa takes me in. I get back in school with better grades and better health. I befriend class 1A. I make heroes good again in my mind.
I still feel jealous. But I remember I don't need a quirk to be a hero. I decide to become a consoler. To help people in a different way.
Midoriya becomes my best friend. Then my boyfriend. After a couple more years my husband. He explains the story about him and All Might. And tells me we probably won't have a kid with a quirk. I smile at him. Saying we'll still love them. Our baby is born with Izuku's mothers quirk our next kid has a dragon transformation quirk like my mother. Midoriya tells them the stories of how he saved millions. He leaves the most important one for last. How he saved Iris.
140 notes · View notes
master of disaster
Kaminari, Ashido and Mineta could hardly believe their eyes as they watched Izuku Midoriya - one of the most honest and heroic students in the entire year - get into a police car like a criminal. What had they missed? When did Midoriya become a criminal? | dad might. master of disaster
Izuku had a problem and certainly not a small one. How else could it be? Whenever he found a problem - and he did it all the time, no matter what he did, even if he just did not want to do anything, shop, go out with friends, anything - it was never small. No. In the beginning, it might look trivial and then, bit by bit, it would turn out to be the mosaic of a complete disaster and, of course, he was right in the middle of it - as always.
Still, he could not fully explain why Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic were standing in front of him, in full gear, their shoulders taut, their lips narrowed and eyes screaming war. And all this in the police headquarters, in front of a group of people who all knew Izuku (which he only now realized - all the police knew him and most of them he could address by name, how many times had he been here?).
Sansa and Uncle Naomasa stood beside him, looking a bit confused when Aizawa stepped forward and fixed them with harsh eyes. "I want to know what the problem kid did." Izuku was hurt by his homeroom teacher's suggestion, but then he remembered all the incidents that had left him, or at least got in touch with the police department, and he made himself very small.
Naomasa looked at him seriously now. "Izuku, you did something?" The boy shook his head hastily. "Not that I know, honestly!" The last word was a mere reflex, knowing full well that Naomasas Quirk could tell if anyone was lying and Izuku was not, so it was doubly muted, but it was good , Stop it now.
His class teacher narrowed his eyes. "Can anyone explain why I got a panicked call from some of my students telling me that Midoriya got into a police car?"
Tormented Izuku closed his eyes. It had an innocent, almost simple beginning ...
He was beginning to panic, he was well aware of it, he felt that familiar pull, and actually he did not have time for that because he had to find a gift for All Might! He had his birthday soon (in three days) and Izuku still had no present and he felt like the worst successor in the whole wide world, how could he have forgotten that ?!
Now he was glad that he had remembered to make an appointment in his phone calendar, even though he probably felt very stupid last year, but he knew himself and his anxiety, and knew that otherwise he would step in and then the panic attack would definitely set in and he could not afford that! He still had a gift to find! The problem - he did not know what he should give to the former No. 1, the man was probably a millionaire and theoretically could buy everything himself. What did you give to such a person? Izuku just did not know it and it really messed him up.
Why couldn’t he be lucky? For hours (it really were more than two hours!) He walked up and down the mall, ignoring the uneasy feeling Shigaraki had left behind in him because he had more important things to do. But he did not find anything. It was to pluck hair! How could that be?
The goddess of fate did not mean well with him, when was the last time he'd had a lucky streak? He could not think of anything, but-
"Izuku?" Came a voice from behind him, and he spun around in fear, immediately in a defensive position, before he registered who was speaking. He let out a relieved breath. Funny, he did not realize he was holding his breath- "Uncle Nao!" He shouted, a happy grin on his lips as he saw the detective who was his unofficial uncle at this point in his life. The title spoke for itself. He smiled gently at him.
"What are you doing here? You look a lot lost, "he was asked, and now Izuku hung his head. "I'm trying to find a birthday present for All Might, but ... nothing seems right to me and his birthday is in three days and I can not find anything-" he gasped frantically and wanted to continue, when Uncle Nao put a hand over his mouth to stop him from talking on.
"Hey, Izuku, keep calm, I'm sure we'll find something suitable," the black-haired man said, and his hand landed on his shoulder. Hopefully, Izuku looked up. "We?" He echoed, and Naomasa grinned briefly. "Of course, I also have to come up with something for him, it's not easy to pick something for a millionaire."
Izuku's shoulders sagged. "I know, that's exactly what I thought. What does he like anyway? I know he likes to drink tea, even if he misses coffee. "
"He likes movies, too, especially the old children's movies from America. I think it was Disney? Something like that. He has a collection of them, but as far as I know he does not have them all. "
The boy's eyes lit up.
"I think I'm starting to get ideas! I know his favorite teas - he likes to drink Sincha and that American tea called Lapacho or something - and we can find out which films he does not have if I visit him tomorrow - probably better tonight - in his apartment at the dorm and look around then! I wanted to cook with him anyway, so that suits! Then you could order the two things - I'd give you the money back, of course - and then- "he gasped, his eyes beaming, his brain literally flipping over. "And I know his old phone case is going to break, but he never buys himself something, so I thought maybe I could draw something and you could order a personalized phone case, but I do not know what should be on it and oh my god, that will- «
"Izuku!", Naomasa's laugh tore him from his thoughts. "Eh?" He said mildly, looking wide-eyed at his pseudo-uncle. "Easy, catch your breath as you speak. These are great ideas and I already have a clue what you could do for the case. I found an old photo of him and his mentor when she was alive, but it's almost falling apart and maybe you can sketch it and we'll use it? "
Izuku's heart stopped as he thought of this possibility. He thought of All Might's surprise, his happy smile, what would follow - maybe even a few tears of joy ?!
"Yes! Oh yes, please! "He exclaimed and he literally jumped up and down. "But I need to draw the picture as fast as possible, how fast can you get it?"
"I have it in the police station, in a folder dedicated exclusively to Toshinori. If you are patient and I can get some coffee for my colleagues and myself, then you can come with me. I'll take you to U.A afterwards. "
"That would be perfect! In the meantime, I can begin to define the proportions and think about which colors would be best ... " Naomasa looked at him amused. "Well. I hope you do not mind sitting in the police car - unfortunately you'll have to sit in the back, you know, protocol. "
Izuku once waved his hands wildly. "Don’t worry, I understand. Hey, does Sansa really like fish more than usual or ...? " The detective laughed. "He does not like fish and seafood any more than anyone else. He's even allergic to shrimp. "
Izuku had not thought of it when Uncle Naomasa safely stowed the coffee in the car, then opened the door for Izuku and let him in before he got behind the wheel himself. On the contrary, he was excited that he could finally see a picture of Miss Nana and All Might when he was young - before his time as a pro-hero! The fanboy in him was about to hyperventilate. These were never seen pictures, it was as if he got a USSR card from All Might in his Bronze Age, only ... better!
So they arrived at the police headquarters - Izuku an excited bundle of nerves and Naomasa the calm in person including coffee.
Sansa was the first to notice them and greeted them with a big smile, raising one hand as a greeting. "Ah, Tsukauchi, Midoriya-kun, what are you doing here? I hope you have not stuck a bad guy to your butt again? "Joked the orange-haired man and Izuku laughed in embarrassment. "Ah, luckily not. Uncle Nao just wanted to help me with something else. But I have a very different question! ", With these words he pulled out his journal and a pen - he never simply let it stay at home, everywhere a new quirk could cross his path and then he would have to be ready!
Sansa raised his ears attentively. "Oh? What's it all about? "He asked, accepting the coffee from Tsukauchi thankfully. "I have questions about your quirk! Is your hearing better than other people's? Your sense of smell? Can you also look like cats in the night? Can you talk to cats and understand them? Can you purr? "
The officer looked slightly flabby at first, but he chuckled in amusement. "That's more than a question, Midoriya-kun!" The person addressed had the goodness to blush slightly before looking at the man with determination. "All right, all right, I'll tell you a few of my secrets."
Naomasa, on the other hand, shook his head in amusement before going to his office to look for the picture of why they were even here.
After that - otherwise Izuku could not describe it - everything went down the drain. Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic appeared and accusations flew - well, more or less.
"Um ... that might be because I got into a police car - but not because I did something, really! And I was not even allowed to sit in front, because of the protocol! Right? "He turned for help from his pseudo-uncle, who only nodded in agreement. Aizawa's eyes narrowed again. "Why is the problem child here at all?" He grumbled, not satisfied that he had to be here. The boy could not even blame him. "Well, I met Uncle Nao at the mall and, oh yes."
"We talked and made a small project together, which is why I took him here," Naomasa finished his sentence, skeptically Aizawa raised his eyes as Present Mic followed the conversation as if watching a tennis match. "What kind of project and why?" His class teacher looked at him sharply, and Izuku winced. "Do not I know about it?"
The human lie detector sighed deeply. "It's not official, otherwise I'd have contacted Director Nezu long ago-"
"It's all about birthday presents!" Izuku hurriedly - and much too loudly - exclaimed, so that a few more pairs of eyes rested on the boy, which he quickly regretted and so he made himself small. He could see how Mr. Aizawa relaxed, as if a burden had fallen from his shoulders. "Birthday Gifts?" He mumbled thoughtfully, and Present Mic looked excitedly at the boy. Hey, little listener! Who has his birthday and when ?! "he asked loudly and enthusiastically and Sansa ducked his head at the volume, which made  the blond realize he got quieter »All Might has its birthday in three days and we still wanted to work on the intricacies of its gifts! It's really harmless- " Suddenly Izuku hesitated in his explanation because he felt uncomfortable. A sense of danger caused him to think that he should run away, that there was danger, that he had to go, far away, just - Apparently, he was not the only one who had that instinct, for Izuku could see all the people present taking a defensive, ready position, some twitching with their hands as if they were reaching for their weapons, including his two teachers. Mr. Aizawa looked like he wanted to use his quirk, but the surest indication that something was wrong was Sansa. His pupils were nothing but slits, his fur was standing up and his ears were pressed against his head. If Izuku did not know better, he would have said he was facing a real cat. Tense silence spread in the room, no one dared make a sound or a movement. Izuku's heart began to accelerate, sweat appeared on his forehead and he saw that the others did not fare better. Footsteps sounded. If his heartbeat was fast before then it started to race. Wildly he looked in all directions. Uncle Nao had carefully drawn his weapon, a few others as well, as he now noticed. Everyone was incredibly tense. A clack, then ... the door opened gently and in came...  All Might. Normally, his sight would be enough for Izuku to relax, but not this time, this time he still had that fight-or-flight instinct, that left him frozen. The glowing eyes of his mentor once roamed the room before they fell on Izuku. »My boy" his deep voice broke the nerve-racking silence. "Is everything all right with you?" He just nodded helplessly, unable to bring words to his lips. There was still this overwhelming feeling- Izuku blinked in surprise. It was gone. His mouth opened and stared at his idol. Did this ... eerie, threatening aura that was similar to that of  All For One come from All Might? Then, as if nothing had happened, a small smile settled on the blond's face and he came closer. Perplexed, Izuku looked up. Most had also relaxed again, some packed their weapons away, but the fur of Sansa was slow to recover. "Forgive me for the disturbance. But I was in a hurry to come here when I heard from my students that young Midoriya was being held at the police station. " Annoyed Izuku groaned and now the ex-pro looked at him amused. "It was not like that! Where did those rumors come from ?! "He buried his face in his hands. "I do not know how Ashido, Kaminari, and Mineta came up with it, but they bothered me while showering." The very idea to bother one of his teacher - All Might! - during the shower , drove the blush to Izuku face. "I-I'm sorry!" He babbled helplessly, glad that he could hide his face. All Might laughed and ruffled his untamable hair. »Do not worry, my boy! You're fine and you can probably go right back, that's the most important thing. "As he spoke, the older man sharply looked at his best friend, who nodded. "I just have to give him something, and then you're welcome to go. If anything had really happened, I would have called you, "Naomasa raised an eyebrow and All Might smiled sheepishly. "Ah, I did not think that far, forgive me," he said softly as usual, and Izuku was astonished at the contrast his mentor showed from before.
