#And Mac is like Vicky
dennisboobs · 8 months
blacked out and came to with a document full of macden
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telltalebatman · 8 months
thinkin abt what a catastrophically bloodthirsty pair vicki and frankie would be if i ever put them in a room together. they would get along SO good and they would be SO bloodthirsty and they would kill SO many people. and out of everyone in their lives, the only "hey maybe. don't do that." voices of reason would be louise and angelo. and everyone else would just go "yay <3 they're having fun <3"
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Was going through my old au ideas and now the fluffy one where Munk asks Feliks out after getting accidentally decked by his bag because Mac told him to live a little and do something crazy, is stuck in my head
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
honey!! number 11 on the prompt list is so steve coded, don’t ya think??
it so totally is 🥰 11. back hugs
steve h x gn!reader. good ol' pining besties <3
"Robin," you say. "You're overthinking it."
"Signals, Y/N. People have signals. A hand on your wrist, a secret smile. Signals! Now: was Vickie sending me signals? We have to explore all possibilities. But mostly, the answer is probably no. She just wants to hang."
"She asked you to brunch. People our age do not go to brunch."
"Brunch is classy!"
"Brunch is a breakfast date," you scoff. "Brunch is I want to get a cat with you."
"Well, I think—" Robin groans, glancing over your shoulder. "Oh, God. Heads up. Loverboy, twelve o'clock."
Before you can turn, you're being swept into a warm hug from behind. Steve's cheek presses to yours, his chin tucked in your neck. The tip of his nose is cold from outside as it brushes your jaw. Your heart haywires.
"Steve!" you squeal, his arms around your waist. "What're you doing?"
"You're gonna love me," he says into your ear.
Already do.
"Am I now?"
He walks around to face you.
"Yup," he says, popping the 'p'. "Look at these."
Steve holds up two slips of paper. Tickets to Bruce Springsteen at Soldier Field.
"Holy shit!" you cry, and throw your arms around him. He catches you with a laugh.
"These must've cost a fortune! How did you get them? I thought they were all sold out."
Steve shrugs. "I know people. So, interested?"
He knows it's all you've been talking about (and lamenting over when the tickets sold out in three minutes). Bruce Springsteen is one of your favorites.
"You didn't—Steve," you say in awe. "You really didn't have to do this."
"I wanted to. Consider it an early birthday present."
"Then I want you to come with me."
You scoff. "Who else would I bring?"
"Someone who actually knows Springsteen songs?"
"You know enough of his hits. I mean, if you really don't want to go..."
"No!" He shakes his head. "No, Y/N, obviously I'll go. I just didn't want you to be embarrassed when I'm the only person there who doesn't know Glory Days."
"Well, that's why we're gonna listen to Born in the USA everyday until the concert," you grin. "Get you prepped."
Steve groans. "Can't believe you're giving me homework."
You turn to put the tickets in your bag. Steve crowds you as you do, chin on your shoulder. He's always affectionate with you, loose with his touches and pets.
Robin looks at you, brows to her hairline.
"It's fun homework," you say, ignoring Robin with all your might. "We can listen to the tapes in your car 'cause you've got the fancy sound system."
"That why you're friends with me?" Steve asks, arms curling around your belly. "Just for perks?"
You grin. "No comment. But the concert tickets have definitely moved you up to best friend status."
"Where was I before?"
You pat his cheek. Steve pretends to grumble for another moment before slipping away. Instantly, you miss the warmth of his embrace.
"If you're done clinging to Y/N," Robin starts. "The new releases need to be shelved."
Steve throws her an eye roll but goes, giving you one last smile. You return it sheepishly. Robin watches you like a hawk.
You finally relent when Steve's far enough away.
"What is it now, Robs?"
"Signals," is all she says.
"Concert tickets is not a signal, Robin."
"Oh, it's something. Steve's music taste is whatever's on the radio."
"Not true! He listens to Queen and Fleetwood Mac and AC/DC and—"
"Because of you." Robin huffs. "It's you, Y/N, it's all for you. And you're both so deeply in denial you think it's just friendship things."
"He's just..." You watch Steve stack the videos on the shelf.
The enamel pin you got him a few months ago is on his FV vest. It's a bumblebee that says bee mine! You'd thought it was cute and fun and that Steve would like it. He wears it everyday, even if it doesn't match his outfit at all.
You look at Robin, your heart in your throat.
"Signals?" you ask quietly.
She nods.
"Now you're getting it."
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inknopewetrust · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 [𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮] [𝒔𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌]
summary: the colors of life change with time, but the music that narrates it lives on forever in one, standstill moment of the 1990s where success and passion came tumbling down. Years later, the story is declassified.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: minors dni (18+), this is based off of fleetwood mac/daisy jones and the six so imagine mid-80s and 90s rock scene, language, lil bit a spice, a whole lotta angst, enemies to lovers to enemies to…
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In a world where words meant so much, it was difficult to find them at a time where they were needed.
The cool wire weaved against your skin. Its path crawling like a snake of retrospection from the bottom of your chair to your chest. There was a pebble of sweat threatening to spill from the top of your hairline in the hot California sun which made you think:
"Why the fuck did I ever move out of Indiana?"
But if you closed your eyes, you could recall why. A sickening, thunderous roar of the crowd–you could still hear it now. Somewhere, thumping in the back of your mind as their chants filled a space that breathed a new life within you as the another was dying.
An echo chamber of the taste of metal against lips; the white knuckle grip that still threatened to slip from your grasp.
The woman who sat across from you had a plastic smile on her lips. For her, it was nothing more than a job. An exploitive adventure where you'd be sticking headlines and messages across platforms for weeks to come because of this tell-all documentary.
"When did you know?"
Against cynicism the inevitable hardness of the culture you had immersed yourself in at one time had risen again and the attitude that rose promised a truthful reflection of your experience.
On the floor beside the mics battery pack, a half smoked carton of cigarettes met a glazed palm and the woman watched as a perfectly rolled stick land between two mauve lips. As the flame sparked, your eyes darted to hers.
"Know what?" you muttered between the smoke.
“When it was finally over?”
You could feel the breath being sucked out of your soul. The shudder radiating like a shutter letting rain inside of the home in the canyon; kissing the very center of a heartbeat that stopped at the sight of a pair of eyes, shoes peaking through a doorway.
The cigarette burned between your fingers. Ticking away like a bomb with scorching red embers fighting its casing.
“The Album was the best and worst thing to ever happen to any of us… that sounds ridiculous,” you scoffed, shaking your head and the woman quirked her head.
“It sounds ridiculous that something so magical, something so brilliant, can make those who built it feel small. It put us in a fishbowl and it took every last drop from our cup before it dried up and cracked under the heat… that's when I knew it was over."
She shifted in her seat, readjusting the papers to organize her thoughts. You imagined there was no sounder way of stating it. It was the truth, frank, and to the point but something the rest of them negated to realize or speak into words.
But she shook her head. “Yes, the band… but what of the relationships?”
“None of us had known about Steve and Nancy, Robin and Vickie had barely interacted until their writing began and by the end… well you can read plenty of articles about the end of it all.”
You drew from the cigarette again. Smoke filling the air around you like a mist; the woman kept digging.
“And Eddie and yourself?”
That heart-skipping beat never left. Laurel Canyon was so far away, the studio was a memory, and the stage was a phantom piece of your imagination yet the simple mention of a name so far removed was enough to make time stand still.
Somewhere, a young woman frozen and left wondering the "what if" of a life not shrouded by fanatics and the thrumming of a guitar. Somewhere, lost in the violence of a summer and the shattered glass of a heart left on a stoop, that girl remained inside.
“It was always complicated.”
“So,” she shrugged at you as if the conversation was nothing more than such. It wasn’t as though she was here to get all the details of every part of a life that had already played out in public if people had only been paying attention.
It wasn’t as though she was cracking open a mountain full of jeweled memories that had crystalized themselves in the past.
“When did it all go wrong?”
Feeling the sting of the camera focus on your face, there were two responses to this question that many had already answered before you:
"When did it all go wrong?" You lamented to yourself.
When did you know it was over? When did it all go wrong?
The woman's eyes glistened in excitement. Her story was unraveling before her. You took a drag again.
Fuck. You thought to yourself.
And the film began to play.
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A/n: I'm excited to get back in the writing game - especially with Eddie. Let me know your early thoughts! Yay, nay, slay?
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oven-thermometer · 8 months
Don’t Ask.
Summary: Damian needs a place to spend the night, somewhere he won’t be riddled with questions – somewhere he’d feel safe. Jason’s place just seems to materialise. 
a/n: my bff and I made a sims world for dc and cod characters. that’s how this started. enjoy. This is a hurt/comfort if you were wondering. 
Warnings: mentions of abuse, violence, past trauma, swearing, the author has never written for dc before, spelling mistakes problably.
w/c: 4.7k
It was raining when Jason pushed the doors open. He had been sitting in that stuffy room in a sharing circle for what felt like hours. He hadn’t spoken much in today’s session, not that he minded. He preferred the days were he could sit back and silently make his own judgements about the other people sitting in shitty plastic chairs, pouring their hearts out for six strangers and one mildly qualified doctor.
A soft hand touched his arm as he stared listlessly at the wet parking lot. Turning his head, he found the comforting smile of Meemaw Vicky staring at him. The elderly woman had insisted he call her Vicky, it made her feel young apparently – he added the ‘Meemaw’ part himself to tease her.
“You didn’t talk in there today.” She remarked, letting her hand fall from his arm in preference of standing next to him.
“Didn’t feel like any of the topics applied to me much.” He lied.
She just hummed in reply, letting him stew in the fact that she knew exactly what he actually wanted to say. ‘Today just felt like one of those days where if I talk too much I’ll drop dead.’ 
She knew because she had those days too, he knew that as well. She was in the same therapy group as him, and he’d heard some of her stories. Her husband being murdered in front of her from a home invasion wasn’t what he was expecting to come out of what seemed to be the kindest old lady, although he didn’t think anyone was prepared to hear his truth either. He left out the raised by batman and dying part, but being kidnapped by the Joker was all too well known by some of the people in this godforsaken community center. 
Breaking out of his trance, Jason inhaled sharply, “You still coming over tomorrow?”
“Yes, and I’ll be bringing a surprise, I think you’ll like it.” She didn’t look at him as she spoke, just kept watching the soft rain pattering onto the ground. 
“I’m sure I will, Meemaw.”
Jason helped her to the bus stop, leaving with a kiss on his cheek and a dish of leftover mac and cheese he wasn’t sure where she was keeping. 
Something was wrong. When he had arrived home, the rain still making itself known, something had been off. None of his lights were on, so he couldn’t see in – but the welcome mat Barbra had gotten him was scuffed with mud he knew he hadn’t tracked in last night after his patrol. Checking the front door confirmed it was still locked. 
Opening the door slowly, he surveyed the room. His bottom floor was completely open plan, save for a cupboard acting as a divider between the kitchen and the living room. Nothing was amiss from what he could see, except for his missing dog. She always woke up before he actually got in, waiting to greet him at the door. But she was missing and he couldn’t even hear her soft snores. 
Then he heard it. A soft mumble. Something he couldn’t make out. But he had heard it. It had come from his living room area. When he made his way over, he couldn’t do anything except let out a deep, annoyed sigh. 
