#And Conner going Shit that's bright
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jtl-fics · 2 years ago
Fluent Freshman - Part 29
“Neil, why do you have Smith’s phone?” Andrew asks as the two of them are setting out plates for lunch. Neil startled and looked down at the phone that he had just sat at the table and furrowed his brow.
“What do you mean? This is mine?” Neil asks. He knows his phone even if he’s not really the best with them.
The one that Andrew had given him his Freshman year had died after it got run over by the Maserati when Neil left it on the roof of the car by accident. The second one Andrew had gotten him had been destroyed in rather spectacular fashion earlier in the year when he’d had a bit of a freak out on January 19th. The team knew better than to text him on that particular day now but Andrew had said that he’d take custody of his phone this year. Wymack had stepped in with a phone that same day before Andrew could buy him a new one and that phone had been launched at the Baseball captain that summer.
All this to say, Neil is now looking at the phone in concern because it is highly likely he swapped his with FF’s.
“No it’s not.” Andrew sighs and points to a corner, “You cracked yours up here.” He opens the phone and then the contacts and sure enough Neil doesn’t see his own contacts but the ones that Nicky had programmed into FF’s the day before.
“Oh, I guess I switched them at the hospital.” He says with an embarrassed blush. Maybe he should get a little accessory to differentiate his phone from the other ones that Wymack has gotten.
There’s a slight commotion in the kitchen, “Kevin, stop trying to add vanilla protein powder to Smithy’s soup!” Nicky shouts.
“He needs protein to heal properly! That nutritionist might just feed him a loaf of bread since he is using an outdated model!” Kevin argues back.
“Kevin the doctor said clear soup also do you want to make Smiths sick? Vanilla protein powder and chicken broth?” Aaron asks disgust evident.
“I’d use unflavored but this is all that’s in the house and I am not going shopping until this weekend is over.” Kevin argues back.
“Smiths went out shopping on Black Friday and came back unscathed. He even went out into the worst of it just to get some groceries for baking and breakfast.” Aaron says with a huff.
“He still got stabbed!” Kevin returns.
“Kevin, he was definitely not grocery shopping when he got stabbed.” Nicky shoots back.
“He needs-“
“Przywiążę cię do krzesła.” Neil hears Smith’s Grandma cut Kevin off. Her tone is so sweet just like it has been the last couple times she has interrupted an argument between them all. She really has warmed up to them since Andrew confessed.
Nicky lets out a loud bark of laughter.
“Are you okay?” Aaron asks.
“Yeah, cutting onions make me laugh.” Nicky returns quickly.
Kevin walks out of the Kitchen with the same gooey expression he’s gotten every time Smith’s Grandma has said something sweet to him but considering how often and how hard Nicky laughs at what she says he wonders if she’s just sassing him in a sweet tone.
He really needs to pick up a phrase book.
He might like her even more if his theory is correct.
“It shouldn’t be a big problem.” Neil says but he is a bit more careful as he moves FF’s phone away from where it could get damaged. “Smith is definitely asleep. He looked really tired.” Neil says and it twists his own stomach to think about how FF looked in his hospital bed. FF wouldn’t take anything more than the bare minimum when it came to pain medication.
Each “I’m fine.” He gave had him coming to a deeper and deeper understanding of how frustrating it is to have someone who is CLEARLY not fine say they are.
“I’m more concerned about who might text you.” Andrew says.
Neil shrugs, “Ichirou is more the type to just show up.” Because it’s true. Every time he’s met Ichirou there had been very little warning.
Andrew frowns but then Nicky is coming out with lunch. It was nothing fancy but a home cooked meal always made Neil feel warm. Smith’s grandma had just been using what was in their pantry so far but the two other meals (and her pie) had been amazing.
“Lunch is ready. We’ll head back to the hospital afterwards to see when Smithy can get discharged.” Nicky says putting a large bowl of pasta in the center of the table. Aaron came out a moment later with the Parmesan shaker and the protein powder bottle.
“Here you go Kevin, add as much as you want to your own meal.” Aaron says in a sweet tone just like Smith’s Grandma.
“Eat shit Aaron.” Kevin scowls now knocked out of his gooey expression as fills his plate with pasta and reaches for the Parmesan.
Neil can’t help but let out a puff of laughter at the interaction and lets the worry of being away from his phone slide away. FF was sleeping, he was safe, and Ichirou had not expressed any interest in talking to him.
“Pass that to me when you’re done.” Neil asks pointing at the Parmesan as he fills his and Andrew’s plates.
There had been a plan.
Nathaniel Wesninski was supposed to be at this hospital at least according to his cell phone location. His future investment was not the best at keeping that device on him though so he was willing to wait when there were no signs of the Wesninski. There would, of course, be a cost for his patience. He had his men go seek out the uninvolved civilian. If Wesninski came back and found his friend threatened due to his lackadaisical nature with his phone perhaps he’d remember to keep it on him.
Except now that very uninvolved civilian is sitting in front of him. The ’Smith’ that Wesninski had spoken of.
He sees Wesninski’s phone sat on the table and his eyes go back to the young man in front of him. He wonders if this was some ploy by Wesninski, some statement. This young man in front of him took out one of the Butcher’s top men on his own.
He’d confirmed it when he’d gone to see Jackson earlier that day. He went to remind them what would happen if they tried to turn over anything to the Federal agents and to see how two of his biggest headaches had been taken out so suddenly.
Jackson talked about how Wesninski’s friend hadn’t seemed surprised to find him in the alley, had seemed like he had been expecting it and how swiftly he had been taken out. Wesninski’s guard dog had gone out afterwards and they’d lead Romero into a trap that resulted in his arrest and this civilian swearing up and down that Romero was the one that stabbed him even though Romero asserts that he never had a firm grip on the knife.
A great way to ensure he was held by the police while they were fully investigated. They wouldn’t have much time to investigate either of the Butcher’s remnants. Ichirou was only offering the choice between something painful or something easy.
The young man in front of him offered nothing, waiting for Ichirou to begin the talks. His expression clearly showing that he’d happily wait Ichirou out as if he was long used to tense silences. There is no doubt that this man in front of him knows exactly who he is but he still has the audacity to wait him out.
“Where is Wesninski?” He tightens his fist at having to ask first.
“That’s not Captain Neil’s last name anymore.” FF returns with the first hint of expression on his face being a frown.
The first piece of information given. So, loyal to Nathaniel and not to the Wesninski line. Loyal to Captain Neil.
“Captain Neil is getting lunch.” He answers, “I’m the only one here for you to talk to right now.” He adds after a moment putting his hands on the table.
Ichirou can understand what isn’t being said.
“Does, Josten, realize you’re here?” He asks taking care to use Wesninski’s new last name knowing he wouldn’t get his answers otherwise. He has a hard time imagining the man who was so loyal to his friends purposefully leaving this one to act as defense for him.
Wesninski had been very clear during his brief phone conversation with him, “Smith was just caught up in all of this. He’s not a threat to you Lord Moriyama.” He had said voice steady and without a hint of a lie.
“In the hospital? Of course.” He returns, “Down here talking to you? He’ll probably be upset.” he says after a moment.
“And yet, you’re here.” He says mirroring the man’s own relaxed posture.
Loyal but willing to do something that might displease the one he is loyal to if it would keep them safe. Ichirou stops himself from looking to his left where his most loyal man stood. Connor had stepped in front of threats he hadn’t seen coming plenty of times, had questioned him even when Ichirou had threatened to cut out his tongue for it, and had always had the courage to look Ichirou in the eye when he explained himself no matter how injured he was or how irate Ichirou was.
It’s something rare and it seems like it is something Wesninski has found unknowingly.
“Yes, I’m here to talk about Friday night.” He says, “I assume you’ve already spoken with Romero and Jackson.” He says moving the conversation away from Wesninski. Bringing Ichirou’s attention and possible ire to himself.
A truly rare find in his world.
“Yes, let’s talk about Friday night.” He agrees.
What was it about the Smith family and making great food?
It was just a simple combination of canned tomatoes, butter, pasta, onions, cheese, spices and garlic but it had Neil going for a third serving. Smith’s Grandma had really made enough to feed an army and when he’d commented Nicky had just reached over and tried to pinch his cheek fat only for his fingers to find little to grab onto, “You’re too thin! Eat more!” He exclaimed before repeating it to Smith’s Grandma in Polish who nodded earnestly.
Wymack was at the table after he took a shower. Kevin was still trying to convince Aaron of all people that he should be allowed to put protein powder into the clear soup that was simmering on the stove top for FF. The dietary restrictions someone faced while they were healing from stomach surgery was no joke.
The other Dealer had dropped despite Wymack and Neil’s best attempts to get Lisa to stay. Seemed determined to head back to her small town and rejoin the family cult she had escaped from. He’d been worried about her going home but she had insisted she’d be back.
It was unfortunate but it was also Lisa’s choice.
His stomach twists wondering if FF is going to go back to Washington with his Grandma when he gets released. There had barely been a whisper of danger from Neil’s past since Ichirou had put that bullet in Riko’s head and now one of his few friends that had been entirely uninvolved in that nightmare was in the hospital because of him.
Andrew elbows him.
Neil turns to look and Andrew is carefully putting a penne pasta on each prong of his fork, “I can hear you worrying.” He says in Russian.
“What if Smith leaves?” He responds back in the same language.
“He has the right to.” Andrew shrugs and shoves the pasta into his mouth.
“I don’t want him to.” Neil admits, FF is a friend. A good friend.
“He still can leave even if you don’t want him to.” Andrew says as he proceeds to once again put a penne pasta on each of his fork’s prongs. “I don’t think he will though.” He adds before shoving his fork into his mouth again.
Neil blinks, “Why?” He asks.
FF isn’t like how Neil was his Freshman year, he’s steady and sure but Neil wouldn’t blame the Freshman if ‘possibly being killed off by remnants of my Captain’s crime family’ is a step too far for FF. Wouldn’t blame FF if he runs.
“He still calls you Captain Neil.” He says reaching over and squeezing Neil’s knee with his hand.
Neil blinks.
He thinks.
FF laid out on the concrete as Andrew worked to stem the blood from his stab wound, “It’s a weird sex alley Captain Neil! I don’t know WHAT to tell you!” He exclaims ready to make a joke even as he’s bleeding because of a situation Neil’s existence put him in.
FF still floating from the initial large amount of pain medication he was on pulling on Neil’s sleeve, “I’m glad you’re okay Captain Neil.” Before falling back into his drugged sleep.
FF’s eyes softening as Neil offered to get a nurse to give him more pain medication, “Really Captain Neil, I’m fine.” He says.
He lays his own hand over Andrew’s.
“I guess he does.” He offers a small tentative smile.
“Eat your pasta Junkie.” Andrew says in English now.
“You’re too thin!” Nicky reminds him and Smith’s Grandma must have picked up on the terminology since she nods earnestly in agreement as the two of them were packing up leftovers and the soup Smith’s Grandma had made for him so they could head back to the hospital to keep FF company.
“Why did you go out into the alley?” Ichirou asks.
“Isn’t it better that I was in the alley?” The man across from him asks with a raised brow, as if Ichirou was asking a strange question. “If I had stayed in the club, who knows what would have happened or how many people would have been hurt.” He explains without Ichirou needing to lower himself to asking.
There’s truth to that.
It’s been on the news that the remaining Wesninski inner-circle had been captured but since there’d only been one injury it had been largely overshadowed by news regarding the mass injury incidents surrounding Black Friday. If Romero had started had gotten the general public involved this would be much harder for him to silence the ones involved.
“This has caused me quite a bit of trouble. It does not look good that I am not the one who found them.” He says because there’d been talks from some of the old men he had yet to rid himself of from his Father’s time. They had wanted the remaining Wesninski men to be brought back into the fold but there was little chance of that happening now. Ichirou planned on disposing them after showing that they were worthless and using it as an excuse to start removing some of the dead weight from his father’s time.
Ichirou was not a man who tolerated incompetence.
“Isn’t it better that they were taken into custody like this?” The man across from him asks, “They were some of the Butcher’s best from what Captain Neil has told me. The fact that it only resulted in me going to the hospital and they were taken out by Andrew and I is one of the better outcomes.” He says.
Ichirou pauses and considers it.
The two men that those relics had wanted for their ‘competence’ and ‘ability’ had been taken out in a way that showcased what Ichirou had thought of them. They were sloppy, they were over-confident, and worst of all they were incompetent.
“Before I forget.” Smith says and his hand goes to the bulge in his jacket pocket.
Ichirou can feel Conner tense behind him and he wonders where this had gone wrong or how the conversation had broken down but he doesn’t have long to wonder about it as Smith pulled something out that was unmistakable as a toy with it’s bright yellow coloring. Smith sets it on the table between them and Ichirou cannot help the confusion that must show on his face despite his many years of training to keep his face blank.
“What is that?” Conner asks sounding utterly bewildered behind him.
“I used this to temporarily blind Jackson during our fight. I figure it would be useful evidence for you.” Smith says.
He hears a bark of laughter to his right as Michael reaches for the toy.
Useful evidence indeed.
It would be easy to show this as a sign that those relics could hardly be trusted to have an opinion in how he ran his empire. Those men they so prized taken out by a children’s toy.
This has gone to his benefit.
“So it would seem.” He finally says, “I will make sure to reward your assistance.” He says wanting a stronger hold over the man in front of him, a tie of some sort to the Moriyama family.
Smith shakes his head in the negative. “I didn’t do anything noteworthy. Whatever it is should go to Captain Neil.” He argues.
Rare find indeed.
“It will be done.” He says and figures with the additional cash flow eliminating the search for the Wesninski men, the removal of his father’s hanger-ons, and the blood he can squeeze from the family Romero and Jackson had intended to go to ( a supposedly allied family) he could more than afford to drop what his three Exy investments owed him as a percent.
His eyes shift over to Smith across from him and finds that he was even more willing to lower those percentages if he could not only drop the dead weight of his father’s empire but perhaps gain someone useful. “Still, I like to reward those who have directly benefitted me. We will take care of any and all hospital fees related to this incident.” He looks to his right and Michael nods.
Smith’s face doesn’t give much away, his pokerface was quite exceptional.
“Thank you." He accepts and says nothing else so Ichirou decides to make his offer.
“I have heard that you are studying languages.” He says.
“I am.” Smith says.
“Which ones do you know?” He asks.
Smith blinks, surprised by the question, “Fluently? French, German, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, Italian, R-“ he pauses and shakes his head, “Recently, I’ve been studying Japanese, Chinese, and some Korean.” He says strangely stumbling over a word for the first time this entire conversation.
A useful skill.
“If you ever find yourself looking for work,” Ichirou snaps his fingers and Conner had a card in his hand in an instant, consider reaching out.” He says before he offers it with both hands and is pleased when Smith accepts it with a slight bow before taking it with both hands. “I see you are also studying the etiquette.” He adds.
Smith looks up from the business card and he looks paler but Ichirou chalks it up to the fact that bowing slightly with his current stomach status likely hurt far more than he had let on. “If you don’t know the etiquette you only know half of the language.” He says and Ichirou quite likes the sentiment.
“Tell Josten that I no longer need to speak with him. Our conversation was satisfactory.” Ichirou says as he rises to his feet.
“I will do that…Lord Moriyama.” Smith says bowing his head politely.
The sight of Ichirou Moriyama was always going to be one that made Neil nervous.
The only good thing about seeing him right now was that Kevin had gone with Coach and Aaron in a separate car so that the two of them could continue their argument about protein powder in FF’s soup and Andrew had snagged a spot up front while Coach would have to park farther back.
“Lord Moriyama, I did not expect to see you here.” He greets head down and he almost goes to his knees if it wouldn’t have attracted the sort of attention that Ichirou hated from the public. He just hopes that Andrew isn’t scowling and that Nicky and Smith’s Grandma can keep quiet.
“Perhaps if you kept your phone with you then my appearance would not be such a surprise.” Ichirou comments idly, “Though I suppose I did have a very beneficial conversation with Smith. Quite a bright young man you have as a friend.” He compliments and Neil’s head shoots up in surprise at it.
Ichirou had spoken with FF.
FF who was fading in and out of consciousness.
“I have faith that he will not reveal anything.” Ichirou adds and Neil clenches his fist and wants desperately to ask what happened. Wants to know what state he’s going to find his friend in. “I have not done anything to harm him, you are lucky to have a…friend like that.” Ichirou says as if physical damage was the only thing that Ichirou Moriyama was capable of.
“Yes Lord Moriyama, he is a very talented and skilled defenseman.” He says hoping that if nothing else Ichirou’s desire for Neil and Kevin’s future profitability would have him reconsider doing anything in the future to FF to ensure they would have good showings for the professional teams.
“Yes, he was quite talented in your defense.” Ichirou nods, “I will reach out with details of our new deal once some affairs have settled. Take care of your friend, Josten.” Ichirou says before continuing out of the hospital.
New Deal?
Neil banished the thought from his head. They needed to get up to FF’s room and he needed to make sure his friend was okay and find out what exactly had happened.
Andrew’s hand came to the back of his neck and squeezed, “Calm down.” Andrew ordered voice soothingly blank even if Neil could feel the way his grip stuttered. “Let’s go.”
The Nurses were saying something about ‘aggravating stitches’ and ‘lucky nothing tore’ but it was all white noise to FF as he continues to think about the business card burning a hole in his pocket.
Ichirou Moriyama.
He’d just had an entire conversation with Ichirou Moriyama.
His stomach was already hurting from his ill advised walk but the moment he’d seen that name on the business card he had accepted his insides had been pure acid. He missed his Pepto Bismol more than anything right now, what he would give for just a single hit of the sweet pink relief.
He couldn’t figure out what was worse.
The fact that he had given over EVIDENCE to the head of a Yakuza group (was it a yakuza group or was it a mafia group?).
The fact that he’d been right in his thoughts from the abyss that the man in the cafeteria looked like a Yakuza member (was it a Yakuza or Mafia?).
The fact that he’d just seen a Japanese guy and thought ‘Oh, must be the Japanese FBI guy I’m supposed to talk to’ which means he’d still been kind of racist.
The fact that he just realized that he had Captain Neil’s phone and not his own meaning that Ichirou had been telling Captain Neil to come to the cafeteria and FF just showed up like a dipshit trying to pitch their lie about the alley.
Finally there was the fact that Ichirou Moriyama had apparently been impressed enough to offer him a spot within his Yakuza group (Yakuza or Mafia?)
Would it be weird to ask during the interview process? Is there an interview process to join organized crime? Do they have benefits? Wait a crime family is paying for his hospital stay right now. This is too much.
He considers asking the nurse to yes please crank up the pain killers and just let him slip into a nice not embarrassing coma but then Captain Neil and Andrew were rushing into his room. “Smith!” Captain Neil exclaims.
Well, too late to ask for that coma.
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The  requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few  different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I  promise I just missed you.
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Polish in this chapter:
Przywiążę cię do krzesła = I will tie you to a chair
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exerotica · 5 months ago
The Ice Cream Man
Explicit 18+, Instant Weight gain, Force Feeding, M/M, Sexual Themes
Flipping through the channels Jake passed by the news where he noticed the heat index was 105 right now. Even inside he was feeling it, his AC was barely able to keep his ancient house at 85. Thankfully his parents were gone for the day and he could lay on the couch shirtless without comments about the small flab he’s put on since starting college. He was thinking about cracking open the fridge and freezer to cool himself down when the faint sound of an ice cream truck pricked his ear, “Perfect,” he sighed.
Jake threw on his favorite shirt and hat and stepped out the front door, the wet boiling outside air hitting him like a wave of lava. Squinting, trying to adjust his eyes, he looked down the street and met the met the bright colorful box that called to him like a siren. He met the truck where it stopped, “Hey Connor, thank god you’re here!”
“Hey Jake, figured I’d see you today. How’s it been going?”
“The heat index is 105, I’m not NOT getting ice cream man. Summer has been flying by until this heat wave hit, I can barely move in my own house without breaking a sweat”
“Not too sure that’s all to do with the heat Jake. Freshman 15 is a real thing, and I distinctly remember that shirt not fitting so tight last semester”
“You sound just like my parents, I don’t mind a few pounds, especially in the off-season. I just need something to cool off, I’ve been dying today”
“The usual?” Conner had an ice cream cone ready in a few seconds. They caught up and talked about plans for next semester while some of Jake’s neighbors ordered from the Truck. Connor had clearly been consistent with the gym even during the summer, he was much buffer than Jake remembered from last semester. Jake finished his cone by the time his neighbors dispersed and still wasn’t quite satisfied. “Hey how about another cone?”