Then he turned to the boy. "Are you going to tell me why this whole uprising was being staged?" He asked, and Izuku shook his head violently. "I can not, but it's not bad, I promise!" His eyes were probably the size of saucers, but he did not care, he just hoped his teacher would take it and stop asking
"Ahh, I'll have to trust you, huh? And as long as Naomasa-kun does not object, it can not be that bad ", now he sounded a bit amused again and Izuku breathed relieved. Then he had a completely different idea, he was seized by a childish panic. "We're still cooking together, are not we?" He asked frantically, fear seizing him. What if All Might was mad at him now because he had without meaning to made sure that three of his teachers had turned up in a panic, including All Might, who was disturbed while showering, dear God in Heaven!?
His mentor snorted. "Of course, calm down, that's no cause for panic."
Uncle Nao laughed meanly. "Exactly! Listen to your father! "
The former No. 1 nodded in agreement. "Right, you should listen to me-" he paused and then coughed wildly as he realized what he had just agreed to. To his chagrin, the green-haired boy made only an indefinable, shrill sound as he stared at his idol as if he had personally hung the moon.
"Y-you think I'm your son ?!" Izuku tried to calm down, really, but it was not his fault that his voice suddenly became so loud! He was absolutely thrilled and surprised and overwhelmed and-
"Yes! No! I mean-! Help! ", His mentor stared at his two colleagues for help, and Aizawa looked at him unimpressed and crossed his arms. "I'll stay out of it." However, this did not apply to Present Mic, who looked like he had won the jackpot in the lottery. "Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeee! Juicy! "
It was a testament to the amount of time that the two One-For-All users spent together that their first reaction was to bury their faces in their hands. The ex-pro had never done this before he knew Izuku. Naomasa could only snort in amusement when he saw that. He knew the blonde a little longer than the boy. "Oh, come on, Toshi, just adopt him."
"Naomasa-kun, that's not helpful! I  wanted to ask him if I could adopt him as my son in my own time! "
"You called me son, no take backs!", Burst it out of the boy and his idol looked at him with a look that seemed to say no-shit-sherlock.
"I knew that, my boy."
"Does that mean I should address Gran Torino with Gran Pa?" Izuku asked hesitantly. If All Might (!) was his dad now, and Gran Torino was somehow the pseudo dad of All Might, it made the old man his grandfather, right?
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: Past Aizawa/Mandalay
Word Count: 1,9218 Words
Summary: The Sports Festival, part 1.
Warnings: Food Mention, Death Mention, Caps, Cursing, Teen Pregnancy, Fighting Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison   Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20, Yamada: President Megaphone, Bakugou: deku-deck-you
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 8
7:00 AM
Existence Is A Prison
gay salt: Tokoyami, I know it's the sports festival and all today, but you didn't need to bring everyone sandos and sports drinks again.
foil-mecha: Thing is, I didn't.
farmer toshi: No, no, because my whole class has sandos and sports drinks on their desks too. And I heard the other Gen Ed classes causing a ruckus over them too. Seems like someone put sando throughout the whole school.
feral cat dad: That would be me. I'm not letting any of you kids go without eating during a major sports event where you'll likely get injured and your bodies need fuel to fight and I won't let you not eat.
feral cat dad: My old Gen Ed teacher, Miss Rin, began this tradition of giving out sandos and water at the gate to students on the day of the Sports Festival. Nezu sanctioned of course, since he refused to allow her to pay for it herself. And now it's carried on through me since she passed on a few years ago.
ranch flavored jello: That's actually really sweet, Dad.
feral cat dad: If you tell anyone it was me who put them out, I'll make you clean the roof level.
ranch flavored jello: We have a roof level?
feral cat dad: You guys didn't know the dorms have roof access?
ranch flavored jello: Well, now we do. Where even are the stairs to it?
feral cat dad: Literally next to my room, I don't know how you haven't found them.
deku deck-you: It's the door next to his room, Toru. Even I found it. You've been here five more days than me.
ranch flavored jello: I THOUGHT THAT WAS A BROOM CLOSET!
feral cat dad: Oh my gods, these kids will be the end of me.
8:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: God help me being alone with this idiot.
feral cat dad: I'm using this chat for extra commentary because there are things I can't say on live national television commentary so they'll all be said here.
feral cat dad: Oh god, Katsuki, no. Don't slander our name.
feral cat dad: Please.
feral cat dad: GOD DAMMIT
feral cat dad: Obstacle Course? Fuck.
feral cat dad: Most proud of my son managing to evade Todoroki's ice despite never dealing with it before.
feral cat dad: Also, Todoroki, who hurt you as a child? That was purposeful so nobody could catch up!
feral cat dad: Get it, Pikachu.
feral cat dad: I'm proud of my gremlin children.
feral cat dad: I'm not paid enough to make commentary on this obstacle.
feral cat dad: Except for my son. I care about my ground-bound son getting across the pit to Tartarus shit.
feral cat dad: Gods, mines. I remember those landmines. I hate those things. They almost made me temporarily blind during my second year Sports Festival.
feral cat dad: What the FUCK Midoriya!?
8:45 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Alright you're probably in the break room for the twenty five minute break by now. Katsuki, what's wrong with your arms? You were holding them.
deku deck-you: Just a lot of work. Overworking. I guess it can't be helped, this is why I have so much wrist support in my hero costume, to help keep my hands from feeling cramped from the explosions.
feral cat dad: Come up to the box, I'll shut old parakeet up if he tries to speak.
deku deck-you: Why?
feral cat dad: I have some ibuprofen, come take two, it should help the pain at least.
deku deck-you: Thank you.
9:00 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Am I allowed to ask why Vlad King is taking care of a small child when he, in fact, doesn't have children?
feral cat dad: Just realized I won't get an answer because you all made it to the next round. I'm so proud but dammit, now I'm curious.
9:20 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: I...What?
feral cad dad; I hate the cavalry battle, that was difficult to keep track of. I don't know how Hizashi does it.
schrodinger better run: Obviously, the answer is very carefully.
feral cat dad: I'm sorry you didn't make it through, Pony. I have candy if you want some.
schrodinger better run: Thank you! I'll stop by and grab it on my way to lunch.
feral cat dad: If you're going to meet back up with your class, text me why there's a child.
schrodinger better run: There's a child?
feral cat dad: smallchildinvladkingsarms.jpg
schrodinger better run: He looks a lot like Tokage.
9:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
ranch flavored jello: Mr. Aizawa, this is Mina, Toru's busy crying so she asked me to ask you. Mineta and Kaminari are telling us 1a girls that you instructed we wear the cheerleader uniforms for the afternoon. What should we tell them?
feral cat dad: Tell them they have three weeks of detention each to look forward to and don't wear those fucking uniforms.
schrodinger better run: Okay, so apparently the kid's here because Tokage brought him in? I still don't have a full explanation, but his name is Mitsu and he's 2 years old.
feral cat dad: Okay. So Tokage brought her little brother or something?
nat20: I'm not so sure about that. He just called her Mama.
feral cat dad: So Tokage has a son?
nat20: It seems like it.
feral cat dad: Oh, Nezu won't be happy about this. He wanted any young parents to report to him after the opening ceremony and alert him if they had any children so they would stay in the dorms.
nat20: To be fair, it would seem Tokage would be the only one out of all the first year classes, so it might have been too much pressure to fit in. Or she may even just has help enough at home that she didn't feel she needed to tell anyone.
feral cat dad: He'll still be mad. Believe me, he'll at least force her to accept a UA fund card so she doesn't need to work to support the baby.
saviour: We got to talking and, apparently, she gives him to a daycare while she's at school and she picks him up when she leaves school.
feral cat dad: Yup, she'll probably be moved on campus if she's not having her family take care of the baby during the day. Nezu's very adamant that his students have help if they're struggling.
10:45 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Alright, so Shinsou against Rikamaru Kana from the Support Course. I don't know if this will be easy for him.
nat20: I am offended Kendo thinks so little of me.
feral cat dad: Why?
nat20: She said I'm perverse! And, when I asked her about it after, she said it's because I wear the girls' uniform sometimes. She thinks I'm some pervert trying to invade the girl's bathroom to creep on them.
nat20: I swear I haven't, Mr. Aizawa, I've never even gone into the girls restrooms, I use the men's or the one in Recovery Girl's office. And I change in the men's locker room. Tetsutetsu will tell you, he's guarded me before when I was uncomfortable changing.
feral cat dad: Don't worry, kid, I believe you. Come up to the box, you need a hug. I'll talk to Kendo if you want.
nat20: Please.
10:50 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Oh my god, he actually did it. I'm so proud, Shinsou.
schrodinger better run: Shinsou fucking yeeted her.
life is a nightmare: Equal opportunity yeeting.
feral cat dad: Next up is Hatsume vs Tokoyami.
nat20: I hope Tokoyami does well next.
11:00 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Tokoyami, I'm proud of you for being a good sport and helping her up after.
foil-mecha: I'm nothing if not a gentleman. Plus, when she fell down, she sprained her ankle. It's the least I can do to help her to Recovery Girl.
farmer toshi: I'm betting a grocery shop tonight that Ashido's going to win against Midoriya next.
feral cat dad: Be careful kid, you might eat those words.