“I thought dogs were meant to deter unwanted guests.”
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne sat on Jason’s beaten up couch with a neutral expression as he ran his hand behind Dog’s ear. She looked up at Jason, her tongue flopping out. Damian seemed to either be in a deep comatose state, or he was completely ignoring Jason’s presence. 
“What? No snarky comment or backhanded compliment?” Jason asked as he moved to turn the lights on. When he turned back to the teenager, the bruises littering his neck catches his attention immediately. From what he could see they continued all the way round and disappeared under his shirt too. He would’ve been alarmed if it weren’t for the fact that Damian was a crime-fighting vigilante, had a kill count in the triple digits and oh yeah, was the son of Batman. So Jason just shook his head and walked to the kitchen. 
“So you gonna tell me why you’re here?” Jason called out, busying himself with shoving some of the mac and cheese in the microwave.
Dog had finally let up on her pure betrayal. She trotted over to Jason, purely unaware as she scratched at her food bowl. 
With no response coming from the couch’s occupant, Jason just rolled his eyes and bent down to pet Dog and fill her food bowl. Her slightly crossed eyes closed as she licked at his face before she started on her dinner. She was a certified therapy dog, another gift from that group therapy. She worked, though. She gave him something to get out of bed for. Whatever happened, he knew he had to get home and feed Dog. And she calmed him down during the occasional panic attack, so he didn’t mind the downside of walks and feeding too much. 
Later, after Jason and Damian had sat at the kitchen island in silence and each had eaten their own dinner, Damian got up without a word and began washing the few dishes left in the sink. Jason knew not to argue with him when he started doing something. He settled for watching him as he washed and rinsed, offering the occasional help when he noticed the boy would stop for a few seconds as he didn’t know where something was. At this point Jason was getting slightly concerned. Damian was never this quiet. He would show up without explanation sometimes, but he’d always offer some insult or sassy statement throughout the visit. This wasn’t normal. 
Checking his phone, no out of the ordinary messages peaked his interest, no one asking where Damian was or who had him. Then, the time caught his eye. If Damian went to sleep any later, he’d be a disaster to deal with in the morning and there weren’t enough therapy dogs in the world for that patience test. 
“C’mon, you can sleep in my bed. I’ll take the couch.” 
Just before Jason left his bedroom to let Damian get some sleep, he stopped. Damian was standing next to his bed, awkwardly wringing his hands together and shifting his weight from one leg to the other. 
His voice was small when he spoke, and it sounded too broken for it’s own good, “I presume Alfred has been told of my whereabouts.”
“Nope.” His reply was quick and matter-of-fact. 
“He would want to know where I am – and so would… so would father.” The last part was softer, almost like he didn’t want to say it in the first place. 
“Between you and me, I can tell when someone doesn’t wanna be found just yet.” 
The door made a soft click as Jason closed it behind him. Dog was all too happy when she got to smother him completely as he lay down on the couch.
The next morning, as the last part of yesterday’s rain still prattled on stubbornly against his windows, Jason stood in the kitchen with his favourite mug. His neighbour had gotten it for him, a house-warming gift. He hated the stupid camo decals but it was the first genuine gift he had gotten in years. So he kept it. Not hearing the sound of careful footsteps coming down the stairs, Jason blinked his thoughts away when Damian’s unkempt set of dark curls entered his peripheral vision. 
“Rough night?” Jason joked.
“What? I stayed in the room if that’s what-“
“It’s an expression dumbass, your hair looks like it’s going in five different directions.”
“…Oh.” That small glimpse of innocence and the look of a tiny epiphany in Damian made Jason smile, but it was wiped away quickly when Damian started listing off his breakfast needs like he was at a restaurant.
“-and with that you’ll pour the cream over. Oh and don’t forget the eggs. Not too crispy and not too soft.”
“You order Alfred around like that in the mornings?” Jason turned to his cabinets, pulling out a box of cereal that was probably two months too old. 
“I usually accept my breakfast in bed, and he already knows how I like everything.” He sat on one of the high-chairs, looking impossibly childish as his legs hung off too far from the ground.
“Oh, sorry your highness, but you’ll have to deal with cereal today.” They did this dance everytime he came over to visit.
As Damian ate, Jason started with washing the mug and spoon in his sink. This felt better. The younger boy was finally offering up full sentences one after the other and wouldn’t immediately look away when he tried to meet his eyes – even though he could tell he was still struggling.
But those bruises caught his eye again. Bile started to rise in his throat.
“Your neck-“
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He stopped eating for a moment before returning with more fervor. 
“So they aren’t ones from fighting?”
“Would that make them better? Acceptable?” Damian looked straight at his brother, piercing through him with his accusing stare. A challenge. 
“No, but I just wanna know if you’re safe, idiot.”
His gaze fell. He pushed his almost finished bowl of probably unsafe cereal away and stood.
“I want to leave now. The walk to my school from your house is longer than from the manor.”
After a long moment of Jason scrutinizing his every move, he sighed. “You can leave, but you’re not going to school today.”
His mouth snarled and his brow raised as he registered his words, “Excuse me?”
“If you think my questions about those marks are too personal, you’ll hate what the teachers are gonna ask.” He shrugged. 
He pondered for a moment before replying, “Maybe missing school is for the best, just today though.”
Jason put the mug and spoon onto the drying rack, wiping his hands on a dishcloth while he made his way to the front door. 
“Where are you going?”
“Oh, I thought you wanted to leave? Might as well take dog with us, she needs a walk anyways.” He held out a leash, offering it to Damian as Dog made her presence known with excited barks.
The skeptical look on Damian’s face as he walked over could have been framed. He questioned the idea of ‘us’ out-loud as he clipped the leash onto Dog’s collar.
Jason didn’t bother replying, opting to walk out the door, expecting the others to follow. The morning was still exceptionally dreary. The rain was even more misty than yesterday, but still annoying enough to warrant Jason bringing his umbrella from inside. 
The trio walked down the street without a word, with Dog being none the wiser as she sniffed at every passer-by. Jason waved to his neighbour as they passed his house, although the man just gave a blank expression and a nod in reply.
“What is wrong with him?” Damian asked as the blonde man quickly disappeared back into his house. 
“I know him from therapy, he’s ex-military or some shit. Got traumatized enough to be discharged early I guess.” He decided to leave out the part where his husband died in his arms from a gunshot to the head.
After a short while, both of them had fallen silent. Neither felt the need to fill the space between them with pointless chit-chat. That was until Damian piped up, “Your… therapy, does it actually work?”
“Most the time. Thinking of finally talking to someone?” Jason taunted him with a raised brow and smirk, wanting to get him back for this morning. 
“Definitely not. I can’t imagine anything worse than some stranger who only cares about their paycheck asking me about my life.”
“You know, it’s not always like that. Some therapists actually care. Sure, a lot of them only want the session over with so they can diagnose you and ask for the bill,” Jason sat on a park bench, expecting for the other to follow his lead, “but there are therapists that genuinely want to help people. And, you don’t have to be alone when you do it, by the way.”
Instead of replying immediately, Damian bent down to unclip Dog’s leash. She set off instantly in search of a nearby flock of pigeons with her tail pointed high and her nose to the ground. Damian chose to stay standing, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. It made Jason smile to himself.
“I don’t think the being alone is the issue to me.” He said it quietly, his gaze darting from one person to the next as they went about their business in the park. Even though most Gothamites were used to the near-constant downpour many still chose to stay indoors when the weather got like this. Autumn was Damian’s favourite season just for this – he could go just about anywhere and not be bothered by huge crowds or people willing to linger too long.  
“It helps, when you’re in a group. It hurts like hell and it gets embarrassing when you start crying in front of like, eight civilians and a doctor who just smiles the whole time-“
“That sounds awful.”
“But,” he says forcefully, immediately regretting it when Damian recoiled ever so slightly, “forcing yourself to be vulnerable around strangers actually gets you used to being human again. And when you realize those strangers are actually going through the same thing as you, they become way less scary.”
Gently, Jason placed a hand on Damian’s shoulder. Damian stiffened a little, but his expression remained blank as he kept staring off into the distance. 
The words sat on his tongue like acid, burning his throat from the inside out. He wanted to shake the boy and scream at him that it didn’t have to be like this. That he didn’t have to pretend to hide where those bruises came from. That he didn’t have to miss school like this. That he didn’t have to come running to his older brother’s house anymore. He wanted to scream the softest words he knew he’d never heard before. But he settled for letting his hand fall from his shoulder and placing it next to Damian’s clenched fist. Not an invitation, or a threat, just a reminder. 
They stayed like that for a while, sitting in silence. When they finally arrived back home, Jason noted that Damian seemed less dejected, but as if he was now just floating above his body. 
Jason took his place in the rocking chair Meemaw Vicky got him for knitting in. The whole thing had been her idea, she said knitting helps keep your hands and your mind off of other things – and god knew he needed that. The old, stolen, clock that sat on Jason’s, also stolen, shelf reminded him of something he had very much conveniently forgotten. 
Meemaw Vicky would be arriving in exactly ten minutes, maybe longer if she was late – Jason knew she wouldn’t be. His gaze turned to Damian who was sitting quietly on his couch, reading through one of the random books Jason kept on his shelves, next to that clock. Dog slept at his feet, her muffled snores indicating her tiredness after their walk. Damian’s glazed over eyes flew across the words, leaning back into the plush cushions as he flipped the pages. His nose crinkled every few sentences, trying to decipher whatever hidden message the author was trying to make him read between the lines for. He had two options, shove Damian out the house before Meemaw Vicky can get her hands on his chubby cheeks and then end up with a knife in her ribs, or lock him upstairs till she leaves. He decided on neither. 
“I have someone coming over soon.”
“Pennyworth?” he didn’t even look up as he answered him.
“For the last time, he probably knows where you are already and no I have not called him. A friend of mine is visiting.”
“You have friends?” that got an amused look from Damian. Friendly eye contact, progress.
That comment snapped his invisible patience though.
“Speak for yourself,” stop, “you’ve been at that school for what? Eight months?” what are you doing, “How many friends have you managed to make?” why am I saying this, “And how many of those kids actually know you past the fact that you’re a billionaires kid who can’t talk about his feelings?” God please just shut up.
Jason bit the inside of his cheek before he could continue fucking up. He tasted copper while he saw the emotions flit through Damian’s eyes. They were too short to recognize but he felt each one like a gut punch all the same. Damian just blinked and looked back down to his book, obviously not actually reading it. Progress erased. 
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Don’t. It’s fine.”
That feeling came back, the urge to grip him so tight and engrain what he was feeling into his bones. The feelings he couldn’t hope to find the words for. The apologies, the forgiveness, the reassurance, the anger. 
The ringing of the doorbell announcing Meemaw Vicky's arrival interrupted Jason thoughts.
Damian didn’t even pretend to be interested in getting up. He just kept looking at the book.
Dog got up and happily trotted over to greet her through the door. Jason sighed as he walked over to open the door, giving her cheeks a kiss each as to say hello.
“Oh Jason, I finally managed to grow those orchids we talked about! They were tough but they bloomed just this morning! I brought a few cuttings for you to keep around the house.” Her smile                     seemed to cleanse the soul, letting you know just how good her intentions always where. Not a bad bone resided in this woman’s body – maybe that’s why Jason loved having her over. He felt as if the goodness overflowing from her every word would stain him and his house so that nothing of his past would remain. And he also just enjoyed the company every once in a while.