“Another one? People are gonna be calling you ‘big guy’ next semester if you keep this big back activity up man haha”
“Listen, you parked almost a block away from my house, this one is so I don’t die of heat stroke on the way back.”
Connor smiled, rolled his eyes, and had another cone in Jake’s hand within a few seconds. Jake enjoyed his second cone but lingered and kept chatting with Connor a bit more. He caught sight of Jake’s underbelly as the wind flipped it up against the soft outline of his belly button pressing against his shirt. He couldn’t help himself, “You know Jake, if you’re really looking to cool off, this was my last stop so I have time to kill, hop in.”
Jake raised an eyebrow and smirked, “If you’re planning on kidnapping me, I’m going to community college, so it should be pretty clear my parents can’t afford a ransom.”
“Get in smart-ass,” Connor closed the side door and let Jake in, watching his pudge ripple as he hopped up the steps into the back of the ice cream truck.
“Oh fuck, it’s so cold, can I live here?” Jake closed his eyes and let the cold wash over him for a bit. Connor showed Jake the freezers, topping buckets, and ice cream machine.
Jake tapped the machine as it emitted a slow consistent hum, “Damn this thing looks old”
“Yeah, most of my work honestly is running and keeping this thing clean. The owner like to take really good care of it, ‘none of that new fake shit’ he says.”
“Can’t say he’s wrong, I love the stuff”
“Clearly. Course, on a day like today, you’re the only fatass who can finish the ice cream before it melts.” Connor chuckled to himself as he tidied up around the truck.
“Who needs to worry about melting when you can get it straight from the source?” Jake quickly kneeled and twisted his body so that his head faced the roof of the truck and locked his mouth to the spout of the machine. Turning the knob and letting the soft freezing cream slither into his mouth and melt down his throat, cooling his entire body.
“Jake! What the fuck man, you’re lucky I have to clean that anyways. I didn’t realize you were THIS much of a pig.” Connor paused as he saw Jake’s body pressed out from kneeling backwards and his shirt riding up past his belly button, exposing his soft pudgy belly. Connor couldn’t help but get hard watching Jake chug the ice cream, his body plump frame getting stretched and rounder.
Jake gave a few final strained gulps and sat upright on both knees, holding onto his gut and wincing. “burrraahhhhh… fuck that was heavier than I thought it was going to be.” Jake’s shirt was practically skintight, his love handles and underbelly finally free from his shirt, acting more as a crop top with two soft breasts still pressed away inside.
He looked over at Connor and from his kneeled position had a direct view of his hard on pressing against his skinny beige slacks. “Looks like I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed that, Connor.” As he nodded to Connor’s waist.
Connor walked over to jake and stood in front of him, still kneeling Jake was inches from Connor’s cock and could clearly see just how big the outline was. “I just knew your fat ass couldn’t resist” Connor said, looking down at Jake’s soft features staring back up at him.
“I could use some help for round two..” Jake had barely finished speaking before Connor knelt next to him supporting his head as he pressed his lips to the machine. Connor flipped the level and cream started flowing again down Jake’s throat. He felt the cold liquid strain in his gut as it kept pumping into him. Connor pressed his buff frame against Jake’s as he rubbed and groped his fat, jiggling his love handles and reaching up his tight shirt to access his man tits.
“That’s it fatass, keep going. Look at how big that fucking gut is getting.” As Connor encouraged Jake, he noticed Jake’s body getting bigger. Not just his belly, but his tits, love handles, ass, everything was growing right in Connor’s hands giving him more and more to squeeze and jiggle. Connor could take it, his cock practically tore its own way out of his pants and started grinding against Jake’s fat blubber.
Jake’s moans muffled by the machine had grown louder and deeper. He felt his body growing and his clothes straining against his new fat which was starting to spill out everywhere. His mind was fluttering barely thinking anything more than just how good it all felt. Connor’s fat cock pressing into his doughy frame with a constant stream of fat flowing straight onto his frame. His belly pressed out from his once skinny frame, freely hanging over his pants and jiggling like jello with every touch of Connor’s hand. He could barely control himself when Connor had freed his cock and started jerking him off, so much sexual input coming from his body was sending his brain into a frenzy.
Ice cream pumping into his fat greedy gut and Connor fucking one of his newly formed fat rolls, Jake struggled to breath trying to moan and tensing up he shot rope after rope of hot cum onto Connor and the floor of the truck. Connor joined in and as he repeatedly forced his cock against Jake’s blubber, causes ripples of Jake’s fat to run across his body. He grit his teeth and groaned as he pumped cum all over Jake’s new fat for what seemed like an eternity.
Jake’s naked obese body collapsed onto the floor of the truck the moment Connor turned the ice cream machine off. Connor got on top of him and pressed his hard muscley frame into Jake as he held his head and kissed his chubby face. Jake’s brain still in its haze, “I can’t believe I’m this fucking big.” Connor slapped his gut causing Jake’s belly to ripple and him to moan, “That sweet tooth of yours just finally caught up to you big guy.”
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veryace-ficrecs · 24 days ago
TimKon Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
pain is cold water by sleepdeprivedphilosopher - Rated T
“Kon is getting an apartment,” Tim says and his fingers are digging into his lifeline. “He needs a roommate.” He doesn’t, but Tim prays he won’t mind. “Where?” Dick demands then winces at his tone. “San Francisco,” Tim answers. Tim was never meant to be a permanent part of the Batfamily. He took on the role of Robin because Batman needs a Robin, but Batman has a Robin and even more people in his corner now and he doesn’t need Tim. or Tim is used to putting his wants up on a shelf in favor of what the people around him need, but maybe it’s time for him to take them down, dust them off, and see what’s inside.
Top Shelf Goods by JpegDotJpeg - Rated T
“You know,” Conner started after licking his thumb and trying to rub off the near illegible numbers scrawled onto his inner wrist. “If my sixteen year old self heard me say this he’d have a conniption, but I’m getting really tired of people trying to hookup with me.”
“Well, I’d offer to pretend to be your girlfriend, but I actually am trying to get laid tonight,” Cassie explained, then drained the rest of her glass.
“Don’t worry, Kon,” Tim said, without putting an ounce of forethought into it. “I’ll scare them off for you.”
Or, Tim pretends to be Conner's boyfriend, just to help him avoid unwanted attention. Because that's what friends do. Pretend to be romantically involved even though they are definitely not interested in each other in that way and it would totally never happen. Definitely.
Fetching by Salmon_Pink - Rated E
Krypto likes to take care of Kon as much as Kon likes to take care of Krypto. When Kon is hungry, Krypto fetches him food. When Kon is sleepy, Krypto fetches him blankets. And when Kon is horny, Krypto fetches him Tim. Which leaves Kon the not-so-fun job of awkwardly explaining to Red Robin why he's been dragged to Smallville in the middle of the night by a well-meaning superdog.
The Dating Habits Of Batfish by Calamityjim - Not Rated
Tim and Conner spend some time together.
fill in the blanks by mindshelter - Rated T
“You?” Tim blurts. Holy shit. “You’re Kon?” A nod. “Are you in any pain?” he asks again. Kon’s skin is sun-kissed, cheekbones dusted with a fine smattering of freckles; he is, without exaggeration, the prettiest person Tim has ever seen. “No, I’m—great,” he says, fidgeting. “Do you, uh, come here often?” Kon raises a brow. “To the medbay?” he intones. “Definitely more often than I’d prefer.”
And I'll Tell You No Lies by caecily - Rated G
In a universe where you can't lie to your soulmate, it doesn't take long for Robin to run into trouble with Superboy.
time flies by by Laroyena - Rated T
Jon Kent is Superboy. Tim's gut instinct tells him that's wrong. (Timkon fix-it where reboot!Tim misses Kon like a phantom limb. And then he gets him back.)
there when the light comes in by shipyrds - Rated E
“Well, that was fun,” Tim said, his hands shoved into his pockets. “It was a nice plan, but you know us. We can just drive back to San Francisco and I’ll get a flight.” Kon looked at his posture, the quintessentially Tim tilt of his head. “No, dude, are you kidding me? You’re gonna deny me this rite of passage? Get back in the car. It’s gonna be epic.” Tim had smiled, a big bright thing that lasted all the way until they got back on the highway and Kon tried to fight him for the aux cord because like hell was he going to listen to the same Marina and the Diamonds EP for 57 hours. — tim and kon go on an epic cross-country road trip and have some realizations!
Obligatory Nap Time by egg_thief - Rated G
“I know what you’re doing,” Tim says with a sigh, wrapping his arms loosely around Kon’s waist as he feels himself relaxing against his will. “It won’t work.” Kon hums. “You sure? Your heart rate is slowing. And your breathing is evening out.” Tim curses under his breath. “I’m not gonna fall asleep though.” “Sure you aren’t,” Kon murmurs, still softly petting at Tim’s hair. Or: Tim hasn’t been sleeping lately. Kon’s determined to at least get him to take a nap
apple cider blues by merils - Rated T
A farmer's market rolls around in beautiful autumnal Smallville. Kon asks Tim to be his pretend boyfriend for the day, in order to stave off some old ladies who, upon finding out that he's gay, have been trying to set him up with their bisexual grandson. And surely the matchmaking grannies are the only reason Kon wants Tim to be his date at the farmer's market. It's too bad, because Tim would really love it if this was a real date, but... it's not like he'd ever say no to Kon, not when Kon asks him with those big ol' Kent family puppy-dog eyes. So here he is. Pining. At a farmer's market. (...Someone should probably tell Kon that this date is fake.)
I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship by LilliputianDuckling - Rated G
Kon-El is a clone of Superman, grown in a lab with implanted memories of whatever a bunch of scientists decided was important information.
Seeing Robin today, there seems to be a gap in his education.
Superboy discovers he likes boys
there you were by mindshelter - Rated T
“You know, the cool thing about me,” Tim says, voice gone quiet and petal-soft, “is that even when I didn’t care whether I lived or not, I was pretty goddamn hard to kill.” Kon sighs, eyes glued to his feet. His hand is still encircled around Tim’s arm, trailing up to the bend of his elbow. “Also, who has the worse track record with dying, between the two of us?” Well, Kon thinks, that’s—that’s rude. “For fuck’s sake.” Kon throws his head back and groans, but it’s nullified by the upward twitch of his mouth. “That was terrible.” And definitely meant to lighten the mood. Tim is playing him like a harp, and he knows it; he grins back, wriggling free to knock Kon on the shoulder.   or; in the wake of a suck-ass year, kon and tim gravitate back together.
His Tiny Person by awhitehead17 - Rated G
"Kryptonian's have something called soulmates and every single Kryptonian has one. We know who our soulmates are because mini versions of them manifest to us. To begin with you won't recognise them, or even know their name, until you actually meet them in person. You will meet, you are destined to, but whether you get along or not is another story." When Kon finds a tiny person hanging around him he's extremely confused but comes to adore him anyway. However its still a complete shock when Kon learns that he's known his soulmate for years and has just never realised it.
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dccomicsimagines · 1 year ago
Gift Exchange Mayhem - Young Justice Imagine
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Requested by Anon - Can I have the team doing some last minute shopping for Christmas?? Maybe the reader waits until the last minute and needs help??
Author's Note - Happy Holidays! I finally was able to finish something.
"Dismissed," Batman said, waving his hand as he turned back to the computer to finish up whatever paperwork he had. The mission had gone well, so the debriefing wasn't too painful.
At least for everyone else, you found it excruciatingly slow. Every minute was a minute closer to the Christmas Eve party and the gift exchange.
Everyone moved off. You stayed where you were until you saw M'gann and Conner walk completely out of the room.
You turned, scanning the room until you saw Artemis heading toward the locker rooms. Dashing after her, you grabbed her arm. "I need your help," you whispered, voice tight with the brewing storm of panic in your chest.
"Ow," Artemis hissed, jerking her arm away. "What do you want, weirdo?"
You swore you saw Batman glance over from the corner of your eye. Your breath caught in your throat. "I need help, but we can't talk about it here. Please?"
Artemis sighed, but gestured for you to follow her. You quickly fell into step beside her.
The two of you walked in silence until you made it to the library. She spun on her heel and crossed her arms. "What do you want?"
You admired how cool she looked in this moment. You wished you could be cool. "I..." You swallowed away your insecurities. "I need help finding a gift for the gift exchange."
She raised an eyebrow. "You haven't gotten one yet? It's tomorrow."
"I know!" You threw up your hands, shaking slightly. "I couldn't focus on it, because I got M'gann and I knew I would blow it in the mind link at some point, so I decided I had to not think about it at all until the last minute. That way, she can be surprised."
Artemis sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Why do you always do this shit?"
"I wanted it to be good. It's her first Christmas on earth and she's already excited, but I don't know what to get her." You bit your lip and blinked back tears.
"Why can't you ask Conner? I got things to do." Artemis narrowed her eyes with that steady frown she was always inclined to give you.
You groaned. "I can't ask Conner, then she'd know. That boy doesn't hide anything from her anymore."
She rolled her eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. "Okay, fine."
A grin burst onto your face. "Thank you!" You almost reached out to hug her, but she held up a finger to stop you. Your face burned. "Sorry. Can we go now after we change?"
"Sure." Artemis left the room. You let out a sigh to calm your heart.
Artemis' head ached at the bright lights of Star City's Megamall. Christmas music blasted throughout the place as people hurried about.
"Luckily, the west coast is still open huh?" You laughed, nudging her side.
Artemis swallowed back a biting retort. "Yep." You stopped by the big tree in the center of the main entrance. Glancing around, you seemed just as lost as you always were. Irritation bubbled up inside of Artemis. "Let's go. We don't have time. It closes in two hours."
You flinched slightly. "Right." You hurried off to your left, leading the way past a bunch of clothing stores.
Artemis took a deep breath. She shouldn't be so annoyed really. What other plans did she have today anyway? All she was going to do was go home and hang out with her mom. Christmas didn't mean much in the Crock household. Just a time where there was no school and a lot of Dad.
She shook her head. 'Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.' It was a quote from Sketches by Boz by Charles Dickens. A early present to herself when she spotted it in a thrift shop during her Christmas shopping.
You started to head into Spencer's, but Artemis snatched your arm. "No."
"Why?" You blinked. Sometimes Artemis wondered if you were also from Mars.
"There will be nothing for her in there, come on." Artemis pulled you along.
You bit your lip. "I don't know where to even start. What does M'gann even like anyway?"
"Conner." She snorted when you seemed to think she was serious. "You can't give her Conner."
"That would have made things easy. I could just put a bow on him." You dodged a family who was running to the mall.
"You're so weird." Artemis crossed her arms. "Let's go here." She walked into a trendy clothing store. It smelled expensive. Artemis' skin crawled.
You glanced around. "I can't give her clothes. She has...clothes that can be anything."
"Just look around!" Artemis snapped. She saw you deflate in the corner of her eye. She should be nicer to you, but...you were so annoying. You moved away from her to look at the wall of perfumes.
Artemis made herself browse at the other side of the store, ignoring price tags and just looking. Like a normal girl.
You sniffed at a perfume. It could work for M'gann, except you didn't know if it would be like giving her clothes. You haven't noticed her making a scent when she shifted her clothes.
Biting your lip, you glanced over to find Artemis across the store. She held up a nice brown moto jacket to herself. A hint of a smile on her lips. You smiled too until her face dropped at the sight of the price tag.
"Well, well, well, you went shopping?" A creepy laugh followed. You turned to find Robin in civies with sunglasses over his eyes. He glanced over at Artemis. "With Artemis?"
You slapped a hand over his mouth. "Are you alone?" You looked around wildly. Your heart stopped when you saw Wally, Kaldur, and Roy standing outside the store with big soft pretzels. Kaldur eyed his while Wally and Roy munched down.
Rob pushed your hand away. "We all saw you two sneak off and got concerned since Artemis and you...never mind."
You pursed your lips, wondering what he meant. However, you had other concerns. "Conner and M'gann aren't with you, are they? Please tell me, they aren't?"
Robin snorted. "Those two are occupied." He crossed his arms. "What? Did you have Conner as your secret santa?"
"No, I have M'gann and I don't know what to get her!" You blushed as your eyes filled with tears. "I'm going to mess up Christmas!"
"Woah, stay whelmed." Rob held up his hands. "Deep breaths." He took a deep breath. You copied him. Your heart slowed down. "Why did you wait until last minute?"
"I would have spoiled it through the mind link at some point. You know how I get distracted, so I made myself not think about it until I knew we wouldn't have another mission." You took another deep breath. "And I asked Artemis because she knows a lot...but...you know she's not happy about it." You saw Artemis march over to Roy, Wally, and Kaldur. "But she said yes."
Rob hummed, rocking on his heels. "We can all help you out with that." He nudged your arm. "Come on, I have an idea."
You grinned, skipping after him. Robin always knew what to do, even if he liked to sneak up on people.
Kaldur watched as you, Dick, Wally, and Roy headed across the way into another store with bizarre decorations. Artemis groaned and flopped onto a nearby bench. She crossed her arms, muttering how this was all a waste of time.
"Would you like this..." Kaldur held out the untouched pretzel. He didn't like the look of it. Plus seeing Wally dunk it into some plastic-like yellow substance made Kaldur's stomach turn.
Artemis took it and bit a chunk out of it. Kaldur sat down beside her. He looked around at the bright, shiny walls of the mall. The crowds were lightening now as it neared closing time.
"It was kind of you to help (Y/N)." Kaldur smiled as he saw Wally teasing you. You stuck out your tongue in return.
"A mistake. They are so helpless." Artemis took another big bite.
Kaldur's heart fell slightly. He knew Artemis didn't have a high opinion of you and wasn't shy to voice it. She often didn't care if you heard. Kaldur had to comfort you more than once.
"I know (Y/N) can be challenging." Kaldur pursued his lips, carefully choosing his words. "Not everyone is raised with the same experiences. That is what makes the world a more...intriguing place."
Artemis eyed him. She swallowed. "I'm being nice."
Kaldur nodded. "You are." He met Artemis' eye. "(Y/N) thinks a lot of you." You gestured for both of them to join you. Artemis avoided his gaze and yours. Kaldur saw you frown.
"I got to go. Thanks." Artemis stood up suddenly and walked off. Kaldur watched her go with a sigh. He got up and joined you and the others, hoping his words sank in.
You brushed away Wally's hand as he reached to tug your hair again. "Where's she going?" You asked as Kaldur approached.
"I believe she is heading home. Her mother was expecting her," Kaldur said kindly. You nodded. Maybe she wanted to get home earlier too? That's probably why she snapped at you.
"I think you could go for something space." Roy held up a metal print of a space nebula.
"Isn't that racist? She's from Mars. It would be like getting Kaldur something from the ocean," you said, waving the print away. "It needs to be good."
Rob tugged you deeper into the store where they had a retro tv show section. Roy followed the two of you, hands deep in his pockets. You noticed Wally and Kaldur stayed back, whispering to each other.
Your face burned as goosebumps appeared on your skin. You hated when you felt like you did something wrong. Was asking Artemis wrong? They didn't need to worry about your feelings.
Honestly, you only cried once. You gotten tougher over the last few months, or at least you waited to cry until you were alone.
"Hey, you with us?" Roy nudged your arm. You gave him a quick smile and moved to look through another stack of metal prints.
Robin and Roy joked with each other. You sighed, moving to the next stack. Kaldur and Wally joined them.
Suddenly, right after you paged through several tv shows you didn't know, you came across a sparkly Hello Megan print.
"Yes!" You held it up like it was priceless.
"Look at that. She'd love it," Wally said, grinning. "And you didn't need anyone's help."
"Well, you did direct me to the right store." You hugged the print of your chest. "She's gonna love it. Too bad Artemis didn't stay to see it."
Roy scoffed, but Kaldur quickly elbowed him in the side. "She'll see it when we open gifts tomorrow," Roy said, rubbing his side.
You hummed, studying the print again. "It's perfect. Good thing you four stalked us to the mall." Robin and Kaldur blushed. Roy just smirked.
"Hey, I wanted to come to the mall anyway." Wally shrugged. You narrowed your eyes knowingly. He blushed as red as his hair.
"He really just wanted to follow Artemis," Roy mumbled in your ear before flopping an arm around your shoulders to lead you toward the checkout. "Come on, let's buy this thing and head out."
You let Roy pull you along, giggling in delight.