11:10 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Fine, I guess I'm getting dinner. And I'm also very happy Toru won against Iida.
feral cat dad: That's if you don't get injured. Remember, there's now two people you know against you.
ranch flavored jello: I still can't believe I won against Iida, honestly.
feral cat dad: Well, Shiozaki is against Shizuka Inei next. A Gen Ed Course student.
nat20: Do you know him, Hitoshi?
farmer toshi: Kind of hard to miss someone when they're that fucking loud all the time.
foil-mecha: Is that son of a bitch harassing Ibara?
nat20: I have lost faith in humanity. How dare a peasant's filthy hands touch our Ibara.
farmer toshi: Yeah, I'd defend my classmate in it being an accident if I didn't know that Shizuka is a blatant misogynists.
feral cat dad: I'll fight him. Disgusting little trash.
life is a nightmare: And HE gets to advance while our Ibara loses? Unacceptable.
feral cat dad: The Min*ta of class 1c.
11:25 AM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: Thank goodness Kiyomi's advancing. I do feel bad she'll be fighting a misogynist though.
pure: I felt kind of bad about it, I didn't really want to fight our Akari!
nat20: I'm sure Akari understands and also didn't want to fight you either, but you two can't just refuse to fight because you're friends or you'd both be either disqualified or forced to fight by now.
gay salt: No ill will is held on my end, Kiyomi! I think our fight was rather fun!
pure: Okay, as long as you promise you're not mad.
gay salt: I'm not, I'm proud of you, mon amor.
nat20: Any bets on Kaminari here?
farmer toshi: I'll bet on Pikachu winning.
schrodinger better run: I'll bet a grocery trip that Fujioka wins.
life is a nightmare: That would be the furthest a Business Course student would have gotten in the Sports Festival.
schrodinger better run: I'll still bet on him.
feral cat dad: Well, you were wrong, Pony.
schrodinger better run: All as well. I didn't expect Fujioka to have an equip quirk, to be fair.
feral cat dad: Next is Tokage vs Fukumura from General Studies.
saviour: Let's go Tokage!
11:30 AM
Existence Is A Prison
deku deck-you: Is Tokage okay? I heard she passed out.
feral cat dad: She's overworked and malnourished from what Recovery Girl will tell me when I ask and Nezu is speaking with Tokage and asking her what got her to this.
feral cat dad: I
feral cat dad: I don't think I'm at liberty to discuss her tragic backstory with you guys, sadly. But she'll tell you when she moves into the dorms tonight.
11:35 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Todoroki, aka Mr. Overboard. Poor Sero.
farmer toshi: Oh god, I might need to fight Mr. Daddy Issues.
farmer toshi: Gods help me.
foil-mecha: To be fair, he'd have to get through three brackets to get to you and he'd be fighting you in the three-way fight.
ranch flavored jello: He'd have to get past Katsuki too.
deku deck-you: He won't.
feral cat dad: Alright then, Mr. Overconfident.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust 
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untcdstsofsmsh · 5 years
Midoriya always seemed fine. So, when he was found dead in his dorm room. Everyone was at a total loss. It had to be fake. There was no one the new holder of All for One could be gone just like that. There was no sign of force entry nor that he did it to himself. Izuku Midoriya had just simply passed away in his sleep.
It should’ve never happened.
He remembered the morning he found out, running breathless to the dorms, passed shocked, terrified, crying students and a few teachers who had made it before him. Passed Mic, Eraserhead, Lemillion, Nezu--
All Might had seen death. Despite all his efforts, he’d seen the pale, unmoving bodies of the dead and the telling stink that followed. How his skin and hair lost color and movement. How he laid too still.
He had to be carried out of the room. Apparently, Bakugo was there earlier, made to leave in much the same way.
Inko cried. She knew. Somehow, she knew. The second she entered the office, she looked like she was expecting the worst. Aizawa had to tell her, had to explain everything that they learned since Izuku’s body was picked up. How they don’t know what caused it, but that general trauma from hero training still held the risk of death in some students. Head trauma, extreme stress -- especially with this year -- and a small collection of other things could’ve killed the boy.
Aizawa speaks and he speaks very matter-of-factly, almost coldly.
How he could, Toshinori would never understand.
At the end of it all, Inko just looks at Toshinori, shoulders slumped, eyes red and puffy, lips quivering. The question behind her eyes shakes the veteran hero to his bones.
Why couldn’t you save him?
His cremation and funeral are held a few days later. All of the first years are there to pay respects, as well as a few teachers, older students, Eri...
Eri doesn’t stop crying for the whole service. Aizawa holds her tight to his chest in his suit, whispering how it wasn’t her fault, how she couldn’t have saved him, how she can’t save him now, he’s gone.
Toshinori can’t stand being near the memorial, turns to leave, tries to find somewhere he can be alone to grieve again--
Bakugo stands, leaning against the large doorway, looking uncharacteristically vulnerable. Weak. His hair is barely styled at all, his suit worn properly but dirty from him lingering outside.
When Bakugo finally looks up at Toshi, that same question echoes in his eyes.
Why couldn’t you save him?
Toshi’s quick to leave the church.
The school closes for a week. The police insist on doing an investigation. The school encourages parents and guardians to give their children updated check ups, vaccines, everything they can to ensure their children are healthy.
Nezu tries to contact Toshinori. He refuses to answer his phone. Refuses to go back to the school grounds.
Instead, he rents a car.
He can’t drive.
He rents one, anyway.
Not being able to drive is half the point, after all.
Still, damn him, he manages to figure out just enough to drive to the underside of one of the smaller, lesser used bridges. Drive to it, under it and ram the box of fiber glass and rubber hard into a support beam.
He blacks out for a while. Just long enough to hear cursing. The door’s ripped open, there’s coughing -- the smell is terrible and he notes there’s no airbag smothering him -- and a familiar voice calls out for him.
“All Might! ALL MIGHT!”
Eraserhead scrambles to cut him free of the seatbelt, checking him over before wrapping his arms around Toshi’s long body. Despite the difference between them being just over a foot, Eraserhead manages to cradled Toshi’s head and spine while carrying him to the cleared ground.
He’s furious.
“What the FUCK did you think you were doing!?”
Toshi couldn’t wrap his head around it. Probably because of his own growing head trauma. Probably because he’s still stuck on how the underground hero found him. Probably, even more so, that he was stuck trying to read the hero’s expression beyond his anger.
Half the angry words don’t register. He’s mad. Mad Toshinori would try and take his life. How he couldn’t kill himself because his ‘favorite’ died. How he couldn’t do this shit and not expect it to impact the kids -- HIS. KIDS.
“I killed him.”
The words are just enough to stop the raging river of rambling.
“... What?” There’s a warning there. Whatever Toshinori would say next better not be some bullshit self-deprecation. It better make the most fucking sense out of everything he’s ever said or done, or else.
“I killed him.” The words nearly choke him the second time. Tears well up in his eyes. “I... I’m responsible for Midoriya Izuku’s death.”
“Idiot.” Barely restrained anger is spat out in just one word before Eraserhead wills himself to calm down. “He died from unknown causes. The best we have to go off of is stress from that’s happened this year. You couldn’t control any of that.”
“It’s stress from his quirk.”
That catches his attention. Toshi breathes deep and explains everything. Each question is answered simply. Every secret about his quirk -- the quirk he’d given to Midoriya -- is laid out for the boy’s teacher to know.
When everything is said and done, Aizawa sits there, dumbfounded and ignoring the distressed calls over the small radio at his hip. He turns down the volume of Present Mic yelling for confirmation of locations, sits down next to Toshinori and stares at the car wreckage.
“... He was a child.”
“They’re all children.” Toshi pushes himself up from the ground, reasonably sure that nothing vital was broken or punctured and... well, if it was, it still served his purposes. “We expect the same out of all of them. This one just took a different route.”
“You gave him a power no child could ever hoped to master,” he presses, standing to follow the tall, slouching man. “And now that he’s shown he couldn’t have handled it, you try and dismiss it?!”
“If you have such deeply held issues with what I’ve done, then leave. Pretend you didn’t find me.”
“And then what?” The snap in Aizawa’s voice is harsher than usual. “Let you wallow in your self pity as you try and off yourself again?”
“Let me be, Aizawa-san.”
“So you can run away from this?”
“There’s no USE for me, Aizawa!”
The shorter man stops, lips pressed tight as Toshi’s voice raises to a shout.
“I had... One fucking job. To protect that quirk. To pass it down to a hero worthy of it. To train and protect them until they had it mastered. I was it’s keeper for well over thirty years, and just when I thought I could say I’d done at least a half decent job at this one thing my life was set up to do, I lose them both. One for All, a quirk with no equal, and Young Midoriya...”
The closest thing to a son he’d ever have.
He breathes deep. It hurts to breathe. Hurts to move. The adrenaline from the crash starts to lessen and he can finally feel the headache, the familiar ache of his ribs, a growing pain in his leg and arm.
Aizawa moves to catch him as he finally buckles under the pain.
“I’m useless,” he continues on. “This life... it has nothing else to live for.”
“Idiot,” Aizawa hisses to him. “You have forty other students waiting for you, at least half a world full of fans who’d worry--”
“All of who wouldn’t forgive me for what I’d done to that boy.”
“God DAMMIT, ALL MIGHT.” Pale fists bundle into piles of clothing, calm facade broken again to show his growing anger. “Fuck your self-righteous pride for one god damn minute and think beyond yourself!”
Toshi can’t help but flinch. Between his growing headache, vulnerability and Aizawa’s diminishing patience, it’s hard to put on a brave face. It’s hard to want to.
What was the point anymore?
“The amount of god forsaken hubris,” he hisses, “it takes to think so highly of your bad decisions is mind boggling.” Aizawa breathes, his dark eyes burning into Toshinori’s skull. “To think, your stupidity and grief can absolve you from everything else you’ve committed yourself to. You’re not done here, not with students who need your guidance, not with people who look up to you. And if you can’t see the worth in a life where you’re still needed, then consider it fore-fitted to me.”
Aizawa leaves him on the ground to stand, Toshinori blinking up at him incredulously. “What?”
“Your life belongs to me, now.” The pale man breathes deep and slow before pulling out the radio at his side. “You don’t get to decide how it ends, anymore.”
Not giving the blond a chance to argue or protest, Aizawa turns to report their location. Within minutes (tense and quiet) an ambulance arrives and carries Toshinori to the nearest hospital.
He hates hospitals. It doesn’t matter, though, because Aizawa makes it clear his threat isn’t just for show and tells Recovery Girl to call him as soon as Toshi starts acting like a fool. She seems surprised, but doesn’t question it.