Jason failed to notice just how quickly the elderly woman could still move. She had already gotten all the way to his living room while he was thinking, leaving the plastic bags surely filled with flower cuttings on his kitchen counter. He had to move.
But when he walked the distance and talked himself out of revisiting the locking Damian upstairs idea, all he found was Meemaw Vicky leaning dangerously close over Damian’s shoulder, asking him a list of questions about himself. 
She stood up and looked to Jason, shoving an accusatory finger in his space. “You never told me you had a little brother! I expected better from you, Jason Todd.”
Damian scoffed at that. Jason just rolled his eyes and mumbled an apology.
Meemaw Vicky sat a respectable distance on the couch from the boy, giving him ample space. She had calmed down considerably, but still asked Damian questions he answered through gritted teeth. 
“How old are you?”
“Oh, same age as my granddaughter! You’d love her. I think I should bring her over one day to meet you.”
“Please don’t.”
“So what are you learning about in school? Ooh, what book have you got there? I need to catch up on my reading.”
“I- I am on a normal curriculum and I’m reading, uh, Pride and Prejudice.”
“I see,” she sat back for a moment, studying him, “you know that’s your brother’s favourite book.”
Meanwhile, content that he wasn’t going to stab her, Jason had left the two alone to make some tea. While waiting for the kettle to boil, he decided to actually check his phone for the first time since last night. The usual app notifications were quickly deleted, with a few kept – if he doesn’t keep the instagram notifications he will never remember to watch all the reels Dick sends him, and then he’ll never hear the end of it. His finger stopped in it’s motion across the phone when it lit up with a call screen. The caller ID seemed to seep into Jason’s psyche and grip his lungs. 
‘Bruce Wayne’ in plain, black text in front of the white background laughed at him. It was taunting him. 
He declined the call. And the next one. And the next three. 
He only picked up the last call because this time it came from Alfred, and he was too scared to decline a call from that man.
“What’s up?”
“Master Jason, I assume Master Damian is with you?”
“He didn’t come home from school yesterday. He’d only ever stay the night at your or Master Dick’s house.”
“And how do you not know he’s not at Dick’s place?”
“Because he at least answers Bruce’s phone calls the first time. Master Dick has not seen Master Damian.”
Damn that man and his phone addiction, and his undying loyalty to their adoptive father.
“Listen, he’s here but I can tell he doesn’t wanna go home. Not yet.”
“That is not what I’m concerned with, what I don’t like is him getting to skip school. You know how important an education is to give that boy some semblance of a normal life.” Although Alfred’s words were curt and pinched, Jason felt the genuine care that lay beneath them. Alfred loved Damian just as much as any of them. 
“I… I know. But Alfred, did you see his neck? People would ask questions. And you know he hates that.” He spoke in a hushed voice, careful to not let Damian hear.
The silence that came from the other end of the call was filled with the kettles high-pitched whine. Quickly turning the stove off, Jason wracked his brain for what to say to Alfred about any of this. 
But, it was Alfred that spoke as Jason poured the cups of tea while holding the phone to his ear.
“I was not made aware of any injuries. How bad are they?”
“God, Alfred I- shit,” he winced as he spilled some boiling water on his hand, “I don’t know. He won’t even let me see but there are nasty bruises all over his neck. And I can tell they go further. He must’ve had a pretty bad fight, did something happen?”
“Master Damian has not been on patrol for a few days though, he has been on a strict sleeping schedule due to an upcoming school project.”
“… what?” Suddenly, those calls from Bruce started making sense.
It was hours later, Meemaw had left long ago and Jason disappeared into his room. When he descended the stairs, clad in his vigilante costume, he found Damian still sitting cross-legged in the living room. He was actually properly reading the book and Jason almost didn’t have the heart to interrupt him. 
“Did you bring your suit?”
“Of course.”
“Good. Get dressed. Meet me on the roof.” He knew he didn’t have to explain how to get up there, he'd find his way fine. 
By the time Damian finally joined Jason on the roof, Jason stood with his hands on his hips looking like an impatient mother. “Follow.” Was all the instruction Jason gave before he darted off in the direction of the next rooftop. 
When they stopped a few minutes later, Jason looked over to Damian, “Tired yet, kid?”
Damian shook his head, a neutral expression staining his face.
This continued for city block after city block. Mile after mile, they ran. Every few stops, Jason would look to Damian with a grin– a challenge of his own. And Damian would accept it every time.
Only when both of them were drenched in sweat and panting for breath did Jason finally speak again. 
Damian stood hunched over, with his hands on his knees. Oxygen flooded his lungs as he breathed and sweat dripped off of his face. He didn’t even try and respond.
Jason just chuckled, huffing before setting off in a run again.
Only about five rooftops later did he think to look back. He didn’t think he would find Damian right behind him – on all-fours, his chest heaving. 
Jason silently came towards him, sitting on his haunches and placing a hand on his shoulder. His voice was gentler this time, “Tired?”
Damian’s eyes were screwed shut. Tears of exhaustion burned him. The stench of sweat invaded his nostrils. Every part of his suit clung to him in all the wrong ways. He wanted to tear every offending piece off of him. He wanted to scream but the exertion had stolen too much out of him.
Jason’s eyes narrowed. His hand rubbed soothing circles into Damian’s shoulder as he spoke, “Hey, it’s gonna be ok. You did good.”
No. No he didn’t. He had failed. He’d lost the challenge. He couldn’t have hoped to keep up if they had continued. He-
“Hey. Look at me.”
Slowly, Damian’s eyes opened. His ribs burned with embarrassment as his gaze lifted. 
“I’m sor-“ Damian tried.
“Stop.” His voice wasn’t too rough this time, he wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. He’d been trained better than that. And yet Damian still winced. 
“Look at how far we came. How far you came.” He nodded his head to the horizon behind them, and Damian followed his guide to glance back.
He couldn’t even see Jason’s house anymore. He could only see an unfamiliar landscape dotted with buildings and rooftops. They had gone so far he couldn’t even recognize where in Gotham they were. 
“Where are we?”
“One of the newer suburbs, Bruce hasn’t mapped this part of the city yet. That’s why I love coming here.” He stood, moving to the edge of the roof.
“Why did you bring me here, Jason?” the way he said his name made his heart hurt.
“Because,” he grunted as he swung his legs over the edge and took a seat, “I wanted to remind you that you’re human. You can’t do everything. You can fall over because you’re exhausted. You can fail.”
Tears pricked at his eyes for a different reason now. His limbs screeched at him as he stood.
“I am aware that I am only human. I am reminded of that every single day.”
“Yeah, but did anyone ever teach you that that’s a good thing? That it is allowed?”
Damian reluctantly sat next his brother. It was late by now, the final streaks of dusk laying in the sky.
“I can hardly see how constantly being told that you are human is a good thing.”
Damian’s breath hitched.
Jason smirked, “There it is.”
The younger boy’s shoulders dropped. 
“So, who is it? Who do I need bury?”
He refused to answer.
“Damian if someone is hurting you, you are allowed to defend yourself. You don’t need to keep up this civilian charade when it comes to-“
“I know that. My civilian persona doesn’t have anything to do with this.”
Jason quirked his brow at this. A deep orange glow disappeared over the buildings and the final stars began to show. The theory Jason feared the most was rearing it’s ugly head.
“It was Bruce wasn’t it.” It was less of a question, but he was getting tired of beating around the bush. 
As the navy sky blanketed the city and snuffed out any of the golden sunset, Damian finally allowed himself to let go. Jason didn’t need to look over to see the tears flowing down his brother’s face, he knew. How ever silent Damian thought he was being or had been last night in Jason’s room, he knew. He also knew the pain. The pain of acceptance that came with acknowledging what had happened, and who did it to you. 
“I wasn’t fast enough. I deserved it.” Jason just let him talk, “We were training, and I- I failed. I could’ve been faster, stronger – I could have…”
It took a few more moments before he continued, “I got too tired. He caught me too many times. I-“
His voice broke when Jason pulled him towards his chest. He wrapped his arms around the too-young boy. Damian let his heart sink. He let his exhausted mind melt. He let himself be human for a second. 
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jennyanypenny · 7 days
Soo heard ya seen the georgetown palace production of cats with the female munk kinda curious on ur thoughts on whats the production like?
It was fun :o3 Im forgetting stuff already, but I do know that seeing it changed my opinions on Skimbleshanks.
Using this ask as an excuse to write down a summary for myself (not in exact song order uhhh)
Starting numbers were good. Don’t have much to say, but seeing it live and kinda close is def different from seeing 5 pixel bootlegs!! These cats are people sized!! Also you could hear the noise when they pounced on the floor. I think some of that had to do with how small the theatre was. Also Vickys solo was mostly on a pole. I thought that they wouldn’t keep the sensuality of her parts but they did!
The Old Gumbie Cat number was soo good. But that was expected from the best song in the musical. Ive already praised Munku’s actress so :o3 .The gumbie trio sounded wonderful!! But during their part they did stuff with sticks and it was definitely a bit too loud.. The guys were the mice instead of the girl kits. They made a cute little shawl for Jenny out of rope that she wore throughout the show. Rumpel and Mungo may or may not have stolen it later. The beetles tattoo was very good! I think ive already mentioned it but Munkus led most of it. Jenny did lead some of it tho. She also came in inside of a shoe-car?? Oversized light up sneaker that she was riding. Supports my hc that these cats are 3 centimeters tall.
Oki so I missed some of The RTT because im lame and I can never watch this number without looking away for a bit. Anyways, the actor was funny as hell. Made silly faces through the show. Sillabub had a “I ❤️ Tugger” cardboard sign. Very important. Bomba and Tugger were def very close. Munkus and Tugger hung out a lot too! He got a lil crown during the number from his fangirls :3 . The end bit went on for some time but it made me giggle from what I remember so it was good 👍
Bustopher Jones sounded very nice. Very jolly. Wasn’t the full song I think. Some of the cats didn’t seem to like him which lame 🙄!! (Misto and Skimble were very exited tho!). Jenny still had the crush and got a flower at the end¿. (im forgetting stuff already) Also Bustopher Jones existed outside of his song! Win for Bustopher fans everywhere.
Mungo and Rumpel were trying to be funny I think?? But a lot of it came of like those parodies of Cats. Yknow, the ones were the cat role isnt taken seriously and its like “hahah, hairballs”. Was not a fan. Hated it actually. Maybe I just hate fun idk. They were also in front being silly wayy to much. During multiple numbers. There was some dialogue at the start of their song, them asking if it was safe to come out yet instead of the usual Rumpel laughs. The two actually being scared of Mac isnt something I usually interpret, but mmm has u thinking.
Augh during one of the Scares (not sure which one) they (Deme starts and cats join in) say (not truly sing) a part of Macavity, emphasizing the hypnotizing part (foreshadowing💥). Took away some of the mystery but it didnt bother me that much. They could have made it sound better tho 😭
The Jellicle Ball choreo was a bit disappointing, but I don’t remember much uhh. The music was good tho. Misto lifted Victoria btw, if any of the 3 mistoria shippers see this.