As you all headed out of the closing mall, you passed the clothing store you went in with Artemis. The moto jacket was still there. You bit your lip.
"(Y/N), are you coming?" Kaldur asked when he noticed you stopped. Robin and Wally were teasing each other. Roy stopped with you.
"I need to make another stop. Like really fast." You flashed them a smile and headed into the store.
"Ekam ti elkraps," Zatanna said, waving her hands. The Christmas tree in the center of the living room lit up. You clapped your hands.
"Thanks Zat. The lights were getting the best of me." You laughed, tossing the jumble of Christmas lights back into the box.
"No problem." She sneezed. Zatanna had been down with a cold for the last two weeks. She was finally back on her feet just in time for Christmas.
You were glad, especially since this was her first Christmas without her dad. It was your job to keep her busy per Black Canary's request. Of course, keeping people busy was your specialty.
Zatanna stared at the tree. You saw the glimmer of tears in her eyes. "Alright." You clapped your hands. She looked back at you, blinking rapidly. "I think all this work calls for some Christmas cookies."
"But those are for the party?" Zatanna crossed her arms. A genuine smile on her lips.
"Yeah, but we also decorated the place for M'gann, so the least she could do is let us have some early. Besides, Wally will eat them all if we don't get some now." You led her to the kitchen where M'gann was pulling more cookies out of the oven.
You made sure to not think about your gift for her, just in case she was listening to your thoughts.
M'gann's back was turned as you went to the cooling rack and stole two snickerdoodles with red and green sugar. Zatanna pointed to the M&M cookies and you took two of those too.
"You could ask," M'gann said without turning around.
"What?" Your eyes widened. You quickly handed the cookies to Zatanna. "Ask what?"
M'gann turned to look at you. She smiled and shook her head. "Enjoy your cookies and thank you doing the decorations."
Zatanna and you shared a look before giggling. "Thanks M'gann," Zatanna said as you both slipped away.
You took a big bite of cookie. Zatanna nibbled on hers. You both sat down on the couch in the living area and watched the tree sparkle away.
"Z, did you cast a spell on the tree?" Artemis came around the corner. She saw you and you saw a flicker of emotion in her eyes. You didn't know what that meant.
"Yeah, the lights got the better of us," Zatanna laughed, offering Artemis her other cookie. Artemis took it and sat down next to Zatanna.
You wanted to ask her if she was okay or at least thank her for yesterday, but you knew she wouldn't take it well. Besides, M'gann might overhear that you went shopping.
So you stayed quiet, listening in as Artemis and Zatanna talked.
"This is amazing!" M'gann gasped as she ripped off the paper to reveal the Hello Megan print.
You tittered, rocking back and forth while hugging your knees to your chest. You sat on the floor of the living area with Wally, Zatanna, and Robin. Artemis, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann, and Roy took the couch and chairs.
Wally poked your side. "She's gonna know it's from you if you keep doing that."
"They're excited. Shut up," Zatanna hissed, poking Wally. You took a deep breath and tried to calm down. However, you still felt like you could burst.
M'gann hugged the print to her chest. "Thank you so much, (Y/N)!" She looked at you. You grinned back.
"Wow, that was a quick guess." Roy rolled his eyes at your giddiness.
"(Y/N) broadcasted their delight. Like almost screaming it." M'gann laughed, handing the print to Conner before flying over to give you a big hug.
You hugged her back, giggling uncontrollably. "I'm glad you love it!"
M'gann pulled back and sat back next to Conner. Conner put his arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him. Your heart melted. Those two were always so cute.
"Not cool at all," Artemis muttered under her breath. You glanced at her to find her shaking her head at you. A jolt ran through you, but you quickly turned to blink away the burn in your eyes.
"Who's next?" Robin asked, looking around.
The exchanged continued. You played with the edge of your cozy blanket you had received as your gift. Taking a deep breath, you forced a smile on your face. You wouldn't cry on Christmas.
Artemis yawned as she made her way toward the zeta tube. Her new set of books under her arm. The party had died down. Artemis was the first to head home. Her mother was waiting for her.
"Hey Artemis," you said. She heard you jogging up behind her. She had to hold back the eye roll before turning.
"Yes?" She hugged her books to her chest. You stumbled a bit, tripping over the blanket you had wrapped around you.
"I..." You coughed, blushing slightly. "I wanted to thank you for coming shopping with me yesterday."
Irritation crawled up inside her. "You're welcome." She kept her face blank.
You smiled a little. Artemis took a deep breath at the moment of silence.
"Well, Merry Christmas." You pulled a nicely wrapped package from under your blanket and held it out.
Artemis flinched, blinking. "What's that?"
"A present." You bit your lip, looking down shyly. "For you. I know you...think I'm annoying. I'm working on it, I promise." You glanced back up at her. Artemis couldn't stop the guilt that sank her stomach. "Anyway, I hope you like it."
Artemis raised an eyebrow. "I got to get home."
"Yeah, have a good night." You waved, backing away before tripping over your blanket.
Artemis shook her head as you rushed back out of the room. She looked down at the present. It was nicely wrapped. Guess they aren't clumsy about everything, she thought.
She sighed before ripping it open. Her jaw dropped to the floor when she found the soft leather of the expensive brown moto jacket inside.
Setting her books on the ground, she slipped on the jacket. It felt smooth like butter. She hugged herself.
"Nice jacket," Wally said, walking into the room with a gift bag in hand. "Where you get it?"
Artemis pursed her lips. Rot ate her up inside. "(Y/N)."
Wally whistled. "It looks amazing, babe." He grinned. "(Y/N) must really like you. I know when I first met them, they gave me a PlayStation. I couldn't believe it."
"Really?" Artemis played with the sleeve of the jacket. "I should give this back to them."
"No, you'll just make them feel bad. They wanted you to have it." Wally held up his hands. "Listen, (Y/N) really cares about what you think of them." Artemis' eyes widened slightly. "So maybe...just try to be a little nicer to them...not that you're not." Wally blushed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
Artemis rolled her eyes. "I know I'm not, Baywatch." She let out of breath, admitting she always noticed that you took any comment she said hard. How many times had she made you cry? "I'll be nicer."
Wally grinned, nudging her arm. "Thanks."
Artemis punched his arm back. Wally dodged it, laughing. She snorted and picked up her books before trying to get him.
The next time you saw Artemis, she was wearing the jacket. You actually started jumping with excitement. However, you forced yourself to be cool as she approached you.
"Thanks for the jacket. I needed a new one." She met your eye before giving you a genuine smile. You felt your eyes widen as you couldn't recall another time she smiled at you.
"You're welcome." A big grin pulled at your lips. You rocked on your heels.
Artemis walked away to go to talk to Zatanna, who was across the cave with Robin. You watched her go, letting yourself bounce a little with glee.
M'gann flew up beside you and gave you a hug. You hugged her back. "Try to get back to whelmed," she whispered in your ear. You nodded, taking a deep breath. However, you felt that you could maybe count Artemis as a friend and nothing could be better than that.
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ottpopfic · 3 months ago
Leo’s husband is pissed
Not at him, Jason very rarely gets this pissed at family. The last time he was this pissed at someone in their inner circle was when he heard that the reason Will and Nico were not going to keep their now goddaughter was because they were not sure they could give her the time and attention she deserved on their own. The tongue-lashing Jason gave Nico had been brutal, reminding him that he and Leo and the entire Way Station had been with them about her since the beginning. But it had been alright in the end, Katie has been with them for two years at this point and is thriving
And nothing can get Jason this mad like something related to their kid. It's not so much Katie this time, though she was the original catalyst, this time it is New Rome and the Senate digging in their heels about setting an age limit to join the Legion. Or more the extraction and rehoming of multiple children, finding it easier to do nothing than do right by a bunch of preteens and grade schoolers
“It really is horse shit” Leo agrees around his toothbrush, watching his husband pace in an angry circle through the bathroom door as he rants half in Wolf Speak
“And then, and then” Jason continues on “Lucius had the gall of saying it should be fine because I turned out fine” The blond then does a series of growls and postures that Leo knows is some very intense profanity directed at the Senate and there parentage or lack thereof
“And what did you say?” Leo asks as he does his rinse and spit
“I told him where he could shove that notion with his-” Then Jason is lapsing back into Wolf again with a big angry sneeze snort and his shoulders up by his ears, his prowling of the rug gaining a heavier footfall, recanting to Leo exactly what he thinks of that assessment
Leo snorts a laugh as he hits the light switch for the bathroom “Did you say it exactly like that or were you more Praitor?”
“I was a professional, unfortunately”
“I'm glad we Greeks are way easier,” Leo sympathizes, making his way past his husband to sit on their bed “All you gotta do is win both the screaming match and the following fistfight and everything is fine and done with”
“That's because Camp Half-Blood doesn't play politics,” Jason laments, frustration in his every tone “With Conner’s program it feels like everyone is only focused on the kids, there's no - no ego involved”
“Rome is kinda known for ego Superman,” Leo says, trying to redirect the spiral “Didn't they stab a whole dude about it”
Jason gives a posture and look that tells Leo not to even start on purposeful historical inaccuracies because he's not in the mood for that type of banter, fair enough
“I'm just saying” Leo presses on, laying down on his husband’s pillow, “I think you need to get a knife in there, or gladiatorial rings? Is that still an option? Can you fight it out?”
“Not anymore” Jason growls in frustration and then starts doing another lap of the rug, snorting out another series of colorful curse words in Wolf
“Do you want to take it out on me?”
Jason freezes in his tracks, head whipping around to stare at Leo with his nostrils flared. Leo just smiles all teeth and stretches as enticingly as he can with his arms over his head. He knows how Jason likes him, something about the bend that has his husband's eyes tracking with that sharpness Leo loves. He lets his back leave the bed a little, hips canting and tilting his chin just so. He knows exactly what he's saying with his body, he's gotten good at speaking his man’s first language after all these years
Leo gets rewarded for his display with a still steaming blond all up in his space. A frankly huge hand is sliding under the arch of the small of his back, palm flush to his spine and lifting him close to his husband's middle until Leo’s hips are in the air. Jason holds his body up over him on his forearm, his bright blue eyes scanning his face as he settles in between his legs. Leo bites his lip to keep from giggling and quirks his eyebrows in challenge, hooking his legs over his man’s waist
“I'm gonna make you catch fire” Jason hisses, hell yeah “I'm gonna make you fucking cry”
“Is that a threat Mr.Valdez” Leo teases, making sure his grin is showing his teeth
The scar on his lip pulls as Jason flashes a canine “It's a promise��� and then he is on Leo like he has something to prove
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solar-wing · 1 year ago
⚣ Magical Lessons in Ass-Whooping ☀️
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⚣☀️ A/N → If you remember, this was like a snippet out of a story I was going to write for Conner x an original character. Haven't decided if I'm going to continue it, but I definitely want to write my scenarios and shots like this. Hope you guys enjoy it for those reading the first time and even those reading a second! WARNINGS: Canon-Typical Violence, Tension, Implied homewrecking
⚣☀️ Summary → Considering you've spent your entire life learning and studying magic from the moment you could utter your first words, it'd make sense for you to eventually start teaching and helping others. Especially those who are currently providing you refuge as things back home are a bit dangerous. But, one of them is going to learn that our knowledge is not just limited to thaumaturgy and the arcane. 'Talk shit, get hit' is a global phenomenon.
⚣☀️ Words → 2.8k
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ ENJOY ☀️
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“And just make sure to control your breathing…you got it!” You cheered.
A bright glimmer enveloped the room as little wisps of light started appearing around the room, forming tiny butterflies. You’d been helping Zatanna train and master her magic while also teaching her some new tricks. 
You hailed from a hidden kingdom, created from a divine gift bestowed on to your ancestor from the powerful deity linked to the sun. This power continued to pass on to their descendants, every eldest child in your bloodline blessed with the power of our solar system’s star, making you and your ancestors some of the most powerful beings to live in existence.
It was a heavy responsibility, bearing the mantle of the ‘Child of the Sun,’ being able to control such a potent and raw energy inside you. From the moment you were old enough to even say your first words, you’d been in magical training and studies to ensure your mastery of your powers. You could blast bad guys and restore an entire city with your magic by the time you were five years old.
And now, you were teaching others!
“Oh my god, I actually got it! Thanks, Y/N.” Zatanna cheered, wrapping you around in a hug.
You returned it joyfully before separating, “It’s as I mentioned previously, magic is special to us all. It lives all around and inside us. Everybody has their own individual sense of magic. Some just know and are better at channeling it than others.” You explained.
“Oh, I get it! Like a magical DNA print,” M’Gann summarized. She and Artemis were standing to the side watching the lesson you were giving Zatanna, both wanting to learn more about the mystic arts.
You smiled at the Martian’s words, nodding your head, “Exactly! Magic forms differently in everyone and changes itself as we grow and change ourselves. That’s why it’s important to find your source and learn how to connect it with a strong emotional foundation, and boom… You’ve got magic.”
Your hands glowed as you raised them to the air, a bright spot at the top of the cave forming that shined like the sun before bursting, releasing dancing rays of light swept across the room along with the little wisps of butterflies.
“So, what’s your source? If you don’t mind me asking,” Artemis inquired as the magic dissipated.
“Not at all,” You replied with a smile, “Well, obviously, being the whole ‘Child of the Sun’ thing, my source centers around that, the Sun and its solar energy.” You waved one of your hands, a light trail tailing behind as you summoned a bright illusion of your solar system’s central star.
The girls had to cover their eyes a little bit since even as a magical illusion, it still hurt their eyes. It felt so real, it was almost as if it was generating its own heat as well, warming the air around them.
“Ooh, like Superman?” M’Gann asked.
“Close, but not exactly. My source is the sun, so my magic manifests and channels itself as pure light granting me the enhancements and abilities that come with being, well, ‘light.’ Superman relies more on the radiation from its solar energy, another ability I may possess,” You answered.
Your new friends paused at that, “Wait, huh? What do you mean?” Artemis asked.
You considered for a moment if you should share this information as it was technically confidential and only privy to those of the royal family and their most trusted attendants. You figured there couldn’t be any harm in sharing this bit of information as it wasn’t like it could spell the end of the world or anything.
“A group of royal scholars and sorcerers have dedicated themselves to studying the magic and power behind the Children of the Sun since my great-grandfather’s reign. They’ve studied its different forms and how it’s moved down my family’s line over generations, noting its different strengths and weaknesses. They’ve also cataloged the different abilities it creates over time,” You explained, the teammates hanging off your every word.
“One of the scholars recently made a discovery that linked solar radiation with one of the spells I learned as a kid that can create daylight at night. When they discovered this connection, they explored more on the topic, finding that many of my spells and powers also give off their own form of radiation similar to the sun’s solar radiation. It’s led them to theorize that my ancestors and I may possibly have the ability to utilize the sun’s radiation to our advantage.”
“Wait, you’re saying you can manipulate solar radiation?! Does that mean you could take down Superman if you wanted to?” Zatanna asked.
You smiled at their surprised faces, “I’m not sure since it’s a new theory and will take time to study. Plus, I’ve never actually tried before. Hopefully, I never have to. At least with that kind of scenario,” You responded.
“Never have to what?”
You and the girls turned around to see the other guys coming down the hall, assumingly having entered the base from the ‘front door’ as M’Gann likes to call it. Conner looked at the girls and you with his arms crossed, his usual deadpan expression sitting on his face as he waited for an answer.
“Where did you guys go?” Zatanna asked, ignoring his question as Dick, Wally, and Kaldur made their way to the center of the training floor, Conner standing a little further back.
“We had a little team outing with just us guys. Hope you ladies weren’t too bored without us.” Wally smirked.
“We weren’t, as a matter of fact. We had Y/N here to keep us company since you all apparently didn’t want to include him on your little guy’s trip,” Artemis replied with her own smug smile.
“Oh really, what did you do? Sit around and do rain dances to call on the Lords of Make-Believe?”
“Wally,” Kaldur scolded.
“What?” He questioned, seeing how everyone was giving him unimpressed looks, “You all know I still don’t buy into this magical woo-hah babble. I’m a man of science who believes at the end of everything, there’s always a logical explanation.”
You raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh really,” Your face growing a mischievous smile. “So, can you explain how we’re all fully clothed and you’re standing in your underwear right now?” Everyone missed the slight glow in your irises as you cast your magic in your head.
Wally looked confused before he looked down and realized he was standing only in his underwear, his clothes vanished into thin air with his heart and rainbow-colored boxers on display for everyone.
“What the- Y/N!” He shouted before running off, his face burning red as a tomato while your friends laughed.
Artemis had her hands to her stomach before wiping away a fake tear, “Oh, that was more entertaining than anything I’ve seen in my life. Thank you for that, Y/N,” She grinned.
You gave a mock salute with two fingers while everyone was still laughing when Wally came back, now dressed in a new outfit. Everyone except Conner, who held a glare on his face that you could tell was in your direction. For whatever reason, you didn’t know and chose not to care.
“Why didn’t you invite Y/N on your outing if it was just for guys?” M’Gann asked.
“Because it was a team outing, and despite rumors to the contrary, Y/N is not on the team,” Conner voiced with an indifferent tone.
Your friends all frowned at Conner, not appreciating his sudden attitude toward you. Even Wally looked surprised by his little outburst while Zatanna spoke up in your defense.
“Well, that seems stupid. I wasn’t on the team yet when M’Gann invited me to your school’s Halloween dance. Why should Y/N be any different?” She remarked, crossing her arms. M’Gann nodded in support, her face signaling her disapproval of her boyfriend’s actions.
“We didn’t really think about that. It was more of a decision on the spot when Wally expressed his desire for a bite to eat,” Kaldur explained, with a genuine tone of regret in his posture before turning to face your direction, bowing his head. “My apologies, your Royal Highness. We meant no offense.”
“Speak for yourself,” You heard Conner mutter under his breath.
You ignored it, focusing back on your friend. “Ah, don’t worry about it, Kal. I had fun training here with the girls anyway. And I told you, it’s just Y/N. I’m not the Prince of Amun here, just a regular guy who happens to be bunking with you.” You said. Kaldur smiled in return, appreciating your forgiveness.
“Yeah, a regular guy who needs attendants waiting on him and personal guards always watching his behind,” You heard another snide comment from Conner, who was looking at the two guards standing by the opening to one of the hallways leading into the cave. Your patience also vanished into thin air by this point.
“Conner, that’s enough!” Kaldur ordered, but you were fed up.
“Is there something you need to get off your chest? You’ve been acting pissy with me since I got here, and I’ve had just about enough of it,” You snapped at the Kryptonian.
“Oh, the oh-so-regal prince actually has a backbone? Please…” Conner said, deeming you not worth his time.
“Yeah, the oh-so-regal has a backbone and will happily whoop your ass with it,” You called out after him.
The room went quiet, M’Gann now looking worried as Conner turned around to face you, a jeering expression now on his face.
“Oh really? You’ll ‘whoop my ass,’ huh? Tell me how exactly you plan to do that. With a little song and dance? A show of special effects and illusions. Or will you use your little guards in their shiny armor to fight for you? I could take them and you down without lifting my pinky toe.” He teased, slowly walking towards you until he was standing in your personal space, his arms crossed against his wide chest.
You didn’t have to turn around and see how Atlas and Samar, your two guards in mention, were standing at attention, more than ready to disprove Superboy’s insults. You raised your hands silently, signaling them to stand down. You could take care of yourself.
“Hmm, you may be right about that,” You replied calmly. Everyone except Atlas and Samar looked taken aback at your words. Conner still held a cheeky smirk, even though you could spot his somewhat quizzical look behind his eyes. “So, I’m sure you stand ready to prove it then.”
“Ooooo…” Artemis said, ever the instigator.
“Someone’s getting called out! Whatcha gonna do?” Wally shouted, joining in with the archer.
Though he appeared unphased by your friend's teasing, he considered your words, “Fine, you’re on.” He answered.
A devious smile appeared across your lips, your guards looking at you with knowing grins. Everyone cleared off the combat circle as Kaldur loaded up the sparring protocols. You and Conner stood on opposite sides of the training floor, waiting for Kal’s signal.
“This isn’t going to end well, is it?” You heard Dick ask on the side.
“Nope.” Zatanna said.
The floor brightened beneath you as Kaldur started the program, signaling it was ready.
“Who are you betting on?” Wally asked.
“Oh, Y/N 100%,” Artemis replied.
“I’ll bet you $20 bucks Conner beats Y/N in 15 seconds flat.”
“Hmm, $40 bucks says Y/N knocks out Conner in 10.”