X-rays. Casts. Oxygen. More x-rays to make sure his already jumbled and incomplete organs were as good as they could hope to get. It was a horrible visit, punctuated by Gran Torino’s and Recovery Girl’s very quiet visits. All Might doesn’t speak when given their rare inquiries: what happened? How? When? Why? He doesn’t speak and he doesn’t stop their assumptions: they know enough to know what he’d say, don’t they?
Aizawa comes in like a force of nature, anger simmering just below the surface the second his eyes land on Toshinori. Then he raises a bag of food.
“You will eat, All Might.” The forcefulness of his voice is a little startling, but his motions to prepare his meal are slow and careful.
Their visits continued on like this for a while, either with Aizawa bringing food or him coming with the accompanying nurse sent to help him eat. His anger came and went, but was always quiet and blunt.
It continued when he arrived to school again, Aizawa not leaving his side for a minute or otherwise forcing him to follow the other around. Paperwork, meal breaks, lesson planning -- anything short of restroom breaks meant Aizawa was there.
“I meant it when I said your life was mine, now.”
Toshi couldn’t help feeling like he had just burdened Aizawa with another responsibility. An entire other life to have to guard for however long he could. A fool to guide out of self-destruction.
It would just have to be that way, for now...
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Their Hero Academia: Interlude
My ongoing next-gen My Hero Academia fanfic.  This is the raw and unedited Interlude, edited version will eventually go up on AO3.
Chapters 0-16 can be found here
Chapter 17 (unedited) can be found here
Their Hero Academia – Interlude – Shota Aizawa’s Perilous Staff Meeting
It had been a very long week, and Shota Aizawa was already seriously contemplating retirement.  Many of his fellow former teachers already had. Mic, Snipe, Cementoss, Vlad King, all of them and others had retired or moved to other positions.  Even Emi was telling him he ought to retire and spend more time with her.  But his wife knew, as he did, that he was far too dedicated to the youth, making sure that they turned out to be responsible, successful, and above all, not-dead heroes.
But if ever there was a class to challenge this resolve, this was it.
He sipped from a bad cup of coffee as he watched the other teachers and staff file into the teacher’s lounge.  It was unusual for Nezu to call a staff meeting on a Sunday; he would only have done so if he had an important reason.
He nodded politely to Yusei Fujii and Itsuka Tetsutetsu, Super Ball and Battle Fist, who were the other homeroom teachers.  Tetsutetsu had been one of the best students in Class 1-B decades ago and he knew her to be a reliable teacher who did well by her students.  Fujii had been a capable enough Pro-Hero in the field, though in Aizawa’s opinion he talked too much and made too many jokes.  As a teacher, Aizawa thought he was far too soft, too willing to extend chances to those who did not deserve them.  But Nezu had faith in the rubber-bodied bouncing hero, so Aizawa dealt with it by largely ignoring him when he could.
“You know, Aizawa,” Fujii said, “it wouldn’t kill you to smile a little.  Otherwise, how will we know if you die from boredom sitting there?”
He didn’t dignify that with a response and denied the opportunity to ridicule him further, Fujii took a seat.
Higari Maijima—Power Loader—arrived next.  He was one of the few people on the staff even older than Aizawa, making him feel like not quite such an old man in a field of kids.  Even if “kids” was something of a misnomer, considering the youngest was older than he’d been when he began teaching.
Power Loader fixed him with glare.  “Just a reminder that the Iida Twins are still banned from my classes until Friday. They’re your problem until then.”   He visibly shuddered as he took his seat.  “Twins!  One of that girl was bad enough, but twins…!”
“Trust me, Maijima,” he said, allowing a small amount of sympathy into his voice, “I feel your brain. The combination of Iida and Hatsume’s… idiosyncrasies was produced rather disturbing results.”
Samidare Asui, Hopper, entered with Michael Skyline (who went by the rather redundant Hero Name of Skyline) and Kukiko Iida, also known as Figure Sk8.  Though there were several years between them, the three were close friends and could occasionally be found getting into trouble after hours. A few conversations with Midnight and Nezu had eventually put a stop to that, at least, before they could completely besmirch the honor of U.A.
Iida brushed the single white forelock of hair out of her face, leaving it standing it stark contrast to the rest of her blue-black hair.  “You two are such lightweights,” she said.  “I had almost twice as much to drink as you two and I’m not hungover.”
Asui groaned in response. “What you are *croak*, is loud.”
<I am never doing shots with you again,> Skyline said, seemingly not realizing he was speaking English.  The blonde American managed to remember his Japanese by the time he continued.  “It’s just not worth it.”
“Lightweights,” Iida teased again, as they found their seats.  She watched as Asui poured a frankly absurd amount of sugar into his coffee. “That stuff’ll kill you, you know.”
“At this point, *croak* I welcome it.”
Having attended U.A. with Iida’s father, and having spent far too many nights keeping him, Hizashi, and Nemuri  out of trouble, Aizawa had few doubts as to where she got it from.
Atsushi Mori, the red panda-headed FireFox, came in next, looking entirely too cheerful for this time of morning.  “Good morning, everyone!” he said, a grin on his furry face.  
“Morning, Fox!” Iida called back, prompting another groan from Asui and Skyline.
“See?” Mori said as he fixed his coffee.  “Iida gets it.”
People who were that cheerful in the morning needed to be shot.
He was followed shortly by Midnight, who looked rather pleased with herself.  “You know, you never did thank me for your class this year, Aizawa,” she said, getting far too close to him.
Her words struck him like a slap.  “That class is on purpose?” he yelled, louder than he intended.  She winced as she took a step back.  “I thought the universe had simply cursed me.”
She laughed.  “Oh, no.  Nezu put me in charge of class rosters this year.  When I saw how many birds with coming home to roost, I simply had to put them under your care.  Of course, I did ask Emi first.  She thought it was hilarious.”
Oh, he was going to have such a conversation when he got home.  “I hate you.”
“Love you too, Sho’,” she said, blowing him a kiss as she sound her seat.  “You know your life would be boring if we didn’t spice it up a little.”
“Aizawa!” came the booming voice of All Might.  “What a week, eh?”
He tried not to wince. No need to let All Might show he was getting the better of him.  “Hrmm.”
All Might just laughed at that as he took the seat to Aizawa’s left.  “Still the same, aren’t you?  But tell me, how is my grandson doing?  Which reminds me, Inko and I would love to have you and Emi for dinner, bring Eri and Kota too, the more the merrier, we’re inviting Izuku and his family, did I tell you my youngest grandchild finally got her Quirk…”
Why didn’t he shut up?!
“Careful, Dad,” Eri said, sitting on his right.  Her husband, Kota, sat to her left, and was very clearly not even bothering to hide how amusing he found the whole thing.  “I did a pretty good job patching Mister Yagi up when I was ten, but I don’t think I could do it again.  So I’d rather you didn’t hurt him.”
In point of fact, Eri had burned up a tremendous amount of her power when she was ten, both rolling All Might back to before his injuries and Mirio Togata back to having his Quirk.  Now, she could only turn back the clock a few hours.  More than enough to make her a good emergency medic and U.A.’s chief physician.  A Pro-Hero and a doctor.  He couldn’t have been more proud of her.  Adopting her had been one of the best decisions he’d ever made.
“I’ve told you, Young Eri, call me Toshinori, please.”
“You’ll have as much luck with that as I have getting Kota to call Dad anything other than “Sir,” Mister Yagi.”
“Tell the whole world, why don’t you, Eri?” Kota said, but it was clear he was teasing her. His son-in-law was properly afraid of him, however.  As things should be.
“Ahem,” Nezu’s voice somehow cut through all the chatter, and the other teachers fell into silence. The Principal carefully made his way to his chair, leaving his cane leaning against the conference table as he took his seat.  “Thank you all for coming.  I apologize for interrupting your day off.  Hound Dog sends his regrets that he will not be able to join us, but is dealing with a personal matter.”
He folded his paws in front of him before continuing.  “We have been lucky,” Nezu said.  “There have been no further instances of what the CQR is now calling the “Quirk Disrupting Virus” in the Heroics classes and those students who were effected appear to have regained control of their Quirks.”
“Thankfully,” Tetsutestsu said.  “Haya Tanaka’s still shaken up by the whole thing, but she’s seeing Hound Dog and slowly getting her confidence back.  She’ll be flying again in no time.”
“The same for Yamaguchi,” Fujii said.  “We’re coaxing her back up to full power, but she’s still worried she’ll destroy more of the school.”
Nezu nodded.  “I am glad to hear that, please give them both my regards.  Unfortunately, the other classes have not been so lucky.  Three boys and two girls from the General Education classes, two boys and one genderfluid individual from the Business and Management classes, and one boy and two girls from the Support Classes.  Fortunately, all of them had relatively minor Quirks, and there were no injuries to anyone or any major property damage.”
Power Loader nodded.  “Only a bit of a close call.  One of my students has an alchemical touch.  On the plus side, we now have more than enough copper for wiring to last us the rest of the year.”
“What are the other schools saying?” Aizawa asked.  “Emi says they’ve had a dozen incidents so far at Ketsubutsu, including one of the teachers.”
“Shiketsu, Isamu, Seiai, and Seijin are all reporting similar numbers, as Mom” Eri said.  “I’ve been in contact with their medical staff and have been sharing results with the other schools and the CQR.  No one’s any closer to an answer than they were when this first started a few weeks ago.”
“And the schools outside the country?” he asked.
“The Center for Quirk Research is still ironing out the kinks in international cooperation,” Midnight said, her tongue sliding over her lips before she said the word “kink.”
Aizawa grunted.  “Of course.  A world-wide crisis and they’re squabbling.”
“Unfortunate,” Nezu agreed. “But we must move forward as best we can.”
“Any of the Pro-Heroes investigating find anything?” Iida asked.
The Principal shook his head.  “I am afraid not.  So far, no group has claimed responsibility, nor has anyone found any signs of a distribution method.”
If he had been a younger man, Aizawa would probably have been out beating the pavement, trying to find out what he could using his own methods.  But age was catching up to him and he’d likely be more risk to himself than anyone else.  More importantly, his place was here, offering guidance and protection to his students.  If someone’s Quirk ran wild, he had the best chance of stopping it without harm to anyone.
The thing of it is… the whole virus thing reminded him of the Trigger incident from nearly thirty years ago.  The way it made people lose control was rather familiar.  Perhaps he’d put a word or two in Police Chief Tsukauchi’s ear. Track one, track the other.
“So what do we do?” Kota asked.  Even as one of the country’s premier Rescue Heroes, he had always been a man of action. Uncertainty always weighed heavily on him.  Aizawa saw Eri give his hand a squeeze.  “I’ve got kids coming to the USJ tomorrow.”