GLAMOUR CAT REPRISE!! GLAMOUR CAT REPRISE HOW I LOVE YOU! After it I think it was just Grizz and Sillabub was there watching her from up high in the set. I dont remember if Old D stayed, but he might have.
Moments of Happiness was good I rlly liked Old Ds voice. Victoria and Jemima had a little dance at the end although this could have also happened before/during the Jellicle Ball.
Gus the Theatre cat was wonderful <33 . Such a great Jelly. One of my favorites (although I already have a lot of favorite Jellys :’3). She was sweet and her voice was nice. The number was def a bit less sad and more funny. Mmm something cute is that like 4 cats worked to place and fluff up a pillow on the hat¿ Gus sat on.
Macavity fight was very cool. There wasn’t the reveal bit. He just came in ready to fight. Demeter fought quite a bit. All the other cats (apart from Munkus [who got their ass beat like usual] and Deme) who hit Mac were all played by male actors. Munk did recover and finish it off tho (I think). Deme was also kitnapped. Definitely a suprise! There was this box they were sliding around and stuff and Mac escaped by going inside with her in it after hypnotizing her. They really played into that part. I somehow missed Old Deuteronomy being kitnapped before all this idk how.
Speaking of Macavity I loved Demeters voice. She was really good. I knew Macavity was gonna be good when I heard her in the opening number 🙏. Bomba had a deeper voice and I rlly liked the playfulness the actress brought to her. Ermm I dont remember much else.
SKIMBLESHANKS THE RAILWAY CAT was awesom. Actor was very expressive. Bustopher appears during this song. There was a bit where mungo/rumpel stole Bustophers’ watch, skimble caught them, and then Bustopher came back to get it and found skimbol with it. ‘,:-\ . Very silly I liked that part. There was also like 2 seconds of tap dancing I swear. Instant bonus points. Everybody loves Skimbleshanks for good reasons and I finally understood why.
Magical Mr Mistoffelees was fun! Its always such a happy joyful song! The Conjuring Turns!!! Holy moly. Its another experience to actually be there clapping. He first conjured up Deme at the very start and then Old Deuteronomy. They hugged a lot <33. Mr. Mistoffelees was very kittenish in this production. It was cute :o3
Memory sounded good I will not deny this! But the acting. It wasnt that emotional.. which is what I mainly like about Memory. She mostly just sung towards the audience. You didn’t really get the feeling she was angry/sad/regretful and desperate.
Grizzabella ascended on a boat. The one that is on the right of the stage in the pic.
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Another number my mind was changed on is Addressing of Cats. I think I mentioned it being a least fave in a ask game and yeagh. This is why Growltiger beat it for least fave song. Very awesome. A cat is not a dog.
I enjoyed it! Genuinely never thought I would see it in person until I was much older but I was proved wrong! Also the Cats brainrot was stronger in the weeks leading up to it. (good thing)
According to my mom my dumbass missed when they went through the aisles :’( . I only saw Misto bringing Old D in his arrival. Fave performers where the ones who played Munkus, Jelly, Gus, Old D, Deme and Tugger.
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siriuslysmoking · 1 year
Break The Chain | Chapter 1
(The Year Everything Flipped Upside Down Masterlist)
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—And if you don't love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain—
-Fleetwood Mac
“Y/n! Get up! Now! I won't ask again.” She heard from under her, Y/n’s mother, downstairs. Y/n groans rolling out of bed and stumbling to the closet. She grabbed the outfit she had stacked on the dresser from the night before and quickly changed into the tight green and white cheerleading outfit.
God how I hate this thing.
The girl tugged on her tennis shoes as she hopped towards the bathroom, she looked in the mirror and to be completely truthful, she wasn’t looking so hot. She pretty much looks like a zombie who just crawled out from their grave. She carefully put concealer under her under eye circles, painted dark mascara on her lashes and threw her hair up into a tight ponytail.
She assesses herself in the mirror and decides that this is the best that she can get today without missing her ride. Before she left her room she slid on her silver rings and put on her simple silver necklace. Racing down the stairs Y/n makes a quick stop in the kitchen grabbing her lunch and an apple when she hears a honk. Sighing as her mom turns from her place at the stove.
“I swear I need to get you an alarm clock that will pour water on you.” she rolls her eyes. Y/n quickly ties her shoes and grabs her brown bag from the small bench by the door, stuffing her lunch into it.
“Love you too.” She says as she opens the front door and sees Steve and Robin both sitting in his burgundy BMW that was parked in front of the house.
“Be safe.'' She hears her mom call out as she closes the door behind her, seeing Steve motion for her to hurry up. She doesn't reply to her mom as she runs to the car, Y/n opens the door and slides in next to Robin’s band hat.
“What the hell took so long.” Steve said as he pulled out of the neighborhood, she just shrugged and sat her backpack on her lap as she bit into her apple. The pair in the front of the car were talking about Steve’s love life, when were they not? Y/n stares out of the car windows and sees a large field of flowers, a type of field that would usually house some type of crop like corn, but not this one, it was filled with purple, yellow, white, and blue flowers. She appreciated the view, mostly when she wasn’t driving, she got to admire them more.
She got knocked out of her thoughts by Steve speaking, “And then there’s Hedi tomorrow night, but the problem with Hedi is that she’s going out of state for college.” Robin was listening as she was putting on mascara while he was talking. “Do I want to start another relationship that has no other point than just sex?” The two girls still haven't said a word, just listening to the 19 year old boy talk about his girl problems. “I mean, I don’t know. Does that make sense to you?” he said as she looked back at Y/n and then to Robin, noticing she was not paying attention. “Robin, are you listening?”
“Uh, yes.” Robin put her mascara away. Y/n started messing with her rings, twisting the one on her forefinger with her thumb.
“What did I just say?” Steve questions, not believing her.
“Something about sex with Linda.” Robin pointed out like she was a genius.
“No, I’m talking about Heidi!”
“Well cut me some slack, please.”Y/n started to chuckle in the back, they fought like siblings. “Your love life is one of labyrinthine complexity. And it is seven in the morning and we have this stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a corpse.”
“You’re worried about a basketball pep rally? You expect me to believe that?”
“Yes? So?”
“We both know what this is about.” Steve started.
“It’s about Vickie.” Y/n sang.
“Absolutely not.” Robin said immediately.
“Yes it is. You know what else?” Steve agreed with Y/n
“I really don’t care.”
“I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you’re around her. You just gotta be yourself.”
“That’s easy for you to say Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington, or should I say ‘King Steve’.” Y/n smirked
“Not helping, Y/n.” Steve gritted through his teeth playfully.
“You’re literally quoting me to me, Steve. You do realize that right?”
“Well maybe you need to listen to yourself. You ever think about that, smartypants? I listened, look at me. Boom. Back in business.”
“It’s not the same.” Y/n and Robin said at the same time.
“Y/n,” She cringed, “you’re supposed to be on my side.”
“I don’t pick sides.” Y/n held her hands up in surrender.
“Steve, you ask out a girl and she says no. big deal. Nothing happens. Maybe your ego is bruised, but I ask out the wrong girl, and bam, I’m the town pariah.”
“Yeah, I’d buy that, except Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl.” Steve continued his case.
“We just don't know that, do we?” Robin disagreed.
“She returned ‘Fast Times’ paused at fifty-three minutes, five seconds. You know who paused ‘Fast Times’ at fifty-three minutes, five seconds?” He paused, “People who like boobies, Robin.”
“Ew.” both the girls cringes at his choice of words. “ Gross! Don’t say boobies!
“Boobies.” Steve continued. “It’s not a big deal, I like boobies. You like boobies. Hell, pretty sure Y/n likes boobies. Vickie likes boobies. Definitely. It’s boobies.”
Not long after, the trio arrived at Hawkins high with just enough time to spare. Steve dropped the two girls at the entrance to the gym. Robin called out for someone to wait for her as Y/n thanked Steve for the ride and went inside the gym. She quickly put her bag away in her locker and went into the girl locker room to get her pom poms. She raced into the gym where the rest of the cheer squad was waiting.
“Hey, sorry I’m late.” Y/n apologies.
“You’re all good, we’re just about ready to start.” Chrissy Cunningham spoke. Chrissy was always nice to Y/n even though not a lot of the cheer squad really accepted her into their group, Chrissy was always the glue, the middle ground. Y/n and Chrissy became really close this year, they would hang out after school, whenever they were both free. She would stop in where Y/n worked with her other friends and say hi, or eat lunch with them. Chrissy knew that Y/n would never shun her or judge her and Y/n knew the same. That’s why Chrissy was planning on telling her the certain predicament she was in. but after the Friday Pep rally.
Y/n made eye contact with Robin as she was standing in the band section with her fuzzy tall hat on. Whenever they did pep rallies they always made it a game to hold eye contact for as long as they could, it was always Y/n first, having to turn or do a handspring across the court. But this time it wasn’t Y/n, it was Robin, she was trying to sneak a glance at Vickie who stood next to her. Once their performance was done, Robin and Y/n made eye contact once more, she raised her eyebrows and nodded towards Vickie as if saying ‘talk to her.’
The cheerleaders walked towards the stands and sat on their knees as the players came out, running into a handmade banner that they had to make. Of course the first one to come out was Jason, the captain of the basketball team and Chrissy’s boyfriend. He’s a dick, total tool. Y/n never saw what Chrissy saw, she was way too good for him, but Chrissy only had good things to say about him, so Y/n let it slide.
“Good morning, Hawkins high!” Jason shouted into the microphone. “First off… Hey.” he quieted the crowd. “First off, I’d like to thank each and every one of you. Without your support, we wouldn't be here. Give yourselves a big hand.” Y/n’s mind wandered off, why did people call it a ‘hand’, like why couldn’t they call it an ‘applause’. Wait- why do they even call it an applause. She shook her head noticing she got off track. “And of course, of course. I have to give a special shout-out. To the best and prettiest fans of all time, the Tiger Cheer Squad! Chrissy…” he trailed off, patting the left side of his chest. “Chrissy, I love you, babe.”
The crowd ‘awed’ as Y/n cringed at the word ‘babe’, if a man ever called her ‘babe’ she would dump him so fast. A woman she would be okay with just because women are better.
“You know.” Jason started again. “I think I can speak for all of us when I say, it’s been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. Sometimes I wonder ‘how much can one community take?’ In dark days like this we need something to believe in. so, last night, when we were down by ten points at half to Christian Academy, I looked at my team, and I said ‘think of Jack. Think of Melissa. Think of Heather. Think of Billy.” Y/n straightened her back. “Think about our heroic chief of police, Jim Hopper. Think about every one of our friends that perished in that fire. What did they die for? For us to lose to some crap school?”
Fire. Y/n thought.
“No,” Jason spoke, as the crowd agreed, “for us to return home with our head hungs low in defeat? No! Let’s win this game. Let’s win this game for them.’ and that’s exactly what we did!”
Y/n looked around the crowd, seeing them all cheer, she locked eyes with Robin, Robin gave Y/n a small smile, which Y/n returned but Robin did notice that it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“We embarrassed those candy-asses in their own house, and now tonight, tonight, we’re gonna bring home the championship trophy!” Y/n raised her eyebrows as the crowd cheered. This is bullshit. She thought.