“Deal.” Wally agreed, shaking on it.
M’Gann stood next to Kaldur, watching her boyfriend with a chagrined look. She wasn’t happy with his behavior, becoming suspicious since the team’s mission to Liza during your kingdom’s anniversary celebration and your birthday, leading to your temporary move to Happy Harbor in the Cave after rebels made an attempt on your life.
“Hope I don’t end up as the focus of your next album after this. Though, it’d be nice to say someone’s writing songs about me, even if it’s angry ones.” Conner mocked.
“Oooh, good one Con!” Wally cheered, Artemis rolling her eyes with a scoff.
You didn’t respond, letting him have his fun. You were about to make him eat his words anyway.
“Begin,” Kal said.
You stood in your spot, waiting for Conner to make his move. He cracked his knuckles before charging at you with his usual loud grunt. You side-stepped his attack, leaning and turning on your back foot while swinging your other foot around into his back, sending him flying only to land on his face. Even though he landed outside the battle ring, an interface popped up that spelled his name, and next to it, read the word ‘FAILED’ in red.
“HAH! That’ll be $40 bucks,  please.”
You heard Zatanna and Dick clapping behind you while Kal just gave you a nod of approval.
“Looks like you lifted more than your pinky toe. I’m sure you can do better than that tough guy,” You taunted, hearing Atlas and Samar snickering on the side.
Conner pushed himself off the ground, grumbling in frustration before turning around. He huffed in anger before his grimace turned into another smug grin, “Cute. They teach you that in etiquette class?” He mocked. 
You returned your own playful smile, “No, actually, Atlas taught me that during one of our combat lessons. You could learn a thing or two from him. Your form is terrible,” You remarked.
You heard the others laughing behind you, Conner’s face going red before he brushed past you, bumping your shoulders, “Let’s go again.” He stated.
“If you insist.”
When Kal signaled to go again, you chose now to charge at Conner, faking him out when he swung at your left. You ducked under his fist, bringing your body down before sticking your leg out to swipe him from under. He fell back against the ground with a grunt, the interface popping up again next to his face announcing his quick failure.
“Samar taught me that one. Hmm, are you sure you’re good at this? Quite frankly, I was expecting more.” You said while standing over him, hands held at your side.
You reset again for a third round. You amused yourself, allowing Conner to believe he was holding out for a bit before you ducked under his fist again, standing back up behind him, pushing your hands on his back to shove him forward.
He almost lost his balance but managed to stay up. 
He turned around to see you waving your fingers at him in a teasing manner. He charged at you again while swinging his arms together to trap you in a bear hug. When he got his arms around you, your body broke apart like shattered glass, dissipating into the air. 
Conner looked confused until he heard you ‘Yoo-hoo’ behind him, turning to see you launching at him with another kick across the face. He fell to the ground, the interface once again signaling his defeat.
He growled in anger before he looked up to see you standing over him again, “If it makes you feel better, I’ll let you get a hit in.”
He huffed before grabbing your ankle, yanking it out from under you, making you fall on your butt. The interface popped up next to you with your name now signaling the word ‘FAILED.’
“How was that?” His cheeky smile returned.
“Cute. They teach you that in anger management?”
Conner looked confused, “I don’t go to anger management.”
“Clearly.” You responded.
The others expected Conner to blow up at you (the boy did need anger management), but to everyone’s shock, he just smiled at you. Before standing up and reaching his hand down to help you up.
You stared at his hand for a moment before taking it, letting him pull you up to the ground.
You both stared at each other for a bit with no words said until you heard a throat clearing beside you, realizing the team was still here. Artemis smiled knowingly at you while Dick, & Zatanna looked uneasy. Kal scratched the back of his head awkwardly while Wally looked confused. M’Gann held a sullen expression on her face, clearly not happy.
You felt heat come up your face before clearing your throat, “I’m gonna head to the beach to do some meditation. See you guys later.” You said before turning away, your body vanishing in a flash of light. Conner looked confused when he saw you disappear, not understanding what happened. He saw Atlas and Samar shaking their heads at him before heading down the hall towards the garage exit to catch up with you. Still not getting what happened, he turned to see his friends giving him sour looks causing him to frown in return.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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writing-blog-iguess · 1 year ago
Online Matchup 6
Summery: Y/N gets texts from someone the last person they thought of. In doing so, learns a few things about their sister and who gave out their number.
Warning: swearing, fluff
Words: 3.4K
A/n: Feed back is always welcome, hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @xoxoyourdoll
Series master list
October 23
Y/n (6:30 am) I thought you said you weren’t going to give Conner my number?
Jason I did not
Y/N Then why is he yelling at me for dissing his writing It has been two weeks And he’s still upset about it It’s been three hours since he started texting me And he’s still not done Why is the sunshine boy up at three in the morning anyways? I haven’t answered yet
Jason What the fuck No I didn’t give him your number And he begged me for it Should have known something was up when he stopped asking
Y/N Who the fuck gave him my number?
Jason I don’t know
Y/N Whoever it is, they are dead.
Jason I’ll help But Conner isn’t that bad 
Y/N No But he hasn’t stopped being mad at me for what I said He won’t even let me get a word in
Jason He’ll stop, just wait
Y/n (7:30 am) Are you done?
Conner Nothing to say I see
Y/N It’s been a few years I’m not going to talk about that It’s stupid So why are you even talking about it?
Conner I’m offended
Y/N Then stop
Conner Why are you so mean?
Y/N Because we’re talking about something that happened in the past A past that I do not care for
Conner You were never this mean in high school What happened?
Y/N I moved away and became a different person Gotham has harden my soul Why do you care? We were never friends
Conner Yeah, but you’re my girlfriend’s sister I gotta at least try
Y/N … What?
Conner Ah shit She didn’t tell you?
Y/N W h a t 
Conner Pretend I didn’t say that
Conner Your sister is going to kill me
Conner Has anyone ever told you how scary you can be?
Y/N Yes now answer the question
Conner I mean That’s pretty straight forward
Conner Something to do with her waiting for the right time
Y/N I’m offended
Conner Gonna have to take it up with her
Y/N I can’t, she’s in school Shouldn’t you be in class?
Conner Sick
Y/N That’s bullshit You don’t get sick
Conner I don’t have to explain myself to you You’re not my keeper
Y/N Nah, that’s my sister apparently 
Conner Not gonna let that go, are you?
Y/N Nope
Conner Shouldn't you be in class?
Y/N Not until three
Conner Be annoying somewhere else
Y/N Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you How’d you get my number anyways?
Conner Oh would you look at that! I gotta go
Y/N Bitch
Jason You didn’t know?
Jason I feel like this is a trap
Y/N It’s not, and I’m not mad if you did How long did you know?
Jason Um, couple of months I think They’ve been dating longer though
Y/N Almost a year apparently I’m so mad And I can’t even call her because she’s in school Son of a bitch
Jason Let me know how that conversation goes
Y/N (11:02 am) Cannot believe you’re dating Conner Kent
Ellie How the fuck do you know that?
Y/N I’m offended
Ellie Hey, you didn’t tell me you were talking to Jason
Y/N That’s different Whatever I have going on with Jason is new And I didn’t want to jinx it You’re dating Conner for close to a year I think that warrants telling your sister
Ellie It never came up?
Y/N Bull. Shit
Ellie You never liked Conner, I was afraid you wouldn’t approve
Y/N I have never said I disliked Conner I may have said he’s annoying sometimes and he’s too bright Hence why I call him sunshine boy
Ellie Do you approve though?
Y/N Does he make you happy?
Ellie Yes
Y/N Then I approve How’d that happen anyways?
Ellie Newspaper
Y/N I still can’t believe you joined the school paper
Ellie I love writing You did it
Y/N That’s because Kate made me I wasn’t there by choice
Ellie Right So, how’d you know?
Y/N Your boyfriend let it slip
Ellie What?
Y/N Which reminds me, did you give him my number
Ellie You know I’d never do that
Y/N Someone did, and he’s not telling me
Ellie Hold on a sec I’ll find out for you
Y/N Someone’s going to die I just don’t know who 
Ellie (12:15 pm) Try not to kill Conner, I really like him Also, some guy named Tim I think that’s his friend or something
Y/N That son of a bitch
Ellie Do you know him?
Y/N Not personally, but yeah
Ellie Have mercy on his soul
Y/N Don’t you know him?
Ellie Why would I know Tim?
Y/N Isn’t Conner friends with the Waynes?
Ellie I think so…?
Y/N Eleanor You have been dating Sunshine Boy for almost a year And you don’t know?
Ellie Don’t call me that It makes me feel like I’m in trouble
Y/N Eleanor Stop deflecting
Ellie Okay, yes he’s friends with the Waynes I just never personally met them yet They kind of scare me
Y/N I’m ashamed to call you my sister
Y/N YES I’m talking to one of them, remember?
Y/N Did I not mention that?
Y/N Oopsie
Y/N Welp, gotta go
Y/N (12:20 pm) Your brother is dead to me
Jason I have like four You need to be more specific 
Y/N Tim
Jason Ah, yeah okay that tracks
Y/N Tell him to count his days I’m coming for him
Jason All this over a phone number
Y/N He doesn’t even know me Why would he do this?
Jason I don’t know I personally think he likes the drama
Y/N I hope he knows the consequences
Jason He’ll find out once he meets you Conner finally confessed?
Y/N Not to me
Jason Had a conversation with your sister I take it
Y/N Apparently, I had this ‘I don’t like him’ vibe going on And that’s why she didn’t want to tell me Which fair, I didn’t like anyone in high school much But Conner was okay
Jason And now they’re dating
Y/N Which I find bizarre but if she’s happy then it’s whatever
Jason Did you threaten Conner if he ever broke her heart
Y/N … No Excuse me please
Jason I am so glad he’s not my friend
Y/N You break Ellie’s heart I’m coming for you
Conner I would like to see you try
Y/N I will try And I will win
Conner Don’t know how, you know jack shit about me
Y/N I’ll ask Ellie once her broken heart is mended And then I will be coming for you
Conner Well, that won’t happen I don’t plan to hurt her
Y/N I hope so Cuz you’ll be dealing with me And I can be your worst nightmare
Conner Don’t you have a boyfriend to kiss?
Y/N Don’t you have girlfriend to kiss?
Conner I do and I’m about to go see her
Y/NNo Nope I don’t want to hear about your relationship Especially not you
ConnerAwe come Y/N Afraid of a little pda?
Y/NThat’s my sister you’re talking about Be careful Oh, before I forget Pass a message to Tim for me? Tell him he better watch his back
Y/N Sir, she is my sister She is my best friend And we’ll tell each other things you wish you could hear
Y/N I think I scared him
Jason He probably deserved it
Y/N Hey, what do you mean Conner’s not really your friend? Didn’t you hang out last weekend?
Jason Conners more Tim’s friend then he is mine And yes but only because I was doing something for Tim
Y/N He couldn’t have done it?
Jason Probably But I was coming out there anyways so I volunteered
Y/N You know what I think?
Jason No and I don’t think I want to know But you’re going to tell me anyway
Y/N Even though you claim you don’t like your family very much I think you secretly like your family You just hide it well Jason? Oh no I said something you didn’t like I’m sorry
Jason (4:20 pm) It’s okay So Wanna do something tonight?
Y/N: Ah, he speaks
Jason Okay, yeah that was kind of deserved I’m sorry for just disappearing on you earlier
Y/N It’s okay There will probably be times where I will do the same thing I just need some patience from you And I’ll be patient with you
Jason At least your honest
Y/N I just really don’t want to fuck this up
Jason I second that So, do you want to?
Y/N Do I want to what?
Jason Seriously? I asked like two seconds ago
Y/N Okay, but in my defense I am ~distracted~
Jason With another boy? How could you
Y/N Okay, first of all fuck you And second of all I’m trying to find the books I need
Jason Only if you’re going to help
Y/N I have some regrets right now
Jason Did you forget your library card again?
Y/N No, this time I actually remembered
Jason I’m proud of you for that
Y/N Mm, can’t tell if your being sarcastic or not
Jason 100% serious
Y/N Well damn Now I’m flustered
Jason Oh? Information to store away
Y/N I feel like I made a mistake
Jason Only time will tell
Y/N So, what was the question again?
Jason Scroll up?
Y/N Respectfully, no
Jason Lol okay Would you like to do something tonight?
Y/N Really trying to get to the fifth date I see
Jason Nah, I can wait for that I just wanted to hang out
Y/N Your brothers don’t need help tonight?
Jason Surprisingly no, they don’t. Are you trying to get out of hanging out with me?
Y/N Uh, no I’ve got a project I’m working on I don’t want to bore you
Jason Nonsense I can bring something to read It’d be nice to sit around and relax
Y/N If you're sure
Jason I’m sure I’ll bring food
Y/N You know where I live
Jason All I had to do is say food and you're in? Very easy to please huh?
Y/N I wouldn’t say that But yes, I’m very easy to persuade when foods involved
Jason Any food allergies?
Y/N Not that I’m aware of
Jason Alright I’ll text you when I’m on my way
Y/N Okay But don’t get to offended if I don’t respond There will be a chance I’ll turn off my phone once I get home I don’t want to get distracted Especially if Conner wants to yell at me some more
Jason Thanks for the warning
True to your word, you hadn’t answered when Jason messaged you. But he wasn’t too worried, earlier while he was busy at home, you had sent a message saying you got home fine and that you’ll be shutting off your phone soon. 
Jason had been too busy to answer, but his heart swelled at the care you seemed to have for him. That you knew he’d worry about you without having to say something. Sure, his family cared about him but there was something different when you cared.
He shot a text back saying he’d be coming soon before going about cleaning his guns.
An hour later, he was finished and left his apartment with food on his mind.
The sound of knocking at your door broke your concentration. You blinked back to awareness just as another round of knocks sounded. 
“Come in!” you called, leaning back from the coffee table to stretch. You let out a noise of satisfaction when your bones cracked.
“You should have your doors locked when you're home alone,” Jason called, closing the door behind him. “You never know what creep might come in.”
“Yeah, but I knew you were coming and I tend to hyper focus on my work,” you answered, turning around to watch Jason walk into the living room, carrying a couple of boxes of pizza. “Saves me the trip of opening the door.”
“There was a chance that it wasn’t me behind the door,” he said, setting the boxes down after you made some room for them.
“No, but I don’t have people come over.”
“What about your friends?”
“They have a key, and come unannounced. Aside from my neighbours, you're the only one who knocks.”
“Still, gotta be more cautious,” Jason warned, grunting as he sat on the floor beside you. “Hungry?”
The two of you settled into a comfortable silence as you ate, only making idle conversation. The conversations ranged from what your favourite things are to embarrassed stories growing up, to darkest secrets.
Jason had kept his lips sealed with his secrets, but you weren’t mad about it. They were his, and his alone. If he didn’t want to share, he didn’t have to. And you made sure he knew you understood.
When there were only a few slices of pizza, and your stomach was full did you turn back to your homework. Reluctantly, you rather talk to Jason then do homework. But it wasn’t going to finish by itself and you needed the grade.
“Do you always work in silence?” Jason asked as he stood to stretch.
“Usually I have music playing, but the neighbours kept complaining about the noise level. And I don’t like blasting music in my ears,” you answered, and gestured towards your collection of CDs. “Help yourself if you find anything you like.”
Jason wandered over and whistled. “That’s quite the collection.”
“What can I say? Started it when I was, I don’t know, ten? And just kept collecting,” you said absentmindedly, “same goes with my books.”
“Let’s see what we have here,” Jason mumbled as he looked through them. “Classical, pop, rock, metal, jazz? Man you have a little bit of everything huh?”
“Oh ho ho, what’s this?” Jason sang, catching your attention. You looked up just in time to watch Jason pull out a familiar CD. “A mixed CD? I didn’t know you were the type.”
You jumped up and tripped over the couch when you launched yourself over it. Picking yourself up from the floor, you ran and jumped onto Jason’s back, reaching for the CD he held above his head.
“Holy shit,” he grunted at the impact, stumbling forward, trying to regain his balance. “You’re a lot heavier than you look.”
“That is not something you tell a person,” you muttered, making a noise as you tried to reach for the CD. “Give it back.”
“What’s on there? Porn?”
“No,” you said, flustered, “why would I do that?”
“No you're right, you’re not that type of person,” he mused, moving the CD further from you. He glanced up and laughed. “I didn’t know you were such a hopeless romantic.”
“Shut up,” you squealed and shouted in victory when you succeeded in grabbing the CD from him. “Ha!” you said and jumped off him, you left the room to hide the mixed tape elsewhere.
“You know, there isn’t a hiding place here that I couldn’t find,” Jason said dryly when you walked into the living room.
“That I have no doubt,” you replied, sitting back on the floor. “But that cd is not one I would like to listen to right now.”
“Is it embarrassing?”
“Yes. I rather not cringe at all the memories those songs will bring.”
“That’s a juicy story I can tell,”he said, turning back to back your collection. 
“Only if you tell me your death story,” you shot back. When Jason said nothing, you nodded. “I thought so.”
“Okay, so we both have stories we don't want to talk about,” he confessed, “doesn’t mean they’re great.”
“Agree to disagree.”
Silence settled between the two of you as you continued with your paper and Jason kept looking through your CDs. A few minutes later, the room was filled with Tchaikovsky.
“Never thought you’d be a Nutcracker fan,” you commented as the first song started.
“Sometimes you just want to listen to the classics,” he said, moving towards your bookshelf. “Do you mind?”
You looked up to see him gesturing towards your books. You shook your head and went back to your paper. “I thought you were gonna bring a book.”
“I forgot it at home.”
“Too excited to come see me?” you teased.
“No, I had food on my mind,” he teased back and laughed at the look you gave him. “And you, I was also thinking about you too.”
You hummed, watching as he finally picked a book and made his way to the couch. He plopped down, he moved around a bit until he was comfortable before opening the book. You tilted your head trying to read the title and smiled.
“You’re full of surprises, Jason,” you said before turning back towards the coffee table again. 
“So are you,” he shot back, and that was the end of the conversation. For a while, the only sounds were the music, the occasional page flipping and a pencil scratching against paper.
There was a peace that settled with the two of you as you did your own things. A peace that both of you haven’t felt in awhile, so much that you kind of forgot the presence of the other person.
You stayed on the floor most of the time, only getting up to use the bathroom and to switch out the CDs once they finished. A couple of hours later, your homework was finally done, you sat back and stretched.
“Hey, I just remembered I have som-” you cut yourself short when you looked up to see Jason fast alseep on the couch. You weren’t sure at what point he had fallen asleep, but it looked like he needed it.
So, instead of waking him up, you let him sleep. Standing up, you reached down to grab the Jane Austen book he was in the middle of reading. You made sure to bookmark it in case he wanted to finish it the next time he was over.
Setting it on the coffee table, you made your way over to turn down the music until it was just softly playing before grabbing a blanket to cover Jason with.
“Rest well,” you whispered as you tucked in him slightly. “I think you need it.”
You turned back to your bookshelf and grabbed a book for yourself before going to sit back on the floor where you were doing your homework and started reading.
Jason woke up to his phone vibrating against his leg. He blinked, confused about where he was. The ceiling he was looking at didn’t look like his, and the last thing he remembered was reading on the couch. At your house.
“Oh shit,” he mumbled, as the puzzle pieces fell together. “I fell asleep.”
“Turn it off,” came a mumble from beside him. He turned his head to find you leaning against the couch, head tilting up fast asleep. “Five more minutes, Mom. I’m tired.”
Smiling, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and glared at the name that flashed across his screen. “What do you want, Tim?”
 “Where are you?” Tim asked instead of answering. “You were supposed to be here like, two hours ago.”
“I told you I wasn’t going out tonight. Bruce knows this, so does Dick and they said they were okay with it.”
“Yeah, but you promised.”
“You and I both know, I didn’t promise shit,” he whispered, “whatever it is, you’ll have to deal without me.”
“Its not the same,” Tim whined. “And why are we whispering?”
“None of your business.”
“You’re with Y/N aren’t you?” Tim asked, and Jason could tell he was smiling.
“You know, I hope that whatever Y/N does to you, you’ll suffer,” Jason snapped and tried to keep his laugh in at the “hey!” Tim yelled.
“What did I ever do to them? We haven’t even met!”
“Enough that they’re out for blood,” Jason said, not wanting to elaborate. “I have to go.” He hung up before Tim could question him further, and stuffed his phone back in his pocket. Turning his head to look at you again, he thought about what to do next.