“Ultimately,” Nezu said, “the same thing we have always done.  We continue working to prepare these remarkable young men and women for becoming the Heroes of tomorrow.  We let them know that their safety is our utmost priority.  We survive, we persevere.”
With a slowness that deftly illustrated his age and the stiffness in his joints, Nezu got to his feet. “We are U.A.  The country will be looking to us to lead the way in these dark times, as it always has.  We dare not falter, not when the very foundations of our society are being undermined.”
“In other words,” Aizawa told his son-in-law, “don’t go easy on them.”
“Fear not, Aizawa,” All Might said.  “I shall be watching to make certain Young Izumi treats the student like a harsh taskmaster.”
Aizawa fixed him with a cold stare.  “The moment it looks like your grandson is in trouble, you’ll be calling the whole thing off.”
“Now, I don’t really think that’s fair…”
“Relax, Dad,” Eri said. “I’ll be teaching the class too. I’ll keep them both in line.”
“I’m counting on you, Eri,” he said.  “Teach them right.  I have a sickening feeling we’re going to need it.”
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cyb-by-lang · 6 years
Shell Game (4/?)
Kei has her first day of classes, which goes as expected until it doesn’t.
True to form, Kei sat through four classes with a completely blank expression before lunch. Modern Hero Art History was going to be a complete nightmare, while Mathematics and English were...at least translatable, kind of. She knew how English worked, and she at least knew numbers didn’t tend to shift much between cultures. But it’d been a very long time since she’d done literary analysis on anything more complicated than ROOT reports pulled from the depths of Shimura clan holdings.
It was pretty miserable.
Also, it turned out that being the only kid in General Studies who’d gotten in on the power of smashing giant robots made Kei something of a standout. Kayama-sensei had told her, while probably trying not to laugh, that Kei’s education up to this point had clearly been about as well-rounded as a cactus. This, of course, meant that Kei had an appointment with the guidance/career counselor next week.
While Kei resented the drain on her time, Kayama-sensei wasn’t exactly wrong. The academic problems she faced were quite real, but shinobi training from age five meant Kei laughed off physical challenges.
Case in point: PE.
See, physical education consisted of pretty modest exercises by Kei’s standards. More or less. Push-ups, pull-ups, and “consecutive side-hops” made appearances, as did the fifty-meter dash and long jump, grip strength, and so on. And even in cases where people had variously-useful Quirks to assist them, ranging from Extendable Nails (not terribly impressive) to Tooth Shedding (what the fuck) to Prehensile Hair (better), Kei neatly outperformed them in at least three categories.
It hadn’t exactly made her any friends. Especially since, due to her brief absence on the day of the opening ceremony, some of the students were convinced she was new record holder for “shortest time between enrollment and disciplinary issues” in the school’s history. Kei had done nothing to dispel this idea, because zoning out during study periods to chat with Isobu was more likely to keep her awake than listening. Even if it did mean Kayama-sensei waved her whip threateningly.
It probably wasn’t a great strategy to avoid her fellow 1-C students, but the principal’s orders had been clear regarding the Heroics kids. Kei mostly observed from the far end of the cafeteria, noting Explosion Kid and Engine-Legs as well as others with physical Quirks and less inclination to randomly explode something. Getting Obito to meet these kids could be a pain in the ass unless she could grab them after school.
That’d probably be kidnapping. Not the best plan, especially if the Heroics kids were gonna do battle trials all afternoon.
She’d have to talk to Obito and see who she could run into.
And then it was back to class.
Three in a row. I win.
Kei mentally crossed out the board. How about Connect Four?
Verticality will not make it any easier for you to beat me.
The argument in Kei’s head went on for a while, blotting out Modern Literature, before a student stuck their head in the classroom door . “Um, is Gekkō Keisuke in this class?”
Kei felt the every student’s eyes on her when she raised her hand.
“Again?” Cementoss’s brick-flat face turned to her, then said, “Go ahead, Gekkō-san.”
The principal would have to make sure Kei got some kind of official excuse for this shit. Even if she ended up with a disciplinary record that looked like a villain in the making, there had to be something to justify all the absences. Though, on their own, the repeated absences could at least justify Kei’s terrible grades.
It turned out that the principal wasn’t alone in the staff room this time.
“Gekkō-kun, this is Aizawa-sensei from the Heroics course,” was what the principal said.
Kei saw a yellow sleeping bag on the couch, piled high with empty juice pouches. It twitched occasionally, and Nezu was sitting on it.
Isobu considered the situation, then said, Of course we are expected to work with a walking eccentricity. Sleeping bags, really.
I suddenly feel so well put-together, Kei sighed inwardly. Despite wearing her shirt untucked and tie just badly. It wouldn’t have been outside the scope of some high schools to write her up for that alone.
Kei still trooped across the room and sat in the lonely little folding chair, hands on her lap and back straight. Pretending not to notice the situation, she said, “Nice to meet you, Aizawa-sensei.”
“The feeling is not mutual.” The figure in the yellow sleeping bag sat up, revealing exactly the same scruffy man from the day before. Or at least his face, because apparently he couldn’t be assed to actually employ the zipper. “You’re the General Studies problem child.”
Kei nodded, though it hardly seemed to matter.
“Gekkō-kun is legitimately a student,” Nezu said, “but I thought it would be best if she explained her purpose here. If you would, Gekkō-kun?”
“I was ordered to enroll in UA as a part of an undercover operation,” Kei rattled off without letting her expression change. “While attending classes in General Studies, I am required to act as a security operative for the safety of the students currently attending UA, at least until the end of the academic year.”
Aizawa-sensei clearly had several thoughts on that front, though Kei could only tell by watching his face for the most minute tics. He, like some ANBU she’d known, had a poker face to end all poker faces. Or maybe he was just so sleep-deprived he didn’t give a shit.
Probably both.
“It’s a good thing you’re in General Studies,” Aizawa-sensei said, eying her every bit as warily as Kei was him. “Or else I would have already expelled you.”
Nezu laughed. “You have to admit you have no aptitude for hero work, Gekkō-kun.”
Kei shrugged. “I didn’t apply to Heroics. I know my limitations.”
“So, is your Quirk also a fabrication?” Like your life, Aizawa-sensei didn’t say. Kei could still hear it loud and clear.
“My registered Quirk comprises about…one-sixth of my actual abilities.” Kei had no real intention of getting into the details of that, and as a shinobi was legally obligated to keep ninjutsu a secret where possibly. As a student in a high school, full disclosure was more acceptable.
Kei didn’t care.
And neither do I.
Still, there was something she could do here. Reaching into her uniform pocket, she withdrew a slip of paper and set it carefully on the table. Written on it was, among other things, Obito’s name in kanji he barely ever used, “Kamui,” and a mess of other directive information before Kei’s handwriting devolved into nothing but especially dangerous fūinjutsu scribbling.
“If you carry one of these and tear it in half, it acts as a beacon for an agent with a warp Quirk.” Kei sat back as Nezu retrieved the seal for Aizawa-sensei. “He knows where I am, and he can come get me if trouble happens.”
“It would be best if your friend came here first,” Principal Nezu said as the paper disappeared into the folds of sleeping bag. “Then we can make the necessary excuses to have you careening across campus into danger.”
Kei didn’t let her face shift. “I’ll explain it to him tonight. Hopefully nothing will happen before the system is in place.”
And, in hindsight, saying that might’ve jinxed them.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Quirkless Erasure
Also on AO3!
In some worlds, Midoriya Izuku is the first quirkless hero. But not in this one, not by far.
Because his homeroom teacher is the hero he's always looked up to: UA's first quirkless Pro Hero.
Izuku isn't the only quirkless one, and Aizawa gets into the hero course via emotional devastation against his opponents.
anyway so: quirkless aizawa bc i need that
everyone thinks he has a quirk like emotional manipulation of something but no he's just fucking savage, he gets into the hero course bc he blasted the absolute shit out of mic
everything’s on youtube it’s one of the most viewed videos of all time
this aizawa's eyes are permanently gold bc i headcanon it's his quirk that makes his eyes black, not the colour they flash
"you yell because you have a constant fear no one is really listening to you. you play the class clown and don't try too hard so when you look back you think "i failed because i didn't try" not "i failed because i wasn't good enough""
"bro,,, bro what the fuck did i do to you"
aizawa isn’t even salty he’s quirkless tbh
"you're pushing this on me because it hurts, right? your loud, flashy but damaging quirk means the only thing people think you're useful for is heroics. did you want to do this, or is this the only way society will let you feel comfortable in the role it presses in on you"
"well being quirkless is rough but at least i cn be whatever i want to be"
mics just shell shocked mics not even using his quirk and everyone’s just uwu he’s erasing mics quirk
all aizawa does is walk is close and mutter "society thinks im worthless, which is rough. but you have to put your life on the line or you're nothing better than a villain to the people"
and just, lightly pushes him out of bounds
pls mics just in Love this guy tore him to fucking pieces but Damn
aizawa  helps him up off the floor
"so im probably not wrong but im a little sorry for saying it on live tv"
mic "youre amazing"
aizawa just goes bright red and starts sputtering
aizawa: the emotional devastation hero weakness: genuine compliments
consider 1A teacher aizawa just still made of emotional devastation, nezu made him promise not to use his powers of destruction on his children unless he was expelling them 
this is a quirkless izuku au too, mirio got ofa, allmight encouraged izuku to be a hero after the fight but had no quirk to give him and he manages to make his own way into the hero course
so izuku is a little analyst, gets mostly hero points but uses sharp rebar and poles to smash in the sensors of some robots, getting him a few non-rescue points either. Aizawa is watching like "oh interesting a non-combat quirk" and beside him allmight is vibrating with excitement
"he might actually do it!"