A few hours later Y/n sat in trigonometry class, they weren’t doing anything that would give them points since it was the day before spring break, they were doing this simple packet but, let’s be honest, not one person was actually doing it. Y/n sat near the back of the class, drawing random things she thought of on her math packet with her leg bouncing up and down. Suddenly Y/n felt a sharp pain in her head, she haphazardly dropped her pencil and it fell to the ground with a soft ‘thud’, she messily grabbed her things and stumbled out of the classroom as quickly as she could. She tried to leave the room unnoticed and for the most part she did, at least she thought she did. She could barely see, the banging in her head felt as if something was trying to fight the constraints on her mind.
She stumbled into the girls bathroom and dropped her bag onto the tiled floor, her hands gripping the white sink, until her knuckles turned yellow. She put her head underneath the sink and had a drink of water, but with no avail it didn’t help.
She pulled her wavy hair out of the tight cheerleading ponytail hoping, praying that it would help. She leaned up against the cold brick wall of the bathroom and slid to the room, putting her head between her legs and burrowing into herself in a fetus position. When she felt something wet on her knee she looked up for the first time in five minutes.
She touched her nose seeing where it had come from, the warm crimson blood tainted her fingers and her upper lip. It wasn’t until the bell rang that her head stopped throbbing, the monster in its cage decided to give up on fighting for freedom. For now.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I've been planning this series for forever! and I'm just excited to share it with you! I’m contemplating making it Steddie x Reader, give me your thoughts!
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Love Me Or Leave Me - Michael 'Riz' Ariza x Reader
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Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life, @danzer8705 @mysoulisasunflower @vannabanana1995 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @sxmmarie @xmoonknightlyx @camelia35 @queeniesdiary
Riz is beautiful, dynamic, adventurous, everything you have ever wanted in a man. He’s easy going, laid back and he deserves the fucking world. He deserves better than you, better than a girl who’s struggling to make ends meet with two jobs and part time gigging, one with an ex-husband whose refusing a divorce and is dragging out every single detail of their relationship through the courts. He deserves something free and easy, someone that doesn’t come with the complications that you do.
That girl he’s with, the one at the bar who leans in close with her tits on display, you know her. It’s Lola, one of the sex workers from Vicki’s, she’s beautiful and fierce, she knows what she wants and how to please a man. You don’t stand a chance. So, you bow out because what is the fucking point.
You don’t tell him that your leaving, you simply pack your guitar away in the storeroom that Patrick let’s you store it in and slip out the back door. You don’t want the drama, the explanations, you know the two of them have been together before, you can see it in the way Lola looks at him, the way she touches him.
On the drive home you think of the two of them, lipstick staining his mouth as he fucks her in the bathroom. Him wrapped up in her sheets as she rides him, part of you is angry at yourself for not staking a claim, for not making a point of showing how you feel but that’s the problem isn’t it? You can’t tell Riz how you feel, you try to show him but there’s power in words. You know that.
This thing between the two of you has never had a label. You didn’t want one because giving it a name makes it too real, it means your invested and that terrifies you because you’re still trying to untangle the mess from the last time. Sometimes it feels like you’ll never be free.
Fuck you hate this; you hate how scared you are to admit your feelings. How every time you open your mouth to express it, the words catch in your throat and instead you kiss him, hoping to pour your emotions into that kiss, hoping that he knows.
But he doesn’t know, how could he?
You go round and round like this until you reach your house in a shitty part of town. It’s ramshackle at best but it’s yours for now. The rent is affordable with what you make, and you’ve learned to be thrifty. Most of the things you own come from second hand stores. Some out of necessity but others…
You can feel a history or a story in a piece of furniture that’s been preowned, it speaks to you in a way you can’t explain, the same way music does.
You aren’t home for long when there’s a quiet tap on your door. Long enough for you to change into a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt and pyjama shorts, you’ve pulled your hair up into a messy bun and put your song book on the table because it’s going to be one of those nights, you need to channel all this emotion somehow and why not into a song. There’s something cathartic about transforming your heartbreak into notes, about creating something from the anguish.
When you open the door Riz is standing there, the edges of his eyes crinkling as he studies you.
“You left.” He states.
There’s a million things you want to say, you feel the build up of emotion in your chest. You want to bare your soul to this man, to give him everything, to tell him despite the fact it’s only been a couple of months you love him. That you loved him the minute your eyes met across a crowded bar, and you saw him smile. As usual the words die in your throat because being vulnerable does not come naturally to you, not during your marriage to Wyatt, when it was used as a weapon and certainly not after.
“I wanna talk about that.” He tells you, before tilting his head towards your living room. “Can I come in?”
You open the door for him with a sigh because you know this is how it ends. The man you love, reminding you that this thing you have is casual, that he doesn’t owe you a god damned thing. That’s one of the things you love about Riz, he’s open and honest, he makes his intentions clear, there’s no expectations.
His thumbs loop in the rungs of his jeans as he steps inside, he notes the song book on the table, your dress from tonight tossed in front of the washing machine. You’ve scrubbed your face free of make up and you still look fucking radiant. He wonders how you do that, how you pluck at all of his heartstrings at once. You’re like this melody in his head, one he follows but can’t quite capture no matter how hard he’s tries. He wants you; he always wants you, he wants to tell you that but you’ve been burned before, you’re skittish, he gets that but he also knows that things have come to a head. That he needs to lay his cards down on the table because you can’t keep going on this way, it’s make or break. He needs to know what this is because he’s already too far gone, he can’t do casual with you, doesn’t want to. He’s all or nothing, ride or die. 
“That girl tonight, you know I’ve fucked her.” He says before realising maybe that isn’t the best place to start. “Before you, not since us.”
“You don’t have to explain anything.” You say as you linger in the living doorway, your shoulder coming to rest on the doorframe.
“No I don’t.” He agrees. “But I want to.”
You shrug. It’s a cold gesture but fuck he knows you; he knows it’s your way of protecting yourself, of getting distance. He can’t stand the idea of that, of a chasm between the two of you, right now it feels like there’s a gulf and he fucking hates it so he just comes out with it.
“I love you.” he says frankly, his hand rubbing over the back of his neck. “I have since the moment we met, there hasn’t been anyone else and there won’t be anyone else, not if you love me too.”
He stares at you, and he waits, but there’s silence. You don’t seem to know what to say, and he gets that. He’s just thrown everything out on the table, he wouldn’t know what to do with it either.
“It’s ok.” He says quietly. “It’s ok if you don’t love me too.”
He purses his lips together and he feels that fucking ache in the centre of his chest because his heart is breaking. He feels too much, he always has. He’s always been this way.
“I’m gonna…” he jerks his head at the door before squeezing past you. His hand grips the doorhandle to let himself out when he feels a tug on his kutte.
He turns to you surprised and for a moment your eyes meet, and he sees everything. He sees the fear, the adoration, the vulnerability, the want. He sees it all and he knows that deep down you feel the same way too. He knows that the world has hurt you, scarred you, made you impenetrable and you’re still learning that it’s ok to love somebody, to allow yourself to be loved. Your hands are in his hair, mouth brushing over his, the kiss is sweet and soft and he doesn’t expect it, he doesn’t expect anything from you and isn’t that just thing that breaks you.
“I love you.” You whisper against his lips. “Christ I’ve wanted to say it, I just couldn’t make the words come out. I’ve wanted to say it so many times…”
His forehead comes to rest upon yours, his thumb ghosting over the blush of your cheek. There’s intimacy in the gesture, a wealth of understanding that doesn’t need words. It’s hard for you, he gets it, he always has.
“Love me or leave me, but please don’t ever fuck around on me.” You request.
There’s a sense of pleading in your voice and it hurts him to hear it, because he knows that it’s happened before. That the fallout from it has made you closed off, because something like that it erodes at your self-worth, it makes you react the way you did tonight.
“I will always love you; I won’t leave you and I'll never fuck around on you.” he promises you as he looks into those eyes of yours. He wants you to see that he means it, that he believes in the two of you. “I'm yours Songbird for as long as you'll have me, in this life and the next.”
Love Riz? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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I have a "group photo" type idea with the circuits with both contender and title defense designs but i also noticed that Delilah has been getting A bit to much love from me
Sorry dally i promise your still important
So this little preview is with vicky because why haven't i gotten to her introduction yet its been two months now mak
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From vicky herself: she envy's those who don't have to untangle hair to get it even. She used alot of hair products. And gel.
Fun fact: the ao3 story definitely has an inaccurate description. But then again the book is kind just a character introduction thing NOT a fully canon story. Think of that one fanfic of mute little mac greeting all the wii contenders. If I find it again i'll let y'all know in a reblog
Her outfit also got revamped abit, this is what it used to look like
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You see why i changed it? Good.
Thanks for reading!
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galexystern · 1 year
butterfly wings
chapter three; fall 1984
pairing; steve harrington/eddie munson/reader aka steddie/reader, steve/reader, eddie/reader
rating; T
warnings; fluff, angst, au - canon divergence, fucked up the timeline a bit, smoking weed, shotgunning smoke
word count; 3.8k
desc; eddie gives you a nice surprise, steve gets to know you better, and all three of you share some smoke.
read on ao3 / series masterlist
Winter comes and goes. In fact, the whole rest of the school year comes and goes in a flash. The summer comes in hot and heavy, and you suffer in the sweltering bookstore. You swear that you'll get another job next summer if they don't add air conditioning. You beach it up with Nina and Mark. You and your friends take a road trip into Illinois and hit Chicago hard. You attend the annual Taste of Chicago and explore the State of Illinois Center. You even manage to find a gay bar—Jesse goes wild under your and Hailey's supervision and Vickie's awkward flirting somehow nags her a girl's number. She gets embarrassed every time any of you bring it up, but you can each tell she's proud too.
Junior year sneaks up on you and hits you like a freight train. It doesn't even slow down, just pushes you into the deep end as soon as it starts. You try out for the fall play and drag Jesse into auditioning too. Surprise—he loves it (he's an English nerd like you, so you knew he would). The difficulty dial turns up on all your classes except math, which has never been your strong suit. While you're stuck a year behind everyone else, you're pleasantly surprised to find Eddie in your class.
"Well hello there, stranger," he says as you take the desk next to his.
"Hi!" You exclaim, happy to have a friend in the class.
Eddie laughs at your enthusiasm. "That's the most excitement I've seen for a math class in a long time."
"Oh, yeah," you say sarcastically. "I'm all about math. I dream of it at night."
"And here I am, a fool for dreaming about you instead." He winks and you blush madly. You set up your notebook and pencil perfectly, just for something to do instead. You hear Eddie chuckle and then there's a loud handclap from Mrs. Dolip, making everyone jump.
"If she's gonna do that every day, I'm gonna have a heart attack," Eddie whispers to you under his breath.
"Don't worry," you whisper back, "I know CPR."
You can feel his eyes on you and you know you're still blushing, but you also smirk, all the while watching your teacher write the first lesson on the board.
A week later, while Mrs. Dolip is blabbing on about equations, Eddie speaks out of the side of his mouth. "Have you thought about my Hellfire offer at all?"
You wince and shake your head minutely.
"Okay, angel. No sweat." Your breath hitches at the pet name. "Just keep it in the back of your mind for me." You nod and he lounges back in his desk.