Sleeping on the floor like that couldn’t be comfortable and he knew should wake up and leave, but it was late and he wanted to let you sleep. Instead, he slowly got off the couch without waking you. He went to the bathroom before going around the apartment to lock the windows and doors, and turned off the lights that were on.
He made his way back to the living room, and gently picked you up before setting you back down on the couch. He tucked you in with the blanket you had given him.
Satisfied that you were safe in your own apartment, he turned to leave. But before he could, something grabbed his arm, stopping him. He stalled and turned around slowly, and raised an eyebrow when he noticed you staring at him.
“It’s late, Jason,” you mumbled, “I’m not going to let you go home this late.”
“How are you going to stop me?” Jason challenged. Instead of answering, you tugged his arm hard enough to make him stumble towards you. He braced himself against the back of the couch, preventing him from falling completely onto you. “You’re very bold when your half asleep,” he joked. You stuck your tongue out at him and tugged on his arm again.
“Shut up and lay down,” you mumbled, trying to get up from the couch. Jason moved to sit down beside you. “I’m too tired to move to my bed. So, you can take my bed or share the couch.”
He watched as you curled up on the one side of the couch and moved the blanket so he could have some too. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” you mumbled, eyes already closing. “I don’t make the people I care about leave in the middle of the night. You never know what could happen on the way home.”
Touched, and not wanting to make you worry, Jason took the corner of the blanket you weren’t using and settled down on the couch. He didn’t fall asleep right away. Opting instead to read more of his book. Within minutes of reading, however, sleep claimed him.
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jor-elsemissary · 4 months ago
Things that made me laugh.
Remembering the Kryptonian shit the Luthors were brought in.
Lionel "died" helping the house of El.
Lex become the enemy
Conner: a hybrid of both
Whatever the lore of William Luthor is.
And then you have Tessa who helped Zod.
Also she almost got shot by Martha Red queen Kent. In your president martha Lore. That must have been a funny conversation to have.
Tessa Red Tornado: you know the bright side about my new body is that Martha can't threaten me again
Lionel: again!?!
Pete: nothing brings a couple together than finding out you almost killed each other kids.
Martha: careful you might be committing treason
Lionel: Woman you are lucky I love you
The Luthors, the Kents and House of El are fated to be intertwined no matter which universe it is.
As for Liam’s lore. He doesn’t become a hero or villain, but he is responsible, somewhat, for hurting Clark.
Liam tries to design a power suit that lets him do what his brother and nephews can do. Lex helps him, but only because it’ll help him fight Superman.
Liam refuses to use it after Lex took it and did hurt Superman with it.
Liam: He’s my brother!
Lex: Superman is your brother? Wait… *pulls out a sharpie and draws glasses on a Superman poster* Clark Fucking Kent?!?!
Liam: You… didn’t know?
Lex: No! No one ever tells me the truth! Not even you it seems!
Liam: In my defense, I thought you knew.
Lex: Fair. I’ll give you that pass.
Liam: He’s still my brother.
Lex: Your brother fucking sucks!
Liam: I’m telling dad!
Lex: Ooo I’m scared. Go ahead and tell that old fool! What is he gonna do? Ground me?
Liam: Fine! I’ll tell mom!
Lex: I’m not afraid of Martha!
Liam: No? How about Red Queen?
Lex: She’s… she’s Red Queen?
Liam: Yes. Dad is White King by the way.
Lex: You gotta be shitting me.
Liam: Nope. You are in so much trouble.
Lex: Not if you can’t tell them! Come here!
Liam: *runs* Moooom! Daaaad! Lex is trying to kidnap me!
Lex: You little shit! See if I ever help you with a power suit again!
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years ago
🎶drabble drabble drab-ble, drabble drabble drab-ble, it’s two in the mor-ning—🎶
they’ve consumed my brain. Timkon Thought™️
~ It’s no secret Tim Drake doesn’t like sleeping. Enough nights of insomnia, dream demons, and fear gas will do that to a person. But there are just some people who take it to a whole different level.
Tim goes to school during the day, works when he doesn’t have school, and patrols all night long— he’s known in the Batfam for staying out the latest of them all, often until the sun begins to rise and he has to go home to get ready for school. The only time he doesn’t do such a practice is when Conner visits, which fortunately is often, because Tim’s siblings get concerned when he hasn’t slept in over a week.
But still, even with Conner around, it’s a fight to get Tim to sleep at all. One almost nobody wins.
It’s late when Tim hears the living room window slide open, soft footfalls landing on the rug there. He’d be concerned, normally, if only for the fact that he’s already in his pajamas and would hate to have to fight without a mask, but he knows who it is. Maybe that person knows the sound of his heartbeat, but Tim knows the rhythm of his existence and no Kryptonian powers can match that.
Exactly as expected, Conner pokes the slightly cracked bedroom door open with the toe of his boot not long after. Tim was already in bed, but nowhere near sleeping. In fact, he had a near-full mug of the strongest coffee he could possibly brew sitting on the nightstand next to him, the laptop in his lap the only source of light in the room.
Having none of his boyfriend’s shit, Conner flicked the light on. Tim blinked hazily up at him.
“Hey,” he managed, slightly leaning forward and silently pleading for a kiss. Kon obliged, but flicked him in the forehead as he pulled away.
“Why’re you up?” he asked instead of answering the greeting. “It’s like two in the morning.”
“Uhh…” As Conner began stripping out of his patrol gear and unceremoniously dumping it all on the floor, Tim’s attention returned to the screen before him. “Couldn’t sleep.”
Conner threw a shoe at him. It bounced off Tim’s shoulder. He didn’t even look up.
Kon sighed in defeat. “Didn’t you just get back from patrol, though?”
“Mm. Just a minute ago. Nothing exciting.”
They both lapsed into silence, the only sound in the apartment being Krypto’s snoring in the corner of the bedroom and the clicking of Tim’s laptop keyboard. Finally, freshly ready for bed, Conner flipped the light back off, plopped down next to Tim, and promptly flopped over in front of him.
Tim peeked over the top of his screen.
“Uh… hi?”
“Sweetheart.” Conner’s voice is muffled from the blankets. “Put the computer away.”
Tim snorted, keeping his gaze on the work before him as he took a loud sip of his coffee. It was already cooling down, and cold coffee is nasty, so he drank more of it to avoid dealing with it.
“Sorry, love,” Tim said softly as he set the mug back down, poking at Kon with a socked foot. “I have too much to do. You should go to bed, though.”
Like a curious puppy, Conner suddenly popped up and peeked over the top of the screen for an upside-down view of what Tim was doing.
“Well, what do you have to do?” he asked rather pitifully. Tim smiled at him.
“I’ve got, uhh, two papers and a presentation for school, a stack of pitches to sign off plus schedule a board meeting later this week for Wayne Enterprises, and then… sixty-seven cases Oracle sent me to deal with, looks like.” Tim squinted at the painfully bright screen. “And… I’m pretty sure that says three hundred missed text messages, but I could be wrong.”
“Jesus Christ.” Conner flopped back down again. “Can you put it off for tomorrow? I want cuddles, Timmy. Cuddle your poor boyfriend for once.”
“Hey, I- I cuddle you lots,” Tim protested, typing away with ease. “Like, too much. Jason told me he’d shoot me if he caught us making out in the library again.”
Kon barked out a laugh, startling the dog awake. “That was a bit more than cuddling, though.”
Tim kicked him off the bed.
Just as Tim started to worry, Conner crawled back up into the bed, this time moving to his side. It took the time of him worming under the covers and getting sufficiently comfortable before he spoke again, looking up at Tim’s coolly illuminated face. He was pretty, like always, even when sleep deprived and bathed in blue light.
Kon’s sigh dragged Tim out of his trance, finally looking down to face him. An involuntarily affectionate smile pulled at his lips at the sight of his boyfriend all sleep-warm and snuggly.
“Please just try to sleep,” Conner said softly, absently tracing patterns on Tim’s lower back. “If you really can’t, I’ll leave you alone.”
Tim hesitated. There was a lot of work to be done, there was no arguing that. But… wasn’t there kind of always a lot of work to be done? Maybe some sleep would improve his problem-solving skills, even if only slightly.
Picking up on the resolve, Conner gently closed the laptop for him and pulled him down, pushing it down to the foot of the bed. Almost immediately, Tim yawned hugely, nuzzling into Conner’s shoulder and inhaling deeply. Without the computer screen, the room was comfortably dark.
“Better?” he whispered, brushing Tim’s dark hair out of both their faces.
Tim sleepily smiled up at him. “Yeah.” After a moment, he added, “Thank you.”
It didn’t even take twenty minutes before Tim tried to worm his way back out of Conner’s arms to resume his work, but fortunately, Kon was absolutely expecting that. His grip tightened enough for Tim to let out a surprised squeak and freeze, absolutely not expecting his boyfriend to not be awake.
Conner cracked an eye open. Tim blinked up at him guiltily.
“Nice try, sweetheart.”
“Nah, I don’t wanna hear it. Sleepytime.”
“Sleepytime, Timmy.”
Sufficiently and effectively stuck, Tim huffed in exasperation, admitting to himself that he may have to give up. Luckily not in the worst of places to be.
It didn’t take long before Tim actually did drift off, the quiet thrum of Kon’s heartbeat acting as a lullaby. He didn’t even have nightmares.
Until he woke up, that is. The worst of the worst.
The perfect amount of sunlight filtered through the curtains, warmly filling the bedroom like a wake-up call in a fairytale. Conner was awake before Tim, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. Tim was still asleep on his bicep, like how they’d fallen asleep.
Kon noticed him when he shifted to stretch.
“Morning, sunshine,” he teased, watching as Tim did a full cat stretch, pillow kneading and everything. It was his favorite part of his boyfriend’s morning routine.
“Morning…” Tim trailed off with a yawn. “Hey, what time is it?”
Conner half shrugged. “Eh.”
Tim looked around for his phone before remembering he’d left it in the kitchen the night before.
“No, serious, Kon.”
“It’s, uh…” Conner squinted at his phone. “It is. Eleven-thirty. Almost.”
Before Tim could react much more than that, Kon promptly rolled on top of him to pin him to the mattress. Krypto poked his head up from his bed at the commotion.
“Absolutely not, pretty boy, you’re not going anywhere,” Conner declared gleefully. “That was much-needed rest and I think you should have some more of it.”
“nO—“ Tim shoved ineffectively at his boyfriend’s sides, trying and failing to haul him off. “I have— school—“
“We’re skipping.”
“But work—“
“Call out. I’m serious. You’re staying here with me and you’re gonna like it, He Who Never Takes Care Of Himself.” To aid his cause, Kon smushed a kiss into Tim’s forehead until he stopped struggling with a grumble about something that sounded suspiciously like Kryptonite. “Okay?” he added hopefully.
Tim seethed for a moment, but sensing there was really only one answer, his anger deflated almost immediately.
“Fine,” he relented. “This will not become a regular occurrence. I have things to do, asshole.”
“We’ll see, sweetheart.”
Tim skipped the next day, too.
~ not great, not proofread, whatever honestly
have a good day/ night/ 4am🥰
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harrystylesfan2686 · 1 year ago
Angle shot A.U.
Pairing: Harry x Reader.
Summary: yn trying to have a good night but gets a blast from the past. Harry protecting 😈
Angle shot is a type of code to tell your bartender that you feel unsafe.
Neat= feel unsafe and need someone to escort to your car
With ice= need someone to call taxi
With lime= call police
I signed while entering the bar. It was so crowded here. I'm at a local pub I heard about a couple days ago. I just had a fight with Cloe, my roommate, about maintenance fees which she isn't paying and I have to pay for her because our landlord is threatening to kick us out.
This was her 3th time not paying. She doesn't have money because she is unemployed. I hate it. I am the one always paying for everything like our maintenance, groceries, light bill, water bill, everything! I'm so mad at her.
Today, I had enough and confronted her about it. She ignored me and locked herself in the room as if what I say just doesn't matter. I got so mad and left the house yelling that either she is leaving or I am.
So here I am sitting in a bar deciding if I should drink or not since I'll be the one driving me home later. You know what, Fuck it. I'm drinking.
"Bartender" I called out.
"And what can I get for you, ma'am" a tall guy came in front of me. I could clearly hear the british accent in his words. Wow he's really hot. 6ft, green eyes, sharp jaw, totally my type.
"One sex on the beach, please"
"Going for the easy stuff I see" the guy smirked at me.
"Yeah well, not really in the mood to get drunk tonight"
The guy hummed and put a napkin that was in his hands on his shoulder. He turned around to get the liquor from the shelf behind him while I opened my purse to get my ID. When I was searching for it I realized I forgot my phone. Shit.
I put my ID on the table the same time the green-eyed hottie turned back to face me. He looked at my ID and nodded. He started making my drink while I used the time to observe him. I looked at his pin and read his name. Harry.
Now that I see him clearly, he had emerald green eyes. Dark brown curls that I just know are soft, I wanna run my hand through them. He had tattoos all over his left arm but not many in his right. And his hands, God! his hands are so big and amazing, I'm suddenly thinking of how they would feel wrapped around my throat.
I forced myself to get those dirty thought out of my mind and concentrate. I heard someone next to me call his name. He slid my drink to me and went to pay attention to them. I took a sip from my drink feeling bored now that he's gone.
I looked around the club. There are a lot of people here. Some teenagers playing poll at the right conner with girls all around them. There was a karaoke in the left conner and some girl was singing to the audience around her. And in the middle was the dance floor filled with people that are probably drunk on it.
I slowly started to look for a person I would like in the crowd. The thing is almost every guy was wearing black leather jacket with wet hair look and girls with makeup more then a kg applied on their face. I don't like anyone.
In the crowd I saw a familiar face. I boy. Probably my age. He was looking at me. When he noticed that I was looking at him, a big and disgusting smile formed on his face. Who is he? I've seen him before.
He has bright blue eyes, so bright that I can see them from this far. Black long hair that reached his shoulders, colored blonde at the end. The smile he was giving me was making me feel really uncomfortable.
Where have I see him?? Maybe on my Instagram or in my college camp-
Fuck! Jake! Fuck!!
I widden my eyes in realisation and which seems to have pleased him because he enlarged his smile. I quickly broke the eye contact and faced the bar now feeling unsafe.
Jake is my well, not technically but stalker. He has been following me for the last four months. He was everywhere, on my social media accounts, my classes, my house. I tried to file a report against him but turns out his father in the head chief of our area's police station. It didn't matter what I did. I tried to comfront him but then he said that I'll have to date him to stop the stalking. I told him no but he won't listen.
Last month I went to a club with my friends to celebrate our exams amazing results. We were all pretty intoxicated except my best friend, Liam. Everyone was having fun and everything was going great but then I noticed Jake was there too. I told Liam about that and he got really mad but I made him promise me not to do anything that would cause a scene. All was ok until Jake tried to touch me and dance with me. Liam saw that and got so mad. He beat the shit out of Jake and that almost got him in jail. None of them are allowed in that club now.
Jake was MIA for the next week after that but the messages started coming again 2 weeks ago. Why is he here?!
I look back in hopes he would be gone but he was still looking at me. I saw him take a step and start walking towards me.
Oh No.
I didn't even bring me phone!!!
I can walk straight out of here and get the car and but the parking is a bit far from this pub and I don't know if I want to be alone right now. I was thinking about what I can do when I suddenly remembered.
He came and looked at me with a smile. He was shaking a glass probably making a drink.
"One Neat angle shot, please"
I saw his smile disappear and his face harden. He put down his glass and looked at me with a protective gaze.
"Which one?"
I looked behind me to find Jake but he was suddenly besides me. I got stratled by his presence. I looked at Harry and motioned my eyes towards Jake. He saw him and frowned. Harry told someone to cover his shift and got out of the bar table.
"Come on" He said.
The both of us walked out of the club without giving another glance at Jake. I took out my keys and unlocked my car.
I opened my car and got in. Harry was here without saying or doing anything which was exactly what I needed right now.
"Thank you so much" I said to him after I sat down.
"It's ok you don't need to thank me" He said giving me a small smile. I returned it but surly he could tell it was fake.
"Also uh, here" He gave me a chit. I opened it and saw a phone number. "If you ever need it. Just call me or text it's ok"
I smiled real this time and said "thank you, Harry"
He nodded and wished me good night.
I said good night and turned on my car.
This was an eventful night. From the fight with Cloe to the bar to Jake and Harry. Harry is good I like him. Hopefully I won't need his number for anything; And if I do, hopefully it's for asking him to date me.
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ashcal99 · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
Certain Things : Leah Clearwater III
Chapter Three
"Something about you, It's like an addiction, Hit me with your best shot honey, I've got no reason to doubt you, 'Cause certain things hurt, And you're my only virtue"
Summary: Conner Swan moves to Forks Washington in hopes to help his sister Bella through her breakup with Edward. In hopes to find happiness again. He finds much more.
Warnings: Eventual smut (18+ only), mentions of death, depression, loss, antidepressants, general angst, slow burn, brief mentions of suicidal thoughts
Words: 5.1k
A/N: Comment if I missed any warning or anything plz thnx.
Previous Chapter
Series Masterlist
January 8th, 2006
Just under two weeks had pasted when Conner finally found the time to head out the rez and see Jacob. He had been busy the past week or so, working his new job at the diner. He had graciously excepted the waiting position offered to him, knowing that if everything went well, he may be able to move into the kitchen eventually. Friday he had gotten his first paycheck, it wasn’t much, but he was now able to pay the teen for his labor.
The small house slowly came into view as his truck rolled down the gravel road, coming to a stop next to the rusty barn that set a few hundred feet away from the house. Immediately, he spotted his sister’s old clunker of a truck, shocked to see she was here as well. He knew she had been getting out of the house more as of late, trying to appease Charlie. She had even gone out to see a movie with one of her friends just a couple days prior. Between Conner working and Bella’s winter break ending, he hadn’t seen much of the teen, but he knew for a fact that she had gone over to Jake’s the previous weekend to get her oil changed. To say he was surprised to see her here was a bit of an understatement, since he wasn’t aware that two teens really spent any time together besides the Quileutes’ visits into town to watch whatever game was on with Charlie.
Opening the truck, he plopped down to the ground, feet crunching the gravel as he stepped into the shed. “Hi…” He drifted off, looking at the two apprehensively. Looking down he saw two rusty motorbikes, Jacob working on one with a wrench while Bella sat by, keeping him engrossed in a conversation. Sending his sister a weary glance, he spoke. “What’s going on?” He asked hesitantly.
Bella sucked in a breath. “Hey, Conner.” She started, awkwardly fiddling with her fingers. “I just saved these two from the junkyard so Jake could fix them." She finished, throwing him a hesitant smile. She hoped the older sibling would handle this information well, considering the reproductions if he ever let it slip to Charlie what she was doing out here.
Conner stared at the girl incredulously. “You’re lucky I’m nice and won’t tell dad. He’d lose his shit if he found out about this.” He chastised the girl. “You know how he feels about these death traps.”
She nodded fervently. “I know, and I promise I’ll be carful. I’ll owe you big time if you keep it to yourself.” She bargained. “Besides, I’ve got a great teacher.” She said nudging the teen beside her, causing a bright blush to creep up his neck. Jacob looked down bashfully, muttering something unintelligible under his breath, continuing to tighten whatever bolt he was working on. Conner raised an eyebrow. Bella was flirting, and it kinda weirded him out. He wasn’t sure if she noticed she was doing it, but Conner quickly chose to ignore it. 
The man reached into his jacket pocket, pulling a few folded bills, and reached towards Jacob, offering him the money. “Let me know if you need more for parts or anything. Charlie’s not very good with cars, so I’m honestly not too sure how much I should be paying you.” He said, dropping the money into the teens tanned palm. 
“This should cover it. I think I know what part needs to be replaced, so I already pulled it from the junk yard, I’ll just need to see what else we might need before I head to the auto store.” He said, pocketing the money. “Let me just finish this one thing up, and I’ll take a look at it.” He finished, sending a grin to the man.
Conner stood, awkwardly teetering on his heels for a moment. ”Well, hope I'm not intruding, but I'm kinda stuck here until Jake fixes my truck, so..." he trailed off.
“Of course not Con. I feel like I’ve barely seen you lately, with you busy with work now.” Bella reassured, Conner sending her a smile in return. 
"Yo, Jake, you in there?!" An unknown voice called, both siblings starting to gather their things to leave. They didn't want to intrude on Jacob's friendships. They would just take a walk or something to pass the time.