"who might do what"
allmight turns sheepishly to aizawa
"young midoriya on camera 6, he might just be the first quirkless student to pass the enterance exam to heroics straight up"
and aizawa can hardly watch anyone else for the rest of the exam, he adopts this kid on the fucking Spot
hes on the edge of his fucking seat, when nezu sends out the zero pointer. "this kid only needs 10 more points, just ten more" and izuku turns around to look at the 0 pointer and aizawa is like "fuck kid i hope you know what youre doing"
he manages to shove a piece of rebar into the treads, stoping it in its place. it tries to swat him like a bug but he just dives out of the way, picks up ochako and sprints and aizawa is like "holy shit holy shit these bastards better give this kid hero points for that"
like they are assigning final hero points and aizawa has to awkwardly put his hand up "i,,, should probably be excluded from giving midoriya hero points because i went from 0 to bias very very quickly"
allmight just nods sagely
"young midoriya be like that sometimes"
pls aizawa tries to act extra tough bc he can’t let anyone know he’s Adopted this child
for all izuku's brain hes useless w social stuff and thinks aizawa hates him but everyone else k n o w s
also izuku is the only person in 1A who knows ab aizawa's "quirk" and hes like, constantly vibrating w glee around the guy
aizawa walks in the first day, hears bakugo asking how this "quirkless bastard" got in, grabs bakugo w his scarf and yeets him into vlad’s room
"ok students, looks like we are a class of 19. any other comments before we start?"
and like everyone is so lost no one questions it
bakugo is screaming bloody murder until vlad "kindly" tells him ua has a strict no discrimination policy and aizawa would have been well within his rights to expel him
please nezu is like "uwu take one of 1B to make the classes even" and vlad is like "no ive already bonded tough cookies" vlad just adopts bakugo instantly
monoma and bakugou become bros, the baku-squad is 50% a thing, but its mostly 1B students but with pinning kiri. kendo and bakugo both keep monoma in line, monoma and kendo keep bakugo in line
during the sports festival shinsou is like "you must have a blessed quirk to get into the hero course"
and izuku just has this "really. this si what we're doing now" look on his face. hes just gesturing to shinso in exasperation, trying to make eye contact w aizawa hidden up in the commentary box
all you can hear from the box is aizawa quiet snickering as mic tries not to give the game away. he yeets shinso out of bonds and just hauls him back to his feet
"im quirkless you nonce"
"yeah, oh. what, gonna be embarrassed a quirkless kid kicked your ass?"
"nah i just feel bad for being a dick"
"ok you are the only valid person ive ever met, come meet my not-dad"
"wait what"
izuku fireman carries shinso into the announcers booth and just presents him to aizawa
you can just vaguely hear "no not kid" "but he'll be perfect" "kid this is live ask me after the festival" "but! hed be perfect! and you could train him to carry on your legacy of soul-crushing burns" "... hmmm"
"do i get a say in this?" "no" "nope"
there’s a counter “days since someone last cried: 0”
please its like "times cried durring all sports festivals" "average cry events" "number of times cried this festival"
aizawa being even more of a dad than canon, like hes a mess he sees on sad kid and he's like "wow that's my kid now"
he makes them soup when they get sick and leaves it outside their doors, refuses to admit its him doing it
soup cryptid
please mic is like 100% in love with him and had been for years but aizawa still has internal bias against the quirkless and thinks he's not good enough for mic so he cant make himself see the flirting for what it really is
“haha he’s just being friendlyL
“aizawa i literally want to marry u”
“awww ur so nice u mean as friends tho right?”
in this au ive decided that quirkless heroes are a thing, but pretty rare, in japan they are all underground bc villains go after them a l o t. there are some public ones in america but they tend to,,, die,,, pretty quickly
and bc there are some quirkless heroes everyone acts like discrimination isn't a thing anymore and quirkless people should shut up while quirkless people are still getting killed and committing suicide at like 500% the rate of people with quirks
also the suicide rate is,,,,, significantly higher in japan but no one ever talks abt it bc japan the “ideal place for people with quirks” so that surely means nothing could ever go wrong
izuku does the "its your power" speech in like 3 parts, before, during and after the sports festival bc he needs he bones w no quirk
stain asks izuku what his quirk is and izuku does the "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy"
",,, where are your parents"
"one abandoned me straight up and the other is giving it a red hot go right now, try me coward"
izuku but everytime he roasts a villain he does it in vine quotes
tl;dr in the au inko is like,, not ok w izuku being a hero and she's trying to do the "leave the school or you can't live here any more" ultimatum and it's not working for her
bc izuku said "ok bye then" and now lives out of his backpack. no one knows. he just like,, sleeps on the train
and iida is like "owo could i come over to your house" and izuku is like
"aaaaa its on fire. yep. made of arsenic and always in flames, why dont we go to the park"
everyone in 1a is like betting on what his house is like. they harass katsuki in 1b but he refuses to talk
hes like "hell no i got thrown into another class for talking ab that nerd eat my left tit"
they only fucking work it out when aizawa and allmight go to izukus house to talk ab dorms and there is literally no one there
aizawa asks izuku ab it like "kid you need to update your forms with your current address" and hes like "oh worm, she moved? wack."
“u,,,,didn’t know,,,,”
“nah lmao i sleep on the bench in a park near here”
“my boy,,,,,l
"what, ochako lives alone!"
"yeah, in a fucking house, kid"
aizawas just: this is literal child abuse i’m ur guardian now
allmight "hes my kid too dont be greedy"
"fuck off all might you already have mirio" "and you already have shinsou!" nighteye, from around the corner "ill take him!" aizawa and allmight "NO"                                  
mic adopts him nezu just sitting in the distance "well, its my school. i get the kid" one whole school full of adult heroes "NO ITS MY SON,,," izukus like crying "wait,,, you guys aren't sick of me? wild" while sobbing
afo out of nowhere: i’ll take the child :))) everyone collectively: N O
for self-indulgence, izuku is the youngest in the class for this au so they all call him their little brother
consider: quirkless aizawa is very similar to normal aizawa but he does practise self-care, he just tries to make it look like he doesnt because hes like that
if i dont take care of myself ill never be able to stand up to the heroes w quirks but also do i deserve normal good human things
tl:dr: he can cook well and is trying to teach izuku that 2-minute noodles and apples arent hero fuel
inko is like: "uwu i wont change what i cook for you so you'll just have to make do owo" in like, a pathetic attempt to get him to stop training so izuku runs off protein bars, electrolyte drinks and raw vegetables
just like, his bento at school. its only raw mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and 2 full carrots
the only time he gets like a kinda valid balanced meal for a hero in training is when he pops by bakugous place and mitsuki forces him to stay for lunch
izuku is like "oh hi bakugo i have ur book-" "HI ITS LUNCH GET IN PIPSQUEAK"
hes just thrown into a chair, bakugo isnt even confused. izuku is like ",,,, so vlad gave me your book bc your house is near mums." "fair enough. hope you like miso salmon"
izuku just looks stary eyed
"f i s h ??? warm food bakugo id kill for you"
"deku wtf"
"i had nothing but 3 scoops of protein powder and 2 tomatoes today"
"i had to eat the protein podwer with plain water kacchan. protein sludge followed by two raw tomatoes. i would commit real actual murder for you"
mitsuki always packs an extra bento after that
so like when it’s dorm time izuku gets rly stressed out bc he doesn’t know how to cook for himself??? bakugous in the 1b dorms and even if he wasn’t he definitely wouldn’t cook for him
1a goes on a fucking shopping trip, chaperoned, obviously
and they’re lining up and aizawa sees that izukus cart is only filled with like??? instant noodles and like two (2) fruits and he’s losing his mind bc yes okay he’s a child but he’s also a young hero and he’s going to get a heart attack by 20 if he doesn’t fix his diet
aizawa is like "izuku, you cant eat that" and izuku just goes "oh ok" puts the noodles back and comes back with a tub of protein powder and like 11 vegetables and a bag of kale
okay this is an improvement kinda, how do u cook it
izuku just has a totally blank face
"i was just gonna like,,, eat it"
"uh, yeah, is that not how u eat vegetables?”
"thats a potato. and some leeks. thats a fucking onion"
"it wont kill me though"
"thats,,, that not how you pick food kid."
“but vegetable??? good????”
"kid do you even fucking like any of this"
"wait, im supposed to like?? my food???"
yagi in the fucking health food isle hearing this is 50% laughing but 50% crying
aizawa: “izuku ur supposed to eat a well balanced and tasty meal”
izuku: *surprized pikachu face*
please even todoroki is like ",,, at least fuyumi could c o o k"
oh god imagine having a worse diet than shouto todoroki from 1a who eats nothing but cold soba and drinks juice
also please aizawa is like "kid i thought you just happened to be thin but now im seeing thats not the case"
bakugo in the distance "like inko ever fed him enough anyway lmao"
aizawa "WAIT WHAT"
whys bakugou shopping with 1a? its actually all 40 of the first years just descending on this poor little store. it’s this little mom and pop grocery store and a billion hungry hero hopefuls just burst through the door like 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒔
izuku is like "oh its too expensive" and aizawa is just holding a bag of rice, aizawa is like "its cheaper than the protein powder you have"
and izuku is like "yeah i mean its empty calories and im not paying that much for empty calories"
"thats what you taught us sensei!"
"i can put some back if you want?"
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ohmytheon · 6 years
The Definition of a Hero (FMA x BNHA, 6)
Notes: Ah yes, I had a lot of fun with this chapter. We get to see the full scene of Class 1-A’s first class with Mustang, but from his POV. It’s time for Bakugou to get schooled. Mustang is here to teach and he doesn’t do it with pats on the back. Edward also unfortunately gets the brunt of it as well. Time to listen, you little shits. (This is why I could never be a teacher.)
The Definition of a Hero educator: a person who provides instruction or education; a teacher
Four nights after the entrance exams, Roy found himself restless and decided to go on a patrol with Riza. Normally he did them alone, but his mind had been running a mile a minute and so he’d asked if he could join her. It wasn’t all that unusual for the public to see the Flame Alchemist and Hawk’s Eye working together, so no one at the agency even blinked when he stepped out with her.
It had been a month since they’d done so and he’d missed her calming effect while on duty. He had been so busy after accepting the teaching position that it had slid to the back burner. With school officially starting in three weeks, he knew that their time together like this would be limited even more and he wanted to squeeze in as many opportunities as he could.
Yes, it sounded a bit desperate, but he didn’t care and she didn’t point it out, even if she had noticed his slight change in behavior. He was utterly grateful for that. His pride could handle a lot these days, but Riza pointing out any cracks in his armor was not one of them.
The streetlamps were turning on, glowing orbs in the night, as the sun settled behind the buildings. This was Roy’s favorite time of day -- where night struggled with day and slowly but surely overcame it. There was a certain feel about it, lulling most people into a strange sense of calmness. Even most villains or mere criminals, he found, waited until night fully hung over them to do their business, as if the dark might hide them and those few minutes where light clung to the sky would expose them and get them captured.
For just a few minutes, Roy could close his eyes, breathe, and pretend.
As much as he wanted to though, his mind was still very much focused on what he’d witnessed during the entrance exams. It had been very enlightening. Seeing all those different quirks in action had shaken up something in him and the students… Hell, they were going to be a handful. It’d be like dealing with all his sidekicks at once, but without any of the training, just the confidence of their quirk and the desire to be a hero.