Another week later, Eddie stops paying attention to the worksheet you two are supposed to be finishing and props his head on his hand. "You know, D&D is a lot more fun than this."
You give him a look. "Anything would be more fun than this." The page is full of fractions that keep drifting away from your eyes.
"Fair," he muses, "but D&D would be as fun as doing the school plays. I know you enjoy those."
"I do, but there are things I enjoy more, you know."
"Like what?"
"Reading. Fleetwood Mac. Cats. Taking a walk by the Seine."
"Paris, huh?" You nod. "But what about an alternate world where magic exists and fairies are spiteful and dragons terrorize villages and wizards command the elements?"
"Sounds a little dark for my tastes."
"You're the one who said Fleetwood Mac." He gives a cheeky smile. You roll your eyes and get back to work.
A month after that, just when you've forgotten about D&D, Eddie says after class one day, "You could be a princess, you know. Or a bard. Or a really good thief who always takes what they need but must leave something they want."
He shrugs. "It's a curse. Balance is necessary."
You put your pile of books on your desk and turn to him. "Eddie, what are you doing?"
"A great question, milady." He beams. "I'm courting you."
"You're what?" You feel like you're choking on the words.
"To be my apprentice," he clarifies. "My successor."
"Oh." There's a faint sense of disappointment. "Well—"
"Before you say anything, just gimme some more time. I've got some tricks up my sleeve." He winks but there's a pleading in his voice. "Gimme a chance."
You study him, fingers adorned with silver rings constantly fidgeting at his sides, hair wavy and out of control, the same faded leather jacket he always wears shining in the florescent lights.
You sigh. "Okay."
He brightens considerably. "Really?"
"Yeah. Court me or whatever."
"That I can do, angel!" With that, he sprints out the door. You follow at a leisurely pace, not really sure what you're getting yourself into.
The next Steve-and-Nancy drama comes around, except this time, you're somehow in the middle of it. It was a crazy sequence of events that led up to it. It started at home.
"I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?" Nina had called from the foyer while putting on her shoes.
"Um," you'd uselessly shouted back while thinking. "We need Pop-Tarts and lemonade. Maybe also some Arnold Palmer's? And tampons please!"
"Check, check, and check," and then she was out the door.
About twenty minutes later, you heard a honk from outside—your sister's way of telling you she's back and to come help with the groceries. You slipped on some boots and grabbed the first heavy jacket you felt in your closet, since a chill had set in recently. You walked out the door, down the stairs, and to the car. Nina had the trunk open and you pulled out one of the bags. You started walking back to the building, not paying enough attention evidently, because you ran into someone halfway through the parking lot.
As if in slow motion, the bag broke open and things went flying. Nothing broke but it was almost worse what actually happened: a box hit the ground with abnormal force and sprang open, propelling tampons into the air. You looked at the person you bumped into through the spray and were mortified to find Steve Harrington staring back at you with a smirk.
Worse still, when the tampons had fallen back to the ground and rolled around on the pavement, Steve reached out and pinched the jacket you were wearing. "I wonder where I've seen this before," he teased.
You looked down and sure enough, you were wearing Steve's letterman jacket.
You just froze, staring at nothing with wide eyes, sure that this whole situation could not get worse. And yet, it did.
"Steve!" Nina said happily, joining the two of you. "Where have you been?"
"Hi, Nina. Just around. At school, practice," he answered cordially, still looking at you with mirth in his eyes.
"We've missed you. You have to come for dinner. What are you doing tonight?"
"Absolutely nothing," and you could hear the cheekiness oozing from the words. "I'd be honored to join."
"Great!" With that, she just walked away and disappeared into the building.
"Oh my god," you breathed, and Steve finally burst into laughter. "Oh my god," you repeated, moaning this time.
"Your face! It was priceless!" There were tears in his eyes. "That was the best thing I've seen in a long time."
That piqued your interest, but it could be examined later. You had to survive this mortification. "I'm so sorry," you said, "I'm so sorry!" You dropped the broken bag, scattering more items, as you rushed to pull off his jacket. "I forgot!"
Steve's hands darted out and stopped yours from moving. You looked up at him. He was smiling. "There's nothing to apologize for, beautiful. You don't have to take it off now. It's cold out here." He dragged it back over your shoulders and you had to hold in a shiver. "I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I made you strip out here."
Your eyes widened and he laughed again. In an effort to draw attention elsewhere, you dropped to the ground and started collecting the tampons and other stuff. Steve joined you. You tried to use the bag but it was useless. Without any other option, you took the tampons and shoved them in the pockets of the jacket, making him laugh again, louder this time. You laughed too, seeing the ridiculousness in it all. All you and Steve could do was laugh for a minute, just crouching in the middle of the parking lot.
As the giggles faded and breathing evened, you started picking up the other things. "Here," Steve said, and held out his shirt, making a kind of basket. You giggled again as you piled items into the makeshift pouch, until everything was off the ground. You two stood and both supported the weight of his shirt.
"I never imagined I would kind of understand what it's like to be pregnant," Steve joked, and it took a lot of effort not to become completely useless due to laughter.
You both got inside and helped put away the groceries. You were thankful Nina had already started cooking and didn't seem to notice how you'd carried the items inside. As soon as everything was away, Nina was directing you and Steve to help prepare and dinner got underway.
A few hours later, after you'd finished eating and cleaning up the table, you and Steve escaped to your room. "Here," you said sheepishly, handing him his letterman jacket. He took it with a grin and laid it on the back of your desk chair. You sat on your bed while he examined your room.
He looked at your collection of manatees. "Each one is from a new city we've moved to," you explained.
"There's so many." Steve sounded both awed and a little sad.
"Yeah, we've been a lot of places."
"Nina and I are army brats. Dad was moved from base to base a lot. It was cool to see the world, but making friends was always hard." You breathed deep. "They died a couple years ago. Car crash. Can you believe it? Dad was in the fucking military and a random accident is what officially takes them away?"
"I'm sorry." His voice was gentle and soft and kind.
You forced your voice to stop wobbling. "Anyway, Nina got custody. We've moved a couple times so she could find a good enough job to take care of us both. But her job at the hospital here is really nice. She likes it a lot. And it feels pretty stable."
"Where's the one for here?"
"We haven't been able to find one yet. We do have to get it local and for some reason, Hawkins just doesn't sell manatee merchandise." Steve looked back at you and matched your grin.
"What's your favorite one?"
You stood and moved to join him. You picked out a small, delicate manatee. "This one's from Hawaii. We weren't there for very long, but we found this at a tiny shop in Maui. Hand-carved and hand-painted."
"It's beautiful." But Steve was still staring at you.
"Thanks," you whispered, face heating. Realizing your position, you cleared your throat and stepped away. "So, um, how's Nancy?"
It was like being doused in cold water. Steve's expression hardened, though he carefully returned the manatee to its rightful place before stalking away. "It's fine."
"Sounds like it." You said it simply, but it broke through. Steve sighed and perched on the end of your bed. You sat next to him. "Wanna talk about it?"
"I don't even really know what's wrong," he started, sounding confused and lonely. "This past year was great. I thought we were past all the stuff from last year. But...it feels different. Feels like something's off."
"Have you asked her about it?" He shook his head. "Might be a good place to start. Communication is key."
His lip quirked up. "Maybe." There was silence for a few minutes. You were just about to touch his hand when he sprang up from the bed. "So what are you doing for Halloween?"
Shocked by the sudden topic change, you stammered, "Um, something with my friends? Like...horror movie night? Maybe?"
Steve nodded seriously. "Are you dressing up?"
"I'm not sure. I have an idea but there's not really anywhere to wear it."
He lit up. "Come to the party! Tina's party! Nancy and I will be there. And you can bring your friends."
"Are you sure?" Your brow furrowed.
"Totally! It'll be fun. Here," he grabbed a pen and scribbled something onto a piece of paper on your desk, "that's her address. Easy to get to from here!"
"Great!" He beamed. "Well, I gotta go! Those essays won't write themselves!" With that, he awkwardly dashed from the room, grabbing his jacket in the process.
"Bye, I guess," you said to the empty room, completely bewildered.
And that's how you're here, at Tina's Halloween party.
"Are you sure we're invited?" Vickie asks nervously.
"Duh!" Jesse replies, already dancing to the beat, "Steve invited us personally."
You shrug, feeling a little helpless. "He did."
"So let's have some fun!" Hailey yells. She grabs Jesse's hand and they plunge into the crowd, immediately heading for the dance floor. You look at Vickie, who looks right back at you.
"Drinks?" You offer.
"Drinks." She confirms.
So you two also head into the fray, in the opposite direction, eventually finding a communal punch bowl that must have six different kinds of alcohol in it for how pungent it smells. You and Vickie ladle some into cups and try it.
"That's nasty," Vickie coughs. You agree. You both keep drinking.
"Hey, you made it!" You hear Steve before he appears, dressed like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. He stops short when he sees you fully. "Whoa."
You look down self-consciously. "Does it look okay?"
"You look sick!" He exclaims. "Not sick like ill, but like super cool. Carrie is such a good choice. Who did the blood?"
"Jesse, Hailey, and I took turns," Vickie answers, and Steve grins.
"Looks awesome!"
"Thanks, Steve." You try not to blush. "Hi, Nancy," you add when you see the girl appear next to him.
She smiles—well, more like grimaces—in greeting before taking a cup and dipping it right into the punch bowl. You and Vickie exchange a side glance, but Steve just follows her lead. "Let's dance," she shouts to him. He gives her a thumbs-up and waves at you and Vickie before disappearing into the crowd.
"Something's not right there," Vickie says to you. You already knew that, but you didn't want to see it right in front of you either.
"I'm gonna get some air," you tell her. She nods and you weave through the people, finally finding the doors leading to the deck and backyard. When they slide open, the cool air is a relief on your hot skin, and you breathe deep in relief.
"Didn't expect to see you here, princess."
You jump at the voice and turn to see Eddie leaning against the side of the deck, surrounded by a cloud of smoke. "Jesus Christ," you choke out.
"I gotta stop scaring you, angel, or I'm gonna have to give you CPR. And I'm not certified." You half-smile, heart still racing. Seeming to sense that, Eddie motions to you. "Come sit down. Get your breath back."
You do as he recommends and sit in the chair next to him. Good thing it's metal, otherwise the fake blood you're wearing would soak in.
"You look great, by the way," Eddie appraises. "Superb fake blood placement. Very authentic."
You smile in thanks, still calming down. "What're you doing here?" You ask when you feel you can.
He holds up a metal lunchbox. "You don't know I'm the local dealer?"
You shake your head. It's news to you, but not altogether surprising. You tell him as much.
He chuckles. "I'm guessing you're not out here to buy?"
"No. Just to get some fresh air."
"Well, shit." He starts to wave away the smoke from his almost-spent joint. "Sorry, princess."
You wave a hand. "It's fine. Actually..." Eddie raises an eyebrow in interest. "I'd be down. To partake. If I can."
"Course you can," he says with a wicked grin. He pulls a fresh joint from behind his ear. "And for you, pretty lady, it's on the house." You go to grab it, but he brings it out of reach again. "But only if we can share."