Jake put his hand up, stopping the two siblings ”No, it's okay." He paused shooting the two a smile. "It's-It's just my boys." He informed as two unfamiliar faces joined them in the shed.
"Hey Jake." The boy with long dark hair greeted.
"Hey guys-," Jake started, turning to the two teen boys. "This is Bella and her brother Conner." He gestured towards the siblings. "Bella, Conner, that's Quill and Embry." He introduced the new faces. Conner gave a small wave to the two.
Quill sucked in a breath, "So the bike building story's true." He said expectantly, giving Jake a small smirk.
Bella smiled. ”Oh-yeah-I taught him everything he knows." She joked back, earning a snicker from her brother.
The smirk widened across Quill's face. "What about the part where you're his girlfriend?” He asked teasingly.
Awkwardness flowed through the air as Bella stuttered out. "Uh-um, we're friends, you know?" Conner to smirked to himself. He had always found it hilarious seeing his sister so easily flustered. 
Embry let out a a bark of laughter, "Hmm, burn!” He shot at Jake. 
Jake stepped up, quickly trying to ease the tension from the room, shooting back, "Actually, remember, I said she's a girl and a friend." He said desperately. 
Conner stood back and watched the interaction, an amused look adorning his features. The short haired teen's smirk widened as he saw his best friend trying to cover his ass. “Embry, do you remember him making that distinction?” He questioned.
"Nope!" The other quickly shot back, smirking as well.
Figuring he had endured enough embarrassment, Conner decided to stick up for Jake. "So, you guys have girlfriends. That's awesome." He stated enthusiastically, earning snickers from his sister and Jake. Jake's friends looked down in embarrassment, heat creeping onto their cheeks.
"Yeah, right," Jake paused letting out a deep laugh. "Quill's actually taking his cousin to prom." He stated, further embarrassing the boy.
"Yeah, that's still a riot." Giving a fake smile, Quill narrowed his eyes. "You want funny, Black? I'll give you funny." As the words left his mouth, he jumped forwards, taking Jake in a headlock.
Their playful fight earned them laughs from the rest in the room. "I've got five bucks on Quill." Embry said, gesturing towards the two boys.
Bella scoffed. ”You're on." She answered confidently.
“Well, I'm going to go see what Billy's up to-" Conner paused, looking over to the 'fight'. "Don't let them kill each other." He laughed, waving a goodbye to his sister before leaving the shed.
On his way over to the small house, Conner couldn't help but get caught up in the scenery. La push, though being a small dreary town, had always been absolutely beautiful to the man. He had always loved nature and going on hikes, and now that he was in the perfect environment for it, and he knew he would have to take advantage of the opportunity soon. 
Shaking the thoughts away, he continued his trek towards the front door. He knocked lightly on the cracked wooden panel before entering, knowing from previous experience that they left the door unlocked for Billy’s connivence. As he walked into the living room, the man came into view. "Hey Billy! How've you been?" He greeted the man.
Billy looked away from the television towards Conner. ”I've been good, and you?” He asked politely, turning he head to send him a smile. 
Conner smiled in return. “Better.” He assured. Walking to the loveseat sitting against the wall, he sat, sinking his weight into the warn cushion. “I got a waiting job at the diner in town.” He said.
Billy hummed in acknowledgment. “Yeah, Charlie told me last Sunday. He said you’re liking it so far?” He asked.
Conner nodded in agreement. “I honestly would stay doing that instead of finding a job in my field if the money justified it. I enjoy the human interaction.” He admitted. “Get’s my mind off of things.”
Billy sighed. “I know how you feel, son. It’s hard to distract yourself from the pain of loss. It’s pretty damn persistent, unfortunately.” He said solemnly. 
Conner frowned. Sometimes he forgot about the accident that had left Billy unable to walk. He knew Billy had really struggled with the loss of his wife in the beginning, and he wondered if it had ever gotten easier for the man, or if he had just gotten good at hiding it. He reached his hand to the chain around his neck, seeking comfort in the coolness of the rings in his palm. 
He looked towards the man, taking in the view of the wrinkles, thinking he that he looked much older than he was. He supposed pain did that to you. Behind his eyes, he saw that he was tired. Just tired from the consistent reminders of his loss, and he wondered if he himself looked similar. Conner thought he had learned to hide his pain fairly well over the past year, but maybe not. He didn’t want to imagine was his mind would be like without his antidepressants as it was already overwhelming enough. He sighed, shaking the thoughts from his head. Turning his attention to the football game playing on the television, he relaxed into the overly plush couch, letting his mind numb at the sound of cheers and whistles.
Halftime had just started as Jacob stepped back into view. "Sorry to interrupt. I just finished on your truck, Conner. You should have no problem keeping warm now.” He assured the man.
Conner smiled coming to a stand as he clapped a hand on the teen's back. "Thanks Jake.” He said. Bending over, a grabbed his jacket from the sofa, stretching the thick material over his biceps. Muttering a small “Goodbye.” To Billy, he made his was back outside.
He walked back to shed, pulling Bella into a light embrace, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I’ll see you at home. Dinner will be ready at six okay? I’m making lasagna and you better be there.” He said jokingly stern.
Bella gave a small laugh. “Okay. I’ll be there. Promise.” She said.
Conner turned to the two teen boys that remained. “It was nice meeting you two.” He said giving the them a polite smile. 
Back at the Swan residence, Conner finished up preparing their dinner, putting the glass baking dish in the oven. Stepping back, he started to clean the mess he had made. He was almost done drying the now clean dishes, when the doorbell rang. His forehead creased, wondering who it could be, knowing it wasn’t Billy or Jake, considering he had just seen the two. 
Rushing to see who it was, he tossed the damp dish towel over his shoulder, unlocking the door, and swinging it open. There stood a petite girl, long brunette waves, cascading over her shoulder’s. She looked just about as confused to see him as him seeing her. 
Conner raised an eyebrow. “Can I help you?” He asked curiously. 
The girl blinked, looking the man up and down quickly. “Um- yeah. I’m looking for Bella Swan? I don’t have the wrong house do I?” She asked, suddenly not too sure. 
Conner clicked his tongue in understanding. So she was Bella’s friend. “You must be Jessica? I’m Conner, Bella’s older brother.” He confirmed. 
The teen gawked at the man, looking him up and down incredulously. “Bella didn’t tell me she had a brother.” She started, sounding a pit peeved by the fact. “She left her coat in my car on Friday when we went to the movies.” She continued holding the heap of fabric out for the man to take. He reached forwards, taking the coat from the girl, his fingers brushing hers lightly. She blushed taking a wave of hair in her figures, twisting it flirtatiously. 
Something about the way she was eyeing him made Conner wildly uncomfortable. She was practically undressing him with her eyes, and he held back the urge to recoil and slam the door in her face. He figured he should try being polite, in hopes to not scare off one of Bella’s only friends in the town. 
He coughed awkwardly, attempting to shake the unease in his chest. “Well…” He started , scratching the back of his neck. Jessica’s eyes flashed to his flexing bicep, practically drooling at the sight. “I’ll make sure to give it to her when she gets home.” He continued, gripping the handle of the door tighter. 
The buzzer for the oven, went off in the next room. Literally saved by the bell, he sighed in relief. “It was nice to meet you Jessica, but I have to get dinner out of the oven, so if you’d please excuse me.” He said, not giving the teen a chance to reply, before shutting and locking the door in her face. 
On the other side of the door, Jessica huffed. She was annoyed at Bella for withholding such important information from her. There weren’t very many attractive guys in town, especially as hot as Conner. She turned, deciding in that moment that she would start putting more effort into seeing Bella outside of school. After Friday night’s stunt, she was sure that was the last time she would go out with the girl, but now she had something to gain. Even if she had to deal with her running off and taking rides with creepy men.
January 16th, 2006
Bella’s mood had improved in the week that followed. It seemed as if spending more time with Jake had started to heal the gaping hole in her heart. Unfortunately, the nightmares seemed to be relentless, as the consistently haunted the teen almost on a nightly basis. 
Conner woke one particularly horrible night, to the sounds of his sister’s tormented screams reverberating across the house. He sat, rubbing the sleep form his eyes, stumbling to the teen’s room.
Bella’s screams pierced his ears as he entered the room. Reaching to quickly switch the bedside lamp on, he hurried to her side, attempting to shake her awake. Her eyes shot open, darting around the room panicked. "You're alright, Bells. You're okay." He reassured, lightly shushing her. She let out a sigh of relief, laying eyes on her brother. The nightmares were over. She was okay now. As okay as she was going to be anyway. Cold tears streamed down her face, trying to brush the wetness from her cheeks. Bella sat up, grabbing a glass of water from the side table, taking a slow sip. 
Conner clutched the dream catcher hanging from the bed frame as she continued to sip at the water. "I thought this thing was starting to work," he paused, resting  it back against the headboard. "...but I guess not." 
Letting out a sigh, he continued. "I do know what it's like, you know. When Mia died. I had a hell of a time. Imagined doing all kinds of stupid shit, just to stop the pain.” He confessed, gripping the two rings hanging from his neck. 
Bella looked away feeling a pang of guilt hearing his words. Conner let out a heavy sigh as he questioned. "Can I ask you something?" Earning a nod from the teen, he continued. "Hanging out with Jake...that seems to take your mind off of things for a bit, doesn't it?” He asked, tilting his head slightly.
Bella nodded lightly in response, waiting for him to continue. "You know, sometimes... you gotta learn to live what's good for you. You know what I mean? I think Jake's good for you Bells." He smiled sadly at the teen. Bella looked into the eyes of her brother, seeing how tired he was. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. She saw the waves of sorrow behind his big blue eyes. She hoped that he could find someone like Jake was to her. Someone to patch his holes and help him heal. Only time would tell, but until then, she would be there for him. She wouldn’t let the past repeat itself. Not again. 
Clearing his throat quickly, he stood up and moved towards the door. "Okay... Go back to bed, I love you." Hearing a mumble of 'I love you too' from the girl, he made his way back to his bed, plopping down on the springy mattress. He let his head rest on the plush pillow, letting sleep engulf him once again.
February 3rd, 2006
The month of January passed by in blur, Conner having picked up as many shifts as possible at the dinner. He had been working so many hours the past few weeks, he had saved enough money finally for a decent bed frame and even  some new tires for his tuck. It had been pretty icy on the roads as of late, and Conner knew it was just a matter of time before the he started having issues with keeping control of the steering wheel. 
It was a Friday night, and normally, he would be excited for the weekend, getting to spend time with his dad watching football games, but the Super Bowl was scheduled for that Sunday, so it meant no Friday night football. The Seahawks were set to play against the Steelers, so he had that to look forward to, but for now, he dreaded this day. Bella had asked him the week prior to join her and some friends to see a movie, and he had reluctantly agreed. 
He never was a huge fan of going to the movie theater, much preferring to watch them in the comfort of his own home. However, seeing his utter lack of a social life, he had agreed to the join the group. In fact he had been looking forward to spending time with people closer to his age, even if they were a few years younger. Only later did he find out Jessica Stanley would be one of the teens tagging along. He had managed to avoid the girl since their awkward meeting the month previous, but now he had roped himself into spending a whole night with her. Backing out wasn't really an option considering that he had no valid excuse, so it was settled. It was going to be a very long night.
To add to the awkwardness, the only other people joining would be Jake and Mike. He wasn’t sure if his sister was blind or if she just chose to ignore the inevitable tension between the two, but it was painfully obvious that both boys were completely infatuated with the girl. 
He had met Mike just a couple days prior when Bella had forgotten her lunch at home. He dropped off some food from the diner on his break, and had seen the love struck gaze of the boy. Bella being completely unfazed by the attention, it was clear to him that this was no new occurrence. 
Bella let out an exasperated sigh as her brother pulled the truck into the small packed parking lot. Judging by the look on her face, she seemed to be dreading the night almost as much as he had been. This made him wonder why she had made the plans in the first place, figuring she most likely did it to appease Charlie. “You know, if you didn’t want to go, you could’ve just stayed home.” He muttered. 
Glancing to the front doors of the theater, he spotted Jessica. Sucking in a sudden breath, he continued. “On second though, let’s go back now before they see us.” He spoke, Jake spotting the truck, sending the siblings a wave.
 Bella saw this, sighing, she said. “Too late for that.”
Walking towards the ticketing booth he leaned his head down to her ear. “I didn't know Jessica would be joining us when I first agreed to go." He whispered to the teen, sending a playful glare in her direction. 
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. She kinda just invited herself when she found out that you were going." She spoke, a grimace grazing her features. "She tends to jump on any attractive guy she sees.” She continued.
A smirk formed on the man’s mouth, "Oh, so I'm attractive am I?" He teased, earning a light punch in the arm.
"Don't be too flattered, she's into Mike." It was her turn to smirk now.
The older let out a puff of air, rolling his eyes. "Oh god, this night is more complicated than I thought." He said. Teenagers were so complex and dramatic. What had he gotten himself in to? Bella looked over, slightly confused at her brother's last statement, silently asking him for an explanation. Conner ignored the look, not wanting to get open that can of worms at the moment. 
Suddenly, Jessica popped up beside him. "Hi Conner." She chirped, a grin plastered on her face. Gently cupping her hand on his opposite shoulder and pushing her body against the man's arm, definitely more than necessary, she gave him a very uncomfortable side hug. Uncomfortable for him at least.
Conner flinched away from the contact as his left eye began to twitch in annoyance. This was going to be the longest night of his life. He muttered a 'hello' back to the teen as he awkwardly tried to escape the embrace.
Looking up, he caught a glimpse of the tall boy with long brown hair, and saw this as good of an excuse as any to quickly flee from the overbearing teen. Jacob to the rescue. He thanked god for his height as his long strides rid him of the girl, her not being able to keep up with his fast pace. He clapped his hand on the Quileute's back, silently thanking him for momentarily freeing him.
Bella caught Jake’s attention as she walked up to the two, Mike and Jessica trailing behind her. "So I guess Jess and I will go get our tickets real quick, Mike already got his." Conner sent the girl a look of pure gratitude, knowing she was trying her best to keep Jessica away from him as long as possible. He looked over to the girl, the way she fluttered her eyelashes while trying her best to make her cleavage as prominent as humanly possible making Conner sick to his stomach.
Bella set off for the ticketing booth, Jessica reluctantly following. "So, 'Face Punch' huh? You like action movies?" Conner asked, quirking an eyebrow at Mike. He definitely did not look like someone that would spend his free time watching movies like this.
The teen blinked awkwardly. "Um, not really." He answered shortly, pursing his lips.
"I heard it sucks. Bad." The youngest stated, attempting to contribute to the conversation. So his suspicions were confirmed, they were both just here for Bella.
The blonde turned to Jake. ”Hey are you even old enough to see this movie?" He asked. "I mean, you know, without, like, adult supervision?" He added accusingly.
"Right, yeah." Jacob let out an irritated puff of air. "Well Bella's buying my ticket for me." He defended.
"She's buying it, okay” Mike said shortly.
An uncomfortable silence settled over the group that wasn’t broken until Bella returned. "Angela has the stomach flu and Eric's taking care of her, so I guess it's just us.” She said trailing off awkwardly.
Mumbles traveled around the group. Conner had a strong feeling Erica felt fine. He had to give the two props for coming up with a decent excuse as to not join them.
Put your gun down!
Put your gun down or I'm gonna blow your freakin' head off!
So who ever had told Jacob that Face Punch was a horrible movie was absolutely correct. The movie pretty much consisted only of yelling and gore. Conner wondered if Bella had been strategic when picking the film.
Both of You! Put both of your guns down or I'm gonna blow both of your freakin' heads off!
Yeah, Conner could confidently say that he was not a fan.
Alright, let's do this!
Gunshots echoed around the theater, the sounds emitting out of the large speakers bolted to the walls. God, this movie was terrible. Mike seemed to agree as he stumbled out of his seat and up the isle, muttering. "Okay, I think I'm gonna throw up.”
Conner felt a bit sick himself, although it wasn’t exactly caused by the movie. Gore had never really bothered him at all. No. What was currently making his stomach turn was the teenage girl clutching to his arm with her head snuggled against him. 
While Conner didn't want to be a dick and tell her to fuck off, but the subtle hints he had been dropping all night didn't seem to be helping him in the slightest. The girl didn't even seem fazed by his attempts at all.
He thanked whatever higher power there was in the universe when he saw Bella and Jacob stand to follow after Mike. Finally he had an excuse to leave the tight grip of his sister's friend. Once again, Conner widened his strides in attempt to lose the teen for at least a moment of free air.
"What a marshmallow." Jacob snickered as Conner caught up to the two teens. "You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit.”He continued.  
While Conner agreed, it was also painfully obvious to everyone but Bella that Jacob was trying to put himself ahead of Mike in whatever imaginary competition that they were in, his little sister being the ‘prize’.
Bella looked up at the boy.”Yeah, I'll keep my eyes open for that." Bella snickered lightly. "I feel bad. He probably has that flu that's..." She paused twisting around the corner near the stairs, her hand falling out of Jacob's grasp that Conner had just noticed. "...going around.” She finished.
"What? I can't hold your hand?” Jake asked offended.
Conner took the start of this conversation as a sign to stay out of it. He did not want to get involved in whatever boy drama Bella chose to be a part of. He sighed, as he went to lean against the wall between the bathroom and theater doors. Just as his back hit the wall, Jessica popped out of the theater door and hurried over to him.
"No of course you can." Bella reassured. Conner felt slightly bad about listening in on their conversation, but as much as he didn't want to be a part of the drama, he couldn't help but be curious of how this would pan out. "I just think it means something really different to you. So…" Bella continued.
Jake sucked in a breath. ”Okay, tell me something. You like me, right?" Conner's ears perked up. He definitely wanted to hear this answer. "And you think I'm sorta beautiful?" When the hell had Bella said that? If he wasn't listening before, he definitely was now, that was for sure. Consider his interest peaked.
"Jake, please, don't do this." She muttered. Jessica, hearing that bit of conversation between the two, slipped silently into the restroom, wispering something about freshening up to Conner.
"Why?" Jacob questioned. Conner was thinking the same thing. He knew Bella liked Jacob, he could tell. The two siblings were too close for the fact to go unnoticed by him.
Bella’s words came out in a rush. "Because you're about to ruin everything," She said, pausing for a moment."and... I need you." At this point Conner was just wondering to himself why she was making this so difficult for herself. She let out a sigh.
"Well I've got loads of time." Jake answered. "I'm not gonna give up.”
"I don't want you to." She shot back. "but, it's just because I don't want you to go anywhere." That was a load of bullshit and Conner knew it. No matter how hard she tried to convince everyone else and maybe even herself, his sister had real feelings for the younger teen and he knew it.
"It's- It's really selfish." She continued. "You know, I'm not like a car that you can fix up. I'm never gonna run right." As much as this saddened the older brother to hear her confess, he couldn't help wonder if that part was true. For her sake, he hoped not.
"It's because of him, right?" Conner could only assume that the 'him' Jacob was referring to was Edward. While Conner had only ever met the guy the one time, not really getting to speak to him at all, he knew that if he ever had the chance to see him again, he would kick his ass. He had broken his little sister's heart, and he wasn’t happy about it. "Look, I know what he did to you." Did he? "But, Bella, I would never do that. I would never hurt you. I promise. I won't let you down. You can count on me." He ended. 
Mike emerged from the doorframe of the restroom. "Well..." He started awkwardly. Conner pushed himself off of the wall, deciding it was time to join the group down the hall. 
"I need to go home." Jacob glared at the blonde expectantly. "I'm- I was feeling sick before the movie, okay?" Yeah sure.
Jacob's glare only intensified. "What is your problem?" Mike asked, throwing his hands in the air exasperatedly.
"Right now?" Jacob asked. "You are my problem." he stood up, answering his own question. "Felling sick?" He started again. "Maybe you should go to the hospital. Do you want me to put you in the hospital?” He threatened.
“Woah, Jake. The movie's over, calm down." Conner interjected, seeing Jake's anger.
"Jake, you're really hot." Bella said suddenly, causing both her brother and Mike to raise an eyebrow. What the fuck? "Like, you feel like you have a fever. Are you okay?" She added.
"I don't know what's happening." He said, confused momentarily. "I gotta go.” Then, before anyone knew it, he had stormed out into the parking lot.
It was uncomfortably silent for a moment, Jessica coming out of the bathroom looking, if possible, more confused than all of them, not hearing any part of the previous conversation.
"That dude is weird." Mike stated exasperatedly.