“You should have seen him,” Roy was saying, gloved hands shoved in his pockets as they walked side-by-side. “He was spectacular. A little shit, to be sure, but powerful. No rescue points and still took the number one spot?” Roy shook his head. Bakugou had been wild, looking like he was on a rampage, and despite trying not to, it had reminded him of himself when his temper had gotten the better of him. “He’s going to crash and burn hard when he gets knocked down a peg or two.”
Riza smiled faintly. “Like you did during our first combat simulation?”
“Ugh,” Roy groaned, “don’t remind me of that.”
Bad enough Riza and Aizawa had been paired up against him while Roy had been stuck with some kid whose quirk had clearly been inferior to his own. He’d gone off the rails to get the job done on his own and it had been an absolute disaster. All his ferocious power meant absolutely nothing the second Aizawa locked eyes on him. He’d been so stunned at his quirk getting cancelled -- all of it -- that he’d froze up and the other boy had landed a solid punch to his face.
Roy could have destroyed the building they were in with a single snap of his fingers and yet he’d gotten a black eye just from being stared at. He’d never been so humiliated in his life. He had almost blown it up in retaliation.
“Some kids, especially ones born with stronger than normal quirks, need to be brought back down to earth,” Riza told him. “If they can’t connect with humanity on some level, they won’t make a good hero.”
“Oh, I’m going to do just that,” Roy replied confidently. “I’m just fairly certain he’s going to come down to earth with all the delicacy of a fiery asteroid.”
Some landed harder than others. Roy knew that for a fact. His crash had blown up everything around him. He did not want that to happen to anyone else, not even a random kid with a hair-trigger temper. It had been easy to see how confident the kid was, blinding to the point way past arrogant, and those kinds of people fell hardest. Roy knew that there would be no easing that landing -- and that he shouldn’t try in the first place. Guiding the pieces back together into a functional, unwavering hero was the hard part.
Pride was not easy to mold. Gods knew how any of his teachers, especially Nezu and Riza’s father, had been able to handle him.
“Any other kids show promise?” Riza asked, just a hint of hesitation in her voice.
“Shoto didn’t take the exam,” Roy told her, knowing what she was truly asking. “I asked Nezu afterwards. He was accepted in on recommendation.”
Riza nodded her head. “Of course.”
Roy chuffed. “I bet Endeavor was pleased with himself. Strong enough to skip the exam entirely. He got in solely on recommendation too.”
A soft look fell over Riza’s face, which was strange since they were talking about Endeavor. Normally, talk about the number two hero brought out a side of anger that she hid from everyone else. “I just hope Shoto was happy about it.” Of course she would be focused on the boy and not his father. Roy would do the same once classes started. It was only fair. He was curious if the kid would follow his dad’s agenda or create his own path.
“There were a few other standouts though,” Roy continued, steering them away from the ugly subject. “One boy, Edward Elric -- he must have some sort of metal manipulation quirk -- made mincemeat out of the bots with just a touch of his hand. It was like they turned to liquid and formed into whatever was in his head.” He thought back to the robots-turned-statues. “Probably would make a great artist if he had a creative bone in his body.”
Riza gave him a look, a faint smile on her face. “You’re enjoying this.”
He shrugged his shoulders, but did grin back at her. “In a strange way, yeah, I am.” He looked up to the dark sky. “It’s different. The kids… I don’t know how good of a teacher I’m going to be. I still don’t know what Nezu expects of me. All I can do is hope for the best.” Roy made a face. “In addition to hero training, he’s also making me teach regular classes as well. History. He must think he’s terribly clever.”
Even though he clearly wasn’t pleased with it, Riza laughed. “That’s part of his quirk, isn’t it?”
Before Roy could respond or say any potentially derogatory remarks about his future boss and past mentor, there was a buzz in both their ears, signalling them that they were getting a call from someone in their agency. Both came to a halt on the sidewalk and listened as Havoc, one of the sidekicks working under Roy, piped up, “Hey, sorry to disturb you two lovebirds!”
Neither one of them said anything in response to that, but they glanced at each other and Roy rolled his eyes.
“Yes, Havoc?”
“We’ve got a situation about five blocks from where you’re at,” Havoc continued without missing a beat, listing off an address. “I’m here with Catalina -- yes, I’m calling them now, another agency isn’t going to -- sorry that was her -- anyways we’d take care of this ourselves but there were hostages involved by the time we got here and--”
“We’re on our way,” Riza interrupted him.
“Righto. We’ll fill you in when you get here. This could take a while.”
Roy scoffed. Not on his watch. The line went dead and he caught Riza’s eye as a smirk took over his face. “Now this is what I needed tonight.”
“A hostage situation is nothing to get pleased about,” Riza pointed out.
“Oh it’s not that,” Roy replied cheekily as he made sure his gloves were on tight. It was the fight. He almost felt bad for whoever was causing all this ruckus because he was going to make that person burn. The problem with people that had fire-related quirks was that they had to get it out of their system. It hadn’t always been that way for him, but the second it had changed, he’d felt it in himself. That timer, always ready to go off, if he didn’t do something to move it back a little more.
Roy should have expected that teaching would be like this. After finding out about the stunt that Aizawa had pulled with Class 1-A (threatening to expel one of them right off the bat for failing to meet his and therefore U.A.’s expectations, how like him), he’d started to go through the teachers’ records just a few days shortly before All Might, the two of them intersecting their research at the end. He wasn’t quite sure why the number one hero was interested in who was teaching, especially the first years, but then Roy was snooping as well, so he couldn’t outright question him without looking suspicious.
That wasn’t the same for All Might, who had asked Roy was he was looking up on the teachers.
Roy had smiled pleasantly. “Just figuring out how I’ll stack against my fellow teachers.” It had seemed like an almost admirable statement, like he was admitting that he was nervous about joining the staff since he’d never taught before. All Might had thought so at least, telling him how commendable and diligent he was being. Ah, it was always a fun time lying straight to a superior’s face. Not.
Oh well. He didn’t want to admit that he was seeing what his old classmates had turned into. Already it was obvious that Roy had gone to school with three of the other teachers at U.A. They were too familiar with him and Kayama had already said a few things. Luckily he knew they would be close-lipped about just what school had been like. Heroes weren’t known for opening up about their darkest secrets and that was certainly one of them, binding them together for life with an uncomfortable string.
Still, meeting the kids for the first time proved somewhat nerve-wracking. They were all fifteen and Roy knew exactly what he’d been like at that age. He’d been awful. His quirk had been too strong for his age and his mind too sharp. He’d thought himself terribly clever and above everyone. If he had to deal with someone like himself, he might actually lose his cool, but then, no one could possibly be as bad as he had been and was now.
As he walked across the field towards the group of students gathered sporadically in the spot the sign on the classroom door had told them, Roy wasn’t so certain. Class 1-A was always problematic. It was filled with the best, but the best came at a price.
“Sorry for being late,” Roy said, lifting a gloved hand out of his pocket to wave at them. It felt good to have them back on. The second he’d stepped out of the building, he’d slipped them on and relief had washed over him. Not that he needed them to do damage, but this kind was easier to control. His real quirk did little more than hurt as far as he’d used it. “School was never my thing.”
“You’re our other new teacher?” That was Teyna Iida, who, as far as Roy had seen so far, was intensely earnest in every single way. He looked and sounded suspicious, which was amusing. Roy knew that he didn’t look like much in his civilian clothes. He probably looked more like a businessman than a pro hero. He didn’t need a fancy costume to be flashy though. That was where he and Aizawa agreed at least.
Ah, so most of them hadn’t recognized him yet. That was good. “Do I not look it?”
There was a slight unease in the crowd of students as they looked at one another, trying to figure out what they were supposed to say or how to react to his attitude. Aizawa had put them on edge. Only two people had given reactions that made Roy think that they knew him.
Katsuki Bakugou was one of them. His sharp red eyes had widened a little and his normally tense jaw had gone slightly slack; in a flash, as if realizing what he was doing, he wiped them away and replaced it with a knowing smirk. He looked pleased, like he was happy with this outcome. Even better. If Bakugou was a fan of the Flame Alchemist, it would make it easier for Roy to be able to push him past his limits.
Shoto Todoroki was the other one. Roy had spotted him first in the crowd as he’d walked up to them. The boy had been standing slightly apart from everyone else, as if he didn’t really belong in the group but had been thrown in with them anyways. And he probably didn’t. Knowing Endeavor, the man had more than likely put Todoroki through the kind of intense training that most kids didn’t get until their second year at U.A. The second Todoroki spotted him, the kid had frozen on the spot, as if struck by his own quirk.
The green-haired kid with the ridiculously strong quirk that punched back, Izuku Midoriya, eyed him with some sort of suspicion, his lips moving as he muttered under his breath as he thought aloud to himself. It looked like he was piecing things together. Might as well give him a hand. Now all Roy needed was a volunteer.
“If school isn’t your thing, then why are you teaching us?” Edward Elric demanded with his arms folded across his chest in that stereotypical moody teenager way.
There it was. Nice of him to volunteer, no matter how unsuspecting he was.
Roy snapped his fingers rather casually, and (what he considered) a miniscule ball of fire exploded a few inches from Edward’s feet, sending the kid flailing backwards. It was such a comical scene that Roy couldn’t help but laugh. Had the fire actually touched the boy’s shoes, it might melted or burned some of the rubber, but Roy was careful. It wasn’t like he was going to hurt the kids. They’d have to get better before he started trying to scare them. The fire wasn’t even a blip on the radar of his true power, but then he rarely even used that when fighting villains. Only Riza knew that he was truly holding back. Going one hundred percent -- or plus ultra -- was too dangerous.
Nonetheless, the little fire was enough to get everyone’s attention though. Anyone that had had doubts before were now gawking where the fire had suddenly appeared and then back at him.
“Y-you’re the Flame Alchemist!” Midoriya exclaimed, sounding nearly overwhelmed with excitement. A visible thrill went through the students as they all began to talk at once. Roy did not think Midoriya’s eyes could get any bigger and he stood ramrod straight. A few meters to his left, Bakugou planted his hands on his hips and outright sneered at his classmate, like Midoriya was nothing more than a bug under his boot. Hm, Bakugou might be rougher around the edges than Roy had anticipated.
Roy shrugged his shoulders. “Mustang is fine at school.” Outside of it, of course, was another matter.
He could do this, he realized. Sure, he’d taken the job and he’d told Nezu and Riza that he could handle it, but a part of him in the back of his mind had wondered if maybe this was a mistake. That it would end up being another one of his failures. But seeing these kids now and the enthusiasm that they brought to the table, Roy found himself ready to return it tenfold. They’d be better than he had ever dreamed to be. They’d be good. They’d be heroes.