You nod eagerly and Eddie claps his hands together. "Excellent." He drags a chair over and sits next to you. He hands you the joint and you put it between your lips. Expecting for him to hand you the lighter, you're startled when he leans forward instead, flicking on the flame and lighting it for you. As you inhale, the burning embers set his face aglow a little. He's very pretty.
You finally exhale, releasing the smoke into the air. "Well done, angel," he says, impressed. You shrug nonchalantly as he takes his drag. When he exhales, he creates little rings out of the smoke.
"Whoa! Can you teach me to do that?" You ask excitedly.
He laughs. "Of course."
A little while later, first joint gone and second started, you're just about getting the hang of smoke rings when the door slams open. You and Eddie both turn your heads quickly to see Steve in the doorway, breathing heavily.
"Steve?" You say hesitantly. He looks at you. He has devastation written all over his face. "What's wrong?"
"Can I get a hit?" He asks, ignoring your question.
Eddie hands the joint over without argument, clearly seeing what you're seeing. Steve takes a long drag before exhaling loudly, relaxing as he does. He collapses in the chair near you and Eddie.
"It's over."
"What's over?" You ask.
"Me and Nancy."
Eddie sucks in through his teeth. "That sucks, man."
"Steve, I'm so sorry."
"She called me 'bullshit'," he spits out. "Called our whole relationship 'bullshit'." His tone turns sad. "Said she doesn't love me anymore."
You feel terrible for him. "Steve, you're not bullshit."
"Apparently I am." He inhales from the joint again.
You pluck the joint away, take a quick drag, and hand it to Eddie. Placing a hand on Steve's, you order gently, "Steve, look at me." He swings his head to you sadly, eyes heavy. "You are not bullshit." He scoffs but you interrupt. "Steve." He shuts his mouth. "You are not. bullshit."
Steve gazes at you, then directs his attention to Eddie. "She's right, man," Eddie confirms. Steve looks back at you. You give him a small smile, which he eventually returns.
Temporarily resolved, you turn to Eddie and motion for the joint. You suck in greedily, inhaling quickly. You hold it in for a few seconds, and then release it—finally making a correct smoke ring.
"You did it!" Eddie yells.
"I did it!" You echo.
"Great job, beautiful," Steve commends, and you smile angelically at both of them. You give Steve the joint, who takes a drag and hands it to Eddie. "You guys ever shotgunned?" He asks once he's exhaled.
"Obviously," Eddie answers with contempt, but you're confused. "Like a beer?"
"No, smoke," Steve clarifies. You shake your head.
"You don't know how to shotgun, princess? Well, we gotta remedy that," Eddie continues.
Steve explains. "It's when you blow the smoke into another person's mouth."
You're having trouble trying to picture it, and Eddie senses it. "Here, Harrington and I will demonstrate." It feels like a challenge.
One that Steve is up for. "Let's do it, Munson."
They both stand and step in close to each other. They're about the same height—Steve's just the tiniest bit taller—but their mouths are pretty level. Eddie takes a drag, lets it sit, and then lines up his lips with Steve. He exhales the smoke directly into Steve's mouth, who inhales it deeply. They're centimeters from kissing. It makes you squirm a little.
"Nicely done, Harrington," Eddie says, impressed.
Steve does a little bow, making Eddie laugh unexpectedly. You try to hide a smile. Then they both look at you.
"Your turn, beautiful," Steve says.
"Okay." Your voice is a little small.
"You wanna do it?" Steve asks Eddie, but he shakes his head. "All yours, dude."
Steve sits back down and scoots closer to you. He looks deep into your eyes. "Okay, come close." You do so and your body heats up in the proximity. "I'm gonna do it. You just hold those pretty lips open, okay?" You nod, trembling a little. Steve takes a drag, holds it, and then leans in even closer. You can practically feel his mouth on yours. You're almost unprepared for the smoke as it comes billowing towards you, but you inhale as you're supposed to. Steve stays close for a few seconds, the eye contact too intense to break, until you accidentally puff out the smoke into his face. He leans back and coughs. 
"Sorry!" You exclaim.
"It's alright," Steve answers with a smile. "No harm done."
"You wanna try, angel?" You turn to Eddie and nod. Steve hands you the joint as Eddie comes close this time. You inhale, letting the smoke roll around in your mouth, and then lean in and blow it into Eddie's waiting lips. He inhales it greedily and there feels like electricity between you as he doesn't break his gaze. You can't seem to close your mouth. The moment only ends when Eddie turns his head up and releases the smoke into the night sky.
He looks back down at you. "Good girl," he murmurs, and you feel like you could die.
You collapse backwards, exhausted from the tension.
"How was that?" Steve asks.
"Great," you answer dreamily, and he smiles.
"We're honored we could pop your cherry, princess," Eddie adds cheekily.
You shiver—and then keep shivering.
"Oh, beautiful, you're cold," Steve points out. You don't feel cold; you actually feel hot, from being so close to both of them, and seeing them so close to each other. But there are goosebumps on your skin and you can feel your teeth start to chatter. "Let's get you inside."
All three of you stand and move towards the door. Eddie opens it and lets you and Steve step inside before following and shutting it behind him. You already feel better.
Vickie comes rushing up to you. "We gotta go. It's almost my curfew." She takes your hand and pulls.
You turn back to catch glimpses of those beautiful boys. "Thank you!" You call out, hoping they hear you.
chapter four
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missing-sock-misto · 10 days
Did you get asked about your AU's? If not, feel free to talk about them!
Oooh goody no I didn’t!
I’ve got a lot. I will admit, I like what I like, so Misto getting ostracized and finding belonging and acceptance with Tugger's help is a big love. I also love when Misto is under Macavity's influence in some way, a "pet", an employee, etc. Tugger is usually friends with or loyal to Mac in some way, and then finds Misto, befriends him, then falls in love with him, and together they realize that Mac is actually bad news and they break free of his influence.). Same thing with Demeter, though with a different flavor of abuse.
I do tend to gravitate towards a more human-esque universe, as it makes the world building easier to me. CATS as Cats is easier for shorter stories.
Medieval au 1: Misto is an eldritch creature, Mac is king after the death of the previous King Deuteronomy. Prince Munkustrap is the head Knight, Prince Tugger is technically a knight but really uses his title to cavort with whatever maid or squire has caught his attention. One day he sees a shooting star fall in the forest and comes across an shapeshifting creature comprised of Void and Stars. Mac wants Misto because Magical Weapon. Misto takes on a human/catboy form, but cannot speak. Tugger teaches him sign language, romance shennanigans before whump. Sideplot of Queen Demeter and her Guard Munkustrap falling in love- possible polycule with Bomba. Medieval Au: Variant 2: There's a monster in the woods. It's been causing people to go missing for years. Finally, Prince Tugger goes in to kill it, but finds a pale faced boy instead. He befriends him, but the boy refuses to come near the castle. Does not listen to Tugger pointing out there's a monster in the woods. The boy doesn't speak, so Tugger teaches him writing and sign. (In the background, Princess Jemima complains that her imaginary friend has gone missing). King Macavity is hunting for the monster as well. It's eventually revealed that Misto is a shapeshifter/monster. He can only speak in echoes, repeating things that he’s heard in the voices he’s heard them in. He's captured and experimented on. However, Tugger realizes that they had it wrong: Misto was not taking people from their beds, Macavity was taking and experimenting on them. Misto was Jemima's "imaginary" friend, and was eventually captured by Macavity. He then escaped, but can't leave the kingdom without [Maguffin]. Queue quest to save Misto and take down Macavity.
A Little Distraction: My main au, but I'm actually kind of protective about this one.
College Au: Misto is a Dance major and hates Tugger's guts cause he's a stereotypical frat/party boy undeclared major who loves flirting with anything with legs. But then they get trapped in a closet together for "7 minutes in heaven" and Misto has a panic attack because he has claustrophobia (from abuse), and Tugger helps him calm down before Vicky gets them out. It makes Misto reconsider his preconceptions of Tugger, though doesn't stop him disliking him completely.
Later Misto and Tugger have hate sex. Or rather- Misto is going "I hate you and I hate your stupid hot face, now take your damn pants off." while Tugger is extremely amused by the entire situation. After that point, their relationship continues in secret as "strictly physical" (it's not strictly physical).
Mafia AU: There are 3 factions; Deuteronomy, Macavity, and Jones. And the patriarchs had been friends in their youth, and had created a “Cosa Nostra” alliance. But age and time had turned that alliance into a thin line. It’s an open secret that Macavity wants to rule the city alone.
(A wraith is performing hits on the Jones and Deuteronomy families. At least, any survivors say it's a wraith. It's a creature comprised of smoke, can infiltrate anywhere, and can disappear without a trace. Macavity points out his own family is not immune- but it later becomes evident that anyone who was targeted in Macavity’s mafia had displeased him in some way).
Bustopher Jones has a quiet nephew, shy and prone to falling sick. But Tugger gets a weird feeling about the kid (he's not a kid he’s like 16), and starts following him around. He discovers the boy has magical powers, and his sickness is a ruse. They become friends.
But in truth, Misto is actually part of the Macavity family, his adopted son. He had been sent to infiltrate the Jones household to act as a spy. Bustopher adopted Misto as his nephew with open arms. This fills Misto with a lot of guilt, knowing he’s betraying someone who was so kind to him. But he feels he has no other choice. Macavity encourages his friendship with Tugger, as it means he can spy on both families. But Misto’s feelings and friendship become stronger, potentially stronger than his loyalty to Macavity.
Superhero au- It's basically Batman. Tugger is a millionare playboy rockstar, Munk is the Police Commissioner who's trying to track down a masked vigilante as well as get a handle on the normal city crime. What he doesn't know is Tugger is the masked vigilante, using his charm and perceived "himboness" to get into places, then using his crime fighting persona to take down bad guys. He works with Bomba, his "gal in the chair". He gets a tip about where a catburglar, who's been pulling off impossible robberies, will hit next. He sneaks in, only to find a pretty dark haired burglar dangling from a rope from the ceiling- just in the middle of a job. Then he watches as somehow, the jewel that was in the case vanishes, and appears in the robber's hand. They have a very flirty altercation, and then Misto disappears. Bomba is busy losing her mind because YOU LET HIM GO?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?! [I didn’t ‘let him go’, he just vanished!]. Turns out Misto is working for the villain who all these plots go back to, Macavity. [This one probably has background Demelurina as a Posion Ivy-Harley Quinn like romance].
Detroit Become human au: Misto is an android who is owned by Macavity. Tugger is a college dropout and a hacking genius, but he mostly uses his abilities for chaos. He discovers that Misto has secretly gone rogue (has developed sentience and a sense of will).
I've got a variety of other aus. I think the story I'm working on currently could also be considered an au technically, but eh. I've also got my CATS as cats au crossover with Thunderwhenhepurrs's OCs, some various cryptid Mistos, and some Demestrap ones. Most are just "Vibes" and thought experiments rather than anything I'll commit to paper.
As for AUs I like- I do love my more CATS as Cats settings! I struggle with writing these myself, the world building often overwhelming me. I also love my crytpid Mistoffelees, where Misto isn't so much a cat so much as a demon or eldritch entity in the skin of a cat. People who capture the energy well are amazing (shout out to Cat-at-the-theatre-door, I just found their Tuggoffelees drabbles/fics a few days ago and WOW they are the perfect energy).
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selfless1978 · 11 months
Well, looky there......