Next Chapter
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sleepisforthe-sane · 10 months ago
repository of titans thoughts
it's a bit of a shit show most of the time. Dove and Grayson being together? nah. Donna and Garth? nah. Where the heck is Wally? why couldn't they borrow him from the Flash show. the Conner episode was actually a real bright spot???! (the only thing that would make that better would be Conner saving Tim, but I guess Tim is incoming? which is v cool.) Dick hallucinating Bruce is A+. I need more Dick&Donna brotp. I do enjoy that Jay is a little shit. God, why is Wintergreen the only guy (non-binary term) that notices that Dick's fracturing? I LOVE Kori. one of the best things about this show is Kori. i am not sure why they like bull-in-china-shop wrote in a jay suicide? there was enough going on with the plot. like where's deathstroke? alright the next incarnation of dick grayson better be an acrobat so help me god
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 1 year ago
Burn For Me - Chapter 18b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Conner Carmichael
The moment the word 'Hunters' were uttered Teagan stiffened and stopped biting at my neck.
The world came crashing back to both of us causing him to jump off me so fast I could feel the rush of wind at his departure.
He threw the door open and pushed past Cyrus tearing down the hall.
I glanced at Cyrus in bewilderment for a second before we both ran after him.
I quickly snatched another pair of discarded pants off the floor since Teagan broke the other ones and threw them on.
We met up with Constance as she stared off into the trees with a wide eyed look.
"Teagan just zoomed past here, like the devil was after him," she stated, turning towards us.
"Yeah," I said, as I continued to run after my mate.
He was so far ahead of us, he just looked like a speck.
Man, he was so fast.
Not long after we heard the gun fire and bright burst of red in the distance.
"Shit," Cyrus and I both exclaimed as we pushed our legs to the max.
I finally reached the clearing before the others and I saw something that I never thought I would.
Teagan was holding a hunter in the air by the throat.
His teeth were bare, his canines exposed as he snarled in the man's face.
A couple of the other hunters were frozen in fright, as they all stared at Teagan.
"It's him. It's the Hell Hound," one said to his partner.
The terror in his voice was evident that they knew my mate and were deathly scared of him.
Teagan tightened his grip on the Hunter as he begged for his life in choked breaths.
That was when I heard it, the most horrendous laugh I'd ever heard and it was coming from Teagan.
"Die," he growled.
The hand holding the man caught fire and I watched in horror as he was incinerated alive.
His haunting scream hung in the air long after he lay in a pile of ash at Teagan's feet.
"Go, go, go," I heard the pair of hunters yell as they took off into the trees once more.
This brought me back as I saw them leaving.
I stepped forward to give chase when an unusual sound caught my attention and I glanced up in the air to see a helicopter dangling a ladder, drop low picking up the two hunters.
I ran after them now but I knew it was futile.
They were already climbing up into the helicopter.
"Damn, I didn't know they had toys like that," Constance panted behind me as we came to a stop staring up at their remarkable retreat.
We both jumped at the malicious and ear splitting scream beside us.
I snapped my head over to see my otherwise silent mate drop to his hands and knees, I watched him dig his fingers in the wet dirt, his long black hair covering his face as he stared at the ground.
I felt Cyrus come up behind us as we all witnessed Teagan lose it.
"Teagan?" I asked cautiously.
"Day after day my mind was shrouded in dark despair and the only saving grace was my wolf. He saved me from the pain and the never ending darkness," his voice was low while he muttered to himself.
I walked up to him with a frown.
What was he talking about?
I heard him starting to chuckle under his breath but not just any chuckle, no it was a hysterical one just like I hear earlier.
His laugh increased into a spine chilling cackle.
"It took a hold of my soul. Until not even he could shield me from it," he paused looking up at me for the first time and I gasped stepping away from him in shock.
"Teagan," I whispered, in fear.
There in my mates' crazed eyes, was the bright bloody red color of a Rogue wolf.
"I had them, I had them right there and now they're gone. I promised I would get my revenge, I would pay them back for all they did to me."
He shot up to his feet and reached out, grabbing my shirt with his mud-stained hands.
"I'll kill them, I'll kill them, I'll kill them. I'll kill them all," he chanted over and over again and I just stood there shaken as my heart cracked in realization as his wide red eyes stared back at me but not seeing me.
My mate had been driven insane.
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foreverydinger · 1 year ago
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: SWYNRP Character Wishlist
Disclaimer 1: As always I will not be including fcs because I certainly do not have any skill with fcs! I leave that to the PROFESSIONALS (like Mak)! Disclaimer 2: These haven't changed much over the years so I'm sorry! lol
Characters I Wanna See People Write Because I Wanna Interact With Them So Bad Pretty Pretty Please:
Barley Lightfoot: Listen, usually I'd put him in the list of characters I want to play because I've been tempted to pick up Barley for literal years but I feel like I probably shouldn't pick up Barley with Tony and Ian being solidified as soulmates so I'm begging pleading on my KNEES for one of you to get him so I can throw your future brother-in-law at them and Ian's mentor who I've been headcanoning treats BARLEY like a psuedo-mentor in the Magick History Department AND Riley, your psuedo-cousin! C'moooon!
Bingham “Bing” Boggs: Inside Out Characters FTW!! Listen, this idea is so bright and fun and I want to throw Martin at him and absolutely obviously Riley! It's just so fun please bring me Bing Bong 😭
Wade Ripple: Wade's energy really captivates me. I don't think I'd be able to do him justice but I have been obsessed with this sobbing mess since my first watch through of Elemental. I can see Riley or Martin (depending on age) also being drawn to his energy. Might drive Tony nuts depending but.
Keaton “Buster” Palmerteri: Listen, we ALL know I'm a Sequels Bitch and Buster has always been one of those characters I hate to love and love to hate. Just the Big Bully energy mixed with him also being a werewolf? The power that that could bring? Very fun!
James P. Sullivan: Who doesn't love a demon? Especially one who wants to pass for human but has to use their monstrous side to survive? The nuance! The dichotomy! I wanna see him!!
Characters Sammy Wants To Play & You Should Take Away From Me Please Oh Please Save Me From Myself:
Stiles Sanders Experiment 626: I've only been staring at this skeleton since I joined in 2020. I feel like Stiles' story can go so many ways! He's definitely got some Super Shit going on after the experiments but ultimately he wants to just be a person! And the amnesia? I mean please!
William Conner: Similar vibes to the above but!! Human Robot!! Human ROBOT!!! He grew too much sentience after an upgrade and now he wants to be a Real Boy! Why would you not wanna be involved here?!!?
Princess Atta Flutterwing of Swynlake Hollow: Okay this is a very recent addition to the Box of Potentials but the potential is still there! The idea of finding a human apartment because the Queen has decreed you need to understand humans which means you're essentially On Your Own for the first time in your whole life? Yes, of course, you can visit home but it's a whole change in the dynamics if you're visiting rather than living there. A coming of age story! Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift ANYONE!??!
Eve Harper: My concept for Eve is very different than the skeleton, admittedly. I can see Eve walking through the world with her OCD first as an adversary then as a way to look at things from other angles. I always picture her as a sorcerer (Divination Specialty) with the gift of Prophecy that makes her obsessions and compulsions all that more complicated to navigate. Just knowing she can do good with these gifts but also knowing that it's not quite as reliable as people might think.
Pearl Beck: The idea of this bright and bubbly cecaelia is really fun! The other two are evil (love you Ursula and Morgana) and Pearl just desperately wants to be accepted. Nowhere that has claimed to be 'Magick Friendly' has ever truly allowed her to stay because of the stigma of her abilities but she doesn't let it get her down!
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quoththraven-nevermore · 2 years ago
《"Forgive Me for My Wrongs, I have Just Begun"》
"The eyes of a psychopath will take away an innocent soul". As a kid, Brielle heard those words from her father almost daily. When she thought about it as an adult, it was odd because her father /was/ a psychopath, but then there was a lot of truth in that statement because the eyes of a psychopath /had/ taken away an innocent soul; they had taken away her innocent soul when she was just a child. The middle child in her family, which was her, had turned out to be what other kids called "crazy, psycho, messed up, 'insane in the membrane', morbid, mean", and so many other terms that she honestly didn't care about by that point in her life. Being a CIA Director meant that she had to keep things in order, she had to keep the agents in their place, and she had to carry on the wishes of the late Ward Abbott. He had wanted more agents like Bourne, "super agents" that had almost super human strength and could bulldoze through literally anything without feeling a thing. She had been working with techs in the Langley base to perfect an operation that had previously left Abbott and the CIA chasing after Bourne; Operation Treadstone. The same expectation had been made for the New York base, but the Director there didn't have the gumption to rise up to that challenge the way Brielle did, and she rolled her eyes and scoffed as she thought about New York. Director Conner McAlister had lost agents, some of which ended up in Virginia, while also having failed to get his hands dirty in order to do what was expected, what needed to be done. Instead, he'd ran off like a scared little boy and left New York abandoned after getting attacked by three rogue agents.
"He's spineless. The man doesn't have a fuckin' backbone, let alone any leadership skills. Jesus fuckin' Christ."
She shook her head in disgust as she stopped and looked over the information being shown on the big screen in the conference room. Rolling her eyes again, Brielle stood up out of the chair she was sitting in and walked over to stand in front of the screen, looking over numbers and information from the other base.
"There's /one/ agent in each of the two groups that really stood out, and he's here now. Director McAlister doesn't have jack shit on us."
A malicious laugh slid past slightly pursed lips, and another disgusted head shake followed as the Langley Director continued to take in the information being presented to her. There was an agent in the younger group who was gradually, but also at a fairly impressive rate, working his way up the score charts and Director Hadley couldn't help but notice. A long, skinny finger with bright red polish on the tip pointed up at the screen as she spoke again.
"This one, though. He seems to be improving...which, I guess, says that McAlister isn't a /complete/ loser. But I still meant what I said. The man has no fuckin' gumption, and look at where his agents go when they leave him."
Putting her hand down at her side, and with a swish of long, dark tresses, Brielle turned to address the others in the room with a sarcastic sneer etched on her face as she spoke again.
"And they were weak when they got here. Clearly, the people in New York don't know what the hell they're doing. He loses agents better than he trains them, and they end up here...or trying to kill him."
The last part made a dark laugh slip past blood red lips, and her eyes cast a sinister glint as she thought about that last statement. Director McAlister couldn't even handle his own agents and got the hell kicked out of him by a few of them, which made him seem even weaker in her eyes, and she hadn't thought that was possible until right then. As far as Brielle was concerned, a Director needed to be able to keep their agents in line and show them where they fell on the chain of command, and if they couldn't handle that then they were a weak Director. From what she had seen from Director McAlister, she wasn't at all impressed and thought he was too soft, which in turn told her that he was weak and couldn't handle his agents. He was a pathetic excuse for a Director in Hadley's eyes, and even just calling him a Director was a joke to her. He wasn't a Director, he didn't know what the hell he was doing, and Brielle could tell that he didn't.
"The only thing he's got going for him is that he's easy on the eyes. Nothing else, though, which is a damn shame but is also hilarious. I'll bet he cracks, if he isn't already dead. Either that or he's got one of his weak agents doing his dirty work for him like the spineless asshole he is."
Brielle guffawed and rolled her eyes again before walking out of the conference room, the only sound that could be heard in the halls, besides the sound of agents in the training room working on their skills and training, being Louis Vuitton heels clicking against the floor as she made her way toward the IT office. One of the newer interns, Logan Barker, was gathering intel and finding escape routes for the older agents that Hadley had out in the field completing a mission, and glanced back at her when he heard her come in. He went slightly wide eyed and flinched a bit before turning back around and getting back to work. He was scared of Brielle, it was plain as day that he had been since the beginning, but she just snorted in amusement and shook her head, focusing on the records that she had gone in there to find. Digging through, she eventually found the record she had been looking for and pulled it out of the filing cabinet she'd been rifling through, then smirked as she read the name on the file.
"Madigan, Leander Blaine."
0 notes
hadesrise · 3 years ago
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asshole… wait, he’s not?
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summary ➳ you’re a well known asshole dating the practical sunshine, wally west. everyone’s entirely against his relationship with you until they find out your true nature.
pairings ➳ wally west x male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, strong language, mean!reader (even to wally but no angst), cold-to-everyone-but-not-to-lover trope, mention and false accusations of abuse, injuries, reader has magical powers, tooth-rotting sweetness halfway through, mild violence
author’s note ➳ here comes my first wally fic that i didn’t know how to end LMAOAOSJDLK i’ve been spoiled about what’ll happen to him (still on season one ‘cause i still haven’t renewed my netflix yet) and i currently go through everyday ignoring that fact while pretending it never happened. it’s working so far :D
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The team watched with a frown as Wally rambles about his day while you don’t listen and even had the nerve to look annoyed, scrolling through your phone.
They hated witnessing how you ignore Wally almost all the time. You rarely ever respond to anything he says, and when you do, it’d always be rude or snarky as if you can’t stand breathing the same air as him. Dick would often yell at you for being an asshole to his best friend who you’re supposed to be nice to since he’s your boyfriend, yet all he ever get from you is a simple glare and snappy ‘fuck off’.
No one knows why Wally’s still with you even after being treated horribly. They can’t even see the love and adoration you’re supposed to have for him, and certainly Wally isn’t stupid to be delusional that you’re in love with him. Sure, he’s madly in love with you and that can be the reason why he still follows you around like a stupid puppy, but there’s no way he doesn’t get the hint that you just don’t return his feelings despite being in a relationship when you make it so fucking clear.
“—And our teacher told me I was the best student. Can you believe that!? I used to be her least favorite one because I usually made her job harder than it should’ve been, but she said she was proud to have me as her student.” Wally tells his story enthusiastically, his grin almost reaching his ears and green eyes sparkling bright in pure joy.
You only glanced at him and the food that laid before him on the table. “Are you gonna keep talking or actually start eating?” You said rather rudely, sarcasm rolling off your tongue as if it was your native tone.
The team can’t help themselves but shoot a glare your way.
How can you not be supportive of your own lover?
You could’ve said something positive about his story-telling, definitely not ignore the entirety of it.
However, what they did not understand was Wally’s response and reaction — the speedster’s joyous grin shifting into an adoring one as he picks up the spoon and fork before beginning to eat, stopping once in a while to resume his story-telling, which you obviously don’t pay attention to.
You basically told him to shut up in an extremely rude way and he wasn’t even hurt by it. In fact, he seemed happier and giddier than seconds ago, his green eyes looking at you with love that’s more clear and visible as he continue to speak.
“How is he not hurt by (Y/n) treating him like shit?” Artemis hissed in a whisper, asking the same thing everyone’s asking themselves.
“He could be hiding his pain.” M’gann theorized, to which Dick nodded at. “Yeah, that’s possible.” He agrees, glancing at his best friend.
“M’gann, can you read Wally’s mind?” Kaldur instructs.
M’gann nodded and she turns to yours and Wally’s direction, eyes glowing neon green to read his mind. However, she was immediately pushed back by an invisible force and a sudden pain rushed through her head, causing a pained yelp to erupt, hand instantly flying up to touch her temples on instinct.
Conner was beside her quickly, worry plastered on his face and hand coming to rest on her back.
“What’s wrong?” Dick questioned.
She shakes her head, “I can’t— I can’t read his mind. Something’s not letting me.” A frown spreads across her lips. “This never happened to me before. It’s like something’s protecting his mind and hurting anyone who tries to read it.”
All of them exchanged looks, before their gaze simultaneously fell on you.
“Could it be...?” Artemis trails off, subtly pointing her finger at your direction. Even though you’ve been with them for a little while now, they still haven’t figured out anything about your powers, so it couldn’t be bad to make assumptions, right?
Dick nods. “It could be.”
“You shouldn’t assume anything just yet, Robin and Artemis.” Kaldur disapproved with a shake of his head. “We do not have a proof that (Y/n)’s the one keeping M’gann from reading his mind and we should not accuse him of something we have no proof of.”
“So what should we do now?” Conner asked, agitated. He was already annoyed at the fact that you’re being an ass to Wally as a boyfriend, but M’gann getting hurt by someone, assuming you, doubled over the anger. He just wants to confront you about anything and everything. “We can’t let him still be with that guy, right?”
“Of course! We’ve been letting him get away with it, but now he won’t be.” Robin states firmly. However, when they turned their heads to yours and Wally’s direction, you were already staring at them with the usual, blank and cold look you always wore, making them flinch unintentionally.
Your gaze was calculating and somewhat knowing, as if you knew or had an idea what they were talking about just seconds ago. Though, you seem to not care. You never did — never cared what others thought of you, never cared what others felt, never cared for anyone but yourself.
In their eyes, you were a selfish jerk.
“Do you think we could spend some time together in the arcade?” Wally asked, body almost vibrating with excitement.
You look at him, and the team doesn’t notice the look that you gave Wally whereas he noticed. “No.” Your reply was fast and cold. Artemis and Robin abruptly stood up from their seats, but Kaldur immediately holds them back as M’gann tries to calm Conner down.
However, Wally’s smile doesn’t vanish. “Okay then, babe.”
You sigh, seemingly annoyed. “Are you done? I have to meet up with Mikayla. Won’t be back ‘til midnight.” Standing up from your seat, you grabbed your jacket to wear it without waiting for his reply.
Wally beams at the sound of your friend’s name. “When can I meet her too?”
“Probably not soon.” You shrugged coldly.
His smile turns into a sad frown at that, excitement dissolving. “You said I’ll get to meet her sooner or later.” He pouted.
You rolled your eyes, “Well, not yet, okay? It’s not my fault she’s not available every day.” You use your phone with one hand, tapping on the screen and probably texting this said Mikayla. The team, however, grew suspicious at how you seem to be hiding it from Wally as the back of your phone was facing him, completely unable to read the text messages.
Unbeknownst to them, you were actually taking a picture of your pouting boyfriend since he looked adorable.
“I’m going.” You announce and walked off without another word, phone in one hand while shoving the other in your pocket.
“Buy me a box of doughnuts!” Wally calls out before you reached the zeta tube and smiled when you only glanced over your shoulder, disappearing without a word uttered. He turns back to his foods, fishing out his phone to watch something as he continues to eat.
The team looked at one another, finding out they all have the same thing in mind. They didn’t waste another time to immediately take a seat around Wally, surrounding him, who now had a look of confusion plastered over his face.
“Walls, why are you still with that asshole?” Robin asked rather aggressively. He wanted to just let out everything he thinks and feels about you, since he’s been holding back so long to not put your in your place.
All the others nodded and waited for his response.
Wally tilted his head, as if he didn’t know what they were talking about, genuinely confused. “Because we love each other...?”
“I think that should be ‘because I love him’. We’ve never seen (Y/n) show signs of love towards you.” Says M’gann more softly, placing her hand on his shoulder.
Artemis crossed her arms, “He doesn’t even look like he cares about you for that matter. He looks abusive.” She blurted out without thinking properly, and Wally immediately scowls. This is the first time his smile dropped completely today.
“You don’t get to call him that when you don’t even know him fully.” Everyone were surprised at the genuine anger and hint of disgust in his voice.
Wally never got angry, at least not genuinely, often whining out his feigned anger towards them. But with the way he speaks seriously without whining or yelling, it’s clear he isn’t pleased and is pissed at them. Looking at each faces of his team, his sharp glare pierced through them that they had never experienced before. Although it raised confusion within their mind why he was angry, it was enough to stop them from further speaking about nonsense.
“He cares about me more than you could ever think of! If you don’t see that, then it’s your fault and not ours.” He spat, fire of fury flaming within his eyes. “You’re just not making an effort to look past his exterior personality! I know he loves me; he shows it through simple but subtle gestures that no one notices. Quit judging him when you only know how he is in public!” Wally hissed harshly before slamming his hands on the table as he stood up to walk away, taking the half-eaten foods with him.
The team shared a look.
What is he talking about?
You never showed any love or adoration towards him as far as they’ve seen, and they highly doubt snapping and ignoring Wally is your special way to tell him your love.
If this is how it’s going to be when the speedster is in a relationship, they’d rather have him flirt with literally any living creatures ever than him settling and pining over a world-class asshole who doesn’t seem to know how to treat a lover. That overly flirtatious Wally is more bearable than this seemingly blind-to-love one.
“He shouldn’t be angry at us.” Conner scowled, irritated that Wally couldn’t see what’s wrong. “We’re trying to help. He should be thankful.”