It wasn’t going to be easy though and certainly not always fun. It never was.
“Lesson number one and two,” Roy told them in a voice that commandeered their attention and forced them to go silent. “As a hero, you’re going to end up doing a lot of things you might not necessarily like in order to do what’s best.” He could attest to that. He wasn’t a teacher, but he would be now. “And always be on your guard. That was nothing. Villains won’t be kind and so therefore neither will I. If you want a pat on the back, you can go to All Might, but in my class, I expect you to fight back or suffer the consequences and they will be quite unpleasant.”
That caused a ruckus again. Some of the kids began to pump themselves up, most notably Bakugou and Midoriya in their own separate ways. Edward was scowling at him, furious that he’d been used as an example, so he would probably spend at least the rest of the class fighting with Roy on some level. Todoroki’s eyes were still locked on the spot where the fire had appeared, which was a curious reaction. He knew that the boy’s quirk allowed him to create both fire and ice, but he seemed almost...uneasy now.
“Aizawa informed me of your physical tests using your quirks,” Roy said, clasping his hands began his back. “Some of you came up with some seriously impressive results by pushing your quirks to the limit.” He shot a smile at one of girls with impossibly pink cheeks. “Infinity on the ball throw? You put those boys to shame.”
He hadn’t thought that Ochako Uraraka’s cheeks could get any pinker, but they did and he had to fight the urge to laugh again. A few of the other girls pat her on the back or ribbed her teasingly. Teenagers were so easy to mess with that it almost wasn’t fun. Almost.
“It’s important that you all learn the limits of your quirk and continuously push past that limit to strengthen them,” Roy continued. He noted the anticipation building up in the students, how eager they were all to let loose. It was hard to do outside of school. There were always rules or laws and some quirks were too strong to be used at full power without purpose. “But we’re not going to do that today. You’ll be doing something different.”
The reaction was like deflating a balloon and letting it fly wildly in the air until it died. The students looked at one another in confusion and disappointment. Bakugou looked as close to being crushed as his moody face would let him while Todoroki appeared steady and cool, but Roy thought he saw some relief in the latter’s mismatched eyes.
“Like what?” a startlingly pink girl, Mina Ashido, piped up.
“Shut up and he might tell us,” Bakugou snapped.
Roy acted as if neither one of them had spoken. “You will have plenty of time to practice using your quirks at mass capacity in combat, but that’s not the most difficult thing to do. In a fight, you’ll expect the need to go all out in order to get the job done.” He shook his head. “That’s not the case. The smallest, precise attack can change the course of a fight and those I can guarantee you are much harder than you think. A large attack does not require nearly as much concentration or even accuracy.”
“They also cause more collateral damage,” Midoriya put in with a kind of intense thoughtfulness.
“That’s right,” Roy agreed, “and as heroes, it’s a part of our duty to keep that to a minimum.”
Not all heroes considered that. Some forgot it in the heat of battle. Their quirks were so strong that it was only natural that things broke around them. It had taken a few months for Roy’s childhood apartment complex to be rebuilt after a hero had unintentionally caused it to collapse in on itself. It had taken only a few minutes for it to come crashing down. He hadn’t even received a slap on the wrist for it; instead he’d been given interviews and gratitudes for his work in taking down a villain.
No one interviewing that hero had asked about the young couple that had died in the collapse. They had just been collateral damage that was swept under the rug, left to be forgotten. Roy hadn’t though, even if his memories of his parents were foggy at best now. Time and someone rooting around in his head had taken them from him.
“The right attack, no matter how small, can be effective and damaging if precise.” Roy pulled out a baseball from an equipment bag and tossed it in his hand. “Anyone want to give it a go?” None of them wanted to step up first, concerned about looking foolish. “No one?”
Bakugou stepped up, his feet scuffing the grass. “Whatever. I’ll do it. This will be cake.”
“Excellent.” Just as Roy had suspected, the boy who Aizawa had used as an example moved to do it again. Bakugou would not want to be seen as afraid and he didn’t think he’d look foolish. Poor kid. Without warning, Roy turned and tossed the ball over to Uraraka, who caught it clumsily in surprise. “Why don’t you do the honors?” That seemed to irritate Bakugou even more. He rolled his eyes, but pulled his hands out of his pockets, flexing his fingers. “She’s going to throw the ball as hard as she can with her quirk and I want you to use as much power as you deem necessary to destroy it when you think it’s as far as you can reach it.”
All he got was a wave of Bakugou’s hand and a “tch” in response, his back already turned. Roy nodded to Uraraka, who hesitated for a second and then let loose. The ball soared high in the air with no intention of coming back down and Bakugou, essentially, exploded.
The explosion that Bakugou let loose was a lot like standing next to someone that triggered a landmine. It was way too powerful, forcing some of the kids to jump back in shock. The whole field seemed to glow with fire and the ground actually shook. Only Roy and Todoroki had held their ground, both of them too used to fire to flinch away from it. Even Bakugou seemed exhilarated, as if seeing what he was truly capable of for the first time. Nothing but some ash that fell to the ground remained of the ball.
“Wow! That was awesome!”
“You almost hit me, you ass!”
Bakugou threw them a lazy smirk. “Move out of the way next time then.”
“Very impressive,” Roy admitted. Definitely like him at that age. Bakugou was all power, but he had no direction for it yet beyond becoming a hero. If he could figure out a way to direct those explosives instead of just letting them fire off, he would really be able to do some damage. Roy tossed another ball to Uraraka, who looked a little dazed from the blast. “Again. But this time much smaller. I’m talking an explosion no bigger than the ball.”
The confidence didn’t waver from Bakugou’s face. “Yeah, yeah, throw it already.”
Uraraka glanced at Roy, who nodded his head, and she threw the second ball. Once more, Bakugou waited until he thought it was as far as his quirk would go before letting off a more contained explosion, so that it shot out like a beam of light instead of one big explosion.
And was off by at least three meters.
In a matter of seconds, Bakugou went from total confidence to rage, using his quirk to launch himself off the ground towards the ball and setting off a spatter of explosions in the air like fireworks until nothing remained. He was red in the face and panting by the time he dropped back down, glaring at the sky like it had offended him somehow before turning that molten lava focus on Uraraka, whose protests of “I didn’t do anything different!” went unheard by him.
“Not so easy, is it?” Roy said smugly. He had known it wouldn’t work. As of right now, Bakugou’s range with his quirk was highly limited. To hit a target far away, he had to use a much larger explosion and it lacked some serious control. The ground was scorched where his fire had hit. Hopefully the groundskeeper wouldn’t be too mad.
Bakugou turned on him. “My quirk--” But then he snapped his mouth shut. Someone with as much pride as him would never admit out loud to any sort of weakness, especially with their quirk.
The fact was that Bakugou’s quirk, however powerful it was (and it truly was dripping with potential), was not meant for such precise activity. It was partly why Roy had decided on working on it first. It had been his problem. He could blow a building up, but he had struggled using it against people without hurting them. Some quirks were meant for destruction; all quirks, if nurtured right, were meant for saving. Roy was certain of it.
This time, Roy tossed a baseball to Bakugou, who snatched it out of the air one-handed and held it like he wanted  to squeeze it flat. “As hard as you can, if you will, like with Aizawa.”
Bakugou stretched his arm, swinging it back and then in a circle, before launching the ball in the air like it was a rocket. Roy waited, yawned, and then looked back to the sky before snapping his fingers. He could have simply timed the fire to explode around the ball, but he wanted something a little more eye-catching than that. A thin line of fire, no larger than yarn, zipped through the air like lightning until it connected with the ball and exploded like the end of a bottle rocket. It wasn’t explosively loud or terrifying like Bakugou's had been. Burnt leather, stuffing, and ash rained down on them, but it was still possible to tell what it had been before by looking at the pieces.
Everyone gawked in astonishment. To them, it looked as easy to Roy as breathing.
“That,” Roy told them, “is precision. If I can do that, just think what I can do in close quarters and combat.”
Edward glowered and grumbled under his breath, “Smug bastard.”
Next to him, Midoriya was much more enthusiastic. “Oh! Like your fight with that villain in May of last year! His healing quirk was so strong that his skin was fire resistant and he’d broken into a chemical plant. Obviously your fire quirk would have reacted negatively to the chemicals he’d stolen. But you were able to take him down by, um, well--” His brain had finally caught up with his mouth as he recalled the events like it had been yesterday. Not one of Roy’s kinder takedowns or finer moments, but it had been necessary. No one else could get near the villain without the threat of him releasing the gas or one of them breaking the containers. Riza hadn’t been around for that one.
“Oy, don’t skip the best part,” Bakugou drawled in a sharp tone, as if demanding that Midoriya get it right. Like he was telling Midoriya to suck it up and tell the damn truth. “He burned the villain’s eyes and mouth with pinpoint accuracy and nothing else. The villain’s skin was fire resistant, but not underneath, so the Flame Alchemist burned him from the inside out, allowing him no time to heal.”
The class dissolved into a frenzy of whispers and Roy let them. It was clear that not everyone had known about it and he knew that it would shape their view of him. He could cut the talking quick or he could let them work things out on their own. The latter was the better choice. They’d talk about it regardless. If they still felt comfortable to do it while he was right in front of him, he was in the clear.
“That’s really scary…” one of the girls whispered.
“He’s crazy strong!” another replied.
“Isn’t he kind of dangerous to be a teacher?” a boy asked quietly.
“That doesn’t...sound like what a hero would do...but if there wasn’t another option…”
“Like he said earlier, sometimes you’ve gotta do things you don’t like in order to do what’s best.”
They had tried to keep that fight under wraps because of the brutality it had took to take the villain down, but there had been too many witnesses. Roy still believed one of the other heroes on the scene had leaked the info first, but no one had copped to anything, not even when Riza questioned them. Some of the others that didn’t like him might lie to his face, but usually not hers. It had done little to damage his reputation as a hero, considering the severity and desperation of the situation, but he knew some people looked at him differently.
The villain had survived the attack and he had healed as well -- eventually.
Roy had never killed anyone, but he had come closer far more times than he liked to admit. It appeared as if a few of these kids were read up on those times. Midoriya seemed nervous, Bakugou thrilled, Edward disdainful, and Todoroki…. Nothing. He was a blank page.
“Are you all done yet?” Roy sighed.
The class jumped to a start. “Yes, sir!”
“Pair up in two’s. Let’s see if any of you are good at close combat.” Roy thought a few of them were probably leagues ahead of others, so he hoped they’d pair up accordingly. “And remember, only small uses of your quirk. If I see anything big or near maximum, you’ll regret having a quirk.”
Well, this was going to be fun.
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