"Don't go, Mommy." little Amy pouted. "Stay and color with me. Please?"
Her mother smiled. The only time her hard features softened, her iron core melted, was with her children. They alone were allowed to see the soft side, the side that had once dominated her personality.
Vicky sat in a garden chair next to Amy and scooted a bit closer to see what her daughter was coloring. Dennis was not far away flying a drone, his tongue stuck out in concentration as he flew it. It was a new toy for him, something the six year old was determined to learn how to fly.
"That's very pretty." Vicky complimented the piece of art on the table. Of course it was of her toy, Greenie. Was probably about her fiftieth one. "You going to hang it with the rest?"
"Uh huh!" the child beamed, and her mother laughed.
"We're running out of room on the wall."
Amy's face scrunched up as she thought about the dilemma. "Can we hang it in your room then?"
"Sure." Vicky affectionately ruffled the curly mop, and got the predictable grumble and glare. "But I really have to go for a bit."
Amy's face suddenly got gloomy. "But I don't like it when you go."
"I know, pumpkin. But I need to work if we are going to have what we need."
"Can't you just make your own money?"
"I wish." Vicky laughed again. "It doesn't quite work that way, sweetie."
"Will you be gone long?"
"Not this time, Amy. I'll be back late tonight."
"Okaay." Amy pouted.
"You be good for Greg and the others, okay? I love you." Vicky kissed her daughter's cheek. Then she went to say goodbye to Dennis.
Soon after, the children were left alone in the huge house and gardens with the huge amounts of security Vicky's employer provided.
Amy and Dennis loved the house and all, but they didn't really like the men. They were no fun, and a bit mean. Both really wished their mom didn't have to work so much.
None of them noticed the set of blue eyes watching them.
The sun finally began to set and the two bored kiddos enjoyed a simple meal of mac and cheese and hot dogs the cook made for them. A long day was finally winding down.
Amy was tired, and she really didn't want to linger with Greg. So it was soon after dark when she climbed into her bed. Dennis managed to stay up until bedtime.
The balcony door to Amy's room opened silently and a huge figure moved soundlessly into the room. He paused to look around to get familiar with the room. Quickly he moved to the door and locked it, then easily picked up the heavy dresser and set it against the door, then grinned a grin full of mischief.
He busied himself with something before carefully approaching the bed.
The stranger paused as he thought about his next move. He had to be very careful now. One wrong move would bring the entire house down around his ears. His eyes set on her mountain of stuffed animals and an idea struck him. He quickly picked out two that caught his attention and hid behind the footboard of the bed.
Amy was quietly woken up by a soft, high pitched noise. It sounded like something from a cartoon. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. then they widened. At the foot of her bed, her stuffed turtle was moving on its own! It was moving! And the strange noise was coming from it! It took the child a moment to notice that it was talking to her stuffed frog.
"No, no, no!" the turtle was saying as it bobbed around. "I told you! If we go there, it'd be way more cooler than this stuffy place!"
"But, what if it isn't?" Frog asked.
"Why don't we ask her if we can go? turtle suggested. "I bet she'd love that! We would have so much fun! And make new friends! These guys here are boring."
The conversation continued with Amy watching in open mouthed astonishment. Then she giggled aloud when turtle finally got fed up and started beating up frog.
The noise made both stop and turn to face her. "Hey! She's awake!" turtle bobbed around happily. "Now we can ask her!"
"Ask me what?" Amy was getting curious now.
"If you wanted to go somewhere awesome!"
"I don't know if my Mommy would let me."
"Awww" Turtle sounded sad now. Amy hadn't meant to make it sad. "What if we left her a note saying where we were? That wouldn't make her wonder where you were."
Amy was wavering. She probably shouldn't go. But she was desperately bored here.
"What if I showed you something awesome right now?"
"Okay!" That, Amy could accept.
"Gotta promise not to scream."
"I promise!'
The toys disappeared and something else came up. A domed head. It had an orange band wrapped over it's eyes.
Amy's eyes grew wide and she inhaled.
"You promised!"
Amy held her scream.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I just wanted to be friends with you." A bit more of the head came up. And the smile was friendly on the wide mouth. "My name's Mikey, what's yours?"
"Amy." The young girl tilted her head at the strange thing. She still wasn't sure what to do.
Mikey waved at the window, and then Dennis came in from the balcony. He was grinning too. "It's a huge turtle, Sissy!"
"Really?" Her curiosity began to rise. "Show me!"
Mikey stood up fully, that friendly grin still on his face. Then he bowed formally. "Michelangelo the awesome turtle, at your service madam."
"This is so cool!" Amy squealed and clapped her hands in glee.
"Cool, is my specialty." He winked at her after he straightened. "You should come and hang out at my place so I can show you the full extent of my coolness. Both of you."
"I don't know....." Dennis hesitated.
"My brother has a drone that is waaaay bigger than yours you can fly.
The boy's eyes grew wide with excitement.
"But what about Mommy?" Amy brought up again.
"I tell you what, little lady. You come hang out with us, and when she gets back we'll bring her too. How does that sound?"
The children exchanged a unsure look between them.
"Unless you'd rather stay here in boredom town with these clowns. They don't seem like any fun at all. Compared to this place, my place is like chucky cheese on steroids." The turtle assured them.
Twenty minutes later, Leo watched with an amused smile and shake of his head as Mikey returned. The boy walking by his side talking excitedly about drones and race cars and all kinds of fancy toys. The little girl was in his arm, her head on his shoulder and already dozing off. In Mikey's other hand he carried a few bags of clothes and toys.
He winked at Leo as the older brother opened the door to the borrowed van for him to set Amy inside.
Something in Leo began to wake as he watched Mikey get the kids settled in. He couldn't quite describe it. They were happy children, easily talking to the youngest turtle. Their smiling faces causing a warm smile of his own to form.
Amy turned then to him, her little face having to look high to meet his gaze. "What's your name?"
"Leonardo, and yours?"
"I'm Amy! That's my brother, Dennis! We're going to your house!"
Leo chuckled a bit. "Well, it's not exactly a house......"
"It's not?" she looked a bit confused.
"You'll see!" Mikey grinned. "It's even better than a house."
Amy hopped a few times in her seat. Excitement clear to see on her face.
Leo walked around and slid into the driver's seat, his blue eyes watching in the rearview mirror as Mikey finished up getting them ready to go.
His gaze wandered frequently to that mirror as he drove. It was a bit of a drive, so he had time to think about what he now had in the vehicle. These two children, failed by the systems supposedly there to protect them. Their mother finally pushed past her own limits because of that system. He thought about the life they would have if their mother was imprisoned, or worse, killed.
Any doubts he may have had about this quickly vanished as his eyes watched the now sleeping children in the back seat. They were so young, so innocent, and still had been through so much.
No more. Leo would make damn sure of that. That strange feeling became stronger. He still couldn't put a word on it yet, but he knew these children needed something sturdy, dependable and safe.
The entire family needed a guardian.
@raphsweapondealer @raisin-shell @turtle-babe83 @avery73
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sammirthebear2k4 · 1 year
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Cheese and Mr. Herriman made by my Cousin
I don't think I'll have much to say, but I'll try, well, my cousin Vicky made this for me, and what she did for me are the characters from Cheese and Mr. Herriman (from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends), in the text translated into English for those who don't know Spanish, it's ''Remembering the episode we saw in my house'', well, last weekend, I went to my cousins' house to watch the series, and we had a lot of fun, the one mentioned in the text , and in case you don't know, it's the episode called ''The Big Cheese'' which deals with everyone from Foster's Home being prepared for a report on TV, until Cheese arrives, causing everything to get out of control, which we were very entertained in that episode. In addition, I also made a drawing of the Berry character (also from the same show) for my cousin, along with Bloo and Mac, too bad I can't share that drawing with you.
Well, I hope you like it.
Cheese and Mr. Herriman (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) belongs to Cartoon Network
Tags: @murumokirby360 @bryan360 @alexander1301 @carmenramcat
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thatted1978 · 7 months
Baddies East Reunion”: A Fiery Reality Show Extravaganza!
Reality television enthusiasts, brace yourselves! The much-anticipated reunion special of “Baddies East” is about to hit your screens. Hosted by the indomitable queen of reality TV, Nene Leakes, and alongside the charismatic Janeisha John, this show promises drama, glamour, and jaw-dropping moments. So, grab your popcorn and settle in for a rollercoaster ride with the Baddies!
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What Is “Baddies East”?
“Baddies East” is the electrifying fourth season of the hit reality program “Baddies”. This time, the action unfolds across the vibrant East Coast of the United States. Picture a group of fierce, unapologetic women with colorful nicknames navigating their way through life, love, and promotional events. From wild parties to heated confrontations, this show has it all.
The Cast: A Star-Studded Lineup
While the full cast list for the reunion hasn’t been officially released, we’ve got some tantalizing tidbits. Buckle up as we reveal the fierce ladies expected to grace the reunion stage:
Natalie Nunn: The OG Baddie who needs no introduction.
Camilla Poindexter: A force to be reckoned with.
Chrisean “Rock” Malone: Bringing her signature attitude.
Goldie “Rollie” Martin: Expect sparks to fly!
Scotlynd “Scotty” Ryan: A name synonymous with drama.
Mariahlynn Araujo: Love & Hip Hop royalty.
Michele “Siya” Sherman: Sisterhood of Hip Hop alum.
JaKeita “Sky” Days: Former Black Ink Crew star.
Krystal “Smiley” Borrego: Ready to steal the spotlight.
Anyssa “Ahna Mac” Santiago: A fresh face with fire.
Tamera “Tee” Kissen: Confirmed and ready to spill the tea.
Suzanne “Stunna Girl” Brown: Get ready for her entrance.
Victoria “Woah Vicky” Waldrip: Social media sensation.
Etheria “Scarface” Ruffin: A name that commands respect.
Destiny “Sukihana” Henderson: Brace yourselves!
Kendra “Sapphire” Blaze: A gem in the mix.
Damerlin “Biggie” Baez: Ready to make waves.
Behind the Scenes: World War III
Hold onto your wigs, because the Baddies East Reunion has already been filmed! Tamera Kissen spilled the tea on her personal YouTube channel, dubbing the backstage chaos “World War III.” As the participants entered the venue, tensions escalated, alliances formed, and drama erupted. House B stood strong, but the sparks flew like fireworks. You won’t want to miss this explosive showdown!
Where to Watch: Movie Lair
Now, the burning question: where can you catch all the drama, tears, and fierce confrontations? Look no further than Movie Lair! This streaming platform is your VIP pass to witness the Baddies in action. Whether you’re team Nunn or team Sky, grab your device, log in, and prepare for a reality TV experience like no other.
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So, mark your calendars for the Baddies East Reunion—it’s coming soon! And remember, when the Baddies gather, chaos follows. Buckle up, because this ride is about to get wild! 🌟🔥
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adrianicsea · 5 months
key to my mind is that much like their deliberate non-labeled identity and lack of regard for pronouns, dennis will accept pretty much any iteration of “victoria” as a name. V, Tori, Vic (this causes some confusion for mac because “but denniiiiiis I WAS VIC VINEGAR NOT YOU 🥺”), Von H, Den, Dennis. anything works EXCEPT vicky because she hates the way it sounds.
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