Kaldur only shakes his head, “Leave it be, Conner. Perhaps, he sees something in (Y/n) that we don’t. Or (Y/n) could be letting Wally see his inner personality.”
Placing his hand on his chin, Robin slightly tilts his head up to think for a while, remembering what his best friend had just said seconds ago. “That’s possible. He did say we’re not making an effort to look past his exterior.”
“Or he could be harming Wally?” Artemis chimes in with a puzzled tone as M’gann nods beside her, holding Conner’s hand.
“No, I’ve seen how victims of abuse behave after their abuser’s gone and getting angry at concerned people are definitely not it.” Instantly, Robin shuts it down with a shake of his head and sips on his drink for a moment. “Besides, if he was really being abused, there would be multiple signs whether it’s physical or verbal. He’d have trauma, couple of bruises, and fear towards anything that has to do with (Y/n), which he doesn’t have any at all.”
“But we can’t be sure! What if—”
“Enough.” Kaldur immediately interrupted Artemis, not wanting to further accuse you of something you never did. “Accusing (Y/n) of something without evidence is wrong. Wally did get angry at us because of that, and I’m certain we don’t want to anger him more. Let’s just leave them be.”
Artemis opened her mouth to retaliate, but M’gann stops her by placing one hand on her shoulder. “Kaldur’s right, Artemis. We shouldn’t accuse him.”
With that, a sigh left Artemis’ lips as her shoulders slumped, nodding her head defeatedly.
They were right, accusing you won’t solve anything and neither will it change the way you behave towards Wally. It’ll just make matters worse. She didn’t want that. And although it hurts her to see the love of her life be treated horribly by his lover, she can’t deny that she doesn’t have any right to complain about their relationship because it isn’t her business.
So she decided to stay silent, knowing all of them will still look after Wally from afar.
If they can’t move against you, then they’re just gonna have to try protecting him.
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“Kid Flash!!”
Artemis’ horrified yell made you snap your head towards her direction, almost getting yourself a whiplash in the process, and your eyes widened at the sight of Wally bleeding out on the ground. Feeling rage bubbling within your body, you immediately flipped the henchman you were fighting and trapped one of his legs between yours before twisting your body, breaking it at the force so he couldn’t walk.
After hearing his scream and the loud painful snap of his leg, you let go without a second thought and narrowed your eyes, enhancing the vision to check up on Wally.
His shoulder seemed to be dislocated while blood oozes out from his side, seemingly hit by a blast. His head was bleeding as well due to coming into contact with the cemented ground, which made you worry enough, and then your eyes darken when you caught him holding his ankle.
Dark feelings surround your chest and you began taking the enemies down by yourself to end this mission quick, wanting to tend to Wally as soon as possible. This gave the members an opportunity to help the speedster up, who kept himself from letting out a pained sound at his sprained ankle.
Artemis stood on the side with blood drained from her face and guilt consuming her. She had been distracted enough to not notice a huge blast coming her way and Wally paid the price for it. Although it’s partially yours and Wally’s fault that she was distracted (because she realized the two of you were subtly protecting each other during fight), it still didn’t make her any less guilty for causing injury on him.
After knocking the last guy unconscious, sirens were finally heard throughout the area as the cops arrived, making you simultaneously relieved that you can now look after Wally and annoyed that they always take long before arriving when being called.
You watched as Wally lean onto Robin for support, helping him towards the dropship. You trusted Robin even though he doesn’t believe so. He’s a great friend to your boyfriend after all and they had been bestfriends for longer than it might seem.
“(H/n)?” Kaldur gently calls out, but stops in his tracks when your dark, glary eyes met his. It almost looked murderous that if he didn’t know better, he’d say you could kill all of them with that look. “What’s wrong? Is something bothering you?” He tries, being a good leader that he is.
You exhaled deeply, and Kaldur recognized it as a way you calm yourself down. “No.” The tone in your voice definitely said something was wrong, but Kaldur chooses to not pester any further when you gestured for him to get back into the dropship after everyone had gotten in.
Getting into the dropship, Kaldur wasn’t able to process quickly before he saw you already storming towards Artemis, who was trying to approach Wally, unaware of the thunderstorms about to drop on her way.
“Wally, I—”
She didn’t get to let out another word.
“What were you doing?” You snapped harshly, and everyone was taken aback by the utmost rage in your voice, the glare you shot to her so intense and intimidating that she actually flinched. Even Wally was surprised as he had never seen you so angry before, eyes wide.
“I— I was distracted.” Artemis lowers her head in shame.
“Distracted? You could’ve gotten all of us killed, not just Wally.” You hissed through gritted teeth and Artemis forced herself to look at your eyes that were raging with fury. “You were trained, Artemis. Getting distracted on our line of work is unforgivable and shouldn’t happen even once, specially when we have hostages, which you were fortunate we didn’t. If we did, they would be dead now.”
“(Y/n)—” Wally tries to interrupt, but you quickly shut him up with a death glare.
“No, you’re badly injured because of her.” You returned your glare to Artemis, leaning closer. She kept herself from stepping back. “I thought you were better than that, but I guess not. Green Arrow picked a not yet good enough one to be a hero.” You spat.
Her eyes widened and she raised her hand to slap you across the face, but you quickly caught her wrist before she could. “Can’t handle the truth?” You mocked, tilting your head.
She glared at you, “I know I made a mistake. But you don’t have any right to tell me I’m not good enough because I have proven my worth before being inserted into this team. You don’t get to judge or doubt my abilities just because of one mistake that I’ve never had before.”
You narrow your eyes. Artemis can’t stop her face from scrunching in pain when your grip on her wrist bruisingly tightens, but it wasn’t intentional as you were clearly filled with rage. “One mistake? Artemis, it’s a mistake that could’ve fucking cost Wally’s life. What if he got permanent injuries? What if he was unfortunate enough to not survive the blast? Can you live with the consequences and the eternal guilt that you ruined one’s life? For fuck’s sake, you know as much as we do how harmful it is for a speedster to twist or sprain their ankles. That’s an injury you should never cause them, but you did, all because you let yourself be distracted. I have every right to judge and doubt your abilities when my boyfriend’s life was almost at stake because of your carelessness.”
The other members — Robin, Kaldur, M’gann and Conner — shares a surprised look at the care and concern very clearly shown in your tone and expression.
There was also a hint of... possessiveness? They’ve never seen you like this before. Almost as if all those mean and hurtful things you said and did were fake.
“I—” Artemis opens her mouth to counter, but closes it when no sounds left her lips. Her mind strongly told her you were right and that she had nothing to argue over. Feeling her strength leave, you let go and stared her down as she hungs her head low. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Kaldur finally interferes upon sensing there’s no need to let this fight continue. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Distraction is a dangerous thing for us. Make sure you control yourself, Artemis. You need to be careful on our next mission.”
She nods without a word, walking away.
Kaldur turns to you and a scolding look plastered his face, “You, (Y/n), have to be careful with the words that runs out of your mouth. She made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean she’s not good enough. We know what she’s capable of, and I know you believe in her whether you admit it or not.”
You only rolled your eyes in response, deciding to ignore him until he’s done with the scolding. Wally cackles at the i’m-done-with-everything expression that replaced your previously rage filled face as you kneel in front of him.
“Oh, what is this? Are you gonna propose to me?” He asked teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows.
Shaking your head, you sighed at how cheerful and joyous he can still be even after his life was and is at risk. “Shut it, Wallace. Stay still.” You take off his shoe and gently inspect the sprained ankle, seeing a bruise starting to form. “It would hurt to walk. We don’t have ice packs, so I’m gonna freeze it. Is that okay for you?”
The team raised their brows in sync at the soft tone in your voice and the worried look.
Wally nods with a grin, giving you a thumbs up.
Turning back to his injury, you gently hovered your hand over where the bruise was starting to form and begins to freeze it slowly, Wally jumping slightly at the sudden cold spreading across his foot towards his ankle.
Once it’s done, he chuckles upon seeing his entirely frozen foot. “I have glass foot now. Do you think I can be Cinderella?” He childishly asked.
They expected you to roll your eyes and express annoyance like always, but you look up at him with a small, amused smirk forming on your lips. “Sure you can, baby. But it’s gonna be unnecessary to go on a dance ball since you already found your own prince charming.”
Robin blinked, while the others had their mouths open. Even Artemis who was getting her shit knocked before by you had her jaw dropped, all of them unable to believe that the asshole boyfriend is being caring and sweet and loving, and even calling Wally pet names.
Holy shit. All of their minds uttered in sync.
You stand up to inspect his dislocated shoulder next, before frowning at the easiest yet painful process that your boyfriend will have to go through.
Wally saw your frown. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
“We have to pop your shoulder back into place.” You informed worriedly without hesitation, and Wally froze in his place.
Being brutally honest and direct was one of the good traits you have that he loved about you, but sometimes he wishes you would lie, specially when it comes to the painful process of popping his shoulder back into place. There was once he dislocated it before which you had to pop it back into place, and it was not a pleasant experience.
I’m never doing that again. He said. I’m never gonna dislocate my shoulder so I won’t have to go through that again. He said.
Look where he is now, funnily.
You ruffle his hair seeing the fear in his eyes. “It’ll be over quick. Bite into my shoulder if you can’t take it.” Sliding your hand down to cup his cheek, you kissed his forehead in reassurance.
Wally pouted. “Lips, pleaaaase.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you leaned in to capture his lips in a short kiss before sitting down beside him as Wally leans his body towards you, resting his head on your shoulder. You carefully touched his dislocated one, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. “Bite down as hard as you can.”
He nodded, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck to smell your cologne.
After feeling his mouth on your shoulder, you grab his arm with one hand while the other held him in place and pulled it quickly and forcefully, hearing a loud pop that everyone either grimaced or flinched at. Wally quickly bites down harshly when he felt his shoulder being popped back into place, tears immediately filling his eyes from the rush of pain.
You then gently touched his shoulder, using your magic to heal it faster as (f/c) mist surrounds your hand so he wouldn’t have to wear a sling.
Feeling him pull away, you pet his hair gently with a soft look before swiping your thumb over the skin below his eyes, wiping off the tears. “See? That was easy, wasn’t it? You did great, love. My sweetheart.” You lean over to press a kiss on his previously injured shoulder before peppering many around his face.
Wally giggles, still holding his side that had just seem to stop bleeding. “Our team’s watching, baby.” He reminded.
You never liked showing affections in public due to respecting other people’s boundaries and also because you think he’s too good for you, which is why you chose to have such an asshole exterior. Wally was totally fine with the way you act because he understands the meaning behind everything you say even when all you just said was no or yes.
Pulling away, you gave him a look with your brows raised. “Do you think I care? I almost lost you. You know I can’t live without you, right?” Wally’s heartbeat sped up at the sincerity in your eyes before you touched his bleeding side and a (f/c) mist surrounds your hand again, healing the injury, frowning at the blood that stained his Kid Flash suit.
He grinned, “Of course, baby. You tell me every night how much you love me, and I love you just as much.”
You smile, nodding. “I know, love. Are you dizzy? Does your head hurt? How are you feeling?” Gently, you hold his head and tilt it left and right to inspect any injuries that he might’ve gotten.
“I’m dizzy for you.” A cheeky grin spreads across your boyfriend’s face as he wiggled his eyebrows, pointing at you with two finger guns.
That immediately earned him an eye-roll and a glare. “I’m serious, love. Concussion isn’t a joke.”
“Oh, come on, babe! I’m just messing with you. I’m doing fine. It just looks like I have one ‘cause I bled. I didn’t hit my head that hard.” He reassured and kisses your cheek, before pulling away to flash you his typical toothy smile.
A small yelp escaped Wally’s lips when you suddenly pulled him on your lap, burying your face into his uninjured shoulder with a sigh of relief. Closing your eyes, you slowly inhaled his scent and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, arms wrapped around his torso safely and protectively, deciding to cherish his existence instead of worrying further more.
Robin turns to the team to whisper, bewildered. “Am I the only one seeing this? Am I hallucinating?”
All of them shook their heads in sync.
Seeing you like this shocked them greatly and although they had wished before that you would treat Wally right, it feels weird to witness you actually treating him according to what they had hoped you would. They got so used to the asshole you, so seeing that behavior completely disappear had them creeped out in a way even though being nice to people is what you’re supposed to do. It’s practically like seeing a ruthless, malicious, blood-thirsty villain turn into a giant, clingy puppy who only loves and wags his tail to his owner.
They should be happy and they really are for their fellow teammate, but they can’t deny that everything feels like a dream or hallucination when they see you being all lovey-dovey and sweet and romantic towards Wally.
They’d probably take a while to get used to this side of you. And since Wally isn’t surprised at all, they figured you’re like this behind closed doors when nobody’s around. Though, it still didn’t explain how he doesn’t get hurt at how you treat him out in public.
“It is a great thing to actually see Wally being loved. It seems they have hidden this side of (Y/n) from us.” Kaldur stated, smiling at the sight of your face still buried on Wally’s shoulder while he pets your head and talks as usual.
“But why?” Asked Conner, now feeling guilty that he got angry at you for how you treated his friend.
“I asked Wally telepathically. He said it’s because (Y/n) feels uncomfortable showing public display of affection and that he respects our boundaries.” M’gann answers.
Confusion appears on Robin’s face again. “But I thought someone’s blocking you from reading his mind?”
She shrugged, smiling. “(Y/n) allowed me to. He blocks anyone from reading both of their minds when we don’t have any mission because he’s taking precautions. And also because they don’t want other people in their business.”
“So he really was the one behind it.” Artemis sighs, feeling like an idiot for giving you such accusations. You must probably know what she thinks about you, though you never showed any care. “What powers does he have anyway? Aside from healing, ice powers and mind block.”
M’gann looks at Wally and successfully connects him to their mind link, where their voices wouldn’t disturb you cherishing his existence. “They want to know what other powers (Y/n) have.” She informs the confused Wally telepathically.
A toothy grin immediately spreads across his face as his eyes brightened, excitement rushing throughout his body. “Right! I honestly don’t know the specifics, but he has very powerful magic that he can practically do anything he wants.” That earned him a shocked look from the team. “I’ve seen him do telekinesis, regeneration, telepathy, all elemental manipulations, fear manipulation, and create force shields. I bet he can do more than that, but he doesn’t like wasting his strength and energy.” He shrugs, still petting your hair.
“Having magic already makes him powerful enough, but to have complete control over each and all of them? That’s a whole new level.” Says Kaldur in awe. He stares at you even though you can’t see him, impressed.
“My boyfriend’s awesome, right?” Wally exclaims proudly, puffing his chest out.
You suddenly chuckled, pulling your face away from his shoulder. “I can hear you, for the record. All of your thoughts aren’t exactly quiet.” You’re not supposed to hear their mind link since it’s only shared between them, but your magic was strong enough to break through.
They look at you in shock. “You can hear through our mind link?” M’gann questioned, earning an amused giggle from Wally and chuckle from you at her jaw dropped expression. The others were plastering a dumbfounded look as well, which added more to yours and Wally’s amusement.
Tightening your arms around Wally just enough not to hurt his side, you rested your chin on his shoulder. “Yeah. You’re not strong enough.”
M’gann frowns at the rude way you said it before Wally gently nudged you back with his elbow, giving you a scolding look. “Babe, teammates, remember? They’ll misunderstand unless you say it in complete sentence what you actually mean.”
As if remembering just now, your eyebrows shot up in realization and an apologetic look crossed your face. “Sorry. I meant you’re not exactly strong enough to block me from your mind link. I didn’t mean you’re not strong in terms of fighting crimes — I think all of us here knows how much capable you are.” You awkwardly elaborate, like you’re not used to getting words after words out of your mouth.
The young Martian’s frown disappears almost in an instant and a happy smile instead makes its appearance. “Oh, I understand now. Thank you. Do you think I would be able to do that if I train more?”
You shrugged, “I honestly don’t know. But it wouldn’t hurt to try, I guess. Depends on your limit.” She grinned at your answer. It’s her first time having a conversation with you that doesn’t just consist of short and one word reply.
Kaldur and Robin can’t help but notice the way you fidgeted with Wally’s fingers while you talk to her, seemingly trying to distract yourself from feeling awkward at the new interaction. They also noticed how you struggle to give a throughout reply or even say your thoughts out loud in complete sentences, and how Wally has to encourage and reassure you multiple times by squeezing your hands.
Then, it clicked in their minds that you were never rude nor cold, it just came out that way because you’re not used to speaking out everything you had in mind.
You’re just reserved more than average people — short replies are the only things you can come up with due to forgetting that you have to elaborate for people to understand clearly. In short, you have difficulty in properly communicating with people as you often tend to assume they would understand you even with just few uttered words.
You probably always forgot it doesn’t work that way around the team because Wally understood you fully without saying your complete thoughts out loud.
Sharing a look, Kaldur and Robin nodded at each other before approaching you.
“Hey, (Y/n).” You averted your eyes from M’gann to the boy wonder. “We’re sorry for thinking you were an asshole and not good enough for Wally here.”
Kaldur nods with an apologetic smile. “All of us misunderstood you completely. We should’ve get to know you first before judging you because of how you treated Wally in front of us.” Shame was written across his face.
You shrugged and closed your eyes when Wally’s fingertips gently massaged your scalp, nuzzling into his shoulder. Wally chuckles, smiling at the two standing in front. “(Y/n) says don’t think about it too much. It happens all the time with him.”
“So why don’t you let people know they misunderstand you?” Conner chimes in with a softer tone, coming to stand beside Kaldur and Robin. “They can’t keep thinking you’re an asshole when you’re not.” The two nodded in agreement, waiting for your response.
You paused, opening your eyes to think for a while. It honestly didn’t come to your mind.
“I’ve always known I’m a hard person to understand since I was a kid, so I probably got too used to it that I didn’t find explaining myself necessary. People believe what they want to believe. It’s no use to explain anything.” They all frown at the subtle sadness in your eyes that quickly disappeared after Wally gave you a squeeze. “Also, Wallace can understand me perfectly fine so I’ve never thought about it ever since meeting him.”
You kissed his cheek and he let out a giggle, turning his head to peck your lips. “Now that everyone knows you’re not really an ass, you have to elaborate everything you say until they understand.”
Groaning, you buried your face on his shoulder once again, grumbling. “Why can’t you be the one to elaborate? I can just say yes or no. You understand whatever I say anyway.”
“Baby, I love you, but you gotta work on your people skills otherwise you won’t survive in a society.”
“You’re right, we’re already in a society and you’re surviving, but they still want to understand you. They can’t if you don’t elaborate.”
“M’gann is the only one who has telepathy here, and she can’t always be the one to elaborate. You also forgot you block our minds to ensure our safety.”
“No, Wallace.”
“Don’t you want to get close with them? Be friends?”
“Oh, you know that’s not true. They already know you’re not an asshole, they’re not gonna go back to thinking you are.”
The team watched you and Wally go back and fourth, half of them impressed by his skills to completely understand you with just one word uttered while the other half were confused how he does it. You’re not even talking to him telepathically yet he understands. If they ask Wally, he’ll probably answer them it’s the power of love.
But really, he just understands everything about you from little gestures to brief eye contacts. Everything you do has its own meaning that are hard to figure out, though with Wally, he easily sees through them all.
In all honesty, the team now sees you as a difficult puzzle they need to solve in order to fully understand, to get to know you.
The dropship finally comes to a stop, all members walking down the ramp as they watched you carry Wally bridal style and follow them, Wally’s arms around your neck. He was obviously happy that you don’t hold back from public display of affection anymore, his shit eating grin being a proof of that.
“Can we cuddle in the main room and watch a movie? It’s bigger than ours.” You raised your brows. Wally kisses your cheek before smiling sheepishly, “I wanna show them how sweet my boyfriend is and that he’s not an asshole even though he can really be mean to others sometimes.”
You chuckle, walking past the team who stopped from moving to watch you both. “I thought you said they already know?”
He pouted, “Is it bad for me to want to show you off? You’re cute when you’re sweet, you know.”
“And when I’m not?” You quirked a brow.
“Hot as hell.” He grins, earning a snort from you and seeing amusement plaster the team’s faces.
You shake your head with a smile, playfully rolling your eyes. “Whatever. I’m getting you clothes to change into and then I’ll bring us popcorns and drinks after I set you down on the couch, okay?”
Wally’s eyes sparkled at the mention of popcorn and cheered before nuzzling his face into your neck, knowing you’ll take good care of him today.
His injuries hurt as fuck, but if the team got to know you better because of those, then maybe it was worth it.
He’ll never say that out loud though.
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